What can be made from golden root. Other Actions of Golden Root Extract

The golden root is known in folk medicine about 2 thousand years, especially wide application he found in Chinese and Tibetan medicine. Special expeditions were sent from China to Altai, where the most extensive areas of its growth were located. Local population Altai was attributed to him miraculous properties and tried to hide the places where it could be found. That's why official medicine began to study it only in the 50s of the 20th century, partly confirming the opinion about it. Currently, golden root is widely advertised and its preparations are credited with properties that cure all diseases. This is not always true, but this plant has many beneficial properties.

Golden root - Rhodiola rosea

Goldenseal, or Rhodiola rosea, grows in natural conditions only in a few places in the world: China, Mongolia, on mountain slopes Western Europe and the Balkans. The largest populations are found in Russia, in the far north of the European part and in the mountains of Southern Siberia. It is listed in the Red Book because the plant's range is limited, and under natural conditions, re-collection is allowed no earlier than after 10 years. Rhodiola can be grown even in garden plots, but the plant grown in its natural environment has the most medicinal properties.

The above-ground herbaceous part is used for food and added to salads, and the root is used in medicinal purposes. The color of the root, in fact, resembles bronze or old gilding and has a metallic sheen. Rhodiola rosea was named because the fresh root, infusions, and decoctions from it have the smell of rose hips, which is called rose in Latin.

Golden root: medicinal properties and contraindications

The golden root contains about 140 organic compounds, many of them are quite rare in nature. This is due to his medicinal properties. Rhodiola is superior to oak bark in terms of tannin concentration. It also contains organic acids, flavonoids, sugars, essential substances. Main active substance is the glycoside salidroside, which has a complex effect on the body:

  1. Stimulation nervous system increases efficiency and mental activity, reduces fatigue.
  2. Protection against stress is caused by the adaptogenic properties of golden root.
  3. High immunomodulatory properties have antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

Medicinal properties of golden root

Golden root, medicinal properties for men

The composition of the golden root depends on the place of growth; Rhodiola Siberian has the best medicinal properties for men, this has been proven by science. In its adaptogenic properties it is similar to ginseng and eleutherococcus, but in its effect on genital area For men, the golden root is irreplaceable. Even in the old days they treated it with its infusion impotence men, while achieving good results. U modern men health problems are often caused by:

  1. increased stress and mental stress, which leads to troubles at work, psychological incompatibility with a partner;
  2. bad environment, poor nutrition, abuse of smoking and alcohol, and even drugs;
  3. consumption large quantity medications, many of which cause a slowdown in blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  4. decrease in hormone levels with age or weight gain.

All these factors cause problems with potency, which can be solved by using preparations from golden root.

Golden root, medicinal properties for women

Because of its ability to stop blood, Rhodiola rosea is used for uterine bleeding; in addition, taking drugs based on it will help restore menstrual cycle. As a means of regulating hormonal background, useful for menopause, it will help relieve sweating, hot flashes, and normalize sleep.

Contraindications to the use of golden root

Despite the benefits of preparations from the golden root, it is necessary to comply with the dosage, otherwise reactions such as increased blood pressure, insomnia, headaches, irritability, tremors of the limbs, and allergies are possible. Contraindications to the use of golden root are: pregnancy and breastfeeding, hypertension and vascular diseases brain, in case of alcoholism it is not recommended to use the tincture. Its use is also prohibited for children under 8 years of age. It is also necessary to take into account that due to the ability to cause a strong psychostimulating effect, it is better to use preparations from golden root in the first half of the day, otherwise sleep may be disturbed.

Dry roots are stored in a dry, dark place, tinctures and extracts are stored in a dark, cool place, decoctions and infusions are best consumed immediately, at as a last resort, you can keep it in the refrigerator covered for a couple of days.

Golden root: recipes

Golden root is sold in pharmacies in a wide range medicines, and is part of different fees and dietary supplements. If desired, tinctures, infusions and decoctions can be prepared independently.

Golden root tincture

Golden root tincture has wide range applications. It can be used when diabetes mellitus, anemia, liver and stomach diseases, chronic fatigue and neuroses.

How to make golden root tincture

To prepare the tincture, the dried crushed roots are poured with vodka, placed in a dark place and left for 22 days. After the expiration date, the tincture is filtered. You can also prepare a water infusion. To prepare, take 20 g of root per 1 liter. water, bring to a boil, place in a thermos and leave for a day, then strain. You can take less water, then the portion taken is reduced accordingly.

