How to draw a collie dog with a pencil step by step. How to draw an adorable dog with a simple pencil

Probably, since the advent of "Carlson" Lindgren, all parents know exactly what is needed for the happiness of the whole family. Dog for kids! It is for this reason that a year ago we had a sandy-gold lump, a Rhodesian Ridgeback, which was named Gray. This miracle quickly became a member of the family and everyone's favorite. And that is why, when we decided to learn how to draw a dog with a pencil, the choice fell on the representative of this breed.

The history of the appearance of the "portrait" of Gray

For a week we “ran” after our dog, recalling “Prostokvashino” with a more than prophetic statement about our case: “I ran after her for half a day to take pictures!” But we never got a good photo. Our tomboy managed to successfully avoid imprinting. That tail, then his nose all the time turned out to be closer to the lens. Having suffered, we went another, simpler way. It turned out that finding a suitable photo on the Internet, similar to our Gray dog, is easy. It is for him that we can draw a dog in stages.

But while we were looking for "Gray", my child and I saw that the choice of potential models is huge. We could draw a husky with a pencil in stages, or a German shepherd, or even a husky. All of these are beautiful, graceful and intelligent dogs. Each of the representatives of their breed has characteristic features that are unique to them, but there are also personal qualities and features common to all dogs, for which we love them so much and value their friendship. For example, loyalty and the ability to rejoice at the owner, obedience and frankness (they cannot hide their emotions at all).

Already at the initial stages of working on a drawing of a dog, when we just examined the varieties of these pets, we learned that they also differ in temperament, for example, there are choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic, we got carried away. We wanted to learn how to draw not just an animal with four paws, ears and a tail, but also learn how to draw kind and grinning dogs, we wanted to try to draw a spaniel, a dachshund or a shepherd dog in stages with a pencil. But it will be later. In the meantime, our "test of the pen." Today we will show the dog in pencil in stages, and it will be our one-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback. We took him as a model.

Work plan

It turned out to be not at all difficult to draw a dog with a pencil in stages, if you move exactly according to the plan. What does it include:
  • Training;
  • Image of the paws and body of the animal;
  • Work on the muzzle of our pet;
  • Picture formatting.
The step-by-step work plan is clear and simple, it helps even people and children inexperienced in art to quickly master the technique of depicting dogs.

Step by step image of a dog

Stage 1. Preparation

It includes, first of all, the organization of the workplace.

Learning to draw, starting with auxiliary lines. We make two ovals that only touch each other. Required: the upper oval is almost 2 times smaller in size than the lower one. And it looks more like an uneven circle.

Even for beginners, this stage will not be difficult, and even a child will cope with it. But in the future, it would be nice if parents helped their baby in step-by-step drawing.

Stage 2. Image of the paws and body of the animal

How to draw paws for a dog? To do this, draw lines down from the lower oval, at the end of which there will be soft pads. The front paws are fully visible, we make them in their entire length, taking into account the proportions. Back - only one is visible, and since it is bent, we depict its upper part as an egg-shaped figure along the lower right side of the oval. And already a small part of the dog's paw comes from it.

Draw the dog's neck with two curved lines. On the left side, we make the body a little larger.

We make a small circle at the bottom of the upper oval, which will also go to the lower one.

Stage 3. Work on the muzzle of our pet

How to correctly complete all the details of the head? To do this, we divide the upper oval with two arcuate lines, horizontal and vertical, into 4 parts.

On the one that runs horizontally, the eyes will be located.

The drawn small circle is also divided in half by a vertical line. In the middle of it will be located the nose of the dog.

On the sides of the muzzle we make hanging ears characteristic of the Rhodesian Ridgeback.

We depict the eyes, we perform the nose of the animal more accurately.

Stage 4. Designing the picture

We have mastered the basic principles that help us understand how to draw. There are nuances left that will make our picture look like the original. Namely, we perform “fingers” on the paws, do not forget about the tail.

We remove all unnecessary lines. We provide the necessary details.

Outline each part of the picture with the desired color. Do not forget that the Rhodesian Ridgeback, although a smooth-haired breed, still has tiny hairs.

Now, having selected the desired color, decorate the picture. Our Gray appears before us.

This picture is quite simple. Having already mastered a little, you can try more complex models, for example, figure out how to draw husky dog or some other breed. Good luck with this!

Drawing a Scottish Shepherd (collie) with watercolors and colored pencils in stages with a photo

Master class on drawing a Scottish Shepherd (collie) with watercolors and colored pencils step by step with a photo.

Gorbova Nadezhda Yuryevna, teacher of MBOU DOD "Children's School of Arts" of the Yaransky district of the Kirov region, the city of Yaransk.
Description: this master class shows the step-by-step drawing of a Scottish shepherd (collie) with watercolors and colored pencils.
Purpose: the master class is intended for fine art teachers, teachers of additional education, parents and children from 7 years old who want to make beautiful work for an exhibition, interior decoration or just for a gift.
Target: Drawing a Scottish Sheepdog in watercolor and colored pencils.
- consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities of drawing an animal;
- further improvement of skills in watercolor and colored pencils;
- fixing the skills of arranging an animal on a sheet of paper;
- consolidation of skills in color science;
- fostering love for animals;
- development of accuracy, attentiveness;

Materials: pencil, eraser, watercolor, colored pencils, a sheet of A4 watercolor paper, squirrel brushes No. 2.5, white gouache, a rag, a jar of water.

The history of the Collie or Scottish Shepherd is replete with reliable facts, and at the same time, it has not been possible to find out for certain the origin of this dog so far.
The first mention of the Scottish Sheepdog dates back to the 14th century and belongs to the poet J. Chaucer. Then representatives of this breed were described in the books "English Dogs", "History of Quadrupeds" and in the "British Encyclopedia of Dogs". Everywhere they talk about the collie as a herding breed with a long black coat.

or black and white.
The origin of the collie has at least two opposite versions. According to one of them, Roman legionnaires brought the ancestors of collies to Northern Europe, according to another, in Britain by that time their own shepherd dogs already existed. Most likely, the Old English Sheepdogs, and the dogs of the conquerors and resettled peoples were involved in the formation of the breed.
Shepherd dogs were especially common in the Highlands - the mountainous region between England and Scotland. An interesting difference between collies and other herding dogs - the lack of aggression - is explained by the fact that wolves in the British Isles were exterminated long ago. Therefore, the main task of the collie was the ability to graze the sheep so that they would not stray from the flock.
This skill is so entrenched in the breed that even modern collies really do not like it when people walking with them move away from each other. According to their concepts, everyone should go together in a “flock”, and they are vigilantly watching this, barking everyone together.

Interestingly, the first popularizer of the breed was the English Queen Victoria. She noticed herding dogs in 1860 and brought them to Windsor Castle. From this point on, the formation of the collie as a companion dog can be traced. For this purpose, the most spectacular representatives with thick hair were selected. Dogs that continued to be used as herders were called border collies.
The collie breed was first presented at an exhibition in 1860, and 21 years later an official breed standard was issued. The first collies were black and black and white, and only thanks to purposeful breeding work did a variety of colors appear: red, sable and marble. The first collies were distinguished by a rougher physique and head structure. Modern elegance comes from the addition of Russian Borzoi blood.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, collies became popular dogs in other countries: they were taken to the USA, Russia, Australia and New Zealand. At the same time, breed clubs were created in the USA and Europe, actively engaged in breeding work, and in Australia, the collie was mainly used as a shepherd in sheep farms. In Russia, and later in the Soviet Union, collies gained immense popularity as working dogs, they participated in hostilities during the Russo-Japanese War as orderlies. During the Great Patriotic War, collies delivered secret messages and searched for mines.
Collie General
During the war years, Collie Dick helped discover 12,000 mines, including a huge land mine under the Pavlovsk Palace in Leningrad. He was wounded three times, lived to old age and was buried with military honors.
Cheerful disposition and good heart
Versatile abilities are explained by the nature of the Scottish Shepherd. These good-natured dogs are devoted to their owner and adapt to his lifestyle. With athletes, they become active participants in competitions and frisky runners. With them you can participate in various active sports. In families with children, collies take on the functions of a caring nanny, a cheerful friend and protector for children. For people leading a calm lifestyle, they become excellent walking companions and quick-witted friends.
Collies try to avoid conflicts with strangers and other animals, but if necessary, they can give a worthy rebuff to the enemy. Modern collies show excellent guard, search and herding abilities, they are an excellent companion for humans. After a special training course, they become professional guides for the blind.
Collies have an active temperament, they are always ready to play and run, they react vividly to everything that happens around, they are inquisitive, they are smart, quick-witted, easy to train and have an excellent memory. The breed also became famous thanks to acting talent.
Who played the role of Lassie.
The famous film about Lassie, based on the book by Eric Knight, created the image of a smart and devoted dog in the hearts of millions of people. Collie boys have always played the female role of Lassie. The first of them was called Pel, which translates as friend. In subsequent adaptations of Lassie, of which there are only 11, the descendants of Pal were filmed.

1. Draw a large drop on the left side of the sheet.

2. Then we attach a semi-oval (dog's body) to the drop on the right.

3. In the upper part of the large drop, draw a smaller one, this is the muzzle of a collie.

4. We draw the ears (the upper part of the ear is hanging in the collie). We draw a nose and a mouth.

5. We draw eyes in the form of drops in a horizontal position, eyebrows above them.

6. Paint over the muzzle, part of the mane on the sides and torso with yellow and red ocher.

7. We paint over the ears, the upper part of the head and the eyes with a brown color. Nose is black.

Wow, wow-better! This is already part 4 of the drawing lesson "How to draw dogs" (!) I hope it won't reach the fifth;)

Step 1.

As always, we start with the first step. First draw 2 circles. In the circle for the head, draw a diagram as shown in the picture. Next, you can sketch out the shells of the front and hind legs.

Step 2

We start drawing with the dog's ears and make big eyes. Add a small nose and draw a wrinkled neck. Adding relief to the legs.

Step 3

Now our drawing looks like a dog. We form the jaw and tongue. Add lines in the form of wrinkles on the neck and around the ears. We also draw paws.

Step 4

Now we detail the face of our dog. Add lines on the chest, and don't forget to add the legs on the paws. When you're done, you can clear our drawing of all unnecessary lines.

Step 5

I hope you have the same funny dog ​​as me. Now you can paint your dog. Thank you for learning with us.

Step 1.

Today we will learn how to draw an adorable chihuahua. First draw the middle circle for the head shape, then add the drawing and draw out the shape for the ears. We draw two lines for the neck. Now draw the egg shape for the body and then add the shapes for the limbs.

Step 2

We start by drawing out the shape of the ears, and now we will make two small arches for lining the eyes. Next sketch out the shape of the nose and then we can move down to sketch out the legs and paws of our dog.

Step 3

We finish drawing the shape of the eyes. After that, add the nostrils, and then outline the shape of the mouth and neck that will go down. Now we sketch out the legs and stomach, and also do not forget about the claws on the paws.

Step 4

We begin to draw big ears, then move on to the face, add a forehead, outline the features of the nose, chin, cheeks and eyes. Add lines on the chest, paws and nails. And finally, we finish drawing our dog's tail.

Step 6

When you are done your chihuahua should look like the picture. Well, now you can draw our dog, as you like. Here we have a funny dog.

Step 1.

Let's start by drawing three circles for the head, chest and hips. Then let's add guidelines for the dog's face, as you see in our example. After we draw a line for the front paws.

Step 2

We begin to draw the back of the dog and draw the lines of the front and hind legs. Let's move on to drawing the dog's head. To do this, draw long hanging ears, and then draw the front of the muzzle, as you see in our sketch.

Step 3

At the end of this step, you will see that your dog begins to take on real forms. In this step we continue to draw the real contours of the dog, for this we draw lines from the head along the back and along the chest of the dog with tooth-like lines. As you can see, this dog breed has a voluminous coat and this should definitely be taken into account in the drawing process. Then in the head area we draw the dog's nose, eyes and a long hanging tongue.

Step 4

In this step, we will pay special attention to drawing Bernard's fur, for this, with tooth-like lines, we draw more voluminous areas of wool in the back and hips.

Step 5

This is our last drawing step, and in my opinion this is the easiest step in our drawing process. In it, all we need to do is draw the tail and add more voluminous areas of fur in the area of ​​the dog's head. Then we will draw a vertical line along the dog's tongue and move on to erasing all the auxiliary lines that came in handy in the drawing process.

Step 6

This is what your St. Bernard should look like if you did everything right! Agree, drawing with us is quite fast and easy. And that's all for me. I wish you success and look forward to seeing you again on our website. See you!

Step 1.

Let's start by drawing two circles, one inside the other. Then in the inner circle draw a sketch of the dog's head, as you see in our example.

Step 2

We draw guide lines in the area of ​​the dog's head, which will help us in the process of subsequent drawing of the muzzle. After we draw a foot, as you see in our example.

Step 3

We draw in more detail the muzzle of the dog. Namely, we draw the eyes, the nose and the structural lines of the dog's mouth .. Then we draw a sketch of the dog's hind leg.

Step 4

Now we draw the big long ears and fingers on the paws of the dog, we also paint over the pupils of the dog and draw the superciliary lines. At the end of the work, erase all the auxiliary lines that were useful to you in the process of drawing the dog step by step.

Step 5

That's all, now you just have to color your dog, as you wish.

Step 1.

We will start our drawing by drawing two circles and an oval one under the other, as in the example. Then we will add guidelines for the muzzle and draw lines for the paws and legs of the Dalmatian.

Step 2

We begin to draw the ears of the dog, and then draw the bridge of the nose. Then we draw the back and back thigh of the Dalmatian. Then we draw the inner surface of the paws and the ankle of the dog.

Step 3

In the third step we draw the neck and front part of the torso, and then draw the outer lines of the legs and paws of the Dalmatian. We also draw the mouth and eyes, as you see in the example.

Step 4

We draw in more detail the muzzle of the dog. To do this, draw the eyebrow lines, then the nose and nostril, and then draw the muscular structure of the dog's body, as you see in our example! After we draw the hind legs and paws.

Step 5

In this step, we draw dark spots on the body of the Dalmatian, similar to what you can see in our drawing. At the end of the work, erase all the auxiliary lines that were useful to you in the process of drawing the Dalmatian step by step.

Step 6

That's it, you've just drawn this amazing Dalmatian. All you have to do now is color in the spots on the Dalmatian's body. And that's all for me, I wish you success and look forward to you and your comments again on our website. See you!

Step 1.

We will start by drawing certain figures, which will later become the body of the Doberman. namely, draw a circle for the head, chest, hips, as well as circles for the paws of the dog. then we will connect these circles with lines, as you see in our example. we will also draw the lines of the paws and neck, and then in the circle for the head we will draw guidelines for the future muzzle of the dog and draw lines for the ears.

Step 2

The second step we will start by drawing the ears and draw the front part of the dog's muzzle. Then we begin to draw the front and hind legs of the dog, as well as the lines of the abdomen, tail and hips. After we draw small eyes like beads.

Step 3

As you can see our Doberman is starting to take shape. Now we will draw the inside of the ears and the brow folds of the dog, and then draw the lower jaw. Then we draw the lines of the back, paws of the neck.

Step 4

In this step we draw the main detailed lines. Namely, we draw the lines of the muzzle and draw the nose, after which we draw the skin lines in the neck in more detail. Then draw muscle lines for the front and hind legs. After we draw the fingers and claws on the paws, and at the end of the work we will erase all the guide lines that were useful to us in the process of drawing the Doberman.

Step 5

You have a great drawing! All you have to do now is color it in, and that's it for me! I wish you success and look forward to seeing you again on our website. See you!

Step 1.

We will begin our lesson by drawing the leading figures. To do this, draw a small circle, and next to it a large oval, then connect these two shapes and move on to the next step.

Step 2

In this step we draw the actual shape of the dog's head and ears.

Step 3

We draw the dog's closed eyes, nose and structural lines in the ears, forehead and nose.

Step 4

Draw the dog's body. To do this, starting from the head, draw a fluffy back, then draw a line along the dog's spine towards the tail, and then carefully draw the fluffy inner surface of the dog's tail.

The collie dog breed is distinguished not only by its luxurious coat and unforgettable appearance. This long-haired shepherd dog has truly working qualities.

Appearance characteristics

In the photo of a collie dog, you can see large ears, expressive eyes, a narrow elongated muzzle, the bite is almost always correct, the eye shape is almond-shaped, the color is brown, red, even reddish.

The ears are predominantly triangular in shape, stand 2/3, and the tips hang down.

According to the type of coat color, the following types are distinguished:

  • Sable. The color of the coat is brownish-yellow, inside the downs are white.
  • Mahogany. Coat color - wheaten-gold or rich brown.
  • I vomit merle. The main color is white with admixtures of black and pockmarked shade.
  • Tricolor. Fur color is whitish, black and brown.

Character traits and training

Collie puppies are very energetic, active, mobile, they love to walk and play with their own kind. When a Border Collie dog grows up, its temperament changes. She becomes more restrained, but continues to be friendly to her relatives.

Without special need, the animal never attacks. Protecting his owner, the dog prefers to stand on the defensive, but not to attack.

A family pet is always attached to all family members, adopts the habits of its owner, tries to help with the housework, for example, takes out the trash, helps to pull out the rugs during cleaning. To strangers and children, they show a friendly attitude, without aggression.

The ability of a four-legged friend to train is very high. This breed of dog is the standard in obedience, learning speed. They can not only learn common commands, but also enjoy self-learning household chores (bring slippers, newspapers).

Modern collies have herding skills, just like their ancestors. The only disadvantage of keeping such an animal is too long hair, which must be carefully looked after.

Features of care and maintenance

Many collie owners prefer not to keep their pets in an aviary; in an apartment, it is also problematic to keep such an animal, since balls of wool will be everywhere.

It is best to purchase such a pet in a private yard, where you can provide him with the most comfortable living conditions.

Conditions of care involve regular combing of long hair, optimally - every other day. When the dog begins to shed, it should be brushed daily.

Water procedures are recommended for a pet in the warm season, since long hair dries for a very long time. In the cold season, in order to protect the animal's coat from pollution, it is recommended to use special dog outfits while walking.

It is very important to take good care of your dog's eyes. They need to be systematically examined, check visual acuity. Clean ears when dirty.

It is also necessary to systematically inspect the oral cavity, examine the teeth for chips and the presence of tartar. If there is a reddish coating or difficulty chewing, you should immediately visit a veterinarian.

The ears should stand two-thirds, and the tips hang down slightly. During the change of the dentition, the ears do not fall.

Features of the diet

This dog breed needs special attention to its diet. You can not give food from the common table, it is also unacceptable to overfeed the animal.

If there are no allergic reactions, you can keep your pet on natural products.


The average life expectancy of a Collie dog is 12 to 16 years. Puppies need timely vaccination, they are often exposed to distemper and various intestinal infections.

There may also be problems with the vision of the animal. Sometimes there may be a congenital pathology such as deafness.

On the skin of representatives of this breed under long hair, various pathogens can live, which cause various diseases of the skin. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of your pet's coat and skin, to prevent the formation of fungi and dermatitis.

It is important to visit the veterinarian regularly for a thorough examination of the coat, ears, eyes and mouth of the animal. This will prevent any problems with the content.

When choosing such a pet for yourself, you need to remember that this noble breed is an excellent companion during hunting and fishing trips.

In addition, in families with small children, such an animal will become a favorite, it is non-aggressive, friendly to all family members.

Photo collie dog

We have already drawn a portrait of a dog. - a dog with a very cute, but peculiar muzzle. I would say the pug's nose is shortened to the limit. And so I decided to compensate for this matter, and today we will learn how to draw a collie's head. That's really someone's muzzle elongated so elongated. This collie lives in our podezd and her name is Diana. A wonderful dog: when she jumps on the grass in summer with some amazing angular grace and long white-red hair flutters, you feel the joy of life so directly. And now to business. Let's start with the right profile.

The forehead is sloping, the nose is long-long. The mouth is ajar and the tongue is visible, even Diana's tongue is graceful, like a petal. The lips are slightly retracted and teeth are visible, very large, white sharp teeth. We see only the right eye - it looks small because it is narrowed. The ears are shaggy, no, this is not the right word, let's say - fluffy and do not stand up, but bend forward from the middle, the neck is also in furs.

There is a right collie profile. But we are learning, so we will complicate the task.

Now mentally expand it and draw a left profile.

Well, here we again need to emphasize a long straight nose, a funny bend of the ears and an open mouth: not a grin and not a smile, apparently it is just being ventilated.

Okay, the collie's profile is very peculiar and recognizable, and the full face is just right. Let's deal with it. How to draw a dog's muzzle full face? Here we will help the ability to draw. Let's draw the middle line of the muzzle, designate the line of the eyes and their locations.

Let's denote the nose, the muzzle is tilted down and therefore the open mouth is not impressive: only the shoeing of the teeth on the lower jaw is slightly visible. The eyes are somewhat slanted and very widely spaced (well, that is, wide on such a narrow muzzle), but the eyebrows with a house give the dog's muzzle some kind of surprised melancholy expression. The forehead is narrow. The ears are bent and tilted towards the viewer. The fur on the neck is fluffy-fluffy. So, there is a pencil sketch, the portrait is quite recognizable, colloquial. Now we need to draw it with a marker.

The darkest eyes and nose-nose, well, by God, black and shiny, and the lips are also black ... wow. We draw pads near the nose, where the mustache grows from (I always want to call them “moustache” (but in fact the mustache and mustache are two-story dandy mustaches, similar to a pagoda).



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