After childbirth, you can install a spiral. When can I place an intrauterine device after childbirth?

A large number of women who have recently discovered the joy of motherhood are interested in whether it is possible to install a spiral immediately after childbirth. The fact is that when a mother breastfeeds her baby and her hormonal background, then you should not use other means of protection. But such a contraceptive does not cause any harm to the woman’s body during that period. This popular contraceptive has a number of advantages:

  • it is easy to apply;
  • The security features are excellent;
  • can be used during breastfeeding;
  • the body recovers quickly.

So, after what time and under what circumstances is it possible to install a spiral? It should be noted that the IUD can be installed even after it has been performed C-section. As for the timing, it can be installed two days after the woman gives birth. However, if the spiral has not been installed during this time, then it can be installed no earlier than one and a half to two months. After the contraceptive is installed, you should not use it for 7 days. sex life and be subject to significant physical activity. This product is economical, convenient and does not cause harm to health. So now, there will be no question about whether the IUD can be placed after childbirth.

There is one more actual question- How long after can I install an IUD if my menstrual cycle has begun? So, this can be done 2.4 days after the start of the cycle, if it is absent, then on any day. It should be taken into account that after administration there may be observed small discharge blood.

Eat whole line cases when an IUD is not only possible, but also necessary to be inserted after childbirth:

  • women who need contraceptives during the lactation period;
  • when there were abortions without infection;
  • can not use hormonal agents or they simply refuse them;
  • There is a small risk of contracting the infection through sexual contact.

Many mothers, especially young, are keenly interested in the question of whether such a process causes painful sensations? No, there is no pain here, although, of course, there is some discomfort. After the procedure is carried out on the first day, negative sensations may be felt, which can be compared to the sensations during menstruation. Then everything returns to normal. You also need to take into account that after childbirth, pain in the lower abdomen of women is quite common.

Cases of impossibility of use

Naturally, there are cases when such a contraceptive should not be used; it all depends on what features it has, how it should be used and what complications there may be. Despite the fact that the IUD does not affect female hormonal levels and there are no physiological changes, it is necessary to describe cases when the use of this drug is contraindicated:

  • there is a tumor, and it does not matter which one - benign or malignant;
  • there is a pathology in the development of the genital organs;
  • the woman is pregnant;
  • for some reason they are observed uterine bleeding;
  • there are oncological diseases;
  • acute hepatitis;
  • the liver is susceptible to cirrhosis;
  • allergic reactions, especially dangerous prenatal ones;
  • individual intolerance.

It is also worth abandoning such a contraceptive in case of early ectopic pregnancy if there is poor blood clotting. All other cases have no contraindications for the installation of such a product. Before you start using VSM, it is strongly recommended to go for a consultation with a gynecologist, discuss with him all the advantages and disadvantages of such a remedy, and, if necessary, you need to undergo medical examination. As for whether it is possible to install a contraceptive that contains metals or hormones, only a gynecologist can decide; you cannot install it yourself.

It is noteworthy that after such a process the process of expulsion is often observed, that is, the spiral falls out. This phenomenon occurs in 6 to 15 percent of cases. If we talk about when the ability to fertilize is restored, then at least six months, or even a year, should pass after installation. In this case, the drug must be removed from the body. The choice of a spiral for installation after childbirth should be entrusted to a gynecologist.

When installing an intrauterine device, a gynecological examination is necessary, and this is especially true after 30 days of use. Then you need to come for a scheduled examination after three months; if no complications are observed then, then the next examination is needed in a year.

Some features

When using any contraceptive, including this one, a woman has to put up with certain uncomfortable feelings and a number of disadvantages. We need to talk about this in more detail:

  • It can be inconvenient to insert and remove the product. Should not be used by women who have different processes inflammatory in nature or infectious diseases;
  • there is a certain risk of loss;
  • discharge is profuse;
  • when the uterus begins to contract, severe pain pulling character.

However, in most cases such sensations occur only at first, then everything returns to normal. So that everything negative factors have been kept to a minimum, the following is strongly recommended:

  • installation issues should be discussed in detail with the gynecologist who performs regular examinations;
  • a couple of days before the procedure you should not allow sexual intercourse;
  • in a couple of days you should stop douching and using personal feminine hygiene products;
  • You should stop using vaginal suppositories a week before the procedure, different tablets. Of course, there are cases when such medications necessary, but here you need to consult a doctor.

If the question arises when you can take a bath, then this can be done a couple of days after the procedure. Before giving birth, it is better to refuse such a procedure, since before giving birth it is better to protect your body as much as possible.

What side effects may there be?

It must be said that complications after this procedure can undoubtedly occur, which is nothing strange, since the product is inserted into the uterine cavity. So, what complications can be the most common, what symptoms occur:

  • harmful bacteria can enter the uterus, and this can cause the most severe complications, in particular chronic inflammation;
  • natural fluid circulation is disrupted. There may be an ectopic pregnancy, at least the risk of its occurrence is not small. A intrauterine pregnancy may lead to negative consequences;
  • abundant menstrual cycle, pain increases significantly, such symptoms are not uncommon;
  • if you use an IUD for a woman who is pregnant, there is a serious risk that the child’s development will be accompanied by various types of pathologies;
  • if there are various injuries or scars, the spiral may fall out;
  • New growths may begin to form, and they may be malignant.

However, it should be said in conclusion that this kind of disadvantages in most cases relates to those spirals that contain metals. If we're talking about about hormonal type IUDs, then here are such negative consequences there is no need to be afraid. However, you should trust an experienced doctor decide whether it is worth using such a means of protection, he will also advise what means should be taken if the body’s condition is not the best. It is strictly forbidden to remove the inserted IUD yourself, since women's health such a rash action can have the most negative consequences.

In general, you shouldn’t experiment; the fact is that the consequences of postpartum trauma can be very negative; you shouldn’t wait for negative signs.

In this article:

It is believed that female body It takes about a year to recover after childbirth. During this period, doctors do not recommend planning new pregnancy. In this connection, a young mother faces a difficult task - to choose an effective and safe method contraception.

One of the most effective ways preventing unwanted pregnancy is the installation of an intrauterine device. But is it harmless to the baby if the mother is breastfeeding? Which IUD is best to place after childbirth? When can this be done? You will find answers to these and other questions in our article.

Operating principle and types of spirals

An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small, flexible device that is inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. The most commonly used are T-shaped spirals, but there are also ring-shaped devices.

The operating principle of the IUD is determined by its type:

  • non-medicated IUDs, made of plastic with the addition of metal, simply prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine mucosa (they are practically not used today);
  • medicinal, that is, containing copper ions or the hormone progestin, in addition to creating a physical barrier, also affect sperm motility, ovulation, the structure of the endometrium and the thickness of the ecclesiastical mucus.

Regardless of type this remedy contraception has absolutely no effect on lactation. Therefore, if a nursing mother decides to put in an IUD after childbirth, then it is absolutely safe for the child.

Features of IUD installation

Installation and removal of an IUD can only be performed by a qualified gynecologist in a hospital setting. The procedure should be preceded by an examination of the woman: examination, ultrasound of the pelvis, testing for infections of the genitourinary system.

The IUD can be inserted six to eight weeks after natural birth, provided that they were uncomplicated and the woman had no contraindications. If delivery took place by cesarean section, then the procedure must be postponed for six months. In any case, when and what type of IUD to place after childbirth is determined by the doctor.

As a rule, the IUD is inserted after childbirth during menstruation; this approach is considered the least traumatic. But if a woman is breastfeeding and her cycle has not yet returned, then the procedure can be performed at any time. Installation of the spiral occurs quickly and is practically not accompanied by painful sensations.

The validity period of the IUD is from three to eight years, depending on the model, but if the woman wishes, it can be removed at any time.

How to behave after the procedure?

In the first week after insertion of the IUD, it is forbidden to have sex, use tampons, douche, visit the sauna, and subject the body to heavy physical activity.

In the future, the spiral does not affect the woman’s life in any way. You can lead active image life, go to the pool, breastfeed the child, carry him in your arms, and so on. A properly installed IUD cannot be felt during sexual intercourse either. However, after menstruation, it is worth checking the reliability of the device’s fixation - feeling the threads that are located in the vagina. This is especially important if a woman uses tampons.

Another significant point is a timely visit to the gynecologist. After inserting the IUD, you must visit the doctor twice: after ten days and after six weeks. In the future, even if there are no complaints, it is recommended to undergo an examination every six months.

IN urgently You need to see a doctor if:

  • there was a delay in menstruation, accompanied by signs of pregnancy;
  • severe pain is felt in the lower abdomen, especially against the background of rising temperature;
  • the IUD threads cannot be felt in the vagina.

Advantages and disadvantages

How to decide for yourself whether to install an IUD after childbirth? Reviews from other women and medical consultations will help with this. It is also worth analyzing the advantages and disadvantages this method contraception.

Positive characteristics of the IUD:

  • valid immediately after installation for up to eight years;
  • effectiveness in preventing pregnancy – 99%;
  • does not affect lifestyle, sexual intercourse and lactation;
  • after removal of the IUD, the ability to conceive is quickly restored;
  • when using IUDs with progestin, they decrease painful sensations and the duration of menstruation, as well as the volume of discharge;
  • relative cheapness.

Negative characteristics of the IUD:

  • during the first two weeks after the procedure, the woman may experience discomfort in the pelvic area, and sometimes bloody discharge may appear;
  • in the first three months, the duration of menstruation and the volume of discharge may increase, as well as increased pain;
  • the IUD not only does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, but also increases their likelihood, so it is not suitable for women who do not have a regular sexual partner;
  • Sudden changes in mood, the appearance of skin rashes, a decrease or increase in sexual desire are possible.

Most of the above disadvantages are inherent only to copper-containing spirals. Progestin models rarely cause side effects, although everything is determined by the characteristics of a woman’s body.

Contraindications and side effects

For all its advantages, the intrauterine device cannot always be used after childbirth. The main contraindications include:

  • diseases of the genital organs (oncological, inflammatory, venereal, and so on);
  • pathologies of uterine development;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • breast cancer, heart disease, hepatitis - for progestin IUDs;
  • pregnancy.

Possible side effects:

  • pain, bleeding;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the genital organs;
  • infertility (extremely rare);
  • the onset of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • spiral falling out.

The spiral during lactation is effective means contraception. The main condition for the effectiveness and safety of this method is contacting a highly qualified gynecologist and paying close attention to your body.

A doctor's story about intrauterine contraception

With the arrival of a baby in the house, the life of new parents changes dramatically. Feeding, changing diapers, teething, vaccinations and other delights of caring for a baby do not provide the opportunity to get a good night's sleep. What can we say about returning to intimate life with my spouse. Today we will discuss when after childbirth you can insert a spiral.

Let's weigh the pros and cons

Immediately after giving birth, not a single mother returns to intimate life. This is contraindicated by the doctor, and physiological recovery takes a lot of time. A few weeks pass and couples welcome intimacy into their lives again. It is during this period that unexpected fertilization may occur. Contraception will help prevent unwanted pregnancy after delivery.

Women need to take care of contraception. Of course, many couples use condoms, calendar method or interrupted sexual intercourse. Is there some more oral contraceptives, but they are not allowed for everyone, especially after childbirth. The leading position among new mothers is occupied by the intrauterine device.

Read also:

When after childbirth can you put intrauterine device? Only an obstetrician-gynecologist can answer this question. As medical practice shows, spirals can be inserted into the uterine cavity within 48 hours after delivery. Later, this procedure has its own nuances. We will return to this a little later, but now let’s find out what the advantages of the contraceptive described are.

The intrauterine device, regardless of type and shape, has a number of advantages:

  • in the next five years, a woman need not worry about an unplanned pregnancy;
  • the spiral is not felt at all, even during sexual intercourse;
  • the presence of a spiral inside the uterine cavity does not affect hormonal levels and lactation;
  • the efficiency of the spiral tends to 100%;
  • availability of the procedure.

Women who have already tried this method of birth control express their dissatisfaction, in particular:

  • if there is a spiral, abundance menstrual bleeding increases;
  • pain during menstruation increases;
  • the intrauterine device does not protect against infectious pathologies;
  • at wrong choice or installation of a spiral, an inflammatory process may develop.

About the intrauterine device in detail

Today in medical practice two types of spirals are used:

  • non-medicinal;
  • medicinal.

The first type of contraceptives is made of plastic mixed with metal, but it has already become obsolete and is used extremely rarely. But medicated intrauterine devices are used everywhere. They are made from copper wire with the addition of the hormone progestin.

How long after giving birth can IUD be inserted? This question interests many women who are not ready to raise children of the same age. If the delivery took place without complications and naturally, then the IUD can be inserted into the uterine cavity within 48 hours after birth.

If you did not immediately insert the IUD, you can do this 6-8 weeks after delivery naturally. But first you need to undergo an examination and consult a doctor. Gynecologists say that it is impossible to get pregnant during lactation, because breastfeeding and ovulation are mutually exclusive concepts. However, there are exceptions to any rule, so the issue of contraception needs to be given special attention.

Is it possible to insert an IUD immediately after childbirth if a caesarean section was performed? No. Any obstetrician-gynecologist will give you this answer. If delivery was carried out by surgical intervention, then the decision on the introduction of the spiral should be postponed for the next six months.

In the maternity hospital, not every woman thinks about contraception. Just a couple of days ago she became a mother, her life has changed, and so many worries have piled up. And only after discharge from the maternity hospital and return to usual life The issue of pregnancy protection becomes acute.

After a natural birth, the IUD can be installed after 6-8 weeks. It is better to do this during menstrual bleeding. If the first period after the birth of the baby has not yet passed, then the woman can install the IUD any day.

A few words about gynecological manipulation

The procedure for inserting an intrauterine device is preceded by comprehensive examination. A woman needs to undergo a number of tests, including blood and urine tests, ultrasonography pelvic organs, as well as pass visual inspection through gynecological mirrors.

The procedure is practically painless, although heaviness may be felt in the lower abdomen and nagging pain. They go away within a few hours. If pain and discomfort accompany a woman constantly, this alarm signal and you need to urgently visit a doctor.

During the first week after insertion of the intrauterine device, a woman will face a number of restrictions:

  • you can't have sex;
  • the body should not be exposed to grueling physical activity;
  • you cannot lift weights;
  • It is prohibited to carry out douching procedures;
  • It is not recommended to visit a bathhouse or sauna;
  • You can't swim in the pool.

In the future, you can return to your normal life without restrictions. After the procedure for inserting the spiral into the uterine cavity, you need to visit the doctor on the 10th day. Plan a follow-up visit for 6 weeks.

Depending on the type of spiral, its shelf life varies from 3 to 8 years. A woman can get rid of an intrauterine contraceptive device at any time. To protect yourself, visits to the gynecologist should be periodic: at least once every six months.

Are there any contraindications?

To date pharmaceutical market crowded various types spirals. Each of them has its own contraindications, but there are also common points. So, the spiral cannot be installed in the following cases:

  • in the presence of malignant or benign neoplasms;
  • with pathology of the uterine cavity and its cervix;
  • with the development of inflammatory or infectious processes.

In each individual case, the doctor selects a suitable intrauterine device. A woman can be advised alternative way protection if she suffers from an allergy to copper or chronic illnesses.

The presence of a spiral in the uterine cavity can cause side effects:

  • bleeding;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • inflammation;
  • spasms;
  • infectious diseases.

Not every woman wants to get pregnant again soon after giving birth. Therefore, the issue of contraception when there is a baby in your arms is very relevant. Look around, you will see a lot of mothers with children of the same age. Many of them will tell you that their plans did not include such a rapid addition to the family. But this is what happened: despite breastfeeding, the use of oral contraceptives, strict calculations.

We do not at all want to say that birth control pills are not effective, condoms are weak, and breastfeeding does not protect against pregnancy. It’s just that every rule has exceptions, and any woman can make a mistake in the calculations while taking care of the house and baby.

So, let's talk about the most reliable of modern methods contraception - intrauterine device, when you can install the device after childbirth, what are its advantages, disadvantages, what you should pay attention to.

IUD: what is it, what are the advantages and disadvantages?

The IUD or Intrauterine Device is a mechanical means of protection against unplanned pregnancy. It is installed directly into the uterine cavity and allows a woman, without any additional means of contraception, to quietly engage in sexual activity without becoming pregnant. This is in simple terms.

What are the advantages of this method of contraception? One of the main and most convenient is constant protection. That is, with an IUD installed, you do not need to keep a calendar, take pills strictly on schedule and, thus, there is simply nothing to forget.

Another plus is that the spiral is installed for a long time, or more precisely, for several years. It is during this period that you can absolutely not worry about safety (provided that the IUD is installed correctly).
The advantage of this method is its relative cost-effectiveness. At first glance, it may seem that this little thing is quite expensive. However, its price is approximately equal to the cost of the annual kit hormonal pills. Annual! While it is established for a period of up to 5 years.

Abdominal pain after childbirth like contractions, what is it?

If you place an IUD after childbirth, this does not affect the quality and taste breast milk, has no effect on the baby’s body in case of breastfeeding.

And the spiral will come in handy if for some reason hormonal oral contraceptives are contraindicated for you or, say, you have varicose veins veins, which is quite common today.

The IUD is removed when you need it and the ability to get pregnant after it is restored quite quickly.

The guarantee of not getting pregnant in this case is 99.9%.

Disadvantages, disadvantages, contraindications for installing an IUD

You should not install an intrauterine device if you had a history of inflammatory diseases genitals. You have to wait here full recovery and tissue regeneration.
The IUD is inserted and removed only by a doctor. This is the only way you can provide yourself with the desired guarantees of safety and avoid complications later.

The spiral tendrils can sometimes cause some discomfort (often microtrauma) to your sexual partner. Therefore, when installing, you can ask the doctor to make them a little shorter.

After each menstruation, you should check the presence of the antennae, making sure that the spiral remains in place.

Since your body will perceive MBC as foreign body, the uterus will try to “expel” it, contracting and giving you unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen. This can also cause heavier and more painful periods.

If you decide to have an IUD after childbirth, you should be aware that there are certain contraindications.

These include neoplasms (both malignant and benign), pathologies of the uterus, cervix, pregnancy, inflammatory processes, ischemia, uterine bleeding, etc.

There are special contraindications for coils that contain copper: an allergy to this metal. Women suffering coronary disease heart disease, migraine, thrombosis, cirrhosis of the liver, it is not recommended to install a hormonal IUD.

Birth control pills and contraception during breastfeeding

What types of IUDs are there, and why are they placed?

Spirals come in regular and medicated forms.

Conventional ones are made from silver, platinum, gold and polyethylene and are installed solely for the purpose of preventing pregnancy.

Medications are often given to women, among other things, for therapeutic effects, for example, to treat or control uterine fibroids. They contain copper or the hormone progesterone.

It should be noted that the IUD itself is not a barrier to fertilization of the egg. It is quite possible. However, the IUD thus affects the inner layer of the uterus; the fertilized egg cannot attach to it.

Regular coils need to be removed after a year. IUDs containing copper - after 3-5 years at the discretion of the doctor, and hormonal ones (with progesterone) - after 5 years (unless, of course, you want to get pregnant earlier).

Is it painful to insert the IUD?

In principle, inserting a spiral does not hurt. It is least painful to install it during menstruation - from 1 to 7 days. However, you can still experience unpleasant sensations, as with any gynecological examination. Some women feel nothing at all, while others may experience a slight tugging in the lower abdomen (as during menstruation). As a rule, this goes away within a few hours. Sometimes faster, sometimes a little longer.

The gynecologist will advise you to abstain from sexual activity for the first few days. And before the onset of menstruation, still use a barrier method of contraception (in other words, a condom).

Immediately after your period, you should come for a follow-up examination and check whether the IUD in the uterus is working properly. If the doctor said everything is “OK”, additional funds You can no longer use protection.

When can IUD be inserted after the baby is born?

There are different opinions. Some gynecologists place the IUD after childbirth right in the maternity hospital. This is only possible if the woman does not experience any inflammatory processes before and after the birth of the child.

Why does your back hurt after childbirth?

Is this advisable or not? Probably, the body still needs rest. After giving birth, you will still be advised to abstain from sexual activity for a while to avoid unnecessary risks of infection. Therefore, if you are very worried and are afraid of becoming a mother again too soon, you can give your internal organs certain time for recovery and put in an IUD after giving birth in about a month and a half.

If the lactation process proceeds without problems, then you can wait six months to install the IUD. However, before inserting the IUD, you should still use a condom during sexual intercourse, as there is still a risk of getting pregnant.

Is it possible to remove the spiral yourself?

We will definitely answer no to this question. The risk of complications (bleeding, infectious diseases, etc.). Therefore, be wise: do not consider it difficult to see a doctor.

After the birth of a child, many married couples wondering if they want more children. If parents decide to stop, then intrauterine contraception may be one of the best options. Let's look at whether it hurts to install an IUD after the birth of a child, which IUD to install after childbirth, as well as the pros and cons of such protection.

Modern medicine, which has its positive and Negative influence. For every woman the most suitable look protection will be different, since everyone has their own body and diseases.

Ladies with premenstrual syndrome, diseases thyroid gland and adrenal glands, as well as those who have problems conceiving, oral contraceptives are not suitable. You can simply forget to take the drug, and problems with menstruation will begin. The best option for all mothers - insert an intrauterine device (IUD).

The intrauterine device after childbirth is one of the most effective and safe ways control birth rates.

But only a doctor can help you choose a truly reliable and safe method of contraception.


Intrauterine wires are most often a T-shaped device. Moreover, if a couple eventually wants more children, the device will not become an obstacle to this - it can simply be removed. How long does it remain effective? Depending on the type - for a long time- from 5 to 10 years.

The most common mechanism is with a wound wire made of copper, silver or gold. Some can combine 2 metals at once.

Depending on the form there are:

  • T-shaped;
  • ring-shaped;
  • in the shape of a complex ring;
  • with lowered wire hangers.

The most popular device is the Mirena device, which has a built-in container with the hormone levonorgesterol, which prevents unwanted pregnancy and sometimes even treats bleeding and hormonal disorders. the main objective Such protection destroys sperm, as well as increases uterine tone.

Will do this device and in case emergency contraception, but only if you introduce it no later than 5 days after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Answering the question about how painful the procedure is, we can say that basically the operation is painless. Unpleasant sensations may occur when the cervix is ​​pulled up to insert a probe, and subsequently when it passes into the genital tract. Painkillers are not needed for this procedure. But for particularly sensitive women it can be used local anesthesia, or intravenous anesthesia. Whether it is worth using this contraceptive immediately after childbirth can be figured out by comparing its pros and cons.


Let's look at the advantages of using the device. The most important thing is that the IUD is very easy to use. Just one visit to the doctor will help you forget about contraception for several years. Plus it will save you a large number of money. Once you buy and install it, you get rid of the need to spend money every day on birth control pills or condoms.

If you want to have more children, it can be easily and safely removed. This type contraception does not cause any inconvenience to the wearer. You can continue to lead an active lifestyle, swim, run, and go to the gym. On intimacy the presence of such a mechanism also does not affect in any way.

We can say that this is an ideal means of birth control, since it does not cause any inconvenience, does not affect the mother's lactation, and is therefore safe to use. breastfeeding. The protection begins to perform its functions immediately after installation.

Doctors consider this instrument to be the most effective method birth control, since it causes almost no complications, and is also very effective in use.


But still, the IUD is not a panacea; its functions are limited to the destruction of sperm. Some women may experience pain in the lower abdomen or lower back after installing the device. In addition, periods may become heavier and more painful. And in the first 10-15 days, the mechanism can provoke minor bleeding.

Such protection does not protect against sexually transmitted infections at all.

Moreover, if this device is located in the uterus, then it seems to open it slightly, thereby increasing the likelihood of harmful bacteria entering the body. If you become infected venereal diseases against the background of wearing it, the disease will manifest itself in a more complex form. In addition, there are cases when the contraceptive itself fell out of the uterus.


Mothers who have chosen this type of protection are wondering: which IUD should they use after childbirth? Today there are many variations of devices. Here are the names of the most popular:

  1. Multiloud Cu-375. A drug containing copper. Installed for no more than 5 years.
  2. Juno Bio. It contains copper and silver. Established for a period of 8 years. Domestic product.
  3. You can install Eurogine. Contains particles of silver and gold, and in addition one of the few mechanisms that protect reproductive system from the development of infections. Installed for 5 years.
  4. Mirena. Wire with a container containing hormones. But it does not in any way affect lactation or body weight. At the same time, it has the most high efficiency in use - 99.9%. Preserves the menstrual cycle. Installed for 5 years.

For girls who have not yet given birth, an IUD can be inserted at any time. Some doctors recommend 4-7 days from the beginning of menstruation. Discomfort during surgery is minimal because pain threshold reduced at this time.

When to place after childbirth

When can I get the IUD after the baby is born and is it possible to get the IUD after childbirth at all? In a minimum of 48 hours. But optimal time for such an operation - after 21 days. You should first make sure that you do not have inflammation or sexually transmitted diseases.

When to put after surgical intervention? The procedure is carried out 3-4 months after birth to prevent inflammation and other complications. After an abortion, the IUD can be inserted immediately after curettage. In all cases, no pain is felt during installation.


The IUD for pregnancy after childbirth has its contraindications for use. These include:

  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • various diseases of the genital organs;
  • pathologies in the development of the reproductive tract;
  • pregnancy;
  • HIV and AIDS;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergy to the metal contained in the wire.

An IUD will protect against unwanted pregnancy, but not against sexually transmitted infections. Keep this in mind if you decide to choose it.


Before you decide whether to choose this method or not, it's worth checking out the list possible complications. These include:

  • spasms;
  • bloody issues;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • infections;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • infertility (in very rare cases).

For the first few days, you will probably feel a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, possibly a protracted period.

If the discomfort does not go away within 1-2 days, or there is an increase in body temperature, immediately visit a doctor, as uterine perforation may develop.

Removal of the IUD

After the contraceptive expires, it must be removed. Just like the insertion procedure, the removal procedure of the device is painless. If the patient does not experience any complications, a new device can be inserted immediately.

We looked at one of best methods protection for women after childbirth. Of course, only you can decide which one is best for you after a preliminary consultation with your doctor. But before you make a choice in favor of one method or another, carefully weigh the pros and cons, because the consequences of their use may be irreversible.

If you choose such contraception for yourself, do not forget about personal hygiene. In most cases, basic self-care prevents possible complications.



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