Massage for children from 0 to 3 months. Umbilical hernia in a child

If the baby is in a capricious mood, then this is not the right time for procedures. It will be good if the little one is in a great mood. Following a schedule will be very helpful; it is convenient for both mother and baby.

Suitable in the morning or afternoon physical exercise, it is better not to do them before bedtime, because the baby will not always be able to fall asleep easily after them, especially if there are problems with sleep. It is best to do this before feeding, but before the baby gets hungry. Massage on a full stomach is not recommended, because the baby will not be able to relax.

Massage technique for newborns

The most important thing is that all manipulations should be carried out with tenderness and affection, and then the mother will not have to be afraid of damaging anything. There are several main simple techniques, using which you can easily and naturally massage a newborn baby.

Stroking. This is a basic type of massage for relaxation, ideal for little ones. Mother's hands slide along the surface of the child's back, tummy, chest, legs and arms. The skin should not be gathered into folds; the intensity is assumed to be minimal.

“Stroking” technique during massage for newborns

What does this technique provide? With the help of stroking, blood circulation is activated, muscles relax, and the nervous system calms down. The method is ideal for starting a session, after which you can smoothly proceed to other techniques.

Rubbing. The impact is expected to be deeper, much more intense. This relaxes the muscles and reduces nervous excitability. This massage is carried out with the palm or fingertips. Impacts are directed from the limbs to the center, clockwise (from the heel to the knee, from the hands to the shoulders). Here the movements are already energetic, the skin is shifting.

“Rubbing” technique during massage for newborns

Kneading. The impact of this technique is stronger, in contrast to the first two. The movements of the three fingers are made progressively and in a circle; due to this, the child’s muscles are developed perfectly. The newborn's neck and gluteal muscles are kneaded with pinching movements, and the skin is shifted with the fingers. The legs are “rolled” with two palms, one is in front and the other is behind the lower leg, the leg is massaged clockwise from the foot up to the thigh.

Shaking. This technique is suitable for chest newborn Need to cover with your palms bottom part chest, then the thumbs connect, making light indentations. This technique is optimal for warming up the arms and legs of children.

“Shaking” technique during massage for newborns

Patting. The back of your fingers should be used to lightly pat the entire body, you can move along and across, in a spiral or in zigzags. This is a wonderful way of stimulation, providing beneficial influence for the development of the baby.

Massage for newborns by month

Massage for newborns at home is carried out according to age. There are certain recommendations, following which the effect of the massage will be as beneficial as possible.

1 month. Massage in the first month of a newborn’s life is light stroking. First, the feet and hands of the newborn are massaged, then the baby is turned over on his tummy, and the back is stroked. back side brushes from bottom to top and palm back. The baby's tummy is stroked with the right hand in a clockwise direction in circles. Children at this age experience colic; gymnastics and massage for a 1-month-old child help remove gases.

2 months. It is advisable to devote a massage to a newborn at 2 months to the development of the cervical vertebrae, because the baby will soon learn to hold his head. The rubbing method is added to stroking as the main type of massage. Thus, contact with the newborn’s skin occurs more closely, which helps improve blood circulation. Rubbing is also applicable to the extremities, starting from the periphery to the groin and armpits. The session begins with stroking, then rubbing is added, the end of the massage also takes place only with stroking.

3 months. Massage and gymnastics for a 3-month-old child are combined with real exercises. First, we apply stroking and stretch the limbs. The arms are crossed on the chest and spread to the sides, this is done several times. After the exercises, you need to stroke your tummy, rub and stroke the side muscles.

Exercises for the legs consist of bending, first bend both at the same time, then separately, this needs to be done about 4 times. On the stomach, the back and neck are stroked.

4 months. Massage for a 4 month old newborn becomes more varied - quantity active actions increases. Here they add more exercises for the arms, legs and torso. It is useful to develop the ability to grab bright toys that are already of great interest to the baby.

5 months. At this age, massage is carried out during the day, when the child is cheerful and cheerful. All previous techniques remain, and tapping with fingertips is added.

It's time to add sitting on the baby's arms from the back to gymnastics. Include crawling on all fours.

6 months. Massage itself no longer has of great importance(unless it is a special treatment). Physical exercise is more important now. Class time increases as the skills of crawling, sitting, and manipulating toys develop.

The child moves a lot, giving him freedom, parents promote the harmonious development of muscles and joints.

Massage for a newborn from 0 to 3 months - a set of exercises

Massage for a newborn at home is done on a flat surface, preferably one that is moderately hard and does not press down. A table covered with a blanket and a diaper is suitable; massage on the floor is allowed if the house is warm. Some manipulations are convenient to perform on the laps of adults.

The hands are kneaded first, each finger is massaged separately, and the fists are unclenched. We go up from the wrist to the armpits; you no longer need to touch them. Number of repetitions 8-10 times.

Then the transition is made to the legs. The fingers and feet are easily massaged, and we work with the leg towards the groin. We leave the knees and joints alone; there is no need to influence them. We massage the feet and legs 10 times.

The baby's tummy is stroked clockwise, from the navel. From the middle of the abdomen, then movements are made with one hand up, the other down, in a sliding manner. 6-8 times are optimal for babies. Such a massage for a newborn from 0 to 3 months will help against colic and gas.

The breast is kneaded from the middle to the shoulders, then to the sides.

We begin the neck massage with extreme caution. During the movements of the newborn and attempts to raise his head, all manipulations must be suspended.

The back massage goes in two directions: from the lower back to the shoulders and from the spine to the sides. Stroking the buttocks goes from the hips to the tailbone. It is recommended to knead your butt up to 10 times.

On the side, strokes are performed along the back from the butt to the head. 2 – 3 is quite enough.

You need to massage the head lightly, avoiding the fontanel area.

Massage for children from 0 to 3 months consists mainly of stroking, but the older the toddler, the more physical exercises, crawling, and squats are added. All this is included in the overall complex.

What can't you do? The genitals should not be touched, mammary glands, stretch your joints. You cannot influence the spine and the fontanel area.

Contraindications for massage

Not always even light massage It is indicated for a newborn without fear. There are a number of factors when you need to consult a pediatrician before carrying out any manipulations. If the temperature has risen, there are diseases, or allergies, then it would be better to postpone the massage.

Contraindications for massage:

You should always check with your doctor about when massage is safe for a newborn. The pediatrician, if something happens, will prescribe treatment and give worthwhile recommendations.

How often do newborns get massaged?

In the absence of health problems, it is recommended to perform the massage procedure half an hour before meals and 15 - 20 minutes before bedtime. The number of repetitions of a massage session depends on the baby; doctors recommend doing exercises no more than 2 - 3 times a day. By organizing the baby's rest and wakefulness regime, the mother will be able to understand how often she can massage her newborn. At certain hours, the child’s activity will prevail - this will be a signal for a massage.

Even without knowing the rules, the mother intuitively strokes the tummy when the child is uncomfortable, runs her hand over the head if he cries. But there are techniques that promote muscle development, relieve discomfort.

Nurses and pediatricians show parents what is best for the baby so that it is safe. Information does not always remain in your head, so you should pay attention to this topic special attention, outline the rules and techniques of how to massage a newborn at home. Maternal massage for newborns brings not only physical benefits in development, but also the psychological calm of the child on for a long time.

How to massage a newborn baby?

Massage for newborns at home can be done from the first days of life.

It has a positive effect on the baby's development. Gives him good health, strength and endurance, helps relieve pain and sleep peacefully.

In addition to the beneficial effects and healing properties, the baby receives the affectionate touches of his mother. Thanks to this procedure, a close bond is established between mother and child.

It is very important for parents to know how to properly massage a child, especially between the ages of 0 and 3 months. Indeed, during this period his body is fragile and sensitive even to the lungs. physical influences.

And in the first few months of life digestive system Just learning to function normally. Therefore, tummy problems often arise, such as colic, bloating, and stool problems.

A special massage technique will help you cope with them. Scientists have repeatedly proven that babies who are regularly treated massage treatments, develop much faster and better, actively exploring the world.

How to properly massage a newborn

Many mothers do not know how and when to massage their newborn. The procedure can be used from the moment the baby is born.

The peculiarity is that the massage gently affects the child’s entire body through touch. Little ones have poorly developed auditory and visual analyzers, but the skin analyzer is well prepared.

Massage for infants helps them develop fully and improves the perception of movements. And the gentle touches of mother’s hands have a beneficial effect on the baby’s emotions.

Such procedures before bathing are an additional source of baby’s health.

Every mother should know how to properly massage a newborn baby. After all, this is a very serious and responsible matter.

  1. All hand movements should begin from the periphery to the center. They should be soft, light and tender.
  2. When massaging the abdomen, you should not touch the right hypochondrium and genitals. Direct the movements clockwise.
  3. There should be no pressing or rubbing movements.
  4. The back massage should be performed no less carefully, without hitting or patting.
  5. Hand massage should also be done. At the same time, carefully straighten your fists and massage your palms.
  6. All movements are carried out in the form of stroking.
  7. Massage treatments for newborns should last about 10 minutes.

Massage for a newborn

Tummy massage for colic

Tummy massage for newborns should be done in the following cases:

  • to relieve hypertonicity or hypotonicity of the abdominal muscles;
  • in the presence of an umbilical hernia or congenital predisposition to her appearance;
  • indigestion;
  • digestion of food with increased gas formation, which leads to regular bloating after eating;
  • colic;
  • constant constipation, which is poorly treated with foods that cause increased peristalsis in the intestines.

Preparation for the procedure:

Massage technique

Tummy massage for colic in newborns has its own characteristics:

  1. It begins with placing a relaxed palm on the baby’s tummy, but this should be done very carefully. You can’t press hard; when your hands lie down for a few minutes, the abdominal muscles relax, the intestines spasm less, so children often stop crying.
  2. The movements should be stroking with periodic pressure on the abdomen.
  3. It is allowed to touch the newborn with your palms and the edge of your hand in a bent state.
  4. Pressure is applied only with the fingertips in the area closer to the sides and under the ribs.
  5. Sharper movements constantly alternate with stroking.
  6. Under no circumstances should you use pointed or intense pressure. This can intensify the spasm and harm the baby. Several fingers should be used simultaneously.
  7. After warming up the muscles, the hands are applied to the abdominal press. Such actions activate the work of the small intestine. The palms should be applied transversely to the baby's tummy. Movements should take place in both directions from the ribs to the pubic symphysis.
  8. The previous exercise should be alternated with stroking the oblique abdominal muscles with one hand. At this point, the second hand is placed on the umbilical area.
  9. As an alternative to targeting the abdominal muscles or as a supplement, you can use light pinching or conditionally drawing the contours of flower petals around the navel.
  10. Further actions strengthen the reflexes of the abdominal muscles, which promotes proper operation internal organs.
  11. The main massage movement that helps eliminate colic is moderate stroking. This helps remove excess gases from the newborn’s tummy. With your hands you need to massage the abdominal area in the area where the colon is located. If the procedure is carried out during colic, a step-by-step procedure is required.

Anti-colic massage

Dacryocystitis is inflammatory process, which passes through the lacrimal sac. This disease is characterized by the discharge of mucus or mucus along with pus from the eye, as well as swelling in the inner corner.

A fairly common disease in newborns. It is important that all paths for the outflow of tears have good patency.

In some cases, nose tear duct may be forgotten by elements of embryonic tissue. It does not allow tears to pass, and as a result, stagnation and accumulation of microbes occurs.

Thus, the child's eye becomes inflamed. Dacryocystitis in children can be congenital pathology nasolacrimal duct or lacrimal sac.

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky considers massage the best way to treat dacryocystitis in children.

There is no need to prescribe drugs containing antibiotics to newborns unless absolutely necessary. The doctor advises using drops as an adjuvant.

Massage for dacryocystitis in newborns according to Komarovsky is performed with gentle and careful vibrating movements. In this case, you need to lightly press on the tear duct.

It is important to correctly follow the directions of movements made in the corner area. They must be done from top to bottom. Regular use of this procedure will help achieve good result and save the child from the disease.

