Mezim contraindications for use. Composition of Mezim: digestive enzymes in the treatment of stomach

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Registration number : P N014681/01 dated 03.24.09

Trade proprietary name : Mezim® forte 10000

International nonproprietary name
or group name
: Pancreatin

Dosage form: enteric-coated tablets

Composition per tablet
Active substance: Pancreatin powder –137.5 mg
with minimal enzymatic activity:
lipase 10000 units Ph. Eur.
amylase 7500 units Ph. Eur.
protease 375 units Ph. Eur.

Excipients: lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide, crospovidone, magnesium stearate; shell: hypromellose (~5 mPa s), methacrylic acid and ethyl acrylate copolymer (1:1) dispersion 30% (dry weight), triethyl citrate, titanium dioxide (E 171), talc, simethicone emulsion 30% (dry weight), macrogol 6000 , carmellose sodium (~ 30 mPa s), polysorbate 80, azorubic varnish (E 122), sodium hydroxide.

Description: pink round tablets, enteric-coated, with biconvex surfaces, chamfered, brown inclusions are possible at the break.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Digestive enzyme agent
ATX code: A09AA02.

Pharmacological properties
Pharmacodynamics. An enzyme preparation that improves digestion.
Pancreatin is a powder from pork pancreas, which, along with the exocrine pancreatic enzymes - lipase, amylase, protease, trypsin and chymotrypsin, also contains other enzymes.

Pancreatic enzymes included in the drug facilitate the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which leads to their more complete absorption into the body. small intestine. Trypsin suppresses stimulated pancreatic secretion, producing an analgesic effect. The maximum enzymatic activity of the drug is observed 30-45 minutes after oral administration.

Pharmacokinetics. Mezim ® forte 10000 tablets are coated with an acid-resistant coating that does not dissolve when exposed to of hydrochloric acid stomach and thereby protects the enzymes contained in the drug from inactivation. Dissolution of the shell and release of enzymes occurs at a pH value close to neutral or slightly alkaline.

Indications for use

- replacement therapy for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (including chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis);
- chronic inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder;
- conditions after resection or irradiation of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by impaired digestion of food, flatulence, diarrhea (as part of combination therapy);
- gastrointestinal disorder of a functional nature (with intestinal infectious diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.);
- to improve food digestion in patients with normal function Gastrointestinal tract in case of errors in nutrition;
- preparation for x-ray and ultrasound examinations organs abdominal cavity.


- acute pancreatitis;

- exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
- hypersensitivity to pancreatin or other components of the drug;
- hereditary galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome;
- childhood up to 3 years (indivisible dosage form).

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Due to the lack of sufficient data on the use of pancreatic enzymes in humans during pregnancy and lactation, the use of Mezim forte 10000 is possible only if the expected benefit to the mother exceeds possible risk for the fetus or child.

Directions for use and doses

The dose of Mezim ® forte 10000 is set individually depending on the severity of the disease and the composition of the food.

Unless otherwise indicated, medium single dose for adults is 2-4 tablets Mezim ® forte 10000 per meal. It is recommended to take half or a third of a single dose at the beginning of a meal, and the rest during it. The drug is taken orally, without chewing and with a drink. sufficient quantity liquids.

It is possible to increase the dose, which should only be carried out under the supervision of a physician, focusing on the weakening of symptoms (for example, steatorrhea, abdominal pain).

Maximum daily dose- 15000-20000 Ph units. Eur. lipase/kg body weight.

For children, the dosage regimen is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease and the composition of the food at the rate of 500-1000 Ph units. Eur. lipase / kg of child’s body weight for each meal.

The duration of treatment can vary from several days (for indigestion, errors in diet) to several months and even years (if constant replacement therapy).

Side effect

No development detected side effects or complications even with long-term and regular use of the drug Mezim® forte 10000 in patients with impaired pancreatic function.

In some cases, after taking pancreatin, it is possible to develop allergic reactions, rarely - diarrhea or constipation, nausea, discomfort in epigastric region. IN isolated cases in patients suffering from cystic fibrosis, with long-term use high doses the drug may develop hyperuricosuria (increased levels uric acid in blood plasma), the formation of strictures in the ileocecal region and the ascending colon is possible.


There are no data on cases of overdose and intoxication with the drug.
Possible: hyperuricosuria, hyperuricemia, in children - constipation.
Treatment: drug withdrawal, symptomatic therapy.

Interaction with other drugs
When taking medications containing pancreatin, absorption may be reduced folic acid. The effect of glucose-lowering drugs (acarbose, miglitol) may decrease with simultaneous administration with pancreatin.
With the simultaneous use of pancreatin with iron preparations, the absorption of the latter may be reduced. Simultaneous use antacids containing calcium carbonate and/or magnesium hydroxide may reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

special instructions
At acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis (at the stage of attenuation of exacerbation), during recovery dietary nutrition, it is advisable to prescribe Mezim forte 10000 against the background of existing or continuing pancreatic insufficiency.
Mezim ® forte 10000, taking into account solid indivisible dosage form, contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

Mezim is an enzyme preparation that is used to replenish the deficiency of pancreatic enzymes. This drug is used as part of complex therapy.

People wonder, what does Mezim help with? For most diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

It is prescribed to reduce the load on the pancreas. Mezim, indications for use: exacerbation of pancreatitis, ulcers, enteritis, intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis, dyspeptic disorders and in preparation for x-ray and ultrasound examinations.

Capsules should be taken orally with plenty of water. Children after three years and adults, it is recommended to take 1-2 tablets with meals. During the treatment period, 2-3 tablets are prescribed. The duration of medication is prescribed by the doctor on an individual basis.

Mezim forte 10000: instructions for use. For heaviness and bloating, patients are advised to take 1-2 capsules, but remember that the dosage may depend on the disease. For replacement treatment 2-4 tablets are prescribed. It is very important to follow the instructions for use.

Important properties, Mezim forte. This medicine breaks down proteins, carbohydrates and fats into amino acids; the main substance of this medicine is pancreatin. It has proteolytic, amylolytic, lipolytic effects. Mezim forte has an analgesic effect thanks to an enzyme called trypsin.

Contraindications for Mezim Forte

  • Various exacerbations of pancreatitis
  • Severe sensitivity to the drug
  • Allergy to lactose
  • Hives
  • Age up to 3 years
  • High levels of uric acid in the blood

Side effects, instructions: allergies, stool disorders, nausea, abdominal pain, the appearance of hyperuricosuria.

Interaction with other drugs. Interaction with iron preparations or those containing calcium carbonate and magnesium may lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment.

Storage periods and conditions. Store out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 30 C, total shelf life is three years.

Compound of this drug: the main part of the enzymes is of animal origin; they are obtained from the pancreas of pigs. One tablet contains:

  • Lipase (found in pancreatic juice, eats away food fats)
  • Amylase (created in the salivary glands and pancreas, breaks down starch + carbohydrates in the intestine, excreted in the urine)
  • Protease (these are proteins that cleave amide bonds between different compounds)

The composition also includes excipients:

  • Talc.
  • Special varnish.
  • Hypromellose.
  • Semiticon emulsion.
  • Titanium dioxide.
  • Macrogol.


Mezim Forte tablets are coated with an acid-resistant coating that does not dissolve due to the action of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, thereby preserving the substances that are in the drug. Mezim begins to act most effectively half an hour after consuming the drug.

Mezim, analogues are cheaper

Use during pregnancy. The effect of this drug on pregnant women has been little studied. You can safely take this drug, but do not forget about the existence individual intolerance certain substances in humans.

Application and indication for children. This medicine is prescribed to children as an addition to the course of treatment for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If abused harmful products nutrition, overeating and poisoning, you can take just one tablet. In most cases, the medicine is prescribed to children for pancreatitis, which develops against the background of diseases of the biliary tract.

The main diseases for which this drug is prescribed:

  • Intestinal infections.
  • Cystic fibrosis.
  • Stool disorder.
  • After certain gastric operations.

Mezim or Normoenzym?

The preparations Mezim and Normoenzyme are similar in composition. The first option has many more advantages. Normoenzyme is contraindicated in liver diseases, has many side effects and should be taken with caution during pregnancy. In contrast, Mezim is considered safe medicine, which is prescribed by most doctors.

Advantages: An old and reliable drug that never fails.

Disadvantages: none found.

All I have to do is take two tablets, and I am saved from severe stomach pain and am good as new again. The only thing I'm not happy with is the price, it could have been lower.

I always take these pills after the holidays, it helps a lot after overeating, much better than its analogues, the drug is pleasing at an affordable price.


In some reviews about Mezim, they usually write that this drug is well tolerated by the body and rarely causes side effects. The speed and effectiveness of this medicine are noted.

Many patients felt improvement from the first minutes of use.

In other reviews, most people argue about which is better: Mezim or Festal, but here it is clear that Mezim Forte is better, because it contains more pancreatin, and Festal is simply an analogue. The drug is quite expensive, but this does not negate its popularity and effectiveness for lungs gastrointestinal diseases, it helps with most unpleasant consequences! If you want to check the quality of Mezim Forte and its authenticity, pay attention to the registration certificate number, barcode, packaging that can be easily opened with a regular valve, list and composition of enzymes on back side packaging, a real blister made of matte, not shiny foil. Don't forget to help other people and leave your review about this medicine!

The drug Mezim Forte is used to ensure better digestibility certain types products containing different amounts of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Mezim is enzymatic type drugs that are designed to provide healthy digestion. The product is available in tablet form and is sold freely from pharmacies, thanks to its natural and safe composition.

Photo: Instructions for use Mezim Forte

The dosage of the product must be selected individually (the dosage of the product is also taken into account - 10,000 or 20,000). This depends primarily on the level of deficiency of pancreatic enzymes in the human duodenum. If Mezim Forte is used as aid when consumed large quantity Fatty, fried and difficult to digest foods, doctors recommend using 1-2 tablets.

For digestive disorders, the recommended dose is 2-4 tablets. If urgently necessary, the dose is increased. It is worth increasing the number of tablets taken only under the supervision of a doctor, as stated in the instructions. Typically, an increase in the amount of pills taken is due to the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • indigestion;
  • epigastric pain.

It is important to consider that the daily dose of lipase cannot exceed 15-20 thousand units of E.F. per 1 kg. body weight of an adult.

The tablets should be taken while eating food. At the same time, they need to be washed down big amount water, without chewing and swallowing whole. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually for each specific patient.

Mezim Forte is prescribed to children under 12 years of age in a daily dose, which will normalize stool. This dose should not exceed 1500 IU E.F. lipase per kilogram of weight.

The full course of therapy can be a single dose of the drug or Mezima Forte for 2-3 days. Therapy can last several months or even years. In the latter case, such a long course of treatment is necessary as replacement therapy for serious pathologies or gastric resection.


Mezim Forte tablets

Mezim Forte is available in the form of tablets (dragées) of pink color and flat shape. The tablets are different light odor pancreatin. One package contains 20 or 80 tablets of the product.

The drug contains the following active ingredients:

  • pancreatin - 140 mg;
  • lipase - 3500 units;
  • amylase - 4200 units;
  • proteases - 250 units.

The fillers include the following components:

  • Aerosil;
  • sodium carboxymethyl starch type A;
  • magnesium stearate.

The dragee shell consists of several components that form a film coating:

  • hypromellose;
  • talc;
  • azorubine varnish;
  • simethicone emulsion 30%;
  • polyacrylate dispersion 30%;
  • macrogol 6000;
  • titanium dioxide


Mezim Forte is indicated for use as a therapeutic agent and prevention of diseases and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract due to overeating. Also among the indications for use it is worth highlighting:

Junk food, overeating
  • organ pathologies digestive system caused by dystrophic and inflammatory processes in tissues;
  • dysfunctional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract resulting from chemotherapy, surgical interventions and characterized by upset stool, digestion, bloating, epigastric pain;
  • pronounced hyposecretion of pancreatic enzymes, causing functional disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system, including hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, gastritis and enterocolitis;
  • functional acceleration of food passage through the intestines;
  • errors in nutrition (overeating, consumption incompatible products, as well as dishes that can cause bloating, excessive gas formation and fermentation processes).

Mezim is also indicated for use before ultrasound or radiography of the abdominal organs as an auxiliary, preparatory agent.


Intestinal problems

The drug should not be used if acute course pancreatitis. Also, Mezim Forte should never be used during an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.

Children are not treated with Mezim without a doctor’s prescription. Seeing a doctor is necessary to determine required dose drug for a specific child.

Reception is not possible at hypersensitivity to any component of the product. If an allergic reaction to the drug is detected, you should stop taking the drug immediately and consult a doctor for recommendations. symptomatic therapy condition.

The drug is not taken when intestinal obstruction obstructive type. Also a contraindication is that the patient has obstructive jaundice. In case of inflammatory processes in the liver tissue, the drug can be taken only after consultation with a doctor.

Side effects

The incidence of side effects from taking Mezim Forte is unknown.

From the outside of cardio-vascular system Tachycardia may occur.

From the outside immune system hypersensitivity reactions are possible, including skin rashes, lacrimation, sneezing, bronchospasm.

A few side effects may occur from the gastrointestinal tract, the frequency of which has also not been studied. Thus, with cystic fibrosis, patients may suffer from the formation of narrowing in the ileocecal region and in colon. From the digestive system there may also be allergic manifestations, including loose stools, abdominal pain, frequent diarrhea and nausea.

Photo: Abdominal pain

From the outside skin possible occurrence angioedema, urticaria, hyperemia, itching and redness.

From the outside genitourinary system in patients with cystic fibrosis may manifest increased secretion uric acid in urine. In this case, the amount of uric acid needs to be controlled.

Among the general disorders, there may be a sharp feeling of intense heat, low productivity and weakness in the body.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of Mezim during pregnancy and lactation has been studied scientifically, but this has not yielded adequate safety results. Thus, taking the drug is allowed only if the benefit from its use is greater than the risk to the fetus. The drug can be used by pregnant and nursing mothers only after consultation with a doctor and a thorough examination.

Use of Mezim forte with other drugs and alcohol

When using Mezim Forte simultaneously with other drugs containing pancreatin, patients may experience a deterioration in the absorption of folic acid. In this case, patients may be recommended additional sources of obtaining this missing component.

When using Mezim Forte simultaneously with antacids, a decrease or complete elimination may be observed. therapeutic effect Mezima. This applies to taking the drug simultaneously with those antacids that contain magnesium hydroxide or calcium carbonate.

There is no data on the incompatibility of Mezim Forte and alcohol. It should be taken into account that simultaneous use strong drinks with the drug can lead to inhibition of the effect of the latter.


In case of an overdose of the drug, patients may experience a significant increase in the side effects of the drug, including:

  1. Narrowing of the ileocecal region of the intestine (typical of patients with cystic fibrosis).
  2. Hyperuricemia.
  3. Hyperuricosuria.

Treatment of these conditions in case of overdose is symptomatic, that is, aimed at eliminating the main symptoms that worry the patient.

In case of overdose in patients younger age long-term symptoms may occur.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of release of the product. Mezim Forte should be stored in original packaging. The storage place should be dark and dry. When exposed high temperatures on tablets (above 30 o C), the properties of the product may be distorted.

The drug should be stored out of the reach of animals and children. If a child or adult accidentally consumes a large amount of tablets, you should go to the hospital.


What is the price?

The price of Mezim Forte in Moscow fluctuates around 300 rubles. The cost depends on the number of tablets in the package and pharmacy chain where the product is purchased. In general, the price of the drug in Russian cities is as follows:

  1. Moscow - from 83 to 298 rubles.
  2. St. Petersburg - from 72 to 263 rubles.
  3. Ekaterinburg - from 43 to 289 rubles.
  4. Novosibirsk - from 64 to 302 rubles.
  5. Nizhny Novgorod - from 59 to 273 rubles.
  6. Kazan - from 49 to 295 rubles.
  7. Rostov-on-Don - from 78 to 260 rubles.

The cost of the drug can be significantly lower if you purchase it from an online pharmacy. It is worth considering that this carries certain risks, since the product may turn out to be a fake.


The most common and well-known substitute for Mezim Forte is the drug Pancreatin. Although this medicine also contains enzymes, the amount active substance in Pancreatin is significantly less than in the original product.

The differences between Pancreatin and Mezim Forte also lie in the manufacturer. Mezim is manufactured in Germany, Pancreatin is domestic drug. Many gastroenterologists indicate that Mezim should be taken to treat digestive problems and gastrointestinal diseases. At the same time, Pancreatin is more suitable as a means of prevention.

Photo: Mezim or Pancreatin? Analogs

In addition to Pancreatin, there are a number of other products that are analogues of Mezim Forte. These drugs are also often used as substitutes for the original drug.

  1. Creon. This drug is produced in Germany. Gelatin capsules contain natural pancreatin. The cost of the drug ranges from 300 rubles.
  2. Hermital. It is also produced in Germany and contains pancreatin as the main active ingredient. The price of the product is 219 rubles.
  3. Micrasim. This drug is produced in Russia and is a direct analogue of Mezim. The drug costs about 246 rubles.
  4. Panzinorm. Strong drug made in Germany. This drug contains not only pancreatin, but also a number additional components, including bile extract and mucous membrane extract cattle. Average price of the drug - 171 rubles.
  5. Solizim. The drug is quite weak, even in comparison with Pancreatin. The product breaks down only fats, while ignoring proteins and carbohydrates. Price - about 1020 rubles.
  6. Festal. This Indian analogue of mezim has been used by people for more than 2 decades. The product contains not only pancreatin, but also bovine bile extract. The price of the drug is cheaper and fluctuates from 59 rubles.
  7. Enzistal. Produced in India and is the same Festal. There are practically no differences between these drugs. Average cost of the product - 88 rubles.

Important! It is worth understanding that taking these medications without a doctor’s advice is unsafe. The opinion that drugs containing enzymes are absolutely safe is erroneous.

Photo: Mezim forte 10000, reviews

A tableted drug or simply Mezim Forte tablets is a drug that belongs to the group of enzyme preparations and is prescribed to patients for the prevention or treatment of a number of disorders in the digestive system.

Mezim forte is a drug that improves the digestion of proteins, fats and. The drug also compensates for the insufficiency of the pancreas, namely its exocrine function

Release form of the drug and its composition

Preparations Mezim forte 10000 (the Latin name is also used - Mezym® forte 10000) and Mezim forte 20000 - on this moment are available in the form of tablets that have a specific odor and are intended for oral use. They are equipped film-coated having pink color. The tablets are packaged in regular pharmaceutical blisters of 20 pcs. and in a cardboard box equipped with enclosed instructions with detailed description drug and recommendations for its use.

Each tablet contains a balanced enzyme complex of amylase, lipase and protease. The content of enzymes in the preparation corresponds to their content in the body with a normally functioning gastrointestinal tract, that is, it is a substitute for these enzymes. In addition, each tablet contains a number of auxiliary components and additives.

Pharmacological action of the drug

Mezim forte 10000 (20000) is a combined enzyme preparation that successfully compensates for insufficient efficient work damaged pancreas, as well as duodenum.

The question is often asked on review forums: what is the difference between the compositions of Pancreatin and Mezim? What's better? And is it possible to replace one drug with another? The fact is that their only significant difference, in theory, is their cost. In fact, the question “Mezim Forte or Pancreatin” is not so simple, although these are, in fact, analogues. In most cases, Mezim Forte can indeed be replaced with Pancreatin. Both of these products contain important enzymes of the digestive system - amylase, protease and lipase, which facilitate the body’s process of digesting food during dysfunction of the digestive organs, helping it break down and absorb fats, proteins and carbohydrates, thereby further reducing the load on the already “ suffering" damaged pancreas. However, you should take into account a number of important factors, and under no circumstances replace one drug with another without the consent of your doctor - despite the fact that the price of Pancreatin is much lower.

Note! There is an opinion, which, by the way, is not without foundation, that medicinal product Mezim Forte is still characterized by a higher degree of purification, which makes it more suitable for children. Mezim is prescribed more often than pancreatin, not only for use in the treatment of younger patients, but also when the patient has a history of severe allergic reactions or the so-called allergostatus. Mezim Forte during pregnancy also often becomes the drug of choice, which is preferred over pancreatin, which is also due special condition immune system of the expectant mother.

When is it shown

Mezim forte tablets are usually prescribed to patients with the following pathological conditions:

  1. Chronic diseases of pancreatic tissue, directly related to insufficient production of the enzymes listed above;
  2. Chronic stomach diseases inflammatory in nature, as well as diseases of the gallbladder and intestines caused by disruption of normal physiological digestion of food;

Medicine can be used for chronic forms inflammatory processes stomach and intestines. The drug is also used for flatulence
  1. Unbalanced and/or monotonous food, the predominance of low-humidity food and so-called “fast food” in the patient’s diet;

The drug Mezim forte can also be prescribed to some patients before preparing them for x-ray examination a number of abdominal organs.


Before you start using the drug, you should carefully study the instructions included in the box, since the use of Mezim Forte has certain limitations and a number of contraindications:

  1. Individual reaction to any components included in this drug;
  2. Exacerbation phase of chronic or other chronic diseases digestive tract organs;
  3. Acute pancreatitis in any form.

Application and required dosage

Daily dose of the substance in question enzyme preparation is determined by the attending physician individually - according to the results of the patient’s tests and data from other tests carried out diagnostic studies In addition, the dose may vary depending on the characteristics of the diagnosis and the individual characteristics of each patient’s body.

According to general instructions, adult patients are usually prescribed one or two tablets of the drug, which is 10,000-20,000 units of lipase, immediately before meals or during meals three times a day. The tablets must be swallowed immediately, without chewing under any circumstances.

The drug is prescribed to young patients (up to 12 years of age) strictly according to indications and always under the constant supervision of a doctor with a prescription.

Important! For children, the daily dose indicated in the prescription and medical card child, is always determined individually based on a number of indicators: body weight, established diagnosis and the degree of manifestation of violations. Be sure to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions, without underestimating or overestimating the amount of the drug recommended by the specialist.

Is it possible to take Mezim during pregnancy?

Mezim forte is prescribed to pregnant women if additional relief of digestion is necessary. The drug is well tolerated and does not require the patient to interrupt lactation during breastfeeding. However, you should still consult your doctor before starting the course.


In general, the drug is well tolerated, however, with individual sensitivity to its components, some people may experience:

  1. Increased gas formation in the intestines;
  2. Painful sensations in the stomach;
  3. Feeling of hunger, regardless of whether the patient has eaten;
  4. Stool disorders;
  5. Nausea;
  6. Occasionally, allergy-like conditions may occur - redness of the skin, itching.


There have been no cases of overdose in patients treated with Mezim forte; however, with its uncontrolled use in excessive doses, subsequent development of negative phenomena from the gastrointestinal tract, namely nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, stool disorders.

What can't be combined with

  1. The drug Mezim Forte is strictly not recommended to be used in combination with taking iron supplements, since such a combination can ultimately lead to a significant disruption of iron absorption in the body. thin sections intestines and to a subsequent decrease in the therapeutic effect.
  2. Simultaneous treatment with antacids, as well as enterosorbents, reduces the effect of using Mezim forte; for this reason, it is not recommended to combine drugs from these groups or, if it is absolutely necessary to use them together, maintain the required time interval.

What to do during treatment

If you have been prescribed Mezim Forte, the effect of its use will be greater when the patient follows a diet that excludes fatty, fried, spicy food, as well as seasonings, alcohol and spices.

Smoking should also be excluded as a factor that provokes increased symptoms and exacerbation of the disease.

Is it prescribed to very young children?

In patients under 12 years of age, this drug should be prescribed with caution due to insufficient quantity clinical experience, and the dose is determined individually by the doctor.

Important! Mezim Forte is prescribed to children in smaller doses, which are determined individually by the attending physician - not only depending on the condition, but also on the age and body weight of the child.

What is it replaced with?

Similar in principle therapeutic action drugs:

  1. Creon;
  2. Enzistal tablets;
  3. Penzital tablets;
  4. Pancreatin;
  5. Festal tablets.

Advice! The replacement of the drug must be agreed upon with the attending physician!

Do I need a prescription?

Mezim forte is available in pharmacies, usually without a prescription. It should be stored in the original cardboard box in a cool and dark place so that the drug is inaccessible to children. Avoid overheating the blister, as well as direct contact with the packaging. sun rays. The medicine is stored under such conditions for 2 years.

Note! Mezim Forte has no effect on the functioning of the central nervous system and does not at all reduce the speed of the patient’s normal psychomotor reactions. Even with enough long-term treatment this drug cannot cause addiction in the patient.

How much does it cost

In St. Petersburg, you can purchase the drug Mezim Forte in any pharmacy chain at average cost 280 rub.

This is interesting! By the way, the average St. Petersburg patient, according to independent studies, still prefers Mezim to its cheaper analogues.

Familiar to almost every person. Unpleasant sensations in the abdominal area are most often observed after eating. The lack of enzymes necessary for the digestive process can be compensated by special medications. Instructions for use "Mezim Forte 10000" recommends using the medicine for disorders of the digestive system.

What is the remedy?

The stomach does not always cope with its direct responsibilities. The role of the main assistants in this case is played by medications, which contain enzymes - biological catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions in organism. The most popular enzyme preparation is “Mezim Forte 10000” produced by the German pharmaceutical company Berlin-Chemie. The main effect of the medicine is aimed at normalizing the process of food digestion and the absorption of nutrients.

With a lack of digestive enzymes, over time, the development of diseases of the liver, pancreas, and gall bladder is observed. After determining the cause pathological condition a specialist may prescribe the drug Mezim Forte. The enzymes contained in the product promote the absorption of fats, proteins and carbohydrates necessary for full-fledged work all organs and systems. Depending on the patient’s condition, a specific dosage is selected active substances(“Mezim forte 10000” and “Mezim forte”).

What does it help with?

The drug has an auxiliary effect and promotes the production of the amount of enzymes necessary for the digestion of food by the pancreas. According to official instructions, "Mezim Forte" is taken for the following indications:

  • Dysfunction of the (exocrine) pancreas. This can be caused by diseases such as cystic fibrosis (chronic pancreatitis.
  • Inflammatory processes in gastrointestinal tract(acute and chronic form).
  • Digestive disorders caused by surgery and irradiation of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, gall bladder.
  • An intestinal infection that causes prolonged diarrhea.
  • Eating disorders (overeating, eating unfamiliar and difficult to digest food).
  • Chronic liver pathologies.
  • Preparation before examination of the stomach and intestines (endoscopy, x-ray, ultrasound).

Composition of the drug

The main component of the product is pancreatin - a powdered substance made from pork pancreas. The minimum lipatic activity of pancreatin is 3500 IU. Instructions for use of Mezim Forte 10000 indicate that this enzyme contains substances necessary for normal digestion:

  1. Lipase is a water-soluble enzyme and is an integral component of pancreatic juice. Promotes the absorption of fats. One tablet contains 10,000 units.
  2. Protease - is responsible for normalizing microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. The action of the substance is aimed at good absorption proteins and cleavage of peptide bonds between amino acids. One tablet contains 375 IU.
  3. Amylase is necessary for the proper breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates. It was this enzyme that was first discovered by scientists. Produced by the salivary and pancreas glands. One tablet contains 7500 IU.

Mode of application

It is necessary to understand that you can get rid of digestive problems only by determining the real reason pathological condition. If external digestion is impaired, doctors most often recommend taking Mezim Forte. What does the drug help with? First of all, it will improve the digestion of food and relieve unpleasant discomfort and heaviness after eating.

The tablets should be taken with meals or immediately after a meal. Chewing the medicine is prohibited! The tablets should be washed down with plenty of alkaline liquid - mineral water, juice


Before taking Mezim Forte, you should obtain specialist advice regarding the optimal dosage, which is calculated based on the patient’s condition. If the enzyme preparation needs to be taken constantly, as replacement therapy, the daily dose can only be adjusted by the attending physician.

Typically, a single dose is 2-4 tablets per meal. Depending on the type of product and the amount of active substances in the composition, the dosage may vary. To eliminate temporary digestive problems caused by errors in the diet, it is prescribed minimum dose substances in Mezim Forte. The price of the drug also depends on the dosage and number of tablets in the package. The minimum cost of the drug is about 75 rubles. (20 tablets).

Is the enzyme preparation prescribed for children?

IN pediatric practice There are often cases when it is impossible to do without the help of replacement therapy. The enzyme preparation “Mezim Forte” for children is prescribed when it is necessary to establish and improve the digestion process. Pancreatic enzymes in the tablets help cope with increased gas formation, eliminate discomfort after eating. The drug is also prescribed after surgical interventions, when intestinal infections, diarrhea.

According to the instructions, the enzymatic product is contraindicated for use in children under 3 years of age. The daily dose should not exceed 1500 IU per 1 kg of child weight. Usually, before meals, you should give your baby a third of the tablet.

For children over 12 years of age, the dose may increase to 15,000 IU. Doctors recommend not to use the medicine on your own to treat children and to first consult a pediatrician.

Causes of enzyme deficiency

Subject to correct mode nutrition, consumption healthy products the body is capable of producing on its own required amount enzymes. A deficiency of these substances can develop against the background of the following factors:

  • Constant overeating.
  • Eating under-processed foods.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the digestive organs.
  • Metabolic problems.
  • Poor chewing of food.
  • Eating foods with a lot of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Also, deterioration of the condition is observed with intestinal dysbiosis, congenital diseases gastrointestinal organs. The drug Mezim Forte will help eliminate the problem associated with enzyme deficiency. The dosage may vary depending on the diagnosis. The maximum daily dose is no more than 20,000 IU per day.

Contraindications for use

The enzyme drug Mezim Forte has a number of contraindications for treatment with this drug:

  • Pancreatitis in acute phase or exacerbation of the chronic form.
  • Hypersensitivity to the components in the tablets.
  • Intolerance to active substances.
  • Age up to 3 years.
  • Lactose intolerance.
  • Glucose-galactose malsorption syndrome.

During pregnancy and lactation, an enzyme agent may be prescribed to improve digestion. The instructions for use of Mezim Forte 10000 say that there is no data on the use of the medicine for this category of patients. At the same time, doctors often prescribe the drug for women in a position where they periodically experience a feeling of overeating and heaviness in the epigastric region. The drug should be used with caution and only in in case of emergency. You should first consult with your gynecologist.

Side effects

Development side effects caused by taking an enzyme preparation is extremely rare. Some negative reactions can only develop if long-term therapy drug, allergies to components or exceeding the recommended daily dose.

Side effects are expressed in the form of rashes, itching, nausea, digestive disorders (constipation, diarrhea). An increase in uric acid levels in the blood is observed during long-term treatment with Mezim Forte.

Price and reviews

The cost of the drug depends on the number of tablets in the package and dosage. You can buy Mezim Forte at pharmacy kiosk for 75-90 rub. (pack of 20 tablets). “Mezim Forte 10000” will cost the patient 200-250 rubles. (20 tablets).

Instructions for use "Mezim Forte 10000" positions the product as the most effective and safe of this category of pharmaceutical products. Numerous positive recommendations from patients confirm the presence of a pronounced therapeutic effect and improvement in condition within 20 minutes after taking the tablets. If the dosage and treatment recommendations are followed, the medicine does not cause side effects and is well tolerated by the body.



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