Sputum in a lying person. How is congestive pneumonia treated in bedridden patients and the elderly?

pneumonia or infectious inflammation lung tissue you can get sick at any age. The disease has a vast geography and can affect people of both sexes. But people with weak immune defenses are most susceptible to the disease, namely infants, the elderly and bedridden patients. In people who are unable to move, inflammation of the lungs is called congestive pneumonia (an inflammatory process in the respiratory organs is usually caused by stagnation of fluid in the lung tissues).

Causes of pneumonia in bedridden people

Pneumonia in the bedridden elderly and among people unable to move occurs due to a weakened body that is not able to fight the infection on its own. In older people, respiratory inflammation develops in 70% of cases due to chronic respiratory diseases, such as bronchitis, emphysema. Also, the inflammatory process of the lung tissue can be caused by:

  1. bacteria.
  2. Allergic diseases.
  3. Violations in the work of a small circle of blood supply.
  4. Others infectious diseases various organs.
  5. Fluid entering the lungs from the stomach during vomiting.

In patients who are bedridden, for example, in the postoperative period, the risk of getting pneumonia is very high. Since a person's breathing becomes shallow when lying down, the diaphragm cannot contract properly. It is these factors that lead to the infection of the lungs. Fluid begins to accumulate in the respiratory organs along with harmful bacteria and microorganisms. Since a person remains motionless, the fluid in the lungs stagnates and becomes an ideal habitat for infectious agents. Microbes in the lungs of bedridden patients develop much faster than in other people. Therefore, inflammatory processes appear much more often and more acutely in patients who are unable to walk, including the elderly.

The highest risk groups for developing pneumonia include:

  1. People after a stroke.
  2. People with leg injuries, back injuries, craniocerebral injuries.
  3. Cancer patients.

Pneumonia in bedridden patients after a stroke, and in people with oncological diseases caused by severe general fatigue of the body. Long treatment, debilitating organs of the procedure adversely affect, including the blood supply of the pulmonary circulation. The body loses the property of self-regulation. The lung system loses its drainage function, which leads to the deterioration of the microflora of the lungs and the development of bacteria inside the organ. Pressure ulcers and swelling of the respiratory system can also cause inflammation.

Since the general condition of the body in these groups of people is greatly weakened, pneumonia can flow into bilateral pneumonia. In people who are not at high risk, bilateral pneumonia is most often caused by pneumococci. In bedridden patients, such a respiratory disease is provoked by several types of pathogens at once.

At the same time, the symptoms of congestive pneumonia of the lungs in bedridden and elderly people are not pronounced. This is what makes it difficult to identify the disease in this category of patients. On early stages infection expresses itself in slight cough with no temperature. This is due to the fact that the body of a recumbent person cannot independently fight pathogenic bacteria.

The disease in bedridden patients has clinical features. There are two types of manifestation: pulmonary and extrapulmonary. Pulmonary manifestation of pneumonia is accompanied by shortness of breath and a weak cough. Basically, this manifestation of the disease is seen in people who have had a stroke or Alzheimer's syndrome. Extrapulmonary symptoms are manifested in the form of lethargy of the patient, violations of the central nervous system. Extrapulmonary manifestation may be accompanied by urinary incontinence, a change in a person's mood, and depression.

Inflammation of the lungs in bedridden elderly people is extremely rarely detected in the early stages.

At the first, even insignificant, signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. In more than half of the cases of pneumonia, in elderly people or in bedridden patients, the transition of the disease to chronic form. Relapses of the disease can occur up to 3 times a year.


Treatment and prognosis of pneumonia in bedridden patients depends on the degree of the disease. Since the symptoms of congestive pneumonia appear in a mild form, it is rather difficult to identify the disease in the early stages. Also, the prognosis of pneumonia in bedridden patients is influenced by such factors as:

  1. General condition of the body.
  2. The human immune system.
  3. Chronic diseases of other organs.
  4. Other pathologies.
  5. Complications such as lung abscess.

With the timely detection of congestive pneumonia, the prognosis for recovery with proper treatment is quite favorable. Already after a month proper treatment the disease goes away. But since it is rather difficult to identify pneumonia in people belonging to this category, pneumonia in bedridden patients can be fatal.

Senile body due to scar tissue in the walls bronchial tree unable to produce enough alveolar macrophages. That is why the protection of the lung tissue and the respiratory system as a whole weakens. In such an environment, the causative agents of pneumonia feel comfortable and do not encounter obstacles for accelerated reproduction. In the elderly and in bedridden patients, the disease spreads rapidly through the lymph nodes, affecting the lungs. In this regard, in old age bilateral pneumonia is more common. If a disease is detected, immediate treatment should be started under the supervision of a physician. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics first for effective treatment. a wide range exposure (parenterally). Only after a positive trend appears, the patient is prescribed oral medications.

Congestive pneumonia - treatment with folk remedies

congestive pneumonia, or disease bed rest- this insidious disease develops against the background of some serious illness that chained the patient to bed. I invite all readers of the Narmedblog.ru blog to discuss the treatment of congestive pneumonia at home.

Who gets congestive pneumonia?

● People believe that congestive pneumonia is the lot of elderly patients, but this is not so, or not quite so. The disease is often registered among young patients with oncology, cardiovascular pathology, stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal surgery ... In a word, such pneumonia develops with prolonged lying position of serious patients.

● With regard to elderly patients, congestive pneumonia is detected in them even with active movement, because in this category of old and weakened people breathing is superficial, the contraction of the diaphragm stops, and this, in turn, leads to stagnant processes in the lungs.

Symptoms of the disease

● Usually the disease begins without a rise in body temperature, chills and cough, that is, those signs that are characteristic of focal sludge lobar pneumonia. At first, the patient has severe shortness of breath, weakness and a feeling of incomplete exhalation. A little later, coughing and sweating are added to these symptoms.

● However, the diagnosis of congestive pneumonia is not so easy, because in bedridden patients such an ailment is not uncommon. When the symptoms listed above persist, x-rays should be taken if possible. Unfortunately, very often the disease is recognized already in the period when sputum and wheezing appeared in the lungs.

● With congestive pneumonia, breathing in the lower parts of the lungs is not audible due to the accumulation of fluid and swelling of the mucous membrane of the lung tissue and bronchi. The fluid penetrates into the lung tissue from the bloodstream, its outflow is difficult. With the accumulation of such a liquid up to 500 ml (at the level of 7-8 ribs), it will gradually resolve itself: through the pores during sweating and during wet breathing.

● When there is more fluid, it is pumped out by a puncture in the chest. You should not be afraid of this procedure: there is a very thin muscle layer between the ribs, and fluid is pumped out under local anesthesia. The patient immediately feels better, because he begins to breathe full chest. Sometimes a doctor performs a puncture due to life circumstances on an outpatient basis.

● Congestive pneumonia is characterized by an imperceptible, sluggish course, due to the fact that it is not always possible to make a diagnosis on time and accurately. In elderly and bedridden patients, the disease is often detected at the next examination. Congestive pneumonia proceeds differently for everyone, but it resolves equally for a long time: within five to six months.

Treating congestive pneumonia at home

● Treatment of congestive pneumonia is always carried out under the supervision of a physician. If a bacterial infection joins the disease, antibiotics are indispensable. Cefazolin or tsifran, augmentin (protected penicillin) is prescribed. The duration of antibiotic treatment is two to three weeks. To relieve cough and ensure sputum withdrawal, the patient is given lazolvan, asts, erespal, bronchicum for one month.

