mediterranean sea benefit. Which sea is the most useful

The sea is health. Our ancestors knew about it, we know it and our descendants will understand it. Despite the fact that the benefits of swimming in the sea are not denied, we still underestimate the seaside vacation. He is able to perform miracles, which you will read about today.

The best antistress

The sea is the best psychological support in the world. The wave vibrations, the uniform sound of the sea calms, relieves stress from the nervous system. This is noted by everyone who, being under the influence of stress, decided to relax at sea.

Sea air helps to "ventilate" the head. Improves blood circulation in the brain bad thoughts find solutions to seemingly hopeless situations.

Swimming in the sea enhances the effect of a sea walk. The sea contains all the necessary microelements that are absorbed into the human body through the skin. The benefits of swimming in the sea are gymnastics for the vessels. The temperature of the water is in any case lower than the temperature of the body, due to which the narrowing and expansion of blood vessels occurs. 5-10 dives in the sea within an hour can drastically change psychological condition person.

Sea air will be a huge boon for those who are in a bad environmental situation. Near the sea, breathing is much easier, which removes another psychological anchor.

Dopamine and swimming in the sea

Swimming in cold water trains internal system encouragement. It's about the balance of hormones that are responsible for our ability to enjoy life, to achieve our goals. Since sea water anyway colder than the body, "cold" can be considered water even on the hottest summer days.

But maximum benefit swimming in the sea is achieved by immersion in really cold water. A number of hormones are thrown into the blood, and after overcoming the obstacle, dopamine is released - the hormone of happiness and motivation. The psyche understands overcoming cold water as “I SURVIVED!!!”, gives a temporary feeling of euphoria, followed by a steady joy.

This is the reason why there is such a thing as "winter swimming". These people are just happy. They don't care about any medical warnings.

And thanks high level dopamine, these people are healthier than those around them. It is difficult for an unhappy person to maintain an excellent physical condition.

Benefits of sea water for the body

The benefits of swimming in the sea affect not only psychology. Sea water has a beneficial effect on the following systems bodies:

  • Leather. During bathing, the pores open, toxins and waste products are removed from the body at an accelerated pace. Through open pores, the entire periodic table, which is contained in sea water, penetrates into the skin. The sea treats acne, heals wounds, prevents the development of fungal diseases;
  • The cardiovascular system. Stress - main reason cardiovascular diseases. The second reason is occlusion of blood vessels, atherosclerosis, loss of elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries. The benefit of swimming in the sea is that it reduces the level of stress hormones and gives the vessels gymnastics, which improves their condition;
  • lymphatic system. Pollution lymphatic system- one of the main reasons for the appearance of wen and other skin rashes. This is the cause of the headache in the morning, bad mood. The sea cleanses the lymph, fights the cause of the problems, and thereby eliminates these popular symptoms;
  • Respiratory system. Swimming in the sea is the first thing shown when chronic diseases ear, throat and nose. ENT diseases are successfully treated thanks to vascular gymnastics, unique air and healing of all body systems. The author of this article cured vasomotor rhinitis, for the treatment of which years and thousands of dollars were spent, thanks to everyday swimming in the sea. After a month and a half, there was no trace of a 4-year-old illness;
  • Nervous system. The sea is the best anti-stress. There is nothing to add here;
  • Hormonal system. The sea improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, and also allows you to restore any hormonal disruptions.

Improves the condition of nails and hair. If we compare this and all the properties listed above with the services of the most expensive cosmetologists, the sea will win with a huge advantage.

The benefits of swimming in the sea for an athlete

Regular bathing is beneficial ordinary people as well as athletes. The benefits of the sea for an athlete are in the following aspects:

  1. Increasing speed. Thanks to all of the above factors, muscles recover faster;
  2. Accelerates fat burning. The body uses energy to maintain normal temperature body, which is expressed in additional expenditure of calories;
  3. Improved health. Sports are health issues. Holidays at sea can reduce Negative influence health training and competition;
  4. The fight against the main ailment of a bodybuilder. from physical and psycho-emotional stress - the main problem In sports. The sea heals this too.

