On skateboards, on skis, on a bicycle: here are the active recreation of dogs. Teaching a dog to do a trick Teaching a dog to do a trick. Bring slippers

Dogs are smart and talented animals, capable of not only dancing to the “dog waltz” and daily exercise with a newspaper in their mouths. This is a well-known fact, long proven by behavioral cynologists, well, and by pets themselves: they sing better than Rihanna, they know how to drive a car carefully (frankly, this is not given to everyone), skydiving, setting records and, indeed, with their own sweetest faces , earning themselves a sugar bone and the owner on a Porsche.

If you work with a dog, you can teach it almost everything. Of course, the pet's temperament, intelligence and breed characteristics play a significant role. But there are no mediocre dogs - there are inept teachers. We suggest you start small and teach your tailed friend how to ride a skateboard. Even if it doesn’t end up being the sly skater from the Deck Dogz movie, which you both can’t avoid, it’s fun and active leisure.

Step one: feeding

To begin with, you need to teach the dog to become two front paws on any object that you choose as a training one. The simulator should not be very high, but wide enough so that the dog cannot quickly go around or jump over it. When choosing an item, be guided by the size of your dog and the length of his paws. It can be anything: a platform for step aerobics, a coffee table in bed (such a tray with legs) or just books set in width and height one on top of the other.

Lure your pet to the simulator with delicious dog biscuits and get him to stand up on a raised platform with his front paws. Then, treat him to the long-awaited complementary foods. Step back for the dog to follow you (or lay a trail of food on the floor) and repeat the feeding trick. Continue this action until the dog begins to put its front paws on the simulator by itself, and then move to the side. Treat your pet with biscuits every time.

Step two: promotion

At this stage, you need to "switch" the dog from complementary foods to rewards. Approach the simulator and see that the dog repeats the learned action. When she stands up with her paws, at the same time, say “Yes” very clearly, and then, immediately give the lure. This way, your pet will understand that when you say “Yes”, it means that he is doing everything right and will get a treat for it. To heighten the effect, you can change the previous complementary foods to something more beloved and tasty for your dog. Then, step back and repeat this procedure again. During training, make sure that the dog approaches the object from different sides. An indication to the action itself, and not to a specific object from a specific side, should take root in the mind of the animal.

Step three: change the object

When you are sure that your friend can repeat this exercise 5-10 times without delay, it's time to change the simulator. Choose a smaller object. If the dog does not understand what to do, you will have to repeat the first and second steps with a new simulator. Change the objects until you are sure that the dog has learned the concept of steps, and has not associated receiving food and rewards with only one object.

Step Four: Adding a Keyword

When the previous three stages have been successfully memorized, you can begin to enter the keyword. Let it be "Step".

Approach the simulator, make sure that the dog starts moving towards him, and before he steps on the elevations, point to him with your hand, say “Step” loudly. The keyword must be spoken just before the dog places its front paws on the simulator. If you say a keyword and the dog doesn't step on the platform, he won't be able to associate his action with a command.

Step Five: Practice and Consolidate

Now you can move on to practice on smaller objects, or on a simulator with a slight slope. If it is small, nothing that the dog will become just one paw.

Approach an object, point to it, and say "Step." When the dog steps, clearly say "Yes" and treat him to a biscuit. Pay attention to the sequence of actions: first you point your hand at the platform, then you say the keyword. If you do both at the same time, the dog will only be able to learn the non-verbal part of the keyword, since gestures are more understandable to animals. It is very important that the dog remembers both the verbal and non-verbal components of the command. Repeat this step several times while changing simulators rapidly.

This part of the training is easy. Most dogs can get the hang of it in just a few lessons, as long as they are hungry enough or motivated enough for the reward you offer.

Step Six: Using the Skateboard

The last stage is practice directly on the skateboard. To get started, set the board on a fluffy carpet or grass so it doesn't roll around and startle the animal. Point to it and say "Step." When the dog gets up on the board with its paws, say "Yes" and give him a biscuit. Next, you have to repeat this exercise 5-10 times.

Then, encourage the dog to stand up with three or even four paws before he gets the food. Reinforce this skill with repetition.

After that, you can safely move the skate to the sidewalk so that it goes and do the chain of commands. When the dog stands up with two paws and the board rolls, treat him again. After a few lessons, your dog will be already enthusiastic enough to jump onto the board on his own with all his paws. That is why it is very important to teach him to become both two and four limbs.

Train your dog for 10-15 minutes a day, and in a week he will become a real pro. Be careful when choosing places for practice and further pastime, avoid busy roads. Let it be a path in the park or one of the areas for walking and training dogs.

In order to expand the geography of your walks, take a look at our interactive map of Moscow in the section.

  • The appearance of a four-legged baby in the family is always an exciting time for any household. Your cute and cuddly little ball of fluff immediately becomes the focal point for the whole family. But it soon becomes clear that he is unknown and he is not trained in good manners.
  • Your baby is completely dependent on you, and it is you who must help him get used to and fit into our human world. Only your leadership and guidance will determine what path he will take and what kind of dog he will become. In puppyhood, it is you who play the main role and are responsible for shaping the character, temperament, behavior and habits that the dog will carry throughout his life.
  • In addition to the basic training commands, you can train your pet and various funny tricks. Do you love your dog? Then learn how to teach your dog to bow, wear slippers, ride on its back and more, for the enjoyment of your pet and your friends. Teaching a dog a trick does not take much time, but it will bring joy and variety to the life of a four-legged friend.
  • Teaching a dog a trick. Bow.

    Teaching a dog a trick. Bow.
  • BOW.
  • You may have noticed that after a good night's sleep, your dog will usually stretch its paws and stretch, sort of bowing. If you want her to bow not only after sleep, but at your command, do the following.
  • When the dog is standing on four legs, give the command "Bow!" and gently press on the front of the back (closer to the neck), keeping your hand under her hind legs. As a result, she will lower her head and front, while the back of her back will remain standing. Praise, treat and repeat every day!
  • A small addition: if you want to play "wrestling" with your pet, you can bow before the upcoming fight in this position. This way you will both look like two karate masters ready to fight!
  • Teaching a dog a trick. Bring slippers!

    Teaching a dog a trick. Bring slippers!
  • NESI!
  • Often on a walk we throw a stick or a ball to our pet. He rushes after any object, grabs and brings, sometimes he gives, but sometimes he doesn’t. This is called the predatory instinct - to chase what is running or flying. You can swap with him for a give, treat him with a treat and a stick or a ball in your hands. And here's how to do it only on command - throw a stick and, only after waiting for time, say - "Bring it!"
  • You throw a stick not far and give the command "Sit!". Having treated us with a treat, praising and waiting a bit, let's give the necessary command "Bring it!" So you can teach to bring not only sticks and balls, but also slippers directly to your favorite sofa! As you can see, teaching a dog a trick is not such a difficult task, and most importantly, it is very useful for you. Who would serve you slippers in bed?
  • Teaching a dog a trick. Focus.

    Teaching a dog a trick. Focus.
  • FOCUS.
  • If you need to get your pet's attention when you need it, then train him to do this.
  • Sit on your knees in front of your puppy, and take your hands back so that the baby is not distracted by them and looking into his eyes, say "Focus!" (or say the dog's name). As soon as he looks you in the eyes, start praising the puppy and after a few seconds, give him a treat. If he looks elsewhere, call again and start over. Increase the time until he focuses on you, but remember that after a few seconds (10-15) you must let him go. If he can stand your gaze, he is a good dog.
  • Teaching a dog a trick. A coup.

    Teaching a dog a trick. A coup.
  • Before you start teaching your dog a trick, you need to know the "Down!" command. If she also likes to ride on her back, this will make your efforts easier, and you can learn to do the flip several times. To do this, give the command "Down!", gently pull the legs and push the dog away so that it makes a complete turn. The field of this is to raise the dog and give a treat.
  • The difficulty of this trick is that the pet must lie belly up, but not many people like this position, which means - I gave myself up, I'm completely with you (just kidding). So, if your dog doesn't like to roll over, don't push too hard.
  • Teaching a dog a trick. Crawl.

    Teaching a dog a trick. Crawl.
  • Crawl.
  • You can teach your dog to crawl, i.e. move forward from a prone position. To do this, take a treat and move it forward a few centimeters in front of your nose. If the puppy gets up, say "No!" and try again. Do not forget to praise and treat your pet, even if he crawled a centimeter of the way.
  • Good luck and be patient!
  • Now let's see how to surprise everyone.

You have no one to leave your pet with when you go on an active holiday? The surest solution to this problem is to take it with you! Probably, many people are familiar with the problem of where to put their tailed pet when going on vacation. Not always acquaintances, neighbors and relatives are ready to help and take care of your pet.

Watch videos about dogs that, along with their owners, skateboard, ski, ride a bike, surf

The heroes of this video found the right solution to this problem - they, without hesitation, took the animals with them. It turned out to be a very nice picture - the owner rides a skateboard or skis, rides a bike, enjoys beautiful natural views, and the submissive pet takes an active part in this process.

So we can see dogs that, along with their owners, ride skateboards without any fear, amusing others with their direct appearance. And it does not matter at all what time of the year is outside the window - summer or winter, where the owner of the animal rests - on land or at sea, a devoted four-legged friend is ready to follow his owner to the ends of the world and make him a wonderful company.

Humans and animals are true companions

Thus, you win doubly - you get rid of the need to look for care for the animal, plus you get a completely worthy companion in case you have to go it alone. And, of course, such a trip simply cannot leave a single person indifferent, it will give a lot of positive things for the whole year ahead!