● With congestive pneumonia on the background cardiovascular insufficiency to improve blood circulation and strengthen the heart muscle - digitalis, trental and diuretics: hypothiazide, veroshpiron, furosemide. But diuretics are taken with potassium-sparing drugs (panangin, potassium orotate) or products containing potassium: cottage cheese, honey, pumpkin, raisins, dried apricots, milk, all legumes, bananas, garlic, grapefruits, horseradish, parsley, etc. Diuretics are removed from excess body fluid and reduce swelling.

Congestive pneumonia - traditional medicine recipes

● Patients are well helped Bogorodskaya grass- thyme, which is also called creeping thyme. We brew half a liter of boiling water, two tablespoons of raw materials, filter and give the patient half a cup before meals 4 times a day.

● Bear's ear or bearberry has a diuretic effect. 1 st. l. to a glass of boiling water. Drink three times a day half an hour after eating.

● Liquefies sputum and ensures its outflow infusion of viburnum berries: leave overnight in a thermos 1-2 tablespoons of dried crushed berries in a glass of boiling water. Drink with honey, two tbsp. l. after meals 4-5 times a day.

● Collect the healing mixture: three tablespoons of chamomile flowers and calendula, nettle, St. John's wort, eucalyptus, raspberry, marshmallow, sage leaves, calamus, elecampane, plantain. Two tablespoons of mixed herbs, brew 500 ml of boiling water overnight in a thermos. In the morning, filter and let the patient drink half a glass for 2-3 months.

● Herbalists and healers of Dagestan have a very effective ancient recipe treatment of bronchopulmonary patients. They call him Urbech. Grind through a coffee grinder (millstones) three kilograms of flaxseed and the same amount of apricot pits (remove the kernels). The resulting semi-finished product should be stored in the refrigerator. Before use, dilute a tablespoon of the mixture with half a pack of butter by heating almost to a boil. Turn off the stove and add a tablespoon of honey. After cooling, put the product in the refrigerator so that it hardens. Herbalists smeared urbech on bread and gave it to the sick to eat. The medicine can be added warm to cereals.

The nutritional conditions of the patient

● With congestive pneumonia, there are no restrictions on food intake, except for spicy and salty foods. Drinking: juices and tea acidified with lemon, lingonberry, cranberry, black currant fruit drinks; rosehip decoction.

healthy eating should be rich in proteins, vitamins (especially C and E) and carbohydrates. The patient is regularly given boiled meat, legumes, fish, chicken, vegetable and butter. Every day - fatty brisket or a couple of pieces of lard. Pulmonologists always advise their patients to eat fatty foods no matter what.

Therapeutic and preventive measures for congestive pneumonia

● The heavily bedridden patient should be more in a semi-sitting position to ensure reduction of dyspnea and blood flow to the lungs. To do this, raise his head by placing 2-3 pillows. Provide the breathing exercises described below.

Deep breath Exhale slowly, holding your breath first.

● Raise your hands up while inhaling, lowering your hands, exhale sharply, with an exclamation of “ha”.

● Inflate baby balloons every day in the morning and evening: at the beginning 1-2 minutes and go up to 5 minutes.

● Insert the tube into a glass of water and blow air out of your lungs into the glass. In the future, use breathing exercises according to the method of Buteyko and Strelnikova.

● A couple of tips for therapeutic massage. Tap lightly on the chest and back, without touching the heart area, with spread fingers several times a day for 3-5 minutes. Perform the same light tapping with fingers folded into a boat. Such a massage will be useful for patients with injuries, but is contraindicated in patients with angina pectoris and cardiovascular insufficiency.

● Drainage for sputum discharge: hang the patient's head off the bed and invite him to cough. Collect sputum in a jar with a lid.

I wish you a speedy recovery, and may the Lord God help you in this.

More information about congestive pneumonia can be found on the Wikipedia website.

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Pulmonary edema in a bedridden patient

home > Cardiovascular diseases

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in body tissues. There are edema of renal and cardiac origin. If the heart can no longer cope with the load that is necessary to deliver blood to organs and tissues, if the blood flow is slowed down, and the heart rate is frequent and weak, then blood is retained in the vessels, part of the fluid penetrates through the walls of the vessels into the surrounding tissues - edema is formed. Under the influence of gravity, the liquid moves down to lower limbs, therefore, most often the legs swell. Edema associated with kidney disease, as well as "hungry" edema, are evenly distributed throughout subcutaneous tissue, cardiac edema is located in bedridden patients on the lower back and back, in walking patients - on the legs.

Removes water from the body fruit and vegetable diet. It is especially recommended to eat cucumbers, raw cabbage, eggplant, lemon with peel and honey, boiled potatoes, onions, garlic, parsnips, parsley, decoction of watermelon peels. Birch buds and leaves, bedstraw herb, parsley fruit, cornflower flowers, horsetail herb, dandelion root and three-leaf watch herb are especially recommended for edema of cardiac origin. The root and the entire aerial part of the lovage officinalis is used in severe swelling legs.

The use of calendula tincture 30-50 drops 3 times a day before meals for a month helps to get rid of dropsy and edema and enhances cardiac activity.

With edema of any origin, they drink a decoction of a tablespoon of cherry stalks for a month or more, 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day.

4 teaspoons of flaxseed pour 1 liter of water. Boil 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, wrap in a blanket and let it brew for 3-4 hours. Strain and add lemon juice for taste. Take 0.5 cup 5-6 times a day, every 2 hours. The tool is soft, the result will be noticeable in 1-2 weeks. It is especially effective for internal edema.

Juniper fruits, licorice root, harrow root, lovage root (evenly divided). A tablespoon of the crushed mixture insist on a glass of cold water for 6 hours, then boil for 15 minutes. Strain. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day.

Nettle leaf, St. John's wort, bearberry leaf, plantain leaf, rose hips (equally divided). Pour a tablespoon of the crushed mixture with 600 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes. Insist 1 hour, strain. Drink per day in 3-4 doses.

Cornflower flowers - 30 g. Bearberry leaf - 40 g. Licorice root -30 g. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.

Birch leaf - 30 g. Horsetail herb - 30 g. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, boil for 3-5 minutes, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day.

A decoction of oat straw, collected from the beginning of earing to the beginning of grain ripening, in the amount of 40 g per liter of water, drink 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.

Boil a tablespoon of wheatgrass root in 1/3 liter of water for 3 minutes and drink 2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day.

Start drinking black radish juice with honey 0.5 cups a day and gradually increase the dose to 2 cups a day.

Infuse 2 teaspoons of nettle roots in a glass of boiling water for 1 hour and drink 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.

Drink in the morning 2 tbsp. tablespoons of onion juice To do this, take 2 medium onions in the evening, cut them into thin slices, sprinkle with sugar, and drink in the morning, after squeezing the juice.

Burn stems from ordinary Russian beans on an iron sheet. Collect the ashes, grind into powder and store in a glass jar with a ground stopper. For 1 reception: mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vodka with 0.5 teaspoon of ash and take 3 times a day.

Infusion on the water of the agave leaf and wormwood in the same proportion. A teaspoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water. Drink 0.5 cup 2 times a day.

Parsley (root, fruit, herb) is used not only in mixtures of plants, but also separately.

