Anti-inflammatory drugs for lung cancer. Effective medicines and treatments for lung cancer

Medical technology is constantly evolving towards the creation of drugs for lung cancer. In Russia it is current problem, since pathology occupies a leading position in mortality among men from cancer.

Drug treatment is prescribed in two cases: small cell sarcoma, the last stage of non-small cell pathology.

Lung oncology is a malignant neoplasm that forms in one or both parts of the lung paired organ. The main reason for the degeneration of normal cells and their uncontrolled division is considered to be the entry into the body tobacco smoke, as well as some other chemicals.

Kinds oncological processes:

  • non-small cell– characterized prolonged cough in the early stages;
  • small cell– occurs in 25% of cases, is characterized by an aggressive course, rapid, almost asymptomatic development of metastases.

Read more about the disease and the reasons for its development in this video:

Preparations for injections


One of the first drugs that prevents the proliferation of blood vessels. This cuts off the supply of nutrients and oxygen malignant tissues. The oncological process moves from an aggressive stage to a chronic one.

Used in the treatment of lung cancer as an adjunct to chemotherapy.

Has contraindications:

  • sensitivity to bevacizumab;
  • kidney and liver problems;
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

There is a possible risk of developing intestinal perforation, hemorrhage, loss of visual acuity, and arterial hypertension and thromboembolism.

Available in the form of a concentrate for preparing a solution. Introduced by drip intravenously. The dosage depends on the patient’s weight and the method of therapy. The cost of 1 bottle with a dosage of 100 mg/4 ml is 16,000 rubles.


The drug has a cytostatic, antitumor effect. Created based on plants. The action is the accumulation of tubulin, which disrupts the process of division of cancer particles. Effective for non-small cell lung cancer. The medicine can be combined with other drugs.

Main contraindications:

  • sensitivity to docetaxel;
  • severe liver problems;
  • childhood.

Possible adverse reactions in the form of infections, allergies, loss of nails, skin rashes, stomatitis, nausea, taste disturbances, muscle weakness, heart failure, shortness of breath, swelling throughout the body.

The vial may contain 20, 80, 160 mg of docetaxel in the form of a concentrate. The cost of 20 mg is 5,500 rubles.


The medicine has antibacterial and antitumor effects. It was isolated from a fungal culture. It has a negative effect on the DNA of malignant cells. Used for small cell lung pathology. It can be introduced into the body intravenously or intra-arterially.


  • sensitivity to one of the components;
  • kidney problems (severe);
  • acute viral infections;
  • arrhythmia;
  • cystitis and bladder infections.

The drug leads to a large number adverse reactions from hematopoiesis, digestion, blood circulation, vision, skin, urinary and nervous systems.

Available in bottles of 5, 25, 50 ml. average cost 550 rubles.


Antitumor substance. Used for lung cancer. The dosage depends on the type of treatment and the condition of the body. The substance is administered by injection.


  • sensitivity to carboplatin;
  • kidney pathology;
  • significant recent blood loss;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • childhood.

To the main side effects a drug containing platinum may cause problems with hearing and vision.

The drug is available in the form of a concentrate of 5, 15, 45, 75 ml. The average cost is 1,600 rubles.


Therapy of lung cancer with tablets is often carried out in combination with chemotherapy, although they can be used independently. Each drug has its own characteristics in dosage, contraindications, and side effects.

Taking medications in the form of tablets or capsules has positive point. It consists in the absence of the need to pierce veins and the ensuing consequences. You can also take medications at home, in consultation with your doctor.


An antitumor agent can inhibit the growth of malignant particles and also has an effect on normal cells.

During treatment of non-small cell lung cancer, 1 tablet per day is required. The effectiveness of treatment is 2 times higher than with chemotherapy.


  • sensitivity to erlotinib;
  • disorders of the liver and kidneys (severe forms);
  • pregnancy and feeding;
  • childhood.

Most often these appear side effects such as diarrhea, stomatitis, nausea, skin rashes, shortness of breath, infections, fatigue, depression.

Under trade name Tarceva 30 tablets of 150 mg each cost 15,500 rubles.


The substance is classified as antitumor. It is a potent irreversible growth factor receptor blocker. malignant neoplasms. Used for non-small cell lung cancer. The recommended dose is 40 mg once a day, maximum dose 50 mg per day.

Contraindications are related to sensitivity to afatinib, childhood, pregnancy and lactation, and liver problems.

Side effects:

  • taste disturbance;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • nose bleed;
  • stomatitis;
  • diarrhea;
  • skin rash;
  • changes in the nails and inflammation of the soft tissue around;
  • decreased appetite.

The cost of 30 tablets of 40 mg called Giotrif is 107,000 rubles.


