Moisturizing eye drops. Moisturizing eye drops: varieties, best preparations, reviews

340 02/13/2019 4 min.

Dry eyes are a symptom that many people experience, especially those who have to work at a computer for long periods of time or do other activities that require high voltage vision. Fortunately, today you can cope with this trouble easily and quickly with the help of specialized eye drops. So that you can also use these drugs, let's look at their features, popular varieties and general recommendations by application.

Application area

Drops for dry eyes can be prescribed in various clinical cases. These include:

  • excessive eye strain when working at a computer for long periods of time;
  • , associated with constant;
  • recovery after illness infectious nature, eye surgery or ;
  • prevention of various ophthalmological diseases, including, .

Also, the indications for the use of such drugs include: preoperative preparation a person, for example, before cataract surgery. In this case, taking medications is strictly regulated by a doctor.

Also this type drugs are often used to wash the eyes when dust or cosmetics. Unlike strong antiseptic drugs, these agents can be used for this purpose more often.

Unfortunately, many people prescribe such drugs to themselves when they experience a feeling of dry eye, which is unacceptable. It should be remembered that these funds are pharmacological products and may have their own indications and contraindications, about which a common person without medical education may not know. Therefore, it is not recommended to take them thoughtlessly.

Features of the drugs

Most moisturizing drops for dry eyes are preparations that imitate natural human tears. They create an additional protective layer on the surface of the mucosa and slightly compact it. For those people who regularly wear contact lenses, they provide a softer glide of the optics and a comfortable fit to the cornea. Many products of this type also contain various additional components, for example, vitamins or an antiseptic.

Since drugs of this type mostly have the same base, patients do not have to purchase expensive means in the hope that they will perform better. You can also choose budget drugs, focusing on such selection parameters as comfort during use, as well as the composition of the drug.


There are several types of drops that can help relieve dry eyes. Among them:

All drops presented in our country are certified and considered safe to use. However, the patient needs to carefully select them for himself, studying the composition of the drugs. It must be remembered that many patients may have individual immunity to certain components included in these products.

Most drugs of this type are quite easy to use. It is enough to instill them 2-3 times a day into the conjunctival sac. Depending on the type of drug, it is recommended to do this when symptoms of eye fatigue appear, in the evening before bed or in the morning.

So that you do not have problems with reception similar drugs, you need to adhere to certain rules for using them. They recommend:

Also, before using any product to relieve eye fatigue, you should consult an ophthalmologist on this issue. Taking any drops, even the simplest ones, without his recommendation is quite dangerous for your health.



As you can see, there are many truly effective pharmacological agents allowing you to easily and quickly cope with eye fatigue. Today everyone can choose them for themselves. And in order for the use of such drugs to proceed without any difficulties, patients are recommended to consult with their doctor before starting their use, to select desired type drops just for you clinical case and determine the optimal dosage of the drug. And then you will be able to use such compositions without harm to your own health.

People who, due to vision problems, are forced to use contact lenses, certainly face the need to use special moisturizing eye drops. What means of the presented nature deserve attention? What are the features of their use? What criteria should you follow when purchasing? So, let's look at the most effective eye drops when wearing contact lenses.

The need to use drops

The need to use special moisturizing drops when wearing lenses is associated with the likelihood of inflammation of the membranes of the eye and a feeling of discomfort. Such manifestations can make themselves felt due to the selection of low-quality vision correctors or their improper use. You can also note wearing lenses for too long or violating recommendations for their storage.

Sometimes moisturizing eye drops are required when wearing lenses due to hypersensitivity eye. After all, any vision corrector, no matter how high-quality it is, remains a foreign object. Contact even the most good lenses with the retina leads to mechanical irritations.

Instructions for using contact lenses

When using eye drops while wearing lenses, proceed as follows:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with disinfectant. It is necessary to adhere to the rule, since the tissues of the visual analyzer are extremely sensitive to the effects of all kinds of infections.
  2. Make sure the medicine has not expired and is still safe to use. The contents of the container should not have sediment or cloudy structure.
  3. Tilt your head back slightly and then pull back your eyelid. When instilling the product, you must ensure that the bottle dispenser does not touch the eye. For the same reason, it is recommended to keep the container at a distance of about 1-2 cm from the eyelid.
  4. During the procedure, look up, fixing your gaze on one point.
  5. Drop the drug into the corner of the eye. Required amount The amount of liquid used at a time must be determined by a doctor.
  6. Close your eyelids for a couple of seconds, then blink several times. Remove any remaining drops using a sterile cloth.

Types of drops

There are several types of moisturizing eye drops for lenses. Thus, preparations that contain hyaluronic acid can be used. The presented substance has a lubricating effect on tissue. Therefore, the use of such moisturizing eye drops when wearing lenses helps to increase the time during which vision correction products can be used without discomfort.

There are also products on the market that do not contain hyaluronic acid. Preparations of this type are intended to moisturize the eyes when wearing hydrophilic, soft lenses. Compared to the above category of moisturizing drops, such solutions have a limited effect. For this reason, they have to be buried more often.

Features of choice

How to choose moisturizing eye drops when wearing lenses? This issue should be given attention increased attention, since not every drug is equally positively tolerated by a particular person. To avoid problems with the use of drops, it is better to initially seek advice from an ophthalmologist. If you don’t have time for this or you don’t have such an opportunity, then it is recommended to rely on the following criteria:

  1. Purpose. As noted above, there are eye drops for long-term wearing lenses, as well as solutions for soft vision correctors. To avoid inconvenience, it is better to give preference to moisturizing preparations that have a universal effect.
  2. Presence of preservatives. Products containing them look good choice for people who need a drug with a long shelf life. However, when purchasing liquids with preservatives, there is a slight danger of all kinds of allergic reactions.
  3. Individual tolerance. You don't have to suffer if moisturizing eye drops cause pain, a burning sensation and redness of the eyes when wearing lenses. In such cases, it is worth testing another drug.
  4. Ease of use. It is necessary to stop at those drops that are produced in bottles with the safest and most convenient dispenser.

Dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome may develop as a result of decreased blinking frequency. Its symptoms manifest themselves in a feeling of insufficient natural hydration of the cornea, burning, and redness of the tissues. Drugs such as Artelak, Visomitin, and Cationorm can help eliminate this problem. The effect of their use is aimed at normalizing the functions of the lacrimal glands and regulating metabolic processes. The course of therapy for the development of dry eye syndrome is about 20 days. The above solutions are instilled into the eyes every 5 hours.


Main active ingredient The agent is carbomer. The substance has moisturizing and protective properties. When used along with other drugs, the effect of delayed absorption of the solution may occur.

"Oftagel" is effective when wearing regular contact lenses. However, it is not suitable when using soft vision correctors.

"Natural tear"

The drug is identical chemical composition real human tears. These drops contain no preservatives. Therefore, the product is safe even for newborns. Women can also use it during pregnancy.

The composition of the “Natural Tear” product has a gentle effect on the cornea. It is recommended to use it when wearing lenses daily, instilling a few drops into each eye.


Represents effective remedy to moisturize the eyes, which contains hyaluronic acid. The main advantage of the drops is the absence of preservatives. The drug eliminates any discomfort associated with the need to wear lenses, in particular, prevents the appearance of dry eyes, burning, stinging and pain.

“Hilo-chest of drawers” ​​is produced in the form of a plastic bottle with a dispenser. The product is suitable for people who feel discomfort like using hard, and soft, hydrophilic lenses.


The main active ingredient of the product is tetrizoline hydrochloride. This component has a constricting effect on blood vessels and relieves swelling during the development of conjunctivitis. As the instructions for use show, Visin drops have no contraindications. The only limitation for use is individual intolerance components of the product, caused by a tendency to develop allergic reactions.

