Discharge from the breast after completion of lactation. Galactorrhea: discharge of colostrum outside of feeding; increased prolactin levels; parlodel

How long should milk be released from the mammary gland after the baby stops feeding?

Up to three months on average, but in general it depends a lot. how you stopped feeding - whether the child himself refused to breastfeed, or you took pills, or pulled.

Please answer my three questions, since I can’t find answers to them:
1. Could it happen again? sexually transmitted infection, if my husband and I have recently been cured of ureaplasma, but there are no more infections? (And how).
2. Does a decrease in prolactin levels (I’ve been taking parlodel for only 2 months) indicate that the pituitary adenoma is shrinking, or is this only for the time being to treat symptoms (in fact, NMR has not revealed convincing evidence for prolactinoma), and does such a rapid decrease in prolactin indicate that there really is no tumor? (I plan to have a child in the near future, could this really affect my health in connection with such an analysis).
3. Can the color fields of vision be narrowed on their own if no pituitary adenoma is detected? (The ophthalmologist confirmed the narrowing of the color fields, but the peripheral ones are normal

1. If you and your husband have cured everything, used contraception during treatment, and you have no other sexual partners, then there should not be a new infection. What could happen: an old untreated infection may worsen, dysbiosis () may develop, which you mistakenly consider an infection, may develop against the background of reduced immunity.
2. Parlodel is a special medicine that blocks prolactin synthesis. Naturally, while taking it, the level of this hormone decreases. Pituitary adenoma, if present, decreases only against the background long-term use. Another important indicator is the disappearance of symptoms of hyperprolactinemia: milk discharge from the mammary glands, disturbances menstrual cycle, headaches. if they were... If there is an adenoma, plan pregnancy before it complete cure undesirable, because all tumors grow and progress during pregnancy. Still, the most accurate way to diagnose a tumor is NMR, and it is its data that you should focus on. But if the symptoms have completely disappeared, Parlodel can be discontinued and prolactin levels monitored. Taking Parlodel will not affect pregnancy, but it is better to stop taking it before you plan to conceive.
3. Narrowing of color fields of vision is a specific sign of pituitary adenoma. They simply cannot be narrowed down. If there is no adenoma, then there is some other pathology of the pituitary gland.

My prolactin is constantly elevated. If you eliminate any other factors, how likely is it that alcohol (particularly beer) contributed to this increase? The fact is that I take it very often (about 3 bottles a day), but only now I accidentally found out about it possible impact for hormones. And in the schedule basal temperature after it drops during ovulation, the temperature in the second half is almost equal to the temperature in the first half of the cycle. I can’t find the answer to this question anywhere, and I may already be prescribed Parlodel. I wouldn't like to accept hormonal agent, if the reason is only alcohol.

A similar effect of alcohol has not been described in the literature. However, beer increases the level of female sex hormones estrogen, and they increase the level of prolactin. If you are in doubt, you can try to stop drinking beer and retest prolactin in a month. It all depends on how high the level is. If it’s too much then beer has nothing to do with it. In general, an increase in prolactin levels requires a comprehensive examination. Only the exclusion of the rest, more common reasons may allow beer to be considered as a cause. Features of the temperature graph are caused by increased prolactin. If you are prescribed Parlodel for the treatment of infertility, then firstly, it is all the more necessary to be examined, and secondly, in any case you need to quit beer (in such quantities). If it turns out that the increase in prolactin does not depend on external causes, taking hormones cannot be avoided. Today there is a more modern drug than Parlodel - Dostinex. It is taken less frequently and causes fewer side effects. In general, hormones are not evil. If there is a hormonal disorder, it can only be cured with hormones. When administered correctly, hormones sometimes become the only way infertility treatment.

How long should you take Parlodel for pituitary prolactinoma? What is the criterion for cure?

The criterion for cure is the normalization of prolactin levels and the disappearance of prolactinoma. Microprolactinomas can disappear on their own when treated with Parlodel; macroprolactinomas usually significantly decrease in size under the influence of Parlodel.

Why does fluid leak from the chest?

Discharge from the breast can be a manifestation of hormonal imbalances. In case of dysfunction thyroid gland or the pituitary gland in the blood, the level of the hormone prolactin, responsible for milk production, increases. Fluid discharge from the breast may be a consequence of mastopathy; oncology cannot be ruled out. Contact your mammologist immediately. An endocrinologist deals with hormonal abnormalities.

The causes of hyperprolactinemia and modern methods of treating this disease? My 20-year-old daughter’s prolactin levels are twice the normal level. What can be recommended in this case?

Hyperprolactinemia can be functional (this is how the pituitary gland works), or may be a consequence of a pituitary tumor ( endocrine gland, located in the brain), as well as reduced function thyroid gland. At the same time, ovarian function suffers, the likelihood of infertility is high, not to mention the danger of a brain tumor. It is necessary to check the level of thyroid hormones, do a tomography of the skull and sella turcica. After identifying the cause of the disease, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

I have had galactorrhea for 4 years after giving birth when I press on the nipple in both mammary glands. Prolactin is normal. In one center, smears in both glands - CFM and in the left - intraductal papilloma. In another center - only FMC was found. Here they prescribed me to drink grass for 3-6 months. and 2 weeks Parlodel 2 t/day. What should I think and why is papilloma dangerous (they told me to remove it where it was found)? What other symptoms should there be for papilloma? Is it possible to replace Parlodel with Bromocriptine or Bromergon due to its cost, or are they different in effectiveness? Also, hysteroscopy revealed hyperplasia of the uterine cavity and cervical canal. Maybe this will give you more full information about the reasons for my galactorrhea?

Papilloma can cause discharge from the mammary glands. If a papilloma really exists, it must be removed. Papilloma increases the risk of developing oncological diseases. The presence of hyperplasia indicates the presence hormonal disorders, which could cause galactorrhea. You need to be thoroughly examined. The cause of galactorrhea - hyperprolactinemia can be functional (this is how the pituitary gland works), it can be a consequence of a tumor of the pituitary gland (an endocrine gland located in the brain), as well as with decreased thyroid function. In this case, ovarian function suffers, hence hyperplasia. It is necessary to check the level of thyroid hormones, do a tomography of the skull and sella turcica. As for replacing Parlodel, the drugs you listed are quite suitable. However, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease for better treatment.

Please tell me what threatens me with the diagnosis of hyperandrogenism and hyperprolactinemia against the background of neuroendocrine syndrome made by an endocrinologist?

This diagnosis indicates a hormonal imbalance. Symptoms of the disease include separation of colostrum from the breast, increased hair growth, ... The most unpleasant complication of this disease- this is infertility. And when pregnancy occurs against the background of pathology, there is a high probability of miscarriage. However, such manifestations can be cured or reduced through special therapy.

I am 34 years old, for 5 years now I have been taking “bromergon” 0.25 per day, prolactin level is 19.4 ng/ml, I tried not taking it for one month and the prolactin level immediately increased. There was a palpitation in calm state pulse 95-100. A year ago, 2 nodules appeared in the thyroid gland; I take thyroxine 100, 1 tablet per day. Please tell me what consequences await me from this long-term treatment"bromergon", my endocrinologist said that I would probably take this medicine for the rest of my life.

An increase in prolactin can be caused either by dysfunction of the pituitary gland (the endocrine gland in which prolactin is synthesized) or due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland. In the second case, with normalization of thyroid function, prolactin levels may return to normal. In the first, it is necessary to find out the cause of the dysfunction of the pituitary gland. The duration of treatment depends on the causes of the disease, so you should be examined more thoroughly.

I am 23 years old, my husband and I want to have a child, during the examination we found an increased level of prolactin, what is the reason for this? Could this negatively affect fetal development during pregnancy?

Elevated levels of prolactin can be a consequence of dysfunction of the thyroid gland, dysfunction of the pituitary gland (brain structure), or a consequence of a pituitary tumor. If prolactin levels are elevated, problems with conception and pregnancy may occur. If the function of the thyroid gland is impaired, then there is a lack of thyroid hormones. May have a negative impact on development nervous system fetus Disorders of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland are corrected with medications. If a tumor is present, therapy depends on its size. Microadenoma is treated conservatively, i.e. Also, with the help of drugs, the macroadenoma is removed promptly.

I breastfed my baby for 7 months. Then the amount of milk began to gradually decrease. By the 8th month, feeding stopped. I didn’t “tighten” it, as they usually do, so that the milk would burn out. I didn't have mastitis. But still (for 6 months now) when the nipple is compressed, a liquid very similar to colostrum is released in droplets). pain No. What should I do: sound the alarm or calm down? If this serious problem, then which specialists should I contact?

After lactation ends, milk may be released in very small quantities for up to a year. This is completely normal. If the discharge continues for more than a long period or other concerns arise, you should contact a mammologist. In Moscow - to the mammology clinic

My son is 4.5 years old. The milk continues to come out. The tests revealed Prolactin 24.9 and prolactinoma was found (a size that does not require surgical intervention). Now it turns out that I am 4 weeks pregnant. Tell me how this will affect the child and maybe it’s worth terminating the pregnancy?

Elevated levels of prolactin do not affect the development of pregnancy, even if the increase in the level of this hormone is suppressed by drugs such as bromocriptine. It is very difficult to say how pregnancy will affect the condition of prolactinoma, and whether it can provoke the growth of a minitumor.

I am 27 years old and really want to have children. Until July 1997, she used MARVELON protection, then she stopped using it completely. Until September 98 I was unable to get pregnant. In September, I was checked at the REDNOR center, they said that I was healthy, they recommended drinking MERSELON for three months. In October - November I underwent breakdown and another one in March. In April 99 donated blood for tests. It turned out high prolactin 36.32 ng/ml. They prescribed DOPERGINE and a sedative. Two months later, despite taking DOPERGINE, PROLACTIN rose to 114.19 ng/ml. They did an x-ray and a mammogram of the brain. The pituitary gland was in perfect order.

I continued to take medications and check PROLACTIN every month.
July - 37.99 ng/ml

August - 65.1 ng/ml

September - 118.67 ng/ml

PARLODEL was prescribed and in October PROLACTIN dropped to 0.32 ng/ml. Now I take half a tablet at night PARLODEL but I’m not sure of anything. If you stop taking medications, PROLACTIN will increase again, and if you manage to get pregnant, then such hormonal dysfunctions organism can affect the child. At the age of 20, I suffered from pyelonephritis; it became chronic; perhaps this or the fact that I changed my place of residence affected the functions of the pituitary gland. Now I have been living permanently in Istanbul for more than a year.

There are several factors that cause hyperprolactinemia. The cause of this condition can be both functional disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and organic ones, for example, a pituitary adenoma. Other hormonal diseases(, polycystic ovary syndrome) lead to so-called symptomatic hyperprolactinemia. Cancellation of long-term hormonal contraceptives, severe stress, and living in a climate with increased insolation could also trigger the disease. Elevated prolactin levels can cause menstrual irregularities, infertility, and miscarriages. early stages pregnancy. The information in your letter is not sufficient to make any definitive conclusion about the causes of suffering. However, Parlodel is the drug of choice for the treatment of hyperprolactinemia. For symptomatic forms, this drug is used if the therapy is not enough. The drug is taken for a long time, and if necessary, it is continued during pregnancy. The need and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician. Negative impact Parlodel does not affect the fetus.

After the abortion, half a year passed when symptoms appeared - discharge from the breast, and in the second half of the cycle, painful engorgement of the mammary glands and elevated temperature body 37.0-37.1. Also, after the abortion, on the third day I felt like I had my period and the feeling like I was pregnant immediately disappeared. Tell me what it is and how to treat it.

After termination of pregnancy, the hormonal regulation of the body may be disrupted and fibrocystic mastopathy. You need to conduct an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands and donate blood for prolactin, the hormone responsible for preparing the mammary glands for lactation during pregnancy.

I am 35 years old. About three months ago, I noticed discharge from the nipple in my right breast, opaque, similar to colostrum, but more concentrated, odorless, slightly sticky to the touch. During an examination by a gynecologist, I was diagnosed with mastopathy. Before menstruation, I feel dull, mild pain that goes away immediately after menstruation. I did an ultrasound of the uterus - everything was normal. Please tell me what examinations need to be done and where in order to establish the real reason my problem.

It is necessary to conduct an ultrasound of the mammary glands, analyze the discharge for cytological studies and take a blood test for hormones (prolactin)

My wife does not stop lactation, although she stopped breastfeeding her baby three months ago. Breastfed her until she was a year old. What could it be? Since giving birth, she has had two mini-abortions. Maybe this is related? I read on your pages that this can be treated with medication. What drugs exist and which ones are preferable? I ask this question because... my wife's gynecologist - elderly woman and seems poorly versed in modern medicines and treatment methods.

Continued milk secretion may be associated with an increase in the production of the hormone prolactin (you can donate blood from a vein to test for it). Although, usually, against the background of elevated prolactin levels, infertility may occur. The woman does not become pregnant. Failures in the “tuning” of lactation can be associated with frequent abortions) in 1 year - 2 abortions and childbirth - a large load on the hormonal system). Lactation can be blocked with bromocriptine (parlodel, serocriptine) 0.005 g 2 times a day for 10 days.

Bromocriptine was recommended for excessive levels of the hormone prolactin. I have been taking it for 5 months now. cycles. Discharge from the mammary glands has stopped, but pregnancy still does not occur, and ovulation is still not observed on the basal temperature chart. Tell me how long it should be taken and whether the drug is harmful to the body. Thank you.

Hyperprolactinemia is a situation that requires treatment by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Treatment is usually long-term. Depending on your age, plans for childbearing, general condition Treatment also changes.

Hello! I am 19 years old. At the age of 18, in April 1998, I had an abortion at 1.5 months. Due to a concussion, the doctors did not allow me to give birth. Already at the beginning of pregnancy, milk appeared in my left breast; I discovered it when I gently pressed the breast. After the abortion, the amount of milk decreased, but for six months a small amount has been present, I am not bothered by pain, it is not released on its own, only when pressing no more than 2 drops. in warm climates (Egypt, Cyprus, Central Africa) these phenomena disappear completely, as soon as I return from trips everything resumes and the amount of milk increases. Is this related to the climate and will it go away completely? thank you in advance.

It is not milk that is released, but colostrum. This can persist for up to 1 year after the abortion. If there continues to be discharge from the nipple, then you will need to see a doctor. Sometimes abortions, as a trauma, cause disturbances in the hypothalamic-pituitary regulation, so-called secondary hyperolactinemia occurs (the level of the hormone prolactin in the blood increases).

Hormone analysis gives increased prolactin(several times higher than normal), doctors are very surprised that milk does not come out. It could be wrong result tests or milk is not always released when prolactin is high?

If prolactin levels increase, there may be no discharge from the mammary glands. A significant increase in prolactin levels (several times) is usually not associated with errors in the collection and processing of the analysis.

What is GALACTORRHEA? How dangerous is this disease, what are its symptoms and how can it affect a future pregnancy?

Galactorrhea or hyperprolactinemia is the discharge of milky fluid from the mammary glands, which may be accompanied by amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). Hyperprolactenemia can be primary or secondary. Primary is a lesion of the hypothalamic-pituitary system ( inflammatory processes in the area, trauma to the pituitary stalk, prolactin-synthesizing tumors of the pituitary gland, acromegaly, etc.). Secondary - hypothyroidism, chronic stress, kidney failure, frequent abortions, etc. Along with pathological lactation, menstrual irregularities, may be marked by infertility and obesity. Examination and treatment are necessary.

I had a miscarriage at 18 weeks. Since then (8 months now) the mammary glands have been secreting white liquid. How abnormal is this, how can I get rid of it, and can it somehow affect my next pregnancy? Thank you.

More likely we're talking about about hmiperprolactinemia, which was the cause of the miscarriage. And white liquid is released from the mammary glands due to the increased content of prolactin in the blood. To establish a diagnosis, a more detailed examination is necessary. Hyperprolactinemia can be primary or secondary. There are many reasons for its occurrence and all of them can cause recurrent miscarriages.

What can cause lactation in a non-pregnant and non-lactating woman?

Lactation in non-pregnant woman associated with increased production of the blood hormone prolactin. This may be due to the following reasons:

pituitary tumor;

endocrinological diseases: hypoteris, polycellular ovary syndrome;

hyperprolactinemia while taking medications;

It is necessary to contact a gynecologist, undergo a full clinical and laboratory examination and undergo treatment.

Good morning.
I apologize for not answering for a long time; due to the pre-holiday bustle, my schedule is now very busy.
Spontaneous separation of milk from the nipple (so-called “leakage”) - it can normally occur within 3-6 months after the last application, it is provoked trigger factors reflexes of prolactin and oxytocin (hot drinks, baths, thoughts about the child, etc.).
Some degree of discharge from the mammary gland (including white drops, clear drops, streams, etc.) can remain NORMAL FOR 3 YEARS after ANY pregnancy (ending in childbirth or termination at any stage).
About prolactin - this test is done to exclude galactorrhea.
If you are concerned about the following:
Constant or periodic discharge from the nipples, similar to milk, without traces of blood;
Discharge can appear either on its own or as a result of pressure on the nipple;
One or both breasts are affected;
Absence of periods or irregular periods;
Headaches and/or blurred vision
Analysis for prolactin.
Donate blood from a vein:
Eliminate 1 day in advance sexual intercourse and thermal effects (sauna), 1 hour - smoking. Since the level of prolactin big influence provide stressful situations, it is advisable to exclude factors influencing the research results: physical stress(running, climbing stairs), emotional excitement. Therefore, before the procedure, you should rest for 10-15 minutes in the waiting room and calm down.

Biomaterial must be submitted for research on an empty stomach. At least 8 hours should pass between the last meal and blood collection (preferably at least 12 hours). Juice, tea, coffee (especially with sugar) are not allowed. You can drink water.
About the hormone itself:
Prolactin is produced in the pituitary gland. During pregnancy, it is also produced in the endometrium. During pregnancy, prolactin maintains the existence corpus luteum and the production of progesterone, stimulates the growth and development of the mammary glands and milk production. This is one of the hormones that contribute to the formation of sexual behavior. Prolactin regulates water-salt metabolism, delaying the excretion of water and sodium by the kidneys, stimulates the absorption of calcium.

The daily secretion of prolactin has a pulsating nature. During sleep, its level increases. After waking up, the concentration of prolactin decreases sharply, reaching a minimum in the late morning hours. After noon, the hormone level increases. In the absence of stress, daily fluctuations in levels are within normal values. During the menstrual cycle, prolactin levels are higher in the first phase than in the second. From the 8th week of pregnancy, prolactin levels increase, reaching a peak at 20 - 25 weeks, then decrease immediately before childbirth and increase again during lactation.
By the way, scientists from the Kimmel Cancer Center have found a mechanism by which the hormone responsible for milk production blocks an oncogene that makes breast cancer more aggressive. (I wrote in the topic about excommunication that long-term preservation GV, protects the mother from breast cancer).
You can also ask me questions about the analysis, but it’s better to write in a personal message, since the matter is confidential

: Hello! In fact, the safest way for the mother’s body is gradual decline lactation. It takes about two to three weeks for milk production to subside - during this time the breasts will stop getting engorged. And although a small amount of milk may remain in the breast for a long time, there is nothing wrong with that. This or that degree of discharge from the mammary gland (including white drops, transparent drops, trickles, etc.) can remain normal for 3 years after any (ending in childbirth or termination at any stage), and after any period of breastfeeding. This condition is maintained by self-palpation of the nipple (with this manipulation, the prolactin level increases 8-10 times), taking various medications and certain substances, even wearing a tight bra, overstimulation of the glands during sex, and a number of other factors. In addition, the following can individually influence: the age of the child at which the weaning occurred, how many attachments the child was weaned from, how the weaning took place (abruptly or gradually), even psychological characteristics mother. As for the spontaneous separation of milk from the nipple (the so-called “leakage”), it can normally occur within 3-6 months after the last application and is most often provoked by triggers of the oxytocin reflex (hot drinks, baths, thoughts about the baby, etc.) .d). A reason to consult a doctor may be the situation if milk continues to flow out of the breast on its own (not with pumping movements!) 3-6 months after stopping feeding. It is also worth noting that the release of milk in drops when pressing on the nipple and after 3 years from the moment of weaning is not in itself a basis for the uncontrolled prescription of lactation blockers. In some cases, discharge persists for longer than three years, even throughout life, and is not always a guarantee of any pathology hormonal system or breast (however, the decision on further examination is made by the doctor based on the examination data, when assessing the entire set of factors). The reason for a visit to the doctor may be the appearance of irregularities in the menstrual cycle, a change in the nature of discharge from the mammary glands, secondary. At the very beginning, when the mother stops feeding the baby, the breasts may become filled with milk and become hot and painful. Your task is to monitor the condition of your breasts. It can be full, but it must be soft. It depends on the number of feedings you are done with. The more feedings you had before weaning, the more often and longer you will have to pump. Then the mother’s main goal is to reduce milk production and relieve discomfort. Regular expression (by hand or with a breast pump) will be required once the breasts are full. You only need to express your breasts until you feel relieved - if you try to empty them to the last drop, this will only contribute to increased milk production, because milk is produced in response to breast stimulation. To reduce breast swelling and discomfort from milk supply, you can use cold compresses or breast wraps (juicy cabbage leaves or gauze soaked in cool whey). Infusions and mints help reduce milk production. Physiologically, involution can be divided into two stages. The active stage begins with the cessation of feeding, when the level of prolactin decreases noticeably and cell destruction begins. And the remodeling stage includes the destruction of the alveoli. This final restructuring takes several days - the holes on the nipple close, milk is released from the nipple with great difficulty, the breast is soft and “empty”, the composition of the fluid remaining in the breast is specific: many anti-infective factors (macrophages, phagocytes, leukocytes, etc.), which is similar to the composition colostrum. The mammary gland finally becomes non-nursing 40 days after the last feeding. Glandular tissue fat begins to be replaced, and the mammary gland returns to the state of the breast of a “mature virgin”. A few more tips: - Do not consume dairy products. - Wear a firm, but not tight, bra. - Avoid situations in which thoughts about feeding may trigger milk let-down. - Do not bandage your chest. - Contact your consultant breastfeeding, a doctor (mammologist or obstetrician-gynecologist) and terminate lactation under his supervision. All the best!

When a mother stops putting her baby to the breast, milk production does not stop immediately. Especially many problems arise if, for some reason, feeding the child is stopped abruptly. The breasts become engorged, begin to hurt, and lumps and even an abscess may develop in them. This usually occurs 2-3 days after the coagulation of hepatitis B, and is most often limited to tolerable pain, tingling and slight inflammation. If the baby actively latches on, problems may begin already on the first day. To prevent serious health consequences, you need to be very careful about your breast health during this period.

What not to do

There are many things associated with the curtailment of heated substances. various methods traditional medicine. Some of them actually help. Some are useless. But there are also downright harmful and even dangerous ones. Sometimes a recipe is passed down from generation to generation, but the reason for its use is lost. And they begin to use a seemingly good method in such a way that they get harm instead of benefit.

If more than six months have passed since giving birth, then it is practically useless to take hormones to reduce lactation. The fact is that at this time, milk production is regulated by emptying the breast: as much milk goes out, so much comes in. A hormonal pills harmful to the body, for example, Bromocriptine can lead to myocardial infarction. Dostinex also has unpleasant side effects. So no need to experiment with hormonal drugs independently, without a doctor’s prescription.

Bromocriptine mesylate (Bromolactin, Krypton, Parlodel) is a drug that suppresses the production of prolactin. Not used in the US to suppress lactation due to the potential for dangerous side effects, including peripheral vasoconstriction, hypotension, myocardial infarction, convulsions, stroke and death. About such “little things” as headache, nausea and vomiting, compared to the above, you don’t even need to mention it.

Cabergoline (Dostinex) is used to suppress lactation in Russia and a number of European countries. Made from ergot extract. Side effects common and unpleasant: headache, dizziness, increased fatigue, nosebleeds. In this condition, it is extremely difficult to care for the baby, so you should definitely discuss with the doctor whether the use of the drug is necessary.

The breast ligation method, often recommended by grandmothers and even some midwives, makes no sense and is dangerous. Once upon a time in villages, breasts were bandaged not to stop the secretion of milk, but to show the baby that the breast had disappeared and there was nothing left to suck. Dressing does not reduce the amount of milk coming in, but it impairs the blood supply to the mammary glands and increases the likelihood of pain and mastitis.

No need to warm your chest. An exception can only be made for warm shower to relieve pumping and pain during it.

There is no need to fast and not drink. You need to eat as usual. Lactation is not caused by the amount of fluid you drink, but by prolactin, so fluid restriction is completely useless. Studies have shown that if a woman drinks more than 2.5 liters of water per day, this significantly reduces the likelihood of developing lactostasis. You just have to avoid drinking hot drinks for a while, as they provoke a rush of milk. Dietary restrictions also do not help reduce the amount of milk; only complete exhaustion reduces lactation.

What do we have to do

Usually discomfort after winding down, hepatitis B lasts no more than 2-3 weeks. If you stop feeding slowly and gradually, then there will be no painful sensations there may not be one at all. But if there is still pain, then you cannot ignore it.

  1. If for some reason the baby’s breastfeeding stops abruptly, then you need to simulate as much as possible the gradual curtailment of breastfeeding.
  2. Wear a comfortable, non-pressing, but well-supporting bra at all times, including at night.
  3. Apply cold compresses to reduce pain, burning and swelling. You can use a piece of ice wrapped in a towel. It’s a good idea to put them chilled in the freezer. cabbage leaves. You can first beat them with a hammer, roll them with a rolling pin, or simply mash them.
  4. Because the baby no longer eats breast milk, i.e. Mom is no longer nursing, then she can take painkillers: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or any other.
  5. If you still have milk, then regularly express it by hand or with a breast pump. This should be done several times a day, gradually reducing the number of procedures. The breast does not need to be completely emptied; it is enough to express until relieved. In this case, lactation will be practically not stimulated, and the amount of milk will gradually decrease, and stagnation will not form in the breast. There is no need to be afraid of pumping. Only complete pumping has a strong lactogenic effect.
  6. You can have a drink herbal infusions. It is believed that sage, mint and parsley help stop lactation. Just don’t forget that herbs only help the process. Sage is brewed at the rate of one tablespoon per glass of boiling water. You can not only drink tea with mint, but also add it to salads and desserts.
  7. Light sedatives, for example, Novopassit, motherwort or valerian, will also not hurt.
  8. Temporarily exclude from the diet those foods that caused milk flow.
  9. If redness appears on the chest or the temperature rises, consult a doctor immediately.

Why might your chest hurt when breastfeeding ends?

If the breasts are a little sore, but at the same time they are soft, without compaction, then this means that there is a slight inflammation, but there is no lactostasis. This inflammation is well treated with cold. You can add a piece of ice wrapped in a clean towel or a frozen piece of meat (packed, of course). Exposure to cold should last approximately 10-15 minutes.

If there are lumps in the chest, then this is lactostasis. Minor congestion can be relieved quite easily with pumping, massage and cold compresses. In more severe cases, the entire chest becomes stiff and painful, and the temperature rises. Lactostasis can turn into mastitis. In the most difficult cases is formed purulent abscess, and surgery may be needed.

Sometimes the pain occurs due to a sudden increase in nipple sensitivity. It depends on the physiological characteristics women and is not dangerous to health.

Milk secretion after curdling of breast milk

After the baby's last feeding, milk can form in very small quantities in the breast for quite a long time, up to three years. This can happen after any pregnancy and after any period of breastfeeding. Such minimal lactation can be maintained various factors: wearing a tight bra, nipple stimulation during sex, taking certain medications. Sometimes women themselves provoke this process by constantly checking whether they still have milk.

Spontaneous release of milk from the nipples can last from 3 to 6 months. Usually triggered by a hot drink, a bath, and sometimes just thoughts about the baby.

The appearance of drops of milk when pressed even after three years is not always a symptom of hormonal disorders. But you should still see a doctor. If milk production is accompanied by menstrual irregularities or infertility, then a visit to the doctor is required.

Lactostasis after stopping breastfeeding

If breastfeeding stops abruptly, then milk in the breast does not stop forming. If there is no outflow, the milk stagnates, the breasts become stone-like, begin to hurt, and tingling sensations are felt. If you let this problem take its course, then you can easily expect mastitis and even an abscess. In this case, the problem can only be solved surgically.

As soon as the chest begins to ache, and even small lumps have formed in it, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. You need to take a painkiller. After some time, express. You can do this under a warm (not hot) shower. If it is difficult to express on your own, you can ask for help. This is especially true if the entire chest is stone, and it hurts even to touch it. Painkillers will help, but most likely they will not completely relieve the pain.

Expression is carried out using a fatty cream or oil, which is lubricated on the woman’s breasts and the massage therapist’s hands. The breast is expressed with gentle movements from the base to the nipple. You need to express until the seals are completely eliminated. You need to carefully work out all the slices. If compaction remains in at least one, then against the background of general relief of the condition it is easy to bring the situation to purulent inflammation precisely in this segment of the chest.

In some cases, you may need to take Dostinex or Bromocriptine. But the decision about the need to take medications must be made by a doctor. In addition to drugs that stop lactation, you may need to take antibiotics.

When to go to the doctor

If lumps have formed in the chest and they cannot be dealt with immediately, you should consult a doctor. If the breasts turn red and the woman has a fever, then a visit to the doctor must be made without delay.

After a baby stops breastfeeding, milk may continue to be produced for a long time, up to three years. But if the discharge suddenly becomes brown, mixed with blood, then you must definitely consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

A meeting with a doctor is also necessary if, after 3 years from the date of cessation of breastfeeding, milk continues to be released, and this is accompanied by menstrual irregularities, infertility, and also if the color and nature of discharge from the breast suddenly changes.

Pain is least likely after stopping breastfeeding if the process was gradual. It is even better if self-exclusion has occurred, i.e. The child just outgrew it. But even if it is necessary to abruptly stop feeding, you can stop breastfeeding without serious consequences for health, if everything is done correctly.

Galactorrhea is considered to be the secretion of milk or colostrum after stopping feeding, when more than four to six months have passed. This period of time is considered normal, and if the discharge continues, you should contact a specialist. What could be the reasons for normal and pathological release of colostrum after lactation?

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Causes of galactorrhea

The production of milk and colostrum during and after lactation is regulated by a complex of hormones and a number of glands internal secretion. The main one is prolactin, and its release into the blood plasma is controlled by the hormones of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. This delicate balance can easily be upset. The main reasons for such violations:

  • injuries or neoplasms of the pituitary-hypothalamic system;
  • side effects of some combined oral contraceptives;
  • pathological process in the ovaries;
  • damage to the adrenal system;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • taking decoctions of certain herbs (for example, anise or fennel);
  • side effect of others medicines(antidepressants, antihypertensives);
  • type underwear, an overly tight bra or irritating fabric;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

The main difference between normal and pathological galactorrhea is that normal lasts six months after the cessation of lactation and is associated with increased content prolactin in the blood, and pathological is associated with one or another disorder in the body.

Milk in mammary glands after cessation of lactation can also appear regardless of all of the above factors. This type of galactorrhea is also called idiopathic. Its reasons are not entirely clear. It can occur at any age and even in men. Treatment consists only of a pathogenetic decrease in the concentration of prolactin in the blood plasma.

Clinical signs of pathological galactorrhea

The following clinical symptoms are characteristic of galactorrhea:

  • Menstrual irregularities (delays, irregular periods);
  • Neurological manifestations in the form of dizziness, headache, disruption of the sensory organs;
  • Decreased libido;
  • The discharge is opaque, yellowish;
  • Hair growth in atypical places (chest, face, etc.).

Thus, pathological discharge milk or colostrum after lactation is characterized by a rather bright clinical picture, caused mainly by hormonal imbalance. It is important to understand that such a process affects several systems of the body and may not be associated with the place of external manifestation.

For staging differential diagnosis a number of laboratory and instrumental studies. Basically the examination includes: ultrasonography breast and pelvic organs, mammography, blood test to determine the level of thyroid hormones and prolactin, computed tomography brain.

Pathological release of colostrum after cessation of feeding can have four intensity levels. At the first level, liquid is released only when you press on the breast in the nipple area. The second level - milk or colostrum itself is released in drops. The third level - the liquid itself is released with medium intensity. And finally, at the fourth level, colostrum is released in a stream.

The intensity of release is also important diagnostic value, since it allows you to determine the cause of galactorrhea in a number of doubtful cases.

However, we should not forget that normal galactorrhea is often mistaken for pathological physiological excretion milk or colostrum after stopping breastfeeding. In some cases, considering individual characteristics women, discharge can be observed for up to six months. Therefore, you should consult a gynecologist only if you have at least two of the symptoms described above.

Treatment of galactorrhea

Treatment of pathological galactorrhea consists of identifying the cause and the corresponding effect on the primarily affected system. For each disease this is a narrow range of specific drugs. For example, in case of detected hypothyroidism, replacement therapy is prescribed hormone therapy, and if the problem is renal failure, again, its causes are clarified or hemodialysis is prescribed.

If galactorrhea is caused side effect medications taken, they should be discontinued. If we are talking about combined oral contraceptives, finding an analogue or a drug from a different line will not be difficult. When antihypertensive drugs or antidepressants, the situation is similar; today they are presented in a fairly wide range.



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