How to get rid of blackheads, the best proven remedies. Facial blackhead remedy

To get rid of acne, blackheads and acne, which bring us tremendous discomfort, you need to choose the right care product. It must meet the needs of the skin and eliminate a specific problem. However, there are no universal remedies for acne, everyone must find their own remedy - it can be ointments, creams, gels and masks. Let's consider the best.

Skin rashes - pimples, blackheads, acne, ulcers

The main causes of acne

In order for the treatment of acne to bring the maximum result, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that provokes their formation. Lead to skin rashes:

  • emotional upheavals, stress, nervous strain, experiences;
  • frequent contact with hands or a phone, on the surface of which there are germs;
  • hormonal imbalance, thyroid disease;
  • heredity;
  • the use of corticosteroids, birth control pills;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the intestines;
  • malnutrition - the content in the diet of fast food, fatty and fried foods, as well as sweet and bakery products;
  • allergic reaction;
  • bad habits - nicotine and alcohol provoke metabolic disorders;
  • wrong choice of cosmetics, the use of too greasy cosmetics.

The doctor will help to establish the true cause of the rash. To do this, you can contact a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist, dermatologist, hematologist. A nutritionist and a beautician will also help. By determining the cause of the appearance of rashes and eliminating it, you can count on the fact that acne remedies will be effective.

Popular Acne Remedies

The composition of acne cosmetics contains anti-inflammatory, antibacterial components that help get rid of acne. Our review will help you choose the right skin care cosmetics for your face and body.


1. Zinerit, 2. Salicylic ointment, 3. Levomikol, 4. Erythromycin ointment, 5. Sulfur ointment, 6. Ichthyol ointment, 7. Synthomycin ointment

  1. "Zinerit" - an ointment containing the antibiotic erythromycin, which destroys propionibacteria and streptococcus, as well as zinc, which dries the skin and reduces the intensity of secretion of the sebaceous glands. The product cleanses the surface of the skin, eliminates white pimples, black spots, even if the area of ​​​​rashes is very large. Use this ointment carefully for people with dry as well as sensitive skin. The course of treatment is 10-12 weeks.
    → Reviews about the cream "Zinerit",
  2. Salicylic ointment is a drug containing salicylic acid. Its concentration can reach 2%, 5%, or 10% and 60%. It has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Means for cleansing from purulent acne. It also helps to brighten the skin after acne. The maximum duration of continuous use is up to 3 weeks.
    → Reviews Salicylic ointment
  3. "Levomikol" - a medicine intended for the treatment of abscesses, rashes, promotes rapid healing of the skin. Suitable for teenagers who often develop painful pimples on their forehead and other areas of the face. The active components of the ointment are methyluracil and chloramphenicol. They have powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. You need to use the product for 2-4 weeks.
  4. Erythromycin ointment - used in combination with other therapeutic agents. The active ingredient ED erythromycin effectively fights purulent acne. The ointment should be applied continuously for a maximum of a month.
  5. Sulfur ointment - contains precipitated sulfur, which has a drying and antimicrobial effect. As a result of its use, it is possible to quickly get rid of acne and rashes, since the product reduces the intensity of subcutaneous fat production. The remedy is effective for subcutaneous acne. Sulfides, which are part of the ointment, promote wound healing, which helps to even out the skin. You need to apply the product for 2-3 weeks.
  6. Ichthyol ointment is a strong acne remedy containing ichthyol. Its use provides a comprehensive treatment, since the ointment quickly relieves inflammation, minimizes the pain that occurs when internal acne appears. This is a spot treatment that is gently applied to the surface of a pimple to speed up its maturation. Used once a day until the problem is solved.
  7. Synthomycin ointment is a cleanser that quickly relieves inflammation. Effective against ulcers, acne, rashes, small spots. Contains an antibiotic that destroys the microbes that cause acne. The duration of treatment with this ointment is a maximum of 5 days. This is an inexpensive tool.

All acne ointments are applied 1-2 times a day to cleansed skin. More often they should not be used, because the composition of pharmaceutical products contains active ingredients. When using them, side effects such as an allergic reaction, redness, swelling are possible, but they rarely occur. Ointments for acne belong to the category of inexpensive remedies.


Acne gels have a light texture and are quickly absorbed. There are cosmetics and drugs sold in pharmacies. Consider the most effective acne gels:

1. "Effezel", 2. "Dalacin", 3. "Metrogil", 4. "Oxygel", 5. "Skinoren Gel"

  1. Effezel is an effective gel that helps cure acne and pimples even at the most advanced stage. Contains baziron and differin, which quickly remove rashes, acne, promote healing and smoothing of the skin. It has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, cleanses the surface of the skin well.
  2. "Dalacin" is a pharmaceutical gel against acne, which contains a strong antibiotic clindamycin. This is a universal drug that copes with acne, pimples, blackheads, redness and other aesthetic defects. The effect of the application appears after 2-4 weeks. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, but it should not exceed 5 weeks, as the body gets used to the action of this drug.
  3. "Metrogil" - a gel for red acne, rashes, which has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The active ingredient is metronidazole. This gel in combination with other drugs can be used to treat skin defects, as well as to prevent their occurrence. The product is used for 3-6 weeks.
    → Reviews about "Metrogil"
  4. "Oxygel" is a gel that is suitable for the treatment of acne and acne of mild or moderate severity. The active ingredient in this drug is benzoyl peroxide. The tool must be carefully used by owners of sensitive skin, because, getting on its surface, the gel can cause burning and irritation. The duration of the course of use is a maximum of 2 weeks.
  5. "Skinoren Gel" - its active ingredient azelaic acid provides a bactericidal and drying effect. This tool normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helps to get rid of acne, pimples, blackheads. The gel effectively copes with even the most advanced stage of rashes, but you can use it for a maximum of 14 days, because it dries the skin too much.
    → Reviews about "Skinoren Gel",

The gel is applied to cleansed skin several times a day.


Creams are very popular in the fight against acne. Consider a list of the most effective:

1. "Differin", 2. "Baziron", 3. "Clean Skin", 4. "Boro Plus"

  1. Differin is a good face and body cream containing adapalene, which fights acne and comedones. It is used for the treatment, as well as the prevention of acne, pore pollution.
  2. Baziron is the best acne remedy for dry skin. It provides not only an antibacterial effect, but also regulates the process of sebum secretion, moisturizes the epidermis well. The cream is more effective against acne, rashes. The term of use is 3-3.5 months.
    → Reviews about "Baziron",
  3. Clean Skin by Garnier is a daily cosmetic product that fights blackheads, red spots. Suitable for those with oily skin as it dries it out a lot. Dry skin after a few days of using this product may begin to peel off.
    → Reviews "Clear Skin" by Garnier
  4. "Boro Plus" - consists of herbal ingredients: sandalwood, turmeric, aloe and other ingredients. It has a good antibacterial and antiseptic effect. It is used when abscesses, rashes appear, suitable for adolescents and adults. The cream must be applied three times a day until the aesthetic defect disappears.

There are many acne creams on the market designed for daily skin care. They can be applied continuously for 1.5-2 months, after which it is worth taking a break, starting to use another cosmetic product. This will help avoid addiction. That is why it is advisable to look after yourself several options at once so that you can alternate them - an overview of acne creams for different skin types can be found here.

Other acne remedies

1. Mask "Keraknil" Ducray, 2. Cleansing paste Payot, 3. Therapeutic masking corrector StopProblem

  1. Mask "Keraknil" Ducray - has a triple effect: it absorbs excess sebum, cleanses the pores and prevents their pollution. Consists of clay, polyhydroacid, wax microparticles. The mask is applied twice a week for 5 minutes. Its regular use relieves acne, ulcers.
  2. Payot Cleansing Paste - designed to treat subcutaneous acne. Contains lanolin. The product is applied to cleansed skin before going to bed. From above it is necessary to attach a patch, and in the morning remove it and wash. 3-5 applications are enough for the subcutaneous pimple to disappear. The product may cause peeling of the skin.
    → Reviews about Payot Cleansing Paste
  3. StopProblem Therapeutic Masking Concealer is an antibacterial agent containing salicylic acid, which dries out a pimple. A flesh-colored corrector is applied over the pimple to mask the breakouts. At the same time, the active components of the drug contribute to the resorption of the abscess and cleanse the pores. After 2-4 days of regular application, the pimple disappears.

If you make a chin of the most effective acne remedies, Differin, salicylic ointment, Skinoren Gel, Baziron, Keraknil Ducray, Ichthyol ointment, Zenerit, Boro Plus, StopProblem, will definitely fall into the top 10, "Oxygel".

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a good topical skin cleanser. The main ones are:

  1. Why do acne appear. If their formation is provoked by excessive expansion of the pores, funds are needed that narrow them. When the cause is the presence of certain bacteria on the skin, antibacterial creams and ointments will help.
  2. Skin type - it is important that the cosmetic product matches the type of skin. Drying preparations are suitable for oily skin, but for dry ones they will be too aggressive. The use of skin care products that are not suitable for a particular skin type can exacerbate aesthetic problems. Especially carefully you should choose products for sensitive skin. They must certainly have a soft effect.
  3. If you have allergies, it is better to give preference to hypoallergenic products.
  4. Good creams do not contain petroleum products, as well as synthetic additives, artificial flavors. Their presence can additionally irritate the skin, provoking the appearance of new rashes.

It is important to choose the tool that is right for you.

It is very important that acne products do not clog pores, otherwise the skin will receive insufficient oxygen, and this worsens its condition, appearance, and contributes to the spread of rashes.

An effective remedy helps with acne, because it acts in a complex way. It provides good cleansing, relieves inflammation, has an antibacterial and drying effect. Also, drugs reduce the production of sebum, narrow the pores, as a result of which it is possible to remove acne. The skin becomes healthy and well-groomed. The main thing is to choose a product that matches your skin type and switch to a balanced diet.

The use of local remedies for acne provides only 50-60% of the result. Otherwise, the effectiveness of treatment is determined by the state of health and lifestyle.

Black dots (comedones), pimples, papules, blackheads on the face are not only a cosmetic problem, because the cause is often located inside the body. Problematic skin, as an indicator, reflects the state of internal organs, in particular, the gastrointestinal tract and the hepatobiliary system. When choosing a remedy for black dots, it is important to take this into account and eliminate not only the consequences, but also risk factors.

Causes of black dots on the face

The pores on the skin are constantly clogged and even with daily washing, bacteria with sweat accumulate in them. To cleanse the skin qualitatively, you need to use scrubs and special liquids. . But this approach does not always help., then the cause of problem skin must be sought inside the body.

Black dots and acne often appear with increased production of the sebaceous glands. It is in the area of ​​​​blockage with fat that the formation of comedones occurs. But in order to find an effective remedy for black spots on the nose, chin and cheeks, it is important to establish the root cause. In some cases, you will need the help of a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

What leads to the formation of comedones on the face:

Genetic predisposition will also be important, because everyone has individual skin characteristics, laid down by nature. This is aggravated by stress, constant worries, lack of sleep.

How to get rid of dots and comedones

The use of medications and home remedies for blackheads alone will not be enough. This problem needs to be approached comprehensively. Cosmetologists give a number of recommendations that can be followed to get rid of acne, comedones and blackheads as soon as possible.

Rules for maintaining the health of the skin of the face:

Pharmacy medicines for black dots are not the only solution to the problem. There are other good treatments that don't rank as the best, but have their own benefits. Everyone can choose for themselves the best inexpensive, but effective method of treatment, and a cosmetologist can help with this.

From modern cosmetology procedures, vacuum, mechanical and ultrasonic cleaning can be distinguished. Such methods are often resorted to when pharmacy and home remedies are powerless. Which drug or method will help can be determined experimentally, but it is still better to consult a specialist.

Good pharmacy medicines

Among the effective remedies for comedones on the face that precede the appearance of acne, retinoic, ichthyol, zinc ointments and Differin can be distinguished. Each of them has contraindications and rules for use.

Facial tablets

Of the drugs for oral administration, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. Such treatment is indicated only in severe disorders, when there are multiple acne. Antibacterial agents are prescribed only by a doctor who controls the therapy process. Without a prescription, you can buy vitamin complexes and tablets to cleanse the body, which will help remove the problem from the inside.

Medications to speed up the elimination of toxins from the body:

  • Laktofiltrum - allowed from the age of 12, the average course of treatment is 2 weeks, there is a possibility of such adverse reactions as diarrhea, flatulence, allergies;
  • Polypefan - a herbal preparation, taken for a week, is contraindicated in stomach ulcers and antacid gastritis;
  • Activated charcoal - taken in the morning on an empty stomach at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight, analogues of the drug will be Sorbeks and Karbopekt;
  • Filtrum-STI - taken before meals 2-4 times a day for a week, adverse reactions may be allergies and constipation.

Of the antibacterial drugs, the doctor may prescribe Metronidazole, Levomycetin, Erythromycin, Dixycycline, Tetracycline. When taking antibiotics, you should be prepared for their adverse reactions. This is dyspepsia, bloating, diarrhea. Antibacterial agents violate the microflora and reduce the medicinal effect of drugs, therefore they are taken together with immunomodulators.

Cosmetic preparations

Popular professional remedies for comedones are Baziron, Propeller and Klenzit cream. They can be purchased at cosmetology clinics and ordered on the Internet on trusted sites, since they may not be available in a pharmacy.

Cream Baziron is produced by a French company and is considered an effective tool for removing sebaceous plugs and cleansing pores. The drug has an antibacterial effect, normalizes the work of the subcutaneous glands. After completing the entire course of treatment, the skin becomes smooth, pleasant to the touch, acquires a healthy shade and begins to breathe freely.

Propeller is a Russian-made cream, which contains plant extracts and essential oils. It is applied to the skin before washing, easily rubbed with massage movements, then washed off with warm water. You need to apply it in the morning and evening.

Klenzit is an Indian cream based on retinoids. It is used for comedones to cleanse the skin, also helps to remove blackheads. It is indicated for 3 months and if the course is interrupted, the effect may not occur. The cream is applied to the cleansed and dried face with massage movements.

Ointments based on retinol (vitamin A) will be popular for comedones, but they are not recommended for use in hot weather. Under the influence of sunlight, the ointment increases the sensitivity of the skin, which causes pigment spots on the face.

Homemade Facial Cleansers

Of folk remedies, clay is the most popular. It can be purchased at the pharmacy in its pure form or as part of cosmetic preparations. The clay mask softens the skin and the contents of the pores, provoking the release of their contents.

You can make the following face masks at home:

You can prepare cleansers at home. For this, decoctions of sage, calendula, nettle are used. The easiest to prepare will be aloe vera lotion. You need to grind the leaves, pour them with water and insist for half an hour. Then the product is brought to a boil. Ready lotion is used to wipe the face in the morning and evening.

When using folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations, it should be remembered that there are different types of skin for which completely different medicines are suitable. Before the treatment of comedones, it is recommended to visit a beautician and get recommendations about facial cleansing.

Black dots on the face are formed when the sebaceous glands work hard. Sebum does not have time to get out through the pores, clogs the ducts, mixes with dust. The result is ugly protruding black dots. Sometimes they are called blackheads, but their correct medical name is "open comedones" or "open blackheads". These are not acne, they do not inflame, but aesthetically they look ugly.

What are the ointments from black dots

The insidiousness of black dots is that they cannot be masked with tonal means. Therefore, women are constantly in search of an effective remedy against them, which will relieve this scourge not just once, but for a long time. Scrubs and masks remove points for a short time, they soon reappear. Here we need effective medications that will fight the cause.


Reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, works as an anti-inflammatory agent. Retinoic ointment is good for fighting black dots on the nose, acne, inflammation, and subcutaneous tissue. Retinoids in its composition are responsible for skin regeneration. Apply a thin layer to problem areas. For the first few days, once a day is enough (the skin should get used to it), then twice a day. The course of treatment is designed for 2-3 weeks.

The price is about 300 r per tube, it is available in dosages of 0.1% and 0.05%.


Retinoic ointment is not suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

  • You can not go out into the open sun after the ointment, even in winter, this is fraught with age spots.
  • Sensitive skin may react with swelling, redness and peeling to too frequent use of the ointment.
  • It is impossible to take vitamin A and antibiotics based on tetracycline simultaneously with the ointment.


Differin is sometimes recommended to get rid of blackheads, it is similar to retinoic ointment in action, but more aggressive. More suitable for oily and thick skin, and to combat a complex of problems: acne, subcutaneous comedones, and other inflammations. And getting rid of black dots is a bonus. Differin should be applied once a day. It is contraindicated for people with thin skin.

Price around ~600 r.


A well-known and cheap drug that gives a quick effect against blackheads. Ichthyol ointment pulls out the entire core of fat and dirt from the pores. Ichthyol is applied pointwise (unlike retinoic) once a day for 30-40 minutes. Due to the strong unpleasant odor, it is better to do this in the evening. A few days are enough to get rid of the hated black dots on the nose. For the treatment of acne, ichthyol ointment is diluted with glycerin, the solution is applied overnight.

The price of a tube is about 100 rubles.

Who ichthyol ointment is not suitable for:

  • Women during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Children up to 12 years old.
  • People predisposed to cancer.


Decades of proven tool. Vishnevsky's ointment, like ichthyol ointment, also pulls out dirt, pus, and sebum. To combat blackheads on the nose, apply liniment to each problem area on the face. If there are a lot of points, then just anoint the problem area, and wash it off after an hour.

The price is about 60 rubles.

Ointment Vishnevsky well helps against acne. Inflammation should be thickly smeared, apply a compress of bandage and cotton wool, leave overnight.

Vishnevsky's balsamic liniment helps to get rid of both points and acne in 2-3 procedures.


Universal zinc ointment has no contraindications, suitable even for sensitive skin. Zinc in its composition dries, and petroleum jelly immediately acts as a means for regeneration. Zinc ointment removes inflammation, tightens pores, works as an antiseptic.

The product should be applied thickly to problem points. And for the prevention of acne, zinc ointment is applied to the entire face with a thin layer.

Zinc ointment costs about 50 r.


Cheap and effective salicylic ointment is good for many skin problems. Mistakenly salicylic and zinc ointments are often mistaken for analogues. This is not so, salicylic is a strong concentrate, and it does not fit in the pure form of the skin of the face. Salicylic ointment is mixed with face cream. So you will reduce the concentration of the active substance and provide a soothing effect on the skin. Salicylic ointment mixed with cream can be used on areas on the face.

In pharmacies there are many other, more suitable and gentle, but no less effective and cheap means. Salicylic ointment for acne and blackheads is not the best option.


Sulfur ointment is the cheapest remedy (price is about 30 rubles), which gives an anti-inflammatory effect and acts as an antiseptic. For the treatment of acne and blackheads, sulfuric ointment is needed at a concentration of 33.3%. It is applied to the skin and left for 3 hours. The course of treatment can take up to two weeks. Can be used against multiple facial skin problems. Sulfur ointment is absolutely harmless. Among all pharmacy products, sulfuric is the only one that is completely natural.


  • sulfuric is the fattest of all ointments, during treatment it is better to use clothes and bed linen that you don’t mind getting dirty;
  • strong unpleasant odor.

Sulfur ointment is not used for pregnant, lactating, young children.

Summing up, we can say that for getting rid of black dots on the nose, on the forehead, on the chin, the following are best suited: Vishnevsky, ichthyol, retinoic. With complex problems of facial skin, everyone is good: zinc dries acne on oily skin and narrows pores, sulfuric acts as a natural remedy for many rashes, Vishnevsky, ichthyol and retinoic relieve inflamed acne, abscesses, subcutaneous. Salicylic ointment for the face is not recommended.

Pharmacy ointments are medicines and when using them, you must follow the rules:

  1. Apply only to those areas of the skin where there are a lot of black dots. Usually they are collected on the nose, on the forehead and chin, that is, in the T-zone. If there are also dots on the cheeks, but smaller ones, you can smear them every other time. For example, the ointment is applied once a day to the T-zone, and lubricate the points on the cheeks every other day.
  2. Any drug penetrates the skin and acts from the inside, so at first it is better to buy an ointment with the smallest dosage of the active substance. Most likely this is enough to deal with black dots.
  3. In addition to pharmaceutical preparations, you need to organize competent facial care. Most often, black dots are the scourge of oily skin. The mistake many girls make is that they use alcohol facial tonics to dry their skin. Such funds give an instant effect, but after them the sebaceous glands work with a vengeance and black dots appear again and again. It is better to use gels or foams for washing without alcohol.
  4. Review your diet. You don't have to switch to oatmeal with broccoli alone, just skip snacking on hot dogs, soda, fatty fried foods, and smoked meats. This will have a positive effect on the skin.

Pharmaceutical preparations help well with black spots and acne, they give a visible and lasting effect, but they cannot be abused, this is heavy artillery. Ointments will help get rid of the problem, and in the future, constant prevention is needed.

Black dots, or comedones, are a skin problem that many people face. This disadvantage is clogged, clogged with dirt, lard and skin particles pores. Most often, comedones appear on the face: on the nose, cheeks, chin; sometimes - in the ear, along the contour of the lips. In general, these are harmless, but very ugly skin defects. Therefore, any of their owners is trying to find an effective remedy for clogged pores.

Treatment can be carried out both independently, using folk methods, and with a cosmetologist. The second option is considered safer, because the specialist has not only the necessary skills, but also a well-equipped office. However, if you follow all the practical recommendations and rules of hygiene, then skin cleansing procedures can be carried out at home.

Remedies for comedones and acne on the nose and other parts of the face are quite diverse in terms of method of application, degree of effectiveness and cost. It can be both pharmaceutical products and folk remedies, the components of which can be found in any refrigerator.

Pharmacy funds

Many people do not have the time or inclination to do home remedies with traditional methods. If there are, forehead, chest, etc., then it's easier to go to the pharmacy and choose one of the presented ointments there.

An important substance of this ointment is isotretinoin. In general, retinoic acid is a form of vitamin A that has a very active effect on work, namely, it reduces the level of sebum production, tightens pores and reduces inflammation.

Among the indications for use, the instructions list various skin problems. However, the ointment we are interested in is a remedy for getting rid of clogged pores (on the nose, cheeks, chin, etc.). With regard to this problem, this remedy is very effective. The price also speaks in its favor. A tube of ointment can be bought at a pharmacy for 200-250 rubles. Not the cheapest tool, but based on the effectiveness, the price is more than acceptable.

The dosage of the ointment is different: either 0.1% (can be used for oily facial skin), or 0.05% (for dry and sensitive skin).

For the treatment of comedones on the nose, cheeks, in the ear and on the chin, you need to apply it in the morning and in the evening. The duration of the course is about three months. Judging by the reviews, the ointment practically does not give side effects, with the exception of individual intolerance.

The only limiting point is that the ointment can cause vitamin A hypervitaminosis. Therefore, it is very important to adhere to the recommendations indicated in the instructions, as well as to exclude the intake of other forms of vitamin A.

Differin is perhaps the best medicine for comedones on the face, which is sold in pharmacies.

The active substance here is a synthetic analogue of the above-described retinoic acid. Differin reduces the amount of fat produced by the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and helps it recover. This ointment softens the contents of comedones on the nose (and other problem areas) and helps oil and dirt to come out.

The application is very simple: once a day, the ointment is applied to the area covered with black dots (on the nose, cheeks, chin, ears). By studying patient reviews, we can conclude that Differin is more suitable for oily skin. Sensitive and very delicate skin can react to it with peeling, dryness, irritation and inflammation of existing acne.

The last moment, however, can be provoked by the fact that the ointment draws out toxins, which is why new pimples appear on the nose for a while, existing processes are exacerbated. However, with a normal course, these side effects will soon disappear. As for sensitive skin, it is better to opt for more gentle preparations.

If we talk about the price, then it cannot be called symbolic (about 600–700 rubles per tube). However, the issue of money and health is very individual.

Summary: for this drug, perhaps too "strong" and more suitable for the treatment of acne. However, if the comedones are tortured, they can be used as heavy artillery.

This is the most budget remedy against comedones on the nose and other parts of the face. In pharmacies, it costs about 30-50 rubles per pack. The spectrum of action of this drug is very wide (starting from dermatitis, ending with sunburn), however, it is perfect for dealing with black spots on the face.

Immediately in favor of this ointment is the fact that it has practically no contraindications (except for individual intolerance). Even on very sensitive skin, it does not have an irritating effect. The mere fact that it is allowed to be used on the skin of babies speaks of its safety.

Characterized by the following action. Zinc dries the skin, but Vaseline, which is part of it, does not dry it out. Vaseline also promotes regeneration. The ointment is an antiseptic, stops the activity of bacteria. In addition, it softens the contents of the pores and narrows them. This is the main mechanism for combating comedones. Suitable as a prophylactic against acne, blackheads and other skin defects.

It is used to treat many inflammatory skin diseases. It has a very good effect on the general condition of the epidermis, improves blood flow. Ichthyol ointment is sold in any pharmacy and is quite inexpensive (80–120 rubles).

Apply it twice a day - morning and evening. Suitable for all skin types (except very sensitive). You can apply the ointment at night by mixing it with glycerin in a ratio of 1 to 4. This method helps in 1-2 procedures.

Patient reviews speak of the high effectiveness of ichthyol ointment in the treatment of comedones (open and closed), acne, acne, and even boils. However, unlike zinc, ichthyol ointment has a number of contraindications:

  • It is applied from 12 years;
  • Cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation;
  • If there were cases of oncology in the family;
  • When there is an allergy to components.


Today, in almost every pharmacy you can buy not only drugs, but also cosmetics. Clay (especially white and black) has proven itself as a very effective remedy against comedones. Such masks are able to soften the contents of the pores and remove dirt from them. also has anti-inflammatory and porosuzhivayuschey effect. In addition, it improves complexion, nourishes the skin with its mineral composition.

I must say that as a medicine, clay is effective for not very clogged pores. However, this is an excellent means of prevention and skin care.

Means for cooking at home

There are a huge number of methods by which women and men fight comedones at home. The best way to get rid of comedones and acne can be chosen through trial and error, taking into account the characteristics of your skin and previous experience. We list the most well-known and proven methods.


There are many recipes for masks that you can make yourself. It is better to vary the combinations of components, watching how the skin reacts:

  • Sugar is also considered very effective. Applying it is very simple. Apply the mask all over the face or, if the skin is dry, only on problem areas. Let's dry a little. Then we begin to gently tap our fingers on the face. The mask begins to stick to the fingers, due to which dirt is pulled out of the pores. When the fingers stop sticking, the mask should be washed off with warm water, the face should be lubricated with a moisturizer.
  • It has the same effect. Plus, honey has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is necessary to add kefir or sour cream to honey (for dry skin) or lemon juice (for oily skin). Citric and lactic acids dissolve fat well, which accumulates in the pores.
  • A good scrub mask for all skin types can be made at home from oatmeal, mixed with water, a pinch of salt and a couple of drops of boric acid. If the skin is dry, it is better to add kefir. We are waiting for some time for the flakes to swell. Then apply on the face. After 10 minutes, roll up the mask with your fingers, wash with warm water.


At home, you can also prepare lotions and cleansers:

  • Mix a spoonful of calendula flowers with the same amount of sage and pour boiling water (1 cup). Cool down. This anti-inflammatory lotion is recommended to wipe the face at least twice a day.
  • A wonderful lotion is obtained from aloe. The leaves need to be crushed, pour a glass of water and let it brew for about an hour. Then boil. Wipe the face with a chilled decoction in the morning and evening.

mechanical cleaning

Judging by the reviews, many people who are trying to deal with black dots consider mechanical cleaning, or in a simple way, squeezing, to be the most effective method. Of course, all cosmetologists recommend carrying out this procedure in a cosmetology room. And they are mostly right. At home, there is a much higher chance of infection during the procedure. However, if for some reason you do not want to go to a beautician, then there are a number of mandatory rules, following which you can try to do the cleaning yourself:

  1. So, firstly, before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to disinfect the hands and skin of the face (nose, forehead, chin, cheeks). For these purposes, alcohol must be used.
  2. Step number two - steaming the skin of the face. To do this, boil water or prepare a decoction of chamomile or calendula. Pour the liquid into a bowl and bend over it, covering yourself with a large towel over your head. Steam should reach all areas of the skin where there are problems. Duration - 10 minutes.
  3. After the pores open under the influence of steam, you need to proceed with the actual cleaning. To remove blackheads from the nose and other areas of the face, it is better to use a special cosmetic device - an Uno spoon (a metal stick with an eye at the end). It does not leave marks on the skin, as nails do.
  4. After that, be sure to wipe the places where the “operation” was carried out with an antiseptic and treat with a means to narrow the pores. It can be specialized cosmetics or freshly squeezed lemon juice.

As you can see, the range of funds offered is quite wide. The choice is yours!

Cream from black dots is a remedy that is necessary not only for owners of oily and problem skin, but also for people with a dry and sensitive type of epidermis. Black dots (comedones) found on the face quite often.

Which anti-comedone cream is effective and most effective - we will tell in this article. In addition, you can find out the most useful composition of the tool that allows you to deal with problems, and.

What are black dots?

On our face there are many cells and pores that "breathe" and connect the surface of the skin with the internal glands. The ducts of the sebaceous glands are the names of these dots that can be seen if you come close to the mirror. Through these "tubules" the sebaceous glands supply sebum to the surface, forming a layer of lipids necessary to protect and nourish the skin.

Girls with oily skin types are most prone to this problem, due to the fact that the sebaceous glands work in an enhanced mode, and the pores are too enlarged (we recommend reading about). But even if you have dry skin, this does not mean that you cannot develop blackheads.

The appearance of these points is the result of clogging of pores with dirt, dust, and cosmetics. Therefore, this condition is in most cases the result of insufficient cleaning of the skin, or improper care of it. Outwardly, comedones are easily masked with tonal means, but inside the clogged duct of the sebaceous gland, white nodules form - inflammation.

To eliminate this deficiency and give the skin of the face a beautiful and flawless look, it is necessary to apply the right cream from black dots for the face.

Choose an anti-comedone product that contains the active ingredients listed below. They will help not only open and reduce pores, but also cleanse the entire face of various kinds of pollution.

What is the secret of the composition?

The effectiveness of the cream against black spots on the nose and face is ensured using the following components:

  • Zinc- helps to exfoliate the skin on the face, softens and eliminates keratinized epithelium;
  • Salicylic acid is one of the beta-hydroxy acids, which not only cleanse the skin and pores on the face, but also contribute to the disinfection and restoration of the skin;
  • fruit acids- soften the skin and promote its exfoliation;
  • Lactic acid cleanses and brightens;
  • Benzoyl peroxide - effectiveness depends on its concentration in the agent. Benzoyl cleanses the surface of the skin, removes blackheads and cleanses the ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • Yeast complexes are also very effective in combating clogged pores.

In addition, natural plant extracts and oils, as well as essential oils, which cleanse the skin, nourish and moisturize it, are very useful in the composition of the comedone cream.

Can be used:

  • tea tree extracts;
  • Essential oil of lavender;
  • Green tea extract;
  • Olive or citrus oils;
  • Thermal or mineral water.

These components effectively act both to cleanse the layer of dead cells, and as a gentle facial skin care.

In order to solve the problem and prevent the occurrence of new comedones, it is necessary not only to choose a cream against blackheads, but also to provide the necessary care for your skin type. This will allow her to improve her condition and avoid many problems that arise due to improper care.

Choosing a remedy for a teenager

Very often, the problem of clogged and polluted pores occurs in adolescents. There are several reasons why boys and girls have black dots on their faces.

Teenagers are at the stage when their body rebuilds absolutely all of its functions, including the hormonal background. The sebaceous glands work in an enhanced mode, because of this, the skin of the face becomes oily, and the pores expand. Enlarged pores are the most exposed to pollution and clogging, and oily sheen on the skin "attracts" dust and dirt in the air.

Another reason is inadequate skin care. Teenagers do not always choose the right cosmetics for themselves - very often care is aimed only at masking flaws, and not at treating the problem (more on that). The use of inappropriate drugs will only aggravate the condition of the skin and cause irritation and inflammation.

A cream for removing black spots on the face of adolescents should have not only an effective, but also a safe effect. On young skin with problems of clogged ducts of the sebaceous glands, they are most effective.

Every teenager should at least once visit a beautician who will determine the type of skin and tell you how to properly care for it in order to avoid the appearance of comedones, blackheads and acne.

Effective creams

Cream Differin from black dots

At the heart of this remedy is the retinoid adapalene, which has an excellent sebostatic effect. The main property of adapalene is keratinization, due to which comedones are removed and the ducts of the sebaceous glands are cleaned.

Approximate price: 600 rubles.

Cream "Propeller" from black dots

This cream-foam allows you to gently and gently cleanse the skin of any type of face, even sensitive. The vacuum effect cleans the pores and eliminates the accumulation of sebum on the surface. Ingredients in the form of plant extracts and essential oils help to eliminate even the deepest impurities in the pores.

The tool does not cause irritation and redness, acts gently and effectively. Suitable for washing in the morning and evening for all skin types.

Judging by the numerous reviews, after using the cream, the skin of the face becomes fresher, and its color is more natural. Use the foam cleanser daily and your face will look more beautiful and healthy.

Approximate price: 100 rubles.

Baziron - cream gel from black dots

The main asset of this product is benzoyl peroxide which acts as a purifier. There are several variants of this remedy, differing only in the concentration of the active substance. A cream with a higher concentration contains a larger amount of the active ingredient. Baziron not only eliminates comedones, but also solves many other problems - it regulates the production of sebum, provides skin "breathing" and eliminates accumulations of bacteria.

Approximate price: 700 rubles.



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