The drug is effective not only when it is necessary to moisturize the eyes when wearing lenses, but is also prescribed to people who suffer from eye fatigue due to prolonged exposure to a computer monitor. What other benefits do Visin drops have? Instructions for use indicate their gentle action, the absence side effects.


The basis of the drops is herbal ingredients. It's about about extracts of chamomile, elderberry, cornflower and sweet clover. The main effect that has this drug, is to relieve the feeling of eye fatigue.

The solution has a bluish tint that can stain lenses. However, the use of drops will not lead to their damage. Still, it is recommended to wear vision correction products only 5-10 minutes after instilling the product into the eyes.


One more effective drops for the eyes, popular among people who have to wear contact lenses. The drug is made on the basis of hyaluronic acid. The solution relieves the feeling of eye irritation, eliminates dryness, restores damaged corneas, and also prevents the development of inflammatory processes.


So we looked at the most effective solutions for use when wearing lenses. Among them it is impossible to single out the best and worst means. It's connected with individual characteristics use of a specific drug. The same drops can have different effects when used by different categories of people. Therefore, the most reasonable decision when choosing an eye product is to follow your doctor’s recommendations. This is especially true when choosing drops for a child. After all, children are recommended to use drugs that contain less concentrated and safest active substances.

The problem of dry and tired eyes is known to many today, but not everyone knows the reasons for its occurrence. Most often, deterioration in well-being is associated with work characteristics, prolonged sitting in front of the monitor, etc. But these symptoms are not always due to the above reasons. Before considering the available drops for removal discomfort, you should briefly familiarize yourself with all possible reasons the appearance of dry and tired eyes. We must remember that incorrect treatment can significantly aggravate the problem and cause irreparable damage to the visual organs.

Why do dry and tired eyes appear?

Dry eyes occur due to insufficient tear production and drying of the cornea. If this condition continues a long period time, then there is a very complex disease conjunctivitis. As medical statistics show, approximately 10% of the world's population suffers from this disease. Among the most common causes of dry and tired eyes, medicine names the following factors.

Abuse of computer and gadgets

For this reason, tens of millions of people suffer. This is not only a long-term work need to work at a computer, but also harmful addiction from gadgets. The screen requires constant eye strain; the eyelids do not blink. The less frequent the blinking movements of the eyelids, the more more risks the appearance of dryness and...

Medicines and cosmetics

Most often, the cause of unpleasant sensations is cheap cosmetics from unknown manufacturers. Don’t think that all Chinese cosmetics are bad, and all domestic or foreign ones are of high quality. If cosmetics are produced by licensed companies, then the technological process is strictly controlled, the products comply with existing international standards. If it is a counterfeit product, then the country of manufacture does not matter.

Indoor microclimate

Not everyone knows about negative impact air conditioning, not everyone constantly monitors indoor humidity. If the relative humidity in the room is below 40%, then dry eye syndrome cannot be avoided. There is no need to immediately resort to drops; it is strongly recommended to first improve the microclimate in the room.

For the eyes it's foreign object, significantly complicating the course physiological processes. Tears do not moisten the cornea, but the lenses; the eyeballs dry out. Another problem with contact lenses is that between them and the membrane of the eye they multiply intensively pathogenic microorganisms which can subsequently cause serious illness.

Systemic diseases and incomplete closure of the eyelids

The cause of dryness may be endocrine or autoimmune diseases, diabetes, Schengen syndrome, pregnancy and menopause. Incomplete closure of the eyelids, especially during sleep, also causes dryness eyeball.

Important. In any case, before using eye drops, you should definitely consult your doctor. If necessary, he will appoint additional examinations For precise definition causes of discomfort.

Types of eye drops

Each drug should not only affect the effects of dryness and fatigue, but also eliminate the causes of their occurrence. Depending on the principle of action, composition and purpose, all drugs are divided into several large groups.

Table. Main groups of eye drops.

Type of dropsOperating principle

Long-term excessive load on the organs of vision requires an increase in the intensity of blood flow in the eyeball. Due to this regime, the capillaries expand, the walls become very thin, and the risk of them increases. mechanical damage tiny particles of dust in the air. The drops constrict the blood vessels, the redness disappears, and the capillaries return to normal.

The greater the load on the eyes, the higher the need for a complete supply of vitamins. At unbalanced diet this parameter deviates from the required ones, the visual organs suffer from a lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements. The composition of eye drops is selected in such a way as to make additional nutrition as physiological as possible.

If dryness or redness of the eyes is observed for a long period of time, then microdamage to the membranes of the eyes is inevitable. Pathogenic bacteria can enter the wounds, inflammation of varying complexity appears, and the person’s condition worsens significantly. Antibacterial drops inhibit pathogenic flora and restore the functionality of the visual organs.

Allergic reactions can occur not only increased secretion tears, but also dryness and redness. Drops relieve allergic symptoms.

These are not so much therapeutic as prophylactic agents. Recommended for use by office workers. During long work When using the computer, the frequency of blinking of the eyelids decreases significantly. As a result, the cornea does not have time to wet itself and dries out. Drops reduce the process of evaporation of liquid from the surface of the eyeball.

Depending on the cause of the unpleasant painful sensations you need to select the composition of eye drops.

  1. Programmers, IT workers. All office employees and government agencies who, due to the nature of their work, are forced to spend more than five hours a day in front of a computer monitor. The same rule applies to children who are overly addicted to computer games.
  2. Persons whose work involves mechanical, ultraviolet or light irritation of the eyes. This category includes electric welders, workers in quarries, individual chemical plants, etc. Another risk factor is prolonged exposure to open, dusty air.
  3. Elderly people. After reaching 50 years of age, the body physiological reasons reduces the production of tear fluid, the eyes are constantly dry. They are recommended to use eye drops for preventive purposes. Drops will relieve dryness and reduce eye fatigue.
  4. Patients with cataracts or. These diseases can also cause dryness of the eyeball, to eliminate unpleasant phenomena It is recommended to take drops complex composition. They must, in addition to treating the main illness, eliminate unpleasant accompanying sensations.

Important. Never choose or take eye drops on your own. The organs of vision are very easily damaged by inept actions, but they take a very long time to heal and restore.

How should eye drops work?

It was already mentioned above that the composition of the drops depends on the specific cause of dry and tired eyes. After taking them, you should notice positive changes. Taking drops should perform the following tasks:

  • moisturize and restore the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • activate the functioning of the lacrimal glands, stimulate the production of the aqueous, lipid and mucin layer of the film;
  • eliminate mechanical and chemical irritations, eliminate redness and dryness.

As soon as you feel reverse effect After using eye drops, treatment should be stopped immediately and re-visited to an ophthalmologist.

List of the most effective drops for dry eyes

To eliminate dry eyes, drops based on dexpanthenol are used. The effectiveness rating below is based only on patient reviews, medical research have not been conducted on this topic.

Table. The best drops for dry eyes.

Name of the drugComposition and features of action

A drug complex action, is prescribed to people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor. They have a viscous composition, which guarantees long-term contact of the drug with the eyeball - increases real time positive effect. Used for prevention and treatment dystrophic diseases and corneal erosion. The drops are dispensed without a doctor's prescription, but should be taken with caution - it is possible allergic reaction body to the active substance.

The active ingredient tetrizoline relieves burning, constricts blood vessels, relieves itching, and reduces lacrimation. TO on the positive side the speed of action should be attributed - within a minute the patient feels significant improvement. Total time action up to four hours. For children, the drug is prescribed only by an ophthalmologist.

Contains substances that accelerate natural recovery processes corneas (glycosaminoglycans), like additional effect– moisturizing the eyeball. Can be used by people who constantly wear contact lenses.

No side effects have been detected; you can instill it up to eight times a day as your eyes feel dry. The maximum duration of one treatment session is no more than two weeks. After this, you need to take a break of at least ten days.

Completely safe, but quite expensive drug. Lubricates and softens the corneal epithelium and, due to its high viscosity, ensures long-term contact of the product with the eye. Assigned as prophylactic, and during the treatment of complex eye pathologies and diseases.

If dry eyes are caused by various infections, then you should use drops containing cyclosporine. The substance inhibits pathogens and stimulates increased tear production. In the most severe cases, when the eyes cannot be treated with well-known drops, the drug is prepared for each patient individually based on his blood serum.

Important. Never buy drops that eliminate . They have completely different preparations and do not reduce dryness, and may have the opposite result.

List of the most effective drops for eye fatigue

Indications for use: secondary hyperemia resulting from various chemical or mechanical stimuli. The eyes turn red, capillaries burst, and may appear inflammatory processes. The composition of the drugs must include vitamin complexes, which inhibit the development of the disease. You can use the drops for three months, then take a break for at least thirty days.

Table. The best drops for tired eyes.

Name of dropsComposition and features of action

Prescribed for keratitis, blepharitis and other diseases caused by microorganisms with high sensitivity To active substance. Allowed for use by pregnant women.

Used to accelerate corneal recovery, can be used for dry eye syndrome. Consumption during lactation is prohibited.

The drops have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and effectively relieve eye fatigue and redness. Facilitate the course of conjunctivitis.

It must be remembered that all drops from fatigue have potent substances, which can provide side effects. You can take such drugs only as prescribed by a doctor.

The method of administration and dose are prescribed by the doctor individually, taking into account the patient’s condition. But for all the drops there is general algorithm use.

  1. Before instillation, the bottle should be thoroughly shaken and warmed to room temperature. You can heat it in your hand, no water baths required.
  2. No more than three drops are dripped into one eye. The larger volume does not fit into the lacrimal sac and will still be removed from the eye.
  3. Immediately after instillation, you need to lower your eyelid and make several circular movements with your eyeball. Due to this, the drug will be evenly distributed over the entire area.

Important. It is strictly forbidden for drops to enter the gastrointestinal tract. The drugs can cause not only nausea and stomach upset, but also cardiac arrhythmia, convulsions, cyanosis, pulmonary edema and high blood pressure. Negative consequences It is recommended to treat symptomatically; if the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor.

You can put several types of drops into your eyes at the same time only with the permission of an ophthalmologist. Pay attention to the expiration date and recommended storage conditions of the drugs. There is no need to abuse the use of drops; most of them become addictive over time, and their effectiveness decreases sharply.

Video - The main cause of tired and dry eyes

The most common ophthalmic disease modern man is dry eye syndrome (DES). The development of the disease is facilitated by intensive computerization of society, poor ecological situation in cities and unhealthy image life, leading to the formation chronic pathologies. The danger of dry eyes lies in high risk infection visual organ and weakened vision. Therefore, the syndrome must be treated at the first symptoms. For this, doctors recommend using moisturizing eye drops.

The main symptom of the disease is dry eyes. Other signs of pathology are:

  • Photophobia;
  • Itching and burning;
  • Rapid eye fatigue;
  • Redness of the conjunctiva;
  • Unpleasant sensations when blinking (sand in the eyes).

Treatment of dry eye syndrome should be symptomatic. This means that a properly selected medicine should cope with each of the manifestations of the disease. Let's look at what drops are prescribed for dry eye syndrome. This:

  1. Moisturizing eye drops;
  2. Anti-fatigue drops (moisturizing with added vitamins);
  3. Vasoconstrictors (well moisturize and cope well with redness of the conjunctiva);
  4. Antiseptic drops (dry eyes increase the risk of infection of the mucous membranes several times, antiseptic drugs at the same time used for prophylactic purposes).

Important! If you suspect dry eye disease, visit an ophthalmologist - only a doctor will be able to determine which drug is right for you. The choice is determined by the reasons that caused dry eyes, as well as chronic and acute diseases that the patient suffers from.

Moisturizing Eye Drops Review

If nothing else bothers you other than dry eyes, then high-quality hydration is the only requirement that the selected moisturizing eye drops must meet. They can be of different consistencies:

  • Liquid. The composition of the liquid drops resembles natural human tears. They quickly moisten the surface of the eye, but do not last long: a maximum of 1-2 hours.
  • Viscous. They are more like a gel due to the inclusion of hyaluronic acid and other viscous components. These substances prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture, so the effect of the drops lasts from 2 to 5 hours.

Here is a list with a brief overview drops in the eyes for dryness, sorting them into groups according to the “active ingredient” criterion:

  1. Hyaluronic acid (Oksial, Aistil). Additionally, the composition includes electrolytes that can be found in natural tears: magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium chlorides. Moisturizing eye drops of this type are suitable when wearing contact lenses: they relieve irritation, eliminate dryness and redness. Can be purchased for children. The price of such funds ranges from 300-600 rubles.
  2. Hypromellose (Hypermelose-P, Hyphenosis, Artificial tear). These are eye drops for dryness caused by for various reasons: allergies, contact lenses, smoke, burns and other damage to the mucous membranes. They have high viscosity and perfectly reduce friction of the surface of the eyeball on the eyelids, which relieves irritation and eliminates the symptom of “sand in the eyes.” The cost ranges from 90-140 rubles.
  3. Hypromellose and Dextran(Natural tear, Slezin). These drugs are suitable for permanent use, they perfectly moisturize the cornea, protecting it from harmful effects. Price – from 200 rubles.
  4. Sodium hyaluronate(Hilo-Chest). This dry eye remedy contains: sodium salt hyaluronic acid, which helps to distribute the moisturizing fluid evenly on the surface of the mucous membrane and cornea. It is recommended to use it when wearing contact lenses, after damage to the cornea or surgery on it, as well as under other circumstances that cause a deficiency of tear fluid. The price starts from 400 rubles.
  5. Povidone (View-dresser). This remedy relieves dry eye syndrome of various etiologies. average cost– 250 rubles.

There are also eye drops for dry eyes with complex composition: Systain Balance And Systane Ultra. The first remedy is best used for temporary relief, if dryness does not constantly bother you. Systane Ultra is more suitable for systematic use if the factor that causes dry eye syndrome cannot be removed. The cost of the drugs is 600-700 rubles.

Review of moisturizing drops with vitamins

Dry eye syndrome should be treated with moisturizing drops, but this may not be enough if a person works a lot at the computer or with papers. The eyes are strained for several hours because they have to focus on small, close objects. Therefore, they quickly get tired, and for normal rest and recovery outside of work they need not only hydration, but also biologically active substances, as well as vitamins.

Here is a list of eye drops that combine vitamins and moisturizing ingredients:

  • Artelak. These are eye drops for dryness and to soften the cornea. The drug contains hyaluronic acid, various salts and dihydrates, which have a protective effect on the eye membrane. It is also prescribed for accelerated regeneration corneas after surgical intervention or injury (burn). The cost of the product is about 500 rubles.
  • Riboflavin. These drops contain vitamin B2, which is necessary for normal functioning nervous system. When it comes into contact with the eyes, it affects the tissues that contain the most nerve cells– on the retina and the optic nerve. As a result, the conductivity of impulses improves, which has a positive effect on eye function. They get less tired. The use of Riboflavin is also a good prevention of infections, the risk of which due to a lack of tear fluid is very high. Price – 100-150 rubles.
  • VitaYodural. For dry eye syndrome, treatment sometimes includes the use of drops to improve metabolic processes in the lens. They are usually prescribed for the prevention and treatment of cataracts. But thanks nicotinic acid, contained in Vita-Iodural drops, the drug can be used to improve metabolism within the tissues of the entire eyeball, which helps increase the secretion of tear fluid and eliminate fatigue. approximate cost– 130 rubles.

Important! For tired and dry eyes, vitamin drops should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. They cannot be used constantly, as an overdose vitamin substances more dangerous than their lack. Only a doctor can determine the need for their use, and only he determines the duration of treatment with them, the frequency of instillation and a single dosage.

Antiseptic and vasoconstrictor drops for dry eye syndrome

For therapeutic and preventive purposes, it is advisable to prescribe antiseptic and vasoconstrictor drops for dry eye syndrome. This is necessary if symptoms such as sand in the eyes and redness of the conjunctiva are pronounced. They indicate that the mucous membrane is damaged from constant friction against the eyelids due to lack of lubrication in the form of tears. Any damage is a vulnerable spot that can easily become infected. You can prevent it with Albucid and Vitabact drops. Such drugs are suitable even for children.

Attention! To prevent infections it is better not to use antibacterial drops. After their cancellation, if the damage remains, the risk of infection will increase even more, since the vulnerability is preserved, and the mucous membrane is deprived of not only harmful, but also beneficial microflora. Antibiotics are permissible only when it is necessary to cure a disease, and not to prevent it.

Use against redness is indicated next drops for dry eye syndrome:

  • Emoxy-Optic(cannot be used by children, pregnant or lactating women). Price – about 40 rubles;
  • Visine (vasoconstrictor drops, reducing capillaries on the whites of the eyes). Cost – 150 rubles.
  • Okumetil (combination drug, which reduces redness and has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and decongestant effects). Price – 220 rubles.

Without medical purposes You can only use moisturizing eye drops, the composition of which is similar to natural tears. The use of other medications for dry eye should be discussed with your doctor. In the fight against dry eyeballs, dose out the time spent at the computer, and while working, take hourly breaks for rest and short eye exercises.

Called pathological condition organs of vision, in which it occurs drying of the outer layer of the conjunctiva.

This can happen internally or external reasons, and according to statistics, every fifth inhabitant of the planet faces such a problem, while women are more often susceptible to this painful condition than men.

Dry eye syndrome and its causes

Dryness of the conjunctival membrane of the eye can develop for various reasons.:

Important! Dry eye syndrome always affects both organs of vision at once, since it is not infectious or bacterial disease, which affects one organ first, but a systemic disorder.

When can you use drops for dry eyes?

Drops for dry eyes are indicated for use in the following cases::

  • when constantly employed at sites where the eyes are exposed to dust or smoke;
  • in case of full-time work in the office, if necessary, constantly work with a computer;
  • living or working conditions in which the temperature environment significantly exceeds normal (for example, working in a hot climate outdoors or working in hot shops);
  • for any manifestations of allergies that provoke dehydration of the mucous membrane.

What groups are drops divided into?

For dry eye syndrome, it is not enough to purchase the first moisturizing drops you come across without therapeutic effect, which are sold without a prescription.

In some cases, it is necessary not only to moisturize the conjunctiva, but to get rid of the root cause, which led to the development of such a pathology in the eyes.

To do this, in any case, you need to be examined by an ophthalmologist, who can prescribe either one of the drugs described below, or several of them for simultaneous treatment of the symptom.

Moisturizing and regenerating drops

These are the most safe means both for dry eye syndrome and in ophthalmology in general and are suitable for both children and adults. Technically, such restorative eye solutions are a liquid almost identical in composition to human tears.

