What is personality disorder in children. Schizoid personality disorder in children

Borderline personality disorder, as I said, can arise from different reasons. These are not necessarily villainous parents, there may also be something like “genes have developed”.

Of course, you can suspect some problems since childhood. Often difficult children "outgrow" the problems and everything becomes normal.

However, adolescence, with persistent and expanding problems, should serve as a second wake-up call.

Adolescence is a rather difficult time for any child. Everyone is different and goes through it differently. Even if outwardly everything is normal, it does not mean that the child does not experience any difficulties.

There are children who have real storms and battles with society and family during adolescence. And again, it’s not a fact that a rebel will become a poorly adapted personality later. As I also said, every teenager needs to push off from the family with different strengths in order to become an independent person.

This does not mean at all that the child should leave and no longer communicate with the family. This is the time when it is no longer a family, but a child decides in which waters to swim.

So here is a list of signs by which you can again suspect that something is wrong with the child. Again I emphasize - do not make a diagnosis, but again pay attention.

1. Intense overreaction.

The child clearly reacts more than even teenagers should. In front of the nose the tram doors closed or the ice cream ran out. Those. it’s not that the beloved tram left with all the friends and not the ice cream that the child had been waiting for 2 months, but a banal tram and banal ice cream. Those. unpleasant, but you can also take another transport and buy exactly the same ice cream around the corner.

The child is not just upset, it vomits and tosses, cries, wrings its hands, curses fate, cannot even calm down by night and all its moans tend to “I am the most unfortunate person in the world, or all the bastards are around.” In other words, the reaction to an unpleasant, but not a critical moment, is too dramatic and can last even up to several days.

2. Rapidly emerging defensive reaction.

Like it or not, it is impossible to always be accepted everywhere in life, just because you want it. Somewhere you still need to move a little to like it, to show yourself. People sometimes express their dissatisfaction.

An adolescent at risk of borderline disorder reacts to every situation where he was not accepted again excessively and immediately takes on a victim position or begins to attack. Even if the claims are justified, this does not stop him.

For example, a child wrote a bad essay. Well, here's the really bad one. Because he was sitting all day yesterday and playing on the computer, and at 10 pm it suddenly dawned on him that there was more homework. And he wrote his opus literally on his knee in the toilet, during the evening brushing his teeth. The teacher naturally gave the wrong grade, which we would like. In response, the child begins either to behave aggressively towards the teacher, or indulges in self-abasement and excuses, demanding that he be given an assessment that suits him.

3. Paranoid reactions.

If something goes wrong, even by accident, the child thinks out the insidiousness of others. Tram left? The driver specifically waited for him to come to the doors and closed them. And then he laughed angrily and rubbed his hands for the rest of the day, imagining how the poor child did not get into the transport. The teacher with the essay specially set low score because she hates him, etc.

4. The desire for self-harm and the implementation of these ideas (cuts hands, burns himself with cigarettes, etc.)

5. Intense unstable relationships.

Teenagers fall in love. It seems to them that this is the strongest love for life. In a teenager at risk of borderline disorder, such “loves” are quite frequent, between them there are deep gaps like “he never loved me, but only wanted to laugh, and now I will kill myself.”

Indeed, it cuts hands into dark stripes, is etched, etc. Then a new love to the grave, and disappointment to the grave. And so several times over time adolescence.

6. The desire for violence.

Teenagers sometimes get angry at their parents and even say they hate them. It even happens that something is broken in the hearts. A child at risk for borderline disorder begins to do this systematically, including damaging property, threatening to kill former lovers, teachers, neighbors, and anyone who does not please.

7. Disorder eating behavior accompany BPD quite often and it begins precisely in adolescence.

There can be the whole spectrum, but more often bulimia, anorexia and binge eating.

8. Impulsivity and thrill seeking.

Again, teenagers love thrill, but on average, their experiments do not cross the line of the law, or this happens sporadically.

Problem children regularly move on. They steal from stores more regularly, exceed the speed limit, use alcohol and light drugs while driving, molest passers-by, and do not disdain emotional and even physical violence against others, especially those who are clearly weaker.

They are more likely to engage in gambling, they have a higher risk of chemical and behavioral addictions. Often they try drugs one after another, and it is in this group that more people with polydrug addiction.

They often run away from home at the slightest conflict, cursing their parents. In addition, more often engage in casual sex without using protective equipment.

In these cases, it is better not to wait for the child to go crazy, but to send him to a specialist. This is necessary primarily for the development of better self-control, the ability to manage stress and interact with society. The teenage psyche is more plastic than the psyche of an adult, and children at this time are much easier to perceive information on how to behave more effectively.

About 10% of people suffer from personality disorders (in other words, constitutional psychopathy). Pathologies of this kind are outwardly manifested by persistent behavioral disorders that adversely affect the life of the patient himself and his environment. Of course, not every person who behaves eccentrically or unusually for others is a psychopath. Deviations in behavior and character are considered pathological if they are traced from adolescence, spread to several aspects of life and lead to personal and social problems.

paranoid disorder

A person with paranoid personality disorder does not trust anyone or anything. He painfully perceives any contacts, suspects everyone of malevolence and hostile intentions, negatively interprets any actions of other people. We can say that he considers himself the object of a worldwide villainous conspiracy.

Such a patient is constantly dissatisfied or afraid of something. At the same time, he is aggressive: he actively accuses those around him of exploiting him, offending him, deceiving him, etc. Most of these accusations are not only unfounded, but also directly contradict the real state of affairs. A person suffering from a paranoid disorder is very vindictive: he can remember his real or imaginary grievances for years and settle scores with "offenders".

obsessive-compulsive disorder

An obsessive-compulsive personality is prone to absolute pedantry and perfectionism. Such a person does everything with exaggerated accuracy, strives to subordinate his life once and for all to established schemes. Any little thing, such as changing the arrangement of dishes on the table, can infuriate him or cause a tantrum.

A person suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder considers his lifestyle to be absolutely correct and the only acceptable one, therefore he aggressively imposes such rules on others. At work, he interferes with his colleagues with constant nit-picking, and in the family he often becomes a real tyrant, not forgiving his loved ones even the slightest deviation from his ideal.

antisocial disorder

Antisocial personality disorder is characterized by the rejection of any rules of behavior. Such a person does not study well because of a lack of ability: he simply does not complete the tasks of the teacher and does not go to classes, because it is required condition learning. For the same reason, he does not come to work on time and ignores the instructions of his superiors.

