The guy sends an air kiss. The meaning of kisses in psychology

Many people, without noticing it, give their kisses a lot of times a day. For example, we often kiss mom, dad on the cheek, brother, sister, blow kisses to friends, kiss our beloved pet on the nose, or even kiss ourselves through the reflection in the mirror. But, of course, all of these are incomparable with those that we used to call "adults" and which are addressed to a loved one. After all, both a guy and a girl expect from each other a gentle, romantic, passionate and at the same time exciting fusion of lips together in a dance called a kiss. But few people know at least something about what they mean in terms of psychology.

So, we all remember our first kiss. Many of us have pleasant and reverent memories of this event. And now let's try to remember how exactly the same guy who you gave this kiss kissed. What was he after all: passionate, gentle or brutal and very defiant? No one could have thought that the origins of psychology touched even this intimate prelude. Therefore, according to psychologists, by the manner of kissing a guy, you can determine his inner world.

The psychology of a kiss

Curious Kissing Facts

Plato wrote his treatises more than once on the topic of what moves people during a passionate kiss. He was even able to come up with his own personal theory of the origin of the kiss itself. In this theory of Plato, it was said that initially a person resembled an ordinary ball, which had two arms, legs and the same number of heads, which were divided into female and male. By its nature, this spherical creature was distinguished by great self-esteem and arrogance. It was for this reason that the ball-man greatly angered the god of the sky, thunder and lightning, who at that time owned the whole world and whose name was Zeus. So Zeus decided to punish this creature and divided it into female and male halves. Thus separating them. And, oddly enough, only a kiss could connect these two halves of the masculine and feminine into one whole. This is how, according to Pluto, this cute activity was born.

These days, according to statistics, most guys and girls kiss for the first time at the age of thirteen or fourteen. And the most loving kissers in the whole world are, oddly enough, the Germans. It is they who can kiss two or three times a day, kissing each other on the cheek.

Myths about kissing

It is about kisses that there are a huge number of myths, some of which we decided to introduce you to. By the way, not all of these myths have been confirmed or refuted. So, for example, scientists from the United States put forward their theory, which says that those people who kiss very often live as much as five years longer than those who deny themselves this pleasant pastime. This is due to the fact that in the process of kissing, the human body produces a huge amount of so-called neuropeptides that can destroy various bacteria and microbes. So during a kiss, a person’s immunity is well strengthened.

Another myth says that a kiss can burn a significant number of calories in the human body. This is due to the fact that during a passionate kiss, about thirty-four muscles are involved, which destroys about twelve calories and this is just three minutes of kissing.

In addition to the advantages of a kiss, the opinion complains about its dangers. So, for example, it is generally accepted that when kissing people exchange a huge number of different microbes. But many are silent about the fact that during this process a person receives 0.7 milligrams of protein, 0.7 milligrams of fat, 0.4 milligrams of salts, 0.16 milligrams of secrets and 60 milligrams of water. But there is nothing to add about the infection here. By the way, it is worth noting the fact that human saliva contains special enzymes. It is they who are able to fight various microbes. Plus, saliva contains the so-called androsterone, which is responsible for the sexual arousal of a person.

The meaning of kisses

The next time you kiss your loved one, give importance to how he does it. Here are some examples of kisses that are described from the point of view of psychology.

A tense kiss. The guy is trying to take your lips by storm, glaring at them and choking with passion. Such a kiss resembles a passionate attack. Its significance in psychology, according to doctors, is that with such a man you will not see a bright future, and an affair with him will be very short.

Dry kiss. The guy kisses very dryly and restrainedly. His lips are in a calm state, and it seems that he wants to kiss you, but does not. these men are considered very reliable and good life partners. True, there is one minus, such a thing as romance is absolutely alien to these men.

A kiss called "bracket". During such a kiss, the guy tries to snuggle up to you with his whole body. He constantly hugs you and tries to show you with his gestures how much he wants to feel you. Such a representative of the stronger sex differs from the rest in that he will be a faithful narrowed and excellent husband.