Instructions for performing the procedure

For dacryocystitis, massage should be carried out following the following instructions:

  1. It is necessary to carefully squeeze out the liquid that has formed in the lacrimal sac.
  2. Drop a warm furatsilin solution into the sore eye in a ratio of 1:5000. Then remove the pus with a sterile cotton swab.
  3. After such manipulations, you should begin to massage the lacrimal sac. It is aimed at ensuring that the elements of embryonic tissue break through.
  4. The movement should be carried out from the inner corner of the eye to the bottom. Thanks to the pressure, the embryonic film breaks through.

Perform eye massage for at least two weeks. Start exactly at the moment when the child begins to cry angrily. At the same time, the baby is in tension and it is very easy to break through the gelatin film.

The procedure must be performed very carefully; newborns have not yet formed a bone in the sinuses and if you press hard, you can damage the delicate cartilage.

Massage of the lacrimal canal in newborns

Treatment of umbilical hernia

Umbilical hernia- this is the result of a defect in the anterior abdominal wall, caused by weakness umbilical ring. Quite common in newborns, especially premature babies. The provoking factors for its development are coughing, constipation, prolonged crying.

Manifests itself as a protrusion in the area of ​​the umbilical ring, round or oval shape, which is easily adjusted into the abdominal cavity.

Toning massage for umbilical hernia in newborns is very useful for treatment. You can start this procedure three weeks after healing. umbilical wound.

It is useful to combine with general massage and special gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

Features of the treatment procedure:

Umbilical hernia in a child

When treating an umbilical hernia, it is important to consider that all procedures must be combined with proper nutrition. The formation of gases in the child’s intestines must be minimized. Otherwise, bloating can trigger relapses of the disease.

Massage is prohibited in the following cases:

  • The baby has a severe infection or systemic disease;
  • there are abrasions, eczema, wounds on the skin near the navel;
  • body temperature is elevated.

How to use a massage ball correctly

The ball is one of the auxiliary devices for massaging the baby. It is used for a variety of gymnastic and warm-up exercises.

It is great for interesting and useful games that fully develop the child. Fitball can be used with one month old.

You should start with simple laying on the ball so that the baby gets used to it. Swinging on a ball has a beneficial effect on vestibular apparatus.

When the baby gets used to the ball, you can do other exercises:

  1. At 2 months, the baby’s legs can be raised above the fitball and swung in weight. In this case, the child can lie either on his back or on his stomach.
  2. To train the vertebral and neck muscles, as well as the limbs, the head can be lowered down.
  3. The vibration of the ball is very useful. The main thing is to straighten your legs and straighten your spine. A more complicated option is to cross your arms over your chest and swing on the ball.
  4. At 3 months, the baby can bend his legs on the ball, pressing it to his stomach.
  5. Rocking exercises develop the hip joints well.

Before the above manipulations, experts advise giving the child a short massage.

Fitball exercises are especially useful for children with orthopedic and neurological complications. The procedure can be done morning and evening for 15 minutes.

Fitball exercises for infants from Yulia Ermak

A child must be developed from the first days of life. Massage treatments are great for strengthening the body, developing thinking and treating many ailments.

They increase immunity, improve blood circulation, appetite and sleep, have a beneficial effect on mood and general tone body.

Even a non-professional massage, which every mother can do, will have a positive effect. It is important to follow the recommendations and listen to the baby’s reaction.

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Massage for babies

In the 1st year of life, a colossal development of the baby occurs. Parents have many questions about the means and methods of education. One of them is massage.

Is it necessary to massage a baby?

There are adults who doubt whether they should massage their infants. The doctor will explain the benefits of the procedure:

  • activation of the immune system;
  • formation of motor skills;
  • stabilization of psychological state;
  • improvement of muscle function.

In case of certain diseases, massage is required for the child; in such cases, massage manipulations are performed only by a professional. For the purpose of comprehensive development, the baby needs to have a massage every day. If there is no pathology, you can massage at home.

At what age can a baby be massaged? Opinions differ as to how many months a baby should be massaged. Some believe that with early age massage is harmful due to poor development motor functions. Others, on the contrary, consider it effective to start massage almost in the maternity hospital.

Massage in the clinic is prescribed from 2 months, at home it is allowed to do procedures from half a month after the navel wound has healed.

Massage by month

Massage for infants up to one month old. It is necessary to monitor the baby's reaction. Warmth of hands and sweet words accompany massage.

Perform a massage infant up to 1 month should be used very carefully. You need to start from the head and finish with the lower limbs.

The following exercises are practiced for up to 4 weeks:

  • the child is stroked and “stretched”;
  • gently rub the skin;
  • arms crossed on chest;
  • legs spread;
  • turn on side, tummy.

Massage for infants from 1 month. Every mother can independently perform massage for infants from 1 month onwards. Massaging is complemented by vibrating and kneading techniques.


  • hands;
  • legs;
  • back;
  • buttocks;
  • feet and fingers.

The beginning and end of the session is done with stroking manipulations. In case of protest to any exercise, the impact is stopped and the next one is done. Return to a technique you don’t like later and reduce the time it takes. It is advisable to perform a soothing massage before water procedures.

Massage for infants 2 months. At 2 months, the baby does not hold his head for long. Massage of the neck is added to the massage for 2-month-old infants to strengthen the cervical vertebrae.

Massage for a two-month old baby:

  1. You need to start from the legs (the ligaments and muscle tissue, blood flow improves). Procedure:
    • Gently stroke from the hips down.
    • Massage your feet with your fingers.
    • Rub your feet.
  2. After the legs, continue to massage the arms: spread them to the sides, vibrate them a little, massage the palms.
  3. Back. In a position on its side, the child bends and arches the spine: the adult moves his hand along the spine, the baby’s feet are adjacent to the palm of the other hand. Next is a light massage of the back.
  4. The tummy is massaged to prevent navel hernia and relieve colic. Circular movements are made in the direction of the clock.
  5. Breasts are being stroked.
  6. Rocking in the fetal position. The baby needs to be helped to accept the position of being in the mother's womb. Take the baby in your arms and rock him from side to side and in a circle.

At the end of the session, the baby needs rest.

Massage for infants 3 months. Does a three month old baby need a massage? If the child has not been massaged, then it is advisable to begin the course.

At this age, the baby moves more. Massage for infant 3 months is aimed at eliminating muscle tension, learning the skill of turning over onto your tummy. The load is initially simple. The actions are gradually becoming more complicated.

