Headache during pregnancy: what to do, causes. Unstable blood pressure

Headache It happens quite often in pregnant women. Such pain can be just a background, or it can cause very unpleasant painful sensations. Headaches can be in one area, such as the temples, or localized throughout the head. Pain in the temporal region most often occurs in pregnant women, so this article is about the causes of such pain. The reasons can be both internal and external.

Causes associated with various diseases (internal causes):

1. Pressure on the nerve endings located in the neck, jaw and back is the main and most common cause of temporal pain.
2. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to headaches, including in the temples. Biochemical indicators change due to hormones and provoke different reactions body, which can lead to headaches.
3. Traumatic brain injury. This reason usually known to the pregnant woman, the attending physician and the gynecologist.
4. Migraine. Acute pain with migraine it can appear in one or both temples. This pain may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and eye pain. The pain may intensify with movement and be accompanied by visual impairment. This can last 30 minutes or more.
5. Infectious diseases may cause pain in the temple area. These diseases are accompanied by many other symptoms: fever, cough, dizziness and others.
6. A decrease in pressure can cause pain in the temples, and can also be accompanied by hearing loss, dizziness and even vomiting. Low blood pressure occurs in pregnant women and if it occurs once, it does not harm the child; if a constant decrease occurs, a doctor’s examination is necessary.

Factors external character, affecting the occurrence of pain in the temples:

1. Lack of sleep and overwork. It sometimes happens that in the last months a pregnant woman does not sleep well - this can also lead to pain in the temples. A pregnant woman needs to monitor her sleep and avoid lack of sleep. Watching TV for a long time or working at a computer can also lead to eye fatigue, and as a result, headaches in the temples.
2. stressful conditions or depression.
3. Fasting. With toxicosis, pregnant women can often refuse to eat due to nausea. It can also lead to temporal lobe headaches.
4. Changes weather conditions, especially during pregnancy, are very sensitively perceived by the woman’s body.

Treatment of headaches in the temples.

Depending on the causes of pain, treatment is prescribed. Usually, a visit to a doctor should be after a pregnant woman begins to experience constant pain in her temples or in her entire head. If the pain is associated with a disease, the necessary medication is prescribed in accordance with the timing of pregnancy.
With external causes, they try to eliminate the negative influence of these factors.
Acupressure helps well with pain in the temples - this is the most common method of elimination during pregnancy.
Tension in the temporal region will also help relieve cold or warm compress.

Prevention of pain in the temples:

1. Timely rest and breaks from work.
2. Good sleep and nutrition.
3. Gymnastics and yoga for pregnant women.
4. Walking in the fresh air.

Constant monitoring of a pregnant woman's condition is usually carried out by a gynecologist, and in case of severe, persistent pain in the temples, the doctor should help or refer to a specialist. If the pain is not constant, the woman should ensure that she gets proper rest, because this is what determines general state the body, and therefore the child.

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Read the article about what to do if you have a headache. Why does pain occur? What can I do to alleviate the condition?

Every sixth inhabitant of the Earth suffers from headaches in the temples. According to WHO, it is precisely this kind of ailment that causes temporary disability of people, especially those who work as workers in complex and difficult jobs.

  • Unbearable pain knocks you out normal rhythm life, forcing you to put everything aside for a while.
  • Pain in the temples ruins your mood, and instead of communicating with your family, you want to lie down and take a pill so that the painful condition goes away faster. But in order to take medicine, you need to know what kind of illness occurs and is accompanied by this kind of pain.
  • What medications should I take for headaches? What to do if the problem has already occurred? How to treat and how to help yourself? You will find answers to these and other questions below.

Official medicine There are several reasons why a person may have a headache. Depending on this, treatment and medications are prescribed. Reasons why headaches occur in the temples:

  • migraine;
  • disturbance of vascular tone;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • infections - sore throat, acute respiratory infections, influenza and others;
  • consequences of alcohol intoxication;
  • stress, frustration and overwork;
  • in children - a complication in adolescence;
  • menopause in women;
  • inflammation of the arteries;
  • inflammation of the nerve canals in the skull;
  • pathology of the temporomandibular joint.

Treatment for headaches in the temples will be effective if the doctor puts correct diagnosis. But it is often difficult to find the true cause of pain of this etiology, and therefore it is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis. All this is not in favor of the patient, which, naturally, is not encouraging.

Only a small part of people decide to go to the doctor with pain in their temples. Most muffle the symptom with analgesics, but this does not solve the problem.

  • Some people are afraid to go to the hospital, others are afraid of revealing a serious illness.
  • In any case, any reason for refusing to visit a doctor is false.
  • Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis.
  • So, why does the right and left temple of the head hurt in men, women, during pregnancy, in children?

Causes of pain on the right:

  • head injury;
  • migraine;
  • manifestation of diseases in the cervical spine;
  • tension headache due to stress;
  • metabolic disorders in the body;
  • violation hormonal levels among women;
  • intolerance to any drug.

Medicine knows more than forty causes of pain in the right temple. It makes no sense to describe all of them, since only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, and only he will prescribe an adequate treatment, and not a simple elimination of symptoms.

Causes of pain on the left:

If the pain is unbearable and growing, then you cannot endure it for long. If the headache does not go away within half an hour, you need to drink an anesthetic drug. In this case, you also need to adhere to the “three Ts”: Darkness, Silence and Warmth.

Advice: Turn off the TV, ask the household to be quiet, soak a terry towel in warm water and put it on your head. These actions will help you relax and the pain will go away faster.

Pain in the temples during pregnancy:

  • High blood pressure due to stress nerve fibers in the cervical-brachial region. It may appear due to the fact that the expectant mother sits a lot or slouches.
  • Hormonal imbalances during pregnancy. This is facilitated by complex biochemical reactions organism.
  • Old traumatic brain injury makes itself felt during pregnancy. The problem can persist for many years and manifest itself when a woman is in an interesting position.
  • Migraine- can last 30 minutes or longer.
  • Infectious diseases- may be accompanied not only by headache, but also by chills, fever and dizziness.
  • Attack of hypotension. Single case will not harm the fetus, but if pain and low blood pressure are observed constantly, then it is better to consult a doctor.

Also expectant mother a headache in the temples may hurt due to the following factors:

  • overwork and insufficient rest;
  • stress or depression;
  • toxicosis;
  • change of weather, if the woman is weather sensitive.

Naturally, a headache cannot be tolerated, but an expectant mother should not take medications uncontrollably. Therefore, you need to contact a neurologist who will prescribe adequate treatment and prescribe medications.

Temporal pain in children:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • migraine;
  • cluster pain;
  • nervous tension;
  • intoxication of the body during acute respiratory infections, influenza or infectious diseases;
  • injury;
  • diseases of the ENT organs: otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis and others.

The child is not allowed long time being immobile, for example, at the computer, can cause severe periodic or constant pain in the temples. Scientists have not established the occurrence of cluster pain. This may be due to deviations in the ternary nerve or body biorhythms. This pain may be accompanied by watery eyes and nasal congestion.

Such pain can suddenly appear and disappear, or it can become chronic. There are several reasons for this pain. What does severe, shooting pain in the right or left temple and nausea mean? Several main reasons:

  • Migraine. Vasospasm occurs. Associated symptom This process in most cases is nausea. Attacks can last from several hours to 2-3 days.
  • Vasculitis. Inflammations of various etiologies negatively affect the walls of blood vessels. Severe nausea and temporal pain may be accompanied by nodular vasculitis and giant cell arteritis. At the same time, aching joints, fever, pain in the navel, vomiting can be observed.
  • Hypertension. Imbalance blood pressure leads to temporal pain. Large blood flow causes nausea. At the same time, swelling of the face, the appearance of tachycardia, chills and dizziness are observed.
  • Pain with muscle tension. Stress, depression, overwork - all this leads to temporal pain and nausea. Appetite and sleep are disturbed, irritability and constant bad mood appear.
  • Intracranial pressure. The pathology manifests itself as pain throughout the head, as well as in the temples. If you endure this pain for a long time, then nausea and even vomiting appears.
  • Concussion and traumatic brain injury. Such an illness can lead not only to pain and nausea, but also to loss of consciousness and vomiting.

Shooting pain in the temples and nausea can appear as a result of factors that are not of a serious pathological nature:

  • poisoning carbon monoxide, paint or gasoline fumes;
  • weather change;
  • food poisoning;
  • motion sickness while traveling;
  • heat or sunstroke.

Such reasons can lead to complications, so it is important to eliminate them in a timely manner.

When does it occur sharp pain, I want to get rid of it quickly. After all, no one likes to lie in bed and suffer from illness when they need to work or do some other things. What does sharp pain in the right or left temple indicate? Such pain, in addition to the reasons described above for shooting pain, may appear as a result of:

  • physical exhaustion;
  • disorders of the spinal nerve;
  • flow cerebral atherosclerosis(mainly in old age);
  • pinched nerve in the temporal region;
  • congenital pathology of the temporomandibular joint;
  • allergic reaction;
  • development of a brain tumor.

Important: Don't self-medicate! The diagnosis must be made by a doctor, after which he will prescribe treatment. Losing time can lead to irreversible consequences.

Pressing pain is as unbearable as sharp or shooting pain. It may increase and be accompanied by nausea and pain in the eyes. What does pressing pain in the right or left temple indicate? The source of pain of this etiology includes the following:

  • VSD - manifests itself in young people.
  • Infections - acute respiratory viral infections and influenza.
  • Increased upper or lower pressure. In addition, a small difference between systolic and diastolic readings leads to pressing pain in the temples. For example, a blood pressure of 120/100 is already a pathology that needs to be treated. Most likely the problem is in the heart, but only a doctor should make a diagnosis.
  • Pain psychogenic nature- irritability, fatigue.
  • Impaired functioning of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Consumption of food products with monosodium glutamate: smoked meats, canned food, chips, sauces.
  • Consuming sweets in unlimited quantities. Helps increase blood sugar.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver - organs that are responsible for removing toxins from the body.
  • Development of anemia.
  • Active sex life.
  • Availability helminthic infestations in organism.

Headache indicates changes in blood vessels and arteries. Therefore, you cannot put off going to the doctor.

Throbbing pain in the temples manifests itself in such a way that it makes you constantly think about it, not allowing you to be distracted for a minute. What does throbbing pain in the right or left temple indicate? A few reasons:

  • consequences of stress;
  • initial stage of migraine;
  • spasms of cerebral vessels;
  • inflammation of the gum tissue - pulpitis, which can manifest itself as a throbbing headache.

Prolonged throbbing pain that lasts 2-3 days accompanied by nausea may indicate a micro-stroke and the fact of atherosclerotic changes.

Inflammation ternary nerve and changes in the structures of the temporal arteries with temporal arteritis, simultaneous pain may appear in the right or left temple and the frontal part of the head. There is also general weakness, weakness and sleep disturbance. The pain may move to occipital part head, on the eyes and radiate to the jaw and the whole face. The pain is so bright that a light touch causes strong and discomfort.

Different muscle tension, arising due to stress and vascular spasms, cause pinching of capillaries, which leads to simultaneous pain in the temples and in the back of the head. What does pain in the right or left temple and back of the head indicate? The main reasons can be reduced to the following diseases and manifestations:

  • All types of overvoltage, stress and other psychogenic factors.
  • Injuries, posture disorders, spinal diseases.
  • The formation of lateral vertebral processes, as a result of which the ligaments are transformed into tissue and can cause severe pain in the back of the head.
  • Hormonal disorders during menopause, before menstruation and during adolescence in girls.
  • Hangover syndrome.
  • Increased vascular tone and more.

If there is pain in the back of the head, then it is worth determining whether it is the back of the head or the neck that hurts. If there is pain in the back of the head and at the same time in the temples, then this is high or low blood pressure. If you have neck pain, then you need to treat osteochondrosis. This disease can also manifest itself as pain in the temples.

Constant pain in the temples must be responded to immediately. It can signal serious illness. Causes of frequent and constant pain in the temples:

  • meningitis;
  • arachnoiditis;
  • a brain tumor;
  • cerebral aneurysm.

In addition, constant pain may indicate severely increased blood pressure. If you don't take action necessary measures, this can lead to a stroke.

All medications have side effects and contraindications, so they should only be taken after consultation with a doctor. But it often happens that there is no time to go to the doctor, and the pain is unbearable. In this case, you can take the pill once, and then be sure to go to see a doctor.

List of tablets and medications for headaches in the temples:

Such drugs help with headaches that appear as a result dental problems, hormonal disorders.

If pain occurs as a result psychogenic causes: after stress, depression provoked by an illness, increased vascular tone or injury, then you need to drink an antispasmodic:

If your blood pressure has increased, then you need to take a pill to lower it and any analgesic:

Contraindications for taking such medicines:

Important: Before you start taking any medical product, consult your doctor!

You can get rid of headaches not only with the help of pills, but also with the help of methods traditional medicine. These remedies are simple and act as quickly as medications. Recipes for folk remedies for pain in the temples:

If you have a headache, it’s good to hold your head under the stream hot water(no more than 40 degrees). The heat will dilate the blood vessels and the pain will subside. Now you know what causes headaches and how to get rid of them. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Video: 8 ways to quickly relieve headaches - How to get rid of headaches without pills

Headache may occur due to:

  • adaptation female body to hormonal changes during pregnancy (increased levels of progesterone and estrogen affect vascular tone, sometimes causing spasms);
  • sudden increase or decrease in blood pressure in a pregnant woman during magnetic storms or prolonged cloudiness before rain;
  • emotional stress or fatigue;
  • feelings of hunger or thirst;
  • stuffiness and stale air in the room;
  • lack of sleep or, conversely, oversleeping (sleep more than 10 hours);
  • incorrect posture, in particular in the third trimester.

Some foods can also cause headaches during pregnancy, such as chocolate, or avoiding certain foods, such as coffee or strong tea.

In other cases, pain syndrome can be observed due to problems with blood vessels (for example, with vegetative-vascular dystonia), with cervical vertebrae(for example, with cervical osteochondrosis or any injuries to the cervical spine), as well as with colds, inflammatory (infectious) diseases (acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis, meningitis and others) and together with toothache.

The causes of headaches during pregnancy are varied and numerous. The main thing is to determine the nature of the pain during pregnancy in order to select the correct and effective treatment without harm and negative consequences for the fetus.

Symptoms and treatment of different types of headaches during pregnancy

Tension pain characterized by a dull, monotonous pain, the head feels as if it is pulled together with an elastic band.

Patients often complain of pain that spreads from the neck to the back of the head, temples, and eye area. When palpated they feel pain points in the back of the head and neck area. Nausea is possible, but there is no vomiting. The duration of such a headache is from 30 minutes to 1-1.5 hours.

Tension pain occurs during physical and mental fatigue, nervous exhaustion, during or after stressful situations.

Treatment for tension headaches during pregnancy involves relieving symptoms. The following tools will help with this.

It is also useful to train the tone of the vascular walls using contrast shower, but most importantly, do not overdo it, the water should not be very cold, but only slightly cool, i.e. room temperature.

Acupressure to relieve various headaches

Self-massage biologically active points body will help cope with headaches during pregnancy without resorting to the use of medications that are dangerous to the child.

Liu Hongsheng will tell the secrets of traditional Chinese medicine, and will clearly tell you where the very points are located, the massage of which will relieve headaches.

Dr. Hongshen, using the example of the first point on the hand, will show how to massage them, and then he will only indicate the points themselves, which, according to the same principle, need to be massaged for only a few minutes.

What to do if you have a severe headache during pregnancy?

Paracetamol ( children's Panadol suppositories or syrup, Efferalgan suppositories or syrup) is able to penetrate the placental barrier. Although to date there have been no negative effects of paracetamol on the fetus, it should be taken only in as a last resort when the pain does not subside for a long time.

What headache medications are contraindicated during pregnancy?

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), Citramon, Ibuprofen (Ibuprom, Nurofen, Brufen), Diclofenac (Diclonat, Dicloran, Ortofen), Indomethacin, Ketoprofen (Ketonal, Flamax) and others similar drugs Contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

These drugs may have negative impact on fetal development and pregnancy.

The use of the necessary doses for high-quality pain relief in the first trimester of pregnancy can cause fetal development defects (cleavage upper sky, heart disease). The use of these drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy is strictly contraindicated.

Some of these drugs can be prescribed in the second trimester of pregnancy, but only after a strict assessment of the risks and benefits for the mother and fetus, and only in small doses and for a short time.

In the third trimester of pregnancy required doses drugs may cause inhibition labor activity, premature closure ductus arteriosus in the fetus, poor blood clotting in the mother, which threatens great blood loss during childbirth, and administration immediately before the birth itself may cause intracranial hemorrhages, especially in premature babies. The use of the medications listed above in the third trimester of pregnancy is contraindicated.


  • continues for several days in a row?
  • occurs quite often and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting?
  • very sharp and sharp?

or accompanied by:

  • an increase in body temperature to 38 0C or more?
  • a condition where it is impossible to press your chin to your chest?
  • weakness of arms and legs or their numbness?
  • difficult speech?
  • vision problems and coordination problems?

Then you need to consult a doctor immediately!

Why do they occur, how are the causes diagnosed, and what are the treatments for temple pain? Is it possible to avoid this through prevention? Let's try to understand this topical issue for pregnant women.

Headaches in pregnant women

How to relieve temple pain?

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Parents Forum:

2. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to headaches, including in the temples. Biochemical parameters change due to hormones and provoke different reactions of the body, which can lead to headaches.

3. Traumatic brain injury. This reason is usually known to the pregnant woman, the attending physician and the gynecologist.

4. Migraine. Acute pain during a migraine can appear in one or both temples. This pain may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and eye pain. The pain may increase with movement and be accompanied by visual impairment. This can last 30 minutes or more.

5. Infectious diseases can cause pain in the temple area. These diseases are accompanied by many other symptoms: fever, cough, dizziness and others.

6. A decrease in pressure can cause pain in the temples, and can also be accompanied by hearing loss, dizziness and even vomiting. Low blood pressure occurs in pregnant women and if it occurs once, it does not harm the child; if a constant decrease occurs, a doctor’s examination is necessary.

2. Stressful conditions or depression.

3. Fasting. With toxicosis, pregnant women can often refuse to eat due to nausea. It can also lead to temporal lobe headaches.

4. Changes in weather conditions, especially during pregnancy, are very sensitively perceived by a woman’s body.

For reasons of an external nature, they try to eliminate the negative influence of these factors.

Acupressure helps well with pain in the temples - this is the most common method of elimination during pregnancy.

A cold or warm compress will also help relieve tension in the temple area.

2. Good sleep and nutrition.

3. Gymnastics and yoga for pregnant women.

4. Walking in the fresh air.

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Headache during pregnancy

Pregnancy – the most important stage in the life of any woman. The process of conceiving a child and bearing the fetus must be clearly planned, and the child himself must be desired.

The baby, while in the mother's womb, is in constant contact with her through the placenta. The two-way exchange of hormones and biologically active substances can affect the health of the child or mother. That is why pregnant women are not recommended to be nervous and eat foods from the group of typical allergens.

Causes of headaches during pregnancy

Headache is a superficial symptom that hides many different pathologies. In the case of pregnancy, one must first assume gestosis.

Preeclampsia is a complication of normal pregnancy.

The main symptoms of gestosis:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased levels of protein in urine
  • Convulsive syndrome (eclampsia)
  • Edema

Eclampsia is a pregnancy complication associated with a sharp increase in blood pressure. This condition is dangerous for both mother and child. Eclampsia is a form of late gestosis.

Swelling and headache

Swelling can be caused by a number of reasons. One theory is a lack of vitamin B and folic acid. Deficiency overtakes a woman by the third trimester.

Due to a lack of vitamin B, the concentration of homocysteine ​​increases, which leads to an increase in the permeability of the vascular walls. Fluid from the bloodstream passes into the tissues, and the usual picture of edema develops.

The lack of fluid in the vessels leads to increased work of the heart muscle and the release of the hormone vasopressin. The blood vessels narrow, blood pressure jumps to high numbers. The head may hurt in the temples, crown or back of the head - typical symptoms high blood pressure. In this case, headaches during pregnancy can be severe and throbbing.

Why is this happening? The pressure acts on the walls of the blood vessels in the brain, causing pain.

Blood pressure and headaches during pregnancy

One of the most common symptoms, along with nervousness and distortion food addictions, is a headache. We named one of the reasons - edema associated with a lack of vitamin B.

The second reason is the disruption of connections between brain structures. Pregnancy is stressful for a woman's body. Many systems are being rebuilt, the brain is no exception to the rule.

According to the cortico-visceral theory, the process of interaction between subcortical structures and the cerebral cortex is disrupted. The blood flow in the body is disrupted. Often, against the background of violations, changes in the behavior of a woman occur. All links of the disease are accompanied by high blood pressure. When carrying a fetus, whiskey may hurt. The pain syndrome can be very pronounced or, conversely, have low intensity.

Relationship between kidney disease and headache

One of the symptoms of toxicosis is a violation of the kidneys. Most often, during examination, the doctor discovers that the level of protein in the urine is higher than normal. This indicates a violation of the filtration process in the kidneys. The protein, which should remain in the body of a pregnant woman, leaves in the urine, causing a painful condition.

Why is this happening? Toxins can pass through the placental barrier and severely affect all organs and systems of the mother. The kidney glomeruli, affected by the toxin, become inflamed and their permeability is impaired. As a result, excess protein is filtered from the bloodstream, the external manifestation of which is headache.

For these reasons, blood pressure is disturbed, weakness and swelling increase. Your temples may hurt. There are frequent cases of throbbing pain.

Eclampsia and headache

Eclampsia is not a fully understood phenomenon. Scientists attribute the condition to a late form of toxicosis. There are more than thirty theories of the development of eclampsia. The most common are:

  • Factors of genetic nature
  • Extragenital pathology
  • Infectious agents

To date, predict the development painful condition impossible. However, risk factors are known:

  • Chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus or arterial hypertension)
  • Obesity
  • Age (over 40 years old)
  • Presence of toxicosis and preeclampsia in previous cases of pregnancy

With eclampsia, convulsions develop, starting from the head and moving to the arms. Further, the spasms affect all muscles, and breathing may stop. At this time they turn pale skin. When the convulsions subside, shortness of breath and foam at the mouth appear. The outcome is eclamptic coma. After a seizure, a woman may feel a headache. In this case, the doctor may prescribe a painkiller for the pregnant woman for headaches.

It should be remembered that headaches during pregnancy are only one of the symptoms of the underlying disease that you need to pay attention to.

Stress and its connection with headaches

A headache in a pregnant woman can be caused by a simple nervous tension. Totality operating factors affects the nervous system, temples may hurt.

The main thing in this state is to rest more and shift the burden of household responsibility onto someone else. Any overexertion can cause severe headaches during pregnancy.

Exit to maternity leave- one of the options. If a woman feels that she cannot work in the first or second trimester, she should consult a specialist doctor to have her objective research all organs and systems.

From one complaint, “I am a pregnant woman and I have a headache,” the doctor will not be able to diagnose and prescribe treatment for you. It is necessary to collect a complete medical history, obtain the results of urine and blood tests, and more complex studies. That is why you should not ask yourself the question: “can you get a headache during pregnancy?” Anything can hurt, even a headache, but understanding the causes is the main goal, which only a doctor can handle.

What should a pregnant woman do if she has frequent headaches?

So, my head has been hurting for several days now and quite severely. If you are pregnant, you should take any medicine with caution. medicines. They can affect the health of the future child.

The first step is to contact antenatal clinic. Doctors recommend at least 8-12 independent visits to the doctor.

The second and subsequent steps are determined by examination data and establishing the causes of the development of symptoms of the disease. You may have to go to a hospital “for conservation.” Sometimes doctors prescribe treatment “at home” with regular independent visits to a specialist.

In any case, it is extremely important to monitor your well-being and regularly contact specialists in order to endure healthy child. And headaches during pregnancy should not create panic.

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Pain in the temples during pregnancy

Unfortunately, expectant mothers very often experience various pains and discomfort due to adaptation to their new position. Rarely does pregnancy occur without this. Frequent complaints from women during pregnancy include headaches in different parts of the pregnancy. Why do they occur, how are the causes diagnosed, and what are the treatments for temple pain? Is it possible to avoid this through prevention? Let's try to understand this topical issue for pregnant women.

Headaches in pregnant women

Complaints of pain in the temples during pregnancy are very common. They are characteristic of the first and third trimesters. The headache can be persistent and long-lasting, or it can be acute and localized in the temple area. At the same time, women note the girdling effect of pain in the frontal part with the most severe symptoms in temples. Pain can cause discomfort for a long time, or even intermittently. Therefore, it is important that the woman herself observes when, at what time they occur and how long they last. Sometimes finding out the cause and diagnosing such pain is very difficult.

If we talk about headaches in the first weeks of pregnancy, they often occur due to the influence of hormones on the woman’s body. But in the third trimester they may occur due to carrying additional weight. The most common form headaches in pregnant women - migraine. Its cause is the narrowing and dilation of blood vessels in the brain. By medical statistics every fifth future mommy experiences migraine, and 15% of women experience it for the first time when they are pregnant.

Causes of headaches in pregnant women

Doctors name the most common causes of headaches during pregnancy. This: overconsumption caffeine (coffee), insomnia, fatigue, depression, hunger, dehydration, oxygen deficiency. All these factors influence the frequency and nature of headaches. But these are precisely the reasons that a woman can eliminate on her own, without drug treatment. Also, when a pregnant woman switches her body to reduce caffeine consumption, she may also experience a headache in her temples.

Sometimes the cause of pain in the temples can be inflammation of the sinuses, called sinusitis. In such cases, the pain is localized behind the cheekbones and can move to the temporal part. Such pain is fraught even negative impact on vision.

As for pain in the temples in the third trimester, namely in the later stages of pregnancy, very often their cause can be high blood pressure (hypertension). A pregnant woman must inform the observing gynecologist about such pain. If they are concentrated in the frontal part and move to the temporal part, accompanied by visual flashes of light, nausea, then you should consult a doctor immediately, without waiting for an appointment.

By the way, sometimes the causes of headaches in pregnant women can be simply surprising. Pregnant women write about this on forums, observing their appearance. So, some people say that pain occurs even after eating their favorite chocolate or Chinese dishes before pregnancy! There is nothing surprising. After all, this is how changes in hormonal levels and shifts in some biochemical parameters react to nutrition.

Diagnosis of the causes of headaches

Any type of headache, if it occurs regularly, needs to be treated after diagnosing the cause. The most common method used is X-ray CT scan. It allows us to examine formations in the skull, cerebrovascular accidents, and other brain anomalies, possibly of a traumatic nature.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and spine helps in diagnosing tumors, sinusitis and other diseases that cause headaches, including in the temples. A new research method is magnetic resonance angiography. It makes it possible to diagnose a wider range of disorders that are the causes of headaches.

Well, and of course, blood pressure monitoring, tests, examination by an ophthalmologist are effective methods identifying the causes of headaches.

How to relieve temple pain?

The most important thing is to find the cause of the pain and treat it correctly. But sometimes it is difficult to install. If specific, serious causes of pain have not been identified, then you can try to help yourself. So, you can apply a warm or cold compress to the frontotemporal part. Try showering more often. Cold shower constricts dilated blood vessels in the body and is good remedy for headaches. Perhaps a massage of the neck-collar area will help you.

Some women use essential oils to relieve temple pain. For example, lavender, mint, and lemon balm oils have a calming effect. Rubbing a few drops into your temples will relieve the pain fairly quickly. Other women state that the old and proven Zvezdochka balm is an excellent remedy.

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I have a terrible headache, pressing on my temples!

how to help yourself, what is possible?

Citramon is conditionally allowed (half a tablet at your due date). The content of acetylsalicylic acid in citromon is so low that it will not affect the health of the fetus in any way, but you should not get carried away. Paracetamol is also allowed for pregnant women. Many people believe that this drug is used for colds, but it is effective for headaches. From absolutely safe means You can use “star” ointment and rub it on your temples. It contains only herbs and essential oils, it is safe. You can use aromatherapy. Pharmacies sell a bunch of essential oils that will relieve headaches.

By the way, No-shpa can be drunk only at the end of the second trimester. No-spa relieves vasospasm, but at the same time slightly opens the cervix, which is dangerous in your case. Aspirin is absolutely NOT allowed.

I just lay down to sleep in the cold and everything went away.

But maybe you have pressure, and this is very serious.

So go see a doctor.

And just try to sleep, sleep often relieves headaches. Light massage the head also relieves pain.

Headache in right temple during pregnancy

For what reason does the right temple ache?

Headache (cephalalgia) is one of the most common symptoms in neurological practice, the reasons for its occurrence are different. It signals minor, temporary disruptions various systems bodies related to external conditions environment, as well as about serious pathologies and diseases that require immediate medical intervention and treatment. The localization of pain largely determines its etiology. Why does pain occur in the right temple?

Pain in the temple can be of various types

To establish the causes of pain in the right temple of the head, you need to determine the nature of the unpleasant sensation: aching, shooting or tightening. Some types of ailments, such as those related to weather conditions, can be treated at home. If the pain is long-lasting, bothers you for more than one day, or is concentrated only in one part, contact a therapist or neurologist to get professional help.

Why does it arise?

Violations at work vascular system brain - these are the main reasons why there is pain in the right temple of the head. They can be insignificant and local, for example, if the pressure increases or decreases, while aching, long-term pain on right. With compression of the neck vessels (osteochondrosis), pain in the temple is accompanied by dizziness.

The following causes of pain in the right temple of the head are also distinguished:

  • Spasm of the head muscles. This type of ailment is called “tension headache.” The spasm is characterized by a long, non-intensive course.
  • Nerve compression. Caused by tumors, cervical osteochondrosis. Patients feel numbness and shooting pain in the corresponding dermatome, and cephalgia becomes more acute.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia. A common phenomenon that provokes pain in the temporal part of the head due to changing weather.
  • Menstrual cycle. Women often suffer from cephalgia in the right temple. After pregnancy, headache in the temporal part of the head, as a signal of approaching menstrual bleeding, will become weaker or disappear altogether.
  • Migraine. Migraine, localized in the right temple, is not capable of causing any significant harm to the body, but is a cause of serious concern, since the ailments with it are very intense, accompanied by nausea or vomiting, auditory and visual disturbances, and sometimes loss of balance.
  • Sleep disorders wrong diet. Cephalgia can sometimes be eliminated by restoring healthy image life. Biorhythms return to normal, the body ceases to signal disturbances through heaviness and pulsations in the right temporal part. A person should sleep at least 8 hours a day, avoid abuse of fatty foods and salt.
  • Stress. Especially frequent reaction for stress, nervous exhaustion It is considered to be tension cephalgia, which rings the head, but can be aggravated in the right temple.

Do not forget that the causes of cephalalgia are diverse, so an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a neurologist after thorough examination. In addition to the above reasons, ailments can be caused by infectious diseases, tumors, cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels, intoxication or poisoning. The list does not end there, so treatment at home should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, and not without permission.

Diagnosis by a doctor

Diagnosis of the type of headache is of fundamental importance for the choice of therapy

Before prescribing treatment, the neurologist will send you for diagnostics. To understand why cephalgia is localized specifically in the right temple, are there any organic, physiological reasons, or the pain radiates from other areas of the head, the neurologist uses such methods instrumental diagnostics, such as magnetic resonance imaging (the doctor is interested in the brain area and the cervical region), radiography and Dopplerography of blood vessels.

List of main instrumental diagnostic methods:

  • radiography;
  • CT scan;
  • electromyography;
  • Ultrasound Dopplerography of blood vessels.

All this allows you to assess the condition of bone and nerve tissue in the right temple, check the patency and tone of blood vessels, and also identify cholesterol deposits if they are present. To exclude infectious and autoimmune diseases, intoxication or metabolic disorders, laboratory blood samples are taken. Important role plays a collection of anamnesis of the disease, questioning the patient regarding his symptoms, living conditions. If recently the patient had to endure an air flight, ascend to a height (where the oxygen content is low), fast (more than a day beneficial fasting), then the diagnosis is adjusted according to this information.

How to get rid of the problem?

To relieve headaches, you can take a painkiller before seeing a doctor.

Treatment of cephalalgia in the temple before visiting a doctor begins with taking painkillers (for example, Analgin, Citramon or Pentalgin). This will help you wait until you see a neurologist and will relieve pain. If the pain reliever has an antispasmodic effect, it may also relieve muscle or blood vessel spasms that cause tension headaches. Sometimes this is enough to get rid of unpleasant sensations for a long time.

Migraine does not go away after using painkillers! You should not use them more than once or twice in a row, as the side effects of the medications may outweigh the positive effects.

In the treatment of psychosomatic cephalgia (caused by nervous overstrain, stress) antidepressants are used or sedatives. New generation drugs are more often prescribed, as they do not cause drowsiness. Among popular measures Aromatherapy is recommended for treatment to reduce emotional stress, herbal teas from lemon balm and mint.

Non-drug therapy comes down to the following methods:

  • massages, manual therapy or posture correction through exercise therapy;

Acupressure for headaches

  • psychotherapy sessions that increase stress resistance;
  • diet correction, diet aimed at reducing fat consumption;
  • normalization of sleep patterns;
  • improving blood flow by increasing the rate physical activity, conducting active image life.

If you are going to treat cephalalgia at home, then give preference to folk or non-pharmacological means, which are non-toxic and do not harm health. However, please note that infectious or inflammatory diseases require immediate treatment; delay can be life-threatening. You can’t do anything better than contacting a neurologist to help yourself.

Pain in right temple

What diseases cause pain in the right temple

Which doctors should I contact if I have pain in my right temple?

pain in right temple -

Pain in the right temple is one of the most common complaints with which patients turn to a neurologist.

Epidemiological studies show that more than 70% of the population in developed countries complain of episodic or chronic headaches in the right temple. However, this figure does not reflect the true state of affairs, since many patients do not go to doctors, self-medicating or - in some cases - not wanting to be examined for fear of finding more serious pathology. Often such patients, periodically experiencing headaches in the right temple, do not visit doctors; more than half of them take over-the-counter analgesics, often abusing the medications. This leads to the development of dangerous side effects (gastrointestinal disorders, liver and kidney damage, allergies).

What diseases cause pain in the right temple:

The main causes of pain in the right temple:

1. Headaches in the right temple may be associated with impaired tone of the cerebral vessels of the arterial and venous beds.

2. In persons young they may be symptoms autonomic dysfunction, migraine, increased intracranial pressure.

3. In older age these are the initial manifestations arterial hypertension, cerebral atherosclerosis. Provoking moments can be changes in weather, mental, emotional and physical overload. In this case, heaviness in the head and pressing, throbbing pain in the back of the head or temples are characteristic;

4. Infectious diseases (various, including influenza, sore throat and many others);

5. Intoxication (that is, poisoning), the most familiar of which is alcohol;

6. Psychogenic headaches. As a rule, “nervous” headaches are an aching, dull sensation that occurs either in the temple, then in the back of the head, or somewhere inside. This increases irritability and fatigue. Patients complain of general “discomfort in the head,” which makes it difficult to gather thoughts and concentrate, plus a feeling of anxiety.

7. Migraine and cluster pain are independent diseases, the main symptom of which is a severe acute headache covering one half of the head. At the same time, shiny dots (“spots”) appear before the eyes. Some people become more sensitive to smells, tastes, and other things during an attack. external stimuli. IN further patients complain of pain in one half of the head, pain in the temple, radiating to the eye. If untreated, the pain spreads throughout the head, and nausea and vomiting often occur. Migraine headaches may be accompanied by photophobia and general weakness. Suffering lasts from 30 minutes to several hours. If the attack drags on for several days, it may end in a migraine stroke;

8. In women, migraines are usually associated with menstrual cycle and makes itself felt for the first time during puberty - a period of hormonal storms. During pregnancy, the frequency of attacks decreases; after childbirth, migraines may go away forever.

9. Due to hormonal disorders, for example, during menopause;

10. Headaches in the right temple of unknown etiology.

11. Temporal arteritis, rare disease, in which inflammation of the walls of the temporal arteries occurs, causing excruciating severe throbbing pain in the right temple.

12. Pain in the right temple often indicates a violation of the activity of the cranial and spinal nerves.

13. Headache in the right temple is one of the most common symptoms of the pathology of the temporomandibular joint. Usually, a headache in the pathology of the temporomandibular joint is located in the right temple, the back of the head, and even the shoulders (shoulder blades). Jaw clenching and teeth grinding can be symptoms of temporomandibular joint disease; these symptoms cause muscle pain, which can be the cause of headaches. A displaced TMJ disc can also cause joint pain that often radiates to the temples, forehead, or neck. These headaches are often so severe that doctors take them and treat them (without much success) as migraines or brain disorders.

14. Foods that cause pain in the right temple:

Foods and drinks containing monosodium glutamate, which is flavoring agent, present in many processed foods; it is believed to cause headaches (as well as excessive sweating and breathing difficulties, tension in the face and jaws) in 10-25% of the general population. Headache, which appears about a minute after taking glutamate, is characterized by beating, dull and throbbing pain in the right temple and painful sensations in the forehead.

Chinese cuisine

Canned and dry soups

Turkey in its own juice

Some types of potato snacks and chips

Many spices and seasonings

A hot dog headache (named after this particularly nitrite-rich litany of foods) involves a throbbing pain in the right temple thirty minutes after consuming nitrites.

Chocolate is one of the most powerful migraine triggers. Firstly, chocolate provokes hypoglycemia because it contains sugar, and also because cocoa beans have a mild hypoglycemic effect. Secondly, chocolate contains caffeine, a migraine trigger. Thirdly, it contains finylethylamine, which, being an amine, causes vasoconstriction and, as a result, a headache in the right temple.

Which doctors should you contact if there is pain in the right temple:

Pressure on right temple

Pressing pain in the right temple is a companion to many of the most various diseases. Only a specialist can determine the development of a particular disease in the human body after full examination and passing the necessary tests.

Very often there is pressure on the right temple in people with pathology of the temporomandibular joint. Pain with this disease can be recorded not only in right area head, but also in the back of the head. Violation of the tone of the cerebral vessels of the venous and arterial canal, as well as dysfunction of the spinal and cranial nerves, are also often accompanied by pressure in the right temple.

In young people, such sensations may indicate increased intracranial pressure, autonomic dysfunction and the development of migraine. In older age, pressing pain in the right temple can be a manifestation of arterial hypertension, as well as cerebral atherosclerosis. Many factors can provoke the development of these ailments, the most common of which are weather changes and physical, mental and emotional overload. In addition to unpleasant sensations in the temples, a person may experience heaviness in the head and throbbing pain in the back of the head.

Often there is pressure on the right temple in people whose bodies are developing some kind of infectious disease, for example, a sore throat or the flu. These unpleasant sensations also appear as a result of intoxication of the body with various harmful substances, including alcohol.

Pressing pain in the right temple can be a sign of migraine. This disease is characterized by the occurrence of a sudden acute headache that covers only one half of the head: the right or left. During a migraine attack, a person's sensitivity to tastes, smells, light and other external stimuli sharply increases. Shiny dots appear before the patient's eyes. In the absence of proper treatment, attacks can be accompanied by general weakness, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea and even vomiting. The duration of the attack can range from 30 minutes to several hours. Prolonging suffering for several days can cause a migraine stroke.

That is why, in order to avoid the appearance various complications and tragic consequences when pressing pain in the right temple, you should definitely consult a doctor.

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3. Traumatic brain injury. This reason is usually known to the pregnant woman, the attending physician and the gynecologist.

4. Migraine. Acute pain during a migraine can appear in one or both temples. This pain may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and eye pain. The pain may increase with movement and be accompanied by visual impairment. This can last 30 minutes or more.

5. Infectious diseases can cause pain in the temple area. These diseases are accompanied by many other symptoms: fever, cough, dizziness and others.

6. A decrease in pressure can cause pain in the temples, and can also be accompanied by hearing loss, dizziness and even vomiting. Low blood pressure occurs in pregnant women and if it occurs once, it does not harm the child; if a constant decrease occurs, a doctor’s examination is necessary.

2. Stressful conditions or depression.

3. Fasting. With toxicosis, pregnant women can often refuse to eat due to nausea. It can also lead to temporal lobe headaches.

4. Changes in weather conditions, especially during pregnancy, are very sensitively perceived by a woman’s body.

For reasons of an external nature, they try to eliminate the negative influence of these factors.

Acupressure helps well with pain in the temples - this is the most common method of elimination during pregnancy.

A cold or warm compress will also help relieve tension in the temple area.

2. Good sleep and nutrition.

3. Gymnastics and yoga for pregnant women.

4. Walking in the fresh air.

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Headache during pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most important stage in the life of any woman. The process of conceiving a child and bearing the fetus must be clearly planned, and the child himself must be desired.

The baby, while in the mother's womb, is in constant contact with her through the placenta. The two-way exchange of hormones and biologically active substances can affect the health of the child or mother. That is why pregnant women are not recommended to be nervous and eat foods from the group of typical allergens.

Causes of headaches during pregnancy

Headache is a superficial symptom that hides many different pathologies. In the case of pregnancy, one must first assume gestosis.

Preeclampsia is a complication of normal pregnancy.

The main symptoms of gestosis:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Increased levels of protein in urine
  • Convulsive syndrome (eclampsia)
  • Edema

Eclampsia is a pregnancy complication associated with a sharp increase in blood pressure. This condition is dangerous for both mother and child. Eclampsia is a form of late gestosis.

Swelling and headache

Swelling can be caused by a number of reasons. One theory is a lack of vitamin B and folic acid. Deficiency overtakes a woman by the third trimester.

Due to a lack of vitamin B, the concentration of homocysteine ​​increases, which leads to an increase in the permeability of the vascular walls. Fluid from the bloodstream passes into the tissues, and the usual picture of edema develops.

The lack of fluid in the vessels leads to increased work of the heart muscle and the release of the hormone vasopressin. The blood vessels narrow, blood pressure jumps to high numbers. The head may hurt in the temples, crown or back of the head - typical symptoms of high blood pressure. In this case, headaches during pregnancy can be severe and throbbing.

Why is this happening? The pressure acts on the walls of the blood vessels in the brain, causing pain.

Blood pressure and headaches during pregnancy

One of the most common symptoms, along with nervousness and distorted food habits, is headache. We named one of the reasons - edema associated with a lack of vitamin B.

The second reason is the disruption of connections between brain structures. Pregnancy is stressful for a woman's body. Many systems are being rebuilt, the brain is no exception to the rule.

According to the cortico-visceral theory, the process of interaction between subcortical structures and the cerebral cortex is disrupted. The blood flow in the body is disrupted. Often, against the background of violations, changes in the behavior of a woman occur. All links of the disease are accompanied by high blood pressure. When carrying a fetus, whiskey may hurt. The pain syndrome can be very pronounced or, conversely, have low intensity.

Relationship between kidney disease and headache

One of the symptoms of toxicosis is a violation of the kidneys. Most often, during examination, the doctor discovers that the level of protein in the urine is higher than normal. This indicates a violation of the filtration process in the kidneys. The protein, which should remain in the body of a pregnant woman, leaves in the urine, causing a painful condition.

Why is this happening? Toxins can pass through the placental barrier and severely affect all organs and systems of the mother. The kidney glomeruli, affected by the toxin, become inflamed and their permeability is impaired. As a result, excess protein is filtered from the bloodstream, the external manifestation of which is headache.

For these reasons, blood pressure is disturbed, weakness and swelling increase. Your temples may hurt. There are frequent cases of throbbing pain.

Eclampsia and headache

Eclampsia is not a fully understood phenomenon. Scientists attribute the condition to a late form of toxicosis. There are more than thirty theories of the development of eclampsia. The most common are:

  • Factors of genetic nature
  • Extragenital pathology
  • Infectious agents

Today it is impossible to predict the development of the disease state. However, risk factors are known:

  • Chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus or arterial hypertension)
  • Obesity
  • Age (over 40 years old)
  • Presence of toxicosis and preeclampsia in previous cases of pregnancy

With eclampsia, convulsions develop, starting from the head and moving to the arms. Further, the spasms affect all muscles, and breathing may stop. At this time, the skin turns pale. When the convulsions subside, shortness of breath and foam at the mouth appear. The outcome is eclamptic coma. After a seizure, a woman may feel a headache. In this case, the doctor may prescribe a painkiller for the pregnant woman for headaches.

It should be remembered that headaches during pregnancy are only one of the symptoms of the underlying disease that you need to pay attention to.

Stress and its connection with headaches

A headache in a pregnant woman can be caused by simple nervous tension. The combination of acting factors affects the nervous system, and the temples may hurt.

The main thing in this state is to rest more and shift the burden of household responsibility onto someone else. Any overexertion can cause severe headaches during pregnancy.

Going on maternity leave is one of the options. If a woman feels that she cannot work in the first or second trimester, she should consult a specialist doctor to conduct an objective examination of all organs and systems.

From one complaint, “I am a pregnant woman and I have a headache,” the doctor will not be able to diagnose and prescribe treatment for you. It is necessary to collect a complete medical history, obtain the results of urine and blood tests, and more complex studies. That is why you should not ask yourself the question: “can you get a headache during pregnancy?” Anything can hurt, even a headache, but understanding the causes is the main goal, which only a doctor can handle.

What should a pregnant woman do if she has frequent headaches?

So, my head has been hurting for several days now and quite severely. If you are pregnant, you should take any medications with caution. They can affect the health of the future child.

The first step is to contact an antenatal clinic. Doctors recommend at least 8-12 independent visits to the doctor.

The second and subsequent steps are determined by examination data and establishing the causes of the development of symptoms of the disease. You may have to go to a hospital “for conservation.” Sometimes doctors prescribe treatment “at home” with regular independent visits to a specialist.

In any case, it is extremely important to monitor your well-being and regularly contact specialists in order to bear a healthy child. And headaches during pregnancy should not create panic.

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Pain in the temples during pregnancy

Headaches in pregnant women

How to relieve temple pain?

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How to get rid of headaches during pregnancy in early and late stages

Every fifth woman experiences a headache during a difficult period of pregnancy. This often happens in the first trimester, when hormonal changes rapidly occur in the body. But sometimes the pain does not stop even in the later stages. This disorder is associated with many factors, not always harmless.

Contents of the article (table of contents)

Causes of pain in the head of the expectant mother

A headache that occurs during pregnancy can be triggered by both a serious illness and ordinary stuffiness in the room. The expectant mother’s body reacts sensitively to any irritants: environment, emotional mood, diet, etc.

Common causes of headaches in pregnant women include:

  1. Hormonal disbalance. From the first weeks after conception, it has a negative effect on the blood vessels that carry oxygen to the brain. Blood circulation is disrupted and a headache begins. Gradually, the body is completely rebuilt, and the pain goes away. This condition does not require medication and normalizes on its own.
  2. Jumps in blood pressure, combined with weakness and dizziness, occur during early stages with toxicosis. If vomiting and nausea occur frequently (more than 10 times a day), you should medical supervision. The pregnant woman is hospitalized and treated to avoid dehydration and complications.
  3. High blood pressure can cause headaches in late pregnancy. If there are problems with the kidneys, swelling, then the expectant mother needs hospital treatment, since this condition threatens normal flow pregnancy.
  4. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. Headaches are caused by ailments such as cervical osteochondrosis spinal column, vegetative-vascular dystonia, ENT diseases, chronic head and neck injuries, infectious diseases, cancer, brain inflammation. All the hidden ailments with which the expectant mother came into pregnancy sharply worsen and begin to manifest themselves clearly.

Headaches can be caused not only by internal disorders. A sudden change in weather, a long, tiring trip, or a long wait for a doctor outside the office can also cause severe pain in the expectant mother. Sometimes wrong image life of a pregnant woman causes periodic headaches.

Throbbing in the temples, nausea, and sleepiness can occur for the following reasons:

  • lack of fluid in the body due to stuffiness, heat, overheating;
  • long interval between meals, lack of snacks;
  • alcohol, inhalation of nicotine - about smoking during pregnancy;
  • presence in the diet of food with dyes and flavor enhancers;
  • lack of sleep or, conversely, too much sleep;
  • overwork.

Stress and conflictual relationships in the family and at work not only spoil the pregnant woman’s mood, but also cause severe attacks of pain in the head, harming the baby. Migraine is often the cause of discomfort. This disorder cannot be treated and affects women during periods hormonal changes, menopause, puberty and pregnancy.

Avoid stress during pregnancy

The need to urgently consult a doctor

When your head hurts a lot, your head throbs, it compresses, or your temples ache during pregnancy, you need to see a doctor. Headaches accompanied by:

  • lethargy, tinnitus, numbness of the tongue, arms, legs;
  • sudden weight gain with noticeably increasing swelling and decreased urination;
  • severe pain in the chest area, shortness of breath;
  • gagging and nausea in late pregnancy;
  • fever, tension occipital muscles(symptoms of meningitis);
  • sinus congestion, acute headache in the frontal and temporal region (symptoms of ENT diseases);
  • sudden deterioration in health after a head injury;
  • pain that does not go away after taking painkillers, but increases. Each new attack becomes more painful than the previous one;
  • when your head hurts in one place of the skull;
  • attacks begin in the morning, immediately after sleep. Accompanied by loss of coordination, lethargy, darkening of the eyes, and loss of appetite.

Medical intervention and urgent diagnostics requires acute headache that occurs for the first time. If the attack is not controlled by painkillers, a doctor's consultation and possibly hospitalization is necessary.

How to deal with pain on your own

To quickly get rid of headaches during pregnancy, you need to identify the main cause of the ailment. If the expectant mother is familiar with migraines even before pregnancy, then the methods of getting rid of attacks have long been known to her. Usually sound sleep, solitude, peace and quiet are the best medicines from illness.

While pregnant, you cannot take regular painkillers. Therefore, it is better to discuss how to deal with headaches with medications with your doctor.

Common headaches during early pregnancy can easily be treated with gentle methods:

  • Sleep and rest will help restore strength and improve well-being. If the expectant mother is at home, it is necessary to create a calm environment, draw the curtains, ventilate the room;
  • During pregnancy, a woman's blood sugar level quickly drops, so long breaks between meals contribute to headache attacks. If you have a long trip, a walk or a trip to the doctor, you need to take a light snack with you (a bag of nuts, an apple, a sandwich);
  • pain in the temples during pregnancy will be relieved by a warm compress from a towel or thick fabric, soaked in warm water;
  • can you have something sweet? fresh tea with the addition of lemon. Also relieves headaches with a herbal decoction of chamomile, calendula, mint - is mint allowed for pregnant women;
  • attack aching pain stopped with a scarf or woolen scarf tied to the head. It is important that the scarf touches the temples and forehead;
  • An emergency and simple aid is to wash with cold water. This will relieve vasospasm and improve the supply of oxygen to the brain. If an attack finds a woman in public place or at work, you need to go to the toilet and wet your neck and face with cool water. After water procedures It is advisable not to go outside for a few minutes so as not to catch a cold;
  • Throbbing pain is relieved with a warm bath with the addition of essential oils. You can simply wash your hair with a light massage.

Scientists have found that you can get rid of aching pain in your head by inhaling pleasant aromas. They do a great job with this fresh apples, oranges, flowers. If you have a bottle of essential oil on hand, you can use it by inhaling deeply several times.

Tablets for headaches during pregnancy

It is known that it is undesirable to treat headaches during pregnancy with medications unless there is an urgent need. Moreover, most of them are prohibited during this period. For example, the seemingly harmless Citramon in the early stages causes severe pathologies in the development of cardiac and nervous system. In the later stages, it has a bad effect on the blood clotting of the expectant mother, which is extremely undesirable before childbirth.

Some drugs (Triptan, Analgin), successfully used for migraines, provoke spontaneous abortion. Therefore, you need to choose painkillers together with your pregnancy doctor. Based on how I feel, individual characteristics women, he will determine the course of therapy and select the necessary medicine.

Experts advise taking a painkiller before the attack begins. If you have had a headache for a long time, the drug may not help or will begin to work when the headache stops hurting on its own.

Non-standard methods of treatment

Excellent and effective remedy for headaches - massage of the collar area and head. You can do it yourself, but it’s better to ask someone close to you. You should not massage your head when purulent inflammations skin, high blood pressure And severe loss hair. Movements should be smooth, relaxing, without strong pressure.

In order to relieve headaches in a pregnant woman with the help of massage, the following techniques are used:

  • Using your fingertips, grab the skin in the superciliary area and lightly squeeze. Gradually gathering the skin into folds, move from the center to the temple area;
  • knead the temples with your fingers in a circular motion;
  • the brow ridges are stroked according to hair growth;
  • comb their hair with their fingers, trying massage movements affect the scalp. Knead the parting, back of the head, neck area;
  • clasp your head with your fingers, pushing them apart and moving them in different directions;
  • Gently knead the neck and collar area.

Frequent migraine attacks can be reduced by changing your diet. The following foods can cause discomfort in the head:

  • bananas;
  • processed cheese;
  • spicy dishes;
  • fast food;
  • carbonated drinks with dyes;
  • citrus;
  • black strong tea;
  • pork liver;
  • dark chocolate, coffee.

Amateurs strict diets often suffer from headaches, attributing the malaise to anything, but not to a deficit nutrients in the body due to the desire to lose weight. Pregnant women should not follow any weight loss diets. A proper lifestyle and a healthy balanced diet will help not to gain weight after childbirth.

The cause of impaired vascular tone is fried and fatty foods. They increase blood cholesterol and promote the formation atherosclerotic plaques on vascular walls. A pregnant woman’s health will improve if she increases her intake of greens, fresh vegetables, dairy products, fish, lean meat.

The use of folk remedies

Often, the fight against pain during pregnancy is carried out only traditional methods. The main rule for treating the disorder is sound sleep and a healthy lifestyle.

A warm herbal decoction will help relieve headaches:

  • thyme, rosemary and medicinal sage 1 tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water over a spoon, infuse and filter. Drink in small sips throughout the day. This is an excellent folk remedy that is recommended to be taken if you have a headache;
  • wild strawberries, valerian root and mint are mixed in equal proportions and steamed in a thermos. Drink a glass a day;
  • severe headache is treated with tincture of cinnamon. 1 gram of seasoning is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. Before use, sugar or honey is added to the drink. Drink in small sips for half an hour;
  • lemon balm oil is rubbed on the temples pain syndrome;
  • Brew a spoonful of elderberry in boiling water and drink a quarter glass before the main meal.

On a par with herbal preparations and teas, doctors recommend treating headaches with clay. This is a unique folk remedy that improves the condition of a pregnant woman. A small amount of pharmaceutical clay is mixed with a pinch of dry mint and a cake is made, which is applied to the forehead or temples.

What not to use during pregnancy

It is strictly forbidden to prescribe any medications for headache attacks. A pronounced malaise may signal more serious illness that struck a woman during the period of gestation. It is unacceptable to take painkillers uncontrollably if you have constant pain. Only by eliminating the root cause of the disorder can you get rid of its symptoms.

Painkillers commonly used to treat even infants include Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Other medications should be discussed with your gynecologist. You should also not use some herbal infusions. Many plants have a damaging effect on the fetus and can cause uterine tone and bleeding, which can lead to miscarriage.

Herbal teas should be drunk in small quantities, no more than 2 cups per day. Properly brewed tea relieves vasospasm, eliminates headaches, and helps fight inflammatory diseases.


You can prevent a regular headache attack by following some rules:

  • constant daily routine (you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day and go to bed no later than 22 hours);
  • if doctors allow, you need to do exercises, gymnastics, swimming;
  • categorically refuse bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol negatively affect not only the mother's body, but can also cause serious deviations in the child;
  • include natural food in the menu;
  • drink enough liquid. This will save the future mother from toxins and toxins, it will help to endure toxicosis much easier;
  • It is important to promptly consult a doctor at the first signs of illness. Any disease is treated more effectively and quickly if therapy is started at the initial stage, avoiding complications.

If you follow these rules, you can protect yourself from unbearable headache attacks during the period of bearing a child. It is especially important to monitor your health in the early stages, when the body is undergoing complex hormonal changes. It is they who become a common cause of malaise and an impetus to exacerbate existing diseases that a woman may not know about before pregnancy.

Pain in the temples during pregnancy

Unfortunately, expectant mothers very often experience various pains and discomfort due to adaptation to their new position. Rarely does pregnancy occur without this. Frequent complaints from women during pregnancy include headaches in different parts of the pregnancy. Why do they occur, how are the causes diagnosed, and what are the treatments for temple pain? Is it possible to avoid this through prevention? Let's try to understand this topical issue for pregnant women.

Headaches in pregnant women

Complaints of pain in the temples during pregnancy are very common. They are characteristic of the first and third trimesters. The headache can be persistent and long-lasting, or it can be acute and localized in the temple area. At the same time, women state the girdle effect of pain in the frontal part with the most pronounced symptoms in the temples. Pain can cause discomfort for a long time, or even intermittently. Therefore, it is important that the woman herself observes when, at what time they occur and how long they last. Sometimes finding out the cause and diagnosing such pain is very difficult.

If we talk about headaches in the first weeks of pregnancy, they often occur due to the influence of hormones on the woman’s body. But in the third trimester they may occur due to carrying additional weight. The most common form of headache in pregnant women is migraine. Its cause is the narrowing and dilation of blood vessels in the brain. According to medical statistics, every fifth expectant mother experiences migraine, and 15% of women experience it for the first time when they are pregnant.

Causes of headaches in pregnant women

Doctors name the most common causes of headaches during pregnancy. These are: excessive consumption of caffeine (coffee), insomnia, fatigue, depression, hunger, dehydration, oxygen deficiency. All these factors influence the frequency and nature of headaches. But these are precisely the reasons that a woman can eliminate on her own, without drug treatment. Also, when a pregnant woman switches her body to reduce caffeine consumption, she may also experience a headache in her temples.

Sometimes the cause of pain in the temples can be inflammation of the sinuses, called sinusitis. In such cases, the pain is localized behind the cheekbones and can move to the temporal part. Such pain is even fraught with a negative impact on vision.

As for pain in the temples in the third trimester, namely in the later stages of pregnancy, very often their cause can be high blood pressure (hypertension). A pregnant woman must inform the observing gynecologist about such pain. If they are concentrated in the frontal part and move to the temporal part, accompanied by visual flashes of light, nausea, then you should consult a doctor immediately, without waiting for an appointment.

By the way, sometimes the causes of headaches in pregnant women can be simply surprising. Pregnant women write about this on forums, observing their appearance. So, some people say that pain occurs even after eating their favorite chocolate or Chinese dishes before pregnancy! There is nothing surprising. After all, this is how changes in hormonal levels and shifts in some biochemical parameters react to nutrition.

Diagnosis of the causes of headaches

Any type of headache, if it occurs regularly, needs to be treated after diagnosing the cause. Most often, this method is X-ray computed tomography. It allows us to examine formations in the skull, cerebrovascular accidents, and other brain anomalies, possibly of a traumatic nature.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and spine helps in diagnosing tumors, sinusitis and other diseases that cause headaches, including in the temples. A new research method is magnetic resonance angiography. It makes it possible to diagnose a wider range of disorders that are the causes of headaches.

And of course, blood pressure monitoring, tests, and examination by an ophthalmologist are effective methods for identifying the causes of headaches.

How to relieve temple pain?

The most important thing is to find the cause of the pain and treat it correctly. But sometimes it is difficult to install. If specific, serious causes of pain have not been identified, then you can try to help yourself. So, you can apply a warm or cold compress to the frontotemporal part. Try showering more often. A cold shower constricts dilated blood vessels in the body and is a good remedy for headaches. Perhaps a massage of the neck-collar area will help you.

Some women use essential oils to relieve temple pain. For example, lavender, mint, and lemon balm oils have a calming effect. Rubbing a few drops into your temples will relieve the pain fairly quickly. Other women state that the old and proven Zvezdochka balm is an excellent remedy.

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