Grow your own teeth. Reading: How to grow new teeth? Practice of regeneration

How to grow new teeth? Practice of regeneration

After vision problems (see.

The problem of bad teeth is the second most common problem. Of course, just as a vision problem is solved by wearing glasses, a dental problem is solved by wearing prosthetics. But is this the same thing as good young teeth? Of course not.

Nature gave us the opportunity to change teeth once in childhood, and it can give us this opportunity again and again if we “turn on” the same mechanism of tooth renewal again. All you need to do for this is to know which “button” to press so that your body understands what you want from it. This function is currently sleeping and will continue to sleep until you enable it. Obeying a certain program - teeth change once in childhood, and then this “automatic” program ends and you, if necessary, need to launch it yourself with your mind.

Let me briefly describe how the growth of the first teeth and then the replacement of teeth with new ones occurs in childhood.

  1. So, usually the first teeth appear around 5-7 months from the moment of birth, but from 3-4 months the child begins to feel the process of “nucleation” of teeth in the gums, he bites everything and periodically cries. The first to appear are the two lower central incisor teeth. After some time, the two upper incisors erupt. Pay attention to this important fact- it will be important in my further narration of this practice.
    And then, at varying intervals, the incisors grow on the sides, then the molars, and finally the fangs. And at the very end, after a noticeable interval of time, the rear molars.
  2. Somewhere around the sixth year, the teeth begin to wobble first, and then the teeth fall out in the same order as they appeared - first the two lower incisors, then the two upper ones, etc. Notice that this whole process starts again with the two front incisors. “Old” teeth begin to wobble because young, growing new teeth appear below - they destroy the roots of baby teeth and loosen them until they fall out. This is a simple and straightforward process. Which we all remember well thanks to the wisdom of Nature - through pain she conveyed to her children the memory of this process, as if telling us: “Remember Children, I know that you are in pain, but this the only way so that you remember how new teeth grow, so that if you wish, you can remember this in the future and grow new ones, remembering this.”
  3. By the age of 12, teeth are completely replaced with new ones. There is also another program for the growth of new teeth at the age of approximately 18 years, when wisdom teeth grow in. And then history knows only the “accidental” activation of the program for the growth of new teeth, when new teeth began to grow in older people, who, by one or another unconscious action, “launched” this process, which is waiting in the wings and can be “launched” by absolutely anyone.
Practice No. 1
Description of the practice of growing new teeth
  1. The first thing to do is to remember as much as possible of all the sensations that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood. This is not difficult to do - because... Nature tried and gave us a memory of this through pain (all painful sensations are the most powerful and are remembered for a long time). Remember this constant itching in the gums, how old teeth sway, which are “pushed” from below by growing young teeth, how you stand in front of a mirror with a thread tied to a tooth in an attempt to overcome your fear by pulling it out, etc. Remember this because this is the first “button” that will turn on and start the process of growing new teeth.
  2. Now I will return you again to the description that I gave above - namely, to the place where I said that the first teeth begin to grow from the first two lower incisors and from them they begin to change to new ones. This persistently tells us that here is another one of the “buttons” that needs to be pressed to turn on the process of tooth regeneration.
  3. And the third “button” is, of course, in our consciousness. We must also turn it on permanently, because... We won’t be able to do everything that I write below all the time (all 24 hours).
    1. So, I will describe what exactly needs to be done. Find 10-30 minutes to practice every day. For the first third of this time, think about the space under each tooth, i.e. simultaneously under each tooth inside the gums. In this space, imagine small white teeth as seeds that are just germinating. Think of these teeth exactly like seeds, i.e. about what has been planted and is already beginning to sprout. Remember (from the first point) the itching that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood, how the teeth “itched”, how painful it was, etc.
    2. Maintain this concentration for the first third of the practice.
    3. Next, without stopping the concentration described above (teeth-seeds, itching in the gums), concentrate on the point that is located under the two lower front incisors (this is an area of ​​approximately 0.5-0.8 cm). As you concentrate - you may feel pressure in this area, this is good.
    4. Maintain this concentration for the second third of practice.
    5. Without stopping both concentrations that I described above (on the gums and on the point under the front incisors), also concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and a little deeper (Third Eye), mentally saying something like the following phrase: “My teeth are completely renewed.” At the same time, keep the mental form of renewing your teeth, in which bad teeth fall out, and new young teeth grow in their place.
  4. You need to do this practice for at least a month. Of course, some may need less time, others more. Therefore, the main criterion here is your ability to feel yourself.

  • The only reason for failure in this practice may be your fear of losing teeth and clinging to old ones. For example, thoughts such as “What if all the teeth fall out and no new ones grow”, “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky”, etc.
The practice was given on September 15, 2008.

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Continuation of practice No. 1
This practice can be done as a separate practice or as an addition to the one I gave earlier. In fact, many people ask me to give practice on replacing not all old teeth with new ones, but only some of the teeth, for example one or two. The following practice satisfies this desire. It is also aimed at people who have problems with visualization - because... is based on video visualization practice.

Basically, the practice consists of a video program that you need to watch every day and do the simple things that it says to do.

Below I will give a text description of this video program, explaining its essence in more detail and deepening your understanding of what needs to be done.

Description of practice

  1. You need to feel that there is a seed at the base of the tooth or teeth being regenerated white. Seed size of great importance does not have. It is quite enough if it is the size of millet, but the size of peas is also possible. Below I will tell you why in some cases size can matter and help.
  2. Later in the video you will see how the seeds germinate. What power is contained in seemingly fragile seedlings. You must feel this power well - the power of germination. And you need to transfer these sensations to yourself, i.e. into the seeds of the teeth, which are located at their base. You should very well feel under the root of each tooth that you want to replace with a new one (grow a new tooth) these seeds of teeth, which are filled with this force of germination, how they swell from this force, how they are just about ready to break through to begin to grow, grow a new young life, not seeing any obstacles, sweeping away all obstacles in its path.
  3. This should be done every day, preferably several times (for example, in the morning, at lunch and in the evening). It is also advisable to feel these seeds at the base of the regenerated teeth during the day at least from time to time.

  1. The best time for this practice is when a tooth begins to cause pain. I already wrote in the main practice that this is the wisdom of Nature, this is how it signals us to remember, through the most powerful memory program - pain, how our new teeth grew in childhood. This is exactly how everything in Nature is designed: if a tooth gets sick, it begins to ache, and it is at this time that you can easily turn on a program for its regeneration. But this is not necessary, i.e. The practice works in any case, and it is not necessary to wait for some painful sensations in the teeth. I’m just saying that if this happens to you, then don’t miss this opportunity.
  2. During the time when I gave basic practice on the regeneration of new teeth, enough time passed for practitioners to write to me about their experiences, in which they reported that teeth were growing. Also during this time I gave practice"

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    "There are practitioners who have grown new teeth only thanks to her or together with her. Therefore, you can use this experience.

