What are the rules of eating biology 8. “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb” - don’t chat while chewing food

If you want to have good health, be in great shape, and perform well in training good results, it is necessary to adhere to simple and understandable rules that will help rebuild the culture correct intake food for her to bring maximum benefit.

The most important component of human productivity health is correct and balanced diet. The foods we eat provide our body with everything necessary substances for restoration, ensuring energy metabolism and efficient work all organs and systems. If you want to have good health, be in excellent shape, and show good results in training, you need to adhere to simple and clear rules that will help rebuild the culture of proper eating so that it brings maximum benefits:

1. It is advisable to eat in a calm environment

Don’t focus your attention on the radio or TV, broadcasts, playing with your mobile phone, reading, working, talking... Then you will be happy to absorb food, your attention will be focused on the food, its taste, its smell, then the products you eat will be full absorbed by the body.

2. Diet should be regular

Irregular meals confuse both the body and mind.

3. Eat while sitting

It happens that you are in a hurry and all you think is just to have a quick snack, give yourself time to sit down at the table, then digestion will be complete and normal.

4. It is very bad to eat when you are nervous or excited.

When a person is angry, digestive enzymes, are produced by the body to a much lesser extent. And when you feel that you are already calm, and nothing irritates you or interferes with your eating, start eating.

5. Don't overeat

When you feel a comfortable state in your stomach, it means you have already eaten. Food should not be consumed in quantities greater than 75% of the feeling of complete satiety. After all, when the stomach is filled to capacity, metabolism does not function fully.

6. Try not to eat food cold

Such food slows down and extinguishes the digestion process, and takes away thermal energy from your body.

7. “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb” - do not chat while chewing food

Your feelings while eating and your thoughts about what the food has aroma, taste and appearance will bring pleasure and benefit from the meal.

8. Take your time when eating, eat slowly

When you swallow food quickly, the digestion process becomes difficult. Take food in small pieces, gradually, until you chew the previous piece.

9. Do not eat again until the previous food is at least partially digested.

This condition is allowed to be violated only during periods of heavy training, when the body needs a constant source of energy. But still, you need to give your stomach a head start for at least twenty minutes - half an hour. Basically, it’s worth eating again at the first the slightest sign hunger.

10. Don’t run right after eating or lie down.

Sit quietly, at least for a few minutes, then the food will be digested easier, without tension and problems.

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From the fact are we eating right?, in fact, a lot depends. AND general state the whole body, and work gastrointestinal tract, in particular. Besides, eating incorrectly, we begin to gain weight, and, as a result, due to increased weight, problems begin in the work of other organs. In a word, everything is interconnected.

So how to eat right? Are there any rules for eating? In fact, there are rules. And if you try to follow them, you will soon feel great!

Basic rules for eating

1. Can't start food right after you study physical labor or any loads. You should not do this immediately before playing sports. The minimum break that should be taken is half an hour to an hour.

2. Every meal, regardless of the time of day, start with fresh fruit and vegetables. They activate the digestion process. Especially useful in this case are apples, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes.

3. You should try to structure your diet in such a way that you didn't eat at the same time raw vegetables or fruits along with food that has passed heat treatment . This is extremely harmful to the stomach. Moreover, it is strictly prohibited after that. As you eat the main course, eat fruit. They should not be used as dessert under any circumstances!

4. Any food of any consistency must be chewed well. Otherwise, still for a long time after eating you will feel feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the stomach.

5. When eating, you should not rush. Between doses of several different dishes Take at least short breaks - five minutes each.

6. You should not drink any drinks immediately before, during or immediately after eating. This significantly complicates and slows down the digestion process. IN as a last resort, you can wash down food only when it is too dry. But you should drink it in small sips.

7. The temperature of the food you are about to eat should be as close as possible to body temperature. You cannot eat very hot and very cold food at the same time.. If you have such dishes on your menu, you should take at least a short break between eating them.

8. Immediately after eating it's worth resting for half an hour. Just don’t lie down on the sofa, much less fall asleep. You can take a slow walk, or go out onto the balcony to get some air.

9. Only then should you start eating when you really feel hungry. And not just because it’s time for lunch or someone invited you to the table.

10. You should never overeat. From the table you must leave with a slight feeling of hunger. This is due to the fact that information about satiety travels slowly from the stomach to the brain. In about fifteen minutes. During this time, you manage to eat so much that your stomach swells like a drum. And if you leave the table with a feeling of slight hunger, then in ten to fifteen minutes it will pass, and you will feel great.

11. At one meal you should eat no more food than fits into two of your palms, folded into a handful. Anything larger than this volume is superfluous.

12. Fifteen to twenty minutes before eating, it is advisable to drink one glass warm water. Water activates the stomach, and prepares it for the digestion process.

13. Solid food should be chewed until liquid. But if you eat something liquid (for example, a first course), then you still need to chew it several times.

14. While eating, it is very important not to think about anything bad. Put everything aside unpleasant thoughts and problems for later. While eating you need to think only about the good, or not think about anything at all.

15. Half the amount of food that is yours daily ration, must be of plant origin. And in its raw form. Only then will your body receive everything it needs nutrients, and your stomach will start working like a clock!

I would also like to say something about reading while eating or watching TV. Most people read or watch TV during dinner, for example. But this is actually harmful. Firstly, you do not see what you are eating, approaching the process of eating purely mechanically. And secondly, when your attention is distracted, you don’t notice how full you are. And as a result you eat more than necessary.

For best results, of course it's good follow all the rules given here. But, even if you try to follow at least some, then we can say with confidence that you halfway to perfect health!

They have enough dietary supplements from Tiens wide range actions, ancient chinese recipes helped to balance them according to the yin yang principle. It makes sense to consider Tianshi dietary supplements as a monoproduct with multiple contents, since each capsule or tablet contains several components.

For getting maximum effect When taking Tianshi medications, it is necessary to adhere to several basic principles.

Everyone knows the way food enters the body - through the mouth, this is how energy for existence comes to us (in the eastern version - nutritional energy qi. It is known that food moves and is digested in the gastrointestinal tract. But people often eat incompatible products, do not monitor the regularity of bowel movements, and sin by smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol. A violation occurs proper operation microflora (about 1370 grams of beneficial bacteria live in the intestines of an adult) and intestinal muscles.

Ideally, an adult's intestines should look like the one shown in Fig. 1, this is exactly how we get it from nature. In Fig. 1 you see what the intestines look like after 30-50 years of life.

Rice. 1. Projection to the colon anatomical organs according to N. Walker (Kurentsov P.I. Russian folk medicine):
1 - there is a reflex of food digestion; 2 - there is a sine; 3 - yes Eustachian tube; 4 are ears, eyes; 5 is a digestive reflex; 6 - there is a thymus; 7 - there are mammary glands; 8 - yes thyroid; 9 - yes parathyroid; 10 - there is a liver; 11 - yes gallbladder: 12 - there is a heart; 13 - there are bronchi and lungs; 14 - there is a stomach; 15 - there is a spleen; 16 - there is a pancreas; 17 - there are adrenal glands; 18 - there are kidneys: 19 - there are gonads; 20 - there are ovaries; 21 - yes bladder; 22 - there are genitals (male and female); 23 - there is a prostate gland.

Rice. 2. The real state of the intestines of an adult with deformations and organs oppressed by fecal debris. (Shaded area fecal debris.)
The intestines became stretched, thicker, this was caused by constant inflammation, pockets formed in the gasters, and fecal blockages began to form in them, while the lumen was significantly reduced.

Do you know what the removed parts of the operated colon contain? There they are, frozen like stone feces, mucus, mold and worms. Beneficial bacteria warm the body, the intestines are like the roof of a furnace that needs serious cleaning.

Chinese medicine has a special relationship with the intestines. The large intestine is a mirror of human health, in Fig. 1. shows the projection of all vital important organs body to the large intestine. To harmonize your body, it must first be cleansed.

Rules for eating

To restore health, a system of measures is necessary, including compliance with certainrules of eating , which should become your norm for the rest of your life.

  1. It is undesirable to eat when there are:

- haste;
- hypothermia;
- overheating;
- powerful emotions, especially negative ones (doubt, sadness, fear, anger);
- heat, fever;
- various pains;
- no feeling of hunger;

When eating, complete saturation and overload should not occur; food should be thoroughly chewed.

2. Food products must be:

- clean,
- high-quality.

3. Nutrition loads the body, but it must cleanse it of toxins and waste that impede the renewal and construction of cells.

4. Our nutrition for its purpose should maintain tone, mood, delight, heal, help strengthen a person’s physical abilities, and not lead to illness.

5. Leave the question of high-calorie and low-calorie foods; in order for the diet to become healthy, it is necessary to balance the basic elements - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements, vitamins, the presence of fiber, necessary enzymes and hormones. According to Chinese medicine During the day, a person needs to get all 5 tastes (sweet, spicy, salty, sour, bitter) in accordance with the internal biological clock.

6. Food should be consumed in its natural state, in other words, raw - seeds, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables. It is better to replace industrial sugar with honey, dried fruits, and sweet fruits.

7. We consume in smaller quantities table salt, meat, alcohol, pickles, smoked products, preservatives.

8. We refuse to eat excessively cold and excessively hot food.

9. All products are subjected to minimal heat treatment (grains, for example, are soaked overnight or for 2-3 hours).

10. We drink more freshly prepared juices or infusions of berries (dry and fresh), herbs.

11. Replace milk fermented milk products(yogurt, kefir, matsoni, yogurt, etc.).

12. Products must be combined correctly. When compiling menus for healthy and sick people, we take into account existing physiological limits enzymes, digestive glands and juices.

13. Avoid eating raw soy sauce when eating dumplings, noodles or salads.

To make soy sauce, wheat and soybeans are used and undergo the required processing: first they are steamed, then special fungi are added that are grown in a clean environment, all this is aged required time with appropriate temperature conditions and humidity, a leaven is obtained. A salt solution of a certain concentration is added to the starter, all this ferments at 40-50 °C for 15 days. Then water of about 80 °C is poured into the resulting wort, passed through a filter, and that’s it - the soy sauce is already ready. Thus, how We see that the preparation of the sauce is accompanied by various technological processes and lasts quite a long time, which leads to the loss of the necessary purity.

Therefore, we refuse to use raw soy sauce, and before pouring sauce over food, we boil it. If mold particles are found in the sauce, strain the sauce and boil for 15 minutes.

14. We refuse to eat chicken tail.

Which part of the chicken is the most appetizing?

Quite a lot of people will choose the tail, because it is white, fatty meat without bones, with an excellent taste and is a piece of boneless meat, and this part of the chicken should not be eaten. Biologists involved in the study immune function avian organism, established the presence in the tail along with big amount fat and small bubbles are also in large quantities; on the walls of the bubbles there are countless lymph nodes, and they, in turn, contain phagocytes, the function of which is to absorb pathogenic substances that enter the bird’s body, as well as bacteria, viruses, including carcinogens.

And now the most interesting thing: phagocides do not have the ability to break them down, which leads to their accumulation over time in large quantities. When a person eats back chicken, he swallows harmful substances, which have accumulated in the chicken, thereby a person places a “bomb equipped with a clock mechanism” inside his body; the time will come and the mechanism will definitely work.

15. We avoid meat from animals that have died from disease.
In markets and bazaars, meat from animals that have died from various diseases is often sold illegally. The death of the animal could be caused by a disease that is also characteristic of humans, for example, anthracnose, brucellosis, rabies, tuberculosis, foot-and-mouth disease, and spirochete infection. Eating the meat of such an animal, if it gets into a person, can cause infection or severe poisoning. Meat is a poor conductor of heat and heat treatment often does not lead to warming up internal parts to a temperature capable of killing disease vectors.

Thick pieces of meat are especially difficult to disinfect. Therefore, meat from animals that are infested with larvae tapeworms or you shouldn’t eat tapeworm. You should know that animals die from food containing pesticides, and they are stored in meat. To avoid severe poisoning, avoid meat from such animals.

16. After a heavy meal, we don’t drink sparkling water.
By drinking carbonated water after a heavy meal, a person harms himself. This may best case scenario lead to bloating, pain in the stomach, and in the worst case, spontaneous perforation of the stomach may occur. After food gets inside, it begins to be excreted quite actively. hydrochloric acid in the stomach and when carbonated water enters the body at this time, the sodium bicarbonate that it contains reacts with hydrochloric acid, a reaction occurs, accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide in large quantities.

If a person has eaten heavily, his stomach is filled with food, closing the entrance to it. Drinking carbonated water in large quantities fills the stomach with carbon dioxide, high blood pressure carbon dioxide can cause the stomach wall to rupture. All carbonated water and drinks containing carbonated water constituent element have sodium bicarbonate. Therefore, after a heavy meal, it is better to completely abandon them.

17. We don’t drink tea immediately after a meal.
Immediately after a meal, the stomach is filled with food, gastric juice begins to stand out, but tea dilutes it, which negatively affects the digestion process. In addition, the load on the stomach increases, which negatively affects the functioning of the heart. American doctors say that strong tea is more harmful after eating.

Tea leaves contain tannins(in the stomach they combine with proteins that are in food, a difficult-to-digest mass is formed, the body absorbs proteins worse) and caffeine (stimulates the nervous system).

  1. You need to drink water on an empty stomach. In the morning we got up and drank a glass of water. This will help flush the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate its activity and improve digestive functions.
  2. We drink boiled salted water after physical exercise.

Physical activity leads to intense sweating.
Excretion occurs with sweat large quantity salts Drinking water replenishes fluid reserves in the body and restores strength. The salt concentration in water should be about 0.1-0.3%.

3. During illness, drink as much boiled water as possible.

Firstly, it allows you to replenish moisture reserves in the body. which are wasted during illness, and secondly, it helps remove bacteria and viruses from the body. When consuming food, one of the tasks is to prevent the decomposition and fermentation of food in the intestines.

Many diseases come to us with food. If a person eats when he has to, what he has to, and how he has to, he accumulates parts of foods that are not digested in the large intestine, and they remain there for decades. Such a person carries within himself 3 or more fecal debris.

Over the years, the colon becomes stretched and deformed, leading to compression and displacement internal organs With assigned places, which stop working normally. This leads to the development various diseases(many people suffer from constipation, which is very dangerous). The large intestine, being in a constantly dirty state, is the source of many diseases.
Conclusion: to prevent or get rid of illnesses, it is necessary, first of all, to remove all toxic waste and fecal debris from the body.

Ways to cleanse the body.

With all the variety of methods used to cleanse the body, you should always start with cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, and then cleanse other organs.

For diseases in acute periods(high temperature, fever, serious gynecological diseases) the body is not cleansed.

According to Chinese medicine, cleansing the body must be carried out during those hours when there is maximum meridian tension and vital energy specific organ from 5-7 am.

Everything that we eat belongs to yang, and everything that the body produces in processed form belongs to yin. The harmonious existence of yang requires equality of yin.

Those who use enemas should know that they are washed out together with the enema. beneficial bacteria necessary for existence.

After such procedures, it is necessary to “populate” the intestines with these bacteria.
For people who have decided to take serious care of their health, we recommend a physiological cleaning system using double cellulose.

Every woman knows how to put her facial skin in order: first we clean, remove accumulated dirt and clear out the pores, then moisturize, since in the absence of moisturizers and water, the skin begins to age and wrinkle. And only then a nourishing cream is applied.

But the whole body is no different.
For harmonization natural process Strong hydration of the whole body is required. In our body, fluid is located like in a honeycomb - in the cellular and intercellular space. And the loss for natural needs (maintaining homeostasis, sweating, urination, movement and digestion of food) from the intercellular space of fluid causes immediate diffusion of nutrients from the cell. Because the osmotic pump is triggered - both inside the cell and outside the cell, minerals, nutrients, amino acids must have the same concentration of ions.

Lack of exogenous fluid intake leads to malfunction excretory system As a result, the kidneys begin to excrete substances useful to our body, which is especially important when taking diuretics. Our body constantly receives toxins from food, air, and medications; in the absence of moisture, they are unable to rinse out and lead to chronic diseases.

According to Chinese medicine, the kidneys are the first “mother” of our body, i.e. their normal operation and maintaining function affects a healthy and happy life.

Human kidneys have a large margin of safety. Mathematical model showed that nature has built into us biofilters - these are kidneys, they are capable of serving a person reliably for 800-1200 years. Man destroys them in 30-50 years.

The structural unit of the kidneys is the nephron - it is a bi-chemical filter that consists of a double capillary with a membrane septum. The body uses the glomerular part of the nephron to filter part of its contents from the blood. These substances pass through biomembranes. Osmotic pressure and the electrical potentials of primary urine and blood in the nephron loop have a difference, leading to the return of some substances to the blood, and later to the saturation of urine from the blood with biochemical fluids and salts.

This multiple diffusion ensures strict filtration of blood in the kidneys. Every day, about 150 liters of blood passes through the kidneys, and only about 1.3-1.5 liters will turn into urine - secondary urine, that light part that must be excreted by the body. With urine, the body also secretes healing agents, due to which the urine has a bitter, bad taste, specific smell, color. We throw out from the body what the body needs so much.

Ultrafiltration of blood through the kidneys forms urine in the body. First, the separation of red blood cells and other shaped elements blood and the formation of so-called primary urine, which is essentially blood plasma. Then water and others necessary for the body substances are absorbed: mineral salts, colloids, protein compounds with different molecular weights. As a result, 1 milliliter of “secondary”, true urine, is formed from 130 milliliters of primary urine. This process leads to an excess of 100-150 concentrations of certain excreted substances in the final urine relative to their content in the blood plasma.

In order to reduce emissions useful substances body and help in cleansing the body, in addition to cleansing the intestines, we need complete water nutrition. According to oriental medicine, an adult needs to drink a lot of water, the amount is calculated by the formula: body weight: 20 = X liters. But given our sedentary lifestyle life, bring the volume per day to 3 liters.

During the month during which we will cleanse the body, we need to get used to such fluid consumption.

The body will begin to change very quickly.

It has been scientifically proven that when a person decides to get rid of bad habits and wants to take care of himself, then in the near future, on initial stage he begins to feel significantly better. Having started the process of harmonizing the body, we cleansed the intestines, which increased the effect of taking medications, any products, and above all, food supplements.

To continue the harmonization process, we return to the body cleansing system every six months. By using Tiens dietary supplements you will quickly notice positive results.

From the fact are we eating right?, in fact, a lot depends. And the general condition of the whole organism, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular. Besides, eating incorrectly, we begin to gain weight, and, as a result, due to increased weight, problems begin in the functioning of other organs. In a word, everything is interconnected.

So how to eat right? Are there any rules for eating? In fact, there are rules. And if you try to follow them, you will soon feel great!

Basic rules for eating

1. Can't start food immediately after you have been engaged in physical labor or any stress. You should not do this immediately before playing sports. The minimum break that should be taken is half an hour to an hour.

2. Every meal, regardless of the time of day, start with fresh fruit and vegetables. They activate the digestion process. Especially useful in this case are apples, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes.

3. You should try to structure your diet in such a way that you did not eat raw vegetables or fruits at the same time along with food that has undergone heat treatment. This is extremely harmful to the stomach. Moreover, it is strictly prohibited after that. As you eat the main course, eat fruit. They should not be used as dessert under any circumstances!

4. Any food of any consistency must be chewed well. Otherwise, for a long time after eating, you will feel feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the stomach.

5. When eating, you should not rush. Take at least short breaks of five minutes between meals of several different dishes.

6. You should not drink any drinks immediately before, during or immediately after eating. This significantly complicates and slows down the digestion process. As a last resort, you can drink food only when it is too dry. But you should drink it in small sips.

7. The temperature of the food you are about to eat should be as close as possible to body temperature. You cannot eat very hot and very cold food at the same time.. If you have such dishes on your menu, you should take at least a short break between eating them.

8. Immediately after eating it's worth resting for half an hour. Just don’t lie down on the sofa, much less fall asleep. You can take a slow walk, or go out onto the balcony to get some air.

9. Only then should you start eating when you really feel hungry. And not just because it’s time for lunch or someone invited you to the table.

10. You should never overeat. From the table you must leave with a slight feeling of hunger. This is due to the fact that information about satiety travels slowly from the stomach to the brain. In about fifteen minutes. During this time, you manage to eat so much that your stomach swells like a drum. And if you leave the table with a feeling of slight hunger, then in ten to fifteen minutes it will pass, and you will feel great.

11. At one meal you should eat no more food than fits into two of your palms, folded into a handful. Anything larger than this volume is superfluous.

12. Fifteen to twenty minutes before eating, it is advisable to drink one glass of warm water. Water activates the stomach, and prepares it for the digestion process.

13. Solid foods should be chewed until they become liquid. But if you eat something liquid (for example, a first course), then you still need to chew it several times.

14. While eating, it is very important not to think about anything bad. Put off all unpleasant thoughts and problems for later. While eating you need to think only about the good, or not think about anything at all.

15. Half of the amount of food that makes up your daily diet, must be of plant origin. And in its raw form. Only then will your body receive all the necessary nutrients, and your stomach will start working like a clock!

I would also like to say something about reading while eating or watching TV. Most people read or watch TV during dinner, for example. But this is actually harmful. Firstly, you do not see what you are eating, approaching the process of eating purely mechanically. And secondly, when your attention is distracted, you don’t notice how full you are. And as a result you eat more than necessary.

For best results, of course it's good follow all the rules given here. But, even if you try to follow at least some, then we can say with confidence that you halfway to perfect health!

If you want to have good health, be in excellent shape, and show good results in training, you need to adhere to simple and clear rules that will help rebuild the culture of proper eating so that it brings maximum benefits.

The most important component of human health and productivity is proper and balanced nutrition. The products we consume provide our body with all the necessary substances for restoration, energy metabolism and efficient functioning of all organs and systems. If you want to have good health, be in excellent shape, and show good results in training, you need to adhere to simple and clear rules that will help rebuild the culture of proper eating so that it brings maximum benefits:

1. It is advisable to eat in a calm environment.
Don’t focus your attention on the radio or TV, broadcasts, playing with your mobile phone, reading, working, talking... Then you will be happy to absorb food, your attention will be focused on the food, its taste, its smell, then the foods you eat, will be fully absorbed by the body.

2. The diet should be regular.
Irregular meals confuse both the body and mind.

3. Eat while sitting. It happens that you are in a hurry, and all you think is just to have a quick snack, give yourself time to sit down at the table, then digestion will be complete and normal.

4. It is very bad to eat in a nervous or excited state.
When a person is angry, digestive enzymes are produced by the body to a much lesser extent. And when you feel that you are already calm, and nothing irritates you or interferes with your eating, start eating.

5. Don't overeat. When you feel a comfortable state in your stomach, it means you have already eaten. Food should not be consumed in quantities greater than 75% of the feeling of complete satiety. After all, when the stomach is filled to capacity, metabolism does not function fully.

6. Try not to eat cold food.
Such food slows down and extinguishes the digestion process, and takes away thermal energy from your body.

7. “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb” - do not chat while chewing your food. Your feelings while eating and your thoughts about what aroma, taste and appearance the food has will bring pleasure and benefit from the meal.

8. Take your time when eating, eat slowly. When you swallow food quickly, the digestion process becomes difficult. Take food in small pieces, gradually, until you chew the previous piece.

9. Do not eat again until the previous food is at least partially digested.
This condition is allowed to be violated only during periods of heavy training, when the body needs a constant source of energy. But still, you need to give your stomach a head start for at least twenty minutes - half an hour. Basically, you eat again at the first slightest sign of hunger.

10. Do not run immediately after eating and do not lie down.
Sit quietly, at least for a few minutes, then the food will be digested easier, without tension and problems.



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