Chronic dysentery what can be done. Treatment of dysentery in adults at home

If you conceive a child naturally If it doesn’t work out for a year or more, then doctors make a disappointing diagnosis - infertility. To solve this problem, many couples turn to in vitro fertilization. For the protocol to be successful, a woman must know how to behave after transferring embryos into the uterine cavity, as well as what to do and what to refuse.

Of course, the main recommendations are always given by reproductive specialists, as well as by those specialists who perform the procedure and guide the woman from the first to the final stage. But with all this, it is always useful to read additionally about how to behave during IVF: advice from doctors and reviews from women who have gone through such fertilization will definitely help.

Initially, specialists perform hyperstimulation of the ovaries, after which mature germ cells are collected, with the help of which IVF will be performed. Next, the girl will have several days to prepare for the actual implantation of fertilized eggs into the uterine cavity. On average, 5 days are allotted for preparation, and during this time the oocytes already have time to mature to the required stage.

During the preparation process, you must follow all medical recommendations. Immediately the day before IVF, you should refrain from having sex and also spend time at rest.

Let us consider in more detail the day of embryo transfer itself, how a girl should behave. Before visiting the reproductive center, you must take warm shower, you should not use any hygiene products. Strong smells and chemicals can be a nuisance. It is also not recommended to use decorative cosmetics on the day of embryo transfer.

The girl should also go to the toilet to empty her bladder about two hours before the transplant. Before doing this, it is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible, but preferably water.

Also, many are interested in the first day of embryo transfer, how to behave in terms of nutrition. The last meal should be approximately three hours before the expected time of the procedure. Eat better light food, which is quickly absorbed. This way you can protect yourself from problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

After the transfer

Every girl should understand that after embryo transfer she cannot be considered pregnant immediately. To achieve the desired goal, it is necessary for the cells to attach to the uterine walls. A leading specialist will talk about how to save IVF pregnancy.

Depending on the period of life at which the cells taken were fertilized (5 or 3 days), the blood results for hCG will be given at different time. They will help determine whether the protocol was successful or whether it needs to be repeated.

Every woman should understand how to behave after embryo transfer so that they take root in the uterine cavity. The lifestyle after embryo transfer will be slightly different from the usual rhythm. Therefore, it is worth considering this issue in more detail.


In most cases, a fertility specialist will tell you how to behave after embryo transfer.

One of the most asked questions is: “How long do you need to lie down after embryo transfer?” The answer will be this. Not at all. Usually, after the transfer, the woman stays in the clinic for some time. It depends on the internal regulations of the institution. If desired, you can ask the doctor to issue a sick leave certificate or a certificate exempting you from work on the day of the transfer.

The main task is to maintain a positive attitude. And here all means are good. Some people prefer to lie down, covered with a warm blanket. Some people need loved ones and friends. And for some it’s even easier to unwind and spend the whole day on the move. Moreover, movement is preferable, as it helps to avoid stagnation of blood in the pelvis.

There is no need to worry about the egg. From the moment of transfer it is in a safe place. Endometrial villi, as well as villi fallopian tubes, are in motion. They capture the egg and move it through the uterine cavity. This movement prevents the fertilized egg from falling out and helps to find the most suitable place for implantation.

In the video you can see how a microbubble with an embryo moves (microdrop whis embryos).

Despite the fact that the embryo moves throughout the uterine cavity, it is securely held by the endometrial villi and is completely protected from loss. Even while going to the toilet.


Any medications during the post-transfer period must be prescribed by a doctor. As a rule, these are progesterone derivatives. They are prescribed to create optimal conditions for pregnancy.


Life after IVF and before the procedure is divided into two halves. This is partly due to the emotional state of the woman who for a long time I couldn’t get pregnant, and suddenly I was as close as possible to realizing my plans. It is very important to know after IVF treatment how to deal with constipation.


In case of use bad food there may be problems with bowel movements. Standard recommendations for a healthy diet will help solve the problem. Sufficient quantity protein, fiber and liquid. Abundance of vegetables. Reasonable limitation of sweets, fried, smoked, refined and processed foods.

In any case, improving the diet will benefit both the woman herself and the unborn child.


Many girls are interested in how to behave after IVF in terms of... sex life. There are no special recommendations in this regard. If there is sex in life that brings pleasure and strengthens the relationship of partners, it will be beneficial.


After IVF embryo replanting was performed, how to behave in the first days and hours is relatively clear. It is worth paying a little attention to the necessary medical examinations.

During the first three weeks, the girl will be subjected to the necessary diagnostic procedures. To make sure the process is moving in the right direction.

After about two weeks, they will definitely appoint a blood test to determine hCG level. When 21 days have passed since the transfer, IVF will be monitored by ultrasound.

Sleep rules

Not surprisingly, most women are looking for an answer to the question of how to behave after embryo transfer during IVF. This is really important, but the main thing is not to focus your psychological attention on the same thing.

This approach will lead to the girl starting to think that she is performing some actions incorrectly. This is why doctors often recommend reading reviews from other couples about how to behave after embryo transfer. We will give general recommendations.

Almost everyone is interested in how to sleep after embryo transfer. You can choose any position, the main thing is that the expectant mother is comfortable and comfortable. Some people believe that it is unacceptable to lie on your stomach, but this does not have any scientific evidence, so it is considered a prejudice.

Often behavior after embryo transfer is reduced to frequent desire sleep. That is why, if possible, it is necessary to evening time allocate less time for this, so that later you can take a nap during the day.

Actually, is it necessary to lie down after embryo transfer, is it possible to sleep on your stomach, and also how long you need to lie down after embryo transfer is already clear. You can move on to other issues of no less interest to girls.

Hello! My name is Elena Kuznetsova @kuzyamihailovna. I am an obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist, candidate medical sciences and head of the IVF department of the Mother and Child Clinic Ryazan. In my last article, I talked about the process of preparing for IVF, and now I will introduce you to the main provisions of preparing for the procedure.

How often do we, reproductologists, hear from our patients: “I want twins”, “Please transfer 2 or 3 embryos to me”, “I’m afraid not to get pregnant with the transfer of one embryo”, “My friend had 3 embryos transferred in another clinic, and she I got pregnant, I want that too.”

And today I would like to talk about the indications, contraindications, risks and features of the transfer of 2-3 embryos.

We will talk about the transfer of embryos at the blastocyst stage (5-6 days of development), since at this stage the implantation potential of the embryo is higher than at the early stages of 1-4 days. Thus it has been shown that a good quality early embryo showing even logical cleavage has a chance of implantation of about 50% (Van Royen et al. 2001; Denis et al. 2006). Whereas a morphologically correct blastocyst (category AA, AB, BA, BC) can be implanted with a probability of 70% or more (Gardner D.K. 2000, Criniti A. 2005)

The phenomenon of twinning has been of interest to researchers since ancient times, since at all times the birth of twins was unusual phenomenon arousing surprise and curiosity. The phenomenon of twins, before it was taken up by science, was the subject of "research" of various genres of folklore - myths, fairy tales, legends, songs, ballads and other types of oral folk art. The same phenomenon was reflected in cults and rituals, in fine arts, fiction and poetry.

In ancient times, Hippocrates believed that twins appear as a result of the division of sperm into two parts, and each of them enters one of the fallopian tubes. Democritus, in turn, suggested that twinhood is the result of an excess of "seed", the substance from which the embryo is formed. Aristotle took a different view. He believed that twins appear due to the splitting of one germ into two.

As science in general, and especially the science of twins, developed, the nature of the latter became the subject of special study.

Multiple pregnancy is a chance to become parents of two or three children of the same age. The family immediately becomes larger and more fun. However, such a family acquires a number of characteristics, including psychological ones.

The process of acquiring individuality in twins is more difficult than in single-born children. Because of their special relationship with twins, they early childhood grow in a somewhat unusual atmosphere. All problems associated with raising a child are more pronounced in “twin” families, and their resolution requires much more effort from parents. And the point here is not only that the problems are multiplied by two.

But even if future parents are ready for this, there are other aspects.

Multiple pregnancy often means:

  • Premature birth
  • Low birth weight babies
  • High perinatal morbidity and mortality
  • The frequency of hospitalization for pregnancy in patients with singleton pregnancies is 12-13%, and in multiple pregnancies – 50-60%
  • The incidence of cerebral palsy in multiple births is up to 13%

According to the results of numerous foreign and Russian studies, when transferring one embryo, the pregnancy rate is 50-60%, transferring two embryos increases the chance of pregnancy by 15%, and the frequency of birth of a full-term child drops by 40%.

It is well known that multiple pregnancies after IVF can be avoided if no more than 1 embryo is transferred. Although in some cases, even with the transfer of 1 embryo, multiple pregnancies may occur due to the separation of blastomeres from each other.

When determining the number of embryos, the reproductologist takes into account many factors: the patient’s age, the number of IVF attempts, the presence of concomitant gynecological problems (uterine fibroids, decreased ovarian reserve, uterine scar, in patients with a history of miscarriage, APS, etc.) and somatic pathology (hypertonic disease, bronchial asthma, diabetes etc.), the quality of the embryos, even the physique, weight and height of the patient are taken into account.

Indications for transfer of 1 embryo:

  • First IVF attempt
  • Previous successful IVF attempts
  • Age up to 35 years
  • Program with donor oocytes
  • More than 1 embryo at the blastocyst stage

Selective (that is, when there are several embryos at the blastocyst stage, and there is an opportunity to choose) transfer of one embryo is indicated for patients under the age of 35 with tubo-peritoneal and/or male factor infertility, with normal ovarian reserve, fertile and/or subfertile sperm of the spouse with a history of no more than two unsuccessful IVF cycles. The effectiveness of the IVF program in this category of couples with the selective transfer of one embryo is comparable to that with the transfer of 2 embryos with a 10-fold reduction in the risk of multiple pregnancies!!!

There are a number of clinical and embryological factors that reduce the effectiveness of the IVF procedure in patients of older reproductive age - the presence of a “weak response” of the ovaries due to a decrease in ovarian reserve, respectively, a smaller number of oocytes obtained, a decrease in their ability to fertilize, the state of somatic and gynecological health. It has been shown that as a woman ages, the rate of embryo fragmentation decreases, the frequency of their fragmentation increases, the proportion of embryos with cytogenetic defects increases, and in general the number of embryos with normal morphology decreases. Despite the improvement of ovulation stimulation schemes and the use of technological embryological techniques (ooplasm replacement, assisted hatching), the effectiveness of ART in older women remains quite low (using their own eggs). In this regard, increasing the number of embryos transferred into the uterine cavity increases the chances of becoming pregnant for this group of women.

However, there are a number of contraindications for transferring two embryos in any group of patients:

  • Scar on the uterus (after surgery caesarean section, conservative myomectomy, plastic surgery on the uterus)
  • Malformations of the uterus (saddle-shaped/bicornuate uterus)
  • Severe mutations of the hemostatic system (Leiden, mutations in the prothrombin gene, antithrombin 3)
  • Miscarriage
  • Surgeries on the cervix (conization, amputation of the cervix)
  • Severe somatic pathology
  • Height less than 155 cm

Even taking into account economic value– the IVF protocol, the protocol for the transfer of thawed embryos and two consecutive births after IVF are equal to the cost of bearing, nursing and giving birth to twins after IVF.

And in conclusion, I would like to say: dear patients, listen to the recommendations of your fertility doctors, because a “successful” protocol is not just positive test for a non-twin pregnancy, born at 24 weeks, who spent several months in the pediatric intensive care unit; A “successful” protocol is a healthy baby born at term and takenbabyhome.

And again, so as not to get bored, here are a few examples from practice:

Patient O., 34 years old, 2 infertility, miscarriage, 4 IVF failures, at the patient’s insistence and in the absence of absolute contraindications, I transferred 2 embryos (5AA, 3BB).

This is the ultrasound picture we had a few months ago:

The pregnancy was complicated by isthmic-cervical insufficiency and suturing of the cervix in combination with an obstetric pessary. Now the period is already long enough for triplets and we are waiting for the babies to be born (a boy and two girls).

And this is another patient of mine, E., 28 years old, male factor infertility, which, of course, listened to my recommendations and we transferred 1 embryo into the uterine cavity for 5 days 4AA

Monochorionic twins. Now they are tormenting their mother with severe toxicosis (And we wish them to grow and be born in a timely manner!

Children - to be!

It is difficult to exaggerate the importance of this moment. On the one hand, the technical implementation of this procedure does not cause difficulties, on the other hand, the result depends on the accuracy of compliance with the rules. It is not surprising that both doctors and patients attach such great importance embryo transfer. I want to take everything into account possible difficulties, accept everything existing measures so that everything goes well. Let's look at everything step by step.

At all stages of the IVF program, it is very important to follow the doctor’s recommendations. If you have any doubts, do not look for answers from friends or on the Internet, ask your doctor.

How can I best prepare for embryo transfer?

Naturally, questions arise: is it possible to eat and drink before transfer, or should it be inserted into the vagina? morning dose progesterone preparation, is it necessary to complete bladder etc. The answer is simple - no preparation required. You can eat and drink as usual, and continue taking your medications as recommended by your doctor. The main task is to be at the clinic on time. For some anatomical features The doctor may ask you to fill your bladder shortly before the transfer; in this case, it makes sense to assess whether you can survive at least half an hour without going to the toilet after transferring the embryo into the uterine cavity. If you feel that you already have a strong urge, it is better to check with your doctor whether you should urinate.

How is everything going?

Some special features are possible. I'll tell you how everything happens in our clinic.

A woman comes to the clinic and is escorted to the ward. At this point, photographs of embryos prepared for transfer are already ready. The embryologist provides all the information about the embryo and gives photographs. The patient changes clothes and goes to the operating room, where we once again check the patient’s identity. On normal gynecological chair An ultrasound of the uterus is performed, the length of the cervix is ​​measured, and the anatomy of its canal is assessed. Then a gynecological speculum is installed, as during a routine examination, the vagina is treated with a warm solution and a TEST transfer is carried out with an empty catheter. If everything is fine, then the embryologist draws an embryo into the catheter and once again announces the patient’s last and first name and the number of embryos. The doctor carefully inserts a catheter and through it the embryo into the uterine cavity, removes the catheter and passes it to the embryologist for examination. The task is to insert the catheter as carefully as possible; the use of any additional instruments (forceps, probes, etc.) sharply reduces the likelihood of implantation. If the catheter is clean, the procedure is complete. The doctor performs an ultrasound again, during which the small drop of liquid in which the embryo is located is usually clearly visible in the uterine cavity. We let her lie in the operating room for ten minutes and then transport her to the ward, where the woman can stay for some more time.

What will I feel? Will it hurt?

There's no need to worry. The embryo is inserted into the uterine cavity through a thin soft plastic tube - a catheter. Most unpleasant moment embryo transfer is the process of inserting an ordinary gynecological speculum into the vagina, a procedure familiar to any woman, nothing new. The process of embryo transfer itself is painless. Sometimes discomfort occurs when a catheter is inserted into the uterus (due to the anatomical features of the cervix), but these sensations are extremely rare.

How to behave during the transfer and after it?

All you can do to help your doctor is to relax and think about something pleasant and distracting. You can talk to a nurse or doctor, remember pleasant moments in life or make plans for the future, but it is advisable not to listen to your own physical sensations. How calmer woman during the procedure, the easier everything goes. Try to relax your muscles and breathe from your stomach, not too often. Usually women are afraid to even move, which is understandable, given the entire difficult path to this moment. However, there is no data on the need for rest after embryo transfer.

Waiting for the result

Besides practical issues Patients, as a rule, are also concerned about tactical issues. On what day of development and how many embryos to transfer, fresh or cryo protocol, will the quality of the endometrium be affected, etc.

So, when?

On the 3rd or 5th day? Some embryos stop developing on the 3-4th day, postponing the selection of a promising embryo until the 5th day, we weed out those who are already obviously doomed to stop. That is why the effectiveness of the transfer to the 5th day is higher. A separate conversation about clinics where the conditions in the embryology laboratory are not optimal, where even a promising embryo runs the risk of stopping its development. It is quite clear that in such a situation it is reasonable to transfer the embryo into the uterus as soon as possible, without waiting for the fifth day. Another argument that should not be forgotten, especially if there is no problem of choice, is the forecast. Cultivation up to the 5th day allows us to talk about the prognosis. Often couples with many failures turn to help for help; the stories are as similar to each other as two peas in a pod: several programs, all transferring excellent quality embryos on the 3rd day and not a single pregnancy. As a rule, this is the result of stopping the development of the embryo on the 3-4th day. How can you find out if you don't check? We practice transferring embryos on days 5-6 of development, even when we have only one embryo. However, if patients insist on an early transfer, we go forward.

Today we learned how to grow human embryos in laboratory conditions up to two weeks, let alone one.

How many – one or two?

This is a security issue. All the main claims of society towards IVF are associated with multiple pregnancy. Children from multiple pregnancies more often born small, before term, they have a higher risk of various injuries nervous system during childbirth, etc. Read more. Yes, in most cases, the last word behind the patient, but our active position is to transfer one at a time.

Endometrium – thin or not?

The thickness of the endometrium is a simple sign that allows us to talk about the chances of implantation. There is a lot of evidence that in a fresh cycle, an endometrial thickness of less than 7 mm leads to a decrease in chances, however, in a cryocycle, hormonal therapy can improve the chances even with thin endometrium. The solution is simple - IVF, cryopreservation of all promising embryos and planned preparation of the endometrium for transfer.

Fresh transfer or cryo?

Today, the quality of cryopreservation of embryos is so high that we do not fear for the condition of the embryo when it is frozen. The only question is about the optimal state of the endometrium. Against the background of stimulation, the state of the endometrium, as a rule, is not ideal for embryo implantation; the chances increase significantly if this is postponed important point until the next cycle. The only exception is, perhaps, IVF in natural cycle and with minimal stimulation, as well as with donor eggs. Moreover, you need to keep in mind that some drugs used for stimulation can themselves worsen the condition of the endometrium. A separate topic is monitoring the level of progesterone in the blood. Let me make a reservation right away that we may be interested in this indicator only on the day the trigger is administered (the last injection before the puncture, which triggers the final maturation of the eggs). Increasing it on this day above 1.5 ng/ml or 4.8 nM/l reduces the chances of implantation by 1.5-2 times (in a fresh cycle). So, in most cases, cryopreservation is the best choice.

in vitro fertilization– an important breakthrough in the field of auxiliary reproductive technologies. This is a real opportunity to get pregnant and give birth healthy child for couples for whom all attempts to treat infertility have been ineffective.

Despite its great popularity, IVF is a rather complex, step-by-step procedure that requires careful preparation, patience and material costs.

Detailed description of the IVF procedure

The essence of the IVF procedure is to perform a whole list of step-by-step actions, the purpose of which is to introduce a full-fledged embryo into the uterine cavity and further development pregnancy.

The in vitro fertilization protocol is an algorithm of sequential measures to prepare the body of a woman and a man, helping to increase the chances of successful fertilization and the actual medical manipulations.

Preparation means a comprehensive examination...

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Modern life dictates dynamic development, and the flourishing of industry invariably entails losses in the natural balance of man and nature. Increasingly, situations arise when married couple cannot conceive a baby only through joint efforts. Sometimes the diagnosis of one of the spouses sounds like a death sentence, but even absolute health partners does not guarantee that the union will be rewarded with a long-awaited child.

In what cases is IVF indicated?

It is prescribed no earlier than the examinations confirm the impossibility of conception. Attempts to treat infertility often take a long time. long years, but the unproductive duration of the process can only reduce the likelihood of a favorable outcome. Seeing the ineffectiveness of the measures taken, a married couple has the right to insist on an IVF procedure within two years from the start of treatment.

How does embryo development occur?

After fertilization, the egg is placed in a comfortable liquid environment, close to...

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The most important stage of in vitro fertilization is the transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity. This is precisely what many discussions and experiences of future parents are connected with. Everyone is concerned about the main question: how many embryos are best to transfer during IVF? Some believe that it is optimal to transfer 1 embryo, others – 2 or more. In this situation, first of all, a woman should trust a fertility specialist. Doctor considering individual characteristics female body, will help you make the right choice.

Preparation for embryo transfer during IVF

Before implantation occurs, the expectant mother must undergo appropriate examination. If any pathologies are detected, the first step is treatment. You should also replenish the required level of hormones. Favorable hormonal background creates the prerequisite for the growth of the endometrium, which greatly increases the chances of embryo engraftment and successful pregnancy.

Cryopreservation of embryos and eggs during IVF

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Many years have passed since test-tube births became a routine procedure. medical clinic. IVF (in vitro fertilization) is a unique opportunity to experience the joy of giving birth and raising a child for a married couple who has encountered obstacles to conceiving naturally. Embryo transfer during IVF is the final stage of the procedure. If it is successful, the embryo is safely fixed in the uterus and continues its further development.

How do embryos mature?

In order to carry out embryo transfer, eggs are collected from a woman, which after fertilization are placed in a test tube for development. The egg retrieval process is carried out under general anesthesia. The resulting zygotes are grown for several days. When the embryos reach a state in which they can easily implant into the uterus, doctors decide to implant them into the body. This date is determined by the embryologist and...

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IVF procedure – how many days does it take?

On the path to achieving the highest and unique gift nature - childbirth, many infertile couples have to go through the procedure of in vitro fertilization. The topic of IVF is the subject of frequent discussions, both among reproductive medicine specialists and in public circles.

But married couples who long time fought for the possibility of having a child, as a rule, stand aside from any controversy regarding IVF. Indeed, often this procedure becomes their only way out.

Therefore, reliable information about how everything happens and how many days it takes is a real value for them, which will allow them to correctly assess all the possibilities and risks, plan upcoming actions and choose a medical institution where the in vitro fertilization procedure will be performed. Key information aspects of this issue are covered in this article.

IVF is strictly...

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The in vitro fertilization procedure has been done all over the world for a relatively long time and quite successfully. Meanwhile, for people not related to medicine, it remains largely incomprehensible and raises many questions. In this material, we have collected general answers to questions about how IVF is done and what nuances are taken into account when carrying out the procedure and preparing for it.

When is IVF done?

The legislation guaranteeing the right to free IVF under the compulsory medical insurance policy describes the indications for artificial insemination:

Pipe factor (in the absence of pipes or a form of their obstruction that cannot be eliminated);

Hormonal infertility, which is not eliminated by medications throughout the year;

Immune infertility;

Infertility of unknown origin;

Male factor due not enough produced sperm or normal sperm capable of fertilization.

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Almost all stages of artificial insemination are over. There remains the last, final chord of IVF - embryo transfer. How does the process of embryo transfer take place, what day is optimal for transfer? Let's look at it in detail.

By the way, in this article you can find out how the best quality embryos for transfer are selected and what classifications are used for three-day-olds and blastocysts.

There are several types of replanting during in vitro fertilization:

Standard; double; combined.

What is the best day for embryo transfer?

Replanting is carried out from 2 to 6 days from the start of cultivation. The spread in the choice of time is 5 days. Why is that?

This is due to a number of circumstances:

If there are 4–5 of them, then choosing the best one on the second or third day of cultivation is quite difficult. Therefore, extended cultivation is a kind of test of time and a test of viability. Today, the embryo can be of excellent quality, in a day - ...

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1 Tube development of embryos before transfer

Video about in vitro development of embryos before transfer

The zygotes obtained after fertilization are placed in a special medium (test tube), where experienced embryologists carefully observe the entire process of development of embryos, which at the age of 3–5 days are planted in a woman’s uterus in a special way, where, in case of successful implantation, their further intrauterine development goes the usual way. We will discuss in detail how embryos are transferred from a test tube into a woman’s body and how many are transferred in this article.

Once in a short or long protocol The eggs obtained from the woman’s body have been successfully artificially fertilized, and their test-tube cultivation begins. Fertilized eggs are just one cell (zygote), which after 9 months will become a little person, but at this stage of its development it only has the set it inherited from mom and dad...

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IVF is an extremely complex and lengthy procedure that requires significant effort and patience from both parents and doctors. It’s not a fact that it will work out and be successful the very first time, but it’s worth trying, and you will succeed. IVF stages always follow in strict order one after another. And at every stage, the woman’s health is strictly monitored so that an accidental failure does not jeopardize the success of the entire protocol.

What is an “IVF protocol”

This is the blueprint for the entire process. There are quite a few IVF protocols; in each case, a reproductive specialist selects it individually for each woman. Even the same protocol may differ in the number of certain medications, the duration of their use, and so on. And always for the doctor it is difficult task, in which it is important to choose adequate treatment and not make a mistake.

All protocols differ only up to the point of obtaining eggs, then they are almost identical.


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What is an in vitro fertilization program?

Thanks to the revolutionary development of assisted reproductive technologies, a method of treating infertility has emerged that has given great hope to infertile couples. This is a method of in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer, which today is the most effective method of treating infertility, helping even in the most seemingly hopeless situations. IVF, embryo implantation is used in absolute female infertility(in the absence or complete obstruction of both fallopian tubes), with male infertility, with infertility unknown reason, as well as in case of ineffective conservative or surgical treatment other forms of infertility. Therefore, doctors believe that it is impossible to continue treating infertility with other methods for more than 1.5–2 years if their ineffectiveness is obvious. The sooner a couple contacts an in vitro fertilization clinic, the higher their chances of success. With in vitro fertilization...

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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

The fusion of sperm and egg can be prevented by many factors. Fortunately, assisted reproductive technology such as IVF can come to the rescue. IVF is a method in which male sperm and female eggs are united outside the body, in vitro (literally “in glass”, or in a laboratory test tube). Fertilization then occurs, and the resulting embryos are transferred a few days later to the woman's uterus, where one or more are implanted in the endometrium of the uterus and develop over a period of nine months.

Strictly speaking, IVF is not a method of treating infertility, but a method of overcoming infertility, since it does not eliminate the causes that led to infertility in a particular married couple. However, it allows the doctor to do in the laboratory something that does not happen naturally in the marital bedroom, and it does not matter why exactly it does not happen. Thus,...

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In vitro fertilization is a modern reproductive medicine procedure that allows a woman naturally carry and give birth to a child. The essence of this technology is the introduction of an egg fertilized in a laboratory into the uterus. Before carrying out the IVF procedure, the doctor determines which cells will be used for this - donor or own. For this type of procedure to be successful, you need to follow all stages of IVF day by day, as provided by medical protocols.

Stage 1 - Preparation

The IVF procedure by day lasts no longer than one menstrual cycle, but the preparatory stages of IVF itself can take much longer. IN preparatory stage Both a woman and a man who decide to undergo a standard IVF procedure take part.

Doctors conduct a comprehensive examination of a woman and determine her ovarian reserve - the supply of immature eggs. In the event that there is no ovarian reserve or...

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Hello! My name is Elena Kuznetsova @kuzyamihailovna. I am an obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductive specialist, candidate of medical sciences and head of the IVF department of the Mother and Child Ryazan Clinic. In my last article, I talked about the process of preparing for IVF, and now I will introduce you to the basic principles of preparing for the procedure.

How often do we, reproductologists, hear from our patients: “I want twins”, “Please transfer 2 or 3 embryos to me”, “I’m afraid not to get pregnant with the transfer of one embryo”, “My friend had 3 embryos transferred in another clinic, and she I got pregnant, I want that too.”

And today I would like to talk about the indications, contraindications, risks and features of the transfer of 2-3 embryos.

We will talk about the transfer of embryos at the blastocyst stage (5-6 days of development), since at this stage the implantation potential of the embryo is higher than at the early stages of 1-4 days. This shows that the early embryo is of good quality, showing an even...

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Read real story about how embryos are transferred into the uterine cavity, what sensations a woman experiences during this process, whether anesthesia is used, as well as recommendations for implementation after the transfer, following which you can achieve success in the protocol.

Embryo transfer and everything connected with it: secrets, tips, sensations

How to properly prepare for embryo transfer How embryo transfer occurs What happened after Recommendations for women after embryo transfer during IVF

How to properly prepare for embryo transfer

This is what a human blastocyst looks like under a microscope

As the doctor recommended to me, I took a course of Utrozhestan in advance. This is necessary in order to make the uterine flora favorable for attachment to its walls. ovum. Utrogestan is a hormone corpus luteum– gestagen – which is in natural conditions produced in women during ovulation. Since in vitro fertilization is...

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Embryo transfer for IVF

In vitro fertilization is complex methodology treatment, one of the stages of which is embryo transfer. During IVF, before embryo transfer, the woman undergoes necessary examinations, takes treatment aimed at curing chronic infections and replenishment of hormone deficiency. Thanks to the treatment, a favorable hormonal background is created for the growth of the endometrium, which creates favorable conditions for successful pregnancy and embryo development.

Preparation for embryo transfer

Before transferring embryos during IVF, they must be prepared. Currently, there are 2 known methods for preparing embryos: assisted hatching and pre-freezing. Embryo hatching involves chemically or mechanically weakening the membrane of the fertilized egg in which the embryo is located. This procedure helps easy exit fertilized egg from the membrane, after which it attaches to...

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On what day are embryos transferred during IVF? It is generally accepted that cells that have grown in an artificial environment until the 5th day from the moment of fertilization are stronger and give a good pregnancy rate.

If the quality of the embryos does not meet the required level, they can be transferred to the 3rd day.

In a woman’s body, the chances of developing normally are greater. Transfer before the 5th day is possible even in a situation where the number of embryos during IVF is less than 3-4, since the risk of all of them stopping growth increases.

How does embryo transfer occur? The embryo transfer procedure is carried out in conditions medical institution. The whole process takes on average 30 minutes. The doctor inserts a sterile catheter with embryos through the vagina, then through the cervix into the uterus. Most women do not experience significant discomfort during the implantation.

Moms' experience

Experts have different opinions about the optimal number of embryos to implant in a woman. Some argue that there is no need...

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Women who decide to use high reproductive technologies to achieve pregnancy always look forward to the stage of embryo transfer and the subsequent pregnancy test.

What is embryo transfer?

Transfer of embryos to the uterus is final stage in vitro fertilization procedures. Prior to this, the patient underwent:

Full examination, diagnosis of the causes of infertility, preparation procedure for the IVF protocol, ovarian stimulation, egg puncture.

Now the matter remains with the embryologist or geneticist, who will create and raise the unborn child.

The eggs are placed in separate tubes nutrient media with a certain acidity and temperature. To these are added the husband’s or donor’s sperm, specially processed in case of immune incompatibility or poor quality spermatozoa. In such “greenhouse” conditions, fertilization of eggs occurs and an embryo is formed. At this stage it consists only...

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IVF – alternative method treatment of infertility, in which fertilization occurs outside the body expectant mother, but in a test tube. After this, the embryo develops in vitro for about 5 days at special conditions and then implanted into the uterus.
Indications for IVF:
1) Absence of fallopian tubes or their obstruction.
2) Hormonal disorders in the mother's body.
3) Chronic endometriosis, not amenable to treatment.
4) Immune rejection of sperm.
5) Male infertility related to sperm quality.
6) Infertility of unknown etiology, with constant unprotected sex between spouses.
7) Heavy hereditary diseases. In this case, the resulting embryo is examined for their presence before implantation into the uterine cavity.
Contraindications to IVF:

Chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation (diabetes mellitus); malignant tumors.

Preparing for IVF

A thorough laboratory and instrumental examination of future...

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Embryological stage of the IVF procedure

The embryological stage is one of the most important in the in vitro fertilization protocol. The success of the entire therapy depends on the correctness of its implementation and compliance with all conditions. To cultivate embryos after IVF, it is necessary to create optimal conditions humidity, temperature and gas composition, reminiscent natural environment female body.

The embryological stage consists of preparing eggs and sperm for the fertilization process. To do this, approximately 100,000 sperm are added to a special medium per egg and placed in an incubator that automatically maintains optimal conditions. After 24 hours, the results are assessed and zygotes are selected. best quality. If the male factor plays a role in infertility, then it is recommended to perform the ICSI (IMSI) procedure, which consists of introducing a specially selected sperm into the cytoplasm of the egg.

Development of embryos after IVF...

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IVF treatment

IVF treatment involves going through certain stages of the IVF procedure:

1. Preparation for the IVF program. Conducting a preliminary examination infertile couple and determining the treatment regimen;

2. Treatment of infections, hormonal abnormalities and spermatogenesis disorders;

3. Stimulation of superovulation (maturation of several eggs in one menstrual cycle women);

4. Obtaining eggs by ovarian puncture;

5. Fertilization of eggs "in vitro";

6. Growing embryos up to the 2-5 day stage;

7. Transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity;

8. Hormonal support early stage pregnancy after IVF;

9. Detection pregnancy test hCG hormone in the blood (2 weeks after embryo transfer);

10. Ultrasound – diagnosis of pregnancy.

Preparing for the IVF procedure

To increase the effectiveness of pregnancy, after the first IVF attempt, it is necessary to carry out...

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The diagnosis of infertility is made married couple who, having been sexually active for six months without using contraception, cannot conceive a child. After contacting a doctor with this problem, the spouses undergo examination and therapy, use various helper methods for improvement reproductive health.

married couple

IVF (in vitro fertilization) is one of the most effective methods artificial conception, in which the fusion of germ cells and the formation of an embryo occurs inside a test tube (in vitro). Future parents can learn the procedure for IVF and the stages of the procedure at family planning centers that practice modern reproductive technologies.

Stage 1 – preparatory

At the preliminary stage, the married couple should normalize their lifestyle and diet. Food must contain a complete amount of proteins, vitamin complexes and micronutrients. You need to stop drinking alcohol and...

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IVF is indicated if conception naturally is not possible. The success of this procedure is associated with a number of factors, including those depending on the woman herself. In order to strictly follow doctors’ recommendations and monitor her condition, the expectant mother needs to know when the embryo should take root after transfer to the uterine cavity.

General information

Embryo transfer is carried out 3-5 days after fertilization of the maternal egg with sperm. The timing of the transfer depends on several factors, the main of which are the quantity and quality of embryos.

The transfer stage is preceded by stimulation of the ovaries with hormones, egg retrieval, fertilization, and active cell division in vitro. After this, the most viable embryo is transferred and the wait for the embryo to take root.

Stages of development: when should...

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IVF: indications, preparation, procedure progress

What is IVF?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a form of assisted reproductive technology used in cases of infertility by combining a woman's egg and a man's sperm in a laboratory test tube. The term "in vitro" means outside the body, and the process of fertilization means that the sperm has safely entered the egg. Most often, IVF is used in cases where other, less expensive methods of fertility have failed, since IVF is quite an expensive procedure.

The cost of one IVF cycle includes the costs of medications, surgery, pain management, ultrasound, blood tests, egg and sperm processing, embryo storage and transfer. Exact amount One IVF cycle varies, and can cost more than $12,000 - $17,000.

Brief anatomy

In most cases, the main cause of infertility is the inability to physically meet the female and...

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After the transfer itself, nothing may happen outwardly for the next two weeks, but constant and continuous processes are taking place in the uterus, which should end with the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, that is, the beginning of pregnancy. The very moment of attachment is “implantation”; it is impossible to feel, no subjective signs indicate it until the 14th day after the transfer, before the day of blood donation for hCG. Nausea, dizziness, breast swelling, drowsiness, absence of premenstrual phenomena, etc. - nothing is objective, nothing should be focused on as an argument for or against.

What happens after embryo transfer

After puncture and collection of eggs, 4–5 days pass, and a new stage of the IVF protocol begins - transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity. The transfer itself takes 2–5 minutes, but on the day of the transfer, blood is also taken for the hormones progesterone and estradiol - this will be needed in the near future. After all, after the transfer, most modern IVF clinics provide support for the initial period of pregnancy, and this support can be objectively prescribed only on the basis of data on hormone levels.

Of course, in mandatory An ultrasound is also done - what is the condition of the uterus and ovaries? The thickness of the endometrium is very important. What do the ovaries look like (and, accordingly, how will they function)? The type of ovaries is specific; their stimulation leads to the formation of large cysts in place of the follicles - but this is not painful condition, and the transitory, ordinary and inevitable after hormonal effects. Extremely rare cases At this stage, an experienced doctor can detect signs of impending ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), a rare but dangerous complication of IVF.

After the transfer itself, nothing may happen outwardly for the next two weeks, but constant and continuous processes are taking place in the uterus, which should end with the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus, that is, the beginning of pregnancy. The very moment of attachment (implantation) cannot be felt. Nausea, dizziness, breast swelling, drowsiness, absence of premenstrual phenomena, etc. - nothing is objective, nothing should be focused on as an argument for or against. It will not be possible to get an exact answer to the most important question until the 14th day after the transfer - when blood is donated for human chorionic gonadotropin(HG).

Likewise, pregnancy tests are not indicative until the 14th day. Although doctors advise their patients not to test to avoid disappointment, most women start doing urine tests from 8 to 10 days after the transfer. Statistics show that if the test result is clear, then the probability of pregnancy is high. But if the test is weak or completely negative, then the chances of pregnancy still remain quite high. That is, we can say that a positive test even before the 14th day is a good sign, and negative test- not always an indicator of failure.

Two weeks before donating blood for hCG, a woman needs to actively monitor her condition. Firstly, it is very important to catch the signs of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) at the earliest stage. Reasons for immediately contacting a fertility specialist may include bloating, pain in the uterus and ovaries, unusual swelling, headache without apparent reason, visual impairment in the form of “fly spots”, fog, blurred images. OHSS develops gradually, and with adequate therapeutic measures disappears quite quickly. Therefore, it is better not to neglect its identification and treatment. In addition, if a woman develops OHSS even in very weak degree, then the support program needs to be changed.

For high-quality support, blood for hormones is taken a week after embryo transfer and on the 14th day - simultaneously with an analysis for hCG. In most cases, this frequency is quite sufficient for adequate control of ongoing processes and prevention of complications. But in special cases tests may be done every 3–4 days.

The need to change support may be indicated by bloody issues from the vagina. This is by no means premature menstruation, but an indicator of an imbalance in the balance of hormones in a woman’s body, which requires adjustment of drug doses. Therefore, you need to contact your fertility specialist immediately.

How to behave after embryo transfer

Your life will not be limited if before the program you were not prone to extreme sports. Physical exercise it is necessary to limit fitness, running, and strength training in the gym - enlarged ovaries may cause pain. Sexual life is not excluded, but can be limited at the request of the woman: due to pain associated with an increase in the size of the ovaries, and fear for the fate of pregnancy.

On the other hand, you cannot prescribe to yourself bed rest: Immobility leads to poor circulation and reduces the flow of oxygen to the uterus and fetus. This can play a negative role in implantation processes.

In a word, the optimal daily routine for two weeks after the transfer is a quiet, calm pastime on fresh air, walks in nature rather than shopping, limiting smoking (if you still smoke), avoiding stressful situations with others.

There will also be no special changes in diet. Nutrition should be healthy, varied, regular. Only if the doctor suspects the development of OHSS, he can prescribe special diet, for example, with salt restriction. There is no need to start fasting or changing your usual diet these days: this is an extra burden on the body. You need to drink enough liquid - 1–1.5 liters per day, while avoiding mineral and carbonated water, as well as gas-forming juices (primarily grape juice).

If a reproductive specialist recommends changing your diet, listen to his advice. Limiting salt, excess water, and consuming greens are usually part of the prevention and treatment of OHSS.

Two weeks - long term, the tension of anticipation is a difficult test for the psyche. If your mood worsens or your sleep is disturbed, do not neglect simple sedatives. Valerian in any form, sedative fees- all this can be used to keep calm while waiting positive result. Any other sedatives It is better to discuss with your doctor how safe they are for a possible pregnancy.

In a word, these two weeks are both very significant and very ordinary - don’t make a horror story out of them, be calm.

Take the first step - make an appointment!



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs