Watermelon: benefits and harms for the health of women and men. May cause overhydration or water intoxication

Watermelon is everyone's favorite, juicy and sweet berry, whose appearance on the shelves has been expected since the very beginning of summer. But you shouldn’t buy the first copies at the beginning of July. It is better to eat watermelons starting from the end of August. In this article we will tell you how watermelon is useful for the human body, what harm it can cause, and what is so valuable and useful about it.

How much water is in a watermelon

The percentage of water in arubuza is approximately 80% of its mass.

Useful properties of watermelon

Watermelon contains fructose, microelements and fiber. This composition will perfectly help with weight loss and is useful for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful substances of watermelon:

  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Beta-carotene;
  • B vitamins (riboflavin, thiamine, folic acid, pyridoxine);
  • Vitamin A (VE);
  • Vitamin E (TE);


  • Phosphorus;
  • Sodium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;


  • Iron.

Magnesium, which is part of watermelon, helps stabilize blood pressure, it will easily reduce nervous excitability.

It's nice that it's so delicious product contains only 38 calories per 100 grams.

Is watermelon good for pregnant women?

Watermelon contains a lot of vitamins that will definitely come in handy to the expectant mother and the child growing in her womb.

Folic acid helps many people to function normally metabolic processes: hematopoiesis, synthesizes proteins, which is doubly important for pregnant women.

Micro- and macroelements, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, ash, organic acids, pectin and fiber determine the usefulness of watermelon for the body of pregnant women.

It contains practically no natural salts and acids, but neutralizing alkalis are concentrated in excess. This quality benefits the condition urinary system, will get rid of infectious diseases. If the second or third trimester of your pregnancy falls in September, then watermelon will become not only a delicacy for you, but also a medicine for your kidneys.

Watermelon will become indispensable natural remedy against edema, thanks to its diuretic properties.

This berry dissolves and removes toxins and waste. This property is especially useful for the body when consuming any medicines, antibiotics or after anesthesia.

Sugar, which is very abundant in watermelon, provides it with excellent taste and such beneficial properties as an improvement in mood and normalization of sleep.

With all this, watermelon promotes the formation of gases, and this causes discomfort for pregnant women.

How long can you store cut watermelon in the refrigerator?

After you have cut yourself pieces, it is recommended to immediately put the rest in the refrigerator. In a warm place, on a kitchen table or in the sun, after a few hours pathogenic microbes begin to become active in the fruit, and bad taste, and later it can no longer be eaten.
To store in the refrigerator, it is recommended to place the watermelon on a plate, turning it upside down, and leave it on the bottom shelf - it is usually colder there. And for up to two days you can enjoy regular servings of this melon.
It is better for pregnant women and children not to eat cut berries after 24 hours, even if they were stored in the refrigerator.

Is watermelon good for weight loss?

At the end of summer, the season of watermelons begins, which will help those who want to lose weight quickly and tasty. You can eat these berries in unlimited quantities. Watermelon has a diuretic property, removes waste, toxins and harmful substances from the body, along with which, thanks to vitamins B, A and C, body fat. A small laxative effect of watermelon, choleretic and cholesterol-lowering, is known.

The peels have a good effect on the body. After drying them, you can brew the crusts all year round. A decoction of them will relieve swelling and is useful for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Is watermelon good for the liver?

This berry helps remove toxins from the liver and prevents fatty infiltration of the liver. Watermelon juice helps cleanse the liver faster after taking medications.

Watermelon is contraindicated:

  1. For diarrhea and colitis;
  2. If there are stone formations in the body;
  3. With flatulence;
  4. In case of disturbances in the outflow of urine;
  5. For diabetes mellitus.

How much watermelon can you eat?

You can eat the amount of watermelon per day that you feel full of.
Every day it can be consumed in unlimited quantities, but only if it is a high-quality fruit of normal ripening.

How to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon?

10 signs and methods that will help you choose the most sugary and delicious watermelon when buying in a store:

  1. Ripe watermelons appear towards the end of August and beginning of September. Therefore, you need to be patient, and even if at the end of June you see a quite attractive fruit on the counter, it is better to refrain from buying it, since there is a high probability that it was grown with the use of nitrates.
  2. It is better to choose a medium size, 4-5 kg.
  3. Good watermelons have a yellow spot on their side—the spot where they lay on the ground while they were growing. Of course, such fruits may not be so attractive in appearance, for example, with a white spot or without it at all. However, the presence of such a yellow or even slightly orange “mark” is a sign of a ripe watermelon.
  4. The rind of a ripe watermelon is hard and should be shiny. It should not be easily pierced with a fingernail. The stripes should be very contrasting, with a clearly defined striped pattern, without plaque, various cuts, cracks and soft areas.
  5. Another clear sign ripe watermelon - its dry stalk (dry tail). When it fully ripens in the melon field, the need to feed from the bush gradually disappears, which means that the need to connect with the bush goes away. Therefore, the tail dries out and can be easily separated from the bush. When choosing a fruit, you can see with the naked eye where the tail of an unripe watermelon was simply cut and it dried out along the way, since an even cut will be noticeable.
  6. There should be no smell coming from the peel; this may indicate that the berries are not ripe.
  7. If you tap a watermelon with your palm, the sound from the ripened fruit will be duller. But for more precise definition maturity, a little experience will be required.
  8. The following method to ensure ripeness is mainly suitable strong men, because as a test you will have to squeeze the fruit in the middle with both hands. If, with such compression, you hear a slight crackling sound, then this indicates the ripeness of the fruit, but if there are no sounds, it means that the watermelon has not yet ripened, and you should not take it.
  9. By the bottom of the berry you can determine its o gender. “Girl” has a flatter and wider circle; such watermelons have more sugar and fewer seeds.
  10. When you get home, you can also check the ripeness of the watermelon by placing it in a container of water. A good watermelon floats in the water.

Where to buy watermelons

Try to purchase watermelons in specially equipped stores or pavilions, this way you will protect yourself and your family from unwanted microorganisms that enter the fruit through microcracks. Despite its thick skin, watermelon easily absorbs harmful substances from the air, especially if sold near highways. Try to choose a place of sale away from roads, construction sites and other polluting conditions, since melon quickly absorbs harmful elements environment. It is better if they are trusted sellers or on the recommendation of friends.

How to wash a watermelon

After you have chosen good watermelon When you get home, you need to rinse it thoroughly under running water. warm water, you can use soap or a brush. You never know exactly where and how the fruits were stored, and how exactly they were transported to their destination, so using such a simple procedure is better to protect yourself and your loved ones, especially if you are going to give this product to children.

Healthy recipes

Watermelon mojito

Prepare 4 servings of the drink.

  1. In a bowl, combine mint leaves, lime slices and 1 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Crush everything thoroughly with a masher until juice forms.
  2. Add 120 grams of finely chopped boneless pulp and crush again.
  3. Add 60 ml of white rum, ice, stir and pour the mixture into glasses.

To make a non-alcoholic mojito, add Sprite instead of rum.

Watermelon jelly

Prepare 4 servings of dessert.

  1. Mix 15 grams of gelatin with 50 ml of water. Leave for 5 minutes.
  2. At this time, combine 100 grams of sugar, a little salt and another 50 ml of water in a saucepan. Place on the fire and stir, bringing to a boil and the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Remove the mixture from the heat and combine with the gelatin mixture.
  4. Beat 1 tbsp in a blender. spoon lemon juice with 1.5 kg of watermelon pulp. Strain the resulting puree through a sieve.
  5. Mix watermelon puree with the gelatin mixture, mix and pour into bowls.
  6. Place in the refrigerator until hardened.

We hope that we have answered the question as fully as possible about whether watermelon is healthy. Health and Bon appetit!

-> Issue 74 ->

How much water is in a watermelon?

Where do the holes in cheese come from? Where do the stripes in toothpaste come from? These and many other questions that come to the minds of kids have been answered for more than 40 years by the German “Mouse Transmission”, which is broadcast once a week in almost 100 countries around the world and still remains one of the brightest and most successful projects of German TV.

In one of the issues in September 2008, the authors of the program responded to difficult question: “How much water is in a watermelon?” In order to clearly demonstrate to their little viewers the measurement of the amount of water, the employees of the West German Broadcasting Company turned to the help of a Sartorius humidity meter.

The appropriate equipment was selected for filming the program, as well as several Sartorius employees, who also appeared in front of the cameras in a five-minute story that answered the question posed.

First, the presenter, together with Sartorius specialists, weighed a whole watermelon on a scale of the appropriate size. Then a piece was cut from the watermelon, which was placed in the MA 150 moisture meter. This piece was weighed and then dried using an infrared emitter built into the device.

IN ordinary life The drying process takes a few minutes. In order to make it more interesting for children to watch the program, it was shown in an accelerated mode - literally in a few seconds, so the children could see with their own eyes how the fruit pulp and peel instantly dry out.

After that, the moisture analyzer MA 150 weighs the remaining piece of watermelon again. Using a simple calculation, the volume of water in a whole watermelon is determined. To do this, the weight obtained after drying is subtracted from the initial weight of the piece, then the percentage of moisture is determined and converted to the weight of the whole watermelon.

In the program, a watermelon weighing 7.7 kg was “filmed”, the water in it turned out to be 7.03 liters, that is, a little more than 91%!

The MA 150 moisture analyzer chosen for the survey is ideally suited for this application. It is very easy to use and manage, gives quick and accurate results. All this allowed the film crew of the program to briefly and to the point answer the question posed. At the same time, the answer was so clear and understandable that both the little spectators and their parents were satisfied with it. So Sartorius, a manufacturer of analytical balances and other laboratory and metrological equipment, helped the mouse and her friends find the answer!

In the section on the question how much water is in a watermelon asked by the author Irrigate the best answer is In addition to high taste qualities Watermelon is rich in many nutrients. It consists of 90% water. Its pulp contains easily digestible fructose and glucose and, in small degree, sucrose. There are a lot of vitamins in watermelon - B1 and B2 (the same amount as in apples and grapes), folic acid (150g of watermelon contain daily requirement body in this vitamin), PP, C. Watermelon contains more potassium than any other product. In terms of iron content, watermelon is second only to lettuce and spinach. Also, its pulp contains such vital important minerals, like calcium, sodium, phosphorus.
This set of useful substances makes watermelon an effective remedy.
Combination large quantity liquid and a noticeable diuretic effect gives watermelon a unique ability to cleanse the body, removing waste and toxins from it. It quenches thirst well and restores the body after a heavy physical labor in conditions elevated temperature environment. If you are poisoned, eat only watermelon all day - and by evening you will be healthy again. In addition to this washing of the body, watermelon fiber, by cleansing the intestines, enhances its peristalsis and relieves constipation.
As a diuretic, watermelon is successfully used for edema. Watermelon is indicated for urological diseases- cystitis, pyelonephritis. Watermelon juice dissolves the salts that make up some kidney stones, and flushes stones and sand from the kidneys. It is important that watermelon fiber contains potassium, which is washed out of the body when taking other diuretics.
Contained in watermelon useful material have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. They remove excess cholesterol and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
Since the fructose and glucose contained in watermelon are easily digestible, even sick people can eat it diabetes mellitus.
Watermelon is recommended for obese people because it contains few calories. Once a week it is useful to do a watermelon fasting day, when 2 - 2.5 kg are eaten per day. watermelon pulp in equal portions every two hours. If the feeling of hunger is very strong, eat watermelon with black bread.

  • Calorie content: 30 kcal (2%).
  • Carbohydrates: 7.5 g (3%).
  • Fat: 0.2 g (0%).
  • Protein: 0.6 g (1%).
  • Fiber: 0.4 g (2%).
  • Vitamin A: 569 IU (11%).
  • Vitamin C: 8.1 mg (13%).
  • Choline: 4.1 mg.
  • Betaine: 0.3 mg.
  • : 50 mg.

The benefits of watermelon for human health

Eating watermelon helps keep the body hydrated, helps prevent cancer, reduces inflammation and oxidative stress, promotes heart health, and more. Here are the benefits of watermelon for human health:

1. Keeps the body hydrated

Water consumption - important way keep your body hydrated.

However, eating foods high in water content may also help.

Interestingly, watermelon is 92% water ().

High water content is one of the reasons fruits and vegetables help you feel long time fullness in the stomach after eating them.

Additionally, cucurbitacin E has been studied for its ability to inhibit tumor growth (,).


Several compounds in watermelon, including cucurbitacin E and lycopene, have been studied for their potential in cancer prevention.

4. Helps improve heart health

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide ().

Lifestyle factors, including diet, can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Some nutrients in watermelon are especially beneficial for heart health.

Research shows that lycopene may also help blood pressure. It may also help prevent cholesterol oxidation ().

In obese postmenopausal women and men, research suggests that lycopene may also help reduce arterial wall stiffness and thickness (,).

Watermelon also contains citrulline, an amino acid that can increase nitric oxide levels in the body. Nitric oxide helps expand blood vessels, which helps lower blood pressure ().

Other vitamins and minerals in watermelon are also good for your heart. These include vitamins A, B6, C, magnesium and potassium ().


Watermelon contains several heart-healthy compounds, including lycopene, citrulline, and several vitamins and minerals.

5. May Reduce Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

Inflammation is key factor in the development of many chronic diseases.

Watermelon may help reduce inflammation and oxidative damage because it is rich in the anti-inflammatory antioxidants lycopene and vitamin C ().

In a 2015 study, laboratory rats were given a watermelon supplement in powder form in combination with an unhealthy diet. Compared to the control group, they had lower levels of C-reactive protein (a marker of inflammation) and reduced oxidative stress ().

In more early research people were given lycopene-rich tomato juice with added vitamin C. Overall, their inflammatory markers decreased and their antioxidant levels increased. Watermelon contains both lycopene and vitamin C ().

As an antioxidant, lycopene may also promote brain health. For example, it may help delay the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease ().


Lycopene and vitamin C are anti-inflammatory antioxidants found in watermelon. Inflammation is associated with the development of many chronic diseases.

6. May Help Prevent Macular Degeneration

Found in several parts of the eye, lycopene helps protect against oxidative damage and inflammation.

It may also help prevent age-related degeneration macular spot(macular degeneration). This is a common eye problem that can cause blindness in older people ().

Lycopene's role as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound may help prevent the development of macular degeneration and the worsening of the disease.


Lycopene may help maintain eye health and protect against macular degeneration through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory functions.

7. May Help Relieve Sore Muscles

An amino acid present in watermelon called citrulline can reduce muscle pain.

I wonder what watermelon juice appears to increase the bioavailability of citrulline.

In one small study The athletes were given pure watermelon juice, watermelon juice mixed with citrulline, or a drink with citrulline. Both watermelon drinks resulted in less muscle pain and more rapid recovery heart rate compared to citrulline itself ().

The researchers also conducted an experiment examining the absorption rate of citrulline. Their results indicate that citrulline absorption is most effective when it is consumed as a component of watermelon juice.

Other studies have also looked at citrulline's potential to improve physical endurance and exercise performance. So far, citrulline has not improved exercise performance in the amounts studied, but it remains an area of ​​research interest ().


Watermelon juice has some potential as a post-workout recovery drink. Citrulline may be partially responsible for the effect of reducing muscle pain.

8. Watermelon is good for skin and hair

Vitamins A and C in watermelon are very important for skin and hair health.

Vitamin C helps your body produce collagen, a protein that keeps your skin elastic and gives your hair its strength.


Several nutrients in watermelon are good for your hair and skin. Some help maintain skin elasticity, while others protect against sunburn.

9. May Help Improve Digestion

Watermelon contains a lot of water and a small amount of fiber, which are important for proper digestion.

Fiber can provide bulk feces, while water helps move food efficiently through the digestive tract.

Eating water- and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, including watermelon, can be very beneficial for normal bowel function.


Fiber and water are important for healthy digestion. Watermelon contains both of these components.

The harm of watermelon to human health

If you consume watermelon in reasonable quantities, it should not cause serious side effects. However, if you consume large amounts of fruit daily, you may have problems with too much lycopene or potassium.

According to American Cancer Society, consuming more than 30 mg of lycopene per day may cause nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, and bloating.

People with severe hyperkalemia (too big amount blood potassium levels) should probably not consume more than 150 grams of watermelon per day, which contain more than 170 mg of potassium.

According to National Institutes of Health, hyperkalemia can lead to cardiac arrhythmias and other problems with cardiovascular system, as well as a decrease in muscle control ().

Including plenty of water-rich foods like watermelon in your diet can be tempting for those looking to lose weight because it helps you feel fuller in your stomach, which allows you to naturally reduce calorie intake.

We know that people who eat more fruits and vegetables tend to have a healthier body weight. However, nutrition experts do not recommend eating only watermelon. You will lose weight, but this mass will be mostly muscle mass. In other words, you will be able to lose weight by breaking down your own muscle mass.

Also, we should not forget about the presence of sugar in watermelons. Although this sugar is natural, watermelon contains quite a large amount of it.

5 Side Effects of Eating Watermelon

Eating watermelon can cause a number of side effects. Here's how watermelon is harmful to human health:

1. May Cause Diarrhea and Other Digestive Problems

Watermelon - great source water and good source dietary fiber. However, consumption in large quantities may cause digestive problems such as diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, gas, etc.

Another common cause of such problems is the content of lycopene, which is the carotenoid pigment that gives watermelon its bright red color.

2. May Increase Glucose Levels

If you have diabetes, your risk is greater than allowable rate Glucose consumption also increases with watermelon consumption. Eating large amounts of watermelon can increase your blood sugar levels.

Although watermelon is a healthy fruit, it has a high score of 72. If you have diabetes, you should consult your doctor before consuming it on a daily basis.

3. May increase the risk of developing liver inflammation

People who regularly drink alcohol should avoid consuming large amounts of watermelon as high level lycopene can interact with alcohol, which also causes liver inflammation. Excessive oxidative stress in the liver can be harmful.

4. May cause overhydration or water intoxication

Water intoxication, or overhydration, is a condition where your body receives excess water, resulting in hyponatremia ( low level sodium in the blood).

Consuming large quantities of watermelon can increase the water level in our body.

If excess water is not eliminated from the body, it can lead to increased blood volume, which further causes swelling in the legs, exhaustion, weakened kidney function, etc.

5. May Cause Cardiovascular Problems

Watermelon is known to contain good quantity potassium, which is a vital nutrient that plays numerous roles in maintaining a healthy body.

It keeps our heart healthy and strengthens our bones and muscles. However, too much potassium can lead to cardiovascular problems, such as cardiac arrhythmia, low frequency pulse, etc.

How much watermelon can you eat per day?

According to professional nutritionists, 100 grams of watermelon contain about 30 calories.

Considering it's mostly water, it's easy to eat even 500 grams, which means you've just eaten 150 calories.

Considering that watermelon is easy on the stomach, you can consume it in large quantities.

In addition, it contains 6 grams of sugar per 100 grams, 500 grams of watermelon will contain as much as 30 grams of sugar. Ideally, most people should get between 100 and 150 grams of sugar per day from all foods they eat.

Eating watermelon is good for your health, but consuming it in excess can be unhealthy.


  • Watermelon is a surprisingly healthy fruit. It is high in water content and also provides the body with many other important nutrients, including lycopene and vitamin C.
  • The presence of these nutrients in watermelon means that it is not only a delicious low-calorie treat, but also very useful product for Your health.
  • However, as with other foods, you should eat it in moderation as excessive consumption may lead to a number of the above side effects.

Nothing brings out summer like a big chunk of watermelon on a hot day, but do we know everything about watermelons? How much water is in a watermelon Are all watermelons round and how far can you spit them out? watermelon seed? Read on to dive deeper into amazing world watermelons!

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), a plant from the pumpkin family. The fruit of this plant - what we usually call "watermelon" - is referred to by botanists as "pepo". And “pepo” is an epigenetic berry with a dense skin and fleshy contents.

Botanists classify watermelons as berries., and most people think of them as a fruit, because they are very sweet and juicy. Also, due to the fact that watermelons are grown in vegetable gardens along with cucumbers, zucchini and pumpkins, many mistakenly perceive watermelon as a vegetable.

Experts believe that watermelon was first cultivated in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa. Archaeologists have found ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, which show the first harvest of watermelons and this happened at least 5000 years ago.

When you bite into a piece of watermelon, it immediately becomes clear why it got its name. Every A piece of watermelon contains about 92% water and 6% sugar.

Even though watermelon is basically water with sugar, it is considered very healthy snack. High content water helps quench thirst and remove toxins. Watermelon is also good source vitamin C, beta-carotene, and lycopene.

Do you know that watermelon rinds you can also eat? This is true! While many people don't like the taste, watermelon rinds are often cooked as a vegetable in China, which produces more watermelons than any other country in the world. The Chinese make stir-fries, stews, and even pickled watermelon rinds.

Watermelon in the shape of a cube

If you happen to visit Japan, you may not recognize a watermelon there at all. If you are looking for large, round watermelons, there are simply no such things on the island. Japanese farmers have developed ways to grow cube shaped watermelons. In addition to being a truly unique approach, square watermelons have proven to be much easier to stack.

Watermelon seeds as a competition attribute

Watermelon seeds are what else is interesting about it. Ask why? They became part of annual competitions. No one knows exactly who came up with such interesting seed spitting contests, but they have become a very popular part of fairs and summer holidays within the US.

And how far can he spit? Quite far! Jason Chanot of Georgetown, Texas holds the world record. In 1995, he managed to spit out a seed a record, incredible 24 meters!



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