1 teaspoon seeds or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the whole plant is simmered for 10 hours in 300 ml of water and drink 1 tbsp. spoon 4 times a day.

Pass the root and parsley through a meat grinder to obtain 1 cup of mass, add 0.5 liters of boiling water and wrap for 6-8 hours. Then filter, squeeze, add the juice of 1 lemon and drink everything in 3 doses per day. You need to drink 2 days in a row. Repeat the procedure after 3 days.

Pumpkin (porridge and juice from it) - with edema and diseases of the heart, kidneys and bladder.

As a diuretic, infusions of thyme, burdock, knotweed are taken.

150 g of crushed elderberry root pour 30 ml of vodka. Insist in a warm place for 10 days, strain, take the first 3 days 10 drops 3 times a day before meals, 3 days - 15 drops and 3 days - 20 drops 3 times a day. Drink until the end of the medicine.

Wash and chop 800 g of parsley, put in a saucepan. Pour in fresh milk and put in a not too hot oven. Let the milk evaporate until half of the original amount remains in the pan. Strain and give the patient 1-2 tablespoons of decoction every hour. Give in tablespoons. The medicine must be drunk on the 1st day. It is a strong diuretic. It helps even when other diuretics are powerless.

Hemp chaff has long been considered an excellent remedy for dropsy. It is brewed and drunk like tea. However, you need to drink it a lot and often.

In dropsy, especially abdominal, a powerful remedy is curative fasting, systematically carried out, especially from the very beginning of the disease. It is necessary to carry out a 7-day fast once every 2 months, drink only water or tea without sugar. And be sure to put an enema every day during fasting. clean water, in the morning.

To conduct systematic courses of fasting, it is necessary to prepare the body for this in advance. First you need to accustom yourself to the weekly one day fast on a certain day of the week, then you can move on to multi-day fasting.

After fasting, the transition to regular food should be gradual:

on the 1st day of coming out of fasting - any vegetable or fruit juice diluted by half with water, on the 2nd day - undiluted juice (up to 2-3 liters), on the 3rd day - vegetables and fruits, and only 4 day - no a large number of any porridge on the water, some bread, soup without meat.

On the 5th day, you can move on to regular food. It should not be forgotten that even during the exit from fasting, enemas should be done every other day, in order to avoid poisoning the body with products and toxins released during fasting.

Swelling of the tongue- Mix 250 g of pure honey with 500 g of pure rakia (20 degrees), heat over low heat. Rinse your mouth and swallow the drug (5-6 times a day). Eat fresh eggs and fresh milk:

Swelling of the neck, under the ears, caused by inflammation of the tonsils. Make compresses from boiled parsley.

Swelling caused by inflammation of the tooth

Take beeswax, boil it and apply it to the sore spot until edema will pass. Compresses from boiled parsley also help.

Edema in knees, swelling hands with rheumatism (gout), that is, when the finger on the right or left foot hurts, it causes severe pain from inflammation of the diseased blood. Take 5-6 bees, put them on your finger, squeeze them so that they sting the sore spot, and after 5-6 days swelling will subside. If there are no bees, take 500 g of strong alcohol and 25 g of camphor, stir them, moisten cotton, make a compress on the sore spot. Apply a compress for 7-8 days until the inflammation subsides.

Swelling in the groin

Take, flaxseed or hempseed, crush, boil in water or fresh milk. Apply a compress to the affected area in the morning and evening for 10-20 days.

Swelling red or blue

Make compresses from mashed potatoes or chopped on a grater raw potatoes in the mornings and evenings.

Swelling of the joints

Rub with warm wood oil mixed with camphor, or pork fat with camphor. Apply heated river sand. Repeat procedures until recovery.

sea ​​salt treatment

Sea salt has excellent diuretic properties, so it can be used for treatment of cardiac edema and renal origin.

Dilute 100 grams of large sea ​​salt in five liters hot water; cool the saline solution to room temperature. Wet a terry towel in saline solution, wring it out slightly and place it on the patient's lower back. Hold until the towel dries, then repeat the procedure a few more times. Soon, profuse urination will begin and the swelling will subside.

In a bathtub filled with hot water, dissolve 300 grams of sea salt. Let the water cool down to body temperature. Lie down in this bath. Lie down until the urge to urinate. empty bladder straight into the water. Get out of the bath when the urge to urinate stops. Pay attention to edematous places: edema should subside!

Treatment of pulmonary edema

This is an accumulation in the pulmonary vesicles (alveoli) and in the tissues of the lungs. aqueous liquid. The disease is not independent, but severe complication other diseases. Occurs as a result of stagnation of blood in the lungs caused by heart failure, with hypertension, heart attack, acute inflammation kidneys, uremia. Edema may occur due to inflammatory or toxic injury vessels of the lungs, as well as with prolonged lying of the patient in bed.

Signs: suffocation, loud wheezing, bubbling breathing, pink frothy sputum, sharp pallor of the skin with a bluish tint, pulse is frequent, weak. Pulmonary edema is often a manifestation of agony.

Warning: a seriously ill patient must be carefully turned from side to side several times a day, if the nature of the disease does not prevent this.

First aid: elimination of hypoxia. First of all, you need to restore patency respiratory tract. For this, sputum is suctioned and oxygen is inhaled with alcohol vapor. To reduce the blood filling of the pulmonary vessels, tourniquets are applied to the limbs, pinching the venous vessels, and various drugs are used for the same purpose: diuretics that reduce blood pressure. However, their use requires great care and should be carried out only on the prescription of a doctor who must be called immediately.

Ancient healers recommend: at the first sign of pulmonary edema, the patient should take a semi-sitting position. Give him strong coffee to drink, put mustard plasters on his hands and feet, dry cans on his back, call a doctor. Since every minute is precious, while waiting for the doctor to arrive, give the patient 20 ether-valerian drops with water every half hour. A glass of vodka, taken an hour later, can become a replacement for medicines that are not at hand.

After an attack, give something expectorant, not emetic; for example, a decoction of hot aniseed with honey, where to add half a teaspoon of baking soda. To prepare a decoction, take a teaspoon of seeds and boil in a glass of water.

folk remedy, recommended for pulmonary edema: 4 teaspoons of flaxseed pour 1 liter of water. Boil, remove the pan from the heat, wrap in a warm blanket, let it brew, strain. Add lemon juice for taste. Drink 1-/2 cups 6 times a day approximately every 2-2.5 hours when warm. The tool is soft.

Treatment of cardiac edema caused by heart failure

2. watermelon pulp It is considered an excellent diuretic for edema associated with cardiovascular and kidney diseases. Can be applied And decoction of watermelon peels.

3. Parsley seed decoction. The seeds are first ground into powder. Pour four teaspoons of seeds with one glass of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes. cool, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-6 times a day.

4. Infusion of parsley herb and root. The infusion is prepared at the rate of 20 g of crushed raw materials per 1 cup of boiling water, drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals.

5. Infusion of lovage roots. 40 g dried roots Boil medicinal lovage in 1 liter for 7-8 minutes. insist in a warm place for 20 minutes. Take 4 times a day fresh. Apply with edema of cardiac and renal origin to improve the activity of the heart. 6. Fresh Juice field horsetail. Plants are harvested early in the morning before the dew falls. Wash, scald with boiling water, pass through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice and boil for 2-3 minutes. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Keep V refrigerator.