The ability of some dogs to skateboard is surprising and inspires many to teach this skill to their pet. Enthusiasm for the idea, the patience of the owner and the dog's interest in classes will quickly teach the dog to ride a skateboard.

Practice will allow you to work out not only driving in a straight line, but also to teach the animal to perform simple tricks, for example, roll down a pipe, climb stairs, jump off curbs.

Not all pets like this kind of activity. Born skateboarders are most often representatives of the Jack Russell Terrier breed, the English Bulldog (they have a wide body and a low center of gravity). Some animals of athletic build, fearless and adventurous, easily master extreme sports.

Skateboarding a dog is not only fun entertainment, but also a way to relieve stress, physically stress the pet. But if the animal does not show interest, then it is advisable to do another sport.

How to choose a board

The skateboard is selected according to the size of the pet. The larger the animal, the longer and wider the board. The pet should fit on it with all four paws and feel comfortable. Wheels must be big. But for the first time, an old skateboard that does not accelerate too fast may be the best option.

Stages of learning

To teach your dog to ride a skateboard, it is important to follow the sequence and not rush to jump from one stage to another. Training can begin from 5-6 months of age. To get started, your pet needs get used to the board, sniff it, try on the tooth. A pet can chew on it and wheels, and for such behavior it does not need to be punished. This behavior indicates the interest of the animal. At the same time, don't let an animal destroy your skateboard. Interest can also manifest itself in attempts to run after a moving board, to play with it. The first trial phase can take up to 2 weeks. Any healthy pet interest should be encouraged.

The next step is to pet got up on the board. It must remain stationary, for this the wheels block or hold the board with your hands. The dog must understand that it can be on the board and not feel the danger. Every time a pet puts its paws on a skateboard, it is praised and given a treat. At first, 2-3 minutes of interaction with the board is enough. After 30 minutes, the lesson can be repeated. Gradually, they make sure that the animal stands on the board with all its paws and treats are given only in this case. From this moment, the consolidation of the team begins, for which they select a word that reflects the essence of the task, for example, “Skate!”, “Katya!”. If the pet is completely on the board, then the command is pronounced and a treat is given.

Next, the pet must learn to remain calm when slow motion skateboard. It is better to put it on the carpet, which slows down the movement. Many animals immediately jump off as soon as he starts to move, which is completely normal. You just need to repeat this stage many times, while doing everything so that the experience for the dog is positive. When the pet has stood on the board, making sure that he is standing firmly, slowly push the skateboard forward. Praise for keeping the pet calm. At first, the distance is only a few centimeters, but as the animal gets used to it, the distance is increased, but they continue to move the board at a slow pace. As the results improve, increase the speed of movement. The practice of this stage is carried out at least 2 times a week. This stage of training can take a month. The main thing is to encourage the pet for the right actions.

The hardest part is teaching your pet. push off on your own. The dog must understand that he will receive a reward if he pushes the board forward. When the pet stands on it with all four paws, one paw is lowered to the ground. For attempts to push off, they praise.

True interest and passion for skating does not need to be constantly rewarded with a treat. Therefore, over time, when classes develop into a good result, they are limited only to verbal praise and affection, which acts as motivation. The very opportunity to ride for a dog should be a reward.

The pet must learn that if the board is turned upside down (wheels up), then you can not touch the skateboard. This will calm the pet, if you need to take a rest, a break.

During training, it is important to take frequent breaks for rest, to give your pet drinking water. Avoid exercising during the hot hours of the day.

The rate of learning depends on the animal. Enthusiastic pets learn to skate quickly, but some animals take longer.

famous skater dogs

Admires the skill of the Jack Russell Terrier named Extreme Pete(Extreme Pete), who mastered difficult tricks, including sliding down a pipe, down a ladder. Unfortunately, the dog died from eating a poisonous frog.

The bulldog is famous Tillman(Tillman), who by the age of 10 could skateboard and surf. Tillman was first known in 2007, after a video appeared on the Internet, the dog demonstrated his skating skills. Tillman set the Guinness World Record for the fastest 100m run by a dog on a skateboard. In 2015, the dog died of heart disease.

No less famous English bulldog Tyson(Tyson), who is often invited to TV shows and even film sets. The owner of the dog claims that Tyson is self-taught. By the way, the ability to ride a skateboard brings a good cash income.

Another English Bulldog named Biuf(Biuf) from Peru manages the board with agility, riding down the street with enthusiasm, overcoming curbs. The owner, inspired by the skills of his dog, opened a skate school that teaches all dogs.

Nicknamed Skateboarder Bamboo(Bamboo) loves attention and really enjoys boarding. He responds to commands when you need to turn right or left, push off with your foot.

Boston Terriers named Neo(Neo) and Tuxedo from France started training from an early age, learning simple commands and then honing their skateboarding skills. They work as a team, being frequent visitors to skate parks.



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