  • - eye drops with hyaluronic acid ultra high molecular weight without preservatives, which help to quickly relieve moderate discomfort and eye fatigue that appears towards the end of the day.
  • - innovative tear drops nanoemulsion based, which quickly spreads over the surface of the eye, restoring all three layers of the tear film, permanently eliminating severe, intense discomfort and dry eyes that appear throughout the day, even in the morning.
  • - eye gel with carbomer at maximum concentration, which moisturizes for a long time and does not require frequent instillation In addition, it can be used once at night to prevent eye fatigue and redness.

Important! Such medications are mainly prescribed to those who use contact lenses or experience constant fatigue due to prolonged exposure to a computer monitor, which over time inevitably leads to disruption of the tear-producing functions of the eyes.

These drops include:

Drops for dryness and fatigue

The main effect of such drugs is not directly related to hydration. Such drugs are more likely to be stimulant medications containing vitamin supplements.

Most often, ophthalmologists prescribe to patients the following drugs this group:

  1. Emoxipin. Antioxidant synthetic origin. Helps resolve minor hemorrhages and strengthen local vascular system eyeball, while the drug has protective effect, leveling the negative impact on cornea and retina sunlight. Also, the active components of the drops enhance the ability of eye tissue to resist negative impact free radicals. Together, these effects can reduce the likelihood of developing dry eye syndrome.
  2. Taufon. Eye drops for the treatment of pathologies dystrophic nature. Stimulate energy exchange and increase the regenerative properties of eyeball tissues, due to which the tear membrane is not destroyed.
  3. Oftan katachrome. Primarily, these drops are used to slow the progression of cataracts, but the additional effect of this drug is to moisturize the mucous membrane and relieve swelling.
  4. Quinax. Another remedy against cataracts, which at the same time protects eye tissue from the effects of free radicals and thereby prevents the development of dry eye syndrome.

Antiseptic and vasoconstrictor solutions

Such drops are prescribed to neutralize the uncomfortable and painful sensations that may occur during severe dry eye syndrome.

The vasoconstrictor and antiseptic type of solutions has local anesthetic effect and at the same time promotes hydration of the conjunctival membrane.

The best among these drugs:

  1. Vitabact. Drops for the treatment of pathologies affecting the anterior edge of the eyeball. These are mainly keratitis and conjunctivitis of various etiologies. The drug has antimicrobial actions , striking pathogenic bacteria, as well as some types of fungi and viruses.
  2. Okomistin. Remedy for local application, which is effective in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases caused by chlamydia, fungi and some viruses, as well as gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms.
  3. Octilia. A drug vasoconstrictor effect from the category of alpha-adrenergic agonists. Suitable for burning, itching, redness, and at the same time it constricts blood vessels, due to which the functions of producing tear fluid are inhibited. The drug is characterized by maximum quick action: the patient feels the effect within the first ten minutes after instillation. There are several varieties of these drops, but they are all sympathomimetics that constrict blood vessels. The advantage of this medicine is that it is not absorbed into the blood and has no serious side effects, but due to the features active ingredients drug for long-term use addictive.
  4. Visoptic. Decongestant vasoconstrictor, reducing irritation and swelling, good helps with the restoration of the tear membrane which is disrupted by injuries,

    Among these drops - analogue of the drug “artificial tear” hyphenosis. In addition to the moisturizing effect, such drops eliminate pain.

    The basis of such a tool is active substance hypromelose, on the basis of which other products are made inexpensive remedy– hypromelose-P.

    Such drops replenish the deficiency of tears if the glands cannot cope with the production of this secretion.

    Important! The disadvantage of this product is that the effect of its use is not visible immediately, but after about five days.

    A very popular drug among consumers is called Slesin. Its price is around 200 rubles, but in terms of efficiency it can compete with drops in the luxury segment. These drops can be used at the patient's discretion as needed throughout the day.

    Useful video

    From this video you will learn more about how to get rid of dry eyes:

    Although moisturizing drops are not therapeutic drugs and don't have serious consequences and side effects, before using them It is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist who will help you choose the most effective medicine.

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2023 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs