The cat has constipation and a cold body. Constipation in a cat or a cat: what to do? Treatment of constipation in a cat with vaseline oil

Constipation in cats is a fairly common occurrence, which, in turn, has nothing to do with the age of the animal. This is usually caused by ingestion of wool during daily "licking" or improper nutrition.

Constipation is difficult, rare or completely absent defecation, during which stagnation of solid stool occurs in the large intestine. This phenomenon brings numerous suffering to the animal, and the longer this continues, the greater the danger to the health of the pet. A healthy cat goes to the toilet once a day, in case of violation of this regimen, special attention should be paid to the pet.

How does a cat behave during constipation?

In the case of a violation of the intestines, the cat becomes more lethargic, begins to eat less or does not touch the food bowl at all. In addition, vomiting, nausea, or a constant urge to burp are observed. Going at this moment "by and large" for the animal becomes a real problem, most often impossible. Constipation in cats is much more dangerous than similar problems in humans.

effects of constipation in cats

During the process that occurs in the intestines, harmful toxic substances are formed, which must be eliminated from the body before they begin to affect the organs of the animal. A frequent consequence of constipation is intoxication with decay products, as a result of which the work of the liver and kidneys is disrupted, which simply cannot cope with such an influx of harmful substances that need to be urgently removed from the body.

This leads to increased stress on the heart and - in quite rare cases - even death. Therefore, treatment of constipation in cats should be carried out immediately, as sometimes urgent surgery may be required.

Constipation: causes

Just like in the human world, constipation in cats is more common in older individuals. This is due to a violation of the process of intestinal contraction - this is how the feces are pushed to the outlet. A similar effect can be observed after sterilization of the animal. During the operation, drugs are used that relax the body and induce narcotic sleep. After such a procedure, cats often experience constipation, as the body is simply not able to quickly return to its usual mode.

This is not the only cause of constipation in cats. Problems can also be caused by violations of the integrity of the abdominal cavity due to the formation of adhesions. By themselves, they will not disappear, so you should seek the help of a specialist, as, most likely, surgery may be needed.

Other reasons

In addition to the main causes of this problem in cats, there are secondary ones:

In the case when a pet suffers from persistent problems with stool, it is worth undergoing a full examination at a veterinary clinic and identifying the causes as quickly as possible. Among other things, tests can show that constipation is a consequence of chronic diseases that need to be urgently treated.

Symptoms of constipation in cats

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the presence of feces while cleaning the tray. If for several days or more you have not found characteristic dark lumps, you should start to closely monitor the cat. Of course, it may turn out that the pet just found a secluded corner for a big need, so you should go around the apartment and look for potential places where the cat could play a dirty trick. Quite often there are situations when the owner of the animal begins to panic and look for information on how to treat constipation in a cat, but after he brings the pet to the veterinary clinic, it turns out that there was nothing like that.

So, if the environment is clean and there is no unpleasant smell, take a closer look at the general condition of the pet. If a cat is in pain when trying to go to the toilet, she will meow plaintively and settle down to the tray for a long time. Sometimes animals do this in a healthy state, so you should pay attention to the following things. So, constipation in a cat - symptoms:

  • The filler remains clean after constant visits by the cat.
  • The belly of the animal swells, becomes hard to the touch, and any touch to it brings pain.
  • The pet stops eating, avoids touching, and hides in dark corners or under the bed.
  • The cat bites the stomach or anus.
  • The pet is constantly sick, and the temperature rises.

How to help a cat during constipation?

Cat constipated: what to do? To provide first aid to an animal, it is important to know why it started constipation. For example, if you saw that a cat swallowed a bone the other day or ate some foreign object, then a laxative is unlikely to help your pet. Under the influence of the drug, stagnant feces are saturated with moisture and soften, but nevertheless they still cannot leave the pet’s body, as a foreign object blocks the path.

As a result, the intestines begin to stretch, and in some cases even tear. Therefore, it is very important to make sure that the cause of such stagnation is not an artificial object in the body of the animal, otherwise you can cause even more harm to the exhausted pet. Laxatives can be used if the cat is unable to go to the toilet after surgery, also after examination by a veterinarian. In addition, do not forget that cats weigh much less, so the dose of laxative should be ten times less than in case of constipation in humans.

Emergency measures at home

A cat has constipation: how to help a poor animal at home? In the first aid kit, you should always keep vaseline oil, which can be bought at any pharmacy. This drug is completely harmless to the body, but softens hardened feces very well. To do this, pour a couple of drops of oil into the cat's mouth. You can use a pipette or a base from a syringe (without a needle). Before you decide what to give your cat for constipation, check for the characteristic symptoms.

Do not confuse vaseline oil with a consonant cream, and also use castor or vegetable oil to treat constipation. It is not safe for the pet's liver.

If none of the remedies help, perhaps the cause of constipation is completely different. It is worth seeking advice from a specialist.

Treatment of constipation in cats

After a general examination by a veterinarian and tests performed, such as x-rays and ultrasound, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate course of treatment. Quite often, a small dose of laxative is prescribed, but in severe cases, urgent surgical intervention is required. If the stool is already too fossilized or a foreign body is traced in the intestine, it will not be possible to avoid surgical intervention. In other cases, the usual enema will help. In no case do not try to perform the procedure yourself at home. Without experience, you can harm your pet quite a lot and cause quite dangerous complications.

How to treat constipation in a cat, the doctor decides based on whether it was caused by a recent spaying operation or other surgical procedure performed on the abdominal cavity. Depending on this, the veterinarian prescribes a course of emollients and recommends a special diet.

What to feed a cat prone to constipation?

Pay attention to the diet should not only after constipation, but also when the cat reaches old age. Food should be at room temperature and fairly liquid so that the animal's body can easily digest it.

When purchasing cat food, recommended for constipation, do not overdo it. Some owners begin to feed their pet daily, which is contraindicated. For comparison, it is worth considering: when you are sick and you are prescribed a course of medication, do you start eating only pills for a long time? In the case of cats, specialized medicated food should only be given as an addition to the main food and not fed for more than a few weeks.

It is advisable to include the following foods in the cat's diet:

  • Cauliflower.
  • Yogurt or kefir.
  • Liver.
  • Fish (but not oily).

Such foods will help digestion and stimulate the intestines to go to the toilet.

It is worth being extremely careful about products that, on the contrary, can “strengthen”, namely:

  • Meat or chicken broth.
  • Stale dairy products.
  • Flour products.
  • Eggs.

In order to prevent constipation in cats and reduce the likelihood of such a problem in a healthy animal, you should follow some rules:

  • Make the right diet and stick to it in the future.
  • Constantly care for the coat and prevent the appearance of tangles.
  • Take your pet to the veterinarian annually.

Prevention of constipation

If a pet is prone to such problems, there is no need to panic and study all the known literature that answers the question: “A cat has constipation, what should I do?” It is enough to think about preventive measures that will help prevent this problem. For example, you can refuse to eat dry food and switch to soft canned food, start feeding your cat natural food. If you are afraid to feed your pet with raw meat, you can pour boiling water over it, so it will scald a little, but at the same time retain its beneficial properties.

In addition, you can organize a drinking fountain for the cat, as animals drink much more water from a specially equipped drinking bowl. Additional fluid in the pet's body will moisturize the feces and facilitate their elimination.

You should not feed a cat from your table - the animal's body is not intended for food saturated with carcinogens and other similar substances. In addition, our food is high in soy, which is very harmful to cats.

To improve bowel function and speed up digestion, you can provoke your pet to move more. It can be outdoor games with the owner or a mechanical mouse that will make the pet quickly move around the apartment.


Cats cannot say what exactly worries or hurts them, and sometimes they themselves treat it negligently, so it is important to notice problems in the pet’s behavior in time. To prevent the occurrence of many diseases, it is important to adhere to a balanced diet, give the cat vitamins, and make sure that she drinks plenty of fluids. An important point is the fur of the animal. Daily directing a marafet, the cat swallows a huge amount of wool, which quite often remains in the body. In order not to puzzle over the question of how to treat constipation in a cat later, comb the animal with a special brush and remove excess hair with wet hands. Do not self-medicate - this can lead to serious consequences. Remember: even though cats have nine lives, their body is much more sensitive than it seems, and any illiterate treatment can harm them.

Constipation- prolonged (more than two days) stool retention or, with daily stools, difficult bowel movements. Constipation in kittens is not common, it is mainly due to malnutrition or insufficient fluid in it. But sometimes constipation can be an indicator of serious illness, especially if accompanied by intense thirst. In cats, on the contrary, constipation is not a rare phenomenon, primarily associated with the ingestion of wool during licking, as well as with malnutrition.

This problem is more common in older cats and is also more common in cats.

Causes of constipation in kittens and cats can vary widely and include bowel disease, rectal disease, orthopedic and neurological problems, as well as prostate disease in cats and liver disease, kidney disease, especially kidney failure.

An animal suffering from constipation is characterized by lethargy, a complete absence or decreased appetite, while the stomach swells, touching it causes pain, attempts to go to the toilet are painful and difficult or not successful at all, in especially advanced cases, a cat or kitten may begin to vomit .

With untimely treatment, the consequences of constipation can turn out to be deplorable, as there is a strong intoxication of the body with the decay products of organic substances, as a result of which the work of all internal organs is disrupted, not to mention the deterioration in the quality of wool or complete baldness.

There are several causes of constipation in kittens and cats:

  1. Trichobezoar - accumulation of hairballs, they often form during the molting period of the animal and make it difficult to defecate. In advanced cases, removing lumps may require surgery. Regular brushing of the cat will help to solve this problem. Also, to get rid of hair in the intestines, you can use special preparations for forcing wool, they are sold in pet stores, this is especially true for Persian cats.
  2. Foreign bodies in the intestines, for example, ingestion of bones and other foreign objects. This problem is solved in the same way as in the previous case - a preparation for forcing wool or cleaning phytomins is used.
  3. Improper nutrition and dysbacteriosis is the most common cause of constipation in cats and kittens. This is due to insufficiently moist feed, systematic overfeeding and the use of poor quality feed.
  4. Worm invasion. If the number of worms in the cat's body is very high, they can close the entire intestine, thereby causing constipation. But you can not give anthelmintic drugs until you eliminate constipation. Worms will die in the intestines and begin to decompose there, this will lead to poisoning of the whole organism.
  5. Constipation can be the result of trauma to the abdominal cavity, hematomas and edema, tumors of the rectum or anus.
  6. Diseases of the paranasal glands.
  7. Constipation occurs in animals in the postoperative period, due to surgical intervention on the gastrointestinal tract or on nearby organs, in such cases, cicatricial narrowing of the anus (stricture) occurs.
  8. Cysts, tumors of the prostate in cats.
  9. Megacolon is one of the most serious diseases in cats and kittens, it is the expansion of the large intestine with loss of motility, and severe constipation occurs. Megacolon can be congenital or result from chronic constipation. It is very important to identify it in time, megacolon is treated only surgically, and constipation is treated therapeutically.
  10. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. In such cases, you need to contact a veterinarian, and not try to cure yourself.
  11. Intussusception - penetration of one part of the intestine into another.
  12. Orthopedic problems associated with the impossibility of taking a posture for bowel movements.
  13. Constipation is common in older cats because with age, intestinal motility weakens, and the movement of feces becomes difficult.
  14. Sedentary lifestyle.

Treatment of constipation in cats and kittens at home.

Usually, agents that soften feces are used to treat constipation, these are drugs based on lactulose (Duphalac, Laktusan, Lizalak, Lactulose Poly, etc.) and vaseline oil.

  1. To get started, try adding some vegetable oil to your food. The food should be watery, contain vegetables and cereals, it is also necessary to temporarily reduce portions and include milk in the diet. Overeating, as well as eating only protein foods, leads to constipation. How to make the right diet for a cat, see the article "Natural food".
  2. Vaseline oil (not to be confused with petroleum jelly) is given orally (in the mouth) at 1.5 ml / kg, 2-3 times a day until the stool normalizes, if necessary, the dose should be increased. Vaseline oil coats the intestinal wall and softens the feces, thereby preventing constipation in cats. It is harmless to the body and is not absorbed into the intestines. The use of common castor oil is not recommended, it leads to pain in cats and kittens, but does not give the desired results. Vaseline oil cannot be replaced with vegetable oil, because. it is actively absorbed in the intestines, an excess of vegetable oil can adversely affect your cat's liver.
  3. Duphalac is given at 0.5 ml / kg of the cat or kitten, 2 times a day. Its action is similar to vaseline oil, so it is not necessary to apply at the same time. Laxatives based on lactulose are the safest for health. Use other laxatives only after consulting a veterinarian.
  4. Preparations normalizing the intestinal microflora should be given in courses. This is especially necessary if the cat or kitten has frequent problems with constipation.
  5. A mixture of condensed milk and raw water is a popular folk remedy for treating constipation in kittens and cats. This method really works, but it is harmful to the liver, it should not be used often, it is better to use vaseline oil.
  6. Cleansing enemas. It is difficult to make a deep cleansing enema, it is better to consult a veterinarian. But microclysters can be done at home, to eliminate constipation, you can add lactusan, duphalac or chamomile decoction. How to do an enema for cats and kittens, see the article "How to treat a kitten".

If home treatment does not help or constipation often recurs, then you need to urgently contact the veterinary clinic.

Late treatment can lead to serious consequences or death of the animal. If necessary, a cat may be given a blood test, x-ray with a contrast agent, or an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. If constipation of a cat or kitten has an acute course, vomiting has begun and a general deterioration in well-being, the doctor will make a deep cleansing enema and prescribe a dropper.

Prevention and prevention of recurrence of constipation.

If your cat or kitten is often constipated, then you need to take the following preventive measures:

  1. Provide your cat with the right diet. To do this, you need to include vegetable fiber in the diet, it can be bran, cereal cereals and vegetables. In some cases, it is possible to introduce milk into the diet, it is also recommended to periodically give liquid paraffin to facilitate bowel movements.
  2. Regular brushing of the cat's coat. For long-haired cats, it is recommended to give preparations for forcing hair for prevention, they can be purchased at any pet store.
  3. It is advisable to give the cat the opportunity to move more, play with it. This has a beneficial effect not only on the work of the intestines, but also on the cat's body as a whole.

Following these simple rules will help your cat stay healthy.

The pet must defecate regularly, otherwise his body will gradually become clogged with toxins. This can lead to serious illness.

If the kitten has constipation, it is necessary to urgently contact a veterinarian who will help to avoid possible problems in the future - disruption of the digestive tract, intoxication of the body, peritonitis.

In order to identify the problem in time, it is necessary to know the frequency of emptying in a cat, in adult animals at least 1 time per day, in babies - several times a day. Symptoms of intestinal disorders in a kitten:

  • screams loudly in pain when sitting in the tray;
  • the stool is quite hard and dry, and in some cases it is covered with blood clots;
  • the animal refuses to eat and loses weight;
  • the pet is lethargic and lethargic;
  • the kitten does not lick itself and vomits.

In young animals, this problem is rare, there are certain factors that lead to constipation:

  • in the diet of the animal there is little protein food;
  • the kitten drinks too little water;
  • hairballs form in the stomach;
  • a cyst appeared in the intestinal tract;
  • foreign objects got into the stomach;
  • a course of antibiotics for the treatment of diseases.

As well as stressful situations, moving, the appearance of other animals in the house, various injuries of the whole organism, infection with worms, diseases of the liver, kidneys, and the musculoskeletal system.

If the problem is mild, it is easy to manage at home with a laxative (prescribed by a veterinarian), special liquid food and massage.


It is important not to take action on your own. Be sure to contact your veterinarian, who will offer one of the options for treating the cat.

You can give the animal special stool softeners or a laxative. The veterinarian often prescribes enemas that he does on his own. There are special drugs that have a positive effect on peristalsis.

An enema allows you to soften the feces and bring them out:

  • prepare a weak decoction of chamomile (a spoonful of raw materials per liter of water);
  • in a warm form, place the liquid in a sterilized pear;
  • to finish the enema, apply a small amount of petroleum jelly or baby cream;
  • pour 200 ml of liquid into the intestine;
  • repeat the procedure until the intestines are completely empty.

A specialist can clean the animal's intestines manually, if the situation is serious, then a surgical operation may be necessary, with which you can get rid of obstructions in the intestines.

The veterinarian often recommends a diet that includes foods high in fiber, fiber should be present in the cat's diet, and the animal should drink as much water as possible. You need to increase the amount of exercise.

You can try folk remedies. For example, give the kitten Vaseline or condensed milk. These products have a laxative effect, so the animal will be able to go to the toilet.

It is useful for kittens to massage the tummy after each meal - light strokes from the center of the abdomen to the perineum, after which it will be easier for the pet to go to the toilet.

As for medicines, experts advise "Duphalac" or "Lactusin", at a dosage of 1 ml per day. The drug is quickly absorbed by the body, in the correct dosage is not able to harm the body.

You can correct the situation with liquid food to stimulate intestinal motility. Veterinarians recommend choosing premium products from reliable manufacturers (Royal Canin preventive food for constipation).


The use of castor or vegetable oil is not recommended, they can cause pain in the kitten's intestines and lead to liver disease.

Don't worry if it's a kitten you just brought into your home. In such a situation, constipation is associated with stress experienced by the baby. In a few days, he will definitely do his business, because he needs to get used to the new environment!

It is important to remember that constipation that lasts more than 7 days can lead to the death of a kitten, and therefore, in the absence of a positive result, three days after the discovery of problems with the stool in the pet, it is urgent to go to the veterinarian.

Take care of your pets and be happy!

Imagine that one day your beloved cat will not be able to go big in the tray. Watching your pet's futile attempts, you will be imbued with a desire to somehow help him in order to reduce his suffering. After all, constipation in a cat is not such a rare phenomenon and it is simply necessary to know what to do in such a situation.

