What will tell the different postures of sleep.

During a night's rest, people take the most comfortable position in bed. Psychologists say that sleep postures tell about the worldview and character of the individual as clearly as the manner of behavior, intonation of voice, style of clothing, facial expressions. By the way the sleeper is located in bed, you can learn about his personal qualities, strengths and weaknesses.

What factors influence the choice of posture?

The posture taken in bed is a reflection of the character and mental attitude of the individual. A person experiencing fear, anxiety, excitement, sleeps restlessly, often tosses and turns, is uncomfortable and unnatural in bed. But the location of the body in bed is determined not only by the mental state of the sleeping person, but also by the influence of certain factors:

  • temperature conditions in the bedroom;
  • diseases;
  • light and noise sources;
  • sleeping in an unfamiliar place;
  • lying on an uncomfortable bed;
  • first joint vacation with a partner.

Sleep on your side

The side pose is the most common. This is how about 30% of the world's population sleeps. This pose indicates that the sleeper is distinguished by openness, sociability, balance, activity, adapts without problems to any life circumstances, easily gets along in teams and companies. People who prefer to sleep in a side position on the edge of the bed are in search of a life purpose, and those who sleep in the center of the bed know exactly what they want from life.

Sleep on your stomach

This position is preferred by individuals who are closed, aloof. Such people do not let strangers into their personal lives, they keep their inner world a secret. They are distinguished by self-sufficiency and independence, they do not seek support from society. An individual sleeping on his stomach is proactive, businesslike, does not tolerate disorder, clearly follows the intended goals, often succeeds financially. He is boring and scrupulous, but strikes with stubbornness and perseverance.

If the person sleeping on his stomach turns in bed, then it is safe to say that he has to solve serious problems. He is actively struggling with life's circumstances, but needs support. They scatter their limbs in different directions, lying on their stomachs, individuals with leadership qualities. Such people are active, emotional, impulsive, keep order in their careers and families, clearly follow plans, do not like improvisations and surprises.

Who sleeps on your back?

This sleeping position speaks of serenity, relaxation, and confidence. So simple, straightforward, stubborn, responsible, conscientious, strong-willed people sleep. Such individuals are dominant in the family and activists in the team, but colleagues may not favor them for being blunt.

Thanks to leadership qualities, an individual sleeping on his back stubbornly goes to the intended goals, even complex and unrealistic ones.

He can come up with an idea and, with enviable stubbornness, bring it to life.

Pose characteristics

Sleeping people change position on average 30 times a night, and sick or upset dreamers - up to 100 times. And we are not talking about small, but about significant body movements. Famous psychiatrist Samuel Dunkell identifies two types of postures: alpha and omega.

  1. Alpha. The initial position in which falling asleep is carried out.
  2. Omega. The main position in which it is convenient to lie in bed and wake up in the morning.

Alpha is the most comfortable position of the body, allowing you to quickly fall asleep. But, only having plunged into a deep phase of sleep, having turned off consciousness, the person assumes a pose corresponding to the character and characteristics of the psyche. Therefore, when deciphering the personal qualities of the sleeping person, only the main pose, omega, is used.

The basic posture and human nature are so strongly connected that people, even turning over in bed several times, wake up, having settled down, as the subconscious prompted.

The following are the main sleeping positions.


The lateral position of the body, the back is bent, the knees are as close as possible to the face. People who sleep like this subconsciously try to hide from the world in the womb, lack protection and support. Such individuals are weak, insecure, vulnerable, seeking help and patronage from leaders. They are too constrained and closed, so they rarely achieve their intended goals.


The sleeper lies down with his stomach, his legs are not wide apart, his feet are directed in different directions, his hands are located near the head or slightly above it. The dreamer is ready to wake up at the right moment, to continue the unfinished business. Individuals sleeping like this are distinguished by assertiveness, determination, scrupulousness, they think over every step to the smallest detail, fiercely protect their personal space.


The sleeper lies on his back, legs are not widely apart, arms are freely extended along the body. This is how people rest who feel peace, security, peace, who are reliable friends and companions, who know how to take the right steps in life. They are distinguished by decency, responsibility, straightforwardness, assertiveness, because of their directness and openness, not everyone likes them. These are leaders and patrons who are ready to help anyone in need.


Lateral position of the body, legs bent, but the knees are not close to the face. The best position for sleeping, in which the body does not lose heat, but at the same time is well enveloped by air masses, the internal organs are not squeezed. People who sleep like this love convenience, lead an orderly life, easily adapt to life circumstances, put logic above emotions. These are balanced, self-confident, firm, strong personalities who do not need help and support.


The sleeper lies on his stomach, hands are located next to the head or above it, one leg is extended, and the other is bent at the knee. A triangle is formed between the legs. Persons sleeping like this are quick-tempered, selfish, fickle, emotional, do not have their own opinion. They change their mood several times a day: either they give the whole world smiles, or they become depressed.


The dreamer lies on his back with a straight spine and straightened shoulders, arms are located along the body. This is how incredulous, closed, reserved, silent people sleep. They do not like to talk, they prefer to act, they cannot stand useless work. These are individuals with a firm and demanding character, idealists.


Interesting type of body position. The dreamer lies on his back or stomach, the upper and lower limbs are as far apart as possible. This is how people who have a wide range of hobbies, engaged in different activities at the same time, sleep. Such individuals usually have overestimated self-esteem, they feel important and extremely necessary to society. Due to the inconsistency of self-esteem with life circumstances, these people often become aggressive and assertive. They are trying to prove that they are able to find a place in life, that they deserve success.


The sleeper is like a thinker frozen in thought. He lies on his back, elbows bent, hands behind his head, palms supporting the back of his head. This is how people with a philosophical mindset really sleep. They are distinguished by seriousness, discipline, prudence, well-read, they tend to analyze everything. These people can be annoying with their slowness and sluggishness, it is difficult for them to make acquaintances, communicate with people of the opposite sex.


Lateral pose, arms extended along the body. This is how kind and open people sleep. They are sociable, communicate with great pleasure, make acquaintances easily, and are able to talk to any introvert. If the sleeper's arms are stretched forward, then he is too trusting and unsophisticated. Such people think for a long time, but make a firm decision. If they find themselves in a society of liars, become victims of deceit and betrayal, they lose their credulity and become cynical.


The dreamer in this position resembles a runner. The torso is twisted, one arm is extended forward and raised, the second is laid back and lowered, one leg is bent at the knee and straightened at the hip, the other is vice versa. Such people have no order and organization in life. These individuals are constantly late, do not keep promises, ignore labor discipline. They are poor workers and companions, unable to organize and take responsibility into their own hands. They rarely complete assigned tasks.

Characteristics of poses for a couple

The positions in which couples lie also matter. People sleeping together are located in the bed so that you can easily find out about their relationship to each other, the degree of spiritual and physical closeness. The following are the main paired poses and photos:

