What affects the whiteness of teeth? Follow the "white teeth diet". Banana peel bleach

Let's try to whiten our teeth at home without harming our enamel.

For these purposes, you can use both high-quality whitening gels, pencils, dental strips, and proven folk remedies.

Whitening gels

The main active ingredient in whitening gels is most often hydrogen peroxide. Another inorganic compound called carbamide peroxide can be added to such compositions - a substance that is more gentle on tooth enamel, but less active. In both cases, whitening occurs due to active oxygen released by peroxide upon contact with the enamel.

The highest quality products include Smile4You and ExpertWhitening gels. The compositions of Opalescence, Colgate and Pola Day have proven themselves well. Less expensive products include products from Lumibrite.

Professional gels used in dental clinics have a similar composition. However, to speed up the chemical reaction, so-called photobleaching is used using ultraviolet, LED, halogen or laser irradiation. Using these methods, 8–12 shades of whitening is achieved very quickly – within an hour.

Whitening gel can be applied to teeth at home using a regular toothbrush or brush. Very often, the kit includes mouthguards (covers worn over the teeth) in which the gel is placed. Depending on the concentration of peroxide, the duration of the procedure ranges from 30 minutes to several hours. To achieve a visible result, 3 to 15 procedures may be required.

However, some cheap gels intended for home use may contain quite aggressive acids that destroy enamel, so for whitening you should choose only products from trusted manufacturers. Using low-quality gels may damage the enamel and cause burns to the oral cavity.

Advice! If you have thinned and “soft” tooth enamel, any whitening procedures, including in dental clinics, are contraindicated! Moreover, the effect will not last long. Damaged enamel will begin to absorb any dyes like a sponge.

Whitening Pencil

Whitening pencils are included in the product lines of many manufacturers. In fact, these are ordinary tubes in which the same gel is placed. It is applied using a brush, brush or a special sponge included in the kit. The amount of composition applied is always indicated on the packaging.

To carry out the procedure you need:

  • rinse your teeth to remove any remaining food;
  • wipe them with a dry cloth;
  • apply the required amount of gel;
  • wait from 1 to 10 minutes (while keeping your mouth open);
  • wash off the gel (in some cases it may evaporate from the surface of the teeth, so rinsing your mouth is not required);
  • After the procedure, eating and drinking for an hour is not recommended.

Advice! You should not use such products in the presence of briquettes. In this case, the whitening effect will be uneven. In addition, bleaching agents can cause metal corrosion.

Stripes of whiteness

Using these strips you can lighten your teeth by 1-4 shades. Externally, they are flexible plates coated with a gel containing hydrogen or urea peroxide. When the protective sticker is removed, it begins to activate, producing oxygen ions:

  • the procedure is performed 1–2 times a day at regular intervals;
  • its duration, depending on the composition of the gel, can vary from 5 to 30 minutes;
  • longer strips are glued to the upper row of teeth; a narrow strip is placed on the bottom row;
  • each strip is designed for one-time use;
  • After removing the whitening agent, the teeth should be rinsed and then brushed with toothpaste;
  • Since the enamel softens slightly during the procedure, you should not drink colored drinks, coffee, tea, wine, beets, etc., for 2–4 weeks after whitening.

Using these strips you can lighten your teeth by 1-4 shades

Advice! There is no such thing as ideal white tooth enamel. It always has a slightly yellowish, bluish or slight gray tint, and the characteristics of the color of the teeth are determined genetically. If your teeth do not have plaque on them from smoking, coffee or tea, you should not whiten them. You will only damage healthy enamel.

Tea tree oil

Essential oil obtained from the leaves of melaleuca, a tree of the myrtle family, is not only an excellent antiseptic, but can also soften plaque and slightly lighten the enamel. However, a visible effect can only be achieved with long-term use.

Whitening with this product is more gentle - it does not contain aggressive or abrasive substances. You can use it while brushing your teeth. To do this, first apply regular toothpaste to the brush, and then add 1-2 drops of tea tree oil. A similar effect is obtained by rinsing your teeth with boiled water, to which a few drops of the product are added.

Advice! A couple of drops are enough to get the effect. A more concentrated composition will sting your tongue.

Wood ash, activated carbon

Wood ash has long been used as a mild abrasive for cleaning teeth. Activated carbon, which is essentially specially treated (“loosened”) wood ash, has a similar effect.
Making your own whitening toothpaste with wood ash is easy.

The completely burnt wood is sifted through a fine strainer, and then the resulting powder is mixed with sour milk (the acid will help soften the plaque a little). You need to brush your teeth with this “paste” a couple of times a week.

Advice! The enamel, thinned by a lack of calcium, very quickly absorbs any coloring matter. In order to always have strong and white healthy teeth, you should regularly consume dairy products and visit the dentist at least once every six months.

Lemon, sour berries, apple cider vinegar

  • method 1: rub your teeth with lemon peel or strawberry, hold your mouth open for a couple of minutes, and then rinse it with water;
  • method 2: squeeze a couple of drops of lemon or strawberry juice onto your brush, add toothpaste, and brush your teeth with this mixture;
  • method 3: add baking soda to the mixture described above, which, when combined with acid, can “loose” plaque;
  • method 4: rinse your teeth with boiled water with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

Acid from fruits and berries can also soften plaque

Advice! The acid contained in vegetables or fruits will not only whiten your teeth, but also eliminate unpleasant odors and disinfect the oral cavity.

Hot coca cola

It turns out that this drink, when heated, can also cope with even a strong coating. After several rinses with hot Coca-Cola, you can tidy up even teeth that have become blackened by nicotine and frequent consumption of tea and coffee.

Before bleaching, they must be cleaned with a brush to remove food deposits. The drink must be preheated to the temperature of hot tea. They should rinse the mouth for no more than 5 minutes. In this case, Coca-Cola should be hot enough, but not scalding.

Advice! Recently, a lot of information has appeared about the negative effects of Coca-Cola on the body, especially on the gastrointestinal tract, so you should not abuse it.

Hydrogen peroxide

As you know, hydrogen peroxide is included in many expensive whitening gels. Why not use the methods of the professionals and add it to your home oral care arsenal?

Hydrogen peroxide is quite an aggressive substance, so it must be used wisely. Too concentrated a composition can cause serious damage to the enamel:

  • a pharmaceutical preparation with a concentration of 3% is intended for antiseptic treatment of the skin; For more delicate mucous membranes, such a solution is not suitable - it must be diluted with water (a 1:1 ratio would be ideal) and rinse your mouth with this mixture;
  • peroxide can also be added to regular toothpaste when brushing; 1–2 drops will be more than enough;

Hydrogen peroxide is quite an aggressive substance, so it must be used wisely

  • You can more actively influence the enamel using a mixture of peroxide and baking soda; in this case, peroxide will act as a plaque loosening agent, and baking soda will act as an abrasive agent that removes “rising” plaque;
  • the mixture is applied to the teeth for 2–3 minutes using a cotton swab and left for several minutes; then the mouth must be rinsed with water.

Advice! The best remedy for dental plaque are regular apples, especially sour varieties. Eating just 1-2 of these fruits a day will easily and effectively help you get rid of plaque. Moreover, the harder the apple, the more effectively it will massage the gums and clean the teeth.

Baking soda, table salt

The simplest whitening method is to brush your teeth with baking soda. It, as in previous cases, is added to toothpaste or mixed with plain water until a thick paste is formed. Since baking soda is a fairly strong antibacterial agent and can have a detrimental effect on most harmful bacteria, after brushing, you can leave it in your mouth for a couple of minutes and only then rinse your mouth with water.

Unfortunately, baking soda, like any other abrasive agent, with prolonged use can not only clean teeth, but also remove the top layers of enamel. Therefore, it should be used no more than 2-3 times a month.

Regular table salt has a similar abrasive effect to baking soda. For cleaning, it is necessary to use only small fractions of salt - large crystals can damage the delicate mucous membrane.

Advice! During pregnancy, tooth enamel becomes thinner, so whitening them during this time is not recommended.

To keep your teeth always white

In conclusion, here are some tips for caring for your teeth:

  • any coloring drinks (juices, carbonated drinks, red wines) can stain your teeth an undesirable color, so it is better to drink them through a straw;
  • The cleaning procedure should begin with the use of dental floss - rotting food remains between the teeth can contribute to the development of caries;
  • high-quality toothpastes can cope with small plaque, so you shouldn’t ignore them; they must be used twice a day;
  • You need to brush your teeth for at least 3–5 minutes;
  • since harmful bacteria can accumulate not only on the teeth, but also on the tongue and gums, it is necessary to clean them too;
  • after eating, you must use a special rinse with an antibacterial composition; in its absence, it is better to rinse your mouth with at least plain water or eat an apple;
  • It is better to eat any food with a small piece of cheese - the calcium contained in it will protect your teeth from caries; at the end of the meal, you can eat a small piece of dark chocolate, which can neutralize the destructive effects of sugars;

