According to the classical concept, it has internal and external movement. Rapid points

First mention: canon "Ling Shu".

Classification: point-river (Metal) of the foot tai-yin channel of the spleen.

Name:“shan” is one of the “five sounds” of the Chinese pentatonic scale; "qiu" - "hill". The sound “shan” corresponds to the element Metal. Among the five zang organs, the Metal element includes the lungs. A hill is a collection of earth. Earth gives birth to Metal. This point seems to be “illuminated by the lungs,” hence the name.

Other names:

Localization: anterior and inferior to the medial malleolus, in the depression between the apex of the medial malleolus and the tubercle of the scaphoid.

1. Shang-qiu RP.5 is the point-river of the foot tai-yin channel of the spleen, it can be used in the treatment of various diseases of the spleen caused by disruption of its function during transportation and transformation nutrients, - rumbling in the stomach, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
2. The spleen controls the transport and transformation of dampness, promoting water metabolism. Weakening of this splenic function often leads to various violations water exchange, accumulation of dampness and the formation of pathogenic phlegm. Strengthening spleen qi with the help of foot tai-yin points of the spleen channel helps normalize water metabolism, eliminate dampness and phlegm. This explains the use of the Shang-Qiu RP.5 point in the treatment of facial swelling, headache due to the accumulation of phlegm, nausea, vomiting of watery contents, jaundice due to the accumulation of dampness-heat.
3. Shang-qiu RP.5 - point-river of the foot tai-yin of the spleen channel. According to the Nan Jing (Canon of Difficulties), river points can be used to treat shortness of breath and cough. The main cause of these diseases is damage to the lungs due to the perception of external pathogenic Qi and the accumulation of phlegm-dampness. Considering the effectiveness of the spleen channel foot taiyin points in eliminating phlegm and dampness, Shang Qiu RP.5 can be used in the treatment of whooping cough, cough and shortness of breath.
4. The foot tai-yin branch of the spleen channel separates in the stomach area and enters the heart, where it connects with the hand shao-yin heart channel. Weakening of the spleen qi can cause dysfunction of the heart and disorders of the vital spirit Shen. The use of Shang-qiu RP.5 can help strengthen the spleen qi, normalize the functions of the heart and the vital spirit of Shen in manic states, epilepsy, a tendency to have fun, nightmares, lethargy and drowsiness, depressed mood, and frequent heavy sighs.
5. The foot tai-yin channel of the spleen, to which the Shang Qiu point RP.5 belongs, rises to the root of the tongue, spreading under the tongue. This explains the effectiveness of using certain spleen canal points, including Shang Qiu RP.5, in treating tongue root stiffness and pain.

. Diseases of the spleen: rumbling in the stomach, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
. Diseases of the foot tai-yin channel of the spleen: stiffness and pain of the root of the tongue, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, pain in the foot, pain and swelling in the medial malleolus, pain in the inner surface hips.
. Water metabolism diseases: facial swelling, headache due to the accumulation of phlegm, nausea, vomiting of watery contents, jaundice due to the accumulation of dampness-heat.
. Lung diseases: whooping cough, cough, shortness of breath.
. Heart Diseases and Vital Spirit Disorders Shen: manic state, epilepsy, tendency to unmotivated fun, nightmares, lethargy and drowsiness, depressed mood, frequent heavy sighs.
. Other diseases: female infertility, hernia, hemorrhoids.

. Diseases of the spleen: sedation in Shang-qiu RP.5, stimulation in Da-du RP.2 (method of “stimulation of the “mother” and sedation of the “son”).
. Hemorrhoids: Shang-qiu RP.5, Fu-liu R.7.
. Vomiting: Shang-qiu RP.5, Yu-men R.21, Fu-tong-gu R.20.
. Female infertility: Shang-qiu RP.5, Zhong-ji VC.3.
. Vomiting: Bai-hui VG.20, Qu-tse MS.Z, Jian-shi MS.5, Lao-kung MS.8, Shang-qiu RP.5.
. Nausea: cauterization Wei-shu V.21, Yu-men R.21, Shang-qiu RP.5, Zhong-fu R.1, Shi-men VC.5, Ge-shu V.17, Si-yang-guan VB.33.
. Cold and heat in the stomach: Shao-chun S.9, Shang-qiu RP.5, Tai-chun F.3, Xing-jian F.2, San-yin-jiao RP.6, Yin-bai RP.1, Yin Ling Quan RP.9.
. Anomalous rise of Qi: Chi-tse R.5, Shang-qiu RP.5, Tai-bai RP.3, San-yin-jiao RP.6.
. Pain in the dorsum of the foot: Qiu-xu

Tapping active points is a method of awakening healing energy. With a detailed atlas Koval Dmitry

Active points of the foot meridian of the spleen and pancreas

The spleen-pancreas meridian begins on the big toe, rises along the inner lateral surface of the foot, goes up the lower leg, intersecting with the liver meridian. Through the anterior inner surface of the thigh it enters the abdominal cavity, crosses the diaphragm, and goes around the heart. It runs along the ribs and then exits through the trachea to the tip of the tongue. The meridian includes 21 surface points.

Rice. 26, a

Rice. 26, b

The main points of the channel: exciting point – 2 Da-doo, calming point – 5 Shang Qiu, pain point – 8 Di-ji.

The meridian is most active from 9 to 11 am, functionally connected with the stomach, heart and lungs.

1. Yin-bai(“hiding white”, the name is due to the fact that the point is located on the border of red and white muscles) is located on the inner side thumb feet, approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail. Yin Bai is used for blood diseases; diseases epigastric region(including related disorders nervous system); for lung diseases (including cough, shortness of breath).

2. Da-dooBig city"), located in the depression anterior to the inner edge of the plus-nephalangeal articulation of the big toe, at the junction of the dorsum of the foot and the plantar surface. The point is used in the treatment of pain in the epigastric region (fermentation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation); to relieve feverish conditions.

3. Ta-bai(“big white”) is located in a depression on the inner surface of the foot, downward and posterior to the head of the 1st metatarsal bone, at the point where the dorsum of the foot transitions to the plantar surface. Tai-bai is the “swift point” of the foot, one of the important energy points of the body. The main effect of exposure is the treatment of disorders of the motor and sensory function of the lower extremities and lower spine. It is also effective in the treatment of pain in the epigastric region and nervous disorders.

4. Gong-sun(“princely grandson”) is located at the point of branch from the foot canal of the spleen. The meridian itself is compared to the “grandfather”, and the branch – to the “grandson”. Indications for use: treatment of epigastric region and nervous disorders, as well as treatment gynecological diseases.

5. Shang Qiu(“iron hill”) is located slightly anterior and inferior to the medial malleolus, near the tubercle of the scaphoid. The point is used for diseases of the lungs, spleen and nervous disorders.

6. San-yin-jiao(“intersection of three channels”) is located 3 cun above the ankle, at the posterior edge of the surface of the tibia. Energy effects: treatment of diseases in the epigastric region (pain, indigestion, fermentation in the stomach); treatment of nervous diseases (insomnia, fatigue and headaches); treatment of gynecological diseases.

7. Lou-gu(“to leak into the depression, depression”) is located on the inner surface of the lower leg, at the posterior edge of the tibia, 6 cun above the top of the medial malleolus, 3 cun above the sixth point of the channel (San-Yin-Jiao). The point is used for all diseases of the spleen and water metabolism (urinary retention, difficulty urinating).

8. Di-ji(“earth” and “spring”, “earth” indicates that the point belongs to the lower part of the body, and “spring” is associated with the movement of the leg) is located 5 cuns below the lower edge of the medial (inner) epicondyle of the femur.

The point is tapped for diseases of the spleen, water metabolism (difficulty urinating) and gynecological disorders.

9. Yin Ling Quan(“mound on the yin-inner side of the knee”) is located in the depression at the lower edge of the medial condyle of the tibia, in the depression between the posterior edge of the tibia and calf muscle. It is also useful to tap the point for sexual dysfunction and inflammation of the genital area, and for diseases of the epigastric region.

10. Xue-hai(“sea of ​​blood”) is located on the inner surface of the thigh, one division above the upper edge kneecap. Xue-hai is easy to feel with your knee bent and your palm resting right hand on the left knee - the end of the thumb points to the point. Xue Hai is a treatment point for blood diseases, helps to revitalize the blood and eliminate blood stagnation. The point is used for gynecological diseases, diseases excretory system, trophic ulcers on feet, allergic diseases.

11. Ji-men(“gate”) is located on the inner surface of the thigh, on the connecting line between the 10th and 12th points of the meridian, 6 cun above the xue hai point. The energetic action of the point is associated with the spleen channel and Bladder: difficulty urinating, pain in the lower abdomen and groin area.

12. Chung-men(“important gate”) is located on the inguinal fold at the level of the upper edge of the pubic symphysis. The pubic symphysis or pubic symphysis is located in front of the bladder on top of the external genitalia (the entrance to the vagina in women and the penis in men). Energy effects are associated with the treatment of diseases genitourinary system(difficulty urinating, urinary retention); treatment of inflammation of the lower abdomen of various origins.

13. Fu-she(“home (energy) of fu-organs”) is located 0.7 cun above the point of the previous current Chung-men, that is, the middle inguinal fold, and 4 cun outward from the anterior midline. The main indication for use is the treatment of digestive diseases.

14. Fu-tse(“abdominal accumulation”) is located on the lateral surface of the abdomen, 1.3 cun below the level of the navel, along the midclavicular line. Indication for use: treatment of digestive diseases.

15. Da-hen(“across the large intestine”) is located 4 cun outward from the navel. The effect of influencing the point: treatment of abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentery, cramps in the limbs.

16. Fu-ay(“belly sound”) is located along the midclavicular line, 3 cun above the level of the navel. Indication for use: treatment of digestive diseases.

17. Shi-dou(“hole for food”) is located on the anterolateral surface of the chest, in the 5th intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline. Indications for use: diseases of the spleen (fermentation in the abdomen, diarrhea), lung diseases (cough, feeling of fullness and pain in chest).

18. Tian-xi(“heavenly stream”) is located on the anterolateral surface of the chest in the 4th intercostal space, 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline, one intercostal space above the previous point Shi-dou. Indications for use: diseases of the lungs and breast.

19. Xiong-xiang(“plane of the sternum”) is located on the anterolateral surface of the chest, in the third intercostal space. Indications for use: a feeling of chest tightness, chest pain radiating to the back.

20. Zhou-rong located on the anterolateral surface of the chest, in the second intercostal space 6 cun lateral to the anterior midline. Indications for use: lung diseases and difficulty swallowing.

21. Da-bao located midway between the axilla and the eleventh rib, on the midaxillary line, six cuns below armpit. Indications for use: pain throughout the body and lung diseases.

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Meridian of the spleen and pancreas (RP) According to the canons of the ancient oriental medicine, the spleen-pancreas (RP) meridian is a functional system related to the digestion and movement of food in the intestines and the absorption of nutrients

Basic data on the topography of the Spleen-Pancreas Meridian and its reflexology points.
(RP; MP; Sp) refers to the leg system, paired (Fig.). It originates at the inner edge of the nail bed of the first toe. On the foot, the meridian runs along its inner-lateral surface at the border of the dorsal and plantar surfaces of the skin. Somewhat in front of the medial malleolus, it crosses the ankle joint and exits onto the anterior inner surface of the tibia, running up the posterior edge of the tibia.
Crosses knee-joint and along the anterior inner surface of the thigh it reaches the abdomen, crossing the middle of the inguinal ligament. At this level, the meridian is divided into two branches: one of them - superficial - is directed along the anterior abdominal wall at a distance of 4 c. (tsunya ()) from the anteromedial line. At the level of the XI rib, the meridian deviates outward and passes on the chest at a distance of 6 centimeters. from the anterior midline. Having reached the second intercostal space, the superficial branch of the meridian turns somewhat outward and downward, ending in the sixth intercostal space along the mid-axillary line with the da-bao point. The second (deep) branch of the meridian, which entered the abdominal cavity in the lower abdomen, approaches the spleen, pancreas (traditionally the right meridian is controlled by the pancreas, and the left by the spleen) and stomach. After crossing the diaphragm, it rises along the esophagus to the base of the tongue and is distributed onto it. bottom surface. Earlier, a collateral departs from the pancreatic branch of the meridian, which also crosses the diaphragm, but goes to the heart. The “direction of energy” in the meridian is centripetal.
According to the concepts (like the organ itself) - functional system, related to the movement and digestion of food in the intestines, as well as the absorption of nutrients. In addition, the spleen regulates water exchange in the body, and disruption of its function can lead to the development of edema. For example, with the development of postoperative pulmonary edema, after organ surgery abdominal cavity you should influence the spleen meridian and the paired meridian - the stomach meridian.
The spleen also regulates and controls the composition and purification of the blood, supplying nutrients to the blood, and thereby providing normal function other organs through sufficient blood supply. The spleen, together with the liver, is responsible for the condition of the muscles. Following Eastern concepts, the spleen-pancreas meridian “holds” intellect, thinking and imagination under its influence. Diagnosis of “meridian lesions” causes certain difficulties even among the classics of acupuncture. Traditionally it is believed that bad memory, daytime sleepiness, flatulence, numbness, weakness in the legs and a passion for sweets are signs of “insufficiency” of the spleen. Visually, to determine the function of the meridian, importance is attached to the condition of the oral mucosa, especially the lips. “The mouth is the mirror of the spleen, and the lips are the reflection of its well-being.” With a normal spleen, the lips are pink and moist; with a “lack of energy,” the lips are pale and dry. IN practical activities It should be remembered that acupuncture at the points of this meridian normalizes the functions of the alimentary canal (the main meridian along with the stomach meridian), liver, pancreas, spleen and lungs.
The meridian plays a supporting role in the treatment of genitourinary diseases (the main meridians are the kidneys and liver). Impact on the distal meridian points has a positive effect on the emotional and intellectual sphere in some types of depression, neurasthenia, as well as mental inertia, insufficient concentration and fatigue.

Rice. Image of the course of the Spleen Meridian and its main points

The meridian includes 21 BAP (biologically active points)
RP1 Yin-bai(secret light) - located medially from the nail bed of the big toe by 3 mm. T.A.: back digital artery and dorsal digital nerve of the foot. Injection depth 3 mm. Indications: collapse, acute enterocolitis, bloating, disturbance menstrual cycle, seizures in children, mental illness. During pregnancy, exposure to the point is contraindicated.
RP2 Yeah-doo(big city) - on the inside of the big toe, distal to the metatarsophalangeal joint. T.A.: branch of the medial plantar artery, medial plantar nerve arising from the tibial nerve. Injection depth 10 mm. Indications: the same.
RP3 Tai-bai(highest light) - posterior to the head of the first metatarsal bone on the inner surface of the foot. T.A.: medial plantar artery arising from the posterior tibial artery and medial plantar nerve arising from the tibial nerve. Injection depth 10 mm. Indications: gastrointestinal diseases, lumbago, impaired sensory and motor functions of the lower extremities, epilepsy.
RP4 Gun-sun(grandson of the prince) - on the inner surface of the foot, on the anterior inferior edge of the base of the first metatarsal bone. T.A.: the same. Injection depth 10 mm. Indications: gastrointestinal diseases, myocarditis, angina pectoris, pleurisy, swelling of the head and face, epilepsy, metrorrhagia, habitual abortion.
RP5 Shang-qiu(hill of the meeting) - anterior and inferior to the medial malleolus, in the depression between the apex of the ankle and the tubercle of the scaphoid. T.A.: medial anterior malleolar artery, arising from the anterior tibial artery, medial cutaneous branches of the leg, branches of the superficial peroneal nerve. Injection depth 10 mm. Indications: gastrointestinal diseases (flatulence, rumbling in the intestines, pain in the tongue, lower abdomen, vomiting, constipation, hemorrhoids). Diseases of veins and bones.
RP6 San-yin-jiao(meeting point of three yins) - posterior to the tibia, 3 c. above the superior edge of the medial malleolus. T.A.: posterior tibial artery, medial cutaneous branches of the leg, tibial nerve. The injection depth is 12…20 mm. Indications: diseases of the genitourinary system (amenorrhea, metrorrhagia, pain in the penis, emissions), impaired sensory and motor functions of the lower extremities, enterocolitis, bleeding from hemorrhoids, insomnia, neurasthenia. One of the main points in the practice of acupuncture.
RP7 Lou-gu(open hill) - above the upper edge of the medial malleolus by 6 c. and 15 mm posterior to the tibia. T.A.: the same. Injection depth 12 mm. Indications: diseases digestive system.
RP8 Di-ji(organ of the earth) - 8 centimeters above the medial malleolus, at the posterior edge of the tibia. T.A.: the same. The injection depth is 12…20 mm. Indications: lumbago, loss of appetite, stomach spasms, aspermia, chronic endometritis, acute cyst, menstrual irregularities.
RP9 Yin Ling Quan(source on the hill) - at the posteroinferior edge of the medial condyle of the tibia, 2 centimeters below the lower edge of the patella; at the level of the Yang Ling Quan point. T.A.: posterior tibial artery, medial inferior genicular artery and medial cutaneous branches of the leg. The injection depth is 15…20 mm. Indications: diarrhea, intestinal colic, spasmodic constipation in women, urinary incontinence, urinary retention, colpitis, acute cystitis, insomnia, driving.
RP10 Xue-hai(sea of ​​blood) - at the upper edge of the medial condyle of the femur, 1 c above the upper edge of the patella. T.A.: medial superior genicular artery, cutaneous and muscular branches of the femoral and obturator nerves. The injection depth is 10… 15 mm. Indications: metrorrhagia, endometritis, epididymitis, menstrual irregularities, eczema, ulcers in the lower extremities, enuresis.
RP11 Ji-men(seventh gate) - at the medial edge of the quadriceps femoris muscle, 6 c above the upper edge of the patella. T.A.: femoral artery, obturator and femoral nerves. The injection depth is 15 mm. Indications: dysfunction of the bladder, inguinal lymphadenitis.
RP12 Chung-men(attack gate) - at the lower edge of the middle of the inguinal ligament, at the level of the qu-gu point, 4 centimeters outward from the midline of the abdomen. T.A.: inferior epigastric artery, superficial artery, envelope ilium, cutaneous branches of the ilioinguinal nerve. Injection depth 20 mm. Indications: epididymitis, neuralgia spermatic cord, endometritis, bloating, cramping stomach pain, mastitis.
RP13 Fu-she(large mansion) - 1t. above the pubis, outward from the midline of the abdomen by 4 c. T.A.: superficial epigastric inferior artery and the superficial circumflex iliac artery, cutaneous branches of the iliohypogastric nerve and ilioinguinal nerve; the right point fu-she corresponds to lower section cecum, left - lower section sigmoid colon. Injection depth 20 mm. Indications: enlarged spleen, lead poisoning, constipation.
RP14 Fu-tse(belly seam) - 3.5 c. above the pubis, 4c. - outward from the midline of the abdomen. T.A.: branches of the iliolumbar artery, intercostal nerve. Injection depth 20 mm. Indications: intestinal colic, dysentery, impotence.
RP15 Da-hen(greater gyrus) - at the level of the navel, outward from the midline of the abdomen by 4 c. T.A.: the same. Injection depth 30 mm. Indications: diseases of the small and large intestines.
RP16 Fu-ay(abdominal pain) - outward from the midline of the abdomen by 4 c, above the navel by 1.5 c. T.A.: cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves. Injection depth 20 mm. Indications: stomach diseases.
RP17 Shi-dou(food opening) - in the fifth intercostal space, outward from the midline of the chest by 6 c. T.A.: lateral thoracic artery, long thoracic nerve and lateral cutaneous branches of the intercostal nerve. Injection depth 10 mm. Indications: pneumonia, bronchitis, intercostal neuralgia, liver disease.
RP18 Tian-xi(heavenly stream) - in the fourth intercostal space, outward from the midline by 6 c. T.A.: lateral thoracic artery, long thoracic nerve and lateral cutaneous branches of the intercostal nerve. Injection depth 10 mm. Indications: bronchitis, intercostal neuralgia, hypogalactia, mastitis.
RP19 Xiong-xiang(chest area) - in the third intercostal space, 6 centimeters outward from the midline. T.A.: anterior branches of the thoracic nerve and lateral cutaneous branches of the intercostal nerve. Injection depth 10 mm. Indications: pain in the chest and back, difficulty swallowing, drooling, hiccups, intercostal neuralgia, bronchitis.
RP20 Zhou-zhu n (surrounding splendor) - in the second intercostal space, outward from the midline by 6 c. T.A.: the same. Injection depth 10 mm. Indications: the same.
RP21 Da-bao(great inventor) - on the mid-axillary line in the sixth intercostal space. T.A.: lateral thoracic artery, lateral cutaneous branches of the intercostal nerve, long thoracic nerve. Injection depth 10 mm. Indications: intercostal neuralgia, liver diseases.

Current page: 6 (book has 20 pages total) [available reading passage: 14 pages]

Hemorrhoids: shang-qiu - fu-liu

Dot shangqiu (conventional translation “iron hill”) is located slightly anterior and lower in relation to the medial malleolus, near the tubercle of the scaphoid bone (Fig. 73). For hemorrhoids, liver diseases and digestive tract Shang Qiu is cauterized wormwood cigarette up to 15 minutes.

The effect on shang-qiu is also useful: for swelling, cough, shortness of breath; for depressive conditions.

Dot fu-liu (“returning rapid flow”) is located at the anterior edge of the calcaneal tendon (Fig. 73). For hemorrhoids and diseases of the digestive system (abdominal pain, bloating, rumbling in the stomach, heat in the stomach), cauterization with a wormwood cigarette is carried out for 10–20 minutes.

The effect on fu-liu is also useful: for insomnia, palpitations, unstable emotional states; for sore throat and nosebleeds; with swelling of the lower extremities; for pain in the spine, lower back and legs; for mastopathy and uterine bleeding.

All kidney diseases. Combination of Shen Shu - Jing Men

Dot Shen Shu (“kidney, dorsal points”) located 1.5 cun outward from the spinous process 2 lumbar vertebra, “on the belt” (Fig. 51, p. 120). The point refers to the bladder meridian. Thermal effect on this point during urinary incontinence or frequent urination lasts up to 20 minutes.

By cauterizing the Shen Shu point, you can achieve an additional therapeutic effect if the patient suffers from: palpitations and fever of unknown cause; impotence; dizziness, headache, tinnitus; pain in the back and knees.

Dot ching-men (“Capital Gate”) is located at the free end of the 12th rib (Fig. 74). For all diseases of the kidneys and water metabolism (difficulty urinating, cloudy urine, swelling of the face and limbs), cauterization with a wormwood cigarette is carried out for 10–30 minutes.

The Jing Men point relates to the gallbladder channel, additional effect from exposure to it - treatment of pain in the hypochondrium, relief of pain and excessive fermentation in the abdomen; as well as treatment of inflammation in hip joint and shoulder blade.

The Lin Shu canon talks about diseases associated with taste preferences person:

“Five tastes enter the mouth. Each of them is associated with a specific place, and each of them is associated with a specific disease. The sour color is associated with tendons. If there is a lot of sour things, then a person gets moon disease ( urinary retention. – Prim.). Salty color is associated with blood. If there is a lot of salty food, then a person becomes thirsty. Pungent taste is associated with qi. If there are many spicy food, then heart disease occurs. The pungent taste moves with the qi, so the pungent taste enters the heart and the person begins to sweat. The bitter taste corresponds to the bones, and if a lot of bitter food is eaten, then the person will experience bouts of vomiting. Sweet taste is associated with muscles, and if there is a lot of sweet food, then the person will be in a depressed mood. Thus, it is clear that the patient should be asked about his taste preferences in order to understand the cause of the disease and make the correct diagnosis.

Age-related visual impairment
For glaucoma, decreased visual acuity, impaired twilight vision, conjunctivitis. tai chun – jing ming – he gu – guang ming

Dot ching-ming (“clearing of the eye”) is located 0.1 cun to the nose from the inner corner of the eye (Fig. 75). The point relates to the bladder channel and is used to treat swelling and redness of the eye (inflammation of the conjunctiva), pain in the eye, decreased visual acuity, photophobia, lacrimation in the cold and wind, to increase twilight vision, and also to reduce headaches.

ATTENTION! Moxibustion of Jing Ming is contraindicated - use acupressure, that is, press on the point with your index finger for 4-5 minutes.

Dot tai chun (“great crossroads”) is located on the upper plane of the foot, in the anterior recess between 1 and 2 metatarsal bones(Fig. 76). For pain, swelling and redness of the eyes, glaucoma, watery or dry eyes, decreased visual acuity, age-related impairment of twilight vision, tai chun is burned with a wormwood cigarette for 5-15 minutes.

The effect of tai chun is beneficial: for emotional instability and overwork; with decreased appetite, belching and excessive fermentation in the intestines, epigastric pain, bitterness in the mouth and yellowness of the sclera; for headaches, insomnia, dizziness; for hearing loss and tinnitus; for pain in the groin, urinary incontinence or urinary retention, for pain in the testicle; with ulcers and ulcers on the oral mucosa; for mastopathy, ovarian dysfunction, uterine bleeding, for menopausal syndrome (irritability, hot flashes), for toxicosis of pregnant women, for mastitis and lack of milk in nursing mothers.

Full stop heh-gu (“closed gorge”) is located on outside brushes This is the point of the colon canal. Place your thumb and index finger together. Between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones (approximately in the middle of the radial edge of the 2nd metacarpal bone) there is a he-gu point (Fig. 77). If you apply a wormwood cigarette to a point, the exposure time should be at least 5–10 minutes.

By acting on he-gu, you will simultaneously get rid of toothache, sore throat, swelling in the neck, runny nose or nosebleeds. According to the ancient canons, it can be used to treat diseases of the spine and back, as well as to reduce pain in the parietal region of the head, pain and numbness in the wrist and forearm (the hand on which you are working).

Dot guan-ming (“light”) got its name thanks to important role in the enlightenment of vision. It is located 5 cun above the lateral malleolus, at the anterior edge of the fibula (Fig. 78). Impact on the point with a moxa cigarette in case of decreased visual acuity, pain, burning and redness of the eyes, dry eye, impaired twilight vision should last 5–20 minutes.

By burning guan ming, you will simultaneously get rid of lower back pain, a feeling of fullness in the chest, groin pain, dry throat, nausea, urinary incontinence or urinary retention, pain and swelling of the mammary gland.

Chapter 5
Ancient secrets of reflexology

Five types of shu points: stomach, lungs, joints, heart, heat diseases

The five shu points are the five types of points on the twelve main meridians. They are called source points, stream points, rapid points, river points, estuary points.

Such points exist on the meridians of the Zang organs (dense organs belonging to the Yin system) and Fu organs ( hollow organs, belonging to the Yang system).

Main function dense organs – processing and storage of nutrients, vital energy qi, blood and body fluids. The main function of the hollow organs is to digest food and remove toxins from the body.

Source points - emergency care

Source points are used as emergency aid in critical conditions. At these points, the channel qi is not located deeply. Therefore, source points are often used when emergency care, contributing to the awakening of the vital spirit in critical conditions.

Canon of Difficulties "Nan Jing"

The origins heal the feeling of fullness under the heart.

For dense organs, source points: Shao Shan, Zhong Chun, Shao Chun, Ying Bai, Da Dun, Yun Quan

All these points are located on the toes and hands.

Dot shaoshan (“little”) is located on the radial side of the thumb, approximately 0.1 cun outward from the corner of the nail (Fig. 79). Cauterization with a moxa cigarette – 1–3 minutes.

Additional effect of exposure to Shaoshan: treatment of respiratory diseases (cough with expectoration of yellow viscous sputum difficult to separate, hemoptysis, shortness of breath, febrile conditions, sore throat, sore throat with thirst); headache, nose bleed, anxiety; vomiting, epigastric pain, convulsions.

Dot chun-chun (“middle (finger) goes away”) is located at the tip of the middle finger (Fig. 79). Cauterization with a moxa cigarette – 2–3 minutes.

Additional effect of exposure to Zhong Chun: relief from heart pain, palpitations; treatment of nervous disorders, speech disorders; treatment of gastrological diseases (decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea); decline blood pressure, getting rid of tinnitus.

Dot shao chun (“manual channel of the heart”) is located on the radial side of the little finger, approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail (Fig. 80). Cauterization with a moxa cigarette – up to 5 minutes.

Additional effects from exposure to Shao Chun: treatment of heart diseases (palpitations, pain in the heart area); relief from muscle cramps in the arm, pain in the forearm; treatment of nervous disorders; warning critical conditions (high temperature, loss of consciousness).

Dot in-bye (“hide the white”) is located on the inside of the big toe, hiding at the “border of the red and white muscles,” approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail (Fig. 81). Burning with a wormwood cigarette for up to 10 minutes.

Additional effect of influencing the point: treatment of bleeding ( uterine bleeding, heavy menstruation, nosebleeds, hemoptysis); treatment of gastrological diseases (bloating, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the epigastric region); treatment of nervous diseases (anxiety, insomnia, depressed mood, manic state); relief from pain and fullness in the chest, cough, shortness of breath.

Dot dun dun (“big, thick” (finger)) is located on the big toe, on the outside of the big toe, approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail (Fig. 82). In addition to massage, the point can be cauterized for up to 10 minutes.

Additional effect of the influence on Da-Dun: treatment of diseases of the liver canal (hernia, pain in the groin, bedwetting, urinary retention, gonorrhea, difficulty urinating), treatment of diseases of the genital area (pain in the glans penis and testicle, testicular retraction, unilateral testicular craze, increased sweating, redness, swelling and pain of the external genitalia, uterine prolapse, vulvar itching, uterine bleeding, amenorrhea).

ATTENTION! exposure to da-dun during pregnancy is not allowed!

Dot yongquan (“bubbling spring, spring”) is located in the middle of the sole, between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones, in a recess formed when the toes are pressed in (in the recess in the middle of the sole) (Fig. 83). It is the origin point of the kidney channel, from where the channel qi of the foot kidney channel comes out. Cauterization of the point with a wormwood cigarette – up to 10 minutes.

Additional effect of the influence on Yunquan: the point is used in critical conditions (poisoning, convulsions); with a lack of kidney Yin (manifestations: aches in the lower back and knees, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, palpitations, decreased memory, wet dreams in men, erotic dreams in women, nosebleeds, dry mouth, heat in the feet, yellow urine), with kidney yang deficiency (manifestations: aches in the lower back and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, hearing loss, impotence, wet dreams, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, urinary retention, gonorrhea, diabetes, infertility), if there is a violation of the harmony between the heart and kidneys (anxiety, insomnia, palpitations, memory loss, dizziness, tinnitus, dry throat, lower back pain), with a lack of lung Yin (cough with expectoration of blood, dry mouth and throat, aches and weakness in the lower back and knees), with a lack of liver yin (dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, dry throat, feeling of heat in the feet and chest, causeless anger , aches in the lower back and knees), with nervous diseases and many others.

For hollow organs, source points: Shan-Yang, Guan-Chun, Shao-Tze, Li-Dui, Tzu-Qiao-Yin, Zhi-Yin

Dot shan-yang (“one of the (five) sounds”) located on the radial side index finger hands, approximately 0.1 cun outward from the corner of the nail (Fig. 84). Cauterization with a moxa cigarette for up to 10 minutes.

Additional effect of influencing Shan-Yang: treatment of feverish conditions without sweating; relieving swelling in the nasopharynx and throat, temporary relief of toothache; treatment of eye diseases (glaucoma, eyesores, swelling under the eyes).

Dot guan chun (“end of the intersection”) is located at outside ring finger, approximately 0.1 cun outward from the corner of the nail (Fig. 85). Cauterization with a moxa cigarette for up to 10 minutes.

Additional effects from exposure to guan chun: treatment of fever; improved hearing, relief of swelling of the mucous membranes and redness of the eyes; used for pain in the heart, headaches; relief from acute vomiting and diarrhea.

Dot shao-tse (“small swamp”) is located on the ulnar side of the little finger, approximately 0.1 cun outward from the corner of the nail (Fig. 85). Cauterization with a moxa cigarette for up to 15 minutes.

Additional effects from exposure to shao-tse: treatment of feverish conditions; improving hearing, relieving swelling of mucous membranes, treatment infectious diseases conjunctiva; treatment of the mammary gland (decreased secretory function of the mammary glands after childbirth, mastitis); prevention of critical conditions (convulsions, loss of consciousness).

Dot lee-dui (“steep cliff”) is located on the outside of the second toe, approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail (Fig. 82, p. 152). Cauterization with a moxa cigarette for up to 15 minutes.

Additional effect from influencing the point: treatment of stomach diseases (decreased appetite, feeling of hunger with decreased appetite, bloating, pain in the epigastric region, indigestion); treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes, rashes on the skin of the face, prevention of edema; treatment of serious nervous disorders; prevention of bleeding (nasal); treatment of gallbladder diseases.

Dot tzu-qiao-yin (“foot hole”) is located on the outer side of the innominate foot, approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail (Fig. 82, p. 152).

Additional effect from influencing the point: relief from headaches, dizziness, eye pain (migraine), tinnitus due to pressure drop; prevention of nervous disorders; treatment of shortness of breath and fever.

Dot zhi-yin (“reach yin”) is located on the outside of the 5th toe, approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail (Fig. 86).

Additional effect from influencing the point: treatment of headaches in the back of the head and crown, pain in the eyes (migraines); treatment of foot pain; treatment of irritability.

Points-streams - treatment of heat diseases

Channel qi at stream points is more abundant than at source points, but is located deeper. Stream points are used when the disease is accompanied by fever or increased temperature.

When the disease manifests itself as a change in complexion, use streams.

Canon of Difficulties

For dense organs, stream points: yu-ji, lao-gong, shao-fu, da-du, xing-jian, jan-gu.

Dot yuji (“edge (tail) of the fish”) is located in the middle of the 1st metacarpal bone, on the border of the palmar and dorsum of the hand (Fig. 87). The name comes from the fact that the muscles in this area of ​​the palm resemble the shape of a fish.

Cauterization of Yu Chi is contraindicated, use acupressure!

The canon “Golden Mirror of Medicine”, 18th century, allows short-term cauterization of the point only for acute toothache.

Acupuncture of the point is allowed, but this is a medical procedure.

Additional effect from influencing the point: treatment of lung diseases (cough with expectoration of yellow viscous sputum that is difficult to separate, inflammation of the throat, dry throat with thirst, loss of voice, hemoptysis, shortness of breath, feverish conditions due to a cold); treatment of nervous disorders; treatment of male diseases; treatment of fever with headache; relief from vomiting, abdominal pain; dulling of toothache.

Dot lao gong (“palace of labor”) is located in the middle of the palm, on the proximal fold of the palm, between the 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones (Fig. 88). Make a fist with your hand - the tip of your middle finger will point to this point. Burning with a wormwood cigarette is allowed for up to 10 minutes.

Additional effect from influencing the point: treatment of heart diseases (palpitations, pain in the heart area); treatment of epigastric diseases ( sharp pain in the epigastric region, belching, vomiting, loss of appetite, thirst, liver and gallbladder diseases with dark urine); treatment of feverish conditions without sweating; reduction of fatigue. The point is used to relieve toothache.

Dot shao fu (“the center (channel) of the heart”) is located on the palmar surface of the hand between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones (Fig. 88). When bending the hand into a fist, the tip of the little finger corresponds to the location of the point. Cauterization with a wormwood cigarette lasts 5–10 minutes.

Additional effect from influencing the point: treatment of pain in the heart area, palpitations; treatment of pain in the joints of the hand - from the little finger to shoulder joint; treatment of diseases of the kidneys and genital organs (urinary retention, blood in the urine); delay of nervous disorders.

Dot yeah-doo (“big city”) is located in the depression anterior to the inner edge of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe, at the point where the dorsum of the foot transitions to the plantar surface (Fig. 89). Cauterization with a wormwood cigarette lasts 5–10 minutes.

Additional effect from influencing the point: treatment of pain in the epigastric region (bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation); treatment of foot pain ankle joint, lower back pain; treatment of fever and fever.

Dot xing jian (“passage in the gap”) is located on the upper side of the foot, between the 1st and 2nd toes (more precisely, between their second phalangeal joints) - see fig. 90. Cauterization with a wormwood cigarette is performed for 5–10 minutes.

Additional healing effect from cauterization of the point: relief of headaches, pain in the hypochondrium; getting rid of irritability, insomnia; treatment of mastitis, postpartum abdominal pain, menstrual irregularities; improved vision and hearing; treatment of urinary incontinence, prostatitis; treatment of intestinal disorders (diarrhea, vomiting, constipation); treatment of diseases respiratory tract(cough, shortness of breath, swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx); relief from feverish conditions.

Dot jan-gu (“depression”) is located in the depression anterior to the lower edge of the tubercle of the scaphoid bone (Fig. 89). Cauterization with a wormwood cigarette lasts 5–10 minutes.

Additional therapeutic effect from exposure to zhan-gu: treatment of gynecological diseases (uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, infertility, uterine prolapse, vulvar itching); treatment of impotence, painful urination, urinary retention; treatment of respiratory tract diseases (shortness of breath, cough with expectoration of blood, sore throat); treatment of nervous disorders; treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract(diarrhea, loss of appetite).

For hollow organs, point-streams: er-jian, e-men, qian-gu, nei-ting, xia-si, tzu-tong-gu

Dot er-jian (“second space”) is located in the depression anterior to the metacarpophalangeal joint (with the hand slightly bent into a fist on the radial side of the index finger). For the location of the point, see Fig. 91. Cauterization with a wormwood cigarette is performed for 5–10 minutes.

Additional effect from exposure to er-jian: relief of fever, toothache, sore throat, swelling of the mucous membranes, inflammation of the gums; treatment of eye diseases - pain, yellowness of the sclera; treatment of pain in joints - hands and shoulder girdles.

Dot e-men (“fluid gate”) is located in the cavity between the metacarpophalangeal joints of the ring finger and little finger (Fig. 92). The easiest way to find the point is by clenching your hand into a fist: it is located between the bones of the ring and little fingers. For diseases of the joints of the hand, when the muscles of the hand are tense, the e-men point is burned for 3–5 minutes with a moxa cigarette.

Additional effect from the impact on e-men: relief of fever, swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, inflammation of the conjunctiva; getting rid of palpitations, overexcitation, mental disorder.

Dot Qian-gu (“in front of the mountain stream gorge”) is located in the depression anterior to the metacarpophalangeal joint, at the end of the transverse fold, reminiscent of the mountain stream bed (Fig. 93). Squeeze your hand into a fist and find a point in the depression anterior to the ulnar edge of the 5th metacarpophalangeal joint. Cauterization with a wormwood cigarette lasts 5–10 minutes.

The main effect of the influence on Qian Gu is the treatment of diseases with heat properties (fever without sweating, dry throat, thirst, difficulty urinating with red urine in diseases of the liver and kidneys).

Additional effect of the influence on Qian-gu: treatment of eye diseases (eye pain, lacrimation, soreness, redness of the eyes); treatment of so-called diseases of “disorder of the vital spirit” (pain in the heart, depression); treatment of hypertension (headache in the back of the head, tension and pain occipital muscles, noise in ears); treatment of joints (hands and wrists, pain, numbness, impaired motor function in the forearm area).

Dot nay-ting (“courtyard of the house”) is located at the end of the gap between the 2nd and 3rd toes, resembling a gate (Fig. 94). Cauterization with a wormwood cigarette lasts 5–10 minutes.

The main effect of influencing the point is the treatment of diseases with the properties of heat, including: nosebleeds, pain in the epigastric region, thirst, facial redness, headache, hiccups, caries, toothache, sore throat due to heat in the stomach, feverish conditions without sweat.

Additional effect: treatment of stomach diseases (decreased appetite, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea); treatment of leg joints (swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot, pain in the lower leg, impaired motor function lower limb, cold extremities).

Dot xia-si (“compressed on both sides”) is located on the back of the foot, at the end of the interdigital fold between the 4th and 5th toes. (Fig. 94) Cauterization with a wormwood cigarette is performed for 5–10 minutes.

The main effect of exposure to xia-si is the treatment of “liver fires” (pain and feeling of fullness in the hypochondrium, pain, swelling and redness of the eyes, restless sleep with numerous dreams, headache, feverish conditions without sweating).

Additional effect: elimination of stagnation of liver qi, leading to pain in the hypochondrium, mastitis, amenorrhea and others women's diseases; treatment of pain and bloating in the chest, swelling in the neck.

Dot tzu-tung-gu (“recess in the leg”) is located in the recess anterior and inferior to the 5th metatarsophalangeal joint, on the border of the dorsal and plantar surfaces of the foot (Fig. 95). Cauterization with a wormwood cigarette lasts 5–10 minutes.

Additional effect of exposure to tzu-tung-gu: treatment of diseases of the head and face, including headaches in the parietal and occipital regions, dizziness, tension in the neck and neck muscles, nosebleeds, decreased visual acuity, blurred vision, redness of the eyes.

Translation from Chinese by Elena Buyanova
Some patients, who are amazed by the effectiveness of my treatment and the accuracy of the diagnosis, want to understand what the secret is and how I succeed. Actually, the secret can be expressed in a few words - I try to become a mirror for a sick person.

When I work with a patient, I myself am a patient, I can feel from the inside what the patient feels, I can reason as this patient reasons - as if I am singing with him in one voice.

When I massage the body along the points and channels, I listen to what the sick body wants to tell me

I think the treatment process is not that difficult at all. But it is necessary to create favorable environment for healing, as it is fashionable to say now - atmosphere.

When I massage the body along points and channels, my hands can tell me a lot and can conduct a dialogue with the patient’s body.

The healing process is a process of mutual exchange – I listen to what the sick body wants to tell me, and this is where the essence of the problem and the answer to the question are usually hidden.

Although many of our doctors believe that listening to a patient is useless, they would rather believe the results of examinations, tests, bury themselves in thick books in search of an answer, but will never believe the words of the patient.

They believe that the patient does not understand anything about the topic and is talking about some unprofessional nonsense.

They think that treating a disease is the job of a doctor, the patient is suffering from the disease, you just need to repair the mechanism, and everything will be fine.

It is generally accepted that the level of professionalism of a doctor depends on his experience. He treated many patients, which means he knows a lot. I'm with this at the root I don't agree. In hospitals, I often had to deal with old doctors who spend their whole lives treating people the way they were taught in their distant youth.

If the approach to treatment and the theoretical foundations are not correct from the beginning, then further experience is nothing more than an accumulation of errors and failures.

I often compare patients to a clock on a spring; the winding has run out and it has stopped.

  • The doctor is the hand that will pull the chain, and when the walkers start working again, the doctor’s task is completed.
  • But if this hand randomly pulls the chain, climbs into the mechanism, the watch will lose the ability to work independently, the disease will develop to a sad end.

The goal of any treatment should be to stimulate own strength body of the patient, the doctor must believe in this potential, must help the patient find and activate these hidden forces, force them to gradually get involved in the action.

The mother of one of my friends suffered from leg cramps in the evenings. The hospital determined a calcium deficiency. But no matter how much she took calcium tablets or ate calcium-rich foods, the seizures continued.

Da Du and Shan Qiu points

I listened to her pulse and said that The spleen canal is blocked, so calcium is not absorbed by the body. He advised her to massage two active points on the splenic canal - Da Doo(SP 2) and Shan Qiu(SP 5). As a result, after three days my legs stopped cramping.

How often do we rely on someone's help? And help is not outside, but within us.

One day, while visiting a friend, I met a young girl. She could be called beautiful if her face were not spoiled by numerous pimples. Everyone who saw her was overcome with regret.

Tai Chun and Xing Jian points

I listened to her pulse - apart from the weakened beating of the heart muscle, nothing extraordinary. I advised her to activate the points by circular kneading Tai Chun(LR 3) and Xing Jian(LR 2) to stimulate blood circulation, then fresh blood can flow to the head area.



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