Healthy lifestyle in primary. Outline of a lesson on healthy lifestyle (grade 3) on the topic: Extracurricular activity-game for elementary school “Journey to health school

Various disorders, pathologies that occur in the oral cavity and teeth require assistance timely treatment. Especially if the neck of the teeth is exposed. This pathological process is quite serious; if you ignore it, you may end up with severe complications. For this reason, it is imperative to know why gum recession occurs and what to do in these situations.

During the exposure of the root neck, the level of the gum decreases in relation to the dental crown. Usually healthy teeth There are smooth, rounded gingival edges without bumps or irregularities.

Important! If a pathological process occurs, then over time the gums begin to slide down, revealing not only the crown area, but also the previously hidden part of the tooth - the neck. It has a yellowish tint, which is very different from natural color teeth, so when this defect appears, it can be immediately noticed visually.

Besides this there is also whole line Signs that can help determine the presence of cervical exposure:

Moreover, if this disease began on one tooth, then over time it begins to spread to other healthy units. This causes great difficulties in treatment. for this reason, if you notice one or more symptoms of this process, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, this can prevent severe complications and unpleasant consequences.


In no case should you ignore the symptoms of exposed necks of teeth, because they can be caused by reasons that can be easily eliminated in advance. The main reasons that provoke this pathological process may be the following factors:

What to do if the neck of a tooth is exposed

If you have managed to identify the first symptoms of this pathological process, and the disease did not develop into severe form, then in this case certain measures can help hygienic care behind the oral cavity:

However, these methods can only help initial stage. If the disease has gone too far, then more serious interventions must be used.


Often, when the neck of teeth becomes exposed, it is recommended to use solutions with antiseptic effect. The most effective are the following:

  1. Chlorhexidine;
  2. Furacelin;
  3. Miramistin;
  4. Maraslavin.

The DRC Group of Companies is a commercial and industrial group of companies - a leading developer, manufacturer and supplier high quality products for oral care. Represents brands such as R.O.C.S., R.O.C.S. PRO, R.O.C.S.-Staino.

Special gels can be used to relieve swelling and redness of the gums.

Important! Gels are applied to gums with inflammation, redness, and swelling. The best gels are considered to be Metrogyl denta, Cholisal, Kamistad, Asepta.

If pus appears, it is additionally recommended to take antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.
It is imperative to use pastes to reduce inflammation. Pastes such as Lakalut, Biomed, R.O.C.S. are considered suitable.
Additionally, the doctor recommends the following treatment measures:

  • remineralizing compounds must be applied to the affected or all teeth;
  • deep fluoridation may be prescribed;
  • installation of a filling in the root area;
  • It is additionally recommended to perform laser cleansing of areas with hard deposits, as well as affected areas of the teeth;
  • Sometimes it is recommended to install veneers or dental crowns.

Surgical methods

Surgical treatment is used when there is severe exposure of the cervix, and it delivers severe discomfort. In these situations, the following procedures may be provided:

  1. Carrying out plastic restoration of the gums using local tissues;
  2. Removal of the root with exposure. An artificial implant is installed in its place.

The above methods are quite expensive. Their implementation is very difficult and is accompanied by increased discomfort. For this reason, you should not bring it to them.

An implant surgeon will deal with the problem of exposed dental necks. If the disease involves damage to the mucous membrane, then treatment is carried out surgical intervention when a part is implanted under the tooth connective tissue, taken from the sky of the sick.

Traditional methods

  • performing gum massage using antibacterial oils– fir, clove, eucalyptus, mint, lemon and others;
  • applying a compress with pine needle infusion;
  • rinsing the mouth with a solution based on St. John's wort, which is infused with vodka - 50 drops per ½ glass of water;
  • wiping the gums with hydrogen peroxide, which is diluted with water - 15 drops per 15 drops.

But no matter what treatment methods are provided, it is first of all important to eliminate the very cause that caused the exposure of the neck of the tooth. For this reason, you should not self-medicate; it is better to immediately contact a dental clinic for professional examination and treatment.

Exposing the roots of teeth is a process that is dangerous for the human oral cavity, as it can lead to tooth loss. When the roots are exposed, the amount of gum tissue is reduced; they no longer hold the teeth in place. sufficiently. The problem appears as a result of inflammation, improper surgery, and injuries. It can be easily resolved with timely treatment.

