Weakness in the legs, giving way. Weakness in the legs and other symptoms: dizziness, trembling, nausea, headache, drowsiness

Why do my legs become weak? Quite a few people ask this question. For some, the symptom develops suddenly, like thunder among clear skies. For others, leg weakness increases gradually. It can be overwhelming in the morning or evening. This unpleasant condition can be combined with many other problems: dizziness, nausea, various pains. How to figure out: what is happening to you and which doctor should you contact first?

Typical symptoms associated with leg weakness

  • Leg pain or hip joints;
  • Convulsions;
  • Edema;
  • Burning sensation;
  • Blue skin on legs;
  • Pale skin on the legs;
  • Trembling in the legs;
  • Numbness;
  • "Cotton legs";
  • Temperature increase;
  • Nausea;
  • Dizziness;
  • Lightheadedness ( faintness);
  • Lower back pain;
  • Headache;
  • Swelling of the legs;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Weakness in the arms;
  • Weakness in the back

If you think that weakness in your legs means it's time to visit an orthopedist, you are mistaken: there are many reasons for such ailment. Therefore, the first specialist you should contact is a therapist, who will then give you a “way sheet” and tell you which of the highly specialized specialists to contact first. Often people with leg weakness complain of many other symptoms - a combination of them will give a clear picture. Another thing is also true: without visiting a therapist and without hearing questions about symptoms, some people do not even think about the fact that many other blurred signals are bothering them. For example, joint stiffness in the morning, numbness or slight pain in the toes, decreased sensitivity in the foot area, lungs aching pain in joints or muscles. Also, a sick person may not notice the signs of general malaise: increased fatigue, general weakness, absent-mindedness. Many people do not connect symptoms such as dizziness and weakness in the legs or a sharp decrease in mood and muscle weakness lower limbs. To find out which examinations to do first and which doctors to contact, the therapist usually prescribes diagnostic procedures first level: x-ray of bones, general analysis blood and urine, ECG (electrocardiogram).

Weakness in the legs due to circulatory problems

Some of the most dangerous diseases that can begin with seemingly harmless weakness in the legs are heart attack and stroke. How to recognize a stroke in time? A stroke develops when a vessel is blocked by a particle of atherosclerotic plaque, a blood clot, or when there is a prolonged spasm of cerebral vessels. Poor circulation can make itself felt by “harbingers”, one of which is severe weakness in one or more limbs. Weakness in the legs lasts no more than an hour on average, but can recur throughout the day, and obvious signs stroke develop later. Similar precursors may also indicate the development of a so-called microstroke (a condition caused by minor hemorrhage or solely vasospasm without lesions). A rare exception is a spinal stroke, which results in lameness and significant persistent weakness in the legs, as well as a drop in the threshold of sensation in the legs. In the case of a spinal stroke, vascular infarction occurs spinal cord, most often caused by osteochondrosis or vertebral hernia. Any stroke is a condition life-threatening Therefore, such symptoms must be treated with great care. Even with the best outcome, a stroke can result in complete or partial paralysis of the legs. In the case of a stroke, the first few days usually decide everything: the earlier treatment and rehabilitation begin, the higher the chances of a full recovery.

What circulatory problems most often lead to leg weakness?

  • Pre-stroke condition;
  • Spinal stroke;
  • Pre-infarction condition;
  • Obliterating endarteritis (intermittent claudication);
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • Stagnation of blood due to being on your feet for many hours (walking, working while standing, etc.);
  • Varicose veins;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Poor blood circulation due to illness peripheral vessels;
  • Post-embolic occlusion;
  • Angiotrophoneurosis (spasm of small arteries);
  • Hypotension or sudden change blood pressure;
  • Climacteric hot flashes in women during menopause;
  • PMS or condition during critical days among women.

Weakness in the legs due to decreased muscle strength

The simplest reason why the muscles of the whole body, including the legs, gradually begin to weaken is a lack of protein. If a person does not receive enough protein from diet, the body begins to replenish protein reserves using muscle tissue, and the person feels general weakness.

What diseases with decreased muscle strength most often lead to leg weakness?

  • Muscular dystrophy;
  • Myasthenia gravis;
  • Myopathy;
  • Professional muscle overload (for example, in former athletes);
  • Flat feet;
  • Lack of protein in the body;
  • Myositis;
  • Dermatomyositis;
  • Polymyositis

Weakness in the legs due to decreased sensation in the legs

In half of the cases, after 15-20 years of diabetes, neuropathy of the feet develops. Under influence high level glucose in the body, a disturbance in the nutrition of the nerves develops, their oxygen starvation. The patient, if it develops, feels numbness in the feet, impaired sensitivity, heaviness when walking, and weakness of the legs. If treatment is not started in time, ulcers appear on the skin, almost painless. An increase in their number can lead to amputation of the feet (this problem happens in every seventh patient with diabetic polyneuropathy). This is the most common reason for decreased sensitivity in the legs, but it is far from the only one. For example, with funicular myelosis - degeneration of the spinal cord - spinal insufficiency occurs with the same symptoms: impaired sensitivity in the extremities, numbness, tingling, disappearance of deep sensitivity in the lower extremities, weakness of the legs. Over time, the problem develops into paralysis of the legs. Distinctive feature This condition is pronounced B12-deficiency anemia. About 150 reasons can lead to polyneuropathy: various viruses (HIV, cytomegalovirus (even with sharply reduced immunity), bacteria (for example, with diphtheria), poisoning chemicals, cancer, lymphoma and even long-term alcoholism.

What diseases lead to nerve damage and decreased sensitivity in the legs, resulting in leg weakness?

  • Funicular myelosis;
  • Polyneuropathy;
  • Damage to peripheral nerves;
  • Lesions of the neuromuscular synapse in various diseases;
  • Decreased sensitivity due to a tick bite;
  • Neuritis;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Isolated damage to the nerve plexuses due to HIV infection;
  • Cytomegalovirus neuropathy

Weakness in the legs due to diseases of the central nervous system

A subjective feeling of weakness in the legs can develop due to general cerebral conditions such as a concussion or neuroinfection. This is usually accompanied by nausea, headaches, and general weakness. A brain tumor can cause a similar symptom for two reasons: either it is a consequence of a general weakening of the body, or the tumor has affected the area of ​​​​the brain responsible for movement. In this case, weakness of the legs often increases slowly (with benign neoplasms) or rapidly (in case of malignant ones), and ends in paralysis. A neurologist is one of the main doctors you should contact if you have weak legs.

But with multiple sclerosis, weakness in the legs is one of the first signs, which may also be accompanied by visual impairment. Often people do not associate these symptoms, and they can increase at a slow pace. So it is better to undergo an unnecessary examination than to miss the onset of a disease that threatens disability. After all, patients should think about it. Patients do not immediately notice that their legs begin to get tired and gait disturbances appear. The problem lies in the disruption of the passage of nerve impulses along the nerve fibers of the central nervous system. Accompanying muscle spasms result in muscle weakness in multiple sclerosis. Many other autoimmune diseases lead to a similar result.

What diseases of the central nervous system most often lead to leg weakness?

  • Vestibular neuritis;
  • Orthostatic collapse (not a disease, but a condition during rapid straightening of the body in a weakened person, as well as in a healthy person on attractions, rapid ascent on an elevator or lift, etc.);
  • Traumatic brain injuries;
  • Concussion;
  • Brain tumors;
  • Infectious lesions central nervous system (menengitis, encephalitis, arachnoiditis);
  • Promotion intracranial pressure;
  • Ankylosing spondylitis;
  • Scleroderma;
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • Rheumatism

Weakness in the legs due to mental problems

It happens that it is not physical, but mental problems that lead to subjective weakness of the legs. Stress and psychological trauma can make you literally fall off your feet, although you are not overtired. Sometimes weakness of the legs and general weakness become one of the first signs of mental illness noticeable to others.

What mental problems most often lead to weak legs?

  • Hysterical asthesia-abasia;
  • Depression;
  • Schizophrenia (abulia);
  • Panic attacks;
  • Generalized anxiety disorder;
  • Consequences of long-term experiences or severe stress;
  • Psychasthenia;
  • Psychological fatigue;
  • Neurosis with autonomic dysfunction (once there was no accurate diagnosis"vegetative-vascular dystonia".

Weakness in the legs due to damage to the joints or spine

If weakness of the legs is combined with a feeling of numbness, crawling, tingling, pain in the extremities is added, damage to the spine can cause such a symptom complex. Most often this is osteochondrosis - a process that destroys the structure of cartilage and connective tissue vertebrae Soon this begins to affect the nerves and blood vessels, which narrow and spasm. The symptom develops slowly. Much depends on which part of the spine is affected. If one of the lower ones, weakness appears in the legs, then pain is added, which only intensifies with rest and sleep. The legs do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, and local metabolic products are not fully excreted. , of course, but during a certain period of illness, movement (walking, for example) is difficult for a person.

If inflammation develops in a joint, it will usually make itself felt by pain, swelling, and redness. Weakness of the legs will not be the first or only symptom, but no less pronounced, since the ability to move normally is impaired.

  • Pinched nerve due to lumbosacral radiculitis;
  • Arthritis;
  • Bursitis;
  • Gout;
  • Spondylosis (overgrowth bone tissue along the edges of the vertebral bodies);
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Spondylitis (inflammatory disease of the spine);
  • Herniated intervertebral discs;
  • Spondylolisthesis;
  • Spinal injury;
  • Spinal tumors

Weakness in the legs due to increased stress on them

  • Overweight;
  • Elephantiasis of the legs;
  • Lymphostasis;
  • Pregnancy (last trimester)

Weakness in the legs due to bone problems

Weakness in the legs due to general weakness of the body

  • Development of an infectious disease;
  • Anemia;
  • Disorder of water-salt metabolism, dehydration;
  • Long-term use large doses certain medications;
  • Endocrine diseases
  • Poisoning with phosphorus and chlorine compounds (in combination with headache, nausea), as well as poisoning with some other chemicals;
  • Food poisoning;
  • Fasting, low calorie diet;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Adhesive disease;
  • Excessive release of adrenaline;
  • Hypokalemia;
  • Inflammatory diseases gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, hepatitis;
  • Inflammatory kidney diseases: ;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (adnexitis, endometritis, etc.);
  • Adrenal cortex insufficiency;
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Allergy

Weakness in the legs when the temperature rises

  • ARVI and influenza ();
  • Development of any other viral or bacterial or fungal infection;
  • Overheat;
  • Sunstroke;
  • Food poisoning;
  • Strong emotional overload;
  • Intoxication (poisoning with chemicals, alcoholic beverages, medications, work in hazardous industries)

Weakness in only one limb

  • Pathology spinal roots;
  • Spinal cord diseases;
  • Peripheral disorders nerve innervation;
  • Disorders of the pelvic nervous system;
  • Syringomyelia;
  • Spinal cord tumors (malignant or benign);
  • Pre-stroke condition.

When is weakness most bothersome? How quickly did it develop?

Weakness in legs in the morning

  • Chronic adrenal insufficiency;
  • Polyneuropathy in diabetes mellitus;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Atherosclerosis of the legs, or varicose veins (since a person is in a horizontal position at night and blood, due to existing problems with blood circulation, enters the legs even more slowly);
  • Cardiac diseases in which blood circulation is disrupted;
  • Hyperparathyroidism;
  • Hypoglycemia

Weakness in legs in the evening

  • Myalgia;
  • Kidney failure

Sudden onset weakness in the legs

  • Hemorrhage in the spinal cord;
  • Phlebitis;
  • Endarteritis;
  • Thromboembolism;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Increase lymph nodes or the growth of tumors that put pressure on blood vessels;
  • Intervertebral hernia, compressing blood vessels;
  • Spine or leg injury

Constant weakness in the legs

If the problem has been bothering you for a long time and persistently, you can assume one of the following diagnoses:

  • Nervous diseases;
  • Blood diseases, including anemia;
  • Cardiac diseases;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Consequences of trauma or hidden trauma;
  • Oncological diseases

The causes of leg weakness vary depending on age and physical condition (for example, pregnancy)

Weakness in the legs in childhood

  • Paraplegia;
  • Natural weakness at an early age, when the child is just learning to walk, and his muscles are not accustomed to the load;
  • General intoxication;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Genetic diseases
  • Consequence birth injuries(cerebral palsy)

Weakness in the legs in adolescence

  • Hormonal changes (this is a natural cause that does not require treatment);
  • All others are typical childhood causes (See Weakness in the legs in childhood).

Weakness in the legs in pregnant women

  • Natural in the early stages: some physiological processes accelerate, causing others to slow down;
  • Natural at a later stage: increased load on the legs (the fetus constantly increases in size and weight);
  • Anemia;
  • Toxicosis;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Varicose veins
  • Nine diseases your feet can tell you about

Every person at least once in his life has experienced weakness in the legs associated with various diseases. In youth and adolescence this condition is often associated with severe intoxication in various colds and infections. This symptom may occur when the body becomes dehydrated during prolonged diarrhea and vomiting. At older ages, weakness and pain in the legs may appear due to the consequences of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine.

In some cases, weakness in the leg muscles can be a signal of a vascular catastrophe in the structures of the brain. With the development of a stroke of the hemorrhagic and ischemic type, weakness in the legs is a harbinger of the development of subsequent paraplegia or paralysis. Most often stroke and transient disorder cerebral blood supply cause weakness in one leg.

With osteochondrosis, depending on the damage to the radicular nerve, this can be a unilateral or bilateral pathology.

Find out more information about the phenomenon of weakness in the legs, its causes and treatment using methods manual therapy possible in the proposed material. It is important to understand that depending on the cause of muscle weakness in the legs, treatment can be carried out with pharmacological, manual and surgical methods. Install exact reason Only an experienced doctor can.

Therefore, we invite every patient who experiences muscle weakness in the lower extremities to contact us for a full, free consultation. The doctor will conduct an examination and examination. Will make a diagnosis and tell you what additional methods surveys can be used (if necessary). All will also be given necessary recommendations on treatment.

The main causes of muscle weakness in the legs

Considering the causes of weakness in the legs, we can conditionally divide them into 4 large groups of pathologies:

  • infectious and inflammatory factors, provoking intoxication damage to muscle structures due to the accumulation of toxins and breakdown products;
  • vascular pathologies, leading to trophic disorders, lack of complete microcirculation of blood through the capillaries, stagnation venous blood and muscle fiber dystrophy;
  • disruption of the innervation process (with osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, cauda equina syndrome) leads to the fact that muscle structures do not receive a full impulse from the central nervous system;
  • damage to brain structures and the autonomic nervous system (transient ischemic attacks, stroke, inflammation of the brain).

The main causes of muscle weakness in the legs in young people (25 - 45 years old) are osteochondrosis and accompanying pathologies of the intervertebral discs. Here you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. unilateral damage is typical for radiculitis with pinching of the radicular nerve;
  2. bilateral numbness and a feeling of muscle weakness may be a signal that cauda equina syndrome is developing, or with sequestration of the nucleus pulposus inside the spinal canal;
  3. two-way muscle weakness in the legs in the presence of an intervertebral hernia in the lumbosacral spine is a reason for emergency surgical intervention.

In this regard, if muscle weakness appears in the legs, you should not expect an improvement in the condition without medical care. Try to apply for medical consultation and establish an accurate diagnosis. Like diagnostic sign is always alarming and requires an immediate, complete diagnosis of the patient’s condition. Any, even the most serious vascular or neurological problem can be stopped at an early stage without surgery. And if precious time is lost, then later to restore motor activity lower extremities may require surgery.

Symptoms: severe weakness in the legs

Clinical symptoms of leg weakness may be present when various pathologies associated with impaired innervation and blood supply. Usually, sudden severe weakness in the legs is associated with pathologies that require immediate medical intervention. The presence of high body temperature is no exception. Meningeal symptoms may be a signal of the development of meningitis, encephalitis and some other dangerous pathologies.

If weakness in the legs occurs against the background of long-standing pain in the lumbar region, you should consult a neurologist. Probably, in such a situation, the following pathological changes occur:

  • Long-term osteochondrosis leads to a gradual change in the structure of the fibrous ring of the cartilaginous intervertebral disc;
  • it loses fluid and loses the ability to distribute shock-absorbing load;
  • under severe mechanical loads, transformation of the shape of the intervertebral disc is possible (decreasing the height and increasing the area in the horizontal projection);
  • due to this, pressure from the bone structures begins to be exerted on the radicular nerves on one or both sides of their exit from the foraminal openings of the vertebral bodies;
  • this provokes an inflammatory reaction and pain in the lumbar region;
  • numbness of the lower extremities and severe muscle weakness are a consequence of impaired trophism of the uneven fiber.

Severe weakness in the leg muscles can also be caused by the so-called “cauda equina syndrome” - this is a pathological infringement of a large nerve bundle in the coccyx area. It can be observed with sacral osteochondrosis, large tumors of the pelvic cavity and rectum. Emergency required surgical care, because the prolonged compression“Cauda equina” can lead to total paralysis of the lower extremities and loss of motor activity of the patient.

Another one dangerous pathology- disruption of the blood supply process at the microcircular level. This condition can be associated both with total atherosclerosis (more often this disease is diagnosed in people over 60 years of age), and with local obliterating endarteritis with a rapidly progressive course (often diagnosed in males aged 30 - 45 years). Another reason vascular insufficiency- varicose veins of the lower extremities, accompanied by severe swelling and heaviness at the end of the working day.

Determine exactly whether muscle weakness in the legs is caused by blockages in the musculoskeletal system or vascular diseases Only an experienced doctor can. The patient will not be able to diagnose his condition independently in the initial stages. Therefore, effective medical care can only be provided with the involvement of qualified medical personnel.

It makes sense to contact our manual therapy clinic for a free initial consultation if muscle weakness in the legs appears after a back injury, sudden lifting of weight, or due to pain in the lumbar region, sacrum). If you have a high body temperature, severe swelling or cyanosis of the legs, you should seek emergency medical attention. medical care to the ambulance station.

Sudden weakness in the legs when walking: what to do?

If you experience weakness in your legs when walking, you should stop immediately. physical activity and sit down, unloading your lower limbs. If after resting for 20 - 30 minutes all symptoms have passed, you can continue moving. But as soon as possible you should consult a doctor for a full diagnosis of your health. The fact is that severe weakness in the legs often has a vascular etiology. This may be the primary manifestation cardiovascular failure, vascular lesions of the lower extremities, atherosclerosis or transient cerebrovascular accident. You should not delay the diagnosis and initiation of treatment for such diseases.

The first thing to do when such a symptom appears is to give up any unreasonable activity. If you are far from your place of residence, try to call ambulance or at least a taxi. You should not test the strength of your body. Immediately after you feel muscle weakness in your legs, sit comfortably with your back supported on a hard surface. If possible, seek help from people around you. Explain that you felt unwell.

If muscle weakness in the legs when walking is a constantly present symptom, then the cause may be lumbosacral osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome. With chronic compression of the nerve fiber, its degeneration develops. As a result, the following pathological changes begin:

  • the transmission algorithm is changing nerve impulse along the sciatic nerve;
  • the level of vascular innervation decreases muscle tissue;
  • blood vessels lose their usual tone;
  • the traffic of circulating blood and the speed of its passage decreases;
  • stagnation of lymphatic fluid is formed with its sweating into the intercellular space;
  • this puts compression pressure on small capillaries;
  • which further complicates the process of blood supply in microcirculatory aspects.

Thus, a secondary insufficiency of blood supply to muscle structures is formed. If the compression and dystrophy of the radicular nerves is not eliminated in a timely manner, then pathology associated with the trophism of muscle tissue occurs in the future. The volume of muscle tissue decreases, dystrophy begins, and subsequently atrophy. The patient may completely lose the ability to move independently. The process of secondary destruction starts large joints lower extremities.

Treatment of muscle weakness in the legs

Treatment of leg weakness should always begin with a thorough diagnosis. Only identification of the real cause and its effective elimination leads to complete restoration of motor function of the lower extremities.

Our manual therapy clinic treats muscle weakness in the legs caused by spinal problems. We are also ready to provide effective rehabilitation using individually designed courses after ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. IN recovery period after a stroke, it is very important to carry out complexes of massage and osteopathy, reflexology and kinesitherapy - this contributes to the development of new neural connections in the structures of the brain. As a result, the patient restores almost completely all the eliminated functions of his body.

For osteochondrosis and its complications, we carry out full treatment without medication or surgery. With the help of an individually developed course, it is possible to treat a herniated disc, even very large sizes. the only condition in which we are unable to provide effective assistance is sequestration of an intervertebral herniation into the spinal canal.

We are waiting for you at your initial free consultation. Experienced doctors will conduct an examination, make a diagnosis and talk about the prospects for treatment.

Weakness in the knee, like other unpleasant sensations, can occur for various reasons. Based on these symptoms, it is difficult to make a detailed diagnosis of the existing disease. Necessary comprehensive examination to identify the source of weakness, analysis of concomitant manifestations, study of hereditary factors. The unpleasant sensations themselves, weakness, and periodic vibration may simply be evidence of severe physical fatigue. But in many cases, these are warning signs of potential serious health hazards. Therefore, if you feel that your knees periodically buckle, shake, twist or ache, consult a doctor immediately.

Specialists in traumatology and orthopedics urge you to take such manifestations seriously in order to avoid serious consequences advanced pathology. It is especially important not to ignore the unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the knees when doing squats, jumping, walking or running. It is important to know that the absence of pain does not mean that the knee joint is completely healthy. When your knees shake, you feel weak, pain It may not exist, but the destructive process is very active.

What causes discomfort

Weakness, unpleasant sensations of aching knees, a temporary condition in which legs shake, occur in people of any age. Medical practice distinguishes two main groups of such ailments. Subjective weakness – unpleasant sensations with normal muscle tone. This condition is characterized by the absence of pain, normal function flexion and extension of limbs.

Subjective discomfort is most often associated with long-distance running, climbing to heights, multiple squats, and others. intense loads. Objective weakness is a state of difficult movements with accompanying pathological manifestations:

  • the knees have undergone external changes;
  • there is an unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • joints twist or ache;
  • clicking or crunching sounds are heard during squats;
  • a swollen area forms near the joint;
  • Veins protrude through the skin.

There are different causes of objective weakness. To accurately determine why the discomfort arose, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of diagnostic measures. The most common causes of discomfort and weakness:

  • infectious, inflammatory damage to the nerves, muscles of the lumbar or femoral region;
  • toxic attack on muscles, blood vessels, nerve fibers when autoimmune disease or infection with viruses;
  • impaired functions of the circulatory system of the legs, pelvis, and spine;
  • articular, vertebral dystrophy, tissue degeneration;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system, incorrect functioning of the pancreas and adrenal glands;
  • modified chemical composition blood;
  • neurological brain disorders.

The causes of severe knee weakness may be neurological, autoimmune, traumatic or genetic in nature. Before conducting diagnostic measures, the patient's medical history should be examined and hereditary factors.

: what to do?
What is the atlanto-occipital joint responsible for?

How diseases manifest themselves

If the causes of the pathology lie in autoimmune disorders, then the unpleasant sensations may manifest as multiple sclerosis. The patient's joints constantly twist or ache, his legs shake, his vision and ability to perceive temperature weaken, and muscle cramps periodically occur. Weakened abdominal reflexes or their absence are observed.

If the causes of weakness are hereditary factors, then the possible presence of Kennedy syndrome should be analyzed.

In men with this disease, hormonal levels change, the shoulder girdle weakens, and sometimes the knees shake. If the causes of poor leg control are vascular pathologies, it is likely that cerebral atherosclerosis. With this disease there are additional symptoms: discomfort in the joints, prolonged headaches, weakening of memory, development of tearfulness, asthenia. It is noteworthy that the weakness affects one side of the body.

The autoimmune nature of weak knees often manifests as Gueyan-Barré syndrome. Its signs: affected cranial, spinal nerve roots, vegetative vascular disorders, loss of sensation, nerve infiltration. The patient has difficulty climbing stairs, cannot stand up to his full height after squatting, or walk normally.

Endocrine diseases provoke metabolic disorders, changes in calcium levels, blood glucose, and water and electrolyte balance. This causes weakness, trembling in the knees, muscle discomfort, and pain when overexerting. Heaviness of the legs is often accompanied by pathologies of the pancreas, adrenal glands, thyroid gland.

Motor activity of the lower extremities is impaired due to various degenerative, dystrophic changes in the joint or spine. The sacrum and pelvic area are problem areas of the spinal column, where nerve fibers and roots are often pinched. At the same time, the leg muscles weaken, myosthenia develops, and the sensitivity of the limbs is gradually lost. The person experiences intense pain, difficulty walking, squatting, bending and straightening the legs. The pain often radiates to the bones, and when you try to sit down, crunches and clicks occur.

All of these diseases are extremely difficult to diagnose. Diagnosis is made difficult by the similarity of symptoms. To avoid medical error If the patient complains of weakening, trembling legs, all types of tomography, genetic examination, and laboratory blood tests should be performed.

How to fix the problem

There are various ways to combat leg discomfort. A chronic state of weakness requires compulsory treatment from specialists. Sometimes the symptom occurs suddenly and goes away quickly. Sometimes the weakened state lasts for several days. It is not enough to undergo symptomatic treatment procedures; it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease that caused the illness. The following methods effectively help to cope with the problem:

  • oral administration of drugs, injections into a vein or joint, compresses and rubbing ointments;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures, wave therapy aimed at the spine and legs;
  • surgical intervention performed in particularly difficult cases;
  • application folk remedies: herbal infusions, therapeutic dressings, warming up;
  • strengthening exercises for ligaments, muscles and joints;
  • compliance with the diet, individually selected diet.

Before using effective traditional treatments, you should consult your doctor. Individual characteristics body, some chronic pathologies, tendency to allergic reaction may represent contraindications to the use of certain methods or drugs.

Weakness in the limbs can appear at any age and have various causes: from banal overwork to a symptom of a serious illness. If the discomfort does not go away after a short rest or is systematic, the condition worsens or additional symptoms are added, you should seek advice from a specialist.

Causes of weakness in the legs

Weakness of the leg muscles in a relatively healthy person may occur due to increased load on this group muscles. For example, after a run, a long walk, or a visit to gym. This symptom is especially pronounced in unprepared people who sign up for training for the first time or decide to play sports.

In addition, severe weakness in the legs may occur when long-term wearing uncomfortable shoes, especially with high heels. In this case, the load is distributed incorrectly and congestion. All this together leads to the emergence discomfort. Often it is enough to change shoes for everyday wear, give your feet a rest, taking a horizontal position, after which the condition returns to normal.

Another one common reason weakness in the legs - “standing work”. Occupational Illness most sellers, teachers, as well as other persons whose work activity is related to being in standing position- these are varicose veins. The first signs of varicose veins can appear at an early age and manifest as weakness and heaviness in the legs.

Also, dizziness and weakness in the legs are frequent accompaniments of stress or a long-term condition emotional stress. Along with these signs, pale skin, increased sweating and tachycardia may appear.

Weakness and pain in the legs may indicate not only wrong image life, excessive high loads, but also for the presence of a serious disease. The list of such diseases is very wide and, sometimes, in order to understand why your legs hurt and get tired, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Neurological disorder

There are several pathological manifestations from the field of neurology that can provoke these sensations in the patient. These include:

  • monoparesis - weakness in the left leg, while maintaining full functionality of the right leg or vice versa;
  • paraparesis is a process that affects both limbs at once;
  • tetraparesis - here the patient complains of weakness not only in the lower but also in the upper extremities;
  • hemiparesis - numbness, weakness of the arm and leg on one side (left or right).

The listed conditions are only a consequence of the diseases described below.