The main active ingredient is a selective low-molecular inhibitor. It is used for common non-small cell lung cancer. Capsules must be swallowed whole.

Take 1 capsule per day in two stages. Treatment is designed for a long period as long as it has a positive effect.

Contraindications for use are the same as for previous drugs.

Side effects (most common):

  • nausea;
  • vision problems;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • swelling;
  • pain in joints, chest;
  • multiple cysts on the kidneys.

Available in the form of Xalkori capsules, the cost of 60 pieces of 250 mg is 260,000 rubles.


The drug is marketed under the brand name Zikadia. The main substance slows down the growth of pathological particles and blocks the mutagenic protein in them. It is used for non-small cell lung pathology with multiple metastases. Take 5 capsules once a day. The medicine must be swallowed whole with water.

The drug does not combine well with many antitumor and antiviral substances and antibiotics.

Side effects:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased blood sugar;
  • bradycardia.

Contraindications are related to sensitivity to the active substance, childhood, pregnancy and lactation.

The cost of 150 capsules of 150 mg is on average 800,000 rubles.


The substance disrupts the stability of cell DNA. It begins to act when it gets into malignant tumor. Used for small cell lung pathology. The drug can be administered in a variety of ways, including through oral cavity. Treatment regimens vary greatly.


  • anemia;
  • extreme degree of exhaustion;
  • serious condition due to liver, kidney, and heart disease.

Side effects similar to chemotherapy, such as vomiting, hair loss, dizziness. The cost of 50 tablets is 1700 rubles.


The substance is characterized by an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for diseases of the respiratory system, including malignant ones. The doctor prescribes the dosage individually.

Contraindications for use are associated with sensitivity to the main component and the presence of a fungal infection.

Side effects:

  • decreased tolerance to glucose;
  • nausea;
  • bradycardia;
  • hallucinations;
  • convulsions;
  • vision problems;
  • osteoporosis.

The cost of 100 tablets of 5 mg, produced in Romania, is 110 rubles.


The substance is an antimetabolite. On molecular level reduces size malignant formation, stops its growth. It is used when it is impossible to treat lung cancer surgically.

The dosage is prescribed individually by the doctor. The capsule is swallowed whole or its contents are dissolved in water and drunk.

Contraindications for use are sensitivity to the main component, thrombocytopenia, pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects:

  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • anemia;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • stomatitis;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • problems with urination;
  • brittle nails and hair.

The average cost of 100 capsules of 500 mg is 1,300 rubles.


The drug is an analogue of hydrocortisone. Effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • immunosuppressive;
  • anti-shock.

It has the same properties as Prednisolone from other manufacturers. The cost of 5 mg tablets is 130 rubles.

Experimental methods

Absolutely nothing has yet been created for the treatment of oncological processes in the lungs. effective methods. Many therapies are under development, but because lung cancer often progresses very quickly and aggressively, patients are offered experimental methods.

The effectiveness of new drugs is studied on patients, comparing the results with drugs that have been used previously.

Medicine PD173074

The drug is at the stage of testing its effectiveness. He prevents the formation of blood vessels around malignant tumors. Experiments in test tubes gave positive result. Experiments on mice confirmed the effectiveness of the drug. In the future, it could be used in humans. The substance is administered orally.

Anti-cancer diet Linomel

The anti-cancer diet was developed by German biochemist Joanna Budwig. The scientist spent about 30 years researching the problem of cancer in its final stages and came to the conclusion about the need for proper nutrition.

The research results were quite successful. The diet led to a reduction in the tumor, and the patients felt better. Today the diet is recognized throughout the world, it is used in countries Western Europe as a treatment for oncology and other diseases.

The basis of the diet is to eat at least 100 grams of freshly prepared low-fat cottage cheese and 5 grams of cold-pressed flax oil daily. The technique was patented under the name Linomel. Quantity linseed oil varies depending on the degree of the disease - the more advanced the form of cancer, the more oil you need to take.

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The lungs are two porous internal organs that take in oxygen when you inhale and release carbon dioxide when exhaling. Lung cancer is recognized as the most common form cancer. The disease affects men and women equally. Every year people die from lung cancer more people than from oncological pathologies rectum, prostate, ovaries and mammary glands (combined).

Heavy smokers are in the main risk group. The risk of the disease increases with time and the number of cigarettes smoked. When quitting smoking, even if following bad habit continued long years, the risk of developing cancer is significantly reduced.


Doctors distinguish two main types of lung cancer. The classification criterion is the appearance of cancer cells under a microscope. First of all, the disease is divided into:

  • Small cell lung cancer is diagnosed mainly in heavy smokers and is quite rare.
  • Non-small cell lung cancer is a generalized term for several types of pathology that are similar to each other. This squamous cell carcinoma lung, the treatment of which has its own nuances, as well as adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma.

Before visiting the doctor

If you are concerned about specific signs and symptoms, start by visiting your GP. If he suspects non-small cell or small cell lung cancer, treatment will be carried out by another specialist, but in any case you will need an appropriate referral. At integrated approach Doctors of various specializations participate in the treatment of oncological diseases:

  • oncologists - specialize directly in the treatment of cancer;
  • pulmonologists - diagnose and treat lung diseases;
  • Radiation oncologists, or radiation therapists, monitor adherence to the prescribed course of radiotherapy;
  • thoracic surgeons - operate on the lungs;
  • palliative care specialists medical care- treat symptoms.

Preparing for a consultation

Since the duration of medical consultations is often limited (and the patient may have to familiarize himself with a large amount of new information), it is better to prepare for a visit to a specialist in advance. Doctors give the following recommendations:

  • Check to see if any measures need to be taken before your consultation. In some cases, it is necessary, for example, to limit the consumption of specific foods.
  • Consistently write down any symptoms you experience, even if they do not seem to be in any way related to suspected lung cancer. Also indicate when each of them appeared. possible signs diseases.
  • Document all relevant biographical details in writing. Modern treatment Lung cancer is complex, and doctors may need information about recent stressors and significant lifestyle changes you have made.
  • Compose full list medications and vitamins you take regularly. It would be useful to include biologically active nutritional supplements, including fortified ones.
  • Collect everything medical documents. If you have had an x-ray or scan chest if prescribed by another doctor, try to get a copy of the image and bring it to the consultation.
  • Consider bringing a relative or friend with you. Sometimes it can be difficult to immediately absorb all the information received when visiting a doctor. A family member or friend may remember or capture things that escape your attention.
  • Make a list of questions to ask your doctor so you don't forget anything.

Questions for a specialist

A medical consultation does not last long, so it is better to prepare a list of questions in advance so as not to miss a single detail. Just in case, it is advisable to rank the issues in order of importance: from the most pressing to those that are not key. If you are interested in lung cancer treatment, the list might look like this:

  • What type of lung cancer is included in the diagnosis?
  • Is it possible to look at the results of an X-ray or CT scan that shows signs of cancer?
  • What is the cause of these symptoms?
  • At what stage is the disease?
  • Do I need to undergo additional examinations?
  • Has the cancer spread to others? internal organs?
  • Which lung cancer treatments are right for me?
  • What side effects does each of these methods cause?
  • What treatment method do you recommend?
  • Is there any point in quitting smoking?
  • What if I don't want to be treated?
  • Are there ways to relieve the symptoms of the disease?
  • Can I sign up for a clinical trial?
  • Do you have brochures or printed materials that you can take home to review? What Internet sites do you recommend?

Feel free to ask any other questions that come to mind during your consultation with a specialist.

What will the doctor say?

The doctor will ask you own questions, and it is advisable to prepare for answers in advance: this will save a lot of time when visiting. So, a specialist will most likely be interested in the following information:

  • When did you first notice symptoms appear?
  • Are the symptoms of the disease long lasting or occur only occasionally?
  • How intense are the symptoms you are experiencing?
  • Is your breathing accompanied by sneezing?
  • Is there a cough that feels like clearing your throat?
  • Have you ever been diagnosed with emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
  • Are you taking medications to relieve shortness of breath?
  • What do you think is causing your condition to improve?
  • What do you think is causing your condition to worsen?


Some organizations recommend that people with increased risk lung cancer, consider undergoing an annual computed tomography (CT) scan for timely diagnosis violations. If you are over 55 and you smoke or have smoked, it is a good idea to discuss the benefits and risks of regular lung cancer screening with your doctor.

The results of some studies suggest that early diagnosis of the disease is the key to a complete cure. On the other side, CT scan often reveals the presence benign tumors and others, much less dangerous illnesses However, doctors naturally suspect lung cancer and refer the patient for invasive tests, exposing him to unnecessary risks and unnecessary worry.


Treatment of stage 4 lung cancer with metastases is a difficult task, focused primarily on alleviating the symptoms experienced by the patient. Is it possible to completely cure the disease? Yes, but only on condition early diagnosis. If the doctor suspects lung cancer, he prescribes diagnostic studies to detect pathologically altered cells and exclude other diseases and conditions. Most often used following methods diagnostics:

  • Imaging studies. An X-ray of the lungs may reveal the presence of an abnormal collection of cells in the form of a mass or nodule (growth). A CT scan can detect the presence of small tumor lesions that may go undetected with x-rays.
  • Cytological examination of sputum. If you are suffering from ongoing wet cough, examination of sputum under a microscope will help identify pathologically altered (cancerous) cells in the discharge.
  • Biopsy. This test involves removing a sample of abnormal tissue for laboratory testing.