Folk remedy for swelling in the legs

Drink a decoction of Flaxseed. 4 teaspoons seeds on one liter of water. Boil for 10-15 minutes. Close the pot and put in a warm place. Let it brew for one hour. You can not filter. For taste, you can add lemon or some other fruit juice. Drink half a glass every two hours 6-8 times a day. The result is achieved in two or three weeks. Better to drink hot.

Conspiracy treatment

Edema, fall from the bridge to the white bone, From the white bone to red meat, From red meat to thin hair, From thin hair to green grass. There will go nine cubits to the side and to the ground. Everyone will be there. Everyone will be there.

Edema, fall from bridge to bone, from bone to meat, from meat to hair, from hair to green grass. There will go nine cubits sideways and into the ground. Everyone will be there. Everyone will be there.

Treatment of edema of cardiac origin

Calendula. Calendula preparations are used for heart disease to relieve swelling, palpitations and shortness of breath. Preparation and use, see above.

Kalina. A decoction of viburnum fruits increases urination and increases the power of the heart impulse.

Infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons of fruit pour 200 ml of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day.

Viburnum fruits are eaten with honey or in pure form with hypertension.

Kidney tea in the form of infusion has a diuretic effect. At the same time, a large amount of uric acid, urea and chlorides are released from the body. It is necessary to drink kidney tea for a long time (up to 6 months) with weekly monthly breaks.

Infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons of grass pour 300 ml of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain. Take warm, 0.5 cup 3 times a day. Effect kidney tea increases if it is taken in combination with horsetail grass, lingonberry leaves, birch leaves.

Kirkazok. Infusions, decoctions and tincture of kirkazon are used in folk medicine as a diuretic, as well as for dropsy and shortness of breath. In small doses, kirkazon preparations lower blood pressure and relieve increased excitability.

Infusion: pour 1 teaspoon of crushed roots with a glass of boiling water, leave overnight in a warm place, strain. Take the entire dose throughout the day in 3-4 doses.

Broth: 2 teaspoons of crushed root pour 500 ml of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes over low heat. Insist 2 hours, strain. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day.

Tincture: pour 1 teaspoon of dry grass with a glass of vodka and insist in a dark place for 7 days. Strain. Take 20 drops 3-4 times a day.

lettuce and wild lettuce. Lettuce preparations are drunk as a diuretic for edema of any origin, as well as for insomnia, convulsive states, suffocation ( bronchial asthma) and in some nervous diseases.

Infusion: 0.5 teaspoon of grass pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Carefully! The plant is poisonous!

Cornflower blue. IN official medicine an infusion of cornflower flowers is used as a diuretic for edema of cardiac and renal origin.

Infusion: Pour 1 teaspoon of flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day.

Astragalus woolly-flowered. Infusion and decoctions of astragalus are used in folk medicine for chronic circulatory failure, accompanied by edema, hypertension and increased excitability.

Infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons of grass pour 200 ml of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain. Drink 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day.

Lastoven ordinary. It is used in folk medicine as a diuretic, diaphoretic, with palpitations and high blood pressure. Preparation and use, see above.

Treatment with essential oils

Take orally with 1 teaspoon of honey 2 times a day 2 drops of one of the essential oils: lemon, cypress, rosemary, lavender.

Take a bath with the same oils (6-7 drops). Rub the swelling area with one of the essential oils of lemon, grapefruit, orange, mint, eucalyptus. If swelling on the face - rub with aromatic essential oil (30 ml vegetable oil 3 - 4 drops of lemon or orange 1 essential oils). It is also recommended to apply cold lotions with essential oils of lemon, orange, geranium or grapefruit to the edema area (no more than 2 drops of one of the oils).

First aid for cerebral edema

Acute cerebral edema leads primarily to closed (concussions, bruises, brain compression) and open craniocerebral injuries, toxic effects - alcohol poisoning and its surrogates, drugs, etc. Cerebral edema is characterized by an acute increase in intracranial pressure with drowsiness, difficulty orientation in place and time, inadequacy of behavior; everything can end in a coma, i.e. unconscious state with no response to any stimuli. Tendon, periosteal and corneal reflexes are either reduced or absent; in the terminal stage, cardiac activity is weakened and blood pressure decreases.

differential diagnosis. Since the nature of emergency care for cerebral edema has some features, the coma caused by cerebral edema should be differentiated from coma of another origin.

1. With an alcoholic coma, the smell of alcohol from the mouth, cyanosis of the face, hands are noted (but there is a combination alcoholic coma with skull trauma).

2. Uremic coma develops gradually, characterized by pale skin, smell of urine from the mouth.

3. When hepatic coma: jaundice, liver enlargement, vascular "asterisks" and "spiders" on the skin.

4. Diabetic coma is characterized by the smell of acetone from the mouth, sharp, noisy breathing, dry skin, soft eyeballs.

5. With hypoglycemic coma, breathing is normal, profuse sweating, clonic convulsions.

Emergency care for cerebral edema:

1) local hypothermia - the head should be lined with ice packs or other sources of cold;

2) 20-40 ml of 40% glucose is injected intravenously;

3) the introduction of lasix from 20 to 40 ml in saline;

5) in the complex treatment of cerebral edema have great importance oxygen inhalation, intravenous administration of a solution of piracetam from 10 to 20 ml. The patient should be hospitalized in a neurological hospital, and in case of a skull injury - in a neurosurgical hospital. Cerebral edema of toxic origin (poisoning), especially in the presence of coma, suggests hospitalization in the intensive care or toxicology department.

Heart failure treatment >>>

Anna 2013-09-14 10:00:22

I taught myself to drink plenty of fluids when I began to more carefully monitor the figure. Everything was great, but this summer my husband and I went to a sanatorium. There they fed very well. The stomach was constantly filled with food and somehow did not want to drink because of this. By the end of the race, edema began to appear. We returned home, but I still didn’t remember about the liquid - I lost the habit of it. At the same time, the edema became more and more significant, and in weight I gained 4 kg (in 2 months).

I had to take action and I stupidly began to drink at least two liters of fluid a day. She drank only artesian, mineral (Esentuki) or processed water in Akvadisk. I don’t know about mineral water, but artesian and from aquadisk is, as I understand it, structured water. In general, in a month I lost all my kilograms without diets. I believe they were called excess fluid in the body, because the fat would not go away in such a short time. The swelling naturally went away.

Leonid 2013-04-04 15:38:30

how much milk do you need for 800g of parsley.

[Reply] [Reply with quote] [Cancel reply] Kate 2013-03-06 09:58:34

Before, I was just haunted by swelling. I tried to drink less liquid, but it did not help. Then I read somewhere that on the contrary, you need to drink more water so that your metabolism speeds up. I tried it - the effect is excellent. I use only pure structured water. Either thawed or from Akvadisk.

Edema classification

There are two main types of edema:


A characteristic feature of "point" edema is attachment to certain body or part of the vascular channels. Local edema develops with the disease lymphatic system, with venous expansion, as a result of allergic inflammation.

The development of general edema is associated with diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, heart, lungs, liver and other organs. Depending on the pathogenesis, peripheral edema is classified into the following types:

1) cachectic edema- associated with dysfunctions of the cardiovascular system, can develop with complete exhaustion organism. Cardiac edema fairly common;

2) hydremic- occurs with kidney disease;

3) neuropathic edema- develops against the background of diabetes mellitus or alcohol dependence;

4) angioedema- the cause of Quincke's edema is allergens that cause an allergic reaction;

5) mechanical edema- a consequence of injuries or force impact on a part of the body or organ;

6) cerebral edemasevere consequences transferred infectious diseases(encephalitis, meningitis, toxoplasmosis, etc.) and traumatic brain injury.

