What suits you if you have gray-brown-green eyes? Gray-brown-green eyes: Elena Isaeva read a book online, read for free.

Have owners changeable mood. Such people sometimes want to seem completely defenseless, but after a minute a fighting spirit can appear. They are characterized by courage and determination. They fall in love easily, so they always have many hobbies. However, individuals with such are wise and calm. In the first place for them is peace of mind, comfort. They have a lot of friends who often turn to them for help and support.

When meeting, it seems that vulnerability, shyness are the main features of a person who shows that this impression is erroneous: the owner of this color never deviates from his own principles and tries to follow the rules of decency.

They try to take everything from those around them to the maximum, and they can show ruthlessness and vindictiveness towards their enemies. Therefore, it is worth thinking well before declaring war on them. According to astrologers, the energies of Mars, Saturn and Venus are mixed here. She gives those who have rigidity, obstinacy and strong will.

Such people love and cherish their other half, especially if they feel reciprocity. It is not required to be sophisticated when charming a person who has green-brown eyes. One has only to be patient and wait a while, after which one can safely declare surrender. However, it must be remembered that such people are practically incompatible with the owners of brown eyes and very rarely such a union ends in marriage.

In the future family life do not be afraid to show confidence, this will help keep the marriage on long years. If you have green-brown eyes, like your partner, then in the future everything will be stable and stable in the family.

Most of the colors of the shadows are suitable for such people. In the event that there is a desire to enhance the greens, then you should use pink shadows. It is necessary to take into account the time of day when applying makeup. For the day, muted tones are suitable: brown, gray-pink. In the evening, a more saturated look using green, dark blue or purple shadows will be appropriate.

Doing can be combined various shades. For example, apply purple shadows on the moving eyelid, and draw the entire contour with a dark green pencil. In the event that it becomes necessary to add radiance to the look, it is worth applying a golden tint to the entire eyelid up to the eyebrow, and coloring the moving part in green or blue tones.

With the help of wardrobe elements, you can make green-brown eyes brighter. In some cases, this effect can be achieved by using colors that lie on the opposite side. Enhancers should be used in accessories close to the face or in makeup. Those shades that are next to your eye color in this circle will also emphasize naturalness. For example, olive, mustard and bronze can enhance your beauty and help you look stunning.

Grey-hazel-green eyes

Greater tormentor kind human nature until I figured it out. The inconstancy and inconsistency of the owner of gray-brown-green eyes is somewhat reminiscent of a natural disaster. These people with eyes unusual color constantly playing different roles but can't seem to find the right one. This circumstance makes them cruelly tormented and envious of those who firmly know their destiny and confidently move along the once chosen path. Moreover, doubts do not leave them even when the actors achieve success and begin to enjoy the love of loved ones and the respect of colleagues.

Surrounding literally at first sight are fascinated by the eyes of an unusual color, and even more - by the quivering and incomprehensible nature of their owner.

A person with gray-brown-green eyes wants to be taken under his guardianship and protected from adversity and worldly storms. However, upon closer acquaintance, it turns out that a person with unusual eyes is not as ephemeral and harmless as it seems at first glance, and it is better to admire her beauty from afar, as an object of art that can give its owner a lot of trouble to ensure safety and maintenance.

The owners of gray-brown-green eyes themselves, not caring about their safety, like moths, fly straight into the flame. Therefore, they can easily be captivated by both a truly outstanding personality and a nonentity dressed in clothes of nobility.

Relations with partners

People with "cold" eyes are attracted by the owners of gray-brown-green eyes with their eccentricity of actions and unshakable faith in their rightness. These qualities help them become friends, however, if the relationship starts to become too close, the latter will do well to exercise caution. The onslaught of the blue-eyed is good only if they behave like knights, respecting the opponent as an equal in strength. After knightly nobility is replaced by barbaric sophistication, the gray-brown-green-eyed are lost and put themselves at the mercy of the winner. Once in a love “captivity” (namely, in this way, and not otherwise, the owner of gray-brown-green eyes will assess his position), the prisoner will strive either to gain freedom or to be in the place of a gray-eyed winner. However, such an outcome is possible only if the cold-eyed despot agrees to such an outcome of the game.

man with brown eyes able to defeat the owner of gray-brown-green eyes, without even starting hostilities. He still does not have time to recover, as next to him is a submissive captive, ready to fulfill any of his desires. Over time, a woman understands that one cannot achieve manifestations of firmness of character from a brown-eyed man, and gradually comes to the conclusion that the time spent on such “insignificance” has disappeared forever. The idol was only an illusion, but in reality she got a slave, pleased with her dependent position and her captivity. However, getting rid of such a “ballast” is not easy: the owner of gray-brown-green eyes will have to spend a lot of energy and strength in order to regain their former freedom. But, even finding herself in the wild, the owner unusual eyes will still look for a partner with brown eyes, hoping to find in him generosity, determination, masculinity and condescension appropriate for a man.

In the event that God endowed a woman with brown eyes, the owner of gray-green-brown eyes will experience true bliss in marriage, although there will always be rivals next to him, ready in his absence to enjoy the charms of an unattended sorceress.

Owners of green eyes are perceived by gray-brown-green-eyed as "friends in misfortune", because they are also always dissatisfied with themselves. Typically, such a relationship of souls leads to the fact that the owner of the gray-brown-green eyes allows himself to fall under the influence of the green-eyed and immediately accepts the offer. However, such a hasty decision cannot make the marriage happy: the living space allotted to the green-eyed is too small, and the established rules are too strict for the owner of unusual eyes to fully feel the charm of the new position.

After a while, the green-eyed despot turns into a slow servant, any action of which causes irritation. Thus, hope for happy union collapse, and the unenviable prospect of loneliness opens up before the spouses. However, divorce in this case is not recommended, because a spouse with green eyes is devoted and reliable, and what could be better and more desirable for a woman?

The inconstancy of the owner of gray-brown eyes makes such people really close to people with gray-brown-green eyes. The latter are perplexed only when the former begin to flaunt the fickle nature of their partners. Indeed, the gray-brown-eyed quickly wins sympathy, causing strong feeling, however, due to the fickle nature, he simply cannot experience long-term affection. His victories follow one another like the frames of a movie, and he can look back only if he begins to be tormented by melancholy or other similar melancholy. But, in fact, like any other anemone, the period of depression quickly ends, and the owner of gray-brown eyes goes in search of a new hobby.

Owners of gray-brown-green eyes experience real bliss only next to a person whose eye color is similar to their own. Such a union resembles a fairy tale that can change the life of both partners and fill it with bright events. If the voice of reason suddenly wakes up and says that such love does not exist in principle, it should not be trusted. This is exactly the case when inner voice must give way to heartfelt aspirations. Then both lucky people with gray-brown-green eyes will be able to understand what the words “life is beautiful and amazing” really mean, and every day they will thank God for the bliss given to them.

If it so happened that a person with gray-brown-green eyes was not around, there is no need to despair: to some extent, he can be replaced by the owner grey-green eyes. In such a pair there may be a “deficiency” of humility, but paternal care will be more than present.

In third place among people who can make the owner of gray-brown-green eyes happy are people with green-brown eyes. Their main trump cards are courtesy and calmness, therefore, neither in moments of anger, nor in moments of passion, one should not stand on ceremony with them. They will look at any reckless trick with a mysterious smile of sphinxes, regarding the outburst of their partner’s emotions as a prank not knowing life child. Such a condescending attitude and the absence of violent emotions will provoke the gray-brown-green-eyed man to break this unemotional and uninteresting union, but in this case it will not come to a real break in relations.

If you were born with this amazingly beautiful eye color, you may be belatedly advised not to be born at all, so as not to suffer yourself and not torturing others. Thank God that this advice is only partly true. Your aspirations are inconsistent.
It’s as if you are alternately trying on two costumes, trying to guess which of them suits you best: a costume that makes you a creature so weak that everyone, being nearby, will feel like a hero, or a giant’s costume, the owner of both your own and others’ fate.
There is no way you can choose which suit suits you best. Therefore, look with envy at those who made this choice and achieved success. And although you have achieved no less in life, you still curse yourself for doubts and indecision. People are fascinated not only by your motley, like the Russian plain, eyes, but also by your quivering, like a spikelet in the wind, character. Having admired from afar, few feel the desire to shelter you from adversity.
You yourself are equally easily fascinated by both a monumental personality and a smart tie dressed for nothingness. And yet, if the wizard offers to replace your life with one of those that you envy, do not agree. It will turn out to be too poor compared to yours, where bitterness and delight, faith and skepticism are intricately woven, a life that is always crowned with the hope of a miracle that will one day bring you happiness.

Your relationship with people with eyes of the following colors:

Gray (cyan, blue)

Gray-eyed admires you with originality of views and decisiveness of actions. You immediately want to have him among your friends. As for closer relationships, do not rush to give up, he requires too unquestioning obedience. Resistance to the onslaught, however, only makes sense as long as the attacker respects the person in your face. As soon as he changes his mind and moves from a gentlemanly siege to a barbaric assault, you will immediately find it safer to surrender to his mercy.
In captivity, you will either try to break free or quietly subdue the enslaver. But this is achievable when the gray-eyed partner himself does not mind playing along with you in some way or, having played enough, let him go.


You will prefer to surrender to this person without waiting for his decisive attack.
Being in captivity, you will expect from him behavior worthy of a winner: indulgence, generosity and even rudeness. But alas, don't wait. Then you will make an attempt to achieve this quality from him by force. Alas, your strength is not enough for this, and not only yours. You see clearly: it turns out that he is in captivity, and not you! When you see it, you will order to leave. But it was not so: the prisoner will follow you. You have to spend a lot of energy to be able to get rid of it. But the ghost of a feeling that once flared up for him will hover in front of you for a long time, and for a long time you will search in brown-eyed people qualities they lack: condescension, generosity and even rudeness. All of the above is addressed, of course, to women. But if you are a man, and a brown-eyed companion is nearby, then enjoying your happiness, protect yourself from those who, just like you, appreciated her. It is not difficult to make your bed lonely.

Green-eyed people seem like soul mates to you because of the same dissatisfaction with yourself as you have. You quickly accept their patronage, you can willingly connect your fate with one of them, but ... you will never be happy. Their living space is too narrow in comparison with yours, the framework is too cruelly delineated. Time passes, and you look down on yesterday's patron, and you want much more from marriage than you have. Don't rush to file for divorce. Your partner is reliable and the union is stable. And if dizzying love does not happen in the life, believe me, this option not the worst you can expect.

This person also arouses understanding in you, but on the contrary, thanks to the kindred inconsistency of nature. The only thing that you are not able to understand is why he is not embarrassed by the inconstancy of his partner, but, on the contrary, flaunts them at the first opportunity. The latter makes you always treat him with caution. He manages to repulse your assault without difficulty. He himself is in no hurry to take up arms against you. The latter comes to him in moments of self-doubt. Having drawn his blade, he easily defeats you, but alas, he does not need a prisoner. Having gained confidence, he rushes after another prey. Again, he can turn his gaze to you in depression again and again not for long.

If you, after reading the above, decided: there is no happiness in the world, then we hasten to dissuade - there is!
There is a fairy prince (princess) that can charm you in an instant. There is love, shimmering, like a kaleidoscope, with unexpected, colorful, like your eyes, feelings, so fragile that it seems that it is about to break into smithereens. And only an inner voice tells you that it will never break.
Throw away doubts and fears, close and long-range plans, push off from the settled, but not happy coast and trust the dizzying stream that a person with exactly the same eye color as yours has brought into your life.

But if you have never met gray-brown-green eyes in your life, stop at the owner of gray-green eyes, you will not have enough servility. But despotic power and paternal guardianship are provided.

If you have not met a person with gray-green-brown eyes, bypassed gray-green eyes, bet on the owner of swamp-colored eyes. You will be lured by his calmness and courtesy. You can kiss him to bruises, you can scratch him in a rage in the blood - he will accept everything with the smile of a philosopher. You will always dream of leaving it, and something will always get in the way of your dreams.

Eyes - the mirror of one's heart, Who can deny such an obvious fact! British geneticists believe that the color of the iris, which we inherit from our ancestors (and sometimes we get this color not from parents, but from grandmothers or great-grandmothers), can tell us about salient features personality and its inclination to certain actions.

Let's look in the mirror for yourself and for your loved ones. Does the opinion of British scientists coincide with yours?

