Magic dreams girl. good night wishes for a girl

- this is a very sentimental, vulnerable and emotional creature. She always puts warmth and sincere emotions above some practical, purely worldly values. And if you say beautiful good night wishes to your girlfriend in your own words, then she is guaranteed to appreciate them even higher than some expensive gift. Of course, there will be less practical benefit from these wishes, but in this way you can give her a charge of positive emotions, as well as instill confidence in the stability and naturalness of your relationship with her. After all, without love, such actions are not performed. It would simply be unnecessary.

If you decide on such an act, but do not know what exactly. If you are lost in conjectures, but still cannot formulate your thoughts beautifully, then you do not need to torture yourself and waste time in vain. You can easily take ready-made wishes on our website and use them to give joy to a person dear to your heart.

May the night give you the caress and warmth of the hands of a loved one, as well as a gentle kiss goodnight. Because you deserve all the best, tenderness, affection and a wonderful touch of tenderness. Your hair, like rivers of milk chocolate, radiates fragrance and resembles a real noble satin, your hands are thin and delicate, like the necks of beautiful white swans, and your lips are very soft and scarlet, like the petals of beautiful roses, and your eyes sparkle like real gems. Let the journey into the world of dreams be for you, like a fairy tale from the world of Princesses - on a golden carriage you will go to swim in the sea of ​​rose petals, on the shore of which the sand consists of fine golden dust. Let the sea give you unforgettable impressions and the fulfillment of your most secret dreams and fantasies.

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I wish you good night and the most pleasant dreams. Let the night give you a good rest and a meeting with your dream, and the morning will begin with great luck and good mood.

The perfect time of day is night. No need to rush anywhere, no need to work, just relax. And you, my sun, leave all your worries, lie down in bed, and balyushki. I will ask the stars to sing you a lullaby, I will ask the moon to guard your sleep. Honey, close your pretty eyes and go to sleep. May you have the sweetest dream. I so want to be in your dream, and declare my love for the hundredth time. Good night, my gentle, kind and most beloved girl in the world.

Sun! Thank you for having me! And even if I’m not with you today, but I know that we still love each other, and our dreams are one dream, our thoughts are one thought, tomorrow we will be together in the same bed, how I look forward to it .. In the meantime, good night, hare!

My girl, I wish you good night! I really want you to see in a dream today only the most pleasant and positive things. I hope that before going to bed you will think about me, so that in the end it is I who dreamed about you. Let all bad thoughts go out of your head, because I want you to sleep peacefully. And tomorrow you should wake up in a good mood, because you and I have big plans for the coming day. My beloved, now you will have to close your beautiful eyes, but before that, do not forget to smile at today, because there will definitely not be such a day again, because it is unique. I love you very much, my dear! I promise that I will be with you in my thoughts. You know that I will never leave you!

In love and inspired by the beauty of one girl, a simple guy, wishes the beautiful conqueror of his heart pleasant dreams! Good night!

My beloved, my angel and my soul, good night to you. I wish you to have the kindest and most cheerful dreams, I wish your night rest to be cozy and comfortable, I wish you to start the morning with a smile and good mood, and continue with a rich and happy day.

You know, I wanted to call you and call you my sunshine, but then I thought - you are much brighter and more dazzling! I wanted to tell you - my hare, but you are a hundred times more tender! I wanted to whisper to you - my pussy, but you are more graceful than any cat! You are more expensive than diamonds and diamonds, your gait is more airy than a cloud, your embrace is warmer than fire ... - you are my perfection! Goodnight, my Love.

My beloved, good night to you and the most pleasant dreams. I wish you to dream about the beautiful and wonderful island of our love, the azure coast of our happiness, our kind and bright dream.

My sweet candy, I wish you good night, may you have the most wonderful and interesting dreams. May your peaceful night's rest give you a lot of strength and new ideas for the coming day, may inspiration and a good mood come to you with the onset of dawn.

If you have been “in a relationship” for a long time, then you probably know how important it is to wish good night to your girlfriend. In them you show her your feelings, and she falls asleep with the confidence that you think and dream only about her. We will show you how beautiful it is to wish a good night to a girl.

Wish in prose

Sleep tight and sweet, my love! You will definitely have a fabulous dream in which you will be the most beautiful princess in the world, and I will be your prince on a white horse. I will protect you from all monsters and insults. We will live in the most beautiful country, where the sun shines like your smile, where the stars shine like your eyes, where the grass is as thick and silky as your hair. Magical dreams to you, dear!

Original good night wishes for your girlfriend


P- beautiful

O- charming

K- handsome


I- amazing

H- extraordinary


I- mane


O- fermenting


And just good dreams I wish you tonight!

Good night wishes to your girlfriend in a poem

I wish you sweet dreams

Let the stars shine brighter than the sun

Let the moon light up love

shining through your window.

Let your dream dream

Where is the sky, mountains, oceans.

There is only beauty around

Magic fogs all around.

Hurry, dear, fall asleep,

And know that I guard your dream.

With you, my world is just heaven.

I only wish you well.

Cool wishes good night to a girl in verse

Sleep, baby, sleep

Just remember the main thing:

Don't overeat at night!

The night will be more glorious.

Better count the sheep

Fish or other animals.

Sleep, beloved man,

Go to sleep, come on, hurry up.

Don't let the rooster wake you up

Ile signaling under the window,

Let your sleep be strong.

All worries - for later.

Funny good night wishes for your girlfriend

Fabulous dreams to you, my Sunshine! Let today you dream of a radiant beach on a crystal clear sea. Let the sun in your dream not burn your velvet skin. Just imagine: you, in the most fashionable swimsuit, enter the water, and the whole beach looks with admiration at your stunning figure. But what is it? You see your ideal! A tanned, stately and insanely handsome man comes up to you and takes you in his arms. He kisses you passionately, and you realize that you want to spend your whole life with him. Did you recognize him? All right! Let me dream about you tonight!

Touching good night wishes for your girlfriend

My Sunshine, now you have to put out your bright light with which you always illuminate the world. The city, and you too, need to sleep. Let Morpheus take you to his kingdom today, and you will meet me there. There we will go on a fabulous journey to wherever you yourself wish. There will be only you and me. What a pity that I'm not with you now, we would lie next to you, I would hug you tightly, kiss you gently and whisper in your ear: "Good night, my only and beloved." You are the best thing in my life. Tomorrow will come a new day, and we will finally meet with you. And tonight I will appear in your dream. Sleep, my dear.

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello, friends! With the lady of the heart do not want to part for a second. And if you have to spend some time without your beloved, then you are already trying to make this parting as romantic and pleasant as possible.

So every time you have to give all the best to the maximum, saying goodbye to the young lady in the evening. How to wish a girl good night so that in the morning she would first want to write to you? Do I need to compose “poems in stone” for this, or can I come up with something simpler?

Each man in love has his own thoughts on how exactly a beautiful farewell to a young lady should be.

Someone considers it necessary to come up with some insanely long and breathtakingly romantic confessions every time. Well, you know, in the spirit of loud Caucasian toasts with a subtle philosophical note. Like “Once upon a time there was a very lonely man. He was so unhappy that nothing could please him. Blah blah blah.

And then he met a beautiful beauty. And his life was filled with meaning and happiness. Blah blah blah. Looking forward to a new day to see you. Blah blah blah. Until tomorrow, the light of my eyes! Someone, on the contrary, is limited to the unpretentious "Quiet noki, smack!".

It seems that both the first and the second are too much. In the first case - too long, tedious and pretentious. In the second - too sparingly on emotions. Well, let's try to find a middle ground then. I offer several, in my opinion, adequate options.

Option 1. Simple, but with all my heart.

You know, it seems to me that good night wishes to the girl you like should be, first of all, sincere and kind. Everything else is not so important.

Therefore, it is not necessary to bother with something mega-genius, extraordinary. It is enough just to wish something good and say about your feelings. So, we start with “Good night!”, And then, for example:

  • May the morning be sunny and joyful! May many good people meet tomorrow and many useful things be done. I love you, kiss and hug you tightly!
  • May your health improve in the morning, and you will get better! I'm with you! Don't worry, my girl!
  • May all difficulties and sorrows remain in today, and tomorrow will be already bright, joyful and successful! So long, Katya!
  • Good dreams! Sweet dreams! Let the new day please you with pleasant meetings and positive emotions!
  • I propose to dream of each other so as not to part for a moment!) Kiss, gently hug, see you tomorrow!
  • Run to sleep so that Saturday comes faster, and we meet!
  • Another day has passed without you. I miss you very much and look forward to seeing you, my only and most beloved Nastya!
  • All day I thought only about you, remembered your gentle smile, shining green eyes and blond curls. It is a pity that there is no opportunity to be near. I hope I can hug you soon, dear!

In my opinion, this is the most normal and still quite masculine way to say goodbye to the lady of the heart before going to bed. Nothing superfluous, no excessive cuteness. Everything is quite concise, but at the same time sincere and with feeling.

Plus, you can show that you know how she lives, because of what she is worried about, what she wants. And such attention is always very nice. Well, at the same time tell about your emotions, women also appreciate it very, very highly.

Of course, I gave the wording as an example. If you are not yet at that stage of the relationship to talk about hugs and call her “native”, then, of course, you do not need to write this. Do, so to speak, "adjustment for the client."

If this farewell option is not enough for you, and you want something more intricate, then you can, in principle, use the universal “weapon” of any man. What? Yes, with your sense of humor, of course!

Option 2. As a joke.

If everything is in order with irony and fantasy, then you can wish her pleasant dreams in some unusual way. Something like that:

  • Let you dream of pink fluffy rabbits playing football on a green lawn. Tell me about the bill in the morning.
  • Let that little Danish dwarf with an umbrella come to you and show bright positive dreams. Otherwise, your Kolya will come to this Olya for a showdown!
  • They say there was a guy named Peter who, without any tickets, flew to some cool distant country, and even took friends with him. Imagine, they cooked up all the cases right in a dream. So go to bed, I'll heal up for you somewhere around 2-3 am - let's go to Paris!
  • I announce boarding for a night flight to the intergalactic Realm of Dreams! You have a round trip ticket. Before departure, do not forget to put on cozy pajamas, take a pillow and a blanket with you. A fabulous country awaits you, where the impossible is possible. So feel free to dream about anything. Have a nice trip, and see you in the morning on Earth!

I think you understand the general principle. Take some well-known fact or come up with something yourself and relate it to the theme of going to bed. It should turn out to be quite good and interesting. You can come up with something new every evening, if your imagination allows.

And it will be even more fun if she tries to surprise you with such wishes. You can even make it your little tradition. A trifle, but, as they say, nice.

Perhaps it will be easier to understand how to write good night wishes to a girl you like and know what exactly she wants to hear from you after reading. You will find many valuable considerations on the topic of psychological differences between different sexes, as well as examples from the life of real people. .

Well, as always, you can ask me questions that interest you. To do this, use the commenting function of publications. I will answer everyone. Well, with the newsletter subscription function, you will always be aware of the release of fresh articles. I highly recommend.

With that, let me say goodbye. See you soon! Have a wonderful relationship with your loved ones and good dreams. Yours, Yuri Okunev.

Sleep baby and let you have a dream tonight, how we will be with you, how I will be in love with you, sleep baby good night I want to wish you! 201

I’ll kiss you in the ear and tell you - my beloved girl! Dream me today! 272

I wish you good night and I hug you gently sleeping! 316

Good night, my angel, I love you with all my heart, kiss you tenderly, hug you, and know that I miss you! 483

Let me dream about you in a good dream,
Good glorious dream, where days rush, years fly,
Where life flows without counting the day
Where the golden ray of the sun will touch you
The bird of happiness will spread its wings over you
And will cover the bad weather,
You just remember me
And it will become easier on the soul. 225

There are two stars in the world, called me and you. Good night my star. 107 - Good night girl

Sleep sweetly, baby, I wish you briefly: so that I come to you in a dream, kiss you, leave by morning! 142

Sleep well, everything is ahead of us with you! ;) 229

I wish you
Good night,
I wish you warm, bright dreams,
let your beloved CAT dream this night,
who loves and madly waiting ... 153

I write you a poem
Sleep my angel
After all, sweet dreams are already a path
It has long been at your feet! 111

Good night, my piece of happiness. I want to touch your lips, look into your eyes, and whisper softly in the night - I love you! Kiss. Chmok-chmuk. 99

Wake up in the morning and quietly open your eyes. And remember that there is a heart in the world that needs you very, very much! 160 (1)

A strangled bird is sleeping, a dead fox is sleeping, flies are sleeping in the web, sleep, otherwise I’ll beat it with a pillow!)) 69

Beautiful dreams, like from a fairy tale: kind, gentle, about love ... Close your eyes soon, good night, sleep sweetly! 215

Night comes after the day, a light wind catches up with dreams, as if alive, and I dream that we will always be with you! 41

May you have joyful dreams, may you dream of the hot shine of the moon, may you dream the same as me, let's meet in a dream tonight! 133

I go to bed, but my heart wants to see you! Read, smile and remember me! 86

Good night, I hasten to deliver a wish to you, and it contains such a message: well, I miss you very much! 50

Close your eyes and go to sleep! Already waiting for you in a dream! 79

My SMS came running again, I want to wish good night :) 47

Quietly the city falls asleep, the stars, the sky, silence, sleep, kitten, good night! Even at night I'm crazy about you! 41

Hello! I am a night sms! Sent from one man in love to the most wonderful girl in the world! Kisses good night and sweet dreams! 65

My beloved, I adore you, I don’t see you for an hour, I already miss you very much, I miss your lips, your eyes, your sweet smile, why is the blanket hugging you now and not me? I want morning to come soon and I see you again ... I miss you, I love you! 120

Today is quiet, serene, the night will smile gently. Let dream whatever you want. Darling, good night! 41

Sleep purring, do not be sad, all worries are behind, always, in the heat, and in the cold, in the heat and the day off - I want to be next to you! 34

Good night, sweet dreams, I wish you again, I want to wish every day, and in the morning gently sing - I love you, everything in this world is for you! 58

If you have been friends for a long time, then you should know how important it is to wish good night to your most beloved girl. In them, you show her your feelings and attitude towards her, and she falls asleep with the confidence that you think and dream only about her. Especially for this occasion, on our website Krasivo we have collected the best wishes. You can send a beautiful good night voice wish or select and copy one of the text wishes below:

Good Night Wishes for your favorite girl

Darling, I wish you sweet dreams -
Radiant, sunny and pristine!
Let my love come into your dream -
A bouquet of scarlet from drunken inflorescences!

Let this dream, like my bouquet, bloom,
Let the sky enter a dream and the greenery of the meadow ...
May sleep save from all earthly worries,
Love, earthly companion, friend!

And may the next morning, becoming kinder from sleep,
Above the world, where everything is gloomy and unsteady,
Over life, over my big soul
Your smile will dawn like dawn!

Sweet head bowed on the bed,
On the pillow of white strands blossomed.
Sleep. Good night, gentle, beloved.
Be kept by the Lord day and night.

Rest until the dawn of a new one, my dove.
Let the long nights go by.
How the moon shines in silence in the expanse of the sky!
A sweet good dream is dreaming - a golden fiction.

I want you to sleep sweetly
My love, my joy!
Let me take a sneak peek into your dream
To be with you in a dream.

To make the dream hot from passion
And carried on gentle waves,
I'll leave a kiss as a gift
On your sweet lips

Best wishes for your girlfriend

Sleep, beloved, dear,
Thoughts open to fate.
I send with love
Dream divine to you.

My dear, good night!
Pleasant dreams and sweet dreams
I will prophesy to you today
I will send my love into your dream.

And take you to bliss
To the sources of happiness and kindness,
After all, you are earthly perfection.
Good night until morning.

My beloved, my gentle angel,
Lie down soon, dear. Go to sleep.
May your sleep be gentle, boundless.
Come on, kitty. Close your eyes.

And I'll be with you invisibly next to you:
The moon's radiance, the breath of the breeze.
I don't need anything else in my life
Only to be with you, dear, always.

Let the stars shine in the sky
Silence embraces the world
And fulfill your dreams
incomparable moon,

The pillow will be soft
The sweetest dream giving.
Sleep soon, my friend
My precious!

My love, good night
Let the magic and miracles dream
I say goodbye until the morning with you princess,
Morpheus's kingdom has been waiting for you for a long time!

Good night, good night to you
I wish you sleep, dear to you,
I love you and hug you tightly
You look at me, I ask in a dream!

Beloved, beautiful, dear,
Good night my sweet
I wish you good, bright dreams,
And I say goodbye until the morning.

Get some sleep, gain strength
To conquer the world again
Smile at me before going to sleep
I will protect you.

My love, how sad it is for me to say goodbye.
To part with you until tomorrow.
Believe that I can't live without you even a day
How I wish I didn't leave you.

But the night will soon cover with its darkness,
So now I'm taking you home.
I will hug you and kiss you softly
Good night dear, I love you alone!

My beauty, you are sleeping -
It's long past midnight.
I love to watch you lie
So gently, powerfully - a cat!
I will erase you at night
So early in the morning
To attract you more strongly
And whisper: "I love you!"
And while I lie still,
To not wake you up
You are my Love! And strongly
I want to be with you!

My dear, my love,
The night slowly approached.
I wish you good night
Kiss, by the way.

Sweet and restful dreams
For the day of the coming foundations.
Will be satisfied, my dear,
And let the golden dream dream.

I wish my beloved girl
I have a quiet night to spend.
Sometimes I can't believe I'm bored.
She sometimes can not bear the sun.

I just wish you peace
Time to spend in an obscure haze.
We sometimes get hurt in our dreams.
Sleep sometimes comes to me.

Good night wishes from the heart to the most beloved girl

Good night my sunshine
Close your eyes and fall asleep!
You will dream of your happiness,
Don't forget to keep him!
Let a sweet dream close your eyes
And whatever you wish for yourself
Dream blue skies
And the love that I feel for you!

Darling, good night
Pleasant and beautiful dreams
I love you very, very much
Although, you know without words.

I kiss you, hugging you
And yours, inhaling the aroma,
I gladly understand
Which is extremely happy about it.

Lie down on a soft pillow
Close your tired eyes
And let the moon be a friend of the night,
Yours will save the night's rest.

Darling, your eyes are very tired
From those worries that receded under the cover of night.
Sleep, dear, and let you dream of giving
Heavenly. And everything will be as you want.

Sleep, honey. Fairies come in dreams.
And fulfill all your desires.
And the gnome comes with delicious chocolate.
Sleep well, dear. Sweet dreams.

Sleep, my love, sleep.
The night shines its lights.
Let me have a vivid dream
It will be full of colors.

Let the cicadas here and there
Lullaby is sung.
I wish that in full
Enjoyed the fairy tale dream.

Bye-bye, my kitten,
Close your eyes soon.
And let the moon give
The sweet taste of a night's sleep.

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