Mildronate and riboxin differences which is better. Knock knock heart

Both drugs improve metabolism (metabolic action), are available for intravenous or oral administration, are not approved for medical use in USA. Widely used by cardiologists, neurologists, pediatricians in Russia. This is where their common qualities end, there are much more differences.

What is the difference between Riboxin and Mildronate?

There are contraindications, consult a specialist

These are chemicals synthesized in the 70s of the 20th century with different points applications on intracellular metabolism. The weak effectiveness of Riboxin quickly transferred him to the category of dummies with unproven action. Mildronate (another name for it is Meldonium) has gained scandalous popularity among athletes as a dope. Consider the main characteristics of the funds presented in the table.

comparison table
Mildronate Riboxin
Active substance:
Meldonium Inosine
The type of exchange affected
fat, carbohydrate Protein
Physiological effects
  • Improves tolerance to lack of oxygen, increases muscle endurance.
  • Provides vasodilation.
  • Helps to utilize carbohydrate breakdown products.
  • Improves the synthesis of proteins, enzymes necessary for full muscle contraction.
  • Presumably increases antiviral immunity.
Duration of action of a single dose
Till 12 o'clock Some effects up to 4-6 hours
Release forms
  • Capsules 250 mg 40 pieces; 500 mg 20 and 60 pieces per pack.
  • Ampoules of 500 mg (5 ml).
  • Tablets of 200 mg.
  • Ampoules of 2% solution of 5, 10 ml.
Daily dose, courses
0.5 g 1-2 times a day;
2 to 4-6 weeks
0.6-2.4 g per day in 3-4 doses;
3-12 weeks
Latvia Russia

Professional athletes do not have a question what is better to use in the training period to achieve best result. Meldonium has firmly taken its position in big sport, the army, where physical activity requires endurance. Military experts used it during the military operations in Afghanistan. The drug is distinguished the following features with the development of a lack of oxygen:

  • Decay decay fatty acids.
  • Acceleration of glucose utilization.

These effects occur with the participation of enzyme systems affected by Meldonium. As a result, there is no accumulation of acidic products of the breakdown of fatty acids. They reduce the efficiency of muscle contractions. An increase in the rate of glucose consumption leads to the formation of additional energy (ATP - adenosine triphosphate) necessary for muscle work.

Meldonium stimulates the nervous system, improving its functions of endurance mental, physical overload. It can cause arousal, so it is recommended to take the medicine in the morning. The result of the utilization of fatty acids ( ketone bodies) when using the Lithuanian drug is interesting for treatment diabetes(ketoacidosis).

The difference between the effects of Inosine

It is part of the transport RNA (ribonucleic acid), which carries components into the cell protein synthesis, this is occupied by ribosomes (intracellular structures that form protein). Action with a short period of effect of the drug creates the impression of its uselessness. Athletes-amateurs have a different opinion. The “modest and unhurried” effect of Inosine on protein metabolism is manifested by the following results:

  • Improvement in muscle structure.
  • Expansion of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Immunity boost.

Inosine enhances the action of anabolics, helps to gain muscle mass faster. It is used by bodybuilders and bodybuilders. IN medical practice the medicine accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues (after injuries, operations), enhances the effect of certain medications (for example, if you take Mildronate and Riboxin at the same time), improves digestion, relieves the manifestations of alcohol poisoning.

In patients, the result of the course use of Riboxin tablets is comparable to taking placebo, providing only psychological impact; long-term use injectable form is justified by rare cases. For this reason, in many reputable clinics, it has not been used for a long time as remedy. A quick effect with the help of the drug is unattainable, its constancy has not been proven, which is why the drug is excluded from the list of vital drugs.

Both drugs are aimed at correcting metabolism, however, when used together, Meldonium plays a leading role. Rehabilitation treatment uses its mechanisms of influence in two ways. This:

Clinicians trust the use of the Lithuanian remedy (unlike Inosine) because of the deeper knowledge of its mechanism of action, the breadth of use by healthy and sick people. It is a leading metabolism corrector different schemes treatment (diseases of the central nervous system, heart, eye, endocrine pathology). If the course of diseases worsens, for which Mildronate is constantly used, it is allowed to repeat the courses of intravenous administration. This is done in the treatment of patients with the consequences of a violation. cerebral circulation.

The prices of these medicines vary widely. A package of Riboxin tablets can be purchased for 30-50 rubles, injection solution costs 10-12 times more. A capsule medication from Latvia is comparable in cost to ampoule form, which is 400-600 rubles.

It is a metabolic agent, a precursor of ATP; has antihypoxic, metabolic and antiarrhythmic action. Increases the energy balance of the myocardium, improves coronary circulation, prevents the consequences of intraoperative renal ischemia. It is directly involved in the metabolism of glucose and contributes to the activation of metabolism in conditions of hypoxia and in the absence of ATP. Activates metabolism pyruvic acid to provide normal process tissue respiration, and also promotes the activation of xanthine dehydrogenase. Stimulates the synthesis of nucleotides, enhances the activity of some enzymes of the Krebs cycle. Penetrating into the cells, increases the energy level, has positive action on metabolic processes in the myocardium, increases the force of contractions of the heart and contributes to a more complete relaxation myocardium in diastole, resulting in an increase in cardiac output. Reduces platelet aggregation, activates tissue regeneration (especially myocardium and gastrointestinal mucosa).

Igar82 › Blog › It's time to lose weight - Pharmacy anabolics. Part 1 (cardioprotectors)

I am starting a series of videos on the topic of pharmaceutical preparations that I take to help my body cope better with physical exertion and also recover faster after them.

And today I will talk about two drugs such as Mildronate and Riboxin.

In short, xy is xy:

Cardioprotectors - Pharmacological preparations used for correction functional state myocardium.

Myocardium (literally from other Greek. The heart muscle) - if in your own words, then this is our heart, that is, the myocardium is the heart muscle that makes up most of our heart. It is she who contracts, twitches, jerks, knocks, and so on. :)))

Mildronate (aka Meldonium - yes, yes, the same one!) Is a metabolic agent that normalizes the energy metabolism of cells that have undergone hypoxia or ischemia.

This drug improves metabolism and energy supply of tissues.

Prevents the accumulation of activated forms of non-oxidized fatty acids in cells.

Under conditions of ischemia, it restores the balance of the processes of oxygen delivery and its consumption in cells, prevents the violation of ATP transport.

Activates glycolysis, which proceeds without additional oxygen consumption.

Improves muscle nutrition.

Increases the effectiveness of training.

Protects the heart and increases myocardial contractility.

In rare cases, itching, dyspepsia, tachycardia, agitation, various changes blood pressure.

Contraindications for use:

Use the drug with caution for a long time in people with chronic diseases liver and kidneys.

Riboxin (aka Inosine) - metabolic agent, stimulant biochemical processes, a precursor of ATP.

Increases energy balance, improves coronary circulation and metabolic processes in the myocardium. Has antihypoxic action.

Inosine is generally well tolerated; in some cases, bradycardia, itching, skin flushing are possible; in cases of an allergic reaction, the drug is canceled. In rare cases, there is an increase in the concentration uric acid in blood.

Hypersensitivity to inosine, gout, severe renal failure.

ATP (Adenosine triphosphate - you can break your tongue) is a molecule that serves as an energy source for all processes in the body, including movement. The contraction of the muscle fiber occurs with the simultaneous splitting of the ATP molecule, as a result of which energy is released, which goes to the implementation of the contraction.

Joint reception of Riboxin and Mildronate.

Riboxin is a natural compound that is also found in the human body. It is a metabolic agent, a precursor of ATP; It has antihypoxic, metabolic and antiarrhythmic effects. Increases the energy balance of the myocardium, improves coronary circulation, prevents the consequences of intraoperative renal ischemia. It is directly involved in the metabolism of glucose and contributes to the activation of metabolism in conditions of hypoxia and in the absence of ATP. It activates the metabolism of pyruvic acid to ensure the normal process of tissue respiration, and also contributes to the activation of xanthine dehydrogenase. Stimulates the synthesis of nucleotides, enhances the activity of some enzymes of the Krebs cycle. Penetrating into the cells, it increases the energy level, has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the myocardium, increases the force of contractions of the heart and contributes to a more complete relaxation of the myocardium in diastole, resulting in an increase in cardiac output. Reduces platelet aggregation, activates tissue regeneration (especially myocardium and gastrointestinal mucosa).

Mildronate acts in a similar way, but unlike riboxin, it is not itself used for the synthesis of any substances. At the same time, mildronate regulates the activity and biosynthesis of those enzymes that are involved in energy production, that is, it corrects metabolic disorders.

Thus, mildronate is a metabolic corrector, while riboxin is one of the participants biochemical reactions, the so-called metabolic agent (metabolite).

Therefore, Mildronate will improve the use of riboxin by the body, and their combined use will enhance each other's action.

Which is better: therapy with Riboxin or Mildronate tablets together - effect

There are drugs that are used as cardioprotective and antihypoxic agents for intensive physical activity. These drugs include Riboxin and Mildornate.

The main purpose of drugs is complex therapy coronary disease hearts. However, athletes often use them to achieve more pronounced sports results.

The drugs are effective separately, but many are interested in whether it is possible to take Riboxin and Mildronate together.

All about the drug Riboxin - brief instructions for use

A modern drug aimed at stabilizing the metabolism in the myocardium, normalizing the state of tissues that have undergone hypoxia - Riboxin. Country of origin - Russia.

The release form of the drug is round tablets with a specialized film shell, the hue varies from yellow to pale orange. The main component of Riboxin is inosine. The drug is available in one dosage - 200 mg.

Additional components included in the preparation: stearic acid, potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, sucrose monohydrate, talc, iron oxide, yellow dye.

Riboxin is available in cartons containing blisters of either 25 or 10 tablets.

It is important to note that Riboxin is dispensed by prescription.

Indications for the use of the drug Riboxin:

  • as one of the components of therapy for ischemia of the heart muscle, cardiac arrhythmias, prolonged use of cardiac glycosides, acute myocardial infarction;
  • For symptomatic treatment with violations of liver function, hepatitis, cirrhosis, provoked by the use of strong drugs, alcohol abuse.

Riboxin is taken by professional athletes to improve physical performance.

Factors excluding the possibility of prescribing the drug:

  1. allergic reactions, hypersensitivity;
  2. benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  3. fructose intolerance or severe sucrase deficiency.

Riboxin can be taken only under the supervision of a doctor for severe kidney pathologies, diabetes mellitus.

Conducted clinical researches showed that Riboxin has excellent tolerance. Possible side effects: skin rashes, urticaria, intense itching, increased urea in the blood, in men - worsening gout.

Mildronate - dosage, indications

A popular drug that increases metabolic processes and energy supply to body tissues. The drug has scandalous popularity in the field of sports, some time ago a “mildronate explosion” was widespread. During this period of time, many professional athletes used the drug in the process of training to improve results.

Mildronate has two dosage forms: capsules for oral administration and ampoules with a solution for injection. The main component of the drug is meldonium dihydrate, the amount of active substance in the capsule is 5 g.

Additional substances included in the medicinal product: colloidal silicon dioxide, potato starch, gelatin, titanium and silicon dioxide.

Mildronate is sold in cardboard packs containing 6 contour cells of 10 tablets.

This medication is considered a doping drug. The main purpose of Mildronate:

  • in a therapeutic complex against chronic insufficiency hearts, ischemic pathology, various forms of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias;
  • to improve concentration, increase activity, treat chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • as one of the drugs in the complex therapy of circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • reduction of psycho-emotional, physical and mental overstrain in professional athletes;
  • symptomatic therapy for withdrawal symptoms caused by chronic form alcoholism.

The list of contraindications for taking Mildronate includes:

  1. deficiency of potassium in the blood plasma;
  2. systematically elevated blood pressure;
  3. the period of breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  4. minor age;
  5. increased susceptibility to components, allergic manifestations.

The drug should be taken with extreme caution in the presence of a history of severe pathologies kidneys. Mildronate is well tolerated, side effects include dermatological reactions, general malaise, and weakness.

How to take Riboxin and Mildronate correctly

One of important topics- the way the drugs are used, because if you take a strong drug incorrectly, then there is high risk development of life-threatening complications.

Riboxin and Mildronate - potent drugs therefore, the frequency, duration and effective dosage of administration is prescribed by a doctor.

  1. It is recommended to drink the drug 15-30 minutes before meals. Whole tablet take without chewing and drinking water.
  2. The therapeutic course varies from 1 to 3 months. In the treatment process, Riboxin is used daily.
  3. The initial dose is 600 - 800 mg. The maximum value is 2400 mg. The daily dose should be without fail divided into several steps.

emergence side effects or intolerance to the components involves the abolition of the use of Riboxin.

  • professional athletes (running, Athletics, bodybuilding) take immediately before the training process, 50-100 mg twice a day.
  • For ischemia and chronic heart failure, disorders of cerebral circulation, take 50 - 100 mg, the duration of the course is 1 - 1.5 months.
  • Ppri increased physical and psycho-emotional stress. Dosage 5 g twice a day. Therapy should not last more than 2 weeks.

It is important to emphasize that in order to achieve the maximum effect, the characteristics of the reception must be selected individually.

The difference between drugs, and what is best for the heart

Quite a popular question about the simultaneous reception and compatibility of data medicinal medicines. But before you understand this topic, you need to understand how Riboxin and Mildronate differ.

In sports, Mildronate is considered more effective and popular. In this regard, the drug is widely distributed among professional and novice athletes. In addition, the drug is actively used in the training of the military.

When ingested, meldonium solves several problems at once:

  • increases endurance;
  • participates in increasing the rate of glucose breakdown;
  • several times reduces the breakdown of lipids;
  • increases the efficiency of muscle contractions.

Take Mildronate to achieve maximum effects recommended in the morning.

In turn, the use of Riboxin gives the best results in the treatment of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The drug has a less pronounced effect, but it helps to fight dangerous pathologies. The main properties of the drug Riboxin:

  • improvement of wall elasticity and vasodilatation;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • promotion immune activity organism;
  • beneficial effect on the structure of muscle tissue;
  • increase in the rate of regeneration of cells subject to hypoxia;
  • increased effect when taken simultaneously with other drugs.

If you take these medicines together, then Mildronate takes the leading role in achieving the result.

Compatibility of Riboxin and Mildronate

The main effect of these medicines is identical - the normalization of metabolism. Simultaneous administration of drugs leads to a mutual increase in efficiency. The leading role in this complex is assigned to Mildronate.

The combined use of drugs that affect metabolism and heart muscle can be dangerous. In this regard, before starting use, it is necessary to visit a doctor, undergo a comprehensive diagnostic study.

Important! Taking both drugs on your own is dangerous not only for health, but also for life.

Analogues of these drugs

In addition to Riboxin and Mildronate in cardiology and professional sports substitute drugs are used. Popular analogues include:

Synonymous drugs also have a strong effect on the body, so they are used only after the appointment of a cardiologist, the attending therapist.

Mildronate and Riboxin are popular medicines used in the treatment of cardiological diseases and professional sports. The use of drugs can be harmful, a doctor's prescription is necessary.

What is better for the heart: Riboxin or Mildronate?

Improvement of metabolism can be achieved by the use of certain drugs. Used to stimulate metabolism oral forms and solutions for injections. Medicines Mildronate and Riboxin not only have a similar action, but also have some differences. In this regard, the question often arises, which is better: Riboxin or Mildronate?

Comparison of medicines

Riboxin and Mildronate are used as part of the complex therapy of heart diseases. In addition, they are used in cases where it is necessary to stimulate metabolism and increase the body's resistance to increased physical exertion.

Both drugs have a long history of use. So, Mildronate as a means of increasing endurance was taken not only by athletes, but also by the military during the military conflict in Afghanistan. The active substance of the drug, meldonium, is also available under other names. One of them is Cardio.

Comparative characteristics of drugs are presented in the table.

Comparison Options

medicinal product



Main active ingredient

Influence on metabolic processes

carbohydrate and fat

No more than 4-6 hours

Stimulation of the synthesis of enzymes and proteins, influencing the contractility of muscles and their structure, increasing the body's defenses

Vasodilation, increased muscle activity, increased metabolism, stimulation of the nervous system

Tablets and solution for injection

Capsules and solution for injection

Action in the absence of oxygen

Increased glucose utilization and slower breakdown of fatty acids

Stimulation of a set of muscle mass

If you drink Mildronate with Riboxin at the same time, then an enhanced effect of drugs will be observed. This finds its application in sports when physical activity is significant.

These two drugs have an effect on metabolism. But when compared, Mildronate is given the advantage. In addition, its effect on the body in terms of metabolic processes is more studied.

Admission rules

Both drugs are potent, so maintaining the dosage and regimen is of particular importance.


Riboxin is applied before meals, not less than a quarter of an hour. The duration of therapy is determined individually and is no more than 3 months. If necessary, the initial dosage (from 600 to 800 mg) can be increased on the recommendation of a doctor.


The peculiarity of taking Mildronate is the need to drink it in the morning, as it can make it difficult to fall asleep. Athletes take the drug before training sessions. The dosage can be increased to 500 mg 2 times a day for a couple of weeks with elevated sports loads.

Joint reception

By action, Mildronate resembles Riboxin, but he himself is not a participant in the synthesis of substances, but regulates the biosynthesis of enzymes responsible for energy production. Correction of metabolism, if Riboxin is taken together with Mildronate, occurs most effectively. This is due to the fact that one of them plays the role of a corrector, and the other is a participant in metabolic processes.

The rules of admission involve following the instructions for the medicines. Retreat can cause severe side effects. The compatibility of Riboxin and Mildronate is very good, which allows them to be used together with significant physical and sports loads.

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Mildronate or Riboxin. Mildronate or Riboxin, which is better?

It can be both and more. What do you expect from these drugs?

If not in hospital Riboxin is better, from mildronate often side effects in the form of dizziness and fainting.

Panangin + Riboxin on physical. solution? Mildronate..

Decreases. Part of riboxin will be deactivated by panangin.

Mildronate, preductal riboxin. magne-B6. It may be enough to mock patients. They tried to prescribe mildronate to patients with myocardial infarction with an early post-infarction.

Mildronate acts in a similar way, but unlike riboxin, it is not itself used for the synthesis of any substances. At the same time, mildronate regulates the activity and biosynthesis of those enzymes that will take part in energy production, that is, it corrects metabolic disorders.

Thus, mildronate is a metabolic corrector, while riboxin is one of the participants in biochemical reactions, the so-called metabolic agent (metabolite).

For getting tangible effect from metabolic agent riboxin, it must be administered in quantities comparable to its consumption in the body, therefore - it needs a lot, since it is used by the body.

Mildronate itself is not used up in metabolic reactions, and its action manifests itself much longer and it needs much less than riboxin. Therefore, Mildronate is likely to improve the use of riboxin by the body and their combined use will enhance each other's action.

Or do you take courses, for example, 2 weeks of amber, a week of glutamine, a week of mildronate, a week of riboxin? It’s just that everything together is somehow hard in my opinion.

Is aminotriptyline compatible with riboxin and mildronate?

Compatible except alcohol

Like phosphaden, riboxin is a purine derivative and can be considered as a precursor of ATP. Mildronate is a drug that is structural analogue precursor of carnitine.

Which medicine is more effective for the heart: panangin, riboxin or mildronate? I heard the opinion that riboxin is generally

For heart? depending on what you are treating. mildronate is intended to strengthen the heart muscle (many athletes take it, including me), riboxin - yes, I agree, the dummy also causes good allergic reactions - often it's a rash, I can't say anything about panangin.

if you are for sports, then definitely mildronat.

Reviews. Irina, 55 years old I was prescribed Mildronate with Riboxin intravenously. I felt better. The solutions were not mixed.

Mildronate, riboxin, potassium orotate. Has anyone taken these drugs at the same time? What is the result?

How much do you need to run for beginners?

As many as you really need. Depending on the goals - make a training schedule and practice)

Riboxin Riboxin is a drug that has an effect on the metabolic processes of the body. So do not waste your money and buy Riboxin. And let them eat mildronat.

Little by little, well at intervals, and then it will be longer and you will run more. 4 cola is possible in the first days, but increasing constantly + work on the meat.

Jog no more than 15 minutes to start

Riboxin or mildronate, which is better?

Mildronate is better suited for physical exertion

Mildronate for athletes. To begin with, we will analyze the effectiveness of mildronate in sports. You can combine the intake of mildronate with L-carnitine or riboxin.

These are different drugs.

Consult a doctor. in general, riboxin for the heart, mildronate for the vessels of the brain will do more.

In your case mildronate

With physical exertion - mildronat. Be sure to consult with your doctor.

According to athletes, mildronate analogue and riboxin complement each other well, and it makes sense to inject both drugs. Analogues.

My mother was prescribed Eufillin, Mildronate and Riboxin

Riboxin generally improves tissue blood supply, as well as coronary blood supply. Mildronate corrects metabolism, regulates cellular immunity and acts as a.

All are compatible. I was also assigned.

Mildranat and riboxin are compatible, as they are heart drugs, but aminofillin must be drunk separately

Read the indication of Euphyllin carefully.

Mildronate and riboxin are the same in action? what's better

Mildronate is better, but only as directed by a doctor. Riboxin is almost modern clinic do not accept.

But with respect to mildronate and riboxin, mildronate is administered orally 30 minutes after eating, as well as intravenously.

Riboxin has not been injected for a long time

Both drugs are from the metabolic group. Mildronate is newer, riboxin is old, but it can be used. Their mechanism of action is different, but the final effect is close. If finances allow, drink mildronat, if not enough, Riboxin can also be used. Condition-reception not less than 2 months.

What does a complete blockade of the right bundle of His lead to?

To nothing.. . I have lived this way for 56 years. The cardiologists scratch their heads as they look at my ECG. Problems will begin with the diagnosis of serious diseases ... As long as God has mercy

Hello, I take riboxin 2t3 times a day asparkam 2t3 times a day mildronat 500m 2 times a day, is it possible to take a course for 7-8 weeks or 3-4 only.

Prognosis in young people without organic disease the heart is relatively favorable. It is believed that an isolated blockade right leg His bundle never goes into complete atrioventricular (atrioventricular) blockade.

The risk of fatal arrhythmias in such patients is higher than without blockade, so this disease is highlighted as a separate line in the international classification of diseases.

Sometimes to circulatory failure. But not always.

How to live with cardiomyopathy?

The paramedic Elena writes to you, you will live happily ever after, the diagnosis is not terrible, mildronate can be taken or dripped intravenously, if there are no special means, riboxin is quite suitable, treatment courses 2 times a year plus basic therapy drugs for pressure. From the photo, I see a hypertensive patient with experience, a limitation of heavy physical exertion, a normal lifestyle, so as not to overload my myocardium, that is, the muscles of the heart.

Mildronate acts in a similar way, but unlike riboxin, it is not itself used for the synthesis of any substances.

Can myocarditis cause a persistent dry cough? and extrasystoles?

Extrasystole yes, dry cough, I don’t think, but I can’t presume to say

With heart disease, there is a dry cough

What vitamins are needed for athletes and skiers?

And there is no coach and doctor. complex vitamins

Instructions for use. Mildronate tablets Mildronate 250, Mildronate 500 and syrup. Riboxin capsules, tablets and injection solution

Here is the heart. Maybe drink less?

If there is no knock-knock, then you will die)

Quit drinking .. stop

And you say you don't drink

You don't need to drink at all! And so drink valocordin.

I don't drink, but my heart is t-u-u-k. ta-a-k

You don't need to drink at all!

Drink more water. Well, periodically courses of riboxin, mildronate, asparkam. When bad - nitroglycerin under the tongue.

Yes, yes, coffee at night is harmful.

Tachycardia can come from burning alcohol.

Urine is the best treatment

Keywords immunomodulation, alcohol intoxication, mildronate, riboxin, essentiale, diclofenac. Immune-metabolic effects of mildronate.

I want pharmacy dope for running

Crazy, I run a three-ruble note for 5.30

Practice, experience, aspiration and rest

WITH pharmaceutical preparations you will not run faster, you will only plant your heart

Mildronate, Inosine (Riboxin), Caffeine Sodium Benzoate, Tribestan.

Pharmacology will not add speed.

1 year of training and you run in 12, nothing else will help win back 5 minutes. For an athlete, doping is like racing fuel for a car, in your case it will be a jet engine that will take on part (35%) of the work, do you now believe that such doping exists? Doping helps ATHLETES run a little faster when they are already running at the limit of human capabilities.

Riboxin has anabolic, antiarrhythmic and a number of other beneficial effects. Mildronate is taken at the rate of mg per kilogram of weight, but before use.

What vitamins do you eat with the onset of autumn?)) Good evening everyone!)))

Potassium orotate and MILDRONAT - SPORTS NUTRITION. From this place Margo, if possible, with details. withdrawal syndrome in chronic alcoholism.

Israeli fish oil

yes, all hands do not reach or legs)

Effervescent Vitamin C

Dobryi) Navitaminitsya, like, over the summer. And so I eat fruits little by little, without fanaticism.

Indications for the use of the drug Mildronate Mildronate is used in the complex Taurine from 5.00 rubles, succinic acid from 7.00 rubles, Glycine from 11.00 rubles, Riboxin from 15.00.

Complivit, Mildronate, Asparkam, Riboxin.

I get tired very quickly and have no energy at all, can you share it?

Magnetic storm. need to wait. In general, this year turned out to be the most unfavorable. the war in Ukraine. That stomach hurts. that tooth. It's very hard to live today.

With the beginning of the roll-in of Magene B6, with an increase in intensity, add a course of branched-chain amino acids of which? For what? How many? , mildronat, riboxin.

No, you have a lot of energy that goes into feeling sorry for yourself.

Everyone has their own energy. And its absence only means that it is spent somewhere in the wrong place. Need to find where.

It is your chakras that are clogged and polluted, clean it and the energy will go better.

Mildronate, Riboxin.. B vitamins..

From sports nutrition - amino acids to drink ..

Take energy from nature, the sun and space

Riboxin. One carton contains 2 blister packs with 5 ampoules of Mildronate each and instructions for using the drug.

Hell and Abaddon are insatiable; so insatiable are human eyes.

Possibly due to masturbation. drop it. bad habits no smoking? But in general, this happens with high blood pressure, measure for a start. And if the pressure is normal. Possible depression. More in public, running in the morning. the rocker is even better.

How to support the strength of an American Cocker Spaniel, 15 years old?

15 years for a cocker age, although not prohibitive, but very, very solid. walk less, add more vitamins. If he eats, give fruit, but make sure that there is no upset. 15 years is still not a puppy.

Mildronate is a drug that improves metabolism. Meldonium active ingredient of the drug Mildronate is a structural analogue of gamma-butyrobetaine, a substance.

Bring him a young female of the same breed. If it doesn't revive, then it's bad.

My wife had a cocker for 14 years, she was completely put to sleep, and they also say that they live up to 25, but no.

And what do the doctors say?

Diet for old dog should be tailored to her age. So much protein food is not required, more easily digestible fermented milk products, cottage cheese, boiled vegetables.

It is good to use drugs to improve cerebral circulation on the advice of Umka. You can add probiotics like Vetom to food (this is a veterinary drug). It is necessary to walk, but at a slow pace, try to avoid stressful factors.

You are great hosts! Let the dog still enjoy life!!

To finally leave for America and live there without interfering with anyone. then forces to the spaniel will definitely come.

MILDRONATE. The description of MILDRONATE is based on officially approved instructions for use and approved by the manufacturer.

Pharmaceutical preparations for power loads

This is for you here on the forum everything is discussed there

This drug also contains in its composition an active substance similar to the drug Riboxin. An analogue for children in syrup is a drug such as Mildronate.

Take vitamins in a sports nutrition store, you can also get chondroitin with glucosamine there. In the pharmacy, perhaps asparkam, preparations for digestion (like mezima), painkillers like Nise, ointments like fastum gel.

Vitamins complex with minerals! google weed with anabolic effect!

How to support the heart?

Why are you asking here? they will advise you now, then you will regret it all your life

Riboxin is a nucleoside, that is, a substance that is naturally found in Mildronate - it increases efficiency and reduces the effects of overvoltage during.

Drink asparkam. At least it won’t harm, but in general - it means it’s worth reducing the load

Just let's recover normally cardiovascular and that's it. Sports can be both useful (in moderation) and harmful (to wear out)

Take a contrast shower

Eat apricots. They have a lot of potassium. And potassium is a pusher for the work of the heart.

But is it permissible to administer mildronate intramuscularly? Mildronate is one answer to a thousand troubles. The scope of this medicine is really wide.

I advise you to take only drugs with natural ingredients and not kill yourself so much in training. My son is saved by Goldenbrook hydrosols, it has become easier to endure stress. Good luck!

Who will explain: why use Corvitin and Tivortin. If possible, then available. The instructions are not very clear.

Well, for sure, there were no large studies on these drugs. Their effectiveness has hardly been proven. I don't know, I haven't worked with them. I probably wouldn't drink them myself. The effect is doubtful.

Mildronate or Riboxin. Mildronate or Riboxin, which is better? maybe both and more. What do you expect from these drugs?

Practically empty. Quackery

The effect is doubtful and has not been proven in major studies. Knowing the universal love of cardiologists for metabolic drugs (riboxin, mildronate, cocarboxylase, B6.), pharmaceutical developers periodically throw these drugs on the market. Corvitin - an intravenous form of quercetin - is used for myocardial infarction in intensive care units as an auxiliary drug. Studied in Kyiv in the intensive care unit of the Research Institute of Cardiology. Strazhesko (prof. Parkhomenko A.N.). Studies are small, international evidence base practically no drug, in European recommendations Corvitin is not included in the treatment of heart attack. With tivortin, the situation is even more modest. So you can draw your own conclusions.

What is the difference between Mildronate and Riboxin?

Both drugs improve metabolism (metabolic action), are available for intravenous administration or ingestion by mouth, and are not approved for medical use in the United States. Widely used by cardiologists, neurologists, pediatricians in Russia. This is where their common qualities end, there are much more differences.

What is the difference between Riboxin and Mildronate?

There are contraindications, consult a specialist

These are chemicals synthesized in the 70s of the 20th century with different points of application for intracellular metabolism. The weak effectiveness of Riboxin quickly transferred him to the category of dummies with unproven action. Mildronate (another name for it is Meldonium) has gained scandalous popularity among athletes as a dope. Consider the main characteristics of the funds presented in the table.

  • Improves tolerance to lack of oxygen, increases muscle endurance.
  • Provides vasodilation. Helps to utilize carbohydrate breakdown products.
  • Improves the synthesis of proteins, enzymes necessary for full muscle contraction.
  • Presumably increases antiviral immunity.
  • Capsules 250 mg 40 pieces; 500 mg 20 and 60 pieces per pack.
  • Ampoules of 500 mg (5 ml).
  • Tablets of 200 mg.
  • Ampoules of 2% solution of 5, 10 ml.

2 to 4-6 weeks

Professional athletes do not have a question what is better to use in the training period to achieve the best result. Meldonium has firmly taken its position in big sports, the army, where physical activity requires endurance. Military experts used it during the military operations in Afghanistan. The drug is distinguished by the following features in the development of oxygen deficiency:

  • Slow down the breakdown of fatty acids.
  • Acceleration of glucose utilization.

These effects occur with the participation of enzyme systems affected by Meldonium. As a result, there is no accumulation of acidic products of the breakdown of fatty acids. They reduce the efficiency of muscle contractions. An increase in the rate of glucose consumption leads to the formation of additional energy (ATP - adenosine triphosphate) necessary for muscle work.

Meldonium stimulates the nervous system, improving its functions of endurance mental, physical overload. It can cause arousal, so it is recommended to take the medicine in the morning. The result of the utilization of fatty acids (ketone bodies) when using the Lithuanian drug is interesting for the treatment of diabetes mellitus (ketoacidosis).

The difference between the effects of Inosine

It is part of the transport RNA (ribonucleic acid), which carries the components of protein synthesis into the cell, this is occupied by ribosomes (intracellular structures that form protein). Action with a short period of effect of the drug creates the impression of its uselessness. Athletes-amateurs have a different opinion. The “modest and unhurried” effect of Inosine on protein metabolism is manifested by the following results:

  • Improvement in muscle structure.
  • Expansion of the walls of blood vessels.
  • Immunity boost.

Inosine enhances the action of anabolics, helps to gain muscle mass faster. It is used by bodybuilders and bodybuilders. In medical practice, the drug accelerates the recovery of damaged tissues (after injuries, operations), enhances the effect of certain medications (for example, if you take Mildronate and Riboxin at the same time), improves digestion, and relieves the manifestations of alcohol poisoning.

In patients, the result of the course use of Riboxin tablets is comparable to taking a placebo, having only a psychological effect; long-term use of the injectable form is justified in rare cases. For this reason, many reputable clinics have not used it as a remedy for a long time. A quick effect with the help of the drug is unattainable, its constancy has not been proven, which is why the drug is excluded from the list of vital drugs.

Both drugs are aimed at correcting metabolism, however, when used together, Meldonium plays a leading role. Restorative treatment uses its mechanisms of influence in two ways. This:

  1. Application according to the instructions in courses of 4-6 weeks twice a year.
  2. Continuous use, starting with intravenous administration for days with the transition to the use of capsules.

Clinicians trust the use of the Lithuanian remedy (unlike Inosine) because of the deeper knowledge of its mechanism of action, the breadth of use by healthy and sick people. This is the leading corrector of the metabolism of various treatment regimens (diseases of the central nervous system, heart, eyes, endocrine pathology). If the course of diseases worsens, for which Mildronate is constantly used, it is allowed to repeat the courses of intravenous administration. This is done in the treatment of patients with consequences of cerebrovascular accident.

The prices of these medicines vary widely. A package of Riboxin tablets can be purchased abroad, an injection solution is much more expensive. A capsule medicine from Latvia is comparable in cost to the ampoule form, which is RUB.

Can mildronate and riboxin be used together?

Thus, mildronate is a metabolic corrector, while riboxin is one of the participants in biochemical reactions, the so-called metabolic agent (metabolite).

To obtain a tangible effect from the metabolic agent riboxin, it must be administered in quantities comparable to its consumption in the body, therefore, it needs a lot, since it is used by the body.

Mildronate itself is not used up in metabolic reactions, and its action manifests itself much longer and it needs much less than riboxin. Therefore, Mildronate is likely to improve the use of riboxin by the body and their combined use will enhance each other's action.

Cardiovascular funds CJSC "Production Pharmaceutical Company Update" Riboxin Bufus - review

Riboxin is a vitamin for the heart. Mildronate and Riboxin drugs are similar in action, what is their difference?

What to do when the heart begins to "play pranks"? That's right, go see a cardiologist!

I had a slight discomfort, my heart seemed to squeeze a little. The doctor did an ECG, said that I had minor changes and that my heart needed to be nourished. Appointed to pierce in / in Riboxin and Mildronate for 10 days.

Now I will introduce you to one of them - Riboxin

Packaging - a cardboard box with instructions and 10 ampoules of the drug.

Riboxin- a drug that stimulates metabolic processes. Increases the energy balance of the myocardium, improves cardiac circulation, enhances metabolism.

Contraindications are not numerous

Hypersensitivity to the drug, gout, pregnancy. lactation

If we compare Riboxin with Mildronate, the drugs are very similar in their action.

In the beginning, I was surprised that I was prescribed two such similar drugs at once.

But, as the doctor explained to me, despite the similar final result, drugs come to this result different ways. Riboxin is a natural compound that is directly involved in the metabolism, and Mildronate itself does not participate in the exchange, it seems to direct it.

If Riboxin and Mildronate are used in pairs, then they complement each other's action, enhancing the action.

I underwent a 10-day course of treatment with these drugs. First of all, I felt a “rush of strength”. Improved mood, lethargy and constant desire gone to sleep.

A month later I went to see a doctor. The cardiologist said that the cardiogram became better and recommended to drink in tablets, one of these drugs, to consolidate the result for another month.

Riboxin, although the "old" drug, but quite effective, besides it costs a penny. I recommend.

I take off a star, the drug of this particular manufacturer, for plastic ampoules.

Tamoxifen, potassium orotate, riboxin and mildronate in bodybuilding

What is Riboxin

This medicinal product cardiac group, affecting the normalization of metabolic processes and the supply of energy to body tissues. It contains the active substance inosine and additional components - sucrose, calcium stearate, gelatin and potato starch. Due to the low cost, it became enough popular means to replace expensive creatine. It is produced in the form of tablets, capsules or injections.

  • improvement of blood flow through the vessels of the heart and kidneys;
  • restoration of tissue respiration;
  • the formation of body tissue cells;
  • supplying heart cells with energy;
  • normalization of glucose metabolism and other metabolic processes of the body during hypoxia;
  • the formation of ATP and polynucleotides - energy resources for muscles;
  • reduce the formation of blood clots;
  • boosting immunity.

Riboxin in bodybuilding

For athletes, it is a kind of non-steroidal anabolic, and is taken in conjunction with steroids. In bodybuilders, muscle tissue grows at a significant rate, which leads to a lack of oxygen in the cells due to the inability to rapid development vessels. Therefore, the ability of the body to withstand heavy physical exertion is reduced.

Reception of "Riboxin" will eliminate hypoxia, normalizing oxidative processes. Also, by increasing heart contractions and thereby improving the blood supply to tissues, it has positive effect on muscle growth and the work of the heart in general. This is very important for athletes as it allows them to train with more intensity and less fatigue. In simple words it can be called "energetic".

For a bodybuilder, the norm of "Riboxin" per day is not more than 1.5 - 2.5 g. First, they start taking 0.2 g four times a day. In the absence of negative effects on the body, the dose is increased to 2.5 g. The duration of such therapy is 1-3 months.

The drug Mildronate (Meldonium)

"Mildronate" is a non-steroidal drug for the treatment of pathologies of the heart and eyes. The active substance in the composition is trimethylhydrozinium, auxiliary - aerosil, calcium stearate and starch. Available in the form of tablets, capsules, syrup. In comparison with the previous drug, the price is significantly higher.

Product effectiveness

"Meldonium" has a beneficial effect on:

  • normalization of metabolic processes of the body;
  • saturates tissues and cells with oxygen;
  • blocks the accumulation of fatty acids in cells;
  • oxidation of glucose, and, consequently, the formation of energy;
  • force of myocardial contractions
  • memory and perception of objects;
  • endurance of the human body.
  • improved nutrition of muscle tissue.
  • reducing fatigue and increasing the effectiveness of sports activities.

Use in bodybuilding

This drug is prescribed to athletes for rapid muscle regeneration after injury, stress resistance during training and competition, in therapy to eliminate psychological or physical overstrain.

Due to the effects on the body systems, Mildronate promotes the growth of muscle tissue and a low level of fatigue during high sports loads.

Athletes are prescribed no more than 15-20 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. Take it for 1.5 - 3 months 60 minutes before sports training but no more than 2 times a day. After 1 month break, if necessary, the scheme is repeated.

Also, reception schemes can be divided into 2 groups:

  • preparation for competitions - before training, use 1 g twice a day, duration 3 weeks;
  • competition time - take no more than two weeks.

Use of Tamoxifen

Tamoxifen is considered a sex hormone. This is an antitumor non-steroidal drug that blocks estrogen receptors. Since most steroids cause an increase in the female sex hormone, this drug has become very popular with athletes. It contains tamoxifen citrate. It is sold in the form of tablets, the price of imported ones is much more expensive. Finnish production is considered the best.

What is the effect of the remedy

For bodybuilders "Tamoxifen" has beneficial effect on the:

  • muscle growth;
  • weight loss during the diet;
  • decline side effects while taking steroids. Due to the fact that the drug is an anti-estrogen, it promotes the formation of the male sex hormone - testosterone, and, therefore, reduces the risk of developing female sexual characteristics;
  • exclude the possibility of cardiac pathologies.

The use of the drug in sports

Very often, this drug is taken by athletes to reduce adipose tissue formed when taking steroids. It also helps to fight the accumulated fluid - another negative factor the use of anabolics.

Its combined use with steroids contributes to a significant increase in the muscles of bodybuilders.

"Tamoxifen" with a 10-day intake (20 mg daily) increases the level of the hormone testosterone by 42%. Experts advise to use it with hormonal drug Proviron, an aromatase inhibitor.

When taking steroids, starting from the second week, a prophylactic course of "Tamoxifen" pomg per day is prescribed. Sometimes it is acceptable to increase the dosage to 40 mg per day, but no more. The duration of therapy is about 3 weeks. A month later, this scheme should be repeated. It is important to remember that this drug should not be administered after taking steroids such as Nandropone and Trenbolone.

Potassium Orotate

These are pills potassium salt orotic acid. Also included are: starch, gelatin, sugar and stearic acid. It is a non-steroidal anabolic drug. It also enters the human body with cow's and goat's milk.

The effect of using the remedy

  • affects the metabolism of galactose;
  • promotes an increase in the rate of protein formation;
  • helps in the formation and development of blood cells;
  • increases appetite;
  • improves liver function;
  • has a diuretic effect.

When taken together with various medications:

  • supports the work of the heart during intensive loads(riboxin);
  • improves the force of contraction of the heart muscle (asparkam);
  • improves the quality oxidative processes(tocopherol);
  • stimulates metabolic processes in the body (vitamins of group B)

How to use the tool in sports

Since the substance is not destroyed in the liver, it is possible quick effect anabolic, i.e. powerful muscle growth. It is also used when tissue regeneration is necessary. Bodybuilders use potassium orotate to speedy recovery after severe physical exertion. Basically, this drug begins to be used with increasing loads, switching to more intense workouts.

There is no single answer about the favorable impact. Some consider it ineffective, others, on the contrary, note an increase in muscle mass, although they additionally take other anabolic agents.

For medicinal purposes, bodybuilders can take this drug on an empty stomach, 1 tablet (1 hour before a meal) or 4 hours after a meal. The tablet must be chewed and washed down. The dose is no more than 6 tablets per day (a specialist consultation is necessary). Duration of treatment - 1 month and a break - 2 months.

    06.04.2006, 18:41


    Heart... such a strange animal...

    - “Protein, amino acids…”
    - "What else?"

    mildronate, added riboxin And potassium orate

  • 06.04.2006, 23:00

    g factor
    My friend was also healthy as an astronaut, and then bam and training were banned, he has some problems with the cardiogram. he also takes Meldronate and takes heart vitamins soon, too, he will go for examination again and you will see what's wrong with him..
  • 10.04.2006, 03:52


    Message from Admin

    Periodically I go through examinations of the heart, well, for myself. The cardiologist said that in her 10-year practice, she can literally count people with such a healthy heart on the finger. And the other day I looked to her to do another ECG (computer)
    They connected me ..., after 10-15 seconds:
    - “Sergei Alekseevich, besides vitamins, what else do you take ???”
    - “Protein, amino acids…”
    - "What else?"
    - “Two weeks since I finished the deca + dough course now on PCT (clomiphene)”
    - “You have significant, and clearly medical changes” ... “I even find it difficult to say what condition your heart is in” “But I still recommend mildronat for prevention, then come back to me for an appointment !!!”

    I decided not to limit myself to one mildronate, added riboxin And potassium orate. Plus I bought special vitamins (heart). In general, I practically restored my heart, but I concluded for myself that on the course I definitely need additional nutrition for the heart muscle, that is, mildronate and, I think, almost certainly riboxin, especially before training.

    This is fine. Most of the time, the changes are positive. But there are also small hiccups. More often they are associated with a change not in some cunning secretions of cunning hormones. And with the level of cholesterol in the blood.

    And he made the right decision, such therapy never hurts. Although the tablets, and even in such an amount, even with a useful filling, the same load is only on the intestine. Indeed, in a sense, eating pills is like eating sweets with a candy wrapper together.

    I should note that this bundle for many beginner builders can become the first and key one. After all, this combination is almost as good as the same "methane" in action. True, tabs, unlike the example, will have to eat more. But it doesn't work for everyone. Lately I also received complaints about this bunch. More often complain of arrhythmia. Be careful. Go from smallest to largest.

    Usually recommended for beginners riboxin And potassium orate. Simply and angrily, let's add for example Vitrum 2 tablets after breakfast and your first anabolic complex for building masses ready. Now it's up to food and sleep.
    I got carried away, I fall asleep for this.

  • 10.04.2006, 07:37

    What causes the heart to beat the most?
  • 10.04.2006, 20:36

    g factor
    Basically, with an incorrect load, if this is not congenital, it happens even at a transitional age, but it is treated quite quickly. The main thing is to stop sports during this period. if you quit, it is very harmful and affects the heart a lot. I can give you an example, professional skiers who were in the national team are trained for 2 years! and even if not after the national team, then at least a year! So take care of your pet!
  • 11.04.2006, 03:19

    True words, although a bit messy.
  • 12.04.2006, 21:23

    g factor

    Message from Voland

    True words, although a bit messy.

    In what sense?

  • 13.04.2006, 01:38

    So don't bother.
  • 13.04.2006, 20:49

  • 13.04.2006, 22:32

    g factor

    Message from Sandr

    I am regularly calcining riboxin or mildronate. But from riboxin I feel more invigorating than from mildronate, although the cost, you know, is 4 times cheaper. And in general, what is the significant difference between riboxin and mildronate ???

    Listen, why regularly pierce?:

  • 14.04.2006, 01:04


    Message from Sandr

    I am regularly calcining riboxin or mildronate. But from riboxin I feel more invigorating than from mildronate, although the cost, you know, is 4 times cheaper. And in general, what is the significant difference between riboxin and mildronate ???

    That's what I don't know, I don't know. But Riboxin is the same for me.:eek:

  • 14.04.2006, 05:27


    Message from Sandr

    I am regularly calcining riboxin or mildronate. But from riboxin I feel more invigorating than from mildronate, although the cost, you know, is 4 times cheaper. And in general, what is the significant difference between riboxin and mildronate ???

    If you do not go into the subtleties of chemical processes. You can simply say the following.
    riboxin, as it were, nourishes the cell from the inside, promoting the synthesis of certain substances, making its work more efficient, and mildronate, as it were, adjusts the cell for best income nutrition and detoxification. If we exaggerate even more, mildronate expands the "gate" for the penetration of substances into the cell, and the withdrawal of waste products.
  • 14.04.2006, 09:49

    As a result of constant loads, the heart muscle increases and, like other muscle tissues, it needs regular replenishment. Yes, and you feel better when you take cores.
  • 14.04.2006, 13:59

  • 14.04.2006, 22:47

    g factor
    hmmm, take note!
  • 15.04.2006, 13:49

  • 16.04.2006, 00:21

    I just consider it unnecessary to take pills if nothing hurts, the exception is vitamin complexes.
    Do you agree that taking medications should be justified?
  • 16.04.2006, 00:34

    it looks like they don't understand each other
    potassium, we are talking about him, is ALWAYS needed, especially for those involved, no one has canceled hypertrophy of the left ventricular myocardium during sports
  • 16.04.2006, 00:46


    Message from doctor

    it looks like they don't understand each other
    potassium, we are talking about him, is ALWAYS needed, especially for those involved, no one has canceled hypertrophy of the left ventricular myocardium during sports

    I'm not against the prevention of heart disease, why would I give up happiness :) ? Only I have my own approach to this.

  • 16.04.2006, 00:50

    I will try to post one translated article on the topic of the topic in the near future
  • 16.04.2006, 07:15



  • 23.04.2006, 03:25


    Message from Admin

    Is there a way to improve digestibility orotateand potassium. You see the point is this: When using OK, the interval for eating becomes unacceptably large for more than 5 hours.
    (I will explain: it is necessary to use OK one hour before meals plus 0.5 hours of food itself, and then we wait 4 hours to take the next dose, a total of 5.5 hours and so on 3 times a day) But with such intervals in eating, the gym is practically contraindicated .
    In my opinion there are two options:
    -We score for the interval and stupidly increase the dose, but then the question is by how much?
    -Additionally, we use substances that accelerate the absorption of the potassium salt of orotic acid

    I went through tons of literature and asked physiologists how strange it is to increase digestibility with the help of insulin and glucose, but the catch is that insulin is a rather capricious drug and it is not so easy to get it, if necessary I can lay out dosages ... but I warn you ...
    Regarding the increase in dosage, it is not the best option in terms of the fact that with hyperkalemia, the symptoms are such overwork, weakness in the calf muscles, general weakness, which can be mistaken for a lack of potassium and increase the dose, which can aggravate the situation

  • 26.04.2006, 23:22

  • 27.04.2006, 00:58

    Less discos :) And finally in adolescence for many, the heart is fooling around (apparently due to the restructuring of the body, etc.)
    Basically quit smoking! :)
  • 27.04.2006, 02:50


    Message from DioEm

    people I have a problem .. A year ago, around winter, I began to play sports intensively, running, pulling up, abs, push-ups, dumbbells .... I left for a sports camp for 3 weeks from school .. they didn’t drive us there, but I was real opportunity do not start your training, as a result, several times a day, pull-ups on the horizontal bar, lifts with a coup ... and even discos in the evenings .... somehow at one of the discos it became uncomfortable .. did not go anywhere .. .I thought it would pass ..after that, the heart became aware of itself no no and lets you know .... sometimes for days: it seems like some kind of load in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, sometimes everything is fine .... in the summer, though, I really ran in the mornings, not every day, really, then classes have completely disappeared, now I’m going to go in for sports again, I want to improve my health, I just don’t know where to start .. the trick is that I’m still alive with my parents, and I don’t want to strain with my problems, and I don’t want to swallow any pills , you never know how to tell .. please advise something .. what exercises can be useful for restoring the heart .. thanks in advance.

    You need to consult with a good specialist who could control your classes. And then everything will normalize without problems. You just quickly began to load the body, and now the heart could not stand it. It’s just that you still haven’t learned how to feel your body, that’s the result! So turn to a good trainer!

  • 27.04.2006, 05:45


    Message from DioEm

    people have a problem .. A year ago, around winter, I began to play sports intensively, running, pulling up, abs, push-ups, dumbbells .... I left for 3 weeks at a sports camp from school .. they didn’t drive us there, but there was a real the opportunity not to start your training, as a result, several times a day pull-ups on the horizontal bar, lifts with a coup ... and even discos in the evenings .... somehow at one of the discos it became uncomfortable .. did not go anywhere. ..I thought it would pass ..after that, the heart became aware of itself no no and lets you know .... sometimes for days: it seems like some kind of load in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, sometimes everything is fine .... in the summer, though, I really ran in the mornings, not every day, really, then the classes completely disappeared, now I’m going to go in for sports again, I want to improve my health, but I just don’t know where to start .. the trick is that I’m still alive with my parents, and I don’t want to strain with my problems, and I don’t want any pills swallow, you never know how to tell .. please advise something .. what exercises can be useful for restoring the heart .. thanks in advance.

    To the doctor for examination, immediately!
    I'm not kidding with this. You never know what you may have suffered a heart attack. And you can do sports in any situation, but when you know the true state of the heart, then you can choose the right load. Otherwise, things could end badly. And don't be afraid of pills :Dmany of us and not what accept:11:
  • 27.04.2006, 10:43

    well, at the age of 16, a heart attack is too much, but Admin is right for an examination
  • Quote:

    Message from DioEm

    Today I went to my mother, said that they say that she’s playing pranks on her heart, she show me, well, she showed about the area, onea says that there is actually a spleen there, well, anyway, one of these days I’ll go to the clinic (it’s just 120 km from home, and the May holidays ) .... is it possible that the loads act on the spleen ??? I also noticed that when we eat tightly after school, it’s just like this load increases ... and I also opened it all in the camp .. .it was just May, and we drowned the sparkling water there terribly, several bottles a day, maybe it somehow affected ?? and again, the weight somehow affects the spleen .. sorry if I got it;)

    Well, why did you get it? ... Maybe, in fact, from soda, the heart went into the spleen? By the way, what kind of loads ....?, .... from a hearty dinner? :)
    Oh, I would like your years and your workload ... Probably, when the girls at the disco pulled their boobs, then the heart of the spleen did not interfere?
    But seriously, at your age, many have a heart naughty, do not drive on this score.

  • 12.07.2006, 21:23

    Well, guys, you've been really clever here... And potassium orthorate, and spleen, and soda... They put everything together... Listen to the old akyn: it happened that I passed full examination on the subject heart health. An increase in the left ventricle (in the common people "bull's heart") was revealed. The doctor explained to me that this change in the size of the heart muscle is not due to the fact that the heart is somehow miraculously inflated, like a biceps or a deltoid. With an increase in load, there is a significant increase in blood flow, which pumps the heart per unit of time. Accordingly, the walls of the heart muscle (read: the left ventricle) are stretched, thinned, losing their elasticity to a certain extent. If you miss this moment and do not attach importance to it, the walls can significantly lose their elasticity, which will lead to real cardiological problems, especially in old age. But not everything is so scary, gentlemen! There is a way out and it is called - cardio training (even from the very name you can determine their purpose)! You don’t need to invent anything - a treadmill, an exercise bike, an ellipse ... there can be many options. You need to run for 20 minutes or more. It is after 20 minutes that the training (real training) of the heart muscle begins. You don’t need to be zealous, both the pace and the load should be average, you should run comfortably and not out of breath. Whoever says that aerobic exercise should be excluded - I absolutely disagree with you. In case of heart problems, this is the most important way healing. But anaerobic (strength) training for this period will really have to be limited. What do I mean by limit? In my understanding, this means that you do not need to perform one-time approaches, make splits based on 8-10 repetitions. Weight weights - no more than 80% of the maximum ... Have fun in training, return to the weights with which you worked six months or a year ago, concentrate on technique ... I assure you - in 2 - 3 months you will feel significant improvements... And finally - do not be afraid to visit a cardiologist, and do not delay the examination ... The doctor will not advise you bad, I learned this on own example. Thank you all for your attention...
  • 13.07.2006, 05:21

    Not the fact that he has the same as you ...
    In one case, aerobics can become a panacea, and in another case, it will drive you to where there is no way out ...
    In any case, you need to consult a doctor first.

Riboxin and Mildronate are quite popular drugs among patients. cardiology departments, athletes, and in some cases even in very specific situations.

This medicinal product normalizes myocardial function, reduces hypoxia of the tissues of the heart muscle, increases the energy balance in muscle tissues organism. The active substance inosine - increases the energy balance of the body, helps to adequately relax the heart muscle in diastole, prevents arrhythmia.

The main functions of the drug, due to which it is widely used, are: acceleration of metabolism, a decrease in heart rate, as well as an increase in the volume of the cardiac chamber in diastole and a decrease in systole. Separate studies confirm the fact of an increase antiviral immunity in subjects as a result of prolonged use.

Angioprotector, cardioprotector and antihypoxant, designed to provide energy to myocardial tissues, has an antihypoxic effect, promotes the development of myocardial endurance, and prevents physical and mental overstrain.

In terms of its pharmacokinetics, in some respects it is similar to the previous remedy, however, it has proven effectiveness and longer duration - till 12 o'clock. Worldwide used more for ability quick recovery CCC after prolonged physical exertion than for its other properties.


A number of similarities are due to their focus of action - on the cardiovascular system and the energy supply system for the tissues of the heart and other muscles. Also, both drugs are aimed at improving metabolism.

Both were synthesized relatively long ago - about 40 years ago and already initially the effectiveness of riboxin began to be questioned. Modern studies claim that course intake of inosine is comparable to taking pills - pacifiers, and its effectiveness is due to placebo effects.

Comparison and differences

Below is a series significant differences, which must be considered when choosing the first and second for certain purposes.

Active substance

There is a huge difference in this criterion, given the fact that the action of inosine is more directed to metabolism, and meldonium - to the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Actions at the physiological level

Inosine is aimed at:

  1. Improved protein synthesis.
  2. Improvement in muscle contractility.
  3. Increased antiviral immunity (presumably).

Meldonium is aimed mostly at:

  • Improvement transport function circulatory system.
  • Increasing the endurance of the muscular system.
  • Vasodilation to increase the oxygen carried by the circulatory system.
  • Accelerating the breakdown of pyruvic acid.


There are numerous analogues of both one and the other means. Manufacturers of original preparations are: riboxin - Russian Federation, mildronate - Latvia.

The type of metabolism that is affected

The main difference between drugs lies in their focus on various exchanges substances, namely, the action of inosine lies on protein level, and meldonium - on carbohydrate and fat.


Duration of action in a single application: mildronate - till 12 o'clock, riboxin - up to 5 hours.

Duration of admission

The use of drugs based on inosine is a course and is calculated for many weeks, as a rule, 4 to 12 weeks. The use of mildronate, in turn, can be both course and one-time, while an increase in dosage is not required to achieve the effectiveness of the drug. When taking a course, the duration of taking the drug is from 4 to 6 weeks, which favorably distinguishes it from riboxin.

The use of mildronate is strictly thought out and includes an intensive period of treatment, when only the injectable form of the drug is used and a maintenance period with the use of meldonium in the form of capsules. In the case of riboxin, this is difficult due to significant differences in the dosage of various forms of the drug.

Release form

Riboxin: capsules or tablets with a dosage of 200 mg, 20 or 50 tablets or capsules per pack. Solution for injection of 5 or 10 mg in an ampoule, 10 ampoules per pack.

Mildronate: capsules with a dosage of 250 and 500 mg, 20 or 50 capsules per pack. Solution for injection, 5 ml in an ampoule, 20 ampoules per pack.


The price range of the two drugs is quite different. So, the price of mildronate in the form of capsules and in the form of injections is about 400 Russian rubles. The price for 50 Riboxin tablets is from 50 to 70 rubles, and solution for injection (10 ampoules) - about 150-200 rubles.


As noted above, the effectiveness of inosine has not yet been proven. The effectiveness of meldonium, in turn, has been proven by numerous studies, both for medical purposes and for sports.

The use of the former for medical purposes is justified only with a long-term course, while it is preferable intravenous administration drug.

In professional sports, the choice clearly falls on the second remedy, and inosine is considered only a support, while its use is most often associated with an improvement in the absorption of anabolics and muscle mass gain, and meldonium in connection with an improvement in the activity of the cardiovascular system. Thus, in professional sports, inosine is practically not used for its intended purpose. The second is valued primarily for improving the functioning of the CCC, increasing the body's resilience, improving the breakdown of fatty acids, which worsen contractility muscles.

The use of meldonium in the evening is not recommended because of its ability to excite the nervous system!

Particular attention should be paid to the use of medicines based on meldonium by athletes. Since 2016, preparations based on it have been banned for use by the International Olympic Committee and are considered doping! This fact has already had a very negative impact on the health of many athletes.

Mildronate and Riboxin were created to treat patients with cardiovascular diseases. These drugs have similarities and some differences.

Similarities between the compositions of Mildronate and Riboxin

Riboxin is a drug designed to normalize the metabolism in the myocardium, treat tissues during hypoxia. The tool is made in Russian Federation. The drug is produced in the form of coated tablets. The active substance is inosine. The drug is produced in a dose of 200 mg.

Additional components:

  • starch;
  • stearin;
  • cellulose;
  • sucrose;
  • iron oxide.

The drug is packed in cardboard boxes with blisters of 10 or 25 tablets. In pharmacies, the medicine is sold by prescription.

Indications for the appointment of Riboxin:

  • ischemia of the heart;
  • increased heart rate;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • long-term use of glycosides;
  • heart attack;
  • varicose veins;
  • violations of the liver;
  • hepatitis, cirrhosis caused by medication or alcohol.

Athletes drink Riboxin to increase endurance.


  • intolerance to the components of the remedy;
  • prostate hyperplasia;
  • fructose allergy;
  • glucose deficiency.

In kidney disease, the medicine should be used under the supervision of the attending physician. Riboxin is well absorbed.

Can be adverse reactions:

  • rash;
  • burning;
  • increase in urea in the blood;
  • exacerbation of gout.

The medicine should be prescribed only by a doctor.

Mildronate is a drug that improves tissue metabolism and provides them with energy. Athletes used the drug with increased physical exertion in training.

The drug is produced in two forms:

  • capsules for internal use;
  • ampoules with liquid for injections.

The active substance is meldonium.

Mildronate is a drug that improves tissue metabolism and provides them with energy.


  • silicon;
  • starch;
  • gelatin;
  • titanium dioxide.

The drug is packaged in cardboard packs, which contain 6 blisters of 10 tablets.

It is used in complex treatment:

  • heart failure;
  • ischemia;
  • angina;
  • arrhythmias;
  • heart attacks;
  • reduced activity;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • deterioration in concentration;
  • impaired blood circulation of the brain;
  • overvoltage in athletes;
  • withdrawal syndrome in alcoholics.


  • deficiency of potassium in the blood;
  • hypertension;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • childhood;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • severe kidney disease.

Adverse reactions:

  • rash;
  • increased fatigue.

The drug is prescribed by the attending physician. Riboxin and Mildronate are potent means, so you need to strictly observe the duration of the course and dosage. Riboxin is taken half an hour before meals. The tablet is swallowed whole and washed down with water. The course of treatment is 1-3 months. The medicine is drunk every day. The first dose is 600-800 mg. The largest daily dose is 2400 mg, it is divided into several parts. If adverse reactions occur, stop taking the drug.

Mildronate is taken in the morning, because. in the evening the patient may have nervous excitement. Athletes before training take 50-100 mg 2 times a day. With ischemia, damage to the vessels of the brain, 50-100 mg are prescribed. The duration of treatment is 1-1.5 months. The remedy is prescribed for increased loads. At the same time, they drink the drug 2 times a day, the daily dose is 5 g. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. Dosages are prescribed by a doctor.

What is the difference between Mildronate and Riboxin

Medicines have a different composition. Mildronate contains meldonium, and Riboxin includes inosine - natural component present in the human body. Riboxin increases metabolism. It normalizes the rhythm of heartbeats, improves blood circulation.

Inosine is involved in the conversion of glucose and improves its metabolism in the absence of oxygen. Riboxin normalizes the processes of enrichment of cells with oxygen.

Once in the tissue, the active substance:

  • increases energy metabolism;
  • normalizes the metabolism of the heart muscle;
  • normalizes the rhythm of heart contractions;
  • increases stroke volume.

The drug reduces blood clotting and promotes tissue repair, restores the heart muscle and stomach walls.

Mildronate has similar properties, but, unlike Riboxin, it is not consumed by the body to form substances. Meldonium improves the formation of enzymes that produce energy, normalizes metabolic processes. Riboxin, in contrast, is involved in chemical reactions, is a metabolite.


Mildronate cost:

  • capsules 500 mg, 60 pcs. Latvia - 599 rubles.
  • capsules 250 mg, 40 pcs. Latvia - 270 rubles.

Riboxin cost:

  • ampoules 0.2 ml, 10 pcs. Volgograd - 70 rubles.
  • tablets 200 mg, 50 pcs. Volgograd - 79 rubles.

What's better

During therapy with Riboxin, it is necessary to take dosages of the drug that correspond to its absorption by the body. Mildronate is not wasted in the metabolic process, it acts for a long time, and it can be taken in a smaller amount. Doctors may prescribe sharing these drugs, then healing effect rises.

Doctors believe that Riboxin is better than Mildronate if the patient takes the medicine on an outpatient basis. Mildronate is used in the hospital, because. it can cause side effects such as high blood pressure or dizziness. The attending physician prescribes the drug, depending on the form of the course of the disease.



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