How to take golden root tincture

Alcohol tincture of golden root is drunk 10-15 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of administration is 20 days, then a break for 10 days, if necessary, the course is repeated.

Water tincture is taken 1 tbsp. spoon.

Golden root: decoction

A decoction of golden root is good to use for scurvy, toothache, and gastrointestinal diseases.

Preparation of golden root decoction

To prepare a decoction of golden root, 900 ml. boiling water take 1 tsp. roots, boil for 5-10 minutes. After cooling, you can drink it like tea, but no more than 2 glasses a day.

Golden root tea

A decoction of golden root is drunk like tea, adding honey or sugar, but you need to take into account that its tonic effect is superior to tea and coffee, so it is better not to drink it for more than 5 days in a row. It is better to take a break after this for a week, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.

Golden root in the pharmacy

Golden root is available in the pharmacy in all forms: dry root, tincture, tablets, syrup, extract, grass briquettes. It is available without a prescription, but it is still better to consult a doctor about its use.

Golden Root Extract

Golden root extract is sold in pharmacies under the name “Rhodiola extract liquid”, it is used for chronic fatigue, weakened immunity, neuropsychiatric disorders, diseases endocrine system, with low blood pressure and cancer. It is recommended to use 5-10 drops half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day, diluted in a small amount of water. Continuous use for no longer than 3 weeks.

Golden root - balm

Golden root is one of the components of the non-alcoholic balm of the same name. Serves as an excellent preventive and stimulating agent that improves the quality of life by raising vitality and improving your mood. Take 1-2 tsp. 1 time per day pure form or adding to water, tea or juice. It is allowed to take from 1 to 1.5 months.

Golden root oil

Golden root oil contains aliphatic alcohols, monoterpene hydrocarbons and alcohols. Thanks to them, golden root oil has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect, helps wound healing, providing an analgesic effect and relieving inflammation. In addition, it is recommended to carry out aromatherapy with this oil; it disinfects the room well and, at the same time, improves appetite and sleep in people. Just use no more than once a week.

Golden root – tablets

In addition to rhizome powder, the tablets contain ascorbic acid and rutile, excipient- cellulose. Indications are the same as for other forms. Suitable for those who prefer this dosage form. Take 2-3 tablets with meals, drinking big amount water.

Golden root: price at the pharmacy

The prices for preparations made from golden root are quite reasonable compared to the benefits this plant brings. For example, for dry root the price starts from 90 rubles. for 25 g. The extract costs no more than 300 rubles.

Golden root: use at home

Can be used at home as pharmaceutical drugs from golden root, prepared independently according to the recipes described above. The main thing is to monitor the quality of the raw materials.

Golden Root Mask

Rhodiola rosea is included in collagen and alginate face masks. Their regular use can improve complexion, rejuvenate and tone the skin due to activation metabolic processes in it, has a lifting effect and retains moisture. You can prepare your own cream that will have the same effect. To prepare, take 2 tsp. flax seeds and 1 tbsp. linden color, brew half a glass of boiling water, after cooling, add 1 tsp. tinctures. Stir well until creamy and apply to face before bed.

Golden root for hair

Rhodiola tincture can be added to shampoo, and the decoction can be used to rinse your hair after washing; this strengthens the hair well. The following mask can help get rid of hair loss: a mixture of 0.5 l. grape juice and 20 drops of tincture are rubbed into the roots of the hair, the head is covered with something warm, the mask is washed off after 40 minutes.

Golden root for infertility

Golden root helps restore hormonal levels and this can help with infertility, but you should not rely on it alone, because the causes of infertility are very different.

Golden root for prostatitis

But in the treatment of sexual problems in men, the golden root demonstrates good results, all forms can be used here, but tincture is more effective.

Golden root for oncology

In oncology, a tincture of golden root in vodka is used. To prepare, take 500 g of roots and pour 500 ml. vodka and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks with daily shaking. After infusion, strain and take 1 ml. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Golden root for joints

Using golden root to treat joints literally on the second or third day relieves pain and provides better mobility in the joints. For treatment, a tincture is used, externally - for rubbing and compresses, internally - to enhance the effect. It is recommended to do rubbing and compresses before bed so that the joints warm up well and the muscles around them relax.

Golden root for pressure

Golden root tincture successfully treats hypotension, i.e. low pressure. Unlike other medicines, it is prepared from natural raw materials and does not cause allergic reactions. The tincture is prepared according to the usual recipe and is used 2 times a day, half a teaspoon. The course lasts 2-3 weeks.

Use of golden root for other problems

The glycosides that make up the golden root have a positive effect on the rhythm of the heart muscle, this is used in the treatment of diseases of cardio-vascular system. In this case, it is recommended to use herbal teas of the following composition:

  1. 1 tbsp. crushed rhodiola root, 2 tbsp. St. John's wort, yarrow, lemon balm mixed, 1 tbsp. Brew 400 ml of the resulting mixture. boiling water, leave for 3-4 hours. Drink the resulting tea half a glass in small sips.
  2. 1 tbsp. crushed rhodiola root, 3 tbsp. Brew hawthorn and lemon balm fruits separately with a glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours and combine the decoctions. Take the resulting tea between meals, a glass twice a day.

The use of golden root in the treatment of atherosclerosis gives good results. And in this case, teas prepared according to the following recipes are used:

  1. 2 tbsp. crushed golden root and yarrow herb mixed with horsetail and mistletoe herbs, hawthorn flowers, taken 1 tbsp. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain and sip throughout the day. The recommended course is 1.5-2 months, then a break for the same time.
  2. For next collection 2 tbsp. spoons of golden root and St. John's wort herb are mixed with 1 tbsp. yarrow. Otherwise everything is the same as in the first recipe.

From all that has been said, it is clear that golden root is a miracle plant that brings great benefits to people.

Golden root is widely used in medicine and has a second name - Rhodiola rosea. Powerful herbal adaptogen works flawlessly and strengthens protective forces body. Our article tells you how to properly infuse golden root with vodka, alcohol and water. We will also list medicinal qualities this plant.

Folk recipe for golden root tincture

Vodka tincture of Rhodiola rosea


  • golden root - 100 grams;
  • vodka - 400 milliliters.

To do the right thing home remedy, take Rhodiola root, fill it with high-quality vodka. The root must be kept in a dark environment for at least a week. At the end of the period, filter the tincture. Medicine usually taken 20 minutes before a meal. Single dose- 15 drops. Only 3 doses per day.

Aqueous tincture of Rhodiola rosea


  • crushed golden root - 5 grams;
  • boiling water - 200 milliliters.

Brew the plant material with water and leave it in a thermos for several hours. The resulting infusion must be consumed 20 minutes before meals. A single dose is a third of a glass. Only 3 doses per day.

Traditional tincture of Rhodiola rosea with alcohol


  • dry Rhodiola rosea;
  • natural ethanol ABV 70%.

To obtain alcohol tincture, take a container made of plastic or glass. This container should be filled with dry raw materials, then the whole thing should be filled with alcohol and sent for 3 weeks to infuse. To prepare a solution for oral administration, take half a teaspoon of tincture and dissolve in a glass of any liquid. The product can be used repeatedly during the day; it is recommended to extend the course for a month.

Rhodiola for immunity

Collection components:

  • crushed rhodiola root - up to 20 grams;
  • zamanikha roots - 20 grams;
  • dry rose hips - 20 grams;
  • nettle greens - 15 grams;
  • hawthorn fruits - 15 grams;
  • St. John's wort - 10 grams.

Having prepared the mixture from the indicated ingredients, measure out 1 large spoon and brew with a glass of boiling water. Setting the heat to low, boil the product for about 10 minutes, then leave for several hours, and strain at the end. Combine the resulting liquid with a glass of boiling water and take 70 milliliters three times a day.

Tincture of golden root with vodka: a useful remedy for ailments that can be prepared at home from Rhodiola rosea

Treatment with Rhodiola rosea

So, we have figured out how to properly infuse golden root in vodka, now we will outline the main beneficial properties of this plant. Pharmacy and home remedies based on Rhodiola rosea are useful for hypotension, as they normalize blood pressure, reduce headache, improve the condition of the body as a whole.

The Golden Root course is useful for people who constantly live under conditions of mental and physical overload. Tinctures and decoctions are endowed with tonic potential, impart vigor and increase productivity.

In the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and any stage of diabetes, you can also use this natural adaptogen, which will strengthen the natural protective potential of the body. With the help of golden root, inflammation of the larynx is quickly relieved, and also treated various ailments in the oral cavity.

Rhodiola rosea helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and can help recover from uterine bleeding, prostatitis, impotence and infertility. The plant is used for epilepsy to reduce the number of seizures. Golden root improves the condition of anemia by improving blood circulation.

The beneficial substances of the plant can suppress neoplasms and protect thyroid gland from diseases. Also noticed cosmetic effect, namely rejuvenation due to smoothing out early wrinkles on the skin.

Rhodiola rosea works as an adaptogen, that is, it helps the body adapt to external conditions, increases performance, improves brain efficiency, establishes protection against unfavorable factors, promotes self-cleaning.

Harvesting Rhodiola roots

Take note of the tips on harvesting golden root:

  • rhizomes are taken after the seeds have ripened from plants that have more than two stems;
  • the roots are removed from the ground, peeled and washed, the stems are removed;
  • it is necessary to cut the roots into pieces 2-10 centimeters in length, place them in special dryers;
  • the optimal temperature for drying raw materials is 50-60 degrees Celsius; drying can also be done in an oven or on a stove, but not in the sun;
  • the finished root inside is yellow, brown or pink, its aroma is similar to a rose, there is an astringent, slightly bitter aftertaste;
  • properly dried raw materials the best way will give off the full range of medicinal properties if stored for no more than 3 years in a ventilated, dry environment;
  • the area where the plants were collected should be restored for about 15 years.

Please note that an alcoholic extract made from Rhodiola rosea is actively used in modern medicine our country. Medicines are intended to stimulate the central nervous system, eliminate the problem of fatigue, overcome neurasthenic and asthenic condition, restoration of performance. Medicines from golden root are used in the field of psychiatry, and they can also improve the quality of life in patients with VSD. It is useful to take Rhodiola during rehabilitation after illnesses.

The rhizome of the plant Radiola rosea is called golden root; it can truly be considered golden, since it is irreplaceable in medicine.

The tannin components perform an anti-inflammatory function, have a hemostatic effect and kill bacteria. In addition, the essential oil of this plant calms and restores the human nervous system. It contains useful minerals: phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron, vitamins: A, B, C, PP, micro and macroelements, ascorbic and nicotinic acids.

To use for medicinal purposes, the root of this plant must first be washed and dried. Because of essential oils fresh root has nice smell rose oil, that’s why it was called pink radiola. It is worth harvesting roots at the end of July and at the beginning of August. Choose only those roots that have no more than two stems. Before drying the root, it is advisable to cut it into pieces 5-10 cm long. You can dry it in the oven, stove or dryer, but you cannot dry it in the sun, as the plant will lose its useful qualities. Store it in a dry, dark, ventilated place for up to 3 years.

The golden root has excellent property, it helps the body cells to recover, the components of this plant contribute better absorption oxygen to cells. When consuming this plant, the nervous system is restored, and the body is rejuvenated. In addition, tincture from this root treats diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive system, pulmonary tuberculosis, colds infectious diseases, impotence. If there are skin diseases, compresses help best.

Ways to use golden root

Recipe 1.

Golden root tincture can be used as a tonic for workers with high mental load, during treatment for complex diseases.

Preparation: 400 ml of vodka and 100 g of root. Pour the plant over and let it brew for 7 days. For this medicine, a bottle made of dark plastic or glass is suitable so that Sun rays didn't get on the medicine. Strain and consume 15 drops 20 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. People suffering from hypertension should start taking the medicine with 5 drops, gradually increasing the dose to 15 drops. Treatment with this tincture takes no more than 20 days. Store the medicine in a dark, cool place.

Recipe 2.

You can also prepare a decoction of dry, finely chopped root. It needs to be finely chopped, about 5 g, put in a bowl and pour boiling water - 200 ml, it will infuse overnight. Take 1/3 cup 15 minutes before meals, 3 times a day.

Recipe 3.

Healthy people should drink regular golden root tea. The recipe for this tea is simple: 1 teaspoon of dry crushed root, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. Let it brew for one hour, drink like regular tea, adding 1 teaspoon of honey.

Recipe 4.

For women who have diseases in the intimate area, tincture of golden root in vodka is best suited. To do this, you need to take 50 g of the plant, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. In this case, vodka should be without any additives or flavorings. Let the medicine infuse in a dark place for 3 weeks, and the bottle should be glass or plastic and dark in color. The medicine must be shaken every day. Application after expiration date. It is worth straining through a sieve or gauze. Take 10 drops at first, gradually increasing the dose to 30 drops, 30 minutes before meals, for two weeks, and then a break for two weeks. Later, you can repeat the medication.

Recipe 5.

Women suffering uterine bleeding, it is worth preparing such a tincture with vodka. Wash, peel the golden root, cut off the rotten parts. Pour part of the golden root with vodka so that it takes up only a fifth of the tincture in the bottle, and the vodka should take up all the space in the bottle. Let this medicine steep for 21 days. Take 20 drops, gradually increasing the dose to 30 drops, 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Recipe 6.

The use of vodka tincture is also suitable for men suffering from potency problems. Need 500 g dried roots insist on 0.5 l. vodka in a dark place for 2 weeks. You definitely need to take a dark glass or plastic bottle. The bottle must be shaken every day. Take half an hour before meals, 3 times a day, 1 ml. diluted in a tablespoon of water. Store the tincture in a cool, ventilated and dark place.

Recipe 7.

With an ulcer, nervous disorders, psychosomatic pain in the stomach requires the use of golden root tincture. To do this, take 40 g of peeled, washed plant root, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka, the vodka should be without any additives. Let it brew for 6 days in a dark, dry place in a bottle made of dark material. Take the tincture in the morning on an empty stomach, 5 drops per day, gradually increasing the dose by 1 drop, reaching 20 drops, and then gradually reducing the dose, also each time by 1 drop less, reaching 5 drops. As a result, the course of treatment should consist of 31 days. Then you need to take a break of one month. After a break, you can repeat the treatment, but having already reached 25 drops and then reverse order. At serious illnesses stomach, you need to consult a gastroenterologist before using vodka tincture, since without knowing the characteristics of your body you can harm it.

If while taking the tincture you begin to feel weak, dizzy, have insomnia and have headaches, you should stop using the medicine and definitely consult a doctor.

Recipe 8.

For skin diseases, lotion from this plant will help. Prepare a lotion from 1 teaspoon of dry crushed roots and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Treat skin in the morning and before bed.

Recipe 9.

For wounds, ulcers or inflammation of the eyes, the use of lotions is necessary. To do this, boil 50 g of dry, crushed root in 0.5 liters of water for 10 minutes. Let it cool for half an hour. Make lotions 2 times a day, applying to sore spots for 15 minutes.

Contraindications for the use of golden root

It should be taken with extreme caution, not exceeding the dose, and for some people this plant is generally contraindicated to use.

Consumption of golden root increases arterial pressure, it is contraindicated for people with hypertension.

Pregnant and lactating women should not take a tincture of this root - this can negatively affect their health and the health of their child.

It should not be given to children under 12 years of age, as it may cause allergic reaction, cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and headache.

You should not use golden root tincture 4 hours before bedtime - this is due to the fact that it has a tonic effect and can cause insomnia.

People with nervous overexcitation should absolutely not use this plant, as this can aggravate their situation and lead to negative consequences.

People who are allergic to the components should not use golden root tincture.

If, while using the tincture, a person begins to feel weakness, dizziness, nausea, headache, malaise, or increased blood pressure, it is necessary to immediately stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor.

Instructions for use:

Goldenseal (Rhodiola rosea) – perennial herbaceous plant, belonging to the Crassulaceae family, to the genus Rhodiola.

Description of the golden root

The root of the plant, thick and fleshy, has a pleasant bronze-golden color, for which it got its name. The stems are erect, not branched, reaching a height of 40 cm.

The leaves are ovate, oblong, alternate, wedge-shaped at the base. In the upper part, the edge of the leaf is finger-toothed.

The inflorescence is corymbose, multi-flowered, with small unisexual flowers of yellow or greenish color.

The fruits of the plant have the shape of an erect leaflet with a greenish tint. The fruits are brownish in color. They reach a length of 8 mm and have a short spout at the top.

Golden root blooms from June to July, the fruits ripen in September.

Rhodiola loves humidity, and is unpretentious to light and heat.

Found in the Urals, in polar Yakutia, in the Carpathians, in the mountains of Southern and Eastern Siberia, in the Altai mountains and the Far East.

It grows on rocky areas and slopes, on the banks of mountain rivers, in alpine and subalpine zones.

Rhodiola rosea is listed in the Red Book as an endangered species.

History of the use of golden root

First reviews of the golden root and its medicinal properties were found in the records of Pedanius Dioscrides, an ancient Roman pharmacologist and physician.

In Tibet they believed that a person who finds a plant will live for two centuries in happiness and health. The Chinese were sure that Rhodiola prolongs life.

Nowadays, tea is made from the plant, which has a tonic effect.

Golden root has found widespread use for medicinal purposes. Rhizomes are collected during the fruiting period and dried in dry rooms or dryers at a temperature of 60°C.

Chemical composition

The root of the plant contains tannins, radioloside glycoside, carbohydrates (glucose and sucrose), tyrosol, acids (succinic, gallic, malic, oxalic, citric), lactones, flavonols (quercetin, isoquercetin, hyperazide, kaempferol), sterols, lipids, anthraglycosides, essential oils.

Medicinal properties of golden root

Numerous positive reviews about the golden root leaves no doubt about its beneficial properties.

Decoctions and lotions are made from the aerial part of the plant, which are used to treat trachoma.

Rhodiola rhizomes are used to treat diseases gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases and pulmonary tuberculosis, for bone fractures, and also as an antipyretic and tonic.

The properties of golden root are used for inflamed wounds, abscesses, conjunctivitis, skin rashes. Rhodiola rhizome juice is an excellent wound healing agent. The juice of the rhizome is also used to treat jaundice.

An alcohol extract is prepared from the roots of the plant, which is used to treat diseases of the nervous system. The extract has a stimulating and adaptogenic effect, similar to ginseng and eleutherococcus preparations. However, it should be taken with caution as it may cause an increase in blood pressure.

TO beneficial properties golden root can be attributed to the ability to increase physical and mental performance, combating stress and overload.

This plant is popularly nicknamed the golden root in gratitude for its irreplaceable healing properties that were considered magical. Officially, science calls it Rhodiola rosea, but to this day the “correct” name is less known than the popular one. The most healing thing about this herb is its root. That is why in ancient times they gave for a root the amount of gold that it weighed. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why people have the name of the plant.

Myths, legends and beliefs

In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of which aroused awe have always been valued. There is a widely known Chinese story about a rich merchant who made a path from coins and silk to the place where Rhodiola rosea grows.

In Altai they still believe that whoever finds the golden root will find happiness, health and good luck, and his life span will continue for two centuries. However, they also consider this plant a symbol of justice and selflessness. If you dig up a magic root for profit or purchase it from a greedy, self-interested seller, your luck will leave you, money will leave your family, and no measures will help you avoid poverty.

For a wedding, the Altaians gave the groom, along with deer antlers, a golden root, the medicinal properties of which not only improved health, but also guaranteed that the marriage would not be fruitless.

Main areas of use

There are several areas where goldenseal is used. Its medicinal properties are mainly aimed at relieving fatigue and nervous tension. The latter is especially relevant in our time, when not a single day goes by without stress. Rhodiola’s ability to increase both mental and physical performance has also been noted.

If previously this plant was considered exclusively folk remedy, then since the sixties of the last century it has been recognized and traditional medicine as a drug that stimulates the central nervous system. It is prescribed for neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurasthenia. At nervous exhaustion Golden root will also help - its medicinal properties are very similar to the effects of ginseng.

It is no less valuable as a kind of antidote: it increases the body’s resistance in case of chronic poisoning. This is very useful for those involved with insecticides used in agriculture.

Golden root is also used (its medicinal properties allow it) for heart problems - it strengthens the heart muscle. It is used to treat uterine and internal bleeding. It is also good for getting rid of some intestinal and stomach diseases.

Cautions for use: diseases

In principle, the plant will be useful not only for those who are sick, but also for healthy people. In Altai they drink it for general health purposes. But like anyone medicinal product, it can become poison.

So, having some kind of permanent illness or if you are an elderly person, before starting treatment with golden root, you should consult your doctor so as not to aggravate the underlying disease. Age characteristics the body also imposes its own limitations. They may conflict with the effects of goldenseal. The instructions, of course, will warn you about this, but your doctor will better understand how safe and beneficial Rhodiola preparations are for you.

You should also not drink a tincture of this plant if you have hypertension (or even a random, one-time increase in blood pressure) or if you have a fever. It should also be avoided during emotional stress: Rhodiola will only increase agitation, but will not bring relief. Better get some sleep and get back to normal naturally, calm down and only drink tea with the magic root in the morning.

Cautions for use: do not overdo it

But even if you have no contraindications to using this medicinal plant, remember that you cannot drink teas and tinctures from it continuously. The energy of a living organism is not infinite. If you constantly use even such “benevolent” stimulants as golden root, you can quietly bring yourself to complete exhaustion. So after five days during which it is taken (on vodka, for example), a week break is required.

Tea possibilities

In respect of general strengthening health, improving well-being and stimulating performance, Altaians recommend tea. Its preparation is significantly different from the usual one: if it only needs to be infused, then the Rhodiola drink will also have to be boiled. Moreover, you need very little raw material: a teaspoon is enough for a liter of boiling water. The “elixir of health” will boil for 7 to 10 minutes, and then it needs to be infused for half an hour, preferably wrapped up. The result is a very tasty liquid with a light pink aroma. The color of this tea is also unusual. Depending on the quantity and quality of the root, it can be reddish-brown or (grading through all the accompanying shades) dark purple. You can drink it without any additives, but you can also sweeten it. In the latter case, it is better to add honey.


Despite its apparent harmlessness, golden root tea is a very, very strong stimulant! Its impact exceeds regular teas, and even coffee. For daily use This drink is not suitable! But in the case of exams, annual reports or other urgent, but not frequent work will become an indispensable assistant.

However, even in such extreme situations, it is not recommended to drink more than two or three glasses of tea a day. Otherwise, you can completely deplete your nervous system.

Combination of Rhodiola with other plants

For colds or flu, stomach upsets, and weakness during recovery, another drink that also contains golden root is good. Recipes alternative medicine It is recommended to combine Rhodiola with leaves of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, currants (black) and bergenia. Plus, the same collection should include cinquefoil and St. John's wort flowers, as well as thyme herb. All components are taken in equal parts by weight. Two large spoons are infused for an hour in a liter of boiling water. The drink is not very tasty, so when drinking it you cannot do without honey or sugar. Stimulation in this case is very gentle, and metabolism is restored. And you can drink this tea for a long time until your general condition returns to normal.

Purpose of the tincture

This preparation from Rhodiola has, in principle, the same main purpose as tea, however, in cases where a faster effect is required, the remedy is still quite concentrated. For the same reason, it is better to consult a doctor. How is golden root (tincture) usually taken? The instructions recommend 20 drops half an hour before meals three times a day. However, if you have hypertension, you need to start with five drops, carefully monitoring your well-being and tracking pressure fluctuations. If treatment proceeds normally, the dose is gradually increased.

Unlike tea, the tincture is also used externally. It is used to treat wounds and skin diseases, abscesses, rashes and conjunctivitis. In this case, poultices or lotions are made. The tincture is also used for dental purposes - to treat wounds on the gums, palate and tongue. In this case, either cauterization is done or rinsing is prescribed.

DIY tincture

After the recognition of Rhodiola rosea by traditional doctors, the Golden Root tincture began to be freely sold in pharmacies. However, it is not difficult to prepare it yourself - this way you will definitely be sure of the quality of the medicine used. Moreover, to obtain raw materials, you no longer need to go to the taiga and look for treasured places: this plant has long taken root in country gardens and is not difficult to grow. The main thing in this matter is to prepare the roots correctly, that is, to follow some rules. The first of them is to dig up only those plants that are more than 3 years old for medicine. Second: you can start digging in July, but finish it no later than September. Third: peeled, whole and not rotten roots are first dried in the shade and only then cut into pieces of 10 centimeters and dried at 50 degrees.

Preparation of the tincture itself is extremely simple: the raw material (50 g) is finely chopped, placed in a bottle and filled with half a liter of alcohol (40 degrees, no more). It is necessary to insist in warmth and darkness for two weeks. As can be seen from the strength of the alcohol, a tincture of golden root in vodka will turn out just as good, just take it good quality and without unnecessary additives. Actually, pharmaceutical alcohol is recommended for the preparation of medicines because it does not contain foreign impurities.

Even if nothing bothers you and you are relatively healthy ( absolute health in our world, alas, unattainable), it is worth drinking tea or tincture of golden root once a year. The immune system will become stronger, the remnants of vitamin deficiency, which you did not even suspect, will go away, will become sleep more peacefully And stronger nerves. Health and prosperity!



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