  3. There may be people who may benefit from imagining teeth seeds that are somewhat larger (perhaps the size of a pea) or even imagining a few seeds the size of millet. The fact is that in the consciousness, or more precisely in the subconscious, such people may have a program that more means stronger. Therefore, if you feel that your visualization of the power of germination of teeth seeds occurs better according to this principle, then use this option.
  4. As I already wrote in the main practice, no one can say exactly when your tooth will grow. There are many various factors, the main one of which may be hiding in the subconscious, where one of the programs says that this cannot be. And again I want to repeat what I said before - this practice is not science fiction, history knows many cases of the growth of new teeth in old people, i.e. this process is real and possible, our physiology fully provides for the option of growing new teeth and there are all possibilities for this. This only seems fantastic, because the process is greatly forgotten and very for a long time was not used by anyone, everyone was satisfied with the false knowledge that teeth can only grow in childhood.
The practice was continued on March 9, 2012.

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Practice #2
So, this is the second continuation of this practice, which I started in 2008. The main addition is a new psychoactive program that you can use as often as possible for you. It enhances your body's ability to do natural things. You just have to understand that the body is your instrument. Whatever you tell it, it will do. If you cling to old teeth, new ones will not appear. But I tell you, I tell you very seriously, that teeth can renew themselves just like nails or hair. There is nothing complicated or unusual here. It’s just that teeth can be updated only at your request. But the whole problem is that modern man strongly believes in all kinds of doctors and medicine. But he doesn’t want to believe in Nature. Precisely into the Nature that created his teeth. Think for yourself, if she created such a masterpiece as teeth, did she really plan that their restoration should be carried out with the help of doctors? Of course not. She gave me a mechanism on how to do it naturally. But over time, people began to trust different doctors, who, by the way, do not understand anything themselves. Their principle is this: a nail has broken off, let's remove it. Why delete it!? He will grow a new one in a week. And it’s the same with teeth. Since the day I started this practice, people have been writing me questions like “Is it possible to grow only one tooth?” For what? Do you tell your fingers: “Let only one nail grow”? No? I also think not. Look at the teeth of older people. They're all very into poor condition. Even if they are all there, they still need to be updated. New teeth are always better than old ones. Why are you holding on to the old? New and young is always better.
What else should I add? Gums are like fertile soil. Only the seeds on it are your desire. If you are completely honest about your desire to replace your old teeth with new ones, they will grow. If you are not honest, you will not grow. By the way, people throughout the history of its evolution do not always require teeth. For example, there were times when people had no teeth. Think for yourself why a creature that feeds on Light and speaks mentally (telepathy) needs teeth. Teeth are a very mobile unit in our body. But I am sure that you can achieve results with this practice. And if you can succeed in this, then, you understand, regenerating any part of yourself becomes far from fantasy.

Psychoactive online program to start the growth of new teeth:

The practice was continued on November 29, 2012.

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Practice #3
In this, already the third part of the practice, I place more emphasis on facts. Since the main problem of launching a new teeth renewal cycle is either disbelief (or mistrust) or little confidence that this is still possible. In the video below you will see that there are at least four officially recognized periods when a person’s teeth grow. Those. Any person's teeth must grow four times: once in infancy, a second time in childhood, a third time during puberty (wisdom teeth), and a fourth time between 70 and 110 years. We know little about the fourth, because people began to live little. But there are already quite a few facts, by the way recorded by doctors and dentists, of the growth of teeth in centenarians. And by the way, I must say that there are a lot of such cases in China now, because... There really are a lot of centenarians there, having exceeded 100 years. Therefore, many of these places record such facts. Many simply do not even report that they have grown teeth. You yourself understand that the mouth is intimate place, and show the whole world what’s inside your mouth - not everyone wants to. So that they would climb in there with their movie cameras, cameras, and even touch them with their hands... Therefore, many cases remain within the family and are not made public.

So, each of us by nature has four cycles of dental growth. It is a fact. Those. Whether you want it or not, your teeth will grow 4 times, because this is how nature intended. And the time of growth is determined. And very wisely defined. If a person is healthy, he will not consume harmful substances, will have good thoughts, habits, etc., then his teeth will be in good condition until about 70-100 years. And then the natural cycle of replacing them with new ones starts. I would say we inherited this from our ancestors, i.e. from those times when people lived 200-300 or more years. Therefore, now we see only a pitiful semblance of former longevity, when people barely survive to the age of one hundred, and their body looks very sad. Previously, at 100 years old people were fresh, strong and differed from young people only great experience, intelligence and wisdom.

What is important to us is the fact that teeth can grow again and again. This is very important knowledge for us. Because Any method of teeth growth is based on this. Because no matter what method you choose, the main thing remains only one thing - to convey to your body your desire for new teeth to begin to grow. How you do this is essentially not important. The main thing is to do this. And here it is very important to be completely convinced that this is possible. And I would even say that this is more important than the method of teeth growth itself. You could even say that this is the methodology itself, or at least its main part.
The growth of new teeth is activated by nature itself by the age of 70-100 years. Just like it happens in childhood. But that doesn't mean we have to wait until we're 70. 70 years is an option when everything goes well, i.e. correct operation of our “machine” called the body. But this does not mean that if something went wrong in operation, then we cannot turn it on natural process earlier. For example, let's say according to those. The passport is required to turn on the windshield wipers to clean the front window of the car once a week. But suddenly it started to fog, and you need to turn on the wipers earlier than this. And you turn them on. The car has such a function - and you simply use it. Or for example, now there are “smart” cars that are filled with various electronics and computers. And the computer has a program to turn on the wipers once a week. And they will turn on once a week. But you always have the right to enable them manually when you consider it necessary. Do you understand?

Use everything that signals to your brain your desire to change your teeth to new ones. Watch the video programs above that I made for this purpose. Use the first practice. Think of it as telling your brain to begin a cycle of new tooth growth. Massage your gums, concentrating on them tactilely. Send energy there, “pump” them with energy. Write on a piece of paper “Remember to think about growing new teeth!” - and hang it in a visible place so you can think about it more often. Take a microphone (all new cell phones have it) and record in your voice something like this: “I’m starting to grow new teeth.” Set the recording to auto repeat and listen for 10 minutes or more every day. You can even repeat it out loud, like a mantra, “I’m starting to grow new teeth, I’m starting to grow new teeth, I’m starting to grow new teeth...”. And the main thing with all this is not to allow yourself to translate all this into auto mode. Those. at human psyche There is a property that when something is done frequently, it begins to be done unconsciously, mechanically. This is a problem and should not be allowed to happen. Because in this case the effect will disappear. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly diversify the input of information brought to the brain. You can change phrases, you can perform actions in a new way. Always check whether you are doing this consciously and be conscious and focused on the desire. I'm sure you will succeed.