Symptoms of exposed roots

Exposing the roots is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Most patients already suffer from early stages following problems:

  • painful sensations when eating hard foods;
  • increased bleeding of gums;
  • redness of the gums;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • causeless discomfort in the oral cavity;
  • itching, throbbing.

Important! At the end of development, bad breath may occur. It appears due to necrosis of the gum tissue, and also due to the fact that when exposed, it becomes more difficult to remove particles of clogged food.

At the last stage of development of the problem, the teeth begin to loosen, and the patient experiences severe pain. Bleeding occurs with any mechanical influences, including when chewing. Caries or other dental damage may develop because the enamel exposed under the gums is weaker than the enamel that is constantly exposed.

External signs

During the development of exposure, the patient may notice so-called periodontal pockets - these are areas of the neck or root of the tooth that are not covered by gum tissue. The neck of the tooth is the part that is hidden under the gum.

The root is the most “hidden” part, which is located deep in the bone and soft tissues. Normally, only a third of the tooth should be visible - the crown, the visible white part. But when exposed, first the neck becomes visible, and then the roots.

Pockets may be accompanied by reddening of the gums, inflammation and caries. The exposed areas look like yellow plaque, because the neck of the tooth is usually darker than the exposed enamel of the crown.

How does the process of tooth root exposure occur?

When exposed the patient first notices unpleasant changes in the structure of the gums. They either become inflamed or begin to hurt. As a result of inflammation or persistent mechanical pressure(including from a brush that is too hard) leads to soft fabrics are erased and disappear. They do not grow back until the root cause of the deviation is eliminated.

So, after the soft tissues begin to gradually disappear, the middle part of the tooth, the neck, is exposed. It is thinner than the tooth itself and has a yellowish tint.

Last stage- exposure of the root. In order for it to become visible, most of the gum tissue must be gone. Usually, if the roots of one tooth are exposed, then the neighboring ones also suffer, their neck becomes visible.

Why is nudity dangerous?

If the roots are exposed, it leads to various violations. Already on early stage the patient begins to suffer from unpleasant consequences:

  • frequent bleeding;
  • pain when eating and brushing teeth;
  • inflammation of the gums, which makes it difficult to speak and eat;
  • violation of the aesthetic appearance of teeth.

Further consequences only become more serious. As a result of neglected exposure, teeth may fall out. Then you will have to replace them with full-fledged dentures with roots, and not just put a crown on top. Inflammation may occur in the socket of a lost tooth. If the resulting gap is not filled in time, the adjacent teeth will gradually close it, and the evenness of the row will be greatly disrupted - the teeth will squint, tilt, it will become uncomfortable to chew and unpleasant to smile.

On middle stage may arise side diseases due to the fact that brushing your teeth becomes difficult (and painful):

  • caries;
  • pulpitis (due to exposure, the roots become more sensitive to cold);
  • tartar;
  • periodontitis;
  • etc.

Reasons for rejection

Plaque at the roots is one of the reasons for the development of pathology.

Often, exposure develops due to improper oral care.

The most common reason for the disappearance of normal gum tissue is the appearance of plaque on the upper (or lower, associated with the gum) part of the teeth, in which bacteria multiply.

Microorganisms gradually lead to gum inflammation. The infection spreads and the gum tissue begins to die due to damage.

Important! They heal incorrectly - instead of soft tissue, too thin epithelium appears.

But even with proper care Exposure may occur behind the teeth. Thus, people who are especially prone to destruction of soft tissues near the tooth are patients with malocclusion. If it is incorrect, then the teeth themselves can act on the gums and gradually wear them away, constantly injuring them.

Risk factors


At risk are those people who have various reasons a small gap appeared between the gum and tooth. The most common reasons the appearance of a lumen - tartar or mechanical trauma.

When tartar occurs, a mineral build-up occurs, which can disrupt the structure of tissues and “pull” the gums away from the neck of the tooth. Plaque easily penetrates into the resulting gap, which is almost impossible to clean out. Most patients do not even notice that food particles have gotten under the gums. The result is inflammation.

Attention! With mechanical trauma, the integrity of the gum tissue can also be compromised. It will either heal incorrectly or become inflamed, which will expose not only the neck, but also the root of the tooth.


Gumplasty (used in advanced cases).

Therapy is prescribed depending on what caused the deviation. Let's look at the most common problems:

  1. Incorrect care. There is no need for surgery or dentistry here - it is enough to explain to the patient how to brush their teeth correctly.
  2. Tartar. Dental treatment is applied.
  3. Inflammation of gum tissue. Medicines are prescribed and, if necessary, surgery is performed.

Treatment is also prescribed depending on the stage of development of the exposure. At initial stages It is enough to eliminate the root cause and prescribe a healing ointment for the gums. In advanced cases they can do artificial tooth or gum tissue grafting.


Dental treatment could be as follows:

If tartar, plaque or other dental problem accompanies inflammation of the gums, proceeds to medicinal methods.


Drug treatment involves the use of three types of drugs. This:

  1. Antiseptics. Cleanses the mouth and kills bacteria. A mouth rinse is usually sufficient.
  2. Antibiotics. They destroy highly developed bacteria and stop inflammation.
  3. Healing agents. These can be gels, ointments, rinses, pastes containing special substances.

Reference! If you have gum inflammation, you should also avoid abrasive toothbrushes with a high degree of hardness.

Traditional methods

Gum massage

In the early stages of the disease, you can use folk methods.

Massage will help with pain. It should be done 1-2 times a day clean hands. Massage speeds up blood circulation, helps strengthen tissue and sometimes saves gums from decay.

To remove pathogenic bacteria, you need to rub herbal pastes or rinse oral cavity. You can rub crushed mint leaves. Rinses are made based on calendula and eucalyptus. If not used alcohol tincture calendula, and eucalyptus or mint, you will need to add vodka to the tincture and keep it in the refrigerator for a week. Use after lunch and dinner.

Is it possible to restore gums using traditional medicine?

Folk remedies can help if the cause of exposure is poor hygiene. But they will not allow the destroyed tissue to be returned. If the exposure has reached a serious stage (the necks are exposed), you need to make an appointment with the dentist.

Folk recipes are also used in serious stages of exposure, but only as additional measure.

Possible complications

Deformation of the dentition due to exposed roots.

During and before treatment, you may experience various complications. The most common:

If gum necrosis and even tooth loss can be easily compensated for with antibiotics and the use of dentures, then a violation of an even row of teeth will be much more difficult to cure. If an empty socket appears due to tooth loss, you need to fill it urgently so that the teeth do not begin to tilt.

When pathologies associated with teeth occur, as with other health problems, it is important to notice and treat them in time. Today we'll talk about dentistry. If the neck of a tooth is exposed, what should you do? Of course, this problem cannot be ignored under any circumstances. After all, without treatment, in the near future it may happen that you will avoid showing your teeth when smiling.

What is the danger of exposing the neck of a tooth?

Why is the neck of the tooth exposed? What to do in such cases? This causes the following problems:

Of course, all this is very unpleasant. However, it could be even worse. Pathology weakens the connections between the teeth and gums, causing them to become loose and eventually begin to fall out.


Let's find out why the neck of the tooth was exposed? What to do if such a diagnosis is made? Most often the cause of this problem is improper care. Moreover, the person brushes his teeth regularly. It happens that the number of procedures, on the contrary, is excessive. And this is very bad for teeth.

When proper care is not provided, periodontitis or gingivitis can develop. When brushing your teeth with a brush that has too stiff bristles and too strong movements, gums may be injured. These actions are even more likely to aggravate the situation if a person has certain anatomical features:

However, there are other reasons. For example, incorrect treatment V dental clinic. If the mucous membrane is injured due to bad crowns or fillings, this can provoke a disease. Soft dentures are also harmful because the chewing load with them is distributed unevenly, which is why the gums eventually recede.

So, you provided your teeth with proper care, but suddenly the neck of the tooth became exposed. What to do in this case? Exist different ways fight this disease. Let's look at each of them.


Dentists assure that such treatment will be effective, but only if the problem has just appeared and wedge-shaped defect has not yet formed. Otherwise, if you fill a tooth at an advanced stage of the disease, the filling may simply fall off. As a result, caries will develop at the root.


The procedure is painless. During this procedure, a preparation containing calcium is applied to the enamel. As a result, it becomes stronger and tooth loss is prevented. A healthy shine returns to your teeth. Remineralization lasts only 7-10 minutes. But for the effect to remain stable, it is necessary to carry out a whole course of such procedures.


This procedure is similar to the previous method, but in this case it involves the application of gels and varnishes that contain fluoride. There are two types of fluoridation: deep and simple. In the latter case, penetration deep into the pores is not provided. However, the neck of the tooth is gradually restored, and the sensitivity of the enamel to taste irritants and hot or cold foods decreases.

Installation of veneers

What to do when the neck of the tooth is very exposed? What to do? The photo illustrates the advanced stage

A suitable option is to install a veneer. It is a thin plate that is applied to the surface, thereby hiding the defect. However, in order to fix it, it is necessary to cut off the enamel layer.

Installation of crowns

In the most severe case, when the neck of the tooth is most exposed and hurts, recession is treated with a crown. However, this method is used very rarely if other means seem ineffective. After all, to install a crown you will need to grind the tooth.


All more people if this problem exists, resort to surgery. To carry it out, the oral cavity is thoroughly cleansed and sanitized. Only ten days after the preparatory procedures, one of the following methods is used.

  • The lateral flap is used when there is a small localized area and sufficient quantity donor tissue. The result is a perfect match.
  • A trapezoidal tissue flap can be used both for a local problem and for the treatment of generalized lesions. Donor material is also needed here.
  • Mucosal graft. In this case, the fence is taken from hard palate, so the fabric may end up slightly different, and you may feel discomfort when taking it.
  • Coronal transfer of donor tissue can be used with a small palatal graft if there is insufficient material. Then the fabric from the sky will remain almost invisible.

Surgical intervention for local recession is performed under local anesthesia, and in the case of generalized recession, general anesthesia is used.

Folk remedies

But there are other treatment methods besides going to the dentist if the neck of the tooth is exposed. What to do at home? There are many traditional methods to combat this problem. Let's look at some of them.

  • A special massage is given for the gums. To do this, they are stroked and then lightly pressed. Best used special brush. And if there is none, then massage is done directly with your finger. It’s good to add mint essential oil to your gums.
  • If the neck of a tooth is exposed, what should you do? Folk remedies in most cases help to cope with the problem at an early stage of development. Will be quite effective medicinal rinses. To do this, prepare a decoction of St. John's wort or oak bark. Put 2-3 tablespoons of herb per three hundred grams of water, boil for several minutes, cool, filter and rinse your mouth.
  • People say that plantain is a cure for all diseases. And for good reason. It is also suitable for dental treatment. The leaves need to be kept in for a couple of hours. cold water so that they can be cleansed. Then they are divided into pieces and chewed for a quarter of an hour. The procedure is repeated once every two days.

  • Another effective remedy made from banana peel and salt. The peel should be dried, crushed and mixed with two tablespoons of salt, then add olive oil and stir until creamy. The mixture should be kept on the gums for at least ten minutes. The procedure should be carried out 3-4 times a week.
  • Beets can cure periodontal disease, which is the cause of exposed teeth. The procedure is extremely simple: grate the beets, apply them to the teeth and leave them for at least thirty minutes. Such manipulations are repeated daily for two weeks.
  • Also in pharmacies you can purchase special ointments for teeth made on the basis medicinal herbs. Their use will help relieve inflammation and

Do not panic if the neck of the tooth under the crown is exposed. The dentist will tell you what to do in this case, and you should contact him immediately. Folk remedies are used only to relieve pain if necessary. But render qualified assistance Only a specialist can.

Such a disease is a reversible process, but it never goes away on its own and requires the participation of a specialist. If you do not consult a dentist in time, the problem may develop until the roots are exposed. How to treat exposed tooth neck - read on.

Why does the neck of the tooth become exposed?

If the neck of a tooth is exposed, this often indicates either poor oral hygiene or the presence of diseases internal organs. This problem is especially relevant for older people, but sometimes young people also suffer from it.

The main condition for successful recovery is to consult a doctor on time. The dentist will diagnose the problem, identify the causes and recommend drug treatment, which can be combined with folk remedies.

In fact, the reasons for the exposure of the neck of the tooth can lie very deep, and therefore, along with visiting a doctor, it is better to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. The main thing to remember is that the sooner you start treatment, the less expensive and painful it will be.

How to recognize the disease

When the neck of a tooth is exposed, they complain of:

  • increased sensitivity;
  • pain in the gums;
  • swelling and bleeding of the gums;
  • receding gums;
  • visual enlargement of the tooth;
  • change in enamel color.

The dentist diagnoses why teeth are exposed during examination. Between the crown of the tooth and the periodontal area there is a small yellow area - this is cement that covers the neck and covers the roots. It is much more sensitive than enamel, hence discomfort. At the same time, the enamel does not change color - the tint is given by yellowish cement.

In advanced conditions, exposure of the neck of the tooth leads to problems such as exposed roots, their caries, the appearance of a wedge-shaped defect, and chipping of teeth. The final stage of the disease leads to their loss; to prevent this from happening, you will need to undergo treatment from a specialist.

Treatment methods

Having diagnosed why the gums are becoming bare, the doctor will identify the reasons and may recommend next treatment:

  1. Seal the exposed area. This is possible only at the initial stage of the disease.
  2. Remineralize enamel products containing calcium. The procedure is painless and takes only 10 minutes. Apply to affected teeth special drug, strengthens the enamel, protects the roots from exposure and prevents tooth loss. An additional advantage of this procedure is the ability to restore the former shine of the enamel. It is recommended to take the course similar treatment, the duration of which is determined by a specialist.
  3. Fluoride enamel coating. The procedure is very similar to remineralization, but involves the use of special fluoride varnishes or gels. There are 2 options for fluoridation: simple and deep. These two treatment methods are excellent in restoring the neck of the tooth and reducing sensitivity, but with the first, the drug does not penetrate the enamel, and the second option is aimed at strengthening it.
  4. Veneers - a thin ceramic plate that is placed on top part tooth This method is used in advanced cases. It provides the opportunity to completely cure the disease without allowing it to recur. There is a drawback - the need to file away a thin layer of enamel.
  5. Installation of crowns- To do this you will need to sharpen the tooth. This is a radical way to protect the roots of the tooth and prevent the development of gum recession.

Sometimes an implant surgeon can deal with the problem of exposed dental necks. This is possible if the disease involves damage to the mucous membrane. To treat it, a surgical intervention is performed, when a piece of connective tissue taken from the patient’s palate is implanted under the tooth. This method allows you to make the gum thicker and cover the exposed roots. On final stage one suture is applied. A week later, the patient comes back for an appointment so that the doctor checks the condition of the transplant. As a rule, during this time there is a slight hyperemia of the gums. Next, you will need to visit the doctor again, but after 6 months as a prevention of recession and to check how quickly the recovery is progressing.

Traditional methods of treatment

For treatment wedge-shaped syndrome can even be used folk remedies. But it’s better to do this after you’ve been examined by a specialist, because the methods described below are only suitable as a preventive measure, but not the only treatment.

Let's imagine traditional treatment gum recession in table form.

  • Mint.
  • Lemon.
  • Orange.
  • Eucalyptus.
Do light massage affected areas lubricated in essential oils pad ring finger 3 r. in a day.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Vodka.
  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. St. John's wort with 0.2 liters of vodka.
  2. Leave the mixture in a dark place for 7 days.
  3. Before use, dilute the solution in a proportion of 0.5 cups boiled water room temperature for 80 drops of tincture.
  4. Rinse your mouth 2 times. in a day.
  • Sea buckthorn.
  • Fir trees.
  1. Mix sea buckthorn and fir oil in a 1x1 ratio.
  2. Soak a bandage in the mixture and wipe the affected area with it 2 times. in a day.
  • Cotton swab or cotton wool.
  • Olive oil.
  1. Soak a cotton swab with olive oil.
  2. Apply to the affected area.
  • Oak bark.
  1. 1 tbsp. l. oak bark for 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. Leave until it cools to room temperature.
  3. Rinse your mouth 2 times. per day.

Fluoride-containing toothpastes and special rinses also help well against recession.

Treatment described traditional methods needs approval medical specialist. It is recommended to undergo therapy first for effective results.



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