Since harmful bacteria can accumulate not only on the teeth, but also on the tongue and gums, it is necessary to clean them too

  • using chewing gum helps remove food debris and also stimulate the secretion of saliva, which neutralizes the effects of acids; but, since chewing gums are quite capable of “pulling out” even tightly seated fillings, you should not abuse them - you need to chew them for no more than a couple of minutes;
  • if there is not enough fluoride in drinking water, it is better to buy special fluoridated toothpastes; however, an excess of this substance also negatively affects oral health, as does its deficiency;

Before purchasing cleaning products, you should first inquire about the amount of fluoride in the natural waters in the area where you live.


1. Use baking soda. It may be a great cleaner for your home, but it's not great for your teeth. Its chemical composition is abrasive, which means it can remove stains, but it can also be harmful. After prolonged use of baking soda, the enamel begins to wear off, causing your teeth to begin to darken. .

2. There are dark foods. This includes some foods and condiments that Manhattan dentist Debra Glassman has put on her “Do Not Eat” list. Dr. Glassman says to avoid pickle sauce, blueberry sauce and soy sauce because very dark-colored foods can stain teeth. (But, of course, this is not a good enough reason to completely remove blueberries from your diet.)

3. Drink energy drinks in large quantities. In addition to traditional "color" drinks (such as coffee, tea and red wine), Dr. Glassman also recommends staying away from energy drinks. The acid they contain can have an erosive effect similar to that caused by eating citrus fruits, only in the case of energy drinks, your teeth will be “bathed” in this acid. Still want to drink them? Then drink through a straw to protect your teeth.

Good ideas

4. Change your toothbrush. Achieving whiter teeth is as easy as throwing out your old toothbrush. Dr. Glassman advises: "Change your brush every three months, otherwise you'll soon see most of the bristles bending and looking worn out." And the toothbrush will no longer be able to clean your teeth as thoroughly as before.

5. Clean your tongue. Cleaning your tongue not only makes your breath fresher. It also helps prevent teeth staining, Dr. Glassman says. The tongue is a breeding ground for bacteria, which will eventually lead to discoloration of the enamel. Using a soft brush, begin brushing your tongue in long strokes, starting from the back of it. Don't forget to rinse the brush after each stroke. This will remove bacteria from it so as not to return it back to the tongue.

6. Rinse your mouth with apple cider vinegar. Although it is not as effective as other, more common teeth whitening methods, it is a natural way to maintain a healthy smile. Dr. Debra Glassman advises mixing water and apple cider vinegar in a 2:1 ratio and rinsing your mouth with the resulting solution for one minute.

7. Eat raw fruits and vegetables. Eating fruits, vegetables and other crunchy foods is not only good for your body, but also for your teeth. Dr. Glassman says eating nuts, raw carrots, apples and cauliflower will help your teeth get rid of the stains and plaque that lead to tooth decay.

8. Rinse your mouth with water after eating citrus fruits. Citrus fruits such as lemons and limes are excellent sources of vitamin C, but they contain acid that can attack tooth enamel. And this contributes to the staining of your teeth. How to deal with this? Just make sure you rinse your mouth immediately after eating these fruits.

A snow-white smile can only be achieved at the dentist; few people inherit it from their grandmother. But even in this case, it will not last long if you eat foods that contain pigments that color the enamel. We'll tell you why this happens, what you should avoid in your diet, and what, on the contrary, you should eat to benefit your health and white teeth.

A snow-white “Hollywood” smile is an integral part of a modern successful image. However, a very small percentage of people can boast of naturally perfectly white teeth. Moreover, modern dentistry has long proven that the natural color of a smile does not have to be white. The fact is that the shade of teeth is largely influenced by the color of dentin - the internal tissue located under the enamel. And if the enamel itself really has a milky white tint, denser at the base of the tooth and more transparent at the cutting edge, then dentin gives the teeth a yellowish or even grayish tint.

In dentistry, there is such an effective procedure as professional teeth whitening. The essence of this procedure is a lightening effect on dentin, due to which it loses part of its pigmentation. Professional whitening, both in the office and at home (using special whitening strips), is absolutely safe if all rules and precautions are followed. However, the whitening effect will not last long if you do not follow the rules of hygiene and a special diet after the procedure.

Anatoly Anatolyevich Liman, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician, Startsmile.ru expert:“A strict “colorless” diet should be followed immediately after the whitening procedure for several hours to several days. It is aimed at protecting exposed areas of bleached enamel from coloring pigments. Next, you need to switch to a daily diet, which is necessary to preserve and maintain the whitening results over time. Following this type of “white” diet helps you undergo the whitening procedure much less frequently, while maintaining a snow-white smile.”

Foods to Avoid After Teeth Whitening

Have you ever tried to remove berry juice or curry sauce stains from a white T-shirt or blouse? If yes, then you can easily imagine the impact these products have on your teeth. The fact is that the enamel itself has a porous structure, and after the professional whitening procedure it remains for some time a little more vulnerable to staining than usual. During this period, dentists advise avoiding products containing coloring pigments.

During this period, dentists advise avoiding products containing coloring pigments.


Among them, first of all, are various purple and dark red berries, for example, blueberries, blueberries, black currants, lingonberries and cranberries, raspberries and blackberries, as well as cherries, sweet cherries and some varieties of grapes. You shouldn’t completely exclude berries from your diet, as they are very healthy and contain many vitamins, but in the first week after whitening you should avoid them, and the rest of the time, after eating berries rich in dyes, rinse your mouth with water, and if possible, brush your teeth .

Sauces and spices

Some sauces and spices are no less capable of staining enamel than berries; among the latter, curry is the leader in the degree of pigmentation. This tasty and healthy seasoning, which came to us from India, gives a yellow-red tint not only to your dishes, but also to your teeth. Immediately after whitening, curry should be excluded from the diet, and the rest of the time, brushing your teeth after eating with a brush and paste will neutralize the staining effect.

Immediately after bleaching, curry should be excluded from the diet.

As for sauces, not only curry-based, but also tomato, soy and balsamic vinegar-based, they pose two dangers at once - in addition to natural pigments and artificial dyes that color the enamel, they also contain acid that softens the enamel, which contributes to even greater staining. Sauces should not be overused in any case, they can cause significant harm not only to the teeth, but also to the stomach, and if possible, you should season your dishes with a combination of vegetable oil, for example, olive, and lemon juice.

Enamel-staining drinks

Perhaps the greatest danger to the whiteness (and what is there to hide, and the health) of teeth is posed by coloring drinks. And besides the obvious - red wine - this list also includes everyone's favorite tea and coffee, as well as fruit juices and sodas. Let's talk in more detail about each.

Coffee and tea

“All people are divided into only two types: some love coffee, others prefer tea” is a well-known joke. Regardless of whether you prefer one of these two drinks or love both, your enamel is in danger. There is an opinion that coffee addiction is much more harmful to the body than tea addiction. Alas, this is not true. Abuse of either one or another drink is in any case harmful and can cause insomnia, arrhythmia, and digestive problems. Coffee and tea can also stain tooth enamel. In addition to aggressive pigments that literally eat into the enamel, coffee contains cocoa butter and heavy carbohydrate compounds that can settle on the teeth in the form of a yellow plaque. Tea also leaves plaque on the teeth (remember how difficult it can be to wash a tea cup if it has only been rinsed before), black to a greater extent, green to a lesser extent. To minimize the harm from tea and coffee to tooth enamel, experts advise drinking these drinks in combination with milk, rinsing your mouth with water after drinking them, and if you can call yourself an avid tea drinker or coffee lover, get a special toothpaste that is designed specifically for those who lean on tea and coffee.

Red wine

You've probably noticed that after a couple of glasses of red wine, your lips may become slightly stained, especially if they have cracks, as well as your tongue. So, tannins, chromogens and polyphenols, or plant pigments contained in red wine, stain teeth in the same way. White and pink wine are not so “stained” in terms of enamel, and if you are still in love with red, then you should thoroughly rinse your mouth with water after drinking it, and have a cleansing oral foam in your purse just in case. You can easily use it at any party, be it at a friend's house or in a restaurant.

Fruit juices and carbonated drinks

With natural juices, things are about the same as with berries. As for drinks containing artificial colors, they, as you might guess, are even more harmful. At the same time, the acid contained in juices and colored sodas softens the enamel, making it more porous and vulnerable to staining.

Marina Vladimirovna Kolesnichenko, chief physician of the clinic, Startsmile.ru expert:“Juices, fruit drinks, red and white wine have been banned for some time, since such drinks necessarily contain natural or artificial dyes, as well as tannins that can quickly penetrate deep into tooth enamel, destroying and coloring its structure. Brightly colored lemonades and sweet carbonated drinks are also not recommended to drink, not only because of the dyes and sugar they contain, but also because of the acids (malic, tartaric, etc.), which easily corrode the top layer of enamel and contribute to tooth staining into caustic shades."

Once again about the dangers of smoking

Nicotine and tar contained in cigarettes and pipe tobacco are destructive to the body and have a destructive effect on almost all human organs and systems - from the lungs, heart and central nervous system to the skin, nails and teeth. Tobacco plaque on your teeth and discoloration of the enamel in a yellowish tint will tell your dentist about your bad habit no worse than the bad odor from your mouth. If you cannot give up smoking, you should at least get a special toothpaste for smokers, and also undergo a professional hygiene procedure at least twice a year, during which a specialist will remove the plaque that has formed. By the way, professional teeth cleaning once or twice a year will not hurt not only lovers of tobacco, coffee, tea and wine, but also everyone who cares about the beauty and health of their smile.

Products for white teeth

In addition to everything listed above, which should be excluded from the diet or limited so as not to stain your teeth, there is also list of foods useful for whitening teeth. These include natural brighteners such as strawberries and citrus fruits. There’s no point in trying to whiten your teeth with them at home, let’s leave that to Catherine Zeta-Jones, but including them in your diet will be very useful. Fermented milk products, hard vegetables, such as carrots and celery, as well as broccoli, which can also be eaten raw, also have a beneficial effect on the color of teeth and help fight plaque.

Yulia Klouda, head of the popular dental resource Startsmile.ru


Buy toothpaste at the pharmacy that contains mild abrasives. As a rule, such a paste can improve the appearance of teeth if they are only slightly damaged. In addition to toothpastes, teeth can be whitened using special mouth rinses or mouth gels. Please note that to get results you will have to be patient: such products begin to act a long time after use.

Use mouth guards at night. This orthodontic in the form of onlays is multifunctional, and dentists also recommend it for enamel whitening. Apply a special gel with hydrogen peroxide, which comes with the device, to the mouth guards and secure the mouth guards for several hours. With regular use, your teeth can be achieved, if not perfect whiteness, then lightening the tooth enamel by several tones.

Contact your dental clinic for professional whitening. If your doctor decides after an examination that external bleaching is more suitable for you, try the oxygen method. This method of photo-whitening is a multiple procedure, during which a special composition is applied to the teeth and activated by halogen rays, and then washed off. Instead of photo-whitening, you can try exposing tooth enamel to laser beams. This method of making teeth whiter is more gentle, but also more expensive.

If you have problematic teeth with non-living pulp, agree to internal whitening. The doctor will put a medicinal composition with hydrogen peroxide into the cavity of the injured teeth, which will act from the inside, renewing and at the same time brightening the enamel.

During teeth whitening procedures, do not eat foods such as tomatoes, beets, blueberries, and do not overuse ketchup. Do not drink black tea and especially coffee, reduce the number of cigarettes if you smoke, or better yet, switch to electronic ones.

Video on the topic


  • Mouthguards for teeth
  • How to achieve white teeth

Use gentle teeth whitening products, but only if you do not have tartar or black and brown stains that can only be removed by a professional periodontist. Before using any whitening methods, visit your dentist. All teeth must be treated, plaque and tartar must be removed. Talk to your doctor about safe ways to whiten your teeth.

Good and healthy whiteners are strawberries and wild strawberries. Crush the berries and make a paste that you can apply to your teeth and leave on for a while. After this, brush your teeth well. Lemon juice or lemon zest whitens well. But even these methods can become dangerous if overused.

Pour a little soda into a teaspoon (1/4 part), add 5 drops of pharmaceutical hydrogen peroxide, squeeze 2 drops of lemon juice into it.
Stir the sizzling contents in a spoon (the process of extinguishing the soda with lemon is in progress).

Nowadays, beautiful and white teeth are an indicator not only of health, but also of a person’s social status. In the saying “one is greeted by one’s clothes...” one can safely add “and by one’s smile.” The whiteness of teeth is determined by physiological and anatomical characteristics; in addition, the color of teeth can be influenced by certain dietary, work and hygienic habits.

Visiting the dentist

To achieve and maintain natural white teeth, you need to regularly visit the dentist and brush your teeth properly and thoroughly. You should visit the dentist at least twice a year. At the appointment, the doctor will assess the condition of the hard tissues of the oral cavity, carry out some hygienic manipulations - remove all hard and soft dental deposits, clean places that are difficult to reach with a toothbrush.

On the surface of the tooth there is a film invisible to the eye, to which various deposits are attached and give the teeth a yellowish to brown tint. It is not possible to remove hard plaque without professional tools.

For people with increased plaque formation, dentists recommend using additional hygiene items and products - special toothpastes with a high abrasive coefficient, dental floss (floss), hard toothbrushes. In addition, the cleaning time is increased from 3 to 5 minutes.

You should not overuse whitening hygienic toothpastes; by definition, they cannot be gentle on tooth enamel. It is best to alternate them with therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes containing fluoride and calcium.

Bad habits and medications

The most harmful bad habit for the color of teeth is smoking; in dentistry there is such a thing as “smoker’s plaque.” Depending on your smoking history and dental care skills, the shade of tooth enamel will vary from light yellow to dark brown.

Often in the oral cavity, near the cervical area of ​​the teeth, you can notice dark stripes that are quite difficult to clean off, and even after special teeth cleaning at the dentist they remain noticeable. The only way to combat such a raid is hardware teeth whitening . The nicotine and tar found in cigarettes are strong dyes that are very sticky. They tightly connect to the invisible film of the tooth, and over time the process only progresses.

Sometimes medications also have an effect on the color of teeth; the most typical representatives are iron supplements. Iron is deposited in the thickness of the enamel and forms compounds, the enamel becomes dark in color, closer to black.

With some diseases of the internal organs, for example, with diseases of the kidneys or digestive system, a thick plaque forms on the teeth, similar to “smoker’s plaque.” It is quite difficult to combat this phenomenon, and in this case the dentist alone cannot cope; it is necessary to involve other specialized specialists.


There are foods that worsen the natural color of teeth or, conversely, improve it. In order to maintain the natural whiteness of your teeth, it is necessary to limit in your diet those foods that can give your teeth a dark tint.

Foods that worsen the color of teeth

The greatest influence on the color of the tooth is coffee and all coffee drinks. Instant coffee “3 in 1” has a stronger effect: in addition to the coffee powder itself, it contains a large amount of dyes.

Various caramels or candies contain a certain amount of dyes, in addition, it has been proven that lollipops remain on the surface of the tooth for a long time, forming a sticky invisible film. In addition to the deterioration of the natural coloring of teeth, the risk of developing caries .

Proper nutrition for white teeth / shutterstock.com

Some berries(blueberries, blackberries) are natural dyes and are able to stain fillings in teeth well, and gradually affect the tooth enamel. A highly coloring vegetable is beet, which operates on the same principle.

Carbonated drinks with high color content- for example, cola or pepsi - act on tooth enamel according to the principle of coffee. In addition, due to phosphoric acid contained in these drinks, tooth enamel gradually melts. And if you abuse such drinks, acid necrosis of the enamel may develop. With this disease, the enamel loses its natural shine and spots form, initially they are white, but darken over time.

Red wine, soy sauce and various oriental seasonings may have a coloring effect on tooth enamel. A less intense effect will be on healthy, strong enamel, but if you have filled teeth, especially in the front group of teeth, then it is best to refuse or minimize the consumption of these foods. The fact is that there are micropores on the surface of the fillings in which dye can be deposited.

Products for white teeth

Dentists usually recommend using hard products, which require long and thorough chewing. Firstly, such products contain many fibers that mechanically clean the surface of the teeth from food debris; two processes are carried out simultaneously. Secondly, with intense chewing, more saliva is released, which, as is known, helps clean the oral cavity and saturates the tooth enamel with minerals. In some berries - for example, strawberries- Contains certain bleaching agents.

One of the most well-known, accessible and very harmful methods is teeth whitening with table salt and baking soda. This is the cheapest but most dangerous bleaching method. Large salt particles create microtraumas on tooth enamel, which only progress over time. Soda reacts with surface substances and can cause dental hypersensitivity - a sharp painful reaction to hot and/or cold.

All foods that in one way or another strengthen tooth enamel are useful for the natural whiteness of teeth - sesame seeds are able to remove soft dental deposits and saturate the enamel with calcium. Various nuts - walnuts, pistachios, almonds- not only clean tooth enamel well mechanically, but also chemically, using its unique chemical composition.

How do you achieve a beautiful smile?




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