Blue eyes

Blue is commonly referred to as the most beautiful color eye, and their owners, as a rule, seem very attractive. And women with blue eyes should be especially pleased with the fact that the color of their eyes is often associated with youth! blue eyed people prone to the longest romantic relationship. They are quite peaceful, kind and smart.
These are highly spiritual people, and one of the most important needs of their lives is the desire to make all people happy. People with blue eyes tend to be assertive, but at the same time they are simple and cheerful. They really don't like monotony. And yet - they are characterized by acute observation. Blue-eyed people are most often sentimental. They are always calm, but sometimes they can still experience a strong sense of anger, after which they often become depressed. But such major changes in their mood are infrequent.

Green eyes

People with green eyes are considered to combine everything. best qualities. They are stable and at the same time endowed with a developed imagination. Very decisive, but always soberly assess their capabilities. These people can find a solution in any situation and know how to keep everything under their control. They are considered very strict but fair. They are good listeners and interlocutors.
Green eyes often seem filled with some kind of mystery and are associated with witchcraft. People with green eyes are naturally curious and intelligent. These are passionate natures. They have an incredible zest for life and strive for an eventful existence. They also have a significant drawback - they are very jealous.
People who have green eyes, very bright personalities and creative natures. They are compassionate towards others. Usually they have long term relationship and, perhaps, are able to build these relationships only on love. More often green-eyed people have extraordinary external beauty.

Yellow eyes

People with yellow eyes, more resembling snakes, can be seen infrequently, which is why they are considered unique, interesting personalities. Despite the comparison with not the most pleasant creature, they love the company, they can cheer and reassure. They treat all people very well, they like to show themselves and look at others, they are deprived of the habit of criticizing anything. The most important thing in life for owners yellow eyes- security and success of the family, so you should not hurt their relatives and friends

Brown eyes

Brown-eyed people are considered attractive and confident. These are courageous individuals who are able to challenge difficulties. They love variety and don't hesitate too much when given the opportunity to try something new. This is very sociable people; they like to make more and more new friends. Polite with others and caring towards loved ones.
Most brown-eyed people are cheerful and spontaneous people. They can amuse others and make them laugh.
One more important feature of these people is that they are very persistent. These are people with a strong inner core, and they make good leaders. People with brown eyes love nature. They have the ability to heal themselves; yet such personalities show sensitivity and empathy towards other people. Brown-eyed faces are usually beautiful. These people strive for extraordinary relationships, which they are able to maintain only for a short time.
People with brown eyes are too independent. But they are very reliable and will go above and beyond for those who mean something in their lives. Undoubtedly, these are people endowed with kindness and the ability to support and encourage those who are close to them.

Black eyes

Black is rare color eyes, and black-eyed people are often perceived by others as very reliable and responsible people. They do not like to tell anyone about themselves and their lives, so everyone considers them secretive. However, they are extremely passionate and lively, as well as sensual people. They do not leave their friends when they need their help.
People with black eyes are optimists. They will not rest until they demonstrate their abilities if something is required of them.
These people know how to prove their worth to others. At the same time, the black-eyed are stubborn and persistent. Difficulties and crisis situations make them especially irritable. They are more impulsive and energetic than other people. If they are leaders, they can be ruthless to their employees for even the smallest slips. These people have developed intuition and are able to make quick decisions even in the most difficult situations.

Grey eyes

It has been noticed by many that people with gray eyes are usually wiser and less aggressive than others. They are known for their sensitivity and flexible approach to different people and situations. Outwardly, these are usually pretty women, whose faces look especially attractive and tender due to beautiful color skin. Usually gray-eyed girls are very serious about building relationships, preferring long-term partnerships based on deep love.
These individuals have analytical thinking and always think clearly and rationally. People who have gray eyes usually represent a deep inner strength, which will never depend on any external pressure. They know how to manage themselves in accordance with their environment. These are decisive individuals, but in some situations that do not require intellectual activity they may become confused and feel helpless.

dark gray eyes

The dark gray color of the iris speaks of the stubbornness and courage of their owners. These people are selfless, have a strong will and a decisive character. They are often jealous, although they try not to advertise this quality. But the most distinguishing feature people with dark gray eyes that they are monogamous. So if your companion has “wet asphalt” eyes, you are lucky and you should not worry about his trips to the “left”!

Grey-brown eyes

Owners of gray-brown eyes are controversial. They are maximalists in everything, so they are often disappointed in others. Such people, more than others, need a life partner who unconditionally accepts their difficult nature and frequent shifts moods. They are well developed Creative skills whether it be music, painting or dancing. And it is precisely by devoting themselves to their favorite business that these people restore the energy spent on disappointments.

Green-brown eyes

Those who have such eyes are wise and calm natures. For them, the most important thing is comfort and peace of mind. They are distinguished high level performance and perseverance. They almost always achieve their goals. Sociable, tactful, able to make friends, and therefore people are drawn to them for advice and help. They love their chosen one and do not betray if he answers the same.

Gray-green-brown eyes (or "Middle Russian")

This eye color is most often found among people who are constantly doubting and indecisive. First of all, they doubt themselves, so they often have low self-esteem. Indecision prevents them from doing right choice and achieve success, but this lack is compensated by the fact that they always hope for a miracle, never give up and are able to easily adapt. They show unique flexibility. Therefore strong and strong-willed people owners of "Central Russian" eye color are ideal as business partners and life partners.

Before starting fortune telling, you need to determine the color of your own eyes, for which it is sometimes enough to resort to a mirror, but you can also turn to the help of a close friend. And only when you are exactly sure of the shade of your own eyes, you can begin to evaluate the interlocutors and your relationship with them, this is very important indicator. The author of fortune-telling suggests dividing eye colors into seven shades and, depending on them, build your relationship with partners.

I. Your eyes are cold (grey, blue, blue)

If you are a person who has cold color eye (blue, cyan, gray), try never to be material in the wrong hands. You yourself are a creator. And the whole the world- only material for your bizarre designs. Most importantly, do not think: is it possible to embody them. You are allowed everything that you sincerely want.

Do not be afraid of the resistance of others. People with an eye color different from yours will perceive any project as true. Moreover, they will be happy that in your person there is a bearer of absolute knowledge who has saved them from painful searches. Just don't doubt yourself in front of strangers.

Separate people with an eye color identical to yours from the rest because you cannot impose your plans on them. Try to have interested companions in their person.

