I dreamed of a passionate kiss with a guy. Kissing in a dream with a guy you like

You had an amazing and pleasant dream, full of sensuality and romance. In a dream you kissed a man. Was this kiss welcome or not pleasant? Who is he? Under what circumstances did you meet your companion at Morpheus’s place? You need to give a clear answer to all these questions in order to find out what your dream could mean.

Secret desires

It should be said right away that kisses are often dreamed of by those who dream about them in reality. Your desires and emotions are transferred from reality to dreams. Psychologists are convinced that you should not look for meaning in dream books, but you need to look into your own soul and find an explanation there. Probably in this moment you are in love and don’t yet know how mutual your feelings are. Perhaps the day before you met a guy with whom you once walked under the moon. The unexpected meeting reminded me of my feelings and desires. In this case, it is very easy to interpret your dream: kissing a familiar man with whom you once had an affair - this promises new experiences and, most likely, your feelings will flare up with renewed vigor. How long the heart will burn is up to you. And, of course, it depends on whether he will reciprocate and whether he wants to start everything from scratch.

Lover's Kiss

Dream Interpretations have ambiguity in interpretation, in a dream with a man. This can be a sign of both joyful events and troubles. If in a dream you met your lover and began to passionately kiss him, then soon you will be very worried about your relationship and suffer. They say that a lover's kiss in a dream foretells quarrels and breakups. If in a dream there was a kiss that was long and full of fire, beware. You will soon have a rival. Who will your loved one stay with? It depends on you, on how smart and wise you act. If you wanted to kiss someone in a dream but something stopped your impulse, know that everything will be fine in the future. If the kiss was interrupted by someone else, this is also a good sign. This means that future troubles will bypass your love or will not affect the relationship in any way.

Meeting with a stranger

The dream book tells a very interesting story about why a random passer-by, a representative of the stronger sex, kissed you. Such a dream guarantees success for a mature woman. Kissing an unfamiliar man for her means a company of admirers and suitors or a fateful meeting. If you are an unmarried girl, then very soon someone will ask for your hand. But if a married woman happened to kiss a man in a dream, let her prepare for the fact that her husband will become jealous of her. And this, in turn, will rekindle faded love and incinerate everything that previously destroyed the marital relationship.

Deadly kiss

It should be said that sometimes a kiss in a dream carries unpleasant information to the sleeping beauty. If you do not remember who touched your lips with their lips or did not see your companion in the kingdom of Morpheus, then the dream book will not tell you anything good. Especially if at the same time you experienced a feeling of disgust and fear, and also felt the presence of someone not from this world. They say that kissing a ghost or spirit man in a dream means illness and death. Such a kiss is popularly called a fatal one, sent from the one who walks around the world with a scythe.

Drawing conclusions

Or maybe we won’t leaf through dream books in search of the interpretation and meaning of what we saw at night? In the end, the future depends on a person and his actions. Just be careful and attentive in the near future, and act wisely, considering every step. And all troubles will pass by.

Hardly any of the girls didn’t wonder why they dream of kissing a man. And all because at least once in her life, every representative of the fairer sex had a dream with this wonderful plot. But is he really that good? What is its interpretation?

What if you dream of kissing a man?

According to one version of the interpretation of this dream, kissing a man means living comfortably in the immediate period of your life. There are very significant cash receipts ahead, which will help not only to stay afloat, but also to afford even something beyond measure. The prediction is especially strong if the said dream occurs on the night from Wednesday to Thursday, from Saturday to Sunday, and also from Tuesday to Wednesday.

In addition to material well-being, the dream foretells success in romantic affairs. This is especially true for those who are currently looking for their soulmate.

This dream will help you meet a very interesting person in the near future, in whom you can easily and at first glance see a kindred spirit. A very successful, warm, sincere and cheerful communication will develop, which has great prospects. Both partners will be interested in each other.

It is also important to pay attention to the nature and direction of the kiss you dream about. So, the hotter and more passionate the kiss, the brighter and more interesting the upcoming period will be. If the kiss is more restrained, then the time ahead is expected to be the same.

At the same time, for those who are already in a relationship, the dream also promises good events. Thus, couples in love may have a new round of life, which will color the upcoming period with joy, as well as boundless love.

Feelings only grow stronger every day, becoming more soulful and deep. Partners begin to more and more consciously strive to create a cozy nest where they can feel good together. Solitude is the main goal of this period.

Also, a dream in which there is a kiss with a man may mean that at the moment the girl is under the strong influence or patronage of some man who is older in age. This carries absolutely no subtext, since power is transferred from one person to another through a kiss in a dream. This peculiar exchange of energy also occurs in the real life of the person who had this dream.

What does it portend?

What does a dream mean in which a girl kisses a man, if we consider its interpretation from a psychological point of view? What conclusions can be drawn in this case about a person who had such a dream?

Thus, psychology claims that the woman’s brain and consciousness generated such a picture, since the lady herself lacks some strength of character, which helped her move better through life. A woman tries to find this strength in a man by taking it away through a kiss.

This means that in real life she does not have the opportunity to draw this strength, she lacks protection and support. This, by the way, leads to another interpretation of this dream from a psychological point of view. It's indecently banal!

A dream in which a woman kisses an imaginary man simply means that in her life there has not been a representative of the opposite sex for a long time who could remind her that she is a woman.

By the way, many experts advise always writing down your dreams. This will not only help you understand yourself better, but also significantly train your brain, because remembering dreams is not such a simple task. For starters, you can keep a pen and pad of paper next to your bed to take notes.

Such interpretations of a dream about a kiss with a man are offered by the most reliable and proven dream books. You can really trust them, and in principle, the interpretation of dreams is a very interesting and fascinating thing. This helps to better understand yourself, as well as make predictions for the near future.

Kisses in a dream are interpreted ambiguously by various dream books. Therefore, it cannot be said that if you dreamed that you were kissing someone, then you do not need to look in the first dream book you come across what this means. First, you should remember who you dreamed about and under what circumstances. After which you can see what kisses mean in dreams according to different dream books.

Why do you dream of kisses according to Miller’s dream book?

Kissing a loved one in the dark promises his debauchery, or danger; if this happens in the light, then this means a good attitude towards the opposite sex.

Kissing your mother means honor, the respect of friends, as well as success in all endeavors. If you kissed a stranger, then this promises an immoral act in reality.

A kiss from a blood brother or sister means that pleasure and friendship await you. If you saw in a dream that your rival was kissing your beloved, then you should expect a loss of respect on her part.

Kiss in a dream - Vanga's dream book

Vanga's dream book interprets a kiss with a spouse as a sign of a life together filled with agreement and harmony. Kisses with enemies promise a quick truce with friends after a quarrel. Kissing a child in a dream means enjoying the results of your own work.

If you saw that you were kissing and were noticed by strangers, this means that your fake friends will commit meanness towards you.

Why do you dream about kisses according to Nostradamus’ dream book?

If you dreamed that you were kissing your loved one for a long time, this means that he will always be devoted to you. Kissing your lover with someone else means his insincerity and callousness. Kissing someone you shouldn't have kissed signals false friendship and fake love.

Why do you dream of kisses according to Freud’s dream book?

If a representative of the fair sex dreams that she is kissing someone, then she will meet a stranger, who in fact will turn out to be a gigolo and a scoundrel.

If you see someone kissing in front of your eyes, then in reality you will become a participant in an unpleasant situation. For a man to dream that he is kissing someone, it means that he devotes too little time to his beloved.

Why did you dream about a kiss according to Longo’s dream book?

Kisses in a dream promise good luck in almost everything. If in a dream you felt that someone was kissing you, then you should prepare for a joyful, unexpected event in your life.

If you dreamed that you were kissing someone’s feet, expect insults and humiliation. Kissing an animal promises joy and peace. And if you kiss a friend in a dream, then he should expect danger.

What does it mean to dream about kisses according to Azar’s dream book

If you see yourself being kissed in a dream, this may indicate an imminent separation, as well as betrayal of a loved one.

If a man dreams that he is kissing a man, and a woman is kissing a woman, then this may mean that you will soon have enemies. It can also promise various kinds of disagreements. Kissing a child (baby) means that you will remain young for a long time.

If they kiss you, this may indicate deception. A kiss with a vampire can be a harbinger of imminent death. Kisses with men dream of betrayal, and kisses with women - of quarrels and various kinds of conflicts.

Why dream of a kiss with an ex-boyfriend, ex-husband?

If in a dream you kiss your ex-husband (or boyfriend), this may mean that you want to renew your relationship with him. Such a dream indicates that you cannot let go of your ex-lover.

Your feelings after the dream have a certain meaning. If you are upset and depressed, then you want reconciliation with your ex-spouse. And if you woke up, on the contrary, in an excellent mood, then this may mean that in your dream you marked the end of the relationship with a kiss, summed up a kind of conclusion.

Dream Interpretation - kiss with a friend, classmate

A kiss with a classmate foreshadows an imminent quarrel with him. If in your dream you kiss a friend, then this may also mean that you will soon have to separate (for example, he will leave for another country).

Why do you dream about kissing your beloved husband or boyfriend?

If you kiss your lover in a dream, you should expect eternal devotion from him. But it all depends on the conditions under which you do this: kissing in the dark can portend betrayal and deception. If you are the initiator of kisses, then this indicates a mutual tender feeling.

And if they kiss you, then this can be a harbinger of separation. For a young girl, kissing her chosen one may foreshadow an imminent wedding. But, if you see in a dream that your lover is passionately kissing another woman, this may signal cheating in reality.

A kiss on the lips in a dream foretells that your marriage will not only be happy, but also long-lasting. But a kiss on the cheek, on the contrary, can signal the betrayal of a loved one.

Why do you dream of a passionate kiss?

In most dream books you can read that passionate kisses in a dream promise immediate sadness. In addition to this interpretation, you can also find a version that an overly passionate kiss is a harbinger of a serious quarrel.

Therefore, having seen such a dream, you should be as tolerant as possible towards your partner in order to preserve your relationship.

If a sleeping woman had to kiss a man on the lips in a dream, then this is an unpleasant and alarming sign for her. Therefore, it is so important to unravel as accurately as possible the meaning of the plot seen. It is interesting that not only a woman, but also a representative of the stronger sex can dream about it.

Dream Interpretation: kissing a man on the lips with tongue

In order to correctly interpret the meaning of a dream, you need to turn for help exclusively to proven, well-known dream books.

It is desirable that they be compiled by popular professional interpreters:

  • In Miller’s dream book, kissing another man in the presence of a legal spouse means dissatisfaction with the relationship. This interpretation is especially relevant if the kiss gave the woman unprecedented pleasure. The same plot can promise a girl an imminent big quarrel with her partner.
  • If you believe Hasse’s dream book, then a bright passionate kiss with your tongue with your soulmate promises the sleeping woman a quick separation from her beloved man. Surely the young man has long had a mistress or even a second family. He simply still cannot decide to tell the dreamer about this. But very soon a difficult conversation will take place. Hasse’s work also notes that a man can see a similar plot. If in a dream he kisses with his tongue with a representative of the same sex, it is likely that the sleeping person will soon commit treason. What he has done will torment him until he confesses his fatal mistake to his beloved or at least to one of his close friends.
  • Vanga’s dream book notes that a kiss with a stranger, whom the girl herself did not want, portends her acquaintance with a man several years older. For the sake of a new lover, a woman will be ready to do a lot. Reckless love can push her to actions, the negative consequences of which will be very difficult to correct.
  • According to the Psychological Dream Book, a kiss with the tongue while drunk with any partner promises a very unpleasant life situation in reality. The sleeping woman will be very worried about what happened.

A kiss in a dream is a rather ambiguous symbol. Often this is an upside-down vision, which in reality promises the exact opposite. For people who are separated, he guarantees a quick meeting. For those who are nearby - parting. Why exactly do you dream that you happened to kiss?

Interpretation according to the most famous dream books

Opinions about this vision often differ and different dream books offer completely different interpretations. For example:

  1. The Eastern women's dream book believes that you can kiss in a dream before separation from this particular person. And the more passionate and hot the kiss was, the longer it will last.
  2. G. Ivanov’s newest dream book warns: if you kissed a person of the opposite sex, then the same thing will happen in reality. If you have your own, you will acquire a chronic illness.
  3. Martyn Zadeki’s dream book after such a vision guarantees reconciliation with enemies. Girls can count on imminent marriage.
  4. The complete New Age dream book associates a kiss with gaining strength. Kissing in the night meant sharing energy with someone.
  5. Denise Lynn's dream book is sure that kissing literally means uniting. And not only with other people, but also with yourself. This is also a sign of warmth of feelings.

Why do you dream about kissing a woman or a man?

If a woman kissed in a dream, then in reality she will meet an interesting man who, upon closer acquaintance, will turn out to be a real gigolo.

For a man to kiss a lady, it means that he needs to pay more attention to his other half. Have you ever seen others kiss? Be careful, they will try to drag you into a very unpleasant story.

What does it mean to kiss a friend or a stranger?

Have you passionately kissed an acquaintance, although you are not in a close relationship with him? This is how unrealized dreams and desires appear in dreams.

In a dream, did you lock onto the lips of a completely unfamiliar character? Note all its features, they will tell you what you are missing in life. If you kissed a stranger and your loved one caught you, then get ready for troubles that will be caused by imaginary friends.

Have you passionately kissed a stranger? Argue with your spouse over a small matter. And the longer they were nice to the other, the longer the quarrel would last. A kiss from a stranger promises a short-term connection or a sharp outburst of emotions.

In a dream, kissing your beloved man, boyfriend, woman, girl

In general, passionately kissing your loved ones at night is bad. This is an omen of separation and even a complete break in relations. But it’s good for husband and wife to kiss passionately. This is a sign of absolute harmony that will remain in any circumstances.

The worst thing is if you had to watch your loved one kissing someone else. This means that your expectations about marriage with him will not be fulfilled.

Why dream of kissing your ex-boyfriend, girlfriend, husband

You can kiss your ex before committing a dishonorable act. This is a symbol of dissatisfaction, not only in an intimate sense, but in life in general. Did you see a friend or spouse kissing their ex? You'll lose his respect over a little thing.

Did you kiss your ex-husband at night? You will face hypocrisy and betrayal. Often, a kiss in a dream only indicates an inextricable connection with a person who has already left your life.

Why should a woman kiss a woman, or a man kiss a man?

You can kiss someone of the same sex before a serious feud. Such a plot is a signal of a dangerous hobby. If you continue to satisfy your base passions, you will face a real tragedy.

Have you ever seen men kissing? Prepare for widespread failures and disappointments. Women? In the real world, you will have the opportunity to have a good rest in pleasant company.

In a dream, kiss a dead person as if he were alive

If you dreamed that you kissed the deceased, then in reality you will have to give up hope. Try to refrain from taking decisive action for a while; only peace and concentration will help turn the situation around.

You can kiss the dead as if they were alive before illness, a secret business, or an affair with a very famous person. If this is a close deceased, then this is how the final farewell takes place on the subtle plane.

Kissing in the dark, in the light, secretly, in public

Why dream about kissing in absolute darkness? For some time you will be mired in a wild life and perhaps cheat on your lover. If this happened in the light, then remain faithful not only to him, but also to your own ideals.

Did you manage to kiss someone in a dark alley? If you receive a lot of money, but spend it uselessly trying to earn someone's favor.

Did you secretly kiss your loved one in a dream? After a short date, you will have to separate for a long time. Have you kissed a guy or girl in front of others? Get ready for gossip and gossip behind your back, and for no particular reason.

I dreamed about kissing on the lips, passionately, without tongue

Did you kiss someone passionately? You will get into a bad story or receive well-deserved praise. A passionate kiss can also symbolize illness, long-term separation or quarrel. It also indicates the exchange of energy and strength.

If after a kiss there is coldness on your lips, it means that fate has marked you. Pain? In reality, get liberation from painful obligations. Kissed without tongue? This is a sign of attention, gratitude, encouragement. Kissing on the forehead means forgiveness, blessing; kissing on the cheek means light flirting, news.

Kissing in a dream – a few more meanings

If in your dreams you managed to kiss an immaterial being, then in reality you are controlled or protected by some invisible entity. She has a positive influence on you if she looked unattractive and a negative influence if the opposite. Besides:

  • kissing a colleague is a sign of respect
  • director - subordination
  • with a friend - mutual understanding, absolute trust
  • with a celebrity - show character traits characteristic of this person
  • with the unknown - give up what you have planned, change your lifestyle, godsend
  • with a friend - he is in danger
  • with mother – love, respect, business success, support
  • with brother - friendship, well-being
  • with sister - conflicts, failures
  • with a child - happiness, success in endeavors
  • with an animal - peace, joy
  • with a vampire - loss of vitality, energy
  • with a young girl - deception, seduction
  • with a relative - sadness
  • with the enemy - make peace with your friend
  • with a living person - good changes
  • with a dead person - you will have a secret
  • with a handsome man/beauty – joy, profit, surprise
  • with a freak - bad news, be patient
  • kissing a man is treason
  • for a woman - a family scandal
  • single - marriage
  • kiss you - ardent love

If you dreamed that someone was secretly watching your kisses from the sidelines in a dream, then in the real world you will be greatly envied and can be harmed.



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