What foods contain vitamin f? Vitamin F (linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids)

Vitamin F is a complex that includes unsaturated fatty acid, in particular linoleic, arachidonic (both Omega-6 fatty acids) and linolenic (Omega-3). In addition, the vitamin contains docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids.

Vitamin F belongs to the group fat-soluble vitamins. It enters the body through food, as well as through the skin, as part of ointments and creams with vitamin F.

Vitamin F and its functions in the body

In the body, polyunsaturated fatty acids accumulate mainly in the kidneys, heart, brain, blood, liver, and muscles. After absorption through the intestinal wall, the vitamin is delivered to the above-mentioned organs, where it performs its functions:

  • Takes part in the synthesis of fats produced in the body;
  • Participates in cholesterol metabolism;
  • It is one of the elements that has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Takes part in spermatogenesis;
  • Participates in the synthesis of prostaglandins;
  • Provides work immune system body;
  • Affects the speed of wound healing;
  • Along with vitamin D, it promotes the deposition of phosphorus and calcium in bones.

Being structural element cell membranes, vitamin F is involved in protecting the cell from pathogenic environmental influences, preventing its transformation into cancer.

One of the components of the vitamin - linolenic acid - takes part in the formation of elements that reduce blood clotting, prevent platelets from sticking together and normalizes blood pressure, which reduces the likelihood of stroke and heart attack.

Having the ability to relieve pain, swelling and improve lymph flow, vitamin F plays a significant role in eliminating inflammatory processes in the body.

The vitamin is known to be effective in combating the development of atherosclerosis. This ability is associated with the properties of unsaturated fatty acids to influence the normalization fat metabolism and accelerate the removal of excess cholesterol from the body.

The use of vitamin F cream can significantly improve appearance skin and hair, since the vitamin is an excellent nutritional element.

The main sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids include vegetable oils: soybean, flaxseed, corn, sunflower, nut, olive and a number of others, as well as animal fat.

In addition, vitamin F content is high in foods in the following categories:

  • Salmon, herring, mackerel and other types of sea fish;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Sunflower seeds, peanuts, walnuts, almonds;
  • Legumes, soybeans;
  • Avocado;
  • Black currant;
  • Oatmeal;
  • Sprouted grains.

Lack of vitamin F in the body

Vitamin F deficiency is dangerous for the body, so it is important to prevent its development. You should pay attention to the first signs of its deficiency:

  • The appearance of various inflammations;
  • The occurrence of allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, itching, lacrimation, runny nose;
  • The appearance of a blockage sebaceous glands on the skin (pores), as a result – the occurrence of pimples and blackheads;
  • Dry skin.

The danger of a lack of vitamin F is that the functioning of the cardiovascular system and kidneys is disrupted. Long-term vitamin deficiency increases the risk of heart attack, atherosclerosis, and stroke.

Vitamin deficiency in children is expressed in the absence of normal weight gain, low growth rate, and the appearance of peeling on the skin.

The condition of the skin and hair also noticeably deteriorates: dryness and unkempt appearance appear.

Excess Vitamin F

Taking vitamin F is also dangerous large doses, which, however, is much less common. Excessive consumption unsaturated fatty acids, in particular linoleic and linolenic acids, leads to allergic reactions, stomach pain and heartburn. Long-term overdose can cause bleeding, because blood viscosity decreases noticeably.

Daily value of vitamin F

The unsaturated fatty acids that make up the vitamin are not reproduced by the body, so it is important to ensure that required quantity entered the body daily. Despite the fact that there are no clear dosage recommendations, many countries have adopted a norm of 1% of daily requirement body in calories (which differs depending on age, weight, gender and other indicators). So, the average figure is 1000 mg of vitamin F. This amount of substance contains approximately 30 g of vegetable oil (which corresponds to two tablespoons). However, persons with increased level cholesterol in the blood, as well as those who suffer overweight body, it is recommended to increase the dosage 10 times.

Also, the daily dose of vitamin F can be increased during intense physical activity. During speed-strength training, you should consume at least 5-6 g of unsaturated fatty acids on training days and 7-8 g during competition periods. For activities aimed at developing body endurance, the dosage is increased to 7-9 g per day on training days and to 10-12 g on competition days.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that the composition of the food consumed directly affects the absorption of vitamin F. In particular, it decreases in proportion to the amount of carbohydrates consumed. The fact is that carbohydrates are a kind of sponge that absorbs vitamin F in the intestines.

How to store foods containing vitamin F

When storing products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, it should be borne in mind that the complex is very sensitive to high temperatures. This also applies to the production method: when buying oil, it is important to choose something that was obtained by cold pressing.

Sunlight is also detrimental to vitamin F in foods. Oils should be stored in a dark place with low temperature.

Vitamin F and other substances

It is believed that vitamins E, B6, as well as ascorbic acid contribute to the retention of a complex of unsaturated fatty acids in the body.

The stability of fatty acids is ensured by zinc ions.

Vitamin F helps absorb vitamins D, A, E, B.

  • Vitamin F is a lipid compound that contains essential fatty acids. They are necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and maintaining the beauty of our skin. Useful element not only eliminates signs of vitamin deficiency in the body, but is also able to restore hormonal background person. Vitamin F is destroyed upon contact with air, when high temperatures and on sunlight, therefore it is important to pay Special attention storage of products containing useful elements.

    Effect of vitamin F on the body

    Doctors prescribe medications containing this microelement for the treatment and prevention of diseases of various systems.

    Let's take a closer look at why vitamin F is useful and why it is needed:

    • Restoration of the cardiovascular system . The secret of the substance is in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and have preventive effect against atherosclerosis. The vitamin contains prostaglandins, they normalize blood pressure and treat hypertension. The microelement also thins the blood and resolves existing blood clots.
    • Vitamin F has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic and anti-edematous properties . People who have difficulty with the flow of blood from certain organs or have varicose veins veins, it is strictly recommended to drink lipid preparations to restore blood microcirculation and eliminate stagnation. With regular use of the product, swelling and pain are significantly reduced.
    • Treatment of the musculoskeletal system . If you experience symptoms such as crunching in the joints, poor mobility of the limbs, numbness, pain and swelling of the joints, deformation of the toes and hands, you should immediately consult a specialist and undergo an examination. Often, a lack of vitamin F leads to such symptoms.
    • Weight normalization . Many women and men have noticed that in order to lose weight, you need to work out hard. gym and constantly stick to diets. However, the weight immediately returns as soon as you stop the diet and stop exercising. physical activity. The problem is that the body does not work correctly and the metabolism is disrupted. Vitamin F helps restore correct work intestines and promotes the production of hormones that are responsible for fat burning.
    • Tone and energy. Many trainers note that during intense training, bodybuilders and athletes need to take polyunsaturated fatty acids, as they restore muscle tone and help build muscle mass.
    • Positive impact on reproductive function . The microelement improves the composition and quantity of seminal fluid in men, eliminates inflammatory processes, restores reproductive function in both sexes.
    • Boosting immunity . Due to the fact that the vitamin helps others absorb vital important microelements, this substance becomes an indispensable tool to maintain the vital forces of the body.
    • Maintaining youthful skin . The vitamin promotes tissue regeneration and protects skin from premature aging. All cosmetic preparations with a lifting effect contain this substance.

    According to doctors, patients who regularly undergo preventive treatment with this vitamin suffer from infectious and colds several times less.

    Where is vitamin F found?

    The daily requirement for the vitamin is on average 1000 mg. For athletes and people whose activities involve increased physical activity, it is recommended to increase the dosage and take up to 6 grams per day. Important feature element is that the vitamin is absorbed from protein foods, and carbohydrate compounds slow down the process of absorption of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

    Let's take a closer look at which foods contain the vitamin:

    • wheat oil;
    • flax seed extract ;
    • sunflower oil ;
    • soybeans;
    • nuts;
    • sunflower seeds ;
    • dried fruits;
    • black currant ;
    • rolled oats porridge ;
    • rice;
    • corn;
    • sea ​​fish and seafood .

    When choosing healthy oil When dressing salads, you should remember that omega-3, 6 and 9 are preserved only in cold-pressed oils; the product must be unrefined.

    Signs of Deficiency

    A lack of vitamin can lead to the following unpleasant symptoms:

    • dryness and premature aging of the skin ;
    • allergic rashes ;
    • decreased immunity ;
    • eczema and acne ;
    • hair loss, split ends ;
    • brittle nails;
    • the appearance of cracks in the skin ;
    • seborrhea;
    • thrombophlebitis;
    • phlebeurysm ;
    • joint diseases ;
    • deterioration of memory and brain function .

    Foods High in Vitamin F

    Usually, with the symptoms listed above, nutritionists prohibit the consumption of spicy, fried and fatty foods. Such products irritate the walls of the stomach, are not completely digested, cause rotting and the formation of inflammatory lesions on the walls of the stomach and intestines. This leads to the appearance of diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcers and problems with the functioning of the genitourinary system.

    To avoid negative consequences you should strictly adhere to the diet. To treat skin diseases, intestinal diseases, the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits, limit the consumption of flour and confectionery. Sugar can be eliminated completely, since it does nothing but harm the body. White bread It is also recommended to exclude it, as it sticks to the intestinal walls and pollutes the body.

    Dishes that suit everyone:

    • baked mackerel with sour cream ;
    • seafood salad dressed with flaxseed oil ;
    • fish soup or fish soup ;
    • dried fruits compote ;
    • desserts based on nuts, black currants and cottage cheese .

    If you can't live without sweets, nutritionists recommend baking banana pie without added sugar. For improvement taste qualities You can add nuts, raisins and flax seeds. The latter are sold in any pharmacy and taste like sesame. You can safely use them for baking or mix with.

    Face masks

    Vitamin F for the face is an essential element in cosmetics to maintain beauty. There are many recipes based on polyunsaturated fatty acids to maintain youthful skin.

    Here are some:

    • Mask with olive oil and yolk . To prepare the mixture, break one egg, separate the white from the yolk. Mix the yolk with honey and olive oil in equal proportions. Apply the mask to your face and leave for 20 minutes. After time has passed, wash off warm water. This recipe enriches the skin useful substances, regenerates tissue and promotes the healing of microcracks.
    • To eliminate fine wrinkles you can use the following recipe. Mix grated lettuce leaves with one drop lemon juice, add vegetable oil. Regular masks will protect your skin from negative impacts environment.
    • For elimination age spots it is useful to use a mixture with homemade cottage cheese and sunflower oil. Whitening properties fermented milk products even out skin tone, and vegetable oil nourishes tissues and prevents them from drying out.

    Vitamin F for the skin stimulates the natural production of collagen, preserves the youthfulness of the face for a long time, and also has an antioxidant effect and removes toxic substances. Be attentive to your health and provide your body with timely assistance in a fight against time.

    Nowadays, everyone is aware that nature has endowed humans with vital elements – vitamins. Many people know that valuable compounds belong to certain groups, each of which is responsible for normalizing the functioning of certain internal organs. However, when faced with the term “vitamin F,” people usually shrug their shoulders in bewilderment. In order to understand why it is useful, it is enough to delve a little into the theory.

    What is “vitamin F”?

    The name “vitamin F” refers to a combination of fat-soluble substances. These include acids such as:

    • linoleic;
    • arachidonic;
    • linolenic;
    • docosahexaenoic acid;
    • Eicosapentaenoic.

    It is known that these elements are not synthesized by the human body. In addition, many may be interested in how polyunsaturated fatty acids can be part of a vitamin. To answer this question, it is enough to look at its discovery history.

    When did you open it?

    For the first time, people started talking about unknown substances, then combined into the vitamin F group, in 1923. At that time, scientists discovered two families of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which were already classified as fats in 1930. However, given the fact that they still needed a name that would characterize them both from a biochemical point of view and from a pharmacological one. Scientists also noticed that these substances have both paravitamin and parahormonal effects. For this reason, the name “vitamin F” still refers to polyunsaturated fatty acids.

    How is it useful?

    The beneficial effects of vitamin compounds on the body of adults and children are:

    • normalization of the process of absorption of fat cells;
    • reducing the amount of cholesterol deposits;
    • reducing the risk of unwanted deposits in blood vessels;
    • strengthening the hematopoietic system;
    • accelerating the process of burning extra pounds;
    • improvement of the skin of the face and the whole body;
    • normalization of reproductive function;
    • eliminating foci of inflammation;
    • strengthening bone tissue;
    • supply of additional energy to muscle and muscular tissues;
    • providing anti-allergenic effects;
    • preventing the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, osteochondrosis, diabetes, and cancer.

    It is also known that this group of acids is indispensable for nursing women. It is widely used in cosmetology. Women who want to “throw off” a few years are recommended to use masks with oil bases. They are useful not only for facial skin, but also for hair. Moreover, their quality should be oils obtained from plants. These include:

    • olive;
    • peach;
    • corn;
    • sunflower.

    Men need to enrich their body with vitamin F every day, as it has a beneficial effect on erectile function, promotes the formation of mobile, healthy sperm. Biological role elements are also important for children, as they contribute to normal physical and mental development fragile organisms.

    Daily requirement

    The daily requirement of a vitamin for a person is determined by its age category, occupation, gender. Need human body in fats is presented in the table.

    In order to understand whether an additional source is needed valuable substances, just listen to your own body. In addition, do not forget that daily norm vitamin levels increase almost 10 times for people suffering from the following diseases:

    • obesity;
    • atherosclerosis;
    • cholecystitis;
    • dermatitis;
    • prostatitis.

    Also, the need for valuable substances increases in people who have recently undergone an internal organ transplant.

    How is vitamin F deficiency expressed?

    Lack of nutritional acids manifests itself in:

    • the occurrence of skin diseases;
    • development of allergic reactions;
    • deterioration of the structure of curls;
    • increased fragility of nail plates;
    • increased cholesterol deposits;
    • cracks that appear in the anus;
    • the occurrence of seborrhea.

    In children, the lack of a component is indicated by the following: symptomatic manifestations, How:

    • urinary disorders;
    • increased irritability;
    • moodiness;
    • skin infections;
    • increased fluid intake, in particular water;
    • dyspeptic disorders (diarrhea);
    • growth slowdown.

    If you have these symptoms in adults and children, you should immediately consult a doctor. May be required liquid vitamin in capsules or preparations, where it is one of the main components.

    What are the dangers of excess substances?

    Hypervitaminosis F is extremely rare. It is usually talked about in the presence of conditions such as:

    • frequent bleeding (for example, coming from the nose);
    • an allergy that has developed into an asthmatic disease of the respiratory tract;
    • obesity;
    • arthritis.

    As you can see, a thoughtless adjustment of the diet or intake synthetic products containing the substance in the composition may lead to serious complications. That is why it is extremely important to consult a doctor before taking any steps to enrich the body with nutritional components.

    Natural sources of acids

    The most vitamin F is found in oils such as:

    • corn;
    • sunflower;
    • linen;
    • nutty;
    • soy;
    • peanut.

    Sufficient amounts of vitamin compounds include fish fat. It is also found in products such as:

    • rice that has not undergone a cleaning procedure;
    • black currant;
    • avocado;
    • cereals;
    • fruits that have undergone a drying procedure.

    You should not pass by sea varieties of fish. Many valuable acids are contained in:

    • herring;
    • trout;
    • salmon;
    • tuna;
    • sardines.

    Enriching your diet with these products will allow a person to forget about vitamin F deficiency. However, there are times when correcting it is not enough. Then it is better to consult a doctor and purchase drugs containing it at the pharmacy.

    How to store?

    It is known that vitamin group easy to influence high temperatures, or more simply put, it is destroyed when heat treatment. For this reason, when choosing oils, you should give preference to those that have been cold pressed. In addition, to preserve vitamin F in foods, it is important not to store them in direct sunlight.

    Pharmaceutical preparations containing vitamin F

    Among pharmaceutical complexes containing the described substance, the best are:

    • "Essentiale";
    • "Linetol";
    • "Vitamin F99";
    • "Lipostabil".

    The main indication for the use of these drugs is the lack of vitamin substances in the human body. In addition, with the help of a specialist, you can choose multivitamins like “,” which also contain nutritional compounds. It's important not to organize independent use these products, since they all have contraindications and side effects.

    How does the substance work with other vitamins?

    When starting to enrich the body with vitamin compounds, a person should know some facts about them. For example:

    • vitamins E, B6, C contribute to the retention of vitamin F in the body;
    • zinc ions take care of the stability of the nutritional component;
    • Vitamin F improves the absorption of vitamins A, B, E, D.

    Vitamin F is really necessary for the human body for the reason that it normalizes the course of many processes associated with the activity of internal organs and their systems. Do not underestimate the state of hypovitaminosis F, as well as the state of hypervitaminosis. Compliance only proper diet nutrition, timely observation by specialists will allow a person not to worry about the lack of certain valuable substances in his body.

    Vitamin F is an unsaturated fatty acid that our body does not produce on its own. This substance is considered an anticholesterol and is found in certain products. Pharmacology identifies it in a separate group and calls it biological active means, which has parahormonal and paravitamin properties. Research conducted by scientists did not immediately provide an answer regarding the functions of vitamin F, which is why this substance was discovered a little later than other vitamins.

    Importance for the body

    The vitamin is recognized as essential for the human body. It helps get rid of waste and toxins, as a result of which not only improves general health, but also the condition of our skin. Doctors say that the appearance acne and others dermatological problems directly related to the deficiency of this substance. That is, when the body is not able to cope with an excess of harmful elements, it begins to “throw out” them through the skin. Vitamin F helps relieve inflammation, relieves hyperemia and pain syndrome. It eliminates swelling and promotes timely blood flow from inflamed organs.

    In addition, the influence of vitamin F has a positive effect on cholesterol metabolism - this biologically active compound normalizes the blood formula and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Thanks to this substance, the immune system is strengthened, and when combined with vitamin D, the condition improves. bone tissue. The wounds begin to heal, and cell regeneration occurs much faster.

    Vitamin F helps in the process of fat synthesis and spermatogenesis. By nourishing the tissues of our body, it prevents diseases such as arthritis, radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

    Vitamin F is incredibly beneficial for our skin, hair and nails. It stimulates metabolic processes, What in a positive way affects the condition of the integument. Moreover, thanks to him:

    • melanin production returns to normal;
    • skin pigmentation improves;
    • there is a strengthening hair follicles, and the curls themselves become elastic;
    • the nail plate receives additional nutrition, brittleness goes away and delamination is prevented.

    How is it absorbed?

    Getting into small intestine, vitamin F is absorbed. Afterwards, the acids obtained with its help are supplied to all organs and systems. Cells use substances to further construct lipids. With an optimal amount of linoleic acid, which is part of vitamin F, other polyunsaturated acids are synthesized.

    However, you should pay attention to the fact that with an excess of carbohydrates in the diet, the need for this biologically active compound rapidly increases. The accumulation of vitamin F occurs both in the blood and in the muscles, and in internal organs. An adult needs about 1000 mg of this substance per day, which is approximately 25 g of vegetable oil.

    To enhance the effect of vitamin F, it should be consumed together with sources of zinc, ascorbic acid and B6. It is also advisable to include foods rich in antioxidants in your diet. This condition must be observed due to the fact that vitamin F is characterized by sensitivity to light, resulting in the formation free radicals. The same thing happens when it is heated and in contact with oxygen.

    Substance deficiency: symptoms

    Vitamin F deficiency is most often observed in childhood, which is associated with the presence infectious diseases, work disruptions digestive tract(in particular, poor absorption), and with insufficient quantity sources of this substance in the diet. Symptoms in this case may be as follows:

    • weight loss;
    • the skin begins to peel off;
    • the epidermis thickens;
    • unformed stool is noted - often liquid;
    • growth retardation occurs;
    • Fluid intake increases as urination frequency decreases.

    With a deficiency in adults, reproductive function is suppressed, and heart and vascular diseases develop. Skin, hair and nails suffer, and eczema may develop. Indications for the use of sources of this substance are allergic and autoimmune diseases, diabetes and lipid metabolism disorders.

    Excess substance: symptoms

    Vitamin F is not toxic, but an overdose may cause weight gain. This substance reduces the thickness of the blood; its abuse can lead to bleeding.

    They will tell you about excess vitamin F in the body:

    • stomach pain;
    • frequent heartburn;
    • an allergy that manifests itself in the form of a rash.

    In addition, if an overdose occurs polyunsaturated acids Omega-6, then this will disrupt normal work Omega-3 acids, which can provoke the development of arthritis and even asthma.

    Food sources

    Any nutritionist will tell you which foods contain vitamin F. First on this list is fresh vegetable oil, and not necessarily olive oil. It can be sunflower, flax, corn, peanut, wheat and soybeans. And remember, there are more polyunsaturated acids in the product for which the raw materials were grown in the northern regions.

    Of particular benefit will be those oils in which the smell has been preserved, that is, those that have not undergone filtration or treatment with dry hot steam. Those. These are first cold pressed products. Vitamin F in large quantities found in rapeseed linseed oils, and they are the ones that have the most beneficial effect on our skin. But peanut and soy, although they are rich in composition, contain much less vitamin F.

    Besides, natural sources substances are nuts and almonds. You should also include corn and oatmeal in your diet. Avocado and brown rice will help fill the deficit.

    Consuming 18 pecans per day or 12 small spoons sunflower seeds, you will provide your body with the optimal amount of vitamin F.

    Some people know well about vitamins A, C, D, B vitamins and some others. Vitamin F is much less known, although it plays a role important role For normal development and the functioning of a number of body systems.

    Vitamin F: benefits for the body

    Vitamin F was discovered in 1928. It is a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and its name itself comes from English word"fat", which means "fat". Vitamin F is not synthesized in the body; a person can only obtain it from the outside, with food and multivitamin complexes.

    What are the beneficial properties of vitamin F

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids included in this vitamin complex(linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic), have an anti-inflammatory effect, help well in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, effectively cure some skin diseases. They strengthen the hair roots, protect the skin from solar ultraviolet radiation, and promote the healing of wounds and ulcers.

    Vitamin F strengthens cell membranes, retains moisture in the skin, thereby ensuring its firmness and elasticity and fighting wrinkles. Therefore, it is widely used in various moisturizing creams and healing masks for skin. In addition, vitamin F helps get rid of cellulite. Cocoa powder is very rich in this vitamin, which is part of the mass for the so-called chocolate wrap, which makes the skin smoother.

    Therefore, vitamin F is often informally called the “vitamin of youth.” After all, with its help, skin and hair look very good and beautiful!

    Vitamin F not only helps normalize fat metabolism, but also directly affects fat synthesis.

    Vitamin F plays an extremely important role in maintaining normal performance nervous system. The fact is that it stimulates the synthesis of prostaglandins - substances that directly affect the processes of excitation and inhibition.

    Through prostaglandins, vitamin F supports the entire nervous system, because these substances are mediators in various reactions of excitation and inhibition of muscles and nerve centers.

    It promotes the production breast milk in nursing mothers. In addition, vitamin F improves the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skeletal system.

    Very important property Vitamin F – the ability to convert cholesterol into a soluble form, thereby preventing its accumulation in the body. And this prevents many cardiovascular diseases. This vitamin protects cells from harmful substances, thereby preventing the development of cancer.

    Due to the fact that the indigenous people of the North include in their diet a lot of fish rich in unsaturated fatty acids, they, despite the harsh living conditions, rarely suffer from heart and vascular diseases

    In addition, vitamin F has a beneficial effect on reproductive function. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are necessary for spermatogenesis. With their deficiency, sperm production noticeably decreases, and the germ cells themselves become of less quality.

    Vitamin F will also help a person alleviate allergies, as it contains prostaglandins that prevent the release of histamine. The vitamin relieves swelling, promotes contraction of small bronchi, and improves blood flow.

    This vitamin helps strengthen the immune system. Since it reduces histamine levels, it helps fight a number of diseases (including allergic reactions). Together with vitamin D, this vitamin is involved in the process of calcium deposition in bone tissue.

    The listed list of benefits of vitamin F is far from complete, but one can easily conclude how useful and necessary it is for the human body. This is why it is so important to consume foods rich in this organic compound every day.

    What foods contain a lot of vitamin F, and what can lead to its deficiency?

    You will need:

    • sea ​​fish
    • nuts
    • sunflower seeds
    • vegetable oil
    • cocoa
    • multivitamin complexes


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