Tablets containing codeine. Codeine Medicines: The Hidden Threat

If a patient suffers from a long, debilitating cough that damages the mucous membrane of the throat, codeine-containing products are often used. Codeine is an excellent cough medicine, but it is not prescribed very often.

In our article we will talk about when these drugs are prescribed, what their principle of action is, and what contraindications they have.

Characteristics and dangers of codeine-containing drugs

Codeine is an opium derivative obtained through methylation of morphine. Codeine can have a pronounced pain-relieving effect, due to which it is added to many painkillers. This drug inhibits cough activity by acting on the cough center located in the brain.

The main purpose of codeine is to eliminate pain and debilitating cough. Often, drugs containing codeine have a mild analgesic effect for menstrual pain, headaches and toothaches. Medicines containing codeine can combat cough syndrome quite effectively.

Important! When taking products with codeine, you should strictly follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor, since their uncontrolled use can cause addiction.

When compared with other painkillers containing narcotics, codeine has a milder effect and does not lead to dysfunction digestive system. When it enters the body, it directly affects the part of the brain responsible for cough syndrome, stopping the urge to cough.

After entering the body, codeine is processed in the liver, with a tenth of it being converted into morphine. The resulting metabolites cause an analgesic effect. When taking syrup or tablets, the effect active substance begins after 40 minutes and lasts for 2 hours.

Although codeine cough tablets are considered quite effective means, experts try to prescribe them less frequently, only in cases of extreme necessity, when other forms do not bring the required effect. Since codeine is an opium alkaloid, it can cause the following side effects:

If these drugs are taken long time, then the patient may experience a euphoric state similar to narcotic bliss. Also, with uncontrolled use, physical and psychological dependence can sometimes develop.

At long-term use the patient initially completely disappears unpleasant symptoms, then after a short time they return, the patient will be forced to start taking it again. At the same time, gradually, imperceptibly, increasing the dosage of the drug.

Due to such uncontrolled use, the patient may develop drug withdrawal and depression. Cough medicines containing codeine should not be taken if:

Important! Codeine-containing cough medications should not be taken simultaneously with mucolytics and medications that have expectorant effect, since it may become difficult to cough up the cough produced in large quantities sputum.

List of codeine-containing drugs

Today, there are several types of these drugs that help not only with dry, but also with wet cough. Most often, in order to alleviate the condition, doctors prescribe the drugs described below.

Codelac for cough is often used, which consists of:

Codelac cough tablets are taken by children over 12 years of age and adults, 1 tablet three times for no more than 1 week. Prohibited for use by children under 2 years of age.

Codelac broncho with thyme helps in treatment wet cough, eliminates the cause of sputum, enhances the effect of antibiotics. It has a relaxing effect on the cough reflex. This complex drug comprises:

Other forms of antitussive drugs should not be taken in parallel with this drug. In the form of tablets, it is used for children over 12 years old, 1 tablet three times, in the form of an elixir - from 2 years, 2.5 ml three times, from 6 years - 5 ml three times, from 12 years - 10 ml four times. Therapeutic course is up to 5 days.

Codelac neo for children is available in 2 forms: drops and syrup. It has a softening effect on the bronchi, relieves inflammation during dry cough. Drops are approved for use from 2 months, syrup - from 3 years. Cough syrup is already ready for use and should not be diluted.

Children from 3 to 6 years old are given 15 ml per day, from 6 to 12 years old, 30 ml. per day. Drops for children from 2 to 12 months are prescribed 40 drops per day. From 12 months to 3 years, 60 drops per day, from 3 years to 100 drops per day.

Terpinkod can treat dry cough, is available in tablet form and has the following composition:

When taken orally it begins active action 30 minutes after entering the body and acts for 4 hours. The therapeutic course should not exceed 5 days; it is usually prescribed to adults and children over 12 years of age, 1 tablet twice.

With a prolonged, debilitating cough, mucus begins to accumulate in the respiratory tract and descend into the lungs. Cough preparations with codeine effectively eliminate the accumulation of sputum and promote its evacuation.

Medications, containing codeine as a base, have a narcotic effect. The main substance is an opium alkaloid, it is produced artificially. By chemical composition the component is close to morphine and has a mild antispasmodic effect.

Codeine reduces coughing attacks due to its direct effect on its center. Medicines containing this component are of two types - antitussives and combination drugs. Codeine-containing medications are available in the form of tablets and syrups. Codeine for cough has a quick and pronounced effect. The attacks are reduced after the first use of the medicine.

Codeine cough tablets should not be given to children. They have potent components that can have harmful influence on a young body.

Dry cough symptom is difficult to treat, especially in its advanced form. With this diagnosis, cough syrups with codeine are often used. During the period of taking them, you must strictly adhere to the instructions and dosage. An overdose threatens a deplorable state of the body; in such situations, hospitalization cannot be avoided. Medicines for cough symptoms with a narcotic component cannot be prescribed to yourself; consultation with a doctor is necessary.

How do codeine-containing medications work?

Drugs that contain codeine have a gentle effect on the body, unlike other painkillers. After such drugs enter the body, they begin to act on the cough center, stopping coughing. The drugs are processed in the liver, after which they have an analgesic effect. If the patient has taken a codeine-containing medication in syrup form, the effect will be noticeable after 45 minutes. Medicinal action feels like about 6 hours.

Preparations containing codeine

The pharmacy market offers people a wide variety of codeine-containing cough medicines. Many of them provide quick effect to the cough center. The key to success in treating a cold symptom is right choice drug.

Effective codeine-containing medicines for cough symptoms.

  1. Codelac tablets contain 8 mg of codeine per tablet. The composition of the drug also includes herbal powders, liquorice root. Cough medicine with codeine has a powerful expectorant effect, helps natural breeding mucus from the bronchi and lungs. Codelac is taken 1 tablet no more than 2 times a day. Half an hour after taking it, the result will be noticeable. Among side effects drowsiness and hyperexcitability are noted. This contrasting effect occurs on the body due to the effect of Codelac on the central nervous system. This medication should absolutely not be taken during pregnancy and lactation.
  2. The medication "Terpincode" contains codeine and terpinhydrate, is a potent expectorant, reduces the density of mucus, and facilitates its evacuation. "Terpinkod" can cause headaches in case of overdose.
  3. "Codipront" in capsules has a prolonged effect on the body. Includes phenyltoloxamine, which has an anti-allergenic and calming effect. The antitussive effect lasts for 12 hours. "Codipront" is prescribed for influenza, bronchitis, and whooping cough. It is prohibited to drink during pregnancy and lactation.

Such medications cause mistrust among many people. Cough medications with codeine are now rarely prescribed by doctors, only in severe cases, if other remedies do not help the patient.

Codelac broncho

"Codelac broncho" - combination drug with mucolytic and expectorant effect. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the respiratory system. Part this tool includes ambroxol, sodium glycyrrhizinate, thermopolis extract.

  1. Abmroxol is a substance with expectorant and secretopitic effects. This component helps eliminate mucus, reduces its density, and facilitates its evacuation.
  2. Sodium glycyrrhizinate has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects.
  3. Thermopolis extract promotes expectoration and increases bronchial secretion.

Before you start taking this drug, you need to know detailed description medicine. Description of the drug for dry cough “Codelac Broncho”.

  1. The medicine is prescribed to patients suffering from non-productive cough with sputum difficult to clear.
  2. The drug must be taken orally. It is better to take the tablets with meals, drinking big amount liquids. The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.
  3. Side effects in patients include nausea, headache. Such cases are rare, usually human body They tolerate this medication well.
  4. This antitussive medication is intended for use by children over 14 years of age. If the patient suffers from a stomach ulcer, use Codelac Broncho in medicinal purposes need to be careful.
  5. During pregnancy and lactation, it is not recommended to be treated with this remedy.
  6. The drug is not combined with other antitussive medications.

Codelac Broncho, a medicine for unproductive coughs, is not recommended to be prescribed to yourself. You should also not use it if you have a wet type of cough.

Codelac phyto

"Codelac phyto" is a medicine of mixed action. The medication contains codeine, thermopsis herb, licorice root, and thyme raw material extract.

  1. Codeine affects the center of coughing, as a result of which their frequency decreases.
  2. Thermopsis raw materials cause expectoration, stimulate the secretion of bronchial glands, and facilitate the removal of mucus from the respiratory system.
  3. Licorice root has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. Active components This plant also has an antiviral effect.
  4. Thyme herb extract includes aromatic oils that have an expectorant, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

The medicine "Codelac phyto" is recommended for use by patients suffering from a non-productive cough attack. The medicine should be taken orally, while eating, with a drink. copious amounts water. The dosage is determined by the attending physician.


"Codterpin" is a medicine for cough symptoms with an expectorant effect. It contains sodium bicarbonate, terpene hydrate, codeine.

  1. The antitussive effect of this medicine is determined by the content of codeine, which inhibits the cough center.
  2. The expectorant effect is provided by sodium bicarbonate and terpene hydrate.
  3. Sodium bicarbonate reduces the viscosity of mucus.

These components contribute to the evacuation of mucus from the lungs. The medicine "Codterpin" is prescribed for dry cough, lung diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia). The course of treatment lasts no longer than 5 days.


"Kofex" is a medicine of mixed action, with an antihistamine and antitussive effect. It is based on chlorpheniramine maleate, codeine phosphate.

  1. The first element helps to remove allergic reactions. The component chlorpheniramine reduces tissue swelling and has a sedative effect.
  2. Codeine phosphate has an antitussive effect due to inhibition of the cough center.

The medicine is prescribed for non-productive cough symptoms, allergic and infectious diseases, accompanied by dry coughs. The dosage and course of treatment are determined by the doctor.

Over-the-counter sales of drugs containing codeine are prohibited

Codeine-containing medications are not available without a prescription. This ban is due to illegal sales narcotic substances produced from these cough remedies. Inexpensive drugs with narcotic effects are bought in pharmacies by addicted people or dealers for the preparation and sale of desomorphine. This is a hard drug that is addictive and highly toxic.

Contraindications and restrictions on use

It is prohibited to take codeine-containing drugs in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • To old people;
  • children under 14 years of age;
  • for glaucoma;
  • diabetes mellitus

The list of prohibitions for use may expand. Without diagnosis, a person will not know for sure whether he can take codeine-containing medications to combat coughing.

Since 2012, codeine-containing drugs and drugs have been available by prescription, but drug addicts still find a way to get the ingredient for the most terrible drug - krokodil. Codeine has many street names - Katyukha, Koda, Pullman, Purun, Pendal, donut, tomato, and is used in medicine trade names– codeine phosphate hemihydrate or simply codeine base, codeine.

Codeine is found in cough medicines and pain relievers. It's an opium analgesic central action has a narcotic effect, it is also called a pharmaceutical drug.

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What medicines contain codeine

Codeine cough tablets:
  • Codelac (broncho, neo, phyto)
  • Terpincode
  • Codterpin

Painkillers (combined analgesics) with codeine:

  • Nurofen
  • No-shpalgin
  • Pentalgin
  • Sedalgin
  • Terpincode
  • Tetralgin

What you need to know about drugs containing codeine

Previously, all drugs containing codeine were sold without a prescription until it was included in the list of dangerous drugs. However, even now, pharmacy drug addicts find an opportunity to buy painkillers or throw in cough drops and get high.
We wrote this note specifically for parents who may not be aware that their children are addicted to drugs.

Now the age when people try drugs for the first time has dropped from 15-16 to 13 years, and you need to understand that teenagers are unlikely to cook desomorphine, but trying to eat a dozen tablets with codeine to get euphoria is cheap and cheerful.

An innocent question about any of the medications we described above should alert parents. If a child is interested in codeine-containing drugs, someone on the street probably told him about the high he can get from them. The task of adults is to convey to the child about sad consequences drug addiction, which develops very quickly and provide him with the opportunity to express himself differently.

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In Russia from today. These drugs are often used for the artisanal production of the drug desomorphine, popularly known as “krokodil”. The Ministry of Health hopes that this measure will reduce the number of drug addicts, because accessible raw materials will be more difficult to obtain. Some bloggers, meanwhile, are worried: what to take now in case of migraine?

Firstly, it is worth deciding what exactly will now be dispensed only by prescription. These are like this known remedies, such as "Pentalgin-N", "Solpadein", "Nurofen Plus", "Caffetin", "Sedalgin-Neo", "Codelac" and "Terpinkod". The list leads " Russian newspaper ".

The publication notes that these products will now be sold according to prescriptions with a red stripe - they are taken by the pharmacist when purchasing the medicine, and they must be stored for another three years.

Bloggers: If you have a headache, suffer while waiting in line to see the doctor

In the blogosphere, the innovation caused a lively discussion: some believe that they will now have to face difficulties, while others, on the contrary, are sure that such restrictions should be introduced for other drugs. “Only Pentalgin helps me, for example, I won’t be choking in line for a prescription every month,” he writes happycoffeesoul .

One of the online communities is actively discussing what such restrictions will lead to. “And in our region such drugs have been banned since November last year. Everyone seems to be alive and well, they found alternative drugs, - writes joder-macho. “But this didn’t really change the situation with the crocodiles.”

“Now, when you suddenly have a headache, the first thing you will have to do is stand in line at the doctor’s office for a prescription,” says blogger Andrei Rogovsky. “I already feel sorry in advance for the district police officers who will constantly visit migraine patients. By the way, the district police officers can carry "Strict reporting forms? After all, they can be robbed by damned drug addicts in order to take possession of valuable papers."

Here's a blogger livf, on the contrary, welcomes the innovation: “Believe me, codeine is far from being the drug of choice. It can only be prescribed in short courses for dry coughs, acute diseases, and, therefore, the need to take it does not arise so often and it is quite possible to consult a doctor once or twice a year, rather than self-medicate. Moreover, it does not cure, but only suppresses the cough reflex, and if used incorrectly, you can cause yourself considerable problems as a result of this.”

Replacement for drugs with codeine: good old aspirin

So what can replace codeine-containing painkillers? " RG"recommends old, well-known remedies: Analgin, Aspirin, Paracetamol, as well as Diclofenac and Ibuprofen. All of these are powerful painkillers, and the last two help cope with pain inflammatory in nature. “Aspirin” is also an anti-inflammatory, very effective for acute respiratory infections and flu. "

Paracetamol does not irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach, so it can be used by patients with gastritis. However, it does not relieve migraines. Ibuprofen will help cope with it. And for women suffering from severe PMS, Diclofenac is recommended. By the way, the usual Nurofen (without the prefix "Plus") does not contain codeine.

However, all of these drugs have contraindications and side effects, therefore, before taking them, you should read the instructions. But this rule should probably be followed in the case of all other medications.

Meanwhile, some particularly thrifty citizens apparently decided to thoroughly stock up on their usual medications before they were banned. As a correspondent for the radio station reports, the day before there was an influx of buyers in some metropolitan pharmacies - people took several packs at once for themselves and for their relatives. Although, according to the correspondent, pharmacy employees warned customers in advance about the upcoming changes. They are also ready to advise customers who do not know how to replace their usual medications with codeine.

Pill addiction is not just for drug addicts

Of course, not all users of codeine-containing drugs make drugs out of it. However, doctors note: self-medication does not lead to anything good. And the one-time use of certain painkillers can be understood, but if a person uses them constantly (and is absolutely sure that nothing helps him except medications with codeine), this is already a reason to consult a doctor.

Ban on free sale codeine-containing drugs were discussed last year. Then on the air of “Morning of Russia”: codeine has a pronounced antitussive effect, but its analgesic effect is extremely weak. It is added to painkillers only to enhance the effect of other substances.

And if the dose of another drug recommended by the manufacturer does not help, there is no need to immediately resort to codeine-containing medications, Nevolina emphasized: “Pain that is not relieved by a simple painkiller is a signal to see a doctor.” She added that the uncontrolled use of medicines containing codeine must be combated, and most pharmacists welcomed such restrictions.

Will there be fewer drug addicts?

Desomorphine is a drug addictive no weaker than heroin. In addition, it is highly toxic. It was nicknamed “Crocodile” for a reason: the body of the person who uses it becomes covered with non-healing ulcers. Desomorphine addicts do not live long - no more than a year.

He believes that restrictions on the sale of codeine drugs will also reduce the volume of the black market for desomorphine. “This is a very good thing. The number of drug addicts will decrease by fifty thousand,” Interfax quotes the words of a narcologist.

The Federal Drug Control Service is also confident that positive consequences This innovation will have more than negative ones. Not so long ago, in an interview with Morning of Russia, he noted: “From the position medicines it has no negative consequences. Great amount more modern substitute drugs have already existed for a long time, and, according to doctors, they are used primarily for pain relief and cough." He noted that in regions where such a ban had already been introduced some time ago, sales of narcotic drugs have fallen , but there were no complaints from there.

Time will tell how effective the current measures are. A Foreign experience, meanwhile, shows that those looking for cheap drugs will find them, despite the prohibitions. Thus, according to Vesti FM radio, in the United States, instead of codeine-containing cough medicines, medicines containing dextrometrophan are sold. And they are very popular among teenagers - as an alternative to drugs.

In the last two years, the number of ambulance calls to teenagers diagnosed with respiratory arrest has doubled - all because of cough medicine. 8,000 Americans are admitted to the emergency room each year due to cold medicine abuse.


I was wondering what drugs (more precisely, their trade names) are included in the so-called list of drugs containing codeine. The interest is quite understandable, these drugs will be available with a prescription, but I want to know that now it will not be possible to buy them at the pharmacy “just for money.” In general, I picked it medical directory from the times of the USSR (it was miraculously preserved, I bought it by subscription at one time), I asked a doctor I knew, dug into the Yandex Dictionary and came up with a short list of them.