Symptoms and signs

The main sign of edema is an increase in the volume of the affected organ or body parts. The skin loses elasticity, palpation of the swollen part of the body leaves fingerprints on its surface.

Symptoms of edema depend on the causes of its occurrence. So, in diseases of the heart, edema is mainly localized on the ankles and legs. The ankles and lower leg swell symmetrically with respect to each other. In bedridden patients, fluid accumulation is observed in the lumbosacral part of the body. Quite often, cardiovascular diseases lead to the occurrence of ascites, that is, the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Swelling of the face and eyelids indicates the presence of kidney disease, these symptoms are especially pronounced in the morning. With the development of the disease, swelling also manifests itself in other parts of the body, this is, first of all, Bottom part legs, knees, abdomen, genitals, lower back.

Allergic edema is manifested by damage to the throat, tongue and is a very dangerous disease, since its development poses a threat to life. Swelling of the larynx and tongue can lead to blockage of the airways.

With pulmonary edema, shortness of breath occurs, the amount of oxygen in the blood is sharply reduced, breathing becomes difficult, the face acquires an unnatural color. characteristic feature pulmonary edema is a cough with frothy sputum.

Swelling of the hand can signal the development of the syndrome of the superior vena cava, in which the largest blood vessel is squeezed. The presence of this syndrome is also indicated by the bluish color of the skin, the expansion of the veins, the formation of "spider veins".

Causes of the disease

The mechanism of the occurrence of edema is based on a violation of the water balance in the body. There are such main reasons that contribute to the occurrence of edema:

varicose disease;

venous thrombosis;

Syndrome of the superior vena cava;

Diseases of the kidneys and liver;

Heart diseases;

Decreased levels of albumin in the blood;

Increased hydrostatic pressure;

Increased arterial permeability of capillaries;

Injuries and bruises;


The cause of the formation of edema can be any surgical intervention, even a simple tooth extraction. Swelling after surgery is usually the result of increased work immune system. However, the appearance of edema in the postoperative period may be associated with the development of inflammatory processes in the body.

Kidney problems are the most common cause of edema in children. The disease is manifested by the formation of edema in the face and eyes. However, parents should not panic. Swelling on the face may be associated with violent attack crying, due to the intake of certain medications. The child could simply rub his eyes hard with his hands. The formation of edema in the facial area, in particular swelling of the cheek, may be associated with tooth replacement. Local infection helps to reduce the outflow of fluid and stagnant processes in the lymph nodes. Removal of the inflammatory process leads to the disappearance of edema.

Quite often, parents are faced with such a problem as swelling of the nasal mucosa in a child. The cause of excess fluid can be various factors - organ injury, the presence of infections and viruses, adenoids or allergic reactions.

The fact of the impact of the allergen on the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses is evidenced by such signs as:

Nasal congestion (may include ears);

Labored breathing;

Frequent sneezing;

Copious clear discharge.

Edema caused by a respiratory disease is characterized by:

General weakness;


An increase in body temperature;

loss of smell;

Clear or greenish discharge.

Edema is a common occurrence during pregnancy. The reasons for its occurrence may be exacerbation chronic glomerulonephritis, toxicosis on later dates pregnancy, heart failure. Excessive accumulation of fluid in pregnant women is observed on the legs, in the back or lower back, the front wall of the abdomen, and the external organs of the genitals.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of edema is carried out on the basis of physical and instrumental studies. The main physical examination measures are inspection and palpation. Lymphatic edema is characterized by an increase in the size of the limbs and body parts, swelling and loss of elasticity of the skin. Skin acquire a pale, sometimes cyanotic (especially in the lips) shade.

Excess extracellular fluid is detected by systematic measurement of the patient's weight and by monitoring diuresis. When making a diagnosis, factors such as the time of appearance of edema, their location, the presence of complaints in the patient that would indicate a systemic disease are taken into account.

To diagnose the disease, McClure-Aldrich test is performed. Violation of water metabolism is determined by introducing into the subcutaneous layer of the solution sodium chloride. At the injection site, a blister forms, the rapid resorption of which is a sign of the presence of edema. The McClure-Aldrich test allows not only to identify edema, but also to determine pre-edematous conditions.

Used in the treatment of edema integrated approaches. First of all, treatment should be aimed at combating the underlying disease that led to the formation of puffiness. To eliminate edema, the patient is prescribed a course of drugs that contribute to the removal of interstitial fluid from the body.

Interesting Facts

- A person with a body weight of 70 kilograms contains about 40 kilograms of fluid, of which 24 kg are distributed in cells, 3 kg of water is in plasma, 11 kg are concentrated in the extracellular space.

- A sharp drop in height is a risk factor for edema. According to unofficial data, the development of cerebral edema contributes to the height of more than 1.5 km above sea level.

- Peripheral and internal edema can occur not only in humans, but also in dogs. The formation of edema in animals may be due to different reasons- injuries, inflammation, infections and insect bites, exposure to allergens.

At angioedema prescribe corticosteroid drugs and antihistamines, which can relieve itching, redness and other allergic manifestations. Diuretics are used to treat leg swelling caused by heart failure or liver disease.

To eliminate swelling of the legs, the cause of which does not lie in the disease internal organs apply special ointments and creams. Decongestant ointment helps strengthen the walls small vessels and capillaries, increased blood circulation, performs an analgesic function.

To eliminate edema, physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are also widely used, for example, such as laser therapy, a vortex magnetic field, internal blood irradiation, Bernard currents. These procedures promote fluid and sodium excretion.

Treatment of edema is accompanied by diet therapy. Diet food based on a strict restriction of salt, diuretic products are included in the patient's diet, and the amount of fluid drunk is limited.


Since in most cases swelling indicates the presence serious illnesses, the main preventive measure is an attentive attitude to one's health. Avoid injury, extreme temperatures, stressful situations.

An effective method for preventing edema is physical activity. Do not do it for a long time to be in a sitting or lying position, periodically you need to move, walk, rotate your hands, ankles and feet, stretch your neck muscles. Physical exercise helps to increase blood flow and avoid congestive processes in the vascular channels.

Getting rid of bad habits is another way to prevent water metabolism disorders. Alcohol and smoking contribute to the development of heart disease and lung disease. Overweight people are very prone to the development of edema, therefore proper nutrition is also an effective preventive measure.

Folk methods of treatment

The people know many recipes for edema, most of which are a universal remedy. So, for example, with any kind of puffiness ethnoscience suggests using ordinary pumpkin juice, which should be taken in the amount of 1/2 cup per day.

An excellent diuretic can be prepared on the basis of parsley. For its preparation, you will need green stems with leaves and its root. The plant is thoroughly washed and ground in a meat grinder. The resulting green mass in the amount of 200 g is transferred to a thermos, poured with boiling water (0.5 liters) and left to infuse. The next day, the tincture is filtered, freshly squeezed lemon juice is added. The resulting remedy is drunk in one day, divided into three equal parts. Healing tincture take according to this scheme: two days of admission + a three-day break + two days of administration.