After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will determine the stage of development of the cancer. On its basis it is planned further treatment lung cancer.

Tests to determine the stage of cancer usually include imaging procedures to determine the presence or absence of metastases. These are computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET) and bone scintigraphy (bone scan). Some of these procedures have contraindications, so your doctor should order imaging tests.

Distinguish next stages diseases:

  • I. Cancer cells are found only in the lung, they have not spread to The lymph nodes. The tumor usually does not exceed 5 cm in diameter.
  • II. The tumor exceeds 5 cm in diameter. In some cases, it remains small in size, but the pathological process spreads to nearby structures: the chest wall, diaphragm, and the lining of the lungs (pleura). The cancer may have spread to nearby lymph nodes.
  • III. Treatment of lung cancer at this stage becomes much more complicated. The tumor may acquire more larger size and capture other internal organs located next to the lungs. In some cases, the tumor remains relatively small, but cancer cells are found in distant lymph nodes.
  • IV. Pathological process went beyond one lobe and invaded the second or distant internal organs and parts of the body. Treatment of stage 4 lung cancer with metastases is aimed primarily at relieving symptoms and ensuring the patient lives as long as possible.


Treatment for lung cancer is prescribed by a doctor, but the patient has every right participate in the selection of specific methods and medications. Therapy depends on general condition health, type and stage of disease, as well as patient preferences. As a rule, it is necessary to apply two or more methods of combating the disease at once in order to ensure high efficiency therapy. The main treatments for lung cancer include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and targeted drug therapy.

IN in rare cases patients refuse prescribed treatment. Refusal is usually dictated by the following considerations: sometimes the side effects of some fairly aggressive methods exceed the potential benefits of therapy. Such patients are offered possible options to relieve symptoms of the disease, such as pain syndrome or shortness of breath.


During surgery, the doctor removes the cancerous tumor and some healthy tissue surrounding it. Treatment of stage 4 lung cancer excludes the possibility of surgery. In earlier stages of the disease, the surgeon may resort to the following procedures:

  • Wedge resection. During this operation, the doctor removes a small fragment of the lung in which the cancer tumor, along with some healthy tissue.
  • Segmental resection. The surgeon removes a larger piece of the lung, but not the entire lobe.
  • Lobectomy - removal whole share one lung.
  • Pneumonectomy (pulmonectomy) is a surgical operation to remove the entire lung.

If lung cancer treatment is indicated with surgical intervention, the doctor will likely remove lymph nodes from the chest as well, as they may show signs of cancer spreading.

Surgery always carries some risks - for example, possible bleeding or infection. In any case, you can expect to have breathing problems after surgery. If only a piece of the lung is removed, the remaining tissue will grow over time and allow you to breathe more freely. You may need to learn special breathing exercises.


Treatment of lung cancer with chemotherapy involves the use of specific drugs to destroy pathologically altered cells. Often, the doctor prescribes several drugs at the same time for intravenous administration or taken orally (in tablet form). Medicines are taken in courses over several weeks or months with short intervals - the body needs time to recover.

Chemotherapy completes treatment started with surgery: The drugs kill remaining cancer cells. Sometimes medications are taken before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor and make the surgeon's job easier. In some cases, chemotherapy is included in the complex treatment of stage 4 lung cancer and is used to reduce pain.

Radiation therapy

Radiotherapy is irradiation with high-power energy flows, such as X-rays. The procedure can be carried out using external or internal sources of radiation. In the second case, radioactive material is placed in needles or catheters and introduced into the body in close proximity to the tumor site.

Radiation treatment for lung cancer may be considered as an alternative to chemotherapy after surgery. In addition, radiotherapy is prescribed as a primary treatment method if tumor removal is not possible. surgically. On late stages Radiation is used to reduce pain and relieve other symptoms of lung cancer.

Targeted therapy

Targeted therapy is comparatively new method treatment of cancer, which consists of taking medications that affect certain abnormalities in cancer cells. Among them are:

  • "Bevacizumab". This drug prevents the creation of additional blood flow needed to feed the tumor. As is known, blood vessels passing through the cluster cancer cells, supply the tumor site with oxygen and nutrients and thereby contribute to the growth of pathological neoplasms. Bevacizumab is prescribed simultaneously with chemotherapy when treating metastatic lung cancer folk remedies does not give the expected effect. The drug is an ideal remedy for complex therapy non-small cell lung cancer, but its use carries the risk of some side effects (bleeding, blood clots, increased blood pressure).
  • Erlotinib. This drug blocks chemical compounds, promoting the growth and division of cancer cells. Erlotinib is prescribed for non-small cell lung cancer with specific genetic mutations. To determine the effectiveness of this product, preliminary cytological examination pathologically changed cells. Side effects such as skin rash or diarrhea may occur. The most intense effect of the drug was observed in non-smoking patients.
  • "Crizotinib". This tool blocks chemical compounds that allow cancer cells to exceed normal ones in size and life expectancy. The drug is also recommended for those diagnosed with non-small cell cancer lungs. Treatment, reviews of which are received regularly, is to prevent the development of further genetic mutations in abnormal cells. Nausea or visual disturbances may occur when using Crizotinib.

Alternative medicine

Patients with cancer often have high hopes for treating lung cancer with folk remedies. Stage 4 cancer (as well as any other) is not amenable to any methods alternative medicine, however, folk remedies can help relieve the pain and other symptoms of the disease experienced by the patient. Thus, the possibilities alternative medicine can be combined with the use of more conservative methods treatment. Choose best option the doctor will help. Most often, patients consider the following alternative techniques fight against lung cancer:

  • Acupuncture. During the session, the specialist places small needles at specific points on the different parts bodies. If you have been diagnosed with left lung cancer, acupuncture treatment can help relieve pain and reduce the side effects of traditional therapy. While acupuncture can certainly be used to treat symptoms of cancer, there is no proven evidence of its effect directly on tumors and the spread of cancer.
  • Hypnosis. Professional hypnosis is a type of therapy in which a specialist puts the patient into a trance-like state. This state helps to relax the whole body, and the patient receives a psychological orientation towards pleasant and positive thoughts. Hypnosis is used to eliminate increased anxiety, neurogenic nausea and pain syndrome.
  • Massage. This is a technique in which a specialist manually applies pressure to the patient's skin and muscles. Massage relieves anxiety and pain associated with lung cancer patients.


There are cases when it turns out to be ineffective traditional therapy, and treatment of lung cancer with folk remedies. Stage 4 of the disease is most often detected when primary diagnosis, and for many patients complete cure by this point it no longer seems possible. It is always easier to prevent a disease than to fight it later. The following measures to prevent lung cancer are known:

  • do not smoke;
  • avoid secondhand smoke;
  • check the radon level in your home;
  • avoid exposure to carcinogens at work;
  • eat more fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • exercise more often.

Cancer - malignant disease, in which uncontrolled growth of tumor cells occurs in the lung tissues.

Lung cancer can be provoked by poor environment, smoking, heredity and other factors.

According to WHO statistics, the leading cancer in mortality is lung cancer. Every year about 1.3 million people are diagnosed with the disease on the planet, and despite modern drugs for the treatment of lung cancer, only one in five survives another six months after diagnosis, others die earlier.

Such indicators are largely due to the fact that patients ignore the ailment and consult a doctor in the later stages of the disease.

Timely diagnosis is a big step towards successful treatment of any disease. As for oncology, in the early stages of lung cancer, surgery is prescribed to remove the affected part of the organ or the entire organ.

If there are contraindications to surgery (diabetes, myocardial infarction, cardiac or renal failure), then the attending physician will prescribe radiation therapy.

Cancer treatment with pills

Chemotherapy, as a cure for cancer, is prescribed only in the case of small cell sarcoma. This is an aggressive form of tumor, for which treatment is prescribed toxic substances– platinum compounds, Vepesid, Adriamycin, fluorouracil.

This treatment can stop further growth of cancer cells. The effect occurs complexly on the body - the active ingredients of the drugs penetrate into the blood, spread throughout the body, affecting pathological cells in the lung and other organs. Chemotherapy is given in the form of tablets and intravenous injections.

In addition to an individually selected medicine for lung cancer, the doctor may prescribe radioactive radiation in parallel for more effective impact on cancer cells. Good therapeutic effect They give medications such as: doxorubicin, Taxotere, Avastin.

When prescribing medications, the doctor takes into account the side effects that may occur and contraindications. Medicines for nausea and vomiting and other medications may be prescribed. Chemotherapy is usually carried out before or after surgery, depending on the condition of the patients, the stage of cancer, the presence of metastases, etc.

Cyclophosphamide in the treatment of lung cancer

The antitumor drug for lung cancer, cyclophosphamide, disrupts the genetic structure of cancer cells, activating in them chemical processes. As a result, cancer cells cannot reproduce. Compared to other drugs, cyclophosphamide inhibits thrombocytopoiesis (platelet formation) less.

The drug is prescribed for lung cancer, lymphosarcoma, kidney and bone tumors. The dosage regimen and dosage are selected individually by the oncologist. The most common adverse reactions are nausea and vomiting, which can be reduced with injections of chlorpromazine. Other side effects are hair loss, bone pain, cough. Contraindications for use: anemia, liver or cardiac pathology, cachexia.

Treatment of lung cancer with prednisone

The composition of the tablets is an analogue of adrenal hormones. Prednisolone is an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic and detoxifying drug.

It is prescribed not only for cancer, but also for rheumatism, asthma, allergic reactions, polyarthritis. The most common side effects are: failure menstrual cycle, excessive hair growth, decreased libido and immunity, increased blood glucose, osteoporosis, etc. The drug is contraindicated in acute infections, psychosis, hypertension, stomach ulcers, pregnancy.

Hydroxyurea for lung cancer

The medicine belongs to the group of immunomodulators and antitumor drugs. The drug inhibits the spread of cancer cells. Prescribed for tumors in the lung, uterus, head.

Side effects include: skin rashes, dyspeptic disorders, inflammation of the mucous membrane digestive tract, inhibition of hematopoiesis. Hydroxyurea is contraindicated in anemia, pregnancy, thrombocytopenia, and renal dysfunction.

Before prescribing treatment for lung cancer to a patient, the doctor will conduct a full examination to avoid worsening the situation. In addition to traditional medicines and procedures, doctors often recommend traditional medicine to patients.

In particular, they are resorted to when they want to increase the effectiveness of treatment or have a negative attitude towards traditional methods, still, when official medicine I dropped my hands. Below are well-known traditional medicine recipes that can help in the fight against cancer.

Red pepper treatment

IN capsicum There is a unique substance - capsaicin. It is an alkaloid that can kill cancer cells. ethnoscience recommends that at the first symptoms of cancer in the lung, you should start taking an extract from red capsicum.

It’s not difficult to prepare: 1.5 kg of pepper is washed, finely chopped (wearing gloves) along with the seeds, transferred to glass jar volume 1.5 l. The crushed raw materials are poured with oil, preferably olive or linseed, or grape. Cover the jar with a lid and leave it in the refrigerator for a week, shaking the contents a couple of times a day.

After the expiration date, the extract is filtered and bottled. Take 1 tsp. 5 times a day, after 10-15 minutes you can eat. The tincture is drunk with milk or kefir to protect the mucous membrane. You can eat a piece of bread.

After a few days, patients note a decrease in pain and cough. The course of treatment is several bottles of tincture.

White mistletoe for cancer

Naturopaths suggest using mistletoe in combination with corn mustache. For treatment, mistletoe raw materials are collected during the flowering period. All you need is grass, the flowers are dangerous. Corn tendrils are harvested in the summer. Herbs are dried in the shade.

To prepare the infusion you will need to take 1 tbsp. l. crushed plants. The raw materials are poured into a jar, 1 liter of boiling water is poured in and infused for an hour. Take the infusion three times a day, 1 glass. The course lasts about six months, after which a break of the same duration is taken. Then the course is repeated.

Medicinal badger fat

For a long time coughing treated with badger fat, it can also help with lung cancer in a severe stage. There are different methods of treatment. The easiest option is to take 1 tsp. fat three times a day before meals. At last stage cancer, characterized by loss of strength and hemoptysis, a more effective remedy needs to be developed.

Mixes 100 g badger fat with good cognac in a volume of 50 ml and the same amount of aloe juice, add 50 g of mashed garlic. The resulting mixture is taken 5 times a day, 1 tbsp. As soon as the symptoms begin to subside, the dosage is reduced by half. The course is until complete recovery.

How to treat cancer with soda

Depending on the stage of development of the disease, one of the appropriate treatment options is used. For prevention and treatment at an early stage, the simplest recipe is suitable - 1 tsp. soda is diluted in a glass of warm water. This solution is taken twice a day for 3 days. During this time, presumably, the acid is removed from the body. Then a 10-day break is taken and this 3-day course of taking soda is repeated.

If a patient is diagnosed with stage 1-2 lung cancer, another treatment method is suitable: take 1 tsp. soda and honey, dissolve in a cup of warm water.

Take this portion twice a day for 10 days until the blood and lymph acquire a slightly alkaline form in which the fungus cannot survive.

If the tumor has reached stage 3-4 of development, the patient is recommended to consume a mixture of 1 tsp daily. soda and similar volume natural honey. This will help destroy cancer cells.

Hemlock and celandine in the treatment of cancer

Traditional medicine confirms that celandine has antitumor properties. For effective result the plant needs to come into contact with cancer cells, which is impossible to achieve in the case of lung cancer.

You can take celandine tincture, strictly following the recommended dosage. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tbsp. celandine and pour a glass of boiling water, leave until it cools completely. Use the product for 2 weeks three times a day, 1 tbsp. before meals, then another 2 weeks, 2 tbsp. After a 4-week course, there is a break of 10 days, then the treatment is repeated.

Another recipe is to dig up the plant, rinse and grind through a meat grinder, squeezing medicinal juice. Take 1 tbsp. juice and diluted with 250 ml of alcohol. Take the tincture 4 times a day before meals, 1 tsp. The course of treatment is a month, then a break of 10 days and the treatment is repeated.

Hemlock, like celandine, is poisonous plant, therefore, it should also be taken strictly according to the regimen recommended by the doctor. Hemlock reduces intoxication of the body, stops tumor growth, and provides energy to fight diseases.

Prepared from hemlock alcohol tincture: 5 tbsp. dry crushed grass is poured with 0.3 liters of alcohol. The liquid is infused for 2 weeks in a dark place. The course of treatment lasts 2 months. On day 1 take 1 drop, on day 2 - two, etc., until the dose reaches 30 drops. As soon as the month is over, they begin to reduce the dosage in the reverse order.

Before starting hemlock treatment, it is advisable to cleanse the body of waste and toxins by drinking water with apple cider vinegar.

Honey with propolis for the treatment of tumors

Bee products are an invaluable gift of nature that can treat many diseases. Honey and propolis can increase immunity and promote cell regeneration.

Propolis is used in the form of a 20% tincture, taking 40 drops diluted in 0.5 glass of water. Course – 3 months. Another option for using propolis against cancer is to chew and swallow 2 g of the substance three times a day. The course is about 1.5 months.

At the same time in the morning it is recommended to take 1 tsp. honey before meals. In the evening before meals, take tincture of birch buds. After a month of treatment, they take a break, then return to therapy. The total period of treatment with honey and propolis is 2-3 years.

The fight against cancer in any of its manifestations must be clearly structured, verified to the smallest detail. You cannot miss a single detail, since cancer is an insidious disease that can quickly lead to death.

Treatment continues until complete recovery. If after a while the symptoms no longer bother you, this does not mean that it is time to end treatment.

Temporary improvement can sometimes mask the further spread of malignant cells throughout the body. The tumor may develop for years asymptomatically, treatment can last a long time. You need to be patient, follow all the doctor’s recommendations and believe in recovery.

Psychological attitude influences the fight against disease. Experts note the best effect of medications in those patients who did not give up and tried with all their might to recover.


Lung cancer medications prescribed by your doctor are very important in controlling the disease. The share of this pathology in Russian Federation accounts for 15% of all types of malignant diseases.

In fact, the disease is the most common among cancer diseases. In 80% of cases this disease heavy smokers are susceptible. Moreover, pathology is registered most often in men. Currently, specialists are developing new drugs and medical technology for the treatment of a disease. However, a cancer drug that would cause complete recovery, has not yet been invented. Therefore, mortality from this type of cancer remains high. In 85% of cases, medicine is powerless.

As mentioned above, with active smoking, the likelihood of getting cancer increases several times. In addition, the occurrence of the disease is influenced by professional working conditions, for example, work in which one has to come into contact with radioactive elements for a long time or carcinogenic substances. Not the least role is played by transferred infectious diseases lungs: fibrosis, tuberculosis.

Symptoms and types of lung cancer

Lung cancer can be central or peripheral. It depends on which area of ​​the organ is affected by the tumor. In its structure it can be squamous, small cell or large cell. About 50% of cases belong to the first option. Depending on these parameters, choose medications. Pathology has different symptoms, which directly depend on the size of the tumor, the type of metastases and various complications. Central cancer manifests itself in the form of cough, shortness of breath and hemoptysis. At peripheral cancer Hoarseness and aphonia are possible. If the tumor has affected right lung, swelling appears on the person’s face, and the neck swells. In addition, drowsiness, weakness, fainting occur, and nausea occurs.

If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage, treatment is carried out through surgery. One or more tumors are removed lung lobe. IN as a last resort the entire organ is removed. Sometimes it is impossible to quickly remove a tumor if there are contraindications. The cause is respiratory, cardiac, renal or liver failure. In addition, surgery is not performed if the patient is sick diabetes mellitus or he had early heart attack myocardium. In such cases, the fight against the tumor is carried out using radiation therapy.

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Lung cancer drugs and chemotherapy method

Chemotherapy involves treating pathology with a large dose of drugs. It is prescribed if small cell cancer is diagnosed. This approach is explained by the fact that this type The disease is extremely aggressive, and its suppression requires powerful antitumor agents. Such drugs include distributed platinum supplements, Adriamycin, Vepesid, Fluorouracil and vinca alkaloids. In order for chemotherapy treatment to be most effective, radioactive irradiation of the tumor is used along with it. When using both methods, the growth of the tumor stops, as cancer cells stop multiplying. And if you use potent drugs, such as Avatsin, Taxotere and others, you can achieve excellent therapeutic results.

Worry about metastases painful sensations. At lung cancer severe musculoskeletal pain is noted. The appearance of metastases forces the patient to take strong painkillers. These include drugs of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory group (Ibuprofen and others), drugs of the opioid narcotic group (Morphine, Tramadol, Promedol). In addition, cyclooxygenase-2 blocking drugs are used, which include Celecoxib. Drugs included in this group, have side effects on the gastric mucosa, bleeding is possible. Moreover long-term use We do not recommend such drugs, since the blocking properties are lost due to the body’s addiction. To avoid this, medications and methods of pain relief are periodically changed.

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Treatment with radiotherapy

Radiotherapy involves irradiating the area where the tumor is located with ionizing radiation. This method used only after surgery. Used in the form self-treatment if the patient is diagnosed with an inoperable form of lung cancer. In some cases, patients themselves refuse surgical intervention, so radiation therapy in such cases is most likely forced.

Focused X-rays or gamma radiation affects the affected area. Cancer cells that have high miotic activity are susceptible to radiation. It negatively affects the DNA of malignant cells, thereby disrupting the process of their reproduction and growth. With this method of treatment tumor cells do not have the opportunity to recover, and the size of the tumor itself is significantly reduced.

It is worth noting that modern medical oncology is constantly improving radiotherapy devices, and dosimetry methods are actively developing. The use of the latest technologies makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of radiation therapy and reduce the damage that radiation causes to healthy tissue. Such a new technology is ablative radiation doses. A special knife directs the radiation from high accuracy. Thanks to this, healthy tissues are not exposed to radiation. However, such Newest technologies are not yet used in all medical institutions.

Therefore, it is worth recalling the side effects that occur after radiotherapy. For example, many patients complain of high fatigue and general weakness throughout the body. After a course of radiation therapy, patients need more time to night sleep and day rest. It is important to note that experts advise patients not to be passive and to be active. In addition, hair may fall out, irritation appears on the skin, appetite decreases, and the esophagus becomes inflamed.

This is a medicine against lung cancer that contains monoclonal antibodies. Avastin helps slow tumor growth and prevent metastases. The drug belongs to the group of antitumor drugs and is used to treat various types of cancer.

This medicine against lung cancer is produced in the form of a concentrate, from which it is prepared infusion solution. Avastin is indicated for use in various types cancer, including lung cancer.

The drug is administered intravenously. The first dose is administered within one and a half hours, then within 30-60 minutes. The therapy is long-term, but if it does not produce results, the treatment is stopped.

Contraindications for use this drug are:

  • increased sensitivity of the patient’s body to the components included in the drug;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

Possible side effects:

  • decreased immunity;
  • addition of a secondary infection;
  • hemorrhages;
  • stroke;
  • changes in taste, vomiting;
  • dry skin;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • anorexia;
  • myalgia;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • headaches, drowsiness;
  • stomatitis;
  • hemoptysis;
  • diarrhea, constipation and a number of others.

If the patient is taking other medications, the introduction of any new drug into the treatment regimen must be agreed with the attending physician. The same applies to various traditional methods cancer treatment.


This effective medicine for lung cancer, which is usually prescribed when traditional treatment regimens fail. The drug gives good results in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer, but has a number of undesirable side effects (increased blood pressure, blood clots, bleeding).


This is a fairly effective cure for lung cancer. The active substance of the drug, after entering the patient’s body, finds tumor cells and destroys mutagenic proteins, preventing the tumor from growing into healthy tissue.

Maximum concentration active substance in the blood is observed 5-6 hours after administration. The effectiveness of action increases if you take Ceritinib two hours after meals.

The tablets are taken only as prescribed by the attending physician, in the indicated dosage. The capsules are swallowed whole, without chewing, and washed down sufficient quantity water. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician.


  • individual intolerance;
  • age under 18 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Possible side effects:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • skin rashes, burning, itching;
  • stomach ache;
  • decreased appetite;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • bradycardia;
  • increase in blood glucose levels.


This medicine helps destroy cancer cells and prevents them from dividing.

Erlotinib is prescribed to patients diagnosed with non-small cell cancer. Before prescribing this drug, a cytological examination of cancer cells is performed. Main side effects Diarrhea and skin rash have been reported from Erlotinib use. Best effect from the use of the drug is observed in non-smoking patients.

In our online store you can purchase the following drugs for the treatment of lung cancer, which can be used as part of complex therapy for this disease:

  • L-Arginine;
  • Indole plus;
  • Arginine-Zinc;
  • Indosine;
  • Cordyceps;
  • L-Arginine health formula;
  • Transfer Factor;
  • Chlorella;
  • Unibacter;
  • Santa-Rus-B;
  • L-Arginine;
  • Pau De Arco and a number of others.

Before using any drug, you should consult your doctor.



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