Should become prescription the following drugs containing "codeine":


"Pentalgin plus". Ingredients: (paracetamol, propyphenazone, caffeine, phenobarbital, codeine).

"Pentalgin-ICN". Ingredients: (paracetamol, metamizole sodium, caffeine, phenobarbital, codeine).

"Pentalgin-N". Compound: ( metamizole sodium, naproxen, caffeine, phenobarbital, codeine).

"Solpadeine" Ingredients: (paracetamol, codeine, caffeine).

Codelac. Ingredients: (codeine,
sodium bicarbonate, licorice root, thermopsis).

"Codelac phyto" Ingredients: (codeine, thermopsis, licorice root, thyme)
It’s clear now why he is “FITO”.


"Caffetin" Compound: ( paracetamol, propyphenazone, caffeine, codeine}.

"Quintalgine" Compound: ( metamizole sodium, paracetamol, codeine, caffeine, phenobarbital}.

"Codeine + Paracetamol" (Codeine + Paracetamol). Compound: ( codeine, paracetamol}.

Codelmicst. Compound: ( codeine, paracetamol} — The same as above, only different trade names as I understand it.

"Codterpin" aka "Codterpin- IC "(Codterpin IC). Ingredients: (codeine, sodium bicarbonate, terpene hydrate). Code-Terpin,.. Apparently, the name comes from “be patient, be patient!”

"No-Spalgin" . Compound: ( codeine, paracetamol, drotaverine}.

"Nurofen Plus" Compound: ( codeine, ibuprofen}.

"Nurofen plus N". Compound: ( codeine, ibuprofen} - The same as above, but there is more codeine or ibuprofen.

"Omnopon" . Compound: ( codeine, morphine, narcotine, papaverine, thebaine) - Hmmm,.. well )|( excellent composition, I tell you!

"Pentabufen" (P entabufen). Compound: ( codeine, ibuprofen, caffeine, metamizole sodium, phenobarbital}.

"Pyralgin" . Compound: ( codeine, metamizole sodium, caffeine, naproxen, phenobarbital}.

"Santoperalgin" (S antoperalgin). Compound: ( metamizole sodium, paracetamol, codeine, caffeine, phenobarbital).

"Santotitralgin" (S antotitralgin). Compound: ( metamizole sodium, codeine, caffeine, phenobarbital).

"Sedal-m" . Compound: ( codeine,
paracetamol, metamizole sodium, caffeine, phenobarbital

"Sedalgin-neo" (S edalgin-neo). Ingredients: (paracetamol, metamizole sodium, caffeine, phenobarbital, codeine) - Oh! Now I know , what was the main character of The Matrix named after?

"Tedeen (T edеin)". Ingredients: (codeine, terpine hydrate).

"Tercodin" ". Ingredients: (codeine, sodium bicarbonate, terpine hydrate).

"Terpincode (
Terpincod) ". Ingredients: (codeine, sodium bicarbonate, terpine hydrate).

"Tetralgin" ". Ingredients: (codeine, caffeine, metamizole sodium, phenobarbital).

"Unispaz" ". Ingredients: (paracetamol, drotaverine, codeine).


In general, as I understand it, codeine is mainly contained in painkillers. I also realized that drug addicts are chasing codeine in order to obtain a drug called “krokodil” from it. You know, a philosophical question is brewing here. They will ban vodka and make moonshine. They will ban cigarettes and switch to shag. They will make prescription drugs containing codeine, drug addicts will invent something else, for example, what was “crocodile” will become “alligator”. From the wrong end (IMHO) Society needs to be healed. It is necessary to build stadiums, make sports grounds, swimming pools, conduct propaganda healthy image life. If not with a nursery, then with kindergarten- exactly.

In the USSR, this was done systematically (although drug addicts and drunks “also happened,” but in “noticeably smaller” quantities) by protecting the child from childhood from all abominations, and by raising him.





What do we have now? Fashionable subcultures, and this is apparently our greatest achievement for recent years 15 if they walked with leaps and bounds.

Isn't it beautiful? Extravagant, promising, worthy!

Trash-Tetok... Grubiyanov...


Sluts... And EMO-Boyev “for a snack”...



From which, then, a certain number of rascals are formed - parents who think only about their money or about the bottle.

Then, naturally, from this symbiosis “subculture - alcoholic parents” something like this begins to happen to children...



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