How to drink honey for a cough correctly. Honey for coughs and colds

For all types of cough - effective remedy thanks to him special properties. And if you add glycerin, radish or milk, you get an amazing treatment.

Honey is valuable natural product, the use of which has a beneficial effect on conditions human body generally. Also, in combination with herbs and various components, this healing product is actively used in folk medicine. This is how the sweet “nectar” is used and helps in treating coughs. It is often used to treat childhood colds.

When consuming “sweet amber,” the secretion of saliva and mucus increases, which softens the throat. This product also increases the production of substances that suppress the cough center. Honey-based medicines are useful for both adults and children. However, children are usually given half the dose of the medicine.

You need to know that cough treatment with this healing product possible only at the beginning of the disease. If a person has had a disease for a long time and progresses, one should consult a doctor for more thorough treatment to avoid the disease becoming chronic.

There are many ways to treat dandruff. different recipes, where the main ingredient is honey. Which recipe to use is a matter of personal taste.


To cure a cough, in folk medicine there are many recipes for preparing medicines at home.

Recipe No. 1


  • fresh yolks (2 pcs.),
  • butter (2 tablespoons),
  • any (2 teaspoons),
  • wheat flour (1 teaspoon).


  1. All these components must be combined and beaten well.
  2. The resulting mixture should be eaten several times a day, 1 teaspoon. This mixture can also be given to a child, but the dosage must be reduced by half.

Recipe No. 2


  • fresh yolks,
  • sugar,
  • liquid honey


  1. Take fresh yolks and beat them well with sugar and any liquid “nectar”.
  2. This remedy should be eaten 2 times a day after meals.

Recipe No. 3


  • peeled onions (500 g),
  • sugar (400 g),
  • water (1 l),
  • honey (50 g).


  1. Chop peeled onions (500 g), add sugar (400 g).
  2. Add this mixture to water (1 liter) and cook for three hours over low heat.
  3. Then cool, add honey (50 g).
  4. Take approximately 5 tbsp. spoons per day after eating.

Recipe No. 4


  • honey (100 g),
  • butter (100 g),
  • vanillin powder.


  1. Mix sweet “nectar” (100 g), butter (100 g), vanillin powder.
  2. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Recipe No. 5


  • honey (1 tbsp),
  • lemon juice,
  • fresh eggs (2 pcs.).


  1. Mix honey (1 tablespoon), lemon juice and fresh eggs (2 pcs.).
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over this mixture and stir.
  3. Drink small sips every hour throughout the day. And you can add effectiveness with cinnamon.

Recipe No. 6


  • cinnamon.


  1. Both children and adults can consume sweet “nectar” with cinnamon.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of warm bee product with half a teaspoon of cinnamon three times a day.
  3. Medicine With bee product and cinnamon will cure colds and chronic coughs. Bee “nectar” with cinnamon is a remedy that even a child will like.

Lemon, glycerin, honey for cough

A medicine with honey, lemon and glycerin is an expectorant and emollient.

To create the medicine you will need the following ingredients:

  • lemon;
  • glycerin (2 tablespoons);
  • liquid honey


  1. It is necessary to pour water over the lemon and boil it over low heat for 10 minutes. Don't rush to add glycerin.
  2. Then cool it, cut it into two halves and squeeze all the juice into a glass.
  3. Add 2 tbsp glycerin to lemon juice. l., add honey to the glass and mix it all.
  4. Take the product with lemon, honey and glycerin before meals and at night, 2 tbsp. spoons medicinal mixture 3 times a day.

Milk, honey, butter

Milk, butter and honey are an excellent remedy for coughs. Recipes made from these ingredients help get rid of dandruff not only in adults, but also in children. They have a softening effect on the throat, eliminate inflammatory process.

To prepare the recipe you will need:

  • cup for 250-300 grams;
  • 0.5 tbsp. spoons of butter;
  • warm milk;
  • honey (1 tbsp).


  1. Place 1 tbsp in a cup. spoon of “sweet amber”, 0.5 tbsp. spoons of butter and pour warm milk (not hot).
  2. Mix everything well and drink slowly 3-4 times a day until symptoms disappear.

Onions and honey

Onions with honey for dry coughs are an excellent remedy that kills germs and softens the throat. It's not very tasty remedy especially for children, but effective.

To prepare this mixture you need the following ingredients:

  • bee product (50 g);
  • onion (500 g).


  1. The onion must be finely chopped or chopped using a blender.
  2. Stir onion juice with sweet product.
  3. Take 2 teaspoons per glass of water after meals.

This mixture should eliminate cough within a week after use. Onions will cause phlegm, and sweet product will kill germs.

Honey and milk

- probably one of the most common and simple means for the treatment of dandruff in children and adults. This product can be given to children because it is tasty and healthy.


This is the simplest recipe that requires a minimum of time to prepare.


  1. It is necessary to dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of warm milk (not hot milk). spoon of bee product.

It is advisable to drink this cocktail throughout the day; it must be consumed at night. This will not only cure your cough, but will also help you sleep soundly and peacefully throughout the night. You and your child will certainly enjoy this remedy.

Honey compress for cough treatment

A honey compress for cough treatment is an excellent remedy. There are compresses for each type of disease.

A mixture of sweet product and apple cider vinegar well suited for the first symptoms of the disease, when the cough has just appeared. Honey alcohol compresses You can cure bronchitis, and warm mashed potatoes with “nectar” will save you from attacks of “dandruff.”


  • Apple vinegar.


  1. The ingredients needed for the compress are heated in a water bath or melted.
  2. The honey compress is applied to a gauze pad or thin cloth, and then applied to the patient’s body. You just need to avoid the heart area.
  3. The fabric is covered on top with a layer of special paper or plastic film.
  4. Then the patient’s body should be wrapped in a terry towel or a warm scarf. It is not necessary to leave it overnight; half an hour of warming will be enough.
  5. These procedures need to be done only when there is no temperature. Even with slight increase temperature compress should not be done.
  6. After removing the compress, it is necessary to clean the skin of its residues, wipe until dry, and lubricate the body nourishing cream and wrap it up.

You can do something like this honey compress for a child's cough.

Honey and radish

Black radish and honey are an excellent remedy for any type of cough. With its help you can cure your throat easily and simply. This remedy has been used for many decades to treat patients.

Radish and honey for cough, recipes:

1. You need to take black radish big size, wash it and clean it. Then you need to grate the radish on a coarse grater, squeeze out its juice through cheesecloth and mix with 2 tbsp. spoons of bee product. The “nectar” will quickly dissolve and the medicine will be ready for use.

2. Several small black radish fruits must be washed and peeled, cut into small slices or cubes, put in a pot and filled with liquid bee product. After 12 hours, the black radish will release juice, which should be consumed 3 times a day before eating, 1 tbsp. spoon. This method is more economical and the radish does not become dry.

Aloe and honey

Everyone knows how effective this is. folk remedy like aloe juice. And aloe with bee product for “dandruff” will help remove phlegm and relieve inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

To maximize the effectiveness of aloe, you need to take leaves from plants that are less than three years old. A remedy that helps get rid of cough is very easy to prepare.


  1. You need to pick a few aloe leaves and dry them, then grind them into a paste and squeeze out the juice using gauze.
  2. Mix aloe juice with bee product.
  3. The solution is prepared in a one to one ratio.

This medicine should be taken 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon.


Very simple but effective recipe for dry cough and sore throat, which can easily be prepared at home.

Honey is one of the most effective healing substances given by nature. Thanks to the sweets good taste, children take medications based on it with pleasure. For coughs, colds, respiratory diseases and acute respiratory viral infections, bee product in pure form, or in combination with other means traditional medicine, acts softly and quickly.

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Therapeutic effect

The most important thing when treating with honey is that it is natural, of high quality, and brings benefit and not harm. The properties of the bee product listed below make it an indispensable component home first aid kit in the cold season:

    has antibacterial, antiviral properties(natural antibiotic)

    has diaphoretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effects

    heals the upper respiratory tract, thins and removes mucus

    Helps with sore throat, relieves sore throat and cough

    increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood

    benefits the cardiovascular system

    heals wounds, regenerates skin damage

    absorbs and removes harmful toxic substances from the body

    calms down nervous system, normalizes sleep

    improves memory, mental activity, muscle tone.

When using cough honey for children, the reviews from parents and children were the most positive: the development of the disease quickly slowed down, the children stopped coughing and quickly recovered.

You can purchase directly from our apiary "Sviy honey".

Which cough honey is best? Any variety can be part of complex medicines for children's cough. But three varieties are considered the most effective, the nectar for which is collected from plants with healing properties:

    linden - product number 1 (like linden itself) in the treatment of all types of colds, has an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect, promotes mucus separation, heals the throat and upper respiratory tract

    mustard - softens dry cough, heals bronchi, removes mucus

    melilot - similar to this one medicinal plant, relieves inflammation, diaphoretic, treats colds and coughs.

Along with the above, other types of honey can be used by a child for coughing - they will be no less useful for strengthening the immune system, relieving inflammation and improving expectoration of phlegm.

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Cough honey for children: recipes

This sweet product, which children love so much, is widely used to treat coughs. different shapes manifestations, degree of neglect, localization. Moreover, it is used both externally and internally. We are offering to you best recipes traditional medicine, proven by more than one generation. First - for internal use.

Pure honey

In this case you need Special attention pay attention to the variety. Linden, mustard, and sweet clover are best suited. Buckwheat will be useful. And also collected from such medicinal herbs and flowers as coltsfoot, chamomile, oregano, pine, fragrant clover, plantain, marshmallow, St. John's wort, black elderberry, scepter mullein.

    A child over 1 year of age and under 3 years of age is given 0.5 tsp honey, diluted in 0.5 cups warm water, morning and evening 20 minutes before meals.

    Children aged 3-6 years are given 1 tsp of honey. morning and evening before meals.

    For younger schoolchildren, from 7 to 12 years old, the daily dose is increased to 3 times a day, 1 tsp. before meals.

Cough honey for children from one year of age is the best alternative to various pharmaceutical drugs. In addition to antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, the product strengthens the immune system, increases energy levels and improves appetite.

Milk, butter and honey for coughs for children

Milk with honey is especially beneficial for a child’s cough. This recipe has several options, each of which is good in its own way.

1. Milk and honey. Add 1 tsp to a glass of boiled milk, cooled to room temperature (not higher than 40°). bee product, give to the child at night, it will calm him down. Wrap yourself in a blanket to sweat and eliminate the slightest drafts.

2. Milk, honey and butter. The previous recipe is completely repeated, only 0.5 tsp is added to the milk while it is still hot. oils Honey with cough oil is useful for children to soften the throat and reduce soreness.

3. Milk + honey + onion (or garlic). While boiling, place a small onion in milk for 5 minutes. Cool, strain through a sterile bandage, add bee product. The onion can be replaced with one clove of garlic.

4. Milk, honey and soda for coughs for children. Repeat the first recipe, adding to the cooled boiled milk with bee product 1/3 tsp. soda. This remedy is good for relieving coughs. initial stage, while it is dry and the throat is sensitive.

All these recipes are easy to prepare, bring quick effect, Dont Have side effects. Most often they are used before bedtime. Especially at the initial stage of the disease (during the first 3-5 days of illness), when the child is weak and lies more than moves.

Aloe with honey for coughs for children

For children with bronchitis, it is useful to mix honey with aloe, which has a complex effect on the body:

    kills pathogenic microorganisms

    thins mucus

    regenerates mucous membranes damaged by coughing

    activates immune system

    increases energy tone

    relieves inflammation, heals damaged skin and mucous membranes

To prepare the medicine, the lower fleshy leaves of a plant that has reached 3 years of age are used, pre-cooled for 2-3 hours. Squeezed aloe juice is mixed with bee products in a ratio of 1:5. Give to the child in dosages similar to honey in its pure form, but after meals (after 1 hour).

Honey and glycerin for coughs for children

Efficiency of this product extends even to very severe coughing attacks. It works as follows:

    has antibacterial and antiviral effects

    softens the mucous membrane, relieves swelling of the throat

    removes mucus from the bronchi

    strengthens the immune system

To treat coughing attacks, grind a clean, large, ripe lemon along with the zest. Add 1 tbsp. honey and glycerin, mix. Give to children before meals (30 minutes before) or after meals (after 1.5 hours), depending on the severity of the disease:

    at severe cough- 1 tsp, 3-5 times a day

    for a weak cough - 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day

    for night coughing attacks - 1 tsp. evening and night

    to prevent cough at the onset of a cold - 1 tsp. 2 times a day.

Treatment usually continues for 7 days, but if early improvement occurs, the dosage is gradually reduced.

Radish with honey for a child's cough

This vegetable has long been used by people in combination with bee nectar, because it:

    suppresses the development of pathogenic bacteria

    relieves inflammation

    treats bronchitis and cough due to colds

Black radishes are most effective, but for young children it is better to take white or green radishes, because they are milder in taste.

To prepare the medicine, take a hard, undamaged root vegetable with a diameter of 10-15 cm. Wash, cut off the “lid”. Choose a core so that 2 tablespoons of honey can fit, and there is still room left. In 4 hours healing syrup ready. It can be poured into a jar and loaded into a radish “pot” with a new portion of bee product. And so 3-4 times.

To speed up the process, peel the radish, grate it, squeeze it into a glass and mix with 100 g of bee product.

Give to children, depending on the severity of the disease and age, but in the absence of an allergy to honey or radish:

    1-3 years - 1 tsp. 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals or 1.5 hours after meals

    3-7 years - 1 des.l. 3 times a day

    7-12 years old - 1 tbsp. 2 times a day.

Suppressing infection no worse than garlic and onions, this remedy acts gently, without causing the child's rejection, which is usual when taking the medicine.

Cough compress for children with honey

For external use, the type of sweet product does not matter. In such recipes, bee nectar is used in a liquid state, it is heated in a water bath (not higher than 40°). Compresses complement and enhance the effect of honey-based medications taken orally. There should be no damage, rashes or irritation on the child’s skin in the place where the compress is applied.

Cough cake with honey for children

Knead a small piece of dough from flour and water. Add 1 tsp. honey and sunflower oil. Knead thoroughly and roll out. Place the child on the chest in the bronchi area overnight, placing a wide bandage on the skin under the cake. Cover with plastic wrap and a wool or down scarf on top. Leave for 1 hour and then leave only the scarf. Honey cakes for a child are gentle and can significantly improve your well-being overnight.

Cabbage compress with honey for a child’s cough

Cut off the bottom hard part of the sheet white cabbage, blanch for 1 minute, then carefully beat like a chop. Lubricate one side with honey and place it on the baby’s chest for 20-50 minutes, placing a warm scarf on top. With a dry cough, the disease quickly advances to the stage of sputum separation with further recovery. Cabbage with honey for coughs for children is popular due to its mild, safe effect. For infants under 1 year of age (or in case of allergies), only the leaves of the vegetable are used.

Vodka with honey for coughs for children

Make a warm compress for your child - honey and vodka. To do this, moisten a swab with warm alcohol (body temperature), wipe your chest with it overnight little patient in the area of ​​the lungs and bronchi, and then immediately rub it with bee product and wrap it in a warm blanket until the morning. Watch at night so that it does not open. If you sweat, change your clothes directly under the blanket.

You can also mix vodka with honey and aloe in equal parts and use it as a compress for half an hour, covering it with plastic wrap and a down scarf.

Honey and mustard for a child's cough

Mix one part mustard powder with two parts honey. Soak gauze folded in several layers with this mixture. Keep on the bronchi before going to bed, covered with film and wrapped in a downy scarf, for no more than 30 minutes.

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Features of application

Since honey is an active active substance, its use for the treatment of children requires:

    prior consultation with a doctor

    exact scheme of rules of administration and dosage

    using only high-quality bee products that have not been heated above 40°

    careful monitoring of the condition of children during treatment

    immediate discontinuation of use in case of negative manifestations

It is important to remember that you should not give the product to a child under 1 year of age, because if you do not notice allergy symptoms, he will not be able to complain, and this can be very serious.

Article on the topic:

Hello, friends!

The cold weather has begun, and with it, unfortunately, colds, which are often accompanied by a cough.

There are many folk remedies for treating coughs, but today I want to offer you cough remedies with honey, in my opinion. better than honey there is nothing.

Oh, and we already talked about that.

Today we’ll take a closer look at treating coughs using honey.

These recipes were not taken from the Internet, some were tested by me myself, while others were recommended by doctors D. Jarvis, I. Minenko, V. Kosterov and were published in periodicals.

How to cure cough at home

Before I list cough remedies with honey, a few words about general principles treatment.

Cough occurs as defensive reaction body, and we even need it to cleanse the respiratory tract.

The most common cause of cough is a common cold, although of course there can be many reasons, so a visit to the doctor should not be ignored.

Dry slight cough first appears when an acute respiratory infection begins, and such a cough can also occur with laryngitis and tracheitis.

If left untreated, it can become debilitating and include high blood pressure, headaches, nosebleeds, suffocation and even loss of consciousness.

It is important here to prevent the infection from spreading lower into the bronchi and lungs.

What to do? First of all, you need to change your diet:

  • exclude seeds, chips - anything that leads to irritation of already inflamed airways
  • eliminate alcohol and coffee
  • good to eat oatmeal, boiled in milk, it coats the respiratory tract and helps with the removal of phlegm
  • can be included in the menu mashed potatoes with addition large quantity milk, which will help relieve spasms from the bronchi.

In no case should you leave everything to chance when the cough has just started with sputum; this does not mean recovery, as some believe. Be sure to take expectorants, otherwise phlegm will remain in the lungs, which can lead to inflammation.

Do not buy cough suppressants at the pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription!

Folk remedies for cough with honey for internal use

So, what should you drink for a cough? Not everyone knows that plain water is an excellent way to thin mucus. If you are sick, you need to drink more of it - up to 3 liters per day, you can include cranberry juice, tea with lemon, drink herbal teas, I loved to brew my mother and stepmother. Thus, the infection will be successfully removed from the body.

You can add honey to any drink and generally use it different means with honey to treat cough.

Just keep in mind that honey cannot be used in its pure form, it will only provoke a cough. Honey is good to add to herbal decoctions and teas, this will enhance the effect of medicines.

Milk and honey

The most famous thing to all of us from childhood home remedy for cough: milk + honey + butter. It can relieve even a debilitating dry cough at night.

In a glass of hot (but not scalding) milk you need to put a teaspoon of honey and a spoonful of butter. I also add half a teaspoon of baking soda. Stir well until the ingredients dissolve and drink in small sips.

This is how we have always treated ourselves and treated our children. This remedy can very quickly cope with a cough if you start drinking it right away, without triggering the disease.

Honey and lemon

  1. Cut the lemon into pieces and remove the seeds.
  2. Pass the lemon through a meat grinder.
  3. Add a little honey to this mixture according to your taste and eat delicious medicine for dessert. It is useful for dry cough.

Onions with honey

Another wonderful remedy for dry cough is onion with honey.

In principle, you can use only onions:

  1. finely chop two medium onions;
  2. pour a glass of milk, put on fire;
  3. let it boil and cook a little until the onion is soft;
  4. leave for 4 hours;
  5. strain;
  6. optionally to improve taste and for better therapeutic effect add a small amount of honey;
  7. Take a tablespoon of the drug several times a day.

Lemon, honey, glycerin

A remedy with lemon, glycerin and honey, proven by many generations, it does not irritate the stomach and can be taken by both adults and children. Helps even in cases where other means required action they didn’t.

  1. Boil the whole lemon over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the softened lemon. Cut it in half and use a juicer.
  3. Pour the juice into a glass, add two large spoons of glycerin (you can buy it at the pharmacy) and stir thoroughly.
  4. Pour honey into the same glass to the top.

You can take this remedy one teaspoon after or before meals. If the cough is severe, the number of doses can be increased and the composition can also be taken before bed.

As you recover, the intake is gradually reduced.

Radish with honey

One of the best expectorants is the folk remedy for cough, radish with honey.

Black radish can even cope with an old cough and cure chronic bronchitis.

It is useful to make a salad from it alone vegetable oil or sour cream, but if you have a dry cough, you can’t eat it, since radish irritates the mucous membrane, which is already inflamed.

It's better to make medicinal syrup:

  1. take a small medium radish and grate it;
  2. squeeze out the juice;
  3. add one tablespoon of honey;
  4. leave for 4 hours.

Take 2 spoons before meals.

Aloe and Honey Cough Remedy

I have been using this remedy for a long time, once in the hospital it was recommended by a woman who always treats her children quickly and effectively with this method. I really liked it too.

Aloe and honey recipe 1.

We will need:

  • plant at least 3 years old (several leaves)
  • any honey (preferably linden) – half a glass
  • butter – 100 grams

Aloe leaves need to be cut off and placed in the refrigerator for 3-7 days.

Take softened butter.

Mix aloe, honey and oil and the medicine is ready.

For long-term storage, you need to add a spoonful of alcohol to this mixture. And I like to add cocoa (one spoon). By the way, cocoa in general is also very useful for coughs.

Take a tablespoon of this product with hot tea three times a day.

Recipe 2.

At prolonged cough and even for pneumonia and tuberculosis, the following composition is very effective:

Take 150 g of birch buds and linden color 50g, pour half a liter of water over them and boil for 2 minutes. Then strain.

Grind 200 grams of aloe leaves in a meat grinder and mix with a kilogram of honey.

Pour the prepared decoction into the mixture of aloe and honey and add olive oil(200g).

We also take it one spoon at a time, shaking the mixture before use.

Cough remedies with honey for external use

Along with the above cough remedies, it is useful to warm your feet and apply compresses to your back.

Together with diaphoretic tea at night, this system works flawlessly.

Raspberry or linden tea is suitable as a diaphoretic tea.

You can rub your feet with crushed garlic mixed with butter, or better yet with badger fat. Wear warm socks.

Often dry mustard is poured into children's socks.

Another simple way is to wrap your heels in several layers, it acts like mustard plaster without burning.

Once I had a complication after the flu and I coughed for two months. What kind of herbs did I not drink? And then she began to soar her feet: she took an interesting book with her to the bathroom and sat in hot water until the sweat flowed from my forehead. So I got rid of the cough in a few procedures.

Flatbread made from flour and honey

A compress made from this flatbread helps with deep, persistent coughs and wet wheezing.

I really respect this product and use it when necessary.

And it's easy to do:

  1. you just need to mix 2 tablespoons of honey, warm water and flour;
  2. mix the mixture and place it in an even layer on a clean cloth;
  3. cover with another layer of fabric;
  4. Apply the resulting “plaster” to your back, secure it with an adhesive plaster and wrap it with a warm scarf.

It is most convenient to carry out this procedure at night.

For many people, coughing becomes a real torment. He can accompany you as serious illnesses respiratory tract, and the common cold. Allergies can also cause an attack. Both adults and children suffer from cough. How to relieve symptoms? First you need to determine the nature of the cough; it can be dry and wet, paroxysmal, continuous and periodic. At the onset of a cold, a dry cough is most often observed. During this period, it is very useful to consume more fluid to promote sputum production. It is better if it is herbal tea with honey or fruit drink.

Herbal tea with honey for cough

For cooking herbal tea are used medicinal herbs: plantain, licorice, chamomile, chamomile, anise, sage and many others. Before using herbal preparations, you should make sure that you are not allergic to any component or consult a doctor.

In any of herbal decoctions you can add a spoonful of honey. Honey and other bee products have unique properties. They help fight reflex spasms of the respiratory tract and relieve inflammation. Honey can be used for treatment various types cough. It is useful for dry, old, and wet coughs. The main thing is to use only natural honey without impurities and sugar. You should not overuse honey, especially in relation to children, in whom it can cause allergic reaction.

What honey is indicated for cough?

All types of honey are effective in treating colds and respiratory diseases. It should be remembered that honey does not tolerate heat; it must be added to or water.

Linden honey is the leader, it is biologically rich active substances, essential oils, vitamins, contains farnesol. This fragrant honey of light amber color has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, restorative properties. Experts recommend it for the treatment of laryngitis, sore throat, bronchitis, and tracheitis.

Thyme honey is the most exquisite type of honey. Has bright therapeutic properties, antiseptic and tonic effect. It contains quercetin, which effectively fights symptoms seasonal allergies. It is recommended for colds, bronchitis.

Herbal tea recipes with honey

For acute dry bronchitis, dry cough can be used following fees by adding a spoonful of fresh honey.

  • Prepare a decoction or infusion of coltsfoot (10.0), plantain (20.0), horsetail (30.0), spring primrose (40.0). Take a quarter glass of warm drink.
  • An infusion is prepared from wild rosemary (10.0), coltsfoot (10.0), tricolor violet (10.0), plantain (10.0), chamomile (10.0), primrose (10.0), anise (10.0), licorice (10.0), marshmallow (20.0). tea drink You can drink up to three times a day, a third of a glass.
  • With laryngitis, barking cough, chronic bronchitis Tea with marshmallow root is recommended. To prepare it, pour 1 tablespoon of marshmallow root into a glass boiled water and infuses for about an hour. Honey is added as desired. It is recommended to drink the infusion every two hours, a tablespoon.

Ginger tea with honey for cough

Ginger contains minerals and vitamins, it helps stimulate the immune system and strengthens the body. Content essential oils facilitates expectoration when coughing, helps defeat bacteria in respiratory tract. To prepare the drink, fresh ginger root (20.0) is used, which must be poured hot water(60°). Add natural honey and a slice of lemon. Tea should be drunk in small sips. This drink is not recommended for children.

Licorice tea for cough

Licorice root is effective in treating cough. It protects the respiratory tract, stimulates mucus production, and improves expectoration. Ready-made licorice tea is sold in pharmacies in herbal sachets; you can purchase dry raw materials and prepare an infusion yourself. The drink turns out quite sweet due to the sugar compounds it contains. But for those who like sweets, you can add honey. This tea should not be given to small children; it should be taken with caution by people suffering from high blood pressure.

Cough is the most common symptom of viral infections upper respiratory tract, bronchitis.

Almost every third patient consults a doctor with complaints of cough. Depending on the duration, it can be acute or chronic.

Acute cough resolves within 7-14 days. Most of all, it bothers the patient at night. To stop coughing, it is important to influence cough receptors.

It is necessary to choose a treatment that will bring relief until the weakened body copes with the disease.

However, the use of pharmaceutical syrups and tablets can provoke the development adverse reactions. In addition, there is a possibility of overdose. A way out of the situation may be to use traditional methods. They are safe for health and suitable for almost everyone. Anti-cough Alternative medicine suggests using natural honey.

Why honey?

The principle of operation of this product is that it helps produce:

  1. more mucus and saliva;
  2. substances that reduce the intensity of cough.

These factors help soften the throat. It is important to understand that honey helps when the cough has just begun to bother the patient. If the disease has already become chronic or is progressing, the effectiveness of treatment with honey is not so high.

Bee honey is not complete medicine against cough He just excipient to the main treatment. Fresh, liquid honey is most effective against coughs.

The product should not be given to children under one year of age. It may trigger an allergic reaction. It is also contraindicated:

  • diabetics;
  • in case of disruption of the pancreas and liver.

Conducting a honey tolerance test is very simple. It is enough to drop a couple of drops of the product onto the elbow.

If after 10 minutes the skin begins to itch and turn red, it is better to refuse cough honey.

Treatment recipes

You can prepare a lot of anti-cough recipes at home. Various spices are added to the main ingredient, medicinal plants or vegetables.

The recipe worked well with egg yolks. You will need to take:

  • 2 teaspoons honey;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of butter;
  • 1 teaspoon of flour.

The components are mixed, take 1 teaspoon several times during the day. Half the serving is enough for children.

For colds and chronic cough Cinnamon will help a lot. Add a full spoon of honey to half a spoon of spice. Use three times a day.

Another option is honey with lemon and glycerin. The product helps soften cough and remove phlegm. The whole lemon is thoroughly washed and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. After this, the fruit is taken out, cooled and squeezed into a glass. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting juice. spoons of glycerin, add honey to a full glass. The finished medicine is taken 2 tbsp. spoons every time before meals. The last dose is required before bedtime!

Instead of lemon, you can add milk and butter against a sore throat and cough. The recipe is:

  1. half a spoon of butter;
  2. spoon of honey;
  3. spoon of warm milk.

Mix the products and take before eating. The course lasts until the cough goes away.

When coughing, honey is mixed with onions. Moreover, there are two options for the product: boiled and raw. If you cook according to the first recipe, you will need to chop 500 g onions, add 400 g of sugar, 1 liter of water. The mixture is boiled for 3 hours over low heat.

When it cools down, add 50 g natural honey, mix. When coughing, use 5 tbsp. spoons of the product before each meal. The medicine will help get rid of dry cough, destroy pathogenic microbes and soften the throat cavity.

The second cooking option does not include granulated sugar. A pound of onion is chopped using a meat grinder and seasoned with 50 g of honey. The cough goes away if:

  • Dissolve 2 teaspoons of the mixture in a glass of water;
  • drink the solution after meals.

Usually after a week the patient feels much better.

Black radish has a positive effect on cough. The vegetable is washed, grated on a fine grater, and the juice is squeezed out. Add 2 tbsp to the liquid. spoons of honey.

Honey for coughs can be combined with aloe juice. This mixture removes mucus and stops the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract. Which aloe leaf is the most healing? The thick lower leaves are of greatest value for coughing.

They are cut from the plant with a knife and squeezed through a bandage. The resulting liquid is consumed together with honey in a 1 to 1 ratio.

For very severe coughs, honey and garlic will help. The chopped vegetable is mixed with honey in equal proportions. You will need to take this treatment 2-3 times a day with warm liquid.

When it is necessary to soften a cough and enhance the secretion of mucus, the use of coltsfoot infusion is practiced. It copes well with this symptom with:

  1. bronchitis:
  2. laryngitis;
  3. pneumonia.

To prepare, pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of dry leaves of the plant and leave under a closed lid for 15 minutes. You can heat the mixture in a water bath for the same time.

The finished infusion is filtered through cheesecloth, brought to 200 ml of pure boiled water. Dilute a spoonful of honey in the solution and drink a third of a glass throughout the day.

Cough honey can be used not only internally. The product will become ideal basis for a compress. However, you should know that similar treatment prohibited at elevated temperatures.

A mixture of honey and apple vinegar is suitable for adults and children. First, vinegar is diluted 1 to 3 s. warm water and then mixed with a spoon of honey. A piece of cotton cloth is soaked in the solution and placed on the patient’s chest.

Cover the compress with:

  • polyethylene;
  • wool scarf.

The procedure takes no more than 20 minutes.

Important point! The compress should not be placed on the heart area.

If bronchitis has worsened, cough honey is used as a rub. Lubricate the chest and lie down under a blanket for half an hour. After this, the remains of the rubbing are washed off with warm water, the skin is lubricated with baby cream or massage oil.

Whatever the cough with bronchitis, a honey-alcohol compress will help the patient. The recipe provides:

  1. take a spoonful of honey, alcohol, vegetable oil;
  2. apply to wax paper;
  3. apply to the chest.

Cover the paper on top in a plastic bag, wrapped in cotton wool.

Or you can do this: lubricate the chest with honey, cover with gauze soaked in alcohol. Cover the top of the compress with polyethylene and a scarf. By the way, since we touched on alcohol, we can recommend the reader information on how to make

When the cough is annoying and painful, it will be relieved by a potato application. The vegetable tubers are boiled in their peels, mixed with honey, vegetable oil and mustard. You will need a tablespoon of each component.

A cake is formed from the products and applied to the back through 2-3 layers of gauze. As in previous cases, cellophane and a scarf are additionally used. The patient should lie under a blanket and keep the compress for at least 4 hours.

After which the treated areas are lubricated with nourishing cream or baby oil. This will avoid skin irritation. and the video in this article will allow you to consolidate your knowledge about honey and tell you about some recipes.



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