Normal blood pressure is 55. What is pulse pressure

There is a special table that shows the correct blood pressure (BP) values ​​depending on how old a person is. But these standards are not always normal, since it is important to take into account physical activity, lifestyle and various pathologies everyone.

A person’s age does not affect blood pressure levels. They should not be higher than 140/90 mm Hg. Art. The norm is considered to be 130 to 80 mmHg. Art. Minor deviations from normal indicators are immediately reflected in the general condition of a person. In case of significant deviations, serious problems with health.

In women over the age of 50, normal blood pressure should be in the range of 130-145/90 mmHg. Art. If these indicators are higher, it means the pressure is high, if lower, it means low. At age 50, these numbers are unstable because women become more likely to have signs of hypertension, which should be monitored, consulted with a doctor, and treated for abnormalities.

Blood pressure standards after fifty

Pressure measurement should take place in a quiet place and at comfortable position person. After all, any load can significantly change it and then the indicators will be incorrect. The body is able to control blood pressure (BP) itself, and when minor loads are possible, its numbers will rise by 20 mmHg. Art. There is nothing dangerous in this, since under load the organs need large quantity blood, so blood circulation increases.

As a woman ages, various irreversible processes occur in her body, which affect changes in blood pressure. The older the patient, the more significant the deviation from the norm.


When blood flow influences the walls of blood vessels, blood pressure occurs, the indicators of which depend on the strength of this influence. The very intensity of blood flow depends on how the heart muscle works. Based on this, pressure is measured using two indicators - upper (systolic) and lower (diastolic).

Table 1. Normal blood pressure at the age of 50 - 55 years

The upper indicators indicate the resistance of blood vessels during shocks of blood flow at the moment of greatest contraction of the heart muscle. The lower ones indicate minimal vascular resistance at the moment of greatest weakening of the heart muscle.

The normal level of upper blood pressure is considered to be 130–140 mm Hg. Art. If the indicators are higher, it is recommended to consult a doctor to prescribe treatment and normalize the condition. Regular increased blood pressure is a sign of a disease such as hypertension. Then the doctor prescribes special medications, physiotherapy and other types of therapy depending on the individual performance indicators of the body of an individual person.

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The norm lower pressure the mark is considered to be 80–90 mmHg. Art. In older age, low blood pressure can lead to brain pathology. Very often, doctors take measurements on both hands. The numbers must be the same, or there may be a deviation of 5 mmHg. Art. on the hand that is considered working. If the difference is 10 mm Hg. Art. and higher, this indicates atherosclerosis or stenosis of blood vessels.


This pressure occurs as a result of poor circulation cerebrospinal fluid(cerebrospinal fluid). The latter invariably circulates under pressure throughout the cavity spinal cord, along the stomach of the brain, as well as between the bones of the skull. But sometimes there is a concentration of liquid in one place or a decrease in it in a certain area. Then there is an increase or decrease intracranial pressure(ICP). ICP standards: 3–15 mm Hg. Art.


This indicator is individual for everyone, as it depends on various processes and phenomena that occur in women after 50 years. The norm is considered to be 10–23 mmHg. Art. It is this figure that allows you to preserve the optical functions of the retina and maintain the necessary visual acuity.

What is intraocular pressure?

Intraocular pressure (IOP) occurs when pressure eyeball onto its hard shell. It can be either arterial, high or low. Most often, the readings exceed the norm, resulting in the formation of glaucoma. Reduced indicator happens, as a rule, in patients. Any deviation threatens complete loss of vision.

There are many causes of the disease. The main ones are:

  1. Cardiovascular pathologies.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Atherosclerosis.
  4. Farsightedness.
  5. Genetic predisposition to the disease.

On early stage The disease is difficult to determine, so it is recommended to be periodically checked by an ophthalmologist.

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Which indicators are considered normal and which are deviations?

Iphthalmotonus is measured in millimeters of mercury. A normal value is considered if it is in the range from 10 to 23 mm Hg. Art. In women and men over 40 years of age, the main cause of eye discomfort or vision problems is ophthalmotonus.

IOP readings may change throughout the day. For example, in the morning it can be increased, and in the evening it can be decreased. But it is important that this difference does not exceed 3 mmHg. Art.

Characteristic symptoms

Increased IOP is classified into several types: stable, labile and transient. Stable is when the indicator is always above the norm. This indicates possible glaucoma. Labile – when indicators periodically change from high to normal. Transient is characterized by rare pressure surges.

Signs high pressure are following symptoms:

  • Severe reduction in field of view.
  • Rapid eye fatigue and redness.
  • When looking at the light, rainbow arcs are formed.
  • Twilight vision is violated.
  • Pain in the temples and brow ridges.
  • Discomfort when reading or watching TV.
  • The viewing angle is reduced.

Diagnostic methods

It is impossible to determine IOP at home. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will ophthalmological diagnostics and will be able to determine the indicator. There are several diagnostic methods. The main ones are:

  1. Pneumotonometry.
  2. Electronograph.
  3. Tonometry according to Maklakov.


This method allows you to measure intraocular pressure using a special pneumotonometer, which operates using a stream of air. The procedure is taking place in the following way: the patient places his head on a special stand and focuses his gaze on the indicated mark. The device directs a stream of air towards the eye. IOP is determined by how the shape of the cornea changes. Pneumotonometry is safe for human health and can be performed several times in a row.


This procedure is considered more extended, as it is carried out within 4 minutes. During this time, all changes in the condition of the eyeball are recorded. The measurement is carried out using a special device - an electronic tonograph. The patient lies on his back, his eyelids are fixed and spread apart with a special ring. This results in more enhanced and precise hydrodynamics of the eye.

Tonometry according to Maklakov

This contact method IOP measurements are very popular. Its essence is as follows: a weight is placed on the eye, which is pre-wetted with paint. After this, the weight is placed on paper and the pressure is determined from the imprint. The procedure itself is painless and does not cause discomfort, since an anesthetic is first instilled into the eyes.

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Exist various ways normalization of pressure, which depend on the cause of the disease. As a rule, this happens due to problems in the cardiovascular system. There are often situations when, during the treatment of diseased organs, IOP also returns to normal. But it is still necessary to visit an ophthalmologist.

Treatment depends on the extent of the disease and its cause. For example, if it is inflammation, then the doctor prescribes special drugs and drops. As a supplement, gymnastics and vitamins are prescribed.


Depending on the disease, they are prescribed various drugs. For glaucoma, Travoprost or Pilocarpine may be prescribed. For inflammation, antibacterial drops are prescribed, and for eye fatigue, moisturizers are prescribed.

The drops are removed excess liquid from the eye and nourish them useful substances. But they all have their side effects, so self-treatment Not recommended. Drops such as Xalatan, Trusopt, Tafluprost, Travatan or Azopt are considered popular. Moisturizing drops such as Oftolik or Visin can be used without a doctor's prescription.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Preventive measures To reduce or increase IOP, they also include eye exercises. For getting positive result exercises should be performed regularly. The ophthalmologist will tell you in detail and show you what the basic exercises are.

This includes alternating concentration of gaze, first to the left, then to right side, lightly pressing the eyelids with the pads of your fingers. Massaging the eyelids improves blood circulation, and rotating the eyes alternately in one direction and then in the other reduces eye pressure.


There are several types of glasses that are aimed at normalizing blood pressure and vision in general. These include training glasses, which instead of glasses have a plastic plate with many holes installed. These could also be Sidorenko glasses or Pankov glasses.

Complications of a high rate may include shortness of breath, lameness, coughing up blood, and atherosclerosis. Complications low pressure: loss of consciousness, collapse, cardiac tamponade or brain damage.

Preventive actions

  • Fat and fried foods exclude from the diet.
  • Sports activities.
  • Taking vitamins.
  • Regular eye exercises.
  • It is recommended to undergo treatment at a sanatorium once every six months.
  • Complete rest.
  • Limit consumption of caffeine-containing drinks.

Many diseases in modern society associated with the readings that are displayed on the dial of the tonometer. It is blood pressure, low or high, that is considered a sign (or harbinger) various ailments. In medicine it is generally accepted that normal pressure a person should be expressed by a digital ratio of 120/80 or 115/75. But often these indicators are not objective. Additionally, what is normal at age 30 may not be acceptable at age 55.

Age-related changes cannot but affect the pressure readings that are formed when blood moves in the vessels. That is why, when determining what normal blood pressure should be, many operate with general data that does not have an age guideline.

But taking into account all age-related changes, based on medical observations and statistical data, it was determined that the norm of pressure at 50 years should be within 140 to 90. Exceeding this indicator is alarming symptom hypertension, in which case you should consult a doctor (you can see your local physician). Slightly low blood pressure readings may not be a concern. But if the pressure is 90 to 50 or less, this is already a sign of an unhealthy body. And in this case it is also required medical examination, specific treatment, lifestyle and nutrition correction. Interestingly, low blood pressure is more common in women than in men. Moreover, at the age of 20; Over 40 years of age, men are more prone to high blood pressure than women. But after fifty, women have a significantly higher risk of hypertension.

A person's blood pressure is measured using a special device - a tonometer. But even without accurate readings, by listening to how you feel, you can find out when the indicator has deviated from the norm.

When elevated, women in mature age may experience the following symptoms:

  • Headache (often throbbing), dizziness;
  • Compressive, pinching pain in the region of the heart;
  • Nausea;
  • Noise or buzzing in the ears;
  • Constant feeling of weakness, fatigue;
  • Unreasonable feelings of anxiety, irritability.

The manifestation of one or more signs is a reason to consult a therapist, undergo an examination and prescribed treatment.

If the arterial turgor in the vessels is too high, this cannot pass without a trace. Especially, increased blood pressure in adulthood entails a number of more serious consequences. So, high blood pressure in a woman aged 50 can provoke:

The higher the indicators, the more risk development of serious diseases that pose a direct threat to human health and life. Blood pressure at 50 years old is not just empty words, but a physiological indicator that requires constant monitoring. If there are signs of abnormality, you should measure it several times a day. The results obtained must be reported to your therapist at your next visit.

High blood pressure at the age of 50 is not something to joke about. Therefore, it needs to be brought back to normal, that is, lowered. For these purposes, the patient is prescribed drug treatment. Recommendations for lifestyle correction are also prescribed.

Drug treatment should be prescribed only by a medical specialist, based on examinations and tests. The patient may be prescribed medications different groups, in particular:

  • Diuretics (for example, Furosemide);
  • Calcium antagonists (Verapamil, Nifedipine);
  • ACE inhibitors (Captopril);
  • Beta blockers;
  • Vasodilators.

In local therapy departments, patients are often prescribed a course of Magnesia drips. But the effectiveness of this drug is much lower than that of more modern means. The reason for the widespread demand for Magnesia is due more to its low cost than its positive effects. Blood thinners may be prescribed after age 50, but should only be taken after a doctor's prescription.

No prescribed treatment will give positive effect if a person is driving Not healthy image life. Blood pressure will not be normal at age 50 if a person:

  • Smokes,
  • Drinks alcohol
  • Eating incorrectly, with predominance junk food, saturated fat, carbohydrates, preservatives, various additives,
  • Leads sedentary lifestyle life,
  • Is overweight
  • Often exposed to stress.

All these factors must be eliminated from the life of a hypertensive patient; otherwise, even the most powerful medications will not be able to normalize blood pressure.

Women aged 50 or 55 may also experience too low blood pressure. Its signs are as follows:

  • In lethargy, general weakness, frequent illness,
  • In regular occipital headaches,
  • Frequent shortness of breath, fatigue,
  • Dizziness, lack of air in crowded places,
  • In nausea and even vomiting.

Most women are in no hurry to treat the disease, but call this condition normal for themselves. But hypotension cannot pass without a trace and one day will manifest itself in more serious diseases ( acute heart attack myocardium, anaphylactic shock, disruption of the adrenal glands and other glands, etc.).

For treatment, drugs such as citramon, pantocrine, ginseng tincture or Chinese lemongrass. But you need to take medications after consulting a doctor.

Women with low blood pressure You should also rest more often, and not overload yourself with hard work or exhausting sports.

Regardless of what blood pressure a woman has, it is necessary to correct image life, visit more fresh air and protect yourself from stress. It is important to understand that with age the body only weakens, its standard indicators change, the hemoglobin rate in women after 50, heart rate and lung volume, etc. change.

The pressure of women at 50 is important indicator, which, along with basic data, allows you to timely identify serious illness and carry out treatment in a timely manner without aggravating the situation.

Blood pressure is the pressure of blood in the large arteries of a person. There are two indicators of blood pressure: systolic (upper) and diastolic (lower). All people have individual physiological characteristics, respectively, the level of blood pressure in different persons will be different.

In an absolutely healthy person, regardless of age group blood pressure should be within 140/90 mm. The normal pressure is 130/80 mmHg. A perfect option“like astronauts” - 120/80 mm.

Exceeding blood pressure levels is fraught with numerous complications. Medical statistics indicates that hypertension increases the risk of stroke by 7 times, and heart failure by 6 times chronic form, 4 times – heart attack.

Let's consider what is the norm of blood pressure in men depending on their age? Let's find out the causes and provoking factors of hypertension, how is prevention carried out?

Clinical manifestations of hypertension

Hypertension appears chronic pathology, as a result of which there is a persistent increase in blood pressure. Previously, the disease was diagnosed in women and men after 40 years of age, but in currently a tendency towards “rejuvenation” has been identified.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the symptoms of the disease are unexpressed, which leads to the detection pathological condition not on early stages, and in the second and third stages with existing complications.

Changes in blood vessels may not manifest themselves for a long period of time, for example, up to 50-60 years. In men who smoke or abuse alcohol, signs of high blood pressure are detected even at 35 years of age.

Clinical symptoms of high blood pressure:

  • Increased heart rate and pulse rate.
  • Impaired visual perception – decreased visual acuity, or the appearance of “veils and spots” before the eyes.
  • Periodic hearing loss, tinnitus.
  • Dizziness and nausea. This combination can be observed regardless of physical activity men.
  • Increased sweating painful sensations in the sternum.
  • Headache localized in the back of the head and temples.
  • Feelings of anxiety, fear, panic attack.

In a man clinical symptoms They do not appear immediately, but gradually, combining several at a time. Exacerbation of symptoms occurs after strength exercise, nervous tension, or with chronic fatigue.

In addition, it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe, all signs of suffocation are revealed, the skin of the face, lower and upper limbs are getting colder. During a hypertensive attack, cold and profuse sweat, the patient begins to talk continuously or falls into a stupor.

When such symptoms are detected in men aged 45-50 years, he needs health care- these are harbingers of a hypertensive crisis, fraught with serious complications.

Causes of hypertension in men

Before we find out what the blood pressure should be in an adult man, let’s consider the etiology of formation arterial hypertension. The causes of high blood pressure are multifaceted; in some situations, a combination of several provoking factors leads to the development of the disease.

In order to assign an adequate conservative therapy the doctor recommends a number diagnostic measures aimed at establishing the reasons that led to chronic increase HELL.

It is noted that in a number of situations they can increase blood pressure accompanying illnesses. In this case, treatment is directed to the “source”.

Causes of high blood pressure in men:

  1. Long-term therapy with some medicines. As side effect Some medications help increase blood pressure levels.
  2. Alcoholic drinks significantly increase the load on the heart muscle, and a large load will sooner or later lead to pathological blood pressure values.
  3. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in the absence of adequate treatment lead to lability of blood pressure values.
  4. Hangover syndrome. Everyone knows that after abuse alcoholic drinks, in the morning it’s bad, in particular, there is a headache, nausea, etc. This symptomatology is a consequence of surges in blood pressure. Also, alcohol retains fluid in the body, which leads to swelling and impaired liver and kidney function.

Bad eating habits. Men rarely adhere healthy eating, preferring to eat semi-finished products as much as possible more meat; love salted fish with beer and pickled mushrooms with vodka. This “menu” leads to the deposition of salts, excess fluid, which in turn leads to excess weight gain, swelling, atherosclerotic changes and hypertension.

In addition to these points, there are also specific risk factors that can accelerate the progression of a chronic disease. These include genetic factor, many years of smoking experience, the man’s age and body weight.

If 2 or more risk factors are detected, it is recommended to think about your health. Since ignoring it will lead to hypertension with all the ensuing consequences.

Norm by age

To understand what normal blood pressure is for a man at a given age, you should know the average norms provided medical practice and medical literature sources.

At the age of 18 best option– 120/80 mm. In principle, these values ​​of systolic and diastolic pressure are optimal at both 45 years and 50 years. If the values ​​are 130/80-85 mm, then this is also normal pressure, provided that there are no symptoms of hypertension.

Generally speaking, blood pressure up to 139/89 mm inclusive is normal indicators if there are no harmful symptoms chronic illness. When 140/90 is diagnosed, they speak of the first degree of the disease, it is recommended to pay attention to signs indicating a disruption in the functioning of target organs.

Arterial pressure over 150/100, regardless of age, signals impending hypertensive crisis, therefore, it is necessary to take measures to stop the detrimental condition.

It is advisable to emphasize that if a man leads a healthy lifestyle, does not indulge in alcoholic beverages, has bad eating habits, visits a doctor in a timely manner and undergoes preventive examinations, then the likelihood of developing pathology is low.

Age-related changes “spare no one.” Over the years, the functionality of the blood vessels deteriorates; they are not as elastic as before, so they are not able to work fully; accordingly, the pressure at 20 and 40 years old cannot be the same.

Normal values ​​depending on age:

  • From 18 to 45 years - systolic varies from 117 to 125, diastolic 75-85.
  • 40-50 years old – upper – 125-135, lower – 85-90.
  • 50-60 and older – cardiac – up to 140, renal – up to 90.

With age, the norm of blood pressure increases, and this is due to age-related changes. This phenomenon is a type of norm if a man feels good. The norm of blood pressure in the weaker sex is slightly lower in at a young age– this is due to less muscle mass.

But with age, in particular after 60 years, the risk of vascular accident is compared for both sexes.

Prevention of high blood pressure in men

Unfortunately, many men prefer to ignore the discomfort, hoping that over time everything will go away on its own. However, sooner or later the seriousness of the problem is realized, usually after.

Any disease, including hypertension, it is better not to allow it than a long period time to fight it. The disease cannot be cured, but through preventive measures it is possible to slow down the progression of the pathology.

Prevention of arterial hypertension:

  1. Refusal/limitation of table salt.
  2. Optimal physical activity.
  3. Quitting smoking and alcohol.
  4. Adequate sleep and rest.

Lability of blood pressure indicators is not only a deterioration in health, but also myocardial infarction, stroke, cardiac and renal failure and other complications of the near future.

You can avoid this if you control your blood pressure, follow your doctor's advice and preventive measures.

What is human pressure?

This is the pressure in large blood vessels(arteries) of a person. Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury. When measuring we always get first top figure, and then the bottom one. Systematic elevated blood pressure indicates serious illnesses or the possibility of their occurrence. This could be a stroke, heart attack, chronic failure heart or disease peripheral arteries. There are two indicators of a person’s blood pressure:

  • Upper (systolic) is the blood pressure when the heart contracts as much as possible.
  • Lower (diastolic) is the blood pressure when it relaxes as much as possible.

Many will say that everyone has their own norm. And this is natural, because everything depends on the person’s age, his personal characteristics, way of life and activity. However, any doctor, when asked what blood pressure is considered normal, will answer that there are four types:

Optimal (about 120/80).

Normal (about 130/85).

High, but at the same time normal (135-139/85-89).

High (140/90 and above).

When does pressure increase?

When a person is active, it increases due to the needs of the body. This increase is 20 mm h.s. is a normal and healthy reaction on the part of the heart and blood vessels. If changes occur in the body, or there is a risk of disease, as well as with age, the pressure changes. The upper limit grows throughout life, and the lower limit only until the age of 60.

How to measure blood pressure correctly?

For exact result Blood pressure measurements should be carried out in a state of rest and emotional balance. Smoking and drinking coffee are prohibited before the examination. The hand should be relaxed and lie comfortably on the table. The cuff is secured on the shoulder so that its lower border is 3 centimeters above the elbow. But we must not forget that its center must be located above brachial artery. After proper fastening, air is pumped into it. And then it gradually deflates to the first audible tone - this upper limit. Disappearance of tone is the lower limit.

What blood pressure is considered normal in people depending on their type of activity?

First of all, in this matter it is worth paying attention to people who are subject to constant physical activity. For example, for athletes the norm may be 100/60 or 90/50 mm r. Art. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle can have normal blood pressure as low as 135/90.

What blood pressure is considered normal for men?

For men aged 20 to 24, the average is 117/77, and for men aged 60 to 64, it is 134/87. As you can see, normal blood pressure usually increases slightly with age. Recent research in this area has discovered the fact that men under 55 years of age have a greater chance of increasing it than women. When looking at different races and cultures, it was determined that African Americans have greatest risk the occurrence of high blood pressure. Moreover, men suffering overweight smokers and alcohol abusers are more likely to develop this problem.

What blood pressure is considered normal in women?

For women aged 20 to 24 years, the average is 120/79, and from 60 to 64 years, like for men, it is 134/87. Blood pressure increases with age, and after menopause this process accelerates. Its increase (sometimes decrease) during pregnancy is also noticeable, which is associated with a double load on cardiovascular system. Just like men wrong image a woman’s life can trigger the development of problems associated with blood pressure. But, regardless of gender, every person must know what pressure is normal for him and do regular medical examinations. Take care of yourself!

IN medical practice There are blood pressure standards, the violation of which reduces the patient’s performance and leaves him bedridden. In this state, a person cannot think soberly and is impaired heartbeat, pulse quickens, blood rushes. To avoid deviations, it is important to control blood pressure and clearly know the blood pressure norms by age.

Normal human blood pressure

To understand how important the ideal value is this indicator, we need to clarify the point: this is the effort with which blood flow affects the walls of blood vessels and capillaries. High rate AD makes it clear that circulatory system cannot cope with the load, is not able to withstand the onslaught. This real problem health problems that can lead to immediate hospitalization. It is very important to know what pressure is considered normal in order to stop the flow pathological process already at an early stage.

The ideal measurement is a tonometer made within 1 minute, and the result on it is 120/80 mmHg. Art. The normal blood pressure of a person by age may differ slightly from the stated limits, but the normal value is appropriate if the patient feels great and has no complaints to the therapist at all. When blood pressure increases, you must take medical supplies, individually prescribed by the attending physician.

What is normal blood pressure for an adult?

It’s worth clarifying right away: if you compare a person’s blood pressure, the norm by age has certain differences. You should not compare these two indicators, since they are affected by various factors. If the patient is interested in what his blood pressure is, the norm in adults is 120/80 mm. rt. Art. for a period of 20-40 years. IN childhood the blood pressure limit is somewhat underestimated, in the elderly it is overestimated (against the background of already existing chronic diseases).

Normal in children

In preschool and school periods, children's blood pressure is measured mainly by medical indications, therefore, there is no indicator of the so-called “children’s limit” as such. At the age of 16, the norm for children's blood pressure by age has already been established for adolescents, which is 100-120/70-80 mm. rt. Art. If the top or lower limits are violated, the child must be shown to a specialist, check the pulse, undergo a complete clinical examination to determine the pathogenic factor.

With an increased limit, the child may not be aware of health problems and experience headache, but don't complain. When the limit is reduced, passivity, lethargy, and the desire to occupy horizontal position. Parents must respond to a health problem; otherwise, stabilize general state will be very problematic. Treatment is not always medicinal; blood pressure can be stabilized with a daily regimen, proper nutrition, drinking plenty of fluids And by alternative means.

In men

In the organisms of representatives of the opposite sexes, the indicator of arterial blood strength differs within the same age. This is explained by physiological characteristics, which can be found out in detail during a consultation with a specialist. For example, normal blood pressure in men aged 20-40 years should not go beyond 123/76-129/81. These are the optimal boundaries when a representative of the stronger sex feels great and does not complain about his health.

Among women

IN female body much more often there is a need to lower blood pressure. Representatives of the fairer sex are more prone to horse racing, as a result of which the blood rushes to the head, concentration and performance are lost. You can determine the real value using a tonometer, but it is important to know what a person’s pressure should be. Age restrictions It is also advisable to take this into account. Thus, the norm of pressure by age in women is 120/75 from 20 to 35 years and 127/80 for the period from 40 to 50 years.

Blood pressure, norm by age: table

Normal blood pressure does not need to be adjusted and will be measured using a home blood pressure monitor. If defined low rate, it is impossible to do without medical participation - otherwise the patient loses strength and consciousness, and the movement of blood through the vessels slows down. When it is necessary to lower this indicator, a specialist also gives valuable recommendations, and according to age and concomitant diseases. Below is a table of human pressure by age, typical healthy person.

Patient age

Gender healthy man– M., women – F.

A person’s blood pressure is the norm for age, mm. rt. Art.



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