  1. Pressing their backs against each other. If lovers sleep with their backs tightly pressed against each other, then a strong sexual connection has been established between them. In such a pair, each partner shows sincere care and attention.
  2. Back to back at a distance from each other. This position has a dual meaning. If people sleep like this every night, then they unconditionally trust each other, have a close spiritual connection, but in business they strive for independence and independence. If the couple began to suddenly settle down in such a position, then the relationship is bursting at the seams, a break is possible soon.
  3. Face to face. Lovers tend to lie in such a position when there is an understatement between them. Partners want to express their anxieties and doubts, they need warmth and understanding, but they do not dare to take the first step and start a conversation.
  4. Face to face with intertwined legs and arms. This is how couples who are going through a romantic period of a relationship sleep. Lovers experience such sincere passionate feelings that they do not want to part with each other even in a dream. This position is usually noted at the beginning of an intimate relationship. But if spouses sleep like this throughout their family life, then they do not lose tender feelings, remain faithful to each other.
  5. Both partners are turned to the same side. This pose is called "spoons". Usually the man is behind and hugs his partner. So he shows his leadership in relationships and patronage, demonstrates that he is the protector of his beloved. In this position, couples who are in a strong, warm, trusting relationship prefer to lie. It happens that a woman is behind her partner, hugging him. This means that she takes on the role of a leader and patron, trying to support her lover, who finds herself in a difficult life situation.
  6. Both partners are turned to the same side, but lie at a distance from each other. This means that the couple is in a conflict situation. The one who sleeps facing his partner strives for reconciliation, and the one who lies with his back to the partner experiences a deep resentment, does not want to be reconciled.
  7. The guy lies on his back, the girl clings to him. In this position, couples are usually located immediately after an intimate act. So in most cases, actors lie in cinematic bed scenes. The guy shows the confidence and seriousness of his intentions, the girl demonstrates passionate feelings and a willingness to follow her lover.
  8. The guy sleeps on his stomach, spread out over the entire bed, the girl huddles on the edge of the bed. Psychologists jokingly call this pose "superman" or "male". The guy is the absolute dominant in the relationship, he feels like a master and ruler. Feelings, desires, opinions of the girl do not interest him.
  9. The girl sleeps on her stomach, spread out over the entire bed, the guy huddles on the edge of the bed. This pose is called "queen". The girl is distinguished by self-confidence and bitchiness, unconditionally dominates in relationships. She loves comfort, carefully protects personal space. The guy in these relationships gets the role of henpecked.

Position of the sleeper's legs

The location of the legs speaks of the life principles of the sleeper. If the dreamer clings to the blanket with his feet or slips them under the mattress, then he is distinguished by constancy and conservatism. Such a person is afraid of change, prefers to lead an orderly life. If the sleeper hangs his legs from the bed, then he is a lover of adventure and a free lifestyle. Such an individual is freedom-loving, changeable, fickle, social rules mean nothing to him.

If the sleeper keeps his legs straight, then he is active and purposeful. If one leg is straight and the other is bent at the knee, then the dreamer has a fickle nature. He is sometimes energetic, sometimes depressive, all his actions are subject to his mental mood and life circumstances. The dreamer who crosses his legs has no opinion of his own and is easily addicted. Such a person is easy to manage and manipulate.

The position of the hands of the sleeper

The location of the hands indicates how dependent the sleeper is on society. If the dreamer hugs a pillow or holds a soft toy in his hands, then he is characterized by insecurity and lack of independence, needs constant support and protection. People who lean against the wall at night have the same nature. If the sleeper puts his palm on his forehead, chest or stomach, then he has a shy, insecure, constrained character, seeks to move away from society. With their foreheads against the wall, deep introverts usually sleep, trying to protect themselves from society. If the dreamer clenches his palms into fists, then he is distinguished by viciousness, quarrelsomeness, and a difficult character.

Space taken up in bed

The space occupied in the bed is a reflection of what place the sleeper occupies in society. People who prefer to lie down in the central part of the bed are self-confident, energetic, positive, leading an active lifestyle. Such individuals easily merge into any company, become indispensable members of the team. People sleeping diagonally are fussy, proactive, quick-tempered. They are prone to frequent mood swings, clutching at everything at once. On the edge of the bed, individuals suffering from the blues, dissatisfied with life circumstances, sleep. People who actively toss and turn in bed, fickle, unrestrained, do not find a place in life.

How to lie in bed during pregnancy?

Expectant mothers are best to take a side pose. Rest on the stomach is prohibited at all stages of pregnancy. Lying on your back is also not recommended, as the uterus presses on the inferior vena cava, which can lead to negative consequences for the health of the embryo. The best rest option for a pregnant woman is on the left side. Expectant mother is recommended to buy a pillow for pregnant women. This sleeping accessory is convenient and comfortable, has a specific shape that supports the stomach, and is filled with safe and hypoallergenic material.

It is extremely important for pregnant women to rest and monitor their mental state. The expectant mother should keep the bedroom clean and air it regularly.

The right way to sleep with osteochondrosis

With spinal diseases, choosing the ideal way to lie in bed is not easy. The patient needs orthopedic sleeping aids. The best option for resting with osteochondrosis is on the back, with slightly bent legs.

It is undesirable to lie with straightened legs, as the muscles tense up. It is also useful to be in the fetal position: this way the spine is completely relaxed. For more comfort, you can place a pillow between your knees. With osteochondrosis, you can not lie on a bed that is too hard or soft.

The correct position for sleeping with a hernia of the spine

Spinal hernia is a serious disease, accompanied by pain and numerous complications. A good way to relax is in a bed of medium hardness, which does not allow the spinal column to bend in the lumbar region. A useful variant of lying in bed is in the fetal position, so the body relaxes and suffers minimal pain. Medical experts recommend that patients with a hernia in the lower back lie on their stomach.

The wrong way to rest during an exacerbation of the disease is on the back, since in this case the inflammatory reaction intensifies. The bedroom of a sick person should be warm, without drafts. When the body is hypothermic, vasospasm often occurs.

Optimal positions for a newborn baby

In order for the baby to grow and develop well, he must rest for a sufficient amount of time, in comfortable conditions. Parents should pay attention to creating a pleasant environment in the children's bedroom, arranging the cradle.

  1. The baby lies on his back. This position is ideal for a newborn baby, absolutely safe. The child's head must be turned to one side so that he does not inadvertently suffocate with vomit. Each time the head turns in different directions so that torticollis does not develop. Pediatricians do not recommend laying on the back of an infant suffering from hip dysplasia and increased muscle tone. Also, do not lay on the back of a baby suffering from colic, otherwise he will not be able to fall asleep.
  2. The baby lies on his stomach. In this position, it is recommended to put a child with hip dysplasia. The baby, lying on his stomach, learns to hold his head, navigate in the surrounding space, his back muscles develop. In this position, gases are actively released from the intestines, colic is reduced. But for a child sleeping on a tummy, parents should carefully observe. After all, a baby can die from a sudden stoppage of breathing. If it is impossible to be near the cradle all the time, then it is better to turn the sleeping baby on the side.

  1. The baby lies on its side. This position is safe if the baby is not yet able to roll over on his stomach on his own. If the child has already learned to toss and turn, then it is worth putting a twisted towel or blanket under his back. The handles should lie in front of the head of the sleeping baby, in order to avoid scratching the face of the palm, it is better to cover it with mittens. This pose is suitable for children who often suffer from colic and spit up food. And for babies with hip dysplasia, it is better not to lie in this position so as not to overload the pelvic bones.

The head of a lying baby should not rise above the body. It is important that the baby sleeps strictly horizontally, otherwise the spine develops incorrectly.

Medical experts recommend lying on your side and on your back. These are the most physiological postures in which there is no pressure on the internal organs. For a comfortable rest, it is important to select pillows of optimal rigidity. If the sleeper lies on his back, then a pillow of medium hardness is needed; if he takes a side position, then a hard bedding is needed. If the pillow is chosen incorrectly, then the neck and shoulders will become numb, they will hurt in the morning.

From the point of view of psychology, you need to lie in bed in a way that is comfortable. Psychologists do not recommend forcibly forcing yourself to take a different position, if life circumstances do not require it. People have to change their usual posture after an injury or surgery, but this is a forced and temporary measure. And the best option for rest is one in which the body relaxes as much as possible and restores strength.

Every person has a comfortable sleeping position. But not every position is good for health. Doctors of various profiles believe that sleeping on the stomach does not benefit an adult, and in some cases contributes to the development of many diseases.

Why you can’t sleep on your stomach is explained by vertebrologists and vascular surgeons. In this position, the back and neck are overloaded, the muscles do not relax. Spasms occur in muscle fibers, nerves are pinched, discomfort appears between the shoulder blades. In a sleeper, the natural curvature of the spine is disturbed, the load on the lumbar and thoracic regions increases. In the position of the head on the pillow to the right or to the left, the neck tenses, blood circulation worsens. Especially dangerous is sleeping on the stomach with cervical osteochondrosis. The patient expects not only dizziness and pain. Compression of the vertebral vessels provokes a spasm of the vertebral artery, disrupts the functioning of the cerebellum and the occipital lobes of the brain. In addition to temporary disturbances in blood supply, this situation can provoke a stroke. For this reason, sleeping on the stomach is contraindicated in the elderly and patients with atherosclerosis. People with weak and narrowed arteries are more likely to have impaired blood flow.

Ophthalmologists warn that intraocular pressure rises while sleeping face down in a pillow. Favorite posture can lead to eye fatigue, pain in the temples, optic nerve atrophy.

Why are stomach sleepers more likely to have disturbing dreams?

Somnologists attribute nightmares in those who sleep on their stomachs to a lack of oxygen. Against the background of impaired blood supply and malnutrition of the brain tissue, the heartbeat quickens, a feeling of fear appears. There are dreams with persecution, suffocation, falling into the abyss, plots reminiscent of horror films. There is a state of stiffness, suffocation, inability to move. The lack of oxygen disrupts the processing of information by the brain, stress hormones are produced, and blood pressure rises. After waking up, a person is agitated and cannot fall asleep for a long time. A frightening dream is experienced throughout the day. A person sleeping on his stomach does not realize that you just need to change your position to get rid of nightmares. Studies have shown that people who prefer to sleep on their right side see positive dreams.

The habit of sleeping on your stomach and the negative consequences

Why can't you sleep on your stomach? Experts make strong arguments that

forced to change position.

When lying on the stomach for a long time, the vessels are compressed. To increase blood flow, the heart muscle has to contract vigorously. Increased stress on the heart provokes an increase in blood pressure, heart rate, an increase in the heart muscle. People who constantly sleep on their stomachs can develop arrhythmia and hypertension.

A position that is convenient for many leads to impaired pelvic circulation and causes sexual disorders:

  • in men, sperm quality deteriorates, prostatitis develops, libido decreases;
  • in women, inflammatory foci are formed, sexual dysfunction, infertility occur.

For many, the prone position in the pillow has to pay with daytime sleepiness and fatigue. In this position, the chest is compressed, breathing becomes difficult. The organs receive less oxygen, the overall activity decreases.

During sleep on the stomach, the stomach, intestines, abdominal muscles are under pressure from the whole body, and digestive problems begin.

For good health and recuperation, doctors recommend resting on your back or side. And the question is whether it is possible to sleep on the stomach during feeding and pregnancy, they answer in the negative. The threat of placental abruption increases due to lack of oxygen, pressure on the liver and intestines.

Sleep on the stomach and appearance

In the face down position, the skin is deformed, swelling and wrinkles appear, some get up in the morning with bags under the eyes. Prolonged squeezing worsens the elasticity of the skin. On the face, pressed against the pillow, wrinkles are usually formed on the forehead and along the lines of the neck, folds between the eyebrows. A comfortable posture can visually add several years to your age. Unlike facial wrinkles, wrinkles that form during sleep are not eliminated with Botox and other procedures. In addition, in this position, the chest is squeezed, the skin is stretched and the mammary glands are tensed. Regular and prolonged pressure increases the risk of tumor formation.

Is it bad for everyone to sleep on their stomach? Sometimes this position saves from pain. The pose reduces discomfort with colic and flatulence, kidney diseases. During menstruation, the pain is reduced in the position of the tummy down. People who snore while sleeping face down in a pillow do not snore and risk stopping their breathing.

List of used literature:

  • Zepelin H. Normal age related changes in sleep // Sleep Disorders: Basic and Clinical Research / ed. by M. Chase, E. D. Weitzman. - New York: SP Medical, 1983.
  • Foldvary-Schaefer N., Grigg-Damberger M. Sleep and epilepsy: what we know, don't know, and need to know. // J Clin Neurophysiol. - 2006
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Wayne and Ya.I. Levina M.: "Medforum", 2016.

During sleep, people take the positions in which they are most comfortable. Sleep posture says a lot about the worldview and the sensations we experience. Psychologists believe that it is possible to determine the character of a person by posture, in the same way as by his behavior, intonation features during a conversation, the choice of wardrobe items and other habits. A certain position can indicate the strengths and weaknesses of the individual, his attitude to life. However, not everything is so simple in terms of the position of the body, because it can change when we sleep up to 50 times a night, and if life is difficult, then up to 100 times.

What does posture depend on?

The value of posture during sleep is an indicator of our mood and general principles of life. However, in a certain period, the body can involuntarily take unusual and uncomfortable positions for it. If the sleeper is worried about something, the sleeping postures will tell about his anxieties and basic fears. Human psychology depends on many factors that can affect the location on the bed.

The position in a dream can change dramatically under the influence of the following factors:

  • ambient temperature;
  • diseases;
  • inner experiences;
  • light and noise pollution of the environment;
  • change of place of sleep;
  • uncomfortable bed;
  • starting co-sleeping with a partner, etc.

Poses and characteristics

While falling asleep, we take the position in which we feel most comfortable. It is also called the alpha pose or the twilight pose. However, the true psychological characteristics of the personality are revealed only when we move into a deep stage of sleep. The conscious turns off, and only the subconscious begins to work, we take the omega pose, it is she who is taken into account when deciphering the features of human behavior.

The sleep posture of an individual and his character are closely interconnected. Even if you roll over several times during a night's rest, you will still return to your omega position. Consider what the position in which you sleep means.


If a person is accustomed to sleeping on his side, pulling his knees as high as possible to his chin and hugging a pillow or blanket, this position is called the “fetus”. Also, experts often call it the pose of an unopened bud.

Choosing this position, people intuitively try to return to the womb, where they were protected from all troubles and troubles. The choice in favor of the "embryo" says that the sleeper feels his vulnerability, needs support and patronage from a strong personality.

Such people, as a rule, are closed in themselves, do not know how to fully use life's potential.

"Prostrate" or "Sphinx"

The person lies face down, his legs are slightly apart, but not spread over the entire bed, his feet look in different directions, his hands may be slightly higher than his head. This position speaks of the readiness to wake up at any moment and return to the work that has remained unfinished. Also, with this position in a dream, a desire is manifested to win back and protect one's territory.

Psychologists say that such people are very punctual, purposeful and like to control their living space. Surprises and surprises unsettle them, because they plan all their actions very accurately.


People who prefer this position sleep on their backs. Their arms are freely located along the body, the legs are slightly apart, but not spread out, in the pose one feels complete relaxation and tranquility. With people-"kings" it is always reliable, they really are the masters of their lives and feel confident.

This posture says a lot about a person: he is decent, purposeful, straightforward, a little rude, but this is due to the openness of his character. "Kings" are always leaders and gladly take under their guardianship those who need it.

"Half Embryo"

The person sleeps on their side, their legs (or one leg) are slightly bent, but not pulled up high to the chin. This is one of the most comfortable positions for sleeping, since in it the body retains heat as much as possible, at the same time, air circulates freely around it, all vital organs are reliably protected, and turning to the other side minimally disturbs the overall configuration of the body.

This posture says that the person is very fond of comfort, always guided by common sense and adapts well to the environment.

Such individuals are distinguished by mental balance, reliability and self-confidence, they do not arrange "fights for the bed", do not fold into a "fetus", intuitively seeking protection from others.


A person sleeps on his stomach, his hands are located under his head or next to him on a pillow. One leg is straight, and the second is bent at the knee in such a way that the tips of the fingers are adjacent to the adjacent one, creating a triangle.

Psychologists say that such positions of body parts mean imbalance, capriciousness, a tendency to quickly change opinions and moods. "Herons" are unpredictable - today they may have a surge of positive, and tomorrow - depression.

Poses for two

Sleeping positions and their meaning for couples are also very important. When people sleep together, they choose positions that reflect their attitude towards each other and the degree of satisfaction with each other's company. Find out what your sleeping positions say.

Close back to back

If people sleep together, cuddling back to back, this means that there is a strong intimate relationship between them, but they make sure that the partner can have a good rest.

In the distance back to back

The meaning of sleep posture can be different. If this position is permanent, then a trusting relationship has already been created in the couple, the partners have an internal connection, but they are independent enough to sleep separately.

However, if the position is not characteristic of people, it speaks of serious disagreements between them, and, possibly, of an impending break.

Facing each other

Couples in a dream take such a position when they cannot express their feelings in reality, they need closer contact with each other, but everyone hopes that the partner will take the first step instead of him.

Also, such a position may indicate a conversation that was not completed on the eve of sleep, which people want to continue when they wake up.

Faces facing each other with arms and legs intertwined

Such couples do not want to part with each other, even in dreams. They are very romantic and have sublime passionate feelings for each other. Most often, this position happens at the very beginning of a relationship, but if spouses with experience take it, this is a sure sign that they were able to carry the most tender feelings through the years.

Summing up

Some people are used to watching a dream book in order to decipher the meaning of their dreams and learn more about themselves as a person. Psychologists, on the other hand, argue that a certain behavior of a person in life corresponds to his posture in a dream. This is a fairly accurate indicator, since our body during a night's rest is not controlled by consciousness, but by the subconscious.

By noticing what position you have in bed, you can draw certain conclusions about your character and even the problems that you are currently experiencing in life.

The manner of gestures, gait, hand placement and other little things can tell a lot about a person's psychotype and character. The position we take while sleeping can also tell a lot about us. As a rule, a person can toss and turn all night, changing his position on the bed, but despite this, he will always return to the position that determines his current mental state. It follows from this that the position in which a person fell asleep will not be able to tell us practically anything. But the posture that he takes in the deep stage of sleep can reveal all secrets, fears and dreams. Let's take a closer look at each of their outdoor poses.

Fetal position is a body position in which a person lies on his side, his legs are bent in the direction of the abdomen. This posture indicates a lack of desire to live in the real world. Everything that is happening around now does not attract a person at all. Much does not suit him in life, he would like to escape from all problems. However, nothing can be done about what is happening. This posture also speaks of uncertainty and indecision. Such people feel insecure, they need special support and patronage.

Pose on the side. This position of the body is somewhat different from the posture of the embryo. The sleeper also lies on his side, but his posture looks more relaxed: the legs are either in a straight position or slightly bent at the knees. Those who sleep in this position, as a rule, have an analytical mindset, peace of mind and objectivity of assessment. Such individuals can easily adapt to any conditions and find a common language with the person they need.

Posture on the stomach. People who sleep on their stomachs are overconfident and have great ambitions. They boldly go ahead, overcoming difficulties. Such people are not afraid to make decisions and take responsibility. They strive for independence and do not tolerate criticism in their address. As a rule, these are strong and powerful personalities.

Pose on the back. If a person prefers to sleep on his back, then this, in the right turn, indicates his emotional relaxation. Such a person is calm and confident in his soul. It is rare that something can piss him off. He is not afraid of difficulties and tries to always be on top.

Star pose. This position implies the position of a sleeping person lying on his back, while his arms and legs are spread out in different directions, which makes this position look like a star. In this position, self-confident individuals usually sleep, who at the same time are also distinguished by rare egoism.

Exist some more aspects that can tell about the character of a sleeping person.

If in a dream a person sleeps hugging a pillow, mattress or blanket, then this means that he feels unprotected. He needs support and love.

If a person constantly hangs his legs out of bed in a dream, this indicates that he lives by his own rules. He is indifferent to all generally recognized norms of society, he wants to separate from the gray mass.

Crossed legs during sleep betray a person who is infantile, passive and weak-willed.

If a sleeping person put his head in his palms, then this indicates that he has a high intellect, and, probably, it is with his mind that he does not earn his life.

If the sleeper's arms are stretched up, this indicates a weakness of character, passivity and carelessness. Such a person rarely thinks about his own and prefers to live one day at a time.

Posture during sleep, of course, can change over time. But this will happen only if a person changes his attitude towards himself and towards life and manifests himself in society in a different way.

16.10.2013 11:33

Why interpret dreams and can they suggest the right solution. Where can I find a manual for the study of dreaming. Most Popular...

Experts in the field of psychology said that the relationship of a couple is best characterized by their posture during sleep. Psychologist Joao Oliveira emphasizes that it is necessary to analyze the position in which people sleep at dawn, and not the one in which they fall asleep.

1. "The plexus of hands, the plexus of legs"

Experts say that when a couple intertwines their legs and arms in a dream, this indicates unbridled passion in a relationship. As a rule, couples sleep in this position at the beginning of a relationship, when the couple wants to feel as one. Often, jealous people sleep in this position.

2. "Spoon"

If a partner hugs another from behind, it means that he shows attention and care, psychologists are sure. Such a couple feels comfortable and safe together. At the same time, the relationship between people who sleep in this position is far from ideal. Most likely, there is some uncertainty in the relationship.

3. Donimation

Body language experts note that such hugs are evidence of love and affection between spouses. Most likely, the couple has a great sex life. In this case, one of the partners prefers to dominate the relationship.

4. "Reclaiming Space"

This position indicates that a person does not seek to demonstrate love for his soul mate. Usually, those who need self-affirmation, including in relationships, strive to occupy more space in the bed. In addition, experts note that stubborn people who strive for leadership in relationships and want to keep everything under control usually sleep with their hands raised above their heads.

5. "Half for you and half for me"

This position is preferred by people who love each other, but their relationship still requires close attention. Psychologists note that the one who sleeps on his back does not need to see his partner, and the one who sleeps on his stomach is stubborn and somewhat closed. At the same time, the interlacing of legs indicates that people have obligations to each other.

6. "At arm's length"

"Spontaneous relationships" - such a conclusion was made by psychologists, analyzing this position for sleeping. Each partner respects the privacy of the other. Most likely, each of them has their own friends, they go to parties separately, but at the same time they trust each other without limit. An outstretched hand means a readiness to protect your partner, and palms under the cheek mean that the person is calm and comfortable. If there was a conflict between the couple, then such a pose may indicate an attempt to reconcile.

7. "Don't leave, stay with me"

Most likely, this couple strives for freedom, but the hand on the shoulder is a manifestation of love. It is a necessity to feel your partner. So, it is this feeling that a person lacks most of all. A person who sleeps in this position with his back to a partner, according to psychologists, has high self-esteem.

8. "Back to back"

The couple strives to maintain personal space without losing contact. This posture indicates a stable and healthy relationship, as if emphasizing their symmetry. For people who sleep in this way, the presence of a partner nearby is a prerequisite for comfort.

9. "You are far away from me"

This position signals that something is clearly wrong in the relationship of the couple. The lack of contact between bodies and the fact that people turn away from each other may mean that people seek more personal freedom or see each other as competition. If the body is tense, and the hands are “closed”, the couple has probably recently quarreled and does not intend to reconcile. If the body is relaxed, then there is no tension in the relationship; most likely, people trust each other and respect each other's personal space.

10. “I look at you like in a mirror”

A couple who sleeps in this position usually boasts a wonderful relationship. Routine and everyday problems cannot negatively affect the relationship within this couple. In this position, people who have an active sex life sleep, while being good friends and wonderful partners.

Not only psychologists can illustrate family life, but also artists who have created a funny one. A great sleep in any position will help you unique devices from our review.



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