I would also like to add that this practice of mine is very popular on the Internet (since there is really very little information on this topic). Someone already has results. Basically, it doesn’t work out for those who outwardly seem to believe, but in the subconscious it’s the other way around. Unfortunately, our society educates people this way from childhood - to trust only doctors, who alone can solve the problem, and not the all-wise nature. What if a tooth hurts, then you need to run to the clinic, only a doctor can do everything. This information has penetrated deeply into people's brains. If the tooth is already full of holes, already falling apart, they will still glue it, flux it, cement it, eventually put on a crown, connect it with a bridge, or God knows what else they will do to it - but they will force it to sit there until the end of its days. And not even a thought flashes through that it might be possible to allow nature, which created this same tooth, to sprout a new and young one in its place. This faith in medicine is enormous. Yes, even many who read this practice pass by, saying “how can I be so beautiful and all so fashionable with a toothless mouth”? This is fear. For many women, walking even without it front tooth- this is a catastrophe. Especially at the age of 20-50 years. Psychologically, they hold on to these teeth with all their might. Relying, of course, on doctors. They need it faster. If there is a problem with the tooth, go to the doctor, once and done, and move on. How did you live as a child? After all, this is not a quick process. It takes time. There is no need to think that everything will happen quickly. Nature does not do things quickly, but does things thoroughly. You need to trust nature. There will come a time when doctors will not be needed. And you will believe in nature and its great powers. But first you need to love her, and not treat her barbarously.

The practice was continued on July 27, 2014.

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Practice #4
As I already said in previous videos - understand the information about the possibility of growing new teeth, understand what it is real fact- part of the practice of growing new teeth. Therefore, it is important to watch not only the main part of these video programs - with animation of the growth of new teeth, so that this process enters the subconscious, but you also need to watch those videos where there are facts that the growth of new teeth is a reality, because 50% of success is the realization that this function is already in your body, you just need to “turn it on”. And it is turned on only by consciousness.

If, while watching this video and after, there is itching in the area of ​​​​the roots of the teeth, then the desired effect has been achieved. If not, then you need to better concentrate on the area of ​​​​the base of the teeth.

Is it possible to grow new teeth?
First of all, I recommend treating your teeth as an organ. They are also suitable blood vessels, nerves, they grow, feed, various kinds of vital processes take place in them. Those. teeth are not something like hair or nails, they are not something external. This is an organ like the others. And tooth regeneration is possible. And it is confirmed in some in rare cases, when people are officially discovered to grow new teeth at any age.

The second thing you need to understand is that it is quite obvious that Nature must have provided for new cycles of tooth replacement. This phenomenon can be observed in some animals. Man is one of the longest-living “animals”. Therefore, there should be many such cycles. Of course, animals that live short lives do not need such cycles. But according to all logic, a person must have them. And they are. There are at least four of them, officially recognized.
The first teeth are baby teeth. Then the main ones grow. The third cycle of growth - the swells of wisdom grow. Note that all these cycles occur over several years. And the fourth cycle is often observed in people who have survived the 100-year mark (this is officially confirmed). Those. nature still works - and starts a new cycle. But this is rare because few people live to be 100 years old.
So, 4 cycles exist. This is officially confirmed. And here not a single dentist will argue with you.
Why don't these cycles run when we need it and when we want it? For example, when we lost several teeth. And nothing grows in their place. What to do, how to start the process?
Firstly, why isn't it growing? Because our body is wise. In the wrong way In your life, you have created a deficiency of many substances in your body. The computer (brain) knows everything about you. He “speaks” like a foreman at a construction site - yeah, there are no these substances, there are no these materials, there is no this, there is no third - then we are not working today. And the brain will not waste the vital resources of the body. Do you understand?

Moreover, when the body lacks the substances it needs, even with normal teeth, it begins to pull out the materials it needs from them. This is why caries and other dental problems begin. Those. the body, in such conditions of deficiency, not only does not have time to activate a new cycle of tooth growth - it even takes such a desperate step as “eating” those teeth that are already there. In such conditions, thinking about starting some new stage in the growth of new teeth is doubtful.

You must give the body everything it needs. But not by starting to eat everything that the doctor advises you to eat - but on the contrary, by cleaning it. Because just stuff whole spoonfuls of iron, calcium, magnesium, etc. into your body. won't give anything. Your body is not as much a robot and a stupid machine as it might seem. Communication of everything in the body is important. And over the years you managed to completely destroy it. For new teeth to start growing, you need to regain 100% health. Then the brain will turn on a new cycle of tooth growth.

The body does not have enough resources for new tooth growth. Those. The lack of various vitamins, minerals and other micro and macro elements is so high that, to put it mildly, the body is not up to the program of launching new teeth, which, you know, requires considerable resources. And the brain cannot be fooled here - if it knows that there are no resources, then it will not give the command for the growth of new teeth. Those. the brain knows that there are more important things, and to take away resources from both weak body- it will not be necessary for your life. And the second reason why new teeth may not grow is that you don’t believe in it. You need to believe completely, not just in words - I want it and that’s it. You have to believe it. And not just believe it, but know it. For example, you know that the sun will rise tomorrow. You don't believe in it - you know it with conviction. It should be the same with teeth.

Every day you need to set yourself up to start a new cycle of growth of new young teeth. You can create such settings yourself. You can record them on a microphone and then listen to them.

There is also a mood of Grigory Sytin precisely for this purpose. Those. he specifically created the mood to launch this program to activate the growth of new teeth. It is written about Sytin’s mood -

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You can download the mood for the growth of new teeth -

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(this mood also exists in an amateur audio version, you can download it -

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The practice was continued on 06/07/2015.

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I remember when I posted my first practice on growing new teeth on this page - there was a lot of laughter around it. But the Truth is structured in such a way that at first they hate you, then they laugh at you, then they think about it... and then it becomes public property, and those people who laughed at your ideas suddenly also find themselves in the ranks of those who “always knew that this is possible."

Officially recognized by medicine fact of tooth growth in place of the removed one it is an officially recognized fact. It is possible to grow new teeth and no one can doubt it anymore. Such a mechanism is built into our body and we can (and should) use it.

We can say for sure that there can be many ways to “turn on” this mechanism. So use different methods, approach the realization of this desire with different sides. But don't stop.

Taken from here:

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According to the Slavic-Aryan Spiritual Heritage, even on the Night of Svarog, human life can reach 432 years (3 Circles of Life of 144 years each). On the morning of Svarozh in the summer of 7521 (2012), the duration of our Life increases by at least one more Life Circle. Considering the average life expectancy of the Russian population (about 70 years), all sensible people should think about the fact that the health of society is in a deplorable state. After all, in our time it is possible and necessary to live not 432, but 576 years. And definitely not 70!

It is worth noting that, according to the Vedic Scriptures of our Ancestors, those who, following their Destiny (destiny), live in accordance with Dharma, achieve high level spiritual development and do not violate the Law of the Universe, they live for several thousand years. Of course, such a life expectancy must be ensured good health and well-being.

An important basis for our health and wellness are healthy teeth. Teeth not only help us grind food, but are also directly related to the processes of its absorption by the body, not limited to digestive system. Teeth (with some simplification) can be compared to the stylus of a pickup in a player, with the help of which it recognizes and plays a recording from a record. The teeth penetrate the aura of food when chewing it and read from its biofield the “instructions” for using this food for the body.

If the food is healthy, that is, raw (vegetables, fruits, nuts, root vegetables...), in its biofield there is a “code” for our biofield - what to absorb and what to reject (growth accelerators, pesticides - are immediately rejected). If the food is not entirely healthy (boiled and fried vegetarian products), the biofield of our teeth is distorted by the biofield not completely healthy food, and the body cannot read its “instructions”, because her natural biofield was killed during heat treatment. If the food is the flesh of innocently killed living beings (meat, fish, fertilized eggs), the biofield of the teeth is polluted by the energy of such food. At the same time, in the biofield of the teeth and in the entire aura of such a corpse eater, the karma of murder, the energy of the curse of the Patron Gods of these living beings, as well as the energy of fear, mortal pain and hatred of people, which permeates the flesh of our smaller brothers, killed at the whim of their elders, are injected. living in the darkness of ignorance. Naturally, teeth are destroyed very quickly from this.

Modern dentistry offers to remove diseased teeth and replace them with artificial dentures. However, in Lately More and more information is emerging that a person who has given up dead and then not entirely healthy food (albeit vegetarian, but heat-treated) is able to manage restoration processes in your body and grow new ones to replace rotted and fallen out teeth.

There are certain ways to grow new teeth.

In order to grow new teeth, you need to know the anatomy and their structure well.

Before starting dental restoration, it is advisable to find out real reasons their destruction, loss or illness in order to draw the right conclusions for the future.

Doctor medical sciences, Professor of the Moscow Central Research Institute of Dentistry Gennady Banchenko is convinced that dental diseases arise for the reasons described above, as well as due to internal problems in the body. He correctly believes that every diseased tooth is directly related to the ill health of one of the internal organs of our physical body.

Slobodskova introduces some bio-energetic concepts into the relationship between teeth and internal organs, in particular the system energy bodies person. According to Catherine, the left side reflects interaction with God, with relatives, the right - with other people around, with society.

Followers of “Rodobozhiy” know that right part The obvious bodies of Residents, People and Humans are connected with their Gods, and the left one is with the Patron Goddesses and, accordingly, with relatives in the male and female line of the Family. In accordance with this Knowledge, they understand the causes of diseases not only of the teeth, but also of other organs of the explicit body, as well as other bodies and shells of their Co-Knowledge with the Supreme Progenitor.

Description of the practice of growing new teeth:

1. The first thing to do is to remember as much as possible of all the sensations that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood. This is not difficult to do - Nature (Foremother Lada in the image of the Goddess Perunitsa, Parvati - the First You) has already tried and given us the memory of this through pain (all painful sensations are the most powerful and are remembered for a long time). Remember this constant itching in the gums, how old teeth sway, which are “pushed” from below by growing young teeth. Remember yourself, standing in front of a mirror with a thread tied to your tooth, overcoming your fear and pulling it out along with the tooth. Remember this, because this is the first “button” that will “turn on” and start the process of growing new teeth.

2. Now remember that the first teeth begin to grow from the first two lower incisors and from them they begin to change to new ones. This indicates that here is another “button” that needs to be “pressed” to turn on the process of growing new teeth.

3. The third “button” is located in our Co-Knowledge with the Progenitor Rod. It needs to be “turned on” in constant mode so that it operates 24 hours a day in interaction with God.

1. Find 10-30 minutes to study every day. For the first third of this time, think about the space under each tooth. and at the same time feel the space under each tooth inside the gums. In this space, imagine small white teeth as seeds that are just germinating. Think of these new young teeth just like seeds that have been planted and are beginning to sprout. Remember (from the first point in the practice of growing new teeth) the itching that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood, how they “itched,” how painful it was for them to grow through the gums, etc.

2. Maintain your concentration on this for the first third of practice.

3. Next, without stopping the concentration described above (teeth-seeds, itching in the gums), concentrate on the point that is located under the two lower front incisors (this is the gum area at a depth of approximately 0.5-0.8 cm). As your concentration increases, pressure should be felt in this area. This is good, it means everything is happening correctly.

4. Maintain your concentration on this for the second third of practice.

5. Continuing both concentrations described above (on the gums and on the point under the front incisors), also concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and the pineal gland of the brain (on Third Eye), mentally saying the words: “My teeth are completely renewed! The sick ones fall out, but the young and healthy ones grow up! At the same time, create a mental form of renewing your teeth - vividly imagining it, and then seeing it with your inner gaze.

6. This practice must be done for at least a month.. Of course, some may need less time, others more. Therefore, the main rule of success in this matter is the ability to feel your body. It is advisable, before starting to restore teeth, to offer gifts and demands to God Haste on the fiery altar of the home Ancestral Altar. Offer gifts and requests to Lada-Mother, who guards your physical, mental and spiritual health.


The only reason for a negative result in this practice may be the fear of losing teeth and clinging to “everyday atheism” - the worldview of ignorant ordinary people who do not believe either in themselves or in the Ancestral Gods. For example, allowing thoughts: “What if everything rotten teeth will fall out, but new ones will not grow”, “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky”, etc. In this case, you don’t have to start. First, get rid of inferiority complexes with the help of one of the seminars and trainings of the Rodobozhie project that you like.

1. It is necessary in your imagination, or in contemplation (meditation), to be transported to the age of 13-15 years, when all the milk teeth are already gone, and the molars are still healthy. It is necessary to imagine as best as possible the feeling of healthy and strong teeth at this time of your life. To do this, you can use your photographs. Remember as many bright moments as possible from this period of life... For example, how you gnawed on strong nuts, “crunched” vegetables and root vegetables.

2. It is necessary to enter into Consciousness with the Family, transfer from Navi to Reality and implant the thought forms of the embryos healthy teeth to the desired places on your gums. It is necessary to give a clear order to the teeth to grow one by one (according to the above diagram). Subsequently, you need to constantly mentally admire healthy, beautiful, shiny, white teeth.

3. Apply daily, or better yet, hourly greatest attention to the desired place of the gums, constantly increasing (physically and psychologically) the blood flow to this place, massage the gums with a toothbrush, and jaw training. Hourly (every hour for 5 minutes) lovingly praise your gum cells for growing new teeth. Train your jaws: clench your teeth a short time, then release, move them from side to side. Massage the gums with your tongue and fingers.

If there are very few teeth in the mouth, then growing them should begin, as mentioned above, from the front teeth and then to the edges. If you are restoring one or two teeth, then concentrate only on them.

After the successful growth of new teeth, try to provide the body with healthy and good nutrition, as well as caring dental care. Just don't use toothpastes. IN as a last resort- chalk tooth powder is suitable. But it is better to use natural teeth cleaners, which can be learned from the Holy Vedic Scriptures related to Yoga. For example: Aura Veda (Ayurveda), Ha-Tha Yoga, Knowledge (Jnana) Yoga, Karma Yoga, etc.

It should be remembered that each of us came into this world with our own Fate (destination) and the loss of health, followed by a hasty death, puts the fulfillment of your Fate at risk.

At present, all sane people must realize the importance of reviving the Culture and Knowledge of Ancestors - Rodobozhiya, restoring the health of the Slavic-Aryan Clans and the communal way of life, a conscious attitude towards Life and conscious behavior in society in order to become worthy Sons and Daughters of the Great Slavic-Aryan Gods and Ancestors.

According to the Slavic-Aryan Spiritual Heritage, even on the Night of Svarog, human life can reach 432 years (3 Circles of Life of 144 years each). On the morning of Svarozh in the summer of 7521 (2012), the duration of our Life increases by at least one more Life Circle. Considering the average life expectancy of the Russian population (about 70 years), all sensible people should think about the fact that the health of society is in a deplorable state. After all, in our time it is possible and necessary to live not 432, but 576 years. And definitely not 70!

It is worth noting that, according to the Vedic Scriptures of our Ancestors, those who, following their Fate (destination), live in accordance with Dharma (prescribed duties), achieve a high level of spiritual development and do not violate the Order of the Universe, live for several thousand years. Of course, such a life expectancy must be ensured by good health and well-being.

Healthy teeth are an important foundation for our health and well-being. Teeth not only help us grind food, but are also directly related to the processes of its absorption by the body, not limited only to the digestive system. Teeth (with some simplification) can be compared to the stylus of a pickup in a player, with the help of which it recognizes and plays a recording from a record. The teeth penetrate the aura of food when chewing it and read from its biofield the “instructions” for using this food for the body.

If the food is healthy, living, that is, raw (vegetables, fruits, nuts, root vegetables...), in its biofield there is a “code” for our biofield - what to absorb and what to reject (growth accelerators, pesticides - are immediately rejected). If the food is not entirely healthy (boiled and fried vegetarian products), the biofield of our teeth is distorted by the biofield of not entirely healthy food, and the body cannot read its “instructions”, because her natural biofield was killed during heat treatment. If the food is the flesh of innocently killed living beings (meat, fish, fertilized eggs), the biofield of the teeth is polluted by the energy of such food. At the same time, in the biofield of the teeth and in the entire aura of such a corpse eater, the karma of murder, the energy of the curse of the Patron Gods of these living beings, as well as the energy of fear, mortal pain and hatred of people, which permeates the flesh of our smaller brothers, killed at the whim of their elders, are injected. living in the darkness of ignorance. Naturally, teeth are destroyed very quickly from this.

Modern dentistry offers to remove diseased teeth and replace them with artificial dentures. However, recently more and more information has appeared that a person who has given up dead and then not entirely healthy food (albeit vegetarian, but heat-treated), is himself able to control the restoration processes in his body and grow in place of rotten and fallen teeth are new.

There are certain ways to grow new teeth.

In order to grow new teeth, you need to know the anatomy and their structure well.

Before starting to restore teeth, it is advisable to find out the true causes of their destruction, loss or disease in order to draw the right conclusions for the future.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Central Research Institute of Dentistry Gennady Banchenko is convinced that dental diseases arise for the reasons described above, as well as due to internal problems in the body. He correctly believes that every diseased tooth is directly related to the ill health of one of the internal organs of our physical body.

Ekaterina Slobodskova introduces some bio-energetic concepts into the relationship between teeth and internal organs, in particular, the system of human energy bodies. According to Catherine, the left side reflects interaction with God, with relatives, the right - with other people around, with society.

Diagram of the connection between teeth and internal organs and vertebrae of the spine:

The right side of the visible bodies of Residents, People and Humans is connected with their Gods, and the left - with the Patron Goddesses and, accordingly, with relatives in the male and female line of the Family. In accordance with this Knowledge, they understand the causes of diseases not only of the teeth, but also of other organs of the explicit body, as well as other bodies and shells of their Co-Knowledge with the Supreme Progenitor.

Watch a video about the regeneration of new, young teeth at any age:

Description of the practice of growing new teeth:

1. The first thing to do is to remember as much as possible of all the sensations that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood. This is not difficult to do - Nature has already tried and given us a memory of this through pain (all painful sensations are the strongest and are remembered for a long time). Remember this constant itching in the gums, how old teeth sway, which are “pushed” from below by growing young teeth. Remember yourself, standing in front of a mirror with a thread tied to your tooth, overcoming your fear and pulling it out along with the tooth. Remember this, because this is the first “button” that will “turn on” and start the process of growing new teeth.

2. Now remember that the first teeth begin to grow from the first two lower incisors and from them they begin to change to new ones. This indicates that here is another “button” that needs to be “pressed” to turn on the process of growing new teeth.

3. The third “button” is located in our Co-Knowledge with the Progenitor Rod. It needs to be “turned on” in constant mode so that it operates 24 hours a day in interaction with God.

1. Find 10-30 minutes to study every day. For the first third of this time, think about the space under each tooth and at the same time feel the space under each tooth inside the gums. In this space, imagine small white teeth as seeds that are just germinating. Think of these new young teeth just like seeds that have been planted and are beginning to sprout. Remember (from the first point in the practice of growing new teeth) the itching that accompanied the growth of new teeth in childhood, how they “itched,” how painful it was for them to grow through the gums, etc.

2. Maintain your concentration on this for the first third of practice.

3. Next, without stopping the concentration described above (teeth-seeds, itching in the gums), concentrate on the point that is located under the two lower front incisors (this is the gum area at a depth of approximately 0.5-0.8 cm). As your concentration increases, pressure should be felt in this area. This is good, it means everything is happening correctly.

4. Maintain your concentration on this for the second third of practice.

5. Without stopping both concentrations described above (on the gums and on the point under the front incisors), also concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and the pineal gland of the brain (on the Third Eye), mentally saying the words: “My teeth are completely renewed! The sick ones fall out, but the young and healthy ones grow up! At the same time, create a mental form of renewing your teeth - vividly imagining it, and then seeing it with your inner eye.

6. This practice must be done for at least a month. Of course, some may need less time, others more. Therefore, the main rule of U-Spekh in this matter is the ability to feel your body.


The only reason for a negative result in this practice may be the fear of losing teeth and clinging to “everyday atheism” - the worldview of ignorant ordinary people who do not believe either in themselves or in the Gods, who do not trust the Universe. For example, the assumption of thoughts: “What if all the rotten teeth fall out and new ones don’t grow”, “Better a bird in the hand than a pie in the sky”, etc. In this case, you don’t have to start. First, get rid of inferiority complexes.

1. It is necessary in your imagination, or in contemplation (meditation), to be transported to the age of 13-15 years, when all the milk teeth are already gone, and the molars are still healthy. It is necessary to imagine as best as possible the feeling of healthy and strong teeth at this time of your life. To do this, you can use your photographs. Remember as many bright moments as possible from this period of life... For example, how you gnawed on strong nuts, “crunched” vegetables and root vegetables.

2. It is necessary to enter Consciousness, implant thought forms of the embryos of healthy teeth into the places of your gums that you need. It is necessary to give a clear order to the teeth to grow one by one (according to the above diagram). Subsequently, you need to constantly mentally admire healthy, beautiful, shiny, white teeth.

3. Every day, or better yet, hourly, apply the greatest attention to the desired place of the gums, constantly increasing (physically and psychologically) the flow of blood to this place, massage the gums with a toothbrush, and train the jaws. Hourly (every hour for 5 minutes) lovingly praise your gum cells for growing new teeth. Train your jaws: clench your teeth for a short time, then release them, move them from side to side. Massage the gums with your tongue and fingers.

If there are very few teeth in the mouth, then growing them should begin, as mentioned above, from the front teeth and then to the edges. If you are restoring one or two teeth, then concentrate only on them.

These meditation moods for teeth growth will also help you.

How to grow new teeth (meditation No. 1):

Practice of regeneration of new, young teeth (meditation No. 2):

Dental regeneration (meditation No. 3):

After the successful growth of new teeth, try to provide the body with healthy and nutritious nutrition, as well as careful dental care. Just don't use toothpastes. As a last resort, chalk tooth powder will do. But it is better to use natural teeth cleaners, which can be learned from the Holy Vedic Scriptures related to Yoga. For example: Aura Veda (Ayurveda), Ha-Tha Yoga, Knowledge (Jnana) Yoga, Karma Yoga, etc.

Regarding the treatment of caries:

In the beginning, in theory, the caries itself should turn white, the dark plaque should be removed, and the cavity filled with dark energies, the visually black area of ​​the tooth, should turn white. First stage.

And when the dark energies are raked out from such cavities-areas, the tooth is cleaned of dark, dirty energies, this caries rot-rust goes away, you can begin to revive and restore it. This is already the second stage. You can fill a former diseased tooth with health energies, make balls, inject light etheric energies containing healing information, such ball programs to ensure that your teeth are healthy, white, strong, resistant to heat and cold, overheating and hypothermia.

It should be remembered that each of us came into this world with our own Fate (destination) and the loss of health, followed by a hasty death, puts the fulfillment of your Fate at risk.

At present, all sensible people must realize the importance of reviving the Culture and Knowledge of Ancestors, restoring the health of the Slavic-Aryan Clans and the community way of life, a conscious attitude towards Life and conscious behavior in society.

Probably every person thinks about visiting the dentist. causes negative emotions. But modern medicine has found ways to make visiting the dentist less unpleasant and more painless.

Many people believe that the growth of teeth is limited to only two cycles: the growth of milk teeth, their loss and the growth of permanent ones. However, this is not at all true, since in modern medicine artificial cultivation is also possible.

Growing new teeth: myth or reality?

Probably few people know, but with the help of scientists, it became possible to grow your own teeth for the third and subsequent several times artificially.

Thanks to the discovery of Swiss scientists, a gene that responds to the health of dental tissues has been identified. This made it possible to use stem cells not only for the purpose of treatment various diseases teeth, but also to recreate new ones. It is planned that with the help of these stem cells, the destroyed tooth will regenerate itself, and it will also be possible to avoid the occurrence of cleft palate and cleft lip.

Currently there are several methods, with the help of which you can grow new tooth germs: external, internal, using laser, ultrasound, mental technologies.

Methods of growing teeth: internal and external

It is clear that in a test tube you can recreate anything you want, including a tooth. Is it possible to recreate a new tooth in a person’s mouth? One Ukrainian geneticist says yes. How this happens will be discussed below.

What is the internal method of recreating teeth? The scientist believes that it is necessary to administer injections based on stem cells of baby teeth in the place where this very tooth grew. Such stem cells begin to multiply and, after several months, a new tooth germ will grow. The question arises: where do we get these stem cells? According to the scientist, it is rational to identify them from fallen primary incisors.

So it's quite simple procedure re-creation a new tooth, but it takes time. Currently, developments in this area have been temporarily stopped due to lack of finance.

The external method involves recreating a new tooth using external environment. This could be an organ culture or a special tube. Growing teeth was first tried on rodents.

This development was carried out by Japanese scientists. The essence of this external method was to use primitive cells that are higher than stem cells. The material can be introduced into a collagen framework, which is then placed in a test tube or organ culture.

The growth process of the new incisor took two weeks. It included all the necessary parts for its full growth. And it had dentin, pulp, vessels, necessary tissues and enamel. The artificial tooth germ took root well in rodents and functioned well in the future.

Problems of growing teeth artificially

Although the ability to recreate new teeth is a breakthrough in domestic medicine, scientists and geneticists note certain difficulties and problems.

It is known that the purpose of growing a tooth is to recreate a new organ, which must take the required shape. But how to make it so that new organ didn't turn into an amorphous piece? If it was possible to recreate a high-quality tooth in mice, then no one can guarantee that the same thing will happen in humans.

To grow a full-fledged tooth germ, it is necessary to ensure that stem cells begin to divide simultaneously and different directions. Even if a new tooth is formed, it still needs to be properly transplanted into the patient’s mouth. Correctly implanting a tooth and making sure it takes root is also not an easy task, and there is no guarantee.

Dentists understand better than anyone that a lost tooth is quite difficult to return to its place; it is almost impossible to do this. Also a technique by which, instead of extracted teeth replanting their own has not gained popularity precisely because of its low efficiency. Therefore, there is no guarantee that teeth created artificially will be able to properly take root in the patient’s mouth.

Another controversial point is that It is not the tooth that is being transplanted, but only its rudiment, so it is not clear what will come of it in the future and whether it will be able to become a full-fledged tooth. It is also necessary to stimulate the growth of this germ, otherwise it may stop in its development. Real teeth are fed through their own channels, but how to make a similar mechanism in artificial tooth- still a mystery.

The question of teeth differentiation also remains open. Where is the guarantee that a molar will not grow in place of the fang? Research in this area is ongoing, but some good results so far it has not been possible to achieve it.

Exposure to ultrasound

This method is based on the influence of ultrasound pulses. During cultivation, ultrasonic influence transmits impulses to the jaw and stimulates the restoration of an old tooth or the growth of a new one. This affects the jaw bone. If before people, in which one part of the jaw is underdeveloped, it was required surgical intervention, then now ultrasound will help them. This the principle is similar to massage.

Experiments with ultrasonic pulses were carried out on rabbits. Maybe after some time this technique will be introduced into medical practice.

In Canada, a special ultrasound device has been created that looks like a small pea. It is inserted into the root of a fallen tooth and massages it using ultrasonic pulses. This experiment was carried out on rodents and soon a new tooth grew. But main goal This experience strengthened the tissue under the lost tooth. And the fact that a new tooth grew turned out to be a real sensation.

This device is enclosed in a housing made of biological material and does not bring any discomfort to the patient. Of course, this method, first of all, can help people with a partially decayed tooth.

For the invention of such a device, the inventors were awarded an award from the Canadian Council. Creators to this day are engaged in improvement this device with the goal of introducing it into medical practice as quickly as possible.

Professor Jeremy Mao has developed a procedure for recreating a tooth germ directly in the alveolus. The professor built a frame from natural materials that was no different from a real tooth and introduced a growth stimulator into it. The experiment was carried out on animals in which this tooth was implanted into an empty alveoli. And, after a couple of months, the animals grew a newly made tooth germ, which ideally took root in the oral cavity and functioned well in the future.

Laser and mental technologies

The method of using a laser to recreate a new tooth germ has been created relatively recently. Its essence lies in the use of stem cells simultaneously with a low-power laser. This idea was developed Harvard researchers. She is on initial stage. Since it has never been tested on humans, it is therefore not advisable to talk about it as a proven technology.

While researchers are puzzling over how to master a technology that will allow them to effectively grow new teeth and introduce them into the patient’s cavity, traditional healers It is recommended to achieve this effect using the power of thought. No more, no less!

Nature dictates the change of teeth in people. Proof of this is the milk teeth, which are replaced by ordinary ones. Healers and yogis believe that this renewal mechanism can be started again with the power of thought, you just need to inform your body about this desire. But then painstaking work on yourself and your consciousness will follow.

Mikhail Stolbov described an algorithm of actions for recreating new teeth with the power of thought. This thought algorithm works as follows:

  • You should remember the sensations that a child had when his baby teeth fell out and new ones grew. It is important to remember more of these moments related to tooth loss, with painful sensation and so on. This gives impetus for the renewal of consciousness.
  • Next, you should remember that the incisors appear first, and they are the first to fall out. Therefore, the restoration mechanism should begin with the incisors.
  • These thoughts should arise in a person not only when he thinks about it, but always, 24 hours a day, regardless of the person’s other thoughts.

Then you need to move on to practice. Practical exercises, which takes about 30 minutes to complete:

The duration of these exercises depends on their regularity and the nature of the exercises. human body. It is advisable to repeat the exercises every day for a month. For some, the result will be faster, and for others slower.

The main mistake of this method is that a person begins to experience negative thoughts As teeth begin to fall out, pain and discomfort arise. Such thoughts should be immediately discarded and directed in the right direction.

In order for these the exercises were beneficial, some more conditions must be met:

Not only Stolbov was involved in such mental techniques, but all such authors have general mechanism effects on teeth:

  1. Time travel. It is necessary to return to childhood and remember how the loosening of teeth and the growth of new ones occurred, to return those sensations that were experienced during this period.
  2. Changing the energy field and directing it to the right place.
  3. It is necessary to constantly pay attention to such exercises, preferably more than once a day. And then the result will definitely not go unnoticed.
  4. It is necessary to start visualization from the incisors and move to the periphery.


For many people, this question is of primary concern. There is no definite and specific answer to this, since this method has not yet gained its popularity.

But it is still planned that prices will not differ much from traditional prosthetics. At the present stage, only laboratory experiments are being carried out, mainly on rodents. There are no exact forecasts when this method will work on humans.

It will take several more years, perhaps even a dozen, before everything controversial issues artificial cultivation will be resolved and this method will become available to any circle of patients.

To begin with, the technology of such cultivation must go through everything animal experiments, after this there will be clinical trials on humans. If they prove themselves, then this technology will be put into practice.

Experience of centenarians

Despite the fact that artificial cultivation technology has not yet found its application in medicine, in modern practice There are already cases of people who have already managed to acquire a third set of teeth.

How could this happen? Mysticism, no less! In the Russian town of Sochi lives a pensioner Tsapovalova, who, after her centenary, began to grow new teeth. This amazing case created a real sensation in modern medicine. While experts thought and wondered how this happened, the pensioner herself revealed all her cards. According to the woman, this anomaly occurred as a result of her healthy lifestyle. She didn't drink, didn't smoke, was a vegetarian and tried to avoid stressful situations.

This is not the only case of its kind. Four more centenarians were identified who were lucky enough to have the third set. One resident of the Indian outback, who was also a vegetarian, but he did not observe even the simplest hygiene. Centenarians from Tatarstan and Cheboksary can also boast of a third set of teeth.

Scientists are now developing ways to grow human teeth from stem cells. We will try to describe below what technologies they have and what the cost of the issue will be for an ordinary patient.

The loss of even one tooth in a row becomes noticeable both emotionally and physiological level. They try to restore the smile and chewing function through implantation and prosthetics. But it is quite possible that very soon doctors will offer not an artificial substitute, but natural tissue, the survival rate of which will be many times higher.

Historical facts

Dentistry has long been thinking about how to make a tooth grow in the jaw as many times as needed. After all, nature has only two such periods - the eruption of milk units and their replacement with permanent ones.

First scientific developments on growing human teeth began in 2002 in the UK. Six-month-old piglets and rats were used for the experiment. Pamela Yelick performed the following manipulations:

  1. She took immature dental tissue cells from animals and placed them in special enzymes.
  2. When they became formed, they were transferred to a polymer plate, which decomposed under the influence of developing cells.
  3. The full-fledged rudiments already created in this way were implanted into soft fabrics rats
  4. After three months, crowns could be seen appearing above the gums.

True, teeth grown using this method had their own disadvantages - the dentin turned out to be defective, the enamel was absent, and the root was not fully formed.

Based on these data, Japan decided to move forward. In 2007, an experiment was conducted at the Tokyo University of Science under the leadership of Takashi Tsuji. Here mice acted as experimental subjects. And although it was possible to achieve complete formation, nevertheless, additional work had to be done on the tooth roots.

The experiment continued two years later, when the Japanese decided to use a different technology. To do this, they used certain mouse cells that are naturally responsible for the growth and development of teeth. They were placed in a collagen medium and growth was stimulated. After transplanting the removed unit into place, scientists were able to achieve the germination of a full-fledged tooth. At the same time, not only the desired structure of the crown and root was created, but also the neurovascular bundle of the pulp.

Gene responsible for tooth growth

Scientists paid attention to genes that regulate the number of units in an adult, their appearance, order, presence of rudiments, structure and time of eruption. Doctors at the University of Zurich took up this issue closely.

Thus, it was revealed that a gene called Jagged2 and the Notch chromosome are responsible for the growth of units on the jaw. They work in pairs, and when the first one stops performing its function, the second one generates errors.

Another gene, Osr2, is responsible for the formation of the structure and position of the tooth crown. And if you somehow turn it off, then they begin to appear in inappropriate and unexpected places, grow with obvious deformations, or even become a cleft palate.

A gene called Msx1 completely controls the formation of future tooth buds. It is thanks to him that we first have 20 milk units, and then in due time they change to permanent ones, and then 12 more grow. True, not all people have rudiments that are fully and correctly formed.

The interesting thing is that if you turn off the above genes, except the last one, then single teeth can still erupt. But if the work of Msx1 is disrupted, then even the rudiments are not formed at all. Therefore, scientists have adopted the idea that this particular gene should be used to grow teeth independently.