A kiss called fireworks. This type of kiss includes a whole shower of small kisses, and during the main kiss on the lips, a man can suck and bite them. Sometimes it may feel like a guy chooses a new technique for a kiss every time. According to psychologists, such men are excellent lovers and very unfaithful husbands.

Philematology is the science of kissing. Surprised? But she really exists and is studying the physiological and psychological characteristics of people kissing.
So, this science has established several types of kisses.

Among them:

  • friendly;
  • respectful (a kiss on the hand, rings on it, and among some African tribes - kissing the feet of the leader or even his footprint);
  • ritual (people kiss inanimate objects they bow to: banners, objects of religious worship, native land, etc.);
  • touched (mainly addressed to children);
  • related;
  • air;
  • love.

The latter has so many varieties and shades that it deserves special attention.
Kisses between a man and a woman can be divided into tender and passionate. Moreover, a gentle one can very quickly turn into a passionate one, if both partners are ready for an intimate relationship and try to convey it in a kiss.

But most often, the first tender kiss is the study of a partner. It is he who decides whether to continue the relationship with this person. A special survey conducted by a group of American researchers found that 71 percent of men and 69 percent of women used a kiss to show that they would like to go to bed with a partner. A kiss in this case means much more important for women than for men. The same survey showed that half of the men are ready to start intimacy without a kiss, and more than 80 percent of the girls said that they are not ready for sexual intercourse without a kiss.

When "contact is made" a man more than a woman expresses his emotions with kisses. By touching his lips to various parts of the partner's body, he thus shows his attitude towards her, or gives a sign hinting at a certain desire. For example, if there is already a connection between partners, with a kiss on the cheek at a meeting, a man shows that he is glad to see a woman and cherishes her.

The neck is considered an erogenous zone, and a kiss on it is a direct invitation to intimacy. In the United States, a case has been recorded when a man received a prison sentence for sexual harassment after he kissed a woman on the neck.

Ambiguous attitude in women to a kiss in the eye. In Europe, it is often just a sign of attention between young people (the same as a kiss on the cheek). In Russia, it is not so common, and in some areas it is even a bad omen - supposedly this is a parting. In fact, according to the observations of psychologists specializing in philematology, if a man kisses a woman in the eyes, it means that he treats her like a child and is ready to take care of her.

About the same thing means a kiss on the forehead - caring for a loved one, willingness to take on the solution of his problems.

But many have a prejudice associated with the same kiss (they usually kiss the dead on the forehead). And it is not unfounded. If a man decided to part with a woman, then, after the duty call and a kiss on the forehead, it makes no sense for a woman to wait for him.
A man smacks your nose - note that this only happens when you are in a bad mood, offended by something or upset about something. In this way, he tries to distract you with sad thoughts, cheer you up and, of course, draw attention to himself.

US psychology professor Wendy Hill, in the course of a series of experiments, found the answer to the question of why a kiss causes a surge of positive emotions. Scientists at Lafayette College, Pennsylvania, led by Professor Hill, measured the levels of cortisol and oxytocin in a dozen and a half couples in love before and after a kiss. It turned out that the stress hormone cortisol in all, without exception, decreased. But oxytocin, which is responsible for attachment, increased only in men.

Kissing hands has several meanings. Respect - if you just kiss the brush; a hint at the development of relationships, if it is a kiss on the wrist; and craving at the kiss of the fingers.
Passionate kisses on the mouth not only literally scream about raging feelings, but also have a positive effect on health. Experts from the recently established Kissing Association in the United States recommend kissing this way for at least three minutes. Firstly, according to gerontologists, during a kiss, the release of chemical compounds responsible for the aging of the body slows down, the skin becomes more elastic due to the tension of more than thirty facial muscles involved in the kiss. Secondly, according to dentists, wet kisses contribute to the release of special saliva, which contains a large percentage of potassium and phosphorus, which helps protect teeth from caries and periodontal disease. And thirdly, say nutritionists, during a passionate long kiss, 12 calories are consumed (girls, take note!). In general, according to the experts of the Association, a passionate kiss activates metabolic processes in the body and enhances the blood supply to the brain. In the course of it, chemical compounds are released that have an effect on the brain similar to a drug, but its strength is more than two hundred times greater than that of morphine. To make it more clear, let us explain: initially, narcotic substances activate all processes in the human body: the brain works many times more actively, endurance increases. With prolonged use of narcotic substances, all this goes into the stage of “attenuation”, and then the drug begins to destroy and kill the body. But kisses do not have the subsequent effect of destruction: the longer and more passionately you kiss, the better for you and your health.

In August, the whole world celebrates one of the most romantic holidays - Air Kiss Day.

Through a kiss, you can convey a whole range of feelings - passion, love, tenderness, affection, respect. That is why people have come up with many different types of kisses that allow you to express any emotion.

Kissing when greeting and parting has become a tradition among the inhabitants of many countries. At the initiative of the UN, a special day was even established when you can kiss as much as you want - World Kissing Day.

And on August 9, the world celebrates Air Kiss Day: various theme parties and competitions are held in European countries.

In Russia, the holiday is not yet celebrated on such a large scale, but isn't this a great reason to come up with your own tradition?

The air kiss is the most versatile gesture of sympathy, and can be friendly, touching, or gentle. Therefore, he was awarded a separate holiday.

With this gesture, you can flirt or just cheer up unfamiliar people. Air kissing is so popular that absolutely everyone uses it, even small children.

Such a kiss is also often used as an expression of gratitude during public speeches, in order to address the crowd, expressing one's gratitude to everyone.

Feel free to get creative by blowing a kiss:

If you are about to leave after the date and are sitting on the bus, press both hands to your lips, and then draw a heart on the glass with your fingers.

You can touch your lips to your fingertips, and then press them to your partner's lips, giving him a kiss directly.

You can blow kisses at the same time and catch them at the same time.

If a person you really care about blows a kiss, catch it and press it to your heart, or hide it in your pocket.

Some interesting facts about kissing:

Psychologists say that people with a windy character often use the air kiss gesture.

The air kiss became widespread in a rather gloomy time: the plague and smallpox epidemics in Europe made adjustments to the ancient traditions of greetings. By the Renaissance, completely new forms of etiquette appeared: a deep bow with a waving hat in front of you, a kiss on a gloved woman's hand, a handshake when meeting and parting, and finally, an air kiss appeared.

In India, an air kiss is called a flying kiss.

Contrary to popular belief, Eskimos don't just rub their noses together to show love. They open their lips as soon as the noses of the kissing partners touch. Then the Eskimos inhale deeply and exhale the air, keeping their lips closed.

The average inhabitant of the Earth spends 336 hours of his life kissing.

The film with the longest kiss is called “The Kiss”.

The movie with the most kisses is Don Juan, where John Barrymore and Mary Astor exchange 127 kisses.

Pliny claimed that kissing a donkey's nostril was enough to cure a cold.

Scientists aren't sure kissing is a purely instinctive behavior. In some African and Asian countries, kissing is not practiced.

- the most innocent and most romantic of all kinds of kisses. The essence and meaning of this kiss varies depending on the situation.

An air kiss can also be a manifestation of sympathy. Sitting at a party, you get bored. But then a pretty stranger at the next table sends you a kiss. It's like a game. She seems to be saying with this gesture: "I'm interested in you, I don't mind getting to know each other better." I must say, this is a great and not the most banal way of flirting. If you are a girl and flirt with a man in this way, be sure that his mood will improve. You interested him, but at the same time you did not promise anything. If the guy turns out to be quick-witted, feel free to expect a reciprocal gesture. At least you will have a companion for the evening, if you're lucky - something more than just a companion. It already depends on you.

An air kiss for two lovers can be very intimate. What could be more touching than a couple who, sitting side by side, kiss in such an unusual way. Kiss your fingers and gently bring them to your partner's lips. It speaks of sincere feelings. Lovers carefully convey their warmth and tenderness to each other at their fingertips.

A couple saying goodbye at the train station also often blows kisses. Here, the air kiss plays the role of the only gesture that now makes sense. There is no need to say anything - they will not hear you. And of all non-verbal gestures, only an air kiss can convey all the feelings and emotions of the departure of a loved one.

If you say goodbye to a loved one who is outside the car, you can add a little romance. Breathe on the glass to make it fog up. Draw a heart with your finger, and then blow a kiss to your loved one by touching the heart with your fingertips. A kiss to the very heart will pleasantly surprise and touch your loved one. The heart symbol can also be used in another way. Place two hands on your lips and blow a kiss. At the same time, spreading your arms, as if drawing a heart. Right hand one half, left - the second. Such an air kiss looks very romantic.


Even more romance in the rain of air kisses. For example, if a guy came to your window and stands under it, surprise him in the following way. Put both hands on your lips, blow a kiss, blow out the air and at the same time slightly shake your head in different directions. From the outside, it will seem as if you are throwing your air kisses into the wind, which will rain them on your loved one. Believe me, the guy will be pleasantly surprised.

Having shown due imagination, the young man will not be at a loss and will catch your kisses. You can do it in different ways - grab hands one at a time, catch in a handful of hands. The original will be the return throw of an air kiss. It is also unusual to attach a caught kiss somewhere - for example, on your cheek.

An air kiss can be different: playful, touching, gentle. It all depends on your feelings and mood.

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 49 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

Do you need a greeting - something between a formal handshake and an overly intimate kiss? In these cases, a blow kiss in which you press your cheeks and kiss the air near someone's cheek is a good accepted sign of etiquette.


    Know in what situation an air kiss would be appropriate. Consider both the occasion and the nature of your relationship with each person you greet.

    • An air kiss is reserved for special, formal celebrations. As a rule, formal ceremonial events (weddings, formal evenings and solemn ceremonies) that bring together people who are on good terms, but may not have seen each other before, are standard conditions for air kisses. Less formal celebrations (family reunions, barbecues, and casual dinners) can be accompanied by hugs and kisses on the cheek, especially if you're dating someone you see regularly.
    • Blow kisses to people you know, but not well enough. In most cases, air kisses are not given to strangers. For this, distant relatives, friends of your parents, or people whom a good friend introduced you to are better suited. Family members and close friends may be offended by thinking that blowing a kiss is a subtle hint that you don't know them well enough for a real kiss.
    • Find out about the air kiss rules for the country you are in. See the Cultural Conventions section below for more information.
  1. Observe the actions of other people. Observing other people's greetings can help you evaluate whether a blow kiss is appropriate. For example, if you are approaching the entrance and there is a host at the door greeting people, observe how they behave. If your cousin who walks in front of you blows a kiss and you don't know the host any better than your cousin, then you will most likely need to blow a kiss too.

    Greet your friends by addressing them by name. Before moving on to the air kiss, exclaim the name of your friend and smile as you approach him. If you can't remember the name, just exclaim "darling!" or "and you're here!"

    Read body language. As you approach, extend your hand, or touch or press against your friend with your forearm, elbow, or hand(s). If he retreats or somehow moves away, consider by default a hug or snuggle with your shoulder. If you feel like he's relaxed and making contact, blowing a kiss is likely appropriate. And if he hugs you or gently presses you to his face, get ready to kiss and receive a kiss in return in the traditional style.

    Learn how to blow kiss. The goal is to position your lips near his right cheek (start with the left if that's the custom in your culture). However, make sure that your friend also reaches for the right cheek, so as not to get into an awkward position when the two of you come face to face. If you are about to kiss someone, you can lightly press against the cheek.

  2. Kiss the air next to your cheek. Put your lips together and kiss the air just to the side of your face. Depending on what suits the cultural context of the event, it may be appropriate to switch sides and repeat the air kiss near the opposite cheek.

    • Add sound effects. *Women sometimes make a low-key kissing sound (like "smack!") when air kissing; this is generally taken as a friendly and feminine gesture to further embellish the greeting. Some men also make this subdued sound, although this is not required.


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