How to properly instill drops in the eyes according to the instructions. Algorithm for instilling drops into the eyes: step by step instructions

There are many drugs on the modern drug market for the treatment and prevention of eye diseases. For the health of the organs of vision, ophthalmologists recommend the use of drops with vitamins and vitamin complexes in capsules and tablets. However, vitamins should be ingested not only as part of preparations, but also with food. Normalization of the diet and daily regimen, as well as performing useful exercises for the eyes, are an important link in the treatment and prevention of pathologies of the organs of vision.

Vitamin drops in the eyes with myopia: how to choose?

To date, there is a huge selection of eye drops, which are used both for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. You should not constantly use vitamin drops, even if thanks to them you felt a significant improvement in your condition. This drug is used in courses, between which you just need to take a break.

Drops such as Sankatalin and Quinax help to restore and activate metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye and slow down the development of cataracts, regardless of whether it was caused by diabetes, trauma or aging. Vitafakol, Katahrom and Oftan Katahrom drops will also help restore the lens of the eye and prevent the development of cataracts.

Many experts prescribe Taufon drops to patients with cataracts and the risk of its development. However, this drug is not intended for the treatment of this pathology. To a greater extent, it is indicated for people with impaired visual functions, myopia and hyperopia. And also for those who work in the evening under artificial lighting.

Ophthalmologists recommend the use of special anti-allergic drops for people suffering from allergic-type eye diseases. A powerful effect that lasts for for a long time, possess drops "Claritin" and "Octilia". They were developed specifically for the treatment of eye allergies. A less rapid, but strong anti-allergic effect is given by Lacrisifin and Prenacid drops.

Also, for allergies, it is recommended to use additional fortified preparations, such as Optikrom, Ifiral and High Krom. These medications should be started 2-4 weeks before the expected exposure to allergens. Most allergy sufferers know when the flowering of certain dangerous plants begins, and prepare for this in advance, starting to take antihistamines. This helps to prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms of the disease. If the allergy has already manifested itself, use Alomid - it gives a quick effect.

Eye drops with vitamins are prescribed:

  • In the presence of myopia or hyperopia and a high risk of their development in the future.
  • People over 40 years of age. At this time, in the vessels of the whole body develop pathological changes. Eye drops with vitamins strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help prevent age-related diseases.
  • Women who have mild to severe varicose veins. People with a disease such as varicose veins are at risk for the development of retinal pathologies. The vessels of the retina are prone to the formation of blood clots in them, which is dangerous for the function of the eye.
  • In the presence of glaucoma and cataracts, vitamin drops are included in the mandatory list of drugs for treatment. They help slow down the progression of these severe and dangerous eye pathologies. Such drops are especially effective in the early stages of cataracts and glaucoma. People who are at risk of such diseases are also recommended to take courses of vitamin drops.
  • With diabetes, it is necessary to carry out the prevention of eye diseases. It leads to degenerative changes in blood vessels throughout the body, including in the retina.

How to put eye dropsRight?

Wash your hands thoroughly before using the drops to avoid infection in your eyes. For convenience, you can bury the drops, looking in the mirror. This will help control your movements and prevent injury. The position of the body can be any, the main thing is that you feel comfortable.

Tilt your head back, pull down the lower eyelid. There should be a skin fold between the eye and the eyelid. It is undesirable to delay the eyelid too much, because the drops may leak out. Take the bottle of drops in your other hand.

Look up, while keeping the bottle of drops in sight. Bring the drug dispenser close to the eye, but not too close, otherwise it may be injured. Then drip 1 or 2 drops between the eyelid and the eyeball.

If you feel that the drops have got on your eyelid, do not drip any more - exceeding the dose indicated in the instructions is harmful. If the product spilled out of the eye, the procedure must be repeated.

After you have dripped the drops, close your eye and lightly press your fingers on the inner corner. This is done so that the medicine enters in full, and does not spill into the nasal cavity.

If you instill 2 or more types of drops, you need to take a break of 15-20 minutes between procedures.

Contact lenses are allowed to be worn 20 minutes after instillation of drops.

You can put a therapeutic ointment in the eye after 15 minutes.

Quinax eye drops: indications for use

Quinax drops are good for cataracts and contribute to its prevention in people at risk. The active substance - azapentacene - prevents the oxidation of proteins and their transformation into opaque forms. The main indications for the use of these drops are various types of cataracts: traumatic, senile, congenital and secondary. The dosage is 1-2 drops in each eye. Quinax should be instilled 3 to 5 times a day. The drug has no side effects. It is absolutely safe and suitable even for women during pregnancy and lactation and for small children. But before using it, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Taufon eye drops: description

Vitamin eye drops Taufon are prescribed for pathological changes in the retina, corneal injuries and degenerative changes in the structures of the eye. They are also indicated for the treatment of cataracts. The drug improves energy processes and stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues, normalizes the functions of eye cell membranes and restores the normal balance of ions in their cytoplasm.

It is recommended to instill 1-2 drops in each eye, 3-4 times a day. The average duration of the treatment course is 3 months, but it can be extended according to indications. An allergic reaction may develop on the drug, other side effects were not found.

If you have problems with your eyesight, do not self-medicate, but seek help from an ophthalmologist. He will conduct an examination and prescribe those medications that are right for you. Remember that your health and the health of your eyes depends, most often, not so much on medications, but on the lifestyle you lead. Proper nutrition, occupational hygiene, moderate exercise and the rejection of bad habits will help you maintain excellent vision for many years.

Eye drops must be able to instill. A strange statement, at first glance! It would seem that here you can do wrong? He pulled his eyelid, squeezed out a drop - that's it! Nevertheless, it is necessary not only to keep the medicine in the right place, but also not to get a surprise in the form of a side effect. And in order for the effect to be curative, you should know a few simple rules.

If any eye drops are instilled incorrectly, whether they are eye drops for fatigue and redness or drops for glaucoma, the medicine may end up in the lacrimal canal (the corner of the eye near the nose), then in the sinuses, where it will be absorbed into the blood. You need to know that eye drops, especially daily ones, which are prescribed when they enter the bloodstream, can cause side effects: this is asthma, a decrease (increase) in blood pressure, and heart rhythm disturbances, and even depression.

The correct technique for instillation of drops

So how to bury the drops in order to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect?

You must adhere to the following procedure:

- tilt your head back

- gently pulling the lower eyelid, look up;

- Slowly, squeeze out a drop, trying to get it exactly between the eyeball and the eyelid;

- the eyelid can be released;

- you need to close your eyes, press the corner near the nose with your finger and wait a couple of minutes.

With this method of instillation, the drug is prevented from entering the nasal paranasal sinuses.

1. Before and after instillation, you should always wash your hands.

3. If several types of drops are prescribed, the interval between instillations should be clarified with the doctor.

4. Do not touch the tip of the bubble! At the end of the procedure, immediately close the vial with a lid.

Special cases of eye drops

If your hands are shaking, you can ask relatives or neighbors to drip medicine, or use special devices.

When using contact lenses, you should ask your doctor if you can leave the lenses during instillation.

Treatment of any disease requires a balanced and serious approach. If the patient follows the recommendations of doctors, then the result will be significant and fast. They say that you need to properly perform injections, observing the rules of asepsis, the time and place of the injection, the dosage of the medicine, the order in which the medicines are administered and the interval between injections. Then the medicine will act quickly and correctly. But it's not just about injections.

With the eyes, the situation is even more serious, because in this case there is direct contact with the site of the pathological process. And if we are dealing with infectious diseases, then there is direct contact with the affected part of the organ of vision. Therefore, it is necessary to properly instill eye drops in order for the treatment to lead to the desired result.

Of course, the dosage of the drug, as well as the treatment program, is chosen by the doctor. In no case should one instill unknown drugs into the eye, and especially those that are prescribed to oneself according to one's own diagnosis. Self-medication can be extremely dangerous. In most cases, it leads to very serious violations of the functioning of the eye, unforeseen consequences, and even a decrease in visual acuity, which subsequently may not be restored at all. Therefore, it is extremely important to listen to what the doctor says and follow the instructions of specialists.

Eye drops

Usually in the package of eye drops there is always a special pipette that prevents the medicine from pouring out in one moment. Bury the solution one drop at a time. Even if you need to instill three drops, this is done at an interval that is necessary in order to clearly observe the dosage.

Of course, it is best to have another person instill the medicine. This will allow your eyes to relax, which will greatly improve their perception of the drug. Some people feel fear of being manipulated and reflexively squeeze. Of course, in this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to drip eyes. And here it would be reasonable to perform the manipulation on oneself, using the instructions that doctors recommend for self-instillation. So, let's see what needs to be done and in what order.

Step-by-step instructions for self-instillation of drops in the eyes

Drops in the eye should be instilled in the following sequence:

  • Preparing for manipulation. First you need to prepare the drops, that is, read the instructions for dosage and opening the vial. You should also prepare a clean, natural cloth napkin if you need to blot your eyes. Then you need to wash your hands thoroughly. It is the hands that are the dirtiest parts of the limbs that can come into contact with the organ of vision. Therefore, you do not need to laugh it off, as it sometimes happens, but you should take hand hygiene seriously. Hands should be washed with soap under running water. If for some reason this cannot be done, then they must be treated with an antiseptic solution. But it must be remembered that antiseptics are chemicals. If they are not wiped off the surface of the hands immediately, or if the alcohol is not allowed to evaporate, then serious damage to the eyes can occur. Therefore, such things must be remembered and carried out.
  • A very important point in the process of opening a bottle of eye drops is autonomy. In no case should the bottle be placed on different surfaces, except perhaps only on a sterile bandage or cotton wool. But, in general, it is best that it does not touch anything, including the century. It is important to keep the required distance. It will be best if the medicine bottle is kept at a distance of three to five centimeters from the eyeball. This allows the drops to fall directly into the eyes without causing discomfort.
  • The position of the patient plays an important role. Doctors recommend taking a comfortable position during manipulation. This can be in a lying, standing or sitting position. As a rule, if a person is at work, then he simply does not have the opportunity to lie down. In this case, you need to sit on a chair, lean back on its back and throw your head back.
  • After the bottle is prepared, it must be opened and brought to the eyes. Once again, pay attention to the fact that in no case should the bottle or hands touch the eyeball.
  • At the time of instillation, the gaze should be directed upwards. This ensures that the medicine enters the conjunctival sac correctly, and there will be no fear.
  • At the next stage, with one hand, you need to slightly pull down the lower eyelid, without touching the area that is adjacent to the mucosa.
  • The drug solution can then be instilled into the conjunctival sac. If you press the pipette of the bottle once, then one drop will appear. The droppers on the bottles of most medicines work exactly according to this principle.
  • After the medicine has got into the eye, the eyelids should not be squeezed. This can lead to the fact that the fluid will flow out of the conjunctival sac and does not affect the pathological focus. It is necessary to cover the eyelids and sit like this for several minutes until the medicine is distributed over the entire surface of the eyeball.

special instructions

If the doctor has prescribed this manipulation for both eyes, then it must be performed alternately on each eye so that the drug is evenly distributed over the eyeball and begins to act. And if the ophthalmologist has prescribed several types of drops, then they should be instilled with an interval of ten minutes. It is very important to follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor.

For some drops, neither a pipette nor a dispenser is provided. This problem can also be solved. First of all, the pipette can be bought separately at the pharmacy. But if it suddenly does not appear, take a small disposable sterile syringe with a capacity of one milliliter. Open the vial and use the needle attached to the syringe to draw up the required amount of solution. After that, remove the needle from the syringe and gently drip into the eyes. The medicine can be left in the syringe for a short time. You can close it with the same sterile needle in the cap. Try to collect a little solution of the drug for instillation so that its main part remains in the original vial. Thus, timely eye treatment can be obtained even in an extraordinary case.

When instilling drops in the eyes, it is very important to observe hand hygiene. They must be thoroughly washed, treated with an antiseptic solution. It is desirable that the gas was buried by someone from the side. Doing it yourself is not very convenient. Well, otherwise there are no problems with instillation of the eyes.

All of us have been taught since childhood, and we, in turn, teach our children not to be afraid of doctors. We explain and inspire that it is better to immediately go to the clinic than to wait for complications of even the most harmless disease. But as a result, we ourselves act as God puts on our souls, that is, not at all according to our own advice. And it would not hurt to teach children, and to learn at least simple, but necessary manipulations themselves. For example, put drops in your eyes yourself, give an injection, wash the wound. These skills can come in handy unexpectedly when there is simply no doctor nearby. And then, you won’t run to the nurse every time to drip yourself eye drops!

Although it is the drops and all the procedures associated with the eyes that are tolerated by many people worse than other, even more complex manipulations. Some would prefer to pull the tooth themselves instead of putting eye drops in their own eyes. But, unfortunately, these and all other medical procedures are not interchangeable. And in order to get rid of the symptoms of the disease and the need to instill eye drops as soon as possible, you just need to learn how to put drops in your eyes simply and quickly, and put them into practice. And we will show you how to do it, and we promise that it will not hurt.

When should eye drops be used?
Eye drops is a collective term for many preparations in liquid form intended for the external treatment and prevention of eye diseases. In some cases, instilling drops in the eyes is more effective than drinking and swallowing pills. The dose of the drug is calculated so that some of the drops will fall on the mucous membrane and be held by the eye, some will be absorbed into the circulatory system through the nasopharynx, and some will simply spill out. Therefore, it is important to follow the eye instillation schedule and avoid large deviations from it. This is especially important for patients with glaucoma, those with acute glaucoma and/or those recovering from eye surgery.

As a rule, eye drops are prescribed in such cases:

  • Blepharitis (scaly or ulcerative). Before instilling drops in the eyes on oneself or with medical help, it is necessary to clean the eyelids from crusts and / or soak them with a weak boron solution.
  • Dacryocystitis. The eyes are connected with the nasal cavity by the nasolacrimal canal, so inflammation of the internal respiratory mucosa often leads to inflammation of the lacrimal sacs. In this case, it is effective to instill drops in the eyes that also fall on the mucous membranes of the sinuses.
  • Conjunctivitis. For its treatment, drops are instilled into the eyes not only for medicinal effects, but also for washing the mucosa.
Diseases of the organs of vision require very careful treatment and the ability to instill eye drops. But this does not mean that artificial tears or other moisturizing drops, relatively simple in composition and familiar to many, can be dripped into the eyes at random. The only question is to whom and how it is more convenient to do it.

Self-administration of eye drops: pros and cons
Do you remember the joke from Crocodile magazine: the announcement on the door of the ophthalmologist's office: "All patients should be buried at 7 am!"? In fact, this is only funny to us, patients and non-professionals of medicine. Because doctors know how the eye works, and understand how easy it is to harm if careless handling. Judge for yourself:

  • Eye drops, or rather, the medicinal substances contained in them, are absorbed directly into the blood through the mucous membrane of the eyes. The effect of such treatment on the body can be compared with an intravenous injection.
  • Infections easily enter the body through the eyes, especially if the mucous membrane is inflamed. It is forbidden to rub your eyes with your hands, touch them with your fingers and / or a pipette with drops.
  • Microorganisms, including potentially pathogenic ones, are always present on eyelashes. Therefore, it is especially important to avoid contact of the pipette with the eyelashes.
  • Eye drops, like the moist environment of the mucous membrane of the eyes, are a beneficial and nutrient medium for the development of microorganisms. If sterility is not observed during eye instillation, you can not cure, but harm your health with eye drops.
  • With inept handling of eye drops, you can transfer the infection from one eye to the second, healthy one.
Thus, the desire to put drops in the eyes yourself can turn into big problems. To avoid them, be vigilant about even the little things that may seem insignificant in other cases, but are extremely important when handling medicines: conditions of storage, use and safety.

How to bury drops in your own eyes
Suppose you do not have the opportunity to visit a doctor in order to put drops in your eyes, twice or thrice a day. This is not a reason to break the treatment regimen! You will have to learn how to administer eye drops on your own:

  1. Remove the dropper bottle or ampoule of medicine from the refrigerator in advance so that the drops have time to reach room temperature.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly and try not to touch anything until you have finished applying the eye drops.
  3. You can bury drops in your eyes while lying on your back or sitting with your head thrown back. Instilling eye drops while standing is uncomfortable, your position will be too unstable.
  4. Take the dropper or drop bottle with your right hand. With the fingers of your left hand, pull the lower eyelid down, holding it by the skin below the moving part.
  5. Direct your gaze straight up and try to fix it so that the eyeball remains motionless for at least a few seconds, during which you need to have time to drip drops into the eye. The most convenient way to achieve this is to look at some point or object on the ceiling.
  6. Place your hand with the pipette directly over the eyeball. Hold the pipette in your field of vision, but do not focus on it.
  7. Squeeze 1 or 2 drops (according to the doctor's prescription or instructions for the drug) so that the liquid gets on the inside of the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. Even better, if the liquid gets into the gap between the lower eyelid and the eyeball.
  8. As soon as possible after getting the drops in the eye, press the lower eyelid in the inner corner of the eye with the pad of a clean finger. This will keep drops in the eyes and prevent the drug from flowing into the nasolacrimal canal and nasopharynx.
  9. Do not lower your head and do not get up for at least a couple of minutes so that some of the drops do not flow onto your face and clothes.
  10. In the other eye, instill drops in the same way. After 3 minutes, you can get up, wipe the excess drops from your cheeks and try not to touch the area around the eyes with your hands.
Subject to all these rules, the effectiveness of the drug will be maximum. Also note that most eye drops should be stored at a low temperature. Do not leave them out of the refrigerator and do not be lazy to warm them up before each use. If the conditions and / or terms of storage of eye drops have been violated, in no case bury the drops and take a new package of medicine.

How to put drops in your child's eyes
It's no secret for parents that children really don't like going to the doctor. Sometimes it is easier to administer eye drops to a baby than to persuade him to go to the ophthalmologist's office. Here's how to put drops in your child's eyes quickly and painlessly (for him and for you):

  1. To prevent the child from moving his head, even involuntarily, it is better to instill eye drops when he is lying on his back, and not sitting. In this case, the head will be thrown back naturally.
  2. Preparation of hands and preparation is exactly the same as in the previous section. The temperature of the preparation and the hygiene of all devices in contact with it are important.
  3. Ask the child to look up (at a chandelier, a pattern on the wallpaper, or just at the ceiling), pull back the lower eyelid and squeeze 2-3 drops of medicine onto the mucous membrane or eyeball.
  4. Do not touch eyelashes or skin with the pipette. Children's eyes are small, and this is more difficult to do, but necessary to maintain sterility.
  5. The smaller the child, the more difficult it is to put drops in his eyes. Your task is to have time to inject the drug at the moment when you see the mucous membrane of the retracted lower eyelid. Even if some of the drops flow out, the required amount will be delayed by the eyelid, which has returned to its original position.
  6. Try to keep the child in a horizontal position so that he does not get up immediately after the procedure.
A standard pipette forms drops of about 25 µl (microliters), and the adult eye can hold no more than 15 µl of liquid. This means that eye drops fall on the mucosa in excess, or rather, with a margin that ensures that the required volume of the drug enters even if it partially leaks out.

How to self-administer eye drops
Instilling eye drops for yourself or even a child is not as difficult as following all the many medical prescriptions related to eye treatment. But if they are not observed, burying drops in the eyes is useless, and sometimes harmful. Remember the following:

  • A break in the instillation of eye drops as part of the course of treatment is highly undesirable. The maximum deviation from the procedure time is about 1 hour. This does not apply only to moisturizing eye drops, which are not used for intensive care, but to relieve tension and dry eyes.
  • If for some reason you missed the time to put your eye drops, do not double the dose of the medicine at the next procedure.
  • Do not bury yourself in eye drops prescribed for another person, even if the symptoms of the disease seem very similar to you!
If you instill drops in the eyes of yourself or another person ineptly, then you can nullify their entire therapeutic effect. And in the worst case - even harm, aggravating the course of the disease. For those who wear contact lenses, drops should be instilled into the eyes 15-20 minutes before putting on the lenses (for therapeutic drops) or directly with the lenses (for moisturizing drops).

After you have instilled eye drops, do not perform any other eye procedures for 20 minutes. This applies to washing, laying ointment and / or instillation of another eye preparation. And be sure to follow the order if, according to the prescription, you need to drip different drops into your eyes. Thus, it may not be very convenient to instill drops into the eyes yourself, but quickly and safely. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Eye drops are in the medicine cabinet of almost every one of us. It is not at all necessary to have vision problems in order to resort to the use of drops, some drugs simply relieve eye fatigue.

Some bottles with drops are equipped with cartridges, others with a pipette, it is possible that tomorrow a new invention will appear. Each one needs to be adjusted. Whatever it was, regardless of the purpose and form of release of drops, before using them, you must definitely read the instructions.


The procedure for instillation of the eyes must be performed correctly; health and visual acuity in the future depend on the quality of the work done.

Eye instillation rules

Of course, an ophthalmologist will tell you the best about how to properly instill drops in your eyes. However, there are a few general rules, following which you can achieve the desired therapeutic effect, while not harming your health and not provoking other eye diseases.


Wash and dry your hands thoroughly before picking up the vial. Bacteria on the hands with careless movements can easily get on the mucous membrane of the eye and cause inflammation.


It is advisable to bury the drops in front of a mirror or using a pocket mirror. This will help avoid injury during handling of the vial.

body position

Before instillation, you need to take the correct position of the body. It is best to sit on a chair and tilt your head back as much as possible so that the plane of the face and the floor are parallel to each other.


With a clean hand, take a bottle of drops, with the index finger of the second hand, pull the lower eyelid down until a deep fold forms between it and the eyeball. Look away and send a few drops into this crease. Do not rush to release the eyelid, hold it for a few more seconds in order to allow the medicine to reach the fundus.


The eyelid can be released, after which you blink rhythmically for 5-10 seconds. Due to this, unused drug residues will completely merge with the mucosa. Wipe the skin of the eyelids with a clean handkerchief and that's it - the procedure is over.


The presented instructions can also be used when instilling drops in small children. Only in this case, the procedure is performed by caring parents. Of course, instillation of eyes will bring little joy to the kids, but nothing can be done, you need to be patient. Children's eye diseases need to be treated urgently so as not to ruin the child's future.

How to instill eye drops

Drops for animals

Many people know that some drops for people can also be used to treat our smaller brothers. After all, they also often have various visual impairments. The question of "how to drip the eyes of a cat or dog" is of particular interest to pet breeders.

If you look, the above mentioned instructions are also relevant for our four-legged friends. There is only one difference: you need to perform the procedure in pairs, that is, one person digs in, and the second one holds the animal. There is nothing complicated here, no problems should arise.

How to put drops in the eyes of a cat?


Eye instillation is an important procedure that must be properly performed. The health of your visual organs and the effectiveness of the treatment of the disease that has arisen directly depend on this. Therefore, it is necessary to treat this issue with special responsibility.



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