Massage for infants from 3 months of age consists of stroking, shaking, vibration, rubbing (massage without pressure).

  • Flexing and straightening the limbs is helpful.
  • Stroke and massage the feet from all sides.
  • Rub and stroke the arms from palms to shoulders.
  • The tummy area is stroked and massaged with circular rubbing movements from the navel to the hips.
  • The back and buttocks are ironed from the upper back - outer side palms of both hands, to the bottom - inner side palms.
  • The breasts are stroked using circular and simple vibrating actions.

It is useful to perform massage on infants 3-6 months old in combination with elements of gymnastics.

Massage for infants 4 months. Massage for a 4-month-old baby can be performed independently, reducing passive manipulations and adding energetic ones. To form the baby’s muscles it is allowed:

  • pluck;
  • twist;
  • lie down: change the position “lying” - “sitting” and vice versa.

Actions are performed counting to maintain rhythm. When massaging your legs, you should include flexion and alignment. To develop motor skills, the child is allowed to grasp small objects.

Massage for 4-5 month old infants together with elements of gymnastics helps consolidate physical skills and activates subsequent development.

Massage for infants 5 months. Massage for infants 5-6 months is almost the same as the previous month. Massage of the facial area and techniques for developing fine motor skills are complemented.

Stimulation of the massaged areas is enhanced - this helps the correct formation of phasomotor functions, the condition of muscle tissue is stabilized and general improvement occurs. The child is turned over, the position of the body is changed with support from the arms.

Massage for a baby for sitting skills consists of developing the muscles of the back, buttocks, tummy and learning to sit with emphasis on your arm. In order for the child to sit down in due time, an exercise will help: from a position lying on his back, the baby stretches his arms up, holding on to his mother’s hands or the crossbar, until he sits down.

Massage for infants from 6 months. Massage for infants is reduced in six months, and the variety physical activities increases

  • lifting the body;
  • in a sitting position, the arms bend and align;
  • the baby may crawl towards toys.

Massage of the arms and legs is not necessary, you need to focus on the back, chest and tummy.

Finger massage for infants from 6 months is performed independently in various places. The massage takes place in a playful way, combined with nursery rhymes and poems. The finger massage technique has a positive effect on the intellect, fine motor skills, and speech apparatus.

Massage for infants aged 4-6 months is based on the development of the ability to crawl, the ability to understand speech, rhythm and coordination of actions.

Massage for babies 7, 8, 9 months old. The exercises are done vigorously. Most massage techniques are allowed.

  1. The crossing of the arms is leisurely and fast.
  2. Flexion and alignment of the legs.
  3. Turning over onto your tummy. The baby will be able to do this exercise himself; he should be pushed a little.
  4. Various actions with the back and buttocks.
  5. Training in crawling skills with straight arms on the knees: formation of the muscles of the back, limbs and shoulders. Massage for 8-month-old infants involves doing the exercise on your own. At a younger age, support is required.
  6. Abdominal massage.
  7. Abdominal muscles are trained abdominal cavity by squats: from a lying position, pull up a baby of 7 months by both arms, from 8 months - by one arm.
  8. Stroking the feet.
  9. Raising and lowering straight legs.
  10. Breast massage.

Massage for 10-month-old infants is performed with verbal accompaniment of specific short commands.

When is the best time to massage a baby?

The effectiveness of massage is influenced by certain factors. You need to understand when you can massage your baby:

  • the baby is in a wonderful mood;
  • the child is awake;
  • in between meals;
  • if the child is naughty, end the session;
  • after coming from the street they do not massage;
  • no doctor contraindications.

The mother determines what time of day to massage the baby. It is advisable to carry out the session in the morning or afternoon at the same time. The child will get used to the routine. At night, massage manipulations are excluded - the baby may become agitated, which will lead to restless sleep, or will not be able to sleep.

The duration of massage for infants varies. Session time is determined by age:

  • up to 1 month – no more than 10 minutes;
  • 2 months – 15-20 minutes;
  • 3 months – 20-25 minutes;
  • from 4 months – up to 30 minutes.

The positive dynamics of classes will be noticeable after several sessions. If carried out systematically and following the rules, the baby will acquire full development.

Daily gentle touches from the mother are simply necessary for the baby. But, unfortunately, this alone is not enough for the proper development of the newborn. Daily and proper massage that's what's really needed. This will not only provide him with pleasure, but will also help him develop properly, strengthen his still weak muscles and help him develop movements that are not yet skillful. We will tell you about the right help skills development and health promotion supreme baby.

How massage is beneficial for a newborn baby

Regular massage improves blood circulation and eliminates nervous and orthopedic deficiencies. The great benefit of massage is that with its help, inept residual reflexes are eliminated much faster, which, thanks to massage, should turn into the acquisition of skills and abilities.

It has been proven that regular massage sessions increase protective functions When the body is still small and weak, the immune system steadily begins to “activate” and resist diseases, the digestive system begins to react more favorably to food.

Is it worth doing a massage yourself?

Walking on fresh air this is a definite plus. But still, if you want to see a specialist, you will have to face long queues at medical institutions With pre-registration for a massage.

However, such visits are not always possible due to lack of free time among young mothers. In this case, you can carry out massage procedures yourself without wasting precious time on trips to the hospital.

Massage is prescribed to almost all babies. And this is absolutely not due to whether the child has any deviations. Over the course of a year, it is recommended to have three massage sessions with short breaks. All this helps the baby adapt to the environment.

Prescription by a pediatrician of “Massage No. 10”

Have you visited your pediatrician and she prescribed massage #10 for you? Don't be afraid. This does not mean at all that you need some special specialist and some special healing session. This appointment involves a (regular) restorative massage lasting 10 days.

Carrying out this massage does not require any special medical skills or knowledge. But still, if you are prescribed a therapeutic massage, then it would be more correct to contact a specialist.

Mandatory preparation before performing a massage

To avoid leaving your child alone unattended, you should prepare in advance. Ventilate the room, then warm it up to an acceptable temperature for a child of 20-22°C. Do not forget that small children cool down very quickly and need constant warmth.

Prepare the place where you plan to conduct the exercises. You need to lay down a soft blanket or flannelette blanket; massage can only be performed on a flat surface.

