What to do to become healthy. Where to start improving your health? Necessary conditions for absolute human health

This article gives practical advice about how to become healthy person without drugs or any magic. You can use the advice that will be given here, and it depends only on you whether you will be healthy or constantly sick.

Many people don't know that various diseases arising in the body are the result of incorrect behavior and even bad thinking. Below are the conditions for acquiring health and longevity that Ayurveda talks about.

Necessary conditions for absolute human health

Some of these conditions are known modern medicine and science, but some do not. Remember these conditions:

  1. Proper nutrition;
  2. Correct rest (sleep) mode;
  3. Human insight is the ability to distinguish truth from lies;
  4. A slight attachment to objects of pleasure and feelings (to money, to a husband or wife, to children, to a car, etc.);
  5. Generosity - donations and charity (this is special condition mind, which helps to get rid of serious illnesses);
  6. A balanced lifestyle and avoiding extremes;
  7. Tendency to tell the truth (truth);
  8. Patience and the ability to forgive (grievances are one of the main causes of many diseases);
  9. Willingness to serve pure and exalted people.

I am sure that some of these points were completely unexpected for you. But it works, fact. It is precisely because of the lack of knowledge about these things that the attempts of modern doctors to fight serious diseases are so insignificant.

Always remember that dissatisfaction in the mind creates negative emotions, which dry out a person from the inside and cause heat in the subtle and sometimes in the physical body of a person. This is completely ruining inner balance and leads to serious illness.

Ways to cure diseases

Exist various ways, how to become a healthy person and recover from diseases, but since we are talking on the basis of Ayurveda, based on it I will list three main methods of treatment (medicines are already an extreme method):

  • detoxification (removal of toxins) – applicable for simple diseases that arise due to disruption of the daily routine;
  • effects on the mind (repetition of mantras, application of tree bark and stones, various rituals) - affect problems arising under the influence of fate (karma), which cannot be eliminated by detoxification;
  • the most subtle methods(meditation as a way to calm and balance the mind; study and reflection on the Holy Scriptures; communication with exalted and spiritual people).

The treatises say that maximum term human life is predetermined from the very beginning. And if we live correctly and follow a healthy lifestyle, we will be able to live through this period.

But many people today are cutting their lives short accessible ways(intoxication, poor nutrition and daily routine, and much more).

The main pillars of human health

So, we have come close to the point through which we can directly regulate our health, namely improve it (most people need to improve their health, since it is spoiled due to wrong image life). If you want to learn how to become a healthy person, then study in detail the rules of behavior in these three areas:

  • Proper nutrition;
  • Proper sleep;
  • Orderly sex.

The most best products for food: vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, dairy products.

When cooking human consciousness is important who prepares it. Ayurveda says that the most best food, which we prepared ourselves. Human consciousness is imprinted on cooked food. The sharpness and purity of consciousness very much depends on who prepares the food.

Ayurveda also states that grain sprouts are unhealthy food.

Even when food has opposite qualities, it is unfavorable when it collides within a person. For example, it is not very good to mix raw and cooked food.

There is an example modern product– yogurt, in which products of different qualities are mixed. Therefore, it is not as useful as many people think.

The most favorable order of eating: sweet, then salty and at the end something airy and light.

Not earlier than 2-4 hours after the previous meal. And since people have different metabolisms, they need to eat after the previous food has been digested, which is 3-4 hours, and sometimes more. It all depends on the severity of the food eaten.

It is also important to eat when the appetite comes from the stomach and not from the mind.

How to become a healthy person with proper sleep?

Today many people have problems sleeping. And even those people who believe that they do not have problems with sleep are very likely to have these problems.

Eat 5 things that depend on normal sleep:

  • Human happiness (no normal sleep - no mood, no happiness);
  • Digestion of food ( important processes occur in the body during sleep; therefore, healthy, normal sleep is needed);
  • Human strength (at normal sleep there is natural strength);
  • The ability to procreate (it is impaired by poor sleep);
  • Knowledge and ignorance (if a person sleeps a lot or late, then he plunges into ignorance).

Sleep is very important factor, affecting human health. Unfortunately, so many people are reckless with sleep and sleep improperly.

Physiology of healthy sleep

During the day, a person interacts with this world. In other words, our senses actively interact with sense objects. Eyes look at something, ears listen to something, etc.

Healthy sleep - this is when feelings naturally detached from the objects of the senses and immersed within.

Can you remember this sleepy state when your eyes close together. This is exactly the moment when feelings go inside. Something similar happens at the moment of death. That is, every day we rehearse death.

The following processes occur during sleep:

Feelings enter the mind, which in turn enters the ego (false self). Next, the ego dissolves, and we cease to feel ourselves ( deep dream). Only at this moment does true rejuvenation and real rest occur.

When the ego dissolves, then our soul (or sparkle of consciousness) connects with the aspect of God in the heart (Superconsciousness). At this moment it charges and receives energy. This is healthy sleep.

Don't force yourself to sleep too little. If you need to sleep, then sleep better. But remember that in matters of sleep, as in matters of nutrition, it is better to sleep a little less than to sleep a little.

Sleep norms are determined individually. Waking up to an alarm clock is not good. You need to learn to get up without an alarm clock.

It's ideal to get up at 4 a.m.(study: ).

At this time the mind is calmest and purest. It is very easy for a person to wake up and get up at this time. Morning dream not useful, but harmful.

A recipe for how to become a healthy person with the help of proper sleep simple:

You need to go to bed early and get up early.

A big mistake is that in the evening people try to finish what they did not manage to do during the day. So they fuss until midnight or later, and in the morning everything starts all over again.

It is much more favorable to go to bed early and then try to get up early in the morning. Then the day will go calmly and measuredly, and you will not need to constantly catch up with time.

I kindly ask you not to watch TV before bed. You should also not eat at night.

Daytime sleep is very unfavorable. The exception is the special need for sleep during the day. For example, when a person is sick or very tired.

  • It's good to meditate before bed

To ensure that your sleep is truly healthy, to wake up truly well-rested, and to ensure that your sleep is not too long, practice meditation for at least a few minutes.

A few minutes of meditation can help save several hours of sleep, or promote deep sleep. There are different types of meditation, but you can at least calm your mind, breathe deeply, and concentrate within yourself. The result is an amazing feeling of integrity and harmony within.

  • You can simply focus your mind on something good and sublime

Simply observing (in your mind) something good is enough. Then there will be a switch from the “doer” mode to the “observer” mode, and the process of “folding inward”, which was described above, will begin.

  • Feel grateful for everything that happened in the past day

There is nothing more powerful for eliminating stress than gratitude. If you try to understand at least how much we get in life absolutely free (health, talents, opportunities, etc.), then you will understand that we are given a lot, a lot.

Also check out this article for additional valuable tips:

Regulating sex for a healthy life

In matters of sex, a person should be chaste.

Chastity is a careful attitude to sexual (reproductive) energy. The life expectancy of a person greatly depends on this energy.

If a person is very interested in sex, wasting sexual energy, then this will adversely affect health and spiritual well-being.

Of course, you can only have sex with your beloved husband or beloved wife. Be moderate in this matter, as in matters of nutrition and sleep. Excessive passion for sex is especially dangerous for men - they become weak as a result.

How to become a healthy person: a brief summary

Understand that the rationality of a person does not lie in cleverly treating diseases, but in getting sick from them as little as possible. And for this there is simple ways which you learned in this post.

So, once again about how to become a healthy person - the basic conditions:

  • proper and healthy nutrition (ideally vegetarian, freshly prepared and offered to God);
  • correct daily routine (read:);
  • regulated sex with your beloved close husband or wife.

Put these things in order three regions life and you will see how not only your health will improve, but your whole life as a whole.

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Video about the best way to be a healthy person:

http://site/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/kak-stat-zdorovym-chelovekom.jpg 320 640 Sergey Yuryev http://site/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-2.jpgSergey Yuryev 2017-07-17 05:00:35 2018-06-18 15:07:56 How to become a healthy person: 3 pillars of human health

Currently, every third Internet user is interested in how to become a healthy person. And only a small part of these people find ways to help them get rid of the bodily suffering that torments them long months or even years. The reasons for this state of affairs lie in people’s lack of understanding that the body is physical manifestation what exists on the energetic and mental levels.

Ailments of the physical body originate in another dimension, to which only the interconscious component of a person has access. You can learn how to get to the roots of your illnesses in order to restore your health from this publication. All the recommendations listed in it are effective and actually help you regain lost health.

No need to focus on illness and pain

Parents do not teach their children to distract themselves from health problems, but force them to concentrate on the unpleasant sensations caused by the disease. A child with a cold or the flu is forced to drink hot tea, sleep most of the day, inhale essential oils, worry unpleasant procedures, such as rubbing with special ointments. Growing up, a person behaves the way his parents taught him. And at the slightest indisposition, he devotes all his attention to the disease. But this is the wrong approach, confirmed by real-life stories.

I once suffered greatly for any reason and had absolutely no idea how to become a healthy person. I had many of the most various diseases and all of them did not manifest themselves in the most in the best possible way. As a young woman, I spent weeks feeling severe pain, and trying in every way to speed up recovery. But one day I realized that the more unpleasant sensations I felt, the stronger the disease became. Then I began to do everything to get rid of the pain.

If my joints ached or my lower abdomen hurt, I warmed up in hot bath, and when did it arise headache, I applied cold compress to the forehead, but if the pain did not go away, then she took painkillers. And the latter helped me a lot to become a healthy person. After all, thanks to the painkiller, my mind became accustomed to the absence of pain, so it switched to new program- absolute health.

The famous Russian businessman Vladimir Dovgan always talks at his speeches about how he once turned from a healthy guy into a very sick one. He had problems with blood pressure and his temperature often rose. And it started after he recognized his older brother. This event turned his whole life upside down, and the pain of loss penetrated so deeply into his consciousness that he could not live as before. For two years, Vladimir tried to become a healthy person again, but nothing worked for him.

The doctors were already throwing up their hands and openly telling him that it was impossible to recover. And at that moment the guy decided to act on his own - he began swimming in ice water immediately after waking up in the morning. He continues to do this to this day. These baths helped him give up pills and injections. Now he is a healthy man.

In both stories described above, the main idea can be traced - you need to stop running around with your illness and try to forget about it. You need to find some remedy that will remove the symptoms, and thanks to this, the consciousness will begin to be programmed for absolute health.

At frequent pain, you can take painkillers. And Vladimir Dovgan believed that the cold would help him get rid of excessive overheating of the body. Both the first and second methods worked, because they turned out to be logical. To become a healthy person, you need to turn on logic and find a remedy that will remove the symptoms of the disease. As soon as the body stops feeling them, it will adjust to full functioning.

You need to inspire yourself with good things

Psychologists and positive psychology advocates talk about the need to praise yourself. And they believe that this should be done every time you look in the mirror. Many successful businessmen believe in the need to speak words of love to themselves. But if this does not work out, when it is difficult to use the word “love”, if it does not combine with the man or woman you love, then it is enough to pronounce words to yourself that convince your consciousness that it is easy to become a healthy person.

For example, you can tell yourself:
- I am absolutely healthy;
- I have lightness in my body;
- I woke up to lead an active life;
- I have healthy organs and all parts of the body.

If it is not difficult to say words of love towards yourself, then you should repeat every morning, looking in the mirror, phrases that will convince you of the existence of someone in this world who loves. It is necessary to come up with phrases that do not seem false to the conscious mind. This moment is very important! You need to believe in what is being said. Otherwise positive effect can't wait.

To become a healthy person, you need to set yourself a program that improves energy and mental space. It can be established only in the case of absolute faith of consciousness in ideas. If a person, for example, is convinced that after Monday comes Tuesday, then his consciousness will not be able to imagine that after the first day of the week comes the last. And all this thanks to the program he adopted as a child. This is the extent to which you need to convince yourself of your absolute worth in order to become a healthy person.

Become healthier body You can if you fill yourself with positivity. Being in negative experiences and following his psyche-destroying emotions, a person will probably not be able to overcome the difficulties that bother him. Therefore, you need to start filling yourself with positivity using the Internet.

In its vastness there are plenty of pages on which funny videos and cool pictures. When materials are found that make you laugh, discomfort that arise due to illness will simply be forgotten. And this is the first step towards becoming a healthy person.

You should always control your thoughts

Reading unusual stories of self-healing, many people think that these people managed to recover from the most terrible diseases only thanks to their faith in overcoming difficulties. But each of them, in the most difficult moments, had no idea how to become healthy. Based on the experience of self-healers, many successful people assure others that thoughts are material.

It is difficult to agree with this statement. One person can have the power of thought and therefore achieves a lot in life, but thousands of people have no influence on reality at all, even if they try to constantly work on themselves. But everyone is capable of instilling certain thoughts in themselves and, thanks to this, changing the state of their psyche and, accordingly, their health.

To begin to manage your thoughts, you need to train your consciousness to think only about the good. This should be done in such a way that a blocker of negative experiences is activated at a subconscious level. And although it seems complicated, it is still very simple to do.

When it comes to mind negative thought, you need to pinch yourself or pull a hair. In this case, pain will be felt, and consciousness will record that bad thought causes discomfort. This is how a person learns not to think about bad things and over time realizes how to become healthy and how easy it is to do.

Correct body posture improves health

Scientists are sure that when two people meet, the conversation takes place not only through words, but also through gestures. The body position and gestures of the opponent in a conversation can win over or, on the contrary, push away the interlocutor. Exactly the same situation physical shell can affect the personality itself.

If a person is often sick, then he needs to pay attention to his posture. Physical body can influence thoughts, emotions and health. To understand how to become an absolutely healthy person, you need to realize that correct position body helps to become more confident and energetic.

You need to start monitoring not only the whiteness of your teeth, the neatness of your clothes and the beauty of your hair, but also your own posture. The back should be straight, the shoulders should be turned, the head should be raised up, and the steps should be elastic. If it’s hard to imagine how to move and straighten up, then you should watch videos showing successful people.

At the same time, you should try to copy their style. Successful people radiate self-confidence with their entire being. And many have achieved great success thanks to correct posture. You need to follow their example, and then your consciousness will receive the attitude that it belongs to a healthy, athletic, fit and self-confident person. By changing your posture, you can become completely healthy.

Water improves health

Many people have heard and read the slogan: “Water is life.” Scientists have proven that most living beings originate from water, and the human body consists mostly of water. Everyone knows that you cannot live even a few days without fluid. If physical organism consists mostly of water, which means it can be programmed by writing the necessary programs and settings into its particles in order to become a healthy person.

One Japanese pseudoscientist Masaru Emoto devoted his entire life to studying water crystals. If he said bad words to a glass of water, the snowflakes would be destroyed. When he said over the water kind phrases, then under the influence of cold, perfect snowflakes were formed, delighting with their beauty. Now Masaru Emoto no longer wonders whether it is possible to become healthy by programming water; he has become convinced of this in practice and successfully uses this technique for his own benefit.

To follow suit smart people who understand how important it is to be charged with positivity, you need to start saying kind phrases to the water. For example, when you have collected water in your palms to wash yourself, you need to compliment yourself. When filling the bath, you should read poems about love or recite good words that come to mind.

When filling a kettle or pouring boiling water into a glass, you need to do the same thing - say positive phrases. By making this a habit, you can see in practice how quickly you can become a healthy person by programming the liquid by exposing it to sound vibrations. People use some words for humiliation, and others for praise, only because the vibrations of the first have a destructive effect, and the second - a creative one. We must always remember this.

It is necessary to strengthen the immune system

IN Lately healthy image life is becoming popular everywhere. Many self-healing techniques have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their health. For example, Parfiry Ivanov’s technique helped many people become absolutely healthy. Thanks to her, the same Vladimir Dovgan was able to become a healthy person, although he thinks that he simply convinced himself of the usefulness of cold water.

In fact, cold refers to the same energy as the immune layer of a living organism. People who practice Feng Shui know that this energy is metal. It can be obtained from foods such as: rice, cocoa, radish and radishes. From food additives: edible gold and silver, zinc, iron and copper tablets. And besides - cooling.

For example, taking a long walk outside, falling asleep in a ventilated, unheated bedroom, or plunging into ice water. Walrus people advise everyone to plunge headlong into the ice hole. They consider it important to think before this that water conveys fullness. But in fact, to become a healthy person, you need to systematically cool down or eat mainly the foods listed in this paragraph.

You need to eat right

For a person who has no idea how to become healthy, proper nutrition will be the best path to recovery. You can achieve proper nutrition through - yourself harmful product, which does not nourish the body, but destroys its integrity.

But there is no need to rush to switch to salads. If a person suffers from seizures, psychosis, allergies and attacks of rabies, then a diet consisting of vegetation will only harm him. In this case, it is better to eat neutral foods, such as potatoes, noodles and bread.

Among other things, you should avoid oils, fats and most dairy products. The first and second settle in the body, practically not being processed, and the latter cause severe overheating, which is why diseases arise, such as cancer. It is impossible to become a healthy person by consuming meat, oils, fats and dairy products.

You need to change your lifestyle and preferably your place of residence

There are many stories in which dying patients suddenly become healthy just because of a change in lifestyle. Often in such stories it is mentioned how people who had only a few months to live went on trips.

For many people, it is not clear why these patients were cured. The point here is the energy environment. If where a person lives he gets sick, then either the energies of the place where he spends the most time are harmful to him, or the energies of that area do not allow him to overcome the energies of time that destroy his energy.

Changing your place of residence, even temporarily, helps you improve your health, because the patient’s energy environment changes. By the same principle, a change in place of study, hobby, job, or business can affect a living organism. If a person is very sick, then he definitely needs to change his location in order to become a healthy person again.

Lifestyle and habits also affect health. If you are sure that cold is harmful, then even after reading hundreds of articles on how to become a healthy person, you will not be able to get closer to feeling better. After all, beliefs and habits of thinking will not allow us to understand that, for example, cold is an opportunity to improve health, and not vice versa.

You need to start thinking flexibly, change your attitudes and try to get out of the usual vicious circle, which helps weaken the immune system. If you have developed the habit of sleeping in a heated and stuffy room, then you need to turn off the heating and open the window all night. People who sleep in cold rooms forever forget about the existence of viral and colds.

If you have no desire to move, then, to spite your laziness, you need to start playing sports or at least take a half-hour walk before bed. The main thing in these actions is to change everything that is familiar, destroying the body, and find the optimal one that helps it recover.


Here is an article about a healthy lifestyle from a participant in the Reality Constructor project. On my website you can find a whole series of publications in which project participants share their personal experience. This is an extremely valuable experience that can help you solve problems in life.

An article from Vadim about how he decided to become a healthy person and made it happen:

By that time, even earlier, I had already begun serious problems health, considering that for 13 years I was heavy smoker, and the work involved constant travel and, accordingly, he ate anywhere and whatever he could get. Fast food, Snickers, Coca-Cola and similar “joys” made up at least fifty percent of the diet. But then I blamed all my troubles on cigarettes, and after some ordeals I finally quit smoking at the beginning of 2007. And indeed, I immediately began to feel better, I had more energy, and it became easier to wake up in the morning.

But several months passed, and I began to realize that quitting smoking had not solved all my problems. Yes, I passed chronic runny nose and cough, the tingling in the heart area stopped... But the headaches, although they became less frequent, did not go away, and the pain in the stomach and problems with the intestines did not go away either.

This worried me very much, because I understood that I wasn’t yet thirty, but what would happen next. And I, as best I could, looked for a solution to drug treatment was very suspicious: firstly, it was probably passed down from my father; he does not recognize doctors at all, except dentists and traumatologists, and secondly, there was the experience of acquaintances who, after ordeals in hospitals, returned back to worse condition than before treatment.

In a word, I didn’t go to doctors. I toughened myself up, tried to play sports as much as possible, but the effect was minimal, and everything was difficult, through force, and I couldn’t become a healthy person. Whatever you undertake, you have to overcome some kind of internal resistance: laziness, apathy, lack of energy were faithful companions in life...

And then one fine day, I even remember the date, March 23, 2008, since it was the day before my son’s fourth birthday, my wife and I went into a bookstore looking for a book the child had ordered for his birthday. We didn’t find what we were looking for, but on the way out, one book caught my eye. I don’t know how this happens, but something quietly stirred inside, and although we were in a hurry, I stayed late and acquired the book absolutely spontaneously...

The book was called "The Book of Harm" healthy eating”, by Hiromi Shinya - and with her began changes in my life that continue to this day. For me it was like a revelation. You could say I saw the light overnight. Besides the fact that I finally understood where the “root of evil” is, so to speak, in general, the author also paid attention specifically to my sore. The book is small, I read it in three days, as a result I received answers to many questions, a lot fell into place...

And not only with regard to your own health, but in a larger context. In general, the influence of nutrition on our lives is a very deep topic on which you can write a whole book, and not just an article, but I will say that, having started to only superficially adhere to the proposed nutritional recommendations, literally after three days I felt a significant improvement in my well-being, and after For a month now neither the stomach nor the intestines bothered me at all. All. What I did then was to exclude a number of foods from the diet completely, and replace some of them: for example, refined butter with raw-pressed butter, fried potatoes with baked ones, etc. I’ll say a few words about the products specifically a little further.

A lot of time has passed since then, I have sifted through a lot of literature on this topic, talked with many people who practice different types nutrition, experimented on myself, tried veganism, vegetarianism, and a raw food diet, but have not yet gotten to the point of fasting. And now the direct connection between nutrition and health is more than one hundred percent obvious to me: if you want to become a healthy person, start with your diet. Over the years, dramatic changes have occurred in my life, not only in terms of health, but in all areas of my life. After all, the relationship is quite simple and understandable.

The cells of our body are constantly renewed, some die, and new ones are formed in their place, and the food we eat is a building material for cells, that is, the quality of all our organs, skeleton, muscles, etc. directly depends on the quality of the food consumed. . It's like building a house: you can use high-quality materials according good project, or you can - from waste, at random, by eye. Which one will last longer and which one will be more comfortable to live in? The situation is similar with our body. Eating good healthy food, our body is renewed, as a result, health improves, illnesses disappear, more energy appears, which was previously spent on processing heavy and junk food, as well as to neutralize the consequences of its use. But these are huge energy costs.

Accelerate metabolic processes, normalizes blood pressure, as a result, the functioning of the brain-memory, the perception of information, and the speed of thinking improves. Lightness appears, drowsiness disappears, a desire arises to use excess energy somewhere - and the person begins to play sports and implement some of his ideas. Of course, your social circle is growing, new friends and like-minded people are appearing, the boundaries of your worldview are expanding... These are the consequences that – who would have thought – can and do lead to a change in diet. And it's not single case, but rather a trend. There is just one condition: you need to accept this type of nutrition as part of yourself, as a way of life, and not as a hated diet - and then everything will work out.

Now a few words directly about the diet as such. I will not now give arguments about the dangers or benefits of certain products; there is a lot of literature, research results, scientific articles, you just have to dig. Only practical experience. I will describe my approximate diet. The first thing in the morning, after getting up, is water. Clean, fresh water. The day begins with it, and before each meal, half an hour - a glass or two.

For breakfast, first fruit, then something more substantial: porridge or legumes, or a hearty salad like vinaigrette. For lunch, anything from a number of acceptable products, but in any case, they should prevail fresh fruits, vegetables. There can be two dinners: the first is earlier and more hearty, the second is an hour and a half before bedtime, some kind of fruit salad or just fruit. It’s all very simple: we exclude animal products, some leave in dairy, but I practically don’t use it either, since I noticed that regular consumption of dairy negatively affects the functioning of the intestines, but this is my personal experience. Occasionally I may include some dairy products in my diet, but only occasionally, not on a regular basis.

Also, all long-lasting products, loaded with preservatives and other ingredients that give the product attractive appearance, taste and smell, but in fact they only clog the body, should not be included in the diet. Refined, hydrogenated fats, mayonnaise are also very harmful. In general, I’ve been walking past such products in the supermarket for a long time, like, for example, shoe polish - that is, it no longer even occurs to me that I can eat it, I’ve had my fill in due time.

As has already been mentioned more than once, fruits and vegetables are welcome in the diet, as well as all cereals, seeds, legumes, nuts, dried fruits, various greens, and honey. There is plenty of food, in a word. And now it’s much easier to find it than a few years ago. In fact, there are no problems at all. Even in supermarkets you can find a lot of things, not to mention markets, especially those where grandparents from nearby villages sell theirs from their gardens. Lots of online health food stores – there’s so much to choose from...

There is a stereotype that without meat there is no strength or energy, I will say from my own experience that on the contrary, there is more energy, the same is written in the article. It’s enough for doing large amounts of work, and for sports – it’s enough for everything. From getting up, say, at 7:00 until going to bed at 23:00, I am quite willing to do something, on the contrary, it is difficult to just relax and idle.

There is energy - it requires an outlet. But it wasn’t always like this, ten years ago, in!!!25-26!!! When I was five in the evening, after work, I collapsed, and there was no talk about sports or any other hobbies at all. And, again, this is not just my experience, this is the experience of many people who have changed their approach to nutrition. And how many diseases can be cured thanks to only a properly prescribed diet! And what diseases!

Of course, it's not all about nutrition. To become healthy, your overall lifestyle is important, including regular physical activity, sufficient quantity fresh air, hardening, daily routine, good rest and even positive thinking. But, I believe, you need to start with nutrition; it is from here that you can draw strength to further improve your quality of life, achieve your goals, realize your desires, and simply be happy. full life. After all, health comes first!


Lida 01/05/2016

Ramil 02/29/2016

Good article, Vadim, Thank you!
You did well that you did not specify your diet and noticed that you just have to dig, there is a lot of information and it will come, and then the person himself can come to the nutrition he needs. It is important to start, and you have noted the basic principles. I have a similar experience, but shorter, about a year, but in some ways maybe more dramatic at the beginning. True, the consequences of such nutrition are, oddly enough, identical, even greater health and energy!))

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How you want to always be in good shape, in good mood, enjoy life and please loved ones. This, in my opinion, is the main components of our health. After all, if something hurts, then our mood is not right, we don’t want to smile, and nothing makes us happy. I won't talk about any heavy and terrible diseases, but what I’ll tell you about will help everyone on the path to health.

So, step one. Our body is 80% water. And this water is vital for us. To be slim and beautiful, you need to consume 30 ml. water per kg. weight constantly. It's about only about water. Not about tea, juice, coffee and other liquids. Water cannot be replaced by anything. She's the only one who carries it great benefit to our body. Therefore, drink plenty of water. Don't let yourself dry out.

Step two. Eat right. food should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. As they say: breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper. Eat more vegetables and fruits, boiled or steamed meat, fish, avoid sausages, smoked meats, canned food. At least try to eat them less often. May your diet be healthy.

Step three. Love the walks fresh air In any weather. If you don’t always have time to walk, walk home from work, at least a few stops. This will help relieve the stress of a difficult working day and see how beautiful and diverse the world in which we live is.

Step four. Communicate more with your children. Play games with them. It is children who teach us to be cheerful and spontaneous, sincere and kind. They charge us adults positive emotions, and this is very important for health.

Step five. Read more. Read more books this year than last. Reading not only expands our knowledge, but also trains the brain, memory, and imagination. Read more interesting books. If you are not interested in a book before the 50th page, throw it away; it is not worth wasting your time and eyesight on it.

Step six. Healthy sleep. They say a woman is only as old as she looks before breakfast. Your sleep should last at least 7 hours. Give your body a rest. Alternation of sleep and wakefulness is a necessary condition for the functioning of our body. Wake up in a good mood and success in everything is guaranteed to you.

Step seven. Move. no matter how you feel, get up and go. Life is motion. Play sports. It has recently been found that exercise has a positive effect on mental capacity person. Having a mind is a sign of health.

Step eight. Smile. A smile does not leave you indifferent: a beautiful one intrigues, a modest one touches, a kind one pleases, a happy one enchants, a sincere one inspires. It is believed that smiling prolongs life. Be positive. Remember that gloomy people look much worse and live shorter lives than optimists.

Step nine. Get rid of everything that oppresses you, that is not useful for you, that is beautiful, that does not make you happy. Throw away those things that you did not need during the year. Don't clutter your living space.

Step ten. Learn to love yourself, enjoy life and feel happy! Then you will definitely be healthy!

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First of all, you need to decide on the goal. All workouts can be divided into 2 main types: cardio and strength. Cardio training develops the human cardiovascular system (hence the name), helps to become faster and more resilient. Power training- These are exercises with weight (both with your own and with weights). Thanks to them, you can lose weight, build muscles and become stronger.

One of the most effective types training today is crossfit - high-intensity training, which includes both strength exercises, and cardio.

2. What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a system physical training, developed by American Greg Glassman in 2000, which is today followed by millions of people around the world. Many of these exercises and complexes existed long before Glassman, but it was he who managed to make them so popular. As a result, today CrossFit is trademark, only for the use of which affiliated halls (now there are no more than 60 of them in Russia) pay thousands of dollars a year. Having a certificate, however, doesn’t mean anything: in different gyms, the same workouts may be called high-intensity interval training or simply functional training (as in the Lion strength and functional training center).

The main advantage of this type of training over others is that they help to comprehensively develop all the basic qualities of a person (strength, endurance, speed, agility and flexibility) and generally increase his performance.

3. What is force?

Strength is a person’s ability to overcome external resistance through muscle effort. It is divided into absolute and relative, but sometimes explosive is distinguished separately. Absolute strength is your ability to move someone else's weight (for example, lift a barbell), while relative strength is your own. Explosive force helps to push, throw, or jerk something.

4. Is functional training suitable for a person who has never played sports or gone to the gym?

Anyone can start exercising, regardless of gender, age, body weight or level of physical fitness. Each workout consists of several parts. Everyone can do warm-up and stretching; there is nothing complicated about it. But strength and cardio loads will be selected for you individually. No one will be sent to pedal for an hour on an exercise bike or squat with a heavy barbell in the first lesson.

Important difference functional training- scaling, that is, adapting loads to a specific person. Even if you do the same exercise as a whole group, some will do it with dumbbells weighing 10 kilograms, others with five-kilogram dumbbells, and you will be given the lightest ones. As your fitness level improves, so will your workload.

5. What does a functional training session look like?

Typically the training consists of 4 parts:

    Joint warm-up (dynamic flexibility exercises, i.e. various jerks and swings)- you knead all parts of the body one by one, starting from the head and ending with the feet. This rule must be followed, but exercises can be alternated from lesson to lesson so as not to get bored.

    Power training- working with weights (barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls) or your own weight (pull-ups, push-ups, etc.).

    Cardio training- exercises aimed at development of cardio-vascular system(rowing or exercise bike).

    Stretching (static flexibility exercises)- an equally important part of the lesson, which many neglect.

If warm-up and stretching are present in every task, then the second and third parts of the workout depend on your planning: on one day it can be only cardio, on another - strength training, and on the third - all together.

The Lion Strength and Functional Training Center has another important stage- study of the theory of physical education.

6. Why study the theory of physical education if you can just trust the coach?

Become strong (lose weight, gain muscle mass etc.) - does not always mean becoming healthy. And if professional trainers understand the difference between these concepts, then for ordinary people it's practically the same thing.

A person must learn to understand for himself how his body works, what, why and why he does it during training. In most halls, compared to practice, theory devotes criminally little time, holding rare seminars “for show.” At Lion's strength and functional training center, theory is a full part of training. What's happened Physical Culture what factors influence human health, how to train with maximum benefit and efficiency - every lesson begins with a discussion of these topics.

Another important point one that many people miss is training diaries. Comparing indicators and results will help you evaluate your progress (or regression) and plan wisely.

7. How to choose the right gym and what should you pay attention to first?

The quantity and quality of exercise equipment, the design and ergonomics of the gym, the general atmosphere - all this, of course, matters. But the main thing is a qualified coaching staff. Do not hesitate to ask all the questions you are interested in when meeting or for the first lesson - good coach should be able to answer any question easily. Find out his level of qualifications: it is better to choose a coach with specialized education. And pay attention to what your future mentor looks like and whether he works out in the gym himself - you shouldn’t trust your health to a person with a beer belly who leaves the gym every half hour to smoke.

Trainers teaching in affiliated CrossFit gyms must have a Level 1 certificate, which is obtained after completing a three-day seminar and passing tests. But having this certificate does not always mean that you have a highly qualified trainer.

As for exercise machines, you need to pay attention to cycling and rowing machines - the effectiveness of your exercise will depend on their brand and condition. If the weights, barbells and medicine balls in almost all gyms are the same (or differ slightly), then it is preferable to choose the Air Bike model for the exercise bike, and the Concept 2 brand for the rowing bike.

So perfect Gym is a combination of technology and the knowledge of the coaching staff in the field of physiology and physical education.

8. What will be required for classes?

The main thing is desire, as most coaches say. But of course you will need a form. There is no single answer to this question - everything is individual. It is important to choose a set (T-shirt, shorts and sneakers) in which you will be comfortable. Colors, materials, brand - these are personal preferences. But if you plan to train with weights, then it is better to buy sneakers with flat, hard soles (they are also called weights).

A water bottle, a bandage, wristbands and other little things are things that you can do without. Also, you don’t need to buy a weightlifting belt or boxing gloves - a good gym has all this by default.

9. Do I need to take any supplements, drink protein or follow a diet to achieve results?

It all depends on the goal: if you just want to learn how to do 10 pull-ups, then this is of no use to you. If your goal is to lose weight, then naturally you will have to reconsider your diet: you need to spend more calories than you consume. Those who want to gain muscle mass cannot do without protein - the main “building material”: per 1 kilogram of your weight there should be 1-2 grams of pure protein per day. As a rule, it is not easy to get such an amount with regular food - not everyone is able to eat one and a half chicken or a dozen egg whites a day - so protein shakes containing up to 30 grams of protein in one serving come to the rescue.

Whatever your goal, physical activity For normal functioning of all body systems, he needs a balanced amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, macro- and micronutrients, as well as water. But you should not completely trust the trainer in this matter; it is better to consult a qualified nutritionist (especially people with overweight), which will create a nutrition plan taking into account your body weight, your goal and the amount of physical activity.

10. When will I be able to see the results of my training?

With regular training (3-4 times a week), following all the trainer’s recommendations and proper nutrition You will be able to see the first tangible results within 6 weeks. If you don’t stop and continue to work out just as hard, then in six months you won’t have any questions when you look in the mirror, and people will start to envy your physical shape.



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