Pinkish yellow discharge. Suspicious secretion during lactation

What to do if you find pink vaginal discharge? What could be the cause of the discharge and how dangerous can it be for the female body?

What are the types of pink discharge?

Pink vaginal discharge can have a different consistency: from liquid to thick (curd). They differ in color and can be from pale pink to bright red. At the same time, the symptoms of discharge can also be of a different nature and proceed in different ways.

The color of the discharge depends on how much blood and vaginal secretions are mixed together. Vaginal discharge can be of the following colors:

  • pinkish, most often formed after critical days;
  • pinkish brown, may occur in the middle of the cycle;
  • white or colorless with a pungent odor;
  • bloody (not monthly), occur long before the onset of menstruation;
  • cheesy, usually white or gray in color with a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • transparent, often reminiscent of urine.

Any of these types of discharge may indicate the onset of a serious female disease or hormonal failure. The sooner you find out the cause of these diseases, the sooner you can undergo treatment and prevent serious complications.

What causes pink vaginal discharge

Pink discharge from the vagina is the result of a change in the functioning of the uterus. What changes occur in the uterus when you observe pink discharge in yourself? In the process of maturation of the egg, the hormonal system is rebuilt and releases a large amount of estrogen.

This hormone begins to influence the cells of the uterus and prepares it to receive a fertilized egg. This is because a certain amount of blood is secreted in the uterus, which mixes with the vaginal secretion, as a result of which pink discharge can be observed in the middle of the cycle.

There are other reasons that can provoke such discharge. They are connected with the fact that as a contraceptive, women often install an intrauterine device, which can lead to bleeding due to ingrowth into the uterus and subsequently, mixing with a white vaginal secretion, give a similar shade.

Modern oral contraceptives can also have side effects in the form of pink discharge. Before using them, be sure to read the package insert so that later it does not become a cause for concern for you.

Surgery or a gynecological examination, as a result of which the uterus could be damaged, is another of the reasons that cause pink discharge.

The natural factors that may be the cause of such formations include the remnants of blood in the uterus after critical days. This is a normal natural process in which the uterus has not yet completely got rid of the remnants of blood and releases them within 3-5 days.

However, if you find discharge that will have a dark color and an unpleasant pungent odor, as well as be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

The cause of such phenomena may be untreated pathologies or the formation of malignant and benign tumors, such as cancer, cysts, and others.

Various forms of viral and infectious diseases such as HIV, AIDS and others have similar symptoms. Therefore, it is imperative to insist on conducting analyzes of pink secretions.

During and after sex, a woman can observe similar phenomena. They testify that there are microcracks in the vagina, which were caused by choosing the wrong position in sex or using various objects that could cause physical injury.

Pink discharge from the vagina is associated with excessive intensity of sexual contact, as well as a discrepancy between the penis of the sexual partner and the partner's vagina. This can lead to injury to the internal genital organs of the vagina, resulting in pink discharge.

In any case, if you feel discomfort during sex or notice bleeding after it, you need to review your sexual behavior together with your partner. If you don’t have such a conversation and no measures are taken, then the consequences can be very sad, even fatal.

A sexologist can help you deal with a number of sexual and psychological problems. The advice received from him will help you in the future to avoid mistakes in sex and learn to enjoy in a different way.

What do the highlights in the middle of the cycle say?

Usually pinkish discharge occurs 2 weeks after menstruation during the period of ovulation. This indicates that the uterus is ready to accept a fertilized egg and you can begin to conceive. A woman receives such body tips every month, and this can be regarded as a call for pregnancy.

Thus, nature itself took care of how to let the woman know that her body is ready to receive the fetus. However, if the discharge has a redder color, this may indicate that there is erosion in the cervix. At the first appearance of pink discharge, consult a doctor in a timely manner for advice, and the problem can be solved with a medicinal method.

Sometimes women notice that their discharge is not quite normal. If there are no painful symptoms, then their appearance is not necessarily a sign of pathology. All cycle processes are controlled by hormones. Any shift in the hormonal background is reflected in the functioning of the reproductive organs, the state of the glands and blood vessels. It is because of this that a weak color appears. If it is pink, this indicates the presence of blood impurities, which is alarming. If you have any doubts about the origin of such secretions, you should visit a doctor and conduct an examination.

In the middle of the cycle, the discharge is more liquid and plentiful than immediately after menstruation. Thanks to this, the mature egg moves freely from the ovary to the fallopian tubes. At the same time, the oncoming movement of spermatozoa is facilitated.

ovulatory bleeding

If the whites in the middle of the cycle on some day become pale pink in color, and then again become colorless, resembling egg white, this indicates that ovulation has occurred. When the follicular membrane breaks, droplets of blood come out of the damaged capillaries and mix with ordinary mucus, giving it a faint pink tint.

This process was even given the special name "ovulatory bleeding." Not every woman notices him, since there is no sensation of pain or other discomfort. But for those who are planning on the onset of pregnancy, pink discharge in the middle of the cycle is a sign that the most favorable days for conception have come.

When pink leucorrhoea is not a pathology

Do not be alarmed if spotting occurs between periods in a woman taking hormonal birth control pills. This happens within 3-4 months, until the body gets used to the new hormonal background.

Sometimes such discharge occurs after sexual intercourse. A reddish color appears if the production of mucus is insufficient, the walls and vessels are easily injured. The presence of blood can be facilitated by a decrease in its coagulability.

Warning: If such discharge appears systematically after sexual intercourse, painful sensations occur, this may be a sign of endometriosis, diseases of the cervix. In this case, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Video: Causes of spotting after sex

Pink discharge as a sign of pathology

The appearance of such secretions indicates the occurrence of hormonal failure. At the same time, other menstrual disorders also appear in a woman (irregular rhythm, menstruation is scanty). The development of the endometrium of the uterus is disrupted, which leads to its premature exfoliation, the occurrence of bleeding between menstruation.

The appearance of pink discharge in the middle of the cycle is possible with the following pathologies:

  1. Infectious diseases of the genital organs. A characteristic manifestation is a change in the consistency and smell of whiter. For example, with thrush, the discharge resembles cottage cheese, they have a sour smell. In gonorrhea, pink discharge contains greenish mucus, smells of rot. Unlike normal, they cause pain and discomfort.
  2. Inflammatory diseases in the cavity and cervix, in the external genitalia.
  3. Pathological growth of the endometrium (hyperplasia, endometriosis), the formation of polyps.
  4. Diseases associated with damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix (erosion, dysplasia).
  5. Ovarian cysts.
  6. Benign and malignant tumors of the uterus (myoma, cancer).

The sooner pathologies are detected, the more successful the treatment will be. There are usually other painful symptoms that make a woman see a doctor and undergo an examination. The hormonal background, the composition of the vaginal microflora are being studied. Ultrasound and other instrumental methods for detecting neoplasms in the uterus and ovaries are used.

Video: Diseases in which there is spotting between menstruation

Probably every woman at least once faced with pink discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Some women experience such a phenomenon almost every month, while other women have pink discharge infrequently. However, do not be afraid - the appearance of pink discharge in the middle of the cycle is most often a variant of the norm, if they are not accompanied by other symptoms.

It is important for women to note that healthy pink discharge appears approximately two weeks before the next menstruation - just around the time of ovulation. At the same time, the name “pink” discharge is conditional in most cases - such discharge can be either slightly pink or bright red, since the composition of the discharge is a small amount of blood and a transparent vaginal secret that increases during ovulation. Depending on the amount of secretion and blood, the color of the discharge is formed.

Such secretions among gynecologists are often called ovulation, since they can be used to judge the readiness of the female body to accept a fertilized egg. Women who have such discharge stably every month can try to get pregnant on these days - ovulation will be the signal for the optimal fertilization time.

The main causes of discharge

What happens in the uterus and why do such discharges appear? During egg maturation, the hormonal system changes significantly as estrogen levels increase. This hormone affects the lining of the uterus, which must be ready to receive a fertilized egg if fertilization occurs. Such changes lead to minor bleeding, which, together with the vaginal secretion, takes the form of pink discharge.

However, there are other reasons that can trigger the appearance of pink discharge. These include the presence of an intrauterine device, which can also change the hormonal background. It is worth noting that even the use of oral contraceptives, which some women consider safer than the spiral, also lead to pink discharge. These reasons are not a cause for concern, as they are quite justified.

Do not worry if during this period there were gynecological manipulations - with a slight damage to the mucous membrane of the vagina or cervix, pink discharge may also occur. Also, the woman herself, with careless movements while taking a shower, can damage the delicate mucous membrane, which can cause discharge on underwear.

Another thing is discharge, accompanied by pain in the abdomen and lower back, impurities of pus, dirty pink. The cause of such secretions may be infections of the genital tract, which are undertreated or not amenable to treatment at all. The accompanying negative feelings should alert the woman and become a reason for contacting the antenatal clinic.

Another reason for discharge is cervical erosion, but the pink color here may contain yellowish-brown impurities, which indicates a pathological process. In addition, such selections appear not only in the middle of the cycle.

Despite the fact that pink discharge is most often a variant of the norm, it is better if a woman undergoes an examination, since such discharge can also be a symptom of more serious diseases - uterine fibroids, polyps or malignant neoplasms.

Every girl should know the features of the female body. Otherwise, sooner or later, his incomprehensible reaction to certain stimuli can scare. For example, it is important to know under what circumstances red discharge appears, but not menstruation. A fairly common phenomenon, but it still scares many. So what could be causing this phenomenon? When should you sound the alarm?

Still monthly

The female body is an eternal mystery, and often even for doctors. Therefore, it is not so easy to predict the cause of the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina. We will have to take into account all the features and nuances, changes that have occurred in the life of the patient.

As practice shows, red discharge before the onset of menstruation, especially if they do not cause pain, is not dangerous. Most likely, this is just a shift in the menstrual cycle. The reason for this may be the hormonal background. In any case, this should not cause concern. So do not think that menstruation comes like clockwork. Even if earlier critical days came strictly at a certain time, no one is immune from cycle shifts. Remember - the discharge at the same time may not be abundant in the first few days, smearing.


The next scenario occurs frequently, but it is not given much importance. Do you have red vaginal discharge but no period? Do not rush to panic. After all, if this phenomenon does not bring you any particular discomfort, let alone pain, there is no reason for concern. Why?

Red discharge after menstruation (and before them) is a clear sign of body stress. Flights, strong emotional stress (even with positive emotions) - all this can affect your menstrual cycle and condition in general. Usually discharge due to stress is not strong, without mucus or any other special signs. After the normalization of the situation, everything returns to normal.

By the way, overwork can also be attributed here. In order for the discharge to stop (at one point they can be confused with menstruation), you just need to relax and unwind. All this is not a reason to visit a doctor. The maximum that you will be prescribed is antidepressants. And a good rest, complete isolation from stress. After all, this is how the female body shows a protective reaction.


Red discharge, but not menstruation, is another sign that you have some kind of disease. Just do not rush to the doctor, not in all cases it is necessary. Often the cause of this phenomenon is cervical erosion. She may bleed from time to time. As a result, on any given day, you may start to have red discharge.

As practice shows, they are not plentiful, smearing, without impurities and mucus. May continue until menses. But in some cases they go away on their own. If erosion is suspected, it is best to consult a doctor. It will definitely help you decide whether there is a given disease or not. If necessary, erosion can be cauterized, for example, with radio waves. After treatment, the red discharge, but not menstruation, will stop.


As practice shows, red colors can appear for many reasons. And you can predict them without the help of doctors. Therefore, you should not fall into hysterics if you notice these changes in your body.

Red (or already after them) may indicate capillary rupture. Usually, this phenomenon is observed if a woman tenses a lot. That is why hard physical work is not recommended for the beautiful half of society.

As in all previous cases, the discharge is smearing in nature, does not bring much discomfort or any pain. It is worth going to the doctor only if the deviation is accompanied by pain or too much blood. Just limit physical labor and take a break. On average, it takes several weeks for the body to recover. Therefore, do not think that one day of rest is enough for the discharge to pass.


With menstruation, this is a sign of mechanical damage to the vagina. This phenomenon may be accompanied by some pain. For example, pulling pain in the lower abdomen or immediate discomfort inside the vagina.

Usually this problem worries girls after intercourse (immediately or after some time). Lack of lubrication, too fast pace, "hardness" of the process - all this can damage the sensitive vagina. As a result, bleeding occurs.

If they do not go away for several days, and even accompanied by discomfort, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The same must be done when the blood is profusely secreted. The doctor will tell you for sure if there are more serious problems. If you do not have any diseases, then it is mechanical damage that takes place. You will have to be patient and wait until the wounds heal. And continue to be more careful during intercourse.


Do you have red discharge after your period after a week or two? Remember what kind of sexual intercourse you had. Most likely, this is conception. It's no secret that approximately in the middle of the cycle (and this is just about 7 days after the end of menstruation on average) ovulation occurs - a favorable day for conceiving a child. After fertilization, the egg must attach to the woman's body in order to develop further. Just this very attachment can be accompanied by spotting.

Although, as practice shows, usually conception occurs without a trace. But if you notice red-brown discharge (they are not the same during menstruation), and you also had unprotected intercourse, it is quite possible that in another week or two the critical days will not come, and the pregnancy text will turn out to be positive. So take that into account. Usually, discharge during conception lasts several hours, no pain or discomfort is caused.


The discharge is red, but not monthly, accompanied by severe and sharp pain, profuse and sudden, may be the result of a miscarriage. This is how a natural abortion at a short time manifests itself.

Often, with miscarriages, a little mucus can be found in the discharge. In any case, if you are pregnant, and then suddenly blood came out of the vagina, there is every reason to panic. Try to stay calm and just go to the doctor's office as soon as possible. It is advisable to call an ambulance.


Sometimes you can easily guess why blood comes out of the vagina. The reason for this may be the most common surgical intervention. A variety of operations, abortions, and even the use of an intrauterine device - all this can cause spotting.

Usually this kind of phenomenon resembles menstruation. And the bleeding continues for about 5 days. Gradually it becomes less abundant and stops. There is no reason to panic. Just be prepared that after surgery, bloody masses may begin to stand out from the vagina. There is also some discomfort. But pain is usually not observed in this case.


With a normal pregnancy, there is usually no red discharge. The maximum is pink, and then only at the very beginning of the process, when a fertilized egg is attached. Only towards the end of pregnancy can you bleed from the vagina.

As practice shows, the discharge is red, but not monthly, in the last stages of an "interesting situation" most often turn out to be a sign of the onset of labor. Usually blood can be seen along with mucus. Don't be scared, that's how it should be. Your water may also break. In principle, the discharge of the mucous plug can also be accompanied by blood from the vagina.

If, after a certain period of time after the discovery of discharge, you feel cramping pain, call your loved ones or an ambulance - you have started giving birth. Completely normal and natural. It shouldn't cause you to panic.

After childbirth

Childbirth is a very difficult process in itself. Therefore, you should pay attention to the fact that after them you may have dark red discharge. During menstruation, they are not. Although light red blood also occurs in some cases. There is no reason to panic - it's lochia. After labor, spotting will haunt the young mother for some time. Approximately a month and a half, or even all 2. It all depends on how quickly your body recovers from labor.

In the first 4-5 days, blood is excreted profusely. Therefore, it is recommended to use special ones. But after (closer to discharge from the hospital), the amount of discharge decreases. Over time, they acquire a smearing character and disappear.


The last point worth noting is that you have any diseases, not necessarily gynecological ones. If you notice red discharge, but not menstruation, which bring discomfort or continue for a suspiciously long time, you have a direct road to the doctor. Don't delay!

Try to go through a comprehensive examination and find out what is the cause of the problem. Tumors, polyps, infections, and even thyroid disorders can cause vaginal bleeding. As soon as you find out the cause of the disease, eliminate it. Do you have red discharge instead of menstruation? Now it is clear what could be the problem. In any case, a doctor's consultation will not hurt.

The volume, color and consistency of the vaginal secretion of women depend on the individual characteristics of the body, the moment of the menstrual cycle, the psychological state of the woman. Usually the vaginal secretion is colorless or slightly whitish.

Pink discharge from the genitals, characterized by varying color intensity, may also be. This phenomenon is observed in 65% of the fair sex. The symptom is explained by a number of physiological processes or ongoing diseases.

Varieties of the secret and the reasons for its appearance

"Pink" vaginal discharge is conditionally called. They can be reddish or yellowish white, or bright red. The specific color is explained by the different concentrations of the components included in the secret: blood and clear mucus, the amount of which increases at the time of ovulation.

Most often, women experience the following types of vaginal discharge:

  • brown during ovulation or immediately after menstruation;
  • whitish;
  • bloody;
  • curdled;
  • colorless;

Attention! The sudden appearance of any type of secret is a reason to contact a specialist.

Reasons for the appearance of discharge

Pink discharge in women is caused by various reasons. The provocateur of the phenomenon can be both physiological and pathological in nature, which explains the need to visit a doctor.

The table below shows the most common phenomena that can provoke pink vaginal discharge:

Factor Explanation
Hormonal preparations and oral contraceptives. Characteristic mucous discharge in this case is one of the side effects of taking the funds. This phenomenon is called "spotting".
Pregnancy. In the early stages of the "interesting situation", the symptom indicates the course of hormonal changes in the woman's body.
Allergic reaction. Pink discharge sometimes appears due to allergies to drugs, intimate hygiene products, and underwear made of synthetic material. Usually girls who have not grown up to reproductive age face a similar phenomenon.
Recovery period. Unusual discharge appears on the pad as a result of gynecological and surgical procedures (the integrity of the uterine and vaginal tissues is violated).

Most often, such symptoms lead to abortion, curettage, cleaning, biopsy.

Injury. Hard sex, a small amount of lubricant released during intimacy can lead to microtrauma of the vaginal mucosa.
Infection. In the presence of yellow or white-pink discharge with a pungent odor, a feeling of itching and burning in the genital area, pain during urination, we are talking about the possibility of developing an infectious disease.
Menopause. If the symptom occurs before menopause, the phenomenon is considered normal. In the event of a specific secret after menopause, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. It is not excluded the presence of a tumor in the tissues of the genital organs of a woman.
Installed intrauterine device. A similar symptom is classified as acceptable, and when using vaginal rings and specialized patches, the blood vessels of the mucosa can be damaged.
ovulation has occurred. Pink in structure and appearance resemble egg white. The symptoms are supplemented by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, the blood contains a large percentage of progesterone.

Diseases that cause bleeding

Among the most common ailments that can cause an unusual vaginal secret:

  • cervical polyps;
  • hyperplasia;
  • erosion.

What are polyps? We are talking about a variety of benign formations formed from epithelial tissues. From a medical point of view, polyps appear as a result of hormonal failure, incorrect functioning of the immune system, and nervous strain. Light pink mucous discharge after sexual intercourse can “tell” about the presence of formations.

Erosion becomes the result of rough sex, abortion. It is not excluded the development of pathology after childbirth, as well as as a result of a sexually transmitted infection. The essence of the disease is the desquamation of a certain area of ​​the epithelium, in place of which inflammation appears.

Hyperplasia is called a benign pathology, accompanied by the growth of uterine tissue. The process ends with an increase in the cervix in size. The onset of the disease is typical during pregnancy, menopause and the use of combined contraceptives. If a large amount of mucus with blood impurities is released during hyperplasia, the development of a malignant formation is not excluded.

Pink discharge at various periods of the cycle

During the menstrual cycle, the level of hormones in a woman's body changes. They are responsible for the duration of the cycle, the course of menstruation and the condition of the woman in different periods of the month.

Typical discharge on the eve of menstruation

Pinkish mucus may come out of the vagina a couple of days before the onset of menstruation. Usually this symptom is a harbinger of the "red days of the calendar", since the endometrial capillaries during this period are very vulnerable and ready to burst with minimal pressure. The discharge is slightly colored, does not have a strong odor. A woman observes the standard symptoms of PMS: dizziness, mood swings, weakness, weight gain. Such a clinical picture is considered normal.

In a healthy woman, such mucus from the vagina is not mixed with blood, there is no pus in it, it is not abundant, it does not stand out against the background of a burning sensation, itching of the external genital organs. Menstrual days are also normal.

A pinkish secret 7-8 days before the onset of menstruation is an ambiguous option. This can be both a normal phenomenon and a symptom of a developing pathology.

The ichor in the middle of the cycle

The middle of the cycle is the time of ovulation, the female hormonal background during this period reaches its maximum point. The endometrium, being under the influence of estrogens, waits for the moment of introduction of a mature egg, which moves towards the uterus, leaving the follicle. This process may be accompanied by a rupture of the latter - pink-brown mucous discharge appears.

In connection with the above fact, at the time of ovulation (conditionally on the 14th day after the start of menstruation), pink spotting is quite normal. Such a "mini-menstruation" can go on for 1-2 days. A similar phenomenon is observed in 28% of the female population. Thus, ovulation warns of its arrival - the woman is prepared for conception.

If such a clinical picture lasts 8-9 or more days, pale pink discharge turns into a bloody spot and pulls the lower abdomen, we can already talk about the possible development of uterine fibroids.

Discharge after menstruation

In some cases, pink discharge disturbs a woman at the end of her menstrual cycle. It is not excluded the allocation of dark pink or brown mucus from the vagina a week after menstruation. Both cases are not pathological, unless accompanied by pain and a strong odor.

Some of the fair sex notice traces of a strange secret of soft pink color on the gasket, sometimes the symptom is supplemented by itching of the vulva. Signs indicate the development of an inflammatory process or the course of an infection. The intensity of the symptoms in this case increases just in the postmenstrual period.

pink mucus instead of period

Why is there pink discharge instead of menstrual blood? In this case, a woman has a hormonal imbalance, which can be caused by:

  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • adnexal dysfunction;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ovaries.

Under such circumstances, the process of normal growth of the endometrium is disrupted, or its complete rejection takes place. When this is observed at the beginning of taking birth control pills, there is no reason for concern: after 2-3 months, the cycle will be restored.

In all other cases, the characteristic mucus from the vagina instead of menstruation is a symptom of the pathological condition of the female body.

Pink vaginal secretion during pregnancy

The first three months of pregnancy can be accompanied by a similar symptom in most expectant mothers. What could it be? The phenomenon indicates the safely proceeding process of the introduction of the egg into the uterine wall. About 80% of pregnant women, worrying about such a phenomenon, successfully bear and give birth to a healthy child.

However, this fact is not a reason to ignore a recurring symptom. Discharge conditionally "pink" during the period of gestation may indicate an inflammatory process taking place in the body, which can lead to spontaneous abortion.

Bright red discharge or brown secretions often signal clotted blood, which the female body is gradually pushing out. The most common cause of this is an insignificant hematoma. Only a doctor can help the expectant mother in this case. Most likely, the specialist will prescribe a woman weak hormonal drugs or vitamin complexes.

Sometimes pinkish mucus appears in a small amount in a pregnant woman just at the time when a woman should have her period. This phenomenon is hormonal in nature and does not cause concern among doctors. Such a symptom can be observed against the background of a noticeable pain syndrome in the lower region of the peritoneum and lower back.

Suspicious secretion during lactation

Usually during the period of breastfeeding, a woman does not have menstruation. This fact is explained by the action of the hormone prolactin, which is produced during lactation. It somewhat suppresses the activity of the appendages. Consequently, the follicle does not mature and the egg is unable to develop.

Attention! The described process is characterized by an individual nature, therefore, no specialist is able to accurately orient a woman on the timing of the onset of menstruation.

If for some reason the new mother did not have milk, at the end of the postpartum period a pink vaginal secret appears, followed by a full menstruation.

Usually, the symptom is observed about six months after the birth of the child (at the time of the start of complementary foods). If breast milk is not enough, the child is transferred to mixed feeding - menstruation appears less than 3-4 months after birth.

A young mother should be worried only in the case of a prolonged absence of menstrual bleeding after the end of the breastfeeding period. For example, if menstruation did not go on the 3rd month after the end of lactation. Instead, the patient observes pinkish mucus on the pad and writhes with pain in the abdomen. This may be a consequence of the development of fibroids, an inflammatory process in the ovaries.

Thus, vaginal discharge of a conditionally “pink” color can be caused both by natural processes in a woman’s body and by developing pathologies. The key point in assessing the severity of the situation is the presence or absence of additional alarming symptoms, the abundance and composition of the secretion. It is also necessary to draw conclusions regarding the excreted mucus, based on the period of the menstrual cycle and the general condition of the woman. In any case, a sudden change in the nature of the vaginal secretion is a reason for an immediate visit to the gynecologist.



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