The behavior of the antisocial type is not protest: a person violates all the norms in a row, and not just those that seem wrong to him. And he very quickly comes into conflict with the law, starting with petty hooliganism and damage or misappropriation of other people's property. Offenses usually have no real motivation: a person beats a passerby for no reason and takes his wallet without needing money. Those who suffer from antisocial disorder are not kept even in criminal communities - after all, they also have their own rules of conduct, which the patient is unable to follow.

Schizoid disorder

The schizoid personality type is characterized by a refusal to communicate. The person seems unfriendly, cold, detached to others. He usually does not have friends, does not contact anyone except his closest relatives, he chooses his work in such a way as to do it alone, without meeting people.

The schizoid shows little emotion, is equally indifferent to criticism and praise, and is practically not interested in sex. It is difficult to please a person of this type with something: he is almost always indifferent or dissatisfied.

schizotypal disorder

Like schizoids, people with schizotypal personality disorder avoid making friendships and family ties, preferring to be alone, but they have a different initial message. Individuals with schizotypal deviations are extravagant. They often share the most ridiculous superstitions, consider themselves psychics or magicians, can dress strangely and express their views in detail, artistically.

People with schizotypal disorder have a variety of fantasies, visual or auditory illusions that are almost unrelated to reality. Patients present themselves as the protagonists of events that have nothing to do with them.

hysteroid disorder

A person suffering from hysteroid personality disorder believes that he is deprived of the attention of others. He is ready to do anything to be noticed. At the same time, the hysteroid does not see a significant difference between real achievements worthy of recognition and scandalous antics. Such a person perceives criticism painfully: if he is condemned, he falls into rage and despair.

The hysteroid personality is prone to theatricality, pretentiousness of behavior, exaggerated demonstration of emotions. Such people are very dependent on other people's opinions, selfish and very indulgent to their own shortcomings. Usually they seek to manipulate loved ones, blackmail and scandals to get them to fulfill any of their whims.

narcissistic disorder

Narcissism manifests itself in the belief in unconditional superiority over other people. A person suffering from this disorder is confident in his right to universal admiration and demands worship from everyone he comes across. He is incapable of understanding other people's interests, empathy and a critical attitude towards himself.

Persons prone to narcissism constantly brag about their achievements (even if in reality they don’t do anything special), demonstrate themselves. The narcissist explains his any failure with envy of his success, with the fact that others are unable to appreciate him.

borderline disorder

This pathology is manifested in the extreme instability of the emotional state. A person instantly goes from joy to despair, from stubbornness to gullibility, from calmness to anxiety, and all this without real reasons. He often changes his political and religious beliefs, constantly offends his loved ones, as if deliberately pushing them away from him, and at the same time he is terribly afraid of being left without their support.

Borderline disorder means that the person will periodically become depressed. Such individuals are prone to repeated suicide attempts. Trying to console themselves, they often fall into drug or alcohol addiction.

avoidant disorder

A person suffering from avoidant disorder considers himself completely worthless, unattractive and unlucky. At the same time, he is very afraid that others will confirm this opinion, and as a result he avoids any communication (except for contacts with people who are guaranteed not to express a negative opinion), in fact, he hides from life: he does not meet anyone, tries not to take on new business, fearing that nothing will work out.

dependent disorder

A person with dependent personality disorder suffers from a completely unfounded belief in his own helplessness. It seems to him that without the advice and constant support of loved ones, he will not survive.

The patient completely subordinates his life to the requirements (real or imaginary) of those persons whose help he seems to need. In the worst case, a person cannot remain alone at all. He refuses to make independent decisions, requires advice and recommendations, even on trifles. In a situation where he is forced to show independence, the patient panics and begins to follow any advice, regardless of what result they may lead to.

Psychologists believe that the origins of personality disorders lie in childhood and youthful impressions, in the circumstances that accompanied a person for the first 18 years of his life. Over the years, the condition of such patients almost does not change. Personality disorders are not corrected with medication. These patients are treated using psychotherapeutic methods (family, group and individual sessions) and methods such as environmental therapy (living in special communities). However, the likelihood of improvement in the condition of most patients is low: 3 out of every 4 people with personality disorders do not consider themselves sick and refuse to be diagnosed and treated by specialists.

Self-hatred - and no compromises. How do people with borderline personality disorder live?

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is considered one of the most difficult mental disorders to treat.

The International Classification of Diseases highlights the following symptoms BRL:

  • disorder of self-perception, goals and internal aspirations;
  • chronic feeling of emptiness;
  • tendency to get involved in tense and unstable interpersonal relationships
  • self-destructive behavior, including suicidal gestures and attempts.
  • Doesn't sound fun, right? The disorder is treated with difficulty, the main remedy is psychotherapy.

    We talked to two newly diagnosed girls about their lives with BPD and asked a psychotherapist how to help such people.

    Luba, 26, IT specialist, Germany

    - How are you feeling now?

    My condition is difficult to describe in one word. Actually, I have more than one mental illness. I have problems with borderline personality disorder and anorexia, otherwise I am stable - thanks to medication and psychotherapy.

    Before the conversation, I asked you to express the essence of BPD in one phrase. Your answer is the inability to build relationships. How does it manifest itself?

    I cannot be stable in any relationship: romantic, friendly, working. I cannot see everything in an adequate light, because I see only black and white. Either everything is great, or everything is very bad, and it changes instantly. If today I idealize a person and I develop an unhealthy dependence on him, then tomorrow it can go away at the snap of my fingers, because of nonsense: I said something wrong, I did something wrong - and immediately became enemy number one. Or it gets really boring. The first love passes, and when normal relationships begin for everyone, they end for me.

    - Is chasing passions such a way to correct emotional instability?

    No, rather, emotions are like drugs for us. People with BPD often use alcohol and drugs, are often addicted to adrenaline and other addictive things - we want to fill ourselves with some emotions, but not because you are unstable, but because you do not have these emotions. You feel the emptiness inside and shove everything there: different people, some activities, alcohol, etc.

    - What type of therapy are you undergoing to adapt to BPD?

    I am currently changing therapists. I am changing cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy to an emotional subtype of cognitive-behavioral therapy, that is, I will learn how to work with emotions.

    Does Germany stigmatize the mentally ill? How do your friends react when they find out that you have a disorder?

    There is no stigmatization in Germany, but my Russian colleagues also know about it and are loyal.

    I'm generally a fan of the fight against stigma. I'm not afraid to talk about what I have mental illness, all my colleagues and friends know this. At conferences within the company, I read reports on mental illness, I try to educate as many people as possible. In particular, this is why I am giving this interview in order to remove the stigma of the disease. I want people who know me as a successful person, or do not know, but in principle understand that I successful person- I work in a large company, I get good money, I live in a separate apartment, - I realized: people with mental illnesses can achieve a lot, this is not the end of life.

    - What will be difficult in a relationship for a partner of a person with BPD?

    I say without embellishment: everything will be difficult: from household trifles to relationships in general. It's hard for me to talk about this topic, as I have not had a successful long-term relationship, except for the only one, and it was a relationship with a narcissist that lasted 2.5 years. A person with narcissistic personality disorder is always attracted to a person with BPD. Our disorders very harmoniously complemented each other. And unfortunately, they tortured us both. But as a fact, it was the longest union. I have never been able to do this with healthy people. Therefore, I cannot give any advice here and, to be honest, I would like to receive it myself.

    - One symptom is an identity disorder. How does it feel?

    It feels like you have no personality, no habits of your own. Until I was 25, I didn't even know that I liked to eat. Living with a person, I adjusted to his eating habits and daily routine. If I live with an owl, then I lie down and get up like an owl, and vice versa. Now I live alone, and it is very difficult for me. It often happens that I can not occupy myself with anything. Panic begins, because I can’t be alone, alone with myself I just feel bad. In this regard, I have many friends and acquaintances with whom I spend time.

    - Are you trying to fill yourself with other people?

    Not other people, but parts of the personalities of others. You just don't have your own personality and you're tearing pieces off everyone. Therefore, I often adapt to people, behave in such a way that they are pleased. In fact, this is unconscious manipulation. Now I work a lot with a psychotherapist and I understand better when I manipulate. And I stop it.

    - Can you find positive sides at PRL?

    Not ( laughs). There is definitely nothing good in this. Everyone thinks it's so cool because you're so eccentric and different. But it's terrible and makes you suffer. And seeing how others suffer because of you, you suffer even more. Living with BPD is possible, but it's hard. You definitely need psychotherapy. Medications do not help here, except that they will calm in moments of exacerbations.

    Anya (not her real name), 22, Russia

    - What is your mental state at the moment?

    Now the state is suspended. Anxiety takes over. But sometimes it is possible to look "from the outside", then things do not look so bad.

    - Are you afraid of stigmatization, have you experienced it?

    Yes. Since childhood, I have felt alienated. I still do not accept my impulsiveness and sudden aggression, but I grew up in a constant sense of guilt. When I am frank with people and share my experiences, I turn out to be soft-bodied, lazy for them, as if I had invented something for myself in order to arouse pity. It looks like this from the outside, and it causes even more self-hatred.

    - When did you realize that something was wrong? How was the official diagnosis made?

    After school. Before that, there was a dark period: I did not know where to put myself, I was looking for danger intentionally, I contacted bad people, walked alone at night - if only something happened to me. I was just lost.

    But one day I got to the lecture "The Phenomenon of Suicide in Philosophy and Psychology", which was read by a practicing psychotherapist. The topic was close to me. I often thought about suicide during exacerbations. After the lecture, I decided to go to the doctor, but I could not find the right words - I cried, but at the same time I felt that this particular person knew what was happening to me. He understood everything and handed me a business card, asking me to contact him without fail. I was moved by his responsiveness.

    It was not possible to make an appointment with him right away - a tight schedule. I, full of feelings of shame for myself and self-hatred, went to another "specialist". At the very first appointment, he pointed out to me how, according to him, I was behaving inappropriately, and in general was arrogant. I was not surprised then, because I was already used to being guilty. But now I am wildly angry that such people exacerbate the situation of patients who have hardly decided on frankness. I am not talking now about his skills as a specialist, because it was he who diagnosed me, but emotional pressure is not allowed here. The diagnosis helped me to be more attentive to my condition.

    - How does your disorder affect your interactions with people?

    Oh, I am one of those quiet "border guards" who have all their experiences inside. In appearance I am affable and friendly, everyone is used to seeing me cheerful. This makes it even harder for me, but the fear of being alone leads to complete confusion. It’s like I’m nobody if there’s no one around, and it doesn’t matter who this “someone” is: he may not be close to me at all. Therefore, in my circle there are many friends who are not similar to each other. And so I allow myself to be treated with disdain.

    My emotional state changes easily. The morning can start with depressive thoughts, then I get distracted and find joy, then - in an instant - I fall into a rage, do not control myself, behave defiantly, loudly, climb on the rampage.

    People are pleasant to me, they arouse my sincere interest. At a distance, I can be happy for them, I accept everyone as they are. This is what attracts people to me. But if you want to get to know me better, it will take time for trust to develop between us. Because by default I see others as offenders, I think out nasty things for them, I am extremely suspicious. And that's what I hate about myself too.

    - Have you done selfharm?

    Auto-aggression is also some form of self-harm. There was also alcohol, drugs, a deliberately destructive lifestyle, connections with people who torment you. I hit myself on the head, hit the walls to punish myself.

    - How do you adapt? Are you going through therapy?

    AT difficult period went to a psychotherapist, he said that we would just talk. Along the way, I took tests, tracked my condition, shared my secrets and found support, for which I am very grateful to him. He recommended literature on my subject, and by studying it, I gained hope for recovery.

    Now I do not go to the reception, but I already know how to cope with what used to inspire horror. Step by step I go to the transformation.

    - What is the most important thing for you in working with PRL?

    The ability to separate their destructive feelings from reality. Understanding that my perception is limited and often hurts me. I just started, there is still a lot to learn. Because it’s very difficult to distinguish this, you won’t read this in a book and you won’t understand: “Oh, that’s how it is, now I’ll know.”

    - How will you know that you have recovered?

    The moments when I felt like myself, felt uplifted and energized, were the highest happiness for me. Therefore, when I accept myself and express myself freely, I will understand that I have coped.

    Specialist comment:

    Yuri Kalmykov, psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences

    Borderline personality disorder is not a sentence. This can rarely be said about mental illnesses, it is always realistic to provide minimal support to people with them. It all depends on the severity of the disorder: in mild cases, people learn to live with it themselves, adapt intuitively or by reading special literature, and provide self-help. In severe cases, you can not do without the intervention of a specialist.

    The main constructive skill for patients with BPD is the ability to see the halftones of life, to see compromises, and not just extremes. The romantic partner of a person with BPD may be advised to be more tolerant of their partner's personal boundaries. It is important not to take on the role of a specialist, but simply to be there, especially in difficult moments.

    How to recognize a schizoid in a crowd?

    Do you often notice people who do not like close contact, withdraw into themselves and try not to advertise their emotions? Such people have a schizoid personality type, as they suffer from disorders of the same name. Their manners are somewhat different from the behavior of healthy people. Psychiatrists do not classify this disorder as schizophrenia because schizoid personalities do not suffer from neurosis.

    Schizoids surrounded by people

    People with a schizoid personality type make up no more than 1-2%. They often scare those around them with their strange behavior because they don't want to make emotional or personal contact. They hide feelings, are in a closed state, but are used to the fact that the public considers them "not like that."

    Schizoid personalities try to step back so as not to be team members. They engage in activities that do not require multiple opponents, as they are loners.

    They are interested in philosophy, meditation, painting and other creativity. They live in their fantasy world and always keep their distance from others. They prefer the company of children and animals.

    In childhood, a child with a schizoid type disorder is very sensitive, he perceives too deeply sound, light, any objects that healthy children may not notice, such as a prickly label on clothes. Very often, infants are fed formula milk instead of breast milk, because they understand the latter as an invasion of their lives, even their mother's breasts are a threat to their personality. If you take such a child in your arms, then he will not hug you and kiss you, but will start to push you away and break out.

    Causes of the disorder

    Personality includes the totality of thoughts, emotions and behavior. Thanks to a certain type of personality, each person becomes unique. These elements begin to form in childhood, including heredity and environmental factors. Brain function and genetic predisposition play a key role in shaping personality. It is not known exactly what factors violate its formation, perhaps these are social aspects. If a person in the family had relatives with any personality disorders, then he falls into the risk group.

    Experts still do not have a consensus on the reasons why disease-causing. But most doctors agree that personality disorder is caused by causal relationships, calling such a behavior model biopsychosocial. Among the causes of the appearance of a schizoid disorder, it is impossible to single out one factor, since the formation of a certain type of personality depends on a combination of reasons. Here one can highlight social sign, for example, the relationship of the child with family members, psychological - temperament and character when stressful situations, biological - deviations in the work of the brain. Experts managed to find out that personality disorder is transmitted from parents to children.

    The reasons, disturbing personalities:

    1. Mental trauma at any stage of development. For example, the expectant mother wants to get rid of the child through an abortion, or the newborn was immediately taken away from the mother and he felt lonely.
    2. Improper upbringing in the family: lack of tenderness, conflicts, overprotection by parents.
    3. Constant stress, such as problems at school.
    4. Emotional abuse: parental pressure on the child, changeable and unpredictable mood of mom and dad.

    So, a child who does not have friends in the person of his parents is looking for a patron in himself, gaining and hiding individuality so that it is not crushed.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Schizoid personality disorder is caused by isolation, detachment in society, limitation of expression of emotions.

    The schizoid personality type manifests itself already with early childhood at 3-4 years old. In kindergarten, you can see a child who plays alone, does not try to make contact with other children, he is not attracted to team games, he prefers to spend time alone or in the company of adults, shows a love of reading with age.

    In school years, the situation does not change: the child does not try to find friends for himself, he does not care about the opinions of others. Often children with a schizoid personality type enter only into intellectual discussions, they love mathematics, physics and literature.

    When communicating with such a child, it is difficult to understand what he feels, because he does not show joy, sadness or anger. Children do not tolerate caresses and tenderness, they never hug or kiss their parents, they are unpleasantly affectionate towards themselves. Children with a personality disorder become outcasts and an occasion for ridicule for classmates. They will never take on the role of leader.

    The teenage period for a child with a schizoid personality type is very difficult, since the teenager is intellectually superior to his peers, but the inability to establish contact with people rejects him from the team. Self-esteem during this period can change very much: from feelings of worthlessness to megalomania.

    Parents, when invading a child's personal space, may receive a harsh rebuff from his side. For example, if they enter a room without permission, they take any things, ask personal life or study.

    Adult schizoids have an already established character. They have a lot of contradictions in their souls: they want to move away, but at the same time they strive for intimacy, they are loners, but they need a person, they can be very absent-minded and attentive at the same time, they don’t look sexy, but they have a rich intimate fantasy. The main signs of schizoid personality disorder:

  • unwillingness to establish close contacts, start a family;
  • the desire to retire;
  • lack of interests and hobbies;
  • indifference to the opinions of others;
  • emotional calm;
  • constant social tension;
  • practically complete absence emotions;
  • violation of emotional contact.
  • With age, the signs of the disorder are expressed more intensely, so the most vivid symptoms diseases appear at 40-50 years of age.

    As a rule, the disease is diagnosed by a psychiatrist or psychologist. Quite often, people with schizoid-type disorder do not seek treatment because they are afraid to open up, thereby making their lives much more difficult. But the specialist will not put pressure on the patient, but on the contrary, a conversation with the doctor will help alleviate the condition of an unusual person.

    Treatment of the disease includes:

  • Reception medicines, which cannot relieve the patient of the disorder, but help to eliminate the symptoms of anxiety and depression, such as antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs.
  • Psychotherapy is about cognitive behavioral treatment, with the help of which the patient will learn to adequately respond to circumstances and cope with the excitement caused by the inevitable communication with people.
  • Group therapy is aimed at supporting the patient and increasing social motivation.
  • Family therapy is especially useful for patients who live with other people, as it can strengthen family relationships.
  • Psychological counseling consists in the formation right relationship that will make a person feel comfortable in the current situation.
  • There is no definite way to prevent schizoid personality disorder, but early diagnosis and treatment qualified specialist allow unusual person feel comfortable.

    dramatic personality disorder

    Your acquaintances are trying to lead a life that is unusual for their way of life, normal behavior, work, etc.? They constantly attract attention, scream, dress brightly, show unusual activity for them and very quickly change their minds from one to another. Such people behave provocatively. They are capable of vivid sexual provocations. In addition, quite often, patients with the behavior described above manipulate people, yell at them, splash out aggression and anger. If the personality disorder matches all of these symptoms, then the diagnosis will sound like "dramatic personality disorder."

    How to make a diagnosis? Of course, you can make a diagnosis yourself, because the symptoms are on the face, but it is better to contact a psychotherapist for this purpose. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the collected anamnesis.

    Dramatic personality disorder is treatable through psychotherapy.

    Etiology of the disease

    Theatrical or dramatic personality disorder refers to common disorders of the sense of personality as such. Such a violation is classified as unpredictable. Similar symptoms have a narcissistic personality disorder.

    The risk group for developing dramatic personality disorder most often includes women.

    Previously, this diagnosis in psychotherapy sounded very often, especially if women showed their emotions in the form of tantrums and antisocial behavior in society. By the way, in Europe, about 5% of people officially have such a diagnosis, and it is found there, both in men and women.

    As a rule, dramatic personality disorder occurs in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life.

    Dramatic personality disorder begins in a person in childhood, when he is in the family circle. As a rule, children with such disorders are brought up by dictatorial parents - strong, powerful. Such parents do not relate to their child in terms of gender self-identification. They raise children without gender (boy/girl) as such.

    Children with dramatic personality disorder are afraid of being rejected, both in the family and in society. They dramatize everything that happens in their everyday life - at school, on the street while walking, in the family. Becoming teenagers, such children show open sexual aggression. The obsession with bullying, insulting, humiliating people of the opposite sex on the face and acts as a symptom of the disease.

    Self-analysis, thinking in persons with a dramatic personality disorder is absent. They develop egocentrism, aggression, emotionality.

    It can be clearly noted that patients with a personality disorder are completely immersed in themselves, they are not interested in the world and the events taking place in it. Moreover, individuals with dramatic personality disorder do not consider and do not perceive the opinions of the people around them. As a rule, children adopt this personality disorder from parents who have it.

    Patients with dramatic personality disorder ostentatiously draw attention to themselves, they cannot do without people turning their eyes on them (even if they are judgmental).

    Such patients have certain social skills (they communicate, find a common language with people), but in the process of communication there is a surge of aggression towards the interlocutor.

    Interest in the people around them can be described as unstable superficial. Behavioral patients live on emotions, not common sense. They do not have their own opinion, and if it appears, then after a while it immediately disappears. People with dramatic personality disorder need constant attention to them, to be supported even in minor situations, and also to approve of all the actions that they take.

    If a person has a dramatic personality disorder, then he will constantly strive for the rays of glory. All their actions are overly provocative - they put on explicit sexual clothes, flirt with the opposite sex, and may have promiscuous sex. At the same time, patients do not tolerate criticism from others, and if this takes place, then this plunges patients into depression and provokes aggression.

    Patients with dramatic personality disorder cannot bear the monotony and boredom in their lives. Also, it is very difficult for them to focus on one object - both work and love.

    General psychological characteristics of patients with dramatic personality disorder: vain, spiteful, deceitful, aggressive, liberated. They tend to exaggerate everything.

    If something in life does not work out for patients with dramatic personality disorder, then they have a tendency to commit suicide and inflict bodily harm on themselves.

    Such patients constantly attract attention to themselves: with sex, aggression, rage.

    Surprisingly, patients with dramatic personality disorder are very attentive to their appearance. They follow fashion, dress very extravagantly and catchy. Them sex life very active.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    The diagnosis is established by a psychotherapist based on the patient's life history, his typical behavior in everyday life, complaints made, and also as a result of psychological testing.

    Main and effective method treatment for dramatic personality disorder is psychotherapy on an individual basis. At the second stage of treatment, group methods take place. It should be noted that this therapy is long - for several years. Moreover, it is impossible to completely cure the violation of personality formation, it is only corrected in the course of therapy to the extent that the patient can fully live and function in society.

    Children with borderline personality disorder - a cheat sheet for parents.

    Borderline personality disorder in children is not uncommon. It is much rarer to find parents who know that their child has borderline personality disorder. Even rarer are such parents who know how to build relationships with a child "border guard". borderline disorder is serious disorder mental health of children. No matter how old the child is, it is quite difficult to maintain a relationship with him. This disorder is difficult to diagnose, especially at an early age, for this reason, parents, most often, do not correlate the behavioral problems of their child with any deviation in the development of his psyche.

    Meanwhile, the symptoms, personality disorders in a child, appear with quite early age, by about four years, you can already notice a certain kind of distortion; self-image, fear of rejection, extreme and sudden mood swings, tumultuous relationships, relationship difficulties combined with gullibility and naivete. While the child is small, parents consider some oddities in his behavior age characteristics. You can often hear that a child from birth was with a special character. As the child gets older, it behavioral features more noticeable, but parents still, the characteristics of the child's character do not belong to any violation of personality development. But the real problems often don't start until early adulthood.

    Under "borderline psychiatric disorders" imply a set that is far from homogeneous in its manifestations and mechanism of origin mental disorders, which occupies intermediate position between " mental illness» /«psychosis»/ and «mental health». Moreover, borderline disorders are not considered as a “bridge” between mental illness and mental health, but as a kind of group of non-specific symptom complexes, similar in severity of their manifestations and limited to the “neurotic level” (“neurotic register”) of mental disorders (Aleksandrovsky Yu.A. , Gannushkin P.B., Gurevich M.O. and others). The group of borderline disorders in children and adolescents usually includes neurotic and pathocharacterological reactions, neuroses and pathocharacterological developments, psychopathy, neurosis-like and psychopathic states, as well as borderline forms of intellectual insufficiency and other less common disorders.

    Children with borderline disorder tend to be unable to communicate.

    They express their emotional pain by screaming.

    They do not know how to regulate their emotional reactions.

    A child with borderline personality disorder is always in conflict - with himself, with family members, with classmates.

    The behavior of a child with borderline disorder is always a cause for emotional problems, both for the child and for his parents.

    When a child becomes an adult, helping him learn how to manage the symptoms of a mental health disorder is much more difficult. Behavioral and emotional problems not only affect those who have a similar diagnosis, but also have a profound impact on the lives of people around them. Parents of children with borderline personality disorder often feel helpless because they do not know how to help their child, do not know how to communicate with them, do not know how to properly educate them, how to teach them how to interact with other people, help them learn how to manage their symptoms of the disorder and live more successful life.

    Trying to help an adult child with borderline personality disorder is no easy task. He, as a rule, refuses any help offered by his parents, as he does not see the need for it. Helping a child or teenager is much easier than helping an adult with borderline personality disorder.

    Some parents claim that they noticed signs of borderline disorder in their child as early as infancy. The infant was restless, in senior preschool and primary school age, they encountered learning difficulties, numerous episodes of frustration and aggression, and behavioral problems.

    Children and adolescents go through many developmental changes, and it can sometimes feel like the symptoms of one disorder can turn into something else entirely. Behavioral problems may be a sign of a deeper disorder, or they may simply be a particular phase of growing up that children outgrow.

    Signs of borderline disorder in your child.

    These are some of the signs to look out for if you suspect your child may be suffering from borderline personality disorder, including:

    • Difficulty in determining psychological readiness for school.
    • Intense fear of rejection.
    • Not restful sleep.
    • It's hard to calm him down.
    • Difficulties in adaptation.
    • Demanding.
    • Depressive state.
    • Sensitivity to criticism.
    • Easily disappointed.
    • Eating problems.
    • Heavy tantrums.
    • Unstable mood and intense emotions.
    • Impulsiveness.
    • Deficiencies in reasoning and thinking.
    • Learning difficulties.
    • Unstable attitude.
    • Self-harm.
    • Unstable expression of emotional attachment.
    • Tendency to bouts of anger and aggression.
    • Some of the most distinctive features of borderline personality disorder in children include problems with personal relationships and extreme and unjustified fear of rejection and rejection. This may lead to the fact that the child has to change schools, as it is difficult for him to manage his emotions. In communication with other children, there is an idealization of relationships, and a quick disappointment in them. Identity confusion often occurs, and in adolescents this may manifest as gender confusion or take other forms.

      One of the indicators of borderline personality disorder in children is manipulation. With the help of manipulation, children try to control everything and everyone .. Usually this is not realized by them. It is important to learn to recognize when a child with borderline personality disorder is manipulating you and to learn how to avoid falling into the trap.

      The best way to avoid being manipulated is to give yourself permission to refuse the manipulator's requests. You don't have to do what they want, how they want. It's not easy. To start saying no to someone with borderline personality disorder is to see the full spectrum of your child's emotional responses. But this is the only way to avoid manipulation. Children with borderline personality disorder often get angry and provoke conflict. This in itself can be seen as a form of manipulation. If you avoid saying or doing certain things out of fear that your actions will anger the child, this in itself is manipulation.

      How to help a child with borderline personality disorder.

      If you suspect that your child suffers from borderline personality disorder, you are tired of the challenges you face on a daily basis, you want to help your child and, last but not least, yourself. Professional psychologist can help you figure this out, offer psychotherapy to help your child understand their feelings, thoughts, positively change them, manage their disorder, give them the necessary life skills and tools to become a self-sufficient adult. The family as a whole also needs advisory assistance, which will help them learn how to respond correctly to the manifestations of your child's disorder, understand the essence of his problem, the reasons for his behavior.

      Previously, it was believed that borderline personality disorder could not be corrected, today psychological support for families with children with borderline personality disorder is a necessity, and psychotherapy for children with borderline personality disorder is possible, and this is the key to a guaranteed improvement in the quality of their future life.

    One of the most controversial categories in the clinical field. Some people argue that this is just a pseudo-clinical name for scammers and other criminal elements. Others think it's serious. mental disorder which clinicians need to better understand and treat more effectively.

    The main anomaly that unites this group of psychopathic personalities is considered to be the underdevelopment of higher moral feelings.

    Selection of this type personality disorders carried out on the basis social criteria, the main of which is the inability to follow the prevailing social norms, to live in harmony with the law.

    Sociopaths are indifferent to societal standards; they are lovers of strong sensations, impulsive, devoid of a sense of responsibility, despite numerous penalties and punishments, they are not able to learn from negative experiences.

    Selection of this type personality disorders, if we approach the problem from clinical positions, it seems to be largely conditional. In the domestic nosographic tradition, such a group of personality disorders was not distinguished, since it was believed that there could not be a specific group of psychopathic personalities, the main property of which is the tendency to violate the law. Such a point of view, of course, has certain grounds and it can be argued that offenses are possible in any type of personality disorder, just as in completely healthy individuals. At the same time, the clinical, mainly forensic psychiatric reality is that individuals of a psychopathic warehouse turn out to be permanent residents of places of detention, committing repeated criminal acts. Usually they were and are attributed to personalities of the excitable type, although certain differences from them can be found. Some of them are adjacent to the circle of schizoid psychopathy (emotionally cold expansive schizoids), others - to emotionally unstable and narcissistic personality disorders.

    Stages of formation of antisocial personality disorder

    Psychopathic personalities united in this group have already early years are distinguished by the absence of any spiritual interests, licentiousness, selfishness, impulsiveness. They are stubborn, quarrelsome, deceitful, cruel - they bully the younger ones, torture animals, they form early opposition to their parents, and sometimes open hostility to others. During early school and adolescence, sociopaths exhibit patterns of negative behavior such as skipping school, running away from home, committing atrocities, vandalizing property, and setting fires. In dealing with people, they are distinguished by their temper, sometimes reaching attacks of rage and anger. At school, they swear, start fights; before reaching adulthood, they begin to steal, run away from home, wander. Systematic production activity unbearable for them. Their track record is full of frequent absenteeism and job changes. Moreover, upon dismissal, as a rule, future employment is not planned. Due to the lack of spiritual motives, attachments, attention to their neighbors, they neglect traditions, ignore social, moral and legal norms and grossly violate the family way of life. Over time, sociopaths end up in prison. For many people with this disorder, criminal behavior declines after age 40; some, however, continue to engage in criminal activity all their lives.

    Symptoms of Antisocial Personality Disorder

    Complacency, firm confidence in their rightness are combined with the lack of a critical assessment of their actions. Any penalty or remark is regarded as a manifestation of injustice. Usually these people are careless with money. In a state of intoxication, they become even more vicious, conflict, fight, destroy everything around. Their whole life is a chain of continuous conflicts with public order: from forgery of securities, theft and robbery to brutal acts of violence. At the same time, they are guided not only by selfish interests, but also by the desire to annoy and offend others. Usually they skillfully achieve their own benefit at the expense of other people. They are deprived of a sense of compassion, shame, honor, remorse, conscience. Their main feature is heartlessness. Apart from disorders caused by use narcotic drugs, this personality disorder is most closely associated with adult criminal behavior.

    In the most typical, "nuclear" cases of this group with pronounced emotional changes always needed differential diagnosis with an endogenous process (schizophrenia), early onset moral dullness is often a sign of an earlier attack or slowly developing schizophrenia with heboid manifestations or chronic mania.

    Causes of Antisocial Personality Disorder

    At the heart of explanations of antisocial personality disorders lie psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive and biological theories.

    1. Psychodynamic theorists suggest that this disorder, like many other personality disorders, begins with a lack of parental love during infancy, and this leads to a lack of general trust in people. Children who are diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder react to such early experiences with emotional detachment and try to establish contact with others only in a forceful and destructive way. In support of the psychodynamic theory, researchers find that people with this disorder were more likely than others to experience stress during their childhood years, in particular in its forms such as family poverty, domestic violence, and parental quarrels or divorce. Many of them were also raised by parents who themselves suffered from antisocial personality disorder. Undoubtedly, having such a parent, a person could lose faith in other people.
    2. Many behavioral theorists suggest that antisocial symptoms may have been acquired through imitation, or imitation. As evidence, they also point to the high prevalence of antisocial personality disorder among the parents of people with this disorder.
    3. Other behaviorists believe that some parents inadvertently instill antisocial behavior in their children by regularly reinforcing the child's aggressive behavior. For example, when a child misbehaves or responds violently to a parent's requests or demands, the parents may give in to restore a peaceful relationship. Unintentionally, they can instill in a child stubbornness, and perhaps even cruelty.
    4. Cognitive theorists believe that people with antisocial personality disorder adhere to attitudes that do not take into account the importance of the needs of others. It is really difficult for people with this disorder to take into account a point of view that is different from their own.
    5. Finally, a number of studies suggest that in antisocial personality disorder can play an important role biological factors. Research shows that people with this disorder are often less anxious than others. In turn, they may lack an element that is key to the learning process. This may explain why they have such a hard time learning from their mistakes or picking up on the emotional reactions of those around them. Several studies have found that subjects with antisocial personality disorder are less able than control subjects to solve laboratory tasks, such as finding a way out of a maze, when the key reinforcers are punishments, such as some sort of shock or monetary fine. When experimenters make punishments more explicit or get subjects to pay attention to them, learning improves. However, left to their own devices, subjects with this disorder do not respond well to punishment. Perhaps negative events simply do not cause such anxiety in these individuals as they do in other people. Biological researchers have found that subjects with this disorder often respond to warnings or anticipation of stress with low brain arousal, such as slow autonomic arousal. nervous system and low-frequency EEG waves. Due to low arousal, these people may find it difficult to perceive threatening or emotional situations, and such situations may have little effect on them. It is also possible that little physiological arousal drives people with this personality disorder to take risks and seek adventure. Anti-social activity may attract them precisely because it satisfies the need for more arousal. Supporting this idea is that antisocial personality disorder, as we have observed previously, is often accompanied by behaviors characterized by thrill seeking.

    Diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder

    A personality disorder usually marked by a gross disparity between behavior and prevailing social norms, characterized by the following:

    1. heartless indifference to the feelings of others;
    2. a rude and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and neglect social rules and responsibilities;
    3. inability to maintain relationships in the absence of difficulties in their formation;
    4. extremely low tolerance for frustrations, and low threshold discharge of aggression, including violence;
    5. inability to experience guilt and benefit from life experience, especially punishment;
    6. a pronounced tendency to blame others or to put forward plausible explanations for one's behavior, leading the subject into conflict with society.

    As additional feature may take place constant irritability. In childhood and adolescence, a conduct disorder can serve as confirmation of the diagnosis, although it is not necessary.

    It should be noted:


    • sociopathic disorder;
    • sociopathic personality;
    • immoral personality;
    • antisocial personality;
    • antisocial disorder;
    • antisocial personality;
    • psychopathic personality disorder.


    • conduct disorders (F91.x);
    • emotionally unstable personality disorder (F60.3-).

    Treatment for antisocial personality disorder

    Approximately one third of all people with this disorder are treated, but none of the current treatments appear to be effective.

    Most are forced to be treated by their employers, educational establishments or law enforcement, or they come to the attention of therapists in connection with some other disorder.

    Some cognitive-behavioral therapists try to get clients with antisocial personality disorder to think about moral issues and the needs of others.

    Anti-running out programs aim to give the individual self-confidence, raise their self-esteem, and make them more committed to the interests of the group. Some individuals seem to benefit from such programs. However, in general, most of today's treatment approaches have little or no effect on people with antisocial personality disorder.

    Deviations that adversely affect the adaptability of children to their environment are now commonly called personality disorders. Such mental disorders in children are detected quite rarely, since throughout the entire period of growing up, the psyche is constantly undergoing changes. Sometimes children develop conditions that show signs of a personality disorder.

    Upon reaching the child adolescence we can talk about the end of the formation of personality. If the signs of a personality disorder persist in this period, then we can already talk about a condition that needs correction.

    Causes of disharmony

    Personality disorder in children can take many forms. Based on the causes of the disease, there are three main types of it:

    • hereditary disorder is caused by the presence of a gene predisposition and is transmitted from generation to generation:
    • acquired disorder progresses with the wrong approach to raising a child, as well as with prolonged influence of a negative environment and examples;
    • organic psychopathy develops as a result of an injury or infectious disease of some parts of the brain or the entire central nervous system.

    Prerequisites for the development of disharmony may appear during pregnancy. To prevent this from happening, a woman should monitor her health and avoid deviations that can negatively affect the baby's condition.

    The psychological climate in the family plays an important role in the formation of the child's personality. If the child has a head injury or is ill infectious disease, it is necessary to take active measures for his speedy recovery. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing complications, including personality disorders.

    Symptoms and Diagnosis

    Diagnosing personality disorders in children is difficult. Specialists need to observe for about 6 months little patient to be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

    Personality disorder manifests itself in different ways, depending on the type of disease:

    1. A disorder of the paranoid type is accompanied by the appearance in the child of one idea, which turns out to be overvalued for him. It could be the idea of ​​illness, persecution or jealousy, etc. In this state, children become overly suspicious, they react very sharply to refusals to satisfy desires.

    2. The disorder may have a schizoid coloration. typical behavior a child with a similar personality imbalance is a refusal to communicate. In this state, it is very difficult to establish a trusting relationship with someone, the child is restrained in emotions and is not capable of empathy. But at the same time, the patient loves to fantasize.

    3. A weak-willed psychopathy or a dissocial type of personality disorder manifests itself in a complete non-compliance with generally accepted moral standards. The child does not have his own principles, and is also unable to maintain family and friendship ties.

    4. Emotional instability can also be observed in children with personality imbalances. Most often this type of psychopathy occurs in adolescents. Aggression and cruelty are common symptoms of this condition, and they come out in bursts. From time to time, threats to commit suicide can be heard from a teenager.

    5. hallmark hysterical psychopathy is demonstrative. The behavior of the patient, all his actions and emotions are aimed at drawing attention to himself.

    6. A psychasthenic disorder is diagnosed in a child if he is constantly in anxiety associated with feelings about every little thing or detail. The patient strives to perform any task in the best way, in the end it becomes obsession leading to personality imbalance.

    7. Excessive fear and anxiety, leading to self-restraint in activities or communication, are characteristic of sensitive personality disorder in children.

    Also, children can develop a personality disorder, which experts call dependent. In this state, the child is afraid of his helplessness. These children do not know how to make their own decisions.

    Manifestations of certain types of personality disorders are often mistaken for pedagogical neglect. Only an experienced psychoanalyst or psychiatrist can distinguish pathological changes in the psyche from elementary bad manners. When the first symptoms appear, parents should seek qualified help. If proper treatment and correction are not carried out, the child will have difficulties in adapting to society in the future.


    The doctor chooses the most appropriate treatment regimen based on the reasons that caused pathological changes in the child's psyche. If we are talking about a hereditary form of the disease or organic disorders in the work of the central nervous system, then the emphasis is on drug treatment and supportive therapy. Specialists working in the Psychoendocrinological Center use the most modern developments and methods aimed at identifying the cause of the disease for diagnosis. A small patient is monitored for a long time, after which a decision is made on the choice of a treatment regimen.

    Acquired forms of personality disorders in children can be corrected in most cases. Medical treatment rarely brings significant results, psychotherapy plays a large role in the cure. If the need for taking drugs still arises, then the doctor of the Psychoendocrinological Center prescribes only one remedy, which is taken as a course.

    Regardless of what causes personality disorders in children, it is necessary to start treatment after the first signs of the disease are detected. Timely access to specialists and strict adherence to the recommendations will ensure a positive success from treatment.

    AT puberty the formation of disharmonious personalities, also called psychopathic and different from normal themes that it is difficult for them to adapt painlessly for themselves and for others to environment. These permanent properties, although they may increase or develop during life, however, do not change dramatically. They determine the entire mental makeup of the individual. The diagnosis of psychopathy is made on the basis of the following signs:

    1) the totality of pathological character traits, manifested in ordinary and
    stressful situations;

    2) the stability of pathological character traits that persist throughout life;

    3) social maladjustment as a result of pathological character traits.

    Along with hereditary psychopathy in adolescents, under the influence of improper upbringing or prolonged bad influence, various forms of pathocharacterological development (acquired psychopathy) complete their formation. Organic psychopathies acquire the most vivid expression - a consequence of prenatal, perinatal and early postnatal brain lesions. It describes the forms of personality disorders.

    paranoid personality disorder characterized by excessive sensitivity to failures and failures; dissatisfaction with someone, that is, a refusal to forgive insults, damage caused; suspiciousness and misinterpretation of neutral or friendly actions of people as hostile or suspicious; militant attitude to their rights, out of line with the facts; unjustified suspicions about the fidelity of a partner; attributing everything that happens to your account; suspicions of the existence of conspiracies against his person. The most characteristic feature is the formation of overvalued ideas that determine all their behavior, which is associated with confidence in their own significance, one-sided perception of reality, lack of criticism, subjectivity and affective coloring of thinking. These include ideas about the presence of a non-existent disease, about an unfair attitude towards them, about an unusual invention, ideas of jealousy, influence.

    Schizoid personality disorder, autistic psychopathy, is distinguished by disharmony of development, lack of unity, inconsistency of emotions, aspirations and actions. Such a person is not able to experience pleasure, is characterized by restraint, emotional coldness, inability to show warm feelings and empathize with others. She has a weakened response to praise and censure, an insignificant interest in sexual contacts. There is a tendency to fantasies and activities alone, withdrawing into oneself, making it difficult to establish trusting relationships. The rules of relations between people are not taken into account, and in connection with this, eccentric actions arise. There is no desire to have close friends, and because of this they are absent.

    antisocial personality disorder, unstable or weak-willed psychopathy, is characterized by inconsistency of behavior with social norms, heartless indifference, irresponsibility and disregard for morality, inability to maintain strong business, friendly, family and sexual relationships in the absence of difficulties in their formation. These individuals do not tolerate failure well, are aggressive, unable to experience guilt and learn from mistakes and situations that led to punishments. They do not respond to the accusations of others, but give plausible explanations for their misdeeds, shy away from study, work, strive for pleasure, participation in asocial companies, where they find themselves in subordinate roles.

    Emotionally unstable personality disorder, impulsive, or explosive psychopathy, characterized by changing and capricious mood, unexpected actions without regard possible consequences, conflict, often accompanied by fights, especially when others condemn their impulsive actions. There are outbursts of uncontrollable rage and cruelty. There is no planning for anything in advance and the ability to foresee future events. The ability to work sustainably appears only if it is followed by a reward. The tendency to create tense (unstable) relationships with others can lead to emotional crises and be complicated by suicide threats or self-harm.

    Histrionic Personality Disorder, demonstrative psychopathy, is manifested by the disharmony of personality development in the presence of pronounced signs childishness. Hysteroids are distinguished by a thirst for attention, exaggerated emotions that create the impression of a depth of experience, theatrical behavior, suggestibility, subordination, superficial, stormy and changeable emotionality, a thirst for recognition. They strive for such activities that would not weaken their interest in them, they are overly concerned with their physical attractiveness, they are prone to demonstrative suicide attempts.

    Psychasthenic personality disorder, anxious and suspicious psychopathy, is characterized by indecision, a tendency to doubt, preoccupation with details, order, the desire to do everything in the best way, which often interferes with the completion of tasks. The psychasthenic is overly responsible, inadequately preoccupied with the productivity of his activity to the detriment of pleasure, unusually pedantic, committed to social conventions, stubborn, demanding of others so that they do everything exactly the same as himself. going through constant anxiety for your future. Often there are obsessions. Because of impatience, hasty actions are often taken when discretion is required.

    Anxious personality disorder, sensitive psychopathy, has features such as constant feeling tension and gloomy forebodings, ideas about their unsuitability for life, lack of physical attractiveness and mental abilities. There is an excessive fear of criticism or gossip, an unwillingness to enter into a relationship without the certainty of being rejected or ridiculed. Self-restraint in lifestyle to maintain a sense of security, avoidance of social or professional activity associated with many interpersonal contacts due to fear of disapproving attitude towards oneself.

    dependent personality disorder, a conforming personality, is characterized by the need to have a guardian, shifting responsibility for certain changes in life to others, limited ability to make everyday decisions, subordinating one's own needs to the needs of people, inability to make reasonable claims to persons on whom one depends, experiencing helplessness in loneliness due to for inability to be independent, fears of being abandoned by those with whom there is a close emotional connection.

    Treatment of personality disorders . Medications are used only for decompensation to relieve dysphoria, anxiety, depression, with increased excitability or disturbed cravings. For this purpose, chlorpromazine (25-75 mg/m), tizercin (25-75 mg/m), seduxen (20-40 mg/m), neuleptil (30-90 mg), sonapax (25-200 mg) are prescribed. mg), nozepam (30-60 mg). Medico-pedagogical measures should be combined with psychotherapy.

    Clinical examination . Adolescents with moderately severe psychopathy belong to the D-3 group and are examined at least 2 times a year. Severe psychopathy and decompensation states require treatment.

    Expertise . Adolescents, depending on the severity of psychopathy and the presence or absence of decompensation, belong to the 5th or 4th health groups. Prevention should be correctional and pedagogical measures and psychotherapy. With severe and decompensated psychopathy, a teenager cannot work in production. Adolescents with pronounced, uncompensated psychopathy are not fit for military service. Adolescents with moderately pronounced personality disorders, with unstable compensation, are limitedly fit for military service.



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