Eye drops for tired eyes. Effective eye drops for fatigue

Modern medicine is aimed not only at treatment visual organs, but also to maintain in good condition all structures. After all, our eyes are exposed to overstrain during the day, negative factors. Because of this, they become tired, dry and red. Therefore, eye drops for dryness and fatigue are a must. Dryness, in turn, can lead to headaches and ophthalmological pathologies. Therefore, it is extremely important to take timely action. Dryness can occur for the most trivial reasons. For example, due to prolonged sitting at the computer or in front of the TV. Even if a person went outside in windy weather. What can we say about more serious violations!

Eye drops for dry and tired eyes are divided into main types according to the principle of action:

  1. Vitamin drops are used during treatment and for prevention purposes. They contain a number essential vitamins, due to which the visual structures are nourished.
  2. Antibacterial drugs are aimed at destroying various kinds bacteria that develop infectious ophthalmic diseases.
  3. Vasoconstrictor drops for dryness and redness of the eyes easily cope with these symptoms. The fact is that many problems arise against the background poor circulation or vasodilation. This results in significant redness, irritation and dryness.
  4. Antiallergic drugs or antihistamines are used for allergic reactions that are accompanied by dryness, lacrimation, burning, and redness.
  5. Healing drops eliminate symptoms due to the rapid regeneration of damaged tissue.
  6. Moisturizers act as tear fluid.

In what cases are eye drops indicated?

ATTENTION! To make a choice eye drops, you need to be examined by an ophthalmologist. He will accurately determine the cause of a particular problem. Only after this can the drugs be used.

Unlike drugs aimed at treating a specific pathology, eye drops for dryness and fatigue can be used in many situations that lead to eye fatigue, redness and other disorders:

  1. Spending long periods of time at a computer monitor, watching TV, reading small print, working with small objects. All these factors lead to excessive eye strain, which leads to fatigue, dryness and redness. The fact is that under such circumstances a person blinks several times less often, which is why the tear fluid does not have time to be evenly distributed throughout the visual structures.
  2. Many allergic reactions cause eye irritation.
  3. Strong wind, bright sun.
  4. Cold, heat, dust and dirt.
  5. Contact lenses, especially on initial stages wearing.
  6. Weakened blood vessels.
  7. Diseases respiratory tract- ARVI, colds, flu, etc.
  8. Eye injury, foreign body entry.
  9. Diseases of an ophthalmological nature.
  10. High degree of eye sensitivity.
  11. Negative influence gas pollution, household chemicals.
  12. 40 years of age and older, as during this period the body begins to wear out.

Rules for using eye drops

There are rules for using drops in the treatment of dry eyes:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  2. The lower eyelid needs to be pulled down a little with your fingers and your gaze directed upward. At the same time, the head rises slightly (if you put drops in your eyes while standing). The drug pipette should be placed on the side of the nose at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from the mucous membrane of the eye. Take 1-2 drops and lightly blink your eyelids. This will allow the liquid to be distributed as evenly as possible throughout the conjunctiva.

Eye Drops Review

Eye drops for dry eyes, redness, fatigue and any irritation are available in a wide range. Among the huge selection, you can purchase drugs from both domestic and foreign manufacturers. All drops are divided by price, composition, purpose and popularity. There are also drugs that have a specific purpose. For example, drops only for fatigue, dryness or redness.

The most popular means

  1. "Taufon" is considered universal, since it can be used for eye fatigue and various diseases, up to cataracts. The active ingredient is a sulfur-containing amino acid - taurine, which quickly regenerates damaged tissue.
  2. Visine is used to neutralize redness and swelling. Main substance: tetrizoline.
  3. "Artelak" based on hyaluronic acid. These are drops for dry eyes and discomfort. Quite often prescribed when wearing contact lenses.
  4. "Vitafacol" is considered a combination drug.
  5. "Blink Intensive" is a multi-component product, thanks to which the eyes are moisturized very quickly. Most often these drops are used for long work at the computer, reading. Contains hyaluronic acid.
  6. Innoxa is considered an artificial tear. These are eye drops for dry and tired eyes, discomfort and redness. They are actively used when wearing contact lenses, working at a computer and driving. The active ingredient is plant extracts (cornflower, sweet clover, chamomile, etc.).
  7. Systane relieves irritation and eliminates dryness.
  8. “Vial” neutralizes allergens, removes irritation, swelling, itching, and fatigue.

Inexpensive drugs

Not every person will afford to buy expensive, trendy eye drops. But everyone should know that there are excellent analogues expensive drugs. These are inexpensive eye drops for dry eyes. The products differ slightly in manufacturer and composition. However, many of them are considered effective and easy to use. So, inexpensive drops for dry eyes:

  1. "Oxial" consists of hyaluronic acid and electrolytes.
  2. "Oftagel" (keratoprotector) maintains the humidity level in visual structures enough long time.
  3. "Octilia" relieves redness.
  4. "Korneregel".
  5. "Visomitin."
  6. "Vita iodurol" is rich in vitamins and minerals.
  7. "Natural tear"
  8. "Quinax."
  9. "Oftan Katahrom".
  10. "Ophthalmoferon".

Drops for dryness

  1. "Irifrin" quickly moisturizes. Additionally used in the ophthalmology office when studying the fundus.
  2. "Emoxipin" is considered relatively inexpensive drug. Most often used when high temperature body when the eyes dry out quickly.
  3. Systane Ultra belongs to the Artificial Tear group.
  4. "Thealoz" and "Cationorm".

Anti-redness drops

  1. "Pure tear."
  2. "Classic Visine".
  3. "Korneregel".
  4. "VisOptic"

Drops for eye strain

  1. "Reticulin".
  2. "Taurine".
  3. "Aktipol".
  4. Blink Intensive.
  5. "Vidisik."

Drops for inflammatory processes

  1. "Albucid".
  2. "Taufon".
  3. "Vial".

Vitamin drops

  1. "Visor".
  2. "Svetoch."
  3. "Ophtagel".
  4. "Oxial".
  5. "Riboflavin".
  6. "Santen."


Each specific drug contains instructions for use, which describe in detail all contraindications and adverse reactions. Therefore, it is important to read the instructions and consult a doctor. The most common contraindications include the following:

  1. Intolerance to one of the components.
  2. Age restrictions.
  3. Pregnancy.
  4. Excessive fragility of blood vessels and capillaries, which can cause hemorrhage.
  5. Bronchial asthma in acute form.
  6. Blood clotting disorder.
  7. High blood pressure.
  8. Increased intraocular pressure.

When working at a computer for a long time or just a busy schedule, over time the eye sockets begin to hurt and the mucous membranes begin to dry out. Nowadays, various eye drops for eye fatigue are used against these symptoms.

Types and principle of operation

Exists several types of drops from fatigue of the eye membranes:

  1. Constricts blood vessels and eliminates itching, redness;
  2. Mucosal moisturizers;
  3. If you wear lenses, then you definitely need to use drops to avoid dryness and inflamed, sensitive areas of the mucous membrane;
  4. Relaxing eye muscles due to which the vessels dilate and the eyes rest.

The main advantage of these medications is that they are available without a prescription, meaning they can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. But still, specialist instructions may be needed. In some types of visual impairment, non-derivative narrowing or dilation of blood vessels may occur, which can cause the disease to progress. In addition, no one has canceled allergic reactions.

If, when using eye drops for eye fatigue, you observe:

  1. Increased tear production;
  2. Pain in the eyes;
  3. Inability to open eye sockets or swelling;
  4. Redness of the mucous membrane and itching.
Photo – Eye drops

Then you need to stop treatment immediately. All these symptoms may be signs of a developing allergic reaction.

Also, anti-fatigue drops should almost never be used for eye diseases, including barley and conjunctivitis.

The drops work quite simply. The medicine contains one thing active substance, which helps perform the main functions of the medicine and a number of excipients. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and contraindications. The effect of the drops begins on average half an hour after instillation and lasts from 6 to 8 hours.

To prevent irritation, you need to use the drug not only when symptoms of fatigue occur, but also in normal condition. For example, before intensive work at the computer or a walk on the beach.

Photo – Eye drops

Most of the now known drops, in addition to helping with lacrimation or dry eye syndrome, also help improve the penetration of oxygen into the deep layers of the membrane. This approach provides relief from redness and prevents the occurrence of viral diseases(part of the harmful microflora dies upon contact with oxygen).

Video: what to do if your eyes are red and tired

List of drug ratings

In any pharmacy you can now buy inexpensive drops for eye fatigue, which have the following functions:

  1. Relieves inflammation from the mucous membrane, provides preventive effect at eye diseases. These are options with an antibiotic effect;
  2. Safe drops for eye pain. They help reduce redness and have worked well for dry eyes and severe itching;
  3. Drops to relieve external signs of fatigue. They constrict the blood vessels of the eyeballs, causing redness to disappear and itching to temporarily disappear. Not used as medicines. Can be used when reading or to quickly get back into shape after a hard day. working day.

In order to be able to choose drops that are suitable for price and area of ​​action, we recommend viewing our rating of medications:

Name Note
Innoxa (Inoksa) Fully safe drops from tired eyes, about them good feedback and many girls recommend using the product to treat various eye diseases.
Taufon Used to relieve inflammation. Can be used every day, but no more than 3 months. Known for vasoconstrictor and cooling effects.
Systane Ultra It's just an artificial tear. These drops are used to relieve eye fatigue and wash the cornea after surgery. And also a hard day's work. The product helps even after insomnia.
Albucid It's antiviral domestic drug. It is not used separately from fatigue, as it has a strong irritant effect. It is used to combat and prevent conjunctivitis and other viral diseases.
Irifrin Good drops for dryness and high intraocular pressure. These drops are often used in ophthalmology offices to constrict pupils and view fundus in adults.
Blink intensive Protect and protect the eyes when reading and working at the computer, have an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. Helps improve vision and prevent the occurrence of various eye diseases.
Vial Provide a bright anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves pain and itching, significantly reduces discomfort by moisturizing the epithelium.
Visine “Pure Tear” and “Classic” Mainly used to relieve redness and dry eyes. It acts very quickly, eliminating all the effects of fatigue, and helps moisturize the epithelium. The downside is that these drops are addictive.
Visor Contains aloe vera extract and vitamins A, E for the eyes, and also contains carotene. Used to prevent and treat eye fatigue and dry mucous membranes.
Svetoch These are just great drops for preventing all sorts of eye problems, from dryness and redness to vision loss. They contain vitamins, resin extract and cedar. Suitable for people of any age.
Taurine An excellent medicine with a cumulative effect. Active active drug accumulates in the eye tissues, due to which it helps to improve the immunity of the eyes and accelerate regenerative processes. It is used not only for fatigue, but also for ophthalmoherpes, keratitis, etc.
Aktipol This is a subtype of interferon. Essential for relieving fatigue and eliminating symptoms of viral diseases, it has an antioxidant effect.
Korneregel Cheap drops, an analogue of Visine. They quickly remove signs of inflammation and irritation, accelerate tissue regeneration and help improve vision.
Strix A special preparation for the correction and restoration of vision. Helps improve the nutrition of the cornea and saturate it with useful substances.
Vidisik Recommended for maintaining sharpness when working at the computer. This product protects the cornea from damage and has a healing effect, helps to moisturize the eye and relieve redness.
Oksial, Sante FX Neo (Santen) and Oftagel This is all Japanese drops produced by Sante. Their main advantage over other drugs in this group is that the drugs are not addictive and contain vitamins for the eyes. This helps improve their nutrition and hydration.
Optiv Prescribed by doctors specifically for the treatment of dry eye syndrome during prolonged work with a computer. Contains natural extracts and vitamins.
Hilo-Komod or Hilozar Chest of drawers Inexpensive anti-fatigue eye drops containing hyaluronic acid. This excellent remedy for those who spend a lot of time at the monitor or behind the wheel.
VizOptic Can be used in conjunction with lenses. Necessary for normalizing blood supply to the blood vessels of the eyes and cornea, which is necessary for improving vision.
Emoxipin These eye drops for tired eyes are at a very good price, and the before and after photos demonstrate the speed and effectiveness of the medicine. The product is used for the most various diseases eyes (viral, colds), as well as from dryness and itching.

It will help you determine which drops you need. qualified specialist upon inspection. Any pharmacy or specialized online store will help you buy funds.

Eye drops for fatigue are used as prescribed by an ophthalmologist; this treatment effectively combats hyperemia.

Medical indications

Long-term stress visual analyzer, constant fatigue in the course of the modern rhythm of life, it slowly deprives a person of visual acuity. Modern medicine has discovered new ocular lesions, including computer vision syndrome. What is the reason for this condition? The syndrome develops due to exposure to computer radiation on the organ of vision.

Other unfavorable factors also cause tension in the visual analyzer:

  • poor nutrition;
  • inadequate sleep;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • fatigue;
  • constant stress;
  • misuse decorative cosmetics or its intolerance.

Anti-fatigue medication should only be used when indicated. More often this is symptomatic hyperemia due to the influence of a temporary stimulus. It has been proven that using eye drops for tired eyes can relieve puffiness and lacrimation. The drugs minimize the effect of physical and chemical irritants on the conjunctiva, and some of them eliminate the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis.

Such medications are prescribed to patients who work for long periods of time in front of a computer monitor. Eye drops for fatigue are prescribed in the presence of dryness, pain, or burst blood vessels. All of the above signs indicate visual damage.

To relieve fatigue, use vitamin drops.

Medicinal solutions will only help if they are used regularly. The course of therapy lasts 3 months with a break of 4 weeks. Some drops have a powerful preventive effect, which inhibits the development of many eye diseases. List of medications to stimulate metabolism and inhibit the development of cataracts:

  • Focus.
  • Okovit.

The secret to the effectiveness of such products lies in their composition. Retinol eliminates signs of fatigue.

Drops and pregnancy

During pregnancy, the use of certain medicines is prohibited. Using drops for eye fatigue without consulting an ophthalmologist is a potential threat to the child. During pregnancy and lactation, only certain anti-fatigue drops are allowed to be used (provided that healing effect from their use will exceed all side effects).

Tobrex are safe drops for relieving eye fatigue. It is successfully used for infectious diseases, blepharitis, keratitis and other lesions. The main thing is that the pathogen is sensitive to the components of the drug. Contraindications:

  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • no effect from use during the first 2 days.

Lecrolin is an eye vitamin with an anti-inflammatory effect. Quickly and efficiently relieves signs of fatigue, hyperemia, conjunctivitis. It is considered enough a strong drug, therefore during pregnancy it is prescribed only according to strict medical indications. Long-term or uncontrolled use of the drug may adversely affect health.

During pregnancy, the following are often prescribed:

  • Diclofenac.
  • Visine.

Eye vitamins are prescribed to pregnant women after consultation with a gynecologist.

Contraindications to therapy

Eye drops should not be used if you are allergic to their active substance. There are eye vitamins that are not prescribed to children under 2 years of age. Some products cannot be used if you have allergies.

Such drugs are prescribed to drivers with extreme caution.

More often drugs for eye fatigue well tolerated. Adverse reactions may occur with prolonged use or due to non-compliance with the dosage. Active substances during their action they provoke:

  • burning;
  • hyperemia;
  • mydriasis;
  • migraine;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • increased eye pressure.

Side effects can only be relieved symptomatically.

Drops for computer syndrome

These eye vitamins are designed specifically to combat hyperemia and irritation. The advantage of the products is that you can buy them without an ophthalmologist's prescription. They effectively relieve fatigue and hyperemia; they are prescribed for watery eyes, but even good drops will not eliminate swelling and discharge from the eyes. In this case, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist.

Modern pharmaceutical market rich in all kinds of eye drops that relieve eye fatigue. Medicines moisturize, soothe and soften the mucous membrane of the organs of vision. All drugs are divided into several groups:

  1. With antibiotic activity. Medicines relieve fatigue and prevent conjunctivitis.
  2. Anti-fatigue remedies. They are prescribed to patients who work in the field of metallurgy.
  3. Vasoconstricting drugs. They quickly eliminate fatigue and hyperemia (due to a narrowing effect).
  4. Exists great amount drops to restore vision after mechanical damage.

Pharmacodynamics and dosage

Pharmacodynamics allows us to find out the mechanism of action of a drug on the human body. Almost all eye medications for fatigue are classified as symptomatic remedies. They constrict blood vessels and minimize tissue swelling. Pharmacodynamics helps to find out the speed of action of a drug.

The effectiveness of its use is noticeable after 5–10 minutes, the duration of action is up to 8 hours.

What is the composition of eye drops? Chemically they have a simple composition. It is based on a substance that accelerates the process of vision restoration. Their structure improves the supply of oxygen to tissues or has a vasoconstrictor effect. The drops act locally, so overall influence is not observed on the body. Preparations for tired eyes have low degree suction.

The method of application and dosage are selected individually. The frequency of use should be prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the complexity of the course and type of pathology. Correct Application similar medications are a guarantee successful treatment and the desired therapeutic effect.

Aspects rational use eye drops:

  • The bottle of the drug must be shaken before use;
  • No more than 2-3 drops should be dropped into each eye;
  • after instillation, be sure to close your eyes and make a couple of circular movements (this improves the distribution of the medicine over the entire surface).

If, in addition to eliminating fatigue, therapy is carried out to combat glaucoma, the duration of treatment increases to 60 days, and for cataracts - up to 90 days.

Chronic fatigue and dystrophic changes treated for 14–30 days.

Drops are used 3 times a day. The course of treatment is always prescribed intermittently, with a total duration of up to 5 months.


This condition is rare. More often it is associated with non-compliance with the conditions specified in the instructions. Overdose is possible with long-term use medications. Signs of overdose:

  • dry eyes;
  • burning;
  • allergic manifestations.

If the solution accidentally enters the gastrointestinal tract, symptoms of overdose immediately occur. The patient begins to complain of nausea, arrhythmia, hypertension, and breathing problems. Signs of pulmonary edema, cyanosis, and convulsions may appear.

Only immediate gastric lavage can improve the condition. Then the patient is given Activated carbon in maximum dosages (2 tablets for every 10 kg of weight). If your health worsens, emergency medical attention is required.

Interaction with other drugs and storage

Any combination of drugs is possible, but for medical reasons. Your doctor may prescribe several medications for sharing. Before instillation, remove lenses. You can put them on again no earlier than half an hour after the procedure.

The best medications are prescribed in conjunction with hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs. To use them correctly, it is important to take a short break when simultaneous use. It is strictly forbidden to use any eye products for irritation or hyperemia of the eyes that appear due to injury or infectious diseases.

Detailed rules proper storage any medicine is noted in the annotation.

Optimal temperature regime- no higher than 25 °C. Failure to comply with the conditions will result in loss medicinal qualities drug. The transparent solution becomes cloudy and acquires bad smell. The use of such medications is prohibited. They must be recycled.

Each medicine has its own expiration date. It is always indicated on the packaging of the drug. A closed bottle can be stored for up to 3 years, and after opening for up to 4 weeks. After the specified period, the use of the medicine is contraindicated. Otherwise, unexpected side effects and signs of overdose may occur.

Alternative medicine

Except medications, there are a huge number of effective folk remedies for tired eyes:

  1. Potatoes - fresh potatoes are grated on a fine grater, and the juice is squeezed out through cheesecloth. It is mixed with flour to form cakes. The compress is applied to the eyelids for 15 minutes. The face is washed linden decoction or cool water. The product not only eliminates signs of fatigue, but also fights swelling.
  2. Chamomile - used for compresses. The crushed plant is poured with boiling water and left for several minutes. Cotton pads are soaked in the solution and applied to the eyelids. The duration of the procedure is up to 10 minutes. Can be done similar procedure 3 times a week. Chamomile infusion has a positive effect on the skin, relieving inflammation and eliminating microdamage.

The solutions described above effectively combat signs of eye damage. Their correct use will quickly relieve symptoms of hyperemia, fatigue and itching.

With the development of computer technology, our eyes began to experience enormous stress. No wonder their overwork has become a common complaint at the doctor. Eye drops come to the rescue, saving you from fatigue.

Anti-fatigue medications do not require a doctor's prescription, but self-selection can be erroneous and ineffective. Without consulting an ophthalmologist, it is safe to use formulations with added vitamins or moisturizers. Eye drops containing such components will help with dryness and fatigue.

People whose professions involve intense concentration and working behind screens especially need help. electronic devices, inside a dusty area. Drops designed to combat eye fatigue are useful for drivers, doctors, builders, and those who frequently wear glasses or contact lenses.

Drops indicated for fatigue and muscle tension our eyes can be divided into the following types:

  • vasoconstrictors - relieve redness of the choroid;
  • moisturizing – useful for dry mucous membranes;
  • regenerating (restoring) - from microdamage to the membranes.

In order not to weaken the effect medicinal drug, read the eye drop technique:

  1. Wash your hands, they should be dry and clean.
  2. Lie down or sit down, it will be more comfortable for you.
  3. Hold the bottle in your hand for a few minutes to warm it up.
  4. Remove contact lenses if you wear them.
  5. Put your head back index finger touch lower eyelid and pull it back. There should be a pocket.
  6. Take the bottle with your other hand and bring it a few centimeters to your eye without touching your eyelashes.
  7. Direct your gaze upward, drop drops into the resulting pocket (usually 1-2 drops).
  8. Rotate a little eyeball to the sides, close your eyelids and lightly press on inner corner eyes. This will prevent droplets from entering the nasal cavity.
  9. The lenses can be put on after 15–20 minutes.

If you use several types of products, then the interval between them should be 15 minutes.


Even harmless eye remedies that save you from fatigue also have their contraindications:

  • the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • age of children under 18 years of age;
  • personal intolerance to the drug.

The best drugs

Range ophthalmic agents coping with fatigue is quite large, so let’s take a closer look at how to make a quality choice.

Average price: 131 rub.

Release form: bottles 5, 10 ml, 4%.

Analogues: “Taurine”, “Tauforin”, “Dibikor”.

Application: 1-2 drops 2 times a day.

A drug with restorative properties, contains sulfur and the amino acid taurine. It stimulates the healing of eye tissue when damaged, reduces intraocular pressure, and normalizes cell nutrition. "Taufon" can be used for eye fatigue.

In the instructions for use of "Taufon" it is indicated for:

  • corneal injury;
  • cataracts;
  • glaucoma;
  • retinal dystrophy (disturbance of its structure and function).

Average price: 337 rub.

Release form: in bottles of 15 ml, 15%.

Analogs: “Montevisin”, “Visoptik”, “Octilia”.

It should be used no more than 3 times. per day, up to 4 days.

The product has vasoconstrictor effect, reduces tissue swelling. Contains tetrizoline. The action begins after 60 seconds and lasts about 8 hours. Not absorbed from the injection site.

The drops are effective against swelling and redness of the conjunctiva, as well as reducing tension and eye fatigue from bright light. Visine is excellent for allergic reactions.

Contraindicated for:

  • glaucoma;
  • under two years of age;
  • corneal dystrophy.

You should be careful when cardiovascular problems(arrhythmia, hypertonic disease, IHD), diabetes mellitus, pheochromocytoma.

Pharmacies can offer Visine Classic and Visine Pure Tear. The second option is shown as a drop in the eye from fatigue from working behind a computer screen. Its main action is aimed at eliminating dryness.

Price: from 490 rub.

Analogues: “Oxial”, “Defislez”, “Hilo-Komod”.

Use throughout the day as needed, 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac.

The solution is based on medicinal herbs(chamomile, sweet clover, cornflower). It is used as drops to relax the eyes, moisturizing the cornea. The action of herbs helps reduce spasm of the intraocular muscles, so they work as a reliever of tension and fatigue after long work.

After instillation, a film forms. It protects mucous membranes from harmful factors (strong wind, dust, ultraviolet). The drug is especially indicated when wearing contact lenses and working behind a computer screen.

It quickly restores damage to the cornea. It has a hypoallergenic effect, but may be poorly tolerated by people with hypersensitivity to plant raw materials.

Price: RUR 203–552, depending on volume.

There are no analogues in composition.

Release form: bottles of 15, 10, 5 and 3 ml, monodoses in tubes.

Application: 1-2 drops 1-3 times a day. You can bury it at any time of the day. No side effects were observed, sometimes individual intolerance is noted.

Refers to vitamin drops for eyes. Contains pyridoxine, thiamine. Can be used before, after and while wearing lenses. Promotes hydration and reduces friction between the CL and the mucous membrane. Due to this, eye fatigue is reduced; such drops are even good as cleaners from protein deposits on contact optics.

They do not have a chemical effect on the mucous membrane of the eye. Perhaps this best drops for eyes from fatigue and redness. Indicated for dry eye syndrome. They relieve burning, itching, and discomfort by creating a protective film. They are not absorbed into the blood and are excreted with tears.

Visomitin (Skulachev drops)

Average price: 499 rub.

Release form: 5 ml bottles.

It has no analogues in its composition.

Application: 1-2 drops 3 times a day.

It protects the cornea well, so it is indicated for cataracts. This is the only drug that reduces its cloudiness. It increases the stability of the tear film, provides protection from UV rays, and reduces fatigue of the eye muscles.

An effective antioxidant, relieves inflammation. Has a moisturizing effect, as it restores tear production, its high-quality composition. The drug not only eliminates the symptoms, but acts on the very cause of the development of disturbing complaints. May give the iris a blue tint.


Budget price does not always mean poor quality. The list of inexpensive but effective drops for fatigue includes:

Average price: 25 rub.

Release form: dropper bottle of 5, 10 ml.

Application: 1-2 drops 2-4 times a day.

Average price: 40 rub.

Release form: bottles, 10 ml.

Excellent inexpensive drops that cope with fatigue, redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes and dryness. Create a protective layer on the surface of the cornea. Their characteristics are similar to human tears. They have a high viscosity, and there may be a feeling of eyelids sticking together. Instill 1-2 drops 4 to 8 times a day, after removing the lenses.

Average price: 102 rub.

Release form: bottles 18 ml, 120 ml.

Application: before putting on lenses, 1-3 drops into the conjunctival sac.

The composition includes isotonic solution and chlorhexidine. These are pretty cheap eye drops. Their action is aimed at combating dryness and eye fatigue, especially when wearing contact lenses or working at a computer. Their effect is achieved by creating a thin water-soluble film on the surface of the mucous membrane, which reduces lens friction. Suitable for all types of CL.

Average price: 200 rub.

Release form: bottles, 5 ml.

Application: 2-3 times a day, 1-2 drops.

An excellent antioxidant, strengthens the capillary wall. Reduces permeability small vessels eyes, reducing swelling, fatigue and redness of the mucous membrane. Used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The drug protects the sclera when wearing contact lenses.

The smallest

Children have the most beautiful and tender eyes, which also get tired and need special care. For eye fatigue, drops are used for children that do not cause irritation and have good composition no preservatives. Among them, the following drugs have proven themselves well.

Average price: 500 rub.

Release form: 0.45 ml capsules.

Application: 1-2 drops 1 to 3 times a day, taking into account the age of the child.

German homeopathic medicine. Among its characteristics, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimicrobial effects are highlighted. It enhances the nutrition of eye cells, relieves tension, spasm of accommodation (fatigue of intraocular muscles during prolonged concentration), thereby improving vision. Doesn't have side effects. Suitable even for newborns.

Vitamin drops perfectly nourish children's eyes. One of them is “Taufon”, which was discussed above. It is useful for children due to its wound-healing abilities and gentle action.

The following two representatives are created exclusively for children.

Average price: 430 rub.

Release form: bottles, 10 ml.

Application: 1 drop 1 time per day.

A Japanese drug with a delicate effect, developed taking into account children's physiology. Does not contain preservatives or dyes. Its pH is close to natural tears. The composition is rich in vitamin B6, L-aspartate.

Rohto helps with fatigue when watching TV and playing long games on the computer. Relieves eye irritation from swimming in sea or chlorinated water.

Average price: 485 rub.

Release form: bottles, 15 ml.

Application: 1 drop 2–5 times a day.

Children from 4 months.

Includes taurine, vitamin B6. It has no contraindications, but cannot be combined with other drops. Quickly reduce fatigue, itching, and eye irritation. Relaxes the muscles responsible for the focus of the pupil.

There are many eye drops available for fatigue. We tried to present the most effective and affordable ones. Write below what anti-fatigue drops you use, why you think they are the most suitable, share with your friends if the article was useful to you.

3318 02/13/2019 6 min.

A person makes about 18 blinking movements per minute. However, while working at the computer, this figure drops to 4-5 blinks. As a result, the eye is washed less frequently with tears, and the tear film dries out and does not have time to regenerate. The person experiences itching, burning, dryness or a feeling of sand in the eyes. What should a person who is forced to spend a lot of time in front of a monitor do? The answer is simple - use moisturizing eye drops. We will tell you below which drops to use when working at the computer.

Application area

IN modern life Computers, laptops, tablets and other technological advances have become a dense part of the world, allowing us to work faster and more efficiently. At the same time, frequent spending time in front of the monitor affects our eyes. The negative impact of screens on the eyes is determined not only technical characteristics, but also occurs for physiological reasons. When we look at a computer screen, we blink 2-3 times less often than usual. As a result, less tear fluid is produced and it evaporates faster from the surface of the eye. The eyes dry out, pain and pain, fatigue, and irritation appear. In medicine, this problem is known as.

Having felt such symptoms, many begin to look for eye drops.

  • The main symptoms characterizing dry eye syndrome are: Dryness, irritation
  • , itching and burning in the eye area;;

Blurred vision

Features of the drugs Often it is enough to drop special drops for eyes from dryness and fatigue several times during the working day to get rid of discomfort or blurred vision. The most popular, which has a good moisturizing effect, and chemical structure

similar to the natural tears produced by the eye. When choosing a drug that relieves dryness and eye fatigue, you should pay attention to other components of the drug. It is very important that they are natural. It is desirable that the drug does not contain preservatives, dyes, phosphates and is as natural as possible.

The content of preservatives sometimes provokes increased dry eyes, and dyes and phosphates make the period of use of any drugs limited and have a negative effect.

The naturalness of the composition and the period of use of the drops are the main criteria for choosing drugs prescribed to computer users, since eye drops need to be used for a long time. Sometimes they become a constant companion for those whose activities involve working behind a monitor.

Eye drops used when working with a computer can be moisturizing and vasoconstrictive.


To eliminate the symptoms of “computer syndrome,” ophthalmologists recommend using drops of “artificial tears.”

There are many drugs with a moisturizing effect.

Low viscosity drops:

High Viscosity Drops

Vadisik is a potent drug and should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Vasoconstrictor drops The image on the monitor constantly flickers and has low contrast. It affects the eyes additional load and keeps the eye muscles in constant static tension. As a result, the processes of microcirculation and metabolism inside the eye are disrupted. To compensate for lack of blood circulation and prevent oxygen starvation

tissues, blood vessels dilate, which causes redness of the eyeball.

If a person has to constantly look from a monitor screen to a keyboard or printed text, the redness and pain may worsen. To relieve tension and get rid of red eyes, vasoconstrictors are used. Examples of drugs: All of the above drugs require consultation with an ophthalmologist. They are prohibited from being used for more than 4 days in a row. Artificial tear moisturizers are relatively safe and have few restrictions. As for drops containing a vasoconstrictor, they have some restrictions on use. For example, such drops cannot be used when driving a car, as there is a risk of blurred vision. They should be used with caution in persons suffering from

serious illnesses heart disease and those who resort to taking medications that can increase blood pressure. Cannot be used vasoconstrictor drugs during pregnancy and lactation. Users of contact lenses should avoid direct contact of droplets with the surface of soft contact lenses in every possible way due to possible

irreversible damage their transparency. Should

Sometimes intolerance to the components of the drops of varying severity occurs, so computer users should definitely visit an ophthalmologist before taking medicine for eye fatigue.



Vision is a priceless gift, so your eyes must be protected. Remember that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Excellent vision staying at the computer for a long time does not guarantee your constant state. If your eyes are tired, you need to take precautions if you want to keep your vision clear for many years.



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