Hypotension complaints. Hypotension - types, signs, treatment

When blood pressure decreases and ceases to be normal, hypotension begins. may be caused by thyrotoxicosis or insufficiency of the semilunar arterial valves - this phenomenon occurs quite often. How can you determine if you have such a serious illness?

General description of the disease

Arterial hypotension is divided into chronic and acute, primary and symptomatic. Low blood pressure in some cases can accompany other pathologies. The physiological type of the disease can manifest itself individually and in an adaptive form (inhabitants of high mountains and subtropics), as well as in athletes who overdo it with training.

The primary form of the disease is much less common. Here are two types of this pathology:

  1. Neurocirculatory hypotension. The course of the disease is unstable and reversible (sometimes it takes the form of chronic hypotension). Manifests itself as a consequence of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Can be cured with folk remedies.
  2. Idiopathic orthostatic hypotension. Fixed in case of sudden changes in the position of the body (transition to a vertical position).

The classic proportion of blood pressure in a healthy person is 120/80. There is a category of people for whom 120/70 or 150/100 is acceptable. These exceptions are quite rare, so we will not consider them in the context of the article. Arterial hypotension is often a consequence of narrowing of the vascular walls - this leads to an increase in blood pressure.

Risk groups - who should be afraid?

Predisposition to this disease can be transmitted genetically. The highest incidence rate is observed in women. The first signs of pathology are noticeable already in childhood - lethargy and inactivity. Hypotonic children quickly get tired during outdoor games.

Teenagers are also at risk during the period of hormonal changes in the body.. Hypotonic symptoms at this age mean slow adaptation of the nervous system (vegetative) to the rapid growth of all vital systems.

The risk groups also include athletes and residents of certain latitudes. Severe and prolonged stress that you regularly experience at work can also lead to the development of pathology. Here are the main production factors that put an adult at risk:

  • overheating;
  • vibration;
  • high noise level;
  • ionized radiation.

Hypertension and its degrees

Every third inhabitant of our planet suffers from hypertensive pathologies. Adults, teenagers, children - no one is immune from vasoconstriction. Some people try to treat hypertension with folk remedies, but such treatment does not always give the desired result. Complications from untreated hypertension can affect the brain, heart, and kidneys.

Stage 3 hypertension is a very dangerous pathology. There are known cases of premature death of patients with a similar diagnosis. To have a complete understanding of the disease, let's consider its stages in more detail.

Here they are:

  • Hypertension 1st degree. It is considered a mild form of pathology. Systolic pressure fluctuates at 140-159, diastolic - about 90-99 (the given indicators are measured in millimeters of mercury). Blood pressure changes abruptly. Abnormal indicators often return to normal on their own, and then begin to “jump” again.
  • Hypertension 2 degrees. The disease has a moderate course. The patient's blood pressure consistently exceeds 160-179 (systolic) and 100-109 (diastolic). The increase in blood pressure is long-lasting and rarely drops to normal levels.
  • Hypertension 3 degrees. The most advanced and severe form of the disease. Blood pressure consistently exceeds 180/110, while consistently remaining at these abnormal levels.

Note that stage 1 hypertension is a reason to think about going to a cardiologist. The disease will not go away on its own - it needs to be treated. This can be done with folk remedies or with the help of conservative medicine. Below you will find options for solving this problem.

Causes of morbidity

The variety of causes that provoke the development of pathology is amazing. These include neuroses, psychological trauma, chronic fatigue, and harmful production. If you notice lethargy and depression, consult a doctor without delay.

Here are the main reasons for your discomfort:

  • bleeding;
  • arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation,);
  • decrease in cardiac output (this includes complications of myocardial infarction);
  • heart disease;
  • alcoholism;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • exfoliating;
  • cardiac tamponade;
  • anaphylaxis;
  • infectious shock;
  • diarrhea and vomiting;
  • acute pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction,;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diabetes;
  • prolonged bed rest;
  • dumping syndrome;
  • adrenal insufficiency (tuberculosis, amyloidosis);
  • neurological diseases (tabes dorsalis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis).

Regular use of certain medications can also lead to an increase in blood pressure. Such substances include anesthetics, nitrates, antiarrhythmics, antihypertensive drugs, phenothiazine derivatives, diuretics and barbiturates.

With a sharp refusal of glucocorticosteroids, abnormal jumps in blood pressure also occur. An example of such a drug is prednisolone.

How to recognize the disease - symptoms of hypotension

Sleep disturbance is the first sign of impending trouble. Falling asleep worsens, the rhythm of wakefulness is disrupted, fatigue, weakness and daytime sleepiness increase. If a person has this condition, he will not be satisfied with the usual eight hours of sleep. Hypotension requires ten or even twelve hours of rest.

We list other signs of the disease:

  • rapid pulse (with high physical exertion);
  • high sensitivity to heat and cold;
  • heightened perception of bright light and loud sounds;
  • decrease in potency (men), failure of the menstruation cycle (women);
  • a tendency to motion sickness, drowsiness and poor performance;
  • goosebumps before the eyes;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • memory impairment, absent-mindedness, impaired thermoregulation, sweating of the palms and feet;
  • palpitations (with all types of physical activity);
  • digestive disorders;
  • heart pain.

Arterial hypotension causes constant yawning - this is explained by a regular lack of oxygen. There have been cases of fainting. Changing the position of the body can lead to the effect of "cotton legs".

Hypotonic patients are worried about aches and pains in the joints, changes in atmospheric pressure, and sudden changes in climatic conditions - this phenomenon is called weather dependence.

Arterial hypotension can also cause a number of symptomatic exacerbations:

  • feeling of fear;
  • causeless anxiety;
  • feeling of heart failure;
  • dyspnea.

Modern diagnostic methods

It is difficult to detect the disease - arterial hypotension can occur in a latent form for years. A full examination often begins after the patient complains. Having clarified the symptoms, the doctor prescribes additional diagnostic methods to exclude other pathologies.

These are the methods:

  • cardiointervalography;
  • general blood analysis;
  • determination of blood glucose;
  • urine test (general);
  • radiography;
  • determination of lipid profile and cholesterol levels;
  • blood pressure monitoring.

The doctor determines the degree of the disease using all available means. Hypotension is not as terrible as hypertension - among its consequences there are no strokes and heart attacks. The vessels remain clean, and the development of atherosclerosis is inhibited. But this is no reason to be careless.

How to treat hypotension

Symptomatic treatment of the disease is accompanied by complex therapy aimed at combating the pathological process. If blood pressure decreases within acceptable limits, treatment is not prescribed at all. Modern scientists have developed few medicinal methods of therapy. Most often, the doctor prescribes caffeine-containing medications.

  • limit alcohol consumption;
  • avoid high temperatures;
  • rationally organize the work process (you need to sleep at least 10 hours);
  • stop taking medications that increase blood pressure;
  • switch to four meals a day;
  • introduce more table salt into your diet.

If doctors have diagnosed hypotension, treatment will include a range of tonics. These medications are taken twice a day. Evening use is unacceptable.

The list of medications looks like this:

  • tincture of ginseng (dosage - 15-25 drops);
  • Schisandra tincture (only before meals, dosage - 20-30 drops);
  • Leuzea liquid extract;
  • sandy immortelle (inflorescences);
  • liquid eleutherococcus extract;
  • Aralia tincture (about 15-30 drops);
  • tincture of enticement.

When consuming caffeine, we must not forget about the possible consequences in the form of arrhythmias. You may also be prescribed drops of nikethamide, injections of the same drug, and deoxycortone (an extreme case). If the pathology has affected the thyroid gland, the patient is recommended iron hormones. All this works in combination with herbal remedies.

Traditional medicine recipes

It is possible to be treated with folk remedies, but before that you should consult a cardiologist. Drugs are prescribed strictly individually. Therapy must be combined with healthy sleep, physical activity and psychological counseling. Getting rid of stress is the key to future success.

And here are some folk recipes against the disease:

  1. Take Chinese magnolia vine (fruits), chop it, fill it with an alcohol 40-degree solution (proportion 1:10), and then leave for about two weeks. Dosage - 25-40 drops before meals (depending on body weight and age). Frequency - three times a day.
  2. You will need golden root extract (Rhodiola rosea). Drink a quarter of an hour before meals daily (dosage - 5-10 drops). The course of treatment is 10-20 days.
  3. Take some coffee beans (50 gr), roast thoroughly and grind. Then mix this powder with lemon juice (one fruit is enough) and add a pound of honey. The resulting mixture is stored in the refrigerator. Use three times a day - 2 hours after eating.
  4. We make herbal medicinal mixture. We will need the following components: leuzea root, St. The proportions are 2:3:2:3:2:1:2:2. After grinding the collection, pour it with boiling water (2 cups). All night insist in a thermos. Take a quarter cup three times a day. The course of treatment is two months.

Possible consequences

Complications of hypotension are quite diverse. Some patients who experience a surge in blood pressure go into a state of shock. The next stage is cellular disorders. The patient experiences dry mouth, thirst, dizziness, fear and anxiety.

Some patients also face more serious problems:

  • cerebral stroke;
  • cerebral hypotonic crisis;
  • myocardial infarction (rare);
  • cardiac hypotensive crisis;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis.

To avoid a deplorable fate, lead an active lifestyle, do not neglect sports and walk more often in the fresh air. Try to get a good night's sleep. Drink green tea (not strong) - it helps normalize blood pressure. Avoid stressful situations at work and hypothermia.

Hypotension is a state of the body characterized by low blood pressure. This term also refers to decreased muscle or vascular tone. Arterial hypotension is divided into primary and secondary (as is the case with hypertension).

Symptoms of hypotension include weakness, fatigue, headaches and dizziness. With hypotension, some autonomic disorders and disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract may be observed. Women are more susceptible to developing hypotension than men.

It is believed that an excellent cure for arterial hypotension is vigorous physical activity, this is explained by the fact that physical activity helps to increase blood pressure and, accordingly, blood circulation and blood supply.

However, hypotension should not be considered a completely harmless phenomenon and should not be self-medicated. Severe hypotension can even lead to cardiogenic shock (although in many cases hypotension does not lead to serious consequences). Therefore, consultations and observations with a specialist for arterial hypotension are mandatory.

Any hypotensive person should reconsider their lifestyle and direct it towards achieving health, because getting rid of arterial hypotension largely depends on the willpower of a person. There are not many medicinal methods to combat arterial hypotension - medications that can be prescribed to a patient have a stimulating effect on the body, mostly all of them contain caffeine.

The term hypotension is multifaceted. This is indeed true. Firstly, hypotension is called decreased muscle or vascular tone. Secondly, hypotension is low blood pressure. In this article we will talk specifically about hypotension, characterized by low blood pressure, that is, arterial hypotension (this is a more correct and accurate name).

The main symptom of the arterial hypothesis is low blood pressure. This is a fairly long-term state of the body when the upper pressure is below 100 mm Hg, and the lower pressure is below 60 mm Hg. (The upper pressure is also called systolic, and the lower pressure is diastolic.) Although it can be argued that experts have not yet developed a common opinion on these figures. In the literature on cardiology, you can see other values, which, in general, primarily affect the level of systolic (upper) pressure: from 110 mm Hg. Art. up to 90 mm Hg Art. and below.

Arterial hypotension is divided into primary and secondary. The same is true for hypertension. Primary hypertension, also called essential hypertension, can manifest itself as a predisposition to low blood pressure due to hereditary causes, or as a chronic disease. In the case of a hereditary predisposition, blood pressure does not go beyond normal limits, in this case they speak of physiological hypotension. When hypotension is a chronic disease, we speak of neurocirculatory asthenia. Secondary hypotension develops as a result of other existing diseases. This could be hepatitis, peptic ulcer, anemia. In addition, secondary hypotension may be a consequence of side effects on the body from medications. In these cases, hypotension (secondary) is definitely not a disease, but rather a symptom of another disease. Elimination of this symptom (low blood pressure) will occur if the patient gets rid of the underlying disease that led to secondary hypotension.

Weakness, fatigue, lethargy are symptoms of arterial hypotension. In addition, the patient may experience headaches and dizziness. We can even talk about moving in a vicious circle. A constant feeling of fatigue leads to the development of hypotension, and with hypotension there are also feelings of depression and fatigue, and sometimes there are even memory problems.

However, the debate about whether arterial hypotension is actually a disease continues to this day, and each side has its own arguments. Adherents of the fact that arterial hypotension is a disease point to a whole system of clinical symptoms of hypotension that must be eliminated. Due to the fact that hypotension requires treatment, supporters of this point of view argue for classifying hypotension as a disease.

Adherents of the fact that hypotension is not a disease as such, consider it a physiological property of the human body. Proponents of this point of view focus on the fact that hypotension does not cause any pathological and irreversible changes in the human body. In addition, they say that arterial hypotension does not lead to any serious consequences.

Arterial hypotension can be attributed to such human conditions when the general well-being of a person noticeably worsens, but this does not have a noticeable effect on the state of the body. With hypotension, various autonomic disorders can be observed. These include sweating of the palms and feet, pallor, a decrease in body temperature to the level of 35.8 -36 ° C.

Subjective symptoms of hypotension include irritability, absent-mindedness, worsening of mood and memory, and decreased performance. With arterial hypotension, a person has emotional instability, he is very sensitive to loud speech and bright light.

Arterial hypotension is accompanied by dizziness and headaches. The cause of a headache, as a rule, is a plentiful meal, a long absence of rest, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure. However, the occurrence of headache cannot be called a direct consequence of arterial hypotension.

The cause of a headache with arterial hypotension may be excessive pulse stretching of the arteries, in which case the pain has a pulsating character. The headache is localized in the occipital or temporo-parietal region.

Headache may also have a different origin and be caused by a violation of the outflow of venous blood from the cranial cavity. This difficulty occurs due to the fact that with arterial hypotension the tone of the intracranial veins decreases. In this case, the pain is localized in the occipital region and, as a rule, occurs in the morning - immediately after waking up the person feels a pressing heaviness.

This pain (after the morning exacerbation) gradually subsides. This fact is explained by the fact that with a vertical position of the human body, the tone of the veins significantly increases. As a result, the outflow of venous blood from the cranial cavity is noticeably easier - the headache goes away.

People suffering from arterial hypotension begin to feel tired immediately after waking up, so in the morning they wake up with great difficulty and feel completely sleep-deprived. Such people are most active in the evening hours.

Hypotonic people find it difficult to get up in the morning. It is also possible that after abruptly jumping out of bed, a hypotensive person loses consciousness, after which the person feels completely defeated for quite a long time. Most often, hypotensive patients experience dizziness and headaches in the morning. All this is explained by the following: during sleep, in hypotensive patients, blood concentrates in the stomach area, as a result of which some insufficiency of blood supply to the brain appears. In this regard, certain rules have been developed for hypotensive patients to help them feel good in the morning hours too. Firstly, people suffering from arterial hypotension are not recommended to jump out of bed abruptly, but, on the contrary, lie down for a while and do light exercises. The latter includes stretching, gentle movements of the arms and legs, its purpose is to disperse the blood through the vessels. It is preferable to take your time getting out of bed. It is much better if the hypotensive person first moves to a sitting position, and only then stands up. As for sudden movements, they generally need to be excluded for the first time after waking up.

With hypotension, gastrointestinal disorders occur. Therefore, symptoms of hypotension include loss of appetite, heartburn, belching, nausea, heaviness in the stomach, and constipation.

Hypotonic people are impressionable people. They consider manifestations of low blood pressure to be symptoms of more serious diseases. For example, after physical exertion (increased) in persons suffering from arterial hypotension, shortness of breath, discomfort in the heart area may appear. All this makes the hypotensive think that he has angina pectoris or another serious illness - however, such thoughts are often unfounded. However, these thoughts can worsen the general condition of hypotensive patients. People suffering from hypotension prefer to walk (when walking improves their well-being due to improved blood supply) than to stand - which is why they are more likely to walk some distance than wait for crowded public transport.

An active lifestyle is the best medicine for hypotensive patients. Any muscular activity leads to an increase in pressure and, as a result, an improvement in blood supply. All this helps relieve pain. An active lifestyle becomes the main cure for arterial hypotension if the person suffering from it adheres to an active lifestyle not occasionally, but regularly.

Hypotonic people are sensitive to weather changes. People suffering from hypotension find it difficult to tolerate hot weather, spring and autumn off-season. The best weather conditions for hypotensive patients are frosty and sunny winter days. Hypotonic people also feel quite good on the warm days of early autumn and late spring. People suffering from arterial hypotension do not tolerate sudden changes in weather and climatic conditions, as a result, experts strongly recommend that they spend their holidays in their climatic zone. Acclimatization is quite difficult for hypotensive patients.

Women are more susceptible to arterial hypotension. Most often it is observed in women between the ages of thirty and forty, but it can also bother women between the ages of nineteen and thirty if they are engaged in intense intellectual activity. As for the male part of the population, we can say that arterial hypotension is much less common in men. In addition, hypotension can also develop in healthy people, in particular, in athletes who constantly give their body high physical activity - in this case, hypotension is nothing more than a protective measure of the human body. In this case, we talk about hypotension of fitness, when, under constant loads, the heart rate becomes more rare and the pressure, accordingly, decreases. Arterial hypotension can also occur when the human body adapts to new climatic conditions, as well as under many other circumstances, for example, under the influence of radiation, electromagnetic fields, and allergic reactions.

Hypotension is a harmless ailment that should not be taken into account. A very common opinion. However, this is exactly what you need to pay attention to, and even the most careful attention - you need to contact a cardiologist in any case. Arterial hypotension can cause a person a huge amount of inconvenience. Hypotension, in particular, can even interfere with a person’s full life; if low blood pressure is observed in a patient for a long period of time, this can lead to disruption of the proper functioning of various systems of the human body. As a result, a person with arterial hypotension should promptly consult a doctor and undergo proper treatment.

Primary arterial hypotension is caused by heredity. It is hereditary predisposition that is considered the main cause of primary hypotension. In fact, we can talk about the presence of hypotension in a person if blood pressure quite often deviates from the lower limit of the norm, that is, it decreases even more. However, a predisposition to hypotension can be inherited, and malnutrition can be a direct impetus for its development , nervous tension, infections. Other factors may also influence the development of hypotension. In such cases, arterial hypotension is an independent disease, and treatment is based on the fight against low blood pressure.

Secondary hypotension is a symptom of other diseases. Thus, the pattern of development of secondary hypotension is somewhat different. Low blood pressure can accompany many diseases, for example, heart failure, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism and others. Arterial hypotension often accompanies the course of mitral and heart defects, myocarditis, seriously complicating their course. Hypotension can be observed with vitamin deficiencies, cholecystitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, and respiratory diseases. As for vitamin deficiency, arterial hypotension often occurs with a lack of pantothenic acid (B5) and vitamins B, C, E.

Blood pressure can drop significantly due to poisoning, certain types of arrhythmias, and allergic reactions. Hypertension. Dangerous to health, sometimes occurs in a patient when using certain painkillers, which are necessary during abdominal operations.

Drug overdose is another cause of hypotension. We are talking about antihypertensive drugs, that is, those drugs that lower blood pressure. Often this situation arises during self-medication, when a person decides that he can completely do without the supervision of a doctor. The consequences of such hypotension are often unpredictable.

Cardiogenic shock is a complication of hypotension. It can have a severe course of arterial hypotension. The immediate cause of cardiogenic shock is peripheral circulatory disorders. Signs of cardiogenic shock are difficulty in determining blood pressure and weakening of the pulse. There is a high probability of fainting and the appearance of symptoms of oxygen starvation. Consultation with a specialist in this case is strictly required.

Naturally, hypotension does not always cause the development of complications; on the contrary, often a person with low blood pressure only has one sign of hypotension, which does not prevent him from leading a full normal life. Moreover, with increasing age, hypotension most often goes away on its own. This is due to the fact that with age, blood pressure usually increases, and there is a risk of developing hypertension.

Hypotension can cause problems for a woman during pregnancy. During pregnancy, a slight decrease in blood pressure is normal, but if a woman suffered from arterial hypotension before pregnancy, the decrease in blood pressure during pregnancy can be significant. In this case, hypotension can lead to many problems - in severe cases of arterial hypotension, the woman's blood supply deteriorates, which leads to the fact that the child receives less oxygen. As a result, those women who had signs of hypotension before pregnancy (even if it did not prevent them from leading a normal life) should be observed by a specialist throughout pregnancy and monitor their blood pressure. You should know that hypotension, as a rule, does not lead to any problems with the fetus, but for a pregnant woman, it can significantly complicate her life during these months - these are constant mood swings (pronounced in this case much more strongly than in others pregnant women), headaches and dizziness, weakness. To avoid such unpleasant manifestations of hypotension, you should eat properly (the diet of the expectant mother should include a high content of protein foods), provide your body with proper rest (about ten hours of sleep at night and about one to two hours of daytime sleep), and take a daily walk in the fresh air. , perform special exercises, practice in the pool. It should be understood that arterial hypotension is not a contraindication for pregnancy.

Caffeine-containing medications are the main drug treatment for arterial hypotension. Drug treatment in this case includes the use of general stimulant medications. Medicines containing caffeine are one of them. Folk remedies give good results. These are numerous herbal preparations, including tinctures and decoctions of immortelle inflorescences, tinctures of ginseng and Manchurian aralia and others. However, their independent administration to oneself is very fraught, since the same herb (as well as medications) affects different people differently. What specific medications are required for a person suffering from low blood pressure can only be determined by a cardiologist and only after the cause of arterial hypotension has been established, as well as the characteristic features of its course.

There are few medicinal methods to combat arterial hypotension. This is due to the fact that hypotension, as a rule, does not lead to serious consequences and does not cause serious complications, and is also not very widespread. In the case of arterial hypotension, its treatment depends on the person himself, on his desire and desire to change his lifestyle.

Firstly, hypotensive patients should increase their physical activity (which should become something familiar and ordinary) and make it varied, because physical activity increases vascular tone. In principle, you shouldn’t overdo it either - everything should be in moderation, including physical activity (otherwise the blood vessels will experience too much stress). Walking, various sports games, swimming have a very good effect on the state of the body - the main thing is to enjoy it all.

Secondly, a hypotensive person should think about the need for healthy and full sleep - hypotensive patients need to devote more time to sleep than a healthy person, namely ten to twelve hours (while a healthy person needs seven to eight hours of sleep). People suffering from hypotension especially need sleep during cold weather when barometric pressure is low. Sleep in this case is nothing more than a protective reaction of the human body.

Thirdly, proper nutrition is of great importance. The diet that is recommended for hypotensive patients, of course, differs from the diet of hypertensive patients. For hypotension, drinking tea and coffee is beneficial (in moderation, of course) - a cup of strong coffee in the morning is simply necessary for hypotension. With hypotension, it is recommended to include salty and fatty foods in the diet, but in moderation.

For hypotension, dousing with cold water is very useful, but it should be noted that you need to douse yourself with your head. The reason for this is to avoid differences in vascular tone throughout the rest of the body and head. Massage procedures that help strengthen the body are also useful.

Hypotension (arterial hypotension)– low blood pressure is a condition of the body characterized by a decrease in arterial tone.

Hypotension is characterized by a decrease in systolic pressure below 100 mm Hg. Art., and diastolic - below 60 mm Hg. Art. The figures for the upper and lower limits of blood pressure for people who have passed the thirty-year mark are 105/65 mm Hg. Art.

Causes and types of hypotension

The causes of hypotension are very different. It is possible to distinguish physiological arterial hypotension, which occurs in healthy people, and pathological, which is a disease.

Physiological hypotension

Physiological hypotension often has a hereditary nature and depends on the constitution of the person. It is observed in healthy people doing normal work. Hypotension occasionally occurs in athletes. It can also develop when a person moves to highlands or to places with a subtropical and tropical climate. This is due to a decrease in atmospheric pressure in these areas, with air temperatures (very low or high), with excessive solar activity. Manifestations of hypotension in these cases are temporary and disappear after adaptation to these factors.

Pathological arterial hypotension can be primary and secondary, acute and chronic. It can also be called vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotonic type. This is primary arterial hypotension. It develops as a result of dysregulation of vascular tone by the central nervous system.

The speed of blood flow through the vessels remains normal, the heart begins to increase the release of blood, but it is not enough and the normalization of blood pressure does not occur.

Hormones play an important role in the development of this disease. The kidneys and adrenal glands produce several hormones involved in the regulation of blood pressure. In addition, the amount of sodium and potassium in the blood can be changed in patients (the amount of sodium is reduced and the content of potassium is increased).

Important reasons leading to the occurrence of this disease include stress, psychological trauma, neurotic conditions, occupational hazards, and alcohol abuse. According to one of the modern theories, hypotension is a neurosis of the vasomotor centers of the brain.

Secondary arterial hypotension

Secondary arterial hypotension occur in various diseases. Among them are thyroid disease, stomach ulcers, anemia, inflammation of liver cells, tumors, and the effects of certain drugs on the body.

Symptoms of hypotension

They are numerous and varied. Most often, patients complain of weakness (especially in the mornings), lethargy, rapidly onset fatigue during normal activities, headaches, feeling short of breath, insomnia, pain in the heart, heaviness in the stomach, loss of appetite. In addition, there are often stool disorders (usually constipation), menstrual irregularities in women and decreased potency in men.

Let us dwell in more detail on heart pain and headaches. Based on the predominance of one or the other sensation, the cardiac and cerebral variants of hypotension are distinguished.

Pain in the heart area is usually dull, aching, and does not spread to the left arm and shoulder blade, unlike an attack of pain with coronary heart disease. It does not go away when taking nitroglycerin, which can even worsen the condition. The pain may appear at rest, after morning sleep, and sometimes it appears with too much physical activity. A painful attack can last for several hours or even days or occur repeatedly during the day. A few light exercises usually reduce pain and make you feel better.

Patients can only complain of frequent headaches (with the cerebral variant), which appear after work, sleep, when the weather changes, and after eating too much. The pain is concentrated more often in the forehead and temples and can last for a long time. Sometimes dizziness, nausea and vomiting occur. During attacks, patients experience increased sensitivity to loud sounds, bright light, the condition worsens when staying in a stuffy room and standing for a long time. Being in the fresh air and doing exercises usually reduce pain symptoms. Often the main complaints are accompanied by temporary pain in various joints and muscles.

In some cases, when the patient suddenly gets out of bed, systolic pressure may drop to 50 mmHg. Art.; loss of consciousness occurs. When moving to a horizontal position, the person’s condition normalizes.

Externally, patients with hypotension have pallor and sweating feet. When listening and determining the pulse, an unstable pulse and rapid heartbeat are detected. Body temperature in the morning is below 36 °C, blood pressure is always reduced.

Deterioration in health most often occurs in spring and summer, after suffering from colds and infectious diseases.

Treatment of hypotension

Treatment of hypotension is not an easy task. The patient must follow a daily routine (at least 8 hours of sleep at night) and perform physical exercises in the form of gymnastics, swimming, and walking. Exercises do not have to be complicated or lengthy.

Among medications, drugs with a sedative effect are mainly used, since patients are often irritated, tearful, and experience a feeling of anxiety and fear. In addition, tonics are used (rhodiola rosea, echinacea, leuzea, pantocrine, ginseng, aralia in the form of tinctures and extracts). A combination of tonic and sedative substances gives a positive result.

Physiological hypotension

Physiological hypotension, if it does not cause discomfort, does not require treatment. To eliminate drowsiness that accompanies low blood pressure, sometimes it is enough to adjust your daily routine and increase the duration of sleep. You can also use the following drugs:

  • Caffeine sodium benzoate– tablets to increase blood pressure. If hypotension is accompanied by headaches, use cofalgin, citramon, Pentalgin.
  • Tonginal– homeopathic drops for the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia of the hypotensive type.
  • Tinctures ginseng, eleutherococcus, aralia, lemongrass, apilak tablets to improve performance, eliminate weakness, apathy, and increase blood pressure.
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes: Duovit, Supradin, Multi-Tabs, Vitrum.
  • For weather sensitivity - drops or capsules antifront.
  • For mood changes - herbal antidepressants, for example, deprim containing St. John's wort.

Pathological arterial hypotension

If, as a result of the examination, it is determined that hypotension is a consequence of neurological disorders, abnormalities in the cardiovascular system, pathologies of the thyroid gland, stomach or liver, the underlying disease is treated under the supervision of a doctor.

To treat hypotension, many physiotherapeutic procedures are used that increase vascular tone, improve the mood and performance of hypotensive patients:

  • Circular shower– thin jets of warm water are applied to the patient’s body for 3–5 minutes.
  • Pouring– the water temperature is from 17 to 20 degrees, after dousing the skin, rub it with a towel until it turns red.
  • Cryotherapy– treatment with a dry air-nitrogen mixture at temperature - 160 degrees for three minutes. Due to the temperature difference, a powerful vasoconstrictor effect occurs.
  • Electrophoresis on the collar area using solutions of calcium chloride and caffeine.
  • Ultraviolet irradiation– the entire surface of the body is exposed to irradiation, which improves blood circulation and increases vascular tone.
  • Balneotherapy- taking turpentine, radon, pearl baths.
  • Aeroionotherapy- inhalation of ionized air.
  • Hydrotherapy– underwater shower-massage, various types of therapeutic showers (fan, rain, circular, contrast) and baths (sodium chloride, radon, nitrogen, iodine-bromine).
  • Massage– a good effect is observed during courses of therapeutic manual massage of the neck and upper back.

Some types of physiotherapy should not be performed if the patient has coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, thrombophlebitis, or during acute infectious processes.

Sauna therapy is indicated for patients with a cardiac variant of hypotension. It is advisable to carry out the procedures 1-2 times a week in long courses. Of the hardware methods, electrosleep, aeroionotherapy (inhalation of air enriched with ozone), galvanic collar, darsonvalization of the neck and scalp, as well as the heart area are very useful.

Treatment of hypotension with folk remedies

  • Aralia Manchurian. Pour crushed Manchurian aralia root with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5 and leave for 10 days. Take 2-3 times a day, 30-40 drops in one tablespoon of cold boiled water for 1-1.5 months. Store the tincture in a cool place.
  • Ginseng. Ginseng root preparations have a tonic effect against arterial hypotension. Prepare a vodka tincture at a ratio of 1:5. Take 25 drops 3 times a day.
  • Zamanikha high. Preparations of high-grade zamanikha are similar in their effect to ginseng preparations. Prepare a vodka tincture at a ratio of 1:5. Take 30–40 drops 2 times a day.
  • Ginger. You can increase your blood pressure with ginger. Dissolve 1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder in a glass of strong sweet tea. Drink 3 times a day for a week. Do not increase the dose, as your heart rate may increase.
  • Coffee, honey and lemon. Roast and grind 50 g of coffee beans, add 0.5 kg of honey, juice of 1 lemon and mix thoroughly. Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture 2 hours after meals. Store it in the refrigerator.
  • Leuzea safflower. Prepare an alcohol tincture of Leuzea safflower (maral root). Take 20–30 drops in one tablespoon of cold boiled water 2 times a day, before breakfast and lunch, 30 minutes before meals.
  • Schisandra chinensis. Pour the crushed fruits of Schisandra chinensis with 40-degree alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 and leave for 2 weeks. Take 25–40 drops (depending on age and body weight) per 1 tablespoon of cold boiled water 2 times a day, before breakfast and lunch, 30 minutes before meals.
  • Caustic sedum. Pour 20 g of dry crushed sedum herb into 1 cup of boiling water. Boil in a water bath for 10 minutes, cool, strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Prepare ingredients in the following proportions: calamus (root) – 1 part, verbena (leaves) – 2 parts, gorse (herb) – 2 parts, oregano (herb) – 4 parts, St. John’s wort (herb) – 14 parts, fireweed (leaves) – 4 parts, mint (leaves) – 2 parts, large plantain (leaves) – 4 parts, knotweed (herb) – 2 parts, rose hips (fruits) – 6 parts. 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into a thermos in the evening, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The next day, filter. The dose is drunk in 3 doses, warm, 20–40 minutes before meals.
  • Royal jelly. For low blood pressure, dizziness and depression, take royal jelly in the form of 2 g tablets with honey 3-4 times a day before meals. However, this remedy is contraindicated in Addison's disease, acute infectious diseases of the adrenal glands.
  • Rhodiola rosea (golden root). Rhodiola rosea extract (golden root) take 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 10–20 days.
  • Collection No. 1. 4 parts of oregano herb, 2 parts of medicinal hyssop herb, lemon balm herb, fragrant rue herb, yarrow herb, 0.5 liters of boiling water. Mix all ingredients, 3 tbsp. l. pour the collection into a thermos, pour boiling water over it. Leave for 6 hours. Strain. Take 20–30 minutes before meals, 1 glass 3 times a day.
  • Collection No. 2. 5 parts of hawthorn fruit, 1 part each of wild strawberry leaves, white mistletoe leaves, wormwood herb, 0.5 liters of boiling water. Mix all ingredients, 2 tbsp. l. pour boiling water over the collection, leave in a thermos for 6 hours. Strain, squeeze out the raw materials. Take 1 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  • Collection No. 3. 10 g of licorice roots, string grass, Panaceria fluffy grass, buckwheat grass, 5 g of ground valerian roots, 1 liter of cold water. 5 tbsp. l. Mix the collection thoroughly, add water, put on low heat until it boils, pour into a thermos and leave for 10 hours. Then strain, squeeze out the raw materials. Take 40 minutes before bedtime for a month.
  • Collection No. 4. 15 g of crushed valerian root, hop cones, 30 g of motherwort herb, 1 glass of boiling water. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water over the collection and leave for 40 minutes. Strain, squeeze out the raw materials, bring with boiled water to the original volume. Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day, regardless of meals.
  • Collection No. 5. 15 g of crushed chicory roots, ground oats, 2 cups of boiling water. Pour the mixture into a thermos, pour boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Take 60–70 ml 30 minutes before meals.
  • Collection No. 6. Prepare the ingredients in the following proportions: calamus rhizome – 1/2 part, ivy grass – 2 parts, verbena herb – 1 part, gorse herb – 1 part, oregano herb – 2 parts, St. John’s wort herb – 7 parts, common juniper fruits - 1/2 part, fireweed grass - 2 parts, peppermint leaves - 1 part, large plantain leaf - 2 parts, knotweed grass - 1 part, cinnamon rose hips - 3 parts. Every evening, pour 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture (depending on the patient’s body weight) into a thermos (0.5 l) and pour boiling water over it. The next day, drink the entire infusion in 3 warm doses 20–30 minutes before meals for neurocirculatory dystonia of the hypertensive type.
  • Collection No. 7. Prepare the ingredients in the following proportions: rhodiola rosea (root), tall zamanika (root), rose hips (fruit) - 4 parts each; nettle (leaves), hawthorn (fruits) - 3 parts each; St. John's wort (herb) – 2 parts. Two tablespoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 10 hours, boil for 1 minute, strain, cool. Drink 100 ml of decoction 3 times a day.
  • Collection number 8. Prepare the ingredients in the following ratios: prickly tartar (grass) - 10 parts; rosehip cinnamon (fruits) - 6 parts; white birch (leaves), medicinal veronica (grass), medicinal dandelion (root) - 4 parts each; wild strawberry (leaves), medicinal hyssop (grass), stinging nettle (grass), black currant (grass), horsetail (grass) - 2 parts each; elecampane (root), peppermint (leaves) - 1 part each. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture (depending on the patient's body weight) into a thermos in the evening and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The next day, drink the entire infusion in 3 warm doses 20–40 minutes before meals.
  • Tatarnik prickly. 1 tsp. prickly tartar herb, 1 cup boiling water. Pour boiling water over the herb, cover with a lid, leave for 20 minutes in a warm place. Strain, squeeze. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals as a tonic.
  • Tatarnik prickly. A decoction of prickly tartar is recommended at the rate of 20 g of dry flower baskets and leaves per glass of water. Boil for 10 minutes on low heat, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day to increase tone and increase blood pressure. You can brew some leaves.
  • Tsmin sandy. Prepare an infusion of immortelle flowers (tsmin sandy) at the rate of 10 g of flowers per 1 cup of boiling water. Take 20-30 drops 2 times a day on an empty stomach before breakfast and lunch 30 minutes before meals. Can also be taken as a tincture in the same proportions. According to another source, immortelle is recommended in the form of a decoction: 10–15 g per glass of water. Take chilled 2 tablespoons 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2-3 weeks.
  • Thistle. Pour a tablespoon of thistle leaves with a glass of boiling water, insist until cool, strain. Drink 1/2 glass 3-4 times a day. You can also use fresh juice from the leaves of the plant. Take 1 teaspoon per day.
  • Eleutherococcus. Eleutherococcus, a substitute for ginseng, has a stimulating and tonic effect. It improves well-being, increases efficiency and body resistance. It is recommended for use in hypotension, neurasthenia, depression, diabetes, atherosclerosis and other diseases.

Diet and nutrition

Treatment of hypotension with diet is aimed at restoring the entire body. Protein, vitamin C, and all B vitamins have been found to be useful in the treatment and prevention of hypotension. Among them, a special place is given to vitamin B 3 (yeast, liver, egg yolk, green parts of plants, milk, carrots, etc.).

One effective home remedy is raw beetroot juice. The patient should drink at least 100 ml of this juice twice a day. Significant improvement occurs within a week.

Freshly brewed black or green tea, containing natural tonic substances, is an excellent drink for people prone to hypotensive reactions.

Hypotension or, more correctly, hypotension is a condition when blood pressure is constantly below the levels that are considered healthy, while a whole range of different symptoms develops, and the person experiences serious illness. Hypotension can develop as an independent disease, or it can arise as a result of other pathologies.

In the article we will consider: what kind of diseases these are, how the acute and chronic forms manifest themselves, as well as what methods are effective in treatment.

What is hypotension?

Hypotension is a long-term condition of the body, characterized by low blood pressure and various autonomic disorders: decreased body temperature, sweating of the feet and palms, pallor, etc.

According to statistics, women suffer from hypotension more often than men. Low blood pressure is often diagnosed in adolescence. In older people, it makes sense to talk about atherosclerotic hypotension, which occurs against the background of vascular damage by atherosclerosis and loss of vascular tone.

Who is a hypotensive person?

A hypotensive person is a person whose blood pressure is chronically low (90 to 60 or lower).

While hypertension is predominantly a disease of older people, hypotension is a problem of young people.

  • Congenital hypotension most often affects girls aged 19 to 40 years. In older age, blood pressure usually increases due to the onset of aging processes.
  • Acquired hypotension is a common occurrence among athletes and students.

It is not advisable for hypotensive patients to walk with their head and neck open, especially in the cold. Feet should be kept warm, and hands should not be allowed to cool under any circumstances. The heart has to try too hard to warm the extremities, and this is a big burden.

As a rule, hypotensive people cannot stand the stuffiness - in the summer they prefer to walk the necessary path than to be in stuffy and cramped public transport. And with little physical activity, pain (not intense) in the heart area and shortness of breath may appear.

During the hot season, people with low blood pressure usually experience a lot of unpleasant symptoms: compressive pain in the temples, spots before the eyes, dizziness.

What is important to know?

  1. Hypotonic people cannot stand in one place for a long time; it is easier for them to walk, because they need any muscle activity that increases blood pressure. That is why they will not wait long for public transport at the bus stop.
  2. To maintain your tone, you must lead an active lifestyle not occasionally, but constantly, regularly.
  3. The best weather conditions are frosty sunny days. Patients do not tolerate climate change well, so doctors recommend that hypotensive patients spend their holidays in a familiar climate zone.
  4. For many, hypotension can only manifest itself in the form of increased fatigue and weather instability.


The cause of primary arterial hypotension in 80% of cases is neurocirculatory dystonia. According to modern theories, primary hypotension is a special form of neurosis of the vasomotor centers of the brain, in the development of which stress and prolonged traumatic situations play a leading role. Direct producing causes can be:

  • psychological trauma,
  • chronic fatigue and lack of sleep,

Much more common is secondary hypotension, which occurs as a result of other diseases. Hypotension may accompany the following diseases:

  • Endocrine disorders, including diabetes mellitus, and most often – disorders of the adrenal glands;
  • Injuries to internal organs and especially the brain;
  • Heart failure;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Peptic ulcer disease.

It makes no sense to treat secondary low blood pressure without treating the underlying disease, the elimination of which will lead to normalization of blood pressure.

Other causes of hypotension include:

  • (blood viscosity decreases);
  • Addison's disease (adrenal insufficiency), adrenal amyloidosis, their surgical removal (deficiency of catecholamines in the body);
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • acute and chronic bleeding (decreased blood volume);
  • infectious diseases;
  • anaphylactic and other types of shock;
  • overdose of certain medications (antihypertensives, diuretics, nitroglycerin).

Physiological hypotension also occurs, which is not accompanied by any changes in the internal organs. Physiological hypotension can develop:

  • Residents of the subtropics and tropics (hot climate zones)
  • For hot Czech workers at factories (usually metallurgical ones)
  • Among athletes and residents of high mountain areas.

Arterial hypotension is often observed in athletes during excessive physical exertion - doctors call it “training hypotension.”

Symptoms of hypotension

The main symptoms of hypotension are quite vague, they can also indicate other diseases. Therefore, if they occur, you should definitely consult a doctor. Typically, the following signs indicate low blood pressure:

  • severe dizziness, headache, weakness;
  • sleep disturbances, constant fatigue, irritability;
  • the skin is constantly white, the fingertips may turn blue;
  • various disturbances of the heart, shortness of breath, darkening of the eyes with sudden movements.

Often, patients with hypotension have symptoms such as a feeling of heaviness in the epigastrium, a bitter taste in the mouth, decreased appetite, belching, heartburn, flatulence, and constipation.

Signs of acute hypotension

The acute form of arterial hypotension occurs with severe oxygen starvation of the brain tissue, which results in the development of symptoms such as:

  • dizziness,
  • short-term visual impairment,
  • unsteadiness of gait,
  • pale skin,
  • fainting.

Symptoms of the chronic form

In chronic secondary arterial hypotension, the symptoms of the underlying disease come to the fore. In addition, patients experience:

  • weakness,
  • apathy,
  • drowsiness,
  • increased fatigue,
  • headache,
  • emotional lability,
  • memory impairment,
  • thermoregulation disorders,
  • sweating of the feet and palms,

Long-term arterial hypotension causes disturbances in the menstrual cycle in women and potency in men.

Orthostatic hypotension

Orthostatic hypotension is very common - a sharp decrease in blood pressure when changing body position. This is a fairly common condition among teenagers, when a growing body requires more intensive vascular work.

  • Standing or standing upright for long periods of time may cause insufficient blood flow to the brain.
  • As a result, the pressure drops, dizziness occurs, the eyes become dark, and fainting may occur.

In people with hypotension, with increased physical activity, the heartbeat and pulse increase, shortness of breath and discomfort in the heart area may occur. Most often, deterioration in well-being in hypotensive patients is observed after infectious diseases and colds, as well as in the spring and summer periods of the year.

First aid

First aid for hypotension involves doing the following:

  • It is necessary to lay the patient on a comfortable surface, placing a cushion under his feet;
  • You can sit the patient so that they lower their head below their knees;
  • It is important to help the person monitor their breathing. It should be smooth, but not deep;
  • If a person loses consciousness, you can offer him to sniff a cotton pad soaked in ammonia;
  • When the patient's health improves, you need to give him a cup of sweet tea or coffee. The drink should not be very hot.


The diagnosis of hypotension is not difficult to make; a description of the clinical picture and a simple pressure measurement is sufficient. It is much more difficult to establish the cause of low blood pressure. It is necessary to find out whether this condition is primary or secondary.

Secondary hypotension is considered by doctors more closely, since many common diseases often manifest themselves in this way.

  • First of all, diseases of the cardiovascular system are excluded, then the nervous system.
  • In addition to them, secondary hypotension can be a sign of many diseases, from chronic tonsillitis to renal pathology, so diagnosis may require quite extensive research.

The connection between the poor health of hypotensive patients and environmental conditions is important in diagnosis. If symptoms recur, fainting becomes frequent, and the person becomes unable to perform work. It is important that manifestations of hypotension are detected with changes in the environment:

  • high humidity,
  • stuffy room,
  • loud music,
  • driving in crowded transport.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor is guided not by one, but by a complex of symptoms. It is necessary to examine the patient and exclude possible causes of hypotension.

To do this, carry out:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • examine the sugar curve;
  • check hormonal balance;
  • liver biochemical tests and residual nitrogen;
  • Dynamic ECG;
  • Ultrasound of the heart;
  • Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the neck and brain.

Treatment of hypotension in adults

The doctor should select a treatment method after a general examination of the patient’s body. You should not draw conclusions on your own and use medications. Otherwise, you may not only not get rid of hypotension, but also worsen your own health.

The specific drug is prescribed by the doctor, but examples include the following medications:

  • for pain (headache, menstrual) Citramon is used;
  • with high fatigue, VSD, in women during PMS - Ortho-taurine;
  • Saparal is characterized by a tonic effect; it can be prescribed as a prophylactic against mental and physical fatigue, asthenia, depression, hypotension;
  • for dizziness, impaired concentration, and the need to stabilize intellectual and emotional processes, Nootropil can be prescribed;
  • glycine is used to improve metabolic processes in brain tissue, helps fight depression, sleep disorders, and irritability.


  • electrophoresis with a solution of calcium chloride, caffeine, mesatone;
  • galvanic collar according to Shcherbak;
  • diadynamic therapy of the cervical sympathetic nodes;
  • contrast shower and other water procedures;
  • general ultraviolet irradiation;
  • massage and reflexology;
  • Darsonvalization of the scalp.
  1. It is necessary to limit alcohol consumption, and also avoid prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures (since the dilation of blood vessels in the skin helps lower blood pressure).
  2. All drugs that can cause hypotension should be discontinued.
  3. Rational organization of work and rest, night sleep of at least 10 hours, nutritious and varied meals 4 times a day.
  4. It is advisable to sleep with the foot end of the bed raised (to reduce nighttime diuresis).
  5. Increasing salt intake (as tolerated).
  6. monitor the duration of night sleep - it should be no shorter than 8 hours;
  7. It is better to get out of bed without sudden movements, gradually, since when quickly moving to a vertical position, the blood drains from the head and you can faint;
  8. take a contrast shower in the morning - alternating hot and cool water for 5 minutes tones the blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure;
  9. Carrying out a set of physical exercises can also “wake up” sluggish blood vessels;
  10. Breakfast is a prerequisite for normal well-being during the day; it must contain a caffeine-containing drink - coffee or green tea, a sandwich with cheese.

Folk remedies

Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor.

  • For hypotension, it is very useful to drink 1 glass of pomegranate juice per day - it is better to prepare it yourself from ripe fruits. But keep in mind that this drink cannot be consumed in its pure form - pomegranate juice is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. This is due to the fact that the acid contained in pomegranate juice has a detrimental effect on tooth enamel.
  • Take one tablespoon of St. John's wort, pour a glass of boiling water, hold in a water bath for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and strain. The finished broth should be diluted with a glass of cold water. The solution should be drunk a third of a glass in the morning.
  • Rhodiola rosea extract(the drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of a tincture, the drug should be taken five drops before meals, but not more than three times a day, the course of treatment lasts an average of two weeks);
  • Coffee mixture (mix ground and roasted coffee beans with honey and lemon juice, the mixture should be taken once a day, a teaspoon between meals, but no more than twice a day, the total course of treatment is approximately two weeks);
  • Carrots and spinach. Spinach and carrot juice are mixed, and the ratio should be 1:2 - there should be more carrot juice. Take a mixture of juices 3 times a day before meals, 200 ml for a week.
  • Schisandra extract. We take this folk remedy drop by drop every day for quite a long time. The number of drops should correspond to age and individual needs. It is very important to avoid overdose.


Effective methods of prevention:

  1. A healthy lifestyle is rightfully considered the best way to prevent hypotension.
  2. Persons at risk for this disease need to eat properly, regularly undergo non-exhausting physical activity, get adequate rest and carefully maintain vascular tone.
  3. In addition, hypotensive patients are strongly advised to avoid stressful situations: negative emotions often become a factor that provokes a noticeable decrease in blood pressure.
  4. You need to try to lead not only a physically, but also an emotionally active life, meet people, take an interest in current events, participate in public life - vitality is also supported by emotions.

In most cases, hypotension goes away on its own with age, because As the human body naturally ages, blood pressure most often increases. Based on this reason, hypotensive patients should be regularly examined by a cardiologist and periodically monitor their blood pressure.

Hypotension (hypotension) is a disorder in the blood vessels. Arterial hypotension is, accordingly, a violation of pressure in the arteries. Blood pressure depends on heart rate. The prefix “hypo-” indicates insufficient pressure, that is, blood in the arteries is not pumped as intensively as it should. We can talk about hypotension if the blood pressure is 20% lower than normal. The norm is 120/80, and if the reading is lower than 90/60, you should think about the presence of hypotension.

Symptoms of hypotension

Blood pressure is a measured value; it can be determined using a tonometer. If the device shows values ​​of 90 mmHg systolic (the so-called upper) and 60 mmHg diastolic (lower) or lower, then this condition can be called arterial hypotension or low blood pressure.

In addition to the tonometer readings, there are the following symptoms of hypotension:

Arterial hypotension very often manifests itself, especially in stuffy rooms. In general, we can say that people with low blood pressure react negatively to the slightest changes in the external environment - changes in air temperature, humidity, stuffiness, as well as various emotional stimuli.

The listed signs themselves are not symptoms that accurately confirm the presence of hypotension. Isolated cases of weakness or dizziness do not indicate low blood pressure. But if there are several symptoms and they are constant, then you should consult a doctor.

Types of arterial hypotension

Hypotension can be primary or secondary. Primary occurs as an independent disease. Most often, its cause is low activity of the autonomic nervous system or psycho-emotional stress. Otherwise it is called idiopathic.

Much more common is secondary hypotension, which occurs as a result of other diseases. Hypotension may accompany the following diseases:

  1. Endocrine disorders, including, and most often, disorders of the adrenal glands;
  2. Injuries to internal organs and especially the brain;
  3. Cirrhosis of the liver;
  4. Hepatitis;
  5. Peptic ulcer;
  6. Other.

It makes no sense to treat secondary low blood pressure without treating the underlying disease, getting rid of which will lead to normalization of blood pressure.

Hypotension can be:

  • Acute;
  • Chronic;

Acute hypotension occurs with severe diagnoses and is characterized by a sharp drop in pressure. Hypotension as a concomitant condition is characteristic of a heart attack, arrhythmia and cardiac dysfunction, severe allergic reaction or major.

Chronic hypotension is also called physiological. It occurs among athletes, but can also occur in people for whom low blood pressure is normal and does not cause negative symptoms. Low blood pressure is also typical for people who constantly live in unfavorable conditions, for example, among residents of the Far North or the tropics. If low blood pressure is a concern, then such chronic hypotension is pathological and requires correction and treatment.

Orthostatic hypotension

In some cases, orthostatic collapse may occur frequently in the morning when waking up and getting out of bed.

Very common orthostatic hypotension - a sharp decrease in blood pressure with changes in body position. This is a fairly common condition among teenagers, when a growing body requires more intensive vascular work. Standing or standing upright for long periods of time may cause insufficient blood flow to the brain. As a result, the pressure drops, dizziness occurs, the eyes become dark, and fainting may occur. This condition is called orthostatic collapse. If, a few minutes after the collapse, low blood pressure is observed, and the signs of hypotension do not disappear, then we can talk about.

The causes of orthostatic hypotension may be dehydration, taking certain medications (hypertension medications, antidepressants), diseases (diabetes, etc.).

Causes of low blood pressure

As mentioned, other diseases can cause hypotension. The causes of hypotension include taking medications, including medications used to treat hypertension.

Cause hypotension the following factors:

  1. Decreased blood volume due to dehydration or blood loss;
  2. Heart failure, cardiac dysfunction;
  3. Poor vascular tone;
  4. Lack of vitamins;
  5. Neurosis and depression;
  6. Lack of sleep;
  7. External influence: bad weather conditions, for example, high humidity.

The main reason can be considered decreased vascular tone. In hypotensive patients, the vessels (arteries) do not contract quickly enough, as a result of which blood is pumped more slowly than is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The cause of hypotension may also be a congenital predisposition.

Why is hypotension dangerous?

It is not hypotension itself that should cause concern, but the causes of low blood pressure. The true causes of this condition should be identified and close attention should be paid to them in order to prevent the development of serious diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Low blood pressure and pregnancy

Low blood pressure during pregnancy is dangerous. If the expectant mother has hypotension, the fetus experiences oxygen starvation as a result of poor oxygen supply to the placenta, which can result in disturbances in its development. Pregnant women with low blood pressure experience toxicosis more often and more severely and - in later stages -.

The insidiousness of hypotension in pregnant women is that it is difficult to notice. Lethargy and fatigue, as well as other accompanying symptoms of hypotension, are considered some deviation from the normal course of pregnancy, but not hypotension. In such cases, the attentiveness of the doctor leading the pregnancy is very important.

Cardiac manifestations

Low lower pressure requires special attention, which is a sign of low vascular elasticity and leads to. To combat this, the heart begins to work harder, and, consequently, the upper - systolic - pressure increases. The difference between the upper and lower pressure values ​​is called pulse pressure and should not exceed 40 mmHg. Any deviations in this difference lead to damage to the cardiovascular system.

infographics: AiF

Advantages of the pathological condition

Arterial hypotension is most often a physiological state of the body and does not pose a danger. On the contrary, it is easier to say why hypotension is not dangerous. Hypotonic people are not afraid of the most insidious disease of our time, which gives rise to and, –. With hypotension, blood vessels remain clean longer and are not afraid of atherosclerosis. According to statistics, people with chronic hypotension live much longer than hypertensive people.

Low blood pressure treatment

In most cases, drug treatment for hypotension is not required.
The most common causes of low blood pressure are poor lifestyle and stress. Physiological hypotension should not be treated, but it must be remembered in order to prevent pressure surges. If you are worried about one symptom of hypotension, for example, drowsiness, then, first of all, it is worth adjusting your daily routine. This alone is enough to cope with an unpleasant condition. You can call on traditional medicine to fight hypotension.

If hypotension is caused by neurological disorders or defects of the cardiovascular system, then treatment should be prescribed by a doctor. If a person observes symptoms of low blood pressure for a long time, then he should definitely contact a cardiologist or neurologist so that he can conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary pills, as well as give recommendations for lifestyle changes.

Hypotension and traditional medicine

Treatment with folk remedies very effective for hypotension. There are many herbal preparations that improve the well-being of hypotensive patients. These plants include:

It is worth taking these herbal preparations in the absence of contraindications according to the usual regimens indicated on the package.

It is believed that freshly brewed coffee can help prevent low blood pressure. Indeed, the invigorating effect of caffeine has been proven. But, firstly, it is contained much more in green tea, and secondly, caffeine becomes addictive quite quickly, therefore, the therapeutic effect will disappear.

With a general decrease in tone and the so-called blues, St. John's wort can have a slight antidepressant effect, sufficient to treat hypotension.

Lifestyle with hypotension

Hypotension, if it is not caused by organic disorders, can be easily corrected with the right lifestyle. To avoid the need for medications to treat hypotension, you should:

  1. Maintain a daily routine;
  2. Get enough sleep (as a rule, hypotensive people need more sleep than people with normal blood pressure);
  3. Eat right, providing yourself with all the vitamins and minerals, and if this is not possible with a normal diet, you should take vitamin complexes;
  4. Drink enough water;
  5. Get outside more often, preferably taking a walk of at least half an hour every day;
  6. Play sports - even minimal physical activity works wonders, it does not have to be professional sports, of course, morning exercises and active games with children are enough;
  7. Take water procedures - douse yourself with cool water, swim, harden yourself;
  8. Visit a bathhouse or sauna, which has a beneficial effect on vascular tone;
  9. Keep a good mood and don't worry about trifles.

infographics: AiF

Proper nutrition

It is very important to eat right when you have low blood pressure. You need to include foods rich in B vitamins in your diet. Foods that increase blood pressure are yeast products (baked goods, kvass), milk, potatoes, carrots, nuts, honey. Beetroot and beetroot juice normalize blood pressure, which is recommended to be taken in courses if there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

You can quickly raise low blood pressure by drinking a cup of coffee with chocolate, but this method will only work if it is used rarely and not regularly.

People with low blood pressure, when compared with hypertensive people, are incredibly lucky, because they do not need to critically limit themselves in salt and spices. Salt retains water, which means it increases blood volume, which has a beneficial effect on blood pressure. Spices and spices also improve the well-being of hypotensive patients, because they “invigorate” the body, make all internal organs work better, increase vascular tone, which also leads to normalization of blood pressure.

Attention! Excessive salt intake can still harm other organs , so it’s still not worth abusing it.

So, let's summarize the above. Hypotension is a condition characterized by low blood pressure in the arteries. It can be primary, that is, occurring independently, and secondary, as a consequence of other diagnoses.

The causes of arterial hypotension are usually either disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, or psycho-emotional stress. In the first case, it is necessary to correct organic lesions with medication, consulting a cardiologist or neurologist. In the second case, you can get by with lifestyle adjustments and traditional medicine.

Video: hypotension in the “Philosophy of Health” program



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