Carrots: beneficial properties and contraindications. Carrot cutlets with cheese

A little history. The oldest cultivated plant is carrots. The homeland of carrots is Iran and Afghanistan.
They say that man first learned about carrots from a horse. The horse lay there, peacefully chewing a purple root. passing by ancient man, apparently, was hungry and took it away from the animal. Having tasted delicious purple carrots, I decided to look for them in nature according to characteristic smell tops and dissected leaves.

At that time it prevailed purple carrots. But sometimes there were white and yellow root vegetables. They were much tastier, and the man decided to propagate them with seeds. This is how carrots appeared in the human diet. In our country, carrots have been known since the 16th century. It was kept fresh for the winter in barrels of honey, after being washed and dried. They served it to the table in exactly the same way - fresh carrots with honey. It was considered a medicinal food for the boyars and nobility.

What are the benefits of carrots? Chemical composition of carrots

The usefulness of carrots can be assessed by its chemical composition. It's low calorie dietary product, 100 grams of carrots contain 35.5 kcal. There's enough in carrots great content protein - 1.31 grams, so it is an indispensable product for vegetarians.

Carrots are characterized by the presence of almost all fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K, D, the whole group B, C, N, RR. The largest amount of them was found in the peel, which is used to be peeled. Therefore, it is recommended to only wash the carrots and not peel them.

The most valuable root crop is due to high content provitamin A or carotene - 2000 mcg/100 g. It is the presence of carotene that determines the color of carrots. Carotene is converted to vitamin A when heat treatment carrots in the presence of fat.
That is why boiled or stewed carrots than fresh - a very rare case, because it is almost always emphasized that thermally processed vegetables are less healthy than raw foods.

True, here it is necessary to take into account glycemic index, which can stimulate appetite. If you eat raw carrots, this index is small. As soon as the carrots are boiled, the glycemic index increases and thermally processed carrots significantly increase appetite, especially in salads (vinaigrette).

In carrots large percentage content of microelements, the most important of which are boron, selenium, iron, copper, vanadium.

What diseases can be prevented by eating carrots?

1. Forms and improves vision

As can be seen from chemical composition, carrots are a generous source of provitamin A, which is responsible for twilight vision. Deficiency of this vitamin leads to night blindness in evening time.

2. Improves the condition of facial skin

Vitamin A is involved in the differentiation of body cells.

3. Oncological or anti-cancer effect of carrots

All this is due to the content of phytoncides. Regular consumption of carrots reduces the risk of cancer by 40%. Strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to colds. The strongest antioxidant.

4. Regulates the hematopoietic process

Plays a major role in this process folic acid. There is especially a lot of it in carrot tops. Once dried, it can be used as a food seasoning.

5. Participates in normalization fat metabolism due to the content of pantothenic acid.

6. Regulates the functioning of the heart and nerve cells

The macroelements potassium and magnesium that carrots contain are essential for the functioning of the heart and nervous system.

7. Regulates appetite

Carrots reduce appetite in their raw form, and those people who want to lose weight are advised to eat raw root vegetables. If you need to increase body weight, use boiled carrots.

8. Regulates the functioning of the intestines and pancreas thanks to its fiber content.

An excellent remedy against constipation. Can be used as anthelmintic– removes worms from children.

10. Raw carrots increases body tone

It is useful for anemia and anemia. Relieves syndrome chronic fatigue. Increases potency in men.

How to eat carrots correctly. Recipes

1. Freshly squeezed juice from organic carrots

We pass fresh carrots through a juicer and take half a glass in the morning as an energy drink and antibacterial agent. It is especially useful for children and pregnant women as a source of balanced natural vitamins.
If you suffer from insomnia, drink juice at night instead of sedatives.

2. Grated carrots with olive oil or sour cream

Finely grate three 100 grams of carrots per person. Season with butter or sour cream. We try not to add salt or sugar and eat it on an empty stomach. This is especially true for anemia, cholelithiasis, cleansing the intestines.

3. Baked carrots with nsunflower oil

Place raw medium-sized carrots in a small baking tray. Watering sunflower oil and sprinkle with your favorite spices. Place in the oven for 25 minutes. Can be eaten as a side dish meat dishes or – as a separate dish. Increases appetite. Contains an increased amount of carotene.

Who should not eat carrots?

1. Overdose. Anyone should consume carrots within reasonable limits. Daily dose– 80 grams. This is a small, medium-sized carrot. In case of overdose, jaundice appears from excess carotene. The palms and facial skin become yellow.
2. Individual intolerance to carrot components, especially essential oils.
3. Temporarily limit the consumption of carrots for enteritis and peptic ulcers (exacerbation).

Carrots are a root vegetable accessible to almost everyone, utility value which many underestimate, using only in first courses, sometimes not large quantities in salads.

Bright carrots are familiar to both adults and children in many countries - without them you won’t get aromatic pilaf and stew, you can’t make sauerkraut and not prepare a lot of first courses and juicy salads. But what effect does this vegetable have on the human body? Does it only bring benefit or can it cause harm?


This genus of plant belongs to the umbelliferous species, and unites a fairly large category of vegetables. Carrots are a biennial plant; in the first year, a juicy and bright long root crop ripens; in the second year, if the vegetable is not removed from the ground, seeds will appear.

Red carrots contain lycopene, which turns other vegetables and fruits red. Many producers try to surprise their customers and strive to grow carrots unusual color. So you can find green carrots, and even purple ones.

Initially, the root crop had dark color, and the vegetable was used only in medicinal purposes. But a little later, around the 18th century in France, breeders managed to grow yellow and orange types of carrots, which immediately gained enormous popularity among gourmets.

About the composition and calorie content of the product

Carrots are very rich in beta-carotene, which is pure vitamin A, which gives vegetables and fruits their bright orange color. And the vitamin itself strengthens and has a beneficial effect on vision, protects and stimulates natural immunity person and is excellent protective factor from solar radiation.

But the vegetable is rich not only in beta-carotene, it also contains a lot of calcium, chlorine, magnesium and iron, potassium and selenium, and sodium. Carrots are high in antioxidants, dietary fiber(fiber) and vitamins B, C, E.

With all this variety of vitamins, the calorie content of carrots is small, 100 grams. contains only about 40 calories. That is why it is so loved by those who adhere to various diets.


  • High antioxidant content will help prevent cancer and various oncological diseases.
  • The vegetable is also important for men, it increases potency and restores physical strength after grueling physical training.
  • Carrots improve the condition and well-being of people with the disease diabetes mellitus.
  • Renders beneficial influence on blood vessels and cardiac system.
  • Huge fiber content helps relieve constipation and other digestive problems, gently relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
  • Improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, which is useful for weight loss and figure correction.
  • Rejuvenates and smoothes the skin, relieves irritation and redness when applied externally.

The benefits of fresh carrots

  • For kidneys and liverFresh Juice indicated for the prevention of cholelithiasis, and useful material cleanse cells of accumulated harmful substances.
  • Immunity– to strengthen, one medium carrot per day is enough, for example, grated with homemade fatty sour cream. The body will be protected and resistance to various infections will increase.

Benefits for men

The root vegetable has a beneficial effect on male and female general state prostate gland. Eating it raw or stewed is an excellent prevention of genitourinary diseases.

Carrots replenish the supply of potassium in a man’s body, and the juice is very useful as a refreshing drink after physical training - after all, freshly squeezed juice will tone tired muscles and relieve pain syndrome and relieve fatigue.

Boiled carrots: benefits and harms

The benefit of boiled root vegetables is that the content of antioxidants in the product increases by 34-36%. Thanks to this, our body is reliably protected from the occurrence of tumors.

As for the harm, there is it - people with gastrointestinal inflammation and stomach ulcers should not eat boiled carrots. An overdose of vitamin A in the body leads to drowsiness and headaches.

About the benefits and harms of raw carrots

Of course, the benefits of raw carrots are obvious - without heat treatment, they retain all healthy vitamins. And the dietary fiber content helps cope with digestive problems.

And what is its harm? In the first rows we can note individual intolerance product, and possible allergic reactions when using it. Even with excessive consumption, the liver suffers from a large amount of carotene in the blood.

Korean carrots

Korean carrot salad is very high in calories, its value is 125 calories per 100 grams. dishes, so you shouldn’t overuse the spicy and aromatic delicacy. Besides nutritional supplements in store-bought marinades they increase appetite, which is not good for those who are trying to lose weight.

The benefits are based on the properties of the root vegetable itself, and thanks to the hot oil marinade, the vitamin A content in the product is greatly enhanced.

Carrots with sour cream

If you flavor the salad with fresh sour cream, you will get double benefits for the body - from good absorption vitamin A and lactic acid bacteria beneficial for the intestines.

Carrots with honey

If you add ginger and a teaspoon of lemon juice to a salad with carrots, which is dressed with liquid, then this dish will help to effectively fight infections during the spread of viruses and flu.

Freshly squeezed carrot juice perfectly reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and increases blood formation. It is recommended to drink carrot juice after taking a course of antibiotics, as the drink helps reduce them toxic effect on the body.

But if you have low acidity or diabetes, juice from fresh root vegetables should be consumed with great caution and in small portions, otherwise it can cause complications of the disease.

Juice with carrots and beets

Adding beets to a drink helps control blood pressure in organism.
But you shouldn’t drink this drink thoughtlessly. large doses(more than 1 glass per day), trying to get the maximum amount of vitamins, you can cause serious harm to the body, since blood pressure can not only decrease or increase, but also cause sharp jumps, which is dangerous even for a healthy person.

Grated carrots and their benefits

If you make a bright and juicy salad of greens and carrots, you can boost your immunity during the period infectious diseases, besides, the dish is low-calorie, but at the same time perfectly satiating. The salad is dressed with vegetable oil, and to make the taste brighter, you can add honey, parsley and lemon juice.

Carrots with garlic

Helps fight colds, destroying bacteria and viruses.
However, if you have problems with gastrointestinal disease, you need to be very careful when consuming these products in their raw form - if you overdo it with the amount of serving, you can get complications in the course of the disease.

Stewed carrots

If fresh root vegetables are stewed with a small addition of spices, seasonings and aromatic herbs you will get a great side dish for any meat or fish dishes. In addition, due to heat treatment, the content of antioxidants in the product increases, which is important for beauty and health.

Carrots for weight loss

Based on one product - carrots, you can lose weight remarkably if you prepare salads and first courses from it, stew and bake. It is allowed to add herbs, spices and seasonings, sunflower oil and dairy products. The result will be amazing.

But there are also restrictions - you can’t “sit” on carrot diet more than 7-10 days, you need to get out of it smoothly, with the help of buckwheat and rice porridge, low-fat kefir and other fruits and vegetables with the addition of lean meat and seafood. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then such a diet is contraindicated.

Benefits of carrot tops

Fresh carrot shoots contain a lot mineral salts and volatile aromatic substances. That is why it is dried and preserved, and added to food to give it a special flavor. One small branch in fresh capable of covering daily norm Selenium for an adult.

Ways to use fresh carrots

Both the tops and roots of the plant can be used as a spice or as an independent ingredient in cooking. Root vegetables are used to prepare salads, first and second courses, and even desserts.

You can prepare nourishing and moisturizing masks based on chopped carrots or juice, and extracts from the tops are widely used in pharmacology.

Delicate and aromatic carrot soup with garlic

  • 650 gr. carrots;
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 onions;
  • 1 liter of chicken or vegetable broth;
  • A large bunch of cilantro and parsley;
  • Salt, a pinch of red pepper;
  • A little vegetable oil.

Making soup:

Pour sunflower oil into the pan where the soup will be cooked. Add finely chopped onion and garlic. Fry over high heat until golden brown.

Peel the carrots, cut into small cubes or quarter rings. Fry a little in oil and pour in chicken broth.

Salt to taste, add hot peppers and chopped fresh herbs. The carrots should become soft, but not mushy. To make the soup more filling, you can add a handful of rice (steamed), or any cereal to taste.

Carrot cutlets with cheese

Tender vegetable cutlets with added cheese will be an excellent side dish for a salad or meat dish.

To prepare you will need:

  • 900 gr. carrots;
  • 1-2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of semolina;
  • 1 spoon of sugar;
  • A glass of skim milk;
  • Breadcrumbs;
  • Hard cheese (any) – 125 gr.;
  • Oil for frying.

How to cook juicy carrot cutlets with cheese?

Wash the carrots, peel and grate half on a coarse grater, grate the rest on a fine grater. Add milk and simmer in a saucepan for 15-20 minutes, adding sugar and semolina. After stewing, you should get a soft, homogeneous mass.

Carrots can be baked in their skins in the oven, steamed or boiled in their skins. Then it will be enough to grind the vegetable into puree, add cheese, spices and eggs to obtain a homogeneous “cutlet” mass.

After the carrot mixture is ready and soft, it must be cooled. Add slightly beaten eggs, salt and spices to taste, and grated cheese on a medium grater. Stir, form cutlets, round or oblong - a matter of taste.

All that remains is to roll the prepared cutlets in homemade breadcrumbs and fry in a hot frying pan in oil until crispy. You can cover the frying pan with a lid for a couple of minutes so that the cheese inside is completely melted.

Carrot garnish

You will need:

  • 650 gr. carrots;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 2 pinches of salt;
  • A pinch of cumin;
  • Nutmeg - on the tip of the knife.


Peel and cut the carrots into rings and place in a bowl. Grease a deep baking tray with vegetable oil, and add the remaining oil along with liquid honey to the bowl with the carrots.

If you have a mortar, then grind the cumin grains in it; if you don’t have one, you can do this: wrap the seeds in foil and forcefully roll them over it with a regular rolling pin or bottle.

Add the spice along with salt and nutmeg to the carrots and mix everything well.

Place the prepared carrots on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 180C for 40 minutes. To get a golden brown crust 5-7 minutes before cooking, you can turn on the “Grill” function in the oven.

Spicy carrot salad with cheese

You will need:

  • Carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • Sausage processed cheese – 100g;
  • Mayonnaise – 75 gr.;
  • A pinch of salt and pepper;
  • 2 sprigs of parsley.


Grate the cheese and carrots on a coarse grater. The salad will look more impressive if you use a grater to chop the carrots in Korean.

Place carrots and cheese in a salad bowl, add chopped herbs and spices and season with mayonnaise. Let the salad cool slightly before serving.

What are the health risks and to whom?

People with gastrointestinal diseases should limit consumption of the product so as not to cause an exacerbation of the disease.

Video about the benefits of carrots:

Product selection

You should only choose fruits that do not have damage or cracks on the surface of the root crop and are bright in color.

The shape of the vegetable is also important - the carrot should be medium in size with a thin, almost sharp tip.

The most delicious and juicy carrots are when they are young and recently dug out of the ground, with a small presence of earth or sand. If carrots are washed in production, they will not be stored for long (the protective layer is washed off).

If the vegetable is soft and flabby, you should refuse to buy it.

It’s good if you manage to purchase carrots with tops - their fresh condition will indicate to you when the carrots were removed from the soil.

Storage methods

4 tips proper storage not only carrots, but all vegetables:

— The main thing is that the vegetable does not wilt;
- Didn't germinate;
— Has not rotted or become moldy;
- Has not lost its useful, nutritional, taste qualities.

To preserve the root crop for as long as possible, it is not recommended to wash it for storage. Dry thoroughly from wet soil and place in a container or wooden box with holes for ventilation. With this method of storage in a dark and cool place, undamaged carrots can last until spring.

Standards of use

To replenish the required daily requirement of vitamin A for an adult, 50 grams will be enough. fresh carrots per day. And this is approximately 2-3 tablespoons vegetable salad or a serving of vegetable stew.

If you exceed this volume of product, or consume carrots in large quantities, then after a while you may be surprised to notice that your skin will begin to acquire a yellow tint. This symptom indicates that the liver simply cannot cope with the beta-carotene entering the body. It is enough to take a short break for everything to return to normal.

Remember that fresh carrots are considered not only one of the most affordable common products on our table, but also very beneficial for the body. The product has virtually no contraindications for consumption, is very tasty and will greatly help diversify the daily menu.

Everyone knows this vegetable, regardless of their region of residence. We always eat carrots, add them to soup, make salads, cutlets, casseroles.

Therefore, we must know its properties, benefits and harms to the body.

The carrot is a plant of the celery family; it grows about 30 cm. In the first year, the root crop appears. Blooms in the second year. The fruit of a carrot is a two-seeded fruit.

Previously, the vegetable was grown not for its roots, but for the aroma of its interesting leaves and seeds. The first mention of carrots occurs a long time ago in the 1st century. AD

The familiar carrot that we know and eat was brought to Europe in the 10th-13th centuries. Today, more than 60 varieties of valuable vegetables are known.

The benefits of carrots for the body

What does such a valuable vegetable contain?

  1. Vitamins B, PP, C, E, K - this amount of vitamins is not typical for vegetables.
  2. The mineral composition is also rich - potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, cobalt, copper, iodine, zinc, nickel, fluorine. What an impressive list!
  3. Essential oils. Thanks to them, carrots have such a unique, recognizable smell.
  4. Contains beta-carotene. This valuable substance, which as a result complex processes in the body it is converted into vitamin A, which is important for the skin.
  5. Valuable amino acids leucine and sulfur-containing amino acids.

What are the benefits of carrots and who are they good for?

  1. Beta-carotene improves the activity of the lungs and bronchi, facilitates the separation of sputum due to viruses, inflammatory processes. In this situation, carrot juice helps.
  2. Promotes physical and mental development body, increases the body’s ability to resist colds, provides normal functioning organs of vision.
  3. Rich in enzymes that help in digestion. If you consume it regularly, you can avoid many digestive problems.
  4. The composition contains alkaline elements that purify the blood.
  5. By consuming the vegetable, dangerous microbes in the mouth die, caries does not appear, and teeth become stronger. Just chew a piece and the number of germs will decrease.
  6. Contains inositol, thanks to which it has preventive and therapeutic effect in atherosclerosis, regulates metabolism.
  7. Carrots contain potassium, which helps maintain sodium levels in the body. Blood pressure decreases accordingly.
  8. Women should definitely stock up on carrots, they will improve the condition of their skin, hair, nails, and preserve youth.
  9. Contains a valuable substance - falcarinol. It reduces the risk of colon cancer and improves the digestive system.
  10. Carotenoids improve blood sugar levels.
  11. Fiber lowers bad cholesterol and increases useful. Prevents the appearance atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots. Reduces the development of heart diseases. Makes the intestines work well.
  12. The nutrients in carrots promote cell renewal and clear away toxic substances.
  13. Thanks to beta-carotene, production is reduced sebum, relieving us of acne.
  14. Slows down aging.
  15. The juice is healing for impaired kidney and lung function.
  16. Useful for diabetes.
  17. Carrots affect sperm quality. American scientists have noticed that men who regularly consume vegetables do not have problems with having children and with their productive system.
  18. Vitamin A is fat-soluble, so the vegetable should be eaten together with fats - for example, sour cream, cream, vegetable oil.
  19. People with impaired vision, suffering from conjunctivitis, blepharitis, night blindness, and fatigue should consume carrots often. It strengthens the retina of the eye.
  20. To women suffering heavy bleeding During menstruation, you need to take a closer look at the plant and include it in your daily diet.
  21. Contains easily digestible iron.
  22. Juice and grated carrots are present in therapeutic nutrition for hypovitaminosis, diseases of the liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract (especially for colitis, boiled carrots and puree are recommended), kidneys.
  23. Present in a diet aimed at correcting mineral metabolism disorders.
  24. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should drink juice and eat carrots every day, of course, in reasonable quantities.
  25. The root vegetable is able to draw out pus. Soak a linen rag in carrot juice and tie it to purulent wounds for the night. Change the bandage in the morning.
  26. Cooked carrots have three times more cancer-fighting antioxidants than raw carrots.
  27. As a fortified product, it is especially valuable in winter.
  28. Possesses antihelminthic effect(pinworms).

Therefore, men, eat more carrots and other vegetables, fruits of red, yellow, orange. They increase the ability to produce offspring by 10%.

The benefits of carrots. How to store and select?

  1. It is better to store in in a plastic bag or plastic container.
  2. If you have harvested a good harvest of carrots, it is better to grate and freeze them.
  3. The best storage temperature is 0-1 degrees. At a temperature of +2 degrees and below, root crops are damaged, above +2 - they germinate.
  4. For storage you need to use dense boxes. The carrots in them must be covered with moistened sand before storage.
  5. The size of carrots is determined by the color of the tops; the darker they are, the larger the root crop.
  6. The root crop should not be soft, flabby, there should be no growths or deformation on top.
  7. Can be stored in the cellar, laid out in layers without sand and soil.
  8. You must be able to distinguish food crops from feed crops. The middle of the food grades is small in diameter, while the feed grades have a large diameter.
  9. Don't choose carrots that are too large, oddly curved, or green at the base.
  10. The most best carrot bright orange color, since the brighter the color, the more carotene it contains.
  11. A vegetable that has been lying around for a bit is even healthier, since new ones form during storage. chemical compounds with high antioxidant activity.

All the most useful things are contained in the integumentary tissues, so it is better not to peel carrots, wash them well and eat them with the peel on.

The benefits and harms of carrots

Be careful.

  1. Doctors recommend drinking carrot juice in small quantities, as it can lead to drowsiness, headaches, and vomiting.
  2. Do not use in case of exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers.
  3. If you notice a yellow tint on your palms and feet, then your consumption of root vegetables should be limited. You should not eat more than 300 grams per day, that is, three medium-sized carrots.
  4. Chronic smokers should limit their consumption of vegetables.
  5. May cause allergies.

Benefits of carrot juice - Malakhov G. P.

Carrot juice is very healthy; like apple juice, it is used as a basis for adding to other juices.

  1. Increases the body's ability to cope with infections of the eyes, throat, maxillary sinuses head and respiratory organs.
  2. Anti-cancer properties.
  3. Useful for anemia, loss of appetite, diseases of the kidneys, liver, respiratory organs, eye diseases, gastritis with low acidity, vitamin deficiency C, A, exhaustion, hypertension, myocardial infarction.
  4. Wound healing and epithelializing effect.
  5. Healer G. P. Malakhov is confident that the juice should be used for purulent processes in the lungs (tuberculosis patients need to take this into account).
  6. Urinary and cholelithiasis, osteochondrosis, to increase visual acuity (a glass three times a day for 2-4 months).
  7. Juice on an empty stomach is a wonderful cure for constipation and worms (pinworms, roundworms).
  8. Drinking a glass of juice three times a day improves tone and relieves fatigue.
  9. Large amounts of carrot juice can cause a cleansing crisis as they decompose bile blockages in the liver. A lot of bile waste is released, the intestines and kidneys do not have time to remove them. They move into the blood and exit through the skin, giving it a yellow tint. But soon it passes.
  10. Expectant mothers use healthy juice will reduce the likelihood of sepsis (blood poisoning) when a child is born. The juice improves the quality of breast milk.
  11. Has a beneficial effect on endocrine system, supplying it with the necessary substances.
  12. Children who often suffer from colds and skin diseases should drink it.
  13. For stomatitis, it is good to rinse your mouth with carrot juice.
  14. Increases the functioning of the sex glands, gives the skin freshness.
  15. By mixing carrot juice with lemon juice, you get an excellent mixture for strengthening hair roots, whitening facial skin and getting rid of freckles.
  16. Juice with honey (1:1) is good for coughs, hoarse voice due to a cold (a tablespoon three times a day), kidney disease, dry skin, brittle nails, hair loss, frequent colds and skin diseases.

Drink ½-1 glass with 1 tbsp. l honey before meals 2-3 times a day. For children, the dose is reduced according to age.

The benefits of carrots in recipes

Now we know amazing benefits carrots and try to cook original dishes.

1) Carrot jam.

The carrots need to be cooked to make them softer. Then take it out, cut it nicely into stars, dip it in syrup and cook until it becomes transparent.

You will need 400 grams of carrots and 200 grams of sugar.

But for long storage this recipe is not suitable.

2) Carrot cheese.

Wash the carrots, grate and cut into pieces. Add a little water to prevent it from burning and keep on low heat.

When the vegetable becomes soft, add grated lemon and cook until full readiness, then throw in the spices (cumin or dill, or coriander, or anise).

Form the warm mixture into cubes, wrap in gauze and place under pressure. On the third day, remove the pressure and roll the cube in spiced ground seeds or bran.

Keep cool.

Per kilo of mass you need a tablespoon of spices and one lemon.

3) Salad for coordinated work digestive tract, restores skin and mucous membranes:

  • 200 grams of grated carrots;
  • leek stalk;
  • a bunch of any greenery;
  • a tablespoon of walnuts.

Mix carrots, herbs, nuts and garnish with onion rings.

4) Salad has strong properties against ulcers and is a prevention of oncology:

  • 3 carrots, finely grated;
  • 200 g grated kohlrabi;
  • table. spoon of walnuts.

Season: a tablespoon of honey, the same amount of lemon juice and a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Nutritious salad that helps you gain weight:

  • 150 grams of grated carrots;
  • a glass of peeled seeds;
  • 150 grams of grated turnip.

Mix everything.

5) Salad for the prevention of cancer:

  • carrots - 200 gr;
  • kohlrabi - 200 gr;
  • beets - 200 gr;
  • green onion - one bunch.

Place everything in separate piles, kohlrabi first, carrots around. Beets around carrots. Add Mayo.

This salad is good for the blood and increases hemoglobin.

Conclusion: the benefits of carrots are enormous, try to eat at least two carrots every day and you will notice that fatigue goes away, energy and strength appear. And don’t forget to prepare light summer salads with the addition of this valuable vegetable.

Best regards, Olga.

What is the best way to eat grated carrots?

    Everyone has their own taste, and some like to eat grated carrots just like that, some with sunflower oil, some with olive oil, some with sour cream. I read and heard on TV that it is better to eat a salad of grated carrots with some kind of fat (vegetable oil or sour cream) so that the vitamins contained in it are better absorbed by the body.

    The well-known sweet orange root vegetable with the name carrot famous high content beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A, which is fat-soluble. So that we do not waste this product without benefit for our body, it is preferable to eat carrots with vegetable oil. Then there is a guarantee that you will get all the benefits from it. I've been making this salad all spring:

    I grate the carrots into a coarse grate, add pieces of Chinese cabbage, chop the stalked celery and season with olive oil. If there is red bell pepper, you can sprinkle strips of red vegetable on top. Looks delicious and will be useful.

    From a nutritional point of view - not big amount oil or fat to facilitate the extraction of beneficial fat-soluble components (beta-carotene). So sour cream or, better yet, vegetable oil would be the right addition. And in terms of taste, grated carrots go well with so many foods - garlic, herbs, nuts, seeds, raisins, apples... we can go on and on. I would probably only ban mayonnaise, replacing it with mustard or horseradish.

    When we lived in Central Asia, then on festive table Carrot salad was always present at home, at a party, and at work. The recipe is as follows: cut the carrots into thin strips, crush the garlic there (all to taste), chop walnuts(in a quantity sufficient to taste), season with mayonnaise. Well, very tasty and healthy - there was never anything left! The second recipe (homemade) is even simpler: grated carrots are seasoned with quite a large amount of fried (until transparent) onions with vegetable oil and a little more garlic. Well, a common salad: 250 g of carrots, 250 g of apples, 50 g of steamed and finely chopped dried apricots, and season with a couple of tbsp. spoons, preferably cranberry (or other sour) jam and 0.5 cups of thick sour cream. And now in the recipes of European cuisine I came across French salad with carrots and orange (unfortunately, I haven’t seen it before and haven’t cooked it myself: Fresh carrots, orange pulp, lemon juice, vegetable oil, onion rings. The ratio is not given, but it is mandatory for May holidays I'll cook. It must be delicious.

    Lazijan (seasoned pepper) - soak 100 g of ground red pepper in 100 g of vinegar. Finely chop 200 g of garlic and place on top of the pepper, then pour in 200 g of hot vegetable oil. Stir. You can add 1 tbsp. spoon of spices. If you add 1 tbsp. spoon of dissolved salt, then Lazijan will be stored for a long time. Lazijan is one of the most commonly used seasonings in Uyghur cuisine.

    Note: We fry the peppers immediately in oil, pour in the radishes, and vinegar separately (and generally do without garlic here). Mix with your hands, put it in a two-liter jar and put it in the refrigerator.

    Everyone has their own preferences and there are many options for adding ingredients. The most common is probably this green apple, a little sugar and unrefined oil. You can also add nuts and various dried fruits. In general, who is good at anything!

    The most favorite dish from grated carrots; in my childhood there were carrots with sugar.

    And now I add cheese, plus garlic, plus mayonnaise to the carrots.

    You can also make carrots with cottage cheese and sour cream.

    Mix carrots and cabbage and squeeze lightly, add lemon juice, salt and vegetable oil.

    Grate the carrots plus the apple and add sugar.

    It is best to eat grated carrots with sour cream, sunflower or olive oils. This is necessary in order to extract maximum benefit from this product (the fact is that the vitamins in carrots are fat-soluble). Well, in order not to lose taste, you can prepare the following salad: fresh grated carrots, finely chopped cabbage, tomatoes, herbs (spinach, parsley, dill, celery), and season with sunflower or olive oil. If you love all these products, then this is simply a STORE OF VITAMINS for the body because all these vegetables combine well and complement each other, which is of GREAT benefit to the body.

    And you can eat grated carrots with various additives, it can be pine nuts or walnut kernels.

    An excellent option would be grated carrots mixed with finely chopped fresh cabbage, you can put garlic and a green grated apple in there and you will get a delicious vitamin salad.

    It will bring many benefits, because it contains vitamins and will additionally cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

    You can add some raisins to the grated carrots and season with sour cream.

    Well, yes, they have already recommended a lot of various additions to the third carrot. And you take it and experiment every day with adding different ingredients and write down what and how. So find your best. For example, I prefer Korean carrots.

    The orange juicy girl, brought to the light of day from prison, can be eaten with any food that exists on Earth.

    We take a classic metal grater, grind the root vegetable into small pieces, add aromatic garlic, mayonnaise or sour cream, passed through a garlic grinder, and eat it with pleasure and excellent appetite, enriching our body with vitamins.

    The fatty components of mayonnaise or sour cream will help the body better absorb carotene, which is contained in carrots and improves vision.

    You can add other ingredients to this dish in accordance with the tastes and preferences of its manufacturer.

The calorie content of carrots is 32 Kcal, while per 100 g of product there are 1.3 g of proteins, 0.1 g of fat and 6.9 g of carbohydrates. Carrots contain vitamins B, C, PP, E and K. Carrots also contain many minerals, necessary for the human body: iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, fluorine and others. Carrots contain special essential oils, which give it a characteristic aroma.

Carrots contain beta-carotene, which is a precursor to vitamin A. Once carotene enters the human body, it is converted into vitamin A, which is very beneficial for young women. Carrots are also useful for people suffering from myopia and eye fatigue. Vitamin A accelerates the healing process of skin damage, ensuring cell integrity. In addition, it is a powerful antioxidant that serves as a means of preventing and treating cancer.

Carrots are extremely beneficial for children. Iron and cobalt salts, which are contained in its composition, increase hemoglobin in the blood. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases will also benefit from it due to the potassium content in its composition. You also need to consume carrots as much as possible, as they activate and increase lactation.

Rules for eating carrots.

To receive daily norm vitamin A, it is enough to consume 30-50 g of carrots. It must be consumed with fats, in which case digestibility will be most effective. In dishes with carrots you need to add products containing fats: vegetable or butter, sour cream, nuts.

In fiber, which can remove excess cholesterol from the body. It is not recommended to eat the root vegetable for people who have peptic ulcer, because its use causes irritation of the gastric mucosa.

The benefits of carrots.

Carrots have an effect on the human body therapeutic effects: choleretic, anthelmintic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant. How prophylactic, carrot juice or mixture carrot juice with others, it improves appetite, relieves fatigue, weakens the negative effect of antibiotics on the human body, strengthens nails and hair, improves vision and complexion, and also increases immunity and resistance to colds.

However, moderation must be observed in everything, since when excessive consumption carrot juice may occur unwanted reactions: drowsiness, lethargy and headache.



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