What if there are heavy periods. When Doctor's Help Is Needed

Abundant menstruation is a sign of a violation in the gynecological sphere of a woman. But there can be many reasons for this, since everyone's body is individual. In medicine, there is a certain discharge rate, which is equated to 150 ml. If the monthly comes out more in volume, they can already be characterized as abundant. It is very important to react to the situation in time and understand why such periods appear, the reasons, because this can be a symptom of a serious pathology in the body.

Signs of pathology

Very heavy periods are medically known as menorrhagia. In this case, the woman will also have blood clots in the discharge, which may cause additional symptoms. Additional features pathologies are considered:

  • if during the period of menstruation a woman has aching pain, which have significant intensity;
  • during this period, there is dizziness, a feeling of weakness and health worsens;
  • during menstruation, it is difficult for a woman to maintain her usual working capacity;
  • profuse menstruation forces a woman to constantly control the shift hygiene products, every 1-1.5 hours;
  • at night, a change of hygiene products takes place at least once every 2-3 hours;
  • all pads and tampons have the maximum level of protection;
  • can increase up to 10-12 days.

All these signs are characteristic of heavy menstruation, which means that they indicate the development of pathology in a woman's body. In fact, this situation is quite dangerous, since a significant loss of blood in this way can provoke the development of anemia, endometritis, and even inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus.

Menorrhagia signals serious problems in the reproductive system and requires prompt help.

The occurrence of menorrhagia

Strong periods occur against the background of deviations in the functions of the reproductive system. But this situation can be provoked by many diseases. Therefore, if heavy periods appear, what will the gynecologist tell you to do after thorough examination. This will set true reason pathology, which means to prescribe proper treatment.

Abundant menstruation can be triggered by the following factors:

  1. Imbalance in the hormonal background. This reason often found in young girls who are just beginning to rebuild hormonal background. In it time is running setting the menstrual cycle. Speaking of older age category, hormone imbalances can occur years before menopause. Also, strong periods can appear against the background of taking hormonal drugs, and especially because of improperly selected birth control pills.
  2. Polyps on the cervix. Such formations appear on the site of the external os of the uterus, and inflammation is the trigger for them. different nature, hormonal problems or injury. All this provokes not just heavy menstruation, but even bleeding.
  3. Endometrial polyp. This cause is a single or multiple outgrowths. They cause very strong periods. This situation arises against the background of diseases infectious nature, hormonal disorders, but the most common cause is the consequences of an abortion.
  4. Myoma of the uterus. This formation is benign and it occurs in women aged 30-40 years.
  5. Many diseases of the pelvic organs can provoke heavy menstruation. This is especially true of infections and inflammations of the genitourinary system.
  6. Cancer of the cervix or endometrium. In this case, the tumors are malignant in nature and pose a certain threat to the life and health of the patient. The appearance of such tumors increases.
  7. Intrauterine contraceptives. Not all women accept the use of condoms. Therefore, they use different protection, which allows you to secure sexual intercourse. If a woman notices that after an intrauterine device was installed in her, her menstruation has changed the volume and nature of the discharge, then it is necessary to urgently get rid of such a tool. Thus the body rejects foreign body so the woman has to look for alternatives problem solution.
  8. Problems with blood clotting. If a girl is diagnosed with von Willebrand's disease, then she will have strong periods. The fact is that with violations of blood clotting, the lining of the uterus during menstruation turns into an open bleeding wound. And such a situation can be quite dangerous for the health and life of a woman.

Etiology of the disease

What are the other reasons?

  1. Emotional condition. IN human body everything is interconnected. If a woman's lifestyle is such that she constantly has to experience stress, anxiety or other negative emotions, then she may have serious problems with menses. If your period is strong, then you should pay attention to your life and work.
  2. Changes in environment. Abundant menstruation can be a reaction of the body to stress, but not psychological, but external. Change of season or weather, moving to another climate zone- all this can provoke changes in the menstrual cycle. And here we mean not only the volume of secretions, but also changes at the beginning and end of the cycle.
  3. genetic predisposition. If there is too much discharge from the very first menstruation, then it is quite possible that this problem is transmitted from mother to daughter. As such, no treatment is required.
  4. Loads. If the lifestyle is associated with constant physical exertion, or shortly before the onset of menstruation, the woman had to endure serious stress, then this may affect the discharge.
  5. Childbirth. After a woman gives birth to a child, she may experience heavy periods. A pathological situation will not be only if menstruation does not last longer than a week and at the same time, the discharge does not have a bright scarlet color.

As is clear from all of the above, the causes of heavy periods can be completely different. Some of them do not pose any threat, while others need to be given Special attention. But to find out why heavy periods have arisen, you should seek help from a doctor. It may turn out that a diagnosis will be immediately made at a gynecological examination and it will be enough for a woman to undergo a course of drug therapy to solve the problem. In other cases, more serious and qualified help. The effectiveness of treatment always depends on the timely response of the patient to his condition.

Form of pathology

This disease can be primary or secondary. In the first case, the disease occurs in quite young girls when they have their first period and the cycle is just developing. This is due to the fact that at this age there is a restructuring of the hormonal background, due to which it becomes unstable.

In the second case, adult women who have a permanent menstrual cycle. And here the situation is more dangerous, since strong periods can indicate serious disorders in the body.

Regardless of the age at which menorrhagia occurs, a girl or woman should seek medical help. This is especially necessary if heavy periods occur regularly. The fact is that hypermenstrual syndrome provokes a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, and this will already significantly worsen well-being, up to the onset of anemia. Therefore, it is better not to play with your health, but to seek help from a specialist.

Diagnostics and therapeutic measures

To establish the causes of heavy periods, a woman needs to seek help from a gynecologist. He will examine the inside of the vagina and external genitalia. To collect as much information as possible, the specialist may prescribe the following examinations:

  • biopsy;
  • ultrasonography;
  • hyperoscopy;
  • scraping;
  • taking blood tests and smears.

All this will make it possible to understand, in such a volume and whether it is provoked by an ectopic pregnancy or fibroma. The doctor will tell you what to do in such a situation, since depending on what the tests show, therapy is prescribed.

As for the treatment of menorrhagia, then following methods help:

  1. If the problem lies in hormonal imbalance, then the woman will have to undergo drug treatment. She has to for a long time take oral hormonal contraceptives combined character. This will saturate her body with female sex hormones, due to which there will be a decrease in production. menstrual blood. It helps prevent endometriosis. In each case, drugs are selected individually.
  2. If the problem is inflammation, then the effect is with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs. When menstruation is very strong, physiotherapy may be additionally prescribed.
  3. When menorrhagia is caused by the growth of endometrial tissue, the woman is given intrauterine system with levonorgestrel. This allows you to reduce the thickness of the endometrium, which means that the volume of menstrual blood will become much less.

Surgical methods are used only in difficult cases.

These include: trauma to the genitals, physiological pathologies, the occurrence of iron-containing anemia, fibroma. The operation also helps with recurrence of existing diseases or if conservative methods did not give a positive result.

It also happens, of course, that the examination of women does not reveal any serious violations. In this case, the doctor may advise using methods folk treatment. Decoctions and tinctures from herbs such as nettle, burnet, help to cope with the problem of menorrhagia, shepherd's bag and yarrow. The remedy is drunk 3-4 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. They must be taken during and after menstruation so that the course of treatment takes 2 weeks. But it is worth knowing that such options help only if there is no serious illness.

In fact, if during menstruation you provide yourself with a sparing regimen and include iron-containing foods in your diet as much as possible, you can avoid the appearance of menorrhagia. Such measures will help the body to be in good shape, which means that menstruation will be painless. But if they start to appear anxiety symptoms And uncomfortable conditions, then it is better not to joke with your health, but to immediately seek qualified help.

For every woman, daily blood loss during menstruation is always an uncomfortable phenomenon. Especially unpleasant and even the situation when heavy periods begin. The reasons for such a process may be different, but they always cause concern in a woman and make her think about whether to consult a gynecologist.

Before you worry and try to identify the causes of heavy periods, you need to figure it out? what is the volume norm, and how to determine that it is exceeded.

Normal menstruation:

  • lasts four to six days;
  • occurs in the period from the 21st to the 30th day of the cycle;
  • per day the amount of menstrual blood is from 50 to 140 ml.

You can measure the volume in gaskets. In a day with normal use, four to six changes of hygiene products are required. If the discharge rate is too high, as is the duration of menstruation, or the timing of the start of the cycle is shifted, you should go to the gynecologist to check your health.

However, there are women who have the strength individual characteristics organism or heredity, menstruation always passes with great intensity, while not causing any pain, without delays and failures. In such cases, this is also recognized as the norm.

Signs of heavy periods

Too much intense current menstrual blood is considered abnormal in such situations.

  1. Menstruation lasts more than 7 days.
  2. The total mass of secretions is more than 140 ml - this is somewhere around seven or even more pad changes per day.
  3. Menstruation accompanied by signs of anemia - severe loss blood: fatigue, apathy, drowsiness, dilated pupils.
  4. The menstrual current is heterogeneous, accompanied by.
  5. Abundant menstruation is accompanied by pulling constant pain in the lower abdomen and in the region of the sacrum.
  6. Sometimes bruises of unknown origin appear on the body.

If you have all or most of these symptoms, you should seek help.

Increased production of estrogen

Menstrual bleeding is the removal from the body of an unfertilized egg and the uterine mucosa - the endometrium that grows every month in anticipation of the appearance of an embryo, which should be implanted in this layer.

Influences the growth of the endometrium female hormone estrogen, which is more produced in the first part of the cycle. With a hormonal failure, this process is disrupted. The reason may be hidden in diseases thyroid gland, just responsible for the hormonal background of the woman's body. With an excess of estrogen, in addition to heavy periods, there are also severe headaches, swelling mammary glands and their hypersensitivity, painful PMS.

Treatment in this case is selected for each woman individually. The age of the patient, lifestyle, features of the reproductive system, the presence of other diseases of the body are taken into account. In drug therapy prescribed vitamin complexes and antioxidant agents.

To normalize the production of estrogen, a hormonal course of drugs is prescribed. If the process is too advanced and complex drug therapy does not help, they resort to surgical intervention: removal of the ovaries.

Pathologies of the development of the endometrium

Violation of the process of normal growth of the endometrium can lead to the development of several diseases.


Inflammation of the inner layers of the walls of the uterus, caused by uncontrolled growth of the endometrium. The symptoms of the disease are:

  • profuse menstruation;
  • brown discharge before or after menstruation;
  • temperature increase;
  • weakness;
  • pain in the abdomen and back.

Will help hormone therapy carefully selected by the gynecologist for each patient. It is aimed at increasing the level of progesterone production, which normalizes the process of endometrial formation. Prescribed a specialized diet and daily routine, taking vitamins and homeopathic remedies. If therapy does not justify itself in six months, they resort to surgical intervention.

Endometrial polyps

Growths on the walls of the uterus, the appearance of which is also caused by hormonal failure. brightly severe symptoms no neoplasms. There may be mild discomfort during exertion, discharge in different days cycle, long and heavy menstruation. Identify polyps and decide what to do, doctors suggest using conventional ultrasound pelvic organs. Next, drug therapy or treatment with hysteroscopy is prescribed.


This benign tumor in the uterus. An ultrasound or MRI can detect it. The symptoms are also not very obvious. Possible delays, heavy menstruation, sometimes - dark discharge before the onset of menstruation.

The cause of tumor development is also hormonal imbalance: and insufficient amount of progesterone. In some cases, pain is noted before the start of the cycle. It is possible to eliminate fibroids without surgical intervention. This is complex hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or an innovative method: ablation, the destruction of myomatous formations using an ultrasound beam.

Uterine adenocarcinoma

This cancer when metastases cover exactly the layer of the endometrium. Manifested sharp pains in the abdomen, heavy and long periods, and at a later stage - bleeding on other days of the cycle. X-ray of the uterus and ultrasound will tell oncologists what to do, how and where to conduct surgical intervention.

The problem is that when cancerous tumor the uterus is removed completely late stages- along with the ovaries and nearby lymph nodes.

endometrial hyperplasia

Chaotic superfast growth of the endometrium with the formation of new vessels and glands. In more than half of the cases, the development of this disease leads genetic factor. That is hereditary predisposition. Usually, surgery is chosen to treat hyperplasia - cleaning the uterus. After that, complex hormonal therapy is prescribed, in order to restore normal growth endometrium.

Other causes of heavy periods

If a woman usually has her periods within the normal range, but suddenly the situation changes, and she notices that the menstrual current is strong, more abundant than usual, you should immediately seek medical advice.

One of the reasons for this phenomenon may be a violation of blood clotting. In this case, the woman has more abundant periods, and the type of discharge also changes. You can see it on panties big clot blood, and the color of the discharge itself will be darker. The causes of the violation are a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, a lack of vitamin K, and this may also be a sign of the presence of oncological diseases.

A complete blood count will help clarify the diagnosis, then drugs are prescribed to help restore normal level clotting and compensate for the lack of vitamin. A course of iron-containing preparations should be prescribed.

Heavy menstrual bleeding can be caused by improperly selected hormonal contraceptives or the installation of an intrauterine device. In this case, the gynecologist will cancel the previously prescribed drug, prescribe a hormone replacement course to restore the functions of the reproductive system, and then select new contraceptive. But the spiral will have to be changed or abandoned altogether.

Menstruation may become more abundant and prolonged in such situations.

  1. The use of a highly restricted diet for weight loss, in which immunity is reduced, there is a shortage useful substances and hormonal imbalance.
  2. Lack of vitamins and minerals, which also affect metabolic process and the production of progesterone: this is calcium, vitamins of groups C and K.
  3. Long term stress.
  4. Long-term use of various antibiotics.
  5. Exhausting physical activity.

When the cause is eliminated, the normalization of nutrition and lifestyle, the course of menstruation also normalizes.

age problems

IN puberty when the girl has not yet fully established her menstrual cycle, there may be one-time cases of heavy menstruation. It is caused by simple external causes, and should not be disturbed. It is necessary to ensure that the girl eats fully, drank less liquids before the onset of menstruation, did not experience stress and avoided increased physical activity. However, if heavy periods are repeated, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

Heavy menstruation in women over 45 can be a sign of premenopause. Progesterone levels are dropping hormonal disbalance, the restructuring of the body begins - menopause. In this case, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. He will prescribe the right treatment, drugs that will help a woman to more easily endure this life stage.

Hormone replacement therapy will be the main one. With HRT, the normal production of progesterone and estrogen is temporarily restored, which significantly improves general well-being women and makes the fading menstrual cycle more stable. But such therapy cannot be delayed, since menopause is a natural state, and the cessation of menstruation cannot be avoided anyway. But HRT serves as an excellent prevention of development in menopause cancerous diseases.

If a woman, in the second phase of premenopause, suddenly began anew menstruation, and they are plentiful, besides the current blood is coming with clots, you should immediately contact a specialist and undergo an examination. These may be signs of polyps or fibroids in the uterus. Then surgery or more will be prescribed intensive therapy resorption of neoplasms.

Abundant periods in a woman are not always a sign of development serious illnesses, but you should carefully monitor your health so that you can understand when deviations in the menstrual cycle are only a reaction of the body to external factors, and when they indicate the occurrence of pathology.

Update: October 2018

According to statistics, heavy periods are diagnosed in a third of the fairer sex. As a rule, it is copious periods with clots that are observed, that is, an excess of menstrual blood, not having time to leave the uterus, begins to coagulate, as a result of which clots form. In any case, it is necessary to determine why the periods have become very plentiful and to carry out the appropriate treatment.

Abundant menstruation: how to determine?

Menstruation is evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • duration (no longer than 7 days);
  • profusion of discharge (normally, menstruation is abundant only for the first 2 to 3 days);
  • the amount of blood loss (total volume per day does not exceed 120, maximum 150 ml);
  • intervals between menstruation (at least 21 days);
  • soreness of menstruation (normally mild discomfort or moderate pain is possible);
  • intermenstrual bloody issues(they are absent in the normal menstrual cycle).

Based on these signs, you can independently determine whether there is heavy menstruation. Abundant menstruation is a syndrome that can be observed in many gynecological and not only diseases. That's why given state does not apply to diseases, but requires identification of the causes of heavy periods. Abundant periods are characterized (they are also called menorrhagia or hyperpolymenorrhea) by the following signs:

  • menstruation lasts a week or longer;
  • spotting is significant, with large clots;
  • the volume of blood lost is large, 150 ml or more, requires the replacement of pads or sanitary tampons every hour, including at night;
  • shortening of the menstrual cycle (less than 3 weeks);
  • the appearance of spotting not only on the days of menstruation;
  • the occurrence of significant pain during menstrual days;
  • the entire period of spotting is characterized by profusion;
  • the occurrence of menstruation or other bleeding a year or later after the onset of menopause.

Reasons for heavy periods

Why do heavy periods occur? There are many factors that are "guilty" in the occurrence of hyperpolymenorrhea. These can be problems associated either with the state of the reproductive system, or with general condition health, as well as with heredity and psycho-emotional overload:

Heavy menstruation in adolescence

Menorrhagia in adolescents is quite common and reaches 37%. As a rule, heavy menstruation is observed in the first 3 years after menarche, but another situation is also possible when the first menstruation is heavy.

The main role in the occurrence of menorrhagia in adolescent girls is played by:

  • chronic and acute infectious diseases
  • improper diet leading to the development of hypovitaminosis
  • mental trauma
  • intellectual overload.

Infectious diseases (tonsillitis, influenza, rheumatism and others), stress and other factors disrupt the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which in turn affects folliculogenesis and hormone synthesis in the ovaries. As a result of the above, they are produced monotonously, maintaining the same level and for a long time. produced in not enough, its deficiency occurs, as a result of which the uterine mucosa does not go through the stage of secretory transformation (the second phase of the cycle), but hyperplasia.

Abundant menstruation occurs due to stagnation of blood and plethora, expansion of capillaries, necrotization individual sections endometrium and its uneven rejection. In addition, prolonged menstruation also contributes to a decrease contractility uterus in case of its underdevelopment (hypoplasia). Abundant menstruation in puberty can vary in intensity and duration, and clinical picture depends on the degree of blood loss.

Menorrhagia in adolescents quickly leads to:

  • anemia - weakness, fatigue, decreased appetite, pale skin and mucous membranes, increased heart rate
  • blood clotting disorder— decrease in the level of platelets and prothrombin index.

Abundant menstruation in premenopausal age

Premenopausal age is the period lasting from 45 to 55 years, when the female body loses the ability to conceive and smoothly passes into the phase of the end of menstruation.

If 12 months have passed since the last menstruation, which were characterized by the absence of spotting, then this period of time is called menopause.

The next stage will be postmenopause, when the production of sex hormones decreases sharply and any spotting from the genital tract is considered a pathology.

What happens to menstruation in premenopause? The hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system undergoes processes of involution, or, roughly speaking, aging, which leads to malfunctions of its functioning. The cyclic release of gonadotropins, the maturation of follicles and the production of sex hormones in the ovaries is disturbed.

As a result, relative hyperestrogenemia develops (estrogens are known to be produced in the first phase of the cycle) against the background of absolute hyperprogesteronemia (due to luteal insufficiency with inferiority). corpus luteum). All this leads to disruption of the processes of proliferation (phase 1) and secretory transformation (phase 2 of the cycle) of the endometrium and the occurrence of hyperplasia of the uterine mucosa.

  • A woman in premenopause notices that her periods have become more abundant and longer.
  • In addition, in premenopause, in addition to menorrhagia (cyclic bleeding), acyclic bleeding or metrorrhagia may also occur, which are associated with impaired uterine contractility.
  • Various tumors and tumor-like formations (myoma, polyp, endometrioid foci) change the structure of the uterine wall, replacing a portion of the muscle layer connective tissue or endometrioid. As a result, the uterus, both during and outside of menstruation, is not able to contract adequately, which causes heavy bleeding during menstruation or after the action various factors(coitus, physical overexertion, stress).

Example from practice: I had a patient of 48 years old who suffered from heavy menstruation for several years, which, of course, led to the development of anemia. The ambassador of the ultrasound of the pelvic organs was diagnosed with: Glandular hyperplasia endometrium. Suspicion of an endometrial polyp. The patient was advised to consult regional hospital, where she was prescribed and carried out a diagnostic and treatment followed by curettage of the uterine cavity. But even after the surgical treatment, the situation did not change. Hemoglobin remained in the range of 90-100 g/l, despite the intake of iron-containing preparations, and menstruation was characterized by abundant discharge. Six months after a second consultation with regional gynecologists, the woman was offered to remove the uterus. After amputation of the uterus, a histological study of the drug was carried out and the conclusion was made: Multiple myomatous nodes are not large sizes(0.5 - 1 cm) against the background of widespread adenomyosis. Adenomatous polyp (5 cm) of the uterus. Within 6 months after surgery, hemoglobin reached normal indicators, and menstruation stopped immediately after the removal of the uterus. It becomes clear that an endometrial polyp of this size could not be removed hysteroscopically, and even if it was excised, the concomitant uterine endometriosis and myomatous nodes would serve as a supporting factor for menorrhagia.

Menorrhagia after childbirth and caesarean section

Physiological causes

After childbirth, the nature of menstruation changes, they become somewhat more intense and longer. This is due to the anatomical transformations of both the uterus itself and its cervix. After the birth of a child, the cervical canal shortens and becomes wider, which explains the increase in menstrual flow. In addition, the uterus itself, and, consequently, its cavity becomes larger than before pregnancy, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterine mucosa increases, which automatically leads to an increase in bleeding during menstruation.

Pathological causes

But in some cases, menstruation after childbirth becomes too plentiful and prolonged. This is due to the occurrence of complications during childbirth, as a result of which the contractile activity uterus due to its overdistension ( large fruit, or multiple pregnancy-) or anomalies of generic forces (discoordination, weakness of contractions, clinically narrow pelvis).

These factors affect the involution of the uterus in postpartum period and induce heavy menstruation. Also, the occurrence of menorrhagia after childbirth is also affected by how the pregnancy proceeded.

  • Malnutrition, low hemoglobin, stress and various complications pregnancy cannot but affect both the formation of the menstrual cycle and the nature of menstruation.
  • After caesarean section a suture remains on the uterus, which also plays a role in its contractility. Therefore, menstruation after abdominal delivery becomes plentiful, since the scar on the uterus is mostly represented by connective tissue that is not able to contract.

Menorrhagia after abortion and intrauterine interventions

As you know, pregnancy causes the strongest hormonal changes, and its interruption, both in the form) and in the form of a miscarriage, is a stress for the body, which cannot but affect the hormonal balance.

It should be noted right away that any intrauterine intervention (hysteroscopy or curettage for the purpose of diagnosing or removing gestational sac/ residues) is accompanied by the appearance of bloody discharge in postoperative period, which women often mistake for menstruation.

  • Normal - menstruation is normal after intrauterine manipulation begins on average after a month, and spotting after curettage of the uterus lasts 3 to 7 days, a maximum of 10. Such discharge is usually moderate and even meager, painless or causes slight discomfort.
  • Abundant periods- in case of heavy periods after an abortion / curettage or hysteroscopy, you should immediately consult a doctor. The most likely cause of menorrhagia is inflammation of the uterus.

In this case, the monthly will be:

  • plentiful, dark red or "dirty", like meat slops and accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  • a woman will be disturbed by pain in the lower abdomen of a cramping nature
  • fever and symptoms of intoxication (weakness, lack of appetite, dyspepsia).

If the diagnosis of endometritis is not confirmed, this indicates failures in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, which disappear after the appointment for a period of 3, maximum 6 months.

Heavy menstruation while on medication

A common cause of heavy periods is taking certain medications, which most women forget or don't even know about.

Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents

First of all, to such medicines include blood thinners - anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents.

  • Anticoagulants (heparin, phenylin, syncumar) or prevent thrombosis (anticoagulants direct action), or suppress the secretion of blood coagulation factors (indirect action).
  • Antiplatelet agents (aspirin, trental, chimes) inhibit the aggregation and adhesion (clumping) of platelets, making the blood more fluid. It is enough to cancel or at least reduce the dosage of the listed drugs, as menstruation becomes moderate and short.

Hormonal drugs

Secondly, the occurrence of menorrhagia causes the reception hormonal drugs. Often, heavy menstruation occurs against the background of the use of combined oral contraceptives, which is associated either with an incorrectly selected drug (more often these are high-dose COCs: rigevidon, regulon), or if the regimen is violated (postponed menstruation or not taken a pill on time).

  • Hormonal drugs after intercourse

Very often, the cause of menorrhagia is the abuse of fire-fighting contraception (postinor, escapelle). Since in such hormonal pills contains huge doses of progestogen - levonorgestrel, their intake causes disorders in the menstrual cycle, which leads not only to the occurrence of massive menstrual bleeding, but often requires long-term treatment to restore the cycle and ovulation.

  • Duphaston

In some cases, women note that menstruation has become more abundant and longer against the background of taking, and postmenstrual daub has also appeared. A similar effect from taking duphaston is possible, which is associated with the reinstallation of the hormonal background and the “addiction” of the body to the intake of progestogen from the outside. Do not be afraid, after 2, maximum 3 months, menstruation returns to its original parameters.


If the monthly is very plentiful - what to do? In any case, you should consult a gynecologist. Only a doctor after a thorough history taking, clarification of complaints, gynecological examination and additional methods examinations can find out the cause of menorrhagia, select the appropriate treatment and monitor its effectiveness.

Therapy for heavy menstruation depends on the factors that led to the development of menorrhagia, concomitant diseases, taking certain drugs, using contraceptive methods, as well as on the severity clinical signs and age of the patient.

  • If a pathology of the blood, liver or thyroid gland is detected, corrective therapy of the underlying disease is prescribed.
  • If the cause of hypermenorrhea is an intrauterine device, it is removed.
  • When taking some medicines a different treatment regimen with these drugs is selected or treatment with them is canceled.

Conservative treatment

It is for girls and young people. nulliparous women, and provides for the provision of symptomatic and hormonal hemostasis.

As a symptomatic hemostasis, hemostatic drugs are used for heavy menstruation.

  • Dicynon - this can be dicynone in injections and tablets, tranexamic and aminocaproic acids.
  • Vitamins - vikasol (vitamin K, which promotes the formation of prothrombin by the liver), vitamins that reduce insight vascular wall(C and R or complex drug- askorutin).
  • infusions medicinal herbs , reducing menstrual flow ( , corn silk, yarrow, shepherd's purse, meadow geranium and others). Infusions should be taken ½ - 1 cup three times a day 2 - 3 before the onset of menstruation and the entire period of discharge.
  • NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (, indomethacin, naproxen) have proven themselves well in the treatment of heavy menstruation. Taking these drugs reduces blood loss by up to 40% and reduces the duration of menstruation.
  • Treatment of anemia - anti-anemic therapy is carried out in parallel, for this purpose iron-containing preparations(see iron preparations for anemia).

Hormonal drugs

Hormonal preparations for heavy menstruation are prescribed after the end of the discharge for a period of 3 to 6 months. Combined oral contraceptives with low doses of hormones (Marvelon, Mercilon or Logest) are selected, which are taken according to the contraceptive scheme. Also for women reproductive age and girls undergo vitamin therapy according to the phases of the menstrual cycle. In the first phase, vitamins of group B are taken, in the second, vitamins A, E, C.

Intrauterine device

A good effect in the treatment of menorrhagia has an intrauterine device with levonorgestrel (Mirena). The gestagen released from the IUD inhibits the proliferation of the endometrium, reduces its blood supply and thickness. However this way not suitable for patients who have menorrhagia while wearing an intrauterine contraceptive.


In case of significant bleeding, lack of effect from therapeutic measures, severe anemia or physiological disorders genital organs is carried out surgery. Hysteroscopy and curettage of the uterine cavity is performed for patients with:

  • hyperplastic processes of the endometrium
  • adenomyosis and polyps of the uterine mucosa
  • women who experience recurrent menorrhagia.

As a result of the data gynecological manipulations pathological endometrium and tumor-like formations are removed, and the resulting material is sent to histological examination. Then, depending on the results of histology, hormonal therapy is prescribed.

Hysterectomy () is resorted to only in extremely advanced cases of menorrhagia in young women or with heavy menstruation and concomitant tumor-like formations of the uterus in women of premenopausal age.

“Strong” periods, what to do if the bleeding is heavy, can it be stopped, and what diseases can be hidden behind such symptoms?

First, let's deal with what should be alarming and what is not. And when you need to see a doctor in an emergency.

This is bad:

  • bleeding lasts more than 7 days;
  • in the discharge there are clots larger than 2 cm in diameter, that is, large;
  • there are unusually severe pain during menstruation (this may be a sign ectopic pregnancy, For example);
  • in 1-2 hours you have to change at least one sanitary napkin, as this way it is completely saturated.

If you suddenly find yourself having heavy periods, what to do in this case? Sometimes menstruation begins quite intensely in the first 1-2 hours, and then sharply subsides. So call an ambulance or run to women's consultation if you have heavy menstruation within an hour - early. We need to keep an eye on the situation. Another will be the answer to the question of what to do with strong periods that began 10-14 days ahead of time. This is no longer menstruation, but real uterine bleeding. What caused it is the second question. The first is to stop him. How urgently you need to see a doctor depends on the intensity of bleeding. If you change pads every 1-3 hours, go immediately.

From gynecological diseases that caused acyclic bleeding, endometrial hyperplasia, including with the formation of polyps, is most often diagnosed. The treatment of this pathology is surgical. A woman undergoes curettage of the uterus. The collected material is sent for histological examination. Actually, this is the answer to the question of what to do if menstruation goes very strongly much ahead of schedule. And to prevent a recurrence of the situation, if pregnancy is not planned, oral contraceptives are prescribed. When they are taken, there is no hyperplasia, cysts in the ovaries. Painful periods occur much less frequently. By the way, these same drugs are the prevention of endometriosis. This disease is also often the cause of very heavy menstruation. Oral contraceptives for Russian market There are a lot of different price ranges available. But as for the prevention of endometriosis, doctors often prescribe "Janine" or its cheaper analogue - "Silhouette".

If very “strong” periods with clots, what to do, what examinations to undergo? First of all gynecological examination and swabs for infection. They can provoke inflammation in the uterus - endometritis, and as a result, bleeding. It is necessary to do an ultrasound, and preferably in two phases of the cycle. You may need to consult a hematologist if bleeding disorders are found. At iron deficiency anemia an iron supplement is prescribed. By the way, the treatment of anemia also helps to reduce blood loss.
Often, large blood loss provokes an intrauterine contraceptive. Here the only way out is its removal.

If there is no cardinal solution to the problem, there is no treatment, then the woman needs to choose one of the options for reducing the abundance of menstruation:

  • reception oral contraceptives, and in the case of pregnancy planning - a progesterone preparation in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, after ovulation;
  • taking painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, it is advisable to start two days before the onset of bleeding;
  • taking hemostatic agents effective tool from this group is considered "Tranexam".

Each girl has her monthly period with its own characteristics: different duration, the intensity of pain, the amount of blood also differs. But there are times when a woman notes very heavy periods: more intense than usual. This is a sign that there is an imbalance in the body and it is better to consult a doctor. In this article, you will learn about the causes of strong periods and what to do in this case.

Abundant menstruation: criteria and opinions of physicians

The process of menstruation depends on heredity, physiological features development, active lifestyle. Some people are accustomed to a scanty discharge, while others know that their body is characterized by a large volume of menstrual fluids.

To determine if there is a problem in your body, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the criteria by which you can independently determine whether your periods are heavy or normal.

These criteria include:

  • duration of menstruation. Pay attention to how many days your period lasts. The norm is up to 7 days. If more is a pathology, immediately consult a doctor with a problem
  • Profuse discharge. Most of the blood and mucus comes out in the first three days, then their amount moderately decreases. Calculate what day of your period you have, note if the intensity of the discharge has changed for 1-3 days and the next
  • The volume of liquid released. On average, doctors consider 100-150 ml of blood and mucous secretions to be the norm for the period of one menstruation. A larger volume is considered plentiful and often indicates difficulties with a woman's health.
  • The duration of the menstrual cycle. On average, it is 28 days, but can vary from 21 to 36 days. If you have it more or less - this is an alarm
  • Painful sensations. The process of menstruation itself causes discomfort. Track the intensity and nature of the pain. If every time they are about the same - take it as the norm, this is a feature of your physiology. If the pain has become noticeably stronger - something has changed in the body, problems are possible.

Deviations in all these criteria mean a failure in the body. When you first discover the problem of too heavy periods, it is important to start treatment. Timely diagnosis allows you to adjust the work of the reproductive system of the body and minimize the risk of complications and harm.

The symptoms help to correctly identify the problem.

Symptoms of heavy menstruation

A large amount of blood released often indicates hypermenstrual syndrome (or menorrhagia). In this case, it becomes necessary to use gaskets with the maximum level of protection and change them every hour and a half.

In addition to abundance, other signs may appear:

  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen, the pain is most often aching in nature
  • Decreased performance, weakness throughout the body, fatigue
  • Attacks of dizziness, up to fainting
  • Facial pallor

IN severe forms there is a risk of bruising, the development of anemia, an inflammatory process in the uterus.

It is important to understand that Menorrhagia does not necessarily show all of the above symptoms.. There may only be unusually heavy menstruation, and this should already be considered as a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Causes of too heavy periods

Immediately determine exactly why the girl has too intense and painful menstruation, is very difficult. There are many factors that affect the functioning of the reproductive system and the appearance of menorrhagia.

Among the most frequent:

  • Heredity. If a woman had problems with the menstrual cycle in her family or there were cases of menorrhagia, it is highly likely that similar violations touch her body
  • Hormonal disbalance. Most Likely the development of hypermenstrual syndrome is observed in women in premenopausal age or in adolescent girls. These periods are most often characterized by disturbances in the hormonal background of women, which can provoke changes and complications in the menstrual cycle. Due to strong jumps in the concentration of hormones in the blood, menstruation is stronger than usual
  • Violations of the endocrine system. Due to thyroid problems diabetes and hypothyroidism there is a risk of increased blood loss during menstruation. If you know that your thyroid function is impaired, it is recommended to be examined not only by a gynecologist, but also by an endocrinologist
  • Inflammation of the appendages. The appearance of any inflammation in the pelvic organs directly affects the nature of the course of menstruation. Girls of reproductive age should be especially careful about their health. Do not change sexual partners often, avoid hypothermia of the body, maintain intimate hygiene- compliance with these banal rules dramatically reduces the likelihood of occurrence inflammatory processes in the female genital organs
  • Gynecological diseases. Not only inflammation, but also a number of other pathologies can provoke difficulties with menstruation. Severe monthly and ongoing pain with them often occurs against the background of uterine fibroids, ovarian dysfunction, endometriosis, cervical pathologies
  • Poor blood clotting. Trouble too copious discharge inherent in girls with low coagulability due to increased bleeding
  • Recent transactions. Injuries or surgical intervention in the pelvic organs or organs close to them can disrupt the cycle and change the nature of menstruation. Women who have had an abortion or miscarriage are especially susceptible to such complications.
  • Excessive physical activity. Too much activity during sports frequent stress, overexertion (both physical and mental) does not bring any health benefits. On the contrary, they worsen his condition, reduce immunity. They have a particularly strong effect on reproductive system, in particular on the regularity and intensity of menstruation. Try to lead a measured life, get enough rest, and women Health will be back soon
  • Wrong nutrition. You need to eat not only regularly, but also correctly. Due to physiological characteristics female body"Wrong" food causes profusion of menstruation. So, dairy products V in large numbers thin the blood and thus increase the amount of blood excreted
  • Navy. Women who resorted to intrauterine devices, usually notice changes in the menstrual cycle: the intensity of the discharge increases, the pain. Ignoring such problems is undesirable, because the IUD can provoke much more serious complications.
  • Acclimatization. climate change and weather conditions also affects women's health. This explains the increased menstruation in women who went on a trip and changed the time or climate zone.

In order to accurately establish the cause of the abundance of discharge, at the first symptoms and suspicions, you need to contact a gynecologist and be examined.

What to do with heavy bleeding

Girls who are in trouble heavy menstruation and the pains associated with them, await their onset with horror. The main mission for these days is just to wait them out.

Violation must not be allowed to take its course. It is enough to strictly adhere to the advice of specialists in order to reduce discomfort and come to normal rhythm life during critical days.

Important point: do not treat menorrhagia on your own. You won't be able to figure out exactly what triggered heavy periods. The position of a woman worsens if there are several of them. Be sure to see a doctor. In some cases, you need to be examined by several doctors: a gynecologist, a hematologist, and an endocrinologist. Based on the results, tactics and methods of treatment are determined.

There is no need to be afraid if the specialist prescribes additional tests. Without them, it can be difficult to make an accurate diagnosis and correctly prescribe treatment.

  • Since menorrhagia is often caused by a hormonal imbalance, doctors prescribe hormones. They return the system to balance and stabilize the flow of menstruation. Drink hormonal preparations it is possible only after their appointment by a doctor, so as not to worsen the situation
  • In addition to hormones, other drugs are prescribed that normalize the functioning of the pelvic organs. Depending on the cause of the problem and accurate diagnosis medications may vary.
  • Drinking herbal teas helps to cope with heavy periods and pains. The best herbs chamomile, meadow geranium, nettle and various herbal preparations are considered against inflammation and bleeding
  • If you have heavy periods, try to avoid sports, this will only aggravate the situation.
  • Decrease pain and turn down the intensity a bit. blood secretions a heating pad with water at a temperature slightly below room temperature helps. In no case should you use ice and, conversely, hot water. Just put a heating pad on your stomach and lie down for about 10 minutes. For more tangible effect start applying a heating pad 2-3 days before the day of the start of menstruation
  • The cause of strong periods, along with others, are frequent stresses, moral exhaustion. Although most often we do not recognize the seriousness of the influence of this factor. With an irregular and overly active schedule, it is extremely difficult to normalize the menstrual cycle and get rid of profuseness and pain. Stay calm, do relaxing masks, massages, get enough sleep - this will speed up the recovery process.

There are many reasons why a woman may experience the problem of too strong periods and, accordingly, treatment methods may differ. But the main rule that is worth learning is not to be presumptuous and not to delay a visit to a specialized gynecologist. A pathology detected in time and following the doctor's advice will quickly solve the problem and you will feel better.



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