How to use dental floss. How to properly brush your teeth with dental floss? Why should you floss? Contraindications to using dental floss

In pursuit of dazzling Hollywood smile we forget about important detail- health of teeth and gums. Impeccable prevention without the intervention of dentists in this matter will serve dental floss(floss).

Floss – special thread for cleaning proximal surfaces (interdental spaces). There are different types that differ according to some criteria and have their own scope of applicability.

The type of dental floss is distinguished according to several parameters:

Features and need for use

Flosses in our time are one of the main means in the fight for healthy cavity mouth, so it is advisable to use floss to prevent a healthy, perfect smile.

Limiting yourself to a toothbrush does not allow you to achieve a 100% effect.

Two out of five tooth surfaces are inaccessible to remove plaque and food debris, which often leads to caries in these areas.

Flossing before using a toothbrush has a double effect. This way, you can not only remove lost food particles, but also allow active substances penetrate closer to the gums.

Instructions for use step by step

Proper use of dental floss allows you to get rid of plaque, prevent the development of caries and gum disease. For best result must be read and followed step by step instructions. Here's how to properly floss:

Tip: you can come up with a special sequence of actions so as not to miss a single tooth.

Using this simple algorithm, you will learn the technique of cleaning with dental floss. The main thing is not to forget about the farthest teeth and wisdom teeth, because most diseases begin to progress in these places.

How to floss with braces

If you have metal braces, then using dental floss is not only possible, but also necessary. There are two methods for this case: normal actions flossing or mastering a special threader.

When classic way, the main points during use remain the same as during normal cleaning. It is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • When using braces, you should pay attention to the waxed thread, since the braces have pointed edges, the wax thread will slide better over their surface and not tear;
  • You should definitely thread the floss under the wire arch of the braces; you need to do this carefully, do not touch the arch, otherwise the thread may break or get stuck. It is best to thread it in the place where there is the largest gap so that it is convenient to catch the tip of the floss;
  • push the floss into the gap between the teeth and make smooth movements up and down;
  • Pull the floss out slowly, being careful not to touch the braces. Now this operation should be performed on all teeth.

This method may seem lengthy; to speed up the process, you can learn to use a threader. This is a special plastic needle with an eye through which the thread is threaded.

There is also another type of floss - dental tape. This type is much wider, thinner and more convenient to use. The rules of use are similar.

Common problems and solutions

Flossing isn't difficult, but people often run into the same obstacles, most of which, fortunately, can be resolved.

Pain or bleeding

Such signs may indicate gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). Although dental floss has painful effect, this does not mean immediately stopping its use.

Try to use oral hygiene products daily: toothbrush, mouthwash, floss. These manipulations prevent the appearance of these symptoms. However, if pain and bleeding do not go away within one or two weeks, you should consult a specialist.

Close proximity of teeth

For this case, it is advisable to use a thread treated with wax or made of Teflon (a flexible, elastic substance), both types will facilitate easy sliding over the teeth. And you can always contact your dentist, he will advise you on your choice and offer different samples.

Not enough dexterity

For people with poor coordination, the presence of a disease that interferes with correct use, a floss support device has been manufactured. The holder is made in the shape of the letter Y. The thread is attached to top part design that allows for one-handed cleaning.

No time to use

The preferred application time is up to 5 minutes, but if you do not have even this, you can spend at least 60 seconds, and this will already bring great benefit your teeth.

Let flossing become a habit, try combining it with other activities that are convenient for you, and the results will not keep you waiting.

What if food doesn't get between your teeth?

In addition to removing food debris, floss removes accumulated plaque, which is one of the causes of gingivitis, periodontal disease (damage to the periodontal tissue) and, ultimately, tooth loss.

Frequency of use

How often should you floss? Yes, the more often the better.

The best option is to use floss after each use of food. After all, this way you can not only remove stuck pieces, but also prevent bacteria from developing.

If it is not possible to carry out this procedure so often, then it would be most effective to use floss before brushing your teeth at night, since it is during sleep that the growth of bacteria becomes much more active.