The ash of legumes will help remove excess fluid from the body and get rid of edema. To obtain ash, you need to burn the bean stalks on a metal pan, grind the ash into powder and pass through a sieve. Bean ash should be stored in a tightly sealed glass container. Take three times a day, after combining half a teaspoon of the product with one teaspoon of vodka, be sure to drink water.

Flax seeds will come to the aid of a person suffering from edema. Recipe remedy pretty traditional. One teaspoon of seeds is taken per liter of boiling water, the resulting mixture is boiled over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then the dishes are covered with a lid and left for an hour to infuse. The course of treatment lasts from two to three weeks. Hot flaxseed tincture is taken every two hours in a volume of 1/2 cup, daily dose should not exceed 800 ml.

You are an active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, and your body will delight you throughout your life, and no bronchitis will bother you. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and severe emotional overload.

  • It's time to start thinking about what you're doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is a must, or even better start playing sports, choose the sport that you like best and turn it into a hobby (dancing, biking, gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu in time, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work with your immunity, temper yourself, be in nature as often as possible and fresh air. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations, it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in a neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical overload, smoking or contact with smokers, if possible, exclude or minimize.

  • It's time to sound the alarm! In your case, the likelihood of getting pneumonia is huge!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the work of your lungs and bronchi, pity them! If you want to live long, you need to radically change your whole attitude towards the body. First of all, go through an examination with specialists such as a therapist and a pulmonologist, you need to take drastic measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the recommendations of doctors, radically change your life, it may be worth changing your job or even place of residence, absolutely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and make contact with people who have such addictions to a minimum, harden, strengthen your immunity, be outdoors as often as possible. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely exclude from household circulation all aggressive means, replace with natural, natural remedies. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and airing the room at home.

  • A person's life path ends with his death. You need to be prepared for this, especially if there is a bed patient in the family. Signs before death will be different for each person. However, observational practice shows that it is still possible to distinguish a number of common symptoms which portend the nearness of death. What are these signs and what should be prepared for?

    How does a dying person feel?

    A bedridden patient before death, as a rule, experiences mental anguish. In sound consciousness there is an understanding of what is to be experienced. The body goes through certain physical changes, this cannot be overlooked. On the other hand, it changes emotional background: mood, mental and psychological balance.

    Some lose interest in life, others completely close in on themselves, others may fall into a state of psychosis. Sooner or later, the condition worsens, the person feels that he is losing his own dignity, more often he thinks about a quick and easy death, asks for euthanasia. These changes are hard to observe, remaining indifferent. But you will have to come to terms with this or try to alleviate the situation with drugs.

    With the approach of death, the patient sleeps more and more, showing apathy towards the outside world. In the last moments, a sharp improvement in the condition may occur, reaching the point that the patient who has been lying for a long time is eager to get out of bed. This phase is replaced by the subsequent relaxation of the body with an irreversible decrease in the activity of all body systems and the attenuation of its vital functions.

    Bedridden patient: ten signs that death is near

    In conclusion life cycle old man or the bedridden patient feels more and more weak and tired from lack of energy. As a result, he is increasingly in a state of sleep. It can be deep or drowsy, through which voices are heard and the surrounding reality is perceived.

    A dying person can see, hear, feel and perceive things that do not actually exist, sounds. In order not to upset the patient, this should not be denied. It is also possible to lose orientation and the Patient is more and more immersed in himself and loses interest in the reality around him.

    Urine due to a malfunction of the kidneys darkens to almost Brown with a reddish tint. As a result, edema appears. The patient's breathing quickens, it becomes intermittent and unstable.

    Under pale skin, as a result of a violation of blood circulation, dark “walking” venous spots appear, which change their location. They usually first appear on the feet. In the last moments, the limbs of a dying person become cold due to the fact that the blood, draining from them, is redirected to more important parts of the body.

    Failure of life support systems

    Distinguish primary signs appearing on initial stage in the body of a dying person, and secondary, indicating the development of irreversible processes. Symptoms may have outward manifestation or be hidden.

    Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

    How does the bedridden patient react to this? Signs before death, associated with loss of appetite and a change in the nature and volume of food consumed, are manifested by problems with the stool. Most often, constipation develops against this background. A patient without a laxative or an enema finds it increasingly difficult to empty the bowels.

    Patients spend the last days of their lives refusing food and water altogether. You shouldn't worry too much about this. It is believed that dehydration in the body increases the synthesis of endorphins and anesthetics, which to some extent improve overall well-being.

    Functional disorders

    How does the condition of patients change and how does the bed patient react to this? Signs before death, associated with the weakening of the sphincters, in the last few hours of a person's life are manifested by fecal and urinary incontinence. In such cases, it is necessary to be prepared to provide him hygiene conditions using absorbent underwear, diapers or diapers.

    Even in the presence of appetite, there are situations when the patient loses the ability to swallow food, and soon water and saliva. This may lead to aspiration.

    With severe exhaustion, when the eyeballs are very sunken, the patient is not able to completely close the eyelids. This has a depressing effect on those around you. If the eyes are constantly open, the conjunctiva must be moistened with special ointments or saline.

    and thermoregulation

    What are the symptoms of these changes if the patient is bedridden? Signs before death in a weakened person in an unconscious state are manifested by terminal tachypnea - against the background of frequent respiratory movements, death rattles are heard. This is due to the movement of the mucous secretion into large bronchi, trachea and pharynx. This condition is quite normal for a dying person and does not cause him suffering. If it is possible to lay the patient on his side, wheezing will be less pronounced.

    The beginning of the death of the part of the brain responsible for thermoregulation is manifested by jumps in the patient's body temperature in a critical range. He can feel hot flashes heat and sudden cold. The extremities are cold, the perspiring skin changes color.

    Road to death

    Most patients die quietly: gradually losing consciousness, in a dream, falling into a coma. Sometimes it is said about such situations that the patient died on the “usual road”. It is generally accepted that in this case, irreversible neurological processes occur without significant deviations.

    Another picture is observed in agonal delirium. The movement of the patient to death in this case will take place along the “difficult road”. Signs before death in a bedridden patient who embarked on this path: psychoses with excessive arousal, anxiety, disorientation in space and time against the background of confusion. If at the same time there is a clear inversion of the wakefulness and sleep cycles, then for the patient's family and relatives such a condition can be extremely difficult.

    Delirium with agitation is complicated by a feeling of anxiety, fear, often turning into a need to go somewhere, to run. Sometimes this is speech anxiety, manifested by an unconscious flow of words. The patient in this state can perform only simple actions, not fully understanding what he is doing, how and why. The ability to reason logically is impossible for him. These phenomena are reversible if the cause of such changes is identified in time and stopped by medical intervention.


    Before death, what symptoms and signs in a bedridden patient indicate physical suffering?

    As a rule, uncontrolled pain in the last hours of a dying person's life rarely increases. However, it is still possible. An unconscious patient will not be able to let you know about this. Nevertheless, it is believed that pain in such cases also causes excruciating suffering. A sign of this is usually a tense forehead and deep wrinkles appearing on it.

    If, during examination of an unconscious patient, there are assumptions about the presence of a developing pain syndrome, the doctor usually prescribes opiates. You should be careful, as they can accumulate and, over time, aggravate an already serious condition due to the development of excessive overexcitation and convulsions.

    Giving help

    A bedridden patient before death may experience significant suffering. Relief of symptoms of physiological pain can be achieved drug therapy. Mental suffering and psychological discomfort of the patient, as a rule, become a problem for relatives and close family members of the dying.

    Experienced doctor at the evaluation stage general condition the patient can be recognized initial symptoms irreversible pathological changes cognitive processes. First of all, this is: absent-mindedness, perception and understanding of reality, the adequacy of thinking when making decisions. You can also notice violations of the affective function of consciousness: emotional and sensory perception, attitude to life, the relationship of the individual with society.

    The choice of methods of alleviating suffering, the process of assessing the chances and possible outcomes in the presence of the patient in some cases, in itself can serve as a therapeutic agent. This approach gives the patient a chance to really realize that they sympathize with him, but they are perceived as a capable person with the right to vote and choose possible ways to solve the situation.

    In some cases, a day or two before the expected death, it makes sense to stop taking certain medications: diuretics, antibiotics, vitamins, laxatives, hormonal and hypertensive drugs. They will only exacerbate suffering, cause inconvenience to the patient. Painkillers, anticonvulsants and antiemetics, tranquilizers should be left.

    Communication with a dying person

    How to behave relatives, in whose family there is a bed patient?

    Signs of approaching death can be obvious or conditional. If there are the slightest prerequisites for a negative forecast, it is worth preparing in advance for the worst. Listening, asking, trying to understand the non-verbal language of the patient, you can determine the moment when changes in his emotional and physiological state indicate the imminent approach of death.

    Whether the dying person will know about it is not so important. If he realizes and perceives, it alleviates the situation. False promises and vain hopes for his recovery should not be made. It must be made clear that his last will will be fulfilled.

    The patient should not remain isolated from active affairs. It is bad if there is a feeling that something is being hidden from him. If a person wants to talk about the last moments of his life, then it is better to do it calmly than to hush up the topic or blame stupid thoughts. A dying person wants to understand that he will not be alone, that he will be taken care of, that suffering will not touch him.

    At the same time, relatives and friends need to be ready to show patience and provide all possible assistance. It is also important to listen, let them talk and say words of comfort.

    Medical assessment

    Is it necessary to tell the whole truth to relatives in whose family there is a bed patient before death? What are the signs of this condition?

    There are situations when the family of a terminally ill patient, being in the dark about his condition, literally spends his last savings in the hope of changing the situation. But even the best and most optimistic treatment plan can fail. It will happen that the patient will never get back on his feet, will not return to active life. All efforts will be in vain, spending will be useless.

    Relatives and friends of the patient, in order to provide care in the hope of a speedy recovery, quit their jobs and lose their source of income. In an attempt to alleviate suffering, they put the family in a difficult financial situation. Relationship problems arise, unresolved conflicts due to lack of funds, legal issues- all this only exacerbates the situation.

    Knowing the symptoms of imminent death, seeing irreversible signs of physiological changes, an experienced doctor is obliged to inform the patient's family about this. Informed, understanding the inevitability of the outcome, they will be able to focus on providing him with psychological and spiritual support.

    Palliative care

    Do relatives who have a bed patient need help before death? What symptoms and signs of the patient suggest that she should be treated?

    Palliative care for the patient is not aimed at prolonging or shortening his life. Its principles affirm the concept of death as a natural and regular process of the life cycle of any person. However, for patients with an incurable disease, especially in its progressive stage, when all treatment options have been exhausted, the question of medical and social assistance is raised.

    First of all, you need to apply for it when the patient no longer has the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle or the family does not have the conditions to ensure this. In this case, attention is paid to alleviating the suffering of the patient. At this stage, not only the medical component is important, but also social adaptation, psychological balance, peace of mind the patient and his family.

    A dying patient needs not only attention, care and normal living conditions. Psychological relief is also important for him, easing the experiences associated, on the one hand, with the inability to self-service, and on the other hand, with the realization of the fact of an imminent imminent death. Prepared nurses and know the intricacies of the art of alleviating such suffering and can provide significant assistance to terminally ill people.

    Predictors of death according to scientists

    What to expect for relatives who have a bed patient in the family?

    Symptoms of the approaching death of a person "eaten" by a cancerous tumor were documented by the staff of palliative care clinics. According to observations, not all patients showed obvious changes in the physiological state. A third of them did not show symptoms or their recognition was conditional.

    But in the majority of terminally ill patients, three days before death, it was possible to note marked decline response to verbal stimulation. They did not respond to simple gestures and did not recognize the facial expressions of the personnel communicating with them. The “smile line” in such patients was omitted, an unusual sounding of the voice (grunting of the ligaments) was observed.

    In some patients, in addition, there was hyperextension of the cervical muscles (increased relaxation and mobility of the vertebrae), non-reactive pupils were observed, patients could not close their eyelids tightly. Of the obvious functional disorders, bleeding in gastrointestinal tract(in the upper sections).

    According to scientists, the presence of half or more of these signs can highly likely testify to an unfavorable prognosis for the patient and his sudden death.

    Signs and folk beliefs

    In the old days, our ancestors paid attention to the behavior of a dying person before death. Symptoms (signs) in a bedridden patient could predict not only death, but also the future prosperity of his family. So, if the dying person asked for food (milk, honey, butter) in the last moments and relatives gave it, then this could affect the future of the family. There was a belief that the deceased could take wealth and good luck with him.

    It was necessary to prepare for imminent death, if the patient without obvious reasons shuddered a lot. It was like looking into his eyes. Also a sign of close death was a cold and pointed nose. There was a belief that it was for him that death was holding the candidate for last days before his death.

    The ancestors were convinced that if a person turns away from the light and most of the time lies facing the wall, he is on the threshold of another world. If he suddenly felt relieved and asked to be transferred to his left side, then this is a sure sign of an imminent death. Such a person will die without pain if the windows and the door are opened in the room.

    Bedridden patient: how to recognize the signs of impending death?

    Relatives of a dying patient at home should be aware of what they may encounter in the last days, hours, moments of his life. It is impossible to accurately predict the moment of death and how everything will happen. Not all of the symptoms and symptoms described above may be present before the death of a bedridden patient.

    The stages of dying, like the processes of the origin of life, are individual. No matter how hard it is for relatives, you need to remember that it is even more difficult for a dying person. Close people need to be patient and provide the dying person as much as possible. possible conditions, moral support and attention and care. Death is an inevitable outcome of the life cycle and it cannot be changed.

    Pathologies that deprive a person of mobility and bedridden are always hard to perceive both by the patient himself and his relatives. They carry with them not only emotional problems, but also the frequent development of serious illnesses due to the violation of many functions.

    In particular, immobility often leads to such a serious illness as pneumonia in bedridden patients. Its main danger lies in the fact that it proceeds in most cases with unexpressed clinical picture, and begins to manifest itself fully only in the later stages, which is why it often becomes the cause deaths in this group of patients.

    Congestive pneumonia is secondary inflammation lung tissue that develops as a result of congestion in it and in the pulmonary circulation.

    IN international classification diseases ICD 10 congestive pneumonia is called hypostatic, since it leads to a decrease in human mobility to one degree or another. As a result, the amplitude of respiratory movements decreases, and in back departments blood accumulates in the lungs. The liquid from it sweats into the interalveolar space, further limiting respiratory activity and becoming excellent. nutrient medium for bacteria.

    Normally, gas exchange in the human body is carried out in the following way. The lungs of the body consist of several anatomical structures, the smallest of which are the alveoli. Their walls are membranes, and it is through them that oxygen passes into the blood and carbon dioxide back.

