Kiss your eyes. What do kisses mean in different places, parts of the body: the psychology and meaning of a male kiss

A kiss on the eyes is a manifestation of boundless tenderness. A kiss on the eyes is considered the most sincere of all kisses.

The reason for kissing on the eyes is to show all the tenderness that a person shows to his soulmate. And show all the love that you have. Many men already, being married, begin to kiss in the eyes for the first time. And this proves once again that in order to kiss on the eyes, you must experience real feelings.

There are many ways to kiss on the eyes. For example, when your girlfriend is very upset or crying, a kiss on the eyes at this moment is the most the right move. By doing this, you will show sympathy and tenderness, which will calm your upset lady of the heart. Or when your loved one is still sleeping, you can wake him up with this kiss, and then his day will pass in good mood and in the evening he will come with a bouquet of beautiful roses.

Kissing the eyes is the highest degree of intimacy. This means that you trust your partner with your life and want to be with him always.

There are many versions about this, and many tend to say that kissing in the eyes is a parting. But if you believe different versions and signs, it is better to do absolutely nothing and sit still.

Every person at a certain level of his life begins to do something that he has never done before. He met a man, realized that this was his destiny, and shows such attention, care, which he has never shown. And, for example, he never kissed on the eyes, but in this situation with his fate, his soulmate, he wanted to experience those sensations when you kiss on the eyes.

It causes a storm of emotions on a par with any other kiss, and most importantly, it gives pleasure to the one who kisses. It's an incomparable feeling. Sweet, gentle, it can not even be described in detail in words. Since this is not happening physical level, but more on the spiritual. Intimacy is the most important thing in a couple. Without intimacy, relationships cannot last long.

It should also be noted that a kiss in the eyes is delivered only to the person in whom you are truly confident and want to see him in front of you all your life.

Kiss on the lips, on others various places you may not be loved ones, but you won’t even think of kissing the unloved in the eyes, because it comes to you only when your soul loves the soul of your chosen one.

Kiss on the eyes of your loved ones! This kiss is a silent proof of your sincere love and a manifestation of tenderness. And if your chosen one or chosen one also sincerely loves you, she will accept this kiss and will not be annoyed. After all, this kiss is not at all intimate nature. This kiss is a kiss of your soul, the soul of your beloved!

What is even nicer than such a method of showing tenderness, sincere feelings and boundless trust than a kiss on the eyes ...

Video Kiss in the eyes: Bob Sinclar - Kiss My Eyes

More on the topic

Have you ever wondered how many different types kisses. But there are not so few of them. Interesting, how do you kiss?

Since ancient times, the eyes have been considered a reflection of our soul. They can show the mood of a person, regardless of his facial expressions. A person can smile, but the look will be sad and vice versa. Therefore, our ancestors gave them great attention, and in our time you can hear this expression: you can't kiss someone in the eye. This is superstition, that is, belief in the inexplicable and supernatural. Let's figure it out in order from where this belief came from and why in our time it has a sufficient distribution.

Where did the superstition that you can not kiss in the eye come from?

All superstitions are rooted in history and are closely connected with pagan rites and cults. Our ancestors considered a person's eyes to be a reflection of his inner world, souls. Therefore, when a person died, his relatives closed his eyelids in this way and sent him on his last journey. So death saw whom she would take to the next world.

Modern interpretation of superstition

Nowadays, many will answer differently to the question: a person? The fact is that over time, this superstition has acquired its own stories and now has several answers. But, at the same time, all of them are rooted, one way or another, in the history of our ancestors.

  1. If a beloved man kisses his woman in the eyes, then this will inevitably lead to separation. This can happen quite calmly and without quarrels. At first, a person will simply cool off towards you and possibly even move to another city. And as a result, you will never see him again.
  2. According to another belief: after a kiss in the eyes, you attract death to a person. She thinks that's how you marked him dead. And in this case, she needs to pick it up. Accordingly, she begins to follow him around and brings constant trouble. Such a kiss is not capable of leading to premature lethal outcome, but it will provide constant growing problems around this person. And of course spoil his energy.

Having learned about such consequences, few of the relatives and loving people want to kiss their soulmate in the eye! No one wants to part quickly, and even bring constant trouble.

Medical point of view

From the foregoing, it should be noted that all this is, of course, superstition. To believe in them or not is everyone's business. But from a medical point of view, you can also answer the question: why not kiss on the eyes human?

The fact is that each of us has our own microflora on the mucous membranes of the mouth. For us, "our" bacteria are safe, since the body is "familiar" with them. And for an outsider, even native person they can carry health problems with them. The mucous membrane of the eye is not well protected from infection and it is quite easy for pathogenic bacteria to penetrate through the mucous membranes.

Therefore, when kissing in the eyes, infectious diseases mucous membranes. Which are not pleasant and may harbor hidden threat the visual organ itself.

The type of eyes, the quality of vision are signs of the dreamer's state of mind, the intensity of his spiritual life as a dreamer, their health, illness. The organs of love of the dreamer himself, his sex, potency.

Have good vision, eyes quickly move - good, happiness, health.

It's hard to see, it's hard to open your eyes. They slowly toss and turn - loss, poverty, harm from sexual exhaustion.

Being nearsighted is a nuisance.

Pain in the eyes to feel, sand in them or something interferes - unpleasant self-knowledge, an unclean conscience.

To have a thorn is a deception. Adult children will have to take a lot of care, they will not soon come out into the people.

Lose one eye - tangled affairs, useless work, misfortunes with children.

The eye flows out in a dream - pangs of conscience.

Going blind in a dream is a nuisance, betrayal, death of loved ones: children or sisters.

Rubbing your eyes is a tendency to masturbate.

See in the mirror that you have big beautiful eyes- happiness (happiness in children).

That you have dull sore eyes - misfortunes (anxiety due to children).

To see yourself in a mirror with colorless or white eyes is to realize the soullessness of your behavior.

With bulging, bulging eyes - petrification of the soul, callousness.

Seeing yourself in a mirror with pits instead of eyes is fidelity to intuition, deep insight, clairvoyance.

With burning eyes - to feel dangerous, demonic forces in yourself.

To see your eyes falling out - a wedding, children will begin an independent life.

Taking out and examining your eyes is a feeling of the falsity of your perceptions, a misconception about the world. To see your children from a new side, yours intimate life will become the subject of conversation.

To have a third eye in a dream is the birth of a child. Woman: pregnancy. The danger of destroying what you have created.

Light from the eyes to illuminate your way - to begin to perceive the world in a new way.

To see that a certain creature is chasing you and trying to eat your eyes is to experience inconvenience and trouble from other people's secrets. Caution from dangerous development spiritual powers, dangerous spiritual immaturity.

Seeing the human eye on the table, in a bowl, glass, etc. - the shameful details of your life will be revealed, to experience fear of divine justice.

see a bunch human eyes- gems.

To see eyes with a thorn - enemies are closely watching you.

To see someone's evil look - bad dream, portending a dangerous collapse of plans, a deception, most likely coming from relatives.

Seeing in the darkness only someone's eyes - hidden from you and the hard work of your conscience will give unexpected results, someone is watching you.

Dim ghost eyes in daylight without a body to see - an unpleasant, painful split personality to survive.

Seeing a brightly sparkling eye in the sky in clouds is a symbol of authority that should be obeyed.

To gouge out someone's eyes - to scare away and set people against oneself, one has to suffer cruelly from jealousy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble dream book

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The meaning and decoding of various kisses.

From birth, a person is programmed to kiss. First of all, it is a kind of "oral" memory that occurs even in the womb. After all, it is there that the child sucks his fingers to relax and calm down. Every kiss and touch of the lips has its own meaning.

Many girls are interested in the meaning of kisses, because the guy on a subconscious level decided what his partner means. With the help of a kiss, you can determine how a guy treats you.

Kiss options:

  • Sliding. It's a kiss by the way, which could mean that the guy wasn't going to kiss you.
  • Seductive. Most often, this is a kiss that involves the lips and tongue. Suctions may be present. This kiss is about sexual desire.
  • teasing. This is a kiss, when the movements of the lips are either active and sucking, then they stop kissing.
  • Provoking. This is a kiss that hints at sexual intercourse. In this case, the tongue inside the mouth moves, as friction occurs during sex.

The neck is an erogenous zone for most women. A kiss in this area causes a lot of excitement and sexual desire in the fair sex. The most interesting thing is that a US citizen was given a life sentence for kissing a woman on the neck. It was equated with sexual harassment of the first type. Therefore, if a man kisses you on the neck, he wants to possess you.

A kiss on the cheek has different meaning. Abroad, it is customary to greet your acquaintances with a kiss on the cheek. This is the usual friendly kiss that says that the person is glad to see you. But if you're in a relationship, then a kiss young man on the cheek says that he values ​​\u200b\u200byou and is glad to see you.

This kind of touching of the lips is called the kiss of an angel. It is believed that this is the highest degree of intimacy and only those who have serious intentions kiss in the eyes. Although the people believe that such a gesture promises separation.

Usually this is how small children are kissed. The same thing happens for a woman. In this case, the man takes care and is ready to support, patronize and protect you. This suggests that the guy treats you like a little girl.

The attitude of women to such a kiss in our country is ambiguous. In European countries are considered the norm similar signs attention. It's just considered a greeting. But in Russia, the attitude towards such touching is ambiguous.

They are positively treated by older women, but young people do not really like it. But if you are unfamiliar with a man, and he kisses you on the hand, this indicates his interest and attention. If your wrists are kissed, then the man idolizes you and wants intimacy. Kissing fingers indicates a strong sexual desire.

The meaning of kissing a guy, a man in the hand, palm, wrist - why do men kiss a woman's hand?

A kiss on the nose means a desire to attract attention and bring a smile to your face. Used by mothers who want to cheer up their children. Often couples in love who have been together for a long time, with the help of a kiss on the nose, want to improve the mood of their soulmate.

This a passionate kiss, it is often combined with nibbling of the lobe and indicates the passionate desire of the partner. A man makes it clear that he wants you.

This kiss usually has no sexual overtones and expresses patronage. A man in every possible way wants to protect you and take care of you. This often happens in couples where the man is older than the woman.

This kiss is ambiguous. This is still naev lips, but not on the forehead. Often this speaks of hidden passion. A man wants you, but so far he manages to restrain his desire.

Such a smack is usually used when people greet in a friendly company. In that case, it doesn't mean anything. But if it was an accidental kiss, then perhaps the partner is eyeing you and wants more. He decided to evaluate your reaction and the ability to move forward.

This is a classic kiss that speaks of passion. This is how newly-made lovers usually begin to kiss.


  • Tilt your head forward, relax your lips and touch them to one lip of a man
  • It could be the lower lip. Next, hold your lover's lip between yours, hold for 2-5 seconds
  • If your partner reaches out to you, you can suck on your lip, run your tongue over it, or bite

This is one of the most passionate kisses. He talks about the sexual desire of a man, which he is not able to restrain. At the same time, the partner's tongue moves in a businesslike way in your mouth.

Reasons for smacking with open eyes:

  • Wants to be in control
  • Wants to see that you are good with him
  • Can't relax until the end
  • I read in a smart men's magazine that kissing with open eyes is fashionable

If a man closes his eyes, then most likely he is head over heels in love.

Initially, many will think that this is a manifestation of passion. But it's not quite like that.

Causes of biting lips:

  • If your man bites a little when kissing lower lip, this symbolizes that he is not sure of your feelings, and the partner expresses jealousy.
  • If he bites slightly when kissing upper lip, then this is how authority towards you is usually expressed.

Often there is not a single kiss, but a series called rain. It starts from the neck and goes down to the chest and stomach. Talks about the passion of the partner and his sexual desire.

This kiss is possible between lovers. Your partner is trying to tell you that you are close. After all, there is a lot in the lower abdomen nerve endings. When stimulated, sexual desire is activated.

Such a smack speaks of the uncertainty of the partner. He is afraid that reciprocity will not follow from you. Perhaps the partner doubts your interest.

A kiss on the knee area speaks of the partner's tenderness and care. The man wants to dominate you. In you, he saw a little girl who needs care.

This kiss means the uncontrollable and violent passion of a partner. A man needs you as a woman and wants sex.

With help air kiss girls flirt. It adds mystery and zest. Men rarely do this, because they are used to acting.

As you can see, there are many options for touching the lips, and they all carry a hidden meaning.

VIDEO: The meaning of kisses

A kiss on the eyes is a manifestation of boundless tenderness. A kiss on the eyes is considered the most sincere of all kisses.

The reason for kissing on the eyes is to show all the tenderness that a person shows to his soulmate. And show all the love that you have. Many men already, being married, begin to kiss in the eyes for the first time. And this proves once again that in order to kiss on the eyes, you must experience real feelings.

There are many ways to kiss on the eyes. For example, when your girlfriend is very upset, or crying, a kiss on the eyes at this moment is the surest step. By doing this, you will show sympathy and tenderness, which will calm your upset lady of the heart. Or when your loved one is still sleeping, you can wake him up with this kiss, and then his day will pass in a good mood, and in the evening he will come with a bouquet of beautiful roses.

Kissing the eyes is the highest degree of intimacy. This means that you trust your partner with your life, and you want to be with him always.

There are many versions about this, and many tend to say that kissing in the eyes is a parting. But if you believe the various versions and signs, then it is better to do absolutely nothing and sit still.

Each person, at a certain level of his life, begins to do something that he has never done before. He met a man, realized that this was his destiny, and shows such attention, care, which he has never shown. And for example, he never kissed in the eyes, but in this situation with his fate, his soulmate, he wanted to experience those sensations when you kiss in the eyes.

A kiss on the eyes causes a storm of emotions, on a par with any other kiss, and most importantly, it gives pleasure to the one who kisses. It's an incomparable feeling. Sweet, gentle, it can not even be described in detail in words. Because it doesn't happen on a physical level, but more on a mental level. Intimacy is the most important thing in a couple. Without intimacy, relationships cannot last long.

It should also be noted that a kiss in the eyes is delivered only to the person in whom you are truly confident and want to see him in front of you all your life.

Kissing on the lips, in various other places, you may not be loved ones, but in the eyes, you won’t even think of kissing the one you don’t love, because it comes to you only when your soul loves the soul of your chosen one.

Kiss on the eyes of your loved ones! This kiss is a silent proof of your sincere love and a manifestation of tenderness. And if your chosen one, or chosen one, also sincerely loves you, she will accept this kiss and will not be annoyed. After all, this kiss is not at all intimate. This kiss, the kiss of your soul, the soul of your loved one!

What is even nicer than such a method of showing tenderness, sincere feelings and boundless trust than a kiss on the eyes ...



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