Can everyone use floss?

Dental floss is a very useful thing, but is it suitable for everyone?

If a person already has one or more diseases: chronic periodontal disease, periodontitis (inflammation supporting apparatus teeth) or gingivitis - you need to minimize the activity of use and consult a specialist.

For healthy teeth and gums are not prohibited, because this is the prevention of certain diseases and bad breath.

The thread is intended for both adults and children, who can independently and consciously approach this matter.

Having become familiar with this find in the field of oral hygiene - dental floss, its types, instructions for use and purpose, everyone can easily determine whether they should take this thing into their arsenal.

IN next video It shows very clearly how to use dental floss.

Since childhood, we have been taught to regularly brush our teeth in the morning. However, many people avoid evening hygiene procedures, not to mention using dental floss. It is much more common to use a toothbrush when trying to tidy up your teeth after eating. Health requires taking care of your body, in particular, the condition of your oral cavity. Dental flosses are gaining more and more popularity every year, especially among those who do not want to spend a lot of money on trips to the dentist.

So, should you floss before or after brushing? Let's look into this issue.

Purpose of use

For some reason, many people have the misleading opinion that you can take any thread (even for sewing) and use it to clean your teeth. One of the latest inventions modern science- floss, dental floss, which is used to clean molars. This allows you to solve the main dental problem - the spread of caries. The disease affects more than half of all adults and many children.

How to floss? The photos posted in the article show this process in detail.

Difference from a toothbrush

A toothbrush cleans teeth only superficially, while the interdental space remains untouched. The teeth are very close to each other, so even ultra-fine bristles cannot clean properly internal surfaces. Food remaining between teeth not only causes bad smell from the mouth, but also becomes an excellent habitat for pathogenic bacteria.

How to properly brush your teeth with dental floss - before or after brushing? This interests many.

There are a variety of dental products on the market. Everyone chooses the most suitable option for themselves. This depends on the distance between the teeth, the presence of dentures, individual preferences and tactile sensations. To prevent the development of caries, the type of floss you choose does not matter; the main thing is its fundamental use. But the most common question users ask is how to properly floss. back teeth? More on this below.


Dental floss is divided into:

  1. Round. Suitable for those who have a fairly wide interdental space. Flat - the choice of those whose teeth fit tightly together.
  2. Fragrant. The dental floss impregnating composition may contain prophylactic or medicinal substances, such as chlorhexidine or fluoride (have disinfecting properties). Sometimes the composition is scented to make the cleaning procedure more aesthetically pleasing. We will tell you further how to properly clean your mouth with dental floss.
  3. Waxed floss is smooth, glides better over teeth, and is good for those who are just starting to use dental floss. They allow you to learn step by step how to use floss without damaging your gums. Non-waxed flosses clean the interdental space more intensively and fight well against plaque and bacteria. Over time, a beginner can move on to using them after

Basically, in the manufacture of dental floss, silk of natural origin or artificially created fibers such as Teflon or nylon are used. The first option is preferable, which is natural, but it is not as practical as the other two. Silk tends to tear and wear out quickly. Synthetic threads are much more expensive, but also last longer. Most popular on this moment is nylon, since such products offer the best combination of price and quality.

And yet, how should you clean your mouth with dental floss - before or after brushing?

Terms of use

Dental floss should be used as needed. But experts still agree that for prevention purposes, it is most optimal to use floss every day before bed or at least twice a week.

Quite often the question is asked about what to do first - brush or floss your teeth. Opinions differ in this case. Some believe that floss can infect the gums with bacteria, others argue that its use should be final. hygiene procedure. One thing is clear - using dental floss is definitely beneficial. Once you decide to purchase one, you should remember to consult with your dentist, especially if you wear braces or dentures. How to brush your teeth with dental floss correctly?

To effectively clean plaque from teeth and prevent pathogens from getting under the gums, you need to know how to use floss correctly. Below are the rules for using dental floss, the implementation of which will help avoid the development of periodontal disease and caries.

Cleaning procedure

The procedure for cleaning teeth with floss should be carried out in the following sequence:

  • Unwind about half a meter of dental floss from the spool, secure it around your middle fingers so that there is about 10 centimeters of floss between them, which will be used to clean your teeth.
  • Holding the floss firmly between your index finger and thumb, move it gently down and up between your teeth. The movements must be repeated several times. Consistently clean all teeth, moving the floss to a clean section.
  • You can also wrap the floss around the tooth at the base so that it is slightly under the gum. Cleaning should be done in a circular motion; do not use too much force as this may damage the soft cloth gums. In this process, measured and accurate actions are encouraged.
  • Remember to use a clean piece of floss for each tooth. Otherwise, you will transfer harmful bacteria from one tooth to another, which allows them to spread everywhere.

  • It is necessary to pull the floss out of the interdental space smoothly and gradually, making back-and-forth movements. At first, it is easiest to do the procedure in front of a mirror.
  • If you have the skill and experience in cleaning your teeth with floss, the process will happen automatically, just like with a toothbrush.
  • You cannot use a thread twice, this will negate the results of its use.
  • Once you've finished flossing, you can brush your teeth or use mouthwash. Now you understand how to clean with dental floss. Before or after - it's up to you.


Medical research suggests that incorrect use of floss may well lead to inflammation in the oral cavity and even sudden tooth loss. This can happen when the rules and techniques for flossing your teeth are not followed. Constantly touching the gums with floss makes them more sensitive, destruction of soft tissue occurs and, as a result, infection penetrates into the wounds. You can also check with your dentist about how to properly brush your teeth with dental floss.

special instructions

You need to ensure that your gums do not bleed after flossing, as this may be a symptom of periodontal disease. In such a situation, it makes sense to immediately consult a dentist for help. If caries has already affected most of the teeth and cavities have appeared, then flossing is also not recommended. With this picture, dental floss can worsen the condition of the gums, which will lead to serious consequences.

Children under the age of ten are also not recommended to use floss, as they still have baby, fragile teeth. But even after reaching the required age, the procedure should be performed only under the supervision of parents.

Dental floss helps maintain high level. The medical name for this accessory is floss. Since a brush is not always enough to remove food debris, floss is very convenient to have on hand. It allows you to thoroughly clean the interdental space and prevent the development of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Floss is a useful dental device available on the market in a wide range. Before choosing the most suitable type With this accessory, you need to understand why dental floss is needed.

Life rhythms sometimes make it impossible to take care of your teeth on time, for example, during a work environment during an afternoon break. Plaque on enamel is the result of a lack of proper hygiene after lunch, breakfast or dinner. He often is. Flossing will help reduce the risk of many dental diseases.

It is useful not only during the day after meals, but also in the evening before bed. To help prevent bacterial growth at night, you should always brush before flossing your teeth.

Flosses are divided into 2 types: natural and unnatural. The first ones are made from silk. Unnatural dental floss is made from nylon, acetate or nylon.

Anna Losyakova


Before choosing dental floss, you should consult your dentist. Every person has different shapes jaws. This excludes the possibility of giving a definite answer to the question: which dental floss will be more effective to use. Only a specialist can individually select suitable dental accessories.

There are 3 types of dental floss based on their shape:

  • tape;
  • flat;
  • round.

Ribbon with handle Flat in box Round thread

The flat type is suitable for those who have narrow gaps between the teeth. Round ones are usually chosen for cleaning large interdental crevices. And it is better to use tape in the following cases:

  • in the presence of large interdental spaces (trema);
  • if any cosmetic defects position of the incisors (diastema).

Trema Diastema

To make the floss glide better, it is impregnated with special wax.

Only the attending dentist can answer the question “which dental floss to choose.” Self-medication or incorrect choice dental accessories may be unsafe for gum health.

How to use dental floss correctly

Before using it, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. These include:

  1. Periodontal disease and. Frequent use floss leads to the appearance of wounds on the gums and the development of inflammation in the oral cavity.
  2. Caries. The danger of flossing is due to the possibility of chipping pieces from the teeth.
  3. Crowns or bridges. Orthodontic microprostheses involve the use of a superfloss dental accessory, which combines the functions of various types of this product.

The video simulates the process of cleaning implants using superfloss:

The benefits of threads with wax are obvious immediately after the first use. Waxed floss is convenient because it makes brushing your teeth easier. For optimal removal of food debris from the interdental space, you should choose a non-waxed floss. It is used to clean tooth enamel and remove plaque, as it is easily divided into fibers.

If the product is saturated with sodium fluoride, it not only provides excellent cleaning, but also provides protection against caries. Such flosses strengthen tooth enamel in places that are difficult to clean with a brush.

Dental floss with sodium fluoride

Options with menthol can make your breath fresh, and flosses with chlorhexidine can disinfect your gums and teeth.

Anna Losyakova


When choosing, you need to take into account strength. The floss should not break when passed between the teeth. This can occur when there are chips or unevenness on the enamel surface.

For those who use floss, the doctor may prescribe independent use therapeutic and prophylactic agents. More complex accessories for cleaning interdental spaces are used only in dentists' offices under the supervision of a specialist.

Rules and techniques for using floss

Children should be taught to floss from the age of 9–10 years. You can introduce your baby to this device at an earlier age. To prevent him from damaging his gums, the child’s oral cleaning procedure should be carried out under parental supervision. It is necessary to warn the child not to exert excessive force, otherwise the gums will be injured.

Anna Losyakova


During the cleaning process, the gums sometimes begin to bleed, in which case the procedure should be stopped immediately. To rinse your mouth if damaged, use saline solution in a warm form. Returning to flossing is possible only after the wound has completely healed.

To brush your teeth with floss, you will need to use the required amount of floss. It is wrong to clean different interdental spaces with the same piece. You need to measure a piece 40–45 cm long so that it is enough to carefully work out each gap.

Proper technique involves four steps:

  1. Wind the thread onto middle finger right hand 2 times.
  2. Wrap it around your hand so that the segment in the center is 2.5–5 cm.
  3. The procedure should begin with processing upper jaw: the thread is placed between her teeth and gently moved along the gums.
  4. The floss should be applied to the enamel and passed from top to bottom. Then repeat the procedure with other teeth.

Using dental floss according to the instructions provided allows you to clean your mouth thoroughly and safely.

The video well simulates the process of how to properly brush your teeth with dental floss:

It will only be obvious when correct use. If your gums were accidentally injured during cleaning, you should visit a dentist. Otherwise, problems may arise associated with the formation of microcracks and the appearance of inflammatory processes.

Benefits and harms from use

The use of floss has many advantages: protecting the oral cavity from bacteria, removing stuck food debris between the teeth and along the gums where a toothbrush does not help. But there are also disadvantages: if the technique is incorrect, it can cause inflammatory process, gum bleeding may occur due to wounds, and the spread of infection can lead to tooth loss.

Ask your dentist about how often you can floss. Experts say that in certain cases, flossing can destroy the structure of the teeth and harm the gums. Many people know that bad teeth have bad influence on the body as a whole. Before using dental floss, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages in detail.

Dental floss (also called floss) helps clean spaces between teeth that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush. These are the contact surfaces of the teeth that face adjacent teeth located on the same jaw (they occupy approximately 40% of the surface of the entire tooth). That is, the thread is additional way cleaning parts of the teeth that cannot be cleaned Toothbrush. To clean between teeth, you can use dental floss both before and after brushing your teeth. But it is still more logical and correct to use floss before brushing, since then the cleaned spaces will be additionally cleaned with toothpaste. You need to use dental floss at least 2 times a day (when you brush your teeth in the morning and evening), and it is also advisable to use it after each meal to remove pieces of food stuck between your teeth. If your gums are very sensitive, then you should not use it every time after eating; it will be enough to use it only once, at night. It is also best not to floss if you have periodontal disease.

Often, it is in the spaces between the teeth that all sorts of dental diseases, including caries, begin to develop. And the reasons here are not only that a toothbrush practically cannot reach these places, but that on early stages difficult when visual inspection of these places to notice some deviations.

Brushing your teeth with dental floss is quite simple. But first you need to get a little comfortable with this matter. But in the future this will not cause any difficulties. Our article will help you learn how to brush your teeth with dental floss. Moreover, learning how to use it is very important. You want to have it for a long time healthy teeth? If Yes, then dental floss should definitely have a place on your bathroom shelf and in your bag (to take it with you).

How to choose dental floss?

You can buy dental floss at any pharmacy. Since there are different types of floss, you need to know which one will suit your teeth. According to the cross-sectional shape, dental floss is divided into: 1) flat (designed for teeth tightly pressed against each other) and 2) round (forms a circle when cut crosswise and is suitable for those who have fairly large interdental spaces).

Both flat and round dental floss can be impregnated with wax - they are waxed (impregnated with wax so as not to separate and delaminate into individual fibers) and unwaxed (not covered with wax and therefore delaminate into fibers, which gives them large area contact with the tooth surface, allowing you to remove pieces of food and plaque).

Flosses are also divided into two types: Teflon (this is a solid mono-filament without fibers) and nylon (it has many fibers in its structure and can be waxed or unwaxed - it has already been written about above). It is more convenient to use Teflon dental floss, since, unlike nylon, it does not tear from the teeth and does not become shaggy. These two types of floss perfectly remove food debris between the teeth, so the choice between these two types is a matter of convenience and taste for you.

Sometimes floss is treated with a certain impregnation for aesthetic and therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, which are designed to prevent the development of caries, strengthen the enamel and leave pleasant taste in the mouth. The following impregnations are often used in this way. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, a solution of chlorhexidine (has disinfecting properties) and a solution of sodium fluoride (strengthens tooth enamel) are used. For aesthetic purposes, menthol or solutions with fruit flavors are used (they leave a pleasant aftertaste in the mouth).

Dental floss can also be used to clean braces, orthodontic plates, and dentures. In this case, a special dental floss is used that combines the characteristics different types dental floss: one end is narrow and non-fibrous (which ensures effective penetration of floss between the spaces of the teeth), and the other end is quite wide and fibrous (this allows you to clean braces, plates and dentures).

Differences can also be observed in the appearance of dental floss. Each box most often contains up to 50 meters of thread on a spool. The box is equipped with a lid, as well as a cutter that helps cut the required length of thread. Currently, flosses are available for sale, placed on separate plastic holders, according to appearance resembling a slingshot. They are very compact, which means that they are easy to take with you on the road, or put in a handbag.

How to use dental floss?

1. You need to pick up a cassette with dental floss and pull out about 40-50 cm of thread. You may need a ruler to measure this length for the first time. But in the future you will get used to it and begin to determine “by eye” required amount dental floss.

2. One edge of the thread needs to be wound around the middle finger right hand, and the other edge - also on the middle finger, but only on the left hand. Try to make sure that the dental floss is simply fixed on one finger, and the main volume of it is wound on the second finger. To make it convenient to brush your teeth, it is enough to leave a thread about 10 cm long between your fingers. The floss is fixed between index finger left hand and right thumb.

3. The dental floss must be pulled tight and carefully inserted between the teeth. In order not to injure the gums, this should be done smoothly, carefully, without unnecessary effort. Press the floss to the side surface of the tooth and move it up and down several times (6-7 similar movements are enough). Lightly move the thread under the edge of the gum, being careful not to damage the gingival papilla. We bring the thread back.

4. We repeat similar manipulations with each tooth, always using a clean part of the floss for the new tooth.

1. Be very careful and vigilant when using floss to clean your teeth, do not apply force or jerk it sharply. Otherwise, you may cut your gums.

Floss or dental floss is special remedy, used for oral hygiene. With its help, you can prevent the development of many oral diseases, including periodontal disease or caries. To make dental floss, high-quality and durable materials are used that do not damage teeth when cleaning. Such fibers are arranged in parallel. To make the thread glide more smoothly and without resistance during cleaning procedures, its surface is treated with a special polymer.

Thanks to dental floss, a person will not only be able to remove small particles of food from the interdental space that accumulate there, but also to clean various dental structures. However, this is provided that all cleaning steps are carried out correctly. How to use dental floss will be discussed in this article.

Dental floss - what is it?

Due to the fact that human teeth have as many as five surfaces, and only three of them are cleaned with a regular toothbrush, food debris and microorganisms still remain on the teeth, which can lead to many problems. dental problems(bad breath, plaque, etc.). Dental floss helps prevent similar pathologies, penetrating into hard-to-reach places where a toothbrush is powerless.

On a note! By neglecting dental floss, you leave more than 40% of the surface of all teeth uncleaned, which negatively affects their health.

Dentists highly recommend flossing your teeth at least once a day. Optimal time for this - the evening, but before using a toothbrush and toothpaste. Of course, you can do this after every meal, your teeth will only become healthier, but not everyone has the desire and time for this. Do not forget that a toothbrush alone will not be enough to thoroughly clean the surface of your teeth, so this good habit should be accustomed to early age. But if you started using floss relatively recently, then to quickly get used to new procedure It is advisable to always take dental floss with you. It doesn’t matter where you are going - to work, to the country or on vacation outside the city, put the thread in your pocket or bag so that it is always nearby. It’s not for nothing that they say that any habit is a matter of 21 days, after which a person gets accustomed to something or, conversely, unlearns it.

To make dental floss, natural silk or high-quality artificial fibers such as nylon, nylon, acetate and so on can be used. Since there are quite a few types of dental floss, you need to familiarize yourself with the main ones for the right choice. Attention should be paid not only to the cost of the product or to the manufacturer, although this is also very important - first of all, you need to decide what teeth will be cared for and what problems you will deal with.

Cleaning with waxed dental floss allows you to penetrate even the narrowest interdental spaces, so dentists recommend using dental floss impregnated with wax for those people who are just learning to brush their teeth with this product. If, then the second ones are considered the best, since when using unwaxed ones, they separate, which is why a large surface of the tooth is cleaned. As a result, the removal of food particles and plaque is much more effective.

The cross-sectional shape of the thread is another feature by which they differ from each other. If dental floss with a flat cross-section is used to clean narrow interdental spaces, then with a round cross-section, on the contrary, for cleaning wide ones. When thick threads come into contact with saliva, they increase in volume, so the cleaning procedure becomes safer, and the likelihood of damage to the gums is also reduced. There are also tape dental flosses, which are used, as a rule, for trema or diastemas (when the interdental spaces are very large).

The presence of impregnation also affects the choice of dental floss, because impregnated threads not only help clean the surface of the teeth, but also have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. Sodium fluoride is often used to impregnate dental floss, which helps strengthen the enamel and also helps prevent caries. Impregnation with menthol freshens breath, and a thread with a solution of chlorhexidine has an effect on oral cavity disinfectant effect. Often people prefer to apply special pastes and preventatives to their dental floss themselves.

Dental flosses are divided according to their intended purpose - these are products for use in a dentist’s office and for individual (home) use.

Popular brands

You can find it in stores a large number of dental floss from different manufacturers, so “newbies” ask one question: how to choose dental floss if there are so many of them? Initially, you need to decide on the selection criteria and know the condition of the dentition. Ideally, you should try several types of floss from different manufacturers and choose the one that suits you best. Each person has different dental structure features, so it is difficult to select a product according to general recommendations doctor In a word, you need to experiment with different dental floss, using products with different sections, impregnated and vice versa, not impregnated.

You should also beware of counterfeits, so it is best to purchase dental floss at a pharmacy. Below is a list of the most popular floss manufacturers. After familiarizing yourself with them, you can choose the right option for yourself.

Table. Review of popular manufacturers.

Brand name, photoDescription

The target audience of this company's products are lovers of strong tea, coffee and cigarettes. The structure of dental floss contains special microcrystals, which, when cleaned, thoroughly polish tooth enamel. Regular use allows you to deal with plaque as quickly as possible.

There is probably no person who does not know about this manufacturer. There are several types of products that differ in the composition of the impregnation. For example, Colgate Total freshens breath, and Optic White, thanks to the presence of bactericidal components, destroys microbes in the oral cavity.

This brand produces waxed nylon dental floss soaked in mint. It has a cross section, which is why experts often recommend it to beginners who are just learning to use dental floss.

A very popular brand that includes several different types of products intended for a large audience. The client can choose the most suitable option for himself, be it an impregnated thread or a means for cleaning the orthodontic structure.

Another popular remedy, which is a special design. Dental floss is impregnated with a product with the aroma of bergamot or lime, which allows you not only to clean your teeth, but also to freshen your breath.

An effective oral hygiene product, which is a waxed dental floss, which consists of 2 fibers. Flavored impregnation has a refreshing effect. The set contains a special device – a holder, which makes brushing your teeth much easier.

On a note! When choosing dental floss, you cannot rely only on the manufacturer; you must also take into account the location of the teeth and the peculiarities of their structure. It is also necessary to take into account the presence of interdental spaces, their sizes, and so on. If any difficulties arise when choosing, you can always consult a doctor for help.

Correct use of dental floss

The main problems of opponents of flossing are their failure to comply with the rules and techniques of cleaning. In order not to encounter similar problems, you need to be familiar with the instructions for using dental floss.

Step 1. Gently wrap the dental floss around your middle fingers, after washing your hands with soap and water beforehand. If you are new to this business, then at first it is advisable to use a thread with a special grip. This will make the cleaning process much easier.

Step 2. After the thread is wound, hold it with two fingers - your index finger and your thumb. When brushing, you need to firmly hold the dental floss so that it does not slip out during the process. When using impregnated or waxed thread, it may be difficult to hold, as the thread may be a little slippery.

Step 3. When brushing the upper row of teeth, use thumbs hands, and when brushing the lower teeth - the index fingers. This alternation will significantly increase the effectiveness of flossing. The interdental spaces must be cleaned carefully, gently moving the floss. Otherwise, you risk damaging your gums.

Step 4. When you reach the gum line while brushing your teeth, you need to bend the floss in a “C” shape around the tooth. This prevents chafing of the gums by lowering the floss below the line.

Step 5. Don't forget about the spaces between your teeth - they need to be cleaned in a special way. Using gentle, smooth movements, move the floss down and up, repeating this action several times for each tooth. The same needs to be done with wisdom teeth (many people neglect this).

Step 6. When going to each new tooth it is necessary to scroll the thread. This is done to ensure that a fresh piece of dental floss is always used when brushing. Otherwise, you risk leaving particles of previously removed plaque and microbes on the surface of your teeth. Once brushing is complete, be sure to rinse your mouth to remove any remaining plaque. Repeat this procedure daily and you will forget about your dental problems forever.

Important! Often, after brushing their teeth with floss, people encounter a problem - blood appears in the mouth. There is no need to immediately panic, because bleeding often occurs among beginners who have not yet managed to master the technique. Literally 2-3 procedures, and this problem will disappear by itself.

If you have braces

With special orthodontic structures (no matter what they are - bridges, braces, dentures), people often encounter problems when using dental floss. Of course, there is a solution - superflosses.

Depending on the type of dental structure, there are different kinds dental floss and special exercises for cleaning. For example, to clean teeth with braces installed, you need to use flosses that have a hard tip at the end, which can be threaded under the arch of the structure without any problems.

If the patient has dental approximal fillings, then it is necessary to use a special type of threads that have a polishing surface. With their help, you can clean such fillings efficiently and quickly. Effective cleaning Dental implant placement can be done using sutures with a small loop or hook at the end.

In any case, you can choose suitable look threads, even if you have any dental structures. The main thing is the desire to perform the procedure daily. But the result will not take long to arrive!

Video - How to floss



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