  1. Stroke is a life-threatening condition caused by impaired cerebral circulation and hemorrhage in brain tissue. One of the first signs of a stroke may be hemiparesis or paraparesis. With a spinal stroke, lower paraparesis often occurs. People suffering from hypertension should monitor their condition especially carefully. Unexplained weakness in the lower or upper extremities, a feeling of numbness or loss of mobility, incoherent speech - all this may indicate an incipient stroke or a hypertensive crisis. A patient in this situation can only be saved by timely, qualified medical care.
  2. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system, as well as some autoimmune pathological processes with destruction of nerve fibers of the brain or spinal cord. This includes various types of sclerosis, including multiple and amyotrophic, as well as Kennedy syndrome.
  3. Injuries involving damage to brain or spinal cord tissue are extremely dangerous conditions requiring immediate hospitalization.
  4. Inflammatory processes localized in the epidural area.
  5. Some viral infections and inflammatory processes, including poliomyelitis, myelitis, etc.

Important! If you suspect any of the listed ailments, you should immediately seek medical help. Neurological diseases may pose a danger not only to health and normal life, but also for the patient’s life itself

Musculoskeletal disease

When there is weakness in the legs, the reasons often lie in diseases of the spinal column. It is then that the patient may complain that his legs do not seem to hold him up, he feels weakness, and sometimes pain. During the examination, a specialist may reveal:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • spondylosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis and other diseases.

In most cases, weakness and tremors in the legs appear due to prolonged absence of treatment or a person’s attempt to ignore the disease. Extremely rarely, such manifestations are the first sign of a pathological process. Usually, such a development of events is one of possible complications intervertebral hernia, cervical osteochondrosis or radiculitis.

Endocrinological disorders and muscle disorders

"Cotton legs" - common complaint patients suffering from diabetes. This disease is characterized by vascular disorders, with a decrease in patency and destruction of the walls of blood vessels. One of serious complications diabetes mellitus - diabetic angiopathy. In severe cases, this pathology can lead to the need for limb amputation due to a progressive inflammatory process.

In addition, similar symptoms can occur with excessive production of thyroid hormones or insufficient production of hormones by the adrenal cortex.

Muscle weakness can occur when synapses are damaged - the area where nerve and muscle fibers connect. In this case, a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses occurs, which impairs muscle function.

Also, muscle weakness in the legs often appears due to:

  • insufficient dietary protein intake;
  • hidden or obvious inflammatory processes;
  • immune disorders;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • dehydration;
  • taking some medications.

Muscle weakness may well be provoked by vitamin deficiency, in particular, a lack of B vitamins. This often happens when following strict diets or in the spring months. Weakness is felt especially acutely against the background of iron deficiency anemia.

Infectious diseases and poisoning

Intoxication caused by taking medications, poisonous or toxic substances, and also resulting from infectious disease and the activity of pathogens is another cause of weakness in the legs. The stronger the poisoning, the more pronounced the manifestations. Maybe simultaneous increase body temperature, chills, the appearance of symptoms characteristic of a specific infectious disease. Weakness in the legs is most pronounced during botulism, insecticide poisoning, and acute intoxication. The causes and treatment in this case are determined by the doctor.

Vein disease

Numbness in the legs that occurs in the evening or after a long walk, as well as heaviness in the legs and a feeling of fatigue for no apparent reason, is a reason to visit a phlebologist. It is with these sensations that the beginning of varicose veins announces itself. The patient begins to feel weakness even before the appearance of a characteristic venous pattern in the form of stars or meshes. Besides varicose veins veins, there are a number of venous diseases associated with impaired vascular patency, due to their blockage with cholesterol plaques, thrombosis, decreased elasticity and increased fragility of the vessel walls. Obliterating diseases can be accompanied by complete closure of the walls of blood vessels, followed by their complete obstruction. The natural outflow of blood and lymph is disrupted. During examination, a specialist may detect atherosclerosis, obliterating endarteritis, and diabetic angiopathy.

Symptoms of venous disorders are quite typical: a numb big toe or entire foot, sometimes the calf area becomes numb. Feeling cold - feet feel cold all the time, even in warm weather and when wearing season-appropriate shoes. This is caused by poor circulation and insufficient blood supply to tissues. The patient is concerned about pain, which manifests itself first with loads on the lower extremities, and then at rest, including at night. Most often, women complain about such symptoms, describing their condition as “heaviness in the legs”, “legs buzzing”. The appearance of edema is characteristic, which intensifies in the evening and after a long stay in an upright position.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) is a common disease that affects almost every third resident of the metropolis. It is less common for residents of small towns and even villages. Causes of this state are not completely known to science. Most experts agree that dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is associated with frequent stress, lack of adequate time for sleep, poor nutrition, bad environment. A patient who develops vegetative-vascular pathology may complain of dizziness, weakness, rapid heartbeat, and health difficulties when staying in a poorly ventilated room. A frequent accompaniment of VSD is weakness in the legs, which occurs without visible reasons or due to stress.

Heart diseases

Many patients with cardiovascular disease experience periodic attacks weaknesses. The feeling of fatigue and lack of strength is accompanied by excessive sweating, paleness of the skin. During exacerbations cardiovascular diseases the patient may complain that his legs seem to not obey him, no matter what he intends to do. In the presence of myocardial infarction, severe forms of arrhythmia or other diseases in the anamnesis, weakness in the lower extremities, along with dizziness, is a reason for urgent appeal see a doctor and possible hospitalization.

Severe weakness in the legs never occurs on its own, for no apparent reason, but it can be a sign of a serious illness that threatens complications. Therefore, such a symptom as sudden weakness in the legs cannot be ignored - with reference to qualified specialist It’s better not to put it off for long.

Weakness in the legs is characterized by decreased tone in the muscles. This is not an independent disorder, it is a consequence of a wide range of causes. Weakness not only in the legs, but also in the arms, indicates that a person has problems with the spine. Often the cause is, which can lead to destruction of the structure of cartilage and connective tissue. With this disease, weakness most often occurs in the arms, and the lower extremities are affected much less frequently.

Weakness in the legs and dizziness indicate that the girl will soon begin her first menstruation, and for the woman - the first signs of pregnancy. In addition, the appearance of weakness in at a young age is often harmless, but these manifestations in older people, especially in old age, have a number of dangerous reasons– pathologies of muscle tissue, bone structures, connective tissue, etc. All this suggests that the appearance of weakness in the legs can be caused by both physiological and pathological reasons.

The symptom can be expressed in two forms - subjective, in which weakness cannot be detected by examination, and objective - low muscle tone is confirmed by diagnostics. Typically, weakness can affect both individual muscles and entire limbs.


Weakness in the legs can appear against the background of many processes, which can be divided into several groups. The first includes causes not related to internal disorders of the body, and they are found mainly in adolescents and middle-aged people:

  • uncomfortable shoes. It is very important to choose the right shoes, since a person spends most of his life on his feet;
  • working conditions in which a person is forced to stand for a long time;
  • chemotherapy, which is used in the treatment of oncology;
  • poor nutrition or vegetarianism. Due to the fact that the body does not receive enough vitamins and nutritional minerals, and the load remains high, this feeling arises;
  • hormonal imbalance - often observed in girls during the first few times of menstruation;
  • pregnancy is the most harmless factor of occurrence. Expressed as the initial signs that a woman is preparing to become a mother. This symptom will accompany her throughout the entire period, right up to the birth itself.

The second group of reasons why weakness in the legs occurs consists of the following diseases:


Since leg weakness is a symptom in itself, it may only be accompanied by certain symptoms due to various causes. The most common of them are:

  • the feeling of being dizzy often occurs due to changes in blood pressure, as well as hormonal changes in a child’s body, when intensive growth and formation of the nervous system is observed. Treatment in this case can be carried out independently, since this is only a temporary symptom. It is necessary to eat properly and balanced, and leave enough time for proper rest;
  • wobbly legs – the main reason for their occurrence is a long-term effect on the body high temperatures, while weakness is observed not only in the arms and legs, but spreads throughout the body. Most susceptible cotton feet female representatives during menstruation or during pregnancy, as well as people with critically high body weight;
  • pain - this symptom can be observed in any area of ​​the lower extremities and is explained by injuries or impaired blood circulation;
  • trembling - indicates that perhaps the human body contains insufficient amounts of glucose;
  • increase in body temperature. Appears when emotional swings, various infections or intoxication, from the influence of allergens and physical activity;
  • attacks of nausea - the most unpleasant symptom, which may be accompanied by weakness in the legs. Occurs due to overeating, or, conversely, prolonged fasting, as well as due to dysfunction vestibular apparatus and changes in blood pressure;
  • severe headaches, often turning into - appear against the background of poisoning with chemicals or toxins. Often accompanied by increased sweating and saliva production;
  • numbness and swelling.

It is worth considering separately vegetative-vascular dystonia(VSD) - with this disease, there is not only weakness in the arms and legs, but also pain and a feeling of dizziness, severe sweating. Most often these signs of VSD arise due to prolonged exposure to unventilated and stuffy rooms or halls. Often, VSD is hereditary and can become more active due to hormonal imbalance, frequent stressful situations, as well as for cancer or brain injury.

Weakness in the legs and arms is often observed with osteochondrosis, the most common disease of the spine, which affects the structure of cartilage and connective tissue. Osteochondrosis is characterized by a long and slow formation, and weakness is the very first symptom of this disease, transforming into pain that occurs even at rest. Treatment is mainly aimed at restoring normal blood flow in the legs.

Weakness in the legs during early pregnancy is due to the fact that almost all processes in the body change and slow down. This is aggravated by toxicosis, sleep disturbances, and a feeling of dizziness. On later weakness and a feeling of cottony limbs is caused by the growth of the fetus, nerves before childbirth. Treatment consists of a rational daily routine and rest, as well as a balanced diet.


Weakness in the legs itself does not require diagnosis, but the patient must be examined to determine why this symptom occurred. To do this, the patient needs to undergo consultations and examinations with many specialists, including:



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