What program on android to increase the nose. Lip shapes after augmentation - results of various techniques

A sense of style should be in everything. Nowadays, it is even possible to choose the style of the lips.

There are 6 main styles:


The classic style of lip augmentation is refined and sophisticated, its distinguishing feature- formation of five natural ingredients lips. This style is suitable for women who have lost the natural volume of the lips with age and for those who want to emphasize lips gracefully.

The happy owner of the classic lip shape is Christina Aguilera.


Lips in the style of Ruby - look juicy and voluminous. This volume of the upper and lower lips is considered maximum and looks natural. Additional volume will distort the shape of the lips, and they will not look aesthetically pleasing. The Rubina style is highly dependent on the structure of the woman's face, if the distance from the base of the nose to the chin is large enough, then this style is for you.

Juicy lips in the style of Rubina went to the singer Rihanna.

The approximate cost of the procedure is from 20,000 - 24,500 rubles.


Cupid (from English cupid) is the rarest form of lips, which has an incredible appeal. The secret of this powerful attraction is the convex relief inherent in teenage girls.

Clemence Poesy, model and actress with the rare Cupid lip shape.

The approximate cost of the procedure is from 20,000 - 26,000 rubles.


This style accentuates the lower lip. This form is the opposite of the Cupid style. The volumetric effect is achieved by focusing on two drops that form the lower lip. The Pearlique style goes well with other styles, such as the Rubina style.

Volumetric underlip and an attractive smile from Kim Kardashian.

The approximate cost of the procedure is from 20,000 - 29,500 rubles.


Hollywood style is perfect for women who want to draw attention to their lips. "Hollywood" lips are often seen in movies and commercials. This style enhances all three shapes of the upper lip, which are formed by two tapering diamonds and a bifurcated shape of the cusps of the upper lip.

Hollywood lip style Scarlett Johansson.

The approximate cost of the procedure is from 29,500 - 57,500 rubles.


The angelic shape is another way to draw attention to the upper lip. This lip shape enhances the lateral borders of the upper lip. Suitable for patients with more volume central part upper lip with narrower sides: this style lengthens and shapes upper lip similar to the shape of "angel wings".

The angelic Lana Del Rey even has angelic lips.

The approximate cost of the procedure is from 20,000 - 26,000 rubles.

The lip modeling procedure at the Platinental clinic is performed under conduction (dental) anesthesia, so the patient does not feel pain at all. And Volbella already contains lidocaine (an anesthetic that provides painless application) in its composition.

Pick up suitable shape lips or correct yours, our specialists will always help.

For questions and to book a consultation, please call:

in Moscow +7 495 723-48-38, +7 495 989-21-16,

Book an appointment online to receive a 30% discount on a consultation. Or buy a clinic certificate and pay for any procedures with a 10% discount.

Creation date: 09/17/2018 14:38:26

CamMe, Snapchat, Perfect365 and other apps along with their respective stars

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CamMe, an app that allows you to take a selfie remotely with the recognition of a clenched fist, fired our imaginations this week. TJournal decided to find out what is interesting on the market of mobile applications for creating selfies, and presented who famous people could use them.

1. CamMe

You raise your hand, clench your palm into a fist, and after three seconds the application takes a photo. In addition to just being able to take a selfie from afar, CamMe offers a photo booth mode (a series of three photos at intervals of one second) and a useless FanShot mode - inserting a face into the scenery, of which only two are free.

The 60-second video tutorial shows how the app helps a girl in a dressing room take a selfie in full height instead of taking pictures of yourself with your hand. Be that as it may, usually there is nowhere to put the phone in fitting rooms, and if you give it to someone to hold, it is easier to just ask to take a photo.

CamMe is rather buggy: it does not always detect a raised hand and “falls” after deleting two unsuccessful photos. That didn't stop him from winning the Mobile World Congress award for "Most Innovative App".

Who will appreciate: Madonna, who does not hesitate to post selfies on her Instagram with swollen eyes. It could have been worked on!

3. Pixel

Does everything the same as Facetune - retouching, skin tone smoothing, brighter eyes- just by pressing one button. True, the app's rating (2.5 stars) and numerous reviews suggest that there is no "magic button" after all: users complain that Pixtr spoils their photos rather than improves them.

Who will rate: Ivan Okhlobystin, active.

5. Front Back

Shoots both the front camera and the back camera at the same time, and then glues both photos into one shot. It is convenient when people are sitting opposite each other or when you want to show how bored you are to sit in a lesson.

For Android, there is the Dualcamera app - it does the same thing as Frontback. The name of the application hints at the fact that it is not just copied from Frontback, but also tries to impersonate it. Although the application is free, users complain about the dominance of advertising.

6.Selfie Cam

The main feature of the application is the use of the emotion recognition function for automatic descent. The creators of the application claim that it is enough to “wink or smile” for Selfie Cam to take a photo on its own, but in practice only a smile is determined.

But the application has a lot of stickers for photos (“Like?”, “So Hipsta”, “Badass”), which can find their popularity among young people.

Who will appreciate: Vladimir Putin, who cares about security so much that he does not even leave fingerprints on other people's iPhones.

9. Every day

An app for those who want to really keep track of their appearance and don't mind turning it into art. Everyday, as the name suggests, reminds the user daily to take a selfie and then lets you turn a series of photos into a short video.

App Store: $1.99 (iPhone and iPad).

Who will appreciate: Zlata Nikolaeva, journalist and PR woman, almost daily publishing their morning selfies on Instagram.

10 Shots

Application and social network for, in fact, laying out a selfie. You might think that Instagram successfully performs this function, and all other applications are not needed, but no matter how: judging by the number of likes in Shots, hundreds of thousands of people use it. In addition, there are private messages.

Perhaps it's because opinion leaders such as New York Times journalist and Twitter author Nick Bilton and TechCrunch columnist Josh Constantine have taken up Shots.

App Store: Free (iPhone and iPad).

Who will appreciate: Justin Bieber, who has a whole profile in the application with dozens of selfies.

11. Bright Camera

Portable selfie studio with huge amount filters, effects and frames bright colors. In addition to creating and processing photos from your phone, you can upload pictures from Facebook or Instagram.

This is a simple yet powerful photo editing application. You can simulate body transformations, improve your appearance for social networks or fun to change your friends. All you need to do this is drag, increase or decrease the parts of the body that you want to change. See how you would look with a different nose, chin, buttocks, less weight...

Our application has already been downloaded 10 million times from all existing platforms and has 2 unique features:

1) The distortion algorithm used gives very smooth transitions, comparable only to professional Liquify applications, which are hundreds of times more expensive.
This is a simple but powerful photo distortion App. You can use it to simulate body transformations, improve your appearance on social networks, or have fun warping people.

2) Dual view mode clones your image into the second half of the screen when you rotate the device and allows you to change it so that your finger does not cover the work area. It's perfect for small touch devices like your smartphone!

New feature: You can now save transform animations as video files!


This photo editor allows you to process all parts of the face and body:

Change the shape of the nose;
Lip augmentation
Changing the contour of the chin and face
Weight loss, liposuction
muscle gain
Operations with any parts of the body that can be changed, enlarged or reduced!

our application is suitable both for those who want to have some fun, and for those who are interested in seeing themselves with a different appearance.


Using the application is very simple even on small screens:

Import a face or full body photo from your camera or from your device's picture library. It is desirable that a person be photographed against a single-color background, with sufficient lighting so that the contours of body parts are clearly distinguishable.

Use your finger to drag, zoom in or out on the body parts you want to change. For example, you can remove a wart on your nose, enlarge your breasts, or even become slimmer.

By turning the device, you can switch from viewing one image to two and thus compare the before and after images on the same screen.

Zoom in and go to view two images to create a "mirror" working area and view it without a disturbing finger. This is a great solution for those who want to make accurate photo edits on a small screen!

Run a "morph" animation between your original and modified photo to see the transition from your old look to your new one!

Download the app right now. And you will see how you could look with a changed appearance. Everyone has the right to beauty.

One of the types of retouching portraits in Photoshop, of course, is lip augmentation models in the photo in photoshop. But at the same time the most important point when performing this technique, there is a sense of proportion, otherwise the girl's face can be very easily turned into an object of ridicule. Of course, you can apply the "Plastic" (Liquify) filter for this work. But the method of lip correction without distortion, discussed in this lesson, gives more realistic results.

The lesson was made in the Russified version of Photoshop CS3.

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Let's open the original photo.

Select the tool "Lasso" (L), set the feather radius to about 12 pixels and circle the lips and the area around them, approximately, as you see in the screenshot below.

Copy the selected area to a new layer - Ctrl+J.

Let's call the tool " free transform" (Ctrl + T). On the settings panel of this tool (at the top of the working window of Photoshop), click on the chain icon (to proportionally change the height and width), in the field "W" ("Width") enter a value of 110%, in field " Height" (" In ") the same value will be substituted automatically. Press" Enter". Please note that you need to enter exactly 110%, i.e. an increase of 10%. It is this increase that gives the most inconspicuous correction result when lip augmentation .

We get the following result - the lips became quite a bit larger, and the model began to look much better. If you are satisfied with this result, then you can stop at this step. But I don't really like that the lips have increased in length, so to do as I like, I will continue the lesson.

In the "Layers" palette, while holding down the Alt key, click on the third icon from the left and on upper layer will load black mask layer - the image will return to its original state.

Brush " (B) with default settings, brush hardness set to zero, foreground color white.

And now we brush only where we want the lips to increase. I outlined the lips from above and below, but did not touch the tips of the lips on the left and right, so as not to lengthen them.

Compare the result of the correction before and after photo editing in photoshop.

  1. Upload photos taken strictly from the front. It is in this perspective that it will be easier for you to virtually experiment with appearance.
  2. Look at the rating. How more people downloaded the program, the stronger the guarantee that it will suit you too.
  3. Read reviews. First, you will learn about the shortcomings of the application. Secondly, you will understand a little better what awaits you and whether you need to click on the "Download" button.

Do you want to make an unusual manicure yourself? We think that 1290 proposed options will be enough for you. But we warn you: this application is for those who like really non-standard solutions. And for most of them you still have to pay - an unpleasant surprise from free program. But get step by step instructions with pictures and a palette of matching shades.

If you are already familiar with the basics of nail art and successfully do your own manicure, you can get ideas for free in the application, and bring them to life, guided by personal experience.

System: iOS
Price: is free

2. Face App

This application works not only as a tool for improving appearance, but also as a time machine. With it, you can remove skin roughness, blackheads and other noticeable defects from the photo or add a smile, and also see how you will look in 30-40 years. You can also find out what you would look like if you were of the opposite sex.

System: iOS/Android
Price: is free

Perhaps everyone can touch up the regrown roots. But deciding to change the color overnight is not so easy - you need at least some guarantee that it will be to your face. You can check it like this: upload a self-portrait and select a hair zone with your finger. The more evenly you do this, the more believable the result will be. After that, you choose a color - blond, red or coffee - and adjust the saturation of the hue already on your photo.

The result is obvious and, by the way, quite realistic, and not in the form of funny pictures with an overlay effect. There is one thing: the developer offers to purchase the most popular shades for a small fee. It makes sense to bring it in if a rich imagination is not your forte.

System: iOS/Android
Price: is free

Read also How to choose the eye cream that's right for you

Think you can't fix makeup in a photo? But it's not: it's mobile app works better professional makeup artist. Feel free to upload a photo, arrange “key points” (eyes, lips, facial contours - so that the program recognizes them) and see what happens next. There are 29 ready-made make-up options, and each has already been selected shades of shadows, blush and lipstick.

If you want to work with a separate zone, open the Skin tab: remove dark circles under the eyes, imperfections on the skin, brighten the tone of the face and add blush. Or Eyes - here you can change the color of the eyes, use shadows or eyeliner (the shade and its intensity are adjustable). The mood requires bright lipstick - click on Mouth, and at the same time whiten your teeth or slightly lift the corners of your lips if you forgot to smile. True, for a photo in a new image in good quality the program will ask you to pay, but the non-printable version can be saved for nothing.

System: iOS/Android
Price: is free

The Consumer Protection Act and this app are on your side. Before carrying a cosmetic product to the checkout, scan the barcode. The program will immediately check the contents of the tube for carcinogenicity, toxicity and allergenicity (on a scale from 0 to 10). It will also display full list ingredients in the composition - this is for those who are too lazy to read the fine print on the packaging.

As a result, the smart gadget will issue a verdict on the selected tool: red - the system does not recommend using the product, yellow - the quality is so-so, green - what you need. Are you shopping in an online store? Enter the first 3 letters of the name of the product in English into the search, and the application will find its “personal file” in its database. True, while it is not very wide.

System: iOS/Android
Price: is free



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