"The Secret Life of Pets": on a short leash. What are the names of the characters in The Secret Life of Pets? pet life heroes

In a skyscraper in the center of New York, not only people live, but also their pets.

In the absence of the owners, they are busy with a wide variety of activities. So, Spitz Gidget (Jenny Slate) spends time watching soap operas, sleek cat Chloe (Lake Bell) feasts on delicious dishes from the owner's refrigerator, resourceful dachshund Buddy (Hannibal Buress) uses a mixer as a massager, resilient pug Mel (Bobby Moynahan), standing at the window, defending his territory, barking at squirrels, and even the staid poodle Starchy turns out to be a passionate fan of rock music and arranges incendiary parties for the whole neighborhood. At first sight their life is boring and monotonous, but this is not at all the case because each of them has favorite owners.

The everyday life of the protagonist of the terrier named Max (Louis C.K.) consists of waiting for his beloved mistress Ketty, with whom he is selflessly "in love". But one fine day his measured life collapses: a compassionate girl brings home a huge and shaggy dog ​​Duke (Eric Stonestreet). Katty is sincerely sure that the dogs will definitely make friends, but Max does not share her enthusiasm. Duke is rude and does not shine with good manners, all Max's attempts to "put him in his place" end in failure.

However, Max is not one of those who are used to just giving up. With the help of blackmail, he forces Duke to submit to himself. But this ingenious idea turns into a disaster: during a walk, Duke breaks the leash and lures Max into the trash, and at the same time he falls into his own trap.

Stray cats remove the collars from Max and Duke, without which the stray animal capture service mistakes them for street dogs.

In this situation, Duke shows his true "face" for the first time, he is scared and depressed, there is not a trace of his self-confidence left.

But the "brothers" do not get into the shelter.

The car is taken over by a gang of cute but crazy rabbit Snowball (Kevin Hart). He and his the team is obsessed with the idea of ​​revenge on people, who treated them cruelly, and gladly accept recruits into their ranks. But Max and Duke are alien to their way of thinking. Fraudulently, they escape from Snowball and take the ferry, without knowing it, to Brooklyn.

And in a house in Manhattan, life goes on as usual. No one notices the absence of Max and Duke. Only little Gidget, having suspected something was wrong, persuades her four-legged neighbors to go in search of their missing friends. This motley company will plunge into the world of the big city, find friends, avoid the machinations of Snowball and return home before the arrival of the owners.

Film Facts

Illumination is known worldwide for its cartoons Despicable Me, Despicable Me 2 and Minions.

The idea of ​​the cartoon "The Secret Life of Pets" is very unusual and interesting: everyone is curious to know what pets are doing in the absence of their owners.

The plot is simple, quite predictable, but this is its main charm, because the target audience is children. Here such topics as friendship and mutual understanding, mutual assistance and devotion, the victory of good over evil are raised, it is shown how important love and care is for all pets without exception.

The humor is kind and cheerful, without jokes "below the belt", which makes the cartoon accessible for the whole family to watch.

The characters are recognizable and each is in its place.

A bright picture is the main advantage of this cartoon. Attention to detail, carefully drawn characters and a true transfer of the atmosphere of New York streets will not leave anyone indifferent.

Video: The Secret Life of Pets - watch the trailer

Oct 23, 2016 Irina

So, if you are reading this article, then you are probably interested in WHICH breeds of dogs are represented in the cartoon popular in the summer-autumn of 2016 "The Secret Life of Pets".

When watching this cartoon, I doubted the identification of some breeds, because many of them are unlike their prototypes. Maybe the project manager doesn't understand breeds...or the animation team only breeds dachshunds and basset hounds...I don't know. In general, everything that I think about it, you will read below.

Here, for example, Buddy's dachshund is perfectly modeled: short legs have been reduced even more, the long nose has been increased, and a funny cartoon dachshund has turned out:

No one attached long legs to the dachshund and did not change the shape of the ears, the only thing is that the color is a little wrong tan, but these are trifles, after all, a cartoon.

Everyone who sees a dachshund accurately determines the breed - dachshund! Smooth-haired standard dachshund, color black and tan.

The Leonard Poodle is another dog whose breed there is no doubt - exactly the Great White Poodle or, as it is also called, the Royal Poodle.

And this is where the problems begin...
Gidget is a Pomeranian. Ahem? I'm confused by HUGE eyes. Pomeranians, if you didn't know, have very small eyes, almost beady.

Increasing the large fluffy fur is good (but why only on the head?), reducing the already tiny paws is also cartoonish, but the eyes ... why change them?

Further, the main characters are Max and his huge new roommate Duke. On the official website of the film and on Wikipedia, the data differ: either they write that Max is a Jack Russell Terrier, or just a house dog. About Duke - that he is a tramp or a Newfoundland. Here, guess for yourself.

The confusion is quite justified: Russells are not thin-legged dogs at all, and it was more necessary to make a funny character with a wide chest and muscular paws, bold and lively, rather than a skinny whiner.

The Newfoundland in Duke is also unrecognizable, but rather Duke is a “yard terrier”. Photos of real dogs below:

Personally, in my opinion, it is worth strengthening outstanding features in cartoon characters, and not spoiling characters beyond recognition by changing narrow to wide, short to long, and so on. For example, if a dachshund is made short with long legs and erect ears, who will recognize it as a dachshund?

After the incredible box office success of the two parts Despicable Me and Minions, which brought in a total of $ 2.7 billion to Illumination Entertainment, it would be strange for the creators (Chris Reno and Christopher Meledandri) not to try their luck and invest in the development of the original animated project. After all, the audience, as a rule, loves everything new. You don't have to look far: Disney's Zootopia, one of the most inventive cartoons of the last few years, is making big money and getting rave reviews, while the fourth installment in the defunct Ice Age franchise is failing miserably at the US box office, being trampled by critics (11% positive reviews on the opinion aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes with an average rating of 3.9 points out of 10 possible). Like it or not, you won't be fed up with minions alone. Actually, this is how cute and fluffy animals of all stripes came to replace the yellow-skinned minions of "evil", from dogs and cats to rabbits and guinea pigs. Too easy? No matter how!

The quiet measured life of a dog named Max changes dramatically after his owner Katie brings home another dog, a furry Newfoundland (diver) Duke. Between four-legged pets, a serious struggle is unleashed for the right to be called the pet of their owner. Max uses all his ingenuity to get rid of the annoying guest as soon as possible, and Duke, using brute force, tries to intimidate him. Fascinated by the ensuing confrontation, Max and Duke foolishly lose their collars during an everyday walk, after which they fall into the hands of stray dog ​​catchers. They are rescued by the rabbit Snowball, who leads a detachment of abandoned animals that are not lucky with their owners. Max and Duke will have to learn how to work as a team if they want to return home safe and sound. Meanwhile, Max's disappearance becomes known to his friends, who decide to organize a rescue operation.

Frame from the cartoon "The Secret Life of Pets"

Despite the plot torn from an overabundance of genre clichés, The Secret Life of Pets turned out to be a very exciting and colorful animated film, which, like Minions and Despicable Me, gives the audience new colorful and, most importantly, motley characters. This is certainly a bright and lively spectacle, not devoid of a sense of style. The authors of the project did a great job on the design of the picture, which is emphasized in almost every frame. The New York high-rise building impresses with its detail (not to mention the Big Apple itself), and the drawing of the cartoon characters is brought to almost perfection. Juicy animation, coupled with a visual range rich in content, allows you to enjoy every minute of the action happening on the screen. Regardless of what frills sometimes manages to give out the literally bursting at the seams script of "The Secret Life ...".

Frame from the cartoon "The Secret Life of Pets"

The dynamic narrative, which boils down to five-minute runs up and down, violates the integrity of the perception of the cartoon. At a certain point in the plot, our attention is suddenly switched from a crazy chase through the city suburbs and sewers to the personal drama of one of the main acting characters of the tape. That is, before the viewer had time to take a breath after a long action scene, he was immediately slipped a tragedy with all the consequences. The situation is similar with the ridiculous romantic line sewn into the main story of Max and his Spitz neighbor Gidget. Moreover, the creators do not see the need to delve into the so-called sentimental segments, devoting the lion's share of screen time to demonstrating the strong visual qualities of the picture. An animated blockbuster, after all. This flickering out of the blue results in a somewhat crumpled finale, from the lovingness of which, nevertheless, the soul becomes warmer.

Frame from the cartoon "The Secret Life of Pets"

Not shy about The Secret Life of Pets and open borrowing. The journey of Max and Duke is a typical buddy trip (“buddy movie”), the task of which is to bring together the characters who do not like each other. Zachin is reminiscent of the first Toy Story, in which Buzz and Woody, also then rivals, found themselves far from home and were looking for a way to get back, while trying to improve their relationship. So to call the new cartoon by Illumination Entertainment completely original is unlikely to succeed.

Frame from the cartoon "The Secret Life of Pets"

With what, with what, and with the characters in the "Secret Life ..." complete order. As they say, for all tastes and colors. Here you have a sociopathic rabbit, and a charming Spitz girl who knows a lot about martial arts, and a hawk with manic inclinations, and a handsome poodle who secretly listens to hard rock! Each of the characters is unique in its own way, and those comical situations that they find themselves in during the development of the plot give them even more charm. No wonder such famous American comedians as Louis C.K., Eric Stonestreet, Kevin Hart, Jenny Slate, Albert Brooks and Ellie Kemper took part in the voice acting of the picture. Witty gags pour from the screen like a river, but, as in the case of "Minions" (by the way, before the sessions of "The Secret Life of Pets" a short cartoon featuring these yellow-faced pranksters is shown), there is a certain redundancy. Motley humor is, of course, good. Especially when the intoxicating musical compositions of the Oscar-winning Alexandre Depla (“The Grand Budapest Hotel”) are played in the background. But in everything you need to know the measure.

Frame from the cartoon "The Secret Life of Pets"

And no matter how labored the script of the cartoon may seem, replete with all sorts of genre clichés, bright characters, rich visuals and excellent animation do their job. “The Secret Life of Pets” cannot be called the second “Zootopia” of this year, since it did not make any innovative breakthrough, unlike the work of the Walt Disney studio. Otherwise, this is an easy and non-committal summer movie that will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

Children are happy to watch the new cartoon from the Universal film company. After all, it is, firstly, about pets and, secondly, about adventures? Do you think your beloved dogs, cats and birds do nothing but eat and sleep when you are not at home? No matter how! They, like you, meet their neighbor friends at parties, dance and have fun. Of course, they get into various dangerous situations, but love and friendship always help them. Max and Duke - the main characters of the film, face the rabbit Snowball and his guard of homeless animals. But know that everything will end well!
Watch The Secret Life of Pets with your kids!

This cartoon is jointly produced by Japan and the USA. Directed by Yarrow Cheney and Chris Reno.
The budget of the cartoon was $75,000,000.

In Ukraine, the premiere of the film is scheduled for August 4.
For viewers, it is announced as follows:
"Cartoon rozpovist about ter" єra on the prize of Max, whose life is turned upside down, if there is one more lover in yogo master - the mongrel Duke. that the cute rabbit Snіzhok gathers an army of thrown animals to take revenge on the happy domestic creatures and their rulers.

Trailer-3, dubbed in Ukrainian:

Of course, what's a trip to the movies without popcorn? We were lucky, we had a large bucket that could be filled for only four dollars.

But at the cinema entrance we forgot about the popcorn as we were greeted by a cute little puppy. You might think that this is one of the heroes of the film. He was a hero: he raised money for cancer patients.

He offered us to help sick people and animals.

Friendship and help is always concrete. So we dropped the money into a large jar at the entrance to the cinema. And now a photo to remind.

You need to purchase tickets. They are quite inexpensive ($5), because the cinema makes sure that the children have fun and enjoy their holidays. At non-holiday times, a ticket costs 10-15 dollars.

Now you can fill the bucket with popcorn.

But where is the place where it smells so delicious?

No, not here.

And here they just rest.

Now the smell is in our bucket. It's huge! Enough for the whole family for a week. And it only cost $4!

Here is our hall. We settle into good places and ... start watching.

Of course, everything takes place in New York. Where else is there such an amazing combination of sparkling skyscrapers and the beauties of nature? This film has a very harmonious combination of different colors that "paint" the city with its old and new buildings, streets, transport, parks and squares. Their color scheme throughout the film creates the appropriate mood - of course, as children need, mostly joyful and optimistic.

Among the skyscrapers of New York, a rectangle of greenery is not an invention of directors, but really true - this is Central Park, we were there, a review about it.

We are happy to see how pets live in a big and beautiful city.

There, in city apartments, people live with their pets - pets. They walk with them in the morning, feed them various goodies, stroke and talk with them. It's good when you have a home and you are loved! Dog Max is happy.

"Here she is, and she loves me very much." But Max will not always think so. Everything will change when the dog Duke, picked up on the street, comes to the house. Duke begins to act unfriendly towards Max and, as a result, both find themselves on a street full of dangers. There, hiding from people, live dogs, cats, rabbits and other animals. They have a completely different life - no one cares about them. Naturally, their life principles are different. Two worlds collide - the world of care and love with the world of abandonment, resentment, anger. Almost everything is like in people's lives.

And that girl is Gidget! She loves Max. Gidget gathers his friends and together they go to look for him. And love gives them strength.

Everything ends very well. They find and save not only their friends, but also help other animals.

Even an evil rabbit acquires a kind and loving "hostess". Of course, love makes him kinder.

People and animals live in a big house in a big city. That's how good they are together!

Someone has a falcon friend, someone has a dog, someone has a cat or a parrot... All of them are happy with mutual love.

And Max and Duke now live together.

Behind every window of a large house that glows in the evenings, happy friends live - people and animals.

It would be nice if it was like this everywhere and always.
Everything depends on ourselves.

Below are some frames from the film.

Here is an evil rabbit - the leader of a street "gang".

And this is the beautiful Gidget, who not only likes to watch films about love, but also loves Max herself. It only seems that she is small and weak. In fact, love does wonders!

And here is the whole team, which is in a hurry to the rescue.

A few more shots: You should not think that domestic animals are very obedient. When people go to work, they know how to entertain themselves.

Oh, this huge soft cat!


Well, who is stronger?

Max, Duke and She.

Toys from this cartoon have already appeared in stores. The kids started collecting them.

There are small plastic ones and bigger ones.

As well as soft toys, also in two sizes.

This is what they look like up close.
These photos were taken in the store.

Children recognize the characters of the film on packages of cat and dog food, on packs of cereals or cookies, on T-shirts or school backpacks... They discuss the film with friends or parents and learn the first rules of life. Happy viewing everyone! Enjoy interesting adventures that end well!

Toys-heroes of this cartoon have already appeared on the McDonald's network in the compositions of the Happy Meal and are simply in the public domain. Read a review about them

The next great animated film Zootopia is next in line! It is more complex in plot and meaning, it is from the category of those that are watched several times by both children and their parents. Like, for example, Frozen or Inside Out. Stay tuned for a short review of this movie. We have already managed to see it several times and would like to recommend it to friends.

A small addendum for the quiet, who wants to feel a little. If, if important hours came (three of them similar to the last ones), I thought that it was the hotel "Tourist" that the metro station "Livoberezhna" was on the great flowerbed next to the gassed streets, just stray dogs were sleeping on the ground. On the other side of the flowerbed, homeless children slept. Mostly boys and among them one girl. Rockiv so ten. The stench worked on bandyukіv from the hotel, like an hour-or-hour came before them - a mustache in long black coats.

Behind the metro station "Darnitsa" trade in live speeches was opened. Also, sales were not Varangians. Titka, vgodovana and rozheva sat bіla speeches and marveled at the speed of a small to the brink of a lanky lad. It’s important to say that youmu boulo rokiv. As tall as 8-9, but the head and appearance were seen that the child was older, just confused, could not form the body normally. I went and felt the dialogue:
- Skіlki koshtuyut warm pants? Mine is cold and I need warmth (cotton was dressed in summer clothes, and it was windy in the yard).
- 2 hryvnia! - threw the titka.
- I don't have any.
- Then go zvіdsi. Usyaki walk here!
- And if I have 2 hryvnias, will you sell warm pants for me? - as if in a childish way, naively feeding the lad.
- I'll sell it, - muttered the titka in nowhere.
- And tell me, - having continued the clap, not mentioning її rudeness, simply and naїvno, - what is true, what is so holy, if the eggs are being farmed and it is called Great Day?
- Is it true.
- And I so bi hotiv bachiti! It seems that they bake paska and cook eggs and children play with them. I ... mother a book.
- ...

Until one hour to stand before the eyes of those terrible pictures of a child's life near the great city. Nighirshe those that I could not buy pants for that boy. At that hour, I went to work with only a few coins and my intestines did not have a worthy coin. Vchenim were not paid zovsim for two years. What are your children now and what about them?

A cartoon can easily be rated from "6" to "0+", according to the level of humor and the simplicity of the plot. Our kind, naive children will endure everything. "Best Animated Premiere" of the year came out as an inflated bubble. This is a picture from the category of those where all the best was in the trailer.

However, the cartoon showed an impressive box office and as a commercial product was one hundred percent successful. Secrets are of interest to everyone, almost everyone has pets - that's the answer. A rare person does not want to know what a pet is doing in his absence. They caught the viewer for a childhood dream.

All normal people talk to their pets. This is impossible to resist, which is why we domesticated them - to talk and take care, so as not to be alone and receive fidelity and affection in return. And what is their answer - that's where the scope for imagination!

Soviet children have long been aware of what pets do, using the example of Kesha's parrot: he was looking for a better life, suffered from boredom and tried to raise a collective farm. No one is looking for a better life here - they already feed well here, but the evil envious forces that did not get the master's love want to ruin the lives of pets.

"The Secret Life of Pets" takes place, unfortunately, anywhere but at home. The animals stayed at home for about five minutes - this is the most interesting thing, the rest of the time they traveled around the city and under the city in search of a way home.

Unfortunately, it is also impossible to call the characters charismatic and bright. Is that the cat Chloe, the thug Duke and the hawk Tiberius (no more, no less). The main character Max, who looks like a Jack Russell Terrier, does not evoke emotions - he is flat.

The main characters, Max and Duke, did not share the owner, or rather, Max did not like that Katie's owner brought home another foundling. Foundling Duke was also not satisfied with the supporting role, and on a daytime walk he tried to get rid of a competitor.

From this moment on, the street misadventures of forced brothers begin, where in a day they go through all the sewers of New York, rob a sausage factory and save their skins as best they can. Actually, that's the whole story. A personal confrontation turns into a fight against a common enemy - Snowball the rabbit and his gang. Snowball is the leader of the abandoned women, for whom there were no owners, who live in the sewers and hate people fiercely. In appearance, Snowball is a pure angel, for contrast, but this does not make it any funnier, it only causes bewilderment.

A good local joke - in the original, Snowball is voiced by an African-American comedic actor with a fierce brutal appearance.

In the cartoon, there are two dozen characters playing on the field at the same time, not counting two more - minor tattered cats and other extras. That's a lot! A poodle is a fan of SOAD, a glutton Chloe, a basset Pops is a "dog in law", a stupid pug Mel, a glamorous blonde - Spitz Gidget, also stupid, a dachshund, a guinea pig Norman who lost his apartment, and also a turtle, a bird, a fish ...

Surprisingly, there were no Pekingese, Doberman, German Shepherd and a number of other recognizable profiles.

What else interesting could the filmmakers tell us. Everyone remembers the joke that pets look like their owners. Here the foundling Max lives in the loft of a kind lonely girl Katie. There is obviously a third person here, but Katie brought in Duke - perhaps as a harbinger of the second person, for symmetry.

A hard rock lover, the royal poodle lives in a Victorian-style apartment with some bore. The heavy cat Chloe, who steals food from the refrigerator, lives with a kind lonely aunt, the bird lives with a tattooed jock.

A blonde Spitz is having lunch at the table with her owners, a childless couple. The hawk Tiberius belongs to a dandelion grandfather whose tastes betray a former scout. The lame and blind-sighted "authority" Pops lives with a man who looks like a modest teacher. Obviously, these contrasts should also cause laughter. Alas.

In the end, friendship and love won out, and even Snowball the rabbit had a happy fate. But what happened to the lizard, boar, bulldog and tattered cats, history is silent.

The cartoon contains far from a new moral: we are responsible for those we have tamed. When bringing a four-legged friend home, make sure that no one in the family has allergies and that everyone agrees.

"The Secret Life of Pets" is far from the best story on the stated topic. Much more interesting were "Volt" and even "Parrot Kesha". The long-term series "Tom and Jerry" was shot exhaustively on this topic.

After watching, be ready to go to the pet store with your child.



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