There are others beneficial features, which you can discover during your holiday at sea.

Bathing rules

To get all the above results, you should follow the following rules:

  • Swim at maximum clean water . In a bad environment, this is difficult, but most of the pollution comes from people who are nearby on the beach. Exit - find a beach with the minimum amount people swimming early in the morning and late in the evening. This is the optimal choice;
  • Check your health before finding out the benefits of swimming in the sea personally. Cold water can become a catalyst in the deterioration of existing diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys and other internal organs;
  • Change clothes immediately after swimming. An exception may be hot summer weather, when wet clothes will not act as a factor deteriorating health;
  • Drink more water . Harmful substances are removed from the skin only in the presence of enough pure liquid. Sea therapy paired with water also improves

- this is a unique natural "medicine", which not only gives you the opportunity to relax, but also improve your health.

French biologist Rene Kenton proved that sea water is so similar in composition to plasma human blood, which is able to penetrate through the pores of the skin into the blood, activating the construction of cells and enriching the body with minerals. In particular, magnesium (improves immunity), calcium (strengthens bones), iodine (normalizes metabolic processes), potassium (normalizes arterial pressure) and bromine (calms the nerves)

1) DEAD SEA (Jordan, Israel)

Pros: He has long owned the palm in the dispute, which sea is the most useful. And all thanks to the healing mud and the unique mineral composition water (the Dead Sea contains a record amount of salt - 260-310 g / kg of water). Incredibly, 12 out of 21 minerals Dead Sea are not found in any other body of water on our planet.

In addition, the Dead Sea is considered the cleanest, because neither fish nor microorganisms can live in it. In addition, there are no developed industrial enterprises. Despite the fact that in the midst of summer the temperature on the coast reaches 40 degrees, the heat is easily tolerated due to constant bromine evaporation. This natural effect not only makes the air soft and pleasant to breathe, but also reduces bad influence ultraviolet, so the tan here is even, and it is almost impossible to burn.
Cons: brave swimmers and divers have nothing to do here, since you can’t plunge into the Dead Sea, and you can’t swim either. Saturated brine forcefully pushes out of the water. So the maximum that you can count on is to lie down peacefully on the water, reading a newspaper. It is not recommended to go here for those who are very sensitive to various aromas - the air often smells of hydrogen sulfide; not suitable for those who are allergic to iodine. Treats: skin diseases: psoriasis, skin eczema, neurodermatitis, chronic dermatoses. Broncho-pulmonary diseases: chronic rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, tonsillitis. Joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis; syndrome chronic fatigue. But you should not go to those who suffer from cancer or are allergic to iodine.

2) RED SEA (Jordan, Israel, Egypt)

Pros:: "silver" medalist for the title of the most useful sea planets and the second in the “salinity” rating (38-42 g/kg of water!). But unlike the Dead Sea, the water of the Red Sea is alive, that is, it contains many beneficial microorganisms, including algae. But if you can’t swim in the Dead Sea, then in the Red Sea it is highly recommended. After all, the Red Sea is one of the warmest (water temperature in summer is +32 C). The coral reefs for which the Red Sea is famous are another unique source useful minerals. Great for those with medical conditions of cardio-vascular system and respiratory tract(in spring or in the "velvet" season"), some types of male and female infertility, obesity.

Cons: despite the fact that the air here is also saturated with healing bromine, it is not enough to form a protective film from direct sun rays, so the Red Sea is very hot during the summer months. In addition, even in the evening, high humidity remains in the air.

3) ADRIATIC, MARBLE, AEGEAN, BLACK SEA (Abkhazia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Turkey)

Pros: they have approximately the same healing properties. Salt content - up to 40 g per 1 liter. The only difference is the climate. So, for example, the Black Sea resorts of the Crimea, the Odessa region, Bulgaria and Romania are distinguished by warm summers, moderate humidity and the absence of pressure and temperature drops, which is suitable for hypertensive patients and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. For those who like "hot" we can recommend the southern coast of Crimea, as well as most of the resorts of the Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara and Adriatic Seas. Summers are hot here, but easily tolerated due to low humidity. In addition, coniferous forests make the local air truly healing, saturated with ions, salts and plant phytoncides. By the way, the Black Sea water is closest in composition to the microelement composition of human blood, which makes swimming in it especially useful and comfortable. For treatment and prevention: chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis. Treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, nervous and endocrine systems.

Cons: the Black Sea resorts of Turkey and the Caucasus have rather hot summers and high humidity.

4) SEA OF AZOV (Russia, Ukraine)

Pros: unique in its composition: 92 healthy minerals from the periodic table are dissolved in it. The water of the Sea of ​​Azov is most useful in windy weather, when waves raise a suspension of silt and dirt from the bottom, which have a beneficial effect on the body. Active mud volcanoes, which include iodine, bromine and hydrogen sulfide, are useful for muscles, restoring their tone, and also normalize metabolic processes in the body. In the sand of the Azov beaches a large number of biologically active substances. Therefore, in recent times resorts demand a course of psammotherapy - sand baths. Just keep in mind: you can dig into hot sand no higher than the heart area, and at the same time cover your head with a damp towel. Daily 15-20 minutes in such a sand bath will start metabolic processes and help you lose weight. In total, you need to do at least 5-7 procedures. And it's easy to breathe here. Dry steppe air, mixing with the sea, creates a natural inhaler with the aromas of steppe herbs and elements such as calcium, iodine, bromine. premature aging. Diseases of the endocrine, respiratory, musculoskeletal systems and the heart.

Cons: shallow beaches.

5) BALTIC SEA (Russia, Sweden, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Estonia, Denmark, Finland.

Pros: temperate comfortable climate, mild sun, lack of sweltering heat makes a vacation in the Baltic almost ideal for everyone: both children and adults. Acclimatization goes unnoticed. Coniferous forests create a unique atmosphere, thanks to which the air on the coast is useful for diseases respiratory system and thyroid gland. The water in the Baltic Sea is cold, about 20 degrees, but such extreme swimming is an excellent natural “massage”, which tones the walls of blood vessels, speeds up metabolic processes and promotes weight loss.

Cons: due to low salinity, the water does not hold the body well on the surface, so swimming requires muscle and joint tension, which is a contraindication for people with musculoskeletal disorders. In addition, it is cooler compared to the above seas.
For those suffering from: respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, endocrine disorders, recovery after oncological diseases, chemotherapy, surgical intervention, treatment of nervous disorders.

Vacation time is coming. Most of us cannot imagine summer without the sea. And they are absolutely right. After all, the sea is a unique natural “medicine”, which not only gives you the opportunity to relax, but also improve your health.

Thus, the French biologist Rene Kenton proved that sea water is so similar in composition to human blood plasma that it can penetrate through the pores of the skin into the bloodstream, activating the construction of cells and enriching the body with minerals. In particular, magnesium (improves immunity), calcium (strengthens bones), iodine (normalizes metabolic processes), potassium (normalizes blood pressure) and bromine (calms nerves). The main question is what to choose?

The Dead Sea

Pros: He has long owned the palm in the dispute, which sea is the most useful. And all thanks to the healing mud and the unique mineral composition of the water (the Dead Sea contains a record amount of salt - 260-310 g / kg of water). In addition, the Dead Sea is considered the cleanest, because neither fish nor microorganisms can live in it. In addition, there are no developed industrial enterprises around. Despite the fact that in the midst of summer the temperature on the coast reaches 40 degrees, the heat is easily tolerated due to constant bromine evaporation. This natural effect not only makes the air soft and pleasant to breathe, but also reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, so the tan here is even, and it is almost impossible to burn.

Incredibly, 12 out of 21 Dead Sea minerals are not found in any other body of water on our planet.

Minuses: brave swimmers and divers have nothing to do here, since you can’t plunge into the Dead Sea, and you can’t swim either. A saturated saline solution pushes out of the water with force. So the maximum that you can count on is to lie down peacefully on the water, reading a newspaper. It is not recommended to go here for those who are very sensitive to various aromas - the air often smells of hydrogen sulfide.

What are we treating? Skin diseases: psoriasis, skin eczema, neurodermatitis, chronic dermatosis. Broncho-pulmonary diseases: chronic rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, tonsillitis. Joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis; chronic fatigue syndrome. But you should not go to those who suffer from cancer or are allergic to iodine.

Red sea

Pros:"silver" medalist for the title of the most useful sea on the planet and the second in the "salinity" rating (38-42 g / kg of water!). But unlike the Dead Sea, the water of the Red Sea is alive, that is, it contains many beneficial microorganisms, including algae. But if you can’t swim in the Dead Sea, then in the Red Sea it is highly recommended. After all, the Red Sea is one of the warmest (water temperature in summer is + 32 ° C). The coral reefs that the Red Sea is famous for are another unique source of useful minerals.

Minuses: despite the fact that the air here is also saturated with healing bromine, there is not enough of it to form a protective film from direct sunlight, so it is very hot in the Red Sea in the summer months. In addition, even in the evening, high humidity remains in the air.

The most comfortable temperature for swimming in the sea is +23 ... +25ºС. Warmer sea water loses many beneficial properties.

What are we treating? Diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract (in the spring or in the "velvet" season), some types of male and female infertility, obesity.

Adriatic, Aegean, Marmara, Black Seas

Pros: they have about the same healing properties. Salt content - up to 40 g per 1 liter. The only difference is the climate. So, for example, the Black Sea resorts of the Crimea, the Odessa region, Bulgaria and Romania are distinguished by warm summers, moderate humidity and the absence of pressure and temperature drops, which is suitable for hypertensive patients and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. For those who like "hot" we can recommend the southern coast of Crimea, as well as most of the resorts of the Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara and Adriatic Seas. Summers are hot here, but easily tolerated due to low humidity. In addition, coniferous forests make the local air truly healing, saturated with ions, salts and plant phytoncides. By the way, the Black Sea water is closest in composition to the microelement composition of human blood, which makes swimming in it especially useful and comfortable.

Minuses: the Black Sea resorts of Turkey and the Caucasus have rather hot summers and high humidity.

Algae is one of the most powerful means combat cellulite and sagging skin. Thanks to high content minerals, various sugars and vitamins, algae extracts normalize metabolism, activate skin cells and remove toxins. In addition, they help solve problems excess weight: biologist Duchesnay discovered that algae can break down fats and remove them from the body

What are we treating? Prevention of chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma and tuberculosis. Treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, nervous and endocrine systems.

Sea of ​​Azov

Pros: unique in its composition: 92 healthy minerals from the periodic table are dissolved in it. The water of the Sea of ​​Azov is most useful in windy weather, when waves raise a suspension of silt and dirt from the bottom, which have a beneficial effect on the body. Active mud volcanoes, which include iodine, bromine and hydrogen sulfide, are useful for muscles, restoring their tone, and also normalize metabolic processes in the body. The sand of the Azov beaches contains a large number of biologically active substances. Therefore, a course of psammotherapy - sand baths - has recently been in demand at the resorts. Just keep in mind: you can dig into hot sand no higher than the heart area, and at the same time cover your head with a damp towel. Daily 15-20 minutes in such a sand bath will start metabolic processes and help you lose weight. In total, you need to do at least 5-7 procedures. And it's easy to breathe here. Dry steppe air, mixing with the sea, creates a natural inhaler with the aromas of steppe herbs and elements such as calcium, iodine, bromine.

Minuses: the beaches are partially shallow.

What are we treating? General strengthening immunity, prevention of beriberi, osteoporosis and premature aging. Diseases of the endocrine, respiratory, musculoskeletal systems and the heart.

Baltic Sea

pros: temperate comfortable climate, mild sun, lack of sweltering heat makes a vacation in the Baltic almost ideal for everyone: both children and adults. Acclimatization goes unnoticed. Coniferous forests create a unique atmosphere, thanks to which the air on the coast is useful for diseases of the respiratory system and thyroid gland. The water in the Baltic Sea is cold, about 20 degrees, but such extreme swimming is an excellent natural “massage”, which tones the walls of blood vessels, speeds up metabolic processes and promotes weight loss.

Minuses: due to low salinity, the water does not hold the body well on the surface, so swimming requires muscle and joint tension, which is a contraindication for people with musculoskeletal disorders.

What are we treating? Respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, endocrine disorders, recovery after oncological diseases, chemotherapy, surgery, treatment of nervous disorders.

So I'm back :)

I planned to write an article about the sea and the benefits of the sea for a woman, but, as always, another one began to emerge important aspect to which I would like to draw your attention.

Upon my return, I received many letters with greetings and questions - did you manage to relax and unwind?

I was at the sea, not on vacation, not on vacation, but on the sea :))) I really wanted to breathe, swim, take a walk.

For a long time I don’t perceive such trips as a vacation :)))) In order to go on a trip, you need to be full of strength and energy, have the strength to prepare for such a vacation, and to make a flight, get comfortable in a new place , in a new climate. This is not rest. It takes a lot of energy for a vacation like this.

For me, rest is silence, the absence of bright colors, high temperatures - middle lane Russia, cottage. This is rest. And everything else is vivid impressions, which also require energy.

And if you are not prepared for the trip, you are unlikely to get the expected experience.

We really hope that there, in a beautiful country by the sea, all problems will leave us, that from a grumbling and eternally dissatisfied with ourselves and life, we will turn into a tender, loving and beautiful woman.

Unfortunately, this won't happen. Problems, irritation and dissatisfaction do not disappear from a change of place. Even beautiful.

Here are examples from recent letters from women:

“I’m sitting on the beach, I don’t like everything - and the beach is not very comfortable, there are some flies, the wind is strong, the neighbors nearby are not very pleasant ...”

“I was at sea only 3 months ago, even before, and then I could only complain about that country, food, hotel and the temperature of the water in the sea and pool ... I hope that my next trip will leave completely different impressions.”

If you are used to complaining and being dissatisfied with everything, rest assured that there will be plenty of situations on vacation for you to continue to be disappointed and dissatisfied.

If there is no experience of relaxation, then it will not be possible to relax at sea. You need to study at home. Or rather, to live in such a way as not to strain and especially then not to relax :)))

If I know how to enjoy nature, then I succeed at the sea, if I know how to listen, feel, then I can do it outside the home.

If I can relax, relax my body, take care of it, feel its needs, then this experience at sea can be deepened.

But if I live in stress, then this stress will remain at sea. If I am used to moving all the time, then the sea will not change anything, but rather exacerbate excessive activity, I want to get the most out of it. Hence the burning, overeating, indigestion and various problems with health, plus fears and anxiety.

I already wrote, nothing will change your internal state: no marriage, no child, no man, no beautiful hotel with the sea. Only you. No event will make you happy. If you are currently unhappy.

You need to accept, thank and feel warmth in your heart at home, then upon arrival somewhere you will get real pleasure.

And if you know how to relax and enjoy life at home, then the sea can become not only a rest for the body, but also for the soul. And turn for you into a wellness spa in the open air :))

The sea is majestic and beautiful, powerful and changeable gives rise to a lot of feelings and sensations.

Bathing in sea water is very useful, because by moving in the water, you improve the blood circulation process and your organs are better supplied with oxygen, metabolic processes are activated, and the condition of cells improves. All muscles are tightened.

And, of course, the composition sea ​​water, it is unique, contains a lot of minerals and trace elements. Sea water is good for both skin and joints.

Sea air is also useful, it contains iodine.

It is also useful to walk along the seashore, especially barefoot. On our feet great amount reflex points, all of which are activated by sand and pebbles.

No scrubs and peels are needed, after such walks the heels become like those of a baby.

And how well the leg muscles, especially the calf muscles, are trained during such walks, any fitness trainer will tell you how difficult it is to tone these muscles. You will need to sweat in the hall, but here at sunset you can walk with pleasure, feeling how the waves massage your feet.

The press and muscles of the buttocks are also trained. You don’t need to do anything special, just walk and enjoy.

Sea water contains salt, and salt promotes muscle relaxation.

And of course, massage.

No one will give you such a massage as the sea, not a single massage therapist. The wave will wake up every cell of your body and gently massage not only the muscles, but also the blood vessels, activate the metabolism and thereby improve the condition of the cells. When metabolic processes improve, cells renew faster, pores are cleaned, harmful substances excreted, the body is cleansed.

No face care products needed, cleared skin and that's it, that's it nutrients— in the water and in the air. You do not need to nourish and moisturize, everything is moistened by itself. At least, I do not use any cosmetics at sea - neither decorative nor care.

I also try not to use protective creams, since I don’t go out in the open sun from 12 to 17 hours.

Sea water is the most best bath for nails, both on the hands and feet. I'm talking about an open-air spa.

Sand and pebbles - best scrub and peeling for the body, for hands, for legs.

I arrived - even my hair became different, not as dry as I left. I also did not even use a balm, a little shampoo. And natural drying, I did not use a hair dryer.

The rustle of sand, the splash of waves and other sounds of nature will calm the nervous system.

The eyes are soothed by the sunrise and sunset. These unusual pictures will remain in your memory for a long time and will warm and delight you in winter.

You can meditatively contemplate, peering beyond the horizon, listen to the sound of the surf, which, by the way, is similar to breathing, and fill your soul with peace and happiness.

And of course, give up the informational noise, no photos in social networks, the Internet, listen to yourself, to your feelings, be with yourself.

Hear your own body, see your beauty that nature has given you, see how easily nature can take care of you and give you all the best. Hear your desires.

Give up the “head” and lower all your attention to the body, surrender to the feelings: listen, look, taste, feel, feel.

And you will get an unforgettable experience.

Free your feelings, feel this world with every cell, feel yourself one with the universe. And you will feel how your soul will be filled with peace and tranquility.

And if you are still going to the sea, then go to the sea, not because it is summer, not because everyone is doing it now, not in order to post selfies and a mountain of photos on social networks, but because you want it for yourself, for your body and soul.

This is the letter I received from a student. :

“Today I suddenly realized that I wanted to go to the sea. I just wanted to, not just because summer is right now, but because I felt some need for the caressing waves and the warmth of the sand. And I was so pleased with the realization that I began to listen to myself and my feelings more and more, stopped living on the machine. Thanks".

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Tatyana Dzutseva

In contact with

Since ancient times, the marine environment has been the most inhabited and convenient for the life of living beings. Salts of sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium are dissolved in the waters.

During evaporation and during a storm, ions of mineral substances enter the coastal air. Charged particles are carried by the wind over long distances, but they reach concentrations in coastal zones.

Benefits of sea air

Sea air is saturated with ozone in a safe amount for humans, but deadly for bacteria and viruses, so people die on the coast. pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, there is no dust and smog near the seas.

with bronchitis and bronchial asthma

It is useful to breathe sea air to prevent respiratory diseases and cleanse the lungs. Sea air is useful for bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Metal salts enter the lungs, settle and prevent mucus from accumulating, improving expectoration.

For angina and sinusitis

Ozone disinfects respiratory organs and destroys pathogenic bacteria, so sea air helps with sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and sinusitis.

It is impossible to completely get rid of chronic diseases with the help of one course, but with regular visits to the sea coast or when living near the sea, periods of exacerbation occur less frequently and with less severity.

With low hemoglobin

Moderate concentrations of ozone improve blood circulation, increase hemoglobin formation, remove excess carbon dioxide and help easy is better absorb oxygen. Thanks to ozone and its action, the effect is noticeable sea ​​air on heart and blood. When more oxygen enters the body, hemoglobin is reproduced more intensively, and the heart works more powerfully and more rhythmically.

With iodine deficiency

The air near the sea coasts is saturated with iodine, which enters the body when breathing through the lungs, so sea air is useful for thyroid diseases. Iodine has a positive effect on the skin: rejuvenates and eliminates dryness.

For the nervous system

Those who have visited the sea for a reason return from the resort to good mood: sea air strengthens nervous system. Among all the ionized particles floating in the coastal atmosphere, there are many magnesium ions. Magnesium enhances inhibition, eliminates excitability and relieves nervous tension. The peculiarity of the mineral is that during stress, worries and anxiety, magnesium is excreted from the body, so it is important to regularly replenish supplies.

Sea air damage

Even the most useful gifts of nature can be spoiled by man. A team from the University of Lund in Sweden conducted a study of the composition of sea air and found that it contains toxins. Blame was sea ​​transport, which releases decay products of elements, hazardous particles and spent fuel into the water. The more developed shipping is at sea, the more harmful the sea air is near.


With all the merit marine environment, there are categories of people who are better off staying away from the sea.

Breathing sea air is dangerous when:

  • endocrine diseases associated with excess iodine;
  • acute forms of cancer;
  • dermatoses;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • heart problems because minerals in conjunction with high temperatures and UV radiation can provoke stroke, heart attack and arrhythmia.

Sea air for children

Every responsible parent should be aware of the benefits of sea air for children. Rest on the sea coast will strengthen the child's immunity, help him resist viral diseases during the autumn-winter period.

The iodine contained in the sea atmosphere stimulates the thyroid gland and improves mental capacity child, normalize carbohydrate metabolism. Sea air contains rare elements that are difficult to obtain from food and in urban environments: selenium, silicon, bromine and inert gases. Substances are equally important for child's body than calcium, sodium, potassium and iodine.

To receive from the sea health effect, the child should spend 3-4 weeks near the coast. The first 1-2 weeks will be spent on acclimatization and getting used to, and after that recovery will begin. For a short rest sea ​​coast- up to 10 days, the child will not have time to benefit from the sea air and breathe in useful substances.

Sea air during pregnancy

It is useful for women in position to relax on the sea coast and breathe in the air. The exception is pregnant women with a period of up to 12 weeks and after 36 weeks, if a woman suffers from severe toxicosis, with placenta previa and the threat of miscarriage. The rest of the pregnant women can safely go to the resort.

Ionized particles contained in the marine atmosphere will benefit both mother and fetus. Magnesium ions will remove increased tone uterus and strengthen the nervous system. Ozone will increase the production of hemoglobin, and iodine will improve the functioning of the thyroid gland. Sun exposure will also help: the body, under the influence of UV rays, will produce vitamin D, which is useful for musculoskeletal system fetus.

Which resort to choose

The sea and its air can be beneficial and harmful to the body. To eliminate the negative impact of sea air, you need to choose the right resort.

The Dead Sea

The cleanest and unique mineral composition of the air on the coast of the Dead Sea. The uniqueness of the Dead Sea is that 21 minerals are dissolved in it, 12 of which cannot be found in other seas. A big plus of the Dead Sea is the absence of industrial enterprises on the coast, so there are few elements harmful to humans in the sea.



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