    Respiratory movements are provided by the work of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm. When you inhale, they relax, and air enters the lungs.

    On exhalation, they contract and release the exhaust gas outward. But at the same time, different parts of the lungs are ventilated unevenly.

    The lower half opens and fills with air best of all, which is ensured by the structural features of the respiratory system. In bedridden patients, the mobility of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles is impaired due to increased intraperitoneal pressure. As a result, the level of ventilation of the lower parts of the lungs and the volume of inhaled air are reduced.

    The scheme of the respiratory muscles is shown in the photo below.

    The flow of blood to the respiratory organs is provided not only by the work of the heart muscle, but also by the pressure gradient in the vessels and gravity. In healthy people, more blood flows to the lower parts of the lungs, where the main gas exchange takes place. When a person lies all the time, these processes are disturbed, as fluid accumulates in the posterior pulmonary regions (adjacent to the back).

    Crowded vessels squeeze the alveoli, disrupting their functioning. If congestion is not eliminated in time, an infection can penetrate here, causing an inflammatory process that can spread to neighboring parts of the lungs.

    Without timely treatment develops in the affected area connective tissue, which leads to a decrease in the elasticity of the lung tissue and the irreversible exclusion of these sections from breathing. Therefore, congestive pneumonia often leads to respiratory failure and lethal outcome.


    As mentioned above, the main cause of the pathology is the immobility of patients. In addition, there are predisposing factors for this disease.

    These include:

    • elderly age;
    • postoperative period;
    • oncological processes;
    • curvature of the spine;
    • chronic diseases of the internal organs.

    Pneumonia is directly caused by bacteria. The most common causative agents are:

    • streptococci;
    • staphylococci;
    • hemophilic bacillus;
    • pneumococci;
    • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
    • legionella, etc.

    Often, the development of congestive pneumonia is provoked by a combination of a bacterial infection and a fungal infection.

    How the disease manifests itself

    The clinical picture of the pathology is almost always blurred and does not show any specific symptoms. Therefore, it is difficult to make a correct diagnosis in time and start treatment.

    Most often, the disease is disguised as the underlying disease that caused the limitation of mobility. For example, patients after a stroke become more inhibited, memory, speech, and movement disorders become more pronounced. In patients with heart disease, the phenomena of heart failure increase.

    Of the symptoms characteristic of pneumonia, it may occur:

    • shortness of breath (often this is the very first and main symptom);
    • cough with or without sputum;
    • rapid breathing;
    • moderately fever(up to 38-38.5 degrees);
    • excessive sweating;
    • appetite disorders and weakness.

    Most of these symptoms are not pronounced, so patients and their relatives often leave them unattended. This is especially true of weakness and loss of appetite, which are often perceived by others as the whims of the patient.

    In fact, they are manifestations of intoxication of the body as a result of an infectious inflammatory process. Moreover, for a long time it may be the only symptom of congestive pneumonia. Therefore, any changes in the state of health and mood of immobilized people should be treated with suspicion and medical examinations should not be neglected.


    The diagnosis of hypostatic pneumonia is usually difficult to make. If it is suspected, general and specific blood and urine tests are prescribed.

    If there is a cough with sputum, its microscopic and bacteriological examination is mandatory. Chest X-ray, as well as CT and MRI, help determine congestive processes in the lungs.

    Additionally, a heart examination is prescribed, since congestive pneumonia provokes disturbances in the work of the heart muscle due to stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation and severe intoxication of the body.


    Treatment of congestive pneumonia should be carried out in a hospital setting and be directed at several points:

    • ensuring adequate ventilation of the lungs;
    • infection control;
    • improvement of drainage function;
    • increase in the overall resistance of the organism.


    Ensuring adequate ventilation of the lungs is carried out in two ways, depending on the severity of respiratory failure. With light and medium degree patients are asked to breathe humidified oxygen through a special mask.

    In severe violations, the patient is given anesthesia and transferred to artificial ventilation. This is the only way to ensure the supply of oxygen to the respiratory organs under the necessary pressure.

    Antibacterial therapy

    Treatment of bedridden patients is always carried out with the appointment of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

    Most often used:

    • Amoxiclav;
    • Ceftriaxone;
    • Imipenem;
    • Vancomycin;
    • Levofloxacin etc.

    The choice of the drug by the doctor depends on the type of infection. At community-acquired pneumonia prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics. When hospitalized, a combination of antibacterial drugs is preferable.

    Prescribed concomitantly with antibiotics antifungals, since a bacterial infection in this type of pneumonia is often accompanied by a fungal one. After receiving the results bacteriological research antibacterial drug change if necessary.

    Improved drainage function

    Drainage function of the lungs can be enhanced in two ways - to facilitate expectoration by thinning sputum or by improving its discharge.

    Sputum thinning

    For this purpose, bronchodilators and mucolytics are prescribed. More liquid sputum is coughed up more easily, which is very important for bedridden patients with impaired drainage function. But such drugs can be prescribed only to those patients who are conscious and able to cough up all the sputum accumulated in the lungs.

    How to improve expectoration

    Here, massages and frequent turning of patients come to the rescue. Ideally, you need to help them change their body position every two hours.

    The most easy sputum departs if the patient lies on his stomach. In the same position, vibration massage, regular massage, rubbing the back in the area of ​​the lungs. All these activities contribute to easier sputum discharge.

    How to do massage to improve the drainage function of the lungs, you can learn from the video in this article.

    Also, all conscious patients are prescribed breathing exercises according to Strelnikova, Buteyko or developed directly by the attending physician. Instructions for such gymnastics include, among other things, simple exercises that can be done for prevention. healthy people– inflation balloons, gurgling air through a tube into the water, blowing out candles, etc.

    If the patient is unconscious or cannot fully cough, all the accumulated mucus from the lungs is removed instrumentally - using a bronchoscope. This device allows, under visual control, to completely clear the bronchi of the patient with the help of a vacuum.

    Increasing the overall resistance of the organism

    As a result of intoxication with congestive pneumonia, patients often lose their appetite, and with insufficient nutrition of the body, it is even more difficult to fight the infection. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure that such patients receive enough proteins, vitamins and minerals, as these components are vital for maintaining the body's defenses.

    In parallel, antioxidant drugs and cardiac glycosides are prescribed to improve the function of the heart muscle, as well as diuretics to unload the pulmonary circulation. When the patient's condition stabilizes, the doctor may additionally prescribe the passage of physiotherapy.


    Prevention of congestive pneumonia in bedridden patients should ideally be carried out in all patients, since it is always easier to prevent the disease than to treat it.

    It includes:

    • frequent turning of patients, including on the stomach;
    • provision of adequate nutrition;
    • chest massages;
    • conducting breathing exercises;
    • proper selection of clothing in accordance with the air temperature (bed patients should not be supercooled and overheated);
    • regular ventilation of the room;
    • daily wet cleaning of the room;
    • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
    • regular medical examinations of bedridden patients.

    The success of therapy and the prognosis for later life and health directly depend on the timeliness of the setting. correct diagnosis and actions taken. You can not self-medicate, you must definitely go to the hospital. Only a competent doctor can detect the disease in time and knows how to treat congestive pneumonia in bedridden patients. He will help you choose correct therapy and will give recommendations on the prevention of complications and new episodes of the disease. This is the only way to protect your relatives from severe respiratory failure and death.



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