What can cause constipation

In simple terms, constipation is a difficult bowel movement. When a pet rarely goes to the toilet for a long time, this can also contribute to the formation of constipation.

If you have a perfectly healthy cat, then she is unlikely to experience difficulty with bowel movements. In most cases, the reasons why constipation can form are very simple:

  • Improper nutrition
  • Due to swallowed wool (in the process when the cat licks itself, some of the wool enters the intestines)

If constipation occurs in a cat, treatment should be prescribed by a veterinarian in the event that it occurs constantly. Close attention should also be paid to constipation in a kitten, since its regularity can be dangerous for the animal and the help of a doctor will be required.

How often should a cat go to the toilet

It is considered normal if the pet empties the intestines once or twice a day. Although it is impossible to say for sure, since everything is purely individual. For example, an animal that leads a very active mobile life can walk more often than a cat that constantly sleeps and moves little.

And of course it all depends on the frequency of feeding and the type of food.

How to treat constipation in a pet, what to do

If your cat is constipated, what should you do first? First you need to remember when the pet last went to the toilet in a big way. Perhaps even a day has not passed yet, in this case there is no cause for concern.

When constipation occurs in a cat, home treatment can be carried out provided that it is mild. For this, a special diet is suitable. Cat food for constipation should have a high fiber content. You also need to feed your cat food with a high liquid content.

An excellent option would be to feed your pet with raw beef liver. It must be fresh. Special preparations for constipation are best used after consultation with a veterinarian.

If it is not possible to consult a doctor, then paraffin oil can be used for home treatment. The cat should use it, the dosage is 1 tsp. for 4kg. body weight.

In the event that there is no paraffin oil, you can give the cat paraffin oil for constipation. The dosage will be the same.

What to do if the oil does not help with constipation?

With severe constipation, when the cat cannot go to the toilet in any way and none of the above helps, we use special candles. One baby glycerin suppository can make the difference and solve your pet's bowel problem.

Insert the candle carefully into the anus. After you have successfully performed this action, after a while the candle will begin to act. The fact is that with its composition it softens the stagnant feces of the cat, as a result of which it will easily empty itself.

In general, it is enough to apply these funds once a day for a couple of days and the problem with constipation will be eliminated.

Do not abuse paraffin oil

Long-term use of this oil can provoke the development of beriberi in a cat. Therefore, it should not be used frequently. Because it prevents the body from absorbing oil-free vitamins.

When you decide to give oil to your pet, then he should use it with food. Do not use force to feed it to the cat, as if he chokes and inhales it into his lungs, there will be inflammation.

If none of the above helps

This is very dangerous, most likely there was a blockage of the intestines with solid feces and the substances taken with food can only aggravate the situation. Without the intervention of a veterinarian, a fatal outcome is possible.

In a critical situation, when there is no way to call a veterinarian, you can still save a cat's life. Moreover, it is not so difficult. But after that, still find an opportunity to visit a doctor.

What should be done:

  • Take a rubber bulb for an enema
  • Fill with lukewarm water
  • Gently insert into the anus
  • Enter water

By the way, in some cats, constipation may alternate with.

That's actually all the necessary measures to eliminate constipation in cats. Remember these tips, but rather save them, because you never know when you might need them.

Digestion and urination

With prolonged constipation in cats, the normal functioning of the liver and kidneys is disturbed, the load on the heart increases, megacolon develops - an expansion of the colon, in which feces accumulate. Constipation is dangerous because it can cause a serious condition in an animal - intestinal obstruction. To eliminate constipation in a cat at home, safe medicines, homeopathy, herbal infusions and decoctions are used. Proper nutrition is of decisive importance in the normalization of stool in animals.

1 Symptoms

Symptoms of constipation in a cat are:

  • Delayed stool for 2 days or more.
  • Vomit. This symptom is especially alarming, as it may indicate intestinal obstruction. In this case, you need to contact your veterinarian.
  • Bloated belly.
  • Abdominal pain on palpation.
  • Swelling in the anus.
  • Incomplete or painful bowel movements in a cat.
  • Feverish state.
  • Pieces of wool or grass sticking out of the anus.
  • Hard spherical feces.

The behavior of a cat with constipation changes, it becomes lethargic and depressed, or vice versa, it is excited, refuses food, meows plaintively.

What to do if the kitten cannot poop?

2 Causes of constipation

Constipation is not an independent disease, it is a symptom of some pathology or the ingress of a foreign body, wool into the animal's digestive system. Chronic constipation in a cat can be eliminated if the underlying disease is cured or its diet is adjusted.

Factors that predispose to constipation include poor cleanliness of the litter box, hierarchical aggression in a group of multiple animals, and stress.

What to do if the cat often vomits hair?

3 First aid for constipation in a cat

Laxative suppositories and enemas can help most quickly. The same candles are used as for constipation in humans - based on glycerin (Glycelax, Glycerin Candles) or Biseptol. For cats, ¼ one suppository 1-2 times a day is enough. After its installation, the animal can be massaged in the abdomen to improve intestinal motility. If after this an independent chair did not appear, then you need to use a cleansing enema:

  • 1.5-2 hours before the procedure, you need to give the cat 2.5 ml of vaseline oil.
  • As a liquid for an enema, a chilled decoction of chamomile flowers or salted water is used (1 teaspoon diluted in 1 tablespoon of water). Their temperature before the introduction should be 25-30 degrees.
  • Lubricate the tip of the syringe with petroleum jelly, draw the prepared solution into it and slowly, in a circular motion, introduce it into the animal's anus to a depth of no more than 2 cm, squeeze out the liquid. Its volume for an adult cat is 150-300 ml.
  • After removing the syringe from the anus of the cat, it is necessary to press its tail to the anus and hold for 15-20 minutes.

