New German medicine. German new medicine Professor Hammer new German medicine

In 1981, Dr. Hamer presented his discovery "The Five Biological Laws of the New Medicine" at the University of Tübingen as his doctoral thesis. Despite its legal obligations and court orders in 1986 and 1994, the university's medical school refused to evaluate Dr. Hamer's findings. Finally, on March 12, 2008, a judge at the administrative court of Sigmaringen, Germany, ruled that the University of Tübingen was no longer required to review Dr. Hamer's thesis. This is an unprecedented case in the history of universities!
Dr. Hamer made several attempts to open a clinic where patients could be treated according to GNM principles, but these attempts were continually prevented by the authorities.
In 1985, Dr. Hamer was forced to close his oncology clinic in Katzenelbogen, Germany, because his new medicine was not officially recognized.
In 1986, Dr. Hamer was banned from practicing medicine by a court on the grounds that he refused to recant his findings in accordance with the principles of official medicine. Dr. Hamer lost his medical license, although his discoveries were never refuted. Without a medical license and without approval of his methods after defending his doctorate at the University of Tübingen, Dr. Hamer was not allowed to practice medicine or teach medical students and future doctors.
As a result of the ongoing concerted effort to suppress Dr. Hamer's medical discoveries, physicians, as well as the general public, have been prevented from benefiting from the knowledge of GNM, and - for over 30 years - millions of patients have been denied treatment according to the New German Medicine , with its humane, non-invasive approach.
In January 2011, I “accidentally” attended the first seminar on oncopsychology held in Moscow, at which the “new” system of understanding, diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases by the German doctor R. Hamer was presented. “New” - because Dr. Hamer discovered this system back in the early 80s of the last century, and it has been known for more than 30 years, but it was by 2011 that it was more or less normally presented in our country.
Even at the time of this first seminar, there were practically no descriptions or documents translated into Russian. At the seminar, a presentation and the book “Scientific Map of German New Medicine” was presented, which had not yet been translated into Russian. The translation of this book was done a year later, and now it can already be bought. Translated articles are also already appearing in electronic form, describing in more detail both the basic principles of GNM and specific diseases (only in GNM there are no diseases, i.e., “failures” in the functioning of the body, all bodily manifestations are described as Special Biological Programs of nature - SBS)
German New Medicine is a kind of road map of the psychosomatic process of the appearance and cure of any disease, not only (not even so much) cancer, but also any other, from the runny nose, dermatitis and allergies to migraines, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, etc.
On the Internet you can freely find an article translated into Russian by Dr. R. Hamer’s student, Canadian doctor K. Marcolin - “New German Medicine. Five Biological Laws” and several translated articles and an interview with R. Hamer himself. The bulk of materials on GNM have not yet been translated into Russian. In more than two and a half years that have passed since that first seminar, I have gotten quite close to this topic, began to use this system more in my work, and more and more I want to share this information with others, not even so much with specialists and colleagues , as with ordinary people, because even a general understanding of the principles of GNM can significantly (and sometimes completely) remove a person’s fear of both cancer and oncology, and give a more complete understanding of almost any so-called “diseases”.
In my magazine I will post translated materials from various foreign sites and forums dedicated to GNM and its practical application in our lives. In this first post I will post a translation of one of K. Marcolin’s articles about GNM.

The so-called "diseases".

