Inflammation of the roots. Radiculitis (inflammation of the root of one of the spinal nerves)

Stones of organic origin sometimes form in the stomach. In medicine they are called bezoars. Such formations are most often observed in children and women who have the habit of sucking their hair and are prone to consuming certain foods in large quantities. Symptoms for this pathology may vary, depending on the size of the stones in the stomach.

What is the essence of the disease?

There are bezoars various forms, consistency and size. As a rule, agglomerates consist of solid particles of food, hair and other unbroken elements. As they accumulate, stone-like formations form, which can increase in size. The growth rate depends on the composition of the bezoar, as well as the characteristics of the human body. IN medical practice isolated severe cases are known when it grew to such a size that it filled the entire stomach.

The consistency of agglomerates can be loose, soft or hard. By quantity - single or multiple. They are usually brown or green in color and have an unpleasant odor.

Types and reasons

There are several types of stomach stones:

  • phytobezoars– occur most often, the cause of the appearance is the accumulation of coarse vegetable fiber(figs, persimmons, grapes and others), occur as a result of insufficient chewing of food, gastritis, malfunction digestive organ;
  • trichobezoars– are formed from hair, most often found in people who have the habit of sucking their own strands and those whose professional activity associated with hair;
  • lactobezoars– mainly found in infants, whose nutrition is based on lactose and casein;
  • sebobezoars– result from the accumulation of fats plant origin consumed with food in large quantities;
  • hemobezoars– usually seen in people with systemic lupus erythematosus or portal hypertension in which blood is swallowed;
  • pixobesoars– formed by eating resin;
  • shellac-bezoars– appear due to getting into digestive system nitro varnish, polish, alcohol varnish and other harmful substances.

Patients after gastric surgery are most prone to the formation of such stones. Patients with diabetes are also at risk.

Characteristic symptoms

Stones may be in the stomach long time without showing any symptoms. Thus, a person throughout for long years may not be aware of the disease.

When the formation reaches a certain size, the following clinical signs may appear:

  • dull pain that becomes more intense after eating;
  • instant satiety, despite eating a small amount of food;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • belching with an unpleasant odor;
  • vomiting after eating.

Symptoms depend on the size, nature, and time of residence of the formation in the digestive organ. IN childhood pathology can manifest itself with severe pain and swelling.

Larger bezoars manifest themselves more intensely.

In such cases, the following clinical signs occur:

  • weight loss;
  • increase in viral and infectious diseases;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • brittle nails, deterioration of teeth;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • weakness.

Acute pain and debilitating vomiting accompany the patient if a stone is pinched in the exit zone of the organ.


Upon palpation, it is possible to detect only large formations that are characterized by good mobility.

Typically, the following diagnostic studies are performed:

  • radiography– during the study, defects are discovered that have a certain size and clear boundaries; they can be mobile or fixed in the wall of the stomach (in the latter case, the disease can be confused with cancer);
  • gastroscopyendoscopic examination, allows you to visually assess the size, shape, structure of the bezoar, determine the condition of the mucous membrane;
  • Ultrasound– is carried out exclusively in cases where there are contraindications for the two previous types of diagnostics.

By general analysis blood can detect signs of anemia, which also indicates the development of the disease.

Treatment methods

In the absence of complications, it is carried out conservative treatment, which is assigned depending on the type of education, as well as other characteristics.

If the consistency of the agglomerate is soft, you can get rid of it by drinking warm alkaline mineral water. The course of treatment is up to two weeks. In this case, you will have to follow a diet with a limited amount of vegetables and fruits consumed raw. Soft agglomerates can sometimes be destroyed by regular massage.

Also used for treatment mechanical method, the essence of which is to remove the stone with an endoscope or crush it by applying special solutions under pressure. To speed up the removal of agglomerate particles, prokinetics are used. They are able to increase the motility of the digestive organ. Drugs are also prescribed that tend to envelop the mucous membrane, protecting it from negative effects.

IN in rare cases When the bezoars are hard and large, the doctor decides on surgical intervention, during which the agglomerates are removed.


Preventive measures are as follows:

  • proper nutrition;
  • active lifestyle;
  • getting rid of the habit of sucking hair and biting nails;
  • timely examination by a gastroenterologist;
  • slow and chewing thoroughly food;
  • limiting roughage, berries, fruits and vegetables with hard skin.


When agglomerates grow to large sizes, they can lead to complications. One of them is bezoar strangulation, which is manifested by severe pain and prolonged vomiting. Sometimes gastric obstruction occurs when its outlet is blocked.

Our expert is an endoscopist, oncologist, surgeon highest category GBUZ "City clinical Hospital them. V.V. Veresaeva" Georgy Dmitrienko.

The season is just around the corner fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, barbecue in nature. It would seem, what could be more beautiful and useful? In fact even natural food can be fraught with serious dangers if used incorrectly.

No magic

The word "bezoar" means "stone" in Arabic. IN literary sources Bezoars were often called stones with magical properties. Thus, in the epic about Harry Potter, bezoars - stones located in the stomach of a goat - had the properties of a powerful antidote.

The fairy tale plot is somewhat not far from the truth. Indeed, phytobezoars formed by the absorption huge amount herbs, often form in the stomach of ruminants. And trichobezoars - lumps of hair and wool - are often found in the digestive tract of cats and other animals that have the habit of licking themselves. But here medicinal properties these conglomerates, alas, do not.

Cola therapy

In humans, bezoars can reach the size of a newborn baby's head and, accordingly, can cause severe pain, cause a burning sensation in epigastric region, belching, nausea, vomiting. It is for this reason that patients, as a rule, consult a doctor.
The most common product, with excessive consumption which phytobezoars arise is the persimmon: its thick and long fibers collapse and become compacted in the stomach. It is impossible to remove them endoscopically because they become hard as stone. Before proceeding with minimally invasive surgical intervention, the patient has to sit on a water-alkaline diet for several days. This is the same case when it’s not too late to drink Borjomi. However, cola turned out to be an even more effective solvent. Endoscopists even have a new term - “cola therapy”. So there are cases when this drink is beneficial.

If you do not take action and do not get rid of the phytobezoar, the patient may face the most serious troubles - for example, an acute, bleeding stomach ulcer, which is formed from the pressure of the stone on the wall of the organ.

From what, from what?

In addition to persimmons, phytobezoars can be formed by excessive consumption of figs, plums, dates, grapes, nuts and sunflower seeds, especially poorly peeled ones and with seeds. The risk increases if you do not drink these foods and chew them poorly. Pathologies also contribute various problems from the gastrointestinal tract - increased viscosity mucus in the stomach, impaired evacuation function, decreased secretion gastric juice and others.

Much less common than phytobezoars, but other formations are still found. For example, sebobezoars are formed by consuming goat, lamb and beef fat without sufficient heat treatment; anthracobezoars are a collection of undissolved residues activated carbon and other medicines; Pixobesoars appear when drinking low-quality alcohol or swallowing chewing gum.

Trichobezoars, which appear when hair is swallowed, are, oddly enough, a fairly common phenomenon. It turns out that many people under stress not only bite their nails, but also bite the ends of their hair, and this can lead to the formation of abdominal cavity giant “hairpieces” that disrupt the functioning of everything digestive tract and can lead to the most serious complications.

Chew and drink!

The only way to get rid of any bezoars is surgery. Therefore, it is important to prevent their formation.

Eating rough food plant food, containing a lot of fiber, healthy, but in moderation. It cannot be abused. It is also important to wash down such food sufficient quantity water, which helps digest food. The diet should be varied. Eating only meat or only vegetables and fruits is wrong.

In addition, food must be chewed thoroughly. If this is not done, not only does the risk of bezoars increase, but also the risk of simply choking increases. In the warm season, when the barbecue season begins, the number of calls to endoscopists regarding the removal of unchewed pieces of meat from the esophagus sharply increases.

Do not forget to undergo preventive gastroscopy and colonoscopy every two years, especially if you are over 40 years old. Remember: cancer is on initial stages does not manifest itself in any way, it can sometimes be detected only during these examinations, while successful result Treatment depends precisely on early diagnosis.

A bezoar (from the Arabic بازهر‎‎ bâzahr - “absorbing poisons” and from the Chaldean “bel” - “lord” and “zaar” - poison) is a foreign body in the stomach and a stone of organic origin. It is considered a concretion made from felted hair or plant fibers. It is found inside the body of ruminants, such as bezoar goats, as well as cats, horses, dogs and pigs. They are extremely rare in humans.

The bezoar itself is bluish-gray in color, feels greasy to the touch, and tastes bitter. It has many other names, for example, boar, rooster and beluga stone, bezoir, bezui, alectorius, bezoar stone.

The healing properties of bezoar

It has long been believed that a bezoar can save its owner from poisoning by poisons, in particular arsenic. For this he was highly valued by powerful people of all eras. By order of the Russian Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, a silver bowl was made with a bezoar embedded in it. The stone for the king was ordered by the Mstislavsky boyars from Eastern India itself.

It was believed that if there was a suspicion of poisoning, a piece of bezoar stone should be dissolved in a ground form in a goblet with a potion. This antidote saved the lives of many rulers. Napoleon Bonaparte, according to legend, received a bezoar as a gift from the Shah of Persia. He did not believe that the stone had healing power, and threw it into the fire. Ironically, Npoleon was poisoned with arsenic. It is logical that if the French ruler had gratefully accepted the gift of the Persian Shah, he would have been able to save his life.

A bezoar can help a person if he has problems with bladder and ureters. The stone facilitates difficult childbirth; in addition, the bezoar treats many childhood diseases.

The magical properties of a bezoar

Bezoar stone belongs to the category precious stones just because of their healing properties. IN ancient medicine he always took pride of place.

It is believed that a bezoar is an effective component in rituals love magic. There are many conspiracies and rituals to attract men using a bezoar stone. For example, like this magic ritual exists in India. The bezoar in this case is called “goro-chan”:

“If a woman wants to have a husband and keep his love, she should soak goro-chan in the blood that appears every month and apply it to her forehead like a “tilak” (a sacred mark in Hinduism, which is applied with ash, clay, sandalwood paste on the forehead and other parts of the body). As long as a man sees him, he will be in the power of a woman.”

The thirteenth-century Russian preacher and writer Serpion believed that a grated bezoar stone, weighing twelve barley grains, preheated in wine, could heal any disease or ailment. It is also believed that a bezoar can protect a person from the plague. The bezoar stone is indicated for use by representatives of any zodiac sign.

is a foreign body that forms in the stomach when certain substances, natural or synthetic origin. It manifests itself as pain in the epigastrium, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and a quickly occurring feeling of satiety when eating a small amount of food. Diagnosis is based on medical history, gastric radiography and gastroscopy. For stones of soft consistency, patients are advised to warm alkaline drink, usage enzymatic preparations. For foreign bodies medium density endoscopic destruction and extraction of bezoars are used. In case of ineffectiveness conservative therapy carry out surgical removal stone


Diagnosis of a bezoar of the stomach causes significant difficulties. This is due to the lack specific symptoms And clinical manifestations on initial stage diseases. To confirm the diagnosis, the following examinations must be performed:

  • Examination by a gastroenterologist. Based on your life history, the course of the disease, and physical examination data, the specialist will give a preliminary conclusion and prescribe additional diagnostic procedures.
  • X-ray of the stomach with contrast. Allows you to determine the filling defect of oval or round shape with clear edges.
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy. The main diagnostic method, with which you can determine not only the size and shape, but also suggest the origin of the bezoar. During the procedure, the endoscopist takes material to study the composition of the stone.

To diagnose the disease, additional Abdominal ultrasound. CT scan upper sections The gastrointestinal tract allows you to determine the exact location and size of the bezoar. Lab tests uninformative, long course the disease can cause the development of anemia. Main differential diagnosis bezoars are carried out with malignant and benign stomach tumors. In this case, endoscopic examination with biopsy helps to distinguish stones from neoplasms. Gastric stones are differentiated from swallowed ones foreign bodies. Great importance have medical history and gastroscopy.

Treatment of bezoar of the stomach

Treatment of the disease depends on the type, consistency, composition of the stone and concomitant pathology. If the size is small, the gastric stone may pass on its own. Conservative methods Treatments are effective for bezoars of soft and medium consistency, often of plant origin. Warm ones are prescribed orally alkaline solutions soda based mineral water, proteolytic enzymes. Positive Action renders light massage epigastric region. Patients are advised to follow a gentle diet with limited fruits, meat and fatty foods. Small-density stones are removed endoscopically. Using special instruments, the stone is crushed and removed under the control of a gastroscope. At obsessive states, consumption of inedible foods is indicated psychiatrist consultation.

If therapy is ineffective, large and dense bezoars are treated surgical removal calculus. The operation involves cutting open the stomach ( gastrotomy) and removal of bezoar stone. Indication for surgical intervention are conditions caused by complications of the disease ( intestinal obstruction, peritonitis).

Prognosis and prevention

At timely diagnosis and removal of the bezoar of the stomach, the prognosis is favorable. Conservative and surgery gives good results, in 90% of cases occurs full recovery. Ignoring symptoms of illness and late diagnosis can lead to a number of serious, sometimes fatal, complications. To prevent the development of a bezoar in persons with chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract or those who have undergone gastric surgery are recommended to undergo a medical examination by a gastroenterologist once a year. Disease prevention includes monitoring of mentally ill people, limited consumption rough food of plant and animal origin, refusal to consume indigestible substances.



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