As a continuation of the study of restoring the dentition in this way, Professor Mitsiadis came to the conclusion that gene activity should be used in conjunction with stem cells taken from the rudiments of dental tissues. It's them general work will lead to the formation of a full-fledged unit.

Stem cells are capable of regenerating damaged tissue, replace the lost parts with your own division, so this method can become a real breakthrough in the world of natural recovery teeth.

The well-thought-out method is as simple as possible in theory:

  • seized stem cell placed in the alveolar cavity from which a tooth had previously fallen out or been removed;
  • after some time, a rudiment similar to the one that appears in the embryo is formed at this place;
  • Then there is a process of its growth, development and eruption, which should feel reminiscent of a similar period in childhood.

Obviously, this method of growing teeth from stem cells closely resembles their natural appearance. As a result, the unit is fully formed, in its place and has all the structural elements.

But there are also a number of disadvantages in the practical use of the method:

  • Every year a person has fewer and fewer stem cells, and if at the age of 25 there may still be 1 in 100 thousand, then at more than mature age Only 1 in 500,000 is detected.
  • The very removal of such a cell turns out to be a difficult and very painful process. The task for scientists so far is to discover more simple way for collecting material.

Conducted experiments

The most successful developments in growing teeth have shown that this is possible, since there are already certain achievements:

  • the crown formed in this way fully corresponds to the natural structure;
  • the anatomical structure of the grown tooth also corresponds to the natural one and contains everything necessary elements– neurovascular bundle, pulp, dentin and enamel;
  • the hardness and strength of the formed tissues is so high that it makes it possible to perform all functional loads jaws.

But the drawback is still the size of the grown unit, which turns out to be slightly smaller in volume. Nevertheless, researchers do not stop there and come up with new technologies for the most natural restoration of the dentition.


The methods for growing hard tissues themselves can be divided into:

  1. External - in which a unit is formed outside the oral cavity, for example, in a test tube or special cells, gels, etc. And only when the tooth has grown, it is transplanted into an empty socket.
  2. Internal - stem cells, isolated, for example, from lost baby teeth, are injected under the mucosa. And already in the gum the development and growth of the whole unit occurs. True, this method is considered not fully developed and quite lengthy.

Among external methods, two stand out:

  • When the process of growing a tooth occurs in an organic culture. To do this, take mesenchymal and epithelial cells and place them in a collagen frame. This is where the germ will form. The tooth growth time is about two weeks. But at the same time, it is fully formed and has the entire anatomical complex of elements.
  • Using a special test tube in which the same cells are placed to form a tooth germ. After a certain stage, it is transferred into a capsule and introduced into the mouse’s liver.

In addition to genetic technologies, some scientists propose completely innovative psycho-social methods of reprogramming. These include:

  1. Petrov's method - in this case, the patient learns about the exact structure of the tooth, its root system and the structure of the crown. He then mentally places the stem cell bone marrow to the place where the tooth should be grown and represents the entire process of formation of the germ and growth of the unit.
  2. Veretennikov’s method is in many ways similar to the previous one, but here it is necessary to take into account not only the structure of the tooth, but also the correctness of their eruption, the order of appearance - from the lower incisors to the large molars, in a strict natural sequence. The scientist suggests mentally imagining germination small tooth like a seed, creating in in the right place sensations of pressure.
  3. Stolbov's technology is a scientist who has shown from his own experience that with the influence of thought you can grow at least 17 teeth in a row! In addition to the thought form being created, in parallel with this, one should abandon bad habits, lose weight and learn to listen to your body.
  4. The Shichko method involves the use of self-hypnosis during the period of falling asleep and truthful information. Due to the written instructions that the patient makes before going to bed in his personal diary, you can force anyone to restore their work internal organ, including a lost tooth. The main thing is a systematic influence on the subconscious.

Among the new developments, two more stand out:

  • The use of ultrasound, when it is used to stimulate the gums and alveolar process to build up hard tissue. Thanks to this kind of massage, you can force the cells to function in the right direction.
  • Laser correction - in addition to painless healing operations various organs, with its help you can stimulate the appearance of the desired cells and their growth. Thus, complete tissue regeneration and restoration of the lost tooth occurs.

What are the side effects?

That's all for now laboratory experiments not included in daily practice dentists, as they have many shortcomings, side effects, and sometimes unforeseen results. The most important details, which still need to be worked on, are the following doubtful points:

  1. It is difficult to control the growth rate of the unit and its elements. It happens that dentin forms much faster than the neurovascular bundle of the pulp.
  2. Pathological forms and structure of the crown itself may appear, which will certainly affect the functionality of the tooth and the health of the oral cavity in general.
  3. Our body with a developed immune system will most likely react to the implantation of a grown tooth or a rudiment from stem cells, as if foreign body. Therefore, the risks of its rejection are high. And to reduce this effect, a person will have to take drugs that significantly reduce the level of immunity, which can lead to poor health for a long period.

Critics' opinions

Not all scientific world adheres to such optimistic forecasts regarding the possibility of growing a full-fledged tooth in the patient’s mouth. Many more of them are skeptical even about successful developments and effective experiments. They argue that if, under certain conditions, it was possible to build up some individual units in a mouse, this does not mean that the same thing will happen in a person.

No one can predict how stem cells will behave in the gum, whether they will form the right tooth in the desired place, and even correct form. It is impossible to predict how the body of an individual person will react to the implantation of such cells or an entire grown unit. Even experiments with transplanting teeth from one jaw to another in humans did not bring the desired result, showing a very low survival rate.

The most dubious question remains - how to influence the structure and shape of the tooth that needs to be grown? After all, stem cells do not know whether we need an incisor, a molar or a canine. What will grow and will it happen correctly?

Video: Scientists began growing teeth in vitro.

When will the procedure be available?

Those scientists who are so far inspired by the results of the experiments promise a quick solution to the problem. Thus, Japanese developers believe that they have already advanced quite far in their technologies, and all that remains is to differentiate the rudiments being created in order to accurately calculate in what alveolar process a suitable unit will grow.

They promise that by 2030 they will be able to provide full-fledged and effective results on growing teeth from stem cells and disseminating your method to the masses. It is their developments that should completely replace modern prosthetics and implantation.

Price of the procedure

It is quite difficult to predict the cost of this method of smile restoration, since it is not yet carried out anywhere. But doctors estimate the final amount approximately based on the individual procedures required for this.

Thus, the cost of extracting stem cells is around 1000 euros. If we add the necessary injections to this, Additional materials and other procedures performed, then the entire process of growing a tooth in a person can be estimated at 3,000 euros, which is significantly more expensive than implantation.

When this method of restoring teeth appears, only those who are financially secure will be able to use it. It will be inaccessible to most of the population. So far, some clinics offer experimental procedures for growing units, but the patient must not only pay 3,000 euros for it, but also sign a consent that he is ready for unexpected results.



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs