Treatment of chronic intestinal colitis with folk remedies. Herbal infusions

Colitis is an inflammation of the intestinal mucosa of various origins. The disease can occur in one of two forms - acute or chronic. Therapy for patients involves the use of medications, as well as diet. However, today many people treat colitis with folk remedies.

Intestinal colitis is accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms, including diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. These signs are characteristic of many diseases digestive tract Therefore, patients need to undergo detailed diagnostics.

Usually blood is tested. All components of liquid tissue are examined, as well as the amount biologically active substances in it. In addition, patients undergo stool testing. Doctors perform irrigography, as well as colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy.

Proper diagnosis is the key successful treatment. That is why the diagnosis must be made by a doctor after analyzing the results of all examinations.

Video “Symptoms”

In the video, the doctor will talk about the symptoms of colitis.


Very often colitis occurs against the background poor nutrition and non-compliance with the diet. For example, fatty, spicy and starchy foods, consumed in large quantities, provoke dysfunction of the large intestine. Vitamin deficiency, monotonous food, as well as excessive alcohol consumption stimulate the occurrence of inflammation in the organ mucosa.

Often, intestinal illness occurs due to an infection developing in the organ. Various microorganisms and viruses negatively affect tissues, producing toxic substances and causing intestinal inflammation. The functions of the organ are also impaired. If the disease is treated incorrectly, dormant infections can be activated, which will contribute to the development of the disease into chronic colitis.

Long-term use of medications without control over this process, poisoning with industrial poisons, age-related changes in the vessels cause significant deviations in the mucous membrane of the organ.

As a result, ulcers and erosions appear on it. Allergies, genetic predisposition to the disease, improper daily routine and life in general, as well as stress negatively affect the digestive organs.

There are diseases of the digestive system, the causes of which are unknown even today. For example, ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Such illnesses can lead to severe consequences, as they cause intestinal bleeding. Often these diseases are chronic and require the patient to control their condition throughout their life.

Manifestations of the disease

The most significant sign of colitis is painful sensations in the abdominal area. The pain may be dull or contraction-like. Often the sensations appear after eating and are accompanied by bloating. Usually the source of pain is in the lower part of the intestine, but can be felt throughout the entire organ. This makes diagnosing the disease more difficult. Unpleasant sensations usually disappear after a bowel movement or enema.

Stool disorders are constipation or frequent diarrhea. Sometimes they even alternate. In the stool you can see an admixture of mucus and sometimes blood. Patients feel incomplete emptying of the large intestine, increased gas formation, as well as “transfusions” in the organ.

If the disease lasts a long time, the person feels weak, loses interest in food and loses weight. Appears frequently bad taste in the mouth, nausea and belching. These signs get worse, which negatively affects performance and stimulates the appearance of apathy.

Folk remedies

How to treat colitis without harm to the body? Today you can treat intestinal colitis with folk remedies. They are quite effective. Such treatment methods can be used in parallel with the main ones. In addition, folk remedies are often used to prevent exacerbations during a period of relative “calmness” of symptoms.

The use of infusions and decoctions

Treatment with folk remedies involves the use medicinal herbs. Herbs for colitis are usually used in the form of decoctions or tinctures.

Yarrow tincture alleviates and subsequently eliminates inflammation. To prepare healing liquid It is enough to pour 0.075 kilograms of grass with a liter of boiling water in a thermos and leave for a day. Ready solution placed on the stove and half the water evaporates from it. Then 0.03 liters of alcohol and glycerin are added to the liquid. The finished “medicine” should be consumed 25-35 drops half an hour before meals. The duration of therapy is a month.

A healing decoction for colitis is often prepared from bird cherry berries. It normalizes stool and has a positive effect on the digestive process. To prepare the decoction, you need 0.06 kilograms of fruits, which are poured into 0.32 liters of boiling water. The berries are boiled for half an hour, and then placed in a dark place for an hour and a half. Take the solution every 2.5 hours, 3 sips at a time.

Ginger root tincture stimulates appetite and eliminates all discomfort in the digestive organs. To prepare a medicinal liquid, you need to grate the middle root of the plant, pour 0.025 kilograms of it hot water in an amount of 0.24 liters and leave for at least 6 hours in a hermetically sealed container. It is advisable to drink 0.03 liters before meals.

A herbal decoction of basil leaves stimulates weight normalization. A few spoons of raw material should be boiled in 0.46 liters of water, cooled and strained. It should be consumed 0.04 liters before meals. Duration of treatment – ​​3 weeks.

Centaury is often used to prepare tinctures.

Pomegranate decoction has a positive effect on blood formation and maintains its normal composition. This effect on the blood is especially important for patients with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. A medicinal liquid is prepared from the fruits and crusts of the crop. 0.03 - 0.05 kilograms of raw materials are poured with hot water in the amount of 0.34 liters, boiled over low heat for half an hour. Next, the broth is filtered. It is advisable to consume it 2 times a day, 0.045 liters for 20 - 25 days.

A mixture of warm milk and propolis tincture has a positive effect on the intestines.

Using enemas

Treatment with folk remedies includes not only herbal therapy, but also the use of enemas.

With the systematic use of an enema, inflammation of the mucous membrane goes away, the wound on it heals, and the functioning of the large intestine is normalized. The medicine is usually administered into the patient's body using a rubber bulb or a large syringe with a catheter. In this case, you need to inject the substance as deeply as possible. In this case, the patient should lie on his left side. It is better to administer the substance at night and remove the intestinal contents in the morning. Input medicine often represented by sea buckthorn or rosehip oil.

Sometimes the intestines are washed with herbal infusions. Chamomile and St. John's wort (0.025 kilograms each) are brewed in 0.7 liters of boiling water and infused in a saucepan with a tightly closed lid. It is advisable to wrap the pan with a towel. The finished mixture must be filtered and cooled. Cool liquid can be used to rinse the intestines.


Doctors usually prescribe a number of medications for patients to inject or take orally. However drug treatment will be ineffective without following a certain diet.

During an exacerbation of symptoms, you should not eat fatty, spicy, flour or fried foods. Instead of coffee or tea, it is advisable to drink dried fruit compote or rosehip decoction. It is not advisable to eat raw sour fruits.

When symptoms subside, you can eat lean, steamed fish, light meat broths, bread, eggs, baked vegetables and fruits. It is mandatory to consume vitamins, microelements, honey, and fish oil. These substances improve metabolism and have a positive effect on intestinal function.

Colitis- spicy or chronic illness mucous membrane of the colon.

Causes of the disease

The normal functioning of the colon is disrupted by pathogenic microorganisms (salmonella, staphylococcus, streptococcus, etc.). These microorganisms cause stagnation of intestinal contents; provoke the appearance of foci of infection in the gallbladder, pancreas and other organs anatomically connected to the intestines. The cause of colitis is systematic use eating hard-to-digest, spicy foods, alcohol; chronic constipation, leading to the accumulation of heavy fecal residues that are not completely eliminated. For constipation, laxatives can only increase colon irritation. Colitis may also be caused by allergic reaction to certain foods, antibiotic use, neuro-emotional disorders or stress.

Symptoms of colitis

Pain in the lower abdomen (around the navel), bloating, diarrhea, mucus (sometimes blood) in the stool, fever (acute colitis); general malaise, poor appetite, nausea, cramping abdominal pain with a strong urge to defecate, diarrhea alternating with constipation (chronic colitis).

  • Watermelon (rinds). Pour 80-100 g of dried watermelon rinds with 2 cups of boiling water, leave, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 4-6 times a day. The infusion is used for acute and chronic inflammation large intestine.
  • Pomegranate (rinds). Take 20 g of dry peels or 50 g of fresh pomegranate with seeds, boil over low heat for 30 minutes in 200 ml of water. Strain thoroughly. Drink 2 tablespoons of the prepared broth 2 times a day. Pomegranate decoction- Very effective remedy for treatment allergic colitis and enterocolitis.
  • Field mint. Pour two tablespoons of mint leaves into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and strain. Drink 1/2-1 glass 15-20 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day.
  • Alder (bark). For colitis and enteritis, take a decoction of 15 g of gray alder bark in a glass of water, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Or a tincture of 25 g of bark per 100 g of alcohol or per glass of vodka - 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day.
  • Propolis. For chronic stomach diseases- gastritis, ulcers, and inflammation of the colon - every day for a month you need to eat up to 8 g of propolis. It should be chewed for a long time, best on an empty stomach. In case of allergies, do not stop treatment.
  • Herbal infusion . If colitis worsens, you can take an herbal infusion along with the treatment and diet prescribed by your doctor. Brew a mixture of 1 teaspoon centaury, 1 teaspoon sage and 1 teaspoon chamomile in 1 glass of boiling water. Cover the glass with a saucer, let the infusion cool and strain it. Take 1 tablespoon 7-8 times a day, depending on how long the patient is awake. Duration of treatment is from 1 to 3 months. After this, the dose is reduced, and the time intervals between doses of the medication are increased.
  • Yarrow. Pour 100 g of common yarrow herb into 1.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 8 hours in a closed enamel container. Strain the infusion and boil until it evaporates to 75 ml. Add 1 spoon of alcohol and 1 spoon of glycerin and stir well. Take 25-30 drops 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  • Fennel. 10 g of fennel fruits are poured into a glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered and the volume adjusted to 200 ml. Drink 1/3-1/2 cup 3 times a day for chronic spastic colitis.

Fees for the treatment of colitis

  • Potentilla rhizome erecta, chamomile flowers, stinging nettle leaf, blueberry leaf, peppermint leaf - equally. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of water, boil for 20-25 minutes, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take a glass 2-3 times a day for colitis.
  • Polish bittersweet leaf - 20 g, sage leaf - 20 g. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 25-30 minutes, strain. Take a tablespoon every 2 hours for colitis.
  • Mix the leaves of medicinal sage, peppermint leaves, chamomile herb and St. John's wort, and the fruits of caraway seeds equally. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into a thermos overnight with 1 cup of boiling water and strain. Drink 1/2 glass 3-4 times a day.
  • Prepare the ingredients in the following proportions: wild strawberry leaf - 6 parts, lemon balm leaf - 3 parts, thyme herb - 1 part, caraway fruit - 1 part, yarrow herb - 1 part. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours and strain. Take 1/3-1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals for gastroenteritis.
  • Prepare a set of the following ingredients: cinquefoil rhizome - 20 g, knotweed rhizome - 20 g, chamomile inflorescences - 20 g, plantain leaves - 25 g, blueberry fruits - 25 g. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture like tea in a glass of boiling water and strain . Drink the entire infusion throughout the day.
  • Collect the following components in equal proportions: oregano herb, shepherd's purse, knotweed, motherwort five-lobed, common yarrow, St. John's wort, stinging nettle leaf. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into a thermos overnight with 2 cups of boiling water, strain in the morning. Drink 1/2 glass 3 times a day for chronic colitis.
  • Collect the components in the indicated quantities: St. John's wort herb - 25 g, centaury - 25 g, wormwood leaves - 25 g, horsetail herb - 25 g, angelica rhizome - 25 g, peppermint leaf - 10 g, rhizome with roots valerian officinalis - 10 g. Infuse two tablespoons of a mixture of the first 5 listed herbs in 0.5 liters of hot red wine for 10-15 minutes, then add the remaining 2 plants (1 tablespoon each) to the wine and infuse for another 25-30 minutes. Take 2-3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day with a glass of water.
  • The fruit of gray alder, the rhizome of cinquefoil erect, the root of stinging nettle - equally. Leave 50 g of the mixture in 1 liter for 10-12 hours cold water, boil for 10-12 minutes, strain. Drink a glass of hot infusion on an empty stomach, the rest during the day in 4 doses for chronic colitis.

Treatment of colitis with Vanga's recipes

  • Serum. Twice a day take the whey, which is obtained by squeezing the cheese. Fatty foods should be avoided.
  • Centaury, chamomile. Brew a glass of boiling water with centaury and chamomile (one teaspoon each). Drink one tablespoon every 2 hours, approximately 7-8 times a day. After some time (usually from one to three months), the dose is reduced, and the intervals between doses of the medication are extended. This medicine is considered harmless, and therefore can be treated for a long time.
  • Walnut . For 3-4 months between meals, eat a little kernels walnuts(70 g per day). Instead of water, it is advisable to use a decoction of comfrey root, galangal and flaxseed. Improvement occurs after a month, and after 4 months - recovery.
  • Microclysters(starch). For acute colitis, starch microenemas are recommended: dilute 5 g of starch (potato, corn, rice) in 100 ml of cool water and, stirring, gradually add 100 ml of boiling water. Then cool to 40 degrees and insert into the rectum.
  • Microclysters (from chamomile with honey). Microenemas made from chamomile with honey have a good effect on colitis. Brew 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers with a glass of boiling water, after cooling, add 1 teaspoon of honey. Use 30-50 ml of solution. Course - 8 procedures.
  • Onion (juice). Drink one teaspoon of onion juice 3-4 times a day before meals.
  • Decoction of bergenia roots and rhizomes: pour one tablespoon of crushed bergenia roots and rhizomes with one glass of boiling water, boil for half an hour in a water bath, strain. Drink two tablespoons 3-4 times a day.
  • Decoction of centaury, sage and chamomile: mix one teaspoon each of centaury, sage and chamomile, brew this mixture with one glass of water. Cover, cool and strain. For exacerbation of colitis, take one tablespoon 5-7 times a day.
  • Infusion of anise, fennel, licorice and buckthorn: mix 10 grams of anise fruit, 10 grams of fennel fruit, 20 grams of licorice root, 60 grams of buckthorn root. Pour one tablespoon of this mixture into one glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, strain. Drink a full glass morning and evening.
  • Infusion different herbs : mix chamomile flowers, fennel fruits, caraway fruits, gray alder fruits, peppermint herb, marshmallow root, St. John's wort herb, large plantain leaf, sandy immortelle flowers, leaves and fruits of Cassia aculifolia, taken in equal quantities. Pour one teaspoon of this mixture into one glass of water, boil, and leave for two hours. Take 0.5 cups three times a day before meals. Use for the treatment of chronic spastic colitis.
  • Viburnum berry tea: pour one tablespoon of viburnum berries with one glass of boiling water, leave, strain. Take one quarter glass four times a day, half an hour before meals for colitis and enterocolitis.

Diet for colitis

This diet has several mandatory conditions to achieve the most successful result.

  • Eliminate from diet bran (even in bread), veal, pork, lamb, raw vegetables, fruit juices, fruits with skins, spices, herbs, seasonings, vegetables with seeds (tomatoes, cucumbers) and fruits with seeds (wine berries, raspberries, blackberries, etc.), coffee.
  • Do not eat hot and cold, spicy and salty, fried and baked dishes.
  • Don't use laxatives in the form of medications (tablets, dragees, capsules).
  • Use for cooking food poultry meat (chicken, turkey, duck), boiled vegetables and fruits, peeled and seeded (they can also be eaten baked), gelatin, milk, kefir(yogurt, yoghurt, fermented baked milk).
  • In unlimited quantities you can drink goat milk and spring water(room temperature) a glass before first, second breakfast and lunch.
  • Drink decoction of medicinal herbs (snake mountaineer, big plantain, wild chamomile).

If you follow all these rules, then colitis will stop bothering you.

At acute colitis It is recommended to complete fasting for 1-2 days, after which gradually switch to a diet consisting of lightly processed or steamed vegetables, rice, oatmeal, as well as ripe fruits, cheese, boiled meat. Gradually add bread (but without bran) and raw vegetables without peel to the diet. The pain may intensify when taking coarse vegetable fiber (cabbage, peeled apples, black bread), whole milk, sour cream, fatty foods, dry wines and champagne. Avoid foods with spices, seasonings, herbs.

The diet should contain a normal amount of protein; It is advisable to limit animal fats.

The diet provides for sparing the intestines, increasing the regenerative abilities of its mucous membrane, eliminating fermentation and putrefactive processes, as well as metabolic disorders.

As additional methods treatment in order to provide a laxative, carminative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, enveloping or restorative effect, it is possible to use a number of medicinal plants.

Brittle buckthorn (alder-shaped) -- Frangula Alnus Mill. Medicinal raw materials is the bark. The bark is consumed after 1-2 years of storage or after heating for an hour to 100 degrees. It is used as a mild laxative for atonic and spastic colitis, and also as a stool softener for rectal fissures, hemorrhoids, etc. It is prescribed in the form of decoctions, liquid and thick extracts. The effect usually occurs within 8-10 hours. The decoction is being prepared in the following way: 1 tbsp. l. dry bark pour 1 cup (200 ml) boiled water, boil for 20 minutes, strain when cooled. Take 1/2 cup at night and in the morning. Buckthorn extracts are sold in the form of finished dosage forms and are prescribed as follows: thick buckthorn extract - 1-2 tablets per night. Liquid buckthorn extract - 30-40 drops in the morning and evening.

Buckthorn laxative (zhoster) -- Rhamnus cathartica L. Medicinal raw materials are fruits collected without stalks and dried first in the shade and then in a drying oven or in the sun.
Used as a mild laxative and antiseptic at chronic constipation. The effect occurs 8-10 hours after administration. Prescribed in the form of infusions and decoctions. Infusion: 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of boiling water over buckthorn fruit, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup at night. Decoction: 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of boiling water over buckthorn fruit, boil for 10 minutes, strain. Take 1/3 cup at night.

Common fennel -- Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Used as medicinal raw materials ripe fruits fennel. Reduces gas formation in the intestines and improves peristalsis. Used for spastic and atonic constipation in the form of an infusion: 1 tsp. pour 1 cup of boiling water over fennel fruits, strain when cooled, take 1 tbsp orally. l. 3--4 times a day.

Calendula (marigold) -- Calendula officinalis L. Baskets collected during flowering and dried in the attic or in a dryer are used as medicinal raw materials. Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. Used as an infusion. The use is described in more detail in the section "medicinal enemas".

Burnet (pharmaceutical) - Sanguisorba officinalis L. Medicinal raw materials are rhizomes with roots, collected in the fall, washed in cold water and dried in air. Final drying is carried out in drying ovens. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory, analgesic, astringent, and disinfectant effect. Has the ability to slow down intestinal peristalsis, which is especially valuable for use in cases of diarrhea. Prescribed as a decoction: 1 tbsp. l. pour chopped burnet roots with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes, let cool, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day.

Cinquefoil erecta< (калган) -- Potentilla erecta L. Лекарственным сырьем является корневище, выкопанное осенью или весной до отрастания листьев. Промывается в холодной воде, очищается от стеблей и корней, сушится в сушилке.
It has antimicrobial, astringent and antispastic effects. It is advisable to use it for irritable bowel syndrome, accompanied by spastic phenomena. Used as a decoction: 1 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water over chopped rhizomes, boil for 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. orally 4-5 times a day.

Sticky alder< (черная) -- Alnus glutinosa L. Gaerth. Лекарственным сырьем являются плоды -- ольховые шишки и кора. Используется как astringent for diarrhea in the form of infusion and tincture. Infusion of cones: pour 8 g of fruits with 1 glass of boiling water, leave, take 1/4 glass 3-4 times a day. Infusion of bark: pour 20 g of crushed bark with 1 glass of boiling water, leave, take 1 tbsp. l. 3--4 times a day. The tincture is sold ready-made dosage form, take 30 drops 2-3 times a day with water or sugar.

Great plantain -- Plantago major L. Plantain seeds are used in the treatment of colitis. As an anti-inflammatory and enveloping agent An infusion of plantain seeds is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome. For this you need 1 tbsp. l. seeds, pour 1/2 cup boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. Whole or crushed seeds, 1 tbsp each, are used as a laxative for constipation. l. before bed or in the morning before meals. Before eating, the seeds should be poured with boiling water and drained immediately. Some authors recommend another method of administration: 1 tbsp. l. seeds, brew 1/2 cup of boiling water, let cool and drink along with the seeds.

Chamomile (medicinal) -- Matricaria chamomilla L. Medicinal raw materials are well-blooming flowers in baskets without pedicels. It has a strong calming, antispastic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. In the treatment of colitis, it can be used both orally and in enemas, which gives an even better effect. Used as an infusion. The use of chamomile is described in more detail in the section “Medicinal enemas”.

Common flax -- Linum usitatissivum L. Medicinal raw materials are flax seeds. For chronic constipation, use an infusion prepared from 1 tsp. flaxseed per 1 cup boiling water. Drink without straining along with the seeds. For diarrhea, enemas with a strained decoction of flaxseed are used as an enveloping agent: 1 tbsp. l. seeds for 1.5 cups of water, cook over low heat for 12 minutes. Administer at room temperature.

Lyubka bifolia -- Platanthera bifolia Rich. Medicinal raw materials are young root tubers collected after flowering, and only those tubers from which flowering stems have not yet grown. Dry in dark, ventilated areas.
It has a pronounced enveloping, anti-inflammatory and antitoxic effect. It is used for irritable bowel syndrome, functional diarrhea, spastic colitis in the form of mucous decoctions and mucus orally, sometimes in enemas (data on this are scarce).
To prepare a slimy decoction, tuber powder is used in the ratio of 1 g of powder per 20-60 ml of water. The mucilage is prepared by shaking 1 part of the tuber powder with 10 parts of cold water, followed by adding 90 parts of boiling water and shaking until a homogeneous, colorless, translucent mucus is obtained.

Lungwort officinalis -- Pulmonaria officinalis L. Medicinal raw materials are herbs collected before the flowers bloom, dried in the shade in the air. Has a strong anti-inflammatory and mild astringent action. It is used internally as an infusion (30-40 g per 1 liter of water). More effective for diarrhea as part of a complex water tincture: 40 g of lungwort herb, 1 tbsp. l. flaxseed, 1 tbsp. l. crushed comfrey root and 100 g of rose hips, pour 1 liter of water in the evening, grind the swollen rose hips in the morning, strain twice. The entire portion is taken one sip at a time throughout the day.

Spotted orchis -- Orchis maculata L. Tubers are medicinal raw materials. Has an enveloping and softening effect. It is used for irritable bowel syndrome and functional diarrhea orally and in enemas. In both cases, a decoction of tubers is used, prepared at the rate of 10 g of dried tuber powder per 200 ml of water.

Polygonum persicaria L. Medicinal raw material is herb collected during flowering, dried in the shade or in a dryer. It is used for spastic and atonic constipation due to its mild laxative effect.
It is used as an infusion, as well as as part of official laxative preparations. Preparation of infusion: pour 20 g of herb with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3--4 times a day.

In addition, as an aid to atonic colitis physical therapy, abdominal massage and breathing exercises. Therapeutic exercise increases the overall psycho-physical tone of the body, improves the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, creates Better conditions for blood circulation in the abdominal cavity, strengthens the abdominal muscles. As physical therapy for atonic colitis (note that for spastic colitis, physical therapy is not indicated due to the high risk of increased spasms) by various authors more than 20 recommended special exercises, however, to select the most suitable for the patient, it is advisable to consult the patient with a specialist in physical therapy, which are now available in every hospital and every clinic.

The use of abdominal massage has a beneficial effect on the restoration of impaired motor function intestines. The most frequently recommended technique is self-massage according to Kakushkin. The technique is to massage the abdomen with your own hands every morning before getting out of bed, lying on your back, with your legs extended, combining it with deep rhythmic breathing: the inhalation should coincide with the massaging movement of the hands, and the exhalation should be done in the interval between them. Also often recommended are circular massaging movements clockwise (the palm from a position above the pubis, slightly to the right of the midline, with moderate pressure moves to the right - up to the hypochondrium - left to the hypochondrium - down - to the right), in combination with slow deep breathing.

Breathing exercises allow you, figuratively speaking, to perform a massage internal organs hands-free. It is better to perform the exercises while lying on your back, if possible on a hard surface (if carried out for a long time deep breathing Maybe severe dizziness). Two exercises are best suited for stimulating intestinal activity: 1. Abdominal breathing: while lying on your back, a slow deep breath, accompanied by the maximum possible protrusion of the abdomen, then exhalation, during which the abdomen relaxes (“releases”). After several cycles, the order of actions changes - as you inhale, you need to pull in your stomach, while exhaling, you need to release it. 2. Wave-like breathing: while lying on your back, take a slow deep breath, during which first the lower half of the abdomen “bulges out,” then the upper half, then the chest rises and straightens as much as possible. At the moment of straightening chest the lower half of the abdomen begins to “fall” (the beginning of exhalation). Further exhalation occurs in the same sequence as inhalation. At the moment the chest “falls”, a new breath begins from the lower half of the abdomen.

According to statistics, a 100% and final cure for chronic colitis is quite rare. With timely access to a doctor, with a sufficiently attentive attitude of the patient to his condition, with correct observance In all conditions of treatment, a lasting improvement can be achieved, in which the patient will feel normal for a long time and, with timely implementation of preventive measures, this is quite realistic.

Gastrointestinal diseases are a very common problem in modern people. True, not everyone rushes to the hospital. Some people are very successful in getting rid of colitis using folk remedies. To carry out effective treatment, you need to know proven recipes of traditional medicine. We'll talk about them further.

Colitis of the intestine can occur in acute and chronic form. In the acute form of the disease, inflammation of the small intestines and stomach occurs. The causative agents of colitis are microorganisms that provoke food retention in the stomach, which negatively affects the functioning of the intestines. Because of this, a person experiences discomfort in the abdominal area and pain.

Effective treatment of acute intestinal colitis can be carried out not only with medications, but also with folk remedies. Effective for therapy various infusions and herbal decoctions.

Folk remedies for acute intestinal colitis

Herbal remedies for colitis

If you wish, you can make microenemas with an infusion of calendula flowers, chamomile, and sage leaves. This procedure will help reduce inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

If you carry out regular treatment, you will feel better within 14 days, and the symptoms of the disease will subside. To achieve a long-term effect, you need to consume herbs regularly for 8 months, or better yet, a year.

Before use herbal infusions It would be a good idea to consult with your doctor about the advisability of using them. Some plants have contraindications, so that they do not cause harm, you need to be extremely careful.

Treatment of chronic colitis with folk remedies

During the period of exacerbation of chronic colitis, a person loses appetite, nausea, weakness, and apathy may be present. In order to get rid of painful condition and to make drug treatment more effective, it is recommended to include traditional methods in therapy.

Colitis is successfully treated folk ways, the main thing is not to overdo it. It is important not to forget that long-term self-medication can harm not only the intestines, but the entire body as a whole. Remember this and do not forget to consult your doctor.

Colitis refers to diseases of the digestive tract and is an inflammatory process of the colon mucosa of various origins. According to the nature of its course, it is divided into two forms: acute and chronic.

The acute form occurs rapidly and occurs with severe symptoms. Chronic - characterized by a blurred picture of the pathological process and proceeds long time with periods of remission and exacerbation. This disease is treated with medications and diet, and there are effective recipes traditional medicine for the treatment of colitis.

Differential diagnosis is of great importance to establish an accurate diagnosis. In this case, a comprehensive examination is prescribed, which includes:

  1. Biochemical and clinical analysis blood.
  2. Stool analysis.
  3. Irrigography.
  4. Colonoscopy.
  5. Sigmoidoscopy.

High-quality diagnostics helps prescribe the correct treatment and achieve positive results. It is prescribed and carried out under the watchful supervision of a doctor.

Causes of colon inflammation

Poor nutrition is a common factor occurrence of the disease. Fatty, spicy, floury foods in excess disrupt the function of the large intestine. Lack of vitamins, monotony of diet, alcohol abuse causes inflammation in the mucous membrane.

Long-term uncontrolled use of drugs, poisoning industrial production, intestines can cause significant disturbances in the mucous membrane, including the appearance of erosions and ulcers. The action of allergic agents hereditary predisposition, wrong mode days and stress adversely affect digestion and colon motility.

There are diseases whose causes are still unknown and only theories of their occurrence exist. These include ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, which can be complicated intestinal bleeding and often have severe clinical picture. These diseases are characterized by a chronic course and require constant monitoring throughout life.

Manifestations of the disease

The most pronounced symptoms of the disease are pain in the abdomen. They can be dull and cramping in nature, often occur after eating, and are accompanied by bloating. Localization of pain is in lower parts, but can spread throughout the intestine, making diagnosis difficult. Unpleasant sensations calm down after defecation or a cleansing enema.

Abnormal bowel movements can manifest as constipation or frequent bowel movements. Sometimes these symptoms alternate with each other. There is an admixture of mucus in the stool, possibly streaked with blood. Patients feel a feeling incomplete emptying colon, seething and transfusion in the abdomen, flatulence.

At long term illness, general malaise develops, appetite worsens, and body weight decreases. Often there is an unpleasant taste in the mouth, belching, and nausea. The increase in these manifestations leads to a decrease in performance and causes apathy.

Folk remedies for the treatment of colitis

Traditional medicine is widely used for the treatment of colitis and is quite effective. They can be included in the complex of the main course of treatment, and also used during periods of remission to prevent the development of exacerbation of the process.

The use of infusions, decoctions, tinctures

Yarrow tincture has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare, place 75 grams of herb in a liter thermos, pour boiling water and leave for 24 hours. The resulting mixture is placed on the stove and half of the liquid is evaporated, 30 grams of alcohol and medical glycerin are added. Medicinal tincture take 25-35 drops 25 minutes before a meal. The course of treatment is at least a month.

A decoction of bird cherry berries is prepared, which normalizes stool and improves digestion. To do this, 60 grams of fruit are placed in 320 ml of boiling water, boiled for two quarters of an hour, then infused in a shaded place for 90 minutes. Drink the product three sips every 2.5 hours.

An infusion of ginger root relieves dyspepsia and improves appetite. The medium root of the plant is finely ground on a grater. Pour 25 grams of raw material into 240 ml hot water and leave for 6 hours in a tightly sealed container. It is recommended to take 30 ml of medicinal liquid before meals.

A decoction of basil leaves helps normalize appetite and restore adequate body weight. A few dessert spoons of herbs are boiled in 460 ml of water, then filtered and cooled. Drink 40 ml before meals for 20 days.

Wormwood infusion is recommended for use for severe diarrhea. The herb in an amount of 50-60 grams is placed in 320 ml of boiling water and boiled for 12-15 minutes. The resulting mixture is filtered and left for 50 minutes. Take 20-30 ml before meals, the course of treatment is 23-25 ​​days.

Pomegranate decoction improves hematopoiesis and maintains healthy blood composition, especially with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. It is prepared from the peels or fruits of the plant. To do this, pour 30-50 grams of raw material into 340 ml of hot water and boil over low heat for at least half an hour. The strained broth is drunk 45 ml twice a day. Usually the treatment course lasts 17-25 days.

Propolis is a waste product of bees and has immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. Add 35 drops of propolis tincture to a glass of warm milk and take several times before meals. Therapy is continued for about a month.

Using enemas

When used regularly, microclysters can relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane, heal ulcers, and normalize colon peristalsis. Medicine administered using a rubber bulb or a large syringe with a catheter. In this case, the substance should be injected as deeply as possible, lying on your left side. The procedure is carried out at night, and the intestinal contents are removed in the morning. As active remedy use sea buckthorn or rosehip oil.

Enemas are performed with infusions of medicinal herbs. Chamomile and St. John's wort in equal quantities of 25 grams are brewed in 700 ml of boiling water, infused in a saucepan with a tightly closed lid, wrapped in a towel. The resulting mixture is carefully filtered through several layers of cloth and cooled. An enema is given with a cool solution before bedtime.

For more effective action, microenemas are recommended to be given after enemas. These healing procedures are carried out every day. Therapy lasts one month, but pronounced results are noticeable in the second week of treatment.

Expert opinion

Colitis is an inflammatory process that affects all parts of the large intestine. This disease is accompanied by diarrhea, cramps and pain in the hypogastric region. This disease must be differentiated from other pathologies, often infectious. Therefore, at the first symptoms of colitis, you need to contact a specialist who, after certain tests, will diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective therapy.

Treatment of this disease consists in the use of antibacterial drugs (if the cause of the disease is pathogenic microorganisms), agents that restore water and electrolyte balance, as well as herbal remedies that have a positive effect on the restoration of the intestinal mucosa and activate the immune response.


In the treatment of inflammation of the large intestine, adherence to a special diet plays a significant role. Without nutritional correction, all other treatment efforts can be reduced to zero. Food should be gentle and not cause irritating effect on mucous membranes and fermentation processes. Food should be taken frequently in small portions. This diet improves digestion and normalizes stool.

Vegetable soups with a liquid consistency are useful. Cereals should be well digested, vegetables should be thoroughly ground through a sieve. The most healthy cereals for the intestines - this is rice and oatmeal. For constipation, the diet includes boiled carrots, beets and pumpkin. Sometimes yogurt and prunes are added to the diet.

During periods of exacerbation, it is prohibited to eat fatty, spicy, flour, and fried foods. Coffee and strong teas are replaced with dried fruit compote and rosehip decoction. It is not recommended to include sour fruits in your diet, especially raw ones.

During the period when the disease subsides, you can add low-fat steamed fish, weak meat broths, bread, eggs, baked vegetables and fruits. Be sure to take vitamins and microelements, honey, fish oil to improve metabolic processes in the body and normalization of intestinal function.

Treatment of colitis with folk recipes has no contraindications and side effects. However, before starting treatment, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo the examination he recommends.

Intestinal colitis is a very unpleasant disease. In particularly severe cases, hospitalization cannot be avoided. But if the disease is moderate, then you can use folk methods treatment as an effective remedy against intestinal colitis.

Colitis contributes to the occurrence inflammatory processes colon.

There are several known factors, which can provoke the development of this unpleasant pathology:

  • infectious diseases that are bacterial in nature;
  • acute poisoning with arsenic, mercury and lead vapors, medicines and food additives;
  • worms, pinworms;
  • taking medications for a long time that negatively affect the intestinal mucosa;
  • food allergies;
  • improper metabolism;
  • stressful situations, constant nervous tension;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • poor nutrition.


The general symptoms of the disease may differ slightly in different cases. This circumstance depends on the type of colitis.

The first symptoms of the pathology, which occurs in an acute form, are sudden and pronounced. Colon swelling and thickening, an inflammatory secretion is formed, which may consist of mucus or pus.

The intestinal walls acquire a red tint, and over time, erosions occur, accompanied by hemorrhages.

During acute colitis, the patient complains of the following factors:

  • acute pain in the lower abdomen, which is constant or paroxysmal in nature;
  • increased flatulence, feeling of bloating;
  • bowel movements may be accompanied by painful sensations;
  • constant feeling discomfort;
  • stool may contain fragments of blood and mucus;
  • indigestion, persistent diarrhea;
  • loss of strength, constant feeling of weakness and drowsiness;
  • feeling of nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite.

The above signs of colitis acute form persist for a long time. If you ignore the disease at this stage, it can become chronic.

In this case, ulcerative formations, abscesses and chronic erosions may occur on the intestinal walls. The patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • sharp and severe pain lower abdomen;
  • bloody discharge during bowel movements;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • increased flatulence;
  • irritability, decreased performance, apathy and weakness.

As you can see, the general symptoms are quite similar for both types of colitis. The only difference is that in the chronic form, ulcerative formations occur, which increase the pain.

Diet for ulcerative colitis

Diet is very important for effective therapy. First of all, it should be healthy, light and gentle. Also diet daily nutrition must contain all the necessary useful material, which will allow the body to function effectively throughout the day.

You also need to prevent the formation of constipation, which further irritates inner surface colon. However, it is worth remembering that overuse laxatives can also cause harm.

During colitis, complete fasting for 2 days is recommended. After this, you need to gradually start eating food cooked exclusively by steaming. You should avoid eating fried foods and processed foods. Eating any cereals, fresh fruits, boiled meat, and cheese is encouraged. Over time, you can add bread and raw vegetables to your daily diet.

It is also worth remembering that pain may intensify when taking coarse fiber, whole milk, fatty foods, alcohol. Try to protect yourself from food that was prepared using non-natural spices and seasonings. Eliminate harmful food additives from your diet.

A diet consisting of moderate amount proteins and carbohydrates will be beneficial. It is advisable to completely avoid animal fats.

Treatment of chronic intestinal colitis

As mentioned above, the main success effective treatment lies in a properly selected diet.

At acute exacerbations ailment, gentle food is indicated.

If diarrhea is observed for a long time, it is recommended to eat white crackers, lean broths, boiled fish or poultry, jelly, and cottage cheese.

It is recommended to completely eliminate raw foods from your diet. whole milk. Over time, the patient's condition will improve significantly, after which the diet can be expanded. However, during exacerbation of remissions, it is advisable to again exclude foods that irritate the intestines.

Chronic colitis accompanied by constipation, requires a slightly different therapeutic diet. The diet includes fresh fruits, boiled vegetables. You should also consume it throughout the day. sufficient quantity water.

Drink regularly dairy products- kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt. They also help a lot bacterial preparations, which contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora.

For constipation, some patients resort to an enema. But it is worth remembering that very frequent use of an enema can also do more harm than good. The fact is that this procedure violates normal work sphincters and “washes out” the inner surface of the intestines, which can cause dysbacteriosis to develop.

Folk remedies

It is worth noting that Alternative medicine allows not only to relieve pain, but also to get rid of the disease without surgical intervention. Today there is great amount all kinds of folk recipes to treat the disease, consider the most effective of them.

Treatment with honey

This technique involves taking a sweet drug in pure form or together with fees useful herbs. It is also important to adhere to a diet during this therapy. Ways to use honey for colitis:

  1. Natural honey with water. For an adult daily intake honey is 100 g. This amount must be divided into 4 doses. Honey is diluted with warm water 1:1.
  2. 180 g natural honey, 50 g of flower pollen mixed with 800 grams warm water. Leave the resulting mixture for a couple of days. Drink half a glass of the tincture throughout the day immediately before meals. Treatment lasts about 1.5 months.


Mumiyo is mixed with water in the amount of 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) of warm water, per 0.1 g of mumiyo. You need to take this solution in an amount of 0.2 grams per day. It is worth emphasizing that half of this dose should be taken orally with a 1% concentration. The remaining dose is used in the form of rectal suppositories.

This substance has a calming and beneficial effect on patients with impaired nervous system. Shilajit helps restore the colon mucosa, as well as relieve the inflammatory effect.

Herbal infusions

Also, in the treatment of the disease, collections of medicinal herbs are also effective. The following recipes have worked particularly well:

  1. Add knotweed and cinquefoil roots to 3 parts mint and 2 parts chamomile flowers. Pour 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) of the resulting mixture into a glass of water at room temperature and let it brew for 10 hours. After this, you need to bring the broth to a boil, let it cool, strain and take 1 glass 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Mix calamus root, oak root, thyme herb in 2 parts and 1 part blueberry fruit. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of warm water, leave for at least 8 hours, then bring to a boil. Drink a glass of the pre-squeezed decoction several times a day.
  3. Mix 1 part fennel fruit with 3 parts oak bark and sage leaves. Pour 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) of the mixture into a glass of water at room temperature. Infuse the decoction for 9 hours, bring to a boil, let cool and take 250 grams three times a day.
  4. Mix 1:1 plantain leaves, chamomile, knotweed root and blueberry fruits. Pour a tablespoon into a glass of water. Infuse the decoction for at least 7 hours, bring to a boil. Take 250 grams several times a day.
  5. Mix 1 part bird cherry fruit with 3 parts alder cones and oak bark. Pour a spoonful of the mixture into a glass of water, leave for 6 hours and heat the broth to a boil. Take 300 grams orally twice a day.
  6. Mix 2 parts of mint leaves, plantain and rose hips with 4 parts of knotweed herb and chamomile flower. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture into a glass of water, leave for 5 hours, heat until boiling. Drink 250 grams three times a day.
  7. Mix 5 parts chamomile with 1 part rose hips and 2 parts nettle leaves. Pour the mixture with 250 grams of water, let it brew for 10 hours and heat until boiling. Use 300 grams twice a day.
  8. To prevent the disease, you can eat no more than 3 cloves of garlic per day.

It is worth emphasizing that treatment with traditional medicine should be complementary and not primary. Effective therapy provides, first of all, an integrated approach.

Also before using traditional medicine To combat colitis, you should first consult with your doctor so as not to aggravate the clinical picture and cause serious side effects.

You can get recipes for folk remedies for the treatment of intestinal colitis from the following video:



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