Fate will never give you a gift. For each of her smiles, she will demand maximum effort from you. But don't give up on your ideas. Refusal, even if you justify it with the best of impulses, is an unhealed wound for you.

If a case is required, and the melancholy dries you, do not rush to drive it away. You are an impulsive person, and while you are in a spin, the body is looking for ways to solve problems on its own. Get down to business when you feel an irresistible desire to act. You will achieve success in the most extraordinary way.

In love, choose a partner on your own and based not on logic, but on a whim. Do not marry without feeling - it will never bring happiness.

Gray (cyan, blue)

In youth, such a partner attracts you with incendiary, readiness, like you, for adventurous deeds. With age, the pressure and energy of the gray-eyed begin to tire you. They are more desirable in occasional encounters than in daily relationships. Marriages between gray-eyed people often break up with a mutual claim: "the partner does not need my love."

But if the marriage has developed, do not re-educate each other. You are both creators. Therefore, direct your charge either to strengthen the material base of the family, or to personal prosperity.


If it is necessary that someone, like in the air, needs your love, choose a person with brown eyes as your companion.

To achieve his affection, you must follow two rules: the first is to learn to guess his desires and, without talking about your guess, immediately fulfill them; second - never criticize a partner; in a situation where his wrong is obvious, take the blame.

The assault on brown-eyed people can be carried out decisively and despite the fact that their heart is already occupied by others. The main thing is that the attack should be dizzying and passionate. Your follies will be judged on merit.

Marriages with brown-eyed women bring many pleasant moments, but over time they cause disappointment: where is the strong male hand that indicates to the wife her place in the house? There is no such hand. You can either have an affair with a gray-eyed man, or forever give up the dream of having a despot of the opposite sex in your life.


To capture the heart of a green-eyed, you need to understand how to dress, what to think and say the ideal of your chosen one. And then it's enough to try on this dress. If it does not press you and does not sit badly, you will instantly find yourself at the goal. However, do not proceed to the siege of the green-eyed, if his heart is busy. Victory will not bring lasting happiness.

For men, a companion with emerald eyes is faithful and reliable. She will forgive a lot and will always come to the rescue. The main thing is to know how to ask her about it.

A green-eyed partner tires women with unpredictable behavior with his rigid framework, a wary attitude towards her improvisations. But in any case, she finds in him a person responsible for the fate of the family, who will never demand more than he is able to give himself.


In this partner, you will find both the sparkle of a lover and the reliability of a spouse. However, do not try to fit the logic of his actions into a single formula. Actions are unpredictable not only for you, but also for him. In this soul, either a generous person-creator, or a greedy consumer of other people's forces and emotions alternately takes over.

In order to win sympathy for a long time, one must accurately guess from which foot he stood in this moment, and turn either into unquestioning material in his hands, or into a merciless tyrant. You can hardly call such a boring life!

If you feel a sadistic inclination in yourself, if you like to watch tears flow and groans are suppressed, if quiet happiness you prefer a volcano of changing passions, choose a person with gray-green-brown eyes as your companion. Seducing such a person is easy if you pretend to obey his will. These people rarely manage to put anyone on short leash. Seeing that this has come true, they themselves may swim into your nets with joy.

You can keep a person with Central Russian eyes with you only by suppressing his personality in the most cruel way. Draw this line, regardless of either exquisite caresses or pleas to disappear from his life.


Having won by all the rules that are required for the surrender of the gray-eyed: onslaught, wit, and mostly impudence, do not try to calmly rest on your laurels, throwing the same logs into the furnace of love with which you managed to fire it up.

On the contrary, become weak, in dire need of compassion. In a word, change places with your vanquished.

A man with gray-green eyes will not live defeated. Having lost to you, he will choose a weaker partner and take revenge. You will wave goodbye. In the fight for this person, beware of those who are weaker than you, and not those who are stronger.


Relationships with him are like a pendulum. He either attracts with his helplessness, obsequious look, or repels with limited views and fear to stand up for the circle outlined for himself.

It is not necessary to use sophistication when seducing him, he is seduced at the moment when he saw you. We must be patient and wait for the time he considers appropriate before declaring surrender.

In the next life, do not be shy, give free rein to character. Leave, slamming the door, and break the door, returning back. Confidence, not diplomacy, is in place here.

II. Your eyes are brown

If your eyes are brown, bet on the ability to please people. Your three trump cards, attractiveness, whim and waiting. Skillfully let them into the game, and others will quarrel for the right to present you with what you want. Attractiveness give all your strength. Do not allow negligence either in clothes or in hair, if it is not a tactical trick and is not thought out in advance. Carried away by the attractiveness of the external, do not forget about the internal. Watch vocabulary. Slang words do not suit you, if, again, they are not carefully chosen as an image development.

Skillfully worked with appearance? Feel free to be moody. Assure yourself: the world around you exists in order to guess what exactly you desire in the next minute, to guess, to lay down at your feet right there.

You are already being showered with gifts. Have the wisdom to refuse expensive but not desirable ones. Rejection will spice you up. And the ability to wait will create the glory of a player who can not only demand, but also achieve what he wants.

You are savvy. Therefore, having set a goal for yourself, do not prepare yourself for exhausting work. Add quickness to your ingenuity and get ready to reap the rewards.

In the crowd of admirers of a life partner, choose on the basis of: who is able to donate more for you. Demand sacrifices all the time. This will prolong the life of the chosen one, making it meaningful.

Gray (cyan, blue)

If you saw that you liked the gray-eyed, do not prevent him from wanting to throw his last shirt at your feet. However, be demanding of its quality. The shirt must be branded!

Remember, it is difficult for you to achieve the love of a gray-eyed one (what happened rather the case than the fruit of your efforts), and it is easy to lose. This will happen if he sees that you are omnivorous.

Grey-eyed are impulsive both in showing their feelings and in efforts for the good of the house. Their efficiency is replaced by blues. Do not pretend that inactivity scares you. This will give rise to the suspicion that you do not understand them. It is sometimes impossible to dispel it.

The gray-eyed one will mold you into some kind of creation that he alone knows. Accept its outlines, however, in exchange for being sensitive to your needs.

If the gray-eyed one chose you, he is an ideal life partner. Cherish his feeling. It will give you many pleasant moments, protect you from troubles and hardships.


This is the only type of people you can control with a commanding voice, and not with pursed lips.

Only with them you can lose steam, give the opportunity to manifest the most unattractive character traits. Decide for yourself: what place in your life is best for a brown-eyed man: a spouse or an episodic admirer.

However, having chosen the place of a spouse for him, do not lean against him, as if against a stone wall. The wall can cleverly slip out from under you.

If you approach the brown-eyed man creatively (realizing that he is just as selfish as you are), then instead of reproaches, your life will be filled with a scattering of charming feelings. After all, brown-eyed people are so charming.

Having pointed to the place of the admirer, do not expect that you have found a person who is looking for an opportunity to fulfill your whim. If you want to awaken feelings in him, try to fulfill his quirks yourself.


From these people you will not expect recklessness of passions, but you will not hear from them complaints about our egoism. On the part of the partner, you will feel a clear framework that you must comply with if you want the romance to continue. If you like it and manage to match them, you will find a reliable companion who takes on all the burdens of everyday problems. If you happen to fall out of the framework set before you, correct the mistake immediately. Don't expect this episode to be forgotten.

Note that the green-eyed is not looking in your direction, do not be alarmed. Everything that happens is for the best! Having caught by the hand, appeal to his conscience - and until the end of days he will atone for his guilt before you.


These people are a symbol of an unfulfilled dream for you. They will either beckon you with self-confidence and generous promises, or they will instantly forget everything that they promised, and moreover, they will demand everything they promised, but now from you. After some time, they will again become self-confident and generous. Then vice versa. And so without end.

In the moments when they, having reproached you with a lack of love, slam the door, do not try to keep them. Wait until generosity speaks in them, and they will look for whose threshold to lay down the feelings that suddenly overwhelmed them. Although not immediately, but accept the gift.

Look for the source of pleasure not in the character, but in the charming appearance of people with gray-brown eyes.

Gray-green-brown (Middle Russian)

If you have not yet sought consolation from the troubles of life in religion, you will embark on this path as soon as you fall in love with a person with Central Russian eyes.

He himself will choose you as a companion of his life, he himself will accuse you of breaking his life, and in addition he will scourge himself for the short-sightedness of his original choice.

Such a person, having parted with you, will secretly dream of uniting again, and having united, he will live in the hope of parting. When communicating with him, do not rely on any one line of behavior. You can feel free to show both the most refined and the most dark sides of their nature - each of them will not be rejected.

If over time you are horrified not only by his soul, but also by your own, indeed go on a pilgrimage.


Surrender with peace of mind, even if the winner has plenty of fun, he will not leave you, provided that one day he himself decides to conquer.

If you want to go to another, do not do it secretly - it's dangerous! Talk to your partner, as if with a friend, make sure that he understands your act.


Do not expect to find in him a homebody. He will walk. Close your eyes to this. The main thing is to come back. And he will return if you pay more attention to his conscience, and not to your own appearance.

III. Your eyes are green

If you are the owner of emerald eyes, for you the main goal in life is a state of harmony with yourself. Whatever you think, whatever you do, you must be content with your thoughts and actions. If you have nothing to reproach yourself with, the world is bright and joyful.

You love to work, but are not shy, and demand from others. But you will never ask for more than you can give yourself.

You know for sure what qualities you yourself should have, what your friends and the object of heartfelt affection should be. If a person meets your requirements, you would rather let your skin be removed than a hair fall from his head. But woe to those who do not meet your requirements! With him, you allow so much negligence that you immediately (sometimes for no reason) will find an enemy in his face.

Friends value you for reliability, enemies hate you for firmness.

You are a knight, not a diplomat. Therefore, in today's world, you should not strive to stand at the head of big game. This will require stepping over the fate of people dear to you and flirting with unpleasant ones. Take a fancy to yourself the place of an indispensable second. On it you will achieve no less " first due to his industriousness, while allowing the luxury of being in harmony with himself. The latter is more important to you than the ambitions of a leader.

If you are a man, you are a father not only to your children, but to everyone who has been taken under your wing.

If you are a woman, you, leaving everything important for yourself, immediately rush to help your loved one. Therefore, remember that many quickly realize what clothes you need to dress up in front of you in order to direct your knightly temper to achieve the most unseemly goals.

In the intimate sphere, you are equally eager to love yourself and to be loved by those around you. Therefore, choose a life partner in such a way as to enable both of your desires to come true.

Gray (cyan, blue)

It is these people who quickly grasp what requirements must be met in order to get you to pour water on their mill.

But if the gray-eyed one nevertheless “got stuck” to your heart, then I beg you, pretend that he did not figure you out to the end. If this succeeds, the interest of the gray-eyed will remain unchanged, if not, taking what was required, he will throw you out like a squeezed lemon. The game is worth the candle!

Grey-eyed is a passionate incendiary partner for you when it is on the rise. And he needs your love when he is depressed.

Don't fight for leadership. The gray-eyed one will always surpass you with cruelty and eccentricity of moves on the way to this goal. Wait for him to hit a losing streak and need your shoulder. Feel free to substitute him - the gesture will be accepted with gratitude, and he will give up leadership to you himself. True, for a while.


If you are a man, then brown-eyed companions are perhaps the best find. Your cruel framework is what she has been missing all her life. Just do not go too far in your demands, measure them with her human capabilities.

If you nevertheless went too far, causing resentment of the companion, do not let the conflict develop. Out of a sense of contradiction, a woman can step so far out of the outlined framework that you do not want to call her back.

If you are a representative of the weaker sex, set yourself up to have as many children as possible from your brown-eyed husband. The first chords of love will fade away soon, but for you they will sound again in every child born.

You can be sure of the constancy of your husband if you are always the same as you once charmed him.


If once you wholeheartedly accepted a person with the same eye color as yours, and he accepted you, you can conclude that this is for life.

But if not every button is liked in him, or, if you notice that you are not completely satisfied with him, think a hundred times before deciding to marry. A small crack will not heal over time, but will turn into an abyss between your destinies.


If you were badly brought up in childhood, and therefore the ideal life partner is seen by you as a fickle, absurd person, with exorbitant demands on others and a lack of obligations in return, if a flash of feelings is followed by deceit - if all this corresponds to your idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba loved one, feel free to give a hand to a man with amazing gray-brown eyes.

If, on the contrary, your ideal is the same as you: demanding of yourself and responsible to others, beware of the beauty of gray-brown eyes. Instead of happiness, an ocean of terrifying discoveries is prepared for you: it turns out that you can live the way these people live, and moreover, the earth does not fall under their feet.

Gray-green-brown (Middle Russian)

If you notice a person with Central Russian eyes in the crowd, know that he, like no one else, needs your care.

Only you will look at his ambitions and fears as if they were toys. Only you will love him, as they love a child, forgiving whims and anger, patiently waiting for a reciprocal caress. You will always feel strong and at the same time responsible for his fate.

Therefore, before you playfully wink at a person with cute pockmarked eyes, think again: “Do you want to see him constantly in your life?” Because once beckoning, your conscience may not allow you to drive him away.


Conquering such a person, bet on the community of interests to a greater extent than on your appearance.

Having entered into a relationship with him, do not be embarrassed that he looks down on you, as it were. Accept it and don't try to change his point of view. On the contrary, pretend that everything suits you. If your union is on the verge of breaking, it is easier for you to find a reason to abandon it yourself than to find a way to keep your partner.

In general, the less you think about how your partner perceives you, the more chances for a long and happy life with him.


The obsequious, adoring look of marsh eyes can hardly serve as the ultimate dream for you. And yet, if something made your heart tremble, you find a reliable bodyguard and a zealous successor to all your undertakings.

The more often you point out shortcomings to him and the more meticulously follow their elimination, the happier his eyes will shine.

IV. Your eyes are grey-brown

If you have gray eyes with hazel streaks or brown eyes with gray flecks, you won't be offended by the number of people kneeling in front of you. True, it will take a long time before a relationship begins with one of them, which can be characterized by the word: constancy.

The reason is your contradictory, incomprehensible character both for others and for yourself.

Sometimes you want unlimited power over yourself. You are timid and scrupulously watch your appearance. But the quiet mood is suddenly replaced by a thirst for his own tyranny. Everyone who gets under your arm at this moment must unconditionally obey. And God forbid, if a moment ago the one who ruled over you immediately turns into an obsequious slave! He will be rejected with the brand of a satrap.

The militant outburst subsided, and the one who still miraculously remained nearby, out of habit, looks into his eyes. "Nothing!" - With these words, you will turn your back on him.

Constantly disappointed in people, you sometimes hope to find spiritual comfort in solitude. In vain. Alone with yourself, there is no one to obey and no one to subordinate.

Your life is rich in events. You fly high and you fall low. But never look for the golden mean. You don't know how to insure.

Because of your extraordinary eyes, other people's destinies are crumbling. However, your own destiny does not become happier from this. This will continue until someone appears who will penetrate the secret of your impermanence. He will put everything in its place, with such confidence, as if he has been doing this since birth. In the meantime, he is gone, laugh to tears and cry uncontrollably. And wait, wait, wait.

Gray (cyan, blue)

Take a closer look: among the people to whom you did not want to refuse attention, gray-eyed people are most often found, and this is a smile of fortune for you. It is they who are always attracted by unconquered peaks, and it is you who will always remain such for them.

I'll tell you a secret: stubbornly storming you time after time, they will someday pick up an elegant key that will open your heart without a creak.

And I’ll add a secret: the gray-eyed are unscrupulous in their means when achieving their goal. And this is their special attraction for you.

In dealing with gray-eyed people, take it as a rule: do not submit yourself to any rules. In a word, do not be ashamed of your "bad" character.


You immediately distinguish people with brown eyes from those around you. They surprise by the fact that they are much more interested in themselves than in you, while the rest of humanity acts differently. Another would be fascinated by this exclusivity. You - never.

« Display of bad manners and bad taste”- you will consider and you will never accept a single tulip from them.


At first glance, green-eyed people delight you with devotion to their word and deed. However, with closer contact, you will find that they demand the same devotion not only from themselves, but (terribly!) from you too.

If you suddenly made a mistake, they will not forgive you. If you got carried away and called them after you, they will not follow you.

Think about the feeling with which you will look at yourself in the mirror: yesterday a person, proud of his unbridledness, both in sin and in virtue, today is a slave of other people's possibilities and prejudices.

No, if you fell in love» into a green-eyed, I do not dissuade you from a long relationship with him. I am only hinting that the most precious thing that you have in your soul should not be shown to your companion, but hidden from him.


These people make you admire and adore your personality all your life. Their weaknesses you take for a manifestation of strength, and the manifestation of strength for a charming weakness. You either rule over them with the help of a daring movement of the mind, or revel in their power over you. Life with such a person appears to you as one magical dream. In the midst of which the only desire is not to wake up.

If you still had to part with such a person, quickly get him out of your head. In comparison with him, any fan will lose in your eyes, and cherishing the dream of finding a person with gray-brown eyes again is suicide. They are rare.

Gray-green-brown (Middle Russian)

You like these people at first sight, even with a significant difference in social status and upbringing. You are close to their conflicting claims. The only thing that is puzzling is why, unlike you, they are embarrassed by their “hops”. The latter makes you look down on them.

Naturally, it is better for you to communicate with this category of people, without being dependent on their fate or momentary mood.

It is not dangerous for you to marry them. At any conflict situation you will find yourself head and shoulders above and will not allow yourself to lose anything, except for time, which, alas, is irreplaceable for you.


No courtship from this person, no tricks will make your heart beat unevenly. An accident, and only an inexplicable accident, can make you see him as something more than just a friend.

This should be a person who shares all hidden dreams, who, without asking why, will climb with you to the highest peak and will faithfully hold the line so that you, having stumbled, do not fall into the abyss.

Even if there was no intimate feeling between you, you will be grateful to this person for passing through your life.


Since you rarely pay attention to people with brown eyes, it is not possible to consider whether there are green streaks in them, and if you nevertheless examined those in brown eyes, do not have vain illusions that you have before you a person whom you have been all your life waited. This is just a temporary consolation, and you will always be drawn from his wise sad eyes to others, carefree and presumptuous.

V. Your eyes are gray-green-brown (Middle Russian eyes)

If you were born with this amazingly beautiful eye color, you may belatedly advised not to be born at all, so as not to suffer yourself and not torturing others. Thank God that this advice is only partly true.

Your aspirations are inconsistent. It’s as if you are alternately trying on two costumes, trying to guess which one suits you more: a costume that makes you a creature so weak that everyone, being nearby, will feel like a hero, or a giant’s costume, the owner of both your own and those of others. fate.

There is no way you can choose which suit suits you best. Therefore, look with envy at those who made this choice and achieved success. And although you have achieved no less in life, you still curse yourself for doubts and indecision.

People are fascinated not only by your motley, like the Russian plain, eyes, but also by your quivering, like a spikelet in the wind, character. Having admired from afar, few feel the desire to shelter you from adversity. Alas!

You yourself are equally easily fascinated by both a monumental personality and a smart tie dressed for nothingness.

And yet, if the wizard offers to replace your life with one of those that you envy, do not agree. She will be too poor. compared to yours, where bitterness and delight, faith and skepticism are intricately woven, a life that is always crowned with the hope of a miracle that will one day bring you happiness.

Gray (cyan, blue)

Gray-eyed admires you with originality of views and decisiveness of actions. You immediately want to get him among your friends. As for closer relationships, do not rush to give up, he does not require too unquestioning obedience.

Resisting the onslaught, however, only makes sense as long as the attacker respects the person in your face. As soon as he changes his mind and moves from a gentlemanly siege to a barbarian assault, you will immediately find it safer to surrender to his mercy.

In captivity, you will either try to break free or quietly subdue the enslaver. But this is achievable when the gray-eyed partner himself does not mind playing along with you in some way, or, having played enough, let him go.


You will prefer to surrender to this person without waiting for his decisive attack.

Being in captivity, you will expect from him a worthy winner of behavior: indulgence, generosity and even rudeness. But alas, don't wait. Then you will make an attempt to get this quality out of him by force. Alas, your strength is not enough for this (and not only yours!).

You see clearly: it turns out that he is in captivity, and not you! Having begun to see clearly, you will order: “Go away!” It wasn't there: the prisoner will follow you. You have to spend a lot of energy to be able to get rid of it.

But the ghost of a feeling that once flared up for him will hover in front of you for a long time, and for a long time you will look for the qualities they lack in brown-eyed people: condescension, generosity and even rudeness.

All your described is addressed, of course, to women. But if you are a man, and there is a brown-eyed companion nearby, then enjoying your happiness, protect yourself from those who, just like you, appreciated her. It is not difficult to make your bed lonely.


Green-eyed people seem like soul mates to you because of the same dissatisfaction with yourself as you do. You quickly accept their patronage, you can willingly connect your fate with one of them, but ... you will never be happy.

Their living space is too narrow in comparison with yours, the frames are too cruelly delineated. Time passes, and you look down on yesterday's patron, and you want much more from marriage than you have.

Don't rush to file for divorce. Your partner is reliable and the union is stable. And if dizzying love does not happen in life, believe me, this option is not the worst that you can count on.


This person also arouses your understanding, but, on the contrary, thanks to the kindred inconsistency of nature. The only thing that you are not able to understand is why he is not embarrassed by the inconstancy of his character, but, on the contrary, flaunts it at the first opportunity. The latter makes you always treat him with caution.

He manages to repulse your assault without difficulty. He himself is not in a hurry to take up arms against you. The latter comes to him in moments of self-doubt. Having drawn his blade, he easily defeats you, but alas, he does not need a prisoner. Having gained confidence, he rushes after another prey. He can again turn his gaze to you in depression and again not for long.

Gray-green-brown (Central Russian)

If, after reading the above, you decide: there is no happiness in the world, then I hasten to dissuade you - there is!

There is a fairy prince who can charm you in an instant. There is love, iridescent, like a kaleidoscope, with unexpected, colorful, like your eyes, feelings, so fragile that it seems that it is about to break into smithereens. And only an inner voice tells you that it will never break.

Throw away doubts and fears, close and distant plans, push off from the settled, but not brought you happiness coast and trust the dizzying stream that a person brought into your life with exactly the same eye color as yours.


But if you have never met gray-brown-green eyes in your life, stop at the owner of gray-green eyes, you will not have enough servility. But despotic power and paternal guardianship are provided.


If you have not met a person with Central Russian eyes, bypassed gray-green eyes, bet on the owner of swamp-colored eyes.

You will be lured by his calmness and courtesy. You can kiss him to bruises, you can scratch him in a rage in the blood - he will accept everything with the smile of a philosopher. You will always dream of leaving it, and something will always stand in the way of your dreams.

VI. Your eyes are grey-green

Your ideas are bold and daring. Your energy is ten times enough to bring them to life, but many of them are never destined to be implemented. Cause? You can not conflict with people dear to you. And without it, there is no serious transformation.

You are always guided by the opinions of others. You will not do anything that will cause their condemnation. You will not judge any of them if they do not understand your best aspirations. You blame yourself for not thinking about it and striving in the wrong direction. That is why suffering is so often woven into the palette of your feelings.

In love, you choose a partner yourself, but it’s not enough for you to have this feeling incinerate only one heart: if your “amant” does not glow with return fire, your ardor fades. But if the flames spread to the second heart, you are fanatically devoted to your choice.

And only one circumstance can make you change him: if you see that someone much more than the chosen one needs your love.

You can easily condemn yourself to a miserable life with someone you don't love when someone whose kindness you cherish demands it. Therefore, having chosen a passion, introduce her to the circle of your acquaintances and make your acquaintances look at her through your own eyes.

Gray (cyan, blue)

This person, at the first meeting, evokes the feeling that you have known him for a long time, he is so similar to you. The affair with him resembles a construction site, where two shock brigades compete for the good of a common cause. They compete in the desire to charm each other, in causticity to the shortcomings of the companion and in sacrifice in the name of common love.

If circumstances are such that being in a close relationship with a gray-eyed, you are carried away by someone else, a double game will seem unworthy to you. You will explain yourself openly and honestly, as if this is not an intimate friend, but a workmate.

If you do not encounter an unbearable temptation for you, the gray-eyed companion is sweet and attractive, just be able to dose the time of communication with him.


What attracts you more to a person with brown eyes? By your appearance or by the fact that you need you uncontrollably? Probably the second, because you acutely feel your responsibility for being in the way of such a charming and such a helpless creature.

If you are a man, your union will proceed under the sign of stability in feelings and relationships.

If you are a woman, life with brown eyes is a few intoxicating sips of happiness against the backdrop of carefully hidden worries about the fate of a companion. You are clearer than he, you see shortcuts to success. However, you are embarrassed to point them out, for fear of hurting your partner's pride.


Do not be afraid to annoy the green-eyed one, demonstrating not only the captivating forms, but also the peculiarities of your character: fawn and threaten, caress and tear to shreds, throw yourself at him in a rage and cry out to him for help. In a word, do not be shy, live for your pleasure!

If you are people of the same social circle, of the same aesthetic traditions, relationships will develop without your efforts. True, you will always feel your superiority, which is manifested both in the audacity of thought and in the desperation of steps. But you don't have to use dominance. You cannot be cruel to loved ones.


These amazing and mysterious eyes will instantly arouse your delight and desire to faithfully serve their owner. But I doubt that this novel can be classified as successful for you.

It seems that the defenselessness of the object of sighing and the feeling that flashed brightly in you will so reduce the offensive arsenal that it will not be enough to firmly capture his heart.

But no matter what form the denouement takes, the attachment to this beautiful and incomprehensible creature will remain in the soul for life. And while your pulse is beating, there is hope that his hand will reach out for your help.

Gray-green-brown (Middle Russian)

The restless trembling of this person, combined with a stunning resemblance to yourself, will always make you want to spread your reliable, strong wings over him.

However, his baseless whims and injections against you can cause bewilderment and even unwillingness to go too far in a relationship.

But if you have the strength to look at his shortcomings through your fingers, expect a love alliance and mysterious minutes.


The ideal partner for you if you dream of a quiet, measured and at the same time not devoid of grace relationship.

The only thing that can overshadow them is the dissimilarity of habits and views.


Life with this person resembles frost sparkling in the sun, where the bright light of mutual aspirations is replaced by a contrasting shadow of fatigue from each other and a desire for peace.

The union could easily fall apart if it were not for mutual responsibility, reinforced by belonging to the same social circle.

VII. Your eyes are green-brown

You are a person who builds his relationship with others depending on their relationship to your person. For those who gave you what you yourself whispered in his ear, you are a devoted, reliable bodyguard.

To the one who ignored your request, it’s not enough for you to just turn your back, you need to make sure that he regretted his act. For this you can stake own well-being and life. So avoid whirlpools. It's hard for you to get out of them.

In a balanced state, you are a philosopher. Why? Firstly, because you love when your soul is calm and rosy, and this cannot be achieved without resorting to wisdom. And secondly, by explaining to people exactly how you should be treated, you have developed the ability to logical thinking and solid reasoning.

You are a zealous bearer of traditions. It is happiness for you to fulfill the laws of the family or the nation. For this you are respected by friends and despised by enemies. In those around you, you also value following customs and habits. And even if the content of the latter is alien to you, you admire the personality of their adherent.

You will succeed in activities that require perseverance and precision.

In love, you are demanding of a partner, because you bring feelings to her altar yourself. But not all, but exactly as much as is accepted in the environment where you were brought up.

You are charming! People are drawn to you to find peace and worldly advice, and therefore your life will be overflowing with friendship, love and other human joys. Just securely protect yourself from those who treat you with hostility.

Gray (cyan, blue)

You are so fascinated by the sparkling gray-eyed that you are ready to forgive him a lot, just to be blinded by his brilliance once again.

And to forgive the gray-eyed really will have a lot. While mocking in his soul over your limitations with traditions, he will allow himself more than free behavior. However, having played pranks enough, shamelessly stretches out his hand for reconciliation. After all, you are also an attractive person for him.

It is better for you to conquer his heart not in a swoop, but skillfully luring him to rest in the shady garden of your soul. Sooner or later he will be there, but he will always strive either to break out of his fence, or to return again.


It is best for you to achieve the sympathy of a brown-eyed man by demonstrating cruel demands on both yourself and your partner. Relationships promise to be stable if you are as conservative in marriage as you were during courtship days.

However, be prepared for the fact that from strict family ties you will be drawn to unexpected outbursts of emotions, to unforeseen plot twists. And you can’t expect surprises from brown-eyed people.

Therefore, it is good if your worldview provides for the opportunity to get something outside the gates of the house that cannot be found in its bins.


If you manage to marry such a person legally, your life turns into a continuous pilgrimage to a green-eyed idol.

If you are rejected, try to forget it quickly. You do not have the courage to avenge his offense.

The fact is that these people fascinate you with such firmness of steps and fidelity to ideals that you never even dreamed of. You can retreat somewhere, allow yourself not to achieve what you want, they never will. Therefore, you endow them with exceptional diabolical power.

And what remains to be done with the beloved devil? Of course, wait: whether or not he turns his gaze in your direction.


Seeing this effervescent mixture of human passions and weaknesses, do not rush after it with your glass. A drink, even if it gets into your throat, will not quench your thirst. Rather, having produced excitement in the body, it will be rejected. Why? This question will haunt you for the rest of your life. But you will hardly want to repeat the experiment.

Another thing is if the mixture itself splashed out towards. You are unlikely to be able to dodge the jet, and you will get drunk.

Gray-green-brown (Middle Russian)

Despite the fact that life with a person with playful pockmarked eyes will seem to you either a gift of fate or a clear misunderstanding of it, this is a successful and very stable union.

But having taken aim at a person with Central Russian eyes, do not puzzle over how to get hold of him. Try only to flicker in front of his eyes more often. Relationships will either develop without your work, or they will not develop at all. In the latter case, do not reproach yourself - you did everything you could.

But if you are lucky enough to take such a satellite on hand, your conservatism and wisdom will securely cement family bonds. And at the same time, you don't have to make a crack in the house for a sip. fresh air And thrill. Their source is nearby.


A very successful combination. And most importantly, rare in that even if this person has a different social circle and other traditions from you, you can respond to his courtship without hesitation. I do not advise you to take care of yourself, be restrained and patient.

This lottery ticket does not come across in the basket often. And the winnings on it will be a large amount for you.


Having made an offer to a person with exactly the same eye color as yours, know that you cast your vote for a stable family hearth.

It is good if it is based on a national and social basis. In this case, even the irresistible draft of a fresh wind for you, and it will certainly arise from sitting by a domestic fire, will not cool the heat of the latter.

And take on board the paradox: the more demanding you are to the household, the bolder you can open the windows wide open.



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