For constipation in kittens, enemas from vaseline oil are used. It is administered from a syringe without a needle in an amount of not more than 5 ml. Instead of oil, you can instill a solution of magnesium sulfate into the mouth with a pipette, 3 drops for every 30 g of the kitten's weight. In newborn kittens, during artificial feeding, the anal area is wiped with a damp swab to stimulate defecation. Under normal conditions, this is done by the mother of the cubs.

The advantage of suppositories and enemas is their rapid effect, the cat's bowel movement occurs a few minutes after their introduction.

Since the enema is a painful procedure, it can not always be used. Contraindications for its implementation in a cat are the following factors:

  • Fissures in the rectum, hemorrhoids.
  • Bleeding from the anus.
  • Heart disease.
  • Helminthiases.
  • Animal pregnancy.

Some veterinarians do not recommend giving enemas to cats, as the liquid absorbed by the large intestine causes severe flatulence and worsens the condition of the animal. A more gentle method of treatment is the use of drugs administered through the mouth.

The cat is sick: does not eat or drink, constant vomiting - possible causes

4 Funds for internal reception

Lactulose, which is an effective and safe treatment for constipation in humans, can also be used in cats. The average dosage of the substance is 0.5 ml / kg, twice a day. This amount is adjusted individually, depending on the consistency of the cat's feces. The chair after application does not appear immediately, but after a few hours. There are several laxatives based on lactulose in pharmacy chains: Duphalac, Portalac, Normaze, Goodluck, Lactulose Poslabin, Romfalac. These drugs are non-toxic and can be used to treat animals for a long time.

Another safe remedy is petroleum jelly. It should be given 3 times a day, 2.5 ml. Oil can be used in the form of microclysters. It softens hard stools and lubricates the intestines from the inside, helping to move the waste products of digestion. Vegetable oil, unlike petroleum jelly, is considered ineffective because it is absorbed. Castor oil has the same effect as vaseline. Emptying occurs after 4-6 hours. The cat defecates several times with semi-formed feces. For adult cats, this oil is given 10-15 ml per day.

Magnesium sulfate has a laxative effect, is used for narrowing of the intestines and spasm of the intestinal sphincters. In the form of a solution in ampoules, it is used for cats in an amount of 3-10 g once a day. Sodium sulfate irritates receptors on the walls of the cat's intestines, increases osmotic pressure and promotes water accumulation. As a result, after 8-14 hours, a laxative effect appears. The powder is used for cats at 1.5-5 g. If this dose is observed, it does not have any side effects.

Ramnil - a drug based on buckthorn bark, is used for cats half a tablet a day. Karlovy Vary artificial salt enhances the work of the digestive organs, including helping to treat constipation. Cats should be given a solution of this powder: 1 tbsp. l. in half a glass of water.

In veterinary practice, Isafenin is used in the treatment of chronic constipation and intestinal atony. When it enters the intestine, it breaks down into dihydroxyphenylisatin, which irritates the receptors and promotes emptying. Available in powder form. Dosage for adult cats - 1-5 mg 1-2 times a day. Since the drug has a small toxic effect, it is better to use safer drugs.

Among the homeopathic preparations for cats, Chelidonium-homaccord and Nux vomica-homaccord are used:


6 Phytotherapy

To eliminate this problem at home, you can use folk remedies: infusions and decoctions of buckthorn, elderberry, medicinal dandelion, three-leaf watch, sandy immortelle, knotweed, elecampane and other plants. Herbal infusions for cats are prepared according to the following scheme:

  • Boil water, 1 tbsp. l. put herbs in a saucepan, pour 0.2 liters of boiling water.
  • Simmer the infusion in a water bath over low heat for 20 minutes.
  • Cool the infusion to room temperature, strain, squeeze the grass.
  • Bring the volume to 200 ml with warm water.

Decoctions are made according to the recipe:

  • Put in a saucepan 2 tbsp. l. herbs, pour boiling water (500 ml).
  • Simmer the broth in a water bath for 25-30 minutes.
  • Cool, strain.

Infusions and decoctions are given to cats 3-4 times a day 15-30 minutes before feeding.

The composition of the herbal collection for infusion Therapeutic dose for an adult cat, ml Prophylactic dose for an adult cat, ml
Nettle grass, peppermint leaves, chamomile flowers, horse sorrel rhizome - 1 part each 14-20 7-10
Centaury grass, wormwood, black elderberry flowers, coriander seed fruits - 1 part each 10-20 5-10
Leaves of wild strawberries, three-leaf watch, wormwood grass, licorice rhizome - 1 part each 20-24 10-12
Sandy immortelle flowers, grass of the mountaineer, common oregano, fruits of laxative joster - 1 part each 10-20 5-10
Common flax seeds, chamomile flowers, flax grass - 1 part each 10-14 5-7

The dosage of infusions should be strictly observed:

You can use a ready-made cleansing tea designed specifically for cats - Phytoelita, the composition of which includes herbal extracts, as well as selenium and mummy. At the time of its reception, it is necessary to cancel vitamins and mineral supplements. The tea comes in the form of tablets. Before taking the tablet, you need to crush and mix with a small amount of food or water. Adult animals are given 1 tablet, and kittens half 1-2 times a day half an hour before feeding. The average duration of admission is 5-10 days.

7 Nutrition for cats with constipation

To prevent constipation, you need to monitor the diet of animals. The most important components for the normal speed of movement of intestinal contents are fiber, fats, minerals, indigestible sugars.

Insoluble dietary fiber helps increase the volume of feces in the intestines of cats, retain moisture and stimulate peristalsis. Therefore, it is recommended to add microcrystalline cellulose (contained in feed), beet and pumpkin pulp (1-4 tsp), oat and wheat bran (1-2 tbsp), plantain (2-8 tsp) to the diet of animals daily. l.). They can be mixed into minced meat for a cat. Psyllium fibers are especially useful because they bind water and do not ferment in the intestines.

For cats prone to constipation, you need to choose food with a high content of dietary fiber (10-15%). Higher fiber counts (>15%) can lead to constipation due to excessive stool growth. Dietary fibers and diets containing them are also contraindicated for cats with intestinal obstruction or nervous disorders.

Feeds rich in calcium and other minerals contribute to the formation of denser feces, so they are not recommended. Fatty food leads to a slowdown in intestinal motility and reduces the volume of feces. It is advisable to use fermented milk products for cats with constipation.

Do not allow the animal to play with dangerous objects that can lead to intestinal obstruction - rags, plastic bags, paper, balls of thread, wool. To prevent the formation of woolen lumps and their removal, special preparations are used: Kittymalt paste, Beaphar Malt paste, Cliny or vaseline oil, half a teaspoon per kilogram of weight daily. There are also special feeds for the prevention of constipation and the formation of woolen balls in the intestines in animals.

It is also imperative to ensure that the cat consumes enough water and always has access to drink.

Cats, just like humans, are prone to many diseases. One of the most common problems is constipation. If time does not help the pet, then this situation can lead to dangerous health consequences. It is necessary to immediately begin treatment of the animal so that there are no consequences. Every owner should know how to help a cat with constipation at home so that there is no need to see a doctor.

Causes of constipation in cats

Constipation in a kitten.

The most common causes of difficulty defecation include:

  • Wrong nutrition. If the animal's food is monotonous or consists only of dry food, then this leads to digestive disorders. Another such problem can appear as a result of feeding an animal with human food, for example, rice or pasta.
  • wool licking. Most often, constipation occurs in very fluffy cats. Wool, which pets lick, settles in the stomach. There it forms lumps that interfere with the passage of feces.

    If a cat has a lot of hair and is constantly groomed, then this may be the cause of constipation.

  • Little activity. If the cat is lazy or obese, then he begins to move a little. Do not allow your pet to only eat and sleep. You need to play active games with the animal at least once a day. It can be running after a ball or a feather.

    The cat is lethargic and sleeping.

  • Foreign object. The pet may eat something small and inedible. This item will get stuck in the intestines, and will interfere with the release of feces.

If the stool has not returned to normal on its own within a few days, then measures should be taken to avoid serious consequences.

constipation symptoms

The cat should empty the intestines at least once every two days.

For adult cats, the norm is to walk in a big way once every 1-2 days. If this happens less frequently in an animal, then it is worth paying more attention to the behavior and well-being of the pet.

Among the symptoms of constipation, the most common will be:

  • No stool for more than 2 days. It may not be present at all, or it may be rare and very hard.
  • The pet sits on the tray for a long time and to no avail.
  • The cat pushes for a long time, sometimes even meowing strongly at the same time.
  • The animal constantly crouches in the corners, pushes and raises its tail, but nothing happens.

In addition to these symptoms, there may be others such as:

  • Vomit.
  • An increase in the body temperature of the pet.
  • The cat's abdomen is swollen and causes pain when pressed.

Cat vomiting.

If constipation is accompanied by the above symptoms, you should start acting as soon as possible.

If a cat's constipation is left to chance, it can lead to serious intestinal obstruction or even death of the animal.

home remedies for constipation in cats

Chop the beets and carrots and add them to your cat's food.

In the initial stages of this problem, the cat can be helped on its own. To stop constipation, you need to resort to the following measures:

  • You should start feeding your pet liquid food in small portions.. You can add a little vegetable oil to the feed, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Too fatty food can harm the animal's liver.
  • One of the folk remedies for constipation is raw beets and carrots.. These vegetables can be added to cat food. If the pet refuses such food, then you should squeeze the juice from fresh beets or carrots, and pour a little into the animal's mouth with a syringe.
  • In addition to beets and carrots, a cat can help sea ​​fish, kefir, cauliflower or raw beef liver. These products will help normalize the animal's stool.
  • Another way to mix condensed milk with tap water and give it to the animal to drink. But this method should not be resorted to very often, so as not to cause diarrhea.
  • In addition to all of the above, a simple massage of the cat's tummy can help. Stroke the tummy with slight pressure in a clockwise direction. You can do this several times a day.

How to give petroleum jelly to a cat with constipation

Some cats love vaseline oil and can eat it straight from their hand.

Another good tool is Vaseline oil. It harmlessly envelops the intestines and softens the feces, contributing to its rapid exit. This oil is not absorbed by the cat's body and is completely eliminated from the body within 6-12 hours.

The rate of vaseline oil for an adult animal is 1.5 ml per 1 kg of pet weight. Give it to your pet 2 times a day. Do not give castor oil to cats. It causes severe pain in your pet's stomach.

How to give a cat duphalac

Not infrequently, in such cases, veterinarians prescribe Duphalac.

To help your pet, you can give him a laxative Duphalac.

It contributes to the normalization of work in the intestines and helps to remove feces.

Give it at the rate of 1 ml per 1 kg of the cat's weight. Duphalac is added to food or broken up with water and offered to a pet. They feed the animal every 8 hours until the feces come out. If the animal has regular difficulties with defecation, then a whole course of treatment with Duphalac is necessary.

Do not choose the dosage of Duphalac yourself! If you overdo it with this medicine, be prepared for diarrhea in the animal. If this still happened, then Smekta will help normalize the chair.

You should not independently prescribe to a cat other laxatives that are intended for humans.

Other drugs can be prescribed only by the veterinarian himself. Depending on the case, he will prescribe one or another dosage based on the weight of your pet.

Various human laxatives can cause allergies or stomach upset cat. And if you do not know the dose for the animal at all, then an overdose may occur.

Prevention of constipation in cats

Constipation is easier to prevent than to look for ways to get rid of it later. If the owner is attentive to the behavior and nutrition of the animal, then such a problem will not arise at all. To avoid bowel problems:

  • During the molting period, comb the animal regularly. This will save the pet from excessive accumulation of wool in the stomach.
  • If the cat is ambitious and often licks, then you need to purchase products at the pet store that are intended to remove hair from the pet's stomach. These drugs normalize the microflora and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is necessary to strictly observe that eats your animal. Pet food should contain enough fiber. Do not feed the cat only meat, she should eat vegetables and cereals. If your pet's feces are regularly hard, then try adding a spoonful of boiled pumpkin to the animal's food.
  • Do not feed your cat only dry food, and provide your pet with access to water in a clean bowl.

    Constipation can be caused by old water.

  • Play with your pet. Do not let him lead a passive lifestyle. Buy or make toys for the animal to play active games with.
  • Try to keep the eyes of the cat no small items, such as beads, buttons, parts from toys. If there is a small child in the house, put the toys away immediately after playing.
  • Visit your veterinarian regularly if possible.. Get tested and get tested. This will prevent various diseases, including constipation.

If none of the methods in this article helped you, and after a week your animal still has problems with defecation, consult a doctor immediately.

Constipation can significantly harm the body of the animal, even cases of death are known.


If you follow all preventive measures, you will help your pet avoid constipation. Closely monitor the behavior of the cat, its nutrition and condition. At the slightest sign of constipation, immediately begin to act. Be attentive and caring to your pet, and he will thank you more than once with his affection and pleasant purring songs.

Unfortunately, cats are prone to many diseases inherent in humans. Often the owners are faced with such a question as constipation in a cat. This is a dangerous condition, because a long absence of bowel movements can lead to poisoning of the cat's body. Treatment at home can be only once, but if such a problem is a regularity, then in this case it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Causes of constipation

Constipation in a cat can occur for various reasons:

  • In older animals, the contractions of the intestinal muscles become weak, which is why they have a delay in stool.
  • Incorrectly balanced pet food can lead to a similar problem: overeating of bones, low water intake, reduced protein intake, dry food.
  • Pet stress.
  • Psychological problems: competition with other animals for a tray, a tray in a crowded place, a dirty cat litter box.
  • Pain that occurs during bowel movements. This may be associated with trauma to the abdomen, inflammation around the anus, and disorders in the intestines.
  • Kidney disease, after which dehydration occurs, as a result of which water is absorbed into the body, and the stool becomes quite hard and dry.
  • Licking the fur can lead to clumping in the intestines, resulting in the need for surgical treatment of the pet.
  • The presence of helminths in the body.

Symptoms of the disease

The following symptoms help to identify constipation in cats:

  • The pet has no activity, it becomes lethargic, apathetic.
  • The animal suffers from reduced appetite, sometimes there is a complete lack of desire to eat.
  • Appearance of nausea and vomiting.
  • The cat is always lying down.
  • There are no stools in the tray.
  • In the most dangerous conditions, an increase in the temperature of the pet is observed.
  • If the cat's abdomen becomes voluminous, slightly swollen, then this is a sign of obstruction of the feces through the intestines.

Normally, an adult pet should go to the toilet "in a big way" once every 1-2 days, but when there is no bowel movement during this time, then this fact should be paid attention to.

Helping a cat at home

Many owners wonder what to do if the cat has constipation? First, you need to monitor the nutrition of the pet. It is desirable that the cat takes more liquid. Often such problems occur within a month after sterilization. The fact is that before the operation, the cat does not eat for about 12 hours. When a pet wakes up after sterilization, it may want to drink or eat, and the animal's body has not yet woken up and is not ready for the process of digesting food.

Stool retention after sterilization is dangerous for the animal, because if the cat becomes tense, then this process may begin to bleed or even open the seams. To avoid such problems after the operation, she does not need to be given products that have a fixing effect, namely:

  • Rich meat broths, especially chicken broth is not recommended.
  • Boiled liver will not be useful for the postoperative period at all.
  • Cheese, sour cream, whole milk, stale dairy products.
  • Eggs.

Food for a cat that has undergone sterilization should have a laxative effect:

  • It is necessary to give liquid food in small portions. You do not need to follow the lead of the animal, even if it seems to you that the cat really wants to eat.
  • Fresh dairy products will have a mild laxative effect.
  • Vegetables.
  • You can give your pet a drop of vaseline oil bought at a pharmacy. This is a good cat laxative.

It is not necessary to give the cat vegetable oil, because it does not have a laxative effect and leads to a negative effect on the liver. Do not use castor oil, because it leads to intestinal upset.

What to do if the cat has constipation after castration?

What to do if the cat has constipation, especially when this trouble happened after castration? In cats, after undergoing this unpleasant procedure, symptoms of stool retention may be observed for a month. In order for the animal to go to the toilet easier, he needs to be given some raw liver, beef or chicken may be suitable for this purpose. At home, after each meal, so that there are no problems in the postoperative period, the pet needs to pour literally a few drops of vaseline oil into the mouth.

In extreme cases, especially if the cat eats dry food, Dufalac can be given to him. You need to be careful with it, before using it is necessary to consult a veterinarian, and give according to the dosage strictly indicated in the instructions. Otherwise, diarrhea may occur.

constipation in kittens

Constipation in small kittens is not uncommon. In a kitten, a similar problem can arise if a young mother cat refuses to care for her baby or does not pay proper attention to him. Of course, nature has provided for everything, but sometimes there are such cases. Cats regularly lick the kitten's tummy, thereby stimulating the intestines. During licking, the kitten improves the flow of blood to the intestines, this leads to the removal of the gases formed and the stimulation of the discharge of not only feces, but also urine.

If the mother cat refused to carry out this procedure, then this must be carried out independently by the owner. Massage should be done with a pre-moistened soft cloth or cotton swab. The movements should be light from the head to the tail of the kitten, and the movements should be done from all sides of the tummy. To help the cat, do not press on the abdominal region of the pet.

How to treat constipation at home

You need to treat constipation in a kitten at home very carefully, you need to be completely sure that this is stool retention, and not intestinal obstruction. For this:

  1. Treatment of a kitten at home can be done with vaseline oil. It does not adversely affect the liver and is not absorbed into the kitten's large intestine. Vaseline oil does not have an unpleasant taste and, as a rule, it does not cause disgust in a pet.
  2. When a kitten has symptoms of stool retention, you can help him with the help of the drug Lactunas. It not only has a mild laxative effect, but also restores damaged intestinal microflora and protects the body from exposure to toxic substances.

Treatment of constipation in kittens at home can be carried out only after consulting a veterinarian, since stool retention is easily confused with intestinal obstruction. Intestinal obstruction in a cat can be suspected by the release of bad breath.


To prevent constipation in cats from tormenting a pet in life, you need to follow preventive measures, which, as a rule, are as follows:

  • Long-haired cats need to be combed from time to time. Otherwise, the wool gets stuck in a lump and enters the pet's intestines.
  • In order not to subsequently treat the kitten for constipation, you can purchase phytomines at the pet store - these are tools that help expel hair from the pet's body. Phytomins contain lecithin and herbal extracts that help treat inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • An excellent laxative is pumpkin. A tablespoon of boiled pumpkin added to cat food will help to cope with stool retention.
  • If the cat eats dry food, then it is necessary to provide free access to clean water.
  • Regular check-ups at the veterinarian will help to avoid health problems in the kitten.
  • The physical activity of the animal helps in the prevention of constipation. If the pet never goes outside, then he needs to take a few toys to ensure motor activity.

With such an unpleasant problem as constipation in kittens, you can easily deal with if the owner watches the cat and pays due attention to it. Possessing the necessary baggage of knowledge, you can save your pet from all sorts of troubles, and the mustache will respond to its owner with love and attention.

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Symptoms of constipation in a cat

To identify constipation for sure, knowing the causes is not enough. It is necessary to carefully consider the behavior and health of the animal. Constipation symptoms are as follows:

  • lethargy, lethargy, complete lack of activity;
  • poor appetite;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • body position - lying;
  • lack of feces in the tray;
  • in rare cases, an increase in body temperature;
  • hard, rounded belly.

Naturally, every living organism reacts differently to problems. An adult healthy cat should defecate at least 1-2 times a day. If it doesn't, you have cause for concern.

How to cure constipation in a cat

  1. Be careful what your pet eats. If the food is dry, provide the animal with round-the-clock access to fresh and purified water. It should ideally be changed every 4-5 hours. Use commercial or well-filtered water.
  2. Very often, after castration or sterilization, the cat wakes up from anesthesia and does not eat for 12 hours. When the moment of the meal comes, the animal has already had an upset stool. His body does not digest food well. Therefore, feeding should be carried out in small portions. Again, watch out for water!
  3. It is very dangerous for a castrated cat to experience stool retention immediately after surgery. If you want to empty the animal will begin to push, this is fraught with a divergence of the seams. Therefore, at the first sign of constipation, immediately take your pet to the veterinarian or at least get a consultation by phone.
  4. To help your pet go to the toilet, do not treat him with products that have a fixing effect. These include broth on poultry or meat, chicken is especially contraindicated. You can not give your pet a boiled liver, egg, rice, full-fat milk, cheese, sour cream.
  5. Choose foods with a laxative effect. The animal will benefit from fresh fermented milk products, vegetable crops. Add a drop of petroleum jelly to your food, which you can buy at the pharmacy. It enhances the passage of food through the esophagus.
  6. In no case do not treat your pet with vegetable or castor oil. Contrary to all the statements, such a composition does not weaken the intestines at all. You will only create an additional load on the liver and aggravate the situation.
  7. To make it easier for the cat to defecate, treat him with raw liver (not boiled!). In difficult situations, the cat must be given the medicine "Duphalac". But you should be careful with him, consult your veterinarian in advance.

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Treatment for constipation in a cat at home

  1. You need to proceed with the elimination of the problem with extreme caution. You need to make sure that the animal is actually constipated, and not an obstruction in the intestines. Treatment can begin with the use of vaseline oil.
  2. The composition does not have a detrimental effect on the internal organs and is not absorbed into the walls of the colon. The product also has no unpleasant odor or taste. Therefore, the oil will not cause dislike in the pet.
  3. If you notice that the cat has problems going to the toilet, special preparations for animals will help to solve the situation. As a rule, the composition produces a mild laxative effect. Also, the drug completely restores the microflora and protects the intestines from harmful toxins.
  4. Keep in mind that if you decide to treat constipation in a cat on your own, you must first obtain the approval of a veterinarian. This problem is easily confused with obstruction in the intestines. The last ailment is also characterized by an unpleasant smell from the mouth of the animal.

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How to cure constipation in kittens

  1. Almost all kittens face the problem. If the cat has given birth, she must take care of the offspring on her own. The fact is that when the mother licks the kitten's belly, she stimulates the baby's gastrointestinal tract with her actions.
  2. If you have acquired a very small pet, then you will surely encounter the problem of constipation. You will have to slightly knead the tummy on your own. As a result, there is a rush of blood to the tissues, not only peristalsis improves, but also urination.
  3. To start the massage, it is recommended to use a soft damp cloth or cotton swab. Make light movements. Start manipulation from head to tail. Movements must be repeated from all sides. In no case do not put pressure on the abdominal region.

Prevention of constipation in a cat

  1. If you want to prevent your cat from getting constipated, it is important to follow some simple guidelines. In long-haired animals, systematically conduct a thorough combing of the coat. As soon as the cat begins to lick, excess lint enters the esophagus, resulting in constipation.
  2. If you do not want to further treat the animal for ailments, you can purchase phyto-vitamins in a specialized store in advance. The active nutritional supplement helps the cat to easily remove hair from the stomach along with feces. The presence of medicinal herbs in the preparation eliminates inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. In the fight against constipation, pumpkin showed itself well. It is enough to mix 30 gr. boiled vegetable with the usual cat food. Such a mixture will help the animal to gently cope with an urgent problem. If the cat eats exclusively dry food, it is important that the animal can freely drink clean water in the required amount.
  4. If you have a pet, you must treat it responsibly. Therefore, regular trips to the veterinarian are simply inevitable. The specialist will be able to react in time in case of health problems in the cat. Make sure your pet gets enough physical activity. Such activities will help to avoid the formation of any kind of problems.

To help your cat cope with constipation, you need to make sure that it is not an obstruction in the intestines. Be sure to visit a doctor. The specialist will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and solve the problem on the spot. In the future, in order not to face the disease, it is recommended to give the pet active vitamins. Don't forget to brush your pet regularly.

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