New German Medicine (GNM) is based on the findings of physician Ryke Geerd Hamer, MD. Dr. Hamer received his MD degree in 1961 from the University of Tübingen, Germany. He specializes in internal medicine and practices in various university hospitals in Germany. Dr. Hamer also shared a medical practice with his wife Sigrid. Together they raised four children.
August 18, 1978, according to Dr. Hamer himself, was the darkest day of his life. That day, Dr. Hamer received the shocking news that his eldest son, Dirk, had been accidentally shot. Dirk died four months later in his father's arms.
Shortly after Dirk's death, Dr. Hamer was diagnosed with testicular cancer. Since he had never been seriously ill, he immediately assumed that the development of his cancer could be directly related to the tragic death of his son.
Dirk's death and his own experience with cancer led Dr. Hamer on an extraordinary scientific journey. While working as an internist and head of a German cancer clinic, Dr. Hamer began researching the history of his patients and soon learned that, like him, they had all suffered from unexpected emotional experiences before developing one type of cancer or another. But he continued his research even further. On the basis that all bodily manifestations are controlled from the brain, he analyzed scans (CT images) of his patients' brains and compared them with their medical records. It was a completely new approach. Until then, no research had explored the origin of disease in the brain, nor the role of the brain as a mediator between our emotions and the diseased organ of the body.
What Dr. Hamer discovered was astonishing. He discovered that when we suffer unexpected emotional experiences, such as the unexpected passing of loved ones, the loss of a loved one, or a sudden outburst of anger, the brain triggers a biological program to respond in an extreme way to the exact shock conflict the person is facing. He found that when a conflict occurs, shock to a specific part of the brain causes lesions that are visible on CT scans of the brain as a sharply defined set of concentric rings. With the impact of shock, it is delivered to the appropriate organ. If an organ reacts to conflict by developing a tumor (cancer), heart disease, or tissue loss, as we see with osteoporosis or stomach ulcers, the exact type of burnout is determined.
Let's take colon cancer as an example: the biological conflict associated with our intestines Dr. Hamer defines as "the conflict of the indigestible morsel." Animals experience these conflicts in real terms when, for example, a piece of food gets stuck in the intestines. In response to this potentially life-threatening situation, intestinal cells immediately begin to multiply. The biological significance of increasing the number of intestinal cells is to produce more digestive juices so that a piece of food can be broken down and passed through. We humans have inherited this biological program to respond to such conflict. For us, an "indigestible morsel" could mean a grudge, a bad divorce, a fight over money or property, or a court case that we can't stomach. Dr. Hamer discovered that when we are faced with such a situation of "indigestible" conflict, the same process of cell proliferation (growth) is initiated, controlled from the part of the brain that controls our colon. As long as a person laments the “indigestible issue,” the cells multiply, forming what is called a “colon tumor.” Conventional medicine interprets these extra cells as “cancerous.” Based on thousands of case studies, Dr. Hamer shows that these extra cells (tumors) are what we might call "disposable cells" that are only useful for the time being. At the moment when the “indigestible piece” can already be digested, the extra cells are no longer needed and are destroyed with the help of special mycobacteria and removed from the body.
Dr. Hamer also discovered that every “disease” occurs in two stages. During the first, active phase of conflict, we feel mentally and emotionally agitated. Usually we are completely preoccupied with what happened, we have cold extremities, poor appetite, we suffer from sleep disturbances, and we lose weight. If we have resolved the conflict, then we enter the healing phase, during which the psyche, brain and affected organ will go through a recovery phase. Because traditional medicine does not recognize the two-phase structure of every disease, many symptoms of this repair phase, such as inflammation, fever, painful swelling, pus, discharge, blood in the stool, urine or saliva (especially when the cancerous tumor breaks down), or infection , which are labeled as diseases when they are, in fact, manifestations of the natural healing process.
The therapeutic aspects of GNM are manifold. The first step is to determine whether the person is still in an active conflict phase or whether the conflict has already been resolved. If the person is still in the active phase, emphasis is placed on identifying the original conflict, a strategy for resolving the conflict is developed, and the patient is prepared for subsequent manifestations of painful symptoms of the recovery phase. During healing, it is important to support the patient psychologically and, if necessary, with medical assistance. But first of all, it is important to understand the nature of the symptoms. Because understanding each symptom in its biological and biographical context allows us to free ourselves from panic and fear, which often triggers the onset of the disease.

Dr. Hamer's research radically violates the central doctrine of standard medicine, namely that disease is the result of the body's mistakes. By providing clear scientific evidence that diseases such as cancer do not arise by chance, but only as a result of the body's survival programs that have been successfully practiced over millions of years of evolution, Dr. Hamer destroys the doctrines of traditional medicine (including the medical industry) at its core. With GNM, questions like: "Why me?" or "Why cancer?" are no longer a secret. And like other “medical heretics,” Dr. Hamer is paying the price for moving away from old dogmas.
In 1981, Dr. Hamer presented the results of his research at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tübingen as a post-doctoral dissertation. But to this day, the university has refused to review Dr. Hamer's research, despite a legal obligation to do so. This is an unprecedented case in the history of universities. In addition, official medicine refuses to approve his discoveries, despite 28 checks by both doctors and the professorial association.
Shortly after Dr. Hamer submitted his thesis, he received an ultimatum - either retract his discoveries or his contract at the university clinic would not be renewed. It was very difficult for him to understand why he was being expelled for presenting sound scientific conclusions. After his dismissal, he set up his own private practice, where he continued his research. Several attempts to open a private clinic failed due to concerted efforts against him and his cause.
In 1986, although his scientific work was never refuted, Dr. Hamer was stripped of his medical license on the grounds that he refused to conform to the principles of standard medicine. But he was determined to continue his work. By 1987, he was able to expand his discovery of virtually every disease known to medicine. In 1997, Dr. Hamer went into exile in Spain, where he continues his research. So far he has been able to confirm his initial findings with more than 40,000 case studies.
Dr. Hamer was persecuted and persecuted for 20 years. The press and medical establishment will stop at nothing to slander Dr. Hamer and his work. He is portrayed as a charlatan, himself a renowned miracle healer, cult leader, or insane criminal who denies cancer patients traditional treatments (particularly chemotherapy). But it should be mentioned that unlike standard medicine, GNM has a documented success rate of 92%. Ironically, these statistics for Dr. Hamer's remarkable success were supplied by the authorities themselves. When Dr. Hamer was arrested in 1997 (for referring three people to a doctor without a medical license!), the police searched his patient files. One prosecutor was subsequently forced to admit during the trial that after five years, 6,000 of the 6,500 mostly terminal cancer patients were still alive. - From September 2004 to February 2006, Dr. Hamer was imprisoned in a French prison because allegedly people (whom he never met) were harmed through his GNM teachings or his publications.
While mainstream medicine refuses to accept Dr. Hamer's results, we must take it upon ourselves to learn about this innovative new medical paradigm.
© 2006 Caroline Markolin, Ph.D.

Which create disease in the human body are described by the famous doctor Ryke Hamer. How did the idea of ​​New German Medicine come about?

The story of Hamer's discoveries begins with the death of his son Dirk.

Professor and medical doctor Rijk Hamer had been practicing for 25 years when his 18-year-old son Dirk was shot and killed by a mentally ill man in 1978. After this tragedy, the professor developed testicular cancer within a year. His wife later also developed cancer. Hamer logically assumed that if throughout his life his health was excellent, and after the death of his son cancer appeared, then this was the result of psychological trauma. Despite the severe shock, he had the strength to begin the fight against his own disease and explore all the theories of the origin and development of cancer available at that time.

As a professor of medicine, Hamer had access to the medical records of many cancer patients. Having examined their lives for stress, the doctor noticed that similar tragic events cause similar diseases. For example, all patients suffering from ovarian and testicular cancer experienced a tragedy or serious stress related to their children within one to three years before diagnosis.

This gave the professor the idea that the human body launches a certain program in response to a shock event.

Hamer's further research confirmed his assumption. Every disease begins with a severe shock, an acute conflict or a dramatic event that a person experiences alone. The disease, triggered by the brain, turns out to be a kind of biological defense, a program aimed at solving psychological stress.

The professor analyzed the results of brain scans of his patients and compared them with their medical histories. His discovery was that he discovered a clear connection between shock (stress), blackouts in certain areas of the brain and the corresponding organ in which cancer developed.

The dark spots in the brain noticed by Hamer were confirmed by later tomographic studies. These areas of condensation in the brain were called Hamer's lesions. When a traumatic event occurs in a person’s life, the emotions that arise in response to this event are “concentrated” in a certain area of ​​the brain.

The resulting focus affects the organ in the body corresponding to this zone, causing increased or decreased tone of muscles and blood vessels. A certain “closed circuit” arises - the brain influences the organ, the organ sends a signal to the brain. The system maintains itself.

The event that occurs completely changes life, the reaction of the brain and organ already exists. This maintains the disease.

Based on many case histories, many years of research, as well as the work of his colleagues who were engaged in similar research around the same time, Dr. Hamer developed a theory according to which the basis of each disease is a certain type of psychological trauma. He developed a table of the relationship between shock events, activation of brain areas and diseases, which can be used to accurately determine the cause of a particular disease.

Considering that GNM was based not only on his personal experience and research, but on the work of German, French, Belgian, and Dutch doctors, Hamer called the theory "New German Medicine", similar to Chinese or Indian.

GNM is primarily not so much a treatment as a system of prevention. All of which launch the appropriate biological program to solve stress. The GNM system allows us to identify shock, the cause of the disease and the body’s reaction. If the cause of the disease is known, then eliminating this cause relieves stress and starts the body's self-healing process.

Eliminating the cause of stress can be either real or objective - changing conditions, changing behavior, making a decision. So is subjective - a change in attitude towards stress, a situation, a memory. Processing can be a subjective process - a series of conscious work with the processor, as a result of which a person re-experiences and rethinks the cause that gave rise to the disease. A new perception of the source of stress gives a new experience, a person learns, his body finds a solution outside the biological program and the disease is no longer required.

The GNM does not consider all diseases described in medicine to be malfunctions of the body or disorders. , such as elevated temperature, is a healing process. Or leukemia is the recovery phase of anemia. According to Hamer's theory, people die not from diseases, but from fear and panic, as well as from treatment - poisoning with drugs, from weakening under the influence of treatment, from surgery, etc.

I don’t think you should believe the professor 100% and completely abandon medicine, as he advocates. However, it is useful not just to suppress the symptoms and swallow pills, but to figure out why the body reacted by triggering a certain disease, what shock caused such a reaction. And, having re-understood the cause of the disease, it is very possible to recover, without the participation of medicine, drugs and gross intervention. Of course, there are different diseases and some really need to be treated with the help of doctors. But many diseases go away following a change in attitude towards a traumatic situation, accumulated stress, or a solution to an existing problem.

Hamer is not the first and not the only scientist who claims that “all diseases are from nerves” (in other variations - from sins, living conditions, environment, karma, mental reactions...). But the idea that the body can repair itself if the cause of stress is removed is generally not new. Quite often we hear about happy healing, when people left their usual way of life, or parted with business (and with it stress), changed their attitude to the situation - and the disease left their body. Isn’t this a positive confirmation of the correctness of the ideas of Hamer and those who develop and continue to support GNM?

According to some sources, Dr. Hamer, using his technique, cured more than 6,000 people. Including yourself.

However, not everything is so smooth in the story of GNM.

After the publication of his theory, official medicine took up arms against Hamer. This is not surprising, since he opposed classical treatment. Reik's revolutionary theory was received with hostility by the medical world to such an extent that he was subjected to criminal prosecution.

In 2004, Rijk Hamer was arrested in Spain and then extradited to France. The 70-year-old professor was sentenced to three years in prison. Formally, he was accused of conducting a private medical practice without an appropriate license; in fact, they demanded that he renounce the main provisions of the GNM; he was accused of causing harm to the health and death of patients who were treated using his method.

History repeats itself - someone has already been forced to renounce new theories - fortunately, everything happened with Hamer without being “burned at the stake.”

After his accusation, numerous protests followed in defense of the professor and his method, including from large medical institutions and organizations. The GNM method (“German New Medicine”) has been tested in institutions such as the Universities of Vienna (1986), Duesseldorf (1992) and Trnava / Bratislava (1998), where very convincing positive results confirming the theory were obtained. Following public pressure, Dr. Ryke Hamer was released from prison in February 2006.

Currently, in many countries around the world, more and more trained followers of Dr. Hamer are appearing and parallel directions are developing based on the ideas of German New Medicine. There are more and more successful stories of recovery, more and more research, and more and more clarity about the relationship between the functioning of the brain, body and psyche, which also affects a person’s physical condition.

This is a natural evolutionary process, since the modern rhythm of life requires new ways of restoration. Diseases become more complex due to the fact that the human brain develops, which means that the number of psychological traumas increases. If previously the danger was represented by wild animals or wars, now any information can affect a person as a shock. With the acceleration of our lives, a person receives many psychobiological shocks every day, they are layered one on top of the other, the brain does not have time to process them, as a result it reacts by launching a program of vasoconstriction, compression of internal organs, strengthening or weakening of the work of the endocrine, nervous and other systems, etc. . But with the development of new diseases, the possibility of self-healing, self-prevention and ways to reduce such causes of stress and restore health also develops. And in addressing this issue, German New Medicine is a shining positive example of advanced diagnostics and the possibility of healing.

The desire to live in itself is important in order to overcome the disease, but sometimes the competent help of a doctor is not superfluous. Probably realizing that not everyone is equally strong in spirit, developed countries are scrupulously approaching the creation of an effective healthcare system.

In addition to statistics, there are no less visual indicators of quality of life, because these are also many details that a person encounters every day. One of them is medical care, its quality and accessibility.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of medicine in Germany?

So, the advantages:

  • Regardless of the patient’s age, qualified doctors in Germany make every effort to help the patient get better, without annoying comments about age and inevitable changes. Diagnoses speak clearly and directly to your face, without figurative reasoning...
  • Not only active youth or working citizens are able to receive high-quality and timely assistance. The older generation is also not written off; in addition to personal visits to the doctor, it is possible to receive medical care at home, including visits from nurses to carry out procedures.
  • In Germany, everyone is free to choose which service suits them best. It is possible to receive basic medical services “for free”, or use the services of a private clinic for all questions that arise. The choice opens up even in the question of which hospital a patient prefers to be treated in. In Germany, three categories are common: public, non-profit (mainly at monasteries or non-profit organizations such as the Red Cross) and private clinics, which are controlled by commercial structures. Thus, compulsory and private health care systems coexist peacefully and quite successfully in Germany.
  • German medicines are very popular not only in Germany, but also abroad. Pharmacies will not sell serious medications to a person without a prescription.
  • And you can find it everywhere: both in the countryside and in the city...the operating hours of pharmacies in Germany are the same as those of many organizations (you can read about German pharmacies and their work in more detail here), but in case of an emergency in the city at least will be open one pharmacy on duty..
  • All doctors in Germany go through a long and difficult path of development, so they are all highly qualified.

Of course, everything is not without its drawbacks - what can you say about them??

  • Free medicine in Germany It’s only called “free”, but in fact, citizens pay for medicines and services themselves, unbeknownst to themselves - or rather, they are paid for by German health insurance, which a person pays monthly.
  • Insurance doesn't cover everything medical expenses: for example, if there is some complex expensive operation or expensive dental treatment, then the insurance pays a certain percentage, and the patient must pay the rest. For example, to get teeth installed, insurance provides 10% of the required amount, and the patient pays the remaining 90% out of his own pocket. At the same time, dental treatment in Germany is very expensive! And it’s even more expensive to insert.
  • In Germany, there is a practice of “terms”, in other words, in order to get an appointment with a doctor, you first need to make an appointment with him and get an appointment date. It seems to sound good - order and no queues... Yes, it’s possible... but there is a big minus in this - the appointment date can be set in a week or in a month... and usually you have to wait a very long time even with a broken arm = (But the doctors don’t care - they have your schedule.

Let me give you a real life example: a friend’s neighbor had a heart problem, she went to the local doctor, who sent her to a cardiologist. She had to get an appointment date (term) from the cardiologist - she only got an appointment date 2 weeks later. She never came to the appointment - she died -> heart attack....(((And there are a lot of such situations...

That's how it is...everyone needs to go through the standard procedure for obtaining a date for an appointment with a doctor...first everyone goes to the local doctor, sits there in line, he examines the patient, says that something is wrong and sends him to another doctor who specializes in a certain area.

  • What I also don’t really like is that all the doctors here have a narrow specialization...i.e. Each doctor must receive a separate appointment. It’s not like he came and you were completely examined from head to toe, diagnosed, given advice, prescribed medications and procedures. You will be constantly sent to different doctors and will not always be given any procedures, as the same therapists would do in Russia.
  • Doctors receive a commission from the “seller” (with whom the contract is concluded) for this or that medicine that he prescribes to the patient... most often these are antibiotics. And this is a minus for the patient, but not for the doctor... because... perhaps a regular sore throat pill or a cold medicine would help you, but with antibiotics or more serious medications the doctor will earn more... Although, an antibiotic will also help you 😉 Therefore, most doctors do not look at how to cure you as quickly as possible... they look at that , how to make money from an illness and put it out for a while, so that later you come to them again and they prescribe something for you... it’s good if there are procedures, and not just pills! Moreover, you don’t have to pay for most medications, because... your insurance will pay for you...but, as you know, you also pay monthly for insurance, so it just seems free...
  • In general, all medicine in Germany It just seems free, because... anyway, in the end you pay for everything yourself (to health insurance), many people simply don’t think about it...

I don’t know if this is a plus or a minus, but given the country’s small size within the European Union, There are not enough doctors in Germany and highly qualified doctors from all countries are invited here for well-paid work, so that their number per thousand of the population is sufficient to provide timely assistance... When you enter the hospital, you can see red, black, white, yellow and blue doctors =) i.e. of all nationalities - Russians, Bulgarians, Poles, Ukrainians, Arabs, Jews.....

Naturally, there are doctors with a conscience and very, very responsible... but you can count them on one hand... having moved to Germany, I realized that there is nothing better than Russian medicine =)) although, in principle, if you find a good doctor in Germany, you will undoubtedly get excellent service and treatment!

German vaccination card

Each patient in Germany has his own card, plus a separate vaccination card is issued. In Germany there is no mandatory examination of the population, as for example in Russia. Here everyone is responsible for their own health.

The medical profession remains popular and respected, and an additional motivation for good work is that it brings not only moral, but also financial satisfaction. Perhaps it is this combination, coupled with a calling to help people, that drives young people to meet high standards and successfully complete a difficult training course. By the way, the education system is aimed at the practical application of acquired skills, so a young specialist is not tabula rasa after receiving a diploma and is actually ready to work.

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For lovers of psychosomatics, I have materials on German new medicine. These are 7 PDF files, a webinar and a paper book (I have two of them, almost identical, called the “GNM Scientific Map” - I can give one to someone in need).
I wanted to post the PDFs as pictures, but it looks like it will take me too much time. Maybe someone will find the time and can do this?

I warn you right away that this is “alternative” information, it’s hard for me to evaluate it from the point of view of modern science, but some things seem crazy, although in general I like the idea - to provide a scientific basis for psychosomatics.
It seems to me that this information is convenient to use for elaboration.

For now you can view the files

German New Medicine (GNM) is based on medical discoveries made by Dr. med. Reich Gerd Hamer. In the early 1980s, Dr. Hamer discovered five biological laws that explain the causes, progression, and natural healing process of disease based on universal biological principles. According to these biological laws, diseases are not, as previously believed, the result of dysfunctions or malignant processes in the body, but rather “important special biological programs of nature” (SBP), created by nature to assist the individual during periods of emotional and psychological distress. All medical theories, official or “alternative”, past or present, are based on the idea of ​​diseases as “dysfunctions” of the body. Dr. Hamer's discoveries show that there is nothing “sick” in Nature, but everything is always filled with deep biological meaning. The five biological laws on which this truly “New Medicine” is built find a solid basis in the natural sciences, and at the same time they are in complete harmony with the spiritual laws. Thanks to this truth, the Spaniards call NNM “La Medicina Sagrada” - the Sacred Medicine.

Every disease is part of an Important Special Biological Program created to assist the body (humans as well as animals) in resolving a biological conflict. Dr. Hamer: “All so-called diseases have a special biological significance. While we are accustomed to attributing to Mother Nature the ability to make mistakes, and have the audacity to claim that She constantly makes these mistakes and causes failures (malignant senseless degenerative cancerous growths, etc.), now that the blinders have fallen from our eyes , we are able to see that only our pride and ignorance represent the only stupidity that has ever been and is in this cosmos.

Blinded, we have imposed this senseless, soulless and cruel medicine on ourselves. Filled with wonder, we finally became able for the first time to understand that Nature contains order (we already know this now), and that every phenomenon in nature is full of meaning in the context of a holistic picture, and that what we call diseases are not meaningless ordeals, which are used by apprentice sorcerers. We see that nothing is meaningless, malignant or diseased."

While at the dacha, I decided to master a new type of activity for myself - translating articles that interested me from English into Russian. Let me make a reservation right away: I am not a professional translator. The purpose of my translation was not to repeat the original text word for word. In some places I departed from it, inserting the necessary explanations and additions, which, in my opinion, made it easier to understand this topic.

So, for those who are interested in the topic of scientific metaphysics, I present the article " The nature of tumors from the perspective of German New Medicine"The article provides explanations of the causes of tumors, examines the causes of cancer of the lungs, mammary glands, ducts of the mammary glands, bones, etc., explains what "malignant and benign tumors", "metastases", "brain tumors", " an open form of the tuberculosis process and much more that could not find its logical explanation within the framework of traditional medicine.

Author: Caroline Marcolin - original articles - ,
Translation from English, adaptation and additions: Tatyana Morozova

Dirk Hamer syndrome

In February 1979, Dr. Rick Gerd Hamer, MD, served as chief physician at the Munich Oncology Clinic in Germany. Based on the fact that all processes in the human body are controlled from the brain, Dr. Hamer began analyzing the results of computer scans of the brains of cancer patients. His own computer scan results were also included there.

The fact is that Dr. Hamer was diagnosed with cancer in December 1978, shortly after the tragic death of his son Dirk. Since he had never been seriously ill before, he immediately assumed that the development of cancer in him could be directly related to the tragic death of his son.

Dirk's death and his own experience with cancer prompted Dr. Hamer to begin researching the personal stories of other cancer patients. He quickly determined that, like himself, all of these people had gone through extremely stressful experiences before developing cancer.

In the course of his many years of research, he discovered that not only cancer, but “any disease” arises as a result of a shock conflict, when we are suddenly hit with a heavy emotional blow for which we are completely unprepared. In memory of his son Dirk, Dr. Hamer called this unexpected stressful event Dirk Hamer syndrome (DHS).

Psychologically speaking, SDH is a highly personal traumatic event determined by our past experiences, our vulnerabilities, individual perceptions, values ​​and beliefs. Moreover, SDH is not just a psychological, but rather a biological conflict that can only be understood in the context of our evolution.

Animals experience such biological conflicts in a direct way, for example, unexpectedly losing their nest or occupied territory, their offspring, being separated from their mate or flock, under the unexpected threat of starvation or death.

Because the human mind has acquired the ability to think figuratively over time, we are able to experience these biological conflicts figuratively as well. For example, a man may experience a “territorial loss conflict” when he unexpectedly loses his home or job; a woman experiences a “conflict in the nest” with strong concern for the well-being of “one of the members of her nest”; “abandonment conflict” is experienced as a result of an unexpected divorce or hospitalization; Children often suffer from “separation conflict” when mom decides to return to work, or when parents stop living together.

From more than 40,000 case histories, Dr. Hamer found that when the brain receives this shock, the organ or tissue of the body that the affected area of ​​the brain controls is simultaneously affected.

If at this time you spend computed tomography (CT), then on the tomogram we will be able to see this affected area in the form of sharply defined rings, similar to a target in a shooting range. In 1989, the manufacturer of tomography equipment, Siemens, guaranteed that these ring formations were not artifacts created by the equipment. On tomograms made with modern equipment, this area is highlighted as an area of ​​densification of brain tissue. She was named Hamer's lesion (OH), in honor of Dr. Hamer, who was the first to describe this lesion.

Organ response to SDH, two-phase course of diseases and the main direction in GNM therapy

Depending on where the tumor is located in the brain, the organ it controls can respond either by the proliferation of its tissue and we see the growth of the tumor, or it can respond by reducing its tissue and we observe ulceration of the organ.

What exactly will be the reaction of an organ or tissue to a conflict? growth or loss organic tissue is determined by how they relate to the evolutionary development of the brain. We will talk about this in more detail in this article below.
Let's take, for example, lung adenocarcinoma.

Our lungs are made up of millions of pulmonary alveoli (tiny air bubbles) in which gases are exchanged: oxygen enters the blood through them, and carbon dioxide is released from the blood. Without the pulmonary alveoli, we could not breathe.

Dr. Hamer discovered that damage to the pulmonary alveoli occurs due to a biological conflict associated with the fear of death, because in a biological sense, death panic equates to the inability to breathe.

Alveolar cells immediately begin to multiply, forming a lung tumor. The tumor will continue to grow as long as the fear of death remains active.

Unlike the generally accepted point of view of official medicine, increasing the number of lung cells is not a meaningless process. It serves a very specific biological purpose, namely helps expand the lungs' ability to exchange gases, thereby giving a person an additional chance of survival.

Dr. Hamer has firmly established that in humans lung adenocarcinoma develops only when clear annular circles in the corresponding area are visible on a brain tomogram brain stem, which is always affected in SDH called "fear of death".

In most cases, the fear of death was caused by an oncological diagnosis, which was perceived by the patient as a “death sentence.” With smoking becoming less popular, this sheds new light on the mysterious rise in lung cancer (the No. 1 killer disease) and calls into question the claim that smoking itself causes lung cancer.

Because healing can only occur after the Resolution of the Biological Conflict (RC), then the main point in the therapy of German New Medicine (GNM) is identification and resolution of initial shock biological conflicts.
In the case of the development of lung adenocarcinoma, the biological conflict of fear of death can be resolved, for example, through strengthening hope and cultivating optimism and, of course, above all, through understanding the natural protective function of alveolar cells against this mortal danger. After this, the tumor stops growing.

It is very important to create an atmosphere free from panicky fear of death, so that a person can begin, carry out, and then complete the healing process without the danger of a new relapse.

After the conflict is resolved, a person develops a cough and produces sputum with blood, in which Mycobacterium tuberculosis can be detected.

For classical medicine, such symptoms will mean one thing - open tuberculosis process. While in the light of GNM, this cough with bloody sputum will only mean that the healing process is underway and the tumor is destroyed, and its remains come out with cough and sputum.

During evolution, some microorganisms took on the function of ridding the body of those tissues that are no longer needed. Each tissue has its own type of recycling microorganisms. For lung tissue, such microorganisms are Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

If Mycobacterium tuberculosis is absent due to anti-TB vaccination, excessive use of antibiotics or chemotherapy, then the tumor encapsulates and remains in place. However, if discovered during a medical examination, such an encapsulated tumor can serve as the basis for a diagnosis of cancer, and potentially for the resulting shock conflict with new symptoms. With a proper understanding of the biological laws of disease development, this factor can potentially be taken into account and eliminated in advance.

What has been said about the healing process for lung cancer applies equally to cancer of the esophagus, colon, kidney, liver, prostate, uterus and breast. All of these cancers are also associated with certain types of biological conflicts, which Dr. Hamer has identified through thousands of case histories.

For example, breast cancer, according to the discoveries of Dr. Hamer, is a consequence of the “mother-child” conflict, or “anxiety about the partner.” A woman may be affected by DHS when her child is seriously injured, seriously ill, or in mortal danger.

During the active phase of the conflict, breast cells constantly multiply, forming a tumor. The biological meaning of this proliferation of cellular tissue is to increase the ability to produce more milk for the suffering child in order to speed up his healing.

Each female individual, both in mammals and in humans, is born with such an ancient Special Biological Program (SBP), responding to situations of this type. Many cases studied by Dr. Hamer showed that women, even during periods not associated with feeding a child, develop tumors of the mammary glands as a result of obsessive worries about the well-being of loved ones (a child in trouble, a sick parent, or even a close friend who caused these experiences).

Compass GNM - Ontogenetic system

What also unites all the above organs - lungs, mammary glands, esophagus, intestines, kidneys, liver, prostate and uterus - is that they are all controlled from old (ancient) brain, represented by the brain stem and cerebellum. Therefore, they are characterized by a tissue growth reaction in the first active phase of a biological conflict - see the figure below.

Otherwise it will be typical for bodies under the control young brain, represented by white matter and cerebral cortex. These include, for example, the ovaries, testicles, bones, lymph nodes, epidermis, cervical wall, bronchioles, coronary vessels, mammary ducts, etc.

These organs will react to an unexpected shock - SDH, loss of tissue. An example is testicular necrosis. And again, tissue changes do not occur by chance, but for very specific biological reasons.

Let's take, for example, mammary duct tissue. Since the squamous epithelial tissue of the mammary glands developed much later than the mammary glands themselves, this younger tissue is controlled by a younger part of the brain, namely the cerebral cortex. The biological conflict affecting the mammary ducts is a “separation conflict”, which is experienced in the same way as the situation when “my child (or my partner) is taken from my breast.”

A female mammal suffers from such conflict when her baby is killed or taken away. A natural reaction to such a conflict is ulceration of the tissue of the mammary gland ducts.

The meaning of such tissue loss is an increase in the diameter of the ducts, because enlarged ducts in the absence of their natural use make it easier to get rid of the formed milk and avoid its stagnation in the mammary gland. Every woman's brain is programmed for this biological reaction.

Since the female breast, biologically speaking, is synonymous with care and feeding, women often experience a similar conflict when unexpectedly parting with a loved one, whom they are accustomed to diligently caring for. During the active phase of the conflict, almost no physical symptoms are felt, except for slight pressure in the mammary glands from time to time.

After the biological conflict that caused tissue ulceration in the active phase is resolved, the second phase will begin - the conflict resolution phase, which will be accompanied by the growth of cells that will fill the space vacated as a result of ulceration. And here we will find ovarian or testicular tumors, cervical cancer, bronchial and laryngeal cancer, lymphomas, as well as various sarcomas.
According to the knowledge of traditional medicine, all these types of cancer are considered malignant. In the light of GNM, the formation of these tumors indicates the beginning of the phase of resolution of the biological conflict .

Brain scans and a thorough medical history are very important in determining whether a patient is in an active or healing stage of conflict. If the active phase is still ongoing, then it is necessary to determine the initial SDC and develop a strategy for resolving the conflict. It is critical to prepare the patient for the symptoms of the healing phase and their potential complications. All these symptoms are completely predictable!

Metastases are questionable

The widely accepted theory of the origin of metastases, which claims that cancer cells spread through the blood and lymphatic vessels and are capable of causing the formation of tumors in new places, turns out to be, according to Dr. Hamer, “pure academic fiction.”

Cells in general and cancer cells in particular are under no circumstances able to change their histological structure or overcome the barrier of origin from a specific embryonic layer.

For example, a lung tumor cell, endodermal in origin and controlled by the brain stem (ancient brain), multiplying only in the active phase of the conflict, cannot transform itself into a bone cell, mesodermal in origin, control of which lies in the white matter of the brain brain (young brain), which in the active phase of the conflict only degenerates due to the loss of calcium.

In the "lung cancer to bone metastasis" scenario, the lung cancer cells would actually only make a hole (ie cell loss! - the reverse process of cancer) in some bone in the body.

You should also ask yourself:

  • Why do cancer cells so rarely “spread” to the tissues closest to them, for example, from the uterus to the cervix?
  • If cancer cells spread through the bloodstream, why isn't donated blood tested for cancer cells?
  • And why aren’t multiple tumors of the blood vessel walls found in cancer patients?
In August 2004, Canada's Globe and Mail published an article entitled "Researchers Test Blood for Breast Cancer," which included the candid admissions: "Efforts to detect tumor cells in the bloodstream have been going on for 10 years..." and "there is still no technology that could reliably distinguish cancer cells from the millions of red and white blood cells contained in a test tube of human blood.”

Although attempts are by no means stopping (as evidenced by the article), does it not follow that the “metastasis” hypothesis only misinforms the public, scaring millions of patients to death for decades?

Of course, Dr. Hamer does not dispute the existence of secondary cancerous foci, but these subsequent tumors are not caused by migrating cancer cells miraculously transformed into cells of a completely different type, but, obviously, by new shock conflicts.

New DHS may be caused by additional traumatic experiences in life or the psychological shock of receiving a bad diagnosis. As discussed earlier, an unexpected cancer diagnosis or “discovery of metastases” can cause intense fear of death (leading to lung cancer) or some other type of shock as a result of the diagnosis, thereby causing new cancers to form in other parts of the body.

In many cases, patients do not make it to the healing phase because extreme stress weakens them to such an extent that their chances of surviving the highly toxic chemotherapy are minimal.

After lung cancer, the most common type of tumor is bone sarcoma. Dr. Hamer discovered that our bones are biologically linked to our self-esteem and self-esteem. Thus, finding out that you have a “deadly disease,” especially one that supposedly “spreads through the body like fire,” is tantamount to thinking “I am now useless,” and now the bones are close to where we feel their “uselessness”, they begin to lose calcium (in the case of breast cancer, the cancer often affects the sternum or ribs).

Just as with broken bones, the meaning of the biological program (and the “disease”) appears at the end of the healing phase. When the tissue repair phase is completed, the bones in that area become significantly stronger, thereby ensuring better preparedness in the event of new “self-depreciation conflicts.”

Nature of brain tumors

Once the conflict is resolved, the phase of healing the damage to the brain, as well as the psyche and the corresponding organ, begins. Just as with any wound healing, swelling will occur to protect the healing nerve tissue. These changes are clearly visible on tomographic images of the brain: clearly defined concentric rings begin to dissolve in the edema and appear blurry, fuzzy and dark.

At the peak of the healing phase, when the swelling of the brain reaches its maximum size, the brain triggers a powerful, fast-acting mechanism to remove the swelling. In GNM terminology, this regulatory process is called “epileptoid crisis” (EC).
During this crisis, the entire body goes into a state of sympathicotonia for a short time, i.e. reliving the typical symptoms of the active phase of the conflict, such as cold sweating, cold extremities, rapid heartbeat and nausea.

The intensity and duration of this programmed crisis is determined by the intensity and duration of the preceding conflict. Heart attacks, strokes, asthma attacks and epileptic seizures are just some examples of what happens at this critical turning point.

In a person, a heart attack will be noticeable clinically only if the conflict lasted at least 3-4 months. However, if the conflict lasted more than a year, and the beginning of the second phase was overlooked, then it usually ends in death.

After the swelling is eliminated, neuroglia - the connective tissue of the brain that provides structural support to neurons - fills the site of injury to restore normal functioning of nerve cells affected by shock conflict (SDC).

This connective tissue, which appears white on a CT scan when an iodine contrast agent is injected, is usually mistaken for a brain tumor and is urgently operated on.

Dr. Hamer already established in 1981 that a “brain tumor” is not a disease as such, but just a symptom of a healing phase that also occurs at the organ level (under the control of the corresponding part of the brain, which is also undergoing the recovery process). Thus, “brain cancer metastases” as such also do not exist.

Classification of cancer tumors in the light of GNM

Within the framework of GNM, biological criteria for the classification of cancerous tumors were first developed in connection with the laws of embryology and evolutionary science. Dr. Hamer's findings help answer long-standing questions that have not been answered in traditional oncology:
  • Why do some body cells suddenly begin to multiply?
  • Why does a tumor grow on a certain part of the body?
  • What specific stressful situations provoke tumor growth?
And for those who have read this article, it is also no longer a secret why a tumor that grows during the second phase of conflict resolution as part of the restoration process is of a completely different quality than a tumor that grows during the first active phase of the conflict, where it performs a natural protective role in the battle for survival.

Focusing only on the presence of a tumor, and denying the two-phase course of each disease, traditional medicine interprets cancer cells as those that work for themselves. And if they are not kept in check through chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery to remove them, eventually these cells will kill the body. As a result of this dogmatic view, the word "cancer" itself has become synonymous with hopelessness, fear and despair.

Based on the natural biological laws that govern the causes, development and healing process of cancer, destructive cancer doctrines must no longer be maintained. Dr. Hamer's extensive cancer research shows that the standard classification of tumors as "benign" or "malignant" is becoming redundant.

Nature has no malignancy. Nature always works purposefully to ensure its own survival. Since we humans are part of nature, which we often forget, a program is working within us aimed at our maximum survival and prosperity.

2006 Caroline Marcolin
2010 Tatyana Morozova, translation



2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs