Complete biography of Adolf Hitler. Funny Jokes Stories Quotes Aphorisms Rhymes Pictures funny games

Immediately after the advent of the new thirty-third year in still free Germany, although not quite prosperous after the crisis, the Reich Chancellor was replaced. People just shrugged their shoulders and went about their business. The townsfolk could not even imagine that in just a couple of months their life would change in the most radical way, because then the future founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich came to power. At that time, almost no one knew who Hitler was, but soon the whole world started talking about him. Let's put value judgments aside and look at the factual material to understand how this man managed to do what he did.

Adolf Hitler: biography of a man who knows about the "inbreeding" in his own family

The unexpected defeat in the First World War put an end to the history of the German Empire. The Weimar Republic "on the wreckage" was weak and unviable: the people were in terrible poverty, and the economy was torn to shreds by the victorious states demanding payments. Total poverty and nationwide humiliation have become fertile ground for the growth of all kinds of radical sentiments in society. It was in this situation that one of the most reviled and hated people in the future, Adolf Hitler, loomed on the horizon. Then no one even guessed that soon the "Thousand-Year Reich", reverently built by him, would turn into almost the worst hell of human history.

In the early days of his chancellorship, Hitler did a titanic job of imposing Nazi principles and ideology on various institutions. He did everything to ensure maximum control for his party: over culture, education, economy, legislation. Trade unions were abolished, and good-natured German burghers were forced to join various nationalist organizations. By July 33, the deed was done - the only non-banned (permitted) party in Germany was the NSDAP.

The first enemy of mankind

The future ideologue of Nazism did not immediately become a monster that destroyed millions of lives of innocent people. He wrote short stories, poems and short stories quite well, and also painted good landscapes, but he never received a higher education. When the First World War broke out, he signed up as a volunteer. It was in the trenches under a hail of bullets that he became acquainted with the ideas of National Socialism and imbued them to the core. After taking office as chancellor, based on ideas of maximum authoritarianism and racial inequality, Hitler confidently abolished major freedoms and began building a new supposedly people's state.

In theory, the idea was to unite all social strata without exception, as well as regions under the leadership of a single person. It is clear that this person was supposed to be Hitler - an ideal citizen, a luminary and a demigod, adored by everyone. In fact, it turned out to be somewhat different. The Third Reich quickly became a police power in which anyone could be arrested and even executed. All members of the country's government became obedient puppets of the Fuhrer, and politics revolved only around his "priceless" figure. The outcome of such a view of the construction of the state was predetermined, as was the fate of the first enemy of mankind.

The birth and childhood of Adolf

The popular German philologist of the first half of the twentieth century, Max Gottschald, who studies proper names, believed that the surname Hitler (Hiedler or Hittlaer) comes from the German noun Waldhütler, which means "forester" or "caretaker", and is identically Hütler. The origin of the word is originally German, but it should be understood that this does not always indicate belonging to a particular nation or race.

The father of the future evil genius, Alois Hitler, was the son of an unmarried peasant woman, therefore, at birth, he received his surname from his mother - Schicklgruber. His biological father could be Johann Georg Hiedler or his brother Nepomuk Güttler. According to another version, Adolf's grandfather could have been the son of the banker Leopold Frankenberger, and this one was definitely a Jew. However, the German historian, closely involved in this family, argued that such an alignment is possible, but unlikely.

Presumably the grandfather of the future German leader, Nepomuk Güttler, was also the grandfather of Clara Pölzl, married Hitler. Alois was married three times. When the second wife ordered to live long, his relative, probably a niece, the daughter of a half-sister, helped to look after the household.

Permission for the marriage of Alois and Clara had to be requested from the Vatican, because local priests did not allow closely related ties. Adolf himself later tactfully called the marriage of his parents "intsucht" in a "botanical" manner, so as not to use the ugly word "incest", and also diligently avoided talking about his own origin.

On April 20, 1889, in the picturesque Austrian town of Braunau an der Inn, a boy was born in the Hitler family, named the beautiful name Adolf. Clara, who had lost babies before, doted on little Dolphy. However, Hitler's early years were far from joyful and cheerful. A despotic tyrant-father, who loves to give a beating to a "foolish" woman, and who slavishly and devotedly loved his mother - the boy could not even think of complaining to someone about his father's oppression.

Youth of the future dictator

Until the ninety-second year, the Hitlers lived in Braunau, but then Alois got a new place and the family, in which two more children from Clara's first marriage (Alois and Angela) lived, moved to Passau. Edmun was born here (he died at the dawn of the new century), who turned out to be inferior, and the family moved again, already to Lunts. It was here that Adolf was sent to the Fischlgame school for a year. Soon the father felt bad, so he bought a large piece of land in Gafeld and moved there, taking all the members of his large family. By this time, the Hitlers also had a daughter, Paula, whom Dolfi adored all his life.

Until the spring of 1998, Adolf went to a Catholic school at a monastery in the nearby town of Lambach an der Traun. The smart kid got exceptionally high grades, studying was easy for him. He sang with might and main in the choir and was even appointed an assistant clergyman during the Mass. Then the family moved again, and Adolf was enrolled in a school in Leonding, where he stayed until the new century.

At about the same time, in view of the unseemly value judgments of Alois, the young Hitler already looked at the church from a critical point of view. The public school in Linz, where he was subsequently sent, was not what he wanted. Here they demanded a lot, but they did not pay attention to the students themselves.

Reversal of fate: from artist to politician

In 1903, the pope died unexpectedly, and Adolf, who still loved this domestic despot, sobbed at the grave. After his death, Hitler firmly decided that the path of an official was not for him: he would become a man of art - a poet, writer or artist. Two years later, he nevertheless entered a school in Steyr, but doctors discovered a lung disease in the young man. This at once crossed out the future in the office, which the “illness” himself was incredibly happy about.

In December of the seventh year, Clara died of oncology, despite a complex and expensive operation performed the year before. Having issued an orphan's pension, Adolf left for Vienna, where he hoped to enter the Academy of Fine Arts. He tried twice, but the competition never passed. By that time, his internal anti-Semitism had already formed. He hid from military service precisely because he did not want to live in barracks with the Jews.


In the ninth or tenth year, Adolf made acquaintance with Reinhold Hanisch, who offered to sell a couple of his paintings. Things went well, Hitler began to actively draw, and then suddenly accused the "producer" of fraud. The future leader continued to trade in paintings on his own, it brought a good income, so it turned out to abandon the orphan's pension in favor of Paulina.

On August 14, the First World War broke out, and Hitler happily carried the documents to the office - he wanted to defend his homeland. In November of the same year, he already proudly bore the rank of corporal, and in December - the Iron Cross of the second degree. Adolf received many more awards, was wounded until he caught gas during an attack near La Montaigne in October 1918. He received a serious eye injury and was sent to the hospital, where he learned about the defeat and overthrow of Kaiser Ludwig III.

Some time after treatment, he spent in a psychiatric hospital, and then served in the guards of the prison camp. Hitler later returned to the army, undecided whether he wanted to be an artist, architect or politician. In June of the following year, the leadership of the Bavarian Infantry Regiment seconded him to special courses for agitators in order to conduct "education" with the soldiers who returned from the front. In September, when he came to a meeting of the German Workers' Party (DAP) in a pub, he proved himself such an excellent orator that he was immediately invited to join the organization.

Hitler's rise to power

When, by 1920, the NSDAP had become one of the most prominent parties in Bavaria, and the future famous Nazi Ernst Röhm became the leader of the stormtroopers (SA), Hitler became a prominent figure in the political field. They began to reckon with him, to listen to his opinion, but this was not enough. In November twenty-third, taking with him detachments of stormtroopers, Hitler came to the beer "Bürgerbräukeller" with a huge hall, in which a rally was just being held. There he announced the overthrow of the Berlin leadership of the country. In turn, Kar, at that time the commissioner of Bavaria, announced the dissolution of the NSDAP. Stormtroopers lined up in columns and advanced to the Ministry of Defense. Then the police began firing and dispersed the demonstrators.

For raising a rebellion, the leaders of the uprising were convicted. Hitler was given five years, but nine months later he was already released for unknown reasons. In the 26th NSDAP formed the Hitler Youth (children's and youth organization of the Nazis), and Goebbels began to slowly conquer "red Berlin" with the help of propaganda. In the thirty-second, Hitler for the first time puts forward his candidacy for the post of Reich President of the country and fails. In December of the same year, Kurt von Schleicher was appointed to the coveted position, but Adolf was no longer satisfied with this state of affairs. By the end of January 1933, Hitler gets the position he needs - becomes Chancellor of the Reich.

Then everything went like clockwork: a month after the above events, a fire broke out in the Reichstag. They accused the communists, seized the Dutchman Marinus van der Lubbe and hanged him. Later it turned out that the fire was specially planned by the Nazis to level the trust in the communists, who had good support among the people.

In 1934, the Night of the Long Knives, already carried out by the Gestapo, thundered. They spared no one: old people, children, pretty women and the same stormtroopers. More than a thousand people died "not in vain" - in the referendum on August 19, the Nazi Party won more than eighty percent of the vote. Hitler formed his own cabinet, headed by Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen.

Bloody pages of history and the Fuhrer's allies

First, unemployment was completely and irrevocably eliminated. Every citizen of Germany was involved in some cause. Hitler, the beginning of whose reign was drenched in blood, pursued an active social policy, allocated benefits and assistance to needy Germans. Sports events and holidays have become regular and almost mandatory. The people were seized by some strange hysteria of admiration for the Nazis.

In the thirty-fifth, the Nuremberg Resolutions were adopted, depriving the Gypsies and Jews of all rights and freedoms. Pogroms constantly arose, the case clearly "smelled of kerosene." The adopted “endlozung” (the law on the physical destruction of all representatives of the Jewish people) became the peak.

It only remained to begin to gradually return the lost lands. First they annexed Austria, then part of Czechoslovakia. The world community silently watched the development of events. At the beginning of the thirty-ninth, Time positioned Hitler as the man of the year, and already in March, the expansion continued: Lithuania was captured, and Poland was demanded to open a “corridor” to Prussia. In August, a non-aggression pact was signed with the USSR. The entry into Poland on September 1 was the beginning of World War II and the impetus for the Great Patriotic War. In less than a month, the Nazis dealt with the Poles, moved to Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland and France.

In the spring of 1941, Greece and Yugoslavia fell, and on June 22, fascist planes were already bombing Kyiv. This was the Fuhrer's fatal mistake. From the middle of the forty-second, Hitler's victorious march across Europe choked near Stalingrad, and by the beginning of the forty-fifth, the hostilities were completely transferred to Germany. The Berlin Pact on the creation of the so-called Berlin-Rome Axis (Achsenmächte), concluded back in the fortieth year, began to crumble before our eyes. The allies - Romania, Japan, Italy, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Finland - realized that there would be no "Thousand Year Reich" anymore, and began to resist.

Meticulous maintenance of a list of personal enemies

The mental state of the Fuhrer has always been of interest to historians and researchers, because sometimes, in addition to general atrocities, which in themselves do not fit in the head of a normal person, he did something “speaking”. For example, a “List of Hitler’s Personal Enemies” was compiled, as well as a “Search List of the USSR” (Sonderfahndungsliste UdSSR). These columns of names included people who should be immediately destroyed as soon as they fell into the hands of the Nazis.

  • Levitan.
  • Stalin-Dzhugashvili.
  • Dimitrov.
  • Kournikov.
  • Franklin Roosevelt.
  • Charles de Gaulle.
  • Winston Churchill.
  • Molotov and many others.

There were almost five and a half thousand names in the complete lists. Among them were not only politicians and managers, but also cultural figures, actors, famous doctors, scientists, athletes, special services and even ordinary people. It's like a paranoid psychosis.

Dangerous hobbies in the occult

Long before the swastika became a symbol of Nazi Germany, it was used as a symbol of the continuity of being by different peoples. Among the Slavs and the Hindus, it means an endless solar cycle, which cannot be interrupted. In Buddhism, the swastika symbolizes the unification of the basic elements that make up everything that exists: water, fire, earth and air. For the first time, Hitler saw such a sign back in an elementary Catholic school with one of the abbots, but the idea to make it a symbol of the new state does not belong to him. In the book "My Struggle", the Fuhrer writes that the youth sent in sketches, and he was already drawing up the final version.

As a result, the four-pointed swastika became the Nazi symbol, with the ends directed to the right side, rotated 45 degrees. A laconic black cross in a white circle on a red background had a sacred meaning. It meant the irreconcilable and endless destruction of non-Aryan peoples until complete extermination. In 1946, at the Nuremberg Trials, a decision was made to ban the use of such symbols. However, in 2015, Roskomnadzor softened its position somewhat - demonstrating the symbol without promoting Nazism is no longer a crime.

Adolf Hitler was a fan of mysticism and various theories of the supernatural origin of some races. Therefore, in the thirty-fifth year, a special pseudo-scientific organization "Ahnenerbe" (Ahnenerbe) was even created. Its members were engaged in all sorts of occult and ideological developments, the study of history and the search for ancient artifacts considered magical. Conducted in the "Ahnenerbe" and terrible experiments on living people and the bodies of the dead. The militants of the organization were engaged in the looting of exhibitions, museums, galleries and other cultural heritage.

Female favorite: what is Hitler known for on the "love front"

Despite the actively pursued policy of persecution of homosexuality in Germany in those years, some historians still claim that the German leader had bisexual inclinations and even experience in same-sex relationships. The famous German researcher Lothar Mahtan is sure of the Fuhrer's homosexuality, Kevin Abrams and Scott Lively in the book "Pink Swastika" fully share his opinion. However, evidence for this has never been found.

Hitler had his own view of marriage and relations with women in general: he was against marriage, because it immediately made him inaccessible to others. He preferred to remain free so that every girl in Germany and beyond could wish and dream of his "indulgence".

Mistresses, Eva Braun and offspring of the German leader

Hitler had some kind of semi-mystical influence on women. He, like a python, knew how to bewitch them, braid and fall in love with him to unconsciousness. There are cases of suicides of girls on this basis. He had many mistresses, but only the notorious Eva Braun became his only wife.

  • From a connection with Hilda Lokamp, ​​about whom little is known, a boy appeared, according to rumors - the son of Hitler. The fate of the woman herself and her offspring remains unclear.
  • Charlotte Lobjoie met Adolf in 1916 and he even painted her portrait. She was a swarthy, black-haired Frenchwoman, the daughter of a butcher, who looked like a nomadic gypsy. In the spring of the eighteenth, she gave birth to a boy, Jean-Marie Lauret-Frison, who, according to her, was the son of the Fuhrer. His son, Philip, who considers himself the Fuhrer's grandson, is now negotiating to conduct a DNA test and prove a direct relationship.
  • Sigrid, daughter of Oskar von Laffert of Damarets, born in 1916. After a fleeting connection with Hitler, she tried to hang herself on the handle of the door to her room.
  • Maria Reiter (Kubish) met Hitler in 1927 in a store where she worked as a saleswoman. In the same year, she tried to commit suicide because of her love for Adolf, but in the end she managed to get married twice.
  • Unity Valkyrie Mitford is a real hereditary aristocrat from an ancient English family, a convinced Nazi. After the declaration of war, the girl tried to shoot herself, but failed. In the fortieth year she caught meningitis and died.
  • Renata Müller was a famous film actress whose appearance thrilled the men of Germany and beyond. Met Adolf in the thirties, then became addicted to opium and alcohol. She died of an overdose of sleeping pills. It was rumored that the Nazi authorities carefully eliminated it.

A separate role in the life of the Fuhrer Hitler was occupied by his own niece Geli Raubal. She was a blooming, ruddy-cheeked and full of health girl, almost two decades younger than Adolf himself. From the twenty-fifth, until her suicide in the thirty-first, Geli lived in the apartment of the German leader. She was clearly in a privileged position: her room could not be entered, and her orders could not be disobeyed. Geli's death was a real shock for the man, he withdrew into himself, but then found peace on the chest of the daughter of opera singer Gretl Slezak and actress Leni Riefenstahl.

The daughter of a Munich teacher, Eva Braun, a natural blonde who graduated from the school of maids of honor, first saw the Fuhrer in the 29th. She was only seventeen, and he was thirty years older. Adolf looked after her reverently and selflessly, took her to the theater and cinema, gave flowers and diamonds. After Geli's death, it was Eva who became the main woman in Hitler's life. At the end of April 1945, just before the surrender of Germany, when the Soviet troops were already victoriously marching through Berlin, she died. Eva married her lover, turning into Madame Hitler. True, it was not necessary to stay in this role for long, only a day.

In order to provide the nation with reliable and loyal followers of the new generation, the Thor project was created and launched. Especially for him, several dozen young purebred German women were selected, who were supposed to give birth from the Fuhrer. In the forty-fifth, the laboratory was disbanded, and the children were distributed to the surrounding peasants and artisans. Some of them or their descendants may still walk among us today.

The last years of a bloody leader: in case of collapse

Despite his organizational talent, as well as sincere confidence in the correctness of his actions, Hitler understood that his entire harmonious plan could fail. Therefore, he built bunkers, the main of which, Wolfschanze, was located near the town of Rastenburg, in eastern Prussia. It contained gold, art and other valuables. However, most of the treasures looted by the Nazis have never been found. And the building itself did not bring anything good to its creator - it was here that he committed suicide.

For the first time, they tried to encroach on the life of the great leader of the German nation in the thirtieth year. It happened at the Kaiserhof Hotel, where an unknown person tried unsuccessfully to spray poison or acid on the Fuhrer's face. From the moment he took office as chancellor in thirty-three and until thirty-eight (five years), there were a total of sixteen assassination attempts on Adolf Hitler! They all failed.

On April 30, 1945, on the second day after marrying Eva Braun, realizing that the entry of Soviet troops into Berlin could mean only one thing, Adolf Hitler and his wife, and Goebbels with his wife and six offspring, committed suicide by swallowing ampoules of cyanide . According to another version, the leader first drank poison, and then also put a bullet in his temple for fidelity. Their bodies were taken out of the bunker, laid on the grass, doused with gasoline and burned. The Fuhrer was identified by dentures, but later the results of the identification were called into question.

In the seventieth year of the territory of the "Wolf's Lair", which had previously been under the jurisdiction of the Soviet military unit, it was decided to give Germany. The ashes of all those who rested in the graves were dug up, completely incinerated, crushed and thrown into the Biederitz River (according to other sources - into the Elbe). However, not everyone believed that the almighty Fuhrer died then. Popular legend has it that doppelgangers were killed in his stead. Adolf himself and his wife Eva were allegedly taken to Barcelona, ​​from where they went to Argentina, where they calmly lived out the rest of their days in prosperity and peace.

The most incredible facts of life

Occult researcher Dr. Greta Leiber believes that in the thirty-second year Hitler signed a real pact with the devil, as evidenced by the document she found. At the same time, Adolf's signature on paper is genuine. Regarding the signature of Satan, historians have serious doubts.

It is believed that drugs were used in the Third Reich to inspire soldiers, as well as stimulants for people of various professions. It is believed that the Fuhrer himself took oxycodone and cocaine, prescribed to him by the attending physician Theodore Gilbert Morell. This fact is confirmed by the German writer and researcher Norman Ohler.

Hitler was very fond of cartoons, especially Disney ones. He even sketched characters for fun.

Henry Ford was the only American who was mentioned by the Fuhrer in the book "My Struggle".

In 1938, Adolf Hitler was proposed as a nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. Fortunately, his subsequent steps cleared up the situation, and the issue of the award was never raised again.

Adolf Hitler is the leader of Germany, whose name will forever be associated with fascism, cruelty, war, concentration camps and other crimes against humanity. But what do we know about his personal life, mistresses and hobbies? And is everything known about the last days of his life and death? Or some pages from the life of Hitler and to this day the mystery of history?

We bring to your attention incredibly interesting facts from the biography of this fascist.

Hitler. Family

On April 20, 1889, a boy was born in an Austrian family, who was named Adolf. The boy's fifty-two-year-old father, Alois Hitler, worked as a customs officer, and his twenty-year-old mother, Clara, was a peasant woman.

Interesting fact. Adolf's father at first bore the surname Schicklgruber (his mother's surname), but then changed it to Hitler. Why? His paternal relatives had the surname Gidler, but the man changed it somewhat and began to be called Alois Hitler.

For Alois, this was the third marriage, and for Clara, of course, the first. She was a meek girl who tried to do everything to make the house comfortable, the children happy, and her husband happy. There were five children, but only Adolf and his sister Paula survived to adulthood.

Clara was afraid of her husband, however, like the children. He was a man who recognized only his opinion and his decisions, plus everything was cruel to his household, quick-tempered and liked to drink. He periodically beat and humiliated both his wife and children.

Adolf was an insecure boy who acutely felt that he was not like everyone else. And family relations only aggravated the situation, growing hatred in his soul, and soon this feeling became dominant. He transferred his hatred of his father, who was half Jewish, to this entire nation.

Adolf Hitler always tried to hide the fact that he also had Jewish blood.

Hitler. Education
As a six-year-old boy, Adolf began to study at a simple school, where all local children received primary education. But his mother, being a believing woman, really wanted her son to become a priest, so two years later she transferred Adolf to a parish school. But her dream was not destined to come true, because after some time he was expelled for inappropriate behavior, more precisely, for smoking in the garden of the monastery.

In subsequent years, Adolf Hitler changed several more schools in different cities, but nevertheless, in the end, he received a certificate of education, in which there was a five in drawing. And this is no coincidence, Adolf had a talent for drawing and he really wanted to enter the art academy.

When Hitler was 18, he went to Vienna to pursue his dream, but failed the entrance exam. Indeed, in addition to drawing, it was necessary to know other school disciplines, and Adolf was not very good with this.

Having failed the exams, the notorious Adolf blamed everyone except himself for this. He said that he was the most worthy applicant, but he was not appreciated, and all the teachers at the academy are stupid.

Soon, in the winter of 1908, his mother died of oncology, which he experienced very hard. He did not have to hope for the help of his father, his mother was gone, so Adolf was forced to survive on his own. He earned by selling his drawings, but it was very little money, which was not enough for a decent life. He began to look careless - uncut and unshaven, in dangling dirty clothes.

It is clear that the failures further embittered Adolf, who began to hate everyone even more, especially the Jews. And this despite the fact that among his friends there were Jews, and his godfather was also a representative of this nation.

But there is another version. In those years, there were many very rich Jews in Germany who headed some business or were at the head of banks. Hitler wanted to eliminate them.

It was at this time that Hitler had a dream - to make Germany a great power, of course, he should be at the head of the country.

At the end of the winter of 1914, Adolf Hitler was summoned to Austria, of which he was a citizen, where he passed a medical examination and was declared unfit for military service. But when the First World War began, he volunteered to go to the front.

Interesting fact. According to fellow soldiers, at that time Hitler had a magnificent mustache, which he shaved off on the orders of his superiors, as they prevented him from putting on a gas mask. As a result, the “Hitler mustaches” familiar to all of us remained.

Briefly about Hitler's political career
After the end of the war, Adolf Hitler focused entirely on his political career. In 1923, he staged the so-called "Beer putsch" and tried to overthrow the German government. The coup ended in failure, and Hitler was sentenced to five codes of imprisonment, but for some reason he was released nine months later.

In 1925 he changed his citizenship and became a full German citizen.

Adolf Hitler revived the Nazi Party and became its leader; Over the next year, he managed to take away all the powers of both the president and the Reichstag, and become the sole ruler of Germany.

And here Hitler was able, without hiding, to throw out all his anger. In the summer of 1934, he staged the "Night of the Long Knives" and destroyed all high-ranking Nazis, whom he considered a threat to his power. He created the Gestapo and concentration camps, into which he drove Jews, gypsies, and later prisoners of war.

All these years, Hitler collected photographs, national things and other artifacts that belonged to Jews, so that later they would become exhibits of the “Museum of the Annihilated Race”, which he wanted to organize.

He called himself a leader and wanted to become the only ruler in the world, of course, having previously captured the whole world. In this case, the Aryans would be the only worthy race that the Slavs would serve, and the rest of the peoples, especially Jews and gypsies, would be destroyed.

Let's skip the details of the monstrous massacre unleashed by Hitler (I mean the Second World War) - this is a separate story. Let me just say that seeing how the German army retreats under the onslaught of the Soviet troops and their allies, Hitler became completely uncontrollable. He frantically tried to rectify the situation and ordered to send to the front everyone who could not fight normally - the elderly, the disabled, children.

Hitler. Death

When Hitler's Berlin residence was surrounded by Soviet troops, he committed suicide. Historians have different opinions on this matter. Some believe that he drank potassium cyanide, others claim that Hitler shot himself. Together with him, his mistress, Eva Braun, did the same. But about her a little later.

Hitler allegedly bequeathed that after the murder of them and Eva, the bodies would be burned, which was allegedly done. Indeed, Soviet soldiers in one of the rooms found burnt human remains, among which was part of the jaw and a skull with a hole in the temple.

According to experts, no examinations were carried out to identify these remains. The jaw and skull were simply taken and placed in the archives of the USSR.

Against this background, a version appeared that Hitler did not commit suicide at all, but fled, taking Eve with him. They allegedly fled to Argentina, where they were seen repeatedly in the following years. They lived there for many years, and then moved to Paraguay, where Hitler died in 1964.

But what about the jaw and skull of Hitler, kept in the USSR? It turns out that Hitler's jaw was established only from the words of his personal dentist. He said it was Hitler's jaw, and everyone believed it. No other examinations, as we have already mentioned, were carried out. Although it was possible to take DNA from the Fuhrer's younger sister, Paula.

So, maybe the dentist deliberately lied, covering for his powerful client? Perhaps the Hitler couple really escaped, and the burnt bodies do not belong to them at all?

One more thing. Photos of the dead Adolf Hitler have been posted on the Internet, it turns out that he was not burned, or these pictures are fake.

There is no single answer to these questions.

* * *
Adolf Hitler is a fascist who killed millions of people during World War II. We have already talked about his childhood, studies, political career and death, now let's talk about his mistresses and hobbies, and also learn other interesting facts from his biography.

Adolf Hitler was married for only one day - Eva Braun became his wife on the eve of suicide.

Adolf Hitler had no legitimate children, because he was afraid of the birth of a handicapped child because of the marriages between close relatives practiced in his family. Therefore, he believed that it was necessary to have mistresses, and they had no right to make any demands on him.

Surprisingly, this outwardly uninteresting man was a woman's favorite. Of course, it is quite possible that the ladies did not love him, but his power and unlimited possibilities. Although people who knew Hitler said that in the presence of women whom he wanted to impress, the Fuhrer was always very gallant.

The Fuhrer had many mistresses, almost all of them were much younger than him (by twenty years) and had a magnificent bust.

In 2012, information appeared that during the First World War, Hitler had an affair with the Frenchwoman Charlotte Lobjoie, as a result of which a boy was born - the son of the Fuhrer.

Charlotte Lobjoie
Charlotte Lobjoie is the daughter of a French butcher who, at the age of eighteen, entered into a relationship with Hitler. Their relationship lasted from 1916 to 1917. The girl followed her lover to where he was going. But, having gone to his relatives, Hitler did not take Charlotte with him. He promised to return soon, but did not keep his promise.

Soon Charlotte realized that she was pregnant, and in the spring of 1918 she gave birth to a boy. She named him Jean-Marie. It was Hitler's son.

Hitler knew that Charlotte had given birth to a son. In 1940, he ordered the security service to find them and find out everything about their life. The order was carried out, but after reviewing the details, Hitler categorically refused to meet with Charlotte, and tried to take his son for himself. What disappointed him with a former passion? She turned into a slumped drinking woman.

Charlotte died in 1951. Jean-Marie knew about who his father was - Charlotte told him about it. Hitler, obviously recognizing his paternity, constantly followed the life of a young man, took care of him, but did not dare to bring him closer, fearing condemnation.

Some historians doubt that Jean-Marie is Hitler's son, citing the fact that the man was repeatedly offered to conduct an examination to prove his relationship with the Fuhrer, but he refused.

Charlotte inspired Hitler to paint a picture where she is depicted with a half-naked chest and a bright scarf on her head.

Gels Rau6al

Geli Raubal - Hitler's niece, 19 years younger. Their connection began in 1925, when Geli settled in Hitler's apartment in Munich (by the way, it had 15 rooms). The girl wanted to become a doctor, but she was not very smart, and she liked men much more than studying.

The connection continued until the very death of Geli, when in 1931 she committed suicide. The reason for the suicide was the beginning relationship between Hitler and Eva Braun. Geli knew about the new passion of the Fuhrer, and that spending all the nights with her. Geli, Hitler spent days with Eva. Once, unable to stand it, Geli threw a scandal to Hitler, but did not achieve anything. Realizing that she had lost, the girl shot herself. According to some reports, Geli Raubal was pregnant.

Geli was not monogamous, and in addition to Hitler, she had affairs with other men.

Adolf Hitler took the death of his niece very hard.

Maria Reiter
Maria Reiter met Hitler when she was 17 years old. The girl, being a minor, fell in love with Adolf and began to pursue him. She tracked him everywhere and tried to impose herself, but it ended up that Hitler, seeing her, began to hide and pretended not to know the girl. Realizing this, Maria tried to hang herself, but she was saved.

Later, Maria nevertheless achieved Hitler, and his sister Paula said that this was the only woman whom Adolf sincerely loved.

Eva Brown

Hitler met her in 1929, when Eve was only seventeen, and he was forty. She was an assistant to Hitler's personal photographer. The Fuhrer immediately liked the cheerful young beauty very much.

But at that time, Hitler had a connection with Geli. At first he tried to cope with his feelings, but this did not work out and he began to court Eva, while continuing to live with Geli. Eva knew about the existence of another woman in Hitler's life, she was worried, but still agreed to meet with him during the day and visit restaurants and cinemas, knowing that he spends all his nights with another.

When Geli passed away, Eva Braun became his mistress.

During the 15 years spent next to Hitler, Eva Braun tried to commit suicide twice. According to one version, she could not forgive him for intrigues with other ladies, according to another, she no longer had the strength to endure Hitler's mental deviations.

A reasonable question arises - why did Hitler, clearly loving Eve, marry her at the very last moment? Because Eve had Jewish blood on her mother's side. The girl's parents hid it in every possible way, even sent the girl to study at a Catholic school, where children of real Aryans were accepted. Perhaps, after years of living with Hitler, Eva herself confessed to him her roots. Then it is clear why for many years he did not marry her, and on the eve of suicide, realizing that nothing mattered anymore, they got married.

Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun got married on April 29, 1945, and the next day, according to the main version, they committed suicide.

Unity Valkyrie Mitford

Unity Valkyrie Mitford is the daughter of an English lord, an ardent supporter of Nazism. Her relationship with Hitler began in 1934, when the girl was twenty. Unity herself tried for a long time, seemingly by accident, to meet with Adolf, which she eventually managed to do - they met in a restaurant. Their relationship lasted for about a year. In 1939, she attempted suicide by shooting herself in the temple with a pistol given by Hitler. Unity survived, but died of meningitis a year later.

At one time or another, Hitler also had brief liaisons with the singer Gretl Slezak, the actress Leni Riefenthal, and Sigrid von Laffert (who tried to commit suicide).


According to experts, Hitler wrote more than three thousand works. Most of them have been destroyed, some are stored in the US archives, some have been sold at auctions. So, in 2009, 15 paintings by Hitler were sold at auction for $120,000, and in 2012 his work went for $43,500.

In total, 720 paintings by Adolf Hitler have survived to this day.

For the most part, he painted buildings and landscapes, but he did not like to portray people. Once one art historian was shown his works, but they did not reveal who their author was. The specialist said that they were written by a good artist who is absolutely indifferent to people.

Adolf Hitler never smoked himself and did not like it when others did.

He was very clean and was afraid of catching some kind of infection, especially a runny nose.

Hitler did not allow familiarity towards himself, he respected only his own opinion.

In 1933, a ground beetle was named after Hitler. The Fuhrer appreciated this and expressed gratitude.

In the Palestinian Gaza Strip, a shop is named after Hitler, which is very popular with the residents. Why? Because Adolf, like them, fiercely hated the Jews.

According to surviving medical records, Hitler took cocaine and suffered from uncontrolled bloating.

In 2008, a document was found in one of the Berlin archives, which was called "Hitler's Treaty with the Devil." It is dated April 30, 1932 and signed in blood. According to him. The devil gives Hitler unlimited power, but the latter should only do evil. In return, after thirteen years, Hitler will have to give the Devil his soul. It looks like a fairy tale, but the examination showed that the signature under the contract really belongs to Hitler. Again, it's no secret that the Fuhrer believed in the existence of Shambhala, in the end of the world, in the mysterious forces of Tibet, so why shouldn't he believe in the Devil? Then the question arises - who acted as this Devil? According to historians, it was an agent with hypnotic abilities, sent by those who benefited from the war, that is, weapons manufacturers, etc.

Adolf Hitler was a fan of Henry Ford. He gave him birthday presents every year and collected his photos.

As for Moscow, Hitler had special plans: he intended to wipe it off the face of the Earth, and to arrange a reservoir in its place.

Hitler's biggest enemy in the USSR was not Stalin, but Levitan, for whose head the Fuhrer promised a quarter of a million marks.

In 1938, Time magazine named Hitler Man of the Year, and in 1939 he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Adolf Hitler was very fond of watching Walt Disney cartoons, especially Snow White.

The name "Hitler" used to be associated with something negative in our country. No one even really knew when Hitler's birthday was. And no one would have thought to congratulate him on another date.
But there were young people who were so eager to congratulate Hitler that they even cut their hair bald. It would seem, what is Hitler's joy from this? But such questions are asked only by those who have something to ask them. The rest shave baldly so that their heads rest in the summer, ventilate in the fall, the hat sits on it better in the winter, and Hitler would be happy in the spring.
It is for such people that we publish the biography of Adolf Schicklgruber-Hitler. For the first time in Russian, by the way.

Little Gitlya was born in the territory occupied by the Germans. But that's not what made him a fascist. In the beginning, Gitli's childhood was stolen. It happened like this: Gitlya was forced to go to school, and after school to go back and go to the store on the way. But that's not what made him a fascist. Although it was very pissed off.
Then adolescence was stolen from Gitli. One beautiful girl (not Eva Braun, but prettier) did not want Gitlya to tickle her with his youthful mustache. Gitli immediately developed a cockroach complex. He became afraid of people in hard shoes with newspapers in their hands.
To overcome this complex, Gitlya went to the army. There, his youth was stolen from him, along with footcloths and a photograph of a naked woman (perhaps his mother or sister).
Hitler did not tolerate this anymore and became a fascist. In addition, he added the courageous letter “ER” to his rather flimsy name and turned from the mumble of Gitli into the Fuhrer of Hitler.
At that time there were few fascists in Germany, and Hitler easily stood out among them, beating the second German fascist and two anti-fascists. From that moment on, there were four Nazis in Germany.
Adolf suggested beautiful fascist names to his friends: Athos, Porthos, Aramis and Hitler. Everyone wanted to be Hitler, because the rest of the names seemed like some kind of frog.
But Adolf himself was already Hitler. Then he came up with nicknames for his friends: Borman, Shmorman and Otorman. They somehow agreed to Bormann, but Shmorman and Otorman were left without owners. I had to pull out the names of Goebbels and Himmler, hidden for good people.
Here Bormann was offended. If he had known that such Zykan names as Goebbels and Himmler would later be thrown out, would he have agreed to an almost Jewish Bormann? I had to take "Borman" back, and issue NZ - the sonorous name "Goering".
Finally, all procedural issues were resolved and Hitler, Goering, Himmler and Goebbels (sounds great, right?) Could go and drink beer in a Munich pub.
It was there that these four "Ge", as they were called by those around them, decided to conquer the whole world. And not with the help of smiles or some song “Yesterday”, but for real: with the help of SS divisions, Panther tanks and Messerschmidt aircraft.
When the money ran out, and the desire to drink beer still remained, the friends ordered the bartender to pour them on credit. The burry bartender refused, and an item about special camps appeared in the program of angry fascists, where such bartenders would be kept and all sorts of nasty things could be done to them. Humiliations are different there ... So that you can take and pinch the bartender by the nose or give him a crack, and if he, such a clever bastard, thinks to dodge, then burn him in the stove.
The bartender was immediately informed about this program, but for some reason he did not believe it, did not sell the bar and did not leave the country. But he had such an opportunity for another fifteen years.
No one gave the scoundrels a hat right away, and they became insolent: they took it and came to power. What did people buy? They took it and promised that the people would no longer work. The people liked it very much, but the question arose: who will work then? Goebbels came up with the answer on the go, they say, others will work. And Bormann added "peoples". Himmler clarified that they would not be conquered specifically for this today or tomorrow.
And indeed, looking ahead, let's say that the peoples of Europe conquered surprisingly quickly. They immediately began to work for the Germans and only asked them not to kill them.
But with the Russians, everything turned out more complicated. Firstly, they are very similar to the Germans - they also do not like to work. But unlike the Germans, they like to drink not beer, but vodka. And drink as much vodka as the Germans drink water in the morning after beer.
But back to Hitler. In the prime of his life, he fell in love with Eva Braun (translated: Primal Brown Woman). It must be said that Eva was not a beauty, but Hitler was not told this. And when he realized this, it was difficult to get rid of Eve. I had to poison her. Accidentally, together with Eva, Hitler poisoned a dog, himself and let water into the Berlin swastika-signed subway named after Hitler.
For some reason, everyone decided that Hitler was so upset because he lost the war. Fascists don't get upset over such trifles. And even more so, they don’t poison themselves in vain because of this. At the most: they will change their name, appearance, and go to Argentina.
No, this is a common household mistake when poisoning a wife.
In general, Hitler's life was so boring that when it ended, he only had time to say: "Halt!" and that's it. There was nothing to even remember. Only one stupid animal desire for everything to continue, for all the halt and money to be. (C)

Adolf Hitler, whose biography is full of brilliant achievements and monstrous crimes, has become an integral part of European and world history. He is one of those people who literally managed to push in a certain direction. Of course, the last statement has nothing to do with the moral side of his philosophy and activities.

Adolf Hitler: biography

Adolf Schicklgruber was born in a small town located on the border of Austria and Germany. Already at an early age, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe greatness of the German nation was laid in his head. The first significant efforts in this matter were made by the school Fuhrer, Leopold Petsch, himself an ardent supporter of Prussian nationalism and a pan-Germanist. After graduation, the young man goes to Vienna, cherishing the dream of entering the art academy of this city. Many are well aware of the story of how a young man fails his exams in 1907, after which the rector of the academy recommends that he study architecture, not fine arts. Young Adolf then returns to his native Linz, but a year later he tries his hand again and fails again. It was in the next period that Hitler, known later to the whole world, was formed. The biography of these years is filled with extreme poverty, constant vagrancy, housing under bridges and in flophouses, odd jobs and other pages from the bottom of life. But at the same time, the young man finally formed his political views during this period, in which he himself

admitted and the process of which he described in detail later in the book “My Struggle”. Speaking about the reasons for the emergence of such a violent ideology, one should definitely take into account the specifics of the Weimar period, when nationalist sentiments, ideas of anti-German conspiracies were so popular in society, and many small Judeophobic political forces were widespread. At the same time, the young man had the opportunity to observe how, under the onslaught of the Slavs and Hungarians, the Germans were losing their absolutely dominant position in Austria-Hungary. All this came together in a very, very peculiar way, and then was rethought in the head of young Adolf.

Adolf Hitler: the path to power

After the First World War, being extremely disappointed, the young corporal again returned to his odd jobs, but already in Munich. His fate here was abruptly turned by chance. By the will of fate, he was destined to be in one of the beer establishments of the city, where the local patriotic party (then called the Workers' Party of Germany) was simultaneously holding its meeting. The guy who was carried away by politics was interested in their ideas, and in 1920 he joined this still small society. And soon, thanks to his own charisma and penetrating perseverance, he became her most important person. Hitler's first attempt to come to power dates back as early as 1923. We are talking about the famous November Beer Putsch, which ended in failure. As the putschists marched through the streets of Munich, they were stopped by police forces who opened fire on the rebels. An interesting story from the memoirs of eyewitnesses is conveyed by a well-known researcher (and in a former journalist in Weimar and Nazi Germany) William Shearer: under a barrage of fire, the putschists were forced to lie down on the ground; immediately after the police stopped shooting, the leader of the party jumped up first and started to run from the scene of the collision, then got into the car and drove away. Strange, but the flight of Adolf Hitler did not affect his authority. Moreover, having coped with the first fear, he behaved very boldly on

ensuing lawsuit, which even added to his sympathy. However, for attempting a putsch, the young politician was nevertheless sent to prison in the Landsberg fortress. True, he spent less than a year there.

Adolf Hitler: political biography

And having been released at the end of 1925, he again began his struggle for power. With incendiary speeches, cunning political actions, outright blackmail of other political forces, violent reprisals against their opponents and outright deceit in Nazi propaganda, the NSDAP, after just a few years, became the most influential force in the country. And in Adolf Hitler, he forces the then President of the Republic, Paul von Hindenburg, to make himself Chancellor. From that moment on, the NSDAP is rapidly becoming the unified political force in the state, their ideology is the only true one, and Germany is immersed in

The splendor and monstrosity of the Fuhrer's largest struggle

Having come to power, the new head of state did not hide his true face for long. Inside the country, the opposition forces were quickly eliminated. The Fuhrer did not take long to prepare for foreign policy actions. Already in 1936, in violation of the Versailles agreements, he sent his troops into the demilitarized Rhineland. The obedient ignorance of this violation was only the first cowardly silence of the great powers in a long chain. This was followed by outright blackmail and the capture of first Austria, later Czechoslovakia and Poland. In 1940, the fate of the occupation also befell France. England was barely saved. To retell the further biography of Adolf Hitler in detail, perhaps, does not make sense. It is hardly possible to find a person in our country who has not heard about the German invasion of the USSR, about the first successes of Blitzkrieg and the further gradual complete loss of any adequacy by the Fuhrer, who could not come to terms with defeats - first near Moscow, then near Stalingrad, and then on all fronts. The ideologist of the Nazi party threw more and more batches of German soldiers into battle (which is often attributed to Zhukov and Stalin), laying an entire generation of Germans on the altar of his idea. However, the victorious pace of the allies completely drove the Fuhrer crazy. In the last days of his life, sick and broken, but with former fanaticism, the last thing left of the former Hitler, he declared that the German nation must perish if it could not win this war. Adolf Hitler found his death by taking poison on April 30, 1945.

23.09.2007 19:32

Childhood and youth of Adolf. World War I.

Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 (beginning in 1933 this day became the national holiday of Nazi Germany).
The father of the future Fuhrer, Alois Hitler, was first a shoemaker, then a customs officer, who until 1876 bore the surname Schicklgruber (hence the common belief that this is Hitler's real name).

He received a not too high bureaucratic rank of chief official. Mother - Clara, nee Pelzl, came from a peasant family. Hitler was born in Austria, in Braunau am Inn, in a village in a mountainous part of the country. The family often moved from place to place and finally settled in Leonding, a suburb of Linz, where they got their own house. On the headstone of Hitler's parents, the words are carved: "Alois Hitler, chief official in the customs department, landlord. His wife Clara Hitler."
Hitler was born from his father's third marriage. All of Hitler's numerous relatives of the older generation were apparently illiterate. The priests wrote down the names of these persons in parish books by ear, so there was an obvious discord: someone was called Güttler, someone was Gidler, etc., etc.
The Fuhrer's grandfather remained unknown. Alois Hitler, father of Adolf, was adopted by a certain Hitler at the request of his uncle, also Hitler, apparently his actual parent.

The adoption came after both the adopter and his wife, Maria Anna Schicklgruber, the Nazi dictator's grandmother, had long since passed away. According to some sources, the illegitimate himself was already 39, according to others - 40 years old! Perhaps it was about inheritance.
Hitler did not study well in high school, therefore he did not graduate from a real school and did not receive a matriculation certificate. His father died relatively early - in 1903. Mother sold the house in Leonding and settled in Linz. From the age of 16, the future Fuhrer lived at the expense of his mother rather freely. At one time he even studied music. In his youth, from musical and literary works, he preferred Wagner's operas, Germanic mythology and adventure novels by Karl May; adult Hitler's favorite composer was Wagner, his favorite film was King Kong. As a boy, Hitler loved cakes and picnics, long conversations after midnight, loved looking at pretty girls; in adulthood, these addictions intensified.

I slept until noon, went to theaters, especially the opera, and spent hours in coffee houses. He spent his time visiting theaters and the opera, copying Romantic paintings, reading adventure books, and walking in the woods around Linz. His mother spoiled him, and Adolf behaved like a dandy, wearing black leather gloves, a bowler hat, walking with a mahogany cane with an ivory head. He rejected all offers to find a job for himself with contempt.
At the age of 18 he went to Vienna to enter the Academy of Fine Arts there in the hope of becoming a great artist. He entered twice - once he did not pass the exam, the second time he was not even allowed to take it, and he had to earn a living by drawing postcards and advertisements. He was advised to enter the architectural institute, but for this he had to have a matriculation certificate. The years in Vienna (1907-1913) Hitler will regard as the most instructive of his life.

In the future, according to him, he only needed to add some details to the "great ideas" that he acquired there (hatred of Jews, liberal democrats and "petty-bourgeois" society). He was especially influenced by the writings of L. von Liebenfels, who argued that the future dictator should protect the Aryan race by enslaving or killing subhumans. In Vienna, he also became interested in the idea of ​​"living space" (Lebensraum) for Germany.
Hitler read everything that came to hand. Subsequently, fragmentary knowledge gleaned from popular philosophical, sociological, historical works, and most importantly, from brochures of that distant time, constituted Hitler's "philosophy".
When the money left by his mother (she died of breast cancer in 1909) and the inheritance of a wealthy aunt ended, he spent the night on park benches, then in a rooming house in Meidling. And, finally, he settled on Meldemannstrasse in the Mennerheim charitable institution, which literally means "Men's House".
All this time, Hitler was interrupted by odd jobs, hired for some temporary work (for example, he helped at construction sites, cleaned snow or brought suitcases), then he began to draw (or rather, copy) pictures that were sold first by his companion, and later by himself. He mainly drew from photographs architectural monuments in Vienna and Munich, where he moved in 1913. At the age of 25, the future Fuhrer had no family, no beloved woman, no friends, no permanent job, no life goal - there was something to despair of. The Vienna period of Hitler's life ended quite abruptly: he moved to Munich to escape military service. But the Austrian military authorities tracked down the fugitive. Hitler had to go to Salzburg, where he passed a military commission. However, he was declared unfit for military service for health reasons.

How he did it is unknown.
In Munich, Hitler still lived in poverty: on the money from the sale of watercolors and advertising.
The declassed, dissatisfied with their existence stratum of society, to which Hitler belonged, enthusiastically welcomed the First World War, believing that every loser would have a chance to become a "hero".
Having become a volunteer, Hitler spent four years in the war. He served at the headquarters of the regiment as a liaison with the rank of corporal and did not even become an officer. But he received not only a medal for the wound, but also orders. Order of the Iron Cross 2nd class, possibly 1st. Some historians believe that Hitler wore the Iron Cross 1st Class without being eligible. Others claim that he was awarded this order at the suggestion of a certain Hugo Gutmann, adjutant of the regiment commander ... a Jew, and that therefore this fact was omitted from the official biography of the Fuhrer.

Creation of the Nazi Party.

Germany lost this war. The country was engulfed in the flames of revolution. Hitler, and with him hundreds of thousands of other German losers returned home. He participated in the so-called Commission of Inquiry, which was engaged in the "cleansing" of the 2nd Infantry Regiment, identified "troublemakers" and "revolutionaries". And on June 12, 1919, he was seconded to short-term courses of "political education", which again functioned in Munich. After completing the courses, he became an agent in the service of a certain group of reactionary officers who fought against leftist elements among the soldiers and non-commissioned officers.
He compiled lists of soldiers and officers involved in the April uprising of workers and soldiers in Munich. He collected information about all kinds of dwarf organizations and parties regarding their worldview, programs and goals. And reported all this to the management.
The ruling circles of Germany were scared to death of the revolutionary movement. The people, exhausted by the war, lived incredibly hard: inflation, unemployment, devastation...

Dozens of militaristic, revanchist unions, gangs, gangs appeared in Germany - strictly secret, armed, with their own charters and mutual responsibility. On September 12, 1919, Hitler was sent to a meeting at the Sternekkerbräu beer hall, a gathering of another dwarf group that loudly called itself the German Workers' Party. The meeting discussed the pamphlet of engineer Feder. Feder's ideas about "productive" and "unproductive" capital, about the need to fight "percentage slavery", against loan offices and "general stores", spiced with chauvinism, hatred of the Treaty of Versailles, and most importantly, anti-Semitism, seemed to Hitler a completely suitable platform. He performed and was a success. And party leader Anton Drexler invited him to join the WDA. After consulting with his superiors, Hitler accepted this proposal. Hitler became a member of this party at number 55, and later at number 7 became a member of its executive committee.
Hitler, with all his oratorical fervor, rushed to win popularity for Drexler's party, at least within Munich. In the autumn of 1919, he spoke three times at crowded meetings. In February 1920, he rented the so-called front hall in the Hofbräuhaus beer hall and gathered 2,000 listeners. Convinced of his success as a party functionary, in April 1920, Hitler abandoned the spy's earnings.
Hitler's success attracted to him workers, artisans and people who did not have a permanent job, in a word, all those who made up the backbone of the party. At the end of 1920, there were already 3,000 people in the party.
With the money borrowed by the writer Eckart from General Epp, the party bought a ruined newspaper called the Völkischer Beobachter, which means "People's Observer".
In January 1921, Hitler had already filmed the Krone circus, where he performed to an audience of 6,500 people. Gradually, Hitler got rid of the founders of the party. Apparently, at the same time he renamed it the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany, abbreviated NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei).
Hitler obtained the position of the first chairman with dictatorial powers, expelling Drexler and Scharer.

Instead of collegial leadership in the party, the principle of the Fuhrer was officially introduced. In place of Schüssler, who dealt with financial and organizational issues, Hitler put his own man, a former sergeant major in his part of Aman. Naturally, Aman reported only to the Fuhrer himself.
Already in 1921, assault detachments, the SA, were created to help the party. Hermann Goering became their leader after Emil Mauris and Ulrich Klinch. Perhaps Goering was the only surviving ally of Hitler. Creating the SA, Hitler relied on the experience of paramilitary organizations that arose in Germany immediately after the end of the war. In January 1923, an imperial party congress was convened, although the party existed only in Bavaria, more precisely, in Munich. Western historians unanimously claim that the first sponsors of Hitler were ladies, the wives of wealthy Bavarian industrialists. The Fuhrer, as it were, gave a "zest" to their well-fed, but insipid life.

Hitler's Beer Putsch.

Since the autumn of 1923, power in Bavaria has actually been concentrated in the hands of a triumvirate: Carr, General Lossow and Colonel Zeisser, the police president. The triumvirate was at first hostile to the central government in Berlin. On September 26, Carr, the Bavarian prime minister, declared a state of emergency and banned 14 (!) Nazi demonstrations.
However, knowing the reactionary nature of the then masters of Bavaria and their dissatisfaction with the imperial government, Hitler continued to call on his supporters to "march on Berlin."

Hitler was a clear opponent of Bavarian separatism; not without reason, he saw his allies in the triumvirate, who could later be deceived, outwitted, preventing the separation of Bavaria.
Ernst Rehm stood at the head of the assault squads (German abbreviation SA). The leaders of the militaristic alliances came up with all sorts of plans for what to time the "campaign" or, as they called it, the "revolution". And how to force the Bavarian triumvirate to lead this "national revolution" ... And suddenly it turned out that on November 8 there was a big rally in the Bürgerbräukeller, where Carr would make a speech and where other prominent Bavarian politicians would be present, including General Lossow and Zeisser .
The hall where the rally was held was surrounded by storm troopers, and Hitler burst into it under the protection of armed thugs. Jumping up to the podium, he shouted: “The national revolution has begun. The hall is captured by six hundred military men armed with machine guns. Nobody dares to leave it. I declare the Bavarian government and the imperial government in Berlin deposed. The provisional national government has already been formed. The Reichswehr and the police will now march under swastika banners!" Hitler, leaving Goering in the hall instead, behind the scenes began to "process" Karr, Lossov ... At the same time, another associate of Hitler, Scheibner-Richter, went after Ludendorff. Finally, Hitler again ascended the podium and declared "that the "national revolution" would be carried out together with the Bavarian triumvirate.

As for the government in Berlin, he, Hitler, will head it, and General Ludendorff will command the Reichswehr. The participants in the meeting at the Bürgerbräukeller dispersed, including the energetic Lossov, who immediately sent a telegram to Seeckt. Regular units and the police were mobilized to disperse the riots. In a word, they prepared to repulse the Nazis. But Hitler, to whom his thugs flocked from everywhere, still had to move at the head of the column to the city center at 11 o'clock in the morning.
The column for cheerfulness sang and shouted out their misanthropic slogans. But on the narrow Residenzstrasse she was met by a chain of policemen. It is still unknown who fired first. After that, the shooting continued for two minutes. Scheibner-Richter fell - he was killed. Behind him is Hitler, who broke his collarbone. In total, 4 people were killed on the part of the police, and 16 on the part of the Nazis. The "rebels" fled, Hitler was pushed into a yellow car and taken away.
This is how Hitler became famous. All the German newspapers wrote about him. His portraits were placed in weekly magazines. And at that time, Hitler needed any "glory", even the most scandalous.
Two days after the unsuccessful "march on Berlin," Hitler was arrested by the police. On April 1, 1924, he and two accomplices were sentenced to five years in prison, plus the time they had already spent in prison. Ludendorff and other participants in the bloody events were generally acquitted.

The book "My Struggle" by Adolf Hitler.

The prison, or fortress, in Landsberg an der Lech, where Hitler spent a total of 13 months before and after the trial (according to the sentence for "high treason" only nine months!), Historians of Nazism are often called the Nazi "sanatorium". Everything ready, walking in the garden and receiving numerous guests and business visitors, answering letters and telegrams.

Hitler dictated the first volume of the book containing his political program, calling it "Four and a half years of struggle against lies, stupidity and cowardice." Later she came out under the name "My Struggle" (Mein Kampf), sold millions of copies and made Hitler a rich man.
Hitler offered the Germans one proven culprit, an enemy in satanic guise - a Jew. After the "liberation" from the Jews, Hitler promised the German people a great future. Moreover, immediately. Heavenly life will come on German soil. All shopkeepers will receive shops. Poor tenants will become homeowners. Losers-intellectuals - professors. Poor peasants - rich farmers. Women - beauties, their children - healthy, "the breed will improve." It was not Hitler who "invented" anti-Semitism, but it was he who planted it in Germany.

And he was far from the last to use it for his own purposes.
The main ideas of Hitler that had developed by this time were reflected in the NSDAP program (25 points), the core of which was the following requirements: 1) the restoration of the power of Germany by uniting all Germans under a single state roof; 2) the assertion of the dominance of the German Empire in Europe, mainly in the east of the continent in the Slavic lands; 3) the cleansing of the German territory from the "foreigners" that litter it, primarily Jews; 4) the elimination of the rotten parliamentary regime, its replacement by a vertical hierarchy corresponding to the German spirit, in which the will of the people is personified in a leader endowed with absolute power; 5) the liberation of the people from the dictatorship of world financial capital and the full support of small and handicraft production, the creativity of freelancers.
Adolf Hitler outlined these ideas in his autobiographical book "My Struggle".

Hitler's path to power.

Hitler left the Landsberg fortress on December 20, 1924. He had a plan of action. At first, to purge the NSDAP of "factionalists", to introduce iron discipline and the principle of "fuhrerism", that is, autocracy, then to strengthen its army - the SA, to destroy the rebellious spirit there.
Already on February 27, Hitler delivered a speech in the Bürgerbräukeller (all Western historians refer to it), where he bluntly stated: “I alone lead the Movement and personally bear responsibility for it. And I alone, again, bear responsibility for everything that happens in the Movement. ..Either the enemy will pass over our corpses, or we will pass over his..."
Accordingly, at the same time, Hitler carried out another "rotation" of personnel. However, at first, Hitler could not get rid of his most powerful rivals - Gregor Strasser and Röhm. Although pushing them into the background, he began immediately.
The "cleansing" of the party ended with the fact that Hitler created in 1926 his "party court" GONE - the investigative and arbitration committee. Its chairman, Walter Buch, until 1945 fought "sedition" in the ranks of the NSDAP.
However, at that time, Hitler's party could not count on success at all. The situation in Germany gradually stabilized. Inflation has gone down. Unemployment has decreased. Industrialists managed to modernize the German economy. The French troops left the Ruhr. The Stresemann government managed to conclude some agreements with the West.
The pinnacle of Hitler's success in that period was the first party congress in August 1927 in Nuremberg. In 1927-1928, that is, five or six years before coming to power, heading a still relatively weak party, Hitler created a "shadow government" in the NSDAP - Political Department II.

Goebbels was the head of the propaganda department since 1928. No less important "invention" of Hitler were the Gauleiters in the field, that is, the Nazi bosses in the field in individual lands. Huge Gauleiter headquarters replaced after 1933 the administrative bodies established in Weimar Germany.
In 1930-1933, there was a fierce struggle for votes in Germany. One election followed another. Pumped up with the money of the German reaction, the Nazis rushed to power with all their might. In 1933 they wanted to get her out of the hands of President Hindenburg. But for this they had to create the appearance of support for the NSDAP party by the general population. Otherwise, the post of chancellor would not have been seen by Hitler. For Hindenburg had his favorites - von Papen, Schleicher: it was with their help that it was "most convenient" for him to rule the 70 million German people.
Hitler never received an absolute majority in an election. And an important obstacle in its path was the extremely strong parties of the working class - the Social Democratic and the Communist. In 1930, the Social Democrats won 8,577,000 votes in the elections, the Communists 4,592,000, and the Nazis 6,409,000. In June 1932, the Social Democrats lost a few votes, but still received 795,000 votes, while the Communists gained new votes, gaining 5,283,000 votes. The Nazis reached their "peak" in this election: they received 13,745,000 ballots. But already in December of the same year they lost 2,000 voters. In December, the situation was as follows: the Social Democrats received 7,248,000 votes, the Communists again strengthened their positions - 5,980,000 votes, the Nazis - 1,1737,000 votes. In other words, the preponderance has always been on the side of the workers' parties. The number of ballots cast for Hitler and his party, even at the peak of their career, did not exceed 37.3 percent.

Adolf Hitler - Chancellor of Germany.

On January 30, 1933, the 86-year-old President Hindenburg appointed the head of the NSDAP, Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Germany. On the same day, superbly organized stormtroopers concentrated on their assembly points. In the evening, with torches lit, they passed by the presidential palace, in one window of which stood Hindenburg, and in the other - Hitler.

According to official figures, 25,000 people took part in the torchlight procession. It went on for several hours.
Already at the first meeting on January 30, a discussion took place of measures directed against the Communist Party of Germany. Hitler spoke on the radio the next day. "Give us four years. Our task is to fight against communism."
Hitler fully took into account the effect of surprise. He not only prevented the anti-Nazi forces from uniting and consolidating, he literally stunned them, took them by surprise and very soon defeated them completely. This was the first Nazi blitzkrieg on their own territory.
1 February - Dissolution of the Reichstag. New elections have already been scheduled for March 5. A ban on all open-air communist rallies (of course, they were not given halls).
On February 2, the president issued an order "On the Protection of the German People", a virtual ban on meetings and newspapers critical of Nazism. The tacit authorization of "preventive arrests", without appropriate legal sanctions. Dissolution of city and communal parliaments in Prussia.
February 7 - Goering's "Decree on Shooting". Police permission to use weapons. The SA, SS and the Steel Helmet are involved in helping the police. Two weeks later, the armed detachments of the SA, SS, "Steel Helmet" come under Goering's disposal as auxiliary police.
February 27 - Reichstag fire. On the night of February 28, about ten thousand communists, social democrats, people of progressive views are arrested. The Communist Party and some organizations of the Social Democrats are banned.
February 28 - order of the President "On the protection of the people and the state." In fact, the announcement of a "state of emergency" with all the ensuing consequences.

Order for the arrest of the leaders of the KKE.
At the beginning of March, Telman was arrested, the militant organization of the Social Democrats Reichsbanner (Iron Front) was banned, first in Thuringia, and by the end of the month - in all German lands.
On March 21, a presidential decree "On betrayal" is issued, directed against statements that harm the "well-being of the Reich and the reputation of the government", "emergency courts" are created. The name of the concentration camps is mentioned for the first time. Over 100 of them will be created by the end of the year.
At the end of March, a law on the death penalty is issued. Introduced the death penalty by hanging.
March 31 - the first law on the deprivation of the rights of individual lands. Dissolution of the state parliaments. (Except for the Prussian Parliament.)
April 1 - "boycott" of Jewish citizens.
April 4 - ban on free exit from the country. The introduction of special "visas".
April 7 - the second law on the deprivation of land rights. Return of all titles and orders abolished in 1919. The law on the status of "officialdom", the return of his former rights. Persons of "unreliable" and "non-Aryan origin" were excluded from the corps of "officials".
April 14 - Expulsion of 15 percent of professors from universities and other educational institutions.
April 26 - the creation of the Gestapo.
May 2 - Appointment in certain lands of "imperial governors" who were subordinate to Hitler (in most cases, former Gauleiters).
May 7 - "purge" among writers and artists.

Publication of "black lists" of "not (true) German writers". Confiscation of their books in shops and libraries. The number of banned books - 12409, banned authors - 141.
May 10 - Public burning of banned books in Berlin and other university cities.
June 21 - inclusion of the "Steel Helmet" in the SA.
June 22 - the ban of the Social Democratic Party, the arrests of the functionaries of this party who were still at large.
25 June - Introduction of Göring's control over theatrical plans in Prussia.
From June 27 to July 14 - self-dissolution of all parties not yet banned. The prohibition of the creation of new parties. The actual establishment of a one-party system. Law depriving all emigrants of German citizenship. The Hitler salute becomes mandatory for civil servants.
August 1 - renunciation of the right of pardon in Prussia. Immediate enforcement of sentences. Introduction of the guillotine.
August 25 - A list of persons deprived of citizenship is published, among them - communists, socialists, liberals, representatives of the intelligentsia.
September 1 - the opening in Nuremberg of the "Congress of the Winners", the next congress of the NSDAP.
September 22 - Law on the "imperial cultural guilds" - states of writers, artists, musicians. The actual ban on the publication, performance, exhibition of all those who are not members of the chamber.
November 12 - elections to the Reichstag under a one-party system. Referendum on Germany's withdrawal from the League of Nations.
November 24 - the law "On the detention of recidivists after they have served their sentence."

"Recidivists" means political prisoners.
December 1 - the law "on ensuring the unity of the party and the state." Personal union between party Fuhrers and major state functionaries.
December 16 - mandatory permission from the authorities to parties and trade unions (extremely powerful during the Weimar Republic), democratic institutions and rights are completely forgotten: freedom of the press, freedom of conscience, freedom of movement, freedom of strikes, meetings, demonstrations. Finally, creative freedom. From the rule of law, Germany has become a country of total lawlessness. Any citizen, on any slander, without any legal sanctions, could be put in a concentration camp and kept there forever. For a year, the "lands" (regions) in Germany, which had great rights, were completely deprived of them.
So what about the economy? Even before 1933, Hitler said: “Do you really think me so crazy that I want to destroy the German large-scale industry? headship." During the same 1933, Hitler gradually prepared himself to subjugate both industry and finance, to make them an appendage of his military-political authoritarian state.
The military plans, which he hid even from his inner circle at the first stage, the stage of the "national revolution", dictated their own laws - it was necessary to arm Germany to the teeth in the shortest possible time. And this required extremely intense and purposeful work, investment in certain industries. The creation of a complete economic "autarky" (that is, such an economic system that itself produces everything it needs for itself and consumes it itself).

As early as the first third of the 20th century, the capitalist economy was striving to establish widely branched world ties, to the division of labor, etc.
The fact remains that Hitler wanted to control the economy, and thereby gradually curtailed the rights of owners, introduced something like state capitalism.
On March 16, 1933, that is, one and a half months after coming to power, Schacht was appointed chairman of the German Reichsbank. "Own" man will now be in charge of finances, seek gigantic sums to finance the war economy. Not without reason, in 1945, Schacht sat on the dock in Nuremberg, although the department had departed before the war.
On July 15, the General Council of the German Economy is convened: 17 large industrialists, farmers, bankers, representatives of trading firms and apparatchiks of the NSDAP - issue a law on "mandatory association of enterprises" in cartels. Part of the enterprises "joins", in other words, is absorbed by larger concerns. This was followed by: Goering's "four-year plan", the creation of the super-powerful state concern Hermann Goering-Werke, the transfer of the entire economy to a military footing, and at the end of Hitler's reign, the transfer of large military orders to Himmler's department, which had millions of prisoners, and therefore , free labor force. Of course, we must not forget that the big monopolies profited immensely under Hitler - in the early years at the expense of "arized" enterprises (expropriated firms in which Jewish capital participated), and later at the expense of factories, banks, raw materials and other valuables seized from other countries .

Yet the economy was controlled and regulated by the state. And immediately failures, disproportions, a lag in light industry, etc., were discovered.
By the summer of 1934, Hitler was facing serious opposition within his party. The "old fighters" of the SA assault detachments, led by E. Rem, demanded more radical social reforms, called for a "second revolution" and insisted on the need to strengthen their role in the army. German generals opposed such radicalism and the claims of the SA to lead the army. Hitler, who needed the support of the army and himself feared the uncontrollability of the attack aircraft, spoke out against his former comrades-in-arms. Accusing Rem of plotting to assassinate the Fuhrer, he staged a bloody massacre on June 30, 1934 ("the night of long knives"), during which several hundred SA leaders, including Rem, were killed. Strasser, von Kahr, the former Chancellor General Schleicher and other figures were physically destroyed. Hitler acquired absolute power over Germany.

Soon, army officers swore allegiance not to the constitution or country, but to Hitler personally. Germany's supreme judge proclaimed that "the law and the constitution are the will of our Fuhrer." Hitler aspired not only to legal, political and social dictatorship. "Our revolution," he once stressed, "will not end until we dehumanize people."
It is known that the Nazi leader wanted to start a world war already in 1938. Prior to this, he managed to "peacefully" annex large territories to Germany. In particular, in 1935 the Saarland through a plebiscite. The plebiscite turned out to be a brilliant trick of Hitler's diplomacy and propaganda. 91 percent of the population voted in favor of "joining". Perhaps the results of the vote were falsified.
Western politicians, contrary to elementary common sense, began to give up one position after another. Already in 1935, Hitler concluded with England the notorious "Navy Agreement", which gave the Nazis the opportunity to openly create warships. In the same year, universal conscription was introduced in Germany. On March 7, 1936, Hitler ordered the occupation of the demilitarized Rhineland. The West was silent, although it could not help but see that the dictator's appetites were growing.

The Second World War.

In 1936, the Nazis intervened in the Spanish Civil War - Franco was their protege. The West was delighted with the order in Germany, sending its athletes and fans to the Olympics.

And this is after the "night of long knives" - the murders of Rem and his storm troopers, after the Leipzig trial of Dimitrov and after the adoption of the notorious Nuremberg Laws, which turned the Jewish population of Germany into pariahs!
Finally, in 1938, as part of intensive preparations for war, Hitler carried out another "rotation" - he expelled Minister of War Blomberg and Supreme Army Commander Fritsch, and also replaced professional diplomat von Neurath with Nazi Ribbentrop.
On March 11, 1938, Nazi troops entered Austria in a victorious march. The Austrian government was intimidated and demoralized. The operation to capture Austria was called "Anschluss", which means "attachment". And finally, the climax of 1938 was the capture of Czechoslovakia as a result of the Munich Agreement, that is, in fact, with the consent and approval of the then British Prime Minister Chamberlain and the French Daladier, as well as Germany's ally, fascist Italy.
In all these actions, Hitler acted not as a strategist, not as a tactician, not even as a politician, but as a player who knew that his partners in the West were ready for all sorts of concessions. He studied the weaknesses of the strong, constantly spoke to them about the world, flattered, cunning, and intimidated and suppressed those who were unsure of themselves.
On March 15, 1939, the Nazis captured Czechoslovakia and announced the creation of a so-called protectorate on the territory of Bohemia and Moravia.
On August 23, 1939, Hitler signed a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union and thereby secured a free hand in Poland.
On September 1, 1939, the German army invaded Poland, which marked the beginning of World War II. Hitler took command of the armed forces and imposed his own plan of warfare, despite the strong resistance of the army leadership, in particular, the chief of the general staff of the army, General L. Beck, who insisted that Germany did not have enough forces to defeat the allies (England and France), who declared war on Hitler. After Hitler's attack on Poland, England and France declared war on Germany. The beginning of World War II is dated September 1, 1939.

Already after the declaration of war by France and England, Hitler captured half of Poland in 18 days, utterly defeating its army. The Polish state was unable to fight one on one with the powerful German Wehrmacht. The first stage of the war in Germany was called "sitting" war, and in other countries - "strange" or even "funny". All this time Hitler remained the master of the situation. The "funny" war ended on April 9, 1940, when Nazi troops invaded Denmark and Norway. On May 10, Hitler launched a campaign to the West: the Netherlands and Belgium became his first victims. In six weeks, the Nazi Wehrmacht defeated France, defeated and pressed the British expeditionary corps to the sea. Hitler signed the truce in Marshal Foch's salon car, in the forest near Compiègne, that is, in the very place where Germany capitulated in 1918. Blitzkrieg - Hitler's dream - came true.
Western historians now admit that in the first phase of the war the Nazis scored more political than military victories.

But no army was even remotely as motorized as the German one. The gambler Hitler felt himself, as they wrote then, "the greatest generals of all times and peoples", as well as "an amazing visionary in technical and tactical respects" ... "the creator of the modern armed forces" (Jodl).
Let us remember at the same time that it was impossible to object to Hitler, that he was only allowed to be glorified and deified. The High Command of the Wehrmacht has become, in the apt expression of one researcher, the "Führer's office". The results were not long in coming: an atmosphere of super-euphoria reigned in the army.
Were there generals who openly contradicted Hitler? Of course not. Nevertheless, it is known that during the war they retired, falling out of favor, or three supreme commanders of the armies, 4 chiefs of the general staff (the fifth - Krebs - died in Berlin along with Hitler), 14 out of 18 field marshals of the ground forces, 21 out of 37 colonel generals.
Of course, no normal generals, that is, generals not in a totalitarian state, would have allowed such a terrible defeat as Germany suffered.
Hitler's main task was the conquest of "living space" in the East, the crushing of "Bolshevism" and the enslavement of "world Slavs."

The English historian Trevor-Roper convincingly showed that from 1925 until his death, Hitler did not doubt for a second that the great peoples of the Soviet Union could be turned into silent slaves, who would be controlled by German overseers, "Aryans" from the ranks of the SS. Here is what Trevor-Roper writes about this: “After the war, you often hear the words that the Russian campaign was Hitler’s big “mistake”. If he had behaved neutrally towards Russia, he would have managed to subjugate all of Europe, organize it and And England would never have been able to drive the Germans out of there.I cannot share this point of view, it comes from the fact that Hitler would not be Hitler!
For Hitler, the Russian campaign was never a spin-off military scam, a private foray into important sources of raw materials, or an impulsive move in a game of chess that looks almost a draw. The Russian campaign decided whether or not to be National Socialism. And this campaign became not only obligatory, but also urgent.
Hitler's program was translated into military language - "Plan Barbarossa" and into the language of occupation policy - "Plan Ost".
The German people, according to Hitler's theory, were humiliated by the victors in the First World War and, under the conditions that arose after the war, could not successfully develop and fulfill the mission assigned to them by history.

In order to develop the national culture and increase the sources of power, he needed to acquire additional permanent space. And since there were no free lands, they should have been taken where the population density is low and the land is used irrationally. Such an opportunity for the German nation was available only in the East, at the expense of territories inhabited by peoples less valuable in racial terms than the Germans, primarily the Slavs. The capture of a new living space in the East and the enslavement of the peoples living there were considered by Hitler as a prerequisite and starting point for the struggle for world domination.
The first major defeat of the Wehrmacht in the winter of 1941/1942 near Moscow had a strong impact on Hitler. The chain of his successive victorious campaigns of conquest was interrupted. According to Colonel-General Jodl, who during the war years communicated with Hitler more than anyone else, in December 1941 the Führer's inner confidence in the German victory disappeared, and the disaster at Stalingrad convinced him even more of the inevitability of defeat. But this could only be assumed by some features in his behavior and actions. He himself never talked about it to anyone. Ambition did not allow him to admit to the collapse of his own plans. He continued to convince everyone around him, the entire German people of the inevitable victory and demanded that they make as much effort as possible to achieve it. According to his instructions, measures were taken for the total mobilization of the economy and human resources. Disregarding reality, he ignored all the advice of specialists who went against his instructions.
The stop of the Wehrmacht in front of Moscow in December 1941 and the counteroffensive that followed caused confusion among many German generals. Hitler ordered to stubbornly defend each line and not to retreat from their positions without orders from above. This decision saved the German army from collapse, but it also had its downside. It assured Hitler of his own military genius, of his superiority over the generals. Now he believed that by taking over the direct leadership of military operations on the Eastern Front instead of the retired Brauchitsch, he would be able to achieve victory over Russia as early as 1942. But the crushing defeat at Stalingrad, which became the most sensitive for the Germans in World War II, stunned the Fuhrer.
Since 1943, all of Hitler's activities were in fact limited to current military problems. He no longer made far-reaching political decisions.

Almost all the time he was at his headquarters, surrounded only by the closest military advisers. Hitler nevertheless spoke to the people, although he showed less interest in their position and moods.
Unlike other tyrants and conquerors, Hitler committed crimes not only for political and military reasons, but for personal reasons. Hitler's victims numbered in the millions. At his direction, a whole system of extermination was created, a kind of conveyor for killing people, eliminating and disposing of their remains. He was guilty of the mass extermination of people on ethnic, racial, social and other grounds, which is qualified by lawyers as a crime against humanity.
Many of Hitler's crimes were not related to the protection of the national interests of Germany and the German people, were not caused by military necessity. On the contrary, to some extent they even undermined the military power of Germany. So, for example, to carry out massacres in the death camps created by the Nazis, Hitler kept tens of thousands of SS men in the rear. Of these, it was possible to create more than one division and thereby strengthen the troops of the army in the field. Transporting millions of prisoners to the death camps required an enormous amount of rail and other transport, and it could be used for military purposes.
In the summer of 1944, he considered it possible, steadfastly holding positions on the Soviet-German front, to thwart the invasion of Europe that was being prepared by the Western Allies, and then use the situation favorable for Germany to reach an agreement with them. But this plan was not destined to be realized. The Germans failed to throw into the sea the Anglo-American troops that had landed in Normandy. They managed to hold the captured bridgehead, concentrate huge forces there and, after careful preparation, break through the front of the German defense. The Wehrmacht did not hold its positions in the east either. A particularly major catastrophe occurred in the central sector of the Eastern Front, where the German Army Group Center was completely defeated, and Soviet troops began to move menacingly quickly towards the German borders.

Hitler's last year.

The failed assassination attempt on Hitler on July 20, 1944, committed by a group of opposition-minded German officers, was used by the Fuhrer as a pretext for an all-encompassing mobilization of human and material resources to continue the war. By the autumn of 1944, Hitler managed to stabilize the front, which had begun to fall apart in the east and west, restore many defeated formations and form a number of new ones. He again thinks about how to cause a crisis in his opponents. In the West, he thought, it would be easier to do this. The idea that came to him was embodied in the plan of the German performance in the Ardennes.
From a military point of view, this offensive was a gamble. It could not inflict significant damage on the military power of the Western allies, much less cause a turning point in the war. But Hitler was primarily interested in political results.

He wanted to show the leaders of the United States and Britain that he still had enough strength to continue the war, and now he decided to shift the main efforts from east to west, which meant weakening resistance in the east and raising the danger of Germany being occupied by Soviet troops. By an unexpected display of German military power on the Western Front, with a simultaneous display of readiness to accept defeat in the East, Hitler hoped to arouse fear among the Western powers about the possible transformation of all of Germany into a Bolshevik bastion in the center of Europe. Hitler also hoped to force them to start separate negotiations with the existing regime in Germany, to make a certain compromise with him. He believed that Western democracies would prefer Nazi Germany over communist Germany.
However, all these calculations were not justified. The Western Allies, although experiencing some shock from the unexpected German offensive, did not want to have anything to do with Hitler and the regime he led. They continued to work closely with the Soviet Union, which helped them get out of the crisis caused by the Wehrmacht's Ardennes operation by launching an offensive ahead of schedule from the Vistula line.
By the middle of spring 1945, Hitler no longer had any hope for a miracle. On April 22, 1945, he decided not to leave the capital, stay in his bunker and commit suicide. The fate of the German people no longer interested him.

The Germans, Hitler believed, turned out to be unworthy of such a "brilliant leader" as he, therefore they had to die and give way to stronger and more viable peoples. In the last days of April, Hitler was concerned only with the question of his own fate. He feared the judgment of the peoples for the crimes committed. He was horrified by the news of the execution of Mussolini along with his mistress and the mockery of their corpses in Milan. This end terrified him. Hitler was in an underground bunker in Berlin, refusing to leave it: he did not go either to the front or to inspect German cities destroyed by Allied aircraft. On April 15, Eva Braun, his mistress for over 12 years, joined Hitler. At the time when he was going to power, this connection was not advertised, but as the end approached, he allowed Eva Braun to appear with him in public. In the early morning of April 29, they were married.
Having dictated a political testament in which the future leaders of Germany called for a merciless fight against the "poisoners of all peoples - international Jewry", Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945, and their corpses, on Hitler's orders, were burned in the garden of the Reich Chancellery, next to the bunker where the Fuhrer spent the last months of his life. :: Multimedia

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