Hyssop medicinal properties and contraindications for children. Planting care and cultivation

Applications, recipes and properties medicinal hyssop medicinal.

Medicinal plant hyssop officinalis. From the family: Lamiaceae.
Hyssop officinalis- a perennial plant, grows in countries southern Europe, and is now cultivated even in gardens.

Hyssop is a spicy plant. Video

Hyssop officinalis. It is a small subshrub, fifty to sixty cm in height, with strongly branching and faceted stems. Short leaves, lanceolate green. The flowers are blue or purple at the top and form one-sided spikes that are approximately ten cm long. Hyssop blooms drug from mid-summer from July to September and exudes a pleasant strong aroma.





Medicinal hyssop root. Photo.

During daily work in the garden or vegetable garden, calluses are wet, after hardening, which they bring. To avoid this it is necessary wipe hands medicinal decoction. Tinctures and lotions of the plant help with joint dislocations; after this, the joint will no longer “pop out”, and subluxations will not form. Two tablespoons tbsp. Infuse the raw material in 0.5 liters of cold water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and wrap to keep warm (cook no more than 300 ml per day). Fatigue is relieved by washing the body in a bathhouse.

THIS IS INTERESTING! Will calm your nerves and eliminate fatigue in body pillow filled, petals and hops. Before going to bed, you just need to compact it well so that the medicinal plants are crushed and mixed. Your head will be drowned in a magical aroma at night and you will breathe healing essential oils.

MEDICINE RECOMMENDS HYSSOP MEDICINAL. If you decide to plant in your dacha medicinal hyssop, then you can use it together with thyme reproduce - they complement each other well and get along.

Be healthy!

Hyssop medicinal, treatment with hyssop medicinal. Video

Hyssop (Hyssopus) is a perennial fragrant grass or subshrub of the Lamiaceae family, sometimes a branched shrub 50-60 cm high. The stem is rigid, the leaves are linear, oblong, dark green, the edges are drooping. Flowers are zygomorphic, blue, white or Pink colour, collected in apical spike-shaped inflorescences growing from the axils of the leaves.

Each flower blooms for a short time, then a new one blooms. Flowering period – July-August. The fruits are nut-shaped and ripen in September. Hyssop is considered a winter-hardy and drought-resistant plant. Propagated by seeds, cuttings or division.

In some places this plant is called blue St. John's wort. In total, about 50 species of hyssop are known, growing in the south of Siberia, Asia, the Caucasus, middle lane Russia. The plant is not picky about soil; it prefers steppe terrain or rocky slopes and gentle dry hills.

Useful properties of hyssop

Herbalists deservedly call hyssop the same as St. John's wort - a cure for a hundred diseases.

  • The most widespread use of hyssop's medicinal properties was in the treatment of colds;
  • Herbalists advise using it to directly treat colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and hoarseness in the voice;
  • Hyssop helps with stomatitis or other diseases of the oral cavity;
  • The antiviral effect of the herb provides significant help with conjunctivitis;
  • Normalizes digestion and improves appetite. Helps with intestinal catarrh, chronic constipation, dyspepsia, flatulence and chronic colitis. And not only relieves all symptoms, but also promotes complete recovery;
  • Actively fights against bad smell from mouth;
  • If you have no contraindications to the use of hyssop, then use remedies from it to treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels, angina pectoris, anemia, rheumatism, increased sweating;
  • In addition, the medicinal plant is an excellent biostimulant. Your memory will improve significantly, it will be much easier to concentrate if you simply drink tea brewed with the plant;
  • Hyssop gently relieves symptoms of depression without causing drowsiness - this is its undoubted advantage;
  • The diuretic effect of blue St. John's wort will relieve you of fine sand in the kidneys;

External use of products with hyssop:

Disinfectant, wound healing and antimicrobial agents are used here. therapeutic effect hyssop.

  • Purulent diseases of the skin.
  • Bruises, bruises.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Eczema.
  • Edema.
  • Burn.

Contraindications to the use of hyssop

Before using a medicinal plant, it should be noted that hyssop has a number of contraindications:

  • It is not recommended to take hyssop for people with high acidity;
  • Long-term use of the infusion for hypotension, nephritis and nephrosis contributes to the appearance of side effects;
  • A decoction of hyssop helps reduce and stop lactation, so it is strictly prohibited for pregnant and lactating women to take it;
  • The essential oils contained in the plant have a negative effect on the body of people suffering from epilepsy and neuropathy;
  • The use of hyssop in the form of a tincture should be discontinued in case of diarrhea and stomach upsets;
  • Children and adolescents should take the infusion with caution, as the oils contained in the plant have a potent effect;
  • Children under 2 years old are strictly prohibited from taking hyssop.

Medicinal forms of hyssop

Most often, hyssop is used in medicine in the form of decoctions, tinctures, teas and infusions. Decoctions are commonly used to treat illnesses respiratory tract and eliminating inflammation urinary tract, they also help fight colds. Tinctures - for gastrointestinal diseases, they will be especially useful for colitis and bloating, as well as externally for the treatment of bruises, wounds and other skin damage. Infusions are used for rinsing the throat and mouth for inflammation of the mucous membranes and stomatitis, for washing the eyes with conjunctivitis, and they also improve appetite. Tea is useful for coughs, sore throats and colds. Besides this remedy improves digestion, increases blood pressure, calms the nervous system and reduces fever.

  • Hyssop decoction. Place 100 grams of dried, crushed herbs and hyssop flowers in a liter of boiling water, then boil the composition for about five minutes. Ready product strain and mix with 150 grams of sugar. You can drink no more than 100 ml of decoction per day, it is advisable to divide this dose into three or four doses;
  • Hyssop infusion. Pour 20 grams of the dried plant into a thermos, then pour a liter of boiling water into it. After half an hour, the product will be ready, pour it out of the thermos, and then strain. The infusion should be taken three times a day. Wherein single dose should be half a glass;
  • Tincture of hyssop. Mix dry white wine (1 liter) with 100 grams of dried herbs. Keep the product for three weeks in a cool, necessarily dark place, shaking the container with it daily. Take the strained tincture three times a day, a teaspoon.

Traditional medicine recipes based on hyssop

1. Bronchial asthma and suffocation can be prevented with the help of an infusion; for this you need to take 4 tablespoons of the herb, grind it thoroughly, pour it into a thermos, add 1 liter of water, leave for 1 hour. Then strain. Should be taken hot, 30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. The course of treatment is 1 month.

2. In case of illness gastrointestinal tract If you have hyperhidrosis, you can drink this decoction, you will need a teaspoon of small flowers, leave for 2 hours, take 3 times a day. It is good to wash your eyes with this decoction if they are affected by conjunctivitis.

3. You can cure tinnitus and shortness of breath with the help of powdered leaves, be sure to add honey. You need to take the infusion 1 tsp. 3 times a day, wash down with water.

4. If a person is often bothered by respiratory diseases, you can use this recipe - take 2 teaspoons of dry leaves, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Take half a glass twice a day. In cases of bronchitis, you need to take a teaspoon of hyssop, add mother and stepmother, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Drink 2 times a day.

5. You can fight a cold with the following recipe: mix hyssop with mint, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave, take 1 glass 2 times a day.

6. A collection of sage and hyssop will help get rid of laryngitis and pharyngitis; for this you need to mix everything thoroughly, pour a glass of boiling water, leave and drink. Take twice daily for one week.

7. A recipe based on hyssop and white wine will help you get rid of flatulence and colitis; leave for one month, shake and take.

8. In cases of loss of appetite, you need to take a decoction of hyssop herb, it will require two tablespoons of chopped herb, leave for one hour, strain.

9. For gingivitis and stomatitis, you need to rinse your mouth with an infusion of hyssop, it will require 120 ml of alcohol, 20 grams of herbs, leave for one week, strain. Take a teaspoon of tincture, dilute it in water, rinse your mouth with it.

Hyssop in cooking

The leaves and non-woody part of the twigs are used as a spice for hyssop. Hyssop has a spicy, tart and slightly bitter taste and a pronounced aroma, making it an important component of many dishes, helping not only to improve their quality, but also enriching them with useful substances.

IN home cooking fresh leaves and tops of twigs with flowers are used, which are added to minced meats, soups and pates. This seasoning is often used for stuffing sausages and eggs. Hyssop is considered indispensable in the preparation of dishes such as fried pork, stews, zrazy beef meat. Hyssop goes well with curd dishes, but in vegetable side dishes and dishes add it to not large quantities and with caution. A very small number of flowering branches will add aroma and improve the taste of tomato and cucumber salads. In Eastern countries, hyssop is even used in preparing drinks.

If dried hyssop is used (drying leaves and twigs), then you can add them to all kinds of dishes, observing the norms for adding this spice.

Standards for adding dried hyssop per serving of product:

  • add 0.5 g of dry hyssop to first courses;
  • for second courses - 0.3 g of dried hyssop;
  • add 0.2 g of dry hyssop to sauces.

The secret of cooking dishes with hyssop: after this spice has been added, the dishes do not need to be covered with a lid, because this will spoil the aroma of the entire dish. In any case, in large doses You should not use hyssop; it can be combined with other spices, such as parsley, dill, mint, fennel, celery, basil, and marjoram.

Hyssop essential oil

Hyssop essential oil is very popular. It perfectly calms frayed nerves, relieves spasms, and fights allergies. Women often use it to normalize menstrual cycle. The oil perfectly relieves weather dependence and helps reduce warts and calluses.

The uses for essential oils are also varied. As aromatic baths, V warm water Just add 10 drops of oil and 10 minutes of bliss and healing are guaranteed. You should not abuse your stay in such a bath; since hyssop, although it is a medicinal plant and has quite useful properties, is still considered weak poisonous plants, and in certain cases is contraindicated for use.

For inhalation, inhale water steam with the addition of 5 drops of essential oil for 5-7 minutes. Acne, bruises and bruises, warts, eczema, wounds are often lubricated with essential oil.

At colds and joint pain, a massage using essential oil will come in handy. To do this, 10 drops of ether are mixed with 20 ml of any oil. plant origin and rubbed into the body. After applying oil to the body, as a rule, there is slight tingling or redness of the skin. There is no need to worry about this; this is a natural property of the plant.

Preparation of hyssop

Herbalists advise collecting hyssop during full flowering, at sunrise, in the first phase of the moon - then it has full healing power and will bring maximum benefit.

  • Before you cut the grass, be sure to say hello to the grass and ask permission to collect it. WITH therapeutic purpose cut off flowering tops;
  • To properly dry the grass, collect it in small bunches and hang it in a ventilated place, but away from the sun;
  • It is better to store hyssop in a hermetically sealed container.

In our country, the plant has long been grown in industrial conditions, but this is done mainly to extract the most valuable essential oil from it.

Svetlaya, clean grass, hyssop, which has wonderful healing properties and a minimum of contraindications, regulates the energy of a person as a whole and has a powerful healing effect.

Let's talk about everything in order. And this will not be enough! After all, blue St. John's wort is surprisingly versatile for many people's needs.

The Remarkable Versatility of Blue St. John's Wort

You've probably encountered hyssop, although you didn't know the name. Country gardens, a city flowerbed and a cozy front garden in a small courtyard - everywhere a very fragrant, perennial and rather tall shrub found a place. Its average height is about 50 centimeters, its flowering is noticeably blue, and its nectar-bearing properties have long attracted skilled beekeepers, who harvest high-quality honey from the plant.

Blue St. John's wort came to Russian latitudes from the hot Mediterranean corners. Hyssop has taken root well, because it is advantageously unpretentious to the atmosphere, withstands high gas pollution in cities, has semi-woody shoots, so it is often planted along the city highways of industrial cities and forms the basis of park gardening.

Blue St. John's wort is one of the favorite aromatic ingredients in home canning. Housewives love to add a piquant touch to pickled cucumbers, berry jam and even vegetable zucchini jam with the help of a few sprigs of hyssop.

It's not just cooking that draws inspiration from the plant's vibrant aroma. Perfumery, cosmetics and winemaking are also not averse to taking advantage of the special benefits of blue St. John's wort, for which oil is squeezed from the leaves of the plant.

Hyssop and its medicinal uses

Magic rituals and very old folk love are a significant part of the centuries-old history of blue St. John's wort in human life. By the way, both the lush bouquet of fresh grass and the firing of dry leaves really have bactericidal effect for the air in the room, and our ancestors were not mistaken when they fumigated their homes with hyssop.

The medical purpose of blue St. John's wort is recognized in most European countries, especially in Germany, where belief in herbal medicine and homeopathy is traditionally strong.

Essential oil in the composition of hyssop largely determines its important characteristics. Inflorescences and leaves contain the most oil - up to 2%. This volatile substance is a natural phytoncide with proven antimicrobial properties.

There are also other interesting compounds in blue St. John's wort:

  • Flavonoids - hyssopin, diosmin, hisperidin;
  • Organic acids - oleanic, ursolic;
  • Bitterness and tannins;
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - up to 160 mg per hundred grams of fresh leaves.

Healing properties by organ system

In reference books of the last century, blue St. John's wort was amply praised. Just look at the numerous historical references about its use for fumigation during epidemics - up to cholera and plague.

In the case of treating one person, we most often find hyssop as an assistant for diseases of the lungs, bronchi and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, its beneficial benefits work successfully against diseases of the skin, nervous system, and female reproductive system.

Let's look into the intricacies folk recipes based on the medicinal properties of hyssop, not forgetting about contraindications and caution in dosages.

Hyssop and respiratory diseases

Two strong properties of blue St. John's wort underlie its high effectiveness in bronchopulmonary pathology:

  1. Hyssop remedies can thin mucus and have an expectorant effect;
  2. Bactericidal properties essential oils inhibit reproduction pathogenic microorganisms and stop progressive inflammation.

Below are some powerful and simple recipes. They can be useful both for acute bacterial and viral pathologies (influenza, ARVI, laryngitis), and for chronic diseases mixed nature (bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

  • The simplest blue St. John's wort tea is a good choice prevention during a flu epidemic or at the first signs. Just 2 teaspoons of herb per glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and leave to brew for a quarter of an hour. You can add the herb to your favorite teapot with traditional tea. The main thing is to stay within the preventive dosages - 1 glass each herbal tea morning and evening, and up to 5 teaspoons per day if you add the herb to other hot drinks.
  • If the illness has developed(symptoms of inflammation descend down, covering the larynx, trachea and bronchi) an infusion of hyssop comes to the rescue. We need 500 ml of boiling water and 3 tablespoons of herbs. Brew and leave for at least 30 minutes. We drink on an empty stomach (at least 20 minutes before meals) a quarter glass two to four times evenly throughout the day.

In pharmacies you can find ready-made syrups with medicinal hyssop for use in the treatment of children with tracheitis and prolonged bronchitis. Usually it includes other plants (fennel, anise, Birch buds, elecampane root), so you should be especially careful, carefully studying the contraindications of each ingredient.

For chronic bronchitis A decoction made from a compound collection with blue St. John's wort is deservedly popular. Hyssop flowers and grass - one part each, hyssop flowers and leaves - two parts each. We brew according to the classics: 1 tablespoon of raw material per 250 ml of boiling water, leave on low heat for a quarter of an hour, then leave for the same amount. Dosage: 100 ml 3 times a day.

Noticeable relief with acute bronchitis can be achieved with another mixture where hyssop does not play a leading role. Two parts of blue St. John's wort herb and pine buds, one part each of elecampane root, yarrow inflorescences and birch buds. Mix the herbs and prepare an infusion - 5 tablespoons per 1 liter of boiling water, leaving in a thermos for 4 hours. Dosage: 150 ml three or four times a day.

Also interesting are herbal remedies that relieve symptoms in asthmatics:

  • Seed grass, tricolor violet, speedwell, hyssop and calamus rhizomes - in equal proportions. Pour one glass of boiling water into 1 teaspoon of the mixture and keep in a water bath for up to 30 minutes. Dosage: 80 ml 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  • Grass, ephedra and blue St. John's wort - one part each, here are two parts each of flowers, elecampane rhizomes and anise seeds. Infuse in a thermos for 2 hours in the classic proportion - 1 tablespoon per 250 ml of boiling water. Dosage: divide the infusion into 3-4 doses and take per day.

Blue St. John's wort and gastrointestinal diseases

Before talking about treatment, we note another beneficial property of hyssop. It can be used as a seasoning - just in your everyday diet. There we will reach immediately several beneficial effects:

  • Increased appetite with stimulation of the secretory ability of the upper gastrointestinal tract;
  • Inhibition of fermentation and decay processes in lower sections tract (flatulence and nutritional dyspepsia decrease);
  • Persistent harmonization of the composition of the microflora, if shifts in the proliferation of pathogens were observed.

If you still have digestive problems, you can use interesting means from traditional medicine:

  • For nutritional dyspepsia(when they say, “I was poisoned” after a too rich dinner) we use simple wine, for example, Moldavian Cahors (1.5 liters) and two tablespoons of blue St. John’s wort. Warm up the wine and add the herbs, steep the mixture under the lid and let it cool slightly. You should drink the wine infusion warm, in small sips, gradually throughout the day.
  • When they bother you, let's resort to a weak infusion of hyssop in boiling water - 1 tablespoon per 0.5 liter. You should drink 100 ml 4 times a day.
  • There is also a famous collection against worms with blue St. John's wort. Its components are numerous, which is natural for the treatment of such a serious problem as helminthiases. And this once again emphasizes the significant beneficial features hyssop. If you encounter worms, especially in children, we advise you not to be afraid of contraindications official drugs and first turn to official medicine, and folk remedies make additional comrades in difficult struggles.

Hyssop and diseases of the nervous system

Hyssop is included in many complex preparations for neurasthenia, fatigue, psychasthenia after serious illnesses and severe pain. However, we want to emphasize that such conditions require a comprehensive approach and significant changes in lifestyle - with the abandonment of bad habits. Traditional medicine can help a person, but it cannot work instead of him.

Today we would like to focus on the most simple composition for insomnia:

  • Herb hyssop, motherwort, valerian and - one part each. Combine the ingredients, mix thoroughly and store in a tightly closed jar. Brew and drink as regular tea- up to 3 teaspoons in the afternoon.

Hyssop and skin pathology

Favorite recipe of Greek herbalists - healing oil from fresh flowers of blue St. John's wort. The manufacturing technology is complex, which is unlikely to make it popular means For home first aid kit in our latitudes. However, the successful use of such oil again amazes the imagination: it can even cure long-standing purulent wounds.

We can turn to easy-to-manufacture compositions:

  • Universal bactericidal weapon: infuse hyssop (1 part) with vodka (10 parts). Duration - 7 days. Then filter and store in the refrigerator (vegetable shelf). The application is wide - from abrasions in children to lotions for boils.
  • Infusion for compresses pustular diseases and weeping eczema: two parts each of chamomile flowers and field grass and one part hyssop. The proportion is three tablespoons per 200 ml of boiling water.

Hyssop and female menopause

One of the options for harmonizing women's teas, which reduces irritability, sweating, hot flashes and severe mood swings:

  • Ingredients: mantle herb (2 parts), hyssop herb (3 parts), lemon balm (3 parts) and hop heads (2 parts). Proportion with boiling water: 2 teaspoons per 300 ml. Dosage: 100 ml three or four times a day.

Who is hyssop contraindicated for?

Individual intolerance is rare. However, blue St. John's wort can excite the nervous system, which dictates its careful use. Has a new, even deservedly praised herb caught your attention? We titrate the doses - and that says it all. Dangerous levels of overdose can lead to epileptic readiness or a seizure if the preconditions are present in an individual.

A multifunctional masterpiece of nature, hyssop, its medicinal properties and contraindications are unlikely to leave you indifferent. Store dry herbs in a well-closed container, grind immediately before cooking, be thorough in studying the nuances and be healthy!

Hyssop belongs to the Mint tribe from the Lamiaceae family. Other names for the plant are blue St. John's wort, agastachys or bee grass. The plant has a rather pungent odor.

Name in other languages:

  • lat. Hyssopus officinalis;
  • English Hyssop;
  • fr. Hysope.

During flowering, hyssop bushes are covered with blue flowers.


It grows in the form of a herb or subshrub, and can reach a length of up to 0.6 m. It has oblong, entire leaves of a dark green color. Their length is several cm. They are located opposite each other on the stem, almost sessile. They have a pleasant spicy, refreshing minty smell and a slightly bitter taste.

Hyssop is frost-resistant, so it can often be found in the meadows of our Motherland

The stem is tetrahedral.

Flowers irregular shape closer to the top they have a white, pink or cabalt blue color and form inflorescences. In the axils of the leaves there are smaller flowers of violet, lilac, pink or even milky color.

Flowering occurs from early summer to early autumn. The fruits of hyssop fall into brown, egg-shaped nuts. There are four such nuts, each also having four sides.

Hyssop flowers can be white, pink and of blue color

Hyssop seeds are similar to sunflower seeds


The most commonly used as an ornamental and medicinal plant is medicinal hyssop.

Hyssop officinalis is widely used in folk medicine.

Previously, hyssop numbered over fifty species. At the moment there are about seven species left.

Pink hyssop - magical and sacred grass

Anise hyssop (Agastache anisata) has delicate large ovate-pointed serrated leaves, pubescent below. Its inflorescences range from lilac to red-violet. Flower candles can be up to 20 cm high. The smell of the leaves is reminiscent of anise and licorice.

Lemon hyssop (Mexican agastache or Mexican mint - Agastache mexikana) has an aniseed aroma with hints of lemon. Its leaves are jagged and narrower than those of anise. It has bright red-purple inflorescences.

Anise hyssop with ovate-pointed serrated leaves

Lemon hyssop with narrower leaves and bright inflorescences

Where does it grow?

Hyssop loves warm climates, despite the fact that it can withstand even harsh conditions. Most species grow in countries Mediterranean Sea, as well as in Asian territories. In Russia it is found mainly in middle and southern latitudes. It can grow both on the European territory of the country and closer to Caucasus mountains. Blue St. John's wort can also often be found closer to the south of Western Siberia.

It grows mainly in the steppe zone, on hills with dry soil, on mountain slopes. Tolerates drought calmly.

Hyssop is cultivated in Crimea and added to the famous Crimean salt

Method of making spices

Blue St. John's wort has a tart-spicy taste and a pleasant smell. Used as a spice fresh leaves, for this purpose they are simply finely chopped. The plant is also often dried, ground and then used as a herb in combination with other herbs and spices.

Dry hyssop has a pleasant aroma


The plant emits a strong aroma throughout the flowering period. Its fruits are often confused with seeds. The seeds are so small size, that there are about a thousand of them per 1 gram. They can be stored for several years.

Hyssop is a good honey plant, hence the name of the plant “bee grass”. Bees love to collect pollen and nectar from it, so it is convenient to grow it near a beehive or apiary.

Hyssop is a honey plant, its aroma attracts bees


Hyssop has the following characteristic features:

  • used in cooking;
  • used in folk medicine;
  • unpretentious to growing conditions;
  • withstands drought;
  • withstands cold;
  • often grown for ornamental purposes.

Decorative garden borders made of hyssop look great

Nutritional value and calorie content

Nutritional value and calorie content per 100 grams of product

Even more useful information, you can find out by watching the video from the program “1000 and One Spice of Scheherazade”

Chemical composition

  • isopinocamphone;
  • carvacrol;
  • hesperidin;
  • diosmin;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • glycosides;
  • ursolic acid;
  • essential oils;
  • terpenic acids;
  • tannins;
  • bitterness.

The essential oil of the herb also contains many beneficial substances.

Beneficial features

Hyssop has a number of useful properties:

  • used in folk and traditional medicine;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • helps reduce sweating;
  • removes worms from the intestines;
  • helps improve digestion;
  • has excellent antibacterial properties.

Hyssop honey excellent remedy for colds and respiratory diseases

A decoction of dry hyssop will cleanse the body


It is also possible undesirable consequences when using hyssop:

  • diarrhea;
  • spasms.

Such effects can occur in case of overdose, as well as in the presence of contraindications for use.


Hyssop should not be used in the following cases:

  • if you have kidney disease;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in the presence of epilepsy;
  • with individual intolerance.

People with heart disease and high blood pressure should take medications or products containing hyssop with caution. blood pressure. When taken in large doses, the plant causes spasms, so it is strictly prohibited for use by pregnant women and patients with epilepsy.

Nursing women are prohibited from taking hyssop due to the fact that the plant contains substances that can reduce lactation or stop it altogether.

Hyssop has a number of contraindications, please study them carefully before use!


Hyssop oil is obtained from the leaves using the steam distillation method. The essential oil has a yellowish-green tint. It is a thin, thin liquid with a sweetish aroma.

The oil is used to improve general well-being, mood. It increases the body's endurance and has antiseptic properties. Often used in aromatherapy to calm the nervous system. The oil also increases blood pressure, so it is recommended for hypotensive people.

In addition to being used as an excellent antibacterial agent, blue St. John's wort oil helps reduce sweating. It is used by many manufacturers of perfumes and cosmetics.

Hyssop essential oil is very popular among aromatherapists and is used for massage, inhalation and relaxation.


The juice of the plant is diluted with water in equal proportions and used as a natural deodorant.


In cooking

Due to its unique aroma, hyssop is often used in cooking:

  • it is used fresh in salads;
  • it harmonizes perfectly with vegetables;
  • it is served along with legume dishes;
  • used as a spice for meat, fish, poultry and offal;
  • the herb is added to teas and various drinks (including alcoholic);
  • used in fillings for both sweet and savory dishes;
  • the plant is used as a spice in soups, appetizers, and desserts;
  • added to marinades for vegetables and canned food;
  • the plant is used in combination with other spices, complementing and highlighting their taste.

The taste of blue St. John's wort is slightly tart, but with spicy notes. It is cut fresh into salads along with other greens, and also used with cottage cheese.

When crushed and dried, hyssop perfectly enhances the taste of almost any dish. It also acts as an important spice when making pickles.

In production alcoholic drinks the plant is sometimes actively used, for example, in liqueurs. Due to its low calorie content, it is also suitable for dietary dishes.

Hyssop, as a seasoning, harmonizes with vegetables, fish and meat

Chicken with hyssop is a very popular dish in Syrian cuisine.

Hyssop is part of the popular alcoholic drink Absinthe.

Due to quite strong smell Even if you want to, it is impossible to add hyssop in large quantities to a dish.

Hyssop is often used as an additive to black tea. When combined with honey, the drink will taste divine.

Hyssop goes well with other herbs, so you can safely add it to salads without fear of experimentation.

You can brew tea from blue St. John's wort, which is also good for medicinal purposes. To do this you need to take a couple of pinches of grass. They are poured with several cups of boiling water, infused and filtered. And then consumed with honey 3 times a day.

A few leaves of the plant should be added when preparing poultry dishes, for example, when stewing and baking. The dish will have an unforgettable aroma.

Hyssop and vegetables - a delicious combination!

In medicine

Hyssop is used in herbal medicine, as well as in folk medicine.

Its medicinal properties are used in the following cases:

  • as an expectorant for coughs, pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • to improve appetite;
  • to reduce bloating;
  • as a diaphoretic for colds;
  • as sedative;
  • For fast healing wounds;
  • for bruises and hematomas (as compresses);
  • as an infusion for diseases of the teeth or oral cavity;
  • to soften the skin.

In my own way medicinal effects Hyssop is close to sage. It has a diuretic effect and removes excess fluid from the body. The plant has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Decoctions from it are effective for conjunctivitis. Hyssop-based lotions help hematomas resolve faster. The plant also has pain-relieving properties. Compresses made from the herb blue St. John's wort help reduce pain from wounds or cuts.

Medicinal infusion from hyssop will help with toothache and quickly cure bruises and contusions

When losing weight

Hyssop has a slight laxative and diuretic effect, so it is used to remove excess fluid from the body. This contributes slight decrease weight and cleansing the body.

At home

The household uses of the plant are quite varied:

  • it is grown for decorative purposes;
  • used in cooking to flavor dishes;
  • used in herbal medicine;
  • used in aromatherapy;
  • oil is added to the bath to tone the skin and calm the nervous system;
  • used in the alcoholic beverage industry;
  • added to perfume compositions;
  • used as a honey plant.

The recipe for this liqueur was invented by the monks; it contains hyssop and more than a hundred herbs.

Women's perfume with top notes of hyssop

Be sure to use hyssop in the landscaping of your garden plot

In addition, due to pleasant smell and disinfectant properties, hyssop was previously used as a kind of air freshener, hanging the herb in rooms from the ceiling.


  • It grows even in harsh winters and is unpretentious to environmental conditions if you intend to grow it in the garden. The main factor for the growth of hyssop is the soil - it must be fertile.
  • It can grow in the same area for years. The area where it is planned to plant should receive a lot of sunlight. The plant propagates by division, seeds and cuttings.
  • When propagating from seeds, planting should be done in early spring. There should be at least 0.5 m between plants, and up to 0.2 m between rows. Planting is carried out at a shallow depth, up to 1 cm. In just a couple of weeks, sprouts will appear.
  • Seeds can be pre-planted in greenhouses, and then the seedlings can be transferred to the soil.
  • Cuttings can be rooted in both summer and spring. However, reproduction in this way is not used very often. Division is carried out in early spring; it will allow young shoots to develop better.
  • Sometimes blue St. John's wort is even grown indoors directly in pots.
  • If the plant is used as a spice, then the collection must be carried out during all summer months. Used for medicinal purposes top part stem. It is cut before flowering and dried.

  • Hyssop is mentioned in the Bible. It is believed that Jews dipped the plant in holy water and sprinkled it on believers. This was considered a kind of purification rite.
  • In Russia, they began to grow it in the territories of monasteries.
  • In the Middle Ages, the plant was used in winemaking.
  • They say that Hippocrates himself used hyssop for medicinal purposes.
  • In ancient times it was believed that blue St. John's wort has truly magical properties. The herb was added to smoking mixtures to drive out evil spirits. They believed that the plant acquires its energy after drying, getting rid of moisture. Hyssop was used to cleanse a person from bad thoughts.

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In medicine

Hyssop is not used as a medicinal plant in official medicine in Russia, but it is widely used in folk medicine. The tops of flowering shoots of medicinal hyssop are used in homeopathy and medicine in many countries of the world (Romania, France, Portugal, Sweden, etc.). Bulgarian medicine uses the herb medicinal hyssop for inflammatory processes respiratory organs ( chronic bronchitis, catarrh of the respiratory tract) and as an antiseptic. IN German medicine Hyssop syrup is recommended as an expectorant.

Contraindications and side effects

Excessive consumption of medicinal hyssop can cause side effects(heartbeat, sharp drop pressure and even cramps). During pregnancy, epilepsy, people with increased nervous excitability, as well as children, the use of hyssop and drugs based on it is not recommended.

In dermatology

Bulgarian experts recommend medicinal hyssop for increased sweating. Experimentally proven antimicrobial effect essential oil of hyssop officinalis and its use with a fat base as a medicine for purulent diseases skin of staphylococcal origin. Essential oil of hyssop officinalis “The Kingdom of Aromas” is used to care for problem skin, for eczema, hematomas, bruises, bruises, calluses, warts, scars, etc.

In other areas

Hyssop is little known as a spice in our country's cuisine, but in France, Italy, and Spain it is used very widely. Young shoots with leaves and flowers of hyssop, fresh or dried, are used to flavor first, second (meat and fish) courses and cold appetizers, as well as dishes made from potatoes, legumes, especially beans, and when pickling cucumbers and tomatoes. Essential oil and dry hyssop herb are found wide application for flavoring drinks, it is included in the Chartreuse liqueur along with angelica. Hyssop occupies an important place in dietary nutrition. It is used in the preparation of fried veal, pork, stew, beef zraz, which gives a tart spicy taste, and is added to stuffed eggs and sausages. Hyssop improves the taste of salads fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. Finely chopped fresh hyssop is mixed with cheese for a spicy taste and pleasant aroma.

Hyssop essential oil is widely used for flavoring perfumes. Aromatic water of medicinal hyssop is recommended for caring for the skin of the body, mucous membranes of the nose, and oral cavity. It is also used in aromatherapy (in aroma lamps), hot inhalations and baths.

Hyssop officinalis has decorative value. In the southern regions, it is very popular among amateur gardeners; it is often grown as a spice, as a medicinal and ornamental plant in flower beds.

Hyssop officinalis is an excellent honey plant that produces a lot of nectar and pollen. It is recommended to grow it in apiaries; it is obtained from the nectar of medicinal hyssop flowers. the best varieties honey with excellent taste.


Officinalis hyssop (lat. Hyssopus officinális) is a species of the genus Hyssop (lat. Hyssopus) of the Lamiaceae family (Labiatae, or Lamiaceae). The genus includes 15 species, mainly subshrubs, native to the Mediterranean and Eurasia. IN former USSR– 7 types.

Botanical description

Hyssop officinalis is a subshrub 20-50 (80) cm in height. It has a large woody tap root and numerous branched, woody, tetrahedral, shortly pubescent or bare erect stems. Leaves are opposite, almost sessile, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate with slightly curled bottom side edges (2-4 cm in length), with the apical ones being smaller. The flowers are small, located in the axils of the upper leaves in groups of 3-7, forming spike-shaped, often one-sided inflorescences. The perianth is double, 5-membered. The calyx is light green, fused-leaved, the corolla is usually two-lipped, blue, purple, less often pink. There are 4 stamens, the upper two are shorter than the lower ones. Pistil with four-parted upper ovary. The fruit splits into 4 erems. Seeds without endosperm. It blooms in July-September, the fruits ripen in August.


The homeland of medicinal hyssop is the Mediterranean countries, where it grows on dry hills and rocky places. In many countries of the world, including in the south of the European part of Russia and the Caucasus, it is grown as an essential oil (medicinal), spicy and ornamental plant. In regions of cultivation it sometimes runs wild.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, grass is used (especially the tops of flowering shoots with leaves). The grass is cut at the beginning of flowering (late June - early July). The raw materials are dried in the attic or in dryers at temperatures above 30-40 o C. The shelf life of the raw materials is 2-3 years.
IN favorable conditions the plant blooms a second time. After pruning, it is advisable to feed with a fruit and berry mixture. You can use fresh herbs all summer long by cutting off individual branches or pinching off leaves.

Chemical composition

The grass and tops of flowering shoots of medicinal hyssop contain essential oil (in leaves - 1.15%; in inflorescences - 1.98%); in flowers - flavonoids (diosmin, hyssopin); in the herb - triterpene acids (oleanolic and ursolic), tannins and bitter substances, resins, gum, pigments. The composition of the essential oil includes: 1-pinocampheol, α-pinene (1%), β-pinene (5%), cineole, camphene, 1-pinocampheol and its acetic ester, sesquiterpenes. The herb is also characterized by various aromatic substances: alcohols, phenols, aldehydes and ketones.

Pharmacological properties

Hyssop officinalis is not a pharmacopoeial plant and is not used by official medicine of the Russian Federation, but due to its healing properties it has found application in folk medical practices for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.
Medicinal properties of medicinal hyssop: antispasmodic, expectorant, wound healing, carminative, disinfectant. In addition, it promotes digestion, excretion gastric juice, stimulates appetite. Increases mucus secretion in the upper respiratory tract and has a mild diuretic effect. Reduces sweat production.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, an infusion of the herb hyssop is used as an expectorant for chronic diseases upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis), bronchial asthma, as well as gastrointestinal diseases and as a wound healing agent. In folk medicine in Bulgaria, medicinal hyssop was used for constipation, anemia and as an expectorant. In addition, the leaves and flowering tops of medicinal hyssop are used for diseases digestive tract, anemia, neuroses, angina pectoris, excessive sweating, rheumatism, chronic colitis, flatulence, as an anthelmintic, diuretic and mild tonic. Essential oil of hyssop officinalis is used for urolithiasis, heart disease, inflammatory processes of the respiratory system. Infusion and decoction of medicinal hyssop are used externally for washing the eyes and as gargles for stomatitis, diseases of the pharynx and hoarseness, as well as for compresses for bruises, bruises, for the treatment of eczema and as a wound healing agent.

Historical reference

Hyssop is one of the oldest medicinal plants, which was used by the famous ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. He was also appreciated by Galen and Dioscorides. Hyssop is described in all ancient herbal books. Since ancient times, hyssop stems have been used to cleanse temples due to their disinfectant properties. The Romans used medicinal hyssop in cooking, to protect against plague and as an aphrodisiac.
In Hebrew, hyssop means “sweet-smelling herb.” Hyssop is mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. In one of the psalms of the Old Testament, King David exclaimed: “Purge me with hyssop, and I will be clean.” The biblical hero had in mind not only physical, but to a greater extent spiritual cleansing. It is also mentioned in the Old Testament as one of the herbs used on Passover.
The scientific name hyssop comes from the Hebrew word esob, meaning “sacred, fragrant herb.”


1. Abrikosov Kh. N. et al. Hyssop // Dictionary-reference book of the beekeeper / Comp. Fedosov N.F.M.: Selkhozgiz, 1955.S. 131.

2. Atlas of medicinal plants of the USSR / Ch. ed. N.V. Tsitsin. M.: Medgiz, 1962. P. 87-89.

3. Biological encyclopedic Dictionary/ Ch. ed. M. S. Gilyarov) 2nd ed., corrected. M.: Sov. Encyclopedia. 1989.

4. Blinova K. F. et al. Botanical-pharmacognostic dictionary: Reference. allowance / Ed. K. F. Blinova, G. P. Yakovleva. M.: Higher. school, 1990. P. 220.

5. Dudchenko L.G., Kozyakov A.S., Krivenko V.V. Spicy-aromatic and spicy-flavoring plants: Handbook / Responsible. ed. K. M. Sytnik. K.: Naukova Dumka, 1989. 304 p.

6. Plant life (edited by A.L. Takhtadzhyan). M. Enlightenment. 1978. T.5 (2). 454 pp.

7. Zamyatina N.G. Medicinal plants. M.: ABF, 1998. 496 p.



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