You also need to prepare everything you need during and after the massage. During exercise, use special oil or baby cream. Apply the massage product onto your baby's skin using gentle movements. The skin should warm up slightly. When performing a massage, the mother's hands should be warm, soft and clean.

Do not forget that the baby has quite soft skin, and it is very easy to damage it. Before providing a massage, it is worth cutting your nails so that they are scratched, remove rings and bracelets.

The best time for a massage will be when the baby is in good mood and not prone to sleep.

To avoid regurgitation, please note that the procedure should be carried out 30 minutes before feeding or 30-45 minutes after eating.

When should you not massage?

Of course, you wouldn't want to harm your baby. Therefore, there are a number of temporary reasons, in the presence of which the procedures should be postponed for a while:

  • It is not recommended to massage infants under 20 days old;
  • If the baby has vomiting, indigestion;
  • When a rash, diaper rash or sweat rash appears;
  • Also, you should not disturb your baby if he has a fever, due to vaccinations, teething, or illness.

Massage for babies

It is imperative to remember that under no circumstances should you put too much pressure on any parts of the baby’s body that are not yet fully formed. After all, the muscles are still weakened and not all the bones have yet become stronger and have gained calcium. Also on initial stages During the development of the baby, massage in the neck and head area should be avoided. Movements can only be made smooth and soft. At the same time, without crushing the baby’s skin.

It is also worth paying attention to the child’s condition during the massage, the reaction of his body and facial expression. If the baby expresses dissatisfaction, it is best to reschedule the massage to another time or postpone it until the next day. If your actions are correct, the child’s reaction will be positive.

A few useful rules:

  • When performing a massage, doctors recommend following the sequence of actions of the massaged areas. Start with lower limbs, moving to the arms, then the tummy, chest and back;
  • You cannot massage the inner thigh, because there is quite a lot of nerve endings and she is more sensitive;
  • The knees are not yet formed. Limit any impact on them due to the risk of injury;
  • Zones especially important organs. That is, the heart and liver should not be affected when massaging the abdomen. After all, the organs are located quite close to the surface of the body; direct exposure can cause great harm to the child’s health;
  • It is also recommended not to touch the spine area; such an effect may be painful for the baby;
  • The massage should not affect the genital area and mammary glands.

Relaxing massage for babies:

  • With light and smooth movements, we begin to massage the feet, as well as the back and sides, smoothly moving to the tips of the baby’s toes;
  • Stroking the hand, starting with the fingers and gradually moving to the shoulders;
  • Stroking with your hand is done easily and smoothly in a clockwise direction in the tummy area;
  • Massage the chest from the tummy to the shoulders and back;
  • We stroke the back with the back of the hand from the spine to the sides and from the buttocks to the shoulders.
  • This massage can be done daily, starting with a session of 3-5 minutes, and then increasing the time to 10 minutes. Do the massage for 4 months.

Relaxing massage to calm babies:

Stroke the baby's face with gentle movements of your fingers in the eyebrow area and on the wings of the nose.

General massage for infants

Now it is important to start more active exercises with the addition of gymnastics. Also, at this stage of development of a baby from 4 months of age, exercises are added:

  • Bicycle - will prepare the baby for crawling and strengthen the leg muscles;
  • Vanka, stand up - is a preparatory exercise for sitting.

After all, the child’s muscle tone has already returned to normal. Passive gymnastics of the arms and legs is worth increasing over time. Spend about half an hour on the exercises, all movements should be repeated no more than 3 times. Remember also that you should not make sudden, jerking movements of the arms and legs.

Even though the muscles have become stronger, careless movements can still harm the baby.

You should start the exercises with light stroking and gentle rubbing. After the baby's body is warmed up, begin the exercises.

Leg and foot massage:

Slightly lifting the baby's leg, using smoothing movements of your hand, rub only the outer and back sides of the lower leg and thigh; Game “Bicycle” - clasping the baby’s lower leg with your hands, bend and straighten the leg. Do this on the next leg as well;

This way you develop and strengthen knee joints and muscles that contribute to further movement of the legs.

Hand massage:

Raise your baby's hand. Using gentle movements of your palm, begin to rub the handle from the hand to the shoulder, slightly moving the skin. At this stage of development, it is already possible to intensify movements during the massage; such manipulation will strengthen the child’s muscles;

Place your thumb in your child's hand. He will compress it by inertia. Then clasp his hand with your palm, bend the child’s arm at the elbow, then cross it at the chest, and then return it to its original position. This action can be carried out simultaneously with both hands of the baby.

Abdominal massage:

As before, the massage is performed with light stroking movements in a clockwise direction;

Continue the same manipulation as before, slightly increasing the pressure of your palm, and move your palm up and down, towards the right and left sides.

"Vanka, get up"

Place your thumb in the baby's palm, the baby should be in a lying position. Then wrap your palm around his wrist and pull his arms up. By inertia, the baby's head and shoulders should rise.

This exercise should be done 3-4 times. It is performed not only to prepare the child for sitting, but also replaces neck massage, strengthening the neck muscles.

Back and buttock massage:

Turn the baby onto his stomach. As before, with stroking movements of your palm, rub the child’s buttocks and back from above and vice versa;

Slightly increasing the pressure of the movements, knead the child’s back with your fingertips.

Oxolinic ointment newborns

The embryonic position of infants indicates a sharp hypertonicity of the limbs. Their arms are bent, their fists are at chest level. The feet follow the shape of a crescent, the legs are bent and slightly spread apart. The baby's head is slightly thrown back.

At the age of one month, the baby tries to move in horizontal position and keep your head in the position of lying on your stomach.

General principles of massage for a one-month-old baby

The child’s body is constantly growing and developing intensively, so it requires massage and physical exercise from birth, especially with hypertonicity.

Thanks to the plasticity of the body, even a slight but systematic impact will have a beneficial effect on the child, will help in the development of not only healthy child, but also with malnutrition, rickets, torticollis, flat feet, pneumonia and other abnormalities.

How to properly massage a newborn baby

Massage promotes active growth of body weight, improvement of skin turgor, normalization of muscle tone, increase in the range of motion in joints and improvement of emotional state.

Massage for children aged one month should be done to influence the body with the same mechanism as on the body of adults: humoral, reflex and mechanical.

Streams of impulses entering the central nervous system activate emotions and develop the child’s speech. Massage can cause pleasant experiences in infants, so when stroking the legs and abdomen, the first speech reactions, cooing, appear. Massage one month old baby in the abdominal area helps to get rid of gases.

Must be done massage movements to a one-month-old baby from the periphery to the center. The lower limbs bend slightly and move from the foot to the inguinal glands. Upper limbs massage from the hands towards the shoulder. The abdomen is stroked from the projection of the liver along the intestines (clockwise). The genitals should not be touched.

It is necessary to make gentle and light massage movements on the skin, since the mass of a child in relation to the surface of the skin is much less than that of an adult.

Important: massage on inner surface It should not be done on the baby’s hips to prevent the appearance of sexual reflexes. Patting is not performed in the area of ​​the kidneys on the back.

The massage stimulates the baby's independent movements associated with extension. Therefore, it is necessary to relax the flexor muscles of the limbs in order to reduce hypertonicity, which is pronounced from birth. When massage, it is necessary to take into account the protective and reflexes of the skin and muscles, to carry out movements actively, without affecting the flexor muscles.

Massage technique

A one-month-old baby is given a stroking and rubbing massage to relax the flexor muscles, following the following sequence:

  • position on the back - arms, then legs;
  • in the position on the stomach - stroke the back;
  • position on the back - stroking the stomach;
  • then they work on the feet: stroking, rubbing and using exercises (reflex movements);
  • use reflex extension of the spine and make turns to the left and right side;
  • Next, you need to lay it on your stomach to stimulate reflex crawling.

Before the massage, the child should be bathed in a decoction of the string, strengthen positive emotions constant communication.

How to massage the chest and back

Important: you cannot apply pressure on the chest with your fingers.

Lightly stroking the spaces between the ribs from the center of the sternum to the sides is performed up to 4 times. Then the baby is placed on his tummy and the back is massaged with stroking movements of both palms from the neck to the buttocks, then with the back of the palms from the buttocks to the head up to 8 times in each direction.

How to massage your head

Gentle rotational strokes are performed on the head with the fingers, directing movements from the crown to the forehead, without affecting the fontanel. Then they move from the top of the head to the ears and back of the head.

Lightly and gently press on the face with your fingertips and stroke the forehead from the center to the temples in slow circles. A figure eight is drawn from the center of the bridge of the nose around both eyes. Start from the left eyebrow to outer corner eyes, then along the lower left eyelid, moving to the right eyebrow across the bridge of the nose along the eyebrow to the outer corner of the eye, then moving to the lower right eyelid etc.

Fingers run along the edge of the bony cavity from the nose around the eyeball. The cheeks are massaged from the nose to the ears in semicircles, slightly rubbed around the mouth, jaw and chin.

The neck is massaged by stroking the sides, then from the neck to the shoulders. Then - the back surface of the neck from the back of the head to the trapezius muscle.

How to massage hands

For 1-3 minutes, superficial, planar, rake-like stroking of the handles is performed. The mother stands at the child’s feet and puts her thumb in right hand into the left hand, grasping with the remaining fingers wrist joint. With the left hand, moves towards the shoulder from the fingers, massaging the flexor muscles, repeating up to 8 times.

Massage the right arm should be done with the right hand, and with the left hand, support the half-bent left arm. After 15-20 days, sawing and hatching are used for grinding.

How to massage your feet

The mother places the baby with his legs on his back. She slightly lifts and supports the leg with opposite hands ( right leg left hand and vice versa). You need to massage your leg in a slightly bent position and place your foot on your palm.

The second hand directs stroking movements to the groin from the foot, using the outer and back surface of the leg, repeating up to 8 times. A little later, when there is no muscle hypertonicity, a rubbing movement is added.

Hold the shin or thigh with one hand, and smooth the buttocks with the other hand: with the palm or palmar surface of the fingers, repeating up to 8 times.

The baby must be grabbed with one hand by both legs in the area ankle joints, the second hand must be used to lift it up to 4 times. In this case, the palm is placed under the chest. The goal is to perform a reflexive arching of the baby’s back.

How to massage feet

With the cone of the thumb, the mother presses along the entire foot towards the heel from the toes in order to reflexively straighten them. Using stroking and rubbing techniques, you need to make circles on the foot and apply light pressure. Then you need to press on your fingers (one at a time), while simultaneously performing circular movements using your thumb and index finger.

Important: to prevent the child from crying or protesting during the massage, it is necessary to: heat your hands, lubricate them, eliminating any roughness. Do not massage on an empty stomach or during a cold or illness. internal organ. Abdominal pain caused by flatulence is excluded. Do not massage too intensely, as it may cause pain.

Massage to eliminate colic

Relieve a baby from colic by massaging the tummy half an hour after feeding. If there is no umbilical hernia, place your fingers with pads at the navel and move without pressure along the intestine, that is, clockwise. Carry out along the projection of the liver and end in the solar plexus. To avoid colic, it is done light percussion(stocatto) as food moves through the intestines to enhance peristalsis and remove gases.

Massage to relieve constipation

On the tummy, light compression of the skin and muscles along the intestine is performed, light percussion with a finger, and light vibration with two fingers. The child is turned on his tummy and stroking and rubbing movements are performed in the lumbar area, sacrum and buttocks. They move along the buttocks clockwise, then counterclockwise, from the center to the periphery and vice versa.

Parents often doubt whether they should get a massage. healthy newborn child, since they are sure that such manipulations are carried out only in case of illness. However, pediatric doctors recommend massage sessions from the first days of a baby’s life.

Massage for a 3-month-old child helps reduce muscle hypertonicity and strengthens physical state baby, corrects signs of torticollis.

At birth, all infants exhibit clenched fists, bent limbs, and spontaneous erratic movements. Relax muscles, eliminate physiological tone, accustom the body to conscious movements - all these tasks are successfully solved with the help of gymnastic exercises and massage.

Massage procedures are useful not only for adults; their importance for physical and intellectual development child.

The development of the baby’s nervous system and stimulation of its work occurs to a greater extent during irritation huge amount receptors, nerve endings located on human skin. Receiving signals, these receptors send information to the brain, which encourages development nervous system.

  • Blood circulation improves.
  • Tactile sensations develop: through touch, the baby begins to explore the world around him.
  • The psycho-emotional state of the baby improves, excitability and muscle hypertonicity decrease.
  • The baby's immunity is strengthened.
  • Helps cope with colic.
  • Massage has a beneficial effect on the development of the musculoskeletal system. Normal posture is formed, torticollis is corrected, clubfoot is corrected, as well as deformation of the lower extremities. The formation and restoration of optimal physical shape occurs.
  • Preventive work is carried out to prevent the occurrence of various diseases.

But massage can be harmful to a child if certain types of it, for example, therapeutic, are performed by a non-professional, or the procedures themselves are carried out with violations of the temperature regime. Properly performed massage and gymnastics, for small child 3 months will only bring benefits to the body.

Types of massage, indications for its use

It is generally accepted to consider types of massage depending on its purpose and goals.

  • Prophylactic. Aimed at preventing the occurrence of diseases, normalizes sleep, reduces increased excitability, improves blood circulation and metabolism. This type is divided into restorative and relaxing massage. Recommended for everyone, unless there are contraindications. Parents can do it at home: no special knowledge is required, but it is advisable to consult a specialist.
  • Treatment and prophylaxis. Performs the function of strengthening the body, and is also therapeutic in nature. Indicated for colic, respiratory and digestive diseases, as well as genitourinary system. The functioning of the body’s cardiovascular system and blood circulation is normalized and improved, helping to cope with dysplasia hip joints. Prescribed by a pediatrician. The sessions must be conducted by a professional.
  • Medicinal. Indicated for certain diseases.

The pediatrician prescribes healing procedures according to the following indications:

  • CNS diseases;
  • diagnosed hypertonicity or hypotonicity in a child;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • congenital dislocation of the joint;
  • torticollis;
  • umbilical hernia;
  • rickets;
  • congenital and acquired clubfoot;
  • deformation of the legs, flat feet.


  • In the presence of acute viral infection, high temperature, diseases skin, in case of problems with circulatory system baby, damage to the outer covering of the body.
  • If the baby is capricious, nervous, cries and breaks out of your arms.
  • For any disease in the acute stage.
  • With an umbilical hernia. The pediatrician should monitor it to ensure that it does not become pinched during the massage.
  • For heart disease (all sessions are carried out only under the supervision of a cardiologist).

When giving a massage to a 3-month-old child at home, there are some contraindications.

  • It is prohibited to hit or apply pressure during procedures.
  • Do not pat the baby's skin.
  • It is forbidden to massage the area of ​​an open fontanel.
  • It is not recommended to massage the area of ​​the inner thighs, the bend of the elbow and the armpits; you should also not touch the area under the knees of the baby.

We create conditions

Before you start massaging a 3-month-old infant at home, you need to create a comfortable environment for him.

Technique of procedures

A specialist will tell parents how to massage a 3-month-old child, but the following rules must always be followed.

Drainage technique

In case of bronchitis, pneumonia or when the baby coughs, a special drainage massage is performed to get rid of the cough and avoid changes in the lungs.

Massage for newborns from the first days of life “gives” the baby good health, strength and endurance. In addition to the beneficial effects on the body, the baby receives pleasant and affectionate touches from his mother. It is from such touches that a close connection is established between mother and child.

“I really like it when my mom pets my belly..”

And who, if not our babies, need gentle, affectionate touches that have a positive effect on the physical and psychological level. The procedure favors the further development of the child. Spend just 15 minutes a day and amazing results will not take long to arrive.

Massage for babies allows you to quickly get used to your mother’s touch and will reveal a lot of interesting and exciting things for your child. Many scientists have proven this statement that babies who are regularly treated massage techniques, develop much faster and better, actively learning about the world around them.

Try to carry out the baby massage procedure with a pleasant smile on your face, talking gently to your baby. Child psychologists say this approach is excellent stimulation. speech development and all communication in general.

Healthy babies who do not have any mental or mental impairments physical development, you can perform the techniques up to three times a day. The sessions can be entrusted to a specialist in this field, or you can do them yourself, knowing several features and techniques, which we will tell you about in more detail.

Features and set of exercises

A distinctive feature is that the procedure is carried out completely on the child’s entire body, gently influencing the body through touch. Although the little ones do not have very well developed auditory and visual analyzers, the skin analyzer is fully prepared. It is on him that we will exert our influence. created specifically to fully develop all auditory, speech, visual abilities, and develop the perception of movement. In addition, the gentle touch of mother's hands develops emotional mood baby.

From the first days of life, the baby feels the warmth of his mother’s hands

How to massage a newborn

Massage for a baby is a very serious and responsible matter. Read the recommendations that will help you understand how to properly massage a newborn:

  • The movements of your hands should be completely soft, gentle, light in nature, all movements should begin from the periphery to the center;
  • If you massage your stomach, try not to touch the right hypochondrium and genitals, direct the movements clockwise;
  • No pressing or rubbing movements;
  • When massaging the back, no percussive or patting movements;
  • Also, don’t forget about hand massage: carefully straighten your fists and massage your palms;
  • We remind you once again that all movements should be stroking;
  • A massage course for newborns should take no more than 10 minutes.

The best time for a massage is during the day, about an hour after feeding. If the child feels bad, is capricious, or not in the mood, it is best to reschedule the massage. It takes about 1 month to start conducting sessions.

A set of exercises for newborns

So, let's move on to a more detailed analysis of each exercise.

The child should be placed on his back with his legs facing him. Take left leg baby in left hand. Use your thumb, index and middle fingers to secure your leg: to do this, place the index finger along the back surface of the shin, and the thumb and middle finger along the lateral surfaces of the foot. The leg ended up in a kind of “lock”.

Having fixed the leg well, begin to carefully stroke the outer and back surface of the lower leg, moving from the foot to the thigh. Zone kneecap need to go around. Repeat this technique 8-10 times, and then proceed to similar stroking of the right leg.

I would like to note that stroking is one of the most difficult techniques to perform; you need to be extremely careful and careful so as not to hurt the child. It is also recommended for children suffering from neuropathy.

The child remains in the original position on his back, with his feet facing you. Thumb Place your hand in the child’s palm, allowing him to grab your finger. With your left hand, begin to gently stroke the child’s arm from hand to shoulder, also trying not to touch elbow joint, as in foot massage.

Stroking hand massage technique

After stroking, place the baby on his stomach. Your hands should be under your chest and your head should be slightly turned to the side. When performing the “laying on the stomach” exercise, a protective reflex is triggered, the child begins to raise his head a little, while forcing the back muscles to work.

How to properly place your baby on his stomach

The child remains in the original position, lying on his stomach. His arms should remain under his chest. Start stroking your back with the back of both of your palms, starting to move from the buttocks to the head, and then vice versa, with your palms from the head to the buttocks.

Before the age of 3 months, it is difficult for a child to maintain a stable position on his stomach. Therefore, stroke with one hand and hold your legs with the other.

Back massage technique for a newborn

Abdominal massage

Abdominal massage should begin with light stroking. The child should lie on his back, with his feet facing you. With your right hand, begin stroking your tummy clockwise. Stroking should take place without any pressure, bypassing the liver area and not touching the genitals in boys.

Circular abdominal massage clockwise

Next you need to move on to rubbing the oblique and transverse muscles. To do this, you need to place your palms under the child’s lumbar region and at the same time move them along the external oblique muscles of the abdomen, starting from the sides until the palms join above the navel.

The child lies on his back, with his feet facing you. With your left hand you need to take left leg child so that the lower leg is located between the big and index finger. Further thumb With your right hand, begin to intensively rub your foot in a circular motion, and with your index and middle fingers, which are located on the outside of the foot, pat the back side.

Reflex extension of the spine in the lateral position

Place the baby on his right side, with his feet facing you. With your left hand you need to hold the child’s pelvis, and with your right hand, carefully move up and down along the paravertebral lines. For this action, the child must bend his spine forward. A similar movement should be carried out by placing the child on his left side.

It should be noted that from the age of 6 months this exercise can be performed in a sitting position. When performing this exercise, you need to remember that:

  • This technique should not be performed repeatedly, as the reflexes fade;
  • if the child’s reflex excitability is reduced, the exercise will not work;
  • do not irritate the skin in the area of ​​the spinous processes - it hurts. Only in the area of ​​paravertebral lines.

Why do newborns need massage?

In general, massage is useful for everyone: it helps adults cope with many diseases, and for newborns, massage is an excellent preventative method for many childhood diseases.

The origin of baby massage arose so long ago that no specialist can accurately name the date of its origin. The relationship between mother and child through massage can do a lot: give the baby the warmth and tenderness of hands, establish a more sensitive and close relationship between mother and child, which is very important in infancy.

Many experts argue that massage is practically the only method of preventing many diseases that do not contradict physiology child's body. It promotes the coordinated functioning of all organs and the organ system as a whole.

Newborns who are regularly massaged are susceptible to less illness due to increased immune resistance of the body. Such children are more resistant to ARVI diseases and other inflammatory processes.

Massage has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

Massage also copes with and eliminates problems of the musculoskeletal system, restoring physical fitness and posture.

Children's massage has a positive effect on the central nervous system, stimulating the functioning of the whole body. Normalization of sleep, nutrition, speech - all this is achieved through massage.

Massage promotes the full development of the newborn

At all, baby massage has a beneficial effect on the entire body, lifting the baby’s mood.

Systematic and the right approach is the key to success. With the help of a properly performed massage, you can get rid of many diseases. Don’t be lazy, devote 15 minutes a day to this procedure every day and your baby will feel energetic and cheerful every day.

Massage for a newborn from 0 to 3 months at home. Many, if not all, children of the first year of life are prescribed massage. This one is definitely useful procedure may be recommended by a pediatrician if the child is developing normally, or by an orthopedist or neurologist if they notice some minor deviations that are successfully leveled out with the help of massage.

Rules for performing massage for infants

One way or another, up to a year, every self-respecting parent strives to make their child happy with a course of massage for infants. For a child, this is undoubtedly a serious burden and test. A baby massage is comparable to an adult’s visit to the gym!

When choosing a place, time and specialist, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors. The first factor is time. It should be noted that at the time of the procedure the child must be absolutely healthy. If you notice that your baby is more capricious, has a runny nose or is teething, it is better to postpone the procedure. After vaccination it is also worth waiting a while.

When the child is cheerful and cheerful, nothing bothers him, you can safely sign up, but you must take into account that this should be a comfortable time - a period of wakefulness, when 40 minutes or more have passed after eating.

A hungry or tired child will hardly be able to appreciate the efforts of a specialist. As for the massage therapist, he must be a calm and balanced person who speaks quietly and can find an approach to the child.

It is no secret that during a massage, especially when it comes to problem areas, for example, toned muscles, the child does not experience the most pleasant sensations.

A skilled specialist knows this and warns unpleasant moment, can distract and prevent the child from diverging in expressing his rejection. Of course, situations are different: the child is not in the mood, the massage therapist does not inspire confidence in the baby, however, if the child screams, breaks out, and starts crying throughout the entire procedure, will such a massage be beneficial?

Hardly. In this case, it is worth postponing the procedures or contacting another specialist, especially if this person is convinced that the child should scream during the massage that this is normal.

The most important issues have been resolved: a specialist has been chosen, the time is convenient. Now let's turn our attention to the process itself. The room should be well ventilated, temperature regime optimal 22-23 degrees.

Oils are used during the massage. It is better if you take from home the oil that you usually use, if the oil is not in your top 10 hygiene products, purchase hypoallergenic peach or sweet almond essential oil.

Unlike branded massage oils"These do not contain any fragrances or other components that may not be suitable for your baby. Before application, the oil should be warmed to room temperature. The easiest way to do this is to place the bottle under running warm water.

When going for a massage, take a couple of diapers with you for your baby in case of an accident. If it's a cold season, wrap them in a hot water bottle to keep them warm.

And of course, you must not forget your favorite toy, so that the baby is calmer, so that you can distract him during not very pleasant moments, as well as after the procedure. After all, after the massage, the body should “cool down” and rest for half an hour before you go outside.

Massage - effective remedy strengthening the baby’s health, however, it brings maximum benefit when the parents took care of the right choice of time, specialist, and also made every effort to ensure that the baby was comfortable before, during and after the massage.



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