What does blue eyes mean in men. Eye color and character - a reminder for women and men

Eyes almost always reflect emotions and thoughts, even if the opponent carefully hides them. To understand what is on his mind, it is worth paying close attention to his eyes. Many things can also be informed by the colors of a person's eyes. To date, geneticists have not yet been able to establish a direct link between the color of the iris and the disposition of a particular individual. But sciences like practical psychology, astrology and the above-mentioned physiognomy say that the color of the iris can be used to distinguish common character traits that are inherent in a person to a greater or lesser extent.

Eye color and personality

In order to be able to "read" the interlocutor by the color of the iris, you just need to correctly determine the shade and color of the eyes. There are several general rules.

  1. The more intense and richer the pigmentation of the eyes, the more activity and strength is manifested in a person. It's bright energetic people who are usually leaders in any area of ​​life.
  2. Light eyes indicate a romantic, vulnerable nature that knows how to show compassion and kindness to others.
  3. Warm shades of the iris indicate that such a person is very gentle and dreamy.
  4. The cold color of the eyes testifies to the complex, "prickly" nature of its owner.
  5. A creative personality is given out by a bright colored iris.

Let's find out in more detail what personality traits can be determined by eye color.

What does eye color mean in humans?


Such eyes speak of a kind, sensitive character and complaisant disposition. Such people are dreamers and romantics. They have a well-developed imagination and fantasy. There are many writers, inventors, actors and businessmen among the blue-eyed. Some coldness and detachment is compensated by conscientiousness, generosity and purposefulness.


These cold shades give a person determination, great ambitions, firmness and determination. Here the mind is perfectly combined with intuition, flexibility of thinking and spirituality. People with this shade of eyes are completely self-sufficient, they do not need praise, do not like flattery and can support in a difficult situation.


Grey-eyed are born workaholics, they are reliable, hardy, practical, stable and patient and inquisitive. Such a person is unpretentious in everyday life, unhurried, calm and friendly in communication. Many of them are businessmen, politicians and scientists.


Such eyes speak of sensuality, charm, emotionality and sentimentality. Blue-eyed people are distinguished by innate fearlessness, they are avid debaters, they always seek justice. Capable of decisive action, they can be a "gray" cardinal, carrying out carefully thought-out plans.


A “witchy” shade is observed in hardy, hardworking and assertive people, who are distinguished by strictness, correctness and accuracy. These are excellent organizers, who, however, do not strive for leadership. They are conscientious, but proud, demanding of themselves and others.


These people's lives are filled deep meaning, wisdom, friendly relations. They are trusting, complaisant, shy, modest and friendly. In this life, they rely only on themselves, but they themselves are happy to help others. Inner strength and kindness, the ability for rational analysis and the logic of events are common traits of such people.


Nature endowed the brown-eyed with intelligence, beauty, energy and passion. They know how to make a good impression of themselves, sometimes they can be capricious and demanding. Rich inner world and persistent love of life are common features of brown-eyed.


Passionate magnetic natures. They say about such people "He has a fatal look." It's strong-willed strong people, impulsive and domineering by nature. Sexuality, enterprise, initiative, excitement and fearlessness of the black-eyed noticeably distinguishes them from the crowd. Sometimes they experience aggression, but quickly forgive insults. The desire for leadership, warmth and charm allows such people to quickly achieve their goals and success.

Why does a person's eye color change?

Many babies who are born with blue eyes can drastically change their eye color by the age of six months. This is due to an increase in the number of melanocytes in the iris. In older people, the iris may turn pale and fade due to sclerotic pathologies.
Darkening of the color of the iris can be associated with inflammation and various eye problems. Color changes may be caused by a malfunction of the nervous and endocrine systems. There is such a phenomenon as "chameleon eyes", which is not considered a pathology. Such eyes can change the color and saturation of pigmentation depending on the time of day, lighting and changes in external conditions.

The color of a person's eyes is one of the main features that is as individual as fingerprints. According to psychologists and life observations, there is a direct relationship between a person’s disposition and a shade of the iris that determines the nature of the individual.

The eyes of a person betray all his experiences and feelings. No matter how much you want to be calm in unpleasant situations, your eyes will still betray everything that is raging deep in your soul.

Eyes can flash lightning in anger, reproach even if their owner is silent, grieve even if outwardly a person is calm, and smile or even sparkle with laughter when a person remains outwardly serious. It's true what they say: the eyes are the window to the soul.

And all this happens because the whole organism obeys a person. Both facial expressions and gestures, but only the eyes do not lend themselves to anyone. They seem to live on their own.

What is he, a man with blue eyes?

Everyone who has Blue eyes people with a pure and sincere soul. They are great romantics and constantly have their heads in the clouds. Their fantasies are to be envied. In addition, they themselves come up with feelings and live by them. These feelings are the sharpest for them and therefore they experience disappointment the most.

The only person who cannot be understood even by his eyes is a blue-eyed person. His eyes are so deep and pure, they attract attention precisely with their depth, that no one notices what feelings a person is experiencing.

The look of a blue-eyed man is so naive and penetrating that everyone with whom he has to communicate believes him unconditionally. And the only emotion that such a person shows is resentment. And at such a moment you want to protect him and ask for forgiveness in order to cheer up the interlocutor.

Blue eyes can be as hot and sparkling as cold as ice.

And if such a person already looks at you with a cold look, then you need to try very hard to earn his favor. The resentment hidden by a person with blue eyes lurks for a long time and is not forgotten for a long time.

Are people with blue eyes naive?

There is a misconception that blue-eyed people very naive and trusting. There are even many jokes about this. But in reality it is very smart people, which only at first glance seem so.

These people calculate their actions many moves ahead. But you can't call them smart either. Everything happens in moderation.

If you combine all their abilities into one, you get an unpredictable person. Moderately prudent, moderately naive. Also moderately cold and moderately friendly. The emotions of this person are so unpredictable that his partner will never be bored. Because solving this riddle is not always easy.

The history of blue eyes

In blue-eyed people, the cornea of ​​​​the eye is very sensitive and has weak light filters. For this reason, people who live closer to the north have bright eyes. And those who live closer to the south have dark corneas. Because southerners are more susceptible to sunlight.

Blue-eyed people are great romantics, dreamers and dreamers. They live in illusions. They see the world through pink glasses. Blue-eyed women require constant attention to their person from others. They cannot live without flirting and courtship.

Such people deeply feel and experience grievances. If they are upset, they remember it for a long time and practically do not forgive such an attitude towards themselves.

Depression in blue-eyed people is a very frequent and habitual state, into which they fall without visible reasons. Such people are like the weather in the month of March, because their mood changes so often that those around them do not always have time to follow it.

But regardless of such inconstancy in character, these people will never show their true feelings. Therefore, all their emotions are like a theatrical game. If a cold appeared in blue eyes, then this is a sign that their soul is not much warmer. And at such moments, unexpected, even cruel acts can be expected from a person.

But all these feelings are displayed only to those who are not attractive to people with blue eyes. Although of course they have no constancy with anyone. Today they love a person, tomorrow they hate.

By nature, people with blue eyes are very generous and honest. They quickly adapt to any situation. In most cases, this eye color is characteristic of those who have given their preference to art. These are artists, actors, aesthetes. They have their own charm, they are distinguished by charm and charm, and also, they are very sentimental. Such people are not only passionate in love, but also cruel in hatred.

If they love, they will give their loved one a lot of attention and warmth, but if they hate someone, then such enemies should be feared.

shades of blue eyes

To determine your color and shade of the eyes, you need to take a good look at the mirror. If to blue color gray is also mixed in, then such eyes can be called gray-blue and such a person is characterized by both eye colors.

To the variability of a blue-eyed person, an admixture of love for the freedom of gray-eyed people is added. Such people do not like oppression. They need not only simple freedom, but also freedom of action.

But people with gray-blue eyes too gullible and sometimes fall into unpleasant situations. And, despite the fact that they are repeatedly burned, they still continue to believe people, even those who deceived them.

The meaning of blue eyes

Blue color refers to cold shades. And therefore, the girl’s blue eyes, the meaning, are considered cold, and such people are considered heartless. But these definitions are not always correct. Of course, blue-eyed people are distinguished by their cruelty and changeability of character, but, nevertheless, they are both sympathetic and kind.

Blue-eyed people are not constant in their attitude towards others. Here they can be cheerful and cheerful, and at the same moment they change and become gloomy and irritable. They are impulsive, but at the same time they are able to think logically and make the right decisions.

People with blue eyes like to constantly change everything and everywhere. They quickly get tired of constancy. These are creators and thinkers, they are very talented. But meanwhile their activity depends on their mood. But in addition to everything, these people achieve everything in their lives themselves.

girls with blue eyes

Blue-eyed girls love attention and flirting. They are always in the center male attention. They themselves make acquaintances, start flirting and flirting, and they do not care that someone may suffer from this or that they hurt other people. These girls are selfish.

FROM young years blue-eyed beauties dream of a fairy-tale prince, but every year they become pragmatic and rely on logic and intuition when choosing their life partner. They also differ in kindness, which often leads to the fact that they are simply used.

But as soon as they discovered betrayal or deceit, then they will not let such people near themselves again. Girls with blue eyes never forgive betrayal.

men with blue eyes

But the blue-eyed handsome men forever remain children. People around do not take such men seriously and consider them unreliable people. But meanwhile, these guys are very faithful husbands. If they love, then for life. Although of course there are those who are constantly looking for adventure.

Blue-eyed guys are very successful in career growth, but they achieve their heights by “walking over the heads” of close people and friends.

Makeup and handbag, lipstick and jewelry can tell a lot about a woman. But still, in order for the information to become more complete, it is worth looking into her eyes.

Please read the information below the description carefully. If your eye color is complicated, then read the characteristics of each of the monochrome colors. For example, "green-brown" combine the properties of brown and green eyes. What color is more, that is more priority.

    The more intense the color, the more pronounced the described qualities.

Green eyes

Among the owners of green eyes there are a lot of purposeful, assertive women. True, sometimes this determination “mutates” into ordinary stubbornness. It is very difficult to predict how the mysterious “green-eyed” will behave in a given situation, almost every day she can try on new roles. These women have a well-developed intuition. For them, their own is very important - inner confidence in the correctness of their actions, the opinion of people who are dear to them takes an honorable second place, the point of view of the rest - neighbors, work colleagues or just acquaintances is absolutely indifferent to them. At the same time, green-eyed people do not like open confrontations and prefer to bypass sharp corners. Every green-eyed girl dreams of marrying at least a prince. To the candidate for the hand and heart she nominates whole line requirements. In fairness, we note that she will make no less serious demands on herself. Green-eyed people are often called adventurers - and in vain. Usually they calculate the consequences of their actions in advance.

Dark brown (black) eyes

Women with this eye color are so energetic and temperamental that sometimes you want to follow the example of Kozma Prutkov and recommend them to "Shut up the fountain to give the fountain a rest." Flirting is as natural to them as breathing. They love to bask in the attention of others, their whole life is the main role in the play, which will be staged only once. "Brown Eyes" needs to constantly receive confirmation that she is the most beautiful, smart, good, etc. Without this doping, she feels extremely uncomfortable. These women strive for power, they are aggressive, enterprising and reckless. It is easy to be offended and also easy to forget these insults. Those who are close to them are sometimes haunted by the feeling that they are living on a powder keg. "Brown eyes" are sociable, easily make new acquaintances and are endowed with an excellent sense of humor, turning into cynicism in difficult situations. life situations. If they are worried about anything, it is because of the lack of their own strength, despite the fact that in fact these forces are more than enough. These persons are jealous, although they prefer not to advertise this quality. They love to stand out from the crowd and hate being pressured.

Light brown (hazel) eyes

Women with this eye color have little in common with those with darker irises. They are much more shy, withdrawn and vulnerable. The typical state of such a person is reflections on what would be or could be. She likes the very process of dreams - to the result, expressed in any active actions may not reach. Such character traits as earthliness, "increased thriftiness" or pragmatism are quite rare in this type of "brown-eyed". Their propensity for laziness is the real engine of progress. It is these women who can be entrusted with the most difficult tasks - they will surely find the most effective method deal with them as soon as possible in order to continue to be lazy. At first glance, these are soft, pliable creatures, but in fact they prefer to do everything their own way, even if they nod and agree, listening to your reasons.

Blue eyes

Women with blue eyes are so dreamy and romantic that if their life lacks real feelings and emotions, they are quite capable of inventing them. However, pronounced sentimentality is not an obstacle to numerous novels and frivolous intrigues. They do not manage to meet the love of their life right away. They are very vulnerable, it is easy to offend or anger them, it is much more difficult to earn forgiveness. "Blue-eyes" are able, even after a few years, to verbatim reproduce your offensive words and the intonation with which they were said. The mood of these persons changes quite often, they are prone to strong feelings and sometimes become depressed, without having the slightest reason. They often shine with a variety of, sometimes unexpected talents. A distinctive feature of the blue-eyed is a quick, almost instantaneous adaptation to any new conditions.

Blue eyes

Blue-eyed women are charming and sensual, they are capable of strong feelings, if they fall in love, then without hesitation they rush into love like into a pool - with their heads. However, those who did not please them, they will hate just as much. However, the “blue-eyes” are unlikely to be limited to negative emotions alone, and will certainly move on to some kind of “combat” actions. They love to argue and often in a fit of passion are ready to jump on the rampage to prove their case. Conflicts are their element, in them they feel like a fish in water. Blue Eyes are very subjective, because, first of all, they are guided by their likes and dislikes, and not by the voice of reason.

Grey eyes

Thoughtful, inquisitive, conscientious and sane, "gray-eyed" appreciate practicality and firmly stand on the ground with both feet. As a rule, they are not in a hurry to go anywhere, but at the same time they are in time everywhere. They are distinguished by constancy and prefer not to wash dirty linen in public, demonstrating their feelings in public. "Grey-eyes" rely on cold calculation, and not on their own intuition. If a we are talking about a task for which you need to use the intellect, they have no equal. Much more difficulty for them causes everything related to emotional sphere, because by nature they are somewhat “dryish” and restrained. "Grey-eyes" are happy if someone appears next to them who can become an "external" source of inspiration for them, from which they can "feed off" emotions.

Grey-blue eyes

In the character of the owners of such eyes, the features of gray-eyed and blue-eyed are combined. They are distinguished by imperturbable calmness, confidence in own forces and purposefulness. It's hard to get a woman like that out of her mind! In addition, these persons have a heightened sense of justice, developed intuition and flexible thinking. They are somewhat cold, "Mexican passions" are not for them. From the young ladies with gray-blue eyes, excellent wives are obtained - faithful and devoted, not suffering from excessive sentimentality. These women are often consulted, because thanks to their sensible recommendations, you can find a way out even from a hopeless situation.

Gray-green eyes

Women with grey-green eyes patient, hardworking and pragmatic. Them distinguishing feature Empathy is the ability to share the feelings of others. It is because of her that those who want to cry in a vest, or, more precisely, in a decollete, curl around these young ladies. Listen, let them talk - in principle, these women perform the functions of a psychotherapist for friends and acquaintances for free. Sometimes they combine opposite qualities - they can be gentle and cruel, merciless and sentimental, they know how to listen to their own intuition and the voice of reason at the same time. It is better for these persons not to cross the road - they are merciless to enemies.

Grey-hazel-green eyes

These women are distinguished by indecision, each decision it is very difficult for them, almost painful. Among them very often come across very shy persons, always doubting their abilities. Their character is somewhat reminiscent of "Assorted" from the qualities inherent in the monochrome colors described above. Such a woman needs a strong, strong-willed man. With a successful marriage, being behind her husband “like behind a stone wall”, she will flourish, feeling protected.

Have you ever thought that your eyes are a more informative source of information than your story about yourself? It is believed that our “mirrors of the soul” reflect not only our mood, but also our character, internal energy, and even a forecast for the future about the second half. What are our eyes talking about?

Eye color and character of a woman

By the color of the eyes, one can determine not only the character of their owner, but also learn about the habits, as well as read the main destiny of this woman. Comparing the facts of life and the information presented in this article, one can be convinced of the patterns that exist in reality and closely connect the color of a woman's eyes with her character and fate.

Gray, blue and blue eyes in a woman - what do they mean?

The cold color of the eyes indicates that far from the easiest paths are assigned to you by nature, and the release of energy will be constant. The energy of breakthrough and transformation of the world.
General portrait:

  • Attractiveness, sensuality, temperament.
  • Wit, sociability, sociability.
  • Amorousness - sudden outbreaks and an equally sudden cooling.
  • Hot temper, lack of vindictiveness, capriciousness.

What the stars say

  • Do not expect gifts from fate. Each smile will require serious effort from you.
  • No one will help you advance in life, lottery tickets will not be happy, many and many will be against you. But you are allowed whatever you want. The world around you is the material for the realization of your ideas. Get creative and don't be afraid.
  • For people with warm color eye you - absolute truth. You will be believed, you will be accepted as a gift from heaven, any of your projects will be accepted without discussion.
  • People with brown eyes are sources of peace and tranquility for you. Especially the opposite sex.

The second half for a woman with gray, blue, blue eyes
The ideal companion in life is the owner of brown eyes. In such a relationship, your energy is balanced - you give, he takes.

Black or brown eyes in women and their character

You are no less active reformer of the world than the gray-eyed representatives. The only difference is that you carry out all your ideas with someone else's hands.
General portrait:

  • Selflessness in love, strong will, determination.
  • Jealousy, albeit carefully hidden.
  • Responsibility, independence, individualism.
  • The ability to succeed in everything.
  • Intolerance to outside pressure.

What the stars say

  • Once you set a goal, bet on your ability to charm people - do not prepare yourself in advance for exhausting work.
  • Do not rush into battle without closing your visor - your wisdom should be enough for a safety net.
  • It will always seem to you that the resources of forces have been exhausted. Remember your trump cards - patience and attractiveness. Learn to use them.
  • Do not be careless in anything - neither in actions, nor in appearance.
  • Work on the image. Do not use jargon and swear words. Choose your phrases carefully.

The second half of the owner of brown (black) eyes
A reliable foundation for building a family fortress is the owner of gray eyes. It is he who will fill the energy gaps and help to ford the sea.

Woman with green eyes - character and destiny

As the colors in the eyes (yellow and blue) mix, so it is common for you to be an energy “cocktail” - a vampire donor. Uniformity of color eliminates the extremes that you are capable of falling into, and ensures in your life golden mean harmony.
General portrait

  • Tenderness, sincerity and ardor in love.
  • Kindness and reliability.
  • Firmness, integrity.
  • Ability to listen and speak.
  • Stability, fantasy, success.

What the stars say

  • Your main goal is to achieve internal harmony.
  • Regardless of your actions and thoughts, be proud of them.

The second half of a woman with green eyes
The best choice is the owner of green eyes. AT last resort, eyes having green tint.

Gray-brown eyes of women and character traits

Are your eyes brown, streaked with grey? Or gray with brown patches? Many people on your path will kneel before you. But serious stable relations will develop only with some of them. The reason is your contradictory nature and mixed energy. You are a donor and a vampire at the same time. Moreover, both of them require attention to themselves.
General portrait

  • Initiative, resilience.
  • Passion and love.
  • Restlessness and nervousness.
  • Decisiveness in achieving the goal. Which, in addition to the joy of victory, brings the bitterness of hasty decisions.

What the stars say
It is quite difficult for you to coexist with the donor and the vampire within you. Now I want to take it and be tough, then I want to feel someone's power over myself. But remember that it is even harder for others with you than for you with yourself. Look for the golden mean. Your peace of mind- recipe for success.
The second half for women with gray-brown eyes
The strongest family and ideal energy exchange - with the owner of the same eyes.

Gray-green eyes in women and character

The presence of a green tint in the eyes is the presence of a factor that restrains the elements hidden in the soul.
General portrait

  • self-confidence and aggressiveness.
  • Despotism, the inability of absolute self-realization.
  • Impressive, sharp mind.
  • Shyness, daydreaming, pragmatism and diligence.

What the stars say
Your main problem is the audacity of ideas, which most often remain just ideas. Although your raging energy would be enough to carry them all out. The reasons lie in your excessive softness towards loved ones. You don't know how to say "no" to those you love.
Your other half
You always choose a partner on your own, without waiting for a fateful meeting or initiative from the outside. But, without meeting an answer, love goes out as quickly as it flares up. And only mutual feeling can become the basis of your boundless devotion. Most of all, the owner of green-brown eyes needs your love. It is he who is able to give you happiness and stability in family life.

Green-brown eyes in women - what do they mean?

The predominant green tint of the eyes will contain both vampirism and the donation of their owner. You, like the brown-eyed charmers, will take everything from life, but more tactfully.
General portrait

  • The talent of a diplomat, a philosophical mindset.
  • Strong will - on the shoulder of any peak.
  • Intractability. Which, by the way, often helps to achieve the goal.
  • Obstinacy, outbursts of anger, bouts of causeless depression - rare, but stable.

What the stars say

  • You are able to convince people that your desires and actions are beneficial, first of all, to them.
  • If your request is ignored or you are offended, you do not substitute right cheek, do not turn your back and do not blacklist the person - you want the person to regret what he did. Which often significantly spoils your life.
  • For the sake of revenge, you are able to step over even your well-being. Your ruthlessness is rarely justified. These tails prevent you from achieving balance in the world and soul.
  • Due to excessive touchiness, you lack the wisdom to create your calm and rosy, and, most importantly, stable state.

The second half for women with green-brown eyes
A person with gray-green eyes will be able to calm down and calm your explosive essence. Only with him you can direct your energy to creation.
Grey-green and light Brown eyes in men, character traits

Of course, the presented "schemes" of characters have a simplified connotation. In reality, everything is much more complex and multifaceted. But “these eyes are opposite”, with the right information, allow you to look into your future and make the right choice.

Good time of the day. Is it really possible to determine the character by eye color or is it an invention of physiognomists? It turns out you can. Remember the eye color of the person you are interested in and read his description. And in your own eyes you can check how much you can trust these studies.

The most reliable method

There are enough ways to determine the main features of a person’s character, but the most correct is considered to be the color of the eyes. It is the eyes that are always in sight, the color of their iris remains unchanged throughout life. Before giving a definition to the disposition of the interlocutor, one should look at the color of the iris during the day, artificial light can greatly change the color of the eyes.

How to determine the character of the eyes? Let's start with common features by the color of the rainbow.

Brown eyes betray impulsive, emotional people endowed with excessive susceptibility. They make excellent artists, poets, writers. brown-eyed people are able to approach any business creatively.

They have an incredibly inflexible, strong-willed character. They know how to always repulse any offender, without hesitation, they will stand up for friends and relatives. These are very responsible individuals, you can always rely on them, knowing that they will not let you down.

Black eyes are most often Eastern peoples. The burning black look captivates, quickly captures, especially if the eyes are in harmony with dark skin. These are surprisingly charming people, passionate, temperamental, always striving for leadership. They don't like to sit in one place. They need fresh impressions, so they are avid travelers.

Blue irises talk about a quivering, tender, vulnerable person. If a woman has blue irises, then be careful with words. Blue-eyed ladies are quickly offended. But these people quickly find mutual understanding with others.

gray eyes are not considered very seductive, poets do not admire them. It is worth noting that gray-eyed people are always friendly, attentive to other people. They are characterized by punctuality, honesty, decency, good-natured attitude.

Greens eyes are extremely rare. Most often it is: gray-green or green-brown. But if you meet a really green-eyed person, then you have a sensual, sincere, romantic, charming person.

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Grey-green irises talk about the prudence and pragmatism of the individual. These people set themselves big goals, then try to achieve them. They know how to plan things with particular accuracy, distribute their forces to complete the tasks. This person appreciates discretion and accuracy in others.

Green-brown eyes give out an extraordinary personality. She can be extremely talented, but she lives by a strict routine. They value family comfort, they try to make their home the most comfortable and beautiful.

Different characters - men and women

A woman and a man have different character traits with the same iris.

  1. At green-eyed cunning, given to them by nature, the ability to experiment predominates. Green, green-brown irises in a man are a sign of prudence, determination. This is a leader who accumulates an incredibly strong aura around him.
  2. Dark green eyes confirm that you see a slightly cynical person, at the same time very gullible.
  3. brown-eyed beauties too romantic nature idealizing the people they meet. Brown-green eyes speak of greater restraint, composure. But they often make mistakes in judging people.
  4. brown-eyed a man is a strong-willed personality, a dominant. He is ambitious, with incredible willpower, always ready to prove his case. Only a green-eyed girl, endowed with the cunning of a fox, can manage it.
  5. Woman with gray or gray-green eyes - this is a creative person. Her house is filled with beautiful things. She loves everything bright, unusual.
  6. Man having bright irises with gray tone - an excellent entrepreneur, pragmatist, sometimes a cynic. He weighs his words, remembers every conversation verbatim. When it suits him, he will prove himself right. Owner gray-brown-green eyes is a cynic who can sell and buy anything. But at the same time, he is always open and honest.
  7. yellow and nutty the eyes of a woman indicate a readiness for self-sacrifice. She is ready for any test for the sake of her loved ones.
  8. yellow or yellow-green- the eyes of a man speak of lightness of character. He is the soul of the company, the favorite of women. He is always expected, he is welcome everywhere.
  9. Blue eyed a lady is a self-confident woman who uses her attractiveness to achieve her goals. She is the leader!
  10. Blue, blue-green, gray-blue irises in men testify to an incredible sense of justice. They often get into trouble while defending weak people but almost never compromise
  11. black-eyed the girl is an unpredictable, passionate nature. Can be hysterical, but very charming. She always attracts attention.
  12. man with black eyes - dominant. He is used to suppressing, but people, falling under his charm, are ready to submit themselves. Sometimes rude, cynical, but women are drawn to such men.

Character according to the shape of the eyes

When determining the nature of a person, the shape of the eyes also matters.

Big eyes have personalities that always succeed. They are endowed with incredible work capacity. If big eyes bulge, then this person true leader. Women with big eyes are considered slightly frivolous minxes.

Small eyes they talk about the inner peace of their owner, the analytical mindset. These people are a little stubborn. But if they need something, they will throw all their strength to achieve the goal. If a man wins the heart of a girl with small eyes, he will forever acquire a faithful girlfriend, a good housewife.



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